€¦  · Web viewShaklee’s research team goes all over the world to provide its ... tips,...


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Host: Bonnie Donahue

Title: FebYOUary - LOVE your Body



TONIGHT's theme is.....


Tonight I will be focusing on the Shaklee's Nutrition line! Learn how and what to use to keep your body healthy and whole! 

From 8:30-9:30pm, I will be posting all the info you need to learn about these incredible products that have changed so many people's lives. There will be amazing incentives & participation prizes!! You'll also have the chance to read about testimonies and get great tips on how to make a lifestyle change that will make YOU LOVE YOUR BODY! 

 There will be amazing incentives, specials, flash sales and giveaways.

Before we begin, please watch this super short video about what makes Shaklee Different!!


See ya tonight!

POST 1: Welcome!! Who's here tonight!! Comment and tell me YOUR number one health concern!!!!!

POST 1: Welcome and thank you!

I appreciate the chance to introduce you to something I’m very passionate about.

Shaklee Corporation is the Number 1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. and one of America’s most trusted brands.

I’m Bonnie Donahue and I’m excited to be able to introduce you to Shaklee and the effect it has had on me and millions of other people’s lives, for nearly 60 years.

Shaklee is about offering better health for everyone and a better life for anyone. And for the next few minutes we’re going to talk together about how Shaklee might help you achieve what you want for your health or for an even better quality of life.


So I’m sure everyone is wondering what exactly makes Shaklee different....

Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee’s philosophy has carried the company for 100 years of innovation and is dedicated over those years to research and development to ensure Shaklee products are the most pure and clinically proven: “ALWAYS SAFE, ALWAYS WORKS, ALWAYS GREEN.”

* No artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors, or preservatives. Non-GMO, Beyond Organic, Gluten Free, Lactose Free*

Shaklee’s research team goes all over the world to provide its customers with the purest natural ingredients that can be found. That’s the Shaklee Difference. Then they test before, during, and after to guarantee their products are 100% contaminant free.

Click here to hear more WATCH THIS min.video:http://www.shaklee.tv/chapter-2-the-shaklee-difference


POST 3: I want to know........How many of you attending this event have lost weight, inches, and transformed their health using SHAKLEE 180 OR WANT TO?

Watch my sister, Elisabeth Johnson's story here:http://www.shaklee.tv/shaklee-180-elisabeths-story

POST 4: It's all about looking good and feeling GREAT!!! Look at the picture and tell me what are your top 3 health concerns and WHY!

POST 5: {2 pictures} So why is Shaklee 180 different? Why is it with other programs that you lose weight but gain it right back?? Or why are you starving all of the time when you diet?

Or with Shaklee - How come you don't see the change on the scale right away sometimes but instead you see it in your shape and how you feel first?! Why does Shaklee work and make you feel so energized and wonderful


1. Shaklee 180 is based on NUTRITION. Giving your body the best of the best, leveling out your blood sugars, starting your day off with the best breakfast on the planet packed with vitamins and minerals

2. The 24 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber keep you satisfied and FULL!

3. LEUCINE: An amino acid that triggers your body to lose the fat and GAIN muscle instead of losing both - like most other diets. With many other programs, you lose weight (on the scale) quickly

because you're losing both fat and muscle...this is NOT good. When you lose your muscle, you lose your sustainability. You feel hungry!

So with Shaklee, your body will first work at turning your fat to muscle and because muscle weighs as much as fat, your progress doesn't reflect on the scale at first sometimes...YET! Buuuut it absolutely does in your looks. And then it starts to fall off and STAY OFF while feeling satisfied and Energized!

POST 6: The SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE is powerful. It's not just about losing weight. Its about getting and staying healthy with products that have meaning, with a company that has been around for almost 60 years and products that are ALWAYS SAFE! This is not a fad, this is a lifestyle change!

POST 7: So, in a little bit I will share more with you about the options you have with Shaklee180. But, it's important to understand Shaklee 180 isn't just for people who want to lose weight. Shaklee 180 is about reaching your ideal weight and once you do then teaching you how to maintain it. Some people are at their ideal weight, but would LOVE to get more lean and toned AND feel more energized. We have a place to start for EVERYONE!Shaklee 180 isn't a diet....it's a lifestyle change and a plan to simplify your life! Daily coaching, tools, tips, recipes, and an accountability Facebook support group too!

We will sharing next about the options you have to help you reach your goals as well as lots of testimonies!

POST 8: {2 pics} IT'S TESTIMONY TIME (several within the event)


"My transformation with Shaklee came after I was in a car wreck 2 years ago. I had severe nerve damage in my neck and was bedridden for 3 weeks. Without the ability to be active for the next 2-3

months, I lost 20 pounds of lean muscle and struggled to maintain my body that I worked hard to get. So along with Ashley's help, I started a Shaklee regimen of proteins and vitamins every day. And with BARELY regaining my ability to workout, I was able to transform my body and add back the lean muscle that I had lost. This would not have been possible without Shaklee and the ability to give my body the nutrients it needed to rebuild itself and get me back what I had worked hard to achieve."

POST 9: TESTIMONY TIME (several within the event )Meet Heather McFaul Hirsh, a busy mom and personal friend of mine. Before Shaklee, she was taking two prescription heart meds; diagnosed with female alopecia; and looking to lose a few pounds. She gave the program a shot and is now the face of the entire Shaklee 180 product line! Not to mention… her hair has grown back AND with her doctor’s blessing, no longer needs her heart medication!

POST 10: TESTIMONY TIME (several more throughout event)

My friend @jeanine's Dad's DIABETES Story (SO AMAZING)

Meet the first love of my life...My Dad...if he can do this ANYONE CAN!My father is a 79 year old type 2 diabetic for over 40 years. He also suffered from acid reflux, high blood pressure, and was diagnosed with IRREVESIBLE Kidney damage. After about 2 ½ months on Shaklee 180 and Vitalizer Gold he lost 20+ lbs and his sugars went from uncontrollable ON MEDS at 130-140 to 90-95 with NO MEDS!!! He is now off diabetic meds. He is also off his blood pressure meds and acid reflux meds. The icing on the cake is his IRREVERSIBLE kidney damage has started to reverse. Doctors truly didn’t know what to say to him other then “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” I'm not kidding when I say Shaklee nutrition has saved my fathers life. We are grateful everyday for the better quality of life that Shaklee has given him.


Share a goal you have for 2015 in the comments below I will enter you into a drawing to get a fun lil gift bag form me filled with all kinds of Shaklee samples!

POST 12: IT'S TESTIMONY TIME (several within the event)WATCH HER VIDEO:http://www.shaklee.tv/ashleys-shaklee-effect (GET YOUR TISSUES OUT)Ashley's Story- "I started shaklee 180 because I was unhappy with myself & lacking major confidence. Honestly, I wasn't convinced I would get results because no matter what i tried, I never did. I was sure that this body (March) was just what I was destined for....Fast forward 30 days when I needed to take a picture and see what had happened, I really didn't want to. The scale hadn't changed AT ALL so I was sure neither had my body. Boy was I wrong! My body had changed - I had gained muscle and began to tone. Just a few months later and I was in the BEST shape of my life. Thank you SHAKLEE 180!"

POST 13: YOU HAVE OPTIONS... we have options for EVERYONE'S BUDGET. The best place to start is to just START! Here are 3 great options to start on your journey to better health. CRAWL, WALK, or RUN into better health! I can help you reach your goals and customize a regimen for you too if need be!

CRAWL (good) = Starting minimally, but still impacting your health

WALK (better) = Starting with the desire to make a big impact in your health.

RUN (best) = Starting with the best because you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and you are ready for a MAJOR change in your overall health.

Let's talk specifics:

Crawl (good) Smoothee Kit

Walk (better) Lean and Healthy Kit

Run (best) Turnaround Kit


-No Artificial Sweeteners

-No Artificial Colors

-No Artificial Flavors

-No preservatives


-Lactose Free

-Beyond Organic

The science beyond Shaklee 180 .....click this VIDEO to learn more:http://www.shaklee.tv/the-science-behind-leucine


Shaklee products – and the quality and science behind them – are unmatched in the industry. How familiar are you with the many elements of the Shaklee Difference? Refresh your knowledge with this list of Ten Key Steps that we take to ensure that Shaklee supplements are the best in the marketplace:

1) Shaklee conducts over 100,000 tests annually to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products.

2) Each and every lot of Shaklee products is 100% tested to ensure and guarantee that each and every ingredient that is part of our label claims is present in the appropriate amounts.

3) All ingredients in Shaklee products are qualified under the incredibly stringent Shaklee protocol, unique in the industry, which tests for up to 350 chemical contaminants, including pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, solvent residues, etc.

4) Our Shaklee scientists create formulations so that the key active ingredients are included at clinically efficacious levels, often significantly higher than many companies in the market.

5) Each product is formulated with nutritional ingredients that have been extensively studied to confirm safety and efficacy. Our products do not follow “fads,” but incorporate scientific and/or epidemiologic evidence of need and benefit.

6) Shaklee employs advanced delivery systems to enhance bioavailability – and these systems are tested to confirm their nutrient delivery advantages.

7) All ingredients must be acceptable from the standpoint of the Shaklee philosophy as well as detailed scrutiny as to their safety. We do not simply accept the Certificate of Analysis that many other companies accept, but rather retest for contaminants to confirm the Certificate of Analysis is accurate.

8) Shaklee has an unwavering commitment to avoid the use of artificial flavors, sweeteners, and added preservatives. We use only non-genetically modified soy protein.

9) Shaklee developed many of the standards and protocols for manufacturing that are now referred to as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

10) Ongoing proof of our product performance is demonstrated by:

+Over 100 scientific publications, 90-plus in peer-reviewed journals

+The Landmark Study, the only study of its kind, which showed that people who took Shaklee supplements over a period of 20 years had markedly better health than both single-multivitamin and non-supplement users+Shaklee products powering elite and Olympian athletes to win 125 medals

+Shaklee products fueling world explorers, 7 of Time-Life’s “Greatest Adventures of All Time,” and NASA shuttle astronauts with a special rehydration product called Astro-Ade.

Shaklee is all about helping people take control of their future health by virtue of the choices they make today. Research confirms that nutrition, weight control, and wise supplementation can powerfully impact your vitality today and your health in the future, and I believe that we can redefine wellness in the coming years.


If you are hoping to feel better and wishing that you had more energy, a stronger immune system and more resistance to disease, why not join us in better health! You are worth it, life is so much

better when you feel good! Start with a good diet, exercise and weight control. Then add one of Shaklee’s Wellness Programs for a holistic approach to optimal health.

Starter Program:

Shaklee’s Vitalizer Pack


80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life

Vitalizer contains:

Vita Lea

Because most of us do not get all the nutrients we need from diet alone – AND- the American Medical association recommends that every adult take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement daily to prevent chronic diseases.

Sustained Release B – C Complex:

Vitamin C

Because vitamin C helps protect us from the dangerous free radicals which increase our risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases -AND- many of us do not get enough vitamin C from our diet.

B Complex

Because recent research has shown that inadequate intake of B vitamins can lead to a buildup of homocysteine in the blood which may increase the risk of dementia, heart disease and stroke -AND- most of us do not get enough B vitamins in our diet



Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 6 of the essential carotenoids found in those fresh fruits and vegetable that we are not eating on a regular basis – AND – the carotenoids in Caroto-E-Omega have been shown to reduce risk factors associated with cancer, heart disease, and eye disease.

Vitamin E

Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 8 naturally occurring forms of vitamin E in optimum balance. Clinical studies have shown that supplementation with vitamin E reduces the risk factors associated with many diseases and boosts the immune system -AND- we cannot get the amount of vitamin E used in the clinical studies from our diet alone.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 7 naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids in an ultra-high purity form. Heart disease, inflammatory diseases and migraines affect millions of Americans -AND- clinical studies show that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack, inflammation & migraines, but cold water fish, which are the best dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are often contaminated with heavy metals, dioxin and/or pesticides.

Optiflora Probiotic

When harmful bacteria and yeast take up residence in our intestine, they metabolize the food that we eat into cancer causing substances and other toxins that harm our body and weaken our immune system – AND – Optiflora pearls contain Acidophilus and Bifidus, essential friendly bacteria that crowd the harmful bacteria & yeast out of our intestines. Optiflora guarantees delivery of 500 million live beneficial microflora to the intestines, due to its unique triple encapsulation which protects these essential bacteria from the acidity of the stomach.

For Better Results

ADD Shaklee 180 Smoothee Mix

Shaklee 180 Smoothee Mix – Because we need protein for building healthy cells and a strong immune system -AND- the American Heart Association recommends soy protein as part of a heart healthy diet. [Note: We do have a Whey 180 Smoothee Mix for those who are soy- sensitive].

For Best Results

ADD The Rx For a Healthier Life


Because a healthy immune system protects us from deadly diseases and cancer AND allergies are becoming an increasing problem for millions of Americans -AND- Shaklee’s revolutionary Nutriferon formulation both strengthens and normalizes the immune system – providing us with increased protect against disease and cancer while it reduces allergy symptoms.

Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic

Because scientific research has finally discovered why we age -AND- Shaklee has utilized the latest research advances to produce an exclusive polyphenol blend that positively impacts the four key mechanisms of cellular aging. Laboratory studies have shown that the polyphenols in Vivix have the potential to increase your lifespan and your health span (your quality of life as you age).

FOR LINKS AND MORE INFO, GO HERE:http://www.bonniedonahue.com/…/the-shaklee-starter-wellness…


I posted this before but it's worth posting again...

Mary and Her Sister are Identical Twins. Mary Anderson from Evansville, Indiana has been a regular user of the entire line of Shaklee products for over 20 years. Mary’s sister rarely uses Shaklee products preferring to use products made by other companies. Even though they were born with the same genetic code, Mary has more energy, feels better, looks younger and is healthier than her non-Shaklee twin sister. Mary has “unbounded energy” at age 69. Mary is very active with her church and does volunteer work. She is President of her local Republican Women’s Organization.

Everyone thinks this mother of 4 and grandmother of 6 teenagers is younger than 69! Mary’s husband is 77 and he uses Shaklee products, too. “No one ever guesses his age, either!”

Isn’t that a great story!

That just shows what good health and taking care of what goes into your body can do for you!


Because children sometimes are inconsistent in their consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, this poses a particular challenge for parents. This is because certain nutrients are absolutely essential for not only prevention of colds and viruses, but also increasingly necessary for proper brain development and learning ability. Therefore, experts recommend supplements with several nutrients that are too critical to be left to chance.

The following represents a basic nutrition program for maintaining and building health in children it also provides nutritional insurance for those days when our schedule does not allow for three balanced meals.

Incredivites for Children – Chewable

The first chewable multivitamin in the U.S. to contain lactoferrin, which supports a healthy immune system in kids. Formulated with 23 essential vitamins and minerals. No added artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Gluten free.

CitriBoost Dietary Supplement Powder

Contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals plus acidophilus to slip into orange juice or morning protein shakes for children and adults who have difficulty swallowing tablets… has more calcium and Vitamin D than 8 ounces of milk.

Meal Shakes

A smart choice for meals-on-the-go, between meal snacks, beverages, or for extra nutritional insurance any time of day.

Because it is a complete meal, it is particularly important for finicky eaters.

Unlike similar meal replacement products found in grocery stores, Meal Shakes contain no artificial colors, sweeteners or flavorings.

A creamy, delicious shake that children love (and you will too at only 230 calories).

Bavarian Cocoa and French Vanilla.

Mighty Smarts – DHA Chews.

Scientifically formulated with a power-packed blast of 100% natural, ultra-pure DHA.

Essential brain-supporting nutrient, DHA has been show to support memory, concentration,

mind skills, promotes healthy eyes, and vision – without the fishy taste!

Chewable Vita-C, 100 mg.

Essential to build healthy white blood cells to prevent viruses, ear infections, colds, etc., that are depleted by fatigue, anxiety, pollution and extremes in temperature and humidity. Increases resistance to ligament and tendon injury..

Kid’s Recipe for Peanut Butter Fudge

1-cup peanut butter (almond butter)

1 cup Shaklee Protein Powder (any flavor)

1/3-cup honey (agave or maple syrup)

If desired, you may add sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, raisins, or coconut (1/3 cup).

Mix together and form into balls. Wonderful snack!

The following nutrients are particularly effective for children who may be susceptible to viruses, colds and ear infections.

Optiflora Pre and Probiotic Complex

Probiotics are especially important for a child who has ever been on an antibiotic or steroid-based medications (common with asthma). These medications kill off much of these essential “friendly microbes” that live in the lower intestine.

Without adequate amounts of these microbes, research now shows the body is more susceptible to infection (especially sinus and upper respiratory ) because 70% of the immune system resides in the intestines.

Optiflora is virtually the only acidophilus/bifidus product that guarantees delivery of 500,000 live microorganisms to the intestines, without being destroyed by the highly acidic environment of the

stomach. It restores the natural balance that must exist in the lower intestines to choke out the cancer-causing bacteria as well as Candida yeast overgrowths.

None of the products available at health food stores guarantee live delivery of microflora to the intestine. Tests show that many of them do not make it live to your door, much less to your colon. 90% of the microflora alive in these products at the time of manufacture are killed off long before they reach the intestine.

Alfalfa Complex

Easily crushed and slipped into juice in a sippy cup. This ancient herb has been found to be a natural antibiotic; increases white blood cells, lowers blood glucose in diabetics, blood cleanser, and traps heavy metals. Traditionally used for congestion, asthma, sinusitis, allergies, colds, flu, sore throats, etc. Treatment for colic when breast-feeding.

Premium Garlic Complex

Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, natural antibiotic; increases white blood cells, lowers blood glucose in diabetics, blood cleanser, traps heavy metals. Traditionally used for congestion, asthma, sinusitis, allergies, colds, flu, sore throats, etc. Treatment for colic when breast-feeding. Can be crushed and served over bread, crackers or rice.

Performance Fluid Replacement Drink Mix

Orange or Lemon Lime flavored. Designed for athletic rehydration, this delicious powdered drink mix is excellent to give to children during hot summer days to avoid dehydrating from heat and when vomiting or diarrhea threatens to cause dehydration.

The Shaklee Difference

It is comforting for parents to know that all Shaklee products are made to such high standards that Shaklee’s Good Manufacturing Practices are far more strict than those recommended by the government.

Shaklee is the #1 natural nutrition company and is known for its 50-year commitment to science, purity of its ingredients .. and especially its superior absorption and potency as proven by clinical studies.

When you buy Shaklee, you buy the best for your family.

The best and most affordable health insurance is a diet based on 6 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and a basic supplementation program combined with regular exercise… and lots of love and laughter.

Information from Lagoni Health Associates



This is nothing new! You probably already knew you should do this, BUT, do you? Do you really KNOW what you are eating?

Do you look at your ingredients?

So, how do you read the label and what are you supposed to look for?

Well, these ingredients are what should NOT be on your label…

Anything you cannot pronounce!

Duh, I hope you know this. If you cannot say it, don’t buy it…It’s that simple! Most likely it’s a chemical and that’s very bad!!

READ MORE>>>http://www.bonniedonahue.com/…/do-you-know-what-you-are-eat…

POST 20: Back to the Turnaround!! I'm getting questions about what does that include....

So, here's how the "TurnAround Kit" works!! For weight loss drink two Smoothies a day in place of 2 meals or substitute a Smoothie for a Meal Bar to change things up. Take your "Metabolic Boost" to set your metabolism burning that FAT and Increase your Energy, drink your 180 Energy Tea in the afternoon...one of my personal fav's!! AND a delicious protein packed 180 Snack Bar in the afternoon so you're satisfied and full of energy until dinner! No more afternoon energy slump- YEAH!!! Then, make one healthy meal of your choice! Plus, fill your day with healthy snacks to keep that metabolism boosted!

Take a min to look at the components of each! CLICK TO ENLARGE! You would want to start with this kit if you have 10+lbs. to lose. The program is designed to be 90 days to lose the weight and 90 days to learn how to keep it off!



Raise your hand if you are pregnant!!! I feel like a had a ton of pregnant friends so this post is for YOU and YOUR BABY!!!


POST 21: Let's Talk Options:

Option 2: Shaklee 180 Lean & Healthy Kit. (Walk into better health)This kit includes enough for one smoothee a day and a Vitalizer Daily Vitamin Strip(80 bio-optimized nutrients and a essential part of weight loss and getting healthy). Great starter kit. This is my daily regimen every day and is great if you are looking to get healthier, leaner and shed a few pounds AND gain lots of energy. 30 day supply.

This kit includes a FREE LIFETIME membership making the member price:

$159.95. Save 10% more if you put on auto ship and get it for $143(10% off)- FREE MEMBERSHIP ($20 value)- FREE SHIPPING for NEW MEMBERS) ($12 value promo from me)


POST 22: Let's Talk Options:Option 3: Shaklee 180 Smoothee Kit. (walk into better health)This kit comes with 4 canisters of smoothee mix- enough to make two shakes a day for 30 days or one a day for 60 days. Up to you! Also a great starter kit. This can help with weight loss or starting your day off great for a smoothee for breakfast!

This kit includes a FREE LIFETIME membership making the member price: $159.95 Save 10% additional if you put on autoship and it will be only $143

- FREE MEMBERSHIP ($20 Value) gets you 15% off all prodcuts

- FREE SHIPPING for NEW MEMBERS ($12 value from me)


POST 23: WHY SHOULD I TAKE VITALIZER daily vitamin strip???

9 out of 10 people in American do not get the essential nutrients they need in a days time...

Vitalizer is my very favorite product and has 12 patents on it! WOW!!!

WATCH THIS to learn morehttp://www.shaklee.tv/vitalizer-from-shaklee

The Lean and Healthy Kit is what I have used to get more lean, toned, and energized! Vitalizer comes in that kit with one smoothee a day to replace one meal. I replace my breakfast to have the best breakfast on the planet!


Before starting any health/weight loss program, I recommend doing a detox so you get better results!

Check out the one I recommend>>>>http://www.bonniedonahue.com/…/shaklee-180-detox-5-day-mini…


So, you want to join Shaklee???

The reason I’m writing to you specifically is because I think you want to:

Be as healthy as you canConnect with other like-minded peopleGet discounts, savings, and specials

Here is a list of what you get when you join Shaklee & Project Health (our online Shaklee Member Community):

-Join our online community of like minded people (1400+ in our private community)

-Get discounts (save 15% on all products and 25% on some)

-Get a free product within 30 days of joining

-Ask unlimited health questions

-Communicate with other members for stories & advice

-Get shipping specials

-Get the latest specials, news, and health facts

-24/7 access to community

-Your own secure ordering website with loads of health info just for you

-100% money back guarantee on all products – no questions asked

You can say, “If I were to guess the top 4 questions or objections you will have about joining as a member, they would be these:

How much is it to renew each year?Is there a minimum each month or year?What is your return policy?By joining as a member, does that make me a distributor?

So here’s how I would clear those up for you:

There is no renewal fee. It’s a lifetime membership and one time fee of $19.95!There are no minimums EVER! You can order once a year or monthly. It’s up to you.We offer 100% money back guarantee for all products.You are not a distributor and will not receive bonuses. If you want to get paid for sharing Shaklee, you need to go here and apply to partner with me.

I want you to be completely without risk, so here’s my guarantee. If for any reason a Shaklee Product is not satisfactory, return it for exchange or full refund.

If our products are not the best they can be — and the best you can buy — what else matters?

So if you don’t experience the desired results from a Shaklee nutritional, personal care, or household product, you may return the unused portion for a 100% refund.

In addition to a money-back guarantee, we offer:

100% guarantee that the ingredients listed on the label are in the product100% guarantee of quality-controlled product formulations that ensure product safety, purity, reliability, and product performance100% guarantee that we use the finest quality ingredients availableExperience the Shaklee Difference for yourself. You deserve it!

It’s really easy to get started. You just go to my website and join as a member. (fill out application) It is a one-time fee of $19.95.

Your member fee is always waived with the purchase of Vitalizer. (I love this and take it daily.)

Once you decide to get started here’s what’s going to happen….

You will get a 15% discount on your order and you will receive a welcome email from me with all the details about joining our private online community.

You need to do this right now because I am offering you a FREE product within your first 30 days of joining when you complete our Learn & Earn Members Program.

Here’s a list of people who have already joined us and exactly what happened for them:

”We LOVE the cleaning products! I haven’t had an asthma attack since switching in November 2011!!” Connie

“Basic H & G…so nice to clean without my nose getting all stuffed up, sore throats and terrible headaches behind my eyes like I would get with Mr. Clean and other harsh cleaners.” Casey

“I love that I don’t get headaches anymore from cleaning, I’ve been using them for years now and will never switch! And my toddler drank the Basic H2 and was just fine, whew! I LOVE the peace of mind. And the protein shakes are amazing, love love love them, they make meal planning very simple The vitamins give me lots of energy and keep me healthy, no big sicknesses for us this year! I could go on and on and on…” Michelle

“Shaklee 180 Turnaround changed my life! It it’s by far the best weight loss program out there! down 35 lbs in 15 weeks! I feel great!” Christi

“My husband and I are losing weight! I thought I never would be able to say that! Definitely life changing!” Linda

So start shopping, add to cart, fill out Shaklee Membership info, pay, check out, enjoy!!! You will also receive an email and hand written thank you note from me! THANK YOU AND WELCOME!!!!http://donahuewellness.myshaklee.com/us/en/shop






Optimal nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and many of us don’t eat the way we should on a daily basis. A holistic approach to reducing heart disease risk includes a low fat, low cholesterol, low sodium diet; lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains; weight control; exercise and a supplement program to make sure that we get the nutrients that we need to reduce risk factors associated with heart disease. That’s why the HEALTHY HEART PROGRAMS make good sense.

Healthy Heart Program:

Shaklee’s Cholesterol Reduction Complex, Vitalizer Pack & 180 Smoothee Shake

Cholesterol Reduction Complex

Because stannols and sterols are naturally occurring phytonutrients that have been shown to lower cholesterol in over 80 clinical studies –

AND – Shaklee’s Cholesterol Reduction Complex is the only supplement that provides the NIH- recommended 2,000 mg of stannols and sterols.


80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life. Vitalizer contains:

Vita Lea

Because most of us do not get all the nutrients we need from diet alone – AND- the American Medical association recommends that every adult take a multivitamin/multimineral supplement daily to prevent chronic diseases.

Sustained Release B – C Complex:

Vitamin C – Because Vitamin C works with vitamin E to reduce risk factors associated with heart disease – AND – many of us do not get enough vitamin C from our diet.

B Complex – Because adequate intake of B vitamins decreases blood levels of homocysteine, a possible risk factor for heart disease – AND – most of us don’t get all the B vitamins we need from our diet.


Carotenoids – Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 6 of the essential carotenoids found in those fresh fruits and vegetable that we are not eating on a regular basis – AND – the carotenoids in Caroto-E-Omega have been shown to reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

Vitamin E – Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 8 naturally occurring forms of vitamin E in optimum balance. Oxidation of cholesterol is thought to make it much more likely to plug our arteries -AND- clinical studies have shown that supplementation with vitamin E helps prevent cholesterol oxidation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Because Caroto-E-Omega contains all 7 naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids in an ultra-high purity form. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease several risk factors associated with heart disease -AND- clinical studies show that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack in high risk populations, but cold water fish, which are the best dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are often contaminated with heavy metals, dioxin and/or pesticides.

Optiflora Probiotic

When harmful bacteria and yeast take up residence in our intestine, they metabolize the food that we eat into toxins that harm our body and weaken our immune system – AND – Optiflora pearls contain Acidophilus and Bifidus, essential friendly bacteria that crowd the harmful bacteria & yeast out of our intestines. Optiflora guarantees delivery of 500 million live beneficial microflora to the intestines, due to its unique triple encapsulation which protects these essential bacteria from the acidity of the stomach.

Shaklee 180 Smoothee Shakes

Because {Non GMO} soy protein has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol when substituted for high fat meats in the diet – AND – the American Heart

Association recommends soy protein as part of a heart-healthy diet.

For Better Results: The Optimal Heart Protection Program Add:


Because clinical studies showing that omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack in high risk populations used higher levels than found in the Vitalizer Pack alone.


Because CoQHeart combines the antioxidant properties of coenzyme Q10 and resveratrol, 2 compounds that are vital for heart health – AND –the body’s needs for coenzyme Q10 are increased by the statin class of cholesterol lowering drugs.

Fiber Advantage Bars

Because high fiber diets have been shown to lower cholesterol and other risk factors for heart disease – AND – each Fiber Advantage bar provides 8 grams of dietary fiber per serving.

Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic

Because scientific research has finally discovered why we age -AND- Shaklee has utilized the latest research advances to produce an exclusive polyphenol blend that positively impacts the four key mechanisms of cellular aging. Laboratory studies have shown that the polyphenols in Vivix have the potential to increase your lifespan and your health span (your quality of life as you age), plus they significantly reduce risk factors associated with heart disease.

If your triglycerides are elevated, also consider Glucose Regulation Complex – Because insulin resistance causes an increase in triglycerides and a decrease in HDl, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke – AND – Glucose Regulation Complex is designed to reduce insulin resistance. You should consider trying Glucose Regulation Complex if you have elevated triglyceride levels, low HDL levels, and/or high blood pressure.

[Note: Recent reports have suggested that B vitamins and antioxidants, when taken individually for relatively short periods of time, may not significantly reduce the risk of heart disease for everyone. However, B vitamins and antioxidants do reduce risk factors associated with the development of heart disease. Thus, they should be considered as part of a holistic approach to reducing heart disease risk, and not as magic bullets that, when taken individually, can prevent heart disease.]

The information in this post is not meant to be used in the diagnosis or treatment of disease. The recommendations are geared towards the prevention of disease. Furthermore, the descriptions of individual products in this post are not meant to indicate that they can significantly reduce the risk of disease by themselves. Rather the descriptions are meant to indicate the role that they may play as part of a holistic approach to optimal health.

DO YOU NEED THE HEALTHY HEART PROGRAM? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. Do you often use convenience foods or eat at fast food restaurants because of cost, convenience, or lack of time?

2. Do you often use “artificial” or “imitation” food products because they are low in cholesterol or fat?

…If your answer to either of these questions was YES, you would likely benefit from the nutrition insurance of Shaklee’s Vitalizer.

3. Are you able to consistently maintain adequate protein intake AND keep your cholesterol consumption below 400 mg per day?

…if not, you may wish to consider Shaklee’s 180 Smoothee Mix in place of some of the animal protein in your diet.

4. Are you consuming 3-5 servings of fresh vegetables and 6-11 servings of whole grains each day?

…If not, you may wish to consider the added insurance of the extra carotenoids & B vitamins you find in Vitalizer.

5. Do you eat cold-pressed vegetable oils, raw seeds and nuts, and whole grainproducts on a daily basis?

…If not, you’re probably not getting the magnesium and vitamin E you need. Vitalizer is the solution.

6. Do you eat one serving of “cold water” fish (mackerel, cod, salmon,sardines, or anchovies) at least every other day?

…If not, then the Caroto-E-Omega in Shaklee’s Vitalizer plus OmegaGuard can provide the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids you’re lacking in your diet

7. Do you know whether the cold water fish that you are eating are free of heavy metals, pesticides & PCBs?

…If not, then Shaklee’s Caroto-E-Omega and OmegaGuard can be a safer alternative for providing the heart- healthy omega-3 fatty acids you’re lacking in your diet


Healthy Heart Program:

Shaklee’s Cholesterol Reduction Complex, Vitalizer Pack & 180 Smoothee Shake

For Better Results: The Optimal Heart Protection Program…add:



Fiber Advantage Bars

Vivix Cellular Anti-Aging Tonic


POST 28: HYPERTHYROIDISM AND HOW TO HELPDo you or someone you know suffer from thyroid issues? Read this...http://www.bonniedonahue.com/…/hyperthyroidism-and-how-to-h…


This is a reminder to stock your “Herbal Medicine Chest” with fresh, hard working Shaklee products.

1. Shaklee DR (Defend and Resist):

This Echinacea product also has elderberry extract which traps virus “claws” with gels so they can’t enter our bodies. Lozenges can be melted, chewed, swallowed or dissolved in water.

2. Vitalized Immunity: NEW!!

An effervescent tablet that powers Vitamin C into the body to quickly STOP the onset of coldsl.

3. Nutriferon:

My favorite product!! Developed after 50 years of research AFTER Dr. Kojima’s 1954 discovery of INTERFERON deep inside our cells. This amazing Nutriferon turns on the Interferon in our cells to blunt allergic reactions, stimulate the body’s own defenses, and protect us from disease. I take one tablet daily, but on days when I know I’m not feeling 100% I might take 2-3 servings throughout the day and (knock on wood) I’ve stayed healthy for years without even a cold.

4. Herb-lax:

Wonderful for constipation but even better for melting away mucus in throat, lungs, tummy. Just take one (you’ll need 3-4 for constipation). Spoon a few teaspoons of herb-lax tea into little kids to help them with their stuffy noses. Teenagers love it because it clears up acne (no more dumping poisons through skin!!)

5. Vita-C:

500 mg delivered in a time release all day. Prevents bruises, head colds, sinus infections.

6. Garlic:

Nature’s antibiotic. Kills Viruses! No resistance, no side effects. Take 6 tablets right away then 3 every few hours till well again. Yes, you will have a garlicky “green mist” to your breath! You shouldn’t be kissin’ anyone anyway when you’re sick!! Chew some gum or alfalfa tablets!!

7. Alfalfa:

Another wonderful product for allergies, body pain and odor. This time of year when we are out raking leaves, changing storm windows, etc. the body takes a hit!

8. Optiflora:

A super probiotic with 3 coatings to protect the little buggers! Store brands are mostly dead bacteria. Yogurt bacteria dies off in stomach acid (including Aptivia). ALWAYS take when using antibiotics from the doctor. Flood your system with positive bacteria to prevent yeast infections like candida, e coli, salmonella poisoning, etc. Dr. Daggy calls them “On-the-floor-a” because they bounce out of the Vita-Strips so vigorously!!!

9. Formula I:

(Another great immune builder) This provides the essential nutrients for healthy immune function. Full nutrition potency is guaranteed with ShakleeGuard®, a patented blend of antioxidants and rosemary extract.

Basic G:

Also – add a capful of Basic G (Germicide) when you wash bed linens if someone has a cold or flu. Make up spray bottle (1/2 tsp per pint water) to use as an aerosol disinfectant too. Not flammable either. Another nice plus: germ-killing protection lasts for three days on hard surfaces while chlorine bleach is effective only a few hours.Stay healthy & stay warm!! smile emoticon


POST 30: Why is Shaklee so different from Brand X?

1. Shaklee tests every batch of raw materials for purity and potency.

2. Shaklee tests all products on human beings for absorption and efficacy.

3. Results are published in scientific journals that have been peer reviewed (no paid endorsements).

4. 100 years of history. The products work. Guaranteed.

5. Shaklee’s own recipes, pharmaceutical standards of manufacture, science-based needs (no fads).

6. No artificial anything.

7. No animal testing.

Brand X is made on an assembly line that changes labels once in a while. No oversight, no guarantee of purity or potency. Look for biotin on the label. It is the key to making the B-complex function. It is the most expensive B-vitamin to include. Most brands offer 10% of the RDA (Shaklee

makes sure to include 100%). But, Brand X will pack thousands of % of other cheaper B ingredients to make the label look powerful.

And – surprise – Shaklee’s Vita-Lea is usually CHEAPER than Brand X! Less than $12 per month for a guaranteed safety net for your body! And, Wal-Mart DOESN’T OFFER a bonus check. Monthly Shaklee bonuses mean your products can be FREE because you share the good news about Shaklee with friends and family. To learn more how you can get your products for free, click here.

(This information was from another Shaklee distributor and I wanted to pass it on to you! ENJOY!)

To order your supplements, click on the links above or go here.http://donahuewellness.myshaklee.com/us/en/shop


EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ ***THIS POST*** and comment what products you want to start taking now!!!




POST 33: HEALTH PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN WITH ADD & ADHDhttp://www.bonniedonahue.com/…/health-program-for-children-…




There are a LOT of companies that manufacture vitamins. What I love about Shaklee is that their supplements are actually whole food supplements that are made from real ingredients and are totally pure! I have been using and give Shaklee to my kids for year! I have been using Shaklee for 15 years and use Shaklee’s supplements throughout all my 4 pregnancies and nursing. I love and swear by them! Shaklee also backs up every product and ingredient!!

I wanted to give you a quick list of 5 questions to ask a company before buying their supplements. I’ve even added the names and phone numbers of some of the more popular supplement companies to make it a little easier on you.

1. Are your final products organic and free of pesticides, herbicides and chemicals?

“Natural” and “organic” simply will not cut it. They cannot just ‘start out’ organic. The “Organic” farm listed on the website does not tell you anything about the finished product. The pill or shake that you put in your mouth must be without any pesticides, herbicides, metals, chemicals, GMO, antibiotics,


2. What are the ingredients in the product, and what country did they come from?

90% of supplement ingredients come from China where banned pesticides and chemicals are used. Remember, when its “natural” and out of the ground, the chemicals and sprays come along with the ride and never leave.

3. Is each bottle (not random testing) proven to be free from pesticides, heavy metals and lead?

Where is the scientific information to back up that claim and who tests it? It must be a 3rd party NOT associated with the company. Its like asking a 4th grader to check his own schoolwork.

4. Who is doing the clinical studies on their products?

It must be associations not receiving profits from the sale of the product. Ask for copies. Must be more than 1 or 2. What doctors are on their research board. MAKE SURE THE DOCTORS DON’T OWN THE COMPANY.

5. Have results from studies of this product been published in trusted medical journals?

Ex: Clinical studies must be on the bottled juice, not clinical studies on the berries before juicing. Ex of medical journals: JAMA, American Journal of clinical nutrition. Do not trust journals that are made up or have no meaning in the scientific community.



The reason I’m writing to you specifically is because I think you want to:

Be as healthy as you canConnect with other like-minded peopleGet discounts, savings, and specials

Here is a list of what you get when you join Shaklee & Project Health (our online Shaklee Member Community):

Join our online community of like minded people (700+ in our private community)Get discounts (save 15% on all products and 25% on some)Get a free product within 30 days of joiningAsk unlimited health questionsCommunicate with other members for stories & adviceGet shipping specialsGet the latest specials, news, and health facts24/7 access to communityYour own secure ordering website with loads of health info just for you100% money back guarantee on all products – no questions asked

You can say, “If I were to guess the top 4 questions or objections you will have about joining as a member, they would be these:

How much is it to renew each year?Is there a minimum each month or year?What is your return policy?By joining as a member, does that make me a distributor?

So here’s how I would clear those up for you:

There is no renewal fee. It’s a lifetime membership and one time fee of $19.95!There are no minimums EVER! You can order once a year or monthly. It’s up to you.We offer 100% money back guarantee for all products.You are not a distributor and will not receive bonuses. If you want to get paid for sharing Shaklee, you need to go here and apply to partner with me.

I want you to be completely without risk, so here’s my guarantee. If for any reason a Shaklee Product is not satisfactory, return it for exchange or full refund.

If our products are not the best they can be — and the best you can buy — what else matters?

So if you don’t experience the desired results from a Shaklee nutritional, personal care, or household product, you may return the unused portion for a 100% refund.

In addition to a money-back guarantee, we offer:

100% guarantee that the ingredients listed on the label are in the product100% guarantee of quality-controlled product formulations that ensure product safety, purity, reliability, and product performance100% guarantee that we use the finest quality ingredients availableExperience the Shaklee Difference for yourself. You deserve it!

It’s really easy to get started. You just go to my website and join as a member. (fill out application) It is a one-time fee of $19.95.

Your member fee is always waived with the purchase of Vitalizer. (I love this and take it daily.)

Once you decide to get started here’s what’s going to happen….

You will get a 15% discount on your order and you will receive a welcome email from me with all the details about joining our private online community.

You need to do this right now because I am offering you a FREE product within your first 30 days of joining when you complete our Learn & Earn Members Program.

Here’s a list of people who have already joined us and exactly what happened for them:

”We LOVE the cleaning products! I haven’t had an asthma attack since switching in November 2011!!” Connie

“Basic H & G…so nice to clean without my nose getting all stuffed up, sore throats and terrible headaches behind my eyes like I would get with Mr. Clean and other harsh cleaners.” Casey

“I love that I don’t get headaches anymore from cleaning, I’ve been using them for years now and will never switch! And my toddler drank the Basic H2 and was just fine, whew! I LOVE the peace of mind. And the protein shakes are amazing, love love love them, they make meal planning very simple The vitamins give me lots of energy and keep me healthy, no big sicknesses for us this year! I could go on and on and on…” Michelle

“Shaklee 180 Turnaround changed my life! It it’s by far the best weight loss program out there! down 35 lbs in 15 weeks! I feel great!” Christi

“My husband and I are losing weight! I thought I never would be able to say that! Definitely life changing!” Linda

GO HERE TO JOIN: http://donahuewellness.myshaklee.com/us/en/shop

POST 37: I'll let you all catch up while I pick a winner!! Do you have any questions for me?

POST 38: IT'S TESTIMONY TIME (last testimonies) {3 pics}Here are a few final testimony before and after photos!

ARE YOU INSPIRED YET? We have all gotten healthy from the inside out and kept the weight and inches off!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!

No more dieting, no more depriving yourself of food, instead learn a new lifestyle filled with lots of awesome food, smoothees, and a whole new MINDSET!!!

POST 39! WINNER!!! CONGRATS TO  for being this weeks winner!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Please message me your address and I'll send you your prize!!!

POST 40!! NEXT WEEK!!!! Come back next week for a BONUS event all about the Shaklee Opportunity!!! $$$$$

I have been getting a ton of questions about how you earn and what we actually do as distributors so next week I will share everything with you and how we do what we do!!



See you next week!!!

Watch my Shakee Effect Video > http://www.shaklee.tv/bonnies-shaklee-effect

COMMENT BELOEW: Have you ever thought about starting your own Shaklee business and WHY?
