· Web viewDefine the word Savasana and list 3 intentions of the practice: ... ANATOMY/...


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What is Yoga? How would you explain this to someone asking the question? (30 - 50 words)

What does Hatha mean? And how is it being shared in our society? (30- 50 words)

How do you translate the word Asana? (short answer)

Why do we practice Yoga? (30 words or so)

Define Om and why it is chanted?

Define the word Savasana and list 3 intentions of the practice:

Translate Namaste and explain the meaning of its use in a yoga class and what it means to you.

List the four main branches of Yoga and their key elements:

Who are the three primary teachers in the Krishnamacharya lineage and what is their teaching emphasis?


Define Relaxation Breath and its benefits to our body and mind:

Define Prana and its role in the practice of yoga:

Briefly explain the technique of Ujjayi Breath and list its 3 main purposes:

List 3 calming Pranayama practices and briefly describe:

List 3 activating Pranayama practices and briefly describe:

What are the benefits of Meditation?

How would you guide someone interested in starting a Meditation practice?


List YM's 10 points of Tadasana from the ground up:

List the 5 elements of a YogaMotion practice - define their purpose/benefits:

List the 6 stages of a pose as taught in YogaMotion and briefly define each:

Yoga has eight components, also known as the eight limbs. Define each and explain how each affects the quality of one’s life. (long answer!)

List and define each of the 5 Koshas:

Explain the term Playing the Edge as you would define it to a new student of yoga to help her address her practice in a safe and effective way.

Define the SAID principle and its importance in knowing your students' needs and daily habits.

Choose one Chakra: Describe the energy, symbolism, and psychology represented, its function, and the yoga practices that bring balance - either calming or awakening, as needed

Surya Namaskar is considered to be a complete exercise for the body and has often been cited as a combination of asana that helps in stretching almost all the major muscles. What are the 12 asana integrated into this traditional series? List them in order of the sequence (english or sanskrit) and include the recommended breath for each pose (inhale or exhale)


How many times should I practice yoga each week?

How is yoga different than stretching or other forms of fitness?

I’m not flexible at all, can I do yoga?

Is Yoga a religion? (write your answer beyond yes or no)

How do I begin a yoga practice?

List 3 key components to creating a comfortable atmosphere for new students:


What makes YogaMotion different than other Hatha Yoga disciplines?

Which asana would release trapped digestive gas?

Which asana help counterbalance rounded shoulders?

Which asana would release the piriformis muscles?

Which asana would develop abdominal core strength?

Which asana would best stretch tight hamstrings?

Which asana would bring ease to the neck and shoulders?

What are some of the benefits of twisting postures?

What are the benefits of a restorative yoga practice?

What would you recommend to someone who sits all day at a desk and is living with back pain?


Name the 4 sections of the spine and the number of vertebrae in each area:

Name the bandha that engages the perineum and define its purpose and benefits.

Which hip muscle is shortened during long term sitting causing deep low back discomfort?

What muscles need strengthening to counterbalance rounded shoulders? Include 3 yoga postures you can recommend.

What are the 4 key muscles of respiration?

Where does oxygen exchange take place into the bloodstream within the lungs?

Name the anatomical positioning of the spine and the directional action of the pelvis in each of the following movements: Forward Bends, Backbends and Twists

An extreme posterior curve of the thoracic spine is known as:

Why do yogis like to spread their toes?

How many bones are in one foot?

How many bones in the entire body?

How can yoga help with osteoporosis?

List the 3 long bones in the leg:

List the 3 long bones in the arm:

How does yoga support the endocrine system? Give an example of a gland and a pose to bring balance.

How do calming inversions affect the central nervous system?

List the 7 muscles of postural stabilization and their primary function.


What is the first mission statement of YogaMotion?

What have you learned about yourself through this Yoga Teacher Training experience?

What benefits have you gained from this in-depth course of study?

Would you recommend the YogaMotion Teacher Training to others and if so, why?

How do you see Yoga influencing your life from this day forward?

Any other comments that you would like to share?


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