ﻦﻔﺴﻟا نزاﻮﺗ هﺎﯿﻣ Ships Ballast Water


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میاه توازن السفن

Ships Ballast Water


Plenty of loading sources.Easier load/discharge.Necessary: ship stability , speed & maneuverability.

BALLAST : Sea Water أكیاس رمل أو حصى: الطعان

A Tanker in a fully loaded condition

The same Tanker in a “Light Ballast” condition

Tanker in Ballast +-30% DWT

Ballast water : Single/Double Hull

Single Hull Tankers : Out-phased by 2010

میاه الإتزان : تعریف : بشأن حمایة البیئة وتنمیتھا 1999لعام 24القانون الإتحادى : غیرالنظیفة

) جزء فى الملیون15ھى المیاه الملقاة من صھریج السفینھ المحتویھ على زیت


Outward HurmuzJourney:-Loaded Condition

Double Hull Tanker


Inward HurmuzJourney:-Ballast Condition

Double Hull Tanker

There are thousands None native Invasive pathogens in ballast water.Cause problematic ecological effects outside of their natural range.

The International Response

Rio 1992: UNCED agenda 21 South Africa 2002:WSSD Reaffirmed Rio Agenda 21

World Bank +GEF +UNDP +UNEP +IMOProject Lead UN Agency : IMO

IMO :Globallast Program :

Most Harmful None native Invasive pathogens in ballast water.

IMO System

1-Adoption ( التوقیع المشروط بالتصدیق( : world diplomatic conference (agree in principal).Convention printed & open at IMO Secretariat for signature.

2-Ratification :(التصدیق) (Head of State or Ministers of foreign Affairs)number of states + percentage of their share in the world total tonnage.

3-Entry into force ( ً دولیا الدخول حیز التنفیذ ) : 12 months after completion of ratification.

4- Depositor : U N Secretariat (New York) .


February 2004: the International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted the “International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments” to :-

• Regulate discharges of ballast water. • Reduce the risk of introducing non-native species.

الاتفاقیة الدولیة لإدارة میاه توازن السفن

Standard D1 - Ballast Water Exchange (at least 95% volumetricex-change) or if using the pump through method - pumpingthrough three times the volume of each tank.

(At least : 200 NM away from nearest land in water depth200Meters) Until 2016.

Standard D2 – After 2016 Ballast Water Treatment systemsapproved by the Administration and by IMO/ MEPC BallastWater performance standard .

NEW SHIPS DOCUMENTS:-1.Ballast Water Management Plan.2.Ballast Water Record Book.3.International Ballast Water Management Certificate.

أمارة أبوظبى:اللجنة التنفیذیة للأمن البحريMSEC: Abu Dhabi

ODSC : Office of H.H Deputy Supreme Commander of UAE Armed Forces.

MSEC : Maritime Security Executive Committee

Resolution : Ratify, Implement BWM Convention.

(Kuwait Convention 1978 : Protection of the Marine Environment).

8 ROPME Member States

Way Forward.

Co-ordination :-

UAE representative to IMO : FTA (ex NTA).

UAE representative to ROPME : MOEW.

ROPME COUNCIL: 8 Ministers of Environment.

8 ROPME States joint Ratification of BWM Convention to support entry into force internationally.


2004 Adoption : All IMO members (170 states).Entry into force requirements:

1year after ratification by at least 30 states/Partieswhose total gross tonnage > 35% world tonnage

Total World Tonnage : +- 1,000.000.000 GT

Status at 24 March 2015 : 44 Governments32.86% world tonnage

Not in force yet.

Ship Owners Resistance

Not willing to install treatment systems. Lobying against BWM Convention entry into force. Putting pressure on their flags administration not to ratify. Global Community governments response :-

No way to compare costs of Treatment Systems with the permanent loss of fisheries and oceans biodiversity.

ROPME Members Total tonnage Kuwait………….2,479,101 GT. Iran……………..2,432,164 GT. KSA……………..2,166,908 GT. UAE…………….. 895,439 GT. Qatar…………… 783,530 GT. Bahrain………… 520,850 GT. Oman…………... 31,889 GT. Iraq……………… 19,133 GT.

Total ROPME GT…9,329,014 = 0.9329% World - Iran………..GT…2,432,164 = 0.7898 %

Way forward

قیام الھیئة الاتحادیة للمواصلات البریة و البحریة

بإجراءات مصادقة الدولة على اتفاقیة میاه التوازن

قإعداد اللوائح التشریعیة و التنظیمیة للتطبیوالبدء في

