Relate a cell to a factory! Compare and Contrast a prokaryotic cell with a eukaryotic cell



 Compare and Contrast a prokaryotic cell with a eukaryotic cell.

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Chapter 4 Study Guide

Relate a cell to a factory!

Compare and Contrast a prokaryotic cell with a eukaryotic cell.

Compare and contrast an animal cell with a plant cell.

List two things a chloroplast produces that are essential for life.

What is the double membrane that surrounds the nucleus?

Main office = nucleus Packaging center = golgi body Factory doors = cell membrane Electricity generator = mitochondria

Compare = prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both contain DNA

Contrast = “pro”karyotic cells have no nucleus and a “euk”aryotic cells has a nucleus

Compare = Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic.

Contrast = plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplast, animal cells do not

Oxygen and sugar

Nuclear envelope

The plasma membrane does what?

Plasma membranes are?

Why is this cell an animal cell?

The cell uses structure 3 to do what

This cell’s chromosomes are found in what structure

Which structure identifies this cell as eukaryotic?

Encloses the content of the cell Is selectively permeable Allows material to enter and leave the cell

Thin coverings that surround cells.


To make and use energy

Structure 2

Structure 2

What is the name of structure 1?

What is the correct order of organization in living things?

What are the organelles that contain a green pigment and produce oxygen and sugar?

What organelle is the packaging and distribution cell?

Why is surface area an important factor in determining cell size?

What is the name of the organelle that regulates what enters and leaves the cell?

Endoplasmic reticulum

Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems


Golgi body (apparatus or complex)

The cell may become too large to take in enough food and get rid of enough waste.

Plasma membrane

The size to which a cell can grow is limited by its

Are cell walls found in animal cells?

When the volume of a cell increases what does the surface area do?

What is a characteristic of a prokaryote?

Where are proteins made?

Hooke’s discovery of cells was made by observing what?

Surface area


Increases at a slower rate

They have no nucleus.

On the ribosomes

Dead plant cells

How are chloroplasts like mitochondria?

What is the name of structures within the cell that perform specific functions?

What is the tail like organelle used for movement called?

What are the hairlike organelles used for movement called?

A cell that can change shape is best suited for?

A cell that has no nucleus but does have a cell wall is what kind of cell?

They are both used to make or use energy.




Covering the body surface


What does the golgi apparatus do?

Releases molecules in vesicles Labels molecules Receives proteins and lipids from the ER

All cells have what?

A covering called a plasma membrane An internal fluid called cytoplasm A central zone or nucleus that contains DNA

What organelle is the location of photosynthesis?


Where is ATP produced?

In the mitochondria

Only eukaryotic cells have

Membrane bound organelles

Plant cells have a large organelle that holds water and nutrients. This organelle is called what?


What organelle helps maintain homeostasis?

Cell (plasma) membrane

What organelle does a particularly active cell have more of?


What is an example of a prokaryotic cell?


The smallest units of life in all living things are


It does not have a cell wall

Power plant: city::

