《教育硕士英语》. Target: Help Students improve application ability in academic reading,...


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Target: Help Students improve

application ability in academic

reading, writing and translating.

Meanwhile, communicative

competence is to be enhanced.

Material for learning: 1. Postgraduate English published byPEP2. Articles from latest English newspaperand international professional journals.3. VOA program for listening and topicdiscussion forOral English.

Unit One Literature•Topic Discussion: Literature and its

influence towards human beings?•What do you think about “Literature

is the product of politics?•1. Man can not go without literature.•2. Literature can make human more •cultivated and knowledgeable.•3. Good literature and pornography•Literature.

Prepare yourself

1.Communication satellite

2. Mobile telephone3. Intelligent robot4. Clone5.






How do you say it?• 1. 文学• 2. 科幻小说• 3. 太空旅行• 4.人类社会• 5. 高技术• 6.信息产业• 7.信息时代

LiteratureScience fictionSpace travelHuman societyHigh-techInformation industryInformation age

Key words in the text

•Sponsor: back Prominent: famous;

outstanding Fiction: story, history,

literature•Hostile: unfriendly•Mutual: each other

Key words in the text

•Speculation: inference; thought

•Predict: imagination•Emerge: appear•Vision: dream•Dominate: control, monopoly

Unit one: What is the Big Idea?

•Text illustration•Assignment Distribution•Extracurricular activities

What’s the Big Idea?• 1. What is science fiction?• It is literature which predicts the tec

hnology of the future and the effect of this will have on human society.

• 2. What imaginative ideas of science fiction writers have been proved true later?

• Space travel, communications satellites, nuclear weapon, robot, cloning, mobile telephony, and moon landing.

• 3. What does the author mean by the “big idea”?

• The speculation of new technology’s effect on human society.

• 4. What will the future of business communication depend on?

• It will depend on the ability of the imagination to create new realities and then produce products and services for them.

• 1. Nokia sponsors a wide range of educational, cultural and other activities.

• introduction• 2. Science and literature have tra

ditionally been hostile to each other. Development

• 3. Science and literature exist harmoniously together, they mutually benefit each other esp. in current society

• conclusion

Teaching Science through Literature

• Teaching Science Through Literature - Those who take part in teaching science through literature will normally blend a little bit of both subjects into their own original creation. By teaching science this way, teachers have found many benefits and advantages. The more that a teacher uses this method of teaching, the more accustomed he or she will be to it.

• One of the biggest advantages to teaching science this way is the amount of time that it will save a teacher. During a regular school day, a teacher never seems to have enough time to cover each subject thoroughly. This way, a teacher can save a lot of time by covering a vast amount of two subjects at the same time.

The technique of teaching science through literature will also help the teacher to develop skills in teaching reading. As the teacher begins to teach science this way for a while; the teacher will notice that their ability to teach reading and science will almost more than triple that of what it used to be.

• Teaching the two subjects at the same time will also help a teacher to expand upon his own knowledge and to select topics in a much broader form. The teacher will begin to learn almost immediately that his in depth knowledge will be much better the first time he starts to teach things in this manner.

• Another great thing about teaching science through literature is that teachers can also learn more about a particular topic in science. The more a teacher knows about a topic, the more confident they will feel in presenting it to the entire class. Being confident will shine through when you speak and also when you make references to go along with what you are talking about.

• In more ways than one, teaching science through literature can be a helpful and beneficial way to teaching. By saving the teacher’s time and helping them learn as well, this method will also prove to be beneficial for the students as well!

Voice of America• This program can help you improve your

listening comprehension.

• This program can help you enjoy the beauty of American voice.

• This program can help you improve your pronunciation and intonation as well as vocabulary.

Hurricane Katrina • I’m Barbara Klein with the VOA Special English

Education Report. Students from area hit by Hurricane Katrina have 1 offers of help from education officials across the United States. The storm caused severe 2 in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama when it smashed into the Gulf Coast last week.

• Displaced families are spread around the South and around the country at the start of a new school year. Some are in temporary shelters such as 3 . Some are with family members. Others remain in the affected areas hut local schools may not even exist anymore.

• In the city of New Orleans, two major universities are closed for the fall 4 . Tulane University says it expects to re-open in the spring of two thousand six. Until then, the Tulane sports teams will play at five universities in Texas and Louisiana. Loyola University New Orleans says it will reopen in January. Its twenty-seven Jesuit sister schools have agreed to accept its students for the fall semester.

• Many colleges and universities __ 5___ the country have offered to accept students from areas hit by Katrina. Some including Harvard and Duke have offered free classes and places to live. Harvard, in Massachusetts, says it will admit twenty-five college students. Up to twenty-five law school students from Tulane and Loyola-New Orleans could also attend Harvard Law School.

• Duke University in North Carolina has offered to accept up to seventy-five students into its continuing education division. They must be from North and South Carolina, or related to some at the university. And Duke said they must begin classed by September twelfth.

• Some schools say they will collect payments, but will hold the money for the schools that the students normally attend. The United States Department of Education announced rules to make it easier for displaced students to get financial aid. There is a cooperative effort among universities to develop online classes for students to take for free over the Internet. The project involves the Southern regional Education Board and the Sloan Consortium.

• Katrina also displaced a great number of schoolchildren. Schools around the country quickly began to accept young refugees from the storm. At the same time, other children around the country have launched their own efforts to help. To learn more, listen Friday for a report on American Mosaic.

Assignment•Section B•Part II Vocabulary study•A:•1. in search of 2. a wide range

of•3. plays a major role in 4.

revealed•5. calling for 6. in reality•7. dominate 8. respect•9. was predicted 10. speculation

•B:•1. culture 2. cultural•3. sponsoring 4.

sponsored•5. complication 6.

complexity•7. prevail 8. dominated•9. supporters 10.


Section C: Grammar Review

• III. Sentence correction•1. What----that•2. To be played---to play•3. Contact for--contact

with •4. Called on—called for•5. Spent—took


• I. Translating the following into Chinese.

• 科幻小说是 20 世纪发展起来的一种文学体裁。科幻小说作家在其作品中描述科学发现、技术进步以及未来的事件和社会变化如何影响人类。对这些影响的描述,可能是对科学事实和原理的一种细致而有根据的推断,或是描写与这些事实和原理完全矛盾的令人难以置信的一些领域。

•II. Translating the following into English.

•Science fiction was made possible only by the rise of modern science itself, notably the great revolutions in astronomy and physics. Science fiction proper began toward the end of the 19th century with the scientific romances of Jules Verne, whose science was rather on the level if invention.

Section F: Writing practice

•Example:• 3:00 PM 15/03/04•Hi, John• We waited for you for about

15 minutes. Now, we have to go there.

•Please meet us at the Art Museum on 45 Street. See you there.

• Kan

Listening Comprehension

