This was a movement emphasizing science and reason. A: What is Enlightenment?


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Mid to Late Colonial Era Test

This was a movement emphasizing science and reason.

A: What is Enlightenment?

Laws passed by England’s Parliament to control colonial trade

A: What are Navigation Acts?

A lawmaking body

What is the Legislature?

A religious revival movement stressing the equality of believers before God

A: What is the Great Awakening?

Low prohibiting publishing harmful lies

A: What is libel?

Parliament’s law forcing the colonies to pay for the housing and to feed the British soldiers

What is the Quartering Act?

Refusing to buy or have dealings with a country or other entity.

A: What is boycott?

Parliament’s laws placing taxes on tea, paper, glass and paint

A: What are Townsend Acts?

Blank search warrants allowing officials to search anywhere for smuggled goods.

A: What are Writs of Assistance?

These are organized networks for passing along news of British activities to the colonies.

A: What are Committees of Correspondence?

This man led angry farmers in a rebellion against the Virginia governor.

A: Who is Nathaniel Bacon?

He preached in the open air to crowds that numbered in the tens of thousands

A: Who is George Whitefield?

I’m a skilled lawyer from Philadelphia who protected the rights of the American colonies from royal governors.

A: Who is Andrew Hamilton?

I was a Massachusetts Puritan who wrote “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”.

A: Who is Jonathan Edwards?

I was started because a group of teenage girls started having fits claiming to be possessed by the devil.

A: What is the Salem Witch Hysteria?

Accusing someone’s ghost of a crime.

A: What is Spectral Evidence?

The number of men and women convicted of witchcraft.

A: What is 19?

This was the capital of the USA and the largest city when the Yellow Fever struck in 1793.

A: What is Philadelphia?

This French emigrant to Philadelphia owned a successful shipping company that had extensive business contact with the French colony in Haiti.

A: Who is Stephan Girard?

This Philadelphian founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Free Africa Society, was the African American leader of Philadelphia’s large Free black population, and his account of the Yellow fever epidemic was the first copy written book by an AA.

A: Who is Richard Allen?

After promising God she would help the less fortunate, this Philadelphian founded the House of Industry to train widows and other women in useful occupations so they could support themselves and their families.

A: Who is Anne Parish?

I surrendered Fort Necessity to the French.

A: Who is George Washington?

Eliza Lucas’s agricultural experiments with this plant made South Carolina wealthy.

A: What is Indigo?

This cousin of John Adams was an outspoken leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston.

A: Who is Samuel Adams?

This Bostonian silversmith, engraver and patriot’s picture of the Boston Massacre showed the British soldiers taking careful aim and murdering Boston civilians.

A: Who is Paul Revere?

This secret patriot organization dressed as Mohawk Indians, boarded a ship carting tea from British East India Company and dumped it into Boston Harbor.

A: Who are the Sons of Liberty?


What best characterizes the attitude of the Pennsylvania Gazette to the Kittanning raid?

A. Was sympathetic to the Indians B. Supported Colonel Armstrong and

the militia

A: B


Why did 5 Quakers resign from the PA Assembly in 1755?

A. They could not support the war B. They converted to Deism C. They joined the Lenape Indians

A: A


This was NOT part of Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Pitt’s strategy to win the French and Indian war?

A. Control the St. Lawrence River B. Conquer Fort Duquesne C. Conquer Spanish Florida

A: C


Ben Franklin is NOT associated with the following event or publication

A. Join or Die political cartoon B. Yellow Fever Epidemic C. Philadelphia Gazette

A: B


The Enlightenment philosopher John Locke DID NOT believe which statement?

A. Men have a natural right to life, liberty and property

B. People should do as the King says because he is God’s representative on Earth

A: B


What legal principle in the American colonies was NOT adopted as a direct result of the failure of the legal system in the Salem Witch trial?

A. Defendants are innocent until proven guilty

B. It’s better to convict 10 innocent witches, then to let on guilty witch free

A: B


Why did Governor William Cosby have Peter Zenger arrested?

A. Zenger criticized the governor B. Zenger killed Andrew Hamilton C. Zenger was a spy for the French

A: A


Andrew Hamilton argued to the jury that Peter Zenger was innocent of libel because…?

A. Someone else printed the lies B. Zenger did not physically harm

Governor Crosby C. Zenger printed the truth, so it’s

not libel

A: C
