010005545[1] Ethnopharmacology of Murcia


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Ethnopharmacology of Murcia (SE Spain)

RIVERA NiTr”JEZ D., OB6N DE CASTRO C. Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Facultad de Biologia

Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, E-3007 1-Murcia, EspaÎia

RÉSUMÉ Ce travail présente les plantes médicinales de la région de Murcia (Sud-Est de l’Espagne) et leurs usages thérapeutiques. Deux listes, les espèces avec les noms scientifiques, les noms vernaculaires et les indications dans la thérapeutique populaire de cette région sont jointes ; la première liste couvre la flore locale, sauvage ou cultivée, et la deuxième les plantes importées.

INTRODUCTION This chapter is a sequel to the monographs Plantas Medicinales de Nuestra Region (OB6N and R I V E R A , 1991) and Introduccidn al Mundo de las Plantas Medicixales en Murcia (RIVERA, OBdN, CANO and ROBLEDO, 19941, which compiled the scattered published information available about traditional uses of medicinal plants found in Murcia, and the works carried out by ourselves and many of Our stu- dents in the Ethnobotany laboratory at Murcia University since 1982 (Fig. 1, and Tab. 1). Field trips and open-ended inter- views with herbalists, healers, shepherds and housewives were carried out on and off from 1983 to this current year. The Herbarium MUB (Murcia University) contains voucher speci- mens of the taxa cited in Table 2 and samples of plants cited in Tables 2 and 3 are kept at the Ethnobotany laboratory. Murcia is an area of great cultural and biological diversity. Situ- ated at the border of the Mediterranean sea in the southeastern corner of the Iberian Peninsula, in Western Europe, this region is home to an ancient blend of cultures and ethnic groups. Eco- systems vary from dry Mediterranean scrubs to evergreen oak forest. The average annual precipitation most of which falls between the months of October and April, vary from 200 to 600 mm. Severe drought is a recurrent phenomen which en- tails dramatic shortages of the agricultural products. Compli- cated irrigation systems have been developped in the Segura river bassin in order to assure a regular crop every year.

THE HISTORICAL BACKGROUND FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN MURCIA The use of plants for medicinal purposes in Murcia dates back to the Prehistoric times. In this remote arid area of Europe people lived in communities far away from each other in the badland regions, known as “el campo” or close together in the Segurariver bassin, the “huerta” zone, which was covered

of irrigated fields. In both areas the inhabitants were almost deprived of regular medical care until relatively recent times. Treatment was provided, and the gap filled, by the native healers called “curandero” or by the housewives theirselves.

Three cultures, three religions and presumably three kinds of medicine met in Murcia during the Middle Ages. Murcian folk beliefs and medicinal practices retain many elements of Latin, Moorish and Jewish medical traditions. Untangling different cultural contributions to modem folk medicine is difficult, but the task of comparing the available data is worth to gaining a better understanding of Western Mediterranean folk medicine.

Epidemics were relatively fiequent in the Middle Ages (m-XIV centuries), and cities like Murcia recurred to a large number of jew physicians and practitioners for these dramatic moments (TORRES et al., 1981). Jew medical masters (VIDAL ~ E ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ S ~ B E N O ~ ~ , HAYM ABEAEX, DAVID DAMASTO, etc.) took care of the health in the locality as municipal doctors. Some women of jew origin practised also the medicine (TORRES et al., 1980; 1981). Moorish medical practitioners were fiequent in the Catholic Spain of the XVI century but very often they were prosecuted by the inquisition tribunals under the charge of whitchcraft (GARCf.4 BALLESTER, 1984).

The Murcian can choose from among several alternative medi- cal systems and practitioners. Modem medicine is administered by licenced physicians through government clinics (ambulato- rios), which are widely dispersed in the temtory, and hospitals. Private doctors also are available. The pharmacists provide their clients with medical advice conceming common ailments. Herb stores (herboristerias) whose propietors lack very often of for- mal pharmacological training provide also their clients with medical advice. Curanderos are relatively common among the medical practitioners of this region and neighbouring zones (SEIJO, 1974). Curanderos reside in the outskirts of the larger

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d‘Ethnopharmacologie et de la I le Conférence internationale d‘Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 2.4-27 mars 1993.


towns or in little villages, and recently some of them do adver- tise thek practices in the local newspapers. The condition of curandero was object of strict rules under the traditional sys- tem, but it was also a way for oportunists and fakers. This fact makes extremely difficult rendering a realistic, picture of the relevance of herbal remedies in the highly variable and obscure curanderos' practices. Magic, astrologic and other strange resources were locally em- ployed in medicine but also repeatedly forbidden by the authori- ties (TOREU3 et aZ., 1980). Fascination is a relatively common place in S. Spain, it has specific practitioners whose formules and prayers arerelatively secret (FLEMh, 1987; SELTO, 1974).

Adults over sixty, living in the. country have nowadays some knowledge of remedies for common ailrnents. Housewives are specialized in the ailments of the household, and shephers usu- ally furnished veterinary care for their cattle. Recent develop- ment in rural societies andimmigration into the big cities ofmost of the population have led to a generalized lost of herbal lore. Most of Our information hence was gathered arnong the last rem- nants of this rural culture of Spain, and in part corresponded with obsolete practices only reminded by the interviewed persons.

In Murcia plants were traditionally prescribed and used for generations. These prescriptions and uses merged the mille- nary traditions with external recent influences. Every time the local folk pharmacopea reflected the conflict between his- torical background and fashionable new medicinal uses and introduced species.

Fig. 1 Map of research sites on Mur& region

(for explanation of mumbers, see Table 1)

The fiist Murcian medicinal plant lnowm to the science was a lcind of wild cumrnin (presurnably Distychoselinm tenu$olium) cited by Dioscorides in the 1st century AT9 (LECLERC, 1883). Epidemies determined reviewed experiences with local and ex-

Table 1 Main research sites on Murcia region (S-E Spain) and references


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

~ ~

Archena Bullas Cartagena Cehegin Cieza Fortuna Jumilla Mazarr6n Molina de Seruga Moratalla Mula Murcia Puerto Lumbreras Ricote §an Javier Santomera Sierra de Enmedio Sierra Espufia Yecla


Caracena (1988) FernBndez (1993) Alcazar, Garcia, Rivera and Ob6n (1990): Garcia and Alcazar (1987); Quevedo (1987): Ferrirndiz (1974) Martinez and Mpez (1990); Garcia (1993); Ibern6n (1991): SBnchez Hernhdez (1994); Rueda and Ibem6n (1987) Carrillo and Martiiiez (1993): Ibhez and Bonmati [ 1993); Garcia Aroca (1992) CarrWlot (1990); Jimenez and Peiïaranda (1992) Jiménez (199 1 ) De Alvaro (1989) L6pez Verdfi (1990) G6mez (1992); §&chez (1992): Rueda and Ibern6n (1987) Rodrigue2 Zapata (1988) Garcia and Botias (1987); Cano J. (1990); Garcia and A l c h (1987); Martinez and Jumilla (1987); P inch Ruiz and Salinas (1992) Guirao (1987) L6pez Cano (1994) Carcia Fernilndez (1992) CAnovas, Maainez and Pelegrh (1 994) L6pez §Anchez (1984) Aguila (1988); &vwez, Asencio and Saez (1989) Barredo, Pérez andTornem (1991): Ortuiio (1987)

Actes du 2e Colloque Europ6em d'Ethnopharmacologie et de la 11" Conférence internationale d'Ethnorn&decine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Svecies

Common names Uses recorded


Adiantum capillus veneris L. culandrillo, culantrillo, culantrillo de - antitussive, analgesic pozo, falsia, helecho, zancamorenilla

ASPLENIACEE Aspleniunl trichomanes L. culantrillo chic0 - digestive Ceterach ofSicinarum Willd. doradilla - antipyretic, diuretic, depurative

Equisetum awense L. cola de caballo - diuretic, antidiabetic, antiseptic Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. cola de caballo, cola de caballo fina - diuretic, antidiabetic, antiseptic Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. cola de caballo, cola de caballo basta - diuretic, antidiabetic, antiseptic

Polypodium canzbricum L. subsp. helecho, polipodio - laxative, purgative, antitussive



serrulatum (F.W. Schulz ex Arcangeli) Pichi Sermolli

CTJPRESSACEE Cupressus sempewirens L. Juniperus communis L. subsp.

Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus Junipenls phœnicea L. subsp. phœnicea

Ephedrafrngilis Desf.

hemisphearica (K. Presl) Nyman


PINACEE Abies pinsapo Boiss. (cultivated) Pinus halepensis Miller

Pinus pinaster Ait.


aciprés, arciprCs, ciprés - enebro, nebro, nebro hembra, - nebro macho enebro, enebro de miera, nebro, nieblo - sabina, sabina macho -

arnacho, brea, canaillo, canaillo real, - carnaillo

abeto, pinsapo - carrasqueiio, pino, pino carrasco, pino - carrasqueiio, pino rojo pino, pino negral, pino pinagral, pino - roenno, pino ruezno

deodorant, antihemorrhoidal antiseptic, antidiabetic

analgesic, antiseptic, diuretic, purgative antiseptic, anthelmintic

analgesic, antitussive

dermatologic dermatologic, antiseptic, antitussive, analgesic, antiodontalgic antiseptic

AGAVACELE Agave americana L.

ANACARDIACEE Pistacia lentiscus L. Pistacia terebinthus L. Schinus molle L.

APOCYNACEE Nerium oleander L.


acibara, alcibara, alcimara, alzabara, - laxative, antiseptic, dermatologic, alzavara, arzabara, azabara, cimara, vulnerary cimbara, pita, pitera

lantisco, lentisco - antiodontalgic, appetizer, astringent cornicabra - astringent, antiodontalgic $bol de la falsa pimienta, falsa - sedative, choleretic pimienta, l lorh, pimentera

adelfa, baladre, mavaldra - poisonous, dermatologic, antiseptic, antiodontalgic

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d'Ethnophmacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d'Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Gomafom mames Uses reeorded Species

AQUTFOLIACEE Ilex aquifolium L.

ARALUCEE Hedera canariensis Willd. Hedera helix L.

ASTEMCEW (COMPOSITW) Achillea ageraFum L. Achillea odorata L. Andryala aghardii Haneseler ex DC. Artemisia arborescens L.

Artemisia barrelieri Besser

Artemisia cainpestris L. subsp. glutinosa (Gay ex Bess.) Batt.

Artemisia Iucentica O. Bolbs, J. Vallés and J. Vigo

Artemisia herbaalba Asso subsp. valentina (Lam.) Maselans

Artemisia verlotioncm Lamotte Artemisia vulgaris L. Bidens aurea L. Calendula amensis L.

Calendula ofSicinalis L. Carthamus lanatus L.

Centaur-eu aspera L.

Centaurea calcitrapa L.

Chanzœelnelum nobile (L.) All.

Charnomilla matricaria L. var. nobile

Chiliadenus glutirlosus (L.) Fourr.

Chrysanthemunt coronarium L.

Cichorium intybus L.


yedra hiedra, hiedra terrestre, hiedra trepadora, yedra

hierba miaera, yerba miaera manzanilla real oreja de liebre peluda ajenjo, doncel, rnanzanillbn, rnatapestosa, pino doncel, pino sarampibn boja, boja negra, boja reina, manzanillbn, matapestosa boja negra


abr6tano macho, boja, boja antina, boja blanca, boja borde, boja para la yesca, boja yesquera altamisa, artemisia altarnisa mata de té, viuda araiias, rnadreoveja, margaritera, mata de las uiias, peo de fraile, ufia de gato

- astringent

- hair dye and restorer - poisonous, dermatologie, purgative

- antipyretic, diuretic - vulnerary - haemostatic - stomachic, dermatologic, ophthalmic,


- stomachic

- analgesic

- anti-infective, anti-inflammatory

- analgesic, hair restorer, insecticides

- abortifacient - abortifacient - stomachic - emenagogue

calendula, rnargarita, margarita naranja - analgesic, ophthalmic, dermatologie cardo santo, cardo setero, panicardo - anti-inflammatory, insecticide,

caiialadro, caiialobo, frasera, pefialao, - astringent, depurative, antidiabetic, pefiarao, quebrarao, quebrantarados, vulnerary, dermatologie quiebralao, quiebrarao, solosiste abreojos, cardo maneaperros, - dermatologie, antidiabetic mmncaperros, peiiiiarao, pestaiia de vieja manzanilla - stomachic


manzanilla, manzanilla dulce - tranquillizer, stomachic, depurative, antihalitosic, analgesic, ophthalmic, antiseptic, dermatologie

Acnica, Anica, annica, fimica, Arnica - antipyretic. digestive, appetizer, basta, Asnica, Atnica, Bznica, hAxnica, anti-inflammatory, depurative, te de monte, té de roea stomachic, strengthener, vulnerary margarita borde. margarita de campo, - haemostatic, antihemorrhoidal mojigata, mojigato, ojo de buey ackicoria, camarroja, camarrojo - appetizer, antirheumatic, antipyretic,


Actes du 2e Colloque Europien d’Ethnopl1macologie et de la 11‘ Confkrence internationale. d‘EthnomCdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

Cynara scolymus L.

Helianthus annuus L.

Helichrqsum decumbens (Lag.)

Helichrysum italicum (Roth.) Cambess.

G. Don f. subsp. serotinum (Boiss.) P. Fourn.

Moench Heliclzrysum stoechas (L.)

Hieracium pilosella L. Znula viscosa (L.) Ait.

Luctuca sativa L. var. sativa Leuzea conifera (L.) DC.

Onopordum nzacracanthum Schousb. Sarztolina chamœcyparissus L. subsp. squarrosa (DC.) Nymam

Santolina microcephala Jordan Santolina pectinata Lag. Santolina viscosa Lag. Senecio malacitanus Huter in Gesterr. Senecio vulgaris L. Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.

Sonchus asper L. Sonchus tenerrimus L. Taraxacum obovatum (Willd.) DC.

Taraxacum oficinale L.

Tragopogon dubius L.

BORAGINACEB Anchusa azurea Miller

alcacil, alcachofa, alcancil, arcacil, - (whole plant) alcacilera, alcancilera, cardo alcacilero, (leaves) cardo girasol, mirasol, (ripe flowerhead) - corona siempreviva -

siempreviva -

amaranto, boja, boja ramblera, humera, - manzanilla de monte, manzanillbn, siempreviva, (inflorescences) capotas vellosilla - anica, Arnica, gtnica, mata mosquera, - mosquera lechuba, lechuga, lechugas largas - alcacilicos, cardo del dolor de cabeza, - cardo santo, cuchara de pastor, piiïa, (inflorescences) capota cardo, cardo borriquero - brochera, manzanilla amarga, - manzanilla de campo

manzanilla amarga, manzanilla borde - brochera - abrotano macho - romerillo - hierba cana, margarita borde - alcachofera, cardo borriquero, cardo - grande, cardo mariano, toba cerrajbn, cerraj6n fino, diente de lebn - lizones - diente de lebn, hierba blanda -

cerraja, cerrajbn, diente de lebn -

verbaja -

bovina, (flowers) cordiales, lenguaza -

depurative, tonic for circulatory system


tonic, vulnerary, anti-odontalgic

vulnerary, analgesic, anti-odontalgic, astringent, antiemetic, dermatologic, tonic vulnerary, anti-odontalgic, antitussive, anthelmintic

astringent vulnerary, antidiabetic, stomachic

soporific analgesic, diuretic, stomachic

dermatologic, vulnerary stomachic, slimming, antiemetic, anthelmintic, anti-infective vaginal preparations anti-infective for sore throat, stomachic undetermined medicinal uses hair restorer digestive antianemic, antipyretic cholagogue, dermatologic

claimed to protect the liver vulnerary diuretic, claimed to protect the liver, laxative, dermatologic, depurative claimed to protect the liver, antirheumatic, diuretic, antitussive, depurative diuretic, hypotensive, antirheumatic and antidiabetic

remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract

Actes du 2e Colloque Eurogen d‘Ethnopharmacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d’Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Conmon names Uses recorded Species

Borago ofSicinalis L.

Cynoglossunt cheirifoliurn L.

Cynoglossum pictrun Ait.

Echiatm sulgare L. Heliotropium eul-opceun1 L.

Lithodora fruticosa (L.) Griseb.

BRASSILACEB (CRUCIFEFLE) Capsella bursapastoris L.

Cardaria draba (L.) Desv.

Carric?ztera arznua (L.) DC. Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC.

Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. Moricandia arvensis (L) DG. Nasturtium ofSicinale R. Br. Raphanus sativus L.

CACTACEB Opuntia ficusbarbarica Berger

Opuntia maxima Miller

Capparis spinosa L. CAPPARJDACEE

CAPlUFOLIACEA3 Lonicera biflora Desf. Loniceru etrusca Santi Lanicera implexa Ait.

Sa'nmbucus ebubs L. Sambucus nigm L.

Viburnrt~n tinus L.

borraja, lengua bovina, lengua de vaca, - lenguazas, morracias bifiebla, oreja de liebre, pulmonaria, - rifiella, viniebla bifiebla, lenguaza, rifiella -

lenguaza, viborera - girasol, mirasol, verrucaria, yerba - verruguera asperbn, chuparnieles, hierba de la - sangre, hierba de la sangre basta, hierba de las siete sangrias, salado, yerba de la sangre

bolsa de pastor, mata pan de pastor, - pan and quesillo, rabaniza, zurrbn de pastor floreta, hierba blanea, lobbn, lob6n de - noria, salsa cuchareta, guchareta, perbete, pinos - aliaria, hierba pajarera, oruga, oruga - borde amargo, oruga, oruga basta, rabaniza - collejbn - berros, la mata berro - r5bano -

chumbera, higuera chumba, pala, - palas, palera

palera -

tapenera -

madreselva madreselva madreselva

sabuco - sabuco, sabuquera, Sacco -

barbadija, durillo -

remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, tonic remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, dematologic sedative antipyretic, dematologic, ophthalnic, emmenagogue depurative, anti-inflarnmatory

haemostatic, depurative


dematologic vulnerary

diuretic, dermatologie, anthelmintic dermatologie antipyretic, vulnerary remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract

dematologic, remedy for relievimg of the high respiratory tract, digestive, antiseptic urinary tract, astringent, analgesic antiseptic urinay tract

dermatologie, vulnerary, antiseptic, anti-odontalgic

dematologic antitussive antitussive, diuretie, dermatologie, vulnerary anti-inflammatory, anti-infective diuretic, anti-inflamnatory, analgesie, laxative, ophthalmic, antihemorrhoidal. dematologic, vulnerary antipyretic, purgative, anthelmintic

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen &Ethopharmacologie et de la 11" Conférence internationale #Ethomedecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

CARYOPHYLLACEE Arenaria intricata Dufour Cerastium glomeratunz Thuill. Dianthus valentinus Willk. Herniariafruticosa L. Herniaria hirsuta L.

Paronychia argentea Lam.

Paronychia capitata (L.) Lam.

Paronychia suffruticosa (L ) DC.

Saponaria oflcinalis L. Spergularia rubra (L.) J. and C. Presl

Beta vulgaris L. subsp. cicla (L.) Arcangeli

Chenopodium apnbrosioides L.


Salsola genistoides Juss.

Salsola kali L. subsp. kali

Salsola kali L. subsp. ruthenica

Salsola vermiculata L.

Cistus albidus L.

(Iljin) So6


Cistus clusii Dunal

Cistus Iaurifolius L. Cistus nzonspeliensis L. Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Gand.

Helianthemum cinereum (Cav.)

Helianthemum marifolium (L.) Miller Helianthernum syriacum (Jacq.)

Helianthemum violaceum Pers.

subsp. ericoides

Pers. subsp. cinereum


flowers de pincho - oreja de r a t h - quebrantapiedras - quebrantapiedras, ruinas - hierba meona, meona, quebranta la - piedra, quebrantapiedras, riiionera, rompepiedras, yerba urinaria hierba la sangre, hierba de la plata, - hierba la Plata, quebrantapiedras, yerba de la plata flor de plata, hierba de la plata, mata - de Plata, orinaria, quebrantapiedras, sanguinaria, yerba de la plata hierba de la sangre, yerba la sangre -

jabonera, saponaria - arenaria roja -

acelgas, blea -

hierba de la té, planta del té, té borde -

bojas, bojantinas, escoba de la era, - escobilla, escobillas alicornios, barrilla borde, salicornios, - sanicornios, sarnicomio alicornio, meona, trotamundos -

carajillo, carambillo, Salado, sala0 -

estepa, estepa blanca, estopa, estrepa, - jara, jara blanca, jara estepa cabraullia, estepa, jabarzo, jaguarzo, - jara, juaglazo, juarzo, juagarzo, juagarzo fino, quebraolla, quebraollas, quiebraolla, quiebraollas, rompeollas, romero macho estepa, jara - jaguarzo, jara, juagarzo, juagarzo basto - hierba de la sangre, té moro, tomillo - morisco, tonnera ardivieja, ceje, ge del campo, je del - campo, seje, yerba de la ge ceje - matas blancas, té de campo -

té moro -

diuretic vulnerary lithotritic diuretic, antidiabetic diuretic and lithotritic

cholagogue, diuretic, lithotritic, anti-infective

cholagogue, dermatologic, anti-infective, lithotritic, diuretic, digestive, antihypertensive dermatologic, depurative, antitussive, tonic, antihypertensive vulnerary lithotritic

laxative, anti-inflammatory, sedative, and anti-anemic purgative, digestive, analgesic and sedative stomachic, appetizer

sedative, lithotritic, antidiabetic


dermatologic, astringent

antiseptic urinary tract

anti-odontalgic, ophthalmic, hair restorer, dermatologic, vulnerary

antihemorrhoidal vulnerary, oral antiseptic diuretic

vulnerary, hair restorer, stomachic, dermatologic vulnerary, dermatologic digestive, anti-inflammatory, dermatologic, vulnerary digestive

Actes du 2= Colloque Européen d’Ethnopharmacologie et de la 11“ Confirence internationale d’Ethnomkdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 m m 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Cornmon names Uses recorded Species

CLUSIACEB Hypericum ericoides L.

Hypericum pe$oratum L. var. angustifolium DC.

GOWOLVULACEE Convolvulus althœoides L.

Convolvulus arvensis L.


CORYLACEB Corinria myrtifolia L.

Corylus avellnna L.

CRASSULACEE Kalanchœ fedtschenlsoi Hamet

Sedum album L. Sedum sediforme (Jacq.) Pav.

and Penier

Sedum telephium L. Urnbilicus horizontalis Guss. Umbilicus rupestris (Salisb.) Dandy

Citmllus colocynthis (L.) Schrad. Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo Cucumis sativus L.


Cucurbita pepo L. Ecballium elnterium a.) A. Richard

CUSCUTACElE Cuscuta epithymum (L.) Murray


rirnica, h i c a fina, corazdn de piedra, coraz6n de la piedra, hierba de la piedra, pincelillo, pinillo de Oro, quebrantapiedras, rompepiedras corazoncillo, hierba de San Juh, hipérico, pericdn

campamilla, campanilla mayor, campanillera, correhuela, corrigiiela, corrigiiela basta, eorrigiiela borde, enredadera carrigiiela, chirrigiiela, corregiiela, correhuela, correhuela blanca, correvuela, corrigiiela, corrihuela, corrihuela fina, enredddera, tapaculos

reol, reor

avellano, avellanero, avellano fino, (fruits) avellana de fraile, avellana fina, avellana gruesa, avellana redonda

hoja de curalot6

uva de gato, uvicas de milano crespinillo, crespinillo de monte, erispillos, crispinillo, flor de lagarto, gurullera, pifiones, uiïa de gato, uiïa en gato, uiias de lobo, uva de milano, uva de pastor, uvicas de. milano curalotodo ombligo de Venus zumillo

tuera meldn cohombro, pepino

calabacines, calabaza combrillo, escombrillo, mata del pepinillo borde, pepinillo del diablo

azafrh borde, azafrAn del monte, azafranillo, cabellos de angel, manto de la virgen, pelillo

- vulnerary, stomachic, lithotritie, appetizer, depurative, cholagogue

- dermatologie, vulnerary, antiseptic

- laxative, mti-inflammatory, anti odontalgic, purgative, antiasthmatic

- laxative, anti-inflammatory, antio dontalgic, purgative, anti-asthmatic, antiseptic for urinary system

- abortifacient

- hair restorer

- dermatologie

- vulnerary - claimed to protect the liver, astringent,

vulnerary, antihemouhoidal, antiseptic of the urinary tract, dermatologie

- dermatologie - vulnerary, diuretie - purgative, dermatologie

- purgative - slimming - analgesic, dermatologic, stomachic,

astringent - anthelmintic - purgative

- tranquillizer, tonic for circulatory system, laxative, vulnerary

Actes du 2e Colloque Europ&en d'Ethnophannacologie et de la 1 le ConErence internationale d'Ethomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

Scirpus holoschœnus L.

Diospyros kaki L. fil.

Arbutus unedo L.



Arctostaphylos uvaursi (L.) Sprengel

Erica erigena R. Ross Erica nzultijlora L.

EUPHORBIACEE Euphorbia carthaginensis Porta et Rigo ex Willlc.

Euphorbia helioscopia L.

Euphorbia lagascLe Sprengel

Euphorbia serrata L.

Mercurialis tomentosa L.

Ricinus comrnunis L.

FAGACEE Quercus coccifera L.

Quercus faginea Lam. Quercus rotundifolia Lam.

FUMARLACEiE Fuinaria faurei (Pugsley) Lidén Fumaria parviflora Lam.

junco -

caqui, caquilero -

madroiiera, madroiiero, madroiio -

algalloba, arbuto, argallua, argayoba, - belluga, galloba, gayoba, gayua, gayuba, uva de oso, uvo de os0 brezo - brezo, pedorrera -

t6rtago -

chirrigüela borde, leche interna, leche - tierna, lechitema, rechigüela borde, rechilera borde, rechiruela borde, rechitierna chirrigiiela borde, flor de los amores, - leche interna, rechigüela borde, rechilera borde, rechiruela borde, rechitierna chirrigüela, flor de los aunores, leche - interna, lecheruela, lechetierna, lechinterna, lechiterna, mata lechera, rechigüela, recheruela, rechilera, rechiruela, rechiruela borde, rechitierna orejas de liebre, quebrantahuesos -

&bol del demonio, higuera del - demonio, ricino

carrasca, carrasca borde, coscoja, - chaparra, chaparro, chaparro borde, chapauva, matarmbia roble - bellotero, carrasca, chaparra, chaparra -



diuretic, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, laxative, antiseptic for urinary system lithotritic, diuretic, abortifacient, antiseptic for urinary system

astringent diuretic, galactogogue


haemostatic, vulnerary


haemostatic, vulnerary, dermatologic

claimed to protect the liver, laxative, anti-odontalgic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic purgative, laxative, appetizer

stomachic, dermatologic, claimed to protect the liver, antidiabetic

oral antiseptic, dermatologic astringent, dermatologic, depurative,

blanca, encina, matach, mataparda, vulnerary (fruits) abellota, bellotas, billota

cuello de paloma - dermatologic cilimonterra, gallinera, mata de los - dermatologic perros, muîiino, perejil de la reina, perijilera, zapaticos del Seiior

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d’Ethnophannacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d’Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cmt'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Species

Cornmon names Uses recorded

GENTWACEE Centauriurn quadrifoliurrl (L.) G. Lopez and Ch. Jarvis

Centauriurn rigualii Esteve Centauriurn spicaturn (L.) Fritsch

Pelargonium zonale Ait.

Globularia alypum L.



Globularia spinosa L. HIPPOCASTANACEW

Bscuhs lzippocastaanum L. IRIDACEE

Crocus safivus L. Iris albicans Lange Iris germnnica L.

JUGLANDACEE Juglans regia L.

JUNCACEE J ~ a ~ u s rnaritim,us Lam.

LAMIACEE (LABIATE) Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench. subsp.

rneridionalis (Nyman) P.W. Ball. Ajuga charrmpitys (L.) Schreber Ajugu iva (L.) Schreber Ballota hirsuta Benth.

Calamintha sylvatica Bronf. subsp. adscendens (Jordan) P.W Ball

Hyssopus ofzcirzalis L. subsp. aristatus (Godron) Briq.

Lamiurn arnplexicaule L.

Lavandula dentata L. Lavandula latifolia Medicus

centaura, hie1 de la tierra, hies de la tierra, sed de la tierra centaura centaura

gerheo, geranio

cebollana, coronilla de fraile, hierba sevillana, sevillana carrasquilla

castafio borde

azafrh, safrh, zafr6n lirio blanco lirio, lirio nazareno, lirios tempranos, nazareno, (rhizome) cebolla de lirio

nogal, noguera, (fruits) nueces


té de monte

pinillo iva m m b i o , ma~zrubillo, marrubillo, marrubio

calamento, poleo


pie de Cristo, pie1 de Cristo, zapaticos de la Virgen, zapatillicos de la Virgen, zapaticos del Sefior cantueso, espliego alhucema, espliego, espligo, pliego

- vulnerary, antipyretic, remedy for

- antipyretic - antipyretic

- dennatologic, laxative, sedative

- antipyretic, anti-infective, stomachic, laxative

- depurative

- analgesic, antihemorrhoidal

- abortifacient - undetermined medicinal use - antihemorrhoidal

common cold

- anti-odontalgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antiseptic for urinary system, vulnerary, antidiabetic, astringent, anti-anemic, anthelmintic, antihemorrhoidal

- astringent, hair restorer

- digestive

- diuretic, remedy for dropsy, antisppasmodic - vulnerary, analgesic - appetizer, depurative, stomachic,

antipyretic, dematologic, anti- inflammatory

- stomachic, expectorant, resolutive

- antiseptic of the high respiratory tract

- antisdontalgic

- antitussive - anthelmintic, stomachic. appetizer,

analgesic, digestive, depurative, diuretic, antitussive, antirheumatic, tranquillizer, remedy for high choles- terol levels, vulnerary

~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d'Ethnopharmacologie et de la 11' Conférence internationale d'Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

Lavandula multij?da L.

Lavandula stœchas L. subsp.

Majorana hortensis Moench. Marrubium alysson L.


Marrubium supinuln L. Mnrrubium vulgare L.

Melissa ofSicinalis L. subsp. ofSicinalis Mentha Zongifolia (L) Hudson Mentha x piperita L.

Mentha spicata L. subsp. glabrata (Lej. and Court.) Lebeau

Mentha suaveolens Ehrh.

Mentha x villosa Huds. nothosubsp. lamyi (Malinvaud) Lebeau (M. spicata subsp. glabrata x suaveolens)

Reicher var. latifolia Boiss. Micromeria grma (L.) Bentham ex

Ocimum basilicum L.

Origanum vulgnre L.

Phlomis crinita Cav.

Phlomis lychnitis L.

Phlomis pulpurea L. subsp. almeriensis

Rosmarinus ofSicinalis L. (Pau) Losa and Rivas Goday

alhucemilla, cantueso, espliego, - espliego de hoja fina cantueso, lavanda -

orégano - juanrubio, manrubio, marrubio, - marrubio blanco, marmbio borde, marmbio de flor rosa manrubio, manrubio blanco, marrubio - manrubio, manrubio de flor blanca, marmbio, pelusilla

melisa, toronjil hortelana, menta hierbabuena, menta

hierbabuena, hierba buena, menta

maestranzo, mastranzo, mastranzos, poleo menta, teronjina, tirujina, toronjina

aliibega, aliibega fina, albahaca, alhAbega, alhiivega, liibega orégaulo

barbas de pastor, mechera, oreja de liebre peluda, oreja de lob0 candilera, hierba tolciera, hierba torcida, hierba torciera, hierbatorcia, oreja de liebre, quebrantagüesos, quebrantahuesos, rab0 de perro, yerba de torcias, yerba tolciera, yerba torcia, yerba torciera oreja de liebre

romero, romero c o m ~ n

antipyretic, vermifuge

appetizer, laxative, peptic ulcer remedy, indigestion sedative, soporific, stomachic appetizer, diuretic, claimed to protect the liver, dermatologic, astringent

vulnerary antitussive, antipyretic, sedative, vulnerary, claimed to protect the liver, antipyretic anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, sedative stomachic, carminative digestive, stomachic, carminative, tonic, soporific, tranquillizer, anthelmintic anthelmintic, sedative, carminative, remedy for relieving of the high respi- tory tract, tranquillizer, sedative anti-odontalgic, stomachic

anti-inflammatory, stomachic


digestive, carminative, tranquillizer, mosquito repellent sedative, tranquillizer, soporific, antirheumatic, appetizer, antitussive, remedy for influenza, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract diuretic, haemostatic

vulnerary, antirheumatic, analgesic, litho!xitic, antihemorrhoidal, astringent, carminative, stomachic, digestive

diuretic, lithotritic

vulnerary, antianemic, depurative, antipyretic, digestive, tonificante, claimed to protect the liver, hypotensive, sedative, anti-odontalgic, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract,

Actes du 2e Colloque EuropCen #Ethopharmacologie et de la 1 le ConErence internationale d’Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMLY Species

Cornmorn marnes Uses recorded

Salvia fruticosa Miller Salvia lavanduli$olia. Vahl.

subsp. lavandulifolia

Salvin ofSicinalis L.

Salvia phlomoides Asso Snlvia vellerea Boiss.

Salvia verbenaca L.

Satureja intricata Lange subsp. gracilis (WillK.) Rivas Martinez in G. Lopez


canescens (Rouy) Rivas Martinez

Satureja obovata Lag. subsp.

Satureja obovata Lag. subsp.

Sideritis hirsuta L.

Sideritis ibanyezii Pau

Sideritis incana L. Sideritis leucantha subsp. bourgœana

(Boiss. and Reuter) Alcaraz et al.

Sideritis Ieucantha Cav. subsp. incana (WillK.) Malagarriga

sabia, salvia, salvia real, savia, savia real - alhucema, mariselva. mariserva. - marisierva, salvia

salvia -

rnal-0 - manisielva, mariselva, mariserva, - marisieIva, marisierva, salvia

cresta de gallo, gallocresta, pie de - Cristo, salvia, salvia de los prados

ajedrea, ajegrea, jegrea -

ajedrea, ajedrea fina, ajeglea, ajegrea, - gegrea, jegrea, olivardilla, zorija ajedrea, ajegrea, jedrea, jegrea, - olivardilla, saborija, saldorija, saurija, tomillo aceitunero, tomillo macho, zorija caiiamillo, manrubillo, ortiga blanca, - rabogato,

rabo de gato, rabogato, zagareiia -

rabogato - caiiamillo, rabogato, tomillo fino -

caiiamillo, rabo de gato, rabogato -

Sideritis leucantlza Cav. subsp. leucantlm rabogato -

hair restorer, antirheumatic, anti- inflammatory, tonic for circulatory system, analgesic, remedy for high cholesterol levels, appetizer, antitus- sive, remedy for influenza hypotensive, vult~erary, digestive, sedative depurative, stomaehic, remedy for relieving of the high rerpiratory tract, antirheumatic, appetizer. tonic soporific, diuretic, astringent, sedative, digestive, tonic for circulatory system, vulnerary, antihalitosic dermatologie, anti-infective dimtic, sedative, antiashatic, appehr, tranquiIlizer, antipyretic, antirheumatic, analgesic, remedy for relievimg of the high respiratory tract, stomachic antirheumatic. vulnerary, ophthalrmic, anti-odontalgic, hypotensive

appetizer. digestive, sedative, anti-odontalgic, astringent, carminative, stomachic, dermatologie digestive, stomackie, diuretic, appetizer, remedy for influenza claimed to protect the liver, digestive, antinfective, depurative

stomachic, diuretic, vulnerary. appetizer, digestive, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, appetizer, carminative anti-infective, laxative, stomachic, purgative, depurative, digestive, vulnerary, hypotensive, anti-inflam- matory, analgesic, dematologic, remedy for high cholesterol levels diuretic stonlachic, appetizer, anti-inflammatory, mherary, remedy for calcium deficiency, antiseptic urinary tract, antihemorrhoidal remedy for influenza, hypotensive, stomachic, carminative, peptic ulcer rernedy, vulnerary, appetizer, ophtkalmic stomachic, vulnerary, appetizer, carminative, antirheurnatic, remedy for high cholesterol levels, antidiabetic; veterinary emmenagogue

Actes du 2e Colloque EuropEen d'Ethnopharmacologie et de la 1 le Conftkence internationale d'Ethnomkdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont 'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Saecies

Sideritis marininorensis Ob6n and Rivera

Sideritis murgetana Obon and Rivera subsp. murgetana

Sideritis murgetana Ob6n and Rivera subsp. pauczjlora Ob6n and Rivera

Sideritis tragoriganuin Lag.

Stachys oficinalis (L.) Trevisan Teucrium capitatum L. subsp. gracillimum

Teucrium Ieonis Sennen

Teucriunt mnrcicum. Sennen

(Rouy) Valdés-Bermejo

subsp. nturcicum

Teucriunt pseudochamœpitys L.

Teucrium rotundifolium Schreber Teucriunz tvebbianunz Boiss. Thymbra capitata (L.) C'av.

ThYinus ericoides Rouy

Thymus funkii Cosson

Thymus hyemalis Lange

Thymus mnstichina L. subsp. mastichina

rabogato -

caiiamillo, manrubillo, rabogato -

rabogato -

rabogato, rab0 de gato de llano -

betonica, bretonica - boja, cantueso borde, mejorana, - zamarrilla zamarrilla -

mejorana -

digestive, depurative, purgative, antidiabetic, vulnerary, haemostatic, antihemorrhoidal, anti-infective, dermatologic, remedy for high . cholesterol levels, analgesic, antiseptic urinary tract, ophthalmic appetizer, stomachic, anti-acid, peptic ulcer remedy, carminative, depurative, vulnerary, hair restorer, cholagogue, anti-infective, antirheumatic, hypotensive, antidiabetic, tonic for circulatory system, purgative digestive, stomachic, appetizer, remedy for common cold, vulnerary, anti-infective peptic ulcer remedy, remedy for influenza, expectorant, slimming, depurative, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory antipyretic astringent, anti-infective, vulnerary

antipyretic, emmenagogue, stomachic, appetizer purgative, emmenagogue, digestive, depurative, tonic for circulatory system, appetizer

hie1 de la tierra, hierba de la cruz, - vulnerary, remedy for influenza, appetizer, mata de la grieta, pinillo, pinillo falso petronica real - orov5n - tomillo aceitunero, tomillo andaluz, - tomillo carrasqueiio tomillo fino, tomillo macho, tomillo - negro cantahueso, cantueso, cantueso blanco -

tomillo, tomillo de invierno, tomillo - macho, tomillo morado, tomillo moreno, tomillo rojo, tumillo

almoraduz, almoroje, escombrilla, - mejorana

analgesic, remedy for headache, stomachic antipyretic, astringent antipyretic antipyretic, vermifuge

remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, vulnerary remedy for calcium deficiency, stomachic, vulnerary digestive, stomachic, astringent, claimed to protect the liver, antitussive, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, antipyretic, abortifacient, hair restorer, appetizer, digestive, disinfectant, anti- anemic, anti-odontalgic, sedative, anti- inflammatory, dermatologic stomachic, digestive, anti-infective, analgesic, antirheumatic

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d'Ethnopharmacologie et de la Ile Conférence internationale d'Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Cornmon marnes Uses recorded Species

Thymus membranaceus Boiss.

Thyrnus moroderi Pau ex Martinez

Thymus piperella L.

Thymus vulgaris L.

Thymus zygis L. subsp. gracilis (Boiss.) Morales

LAURACEE Laurus nobilis L.

LEGUMINOSE Anthyllis cytisoides L.

Antlzyllis terniflora (Lag.) Pau Anthyllis vulneraria L. Ceratonia siliqua L.

Cicer nrietinum L. Colutea arborescens L. subsp. atlantica (Browicz) Ponerl

Coronilla juncea L. Coronilla minima L. subsp.

Dorycnium hirsutum (L.) Ser. Dorycnium pentaphyllum Scop.

clusii (Duf.) Murbeclc

Genista longipes Pau Genista murcica Gosson Genista scorpius L. Genista valentina Dufour Glycyrrhiza glabra L.

Lathyrus clymenum L. Lupinus albus L. Medicago nigra (L.) ICroclcer

cantahueso, cantueso, cantueso blanco. - mejorana, picos de pollo, tomillo macho

cantahueso, cantueso, cantueso - morado, tomillo colora0

peberella, pebrela, pebrella, pebrete, - pebreya, perbella, prebete tomillo, tomillo limonero, tomillo - macho, tunullo

risa de suegra, tomillo, tomillo blanco, - tomillo fino, tomillo picante, tomillo rojo, tomillo salsero, tumillo fino

laure1 -

albaida, albaira, arbaida, boja blanca, - mata blanca albaida, albaida fina - trebol de prado, vulneraria - algarrober, algarrobo, garrobo, - garrofera, garrofero, (tender fruit) ganofin, (ripe fruit) algarroba, garrofa cuco, garbanzos - espantalobos, espantazorras -

coronilla, floreta, retama - quebraollas -

hierba del pastor - boja blanca, caiiamillo, caramoncillo, - crujidera, crujiera, chirrera, crujiera fina, escobilla, escoboncillo, mijediega alagua, toliaga hembra - retama, retama basta - aliaga, aulaga - genista, retamol - palodulce, paloduz, regalicia, regaliz, - rogalicia

orova - altramuces, altramuz, tranuso - rompepiedras, tr6bol -

depurative, lithotritic, stomachic, mti-acid anti-odontalgic, digestive, remedy for influenza, antitussive, sedative and diuretic, remedy for calcium deficiency tonic, anti-acid, remedy for influenza, depurative, used in the treatment of drug addiction stomachic, peptic ulcer remedy

digestive, carminative, appetizer, remedy for influenza, vulnerary, strengthener, antirheumatic, sedative stomachic, antitussive, antiseptic

analgedc, remedy for relieving of the hi& respiratory tract, hairrestorer, stomachic, tonic, strengthener

stomachic, anti-asthmatic

remedy for influenza laxative, depurative, vulnerary antitussive, remedy for influenza, dematologic, laxative, remedy for warts

laxative, dermatologie, vulnerary purgative, sedative

cardiotonic, dematologic laxative

antihemorrhoidal antihemorrhoidal

stomachic anti-odontalgic, remedy for broken bones anti-odontalgic, appetizer, sedative anti-odontalgic, remedy for broken bones antitussive, antiasthmatic, peptic ulcer remedy, remedy for influenza, Iaxative, oral antiseptic anti-infective antidiabetic lithotritic

Actes du 2e Colloque EuropCen d'Ethnophmacologie et de la 1 le Confkrmce internationale d'Ethnorn6decine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Species

Common names Uses recorded

Medicago sativa L.

Phaseohs vulgaris L.

Psoralea bituminosa L. Retama sphœrocarpa L.

Trifolium fragiferum L. Trifolium pratense L. Vicia faba L.

LILIACELE' Allium cepa L.

Allium roseum L. Allium sativum L.

Asparagus acutifolius L.

Asparagus albus L.

Asparagus horridus L. Asphodelus cirerœ Sennen

Asphodelus fistulosus L. Asphodelus ramosus L.

(=A. cerasiferus Gay).

Lapiedra martinezii Lag. Lilium candidum L. (cultivated)

Ruscus acukatus L.

Smilax nspera L. Urginea maritima Baker

afalfa, alfalfa, alflafilla de monte, - mierga alubia, alubias, bachoca, bajocas, - habichuelas, judias, majocas, (tender fruit) grisuelos angelota, cejinegra, mata pestosa, rudon - retama -

trébol - berrillo, trébol - habas, (tender fruit) tabilla, (ripe seed) - michirbn. minchirbn

cebolla -

ajo, ajo porro, ajo rosa - ajo, (larger individuals selected for - production of plant) aja

espihago, espihago Silvestre, - espkago triguero, esparraguera. esparraguillo espihago, esparraguera, espanraguera - blanca esparraguera, esparraguera borde - cebollana, cebollana borde, cebolleta, - gamoncillo, gamones. jabonera, monecillo, tapaculos, varicas de San José, varita de San José cebollana, gambn, tapaculos - cebollana, cebollano, cebollinos, - cebollbn, gambonita, gambn, ganones, jabonera, jambn, vara de San José cebolla, cebolla de nardo - azucena, azucena blanca, vara de San - José bronco, brusco, jusbarda, rucus, rusco, - siempreverde zarza parrilla, zarzaparrilla - cebolla albarrana, cebolla borde, - cebollino del demonio

depurative, diuretic, tonic, arti-odontalgk, ophthalmic remedy for high cholesterol levels, antidiabetic

vulnerary dermatologic, emmenagogue, aborti- facient, antidiabetic anti-inflammatory laxative, anti-asthmatic vulnerary

dermatologic, digestive, tonic for circulatory system, remedy for influenza hypotensive, antidiabetic, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, slimming anti-inflammatory antirheumatic, tonic for circulatory system, for gout, depurative, digestive, anti- odontalgic, anthelmintic, remedy for influenza, dermatologic, hypotensive, antipyretic, depurative, astringent laxative


dermatologic dermatologic

astringent, dermatologic astringent, dermatologic, antihemorrhoidal, remedy for toothache

dermatologic vulnerary, dermatologic

vulnerary, dermatologic, emmenagogue, antipyretic, diuretic depurative, antidiabetic dermatologic

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen #Ethopharmacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale #Ethomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medieinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

LINACEB Linum s~~fiuticossz~rn L. subsp. jinzenezii (Pau) Rivas Goday and Rivas Martinez

Linum usitatissimum L.

Lythrum salicaria L.

Althœa hirsuta L.


. W V A C E B

Althœa oficinalis L.

Althea rosea (L.) Cav. Lavatera arborea L.

Lavatera cretica L.

Lavatera maritima Gouan Malva niceensis All.

Malva parviflora L.

Malva sylvestris L.

hie1 de la tierra

lino, linueso, linuezo



malvavisco, marvavisco, marvisco

malva real, malvarrosa malva, malva de arbolico, malva real, malvarisco, malvarrosa

malva, malva terrestre

malvarisco, marvio malvas

malva, malvas

malva, malva rastrera, marva

MOMGEL8 Ficzrs carica L. (traditional figuera, higuera

Morus alba L. morera cultivation)


- appetizer

- anti-inflammatory

- astringent

- dermatologie, laxative, antitussive, emmenagogue, sedative

- remedy for influenza, antitussive, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, laxative

- digestive, remedy for influenza, stomachic - remedy for influenza, purgative, remedy

for relieving of the hi& respiratory tract, stomachic, antitussive, anti-innammatory, dermatologie

- remedy for influenza, digestive, laxative, vulnerary, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, antitussive, anti-inflammatory

- remedy for influenza - remedy for influenza and common cold,

dermatologie, vulnerary - remedy for influenza, digestive,

laxative, vulnerary - antirheumatic, antitussive, stomachic,

remedy for influenza, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, laxative, sedative, tranquillizer, anti- inflammatory, vulnerary? dernlato- logic, antihemorroidal, antipyretic

- laxative, antitussive. digestive, stomachic, antidiabetic, dermatologie, vulnerary

- antiseptic urinary tract, abortifacient

Eucalyptus camaldulensis Denb. caliptro, calistro, eucalipto, eucaliptro, - antitussive, remedy for relieving of the eucaliptus, eucalisto, eucalistro, high respiratory tract, antipyretic ocalistro, ocaliptro, ucalihto

Eucalyptus globulus Labill e,ucalipto, ogalito - remedy for influenza, hair restorer, laxative, oral antiseptic, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract

respiratory tract Eucalyptus 1eucoxyIotz F. Mnell. eucalipto - remedy for relieving of the high

Myrtus cornmunis L. var. cotnmunis arraygn, rnirto, murta, murtera - emmenagogue, remedy for influenza

Actes du 2e Colloque EuropCen #Ethopharmacologie et de la 1 le Confikence internationale d’EthnomCdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cunt’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

OLEACEB Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl

Jasminum oJjcinale L.

Jasminum ofSicinale L. forma grandzjlorum (L.) Kobuski

Jasminum polyanthum Ranch. Olea europœa L. var. europœa

Olea europœa L. var. sylvestris (Miller) Brot.

OROBANCHACEB Cistanche phelypœa (L.) Coutinho

Orobanche crenata Forsk. Orobanche latisquama (Schl.)

Orobanche minor Sm.

Phœnix dactylifera (cultivated)

Argenzone mexicana L. Papaver hybridum L. Papaver rhœas L.

Benth. and Hook.



Papaver somniferum L.


PLANTAGINACEB Passifzora cœrulea L.

Plantago afra L Plantago albicans L.

Plantago coronopus L. Plantago lanceolata L.

POACEB (GRAMINFLE) Arundo donax L.

Avena barbata Pott. ex Link. Avena sterilis L.

freno, fresno, fresno comïin, fresno de la tierra jazm’n de flor blanca, jazm’n, jazminero jazminero

jazm’n de flor blanca olivera, olivo, (fruit) oliva

acebuche, acembuche, acimbuche, cembuche, olivera borde, olivo borde, zambuche

foll6n de lobo, jopos de zorra, mata pujera, pijo de lobo, pijolobo foll6n de lobo, pijo de lob0 pedo de lobo, pijo de lob0

pijo de lobo, rab0 de zorra, rabolobo

palmera, palmera datilera

cardo santo ababol valenciano, amapola ababaol, ababol, ababoles, amapolas, arabol, babaol

adonnideras, amapolas blancas, cascal, cascales, (bot6n floral) monja


zaragatona canilla, pelosilla, pelusilla, pelusillas, velosilla estrella de mar, estrellamar, rampete llantkn menor, Hantera

cafia, (inflorescence) jopo, (rhizome) raiz de cafia, (large reed) licera, lisera, (medium reed) bardiza avena borde avena, ballueca, bayo, cobula, cula

- diuretic, digestive, astringent,

- ophthalmic, antihalitosic anti-odontalgic

- ophthalmic, antihalitosie

- Ophthalmic - hypotensive, antidiabetic, antirheumatic,

depurative, anti-odontalgic, remedy for influenza, dermatologic, antihemorrhoidal, hair restorer, anti-inflammatory

- hypotensive, antirheumatic

- astringent, emmenagogue

- astringent - astringent

- astringent

- remedy for influenza

- purgative - dermatologic, anti-infective - soporific, antitussive, relieving of the

respiratory tract, ophthalmic, soporific, anti-inflammatory

- sedative, soporific, anti-infective, dermatologic

- antiallergic

- hair restorer - haemostatic. antitussive, astringent,

- diuretic, digestive, antihemorrhoidal - vulnerary, remedy for influenza,

antiseptic, anti-inflammatory


- analgesic, diuretic, antidiabetic

- laxative, refrigerant - diuretic

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d’Ethnophmacologie et de la 1 le ConfErence internationale d’Ethnomgdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Conr’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Cornmon marne5 Uses recorded Species

Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv. Bromus rigidus Roth. Bromus rubens L. Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.

Hordeum vulgare L.

Zmperata cylindrica (L.) Rauschel Oryza sativa L. Poa infirma Kunth. Saccharum oficinarum L. Secale cereale L. Stipa tenacissima L.

Triticum œstivum L. etnovar. “candeal“ Zea mays L.

Zea mays L. etnovar. “rojo”

Polygonum aviculare L. Polygonum egr4isetifomte L. Rumex crispus L.

Rumexpulcher L. POSDONIACEB

Posidolzia oceanica (L.) Delile PRJMULACEW

Coris monspeliensis L. subsp.

Coris monspeliensis subsp.



rivasiana (Esteve) Alcaraz and cols. PWCACEW

RAFFLESIACEB Punica granatm L.

Cytinus hypocisfis (L.) L.

Clematis flammula L. Helleborus fœtidus L.


R H M A C E B Rhamnus alateraus L.

lastbn, pasto - cola de caballo - cola de caballo, espiguilla. rompesacos - agrama, grama, grama de campo, - grama forastera, (rhizome) raiz de grama cebs6, cebada -

sisca -

bayo, hierba gallinera, pelote - eaiia de az~car, calla dulce - centeno - (whole plant) atocha, tocha, (leaves) - esparto, (inflorescence) raigbn, rig6n

trigo, trigo candeal - maiz, panizo, (stem ) arcazaba, (bracts) - perfolla, perifolla, (infrutescence) mazorca, panocha, (mis) zuro, (pistyl) pelo de panocha, (male inflorescence) copa panizo, panizo rojo -

hierba de la sangre, nudosa - nudosa, romanza, rompearados - mastramo. romanza, romanzas, - romaza, rumaza romanza, romanzas, romaza, rumaza -

algas -

bksamo -

bksamo3 periquillo -

arroz -

granado, granao, (fruit) grana -

colmenica, hierba la jara -

bigarrilla, jazminera borde, jazminon-0 - hierba llanera, hierba lobadea, - helkboro. pie de grifo

acebo, aladierno, mesto -

astringent diuretic diuretic antiseptic for urinary system, appetizer, diuretic, lithotritic, purgative

antiseptic of the high respiratory tract, digestive, sedative, astringent anti-inflammatory dermatologic purgative depurative and diuretic remedy for influenza emmenagogue, remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, astriagent, anti-odontalgic, abortifacient, sedative laxative, anti-inflammatory diuretic, antiseptic of urinary tract


diuretic, remedy for influenza diuretic, remedy for influenza diuretic, remedy for influenza, antitussive

dermatologic, antiseptic forurinary system



vulnerary, diuretic

vulnerary, dermatologie, anthelmintic


sedative, dermatologic, vulnerary antipyretic, antiparasitic


Actes du 2e Colloque Europeen d’Ethnopharmacologie et de la 1 le Confkrence internationale d’Elhnomkdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Suecies

ROSACEE Crategus azarolus L.

Cratagus monogyna Jacq. subsp. brevispina (G. Kunze) Franco

Cydonia oblonga Miller

Eryobotrya japonica (Thunb.)

Malus domestica Borkh.

Potentillapentaphylla L. Potentilla reptans L.

Prunus armeniaca Miller


Prunus avium L. Prunus domestica L. Prunus dulcis (Miller) D. A. Webb

Prunuspersica L.

Rosa canina L.

Rosa pouzinii Tratt. Rubus ulmifolius L. Sanguisorba minor Scop. subsp.

Sorbus dornestica L. magnolii (Spach) P. Cout.

RUBIACEB Galium aparine L. Galium fruticescens Cav. Galium verum Hudson

Citrus aurantium L. RUTACEE

Citrus bergam.ia Riss0 Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f.

Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.

acerolo, acerolero, cirolero, (fruit) cirola espino albar, espino blanco

membrillero, (fruit) membrilla, membrillo nisperero, nispero, nispolero

manzano, perero, peretero

tormentilla pie de Cristo

abercoquero, albaricoquero, albercoquero, albericoquero, (fruits) abercoques, abridores cerezo, picoter0 curuela (fruit), ciruelo almendro

malacatonero, melocotonero (fruits) malacatones, melocotones borracha, escaramujo, rosal silvestre, tapaculos borracha, rosal silvestre zarza, zarzamora hierba de Santa Teresa, solaexiste


amor de hortelano, lapa hierba de Oro hierba de Oro

naranjo amargo, pepitero, (flowers) azahar

bergamota, naranja borde limonero, (flowers) azahar


- anti-odontalgic

- sedative

- astringent, vulnerary, peptic ulcer

- remedy for influenza and common cold,

- antirheumatic, hypotensive, astringent,

- astringent, carminative, antihemorrhoidal - antihemorrhoidal, dermatologic,

anti-inflammatory - laxative, dermatologic


anti-inflammatory, vulnerary


- diuretic, ophthalmic diseases - laxative - analgesic, anti-odontalgic, purgative,

- laxative

- astringent, appetizer, digestive, stomachic, diuretic

- astringent - astringent, anti-odontalgic, vulnerary - cholagogue, diuretic, lithotritic

- laxative, antidiabetic, astringent,

digestive, refrigerant

antitussive, diuretic

- otitis - digestive, stomachic - digestive, stomachic

- tranquillizer, vulnerary, stomachic, digestive, sedative, relieving of the respiratory tract

- antidiabetic - digestive, stomachic, astringent,

antiemetic, vulnerary, dermatologic, analgesic, anti-odontalgic, remedy for influenza

- hypotensive, slimming

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d’Ethnophmacologie et de la Ile Conférence internationale d‘Etlmomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Comom names Uses recorded S'ecies

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeclc

Dictamnus hispanicus Webb

Ruta angustifolia L.

Ruta graveolens L.

SALICACEE Populus alba L. Salk pedicellata Desf.

SCROPHULARIACEb'E Digilalis obscura L.

Misopates orontium (L.) Rd . Verbascum pulverulentwn Vill.

Verbascum sinuaturn L.

Verbasclun thapsus L.

SOLANACEE Capsicum fiutescens L. Hyoscyamus albus L.

Lycium intricaturn L. Lycopersicum esculentum. Miller Nicotiana glauca W. @. Graham. Nicotiana tabaccwn L. Solanuwz melongena L. Solanum nigrum L. Solanurn tuberosum L. Withania frutescens (L. j Dunal

Tamarix africana Poiret Tamarix boveana Bunge Tamarix canariensis Willd.

Daphne gnidium L.

Daphne laureola L. subsp. latifolia (Cossonj Kvas Martinez

Thymeha hirsuta (L.) Endl.



naranjo, (flowers) azahar

camin real, tim6n real

rua, ruda, ruda borde

ruda, ruda generosa

Alamo, Alamo blanco, chopo blanco sauce

bruja, dedalera, corrigia, crujia

gordolobo, orejas de lobo, verbasco

gordolobo, verbasco

gordolobo, moiiigas de lobo, orejas de lobo, verbasco, verdolobo

guindillas, guindillas picantes beleiio, beleiio macho, meleiio, trepbn, - veleno cambronero, sala0 - tomatera, (seed) binza, (fruit) tomate - gandul - tabac0 - berengena - yerba mora - crilla, patatera, patata - aroval, emperador, orobal, oroval -

taray taray taray

matapollo, matapollos, torbisco, - torovisco, torvisco salabionda -

bolaga, boalgas, bojalaga, boleaga -

sedative, remedy for influenza. laxative, remedy for calcium deficiency, remedy for influenza antiprretic, anti-idlammatory, stomachic, digestive, appetizer sedative, analgesic, astringent, antirheumatic, vulnerary, ophthalmic, stomachic, digestive, dermatologie, emmenagogue, abortifacient. antihemorrhoidal sedative, antirheumatic, otitis, ernrnenagogue, antihemorrhoidal

vulnerary, antihemorrhoidal antipyretic

anti-odontalgic, vulnerary, anti-infective, tonic for circulatory system respiratory ailments anti-inflammatory. claimed to protect the liver, cholagogue anti-inflammatory, claimed to protect the liver, cholagogue anti-infianrnatory, claimed to protect the liver, cholagogue, laxative

remedy for influenza anti-odontalgic, vulnerary, antihemorrhoidal, sedative dermatologie diuretic, dermatologie dermatologie tranquillizer dermatologie dermatologie soporifie, dermatologic, ophthalmic antipyretic, vulnerary

dermatologie dermatologie dermatologie

dermatologie, astringent, sedative

purgative, abortifacient

anti-odontalgic, astringent

Actes du T Colloque E u r o e n d'Ethnopharmacologie et de la I l e Conférence internationale d'Ethnomkdecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont 'd) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

Thymealea tartonraira (L.) AU.

Tilia platyphyllos Scop.

Typha angustifolia L.

Celtis australis L.




UMBELLIFJXE Anethum graveolens L.

Apium graveolens L. (traditional cultivation)

Apium nodiflorunt L. Bupleurunzfruticosum L. Bupleurum rigidum L. Conium maculatum L. Eryngium campestre L.

Eryngium ilicifolium Lam.

Fœniculum vulgare Miller

Petroselinum crispum (Miller) Nyman (traditional cultivation)

Pimpinella anisum L. (cultivation plant)

Thapsia villosa L.

Parietaria judaica L. Urtica urens L.


VALERIANACEB Centranthus calcitrapa (L.) Dufresne


tilero, tilo, (medicinal plant) tila

puros de anea

alatonero, almecinero, aratonero, almez, laionero, latonero, lidonero, lionera, Win, lironero

eneldo, enerdo, neldo


apio borde adelfilla, clujia fina clujia basta, oreja de liebre cicuta cardiph, cardo corredor, cardoph, cardo penicardo, cardo Santo, cardo setero, panicardo mancaperros

ainojo, hinojera, hinojo, inoho, linojo


matalahuva, matalauva


caracolera hostiga, ortiga, ostiga


purgative, tonic for circulatory system

remedy for influenza, tonic, diuretic

mosquito repellent

haemostatic, astringent


diuretic, appetizer, antirheumatic, hypotensive, for gout, tonic for circulatory system, dermatologic anti-odontalgic anti-inflammatory anti-inflammatory vulnerary, anti-odontalgic, sedative vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipoison, dermatologic, diuretic

depurative, dermatologic, vulnerary, astringent, ophtalmic depurative, remedy for influenza, stomachic, digestive, appetizer, carmi- native, tranquillizer, slimming, anti- tussive, vulnerary, ophthalmic diseases carminative, antidiabetic, appetizer, diuretic, emmenagogue, haemostatic, vulnerary, analgesic, abortifacient, anti-odontalgic, hair restorer stomachic, digestive, relieving of the respiratory tracts depurative

antihemorrhoidal, diuretic, vulnerary tonic for circulatory system, remedy for influenza, hypotensive, remedy for high cholesterol levels, dermatologic, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, hair restorer, soporific, antihemorrhage, depurative, antiseptic for urinary system

hair restorer, antipyretic

Actes du 2e Colloque Europien d'Ethnophammologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d'Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 2 (Cont’d) Check-list of medicinal autoctonous and introduced plant species of the Murcia Wegion and their local indications

FAMIZY Species

C o m o n names Uses recorded

VERBENACEB Aloysia triphylylla (L‘Her.) Britt. hierha luisa - stomachic. purgative, digestive, sedative,

appetizer, emmenagogue, sedative, remedy for influenza

VITACEE Wtis berlandierii Planchon uva americana, vid silvestre - dermatologic, haemostatic Wtis vinifera L. p u a , vid, (dry fruits) pasas - dermatologic, haemostatic, hair restorer,

remedy for influenza, astringent ZYGOPHYLLACEE

Fagonia cretica L. mata quijalera - anti-odontalgic Peganum hamzala L. aljamega, catarrofic, catarrofin, - vulnerary, dermatologic, anti-

catarmcin, jamega, matarmfin in f lma to ry

Table 3 Check-list of exotic imported plants traditionally sold in the markets of the Murcia region and their local indications

FAMILTP Common names Uses recorded Species


DryopterisJilinnas (L.) Schott. helecho macho - taenif’uge

ANGIOSPEIbWIS ASTERACEE (COMPOSITE) Achillea millefolium L. miel en rama, milenrama - tonic for circulatory system

Actes du Colloque Emp6en d‘Ethnopharmacologie et de la Ile Confkrence internationale d’Etlmom6decine, Heidelherg, 24-27 mars 1993.


Table 3 (Cont’d) Check-list of exotic imported plants traditionally sold in the markets of the Murcia region and their local indications

FAMILY Common names Uses recorded Species

Arctium minus (Hill.) Bernh. lnula montana L. Solidago virgaurea L.

Betula pendula Roth CANNABINACEE

Humulus lupulus L. GENTIANACEg

Gentiana lutea L. ILIACEE

Ilicium verunt Hook. f.



Lavandula angustifolia Miller Mentha pulegium L.

Sideritis pusilla (Lge.) Pau

Cinnamomum zeylanicum Garc. LAURACEE

ex Blume

LEGUMINOSE Cassia senna L. Trigonella fœnumgrœcum L.

Peumus boldus Molina MONIMIACEE

MUSACEE Musa x cavendishii Lambert cv.

“Dwarf Cavendish”

Frainus excelsior L.

Piper nigrum L. POLYGONACEE

Rlzeum ofSicinale L. RHAMNACEE

Frangula alnus Miller

Wscum album L.




SCROPHULARIACEE Digitalis purpurea L.

Tilia x vulgaris Hayne

Curninum cvminum L.



bardana, lapa - &mica - caiïa de Oro, palito de Oro, vara de Oro -

abedul -

ldpulo -

genciana -

anis estrellado -

espliego, lavanda menta poleo, poleo

rab0 de gato de monte


sen alholva, fenogreco


plfitano -









depurative vulnerary, stomachic diuretic, claimed to protect the liver




carminative, digestive, appetizer, antispasmodic

analgesic digestive, tranquillizer, analgesic, stomachic, antirheumatic expectorant, depurative, vulnerary

remedy for relieving of the high respiratory tract, tonic for circulatory system, emmenagogue

laxative antianemic, dermatologic, antidiabetic

claimed to protect the liver, cholagogue, lithotritic


for gout


cholagogue and choleretic


antiseptic for urinary system, tonic for circulatory system

tonic for circulatory system, toxic

stomachic, sedative, tranquillizer

sedative, emmenagogue ~ ~~~

Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d’Ethnophannacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d’Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


otic plants, for instance an ordonance was issued for the use of a mixture made of gun powder, rosemary, thyrne and juniper to be bumt in houses for preventing eontagious diseases. Special rem- edies were sometimes provided to the Murcians by the royal Court of the Castille or Spain. This is the case of the Mandeval‘s Opiata, including quinine, which was released during the paludic epidemy of 1786 ( T O W S et al.. 1981). One of the statutary duties for the Royal Botanic Garden at Cartagena, founded by at the end of the xvmth century, was the inventory, collection and cultivation of Murcian medicinal plants (FElXRhJDIZ, 1990). The “polvos de las viborem” was a famous mixture involving Eryngium cainpesrre, Echium vulgare, Alysutn spinosuln and Calantintha ahcendens. This powder was a reputed rem- edy during the cholera epidemy of 1833. Also mint, juice of pin- yons and olive oil were used in the treatment of the cholera (TORRES et al., 1981; ALARCON, CUFBCA,AGUWRE and FOLGADO, 1834; Anonymous, 1834).

Local medicinal plants grow wild in the hins, plains and river bassins or are cultivated. Peasants collect themselves their me- dicinal plants but people of the larger tou7ns buy these very often in specialized market stores. Some vendors own perma- nent stalls in the Murcia City market places of Verhicas, San Lorenzo, etc. many herbalists called “yerberos” frequent the market places on particular days within the regional periodic market systems. Traditional herbalists of Fortuna town (E. of Murcia) have sold until recent times tfieir herbal prepara- tions visiting their customers at home (JIMÉNEZ and PE&UUP?JM, 1992: CA-LO, 1990).

PErnNCES ÀGUILA GUILLÉN M., 1988, Plantas medicinales de Sierra Espniia, Laboratorio de Etnobothica. Universidad de Murcia, 45 p. (InBd.). ALARC6N M., CUENCA V., AGUIRRE J., FOLGADO J., 1834, Avi- sos importantes que sobre la adulteracih de los polvos de las viboreras dan a las Juntas Provincial y Municipal de Sanidad de Mz~rcia, Murcia, Sebastih Hemhdez, 29 p. ALCAZAR M.D., GARCfA C., RIVERA D., OBdN C., 1990, Lesser- known herbal remedies as sold in the market at Murcia and Cartagena (Spain), Jozrnzal of Etlznopl~a~~acolog~~, 28,243-247. A L E M h F., 1987, El mal de ojo, historia, clinica y tratamiento, Ana- les de Medicina y Cirugin de Murcia, 107-136. ÀLVAREZ ROGEL J., ASENCIO MARThEZ A.D., S A E Z SOTO F., 1989, Phztas silvestres comestibles de Sierra Espzuïa. Laboratorio de Etnobotinica, Universidad de Murcia. 11 p. (Inkd.).

According to the Spanish Medicament Law (COBREROS, 1991), traditional herbs san be sold in the markets and herb stores, provided that these are toxicologically safe and no medical advice or therapeutic indications are given with the plant. Exotic medicinal species and their galenic presenta- tions have specific requirements, which are similar to mod- ern prescription or patent medieines. In fact this Law is mis-aplied since its promulgation day because the meaning of traditional herbs is not clearly defined in its pages, and no list of allowed taxa has been associated to the text. Tolerance is the attitude of medical authorities with respect to the market of exotic herbs but abuses are becoming a commonplace and presumably restrictive attitudes will be the consequence of repeated abuses. The whole medicinal flora is over four hundred taxa (Table 2) being about a 70% wild plants and a 30% cultivated. The ex- otic species traditionally sold in the markets for medieinal pur- poses (Table 3) are spices and herbs, their number is reduced when compared with the local resources. The more relevant plant families in number of local medicinal species are Lmniacece (Labiatce) and Asteracece (CompositE) (Table l), this reflects the high diversity of these families in the region. Dermatologies are the more frequent local indications for herbal remedies. immediately followed of vulnerary and diuretics. Other relevant uses because of being relatively frequent are stomachic, digestive, astringent, anti-infective, remedy for toothache and remedy for influenza. The plants are highly specific in the folk medicine, about 50% have only one indication and 80% less than four indications.

Anonymous, 1834, Metodo para 21sar la yerba Ilanzada nzastranzos en la enfennedad del cdlera morbo, Berruezo, Olihuela, 2 p. BARREDOA.,PÉFEZHER.NhEZF.,TOWROM.J., 1991, Us0 y conocimiento de las plantas medicinales en Yecla, Laboratorio de Etnobothica. Universidad de Murcia, 61 p. (Inkd.). CANO VELAZQUEZ J., 1990, Nombres vulgares y 11~0s de plantas (Javali). Laboratorio de Etnobotanica, Universidad de Murcia, 20 p. (Md.). CANOVAS F., MARThEZ M., PELEGRfW A., 1994, Estzrdio Etnobotdrzico de Santomera, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 50 p. (Md.). CARACENA J., 1988, Ettzobotddnica : Lus nombres populares de plan- tas nzedicinales, Laboratorio de Etnobotinica, Universidad de Murcia, 65 p. (In6d.). CARRILLO GONZALEZ J., 1990, Lusyerberos de Fortzn~a. Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 19 p. On6d.).

Actes du Colloque Européen d’Ethnophmacologie et de la Ile Conference internationale d’Ehom6decine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.


CARRTLLO A., MARm J., 1994, Estudio etnobotdnico de Cieza and conzarca, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 30 p. (Inéd.). COBREROS E., (Éd.), 1991, Leyde1 Medicamenfo, Madrid,Tecnos, 122p. DE ÀLVARO ROMERO T., 1989, Estudio Etnobotdnico de Mazarrdn, Laboratorio de Etnobotfinica, Universidad de Murcia, 54 p. (Inéd.). FERNANDEZ S h C K E Z J., 1993, Estudio etnobotdnico del municipio de Bullas y zonas prdximas, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 22 p. (Inéd.). FWGdNDIZ C., 1974, Medicina Popular en Cartagena, Cartagena, Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. 150 p. FERRhDIZ C., 1990, Real Jardh Botdnico de Cartagena, Cartagena, Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. 243 p. GARCfA AROCA P., 1992, Usos medicinales de lasplantas en Cieza. Laboratorio de EtnoboaniCa, Universidad de Murcia, 18 p. (Inéd.). G A I " BALLESTER L., 1984, Los Moriscos y la Medicina, Labor. Barcelona. 256 p. GARCfAFERNhEZ G., 1992,Aproxintacidn etnobotdnica alSector Norte del Mar Menol; Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 250 p. (Inéd.). GARCfA FERN-EZ J., 1993, Estudi0 ebzobot6nico de los cultivos de Cehegin, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 30p. (Inéd.). GARCfAPUJANTE C., ALCAZAR FERNhDEZ M.D., 1987, Plan- tas rnedicinales de los mercados y plazas de la Region de Murcia. ,

Laboratorio de Etnobotinica, Universidad de Murcia, 47 p. (Inéd.). GARCIARUIZ R., BOTIAS PELEGRfNM., 1987, Nombrespopulares y usos de las plantas en Javali and los Garres, Laboratorio de EtnobotilniCa, Universidad de Murcia, 29 p. (Md.). G6MEZ F.J., 1992, Vocabulario del Noroeste Murciano, Editora Regional de Murcia, Murcia, 456 p. GUIRAO S h C H E Z J., 1987, Nombres populares y algunos usos de las plantas de Puerto Luntbreras, Laboratorio de Etnobotinica, Universidad de Murcia, 54 p. (Md.). IB&TEZSANDOVALN.,BONMATfMONDEJARM.J., 1993,T?abajo etnobotdnico de Cieza, Laboratorio de EtnobothiCa, Universidad de Murcia, 70 p. (Inéd.). IBERN6N H E R N h E Z M., 1991, Us0 medicinal de las plantas en el término municipal de Cehegin, Alquipis 2, 16-20. JIMÉNEZ GONZALEZ E., Pefiaranda Mateu M.J., 1992, Trabajo etnobotdnico de la conzarca de Fortuna, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 31 p. (In6d.j. JIMÉNEZPIQUERAS A.I., 1991, Trabajo realizado sobre lasplantas de Jumilla, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 80 p. (Inéd.). LECLERC L., 1883, Traité des Simples par Ibn El Beithar, Tome 3,. Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de 1aBibliothkque Nationale, 26, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale,483 p. LOPEZ CANO B., 1994, Estudio etnobotdnico de Blanca y Lus Lomas, Laboratorio de Etnobotfinica, Universidad de Murcia, 27 p. (Inéd.). L6PEZ S h C H E Z E., 1984, Plantas medicinales, Sierra de Enmedio, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 34 p. (Md.). L6PEZ VERDO C., 1990, Trabajo de etnobotdnica sobre las gentes del campo de Molina de Segura, Laboratorio de Etnobotinica, Universidad de Murcia, 60 p. (Inéd.). MARThEZ ABELLAN S., LOPEZ LOPEZ P., 1990, Connotaciones culturales de las plantas tradicionabnente utilizadas en Cehegin, Laboratorio de Etnobothica, Universidad de Murcia, 125 p. (In6d.).

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Actes du 2e Colloque Européen d'Ethnophannacologie et de la 1 le Conférence internationale d'Ethnomédecine, Heidelberg, 24-27 mars 1993.
