017 Heat Engines


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  • 7/23/2019 017 Heat Engines


    Phys 160

    Thermodynamics and Statistical


    Lecture 17

    Heat Engines

  • 7/23/2019 017 Heat Engines


  • 7/23/2019 017 Heat Engines


    4.1 Heat Engines

    A heat engine is any device that absorbs heat

    and converts part of that energy into work. An

    important example is the steam turbine, used

    to generate electricity in most of today's

    power plants. The familiar internal combus-

    tion engine used in automobiles does not

    actually absorb heat, but we can pretend that

    the thermal energy comes from outside rather

    than inside and treat it, also, as a heat engine.

    Unfortunately, only part of the energy

    absorbed heat can be converted to work

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    by a heat engine. The reason is that the heat, as

    it flows in, brings along entropy, which must

    somehow be disposed of before the cycle canstart over. To get rid of the entropy, every heat

    engine must dump some waste heat into its

    environment.The work produced by the engineis the difference between the heat absorbed

    and the waste heat expelled.

    How much of the heat absorbed by an engine

    can be converted into work? Amazingly,

    we can say a great deal without knowing

    an thin about how the en ine actuall works.

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    The heat absorbed by the engine comes from

    a place called the hot reservoir, while the

    waste heat is dumped into the cold reservoir.The temperatures of these reservoirs, Thand Tc are assumed fixed. (In general, a reser-

    voir in thermodynamics is anything that's solarge that its temperature doesn't change

    noticeably when heat enters or leaves. For a

    steam engine, the hot reservoir is the placewhere the fuel is burned and the cold

    reservoir is the surrounding environment.)

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    the symbol Qh for the heat absorbed from the

    hot reservoir in some given time period, and

    Qc for the heat expelled to the cold reservoir.The net work done by the engine during this

    time will be W. All three of these symbols will

    represent positive quantities; in this chapterthe earlier sign conventions for heat and work

    is not used. The benefit of operating a heat

    engine is the work produced, W. The cost ofoperation is the heat absorbed, Qh. The

    efficiency of an engine, e, as the benefit/cost


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    For given values of Th and Tc, what is the

    maximum possible efficiency? To answer this

    question, all we need are the first and

    second laws of thermodynamics, plus the

    assumption that the engine operates in

    cycles, returning to its original state at the

    end of each cycle of operation.

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    The first law of thermodynamics tells us that

    energy is conserved. Since the state of the

    engine must be unchanged at the end of acycle, the energy it absorbs must be precisely

    equal to the energy it expels. In our notation,

    Thus the efficiency cannot be greater than 1,

    and can equal 1 only if Qc = 0.

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    To proceed further we must also invoke the

    second law, which tells us that the total entropy

    of the engine plus its surroundings can increasebut not decrease. Since the state of the engine

    must be unchanged at the end of a cycle, the

    entropy it expels must be at least as much asthe entropy it absorbs. (In this context, as

    in Section 3.2, I like to imagine entropy as a

    fluid that can be created but never destroyed.)Now the entropy extracted from the hot reser-

    voir is just Qh/Th, while the entropy expelled to

    the cold reservoir is Qc/Tc.

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    So the second law tells us

    In general, for the greatest maximum effici-

    ency, you should make the cold reservoir very

    cold, or the hot reservoir very hot, or both.The smaller the ratio Tc/Th, the more efficient

    your engine can be.

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    lt's easy to make an engine that's less efficient

    than the limit 1 - Tc/Th, simply by producing

    additional entropy during the operation.Then to dispose of this entropy you must dump

    extra heat into the cold reservoir, leaving less

    energy to convert to work. The most obviousway of producing new entropy is in the heat

    transfer processes themselves. For instance,

    when heat Qh leaves the hot reservoir, theentropy lost by that reservoir is Qh/Th; but if

    the engine temperature at this time is less than

    Th, then as the heat enters the engine its

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    associated entropy will be greater than Qh/Th.

    The first law : the efiiciency cant be greater than

    1 (You cant win). The efficiency e = 1 can not beachieved unless Th = and Tc = 0, impossible

    conditions. The second law: you cant even

    break even..

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    Problem 4.1. Recall Problem 1.34, which

    concerned an ideal diatomic gas taken around

    a rectangular cycle on a PV diagram.Supposenow that this system is used as a heat engine,

    to convert the heat added into mechanical

    work. (a) Evaluate the efficiency of this enginefor the case V2 = 3V1, P2 = 2P1.

    (b) Calculate the efficiency of an "ideal"

    engine operating between the sametemperature extremes.

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    How to make an engine that does achieve the

    maximum possible efficiency for a given Th

    and Tc ?Minimize the production of extra entropy

    during heat transfer itself.

    Every engine has a so-called "working sub-stance," which is the material that actually

    absorbs heat, expels waste heat, and does

    work. In many heat engines the workingsubstance is a gas. Imagine, then, that we first

    want the gas to absorb some heat Q h from the

    hot reservoir. In the rocess, the entro of the

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    Reservoir decreases by Qh/Th, while the

    entropy of the gas increases by Qh/Tgas. To

    avoid making any new entropy, we would needto make Tgas = T. This isn't quite possible,

    because heat won't flow between objects at

    the same temperature. So let's make Tgas justslightly less than T , and keep the gas at this

    temperature (by letting it expand) as it absorbs

    the heat. This step of the cycle, then, requiresthat the gas expand isothermally.


    l l d h f h l h

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    Similarly, during the portion of the cycle when

    the gas is dumping the waste heat into the cold

    reservoir, we want its temperature to be onlyinfinitesimally greater than T, to avoid creating

    any new entropy. And as the heat leaves the

    gas, we need to compress it isothermally tokeep it at this temperature. So we have an

    isothermal expansion at a temperature just less

    than T h, and an isothermal compression at atemperature just greater than Tc. The only

    remaining question is how we get the gas from

    one temperature to the other and back.

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    We don't want any heat to flow in or out when

    the gas is at intermediate temperatures, so

    these intermediate steps must be adiabatic. Theentire cycle consists of four steps; isothermal

    expansion at Th, Adiabatic expansion from Th to

    Tc, isothermal compression at Tc, and adiabaticcompression from Tc back up to Th. The

    theoretical importance of this cycle was first

    pointed out by Sadi Carnot in 1824, so the cycleis now known as the Carnot cycle.

    i ibl di l f h

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    It is possible to prove directly, from the

    formulas for isothermal and adiabatic

    processes, that an ideal gas taken around aCarnot cycle realizes the maximum possible

    efficiency 1 - Tc/Th. As long as we know that no

    new entropy was created during the cycle, thestrict equality must hold in equation 4.4, and

    therefore the efficiency must be the maximum

    allowed by equation 4.5. This conclusion holdseven if the gas isn't ideal, and, for that matter,

    even if the working substance isn't a gas at al

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    Although a Carnot cycle is very efficient, it's

    also horribly impractical. The heat flows so

    slowly during the isothermal steps that it takesforever to get a significant amount of work out

    of the engine. So don't bother installing a

    Carnot engine in your car; while it wouldincrease your gas mileage, you'd be passed on

    the highway by pedestrians.

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    Problem 4.6. To get more than an infinitesimal

    amount of work out of a Carnot engine, we wouldhave to keep the temperature of its working

    substance below that of the hot reser-voir and above

    that of the cold reservoir by non-infinitesimal

    amounts. Consider, then, a Carnot cycle in which the

    working substance is at temperature Thw as it

    absorbs heat from the hot reservoir, and at

    temperature Tcw as it expels heat to the coldreservoir. Under most circumstances the rates of heat

    transfer will be directly proportional to the temp-

    erature differences:

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    Assume here for simplicity that the constants

    of proportionality (K) are the same for both of

    these processes. Let us also assume that bothprocesses take the same amount of time, so

    the t's are the same in both of these

    equations. *(a) Assuming that no new entropy is created

    during the cycle except during the two heat

    transfer processes, derive an equation thatrelates the four temperatures Th, T c, Thw, and


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    (b) Assuming that the time required for the

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    (b) Assuming that the time required for the

    two adiabatic steps is negligible, write down an

    expression for the power (work per unit time)

    output of this engine. Use the first and second

    laws to write the power entirely in terms of the

    four temperatures (and the constant K), theneliminate Tcw using the result of part (a).

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