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God Force (Sunday School) Highlights

The pre-k God Force class and their parents.

Greyson, Olivia, Macayla, Laryssa received their pre-school Bibles.

Madelyn Gawne and Trevor List

received their 3rd grade Bible

on Children's Sabbath Sunday.

Miss Mary Ellen teaches the children about Baby Moses. The God Force kids practice singing

"Awesome God" with Mrs. Shatters.

Thank you to everyone who is working hard at keeping Sunday School going! The God Force children collected over $70

for UNICEF (Thank you, Miss Mary Ellen!). The Children took part in the Children’s Sabbath Service November 4th.

(Thank you, Deanna Bazan!). The children have been learning about: Respecting Others, Telling the Truth, The Sacrament

of Communion and Baptism.

Upcoming curriculum: Being Thankful, Advent, Seasons of the Spirit.

No God Force (for the older children) November 25th.

No God Force December 30.

Preschool God Force children learned about Joseph, Miriam and Moses.

My dad has not been doing well the last few months, and his health declined to a point a few weeks back that

he asked for all his kids to come to see him in Florida. He rallied a bit when we all were there. And out of

gratitude, he and my mom said they would pay us for our plane tickets. All I could think of was, that after all

they had given me in this life; I would have spent $50,000 to spend some time with him at the end of his life

and have the opportunity to tell him once again how much he means to me.

With the season of Advent upon us, I have been thinking more and more about the gifts of my father. After

all, this is the season when we prepare for the birth of our Savior, when we prepare to celebrate the greatest

gift our heavenly Father has given to all of us. And I have been thinking about our response to that gift, in

light of my feelings about my dad, and my mom; and all the gifts they gave me throughout my life (and I am

not talking about monetary gifts or material things). There is no monetary value that I could ever place on

what my earthly parents have given to me – the discipline they gave me that helped make me an honest

person; the mentoring they did that helped me to see what it means to be selfless rather than selfish; the

things they taught me about hard work and commitment; the nurturing love they shared with me that molded

my heart to care about others and this planet we live on. The way they valued us and their relationships with

us. My parents taught me that our relationships with others are what matters most in this life.

Such gifts I received from them! Gifts beyond measure! How does one ever repay someone for such priceless

gifts? In truth, I could not, even in three lifetimes. I am sure many of you feel the same way about your

parents. But I don’t think our parents ever expect us to repay them. Because what they gave us, they gave

out of love. I believe that what they hope we will do is respond to the love and gifts we have received by

valuing our relationship with them, and passing the love and gifts along by giving to others.

I believe my heavenly parent’s hopes for me are similar to those of my earthly parents. There is no monetary

value we could ever place on the gifts God has given us; and we could never repay God for God’s greatest

Gift, not in three hundred lifetimes. But then, we’re not supposed to. All God longs for us to do is to live our

lives in response to that gift. God hopes we will respond to The Gift/Jesus by valuing our relationship with

God and by passing along God’s love to others.

How do you respond to The Gift of The Son?

1. Do you try to live each day with compassion, trying to extend grace to others, as God has done to you?

2. Do you share God’s love with others, even the people who don’t respond and are difficult to love?

3. Do you respond to God’s call on your life without hesitation or do you weigh the cost, the inconvenience,

the risk?

4. Do you hold back your financial resources because the church or the person you were giving to did not

use the gift the way you thought they should use it? Or do you give, of your life, your resources, with no

strings attached, the way God has always given to you?

The truth of the matter is that God doesn’t retract The Gift or somehow reduce The Gift if we don’t use-it/

respond-to-it as God hopes we will. The Gift/The Son has been given – once, for all. No strings attached.

How silently, how silently, the wondrous Gift is given; so God imparts to human hearts, the joys of highest

heaven; No ear may hear, Christ coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive him still, the dear

Christ enters in. - “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” – words by Phillip Brooks.

With love in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Mark’s Musing



“Delight In Giving”

2 Corinthians 9:7 God Loves It When the Giver Delights in Giving

Y.C.C. Stewardship Campaign did not go as well as in the past years. Our return count was only forty (40);

very low compared to the past years. Maybe because we forgot, got too busy to think about it, or were not

delighted in giving – whatever the reason was, could it be possible for those who did not respond to do so

before the end of the year. The church’s financial shepherds look at our numbers when preparing a budget to

present to the church. Your pledges are not ignored; they do count.


In the past month I have made two trips to Florida to be with my mom and dad, and to help my

mom and siblings work through some of the issues that have arisen as my dad’s health has declined.

It has been a great help to me, mentally and emotionally, knowing that I had the support of my

church family; that there was no pressure (other than the pressure I was putting on myself) to return

to my duties here at YCC. It was also a great comfort knowing that Michelle and I, my mom and dad,

and my whole family were being held in prayer by all of you. Thank you for the time away, and for

your prayers.

As I write this, my dad is stable, but continues to suffer from congestive heart failure. The doctors tell

us there is not much more that can be done for him, although he could be with us for months yet.

At 91, he has lived a good, full life. He has blessed us, and many others, through his love and caring,

his knowledge and wisdom, his gifts and talents. He’s been a wonderful dad, mentor and my best


Once again, I want to thank you all for your love and care, and for your continued prayers as he

moves ever closer to his heavenly home.

With deepest gratitude,

Pastor Mark

Scrolls from the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

The Shepherds’ Leadership Team met on November 20, 2012

Highlights of the meeting:

Norm Kuhman, Chairperson of the Research and Design Committee, gave an update to the

Shepherds’ Leadership Team. He explained that the committee is looking at a multi-purpose

building for multi-age groups, with an emphasis on needs for the youth. They are outlining

the needs and ways that the building may potentially be used. They are planning to visit

neighboring facilities, to look at their structure and function, as well as how they got started

and what they have become. The youth are conducting a survey of their peers at school to

discover their “after school” needs and interests. Norm emphasized that he and the

committee hope that their future proposal will not divide, but will bring people together.

The Research and Design Committee is also carefully looking at how our current building can be

used to meet some of the needs of the youth in the near future. The Committee will present

a proposal for short-term recommendations for addressing some of the space needs of

the current youth program. The committee is a group of 10 adults and 6 youth, sharing

ideas and contributing to the research.

Sound control panels will soon be installed in the Fellowship Hall. After the Christmas season,

watch for an announcement about a special fellowship night to dedicate the sound panels.

Interested in helping with this project? Talk to Eva Schoenfielder, Church Family – Fellowship


Pastor Mark announced the date of the next Mission Trip to Bridger, South Dakota:

June 1-9, 2013.

The SLT is actively seeking people to serve on a Visioning Team, to gather in January. This small

group will accept the exciting challenge of talking about and discerning a vision for the future

of Yorkville Congregational UCC. We are aiming at putting together a group of 4-5 people

with their first meeting in January and concluding in approximately 3 months, with a drafted

recommendation (for a 1-year, 3-year and 5-year vision) for the SLT. (Please see the details of

this committee in another article in this newsletter and in your Constitution and Bylaws, pages

29-30.) Talk to Anne Engelhardt or Keith Frisk to volunteer to serve our church on this team.

For explanations and more details, seek out a member of the team, or go to the church website for



If anyone has a specific idea to share, a question, or concern, please contact the Shepherd watching

over that ministry or area, or contact Anne Engelhardt, Chairperson (630-553-5073).

The Confirmation Class--with the help of the Senior High Youth Group--is in the process of

collecting supplies for personal hygiene kits (as well as completed kits) which will be sent to Church

World Service to be distributed to people on the East Coast of the US and other parts of the world

which have been ravaged by storms and other destructive acts of nature. Your help in this endeavor

is invaluable. Sample kits and instructions can be viewed at the display counter next to the church


The Confirmation Class continues to meet on Sunday mornings. Additionally, they visit other places

of worship with their mentors, me, and Pastor Mark. On Sunday, November 11th, the confirmands, a

small group of Senior Highs and adults made a trip to First United Methodist Church in Downers

Grove. Everyone came back very impressed with the service, especially the High School Choir, Hand

Bell Choir and the designated and recently expanded/updated youth area.

The Sr. High/Be the Change Fox Valley PeaceJam Group traveled to Battle Creek, Michigan on

Saturday, November, 17th to participate in this year’s PeaceJam Slam. This one day event was

designed to introduce the youth to the Nobel Peace Laureate--Shirin Ebadi--whom they will meet

this coming April; and the challenge that the Laureate will present to them. For more information on

our Laureate, please stop by and check out our bulletin board outside the youth room. Below is a

picture and brief bio about her.

Shirin Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her efforts for

democracy, peace and women’s rights in the Middle East.

Since I have been asked about PeaceJam by several adults during the past 3 years I have been on the

staff of YCUCC, I'm sharing some information below that is from the PeaceJam website.

PeaceJam is an International Education Program.

The mission of the PeaceJam Foundation is to create young leaders committed to positive change

in themselves, their communities and the world through the inspiration of Nobel Peace Laureates

who pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody.

Note from Director of Youth Ministry Alex

Note from Director of Youth Ministry Continued Alex

How it Works

PeaceJam's program is built on three simple ideas:

Education, Inspiration, and Action.


The purpose of the PeaceJam curriculum is to stimulate youths’ critical thinking skills, strengthen

their research abilities, increase their knowledge of the role of nonviolence in conflict, and promote

self growth and reflection. It includes specific content on the lives and work of the Nobel Peace

Laureates, as well as engaging activities for analyzing root causes of issues that affect communities

both locally and globally. Extensive resources in each chapter allow youth to participate in an

in-depth exploration of topics such as violence, poverty, reconciliation and an individual's power to

make a difference.


Through the PeaceJam program, youth explore the personal stories of 13 Nobel Peace Laureates-

most of whom have overcome tremendous challenges. Each Laureate’s choice to stand up against

negative forces and to solve problems in their own countries through nonviolence can serve as

inspiration for youth as they work to address the issues they are most passionate about. Youth

analyze the skills, knowledge and attributes that allowed the Laureates to be successful in their work.

Youth are also asked to explore their own beliefs, actions and choices; and to explore how to put

their talents, skills, and passion to work for positive change.


PeaceJam puts youth in the authentic position of being peacemakers and peacebuilders who

address the most pressing issues of our time in both local and global communities. Youth will use

the framework of PeaceJam's Global Call to Action to implement creative projects that address the

root causes of such issues as extreme poverty, disease, racism, violence, environmental degradation,

human rights and the proliferation of weapons. PeaceJam offers all young people the opportunity to

step into powerful leadership roles that will make a lasting and sustainable impact.

I would like to wish everyone a joyous and merry Advent and Christmas Seasons; may this be all that

you hope it to be. When filled with the Christmas spirit, I find that we tend to be a bit more generous

and caring to one another. What a wonderful way for us to prepare for and to celebrate the birth of

Jesus the Christ.

Peace 2 U

Alex Golovin

Member in Discernment: Responding to a Still Speaking God.

by Dr. Mary Lee Swickert

On November 8th, The Fox Valley Association Committee on Ministry; Illinois Conference,

United Church of Christ entered into a Covenant of Discernment and Formation with Mary Lee

Swickert and with Yorkville Congregational UCC. This covenant undergirds the process of preparing

for authorized ministry in the UCC. This process began over a year ago when Pastor Mark informed

the Church Council that I had expressed interest in becoming an authorized minister. In August 2012,

our new officers and a few other former and current members of our Leadership approved my Call

from this church.

Member in Discernment is the formal name for a candidate for authorized ministry who is

working with the Committee on Ministry in a discernment process of formation and education. In

short, it is a really important time for anyone who has experienced a call into the ministry as I

believe I have. I'm very happy and so excited about the two years ahead! I will be working with a

mentor from the Fox Valley Association and also with a discernment committee from our own church

membership: Pastor Mark, Bev Ament, Mary Ellen Anderson, Ellie Gentile, Norm Kuhman, Ruth

Morello and Monica Sartori. They are a wonderful group that has been praying for me and

supporting me.

The Committee on Ministry, my church discernment committee and I will be discerning, over a

two year period, if ministry in the UCC is the right path for my sense of call. Going to school and

being accepted into discernment does not guarantee authorized ministry. So you might be asking

"What is Discernment?"

Discernment comes from a Greek word and means basically "to sift through".

1. We will use these spiritual disciplines: prayer, reflection, devotion, study, etc.

2. We will look at specific challenges that I might be facing or needs I may have.

3. We will discuss, plan and participate in activities together.

4. We will work together with a willingness to respond to God's call.

We don't know for certain, but it seems that I may be the first person from our church to go through

this process. Knowing that some of our young people might be thinking about the possibility of

entering the ministry, I will be writing this column each month to let you, and them, know how it all

works. I hope you'll join me on this journey!

In Christ's Love,

Mary Lee

HOW IS YOUR VISION? Will you take this test of heart and hope?

The Shepherds’ Leadership Team is “looking” for 5 people from the congregation to serve

on the Visioning Team, from January – April, 2013. The Visioning Team will talk about and discern

what they foresee to be a hopeful future in which the church can live our Mission: To nurture the divine spark within all people so that together we may advance God’s peace and justice, to serve

others and creation with open minds, generous hearts and willing hands.

Visioning Team (From the Constitution and Bylaws, pages 29-30)


The purpose of the Visioning Team is to create a comprehensive, strategic plan for the future

of YCUCC, which shall include one-year, three-year and five-year goals.

The plan shall reflect the current YCUCC’s mission and vision of the church and strive to

advance the Core Values and Core Beliefs.


The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairman (non-voting facilitator)

Chairperson of the Shepherds’ Leadership Team

Senior Pastor

Additional members: two to five people from the church membership

Recruitment of additional members: Interested members shall contact the Shepherds’

Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson, or the Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson

may seek people to serve on the Visioning Team.

The Shepherds’ Leadership Team shall approve members of the Visioning Team based on the

Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice Chairperson’s recommendations.


The Visioning Team shall determine when and how often to meet.

The Shepherds’ Leadership Team Vice-Chairperson shall prepare and distribute agendas three

days prior to the meetings.

A secretary shall be selected from and by the members of the Visioning Team.

Goal-Planning Process

Each Shepherd shall request goals from the Ministries in his/her group and shall develop a

“future plan” to represent his/her “Ministry Group.” The Shepherds shall submit these

future plans to the Visioning Team’s facilitator.

The Pastor shall write goals and submit these to the Visioning Team facilitator.

The members of the Visioning Team shall discuss, sort and prioritize the goals, merging those

of the Pastor.

Goals shall be written into timelines and shall include who, when and how statements;

to indicate a plan for accomplishment.

The Visioning Team shall assess plans at least quarterly.

Communication of Plans

The comprehensive strategic plan includes one-year, three-year and five-year goals including

the goals of the Pastor.

The Visioning Team shall present the plans to the Shepherds’ Leadership Team at least once a

year and to the Congregation at the Annual Meeting.

Please contact Anne Engelhardt, Chair of SLT, or Keith Frisk, Vice Chair of SLT, to offer to join the

Visioning Team.




Missions Soup Sunday brought in $416.00 that will be given to help the Kendall County Food Pantry. We had

sixteen delicious soups and many special desserts and the Missions Ministry would like to thank the

volunteers who provided it. And a big thank you also goes out to the workers for the event.

Our congregation is phenomenal. Y.C.C. has many good cooks, bakers, workers and again we say “Pilamaya”

in Lakota Sioux which means thank you. Wakan Tanka Kici Un.

MEMO from Operations - Finance Shepherd

The total Operating Income for the month of October was $19,108.06 and the

Operating Expenses were $19,214.43, leaving a net difference of -$106.37 for the

month. The expenses continue to run under budget.

Printed copies of the Treasurer’s Report and Balance Sheet are available in the Narthex for anyone

wanting to see the full report.

Monday Night Shelter Site at Yorkville Congregational UCC

The PADS shelter program, now in its second month, is providing shelter, food, and warm hospitality to the homeless

men and women in the area. At least 12 different individuals have used PADS this season; a handful of guests are

depending on PADS every night. Many, with no transportation, are walking or riding a bicycle. Arriving in a driving

rain, one young man told a volunteer he was grateful to be out of the wind and rain and in someplace warm. The

volunteers provide immeasurable relief, comfort and compassion to the guests.

Forty-nine men and women from YCUCC serve on a food team or a shift once a month (about 4 ½ hours); a few

serve two times a month! Seven male volunteers are needed to fill time slots in Shift II and Shift III. Please consider

helping – just 4 or 5 times this season.

Contact Sandy Lindblom (553-6214), Head Coordinator, or Kathy Farren, (553-7234), Volunteers Coordinator.

PADS volunteers give selflessly of their time and kindness as they serve the homeless in the shelter program. The

PADS program is blessed by YCC people living out their beliefs and values:

Two of our Core Values:

Ministry to persons in times of hardship whose needs may be emotional, spiritual, physical or financial.

Our responsibility to identify and respond to Local, National and Worldwide needs in a giving and Christian manner.

From the homeless guests:


PADS: Public Action to Deliver Shelter

Wednesday Noon Bible Study Group will meet on December 12th for a Christmas Celebration and

lunch at the home of Lou Ann Hoffman. The group welcomes anyone who would like to be a part of

a lively Bible study led by Pastor Mark with plenty of group discussions. Having recently completed

the study of the Old Testament, the group is just beginning the New Testament with the book of

Matthew. RSVP to Lou Ann at 630-553-8496.

Wednesday Noon Bible Study

Training of our Stephen Ministers continues. Five members of YCUCC: Anne Engelhardt, Sandy

deRidder, Lou Ann Hoffman, Norm Kuhman and Jenna Yabsley join others from Cross Lutheran

Church and their leaders in this intensive training program. The group is over half-way to

completion of the 50 hour training program. After completion, the trained Stephen Ministers will

be enabled to provide Christian one-to-one care to people in our congregation. Among the topics

studied, discussed and modeled in November were;

The Stephen Minister’s role in dealing with depression

Helping suicidal persons get the help they need

Ministering to those experiencing grief

Ministering to those experiencing divorce

The trainees are eager to share what they are learning. Ask them about their experiences. They ask

you to keep them in your prayers and support them and the Stephen Ministry program as they

continue this Christian caring journey.

1 Marcus Schulz 15 Marie Behrens

2 Bob Clack 15 Holly Erickson

3 Terri Frisk 17 Barbara Davis

3 Adam Grahn 17 Anne Stout

5 Kim Elleby 19 James Anderson

5 John Enlow 19 Sara Kozlowski

5 Connie Overmyer 22 Joey Jerabek

6 Stephen Kosulic 23 Mike Enlow

6 Dorothy Sanderson 23 Curt Medin

9 Josh Kolowski 23 Terri Patterson

11 Sue Kimes 25 Parker Trumble

11 Jeaness Medin 25 Marie Wayne

11 Joey Orisek 26 June Dollman

11 Linda Reingardt 26 Jim Drew

12 Amy Ems 28 Conner Brzoska

12 Kellie Mizel 28 Leah Val Verde

12 Suzie Pratt 29 Bob Johnston

13 Dick Behrens 30 Gail Gaebler

13 Gavin Redmon 30 Ramona Young

31 Dusty & Abby Rhodes - 20 years

December Anniversary December Birthdays

The wonderful holiday season is upon us. Our

church library has Thanksgiving and Christmas

materials for both children and adults. They will

be displayed in such a way to make them more


“Books are keys to wisdom treasures;

Books are paths that upward lead.

Books are gates to lands of pleasure.

Books are friends

Come let us read.”


Esther Fraser

Library Notes

January Newsletter Information by

Due to the Christmas service preparation and the Christmas holiday, there will be a shorter amount of time for the

publishing and printing of the January newsletter. We are asking you to submit articles earlier than December 15 th. Any

article received after the 15th has a very probable chance of not being published. Thank you for your understanding.

Sunday Greeters Church Guardians

December 2 Earl & Mary Ellen Bushnell Dan Hirn

December 9 Bob & Carrie Johnson Jeff Jerabek

December 16 Nancy Lindhout and Morgan Sleezer Ben Moe

December 23 Jeff & Kathy Farren Brad Schroder

December 24 - 5pm

10:00 pm

Don & Bev Ament

Jean Anderson, Joann Vitek

Dan Hirn

Brian Bazan

December 30 Tim & Laurie Strong Fred Dickson

December 2 - First Sunday of Advent (Year C)

Jeremiah 33:14-16 • Psalm 25:1-10

1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 • Luke 21:25-36

December 9—Second Sunday of Advent

Malachi 3:1-4 or Bar 5:1-9

Luke 1:68-79 • Philippians 1:3-11 • Luke 3:1-6

December 16 - Third Sunday of Advent

Zephaniah 3:14-20 • Isaiah 12:2-6

Philippians 4:4-7 • Luke 3:7-18

December 23 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

Micah 5:2-5a • Luke 1:46b-55 or Psalm 80:1-7

Hebrews 10:5-10 • Luke 1:39-45, (46-55)

December 24 - Christmas Eve

Isaiah 9:2-7 • Psalm 96

Titus 2:11-14 • Luke 2:1-14, (15-20)

December 30 - First Sunday after Christmas

1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26 • Psalm 148

Colossians 3:12-17 • Luke 2:41-52

December 31 - New Year’s Eve

Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 • Psalm 8

Revelations 21:1-6a • Matthew 25:31-46

Lectionary Readings In Our Prayers

Worship Assistants

Those Grieving:

BKFD paramedics and firefighters on the passing of Dawn


Those in Cancer Treatment:

Phil Case, Carol Frey, Stephanie Gold, Kyle Jessen,

Nicole Joyce, Michelle Kelly, Allen Killpatrick, Louis Koning,

Bob McNeilis, Bob Marchert, Janie Ming, Abby Rhodes,

Sheryl Sharnweber, Kathy Sorensen, Sandy Vaselka,

Deana - Co-worker of Jonathan Lamp

Ongoing Health Concerns:

Steve Bazan, Joseph Gregory, Joseph Hart, Yvonne Karkow,

Sheryl Klebenow, Sydney Klebenow, Eric McLaren,

Dale Prochaska, Michelle Terri

Those Homebound/Assisted Living:

Cindy Coleman, Ginnie Doede, Laurie Feltes, Bob Freeman,

Ralph & Doris Ginger, Althea Johnston, Alta Langland,

Andrea Prochaska, Dorothy Sanderson, Amy & Austin Scott

Those in the Military:

Paul Boorsma, Bob Marchert, Artie Prochaska, Chad Taylor

Our Church:

Please contact Jeaness Medin at 630-553-7259 if you are

interested in providing meals for our shut-ins and funeral



The prayer list is updated periodically and names are

removed after a time. If you would like your loved one

added to the list, please call Pastor Mark or Lynn.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

8 – 11 AM

Please help support the Christmas Cookie Walk by making Christmas Cookies and/or

Candy. You will also want to come check out all the different kinds and buy some for

your family and/or friends.

To help:

Make cookies and/or candy.

Fill a serving tray with the Christmas cookies.

Label with the kind and add such things as: sugar free, gluten free, nuts,

no nuts.

Bring the remainder in a disposable container which will be used to refill your


Bring to the church on Friday, Dec. 7th between 4-7 PM.

A limited number of glass trays will be available on loan, if needed.

Some Christmas cookie gift items will also be available.

Proceeds from this project will help Stephen Ministry and other mission projects.

Bakers and buyers are essential in making this a success!

If you have any questions call Jan Essex @ (630) 553-6842




Yorkville Congregational Church

United Church of Christ

409 Center Parkway

Yorkville, IL 60560

Phone: (630) 553-7308

Fax: (630) 553-5176

E-Mail: info@yorkvilleucc.org

Web Page: www.yorkvilleucc.org

Change Service Requested

December 2012

Meet Our Staff

Minister Pastor Mark S. Gregory

Administrative Assistant Lynn Goins

Chancel Choir Director Doug Trumble

Children’s Choir Director Sondra Shatters

Organist Sharon Homerding

Pianist Lori Runkle

Director of Youth Ministry Alex Golovin

Childcare Attendant Megghun Redmon

Building Manager Mary Ellen Anderson

Maintenance Ed Niesen

Custodians Tim & Laurie Strong

Sextons Jerry Engelhardt, Tim Strong

Our Vision

Welcoming all people as we seek to live Christ’s example.

Our Mission

To nurture the divine spark within all people

so that together we can advance God’s peace and justice,

serve others and care for creation with open minds, generous hearts and willing hands.

Meet Our Shepherds

Chairperson Anne Engelhardt

Vice Chairperson Keith Frisk

Recording Secretary Kathy Farren

Organizations Support Fred Dickson

Operations: Finance Marcella Culberson

Information Services Kara Yabsley

Christian Education: Adult Fred Gaebler

Christian Education: Youth Deanna Bazan

Worship: Preparation Lori Redmon

Worship: Serving

Church Family: Caring Lou Ann Hoffman

Church Family: Fellowship Eva Schoenfielder
