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2019 Olympians Bible StudyReview Questions

Lesson 1: God: The Promise Keeper

1. What does Abraham’s name mean? (Father of many nations)

2. What does Sarah’s name mean? (Princess)

3. What question did God ask Abraham? (“Is there anything too hard for the Lord?”)

4. What did God promise Abraham? (God promised a son, a nation, and a blessing.)

5. How long would this promise last? (Forever)

6. What is the name we use today for the land God gave Abraham and his descendants? (Israel or The Holy Land)

7. Why did God change Abram’s name to Abraham? (God was saying Abraham was already a father of many nations before it happened.)

8. How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born? (Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90.)

9. What did Sarah do when God’s messengers reminded them they would have a child in their old age? (She laughed.)

10.Finish the Sticky Statement, “God is a promise…” (Keeper)

Lesson 2: Nothing is Impossible for God!

1. What does Isaac mean? (He will laugh)

2. How many years did God wait to fulfill His promise to Abraham and Sarah? (25 years)

3. How did Abraham and Sarah get ahead of God? Sarah gave her servant to Abraham and she had a baby boy.)

4. When we are impatient with God, what are we telling God? (That we don’t trust Him.)

5. How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born? (Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90.)

6. Finish the Sticky Statement: “Nothing is… (Impossible for God.)

7. Where does God mention Abraham and Sarah’s faith in the New Testament? (Hebrews)

8. What are Abraham’s descendants compared to in Hebrews 11:12? (Stars in the sky and sand by the seashore)

9. What two sources do we have to back up the account of Abraham and Sarah giving birth to Isaac? (The Word of God and Abraham’s family tree)

10.Why is waiting on God’s timing better for us? (God knows what’s ahead and is working things out for our good.)

Lesson 3: The God of Provision

1. What is a covenant? (A lasting agreement or promise)

2. How did God test Abraham’s faith that God would keep His covenant? (God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as an act of worship.)

3. What did Abraham bring with him for the sacrifice? He brought wood, a source of fire, and a knife.)

4. What did Isaac ask Abraham as they walked up the mountain? (Where is the lamb?)

5. What is a blood sacrifice? (A sacrifice involving the bloodshed and death of an innocent animal, usually a spotless lamb.)

6. How did God provide His own sacrifice? (A ram was caught in a thicket.)

7. What did Abraham name the place where they offered God a sacrifice? (Jehovah-Jireh)

8. What is the meaning of the name “Jehovah-Jireh”? (The Lord will provide)

9. What does the word “intentional” mean? (Done on purpose; deliberate.)

10.How can we “recognize the voice of God” today? (By reading His Word)

Lesson 4: Jesus: Our Substitute Sacrifice

1. Who is the Lamb of God? (Jesus, God’s Son)

2. How did God show Abraham His future plan for salvation? (God provided a substitute sacrifice for Isaac just as He provided His Son, Jesus, as a substitute for us.)

3. What does foreshadow mean? (To give a hint or suggestion of beforehand)

4. Who did God use from Abraham’s descendants to bring His Son into the world? (Mary and Joseph)

5. Which prophet called Jesus the Lamb of God? (John the Baptist)

6. Name one of the parallels between Abraham and Isaac and the life of Jesus. (1. An angel announced their births. 2. Isaac carried the wood; Jesus carried His cross. 3. A ram took Isaac’s place; Jesus is the Lamb of God who is our sacrifice, etc.)

7. What was the reason God sent Jesus into the world? (Jesus was our substitute sacrifice)

8. What is a substitute sacrifice? (Someone who becomes a sacrifice in the place of someone else)

9. How did Jesus fulfill the promise God made to Abraham? (Jesus was the “Seed” through which all the nations would be blessed)

10.Why did Jesus have to become our substitute sacrifice? (We are all sinners)

Lesson 5: Encouraged to Have Courage

1. Who were the Israelites? (God’s chosen people)

2. Why was leading the Israelites difficult? (They were stubborn.)

3. What man tried to convince the Israelites to go into the Promised Land? (Joshua)

4. Who did Joshua say would help the Israelites go into the Promised Land? (God)

5. What was the Promised Land called? (Canaan)

6. Why did the Israelites want to go to the Promised Land? (It was the land God promised their ancestors.)

7. What type of people lived in the Promised Land that caused the Israelites to fear? (Giants)

8. Who did Joshua replace as leader? (Moses)

9. Name the book and chapter in the Bible in which we read about Joshua becoming the leader of the Israelites. (Joshua 1)

10.What did God encourage Joshua to have? (Courage)

Lesson 6: Mission ImPossible – Joshua Crosses the Jordan

1. What river stood between the Israelites and the Promised Land? (The Jordan River)

2. In what condition was the Jordan River when the Israelites were told to cross it? (It was flooded.)

3. What was the sign for the Israelites that it was time for them to cross the Jordan? (The Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant)

4. What job did the Levites have? (Priests and workers in the tabernacle)

5. What did the Ark of the Covenant represent? (God’s physical presence)

6. What happened when the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into the Jordan? (The water stood in a heap further up the river so the riverbed became dry.)

7. What did the Israelites take from the dry riverbed and put in a pile? (Rocks)

8. Why did the Israelites pile the rocks from the Jordan? (So when their children saw it, they could tell them what God had done)

9. Name the Bible book and chapter that gives this account of the Israelites. (Joshua 3)

10.Finish this statement. “When God wills….” (God will always make a way.)

Lesson 7: It Will Work!

1. What is the name of the tallest man in modern history? (Robert Wadlow)

2. How tall was Robert Wadlow? (8′11")

3. What was the first battle Joshua and the Israelites faced? (Jericho)

4. What were the Israelites commanded to do after they marched 7 times around the city? (Shout)

5. How thick were the walls of Jericho? (About 6 feet thick)

6. How tall were the walls of Jericho? (Approximately 20 to 26 feet tall)

7. How many days did the Israelites march around Jericho? (7)

8. How many times did the Israelites march around Jericho in total? (13)

9. What three things did the Levites carry as they marched around Jericho? (Trumpets, Ram’s Horns, and the Ark of the Covenant)

10.What happened when the Israelites yelled? (The walls of Jericho came down.)

Lesson 8: Not My Fight

1. Who tricked the Israelites into making peace with them? (The Gibeonites)

2. How many kings teamed up to attack the Gibeonites? (5)

3. Who did the Gibeonites ask to help them? (Joshua)

4. What were the Amorites? (Giants)

5. What tree does the Bible compare the Amorites to? (Cedars)

6. What was the first miracle God did to help the Israelites win the battle? (Made the other armies panic)

7. What was the second miracle God did to help the Israelites win the battle? (Hailstorm)

8. What was the third miracle God did to help the Israelites win the battle? (The sun stood still)

9. How long did the sun stand still? (About a whole day)

10. Who ended up winning the battle? (The Israelites)

Lesson 9: Salvation: Can’t Earn It. Can’t Buy It. God Gives It.

1. What did Jesus come to Earth to do? (Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin.)

2. Why do you need Jesus to save you? (I am a sinner and my sin causes me to be separated from God.)

3. What is different about Jesus’ life on Earth than everyone else’s? (He never sinned.)

4. What is grace? (“undeserved and unmerited favor; God’s kindness that no one deserves”)

5. What does God’s grace offer you? (Salvation)

6. What is faith? (“trusting, believing, taking God at His Word”)

7. Which good work will save me? (None)

8. What will good works show others? (I have been changed. I love Jesus.)

9. Give an example of good works you could do. (Possible answers are sharing the Gospel, obedience, helping others, etc.)

10.What book of the Bible was our lesson from? (Ephesians)

Lesson 10: You’ve Been Changed. What Do You Choose?

1. Finish the Sticky Statement: God did the changing, now you … (do the choosing.)

2. In Ephesians 4, what are we told to “put off?” (The “old man” or “old self”)

3. How can we “put off” the “old man” or “old self” we were before we trusted Jesus? (Change the way we think about sin.)

4. The “old man” or “old self” was called corrupt. What does that mean? (Totally rotten)

5. What sin did we talk about “putting off?” (Stealing)

6. What biblical character was discussed in the previous lesson? (Zacchaeus)

7. True or False: It is not a sin to steal from someone who has a lot. (False)

8. True or False: Stealing is okay when it is for fun. (False)

9. True or False: Stealing is still wrong even if no one notices or you don’t get caught. (True)

10.Name one way to get something you need without stealing. (Ask for it. Borrow with permission and return it. Work to earn it.)

Lesson 11: Words We Should Say More Often

1. What does “corrupt” mean? (Something that is bad or rotten)

2. What three questions can you ask yourself before you say something? ((Is it encouraging? Is it kind? Is it helpful?)

3. What is the “old man” or “old self”? (The part of a person that likes to sin)

4. How does someone become a “new man” or “new self”? (Trust Jesus as Savior)

5. What does it mean to renew the mind? (Make new their mind/Change the way they think about sin)

6. What do words that edify do? (They build up or encourage.)

7. Finish this sentence: If you can’t think of something nice to say, you aren’t … (thinking hard enough.)

8. What Book of the Bible reminds us to be renewed in our minds? (Ephesians)

9. What is a way to encourage someone with non-verbal communication? (High-five, thumbs up, etc.)

10.True or False: Using God’s name as an expression is corrupt communication. (True)

Lesson 12: Gear Up with the Armor of God

1. What is the name of our series on the Book of Ephesians? (Gear Up: Transformed by Grace)

2. What does armor or a uniform do for you? (Protects, gives strength, shows which team one is on)

3. Who is God’s enemy? (Satan/the devil)

4. Which piece of armor represents salvation? (The helmet)

5. How many times did God tell Christians to put on the armor in Ephesians 6? (2)

6. God’s purpose for the armor was to help you do what? (Stand)

7. Which piece of armor represents righteousness? (The breastplate)

8. Which piece of armor represents faith? (The shield)

9. What piece of armor represents truth? (The belt)

10. What is the sword of the Spirit? (The Bible/ Word of God)

Lesson 13: Disobey? No Way!

1. Is the Book of 1 Samuel in the Old Testament or New Testament? (Old Testament)

2. Why did the people of Israel want a king? (Because all the other nations had one)

3. Who did God choose to be the first king of Israel? (Saul)

4. God gave Saul someone to give him Godly advice. Who was it? (Samuel)

5. In the passage that we read, what did God tell Saul to do to the Amalekites? (To completely destroy them)

6. Did Saul obey God’s instructions? (No)

7. What did Saul do that was not according to the instructions? (He brought the king and the best animals back.)

8. According to God’s Word, which does God want more: our sacrifices or our obedience? (Obedience)

9. Did Saul ever admit that he sinned? (Yes, he did.)

10.Did Saul still have consequences for his disobedience even after he admitted that he sinned? (Yes)

Lesson 14: Trust and Obey

1. Is the Book of 1 Kings in the New Testament or the Old Testament? (Old Testament)

2. What was the name of the prophet whom God commanded the widow to feed? (Elijah)

3. What is the name of the town where the widow and her son lived? (Zarephath)

4. How much flour and oil did the widow have when Elijah asked her for bread? (Just enough to bake one loaf of bread)

5. What did Elijah tell the widow would happen if she used the last of the flour and oil to bake bread for him? (That her flour and oil would not run out until God sent rain again)

6. How long did God provide flour and oil for the widow, her son, and Elijah? (More than two years)

7. What terrible thing happened after two years? (The son became ill and died.)

8. Did the child remain dead? (No, Elijah cried out to God and God brought him back to life.)

9. Was this the first time the Bible makes record of someone being resurrected from the dead? (Yes)

10.Who is the most famous person you can think of who was also resurrected? (Jesus)

Lesson 15: Take Time to be Kind

1. Is the Book of 2 Samuel in the Old Testament or New Testament? (Old Testament)

2. How was Jonathan related to King Saul? (Jonathan was Saul’s son.)

3. How was Mephibosheth related to King Saul? (Mephibosheth was Saul’s grandson.)

4. Was David related to Jonathan? (No, they were very good friends.)

5. How was Mephibosheth injured? (His nurse dropped him.)

6. How long did it take David to keep his promise to Jonathan to always be kind to his family? (About 16 years)

7. Why was Mephibosheth frightened when he arrived at the palace? (It was customary to kill the relatives of past kings.)

8. Did King David intend to harm Mephibosheth? (No, he was keeping his promise of kindness.)

9. Where did Mephibosheth always eat dinner after coming to the palace? (At the king’s table)

10.Was it too late for David to keep his promise to be kind? (No, it’s never too late to be kind.)

Lesson 16: Where Are the Other Nine?

1. Is the Gospel of Luke in the Old Testament or New Testament? (New Testament)

2. To what city was Jesus traveling when He was stopped by the ten lepers? (Jerusalem)

3. Why were the lepers outside the village? (They had been rejected by society, because leprosy was considered a deadly disease.)

4. Name two possible results of leprosy. (Ugly sores, pain, homeless, rejected, jobless, had to warn others, unclean, lose body parts, lonely, unclean, certain death)

5. What did the lepers ask Jesus to do? (Have mercy on them)

6. Why did Jesus instruct the lepers to go show themselves to the priests? (A priest had to declare that the leper was free from leprosy before he/she could return to the community.)

7. How did Jesus heal the lepers? (He simply spoke; “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”)

8. When did the one leper return to Jesus to thank Him? (When he saw that he was healed)

9. Name one of the things the leper did to show his thankfulness. (Glorified God in a loud voice, fell on his face before Jesus, gave thanks to Jesus)

10.How many lepers did not return to thank Jesus? (Nine)

Lesson 17: Strong-side, God’s-side

1. What was the name of God’s people who were overtaken by the Babylonians? (Israelites)

2. What was the name of the Babylonian king? (King Nebuchadnezzar)

3. Did King Nebuchadnezzar worship the one true God? (No)

4. What did the king have his men take from the Israelites? ((Their king, things from the temple, and young men from the tribe of Judah.)

5. What did the king have the young men do when they were brought to Babylon? (Trained in Babylonian language and literature; eat from his table)

6. How long did their training last? Three years)

7. What were the original names of the main 4 young men from the story? (Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah)

8. What did Daniel and his friends convince the guard to allow them to do differently than the other boys? (To not eat of the king’s table/only eat vegetables and drink water for 10 days)

9. Why did Daniel and his friends not want to eat from the king’s table? (The foods were used to worship idols/against God’s commands.)

10.Did Daniel and his friends look and perform better than the other young men? (Yes)

Lesson 18: Landing in the Lion’s Den

1. What was the name of the main character? (Daniel)

2. What new job did the new ruler plan for Daniel? (Be in charge over the whole kingdom)

3. Did the other leaders like this new plan for Daniel? (No)

4. What was their first plan to stop Daniel? Find reasons to get Daniel into trouble with the king)

5. Could they find any reasons to get Daniel into trouble? (No)

6. What was the sneaky law the king was tricked into creating? (For 30 days the people in the kingdom could only pray to the king.)

7. What was the punishment if someone was caught praying to anyone other than the king? (They would be thrown into the lion’s den.)

8. Did Daniel pray to the king? (No, he continued to pray to the one true God.)

9. What did the leaders force the king to do when they found Daniel praying to God? (Throw him into the lion’s den)

10. What did Daniel say when the king found him alive the next morning inside the lion’s den? (He was safe because God had sent angels to stop the mouths of the lions.)

Lesson 19: A Big Cloak to Fill

1. Are the Books of 1 and 2 Kings in the Old Testament or New Testament? (Old)

2. Who did God tell Elijah to anoint as the next prophet? (Elisha)

3. What was Elisha doing when Elijah found him? (Working the fields)

4. What did Elijah put on Elisha? (A cloak or mantle)

5. What is a cloak or mantle? (A cape-like coat or a symbol of the transfer of authority)

6. When Elijah told Elisha to stay behind, did he? (No)

7. What happened to the river when Elijah hit it with his cloak? (The water divided; the men crossed over.)

8. What did the men see once they crossed the river? (A chariot and horses of fire)

9. What verse reminds us to love God with our heart, soul, and strength? (Deuteronomy 6:5)

10. Finish the sentence, “Follow, not in part but…” (With a whole heart.)

Lesson 20: Invisible Forces

1. What was the name of the prophet who demonstrated faith? (Elisha)

2. What information did God give Elisha? (The plans of the enemy king)

3. What would Elisha do with the information? (He gave them to the King of Israel)

4. What did the enemy king do when he found out Elisha knew his plans? (Sent a force of men, horses, and chariots)

5. After Elisha prayed for his servant, what did the servant see? (An invisible army/force, horses, and chariots of fire)

6. Did the enemy force capture Elisha? (No)

7. What happened to the enemy force after Elisha prayed? (God blinded them.)

8. What did Elisha do with the enemy force after God blinded them? (Led them to the king of Israel)

9. To what city did Elisha lead the enemy armies? (Samaria)

10.Finish the sentence, “Force out fear with…” (Faith)

Lesson 21: Set a Fire Down in My Soul

1. What is the name of the Christian hero we studied in the last lesson? (Dwight or D. L. Moody)

2. At what grade did D. L. Moody stop going to school? (5th grade)

3. What happened in his early childhood that made life difficult for him and his family? (His father died.)

4. What was his first job? (Worked in his uncle’s shoe shop)

5. Who shared Jesus’ love with him? (His Sunday school or Bible teacher)

6. Where did Moody move to with a goal of being a wealthy businessman? (Chicago, Illinois)

7. How did Moody serve God while building his business? (He taught Bible studies to children and poor, volunteered at the YMCA, told soldiers about Jesus’ love during the Civil War.)

8. What big event happened that helped Moody leave behind his business to serve God full-time? (The Great Chicago Fire)

9. About how many people did Moody speak to during his ministry? (100 million)

10.What are some ministries that he started that are still reaching people today? (Moody Bible Institute, Moody Church, and Moody Press)

Lesson 22: A Life Revolution

1. What is the name of the missionary we studied in the last lesson? (Lottie Moon)

2. What kind of little girl did Lottie say she was known for being? (Naughty, selfish)

3. What did her father help start? (A church)

4. Did Lottie believe in God as a young girl? (No)

5. What did Lottie go to college to become? (A teacher)

6. When did she ask Jesus to be her Savior? (During a special church meeting that her college friends invited her to attend)

7. Where did Lottie serve as a missionary? (China)

8. How did she earn the trust of the Chinese people? (She baked cookies)

9. What is still done today in remembrance of Lottie Moon to continue to help missionaries around the world? (In December, some churches take up an offering/donate money called the Lottie Moon Offering.)

10.Finish the sentence: “Live a life that revolves around…” (The Son)

Lesson 23: God: Here, There, and Everywhere

1. What characteristic of God did we talk about in our last lesson? (Omnipresence)

2. What does the word “omnipresence” mean? (Everywhere, all the time)

3. Can anyone hide from God? (No)

4. In Jeremiah 23:23-24, who was speaking about the omnipresence of God? (God)

5. From our lesson, who wrote about the omnipresence of God in the Book of Psalms? (David)

6. Where can we go to hide from God or get away from God? (Nowhere)

7. What promises did God give to comfort us when we feel alone? (He would never leave us. He would be with us forever.)

8. In Matthew 28:20b, who promised to be with us forever? (Jesus)

9. What can we do when we feel alone? (Remember that God is everywhere, all the time)

10.When you feel lonely, what should you choose to believe? (God is always with you.)

Lesson 24: Be Bold, Be Brave for Jesus!

1. What was one incredible thing Jesus did during His life on earth? (Answers will vary. He performed miracles, healed people of their diseases, taught crowds of people about God’s great love for them.)

2. Who didn’t like the message that Jesus was sharing? (The religious leaders)

3. What did the religious leaders do to try to stop Jesus? (They spread lies about Him and had Jesus arrested.)

4. Who was the governor of the land? (Pilate)

5. Was Pilate bold for Jesus? (No)

6. Who was known as a secret disciple? (Joseph)

7. What did Joseph do after Jesus’ death? (He took Jesus’ body and placed it in a tomb.)

8. What did Mary Magdalene see when she went in the tomb on the third day? (The tomb was empty.)

9. What did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene to go and do? (Tell the disciples that He had risen from the dead)

10. Finish the sentence, “Believe and be…” (Bold for Jesus)

Lesson 25: Who Wants Peace?

1. What specific part of the Fruit of the Spirit did we talk about? (Peace)

2. What is peace? (A sense of calm and quietness, even in the face of adversity, based on one’s trust in God)

3. Where does peace come from? (The Holy Spirit)

4. Who is peace available to? (All believers)

5. The Fruit of the Spirit are characteristics. Who are they characteristics of? (God)

6. What is one thing the Holy Spirit offers to us? (Peace)

7. Who promised that when He left He would send a Comforter to help us? (Jesus)

8. What does the Holy Spirit help us to remember? (All of the things we have been taught from God’s Word)

9. What do we need to talk to God about, so we can have peace in our lives? (Our worry and fear)

10.What two things does Philippians 4:6-7 say we should do when we are afraid? (Stop worrying. Start Praying.)

Lesson 26: The Bible: My GPS

1. What is the great tool we have to help us navigate through life? (Bible)

2. Since the Bible was written thousands of years ago, can we trust its words to help us today? (Yes)

3. How is the Bible like a GPS? (It guides our lives.)

4. What does James 1:22 teach us to do with the Bible for it to be helpful to us? (We need to obey what it says.)

5. What person from the Bible was told by God to go in one direction, but chose to go in the opposite direction? (Jonah)

6. Where was Jonah supposed to travel to? (Nineveh)

7. Did Jonah go the wrong way by accident? (No)

8. When we read Philippians 4:6-7, we learned to replace worry with what? (Prayer)

9. According to Ephesians 4:32, how should we respond to someone who has wronged us? (Forgive them)

10.Finish this phrase, “When I need to decide …” (God’s Word is my guide.)

Lesson 27: Relationship Restored!

1. What does the word “sin” mean? (Anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God)

2. What did God name the first man and women? (Adam and Eve)

3. What was Adam’s sin? (Adam disobeyed God; ate the fruit)

4. What was the consequence of Adam’s sin? (Death or separation from God)

5. Sin causes separation. What else does sin cause? (Sin causes death.)

6. Complete our key verse, Romans 6:23. (“For the wages of ____ is death, but the ____ of God is eternal life in Christ ______ our Lord.”) (Sin, gift, Jesus)

7. Finish the sentence: “Sin brings death, but Jesus…” (Brings life.)

8. The Bible tells us we can be reconciled with God by doing what? (By accepting Jesus as Savior)

9. What does it mean to be reconciled? (To bring two people together into harmony or peace with one another)

10.Why is sin a big deal? (It breaks our relationship with God.)

Lesson 28: What Would I Do If ...?

1. What was the topic of the previous lesson? (Cheating)

2. What does “sin” mean? (Anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God)

3. Finish the sentence, “Be honest… (In every way.)

4. Leviticus 19:11 tells us three things we should not do to one another. What is one of them? (You should not steal, deal falsely, or lie.)

5. What does “stealing” mean? (To take anything from another person without permission)

6. What is a lie? (A false statement purposely presented as being true)

7. When I sin, who will I be dishonoring? (God)

8. What does it mean to deal falsely? (To give a wrong impression)

9. Who is the reason why we should not be dishonest with others? (God)

10.How is it possible to be honest with others? (By obeying God and His Word)

Lesson 29: Can People Trust You?

1. What was the topic of the previous lesson? (Lie/trust)

2. Finish the statement, “A lie destroys, but the truth…” (Restores.)

3. What does Colossians 3:9 commands us not to do? (Lie)

4. What damage does a lie cause in our relationships? (The inability of people to trust us)

5. In Proverbs 6:16-19, we saw two examples of lying. What were they? (Lying tongue and false witness)

6. What is the foundation of building a good relationship? (The truth)

7. Why is it important to speak truth to one another? (Because God is truth, the truth honors God, and it helps to restore the trust that was broken with a person)

8. How can you restore trust after it was destroyed? (Start speaking truth)

9. How can you stop lying and start speaking in truth? (Confess, Change, and Choose)

10.According to Proverbs 12:22, what is God’s response to those who tell the truth? (He delights in them.)

Lesson 30: Don’t Take the Bait!

1. What do we use to fight against temptation? (God’s Word)

2. Our key verse was Psalm 119:11. What does it say? (Use your Bible version of choice for the answer.)

3. According to Psalm 119:11, where do you need to keep God’s Word? (In our heart)

4. Why is it important to keep His Word in your heart? (So you might not sin)

5. In Jesus’ example, who tempted Him? (Satan)

6. What does the word “entice” mean? (To use something to attract, tempt, or lure away)

7. How did Jesus overcome temptation? (Using God’s Word)

8. Who promises to help you to overcome temptation? (God)

9. What does “temptation” mean? (To entice or provoke to sin)

10.What can you do in a practical way to keep God’s Word in your heart? (Memorize Bible verses)

Lesson 31: Don’t Be a First Place Loser

1. What did the disciples argue about? (Who would be greatest in Jesus’ kingdom)

2. How did Jesus respond to the disciples’ argument? (Said His kingdom would not work like earthly kingdoms)

3. What is the biggest difference between Jesus’ kingdom and earthly kingdoms? (The way to become great in Jesus’ kingdom is to serve others.)

4. How did Jesus help the disciples understand what it looks like to serve others? (He showed them by His example.)

5. What did Jesus do before He came to earth as a baby? (Created the world)

6. What position does Jesus hold in the universe? (He is over all)

7. When Jesus was on earth, where did He live as an adult? (He traveled, no place to lay His head, homeless)

8. How did people show Jesus disrespect when He was headed to the cross? (They spit on Him, mocked Him, and put a crown of thorns on His head.)

9. What was Jesus’ greatest act of service to us? (He died on the cross for our sins.)

10. Finish the sentence, “To be in first place…” (Serve others with grace.)

Lesson 32: The Gift God Wants

1. What are some things people in the Old Testament would bring to the temple for worship? (Goats, doves, bread, grain, and incense)

2. Are we required to bring sacrifices for our sins when we come to worship God? (No)

3. Who died as a sacrifice for our sin? (Jesus)

4. What is the present that God wants from you? (You)

5. True or False: The Bible says that presenting yourself to God is a reasonable thing to do. (True)

6. In this lesson, we said “The thing to do is to …” (Give God you)

7. In what book of the Bible does Paul write that we ought to present ourselves to God? (Romans)

8. Where does Paul say we should not conform to or try to fit in with? (This world)

9. How does God share His mind with us? (His Word)

10.What is one of the three areas we talked about giving God control of? (Time, words, friendships)

Lesson 33: It’s Not My Job…or Is It?

1. What did Jesus do for His disciples when they gathered for a special meal? (He washed their feet)

2. What holiday feast were Jesus and His disciples sharing together? (Passover)

3. Passover took place the day before Jesus ? (Died)

4. Was it Jesus’ job to wash feet? (No)

5. Why did Jesus say He had washed the disciples’ feet? (To set an example for them)

6. Name one other way Jesus served people while He was on earth. (Fed a hungry crowd, provided wine for a wedding, died. Others: healed, taught, etc.)

7. Finish this statement: “Serve like it’s your .” (Job)

8. What’s another title for Jesus? (Various answers: Savior, Son of God, King of kings, etc.)

9. What chapter of John contains the account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet? (13)

10.True or False: Jesus was wealthy and famous while here on earth. (False)

Lesson 34: Loving the Hurtful

1. Isaiah 55:9 tells us that God’s ways are higher than … (Our ways.)

2. In what book of the Bible does Jesus teach us how to respond to our enemies? (Luke)

3. Luke 6:27 says to do what to your enemies? (Love them)

4. Luke 6:27 says to do what to those who hate you? (Do good to them)

5. True or False: If I am kind to a hurtful person, they will definitely be kind back to me. (False)

6. True or False: The Bible says to be merciful just as God is merciful. (True)

7. What is the opposite of saying something mean? (Saying something kind or maybe nothing at all)

8. What word did we have a special hand motion for? (“Trade”)

9. Finish the statement: I will trade my way for the … (High Way.)

10. Does God love people even when they don’t deserve it? (Yes)

Lesson 35: Kindness: God’s Love in Action

1. Why did Brother Andrew smuggle Bibles into certain countries? (It showed that he loved God, and, through his kind obedience, others came to love God, too.)

2. What was the name of the man God asked to touch Saul’s eyes after his conversion on the Damascus road? (Ananias)

3. What else did Ananias do for Saul to show kindness? (He introduced him to other Christians and baptized him.)

4. What name did Saul use after his decision to follow Christ? (Paul)

5. In what way did Paul encourage other followers of Christ? (He sent letters to them)

6. Ephesians 4:32 tells us we are to be what? (Kind)

7. When we obey God, who helps us be kind? (The Holy Spirit)

8. Where can we be kind to others? (Anywhere)

9. Finish the sentence, “Handle others…” (With kindness.)

10.When we treat others with kindness, it can make them want to do what? (Show kindness to someone else)

Lesson 36: The Green-eyed Monster

1. Finish the sentence, “Envy makes us…” (Hateful, not grateful.)

2. Envy was referred to was what type of monster? (Green-eyed monster)

3. What sacrifice did Abel give to God? (A firstborn lamb)

4. What sacrifice did Cain bring to God? (Items from his garden and field)

5. Why did God not approve of Cain’s sacrifice? (His heart was not righteous.)

6. How did Cain show his anger when his sacrifice was not accepted? (He killed his brother and lied to God.)

7. How does the Holy Spirit help us when we are tempted to be envious? (He reminds us of God’s love and will give us strength to react out of love, not anger.)

8. Name one way we feed the green-eyed monster of envy. (By comparing ourselves to others, feeling sorry for ourselves, or having an ungrateful attitude)

9. What is the only way to have a relationship with God? (Believing in Jesus)

10.What challenge were you given to help defeat envy? (Check for monsters at bed time)

Lesson 37: Be a Burden Bearer

1. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, what did the religious leaders do when they saw the injured man? (They passed him by without helping him)

2. Who helped the man attacked by thieves? (A Samaritan man)

3. Why is it surprising that the Good Samaritan would help the injured Jewish man? (Samaritans and Jewish people were known for hating each other)

4. Who is your neighbor? (Neighbors are anyone in need)

5. Why should you help another person? (Bearing burdens shows the love of Christ)

6. When does a situation in your life become a burden? (When it worries you and causes you to feel weighed down)

7. Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, asked the people to do what with burdens? (Bear one another’s burdens)

8. What are some examples of burdens that other children your age have? (Problems at home or school, feelings of rejection or bullying, or illness)

9. How can you help others bear their burdens? (Help the person yourself, get an adult to help, listen to them, pray and ask God for help)

10.Thinking of our sticky statement, helping another person turns a burden into a ? (Blessing)

Lesson 38: Don’t Be a Hater

1. True or False: The words I say don’t hurt as much as sticks and stones. (False)

2. What kind of words does God want you to say to people? (Words that “build up”)

3. Where do the words I say come from? (What is in my heart)

4. If I have good treasure in my heart, what kind of words will come out of my mouth? (Words that build up: good words)

5. True or False: It’s ok to say nice words in a mean way. (False)

6. True or False: How I say something is just as important as what I say. (True)

7. What do we call a person who hurts other people because it makes them feel good? (A bully)

8. Who is in charge of what comes out of your mouth? (Me)

9. True or False: It is more important to obey God than to try to get people to like me. (True)

10.Finish the sentence, “Words should build…” (Not break)

Lesson 39: We Can’t; God Can!

1. What is the definition of sin? (Anything that we think, say, or do that disobeys God.)

2. Can we take care of our sin on our own? (No)

3. What does the color gold stand for in the Wordless Book? (Heaven)

4. Can my good grades, sports awards, and acts of kindness earn God’s love and forgiveness? (No)

5. What was God’s plan that would solve man’s biggest problem of sin? (He sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sin of the world)

6. What color represents the blood of Jesus? (Red)

7. What color stands for forgiveness in the Wordless Book? (White)

8. When we have a special relationship with God and accept His forgiveness, the next step is represented by GREEN in the Wordless Book. What is that for? (Growing)

9. What are some ways we can grow to become more like Jesus? (Doing our quiet time, reading the Bible, prayer, learning verses, coming to church, having Gospel conversations, etc.)

10. Finish this statement: We can’t…! (God can)

Lesson 40: Help Wanted

1. What did the video tell you about God’s heart? (God has a heart for the world; He loves the whole world.)

2. How did Jesus show His love for the world when He was on this earth? (He died on the cross for all mankind.)

3. Jesus taught His disciples that lost people are like a field ready for harvest. Explain. (When we become followers of Christ, we are like farmers. Jesus wants us to go out in the world. Instead of collecting crops, we are to collect people.)

4. What verse tells us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”? (Mark 16:15)

5. Who was the man in the New Testament who traveled on many missionary journeys to tell others the good news of the Gospel? (The Apostle Paul)

6. What did Paul do to encourage those who trusted in Christ? (Paul wrote letters of encouragement to them.)

7. What are some things you can do to show others that you have a heart for missions? (You can go to different places, write notes of encouragement to those working in various missions, and send money to support their work.)

8. Where can you find out about current missionaries? (At your church, ask adults in the church, on the internet, etc.)

9. Can a child be a missionary? (Yes, by telling their friends and family about Jesus, by going on a mission trip with their church, by encouraging missionaries through prayer and notes, etc.)

10. Is the message of Jesus Christ for everyone? (Yes! Every country! Every tribe! Every language!)

Lesson 41: The Shepherds Share What the Angels Declared

1. Who received a special invitation to visit the newborn baby Jesus at the manger? (Shepherds)

2. Who invited the shepherds to go see the baby in the manger? (An angel)

3. What emotion did the shepherds feel when they saw the angel? (Fear)

4. What did the angel tell the shepherds? (Not to fear; a Savior had been born)

5. How was baby Jesus different from other babies? (He was God.)

6. Why were the shepherds so excited about the news of Jesus’ birth? (The Savior was for all people, including them.)

7. Where did the angel tell the shepherds to go? (Bethlehem)

8. What emotion did the shepherds feel when they saw baby Jesus? (Joy)

9. What do emotions cause us to do? (They move us.)

10.What did the shepherds do after they saw the baby? (They went to tell others.)

Lesson 42: An Empty Tomb: What’s the Big Deal?

1. Who ruled the Jews during the time when Jesus was on earth? (Romans)

2. How did the religious leaders make life hard for the Jews? (They took advantage of the people.)

3. What did some of Jesus’ followers think Jesus would do? (Set up an earthly kingdom)

4. What did the soldiers do to Jesus? (Crucified Him on the cross, put nails through His hands and feet)

5. What was used to seal the tomb? (A large stone)

6. What was the object left in the tomb? (Empty grave clothes)

7. After the resurrection, how did Jesus prove to His followers that it was really Him? (Showed them the nail prints)

8. What is a miracle? (A display of supernatural power)

9. How does the resurrection show that God keeps his promises? (The prophets told about Jesus coming to earth to die for our sins and rising from the dead.)

10.What did Jesus’ followers do after Jesus went back to heaven? (Shared the good news of Jesus’ resurrection all over the world)

Lesson 43: Undivided Devotion

1. What is the universal symbol for love? (Heart)

2. Who asked the question, “What is the greatest command in the law?” (The Jewish religious leaders of that day)

3. What is the greatest commandment? (Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind.)

4. Where is the greatest commandment found in the Bible? (Matthew 22:37)

5. What is a biblical definition of love? (A purposeful act of selfless giving for the good of others)

6. What has God done for us that merits our great love for Him? God sent His Son, Jesus, to die in our place. That great act of love is enough to have a deep love for Him.)

7. How can we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind? (Make Him your greatest treasure, love Him with everything you are, love Him in how you think and learn. AKA: Keep His commands.)

8. What is the universal action for loving God? (Obedience)

9. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my…” what? (Commands)

10.Finish the sentence, “Love demands that we…” (Keep God’s commands)

Lesson 44: An Attitude of Gratitude

1. What does “God is good” mean? (God is perfect, excellent, reliable, worthy, honorable, etc.)

2. What is mercy? (God’s undeserved lovingkindness toward us)

3. What five words does the psalmist repeat in Psalm 136? (For His mercy endures forever)

4. What does the word “endures” mean? (To never quit)

5. What does the psalmist mean when he says God is the “God of gods and Lord of lords”? (There is only one God.)

6. True thankfulness begins when we are -centered, not -centered. (God, self)

7. How do we gain a heart of gratitude toward God? (Recognizing His greatness, His great works, His great mercy, etc.)

8. What are some of the wonders that God has created? (Answers may vary. Some of God’s creation is the galaxies, the planets, the sun, the moon, the stars, etc.)

9. What verse in the New Testament reminds us to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks? (Colossians 3:17)

10. Finish the sentence, “God’s forever mercy, should make us…” (Forever thankful)

Lesson 45: What Do I Desire?

1. What do babies do to let us know they are hungry? (Cry)

2. What is God’s Word compared to in 1 Peter 2:2? (Milk)

3. As a Christian, what should I desire daily? (God’s Word)

4. Should prayer be a part of my daily quiet time? (Yes)

5. What does Joshua 1:8 say to do with God’s Word day and night? (Meditate on it)

6. What happens to Christians when they read and apply God’s Word daily? (They grow)

7. When should a Christian be in God’s Word? (Daily)

8. How do I grow spiritually? (By applying my quiet time)

9. What is the key to spiritual growth? (Desiring God’s Word)

10.What do you have to do if you want to grow (Eat)

Lesson 46: Your Password to Prayer: A.C.T.S.

1. What is the purpose of prayer? (To draw closer to the Lord)

2. In our new way to pray using A.C.T.S., what does the “A” stand for? (Adoration)

3. In our new way to pray using A.C.T.S., what does the “C” stand for? (Confession)

4. Why is it important to confess our sins to the Lord? (Confessing our sins gives us free and open communication with Jesus.)

5. In our new way to pray using A.C.T.S., what does the “T” stand for? (Thanksgiving)

6. How should we enter into God’s presence according to Psalm 100:4? (With thanksgiving and praise)

7. What happens when we share our fears and worries with the Lord? (We have a deeper relationship with Him; we receive the peace of God.)

8. In our new way to pray using A.C.T.S., what does the “S” stand for? (Supplication)

9. What is the difference between needs and wants? (Needs are what we need to survive; wants are things we desire to have.)

10.How can you use the prayer reminder, A.C.T.S, to help you to pray? (Put it somewhere you can see it when you pray, maybe in your Quiet Time or Bible)

Lesson 47: Taking the Plunge

1. What does “baptize” mean? (To dip or immerse)

2. What book of the Bible tells about the Ethiopian man’s baptism? (Acts)

3. What book of the Bible was the Ethiopian man trying to understand? (Isaiah)

4. What was the name of the man who baptized the Ethiopian man? (Philip)

5. Going down in the water and being raised up again is a picture of what? (Jesus’ death and resurrection)

6. What did God say to the people watching when Jesus was baptized? (“This is my Son.”)

7. Who should be baptized? (A Christian)

8. Who told us to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit? (Jesus)

9. Baptism is an outside picture of what has already happened on the ____ . (Inside)

10. Does baptism help you get to Heaven? (No)

Lesson 48: Do It Now, You Know How!

1. Finish the statement, “Do it now, you …” (Know how)

2. According to last week’s lesson, what is the meaning of the word “meditate”? (To focus one’s thoughts on)

3. What verse reminds us to not just meditate on God’s Word, but to obey God’s Word? (Joshua 1:8)

4. What verse reminds us that hiding God’s Word in our hearts helps us to not sin? (Psalm 119:11)

5. What verse reminds children to obey their parents in the Lord? (Ephesians 6:1)

6. According to Joshua 1:8, how often does God want us to meditate in His Word? (Day and night)

7. According to the lesson from last week, what can keep us from sin? (God’s Word)

8. According to the lesson from last week, what brings us good success? (Doing what God’s Word says)

9. According to Psalm 119:11, how can we not sin against God? (By memorizing God’s Word)

10. The main verse in the last lesson came from the 6th book of the Bible. What is the sixth book of the Bible? (Joshua)