TAG QUESTIONS são aquelas “mini perguntas” inseridas no final de uma frase quando queremos...


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Tag Questions

TAG QUESTIONS são aquelas “mini perguntas” inseridas no final de uma frase quando queremos confirmar uma informação que acreditamos ser verdadeira. Em português, tais perguntinhas são geralmente traduzidas como “não é?”, e também utilizadas para confirmarmos alguma coisa.

We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: "Am I right?" or "Do you agree?" They are very common in English.

1. You are dating Chris, aren’t you?2. She is going to Travel to the U.S.A, isn’t she?3. She is not going to travel to the U.S.A, is she?4. They have a car, don’t they?5. The car is broken isn’t it?6. He didn’t buy a house, did he?7. The server is down, isn’t it?8. The car is broken, isn’t it?9. You have already traveled by plane, haven’t you?10. She should not go to the doctor, should she?11. You can speak English, can’t you?12. You can’t speak English, can you?13. She could come with you, could not she?14. You can speak English, can’t you?15. She could come with you, could not she?16. She could not come with you, could she?

Quando usamos a sugestão Let’s, a tag question é shall we? Ex: Let’s go to movies tomorrow, shall we? Let’s study for the English test tomorrow, shall we? 2. Com imperativo afirmativo, a tag question é will you? Ex: Come over here, will you? Try and be quiet, will you?

*Quando a 1ª pessoa do singular é utilizada com o verbo to be, devemos ter atenção à TAG QUESTION a ser utilizada. Seria normal pensarmos que na negativa, a tag seria “am I not?”; porém, a forma correta é “aren’t I?”.

I am not a suspect, am I?                                      I am the winner, AREN’T I?        (-)                   (+)                                     (+)                    (-)
