05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    . : ql t : t L - r r t t - ^ r l! . J ! , r ! r r r ! . . - L r : l : l i o r r ?.

    I do not taLl : , l t rout merr t onC ir leohol , Then -f ta l& sbout lbeur' i t ' icut. ion. ! 5,e"_ei:-r ; i i i iuggg rru_,"eas-pri irryrnsbc-ceuge-everyone elieves he has u*et,"pirrr i ieo uecaui*- i iruy bavebeen reed!:. ; .ooks fo r vea rs ' n t " l -a ; ; ; ' ; ; ; ncan pu r i f l ca t l on , . non aFe ;sop re , ,unlf l ed becarrse hey rrav*-t , .* i"T,". :?t!_I i; ; - ;- ; ; ;chologist, -vr: itr . , il 'eachep' o! ' c i ;ss l "o l t - - - - iJ""ot -oeccuse thc l , !ae. ter . , p?r, i r icd t t r r , . -vouale purif t*d1 . orrre!.p."pre,1Hii l- iLJ"r]oi lE:rroc:npurif i=c iecause hey have -rorrcier- ir l ' i i- r irrr or thit r lne for years. Iyou con.be pu"ii l .e - in'Jusr one-. i i" ; ; ; ; . r t r .ei:es nJ..rr ine Eecond o purlfy i.o"". niJt""ui " i l l i--"r i ! . - i ir"h1c fcr.ce;rusr Io.ne hrough Jou; :ty; ,rr'si-'r,.ir.i"" thet in or.ei,"ro be Funjfleo- ,sia irugtbe a channel. . ! . , , lrsnoi-"r. j" " i"" i i ioi" i t , . . . - t irennc+!ter is. IiHJi"'i lff:3'l;:'il"l{;:";;i ii'""u i"';i;;#i. "" ,r*doncrrave-i"

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso



    i]:.:i{Wzr4'; CCf.:.n!{D\nf GIr/EII 3f fliE li\sT.fi O.s 1lin I|ISSION - tli. S. tL Dg tA ]i?--:IiJ,'S'. t at conclrrclor of a on(rct p)e.;r ontllle;l rrllio Clzt-\{t t'ittc}r rl, p:orlrtod a'. ?hc'i g'rsr-ntlo S:ctor of thc UIII?;'-aIS\LOifiT rliiofil;i!:CnD'. ;! - . . + - - , - al?le Glocko carri-ss wlt,h ltr irfertf,o e deop s.-rddb:J. si.g:rlflcaaca rcg:xi1:;' tho optr'lt 1u dlficrcnt.phesec of ;:sulfcstrtlo: ot pro:rcss, airi t:.o bt.:r-pretotlon of thls ple.;r teeis of. cotrs,r tdth th.i 1:::1r1,i;:1 aecoi:Jl:'1 ?,o iJ3or hor rlcolrlro of porcopt.lon. tto cau onl..i xz7 ]rclo +-i.rt l;o uol.? po-li;--cdto rd.taoas an obJcc'u ]ogsou rcaarrlhg.'r.l'rc bigc:tc.rco rer:slrlld attacj.ro :c l'j;apsrrcralttyx (tho clek) alri not i:lt t:uo seJ..f, vi9h tls ccnle;ue:t cs::fl'-:tsoclf lrposscl. tta apprcclate a:ti qTnluthlsc:f,i!: tbo sqtho:ro r:d thc ar.l,s:srvork In euslstlrlq vlth ths re-ctlrertlon of llr=;r1'..7, b.: tl.;rt ^vholr :ot;.in :r

    . otl:orv,l.oe, beoeusr utr leel tlnt i;hq plny 1r lu ltssff r, 'foEscn..Siudznt of tlc 1r..i.5.

    lho llestorls Corrurntar:r:. I ucnt flrot to colgrctr.l:ie tlrs nrtl=tg. I tldnk tro;r bara trtor;.reicd 'ianot ol.ly tho piay, but a!-co a Frt of a splrli.#-r-1- j.ti.rl fcr pcsalbl7 rallJo::c oi;oo;i:'I rrnn lyy thst tlgt r.'lllj-on! of PooFlo i'orct'c)7 tai'c d-:li: :.,r.al-. 1'.\o stclr 1ir';:splay doosn:t uora tliat f-t is a corccp'clo:r e. f tlro Ut-i:::sr!. tl:lr:,i .*et!c:'l'rcC. i .lci'--ue.Lo q cc:*entaqr tf it j.s ilF tf 1t 1o ::ct, bcc*ruga ! rc.riJ.t7 tho Enlsar$ll $r..-:Bro'"herhcc

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    | ' t


    l---"--;;;;;"i,ffi lii;;;;.;;ft;;;"-[":*Til.gf li*"n:*;il r^ ^1! +-ba rovg- 'Lrt f" 'or- i 'o :arst havo pcaco:!n o ' l rso l 'Yol ep 1 tJn.at l r l ue E lryes---- iii"";i-t"y to uolorotan'toru" ol]ou *t',..*.,-.4_a4r-rn-F-...-.--..-;:.---*--'.-.--:-.-.'1'l-**.:-::;:;:;. {der;.co. r)lrtJ,crjj.sa.

    TII;jiJILrrr?85: agela tbero aro the two categorlos' P'"oi]1.}'ht barc folLarcri : 1l:" crx{*rr*{^ir r^^^f.:tinr tr6 scEs coforronjal. fnq/ erO vci:u' grc-'d-to Lclcr'J-to^t:::=.:?:::;,

    ;;;*--j'--';;';;; ;;t;;;; "iii*tul ' ^ l+i:;'l'""r:a' ldeeilco' rr:r!1*'ge'(E'l pplrltluq) aid iio-!!itrotrl.l.r-45. nlch fc{i uiti:-aro dtildal Lqto tuo !t?J:;ti:ct'UIf;JSEIU$:I*s-t$-r ouo aopocttf tirt-]l]c ls tho aetholgt' - Thgeo

    p4oP'10ra e;r'1'nr)''nt l tho rc1lcJ-6r4.o"ioi[i, angtnst.un,oi,ii'*.-- !i.$1-ilo;';atit lcdut

    qt.lrrt*:3iifi,";t.il-or.,,i'ia;iG-a;at'^lT:,:':.; :-{r:t#r'1fr3r_*"-t?-.{.:...=*.?.er,..1:1.:thcr tlraro avo t'oc rc.1l l:a'r,crr':ur-"t1.]..ii::iiliilf=aa+;".r;i-'ini;l'a $c v:;r,i ^ths se1$tlffc prS-nciirta. Or' co'.tr:je n"riiotrio'ii;t i:oi{ its'rttcrrcc'troo?la eic it ;c.el' tso obalJ cct.rrii;;"-. -irrioo ;"" i:,]"iil;i"-;;:-T1t tlinoolros ;ccn"l11rt t

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    [[gterf.f',coiilloltt^g/ fo]J.ot y-SJi],g3.T- -' hgo 3'anl Etadl . Ilhoro dooo good bcgln ard rrirore dooo bed Faf"1i;-;.fi* aoother, nrd it lg uoi fo! us to rrke thc Jud3nout.

    F o r r y s g ' I i . l t I b a v o o c o n c o p t l o n , I J u s t * y _ t l * t l ' n l l l e t h e r c l a a l b o t n D d laou'fJu.sp.te,::!-teil^-".e9ts!.pe?s-F."Ie:---.1,ifl-e-.q:.1-1,-:f".1+j-ii$iri*l*i * lT' i;lt=iaii;' ei + "om''6*r;troii,'.ai;1+-*i'l ;qigi it = li -.splrttrBl Lntors. =t-l.rg,fi'iiiit-iiili;:Ii.t to--t':irt :*a gorfi.cP5fr-,i '.-.'l-l c-::r f

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    Itor.dcl, ts*( ,Iryr*t :zLt*sr-.JS-;:S-c.__s_jE.

    _;-' - .r1t _ tt * I '-1,-


    fC U;TU;n,rT!; I{


    I lr,t1i ofI l;ri,-l ct ih the .\a tij.'r I r.,orl t .t ! : : ( ! i ' t : . . , ; . . - l ! , r r lr i .c i , : Ii i . l cs i " i t ' . xc r t :e .

    "; !- '.':r'Lr i e i ! : 1 . . :'I:rji Ujy y i jtS..iL Gv.ii C Iui.! ii r,_:: .


    rU+t{+i;r:i:\-!'-.=q++J___q$vT[E{Li!i.:4.A1.a1,i=,,.. :ri=JJ-":l!_:_f l.ir i i: S,i3 lJ . .

    Yoga t *e a eonU lna t l o r c f t ! : e d1 l fe rc l t : r . c t -hc i l s o ) * re i l l s s t . - : r .l e ta j . e fou t o i l ne ip l e ne t i roa=-c r : ' ea l l s i r i i i t i " a " i o * . : 1 : r { t o : l : e l ; pc . , * . - -=tc : :derc3 ; : : rC thg Clrrr ; : lc ter : thr : i ; :e :1.a. . : r r ;;o fo l lor ie i . . ' ,d thesC iC: : : : : ih := !. of curu- : . ' : , ;e{e sf 31. i l re l f sr , ; i i - . i i r l1s1c:rs . , . i , ; - i ; . : i r . k1i - , t ioof yc-_e . : : : _Ii i ;gr'i i .A:I!9.ti l iatlu yc:IE :ireins eicr4:eiic y.r.i , lr

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso



    \- l\ -:I\ . I

    \"*"** ,t'.','.-t ;'-'-.*,".'i.'o'"t&*ii'r'drr'il'-'r':':"'.oi?i1;:'nd ' ' '' *' ' .,i")lt r l, ( 1 r/L r/. llLr/

    uN v,,hs..rl .qi.Lc4.-{--ilnu^r.."iir'9:jg: [lIt"g,.1tii Lrls.luti--.?llti' i .-L;!CI: I,l:s.jo;L_I. t cl_l-. Ilt4 ) RlJA-YcG.l : . Ro'Js-Toes s rcal l i r - the X1n6 of -bheYogas' . n In( l a l l1T,6Toi{--rt-uJa g the tt.}Ie 5lrcn a pi.rnce. itn.lrr-ioxo n6"nc the suDr_in-: [ l. fo i" . . th is super. i .or i !- .a"of ' {o,fe ls r ient-cl r_bu_! n real l ty 1s ia only t IilrrLi U $top rlij'/NlE:rr,tj,rlO;rcrnnT?r.;jifJoj;0AJA-YLCII{.

    l;l;:. ilA RaJa*Yogln ls a rqn rr l ro 1s no lcnser. .11mttc0 by.h1s- thouShtl s no io r rg i r . : . rn r tea b; r a concep t o f h i r i r se l J " . Eo r h lm the re 1s rnyou '91 . l ; r re , ' . i . c i g l t c , i u .Yos fn t i i c l : : . es t t o guch . : ross lb i l : . t y c f 1 :a i lor , . . . { I taJa-Yogi - l res cr : -oer. intn ' ;c i l .y i l ;h a l l the other- d l f ferent t Itreti,.ofls of Ioga und li u :l\3 Dlgol,;E Lrl i l '. ', '1Tlr. \I,L'YOGA. lfe porfcc'u Ff

    t t a tho -yoga , h1s As 'nsg , l r l s d l so j . o l l i r c o f b roa th l t rS , h1s rncd t te t l on : -h l " t l;ffi":l'lll"l;"ni;iliil:tii,,l"!,i,"il'iLllrlli.T":';:',',linoiil"'li"l"lof iaai la, I Ie lntegrates b. f s topr ln i ; t l :e ur lnc l l io more neutal sct l \ ' ] iy ' Lire'"%l,ill'ii',;.t#:*i',,:'"rijil'i,1i''i',i"rl'l3o}';i[-i.Ii'if,i'ri*,,. ll" * } y , T , : : s e f o u r k l n d g o l T o S a , t h e s e 4 t r a y s o f r e a l l g s t l o n a r l n r c a l l t ; r l l' rJsya-yG..l, ls ilre Ju?[i?.iori ,JCtj,..y$of ilt.tt!-:!.-y.-3;..-- rl8L.rr|-Y0li:l is t'ire SUIU:ilO:-t CC'i'iV.bicf l:1,)iTlI*Y(PA. llt*u,,,^-,ilo:'-ili:i'lIH:;";::H;"il:.;":l:i:*?io"?.li;ntl""l:"=l;i;",lotaYo a'aya-Yoga) , and. ihe Nc*rtj.we. l, l l{f l ' l ' .-YC'3il rrhlch 1s sr5J.e:t:.vc, [lf eraln!,rq (rith '1 te superlcr cctp-.c Ba rr {olga } . . ' jc j io:r gse :.: - lra'rs tr l lrea! . ! , ty o: t l . t ih t i ra-1og:a *nd l 'a l1. i le-To5: , : ,u,n i . l f z; Cb dcepci ; ;c f1: rc j . nerc l lis oniy cr ie s.vstcn oi Yo6a i ' ;htch.Le i ;sc?ra-Tbia. Thls ve scc c leer iy l rbcc r .use Ln eech ne i ;hod ,o f yoga ve arv . ,a ; r s ta i t r l t h gcne

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    r. i ltelir'lX f- SAGI: 1:. For that renoon vrhen n. J the r. ro4d ryogq, ' 1t 1g not conplete.. Y o g e l g t h o t t o r . . r l i , r e . u s a - r v h e n v g s t o r t t o e x p l : r l n a n r l l f u e l n c . u l S e

    !r too nuctr ox.uroi.l [; i i 'ucgur to te a iloctrlns -and.we have'rfo61Ynn

    glv lng r l ,s orrc '1srni -*""o, r i " r r r " i " " Iu-voo-no"c "nuaai rrsm' ' ' tghr ls t1an1!m"i sp l r l t l s t ' r o t c . . . o t c 'I.!re Beal rvord' lt c heYo t:-P.to 1; r Y U G' - -Yux 1o a root 1n thesanslo. l t rsr .cuasu"f ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; r - i lu : i ' rCrc, r t lo i l , but l ined' laterv wc 61ve a

    $ay on thls ioc: l r r i i ln t ior i , - i tr " ; ; ; ; t ' ; ld 'e; ' t l f ls ; l ton - ' l - t - '1s ' a rnethod'

    ;"d.. i i ; - .1t. . lq.I .q4, but ro6a- s the svstenTug ro ttrc o'o"'o uo;C', Ioga 1c the word of the narl'TUG to !e ldentlflcd' Yrlth c'ror:/ihlag' an4' uothlng'E l h e n l . o s s a Y o g a r . ; e h ' z a t ' c g l v e a n o t h e r c ] . e r l f l c g t l o n . w e h s v et o g a y v l t o t k l n d . - o i " Y o g i a n s . t h e n t i r e i c l s n c n o t e . l d ' e u t l f 1 c a ^ . 1 o n . I tl s ld .cn t l ! l ca t lon ln " t "ie t tsomet l rn i ' - ' i t ' i " "g l t l cnovr led 'se l th rowht l c i c lLeo-tr .u l l ty, through phvs!cnl " i t l : :"^i3 - ; i ' ; ; ; i l "on'" i i r ts '

    But r^I1ke tocooo bac! end ttro ' i is mv oto'o ' ' " l i t ;" ; ; ; ; ; t ut" ' icci ' i iue l tserf

    ' rwant to t,-y,o -,.:l ir"-u".rrpp""""rorr"lrl-i l"-a1rrereirt

    l;lnd's o! Yogn and toconi Daok ori ttre-ilri ""Lr.e or yi'g - the great--con1n's

    bsck on 'thoBrvetlclgn of Tugr, to

    subllrrLrt"_ooiy=tt,"-i iol or,l1.t anrl try to' :e'ko asinthosle of t l r* ' "yJt l i i " "-" f - f .1*. fheee ^yet ' t t i " i - ' ' "s-oter lc

    terrchln 'gEirst be undcrstood'-by lcartrlng' '^";i ""it-;v piattr'l l l i "

    ' : ':t ' ts thro:5hDoit l tatton "" "oJirou also the "" l i " i i l ' to" l t"" i

    t t rc:oea' but l t 1s o:: Ivw h c n $ g 8 1 6 T a g ! + , h e I l r a l t a t l o n o f Y o ; , e t h a t i i o c E t l o v c r l o o k t h e e s o t o r l cI ca rn lng . , t cs l' Soroepeoplo dci l lc tbe 'Toge '1ust for ' thc boncl l t of the phys. o*orc lge, an4 I broiv thero r"u. "J iu" ioopro aornr-a l ' ' " "1 l -Yof is

    ln 'a s:ntgr1nlr {$ i r . I ,or lnot f ; ; ' rn- ina: .a t t " i *"o i l . ; - i " t -o i " fanat lcs lndulg ie6

    1ne dcyot lonai . \?o.yr eac} l f lc rng tnels i i ' t : " . G

    'or4ct io obtaln the be:ref tof so:neth1ns. trut tn " +9l"lf i : l i";:;:; ;; r 'oqn 'ig e ztest ic,}-ct1c1eD'

    '{-tm8ns l . t nus t .bc acne ry l i h i ro t "o * " i i . c i ue r i c t r t f o r ee l f , and

    l r dcnoto 6ro:: try "o*o-niit ir" i poit ' "r" i i i" ' : "ea lt

    la nob tsi:al

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    A i U (I,tt j. I :_g.l!tr--:_!_qil!i__t ^{}-i'q!.. rB:LlK'rl-r.n;! n ,-LEiid,r1. - ?.\GE.ot a Ooctrlnc I ryould llke th6t l.rc stoo l i0'.f .. I nl l l 4lve you thodl f f crent thcor lea i )sr to ln lng to ihe dl f ferent netho4g. but v ;e r .n: r ta lvays t ry to come brck on the ldee of YLIG l t l r no norc

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    Igtd.u:L.2Jth.. . '.u.q'.tst, 1i?I'jlLt!8I.I L.-c H$l_j_iN ot t iti ll.l.,DJ.y9., f i i t l1. i l : - : : ;Sful= ."Bi';!itI-YuCAtr J&s-g!:l-Ls,nd ets you'see thc l161ti t t you open your eycg.

    A Guru t$ noi a man r.'ho forces ('T thDcaca hl:self oa yot. )-g1t'r ,ys!_choos9. ycur Col .g. . I {ever ihe SrJ] . .u hooecsr thg aisc la le.' Ihe c levot lonnl part ln Yoge ls very lmpcr ianr, . I t 1g not c 'relt4l lous ldea, The lieslern '. 'roi ld ls nfrali l of rci16:1ou3 systt:::s. ltg1caa ' r tq -q tar r l n r loq* .q hr , th r r f t - - } :1e l r b r lnc 1 . t - ln '? ' - : r .n : { lnG. E t t t l : cvCEiS : lso o 'i lsnsranfl prlosts, bo',h 9f l.-l : lch $r1ng-!$r1'.r. ';!. lnS. Eu t rcYclic:aoss noE-niii i:oils:i.oi. - rt roel_is niit,r615-.lfr. ic!'ln:..li;{1:!:9.^o6s n6T-nEcii :oiis:'.oi.---;{ ioei is ndt rdl:-sfrffiict'to- o:' ;s's^.!'c.n-ioci is-i-iJur-v[5-niricr D.?s+.c!.sc'rss.Lc;ror nl ' aciri-!-Bl!] :L1-:t agrl--:st sttch 3h1:*:z :s. ir lnri iq nn sra;r: -o-tl.f, i:

    3^;C q .-

    'iho '1.'.:t, . $.:.-:-o' i Pq3u.5hr- a:lC

    God. S:l ir-l . i or l{inCr. To- + +Lc';l'rccn Jne lel.relon Anc.A rea.I Yor,L ts a h:lenceilt o o n u c h , e t c . . . ' .Uc n1rst ir:ks dlsclPllncsto LO :,'cors. at i tls f crol ve ::ecC.nens 1i r O:u::'$i':COi"D. Ihe'rat'Or,i'iy gorug ^"lrrougit c4,eriei..r:er QllD

    i:G ft .is e 3r.a;:;1ggg,,lf,nre.!.s,no.loti::.!=':",; Ji,ll" .- " ietfitffi ' oil j i' !"J-t s-!.a-.iri:.ro i .:nil , riho i'.ts bttt i:ot 'cco:-:Bohl sloe;s b':t ce?of cour$e durln8 pe:loC,s of -fral IC ;'i^'iui'e=-. iunt-i ieCtior.-:. i trir e:rocrlonc'? - t n3'b':?'' i)-:tr-o::e-cen tgl]. ltcr.:' -c,-ig 3'-t r;1.L1 t's.:i'beco=cr a. rcaf t 'c:i.

    .In India they takc -fi',$fl Eolc cardously ?!tul ";O l^Al'c dons, t::ers:'orethelr t-.dsb.xkes eTo u;.i.;.,or.r:..._o;r:rln cust*, {io 1-Lrc.1.,1cis:l . li . 1s b=tto:to d,o i.t stron6ly, eve.-l t ie irlsi i l ias, than noi to dc 1-, ai af}. 'TIe;-vorsirip tite;>cis6nality o:T thc G'iru tco riu.clr nn{ fc:rot t"!:c Glt!{c' l :eChrLsila,.-.i{ rrcrshj.p tc.o-!o:t:i ioc :rlb i(..':u::c)ri , a::i ic=5ci r)'iie :'::ii :-.3..1i;-1;jCf thc rl.:._:r-c!:.r.hlch iS th,: Ch:.!S.;" We.,.cclc fc_. t i ::. c:lt:st:;txj- t::: ' ': '. '-rtdlcc!.p'i.e c' f *,hc 'lil;is'D l::r;'u:ai :',1 J-st;::-i:t, ic, i: e CE::1c'.'.. 't!:u -ii:--1:i-lrf erclrla,t l-s :u:tr nof,.e si:'jie. i'i; is a. gclf-:ceL:isri1cl.' !!q1'':-+::j:-L-i- ?- .t '..*:1 ri, i :csecvor riottr Aoi ouai j?ls crcsJr'a:rir eorc lr!?er.l:erTii iFil:E ;---dir:cipie.rr ufe ?alic tbe ct'oss oi Crucii ' lx1on :n c'.t-selves, the-lr3ss llrin4ola aEa ICa, lc tb.c pel'r;ubc.^vio:r of i'uruchi'. rn'l l':'gi:r'1tl, :.',;1i*::9 :t -vOl5D::*,'rt Of the oih Chak:a to 11!'.':i.:ll1;o 'thr, S.r.i-.Ls:ttl:,-!':1.i:--rt, .ili lr -veiop;:en'c is ^uolrakc +,his

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    oijit.rrKT.rl.'9,,1i{ uisijo;l I na4c 6nThsrcfore, in d,o1n6: ofia, cncfr ::uff,ffii i-Eio..T-for ir]frffiIf,_but cachi'.'.rst navc ocrlo rc'rIts,rtion. f founcl Gct ln l&.thcnt'.i1ca, tthi'.t l:l:rd oiYoCn is t1'lnthe:.retlc Yo8ar? ,I t vr.s tlrro',rgh iorrltlac of /.lgclrrn cnClGco-nct"iy-ift;t f foi ' i-in6-EuUstr."cc of thc U:rfver::r.-'tConsclottricli.i ;rr,l:1ndoi r-$st{crsi ii J fi--itCur.ci" --l,t:' i tfct.s:r hrs nctlrlng--to-clo t:J'th i9}1i1on.flre i.cnf inodr of lf:isiidfi:'r.is tb-rcrlt6i on;nc:s. -I'o-llot'; yo-ur 5nc 1niirca, inl:c ole n':tfrca, but ncvcr forgci: irc ri:'l:ll, r;Y:.j:l:iM F YUO.yes. Bccole a student oi ' Yo6l , but c-}':ays r:lttr olc l{m'tltb l'lrG. SILr ' . i ' t l I ; r l j i l - ' -

    + e 6 e 8g s e e S e e:nnifc:stationl a Blessiug Ln o r lal ir ' for i t cnn !:tocn ryou nr e

    Boingr iho $IrMtur.I r-crcc.Ln everythlng.eoGce6?c53 t '

    ecllv 1rr In'l la the:r ;tnle only cttc srr.It '.U:,-+---r-rf--. l i --- ,

    ,:Urfffii,Affiffifr* d.ocsortt ::ccn ;1nf;lril':6 by ltse).f .' '$)4'Fo.tlsc$ crca't[Iiitlt;;r.+!i.*t']t,,XitHiu;,,t81.-c'..- ir. trrcm1'c'ulcr'n'n'(H;nsa]'c'. A: tho neca uci6ncs-lbirht."e, coE'ii i; ircthrr ---\/tthe l l fe,( t l ro brc. ln), IntolHgcnccr Orec- 4 )u, tl3ilu, second- :i,rtfestutlon of ths Dlvlno, / {,rn)f-1be $oi, uccbr:est tie ucav. col':c.obc.ci: 1:r' / {' / I Z-- ,dltfcrcit fori:s., le A'.'s.t,ert, fror Vlsh;:ri. I t I 'z/itef. ilesus of Ni::a:'cth;- :rat[ agi:::n-i./c l:o )\ * --.-.-ot;lrltlnc 'Uhcsoconil CoitlnG in tbr. LAcsh...'' !4: 'l'lre r,'1ni:s, ln r;lhtaiion li!:c tI'e v:.:'.gs. thc_lnst j.ettcr {:ivcs ti:o trl.nsnut,r,.iicn fron ons p}c:-tg to'r-nothor.'(r-cr:. ino Spninu ij i 6g',?t;'.::hcrc tbc tourth cotretoll.r.?1on s nc+-''unc. gcoilton, trirC tro -Er.,:16,ttrit i-.'hlch ,lv:s thc pos:rlcil lty to ler.vo. thlC' plone nnrl .go lnto inoillr;i, .14. ro: er.rih tc ri:' . 'l'hc 5".-*l ean(io on eerbh, trt ter , or ai r . i!.:s t.' i.i i ;.q.Aun 1n three brc:'.ihs'. insrrtra.?1cn, lgtcntio:r, cr.::1rc-^-lo:r.{tl},l n ihrcc crossln3s of tbe ' iiJ'rDl-tirr tire bcd;;-

    .['orfiet Toglsn,ea'l OaO goal,

    irunf onothir t ' .uupr&ro

    4l4l TAT SrS: ir ttlessing on the dlffc::er.i plcncs of cxlstcnoc. TLus, v;liceE-5fr.r6?fi6Toa, r'jo :'ralic thlcc pcsiilor:s t Ar.r'Ii i obc'.'e lte3fl( rtt ) befcre 't '(-silT )

    'PCIcrrt'":l--5::l*:!--Jli!t I J-L5rE-jgj*:-u^e u' : tG.i ) icci l-Lc to l.F.ctel ' , {duilrf ' , ; . :Ji j t i :l"ior tq. i i,ho d.lsc1plo the uuru 19Eoes lntb tire TcrnpJ.o e re59s:; is .ffitriplc ffit6.irfri.Jtrr-n-ftif"ior tq. ii,ho4lsc1plo the Guru 13cod: - itrelci{orc r';iicn t5i'Yogln ioes lntb tire Tcrnp;'ohe E:-i:os: ?:\ , ^ l \\ , q a I l r U ! r ; ; l U I_U r r l lU r l @ l ' j i v i i r l r l Jw r r . r e vr,'or responsc ihc (luru clthsr ll. doog not enn';or. "pl )ilb. : ' l3J:cs l! ' jLGJ:c. m:ireg tYlrii'. -lrsndthc i rer .ce 6;e: t ln6; . . BEI.OR.d:f r'.'e grect :Jor6or.e lnltoric.nt, we glvc '.he-g':cc.t1ri8'fo ra.cct frl.:nri,c. -i.,cnl'cot EElOl'.r. ic on tire hetfl;,ro l5cbt frl.:n{i.c, r.,e gicct 8El.otlrr on tire her.rt tI'rlc rc 1'o c t hc ^"ri-p e .'.iO.i,rtir.tl on :---T. f0r'lr- ;-Fo=Cdi-JC,Eru)b. tsE! '0: t i ; , t 'o A l l i t lsh ls .c" BELCTI . . to nl l J l rothcrs.f:r Ittdin 'rc ngrfi:r sirolie lr: 'nris. ' l : ':.3; e'$ri:cnt:-'1ritl;; tO 3:1o.'; ,;litt 1io itl'rve t1o 'r.tr:fl.ft11iv! t,1.9

    s.r1pt t!:us thcrc 1c ,:tt rtl(icr.!.:,ri:'ir. cilr.r.'en" ofplaco .i.n splri iur.I :r 'rt i ,crs. Jer:oncilX i '; ist!rlrdl:, ' t lrcrc is oLo co;rcono'cLso nn{

    losc of |'hcnttlsni 'i.'h:{ s'hottltl 1'io n43,1 on our :l''6ret1s;blc:'.k Ccwn .".1I or,tr i':::i:?

    i !: n l:t.t i :f.;cs!ion'1;hr.: '.."J? 3reirr:., i , s;:e tir '.tg cotle l i: f i ir. 'rd-'sri: i1o1r,n'. ""iricE 13 oul o!'a i 'er : / ' inhy: :cnic cus 'Cc:r .

    Db nOt forqot thoE ult . w,.r :k i . :rYOC^ g SELF-r 'ecl t6or.1sn: ue b::o :: ' " -!:ri I:C rr.J Or..i.-1|;1n t^.ik irc S_,'rr..cla.ri..:.e..,: lon -.-i.ttr. :h:r (:lpftT Aj--. ', i '. -rr1l | i ' lrr: ' 9Al'la-j j .1.," '-1.ite:': '. ' l ; ic,niu1.1!:::. ' l :-c/n. rr4.t--r--1-ti,63:3,rulot jr.o:rr.lr Y'-}O V,{r (i.r rial, it.nd hctppfnn:rs. tgc .i-,.fii. ;{.,:Ag:f.Ft ffiifr'

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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    Weitnesdar,37tF- Ausugt-'195?'

    ',n gt. Ceorfig I qqrracc 'lrEAr,rNq - .l,Fs$o]|J.

    T t l o l s t h c t h l t ' t l e e s s l o n o f t h e h e a l i n g s e r v l c e . l l e n l l n gIs not only one vaf-of oXercoining slckncss' Ilealing nrust be -a;;0;;;"i;-lr-"ir t ire orerhods of curlng peo-ple.. .Itesling rrust be anuaderstanil ing In a general temr. I iein Dy that auto-heaLlug and ltmeans heallng fo"-Voo"icif qlA treallng for -otberol Yi'c muet rcalisettrat e. t the sane tG;-;; v1II try to fralce sone healers fronr {rmorr$$iour studente nefe. -'--! i ie l ike to -see our stutl i :ntc hesl. t irernselvec iirgt"oa fa ih is onder-of idea ve glve eome l 'c t le ta lks in ot {er

    to br ingaUout, a. bet ter uaaerstanding 6n hesl ing in ieneral '' - - f i " -Uai" ** . " that therc . t re i 'Uree great 1lnes of begl ing.Tbc flrst one 16 eonplctely pirysical. .It ls the nour'lsbroent of ouri] iv.-- w"-*"t-14;; e-5oti lroiz o nouristr our bodly,ll9_11-"_ iffcnentkinis of nourlshrnent fo r out' botly. Fo r inoienge $e Usually loli:about food ,.rilcrl G Ople-t'. about nounlshsent, but the ncurisluneni of the[oai-"srui efso trcn th e afu', f,ron ti le breithlng. You nust rc'eiisofi-ic-nJi.oil.y'ttt al icteuteti6n that we take tn the storaachr b91; the1.cfo anottrer stirlbution that cones in ou r organistn, and ihet fleeus iheorVgln irorr ttre arn. It is for tbat ihat breathlng ls such enlnportani ntat ter ln hea11n8.Firgt of a1i uc feve to leeFn.stsout nourlsr*\"ient by fooor- butI do nbt. t oni-to-ntake fron thie hea11i3 ssr"Yice recipeo tror- :/ou.l i ig.oi 'Yo u 'nUut e'ldd tbooe fol ' youre elVeS. Iherc'are l-ote of -ooor0 'e6Ll'ngviUr natufall,sin an,t vCgeieficnis{u. YOB have to tt '-ke the dii l 's: 'ent.kLnds cf food, !n orrier"to be healt 'ay, Yo u reallOe it ls noi rniy theuppt'ccsion of meat orr olcobol taat rne!:es you 4 neturallst'If yo u cee.ie to eat inect you llrugt aot rnakc a gu.oprcsoioolcroediqtcli ', - io o rnrst eet g Litt, l l f ish end. then you stoP the'f:ci l 'ToU do th i ; |11 Order.nog. to bf ing lc your orga-ui .sra.q oc brrr tgL ci :Ga69fror'r on e ii i i ld ef flourlsiu:ient to'gac'tl tet..T,hc so,i l ; t 'oi.rr6 applles to ncurlc'i lhbot blr atr. Tire breathltlgcust bg done elso in t 'ai.Siri:e ;cy. If l 'cq llrve been'tscC tc c'ae kinclof 'b::etrthiilg l'o1' :/eurc end .vealc arrd thert co:lileice si';h bre'eth-1-:tii .exblciSec, Jltnoui -ocing cai'eful; i t r:6n 'be i'=T-', '.rar:gsrOu8. -Yrzri '; i .1cefon lnSi;ance.rt io not 6r.eathc correc^tl l '. Yo.;. cnotr i ';e do GOt tate ihearysc1 cotrpii,oely rlc-r.,-n. If rie sudd,:n}y. Start li c i:rertth deepi/ rerai:e a t;pe;lc.l corrtr&ct1on o! the lurgs i '. 'hlch ?.'c6rc ng t uned i:,r.Lt 1s t 'he E;rm.- ' r r f:h people rho . . tan 'L ' io ?ast ' Other i recplcvent to eqt r:loi'e and' then you harre t"'oubl.e in Srrnn s?,oirr:rch. .Irenenber alyelo.ose of ir.y oieoipies in Fr'arrCe t!:o ?aS seat to In.'i j-g1u order to Sivd hi,a a ri isci5ll:.ne. lJ took a Ourrr and be toid lrlsGunt hte 'defectr He.cbnfescs ' j l tha" he btrd a prcdisgios i t ion tc er : ttoo m,rcb, The gUru eald. r'The's ls aii rlght, thdre ls nothii '.g r;r'ongt f you l i l re to eat ' Conc vr l tb net ' , and ibe Croru i l ien nie 28. ' : t : . ;esln the day, ]ly poor litt lc dicclp].e aiicr eatl 'ng ottly 10 tln:es rvasconpletely donc for t\:,o uecl.-s. Of course ttr,e Ouru r/as o perfcct Yo6tland he could not only ea t 2E tlmee, but 2OO tlmes if be trished tobecauoe hc pract lEed gornecxerc ices whlch stade an lnne

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    l lul.LlNc.., c+tss -a ' Pafg-J.

    2 t7/

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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    l!T4V.ti(j...:-. J lC s.'?.].' Io r.c-+.vJsue ' t i s ie the cos ; t t c t / Ib : 'a t lo t t 1n r . i t l s t teLec, OC cct t r : ) r ) i : . l .u outo-$tjrillc;$ r.l or,_. try. .i't:ri;' rvi I l'! 116, irnd r';u .t nor:r thc l thr, t .te c lt:rl r.l vr.:.J t I r) go:II( ?.hi.4g (:crir! cf ; l':'(:;:.- ou'.sii!c ;-'orir'.';c1f . '.'lc rlo r:o t- krrcficxac t ly f so i ; , r vhc : ' c I t ecne: : . ' . t ' l : c s r : : c r t t , i f l c Fcep l r l be l . . :cve i t . conesf rru sorur:nhcrr: r:.1 c. Tlrc tpi r i t t te I i :cci: I e s:t) ' i ' . . com:)ri f rari Ood.l . . r J_ l : t l ,C Ul l l ln5 ; , !he . : l . .ea ; , t . t t : ! :Dvc ; . o i . rh - . . : . :n i l ' l i i : 6 , r r re r - i . fUn I iCC i,h$cesi. ' tc ccnl trg 1r: lc :h,.: , i t i tcr , I ; ' i I r : ' , i " , ' " Dtr l ' r / ' ' :g t: i i ( t : :gh :r(r.i vi l ' l oeethe s'r:t-en rc' . . j rrg, .rt ! t th e .. ' j .hra. i , : ,ons l ' lo i i t t r l . i : : . ; rol ipircl '. r , trepran.? '. 'onlf 'g lnto tbc r, 'atc: '- l ' .ccgt:r ' lc. ol: . coj:cr,:rt- ', i-ttt-c j l . :ur 'sel. t ' youcb : ' c : . t ' i hs fgrncc : :x i i i , t cc t l r i t . c t r .e : r ' r t i : : . Ycu t *ke ' i ,hs t $ iBLcr ' a t tdc f te r or :e r i inu ! .c I 'o r ; dn ink 1 ' . . Ycu dn: . r rk t ' ie qnter th .a i he . r : beenr : rg r .e l - J . r : cd . t * . 1 ; r rna 'g rc t ic ' , ' ;E l ! c r . ' r ' . ' J - t l rth lo r is fer ; r5u r . ,e l i r : n'pcrfecl. r 'crcc : ln ; ior ir t :cdl: , Yolr i ,o t iot ' d.r :nl: girg tri. -.cr j :n:cc'diet 'eIy.Ycrr: take l i :c tate;' .r.n ycrrr'.rncut'o, jr :sr. rv&r ' .hJ-c'r :r ' i ; :gtt :h r:r 'd cf,-l-t outthe uoLe:', so |, i lnt ycu. nr,gi:cl l ise : iour r-ucrut.h- Ther. ycrr l .gkqt :.loret r i l r :e : ' , t ru t dc not dr : r? . j . i cor rp}?*,c ly . Ycu n iake r grrnglc 1r- i . t r i , i ,ar:cr:C ce*ple!.ely e.1r:snst: :rct:r +.!!)*oel,, i i .cn sgri . :+- or:i., Tlrcei yo u drilrkl . l t? l .e by l t t . :Jc lhe rr lc l of i .he rar ,er . Yqu rerrL. i . : ' i ( :orr l rnvc nol .. l t? l .e by l t t . :Jc lhe rr lc l of i .he rar ,er . Yqu rerrL. i . : ' i ( :orr l rnvc nol .cnJ.;r l-etss: r:he r::rten into yct:r'se].0; tou t'.avc l.ukerr i:re pra;rtr, thcnJ.;r l-etss: r:he r::rten into yct:r'se].0; tou t'.avc l.ukerr i:re pra;rtr, thcv lbnai . lons fr .o:n t .he atr rcspi rere, lnto e-11 p' . r r t ,s of yoi t r bociy , i l t yf yoirr bocir', io yourSou!, ycr:r ' i t t ;"r :J 9.od;. ' , : tcur F'sJ'chir ' r : . ' ! ' icr , yc. i ' r ' j ! r r l i . t ie l:bi s astralt 'c '3y, this pl: ; . ' r 'h l ' - ' : : i thr:i ' r , 'c hl lc. ' ! l i ,a i j . . ; a i i i r td r- t h'-rlt jg i :r lcnif on + .he p s y c i : t i b c d i ' . I r . i s a L jno c i - t e E i n r . l l i g o f p r an j f l ; a t l o r t , o fre.Jp:e1i slr . [ ' ! r - t : f c r ' l ! ' . r ' - I g : tv t r -vou Jc 'ns 'L :ner i e quor i f , i .or ' f ro . r ; theBlb le r : tou l . t ,he dangee thsi - rLs is Ly ea t l i cg c t l . . r i . ? '? . . r ,3 le cet ne ' r lsr : ebeortt l ! :3 4!: i : i9 ! r ' ibcai icr'r. '; it i ori?' t l r - ' . :nxI 1-.e' ' . ' ly, i '1 ' g;f :r ; i l - : : ! L bo(i3,.l ' /e .-..1so .o-b:: tr . 'a tn ibe b-r..;eC cf , ' i ie a,:- .n::1 i l e.nh : i ir . r.r; : .i I c. trJ-i v ol'1 t .c er : i !Tr : "9f rd i t i : f c i ' r i r .a : I 'u- , : ' : " : : c i . . l i y , ' . t . i I ' i . r ' ; r r ro t i i , e ' i , .nrex be,;cusc i:r, i ! : : :nei:t ;cu l ' .av: th:. r:-1..r:d. e' . . :e ' jer. . . ' . t ;zpi,et j ,vees: l ; . f$ e.s. .h pur i . i . r .Le o i ' i .he t r io , j . : f f i? ;e q i ' . i :n&1 L. ' rerc ls thegoul. . . . , ' , ' .C f vt- sbccrb .: . :r i .nsi- i l : . : : - - , y.': ebsc, ' . t i t i : . .3 psyl. f :1.. . bocly o! ' theg.ni n..a ., Jf q* c':scr. ] . . : t ,h+ pr:Vcht:' bc. iy ( ' i ' f i ' . :e ir .n ; ial i f , , i ; r ln:aI lsesrr d *n5 p): l : . .l e .: i ; r r : i . . : i :: r-h* r:r- l ie :: ; :r ' i . . i . ni i ' f . tsr?.:r irx.:1.! t 1: : I'c:- i.l!c { Llr:. i. z;t::r: 't e .::,tt- $ lt r ci n..i..-.r.l ' ! i ! J . i r t g . Y - r u k - r : , - - : . -, e l ; ' : i 1 ' - , , : , . " ; i i . ' . ! i t r t l n e

    th:i.: $.CllD.. .J t: l t-.t;i.l rrrr.fr Ll 1... . ;..ri f.,j ',.l.rfr:i.t i ! : -rn .r ! - ' { i r t i jC 1;t ! i r lg } t i ! : ) ! ' ;a1,1. ;- ' ' . f : . ;d .C' l ]1r',,i:.,.!' ? li;7 ;'.tS.,r,';ii i-Jj !. t...!i,, . ' : i iL E!: : r tq ' . iL ' f .CL 'Otf( .? ,Or:nl &oi{ i .1-s:xx:r l f ' t 'J thr:ii:.i!:r..i il f;'qr. rloell rr,:rrl

    {)rIett3l-'tT].l'rtci.tir -at{|" r.vtd ur t tire p5ch.nir.'i]. iti-..J,c 1s l:::r::f,.

    :irrr trrt: tliirr'. t:o:!i,, ^v.iifr :?)i'it;-.'.rl rt!- ;a'st)t,t botl.I. eir.',ve3*g tirr: seif 'brra ttli)rtjiiiO lliit.,rC- i.'r.U' :'gL:i;Jj-ilrc .:C.:1..1'::',1,-1,rt:t$'.fif l'.tt tt:-;s-l"Cnnt, it 19t'lro ii.rrr oi ' vltr:'ai:tiriL.: t':iii.i[ '.:e e1]*en. j.f,, t..$ i;l'-F) siuirc ?.n Erotll rcil'fjo;r ai:d pltl.kx:oliir.i'i -r-e.;t,'.r:+ :j:oisn r:iiel'.:.?r.1ch icc;': nci Lll.;fu us. tl'g\l?rfirlch is rruE .l..r{,jti.i;i-r:l i.cr 9r'.tr:;o litr.l-'tf,iii.Jns (:L'it d.c'lftr-s nre l:utql(.'cyhunn:rs, e;ul ii - r:te 1a i".bscri:. llose. 1t'il i:..? i:iroilS'fr i:6 trc.;'c absorEr4,ph3'tic:11 oi:i.-..,ts;i.:i1:'-scrd l'crr)i.ljl ll:t,r ]s,:1s1, ot ' iirc rt:1t('..r:ro1 irl.oJte.&a+ r*e :.ri.,:r,-s;g;L1;.'11,-lli:g:!1e i+nchf;C ic r,'.r'(t-erg r:tl'cl'.u::rto ttro pra-etltc-of etz:'J r:-"rrj.EJ*1,1l.--'-tiiereic.!l -{rclrijglr erTglso;,r6 .'lr::ar} ard {to1;rutetl"'.

    f t : f r- f1 ' r i g i j . )d vl l l i . ' f l ' f . ' : r : r : : rr l f { ' f { t ( ! f to l j i " rct : - ; , {y ' . , , - t6: J ' r . i ' . i . f1 : , iu , :$g l ( ' . t i t l t , : : p ; i r ; ;16.;1 ; .

    T'Aosr. or,; guod.. bui tio rnlljit l:.itjtI Ot.Tl..jjri.tTt:$,onlv tr: sivon ]rr-i:i$:grg,ti:j?:, frc nusuFioa.l .spirltusrl lood ca:rsribuJ,:Erto tiro srrlf,. Tlts

    ti O.l..t':11.)1.':.113L t:: F,ne f tii.'l ' l:{uui, cr;c le,| we nu7l Yorge.*zl.l. *ui is.::c:. :!t(ilai,th uhrch

    -- -reGG'FiF!ffi,e '-.

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    "r.ul rtorc nourrttinso J.3si'.s clriur:o,l thg t-rec" asrf, snld to h1s disci3!_c_r,";,oii ca:: Cto nLi 'ur-i.s ,-u:.f :-.crco. oi i Aj:.:s tj'li.':r{,ar S; v- ?.. 'r.l::i.e:tr tie :-5--'.ii11 cc no'uiing b-.rt he =e'rcp..l-oth lii-c-':Fcfe3.-.Ti]ir---'('oi neyer ubes tcss[paa-,-!F.iiEa-1 'uo ;tlifesi ths nltcrieJ. 'jhert'lfo]o tlter,;r strg E:) iu:aef.ec..al f ir:_:cod.r..nai;uml k;. ,'fid ct:cr,nlhli5'iti pogcl'olir i.:',ir;ir ':i','!:-c* il'.c'..na''';rl,:ti 3siz. 'rlruo ulrc:g 1g no reasc-i io; R txss no'i; i:ei:lg abfc to l:r:i7 i.tho r:"i'i.rlio of 't:e ge'ar if lt h:rs n7er hooe trj.cd., IIc','i t-[e:: cr:r r''e-'b-'ire

    s:-ffiL'ic ---i;vi:ii s.%


    Eho ilc].;1' GitosL, t!qr. 9rd. i,eroo::, J-s thr: 'ji:!Te'.ra!. C.easej.custese,tcamo tcthe ro6i s1a$ero Gisclp-lej Our broihct :lrci be ti]il$: i.:rcl C*':,=:.j,.j;t

    ' . ' j.C IalE-.: S$ e 1.5 6G:r

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    It ls for that tbat trben we eat a lot of roeat wo baye anaggreesi.vo feellng, You knov porfectly nell that lu BrltJ.sh Law aclaughtertrag haa not tbe rlght to slt on a Jury. EatJ.ng nieatnot onry anlnallsoa our phyeLcal bodyr but tt puts ua ln a loserrlbratton, $tokTo! perfectry rverl thit rn eacL partlcra of thebrood there are reremontaret. Those sLbratlons lavo uoyer beenthrougb tbe hunan'klngdoru. rt 1s that ve uso eben ve uake blackna61c.Thue sclence 1s- beglnnlng to conprehend tbat the peychLcal bod,y e oflnportance-1n_!bfq,physlcal tlfe, aud yo rnust try-tb concentrale oureal\r good vlbratlone, ...

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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    legrr'--Is-!.;-*g1!*-5LI8 5 !. Ggcrgg t "- ige'.

    3J1i51J-T.-OA. ' 'FSSUN 2.

    Gerrc:r;r111,,o cst-.olu-sclv,:s.':ui 'r{ l11,]f1-ltagrpcr-.,' j ,:"o::"1}tj"{:thhzirrs;le;.li.i['i'la."iiv"fnii-ii:-tiiii.i:ri.ii::..:.-n]]-:X',::'1.]:";-,,:o'Il*5'lf ".'J:":1"'Jiff'1,i"i"irJiii.i; ;;::lia^.il-::::""t:.-::i.oi,!I3"lo"ni""to * l""ooo from the test thlt-lre 'l ' 'arc.-o1'.ltl lTl: i i"en' cscni iuIeara s. IdsgOn lrom r,{ r ts uE}e ! ' r iv I - ,enge i : le JUsi i l id , rrurtou r liveg 1s an erperie:re: ar:d' he:lo:":,'Y:n-'i1 .!.";i l i i i ...?*ir th?.e:certlH'i;l-t,-;;+#i;.i';";""i;-:'Y:I;':i:l;"::l*,1''*'-."1'"'i;'l;;':',Kl*'oi:"ltlir';-l;;"ii;lltil'l "il,,';"i'i;i:;-;a or co'*se, here1se 'ot tiurtesoa?c9 ori}' recsonTiiilrs rj yo co-iilcrnulcl II I Ottit LIIiis, Eg-ir:iYTtniic LA'P?5!S.. Iolt .t :.;,ni6irl-'o 't r'gcir pfieul- It3'isoii -'?lLr'ii:T!l iii':t']'rs5'

    I vll}l. tat:e scne cxstrSrlss tonir':ht tc tfJ:i'-'ii'rsteihe igr oi tlrs

    Bha:rt l . of cout 'sc yol i re i :11s". t l t* l - l l i *=t oGtr"res ' tests ' events lnourlj.ves cail i:n'.'e*'ty'appllcrtioil; lti l t ltj:" sore tonl6lrt especlellyrelnted to thc teacirf'"l} vt-Slvc 1l the Bir:ri:tl-Yogo'rie nus he,teconrrs e d' vo.1on 1:l l:13-c-*;; .9#*9l,l}giil'1.;'i .Sl ie nust he,re conplste deToEron1o ' urr$ * li"tfi-Eii i9.'*Aar.i;:the Gu.l,i lc nd tjc ilui r*itu reirec't fcr elcir tl:lrq icfr:li.n.:;'i-=-r-..-"-:-.r,1:,t..s-.,=..',11.-+:+s:.!!-;-n**lt-;lnil*l;=^*it,rfu:ua'ltT:;iiEii-t;..:;t-.*'r;.sq'y',-^--l::1.',i^t':?.',..'. son-:".-r=r"i"Il-ii1v-'Gr4 ug*:-ii-.;;;;r;-*i+irit,-s:ls.-lEIl:=i:,it"i.:-ailtrli*iH'iliilit1,!.,'r'if,a+:-":ti*r;'i;::ii'+H*;i{iji:x#;**'i iC. theit t i 'e puzzle o;;9I irr lY rr s r iai ----vour or.1 concl-irSlOni i i l"J" id" ' .- =-- ir i 'c- i i-o's.t i yc'u' l :qerstnrct ' io leveafter. a r. i ir i Ie. r Ir ,oi i f i iustr ' te ,?iit -J- i i t i le sto=i' -aicul;a clrela : ind.hls tl}eter: G'df'u.' T h o y l / e r ? e r : r a i ) c 1 r g t c g a t h e r n i G u r " ' : s g n i l . C l r e 1 a " ; d c i n I : ' ! a : i : ' 'tn ibe l(1;l:hve-s, 1bet., lorT.cre.1rii.1!:-":.; i l:1.:. i ' f=+l'off:: ' l;;;:; iii ;i':'X:f1i";"' l "!n.' '"'l;- l:I o:i -il -*fei., J"\H;'ni3ii3i"'o anoi ! :Gr- r 311 .ss 15 r r ' e l r 's ' roFr e l iJ t 'Eru J ' u 'v- -= i i i r "g . - -Thei par ioo ir?hi'iiii-rios-'ltirrti' 19qi':i:-tu1^:19-t'':t-::..t,X:"i**t"r,, an. :ery ee5;'i"::i:"ll:i':::';'i-i?;';il":i";!:"i;.::;l"lihiil*"::";:"3"-;=1,;i:?1,:::it1lll'dTl:: '.i': :'I!:i " f l:. .::tI ?Ii";, l: " fi ; :i;hc'nexi-rnorning befcre t l le 6e:1r'r i"'ut vr Uii C'".zfn. ?h e Ci.: : , ' :ifi"i;;-"6; a-s"ii-i;t-!lii:::":* :?:T::-1 ilt'"ln.u r.,h:rrter,.-3,.,i-,-;#X"+;;.'"Xli":1"f;:i""-'"inl-"iii;r.;i..!1i'*"*l :;::q H S;:; :;;;i;;i:."Xtln"-Xlloi:;3i';!:;.li,ii;';il;-!1i'I;;;*;;h";il,=1,::l:jJ#l:",r,l-!.li-'"i Xn.[?"8;i:'";"]? :i "? ' ;*d;* Jr'Ji i i :'' usis:s "i]e3-:-P-li-eL-;iz-:r'

    f i : 6o , goircoit ' . : co:: .ci tr ' .

    ou !c t Che l s ' " .L t t e r r : c l E l n g f " : . - t h e r t h o y c a r : e u p o n n n o t h e r i r f e c e v h e r e t i ' e : irecclr'ed' nogpitaiJl i l"oiu!, thlr- t irire f: 'ae a rery icor r! '{:n' (-fou !=c'': r: ' ic ou:-c3 i;i-*+" d.is c : r i"t.-

    -i"i c r e ;:csfi';r :r t; ' . r1 . 9i v''es or ?er,' i'tiib l ed;rc lJ . lngs). i - ] : t l , " io*r" i .a t lo

    ' ; . :s i r lDeJ. l iyo; ' fe ' red bv th: Foor ' i : i : r trer : r .ar1; th+. . r i i - ro* i ' i1 1, i ra-r lur i s ' : t^ I lg i r '3 io thc houce an4 1t ' t l ' 'clunrsrt to i; l i t; lr"o..i f. tt 'e Gu-lu-n':t l tne di:elg Yfent ?hcir vre;r a:4 thcChole rrs shocl . .aTi ' t i rc . lc i t - .on "f

    : " ro l i .=tet , an4 aqeln hr argrrc i ' sbcugtho pcs1."ie,,. "e$.,,^i ' i , ! i*' io-it i i" 'rtt-i f ! 'a'3l. iu :or: 'It l err-t !1r': to

    ^'hGhcucc ot' t lrlc poo= rr,j rino d,ie4sr; -i, i i '. ..tytt i t-i t".1 e:-,0.rs 53Y8 l':? hi: lc': ' l 'portit:r of rlecf -i--.tn -C-t'Iers'n*nat i ie')-lt i ,: cb'rut the rleh trAn' Ei1:"be foirh.lvc Jdst hllatc3 h1:. r1c?,:g thnt tcu s')clc, an'l ;ral iod tlr '1s ricl gentlcr:anShal l hgve srorc : r lcher- la^ucr on - 'bu? ih ls poor i icn, he.glve Us h1g lectport lon end you Put e f l re to h1s houeetr tir,c 0urrr' rcpll crl , "ir 'eep qulet CheJa '

    The Guru nno the chela r , r : lxed lw' ! ! ' .er , anl reacn. in6: iccr io- t i te[flrala;.,cs titc]t i :,s'1 ,o c;"ol3 e 1J-lt1e ri:rol ]5 aaa;rs of a'rery g:'alLan4 ilanlielo*,, lr:.cge.-i i t""*

    br!d.5es erc ='ci l i ;; i l ; a:i i cg:ic;tlr '1i b:' 'c'Lraf,tcr o t1n:. fh; G'nr.r crossert rlrg'l and i!i; f!:cicr tlrri l t i : ':r3 bl:. '.rrir.ft ir-J.'"Jt ira,L',tno tO gct i i .c'r..oi)!1ai10. "'obblng h'ld of the Curu hqEr. l i l , ' toh! Ioo! , t ! :o. b l l4ce rz l ) .1 go dorrnrr . Thc G! 'J ' i \ cp l1ed, ' : - r , i t


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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    pN V[l_ipi,L _Gni;iT' Bll:.rItIrLlt[JrD..alvA"RJAir rl).s_qL' i,uFll s]:cro:rDIL{KTl-YU}A..

    l ! .ogd_ay.Is . t r . Sqnt . . rq2.tB $ t , . Geo lqq_ :s_Toe .

    PaRe 2 .lssolr 2,. . The Chcla wag conplete ly nnuble to ut tderstanr l h1s ! .hgterrs vordlsand at t l tu f te Decauhe nony oeople haiL to use the br ldge, andat tho, trnoroent nan t ras approachlng snd the Chelo. t l reu h1s lhsterrs at tent lonto the foet that th ls n: rn t ro i . r l i l be k11Icd, The Guru repl le{ , t r ld t hlnto kll lodt,. So the Chela thou5ht lerhaps hls Gu}u lras nof;, a Inurd-ercrani1 at that nonint thc rsn put hls foot on the br ldgc and'vent dorn thb' prec lp lce i -nto thc r lver te lsr .

    Durlng thcle Journeylng the Cheld arguecl wtth hls Gum aDout thequsgt lon of

    's teal lng.sot t lJra f l rc to a horrge and !e1ng dl rrc t ly ccnrnectedri 1 h ourder . j t f fi -t!r e_Ch-e_jg-heq-^t-lle-vI q4les e ^vo nake il 1scue s 1on rv i hhls Guru, "or ";aiir--fiii=frleiT*F.&-lLlyf"jTt-==i=.."E-mia-t-d--F-r-ii s-Etu.rf 'gaiF, -'rafic-cfrElE-Eaft?a- td-r]is.t-is'sgEA.-lvorar:pIc.

    tfter a lonf, t lue they Ee.d.s he sane pllgr! 'ma8e, ag ls the custon'iThen a roupd- tg ftnlshed lt is comnencoil ag.ain so thet tbe Saddh'.rs neverrcnalU at tbe one pIacc. lhoy cano to a l l t t le v l l ls .ge eni ! there v iace grctrt salnt, a nrcn who ttas teechln5 the great tnrth on d phllosoShy oi-talttatton. fle vas uot n Curu, but just a ng.n glvlng a vul5erlsEtlon ofthC tra6ltlonel Yo1;a and the Bhe'xtl 114e. fhe Guru anC the Clrele mc'"thls m.snand they iecognlued hln as the rlch rir,an rom v;hon they 'rsdiccolvel hospl te i t ty a- lon63 t fuse ago, oud. f rom uhom the G. l r i : . rsd-sto icnthe Jo:rrels a:td. cups of 6o1d. and sllver. Ee,explnlued to the G'.rr:uand15j gh. ' ln t )ut before he t , r 'a l ie : i t rnan r lc i , I r t real l tyr-b: i Ea-olva. .1sIept hjd.tlcn u:ri lcrground the go1d. i;hat he tlad.. IIe trgd.a!t 'ayp trlei l tosh6v he rrag a gpli l tus.I Ec.x. ?irel one tiay 3o$e professicns'l ln:eYeobrole into h1s houso an4. rler:aird.:d h1o rlches oihersise ttrsf 'ruuld. k111hln. But hc er-olaincd tir,et hls rlches hed already been stolen and ho0latnrt lororr hon or vhen. I{e dldnrt havc to reslst the tirlcves beoaUsehc no lon.qer b ld. .5:o ld. .o: r s l lver ... Thq tbtones then snlcl that the people irad. told theil to cone to hlchouc'e boearlsc he vsc the 11chesi i i .gn i:r tovm, e::6. then the ;r:::r e=plalredto ths'o itut the people nsext he r?as the rlches'c J.n vlsd.oi!. ri?er th.rt. the nen. rcal ised he he,d a good lesson anClhe stsr ied. to eed. l tatc . i lereal lgc0 ths, t he had coae lnto -"he r ' ;or : ld ' . : r l tbout go1

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    BR0'tit; iRlIJ.rD.i,)t i t l l l iEc?;R. 18 St._,g.e-o{ge- ' ,sce.DII,IKI I,Y|JGA. Lr:so!1 ?. .P-aqq 1.:.

    ' i ler l , t lut le the l l t t le story ln three eplsoi lesr vrhlch jrou.. 'undorstan& by ;roUreelVeg tbe sanc.as the Chela; .b o-e l1ne oi -n { ' l r * . 1 - ^ - - + L - - - n . -unct6rttra.n(L Dy JroUrs.LyeS th e cAtrC.aa the ChelA; .b o- e 1l#$*+llf -S+l:*.ps+g*-Fll--!!="=.lg=u."_iS"_.tt'r[qe-E5

    : " - : , t v s r e s 4 r e l u E r ( r u g . a u L J f e l t , J r e . l 4 . J a o : ! g l : n e o i apr-r6rlrna8o the curu prooarcd. al l the_.11n-e_s-or_-tha n_qg-8l!;..'-*tFrEd trretehfd- b?efi--nE-th1xgn-c f bft i i r..f Ti,o e-';i; i -io i,,e i. ; 6 .:'on e s"erl l1icd h1s aonc;.'. rlnoihcr $us ?cor er-ri dl{:rt !..evr anl-, th los, encl arrother n ' 'n . wa3 p:blar tng to bo n cr inGar. thc curu- iyhf u graco of l indwlng the futufe heloed- tha rlah o"n .r..rr^raannn o *aifu graco ot lindwlng the fUture helireC tttg._ffqir e+_lr.tt-g*!pg"_r_"JO:r*=!gggl,-gf-e-q_a__re-a_q!!-ol_h!-,1qr,.aerpei:ienid.'-a*na*carie'to orhcF.c e ?ror-riq:e&chsr as a r csulJ .-ol_ :tl.,f _o.*p .e_rp.e11.q1r d l' .Ii-Lg !r:-n-h ii^ tT :-' --i ri Ed6i; ns l : rc ' a u e tool,rtl.,f _o',,.':rrp. e11.q.r d - a*n,i*sa el t o.' o h i r E A yri ric Dool n:sn.vcs abIE to p;tniaaTiida.iitiiio-for-tirefd.ii:.,:iri;d-=i"iF;;ti:#E;;T'f*iief$i5uffi-rl3:il*fHi#"T*:.rseoDlc. o.Ed rron ths Ashrorn the ccople_-r.rcre, b-l-e_!g.-gg.ofg_{...+..! i :f l_ig.qtlfog s.b.,!h _9!@ i q-q 1i# r i s- ,roii' - " =,;i .l i;i. :,*" Ai; .yewylv. ul u rre.rr 1.(]s Arrnran Ene DGopJ,e_-1.rcl8 !l-e_q-?- $9 . oyg_{...+.]i:_Lr1_19.qtlrogs.b.,-!E-tE}e itirsriis. i*.'.iq .*Ci_t*- ';eAtuThe Gu-rr.hnew fire )c,a? msrr ,.re.sco;,r1n;1cser the brld.,ga to tslLlh1o cpl r l tuar brotheF ' o Guru. ' . The curu l6t t i ra eccld.ent ' - ! .aa:en toDaYq thc r,c,n trqn bolng n cri,. l lnrL,.her tu l t r rey. tho i lancoe pald. . h1c

    rolncRrnathi i J . rqmedtatc ly ara! conlngDcen 1n n rery rni l pcal t lcn i : : I l : la ,BY TII}j cnrlCJ O! ' COt) ii.j',qt.y'flrlit0 ti:; IE DO:ii.;.

    ' ?h c story_pir! ' 'gpri esc|i-!es your und.4:,.stanA:Jrg.bu^r,1t rrag r:ot los,:on thc Gi ie ln. . l t f l lo t . - of co ' ,u.ser ye?.- t {e org;edl -+.hy. nh7.-* . r* iOn thc sjcaDlri l i t116;r'-11n_c4i.'.oircrur +.he-che'1:r:cq,Il ie{t t:.-,. ir 'r.u-'i .t i l ' [ iJ""o,iLh a iu'uur. Bli lnb off 'tnc-J.,: i i :. i t io" toi ,: i ..e-"cJiio;

    DilITlss_r\L GRUATFlTr,t:rr-.,-*,ui-TFr:rEli-

    I lel l , you aro lnalc ln t i re Ea-, , ro.o l i t tcnoonil lon czlgtcncc Jrolr cg.ltbel lozc thero 1s alvrayc ayou ohe l l f l r r t t 1 t l a te r .

    i-TFrrE,r-ffifTrrc"l l qndsy . l s t . SeD t . t q2 .

    nnil alloty tho unlo:r of the :rore:l ead,]-arrit and hsd. the poselbllltfr ofi r r . b o t t e f . l l n e o f l 1 f c . I i e : ' r a d .T.j i : i . : r8gregg:. : . ' '? .

    0n tho next stage of t l te t r Jountey thcy carre to a plcce nhlch t lc9l to l " rcco; ;n1ser1_s trhgt rvhere the r . rn had gone to h ls aei tn, nnd thoChcla recs,l lad- th c ex.norlences he hod. had. ti icre. The Curu d.nd the chsLanbtlced a nsn anrl a trotrEn 'lcr\

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    ' iq 'irur ydu: ' t r '


    J !'J

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  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso



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    . ?hc paop le rece l vcd .wc t (rnt to lcnou aL1 theil l ff e4.eat. ,

    |O t r . '

    l;'":*:.X:Pl-lF ;i*tl i rY*o1';*.1ii";'rll

    UfiTY}NSAI, CRii^T 1ng-lg@.l8 .S t . 0 corne s ?ce ., . gAFe ?. ,

    . no ln Indla, vr l thout the sr l tLo-n1nd, but hero.trbls anif ,rvhcreforg 1f e perron looks i ttttt, Uf t

    nf"rfr,}l'jr'l jllll;1.:ij,f-::i:,3 :tgll.:, and tendlngeri:eps;3.* " ;il;"o'nl*H.:i.-3:..i^.:i :_i_ ;iii'q ff ;#:i:f, ;;;l_;;"H*.:l'{,o,,llli$1,*l"i:" t i_ li :l {il ff tij :; ll ?.3,"i},"ffiffi ffid*d#$;trrj*!3#*sl---L--d:.-__-==:-__i=_:*'i:ilj:ll Enl_lrlvUre ;{Ql1l9.r1q._tp_]"1_if.il::i,;l:3 on rhe oorneror a st-;;;ilft""--iq rifrt iblns;_ou tarl: e.bo:rts po l l t l c s .rn rndla thcy askcd.ne 1f r.ha_d.ead the Bhagave.il.clia. Theyareltrays ready to rloa the crrrrsti""-iiii-"1 fi;;ffi; ' io1rt.vry ro conyert,ccordlng to thelr Bud.tihjst or lt lnflu pf,i i"="pfV.-, - F""* ve resdl thehhlet lgn BibLe, but rhe; ot i re" . . i r " .h ing d.o.re ' reoA, erd. . f le i ry to co:-ref rccortl lng to the chrtstlbn B1ble. w""r.""""rr"Ii l-1" ver:.nhere 1n tj:efi:il' rl""i" lf :;ft:i*:t" don'Ir'.o""ru"io;;. *"' "" eon' i;- ;" J"p,."oL:"nff,t-:ltrt:r_:l5,rl:-9n:l:tia:r rrlsslonarleg, irollrdJ*3t rlko tei i,1;j*olfH: =" ,"*S ru.*|g"^:. : _i$' ffii" ;"ill.iH', :I;";:irck oE' the sarne ld.er I;d;ad;i&Ji1"u*e lder' rhe4-'94ei;'1.u*r{-ire,gr4"ens-e49sxdG;i:I:l:T:::::11*:ffi;jff*ftf"{#tnm=.i+:$;.-0F,.;ffi,,].*jil; lffi ;"",'.,Hlll:":: -:::;::*ti:: I-"l. lll,' "';ti".ff i ;:l '*Hid;Tll"Tl.Ioi:l:^ ::::-'i':-:tt r;;il' i;;. "=dlt3L3liilanolhet.a nd then {ou Urr'g.glgte4q._g}g-ggS.hgf

    ;;*"rll"rlii'l*.1}.3 i1":1i]:*.1-l'-"9whv esue.poken parabtes rd iie:fiX:i;._:Tl"'l?:f,l;f:==;:*i-::-y:l;*i""i"i,,l *iliri?"il'L:.ii"?_!url;,319.rrv to hls .Dls;1p1;s; ' ; ; ; ; ; - i l=i"; ; i-njJ" ' : :* ' } .1"I :ule Fre poke n:roIgu. .ou.'....... '- ;Ji=",J,it"ii"i"i lri i:;"'i l:"i;l.fl{,i;:ilfrji"l'tl";.,;1,:,"iF+1r;::'.l: cirls *'ss ot uetl:T 31, -1""ul;i r ll :_ ig q.;li' ;1.;: "'L;' 1"=::re116lon;in li "f"':r;l rli"l,ir ii- ' r;li""ii ,i'"H;l; f ;. ;" 1;i;. i".1I":n ord.er to ua(leretanat . l is pb.tlosoph:.. a::d_'Yeer Ey ')C 'rrences .1n1 nd! .a:h*re 51vcr.nr : a 10i tc ta lk about )ut thr:rk thc ltctui 'e or toiif i l t ' i t io-"grven evcr;;.onc a.crear 'le.a.

    ;.i*r"t j::t,::{.:f . to "{.l l l"t d.ay ln ,rugtrat la rvhen I ?es eo badlyil; ';""Li"*l;.i*i ' , ; :': l{, l"nH'ii1?.:^lave, found. Iany fr lenag. t ; ; iJ i r "*" ' rn rne r ' i ; 'c .A ' but 'e1nce then . Iouc a lwc .ys by the hos r . t t o1 r t . . ^ . *J -h :1_ I . rm l l v .1nc - no go fa and no ' r i r. l r { - no golCt and no : i l ve=l1nls. t1.ne I !^=.ve cha'. iqi l3{-I99".- of -dress, r h iv.-u" i i * I ' "J i ' " ' : rEuerr 11n1s'lae I l^evechar:grclrcgponsrblsi i i l " ' r . , , rnc* i r t tqarft l :11*r j l_bl t t l r t-dr-si ; ; ; iu" 'oo="!." nooeor dress. r. havebee;nc";;;bi; l i i""a l"i,TL;ll jrroflf ;:Ti;:I.iiiff*:ir.tt{;"* "rrf".ili"r?ri,13ii;:i_f";i""il"ii""u eyer,,^xherc.j1r1r ur'r 'r 'eronl. to"*_:l-ydersiqndlng to ttrc.i "i-t iu-i i 'E:r eYePl;^.?!lerc'. l1trf i j ^ i | lavsr ' t l " - i reeDern i reo.r . r le f fer hoq:r l r r r { r r *r t 's t -erre. i lor) .d, . oene:al ! r ,f" :: l]: 3ll 1" :":tl:l :ir*ltr'-"i:''"Iiil J' ;;:;":icnent. i" iiaiJ":i;';l;;i'+: fi';"i"1;";::tl:;'r;**n^:r rnarrectioo onolp1 al t ty . espe 1i riy- *r,ei' iri"y "" "o a holy r.B.,,n -"l '1f..0""" on ofieri i.6os1a rv, *"p" ri i"^'.ii i' [1 J "ii "J ff i]t;r"t"g"ilf;":l ;::r l i lJ;:;:";" '::ethlnsl,s:."__::n1ori: o1drhcn1r youarc tord! !o . therc . t . . to i l i " " r ' i o - |o l - " "16 ' sv r i y conr ro r t , and thcvr ' l f you arccvcivboov rr"*"' ' i i '"rr c.oor. . Irera il l ' , .I.:",1:i:t. str;r 111 ..* iiu*ri,lu:"1i1*ll',J,l'l1l,:" " ij::'t_ :Jn::J i:. i :i;.T;ti: iLi:i!: '.;r: " ;":i;,:#_; :;''Xi"uiii'#i?'rill;,;';:';;a country but r th l :r t Lhar i r i : - .r r- t"* l l .1 lot cfnnne ol . l . the "uint; io| i *. 1 : ! 1 " " - r " . i i i r nn l r esg .i lF-; i;*i i '"t i unr:r;i hot lr: i lncln hev'"oonr'*lio;i; ;;;r i;*i;"t:;: *morc ureg or the I'I;: l:Ji"l lry ::i : i ::;;-1,"^;;; a 1or rron th",norc ruleg_"f _ ln i e, .yrr , rccourt ry onC.ve hcrc 1_= 1-19-i:=l_-_.Ll:=I:l_.::,r,.lc.i rI gl_ol_ttl o lg,.h. .""f""i:._ _ _ v u t , r r ^ e k r t L L L _ L 4 . t h r tn .

    v l th e eross oa ny brcaei .

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    ' i '@urrylxtsat_ inum BnJT]ftfrlrooD.nWnm,ilmm0m=emfnTmTln. r.gst, Ccorgcrgcs.p n r c .l . ( ] )

    r don t t ncd .n .c .rn r t l ca l aup l l ca t lo ' but Jus t te . nakc c roa lactomp! 9o gpplv tho oplr l tucL l i fc of rn[ra. ' - - t inte ve arr noroonplstqly Chrlst lan. .r t 1g Just n thought- ' thst h,cg- onc to rry nrnd,, Just a supposrt lon,.but r thlrk n'e lnve to take fr.on the tirgt B!iA.oiro'rro lrqve to gLrclbscaurie.aocord.lng to the .lanr e:rcrybodly s. a arscipre and. cvoryboay'rea roagtcr.

    to rester ' ibor ho'U 1n.ord.or to.be rcal ly nlgglcnar lesou r rvllL on othergf r,re ftust not conr;ri or tsy tolYs must tryo nust not lmporcconvort .

    fltat Is THE t$il?I.tg.O!' tlfs ufrvEpsjrt cRli{rflJncll if.tij NI To otvx Inn-e - TIiAT tsTsltT0iilJc^liLD};lt {irD tiltD IrIs (';1;i t/..ry.'.I_Igrl_ is no lIn1t of on e church, onc book or one crceCl., - - + coD rs rir .bvn:lyo:ix Jr r,rtr8y{illl:c liiD itu lrJ$r }-rrD Rul Fo:tQqrLs_'&r!E. %_Yor i lonr t havo to go.as far e,n sc i r ro pcoplo, - fo i lnc lance,Dr . do lsr Feulcr-o_aho hs; trarclicA rou::a ihe'riroriC. ..io'e;.:a;iscaeapo frov. tirc aBII'ru bccruso rr, iry !,s i"r,i io oor,-1r., idcrr a;d. rl:: i tthc Trutti ' irnrt wg lrrct (or.t rceiiso r.rhorc the ?.rEth ls.

    EiioT:TEtITOODI[t.'lilss $I5

    l_-I .It[u rniJ1rr Is TIu,R!.; li { TIrIs SitrOiiD, Ar\D TII'|.T ISI Tl.E:Bx.il.rfyl fe Juut nust rc l l lco lr r a f lcgh. 'ffe havo tg -l?t.*ohoB?ne, -p_cesi:srrlong,ns.tlcnailty, n6oodn or :,bad,--,Juot reslisis dhat wo,i-ri'dii"irl;,;-lut srisii"A: --""*

    r r l lo t l rat . f lndct l , . 'h lsthat loaeth ht l r - : .1fe

    - ifoll -olf 11 .

    l ! l eici sh: LI; .y.cckcwgl .Jv=E*y$lj ggL,l*L.eE{q4_-DaiHr_:?.l c re 1 t , end hcgi : rL1 f in. i i t ' t .

    tn ' thc :.9+ -Egs,ntli5. ojJ-i g..i_r11c_>


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    fhor.e ars thr,ee dc-+J.ns J,n vlhlch we :*st 'i:or-lc. l'Jo tntpt J-ca!: 'fle= the'o!.e irs mttuh.as c.1i;..ritbe-oi;ber fn-r'eaUti", to orio;cclrg s'Lci:!'-uss"t;Lci'::su:lt lre a a-r"nthesi.;; - r'ie talco nLl- r're h3.ve 1:r ir3-erlc '3":', tho ph-:;lc'"^i'fJinpor"o"r,i" a;;i-b c.Gaj3 to-lcarn'ccni to lij.re,.9"5; rf6 hr.ve forf'3}tcnthcnat riai iaii of goil-ir"iuil =C-iioeds3c:ne e,S.r.iuticro tile!'a iG i:ilosrrn. ccsii l ic fcice etf .o..aii l [ i l | : laac"lbydlic c.l' il-strci. -Jo1'.1.'fr -. t'!re. Scui.'-


    quortior of,5 . to our"

    Eacb. deEa::r Ls ia .J.l.!otr ene '.?i'dll 'r;::e otl:e3jr-Lc-connl:t'gi, v?1'y.'n3alfc I:t l'r.ea!.ity, ovcq..i;irlr.aitiif.pr:-" ;r tbo ipj.iltpnLi1.11.3.. it:.s't-u.s t-.bant:enre"l-oo 't.herhe_ sy+irra.ni['.:Ti;b't!i;";sii."il- '.iir^iii-:Jlr-a-rii3's::os.rucrl:r-s' ihb-l.:rrt'..lGI-o? dopetirir in tha'!s9::l::c, cc,,:ttnEl;"; iuail- tidfcdt rn tho $i'ii'it''"e'1" lir-:rf-.CA: He cen cone tO Cr:-Uf:lrlth a prelrl.spositJ-on.i:.:r a celseqtrre:loe c3. e' f'iu""iriil iia-oii':'hi't-ire '.rce-cice -'r-c::t3: 'tl:".:.:-,..I: i.t=:l;?:":l;.?". !ff;;'#:.li3ii"i-1.j.t1on. I'ire r..:ri' io-soe Ti'r:ric -r'orti:c="'1:rF 1r ';hj's l'i'fe:.liarffl ::oa:ls G-i:.lrEi:! .:rf !,TTiiCt, Tbelsfors cc;e Litil-c-d'ofcci. ln tb;'frfr'"fri;,*t.tn#!!.-* e a-ce;dri- in r;u* irFgs:'.cc.I ;ilrn T:'u: irCefsct 1n tbe ph:.'EJ.cal bci.7 1s 6e:.re=e1i:/ ,, corseir,.ei,G i, i tfii Is;1-ch'ie irci:f,'-i"d,efoct 1n the phi.'sl.cal bgi.ir 1s ge:le=nJ-r:/ n colgeirr.sj; l< ,: i u'v :p.iv'*L' ""'--'l-Oole pecpio r-,s.Iic cd.lurship o eplritua} pheno:rerc:r, dtr;1!"r='tj':g tht ?X-TF1" l"cai fro3 t-i:o a.stra-flcr-isii:r$ ious ciefcct f::c:'- ti:i L-r{l!Ei--Lo Jo'^.-i.-5l'e'::c*' Fa v:o3!s.--i-j.rn a aec:it-leciee iir:;r Jnnig-1_rt , r'ftr':' F.c; r-.--,!1i]-.,Tdi::-i:tni-*.-., - l: v:O3!.ss'- 'r:fn A AoC::]O cieg:ee ou'rn c:r u-ri l\l-drt t:: vL--becu picjcctec. an iho ii-Lr:rr e's's.t ]."si.id iiital Jlre icilc:..:i l:'):tt' lJt 'i"'yt -"rs-i;:"^:r:rurLde61rdr io sec tt ; =^:r:5.iatg rci,Jt-ia-tiit= pl:.iisrcei ll:cil*

    r'!s G-ieltr-i= u"ot'o.. ;;l:;; --l,i..ii. r.,.',;ir,i:;in'tb ec hs-r=nd 4lgl3' ic

    ffi'**ffitFi"l"rf, J"5;'ffi.i']gltsctiiel;:.*r'-l'"'

    In ali lbrcg pls:rr,= trg re(r ?h.tit J-t..,:of c-{':lti'}.iand.iji.fi'::'cT"!B:Le^u're3Lise ir tl.jr;:'flrj-ii*i- .t6 *!st i;,&6 ac!':r-1t:/.'r:i o;3p-gp9"c.Tgt.e__g* gI9 !.}-el.a.? "

    r'rctLde ar{t 1io sec tllo f,ia:?eaat3 rGSrlrE }! u!13 Ft"Ju:- |l,io cen refor to'tb.o ChrLetla:r aneolof$l c{ t'Lg lS?-}" Sc"tL !e :ro'{' riDir:l'}; !lt ls pl,estlc :5..1,ter bct;ec3 .u:e =i-*ic;l *"f. s:ii1;ur.r bcv:ie:, rt J.e !h+ i'3Jiii-r,iii-s6i"'?i helt- iiee-;s:rq r-il'.tr,iilu.rry;eii n':ve: the ::1:irie.:'--It ils tieces.;ail, for ri;;;u:,;o-ii.i.r,ae--iil,r.icuLi:rc, fo::' !' ; :ls de.I':f sJ] ir 4'?j)j' igeguence cf, tire 'i;''i''3:18.r9 !:a'r-':-''io'l--';F:tl'i:s-ii!i-''';itu't LLfo: '''''b1c:t ll:i;t }.'l';tt :' i t e r s n o x c i , 5 s : l c i r . r i i i ; i r e ' i t 5 ' | r c . 1 . . r ' : t u " - i i - = ' ; i l i t ; n t i u s ' ; n s t n ? r ' : ; s J ' c c ' l IHiti' i1"ilft;l!i.c-i.:x ci c.o.rtsc:il""ii:c;ibj"4v"' I. tt"nero a:e riiffe;srt sta'$ds of riinc,: ?ire 0)11-lois!Ii;u-J-r 4lir$i/'3r:t l1llii-:i^ itirei uiri.,sic,{i eoliii."--iior.J.riitr,,t cbf:ic.l-q-p-::liia# tgtl?*,i 1;-S];*iffi'?' t

    Thlrs irlrgitiTJiJrI s.':ttr:;C. e trseC,. or YC4i. - L t,,ti,!.li:t;p 'o:t '';5':s :-etixt' :i+'l'by tb.is l.ie c!:s o{-rl.tcc'l1 dci'sc-i i'n J!:lf o? tJr(r n'::t::;=I,or l-i; is sali-re-rjltsaiLo:r, sr.,.il::;i.:iioi".-''if.l--jCfii ..,'t',-'ui' crttuo-:ifl5'9t:f':t' 3:l

    ths gi.arvi,s ar.,.clhgr,:fole or6r;,cctlel. -sidliers. Con'r,o;t1gns. e:':e:'gLse nt:dlrro*rir1rrfj briac s;;;;Itit'-r3iin;.triat nc -.ius rr::rqrctisec l'.5.'islf . 1?.o.y:.i ::_ l .i:g- "* .aI :, :.1 lo .Br.riou.,o1.",rf..,.,o flc, noE r..iih tc use the Yo,?.:..;i-:rtceo.f lr.aalfr.i:, .".!9ll.1il:,1u tt.fl'-"inJi ili:Y; ir;i;\"",uilii,li,ri,;:;;'j-'ht;i'ia:-ni,i. a.:_iri1.............11jt1l!1:.....i-"t'fi=it'i" "i;;t;;;.;;ii:'-rt"'fiirs";:o';i-:o'f ; 1t: irr.'j't cornc rt'oiit rio;ie'o:ii' els''r'*]*9-iyii;:r-.r!1o.r.i.1 v.'.r1,11r{lfcti-I;' irof,, to. .r,rr1; tr i .rr::t owr.! rf i..!1;-,;r, 1rrC.tt411 tq usq thaU.li1ui.il ..it1.rr.!-n.,c:c).ttc.c.::.is: r'r,:'cttl:'l;it, irnat k iho actj.o:l


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    ' ' lr '"'.,'( '{i1{)scAy, .I0, t 52 .5i.;fT-tTiiiJ. f{ire.t--..=--*--::-*

    f'C.lL tJ;rC in.is3g l:lDo -lrnO';t'1i'r -- nCt' tr.ll'if'.ir;Lc.n, bui i::rl[ ']ris cin c$l;ctiF..o.r';r: l t* "blooi. riDvJ.ng, airrt thorr:f i ::e ffr,tl3i:i.lp.:iiI1"-r::;*t!--.c.9+]?.r,t*r'-.lii;g.".rsq.+.,t, -l,g-tlltlr:.r''.rr. i_ iiic a-:.lii t,-iri i.t.rgnot'1-srr Ln 'i::c sol1 i irs htstr ic legril lrr,;l to liut l'c onrOti,O.:n.r i ia' ' - '-S.rt r';o i'.ugi, Jce.tn ';.iiat ic 3::e. cc!,:se1s not eeo:ch io !ti:o(r tho :jqggc_i, of lLhess (:ne qq-ql:::._e!l..Lt-grY; tvJ"Sl,:!' {..-+fpte.*. -o{..!!l'r i:rris i .r i . - j g ' - ^ - . . . - i - - r - . , ^ i - - ' , - - - : r - - r - - -

    tee, eC:":iit3. fr.c;: .:!tto rj!:'f, lCzri :'rotv :l'bf.:nil'cnolri',!r t;r:lre. g-Utoeg. enou5h to br J.r: nucb !.alr.i.c, )lrr[ ...roFc.tL rJ;rC nJect lsDo sno';i'.'1i', -- nct triltl.if..rr;Lc.n,

    iiu3-t'tc ;::';iiiir'; "oi' c'L:iii:i:r. is.::r i; it'cct, attJ.::li fos'r; ln&4 c:l:.'.insi lnrxlr .Jt'-ttglf .- - ocr. cha.i-:.:tcct, isrr--r.i.:1o.rtJ -tnr+ ii:.rinl;t_prail -i*iii-,:r r'litlio,.i'r1.l;iiiti'i qrri. lr:;-irls ov.Ji. !':1s i:a".:,-,s i-b. ii?i1i,.i+-qir.g{:tg:]i;_i._s.i; tot h o i o ! . g o o . " . .

    i':tr.!:L. e ii i.g'-.-1i: ?.s ttas, il::rieqtrlli c;c-" e

    Therer'ore, the flrsie::n1L1br1lir,- j i lst :!ss'.:cr- e9 lJ:-3 fs:],i,ni.,1 !' n oc.ri-iact, lr c::'.;1' to eet:it:isfi '

    '..:*r thc lcc.iis areZ.'!!l'j:i Cil.,JtG1ll-]:TbLs i:us'j ?e rcdt bt ' ior$ !)3sscs lrcn lrr:qdtc foor. !: SI:$.i.g ecn'.'b?{i:,',' I'rsli ihr"sF-'ruorr ic ra:efi*i.[Isr;; 'ii:c?':r -:s ne r.i.:.ci1.o Hli;rr;'r At ' iI l:j:.'a,-.'f1sn" Flaillic:-.!.'r:'i;r':r:*y'.rila5:#.i!9i:::-gtJli'e_iu:..i--:o jl[oji!e!;

    ' l

    l'b9 e 'tire _pe'ilenli lx I s6c,)a4 .sr,.i !'l,t i h6r'6II :'co1'gir-l:ii, !'s!=, S,I-gilc.It.:'r tho ClL,'*:fU.jG, gii'-rl; !:r-'n

    to be tr:ido r;:r!:i.

    i.itrrJr.r6 , lirjit tho fLttlr.l. aUC, aS::C i,c::rr at :.d,-ietii;ae c:.j ab.jifr 5C c:-,. l-t vot :sf,.'J,' t . io oirr ic.c. j-s ,:3c st:rc:- .S, 9c d-c:t t cci:etoo nei,;:, IO u.''r s _cr.g-ji-:1r:rr 'ic:o crleyss"Toko 10 to Ii}, ol crcn ;eiitrils caly 5r{.Rutei to put 'rhc pc!1-r::i j.iio ?beg'g(rna s'.;atcl/hOri i;l:'r. i'rr4r;.n go:,:e .t'.c;n !'-rl;' irr.'e:r Clrcthe fl.'.r'.*, tr :i:r='.'r b.s::,ls oul ':tlriiti,($gb dini-:. '4. ) l 'cu'; irl i i , . i :-. 'r: di14 sr:l 'Fr': ',;si:ec.d,, fcr thc .rlbraiL:s ct tirc :rag;et-4-. '::Count J. re:5.4r : i .6, f l :c i ' : t' iths lcu pnl !, ooncenrrttc ::- -1!.1 :.o_:oii-6r "jiif !" lf:g.+!;_ :

    r2. i>r . : i . ,r 6, f ; f lg : : l:'g oi: 'i;!u:eo r,n!,'ts c' ::i;iDre s5- :;'aruf-Wlf} eotc . . .tl ic tot'-v,-'.i '.ttfs on 'i!:;.:hs: iiri0iji.trl'L'!

    r r . i g . r ' - JL r i . r ; r , r , v v r r e e a . , J . q r ! . . : : ! ! , 1 . ( r : : U : , U U : , : . . / l u . . il. bc?.rce: tre eyes, !'!r,g4i'f1 ' (il.rril3.; :i;iilret'F'-i! ) r tr ie : 'oi. ' l lc } .- . : :Sc::- I-s-: : ' :1i t ' i .1{,e, ' : : i : . i t i : ! . - i0. :?. i .o.: tat i , . t:t ir tr ie : 'oi. ' l lc } .- . : :Sc::- I-s-: : ' :1i t ' i .1{,e, ' : : i : . i t i : ! . - i0. :?. i .o.: tat i , . t:t ia:: t::e lreil*-C.1 fi irir;.rSlCr:.j '; 1 .iti$, !e 'J:.i.:r ;- ; J..i!',;J.c i,:'i'), *dr:i Trii? r1ci.t:or r" t):1..:J.-?:a -r l .1i:lJ, x3 rj!..:..,) ;_ i !.:,,JiiJ.a irli? gl'._,.?l.O:i *r:!r.)Sun i'leXus, :r.'.Jl' :s=t: Uh* r.lalt.:e:r(.i;rr:tr.-ri: ,! tiic .nc:..'cg need Jus'i)rr'ri tlra cnil of tlre.rs fs;; hirulos, '.'.'hcrntho cr:bJt:cg becl:s ic bo r^\..If 1.athe'rseco:il :rtote!, :l:tuf5cgt this.l i l..rcr: plt'.ais, 1c

    . l *"':;$!;,i;'':1, p.rr..9G."c. Thir ftrst ;,n!!ree are-?iii'G'fEf',Ti[fmifr.-,n,.:rop,rr:,.1. cn.b. rrlth th e'rrrus 1nc, y_9g__r. i_+l:l C* lfriii-i,if ..:it l--:itr_,"-

    rrrF_r,rDFJ.- T' - -ratFt,::.!Fr-F:i.

    nc tIct


    www.sergeraynauddelaferriere.net The Magic of Wisdom

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    .I_f_ql1$9,._it;;I:.:i . j'i.-i 11r.";.i.i Ui..rrl:'st'r.,.r:.l ' '!.[q..-1'-{IEtt. Dl . rr-e ..:r rerlicro. i!c,.lnes::1.r,::ir:i. ..c,Ft.r'.lif:,f:-i,t'..-:f:A'-f--.'jF.r:Fim :lTffi* +l)!t-0i!r'{l{i[l i t: r;Jrenp. ji.'.ticnU.ho.s bccn e.harned, nI I tiro clc:teici ';-r-' i-o. t;,=ffi-rTTlifar,-$o hii: to g,ct. t'her.riachc. -$6''aT,is ncc..:snr.l':' to Dc-(.hr:ta'lriit-r-r:ovcl'lcni ls t:'itn!:tcrs::I, i'.:ttr gtrtrn t.'i.th hand.s clos:c'.1. ccrc=J:--Tr!E-ll-'-::.--:,Ilrcn::t :.n:1 :io:f.!tt . -' 'ftc:' 'tltti gi-r'e Lr)In r.lL.j i;j j$ ar tr.!:e-it cut,,-' --TciE:aT::n5A@,.I.nc:+c,.S!8. Cn.t l i ien-rii it. Ti:cn ir'rcv on :'r' inc, iEl-t,o lrl';-vo::t. I)u' h i.n I'I'olWrf u , . $ r u . l l " h i c i . . l g i c I u t 1 1 ; o u i ' i i t t J ' 1 r [ 1 6 . . o r t ! : : . . r : 4 s o fIic5lbr vh;n ffi iE-:iF ilfcctl.orls. i.ll_{--.y3..!c nt f sc }s eJr.lgh'.;llE-ifiT rosi ir. Ilit la.@'. _=_ ulm;J*ii t::t",;e:i15-30 " cuilr; a total of . hslf c.n hout'. 5. rt .Di;:i':ilruR(ii,l -f.or tilc treit;cnt.lalcr you caD curc v.'lthirut CIL:licIt 2 or Bll*ilgt:--. l}.t1t^,ll,jilo !,eClnn:.ng qestpcct tlrerio rulos.. r;tl,er ycu c=rr ca'JiGI,.Y-urirt,ellct Dii-uluu{'J;j a.l,l IIl o:te, but r:ou nusi'bror'.' i;he.co,ltr3s.l'nel's o-ro 5a dlffcre.lt'.coitti.'cs, cn.i i:ireirTiiFiTe-Ell71;F-jStiTi:'iiiels=, Eo ?r.n J=s.+-icuch the rcai Foin^r,, sr:] i 'nothln;-',r.a.=ri lct.thc lg'.t iont 5

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    ' ,1TllrSi cii!,;AT SRulKXliHouD. F r l d & y . 5 t h . S e ! t . r q ? -

    RIAI UISSIO s t x T o R . ,cFvolut lon of l fur .anl tyn ( oont fd) . Pane 2 .. F

    In thc Dlblc no readl that fron d.u"]t,ru qurno to tl,ust wE snrst rsturn.ft d.oosnrt ncon "dlugtn. The trgEg-Ig-tl,g! 1n H:e]lsh readg '!d.usr,' ' butyo u riuot ronegtbo!', lrat ttre qllel. f-EE-Ts 1n s;irrao sxd thcr6,\irvo bccnu:Aay trcnsle,i lone lrom tire or141na1 te:

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    ' ;1' '

    IV,rits.lL GltD,i't ljllOTIIltlt!lrJJD . PTLd-aL qth. :to-i:t_._jI,4!:V.lR Al i l_!I$Sqi i r l'til|.:,':ii'i'j,H sl'' Toli,

    lEYo].uilon of . I!ul.:r.n!!:r". ( cont ri l ) . F a q e ] .othcr oler.ont , trr?Srrrch ls the nsi : :r lo l lsat lcn ofThc i l re of ihc i r r l th , i t ic d_ l-nacr ten. ihe encr .get lcno 'X seel , but the na te r l . . . l l i s r i t1o .1 of ih ls i s the. Thcro 1g nor" thethc c lsrssni [ '1 : :J .l 'o:-cr: ir e har-oi4 us tsl r lesth - t i re scLr i f le .t ', ':ol i l ls lnpo-':t:nt..tho iTori l , a:td. ih e Yorrl

    Ti 'ro 1cr:cr. of, ihe Terb. !.or thst rcason theIn "ro?ur, 9'hup. I ..re rcadt rtlrr the bcglnnlng riss$nts $lth Go 0 end tire tTori l f lss CrAl'. fn tirc br1;1rirl te>:i i ,o rcacl,s "InIcgcs nieslrs Vcrb. rrAnrl the :.rcrb ras'lstb cndl I ' iora ci e ii io dli-: ic:.c:r+, tlrlr:gc,lntcr . -o lc tc t lot i o i t : \e Blb ie torr is i i i .Yp.ril-. 9...hc S.1uJf.!crj ilggath)

    the be;lnil lna sras thc f.o.qos. . . , "ln God $i10. hc rlsr':, rsrs Gori.:tbut I C.onct l ia:tt io glve nn{-J-u-g!..-:{:'lr-!.-!-o_gxe.l_+l$--t.Ie_t-..i.b9.n1th t i rese'r l . e! .sneats colb lned'we i rs , t 'e hls cynbol .

    In the_t ;g inr , l i rg cf cser: r ih i r . : i : ve l re: re rrhat ne cal l t i :e

    ?her..c is

    Sona-9f yo} l : rd: r 1t as i ,he :ynbol " r i : i " l " " i -o i -soro"on esI sq. l . i ear i lc i , .a i :d s, l .se . ; i ie-S lar of Dazfui - , I t ls c iu i .actc i -16ttc of tlre equll lbrlur:r !ci ',rccn ilre i.:ooi.ocosr,r ,rri ,uirc l i ic-r o c o s a .: ' r f_wo. con uul te. . thaee t 'no poler l t les, l f ve o:{r unl tc t l :e i l o lonr! : i ;thet rtc lavo ln nc, rl ', ir thc 4 clpn:nts 1n the Grcrt cosr.oe .Lhen v; c ereYUG. -rTe t l r i ' l i fy o: :c ! i f i ;h c, t r r : thc: ' . i . : r tcrnengtra!o one i t l lh gno! i . . r - .F.rl:c i'hg p-A:'lte9t t;:L:.-nrc cf th'.:5e 4 dic.-,:c:r,oss.ir.ri,;e Ili.i:L:.SE LT;iiy,r.:IIijO.OlilJ;. 'j':!lf LS !ii.! CJ,!t r-rd. ;lci; rrc sira1l foll..r.r; iAe necizanlg:a of th:^rot{ .cr io t ty ' !o u: , ler-c tEnr l bc i tor- - - . .

    1'E:; .1,;5u1,U?t: In the_ t ;ginr,l irg cf cser:rihir.: i j . v e lre:re rr!i lo-s;1:F-Jt]* ,ihe f,bool,rtu te r;t ihe Cr_.rrtot, Lt 1g rroii v r u * u , u . . r r r e c D o o r t l r u I s : r o t i l r e r i l _ . r t t o l . , l t 1 3 t r o i o o d . . t T e n u e tr l l " : j ! l !+ 111:.. .?e-eoy I 'Gori" :c.gancral)-y-:ncan lis rCrc=?oi . ; ,t t ! .e eno i l : rol:; ;to;",i:":;;:.::,.:i::u-iriraL,u,i -,,iiiil-i;-;i";;i;l; ,,;l';;;"trr1"'[o;1g:l"ii lil; El:.;i:-r.,,.:*..r'?^:gr_,-.cC:,il";:--..-i;;;ie;::;o";;;;;"oiii,i" ,r,*l::i, ::;..:':TT.ti' i r="i.iil-' -,?:;f;' i,i",,.j iii'l;.}L r|itt"r b c e c u c d . l t*I-:,1:i-.i-.::=^,:":?;i,r...,;i..rs."-.II'i,o;;,,.;;il;' iiff""'; ;i:.}"?l :i::,.:"i:I."':?:'*i: '39";i-isc iiJ.l'iut,"i:,-i!-1.'Jiul"iiiii tr,i"'-oili+ . * l ". ,;l. t.l:-::l{1* . . Ji"; oi",.i'.ti i'';'" il;.,; i,- Iji,_liffut,,r,j.3,F.11",,:f*l:l:;:.1"g-::lri'J5;"!"il;,J-i;s;,,";"1:l^',!"'i,;r;;I',-lii:: :: " :": y,f - . ::_i.* , f 1i'' ';=r':; .; ;,l.i,,iir#,."i1i 8qf O.9i5.

    t )1n

    ilrIl;lt:";: ";n :r.l_:;r:^-...;::"1:"*-.,.lzi,r:-d1,.:r.- ;; '.,.-"'lio=,,.nr,ll"i'IuotLlng - l ie ...; is co;.pleici;; ir, fo;.rcr.l ' ie rcal j .sc thcrc nuet .be sonrc l : i t l ; r$becautrecvory ib ln i i vas r l l ic r -?nl , .ar l r r*^ ^

    a a l s loposslb le th. r t;1,'f."t;,:*ll_:::"_ll'l.,:t;,;_;;-;;;;iT;";"=:;"i;ii.i",ii'ini*ll.,r"=-r's, e:1

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    vui:;lrr-i1t*$-!l:^l!l!lLlj9-:1.9: !'.rldav' 'th' sc'oi'j,3'-iiff:@!l:g.irvg',,Ths-r-@Y," (,cont'd)' lare 4' -

    . lt e hera thlsrcllxlo;rs. Di)'r\HJJ'f(r ' rrE)

    rt ycu prcrcr ro- scy. "ln. the-boi1lmtlnp"' t- ls t"t:t'#il5"$"iniit="1s erslcr tc'r ,oui ur'ceritonatrrs-1er''-.aps'ui tl:"':":I"ti;l"l:"X"L^i1;o ?.odec-ocr to tsoJ-u-t"tltt.'-tr;;;;;i iditlc'- - 5o irl"-e:r hay rcEd 1:?'nt

    ort i tner toxb t] :o i i " la- irn rhc :"r- i " i - tr"" ivhlci r- lFts the lrchet] lo '-rrre-f rsl prlnc1p1"'i i i t.itoi ',r.nri;:i;t;".;":-;'uit; Fcsl; a' d f:roucEr't,tre -ltCllirTYlU. ;-:- '\ In thc bcglnnln,'1GoiI creeted' 'Tirat 1s the fircat pyaterJ' iihy hacreatcd, wherc r.,""" t" 'Jt* i -*na i, , in" q,,o" i lona er '1gc fron thls ' Sejo ' .al:e Go rio; see o,,r , t i i i i - l g; i i t i l , "" i i " , i l - to-, rr . ortrr ted. There ls '-heArchetypc. enl He "nil-t'o b'o''-r lh;t It ts tire sar:lerhcn a person i'ls a

    p1qn, tte colcer i l t""-rr- fa i* - h;- tnf i r ' .g-al tout l i ottd tht day conies.whenire r ic,ni fccis i :1s ' i ; ; t - ;" ;-c ic: ' ;usa; ' ' - iut*" b9' f l .or; e 'oout 1t ' r i 1s thasnae .; i l^,h od. fr , i - r .rc.t" type 1s

    -tt^ 'u." ' 'Lr 'u ' - ' r i ier iL l i o l t=ui te ie l -=wc eust harc !.iJ*:r';';";i[;-i i io er,ravi-ieilrf esto ln Forir. ri carr bc art lcrobe bul ; a ol" to i ' " -n*s c ioin ' -"ni"- i ""n-fs h-:roiopl :sa' vc:rJ s=l l 'bu^, 1i . ls forn.

    ' - -- f to" w1i"r Forn t- f t*"e-f" fnoU-Cgt'sonethl :rg l1t lngi i i r , - i "ur , e s?1r1t; ;1h;; ; i ; i ' - - ' i ; ; ; i lve I 'E' i - roi t l - r i i iuol= 'Thet 1er +,ng sci'onttf lc cxlle.-ratlotr of ihe ABSOIIJIE' i ie sc e thla1n. Cnrt i t ten tetmlnolcS; 31so:

    . Before God crcated. there i :u! the spl r l t o; .coa. Then Got l =o=! fest-ed hlnserf r ' u i r " . i i iJ - - rn-g-agyg-gi i i " i -u! coa thc Fathero r i l3 i l o : 'sc,ay fio. r:::.rrifestci-r' i"""u 1n thc.i l?"i l i l"-lnzar::aicd'' lI c too)< o icrr'

    The chl ls i . t i " , , ' i : " "J"""=or.^ ' : r "u iL i " ihe I) 'Jr iJ icrr i lon ol c : '1r : - - "r ,n l r ,er : -et . Corsc iou:n:es, s grrat ; ; ; ' ; ; ; ; i - ' - i t t i , t lo l5 dpl r l t , the i lo l ; r Ghoet ' 'iiri'-:-i' Jr{tt- gg.oueiirt i-loloer"ln the tflnd'u phlloscpby algo ag le rce:;r othe:t i t " -n, r [ ior) . v ls i t l iu ( ' l iJo- , \Ta^-ar , ?he.Cht l r ] ' fc: .^ ' l ro'. "' ,-- - -: ' iFoiili 'R-[ia'rg- nt:iil;: 1r'a -r':r.cn

    SHI 'rA i ) ;s t i 'o l ic r 'o i a l l thc sccn' ' -. (EHOUGI: iJ-- t t re- i io iy i l i :c : r t f o i t l re i l l r r lus ) ;. . I ' y o u . l n v c s t l 6 l t o a l l i l r e r c l l g l o n c y o u g c e c z c r l t v h e r o t h a s i l l . E l c

    tranlf csta pion, thc iloly Tri:rl ty' 'irchet.r'pc ts Gcd' :,=::1!cc"cd. tn all h1:l zofendo'lr ';;;.4-;i '; i ;tr;h1::s :-: ' i t i ,:ci i=:;rt r 'nd- the:e 1r no:'i +'heoi-'irt io l i 'o:r1.f,.- *o'.1' c rj:. isi se e thc hrrrig:ebeln5'

    thcghcn l . l : ie611c'"6 i lc cBCbre Chrlst . ! ;heic ltcle hunan belnge bu t Cilr lstform of "he hue,n Deln6. Rcf c rs

    Chr ls t thore srrs ihcff i ;;- t;;-" ;;f --cr'r: c[ perf eo ei {o:? 1';o1".-l! - 1I.-1}";i i if i 'tJi'l :;; ";il-di,-["I.- .t 'r ri-^'st"l'o.i:: lt:-tjll:e"y-ito '. ic:ri:d to ;..rn1fcc"; i i lrcclf cr't i ie g'i ' 'rt 91:. nes3elr3cr; i l ih" i - r ie .s icsus cf i ia=gre 'c i l fh l : D 'r ' * ter t " izh e=lgtc i l

    I Ie hgs6rc=,i


    Ch , r l s t l c 33Tcc 'God nsic th:o',ri. th';:: :.-.ctc ii.': :.:r'rh1n tbe -; l rs tnen !d! : ; : "g, pcr f :c t ln ihe Cnr l t 'v . . f i rat . lu l tu =cchanlsqr f ron th:A!!;84 to tira ToD. .l,D,ti,l4's

    CIIR ST ls)it", ( l l c r h )( xoa ) .

    . So t ' rc hqYc the 'bhres.Pla; :cs: -( I l c i : 0co iu ) - D i y l : re ' . i ' o r l d (5 : r111 t ) . Aa ' ; ra1 f i o r l ' l ( ?s : r ch l c ) eno x1 le : l a ifarTfl-Iff i1c:,,1). ln syeqrthtrr,: i rve h:rrie tho Dlvtno, Astral ni:d l?r;:lce!.You rodoni .c : e fcrr i leckg a6b i rcrc vc tr l tncssot l tho ?lay "The Gloo'?" t . '5orcrro Eaw tho thrcc Diotrcs. Div l r rc - pernct lce, A3tr .L] - psychlo andl"s . tcr1 l I - oart ) t .

    . ri e b:c'r , ' pt--r '-f ctlY r.roL! t i i r t ue l:n ' ;e : ! :esc tSicz t ior ld: ln evc: 'g. '-I t l i l lg. ^. l : r out 'ucl- : lcr l i ! l . ;a ' :r ! !rr : i , i ryr!cl i bcfr3i, Elrr : :r rr e hevc. i irc ;s5gtr iclLooy. th : soul end ozer_ t ik | ' . , ; : l : : , r ' c 'che op l r l t - 9hc i l l v lno botJ ' '' E o n t t , ! ) . . .

    www.sergeraynauddelaferriere.net The Magic of Wisdom

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    Iyi i : i j , i .L Gli i} l f i t i iJ ' . t : I l : i i i l ' iL ' i" 'rift ,,'---i:friiffi ]--4+:q.!.. Er-&.v-#Jr --Ls-u-!-.-:l 'jlv11itlg-of !:1:gg:r1-t*r-il-ia-qqii;3-)' ' ' .' ['.uo-:' *

    dog or c'..:r... ,i ll ,1OiCU rir-.'r: ihc t:'.'.itc :'i..:!t1:)11 , l i ro csJ.IEcf, i t ;c 4.r i :scio:- l . : -

    l l c res l lgo thni spl r l t , . souL eud i lo i ly cre thtes dl f ferent bodleseni l yci only ono," l i r " - iu ino s, 'e Uhe. i " " f t " t l " lu , God lTl rngel f runl fcs 'ss 1: lt he th rcs bcd log - CoA the Crce io t ; - i i t ; c i t " i " t and the l l o l ' r 'Ghos t ' f hoganc {;hrcc vc},1, }p ss-c: : ic t r r iS 1* t r rc Aic; retypc exls t ln or: reelveg e, lsoo11r.;-c'r,1t ls or.;t1'*Jr't".-- ri i l t ' lt t lre:-'fsttr: i of the Tli:rl ty snd that;e I:iust l i l i"I,ISE.TIt^\: '-t in0io!rLi: If *re tl :.c thc i. i .ecrocosiitlc see ti lsse thrce pla;tes;m-r.l'li;t,Sloii,6tt!* an6 itfili.ttl. itre ni:reraL ls a l1v1na thlngt i rcugh 1., d.oas. . r . .ot lvo us:?c t lo. lhe r i l l r rcra l doesnrt h lvc soul c :Spli i t, ln.tclbcl artl cisr:?.Li '.9 ?o'. ':ercc 'tre ao. T}re ul:lelal ' ttp?carg tou:r as sor..e.;iilrig cs"o., lu t ic "i..It';;."- 1! !s 4.11.-;:i;i5 ti',i::. iirolqrl 91r::lloJ.ecrilcr. i'riircrr.ill"

    - '_lot' i.ii:'-ua'*':': tf Torr trti;e -s st"ite and' hs::ner 1?yO u Would sec t'. ' l{.; i : ire *i i $! i : trlci. 'scrri i i '^e"; li lUrs a reactlg'-r' l ' l1ththo 1ni:sc" of i:bc'i.*t;+cer ti '.c a+,o;te shrlnle elruy' ffos cxlsntis atid'i"iti"ii". -rir.,*i-r* .tlrc Itfe of ilre-.'.iolccula{rrl:rclu}e' tlter:e ls rrovirsi ne cefl ' lnoiI"ti i ffs :tr.c:1c.s-t ',e-f ', i i".---f; i ' t ' 'olot'"e lf rvc i;1t'ness's. e Eccii ie:l i V0 ?$.n i 'ecl e :e:le"i le:i i t i tru't ' i i{; '1rl 'n o:r;sci ' 'rcg al'thcrsh ttc.scr.;l ] 't l lJ* srrJ'1ler :a !th.1,/31o::l :" '5': ' i-i i l ; ':Izec' l sto':e'gg:tnoi rcr;lsic:'a. fec1ln.i: o3 u..rfi-i :. i ; i l- i"; s,-r:;: i l ,:.; i ;-"i"or'fot i:a:, ',rneringof cnq'I?re-i s';otts'thc T.circtr:blc haa a callular l:: '!el.11eerrce . . ' l tou lcrro"v hat rany.gtonc toSciher o=i;; ,,cr=cu:." ""s.--iol."iruics

    - l. lr, \rn ne,i:c colls ' Tirls1g ihe cgatutgr i iJ"iri i"=i*l- i-oti ";;-;hi;-forir 'of lntc'f i iserce

    1r: tlref 1oi.icr.e :our.l:i....r-l[=)r]--i:,""u 1e li;,ci.r ;:irrc ;,!i11r'3r:eni1i.jioli;rs i;h:rr 1n;ifi;i ,"iiri:r. *ili1i

    il i'lii;x'il: i;#' ;:,,;;:'ii+', :ii' '4.1e. f o: : : 'esul i o i ' i ra i ' . ' i ; l i r : : ! i t t ' ' . ' i - 'u{re" ' thc:c" ' l -ear lo hai

    } 'u- : rLed scyaad iq; c'3!e lc3x I i 'ui t i i ta' o:a uy-Iiri- '--e'l i t ' i t t i :o e:' ' i t of tha'i t i ::c I" " i " r r*e ' t l - .o Dea.rLc: t t r lch ' ;crc theu. ln

    l i fe . I ier v lL l 'a t1on 6gd l : t t lsdi t r : t tCu ' "-. l f." r-e.gotri. lo i; j .th b1::.ccJI'. ' l=:-' fu',tc).11f,;cri:e ::111fr'sts 'ohig i= f ison.ircaljou:' o ,oi 'rJl "--i,-tcu cc,: :J!r.1'. i i3 ieii irt ' i- 1l 't"! 'c: ':er t ' l ..rau6h fe:-' ';cl:"i i-r:"utu ir'.el iac trrt ln o:. ' ie:: i: : ;-: i l , i ir i" 'at: 't: '

    =l ietr are rca'Il ;i i*;f ig. l iolr. l L'lci,c-Jl sj. 'o i.. i '-: ctj, i lve'j. l ::;air ct! '.ers' iror lrtstan:c iirSOUth..r:.:g:{r11 .,rlr"i..-lc e -fi.r. ' '. ::uri:rl : tratis:rtl . i ;cs liseli in eor.e l"ir 'd' ofanl.Esl ar i =:r' i ;Sall the lcrrc:, r-is tl lr: 'rs is !].: le'igt*eia. I uggA "O;;;.I ;;"-Aisoil l .as ilrrt I i ';1r:.rt lce{' thlc plent' I ";cri lri cc::nreni 1?io.sj.cc1, Rn'l .1-t ;u:ifcr clc,:.r, !: i :et: f '; 'tr-rl-t ' ico'-' '::: '- '."rt i-i to r'"eka eni 1i :ioirf i li , : .a !e, : ts t r ia l i : , - , r i i i ! i : ' . ' i s , r i . " l r ' - t i i lur i g: io: le i : la l i tc t l lc L 'e 'g- '1c 'd13'- :oi ,,;::c },:r.lin bofu:i; :r:rr',. {.r) .'cr:ii t';il+, .rl1i 'ssvisc:r':c';'r'{L:'S to n;r iai;n3;is::'' l , ic ]cro*.rAlsc iir.r. ' l i lcre Rl'C flol icla;;h1cli elee':r dUrln5 the'n15;htenC tbcsc ?thlolr r;al.:o 1rt t, ir: :rlgiri" i ' i i th ihe -nic:rt I1fe'ric rea)'17 fe';Ii f ro ' ' " t i l .y arc Jf ' r f i t j . ? i re; r ia lL. ; . . hete 113e ci ' i . 'o ! : r i le l thot l re aal l'selir: ler 1:rtC1llgc;:co. 'j .c ire ri.. 'ai ':+rL1ti|.lnc ;1'o3 blo:'. ' ln5on nnOlher ircc'Thg !,sl-c:rn,. '. ',h'r"ir ',: i ;..!: l .i 1.j;J i;1': e:.t1,Lt.):, : {::! i ::t $e.y. - l ' let 'urc is-ros'i 'I l ;11z1rrg e-nd lt 1g ::oarl-crlu'i 'to e o:r' ' i i ' ;- lrt 'rr11i:e'" 'ce "f al l ' ' ;h{' r 'e6eiublo. tf"eain.. Su.gor.lcr to thls d.onnirr Ls tirc .l lnl"-ol i t:1c Collcotlr 'c Co:l=e1ots!!c;:l- 'ThC anlLrs l hnc t i l i ' l l f ic ' rc l l l i rSt j -nrr t , ' f l " .c l ' : : : : t l : ret c f c 'Joq o:- 'e ' : 'h ' ic rlnst:tn.oe i2 73ii/ s'uro:rg' ' i"Y

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    ltri rlrsi.+ -q.lrF.i". r:iJ!_t!:i[14 .rt..:uAltAiitl.l J5 l.;:; - EiiLlh.lit l,lj s !c'il.)rt .'

    " @ t : / r ' o o n t ' d . ) . Paec 6 '_l.t l i l iTrl fI*l i .?t: Bctr:ecn tire inlmrrl qrld thc tlumsrt Belng; thcrc ts rvhct vacul l t i ;c nerr tu l p) .ano. ono f , rce. t I rerch ahl losopl rer has gsl i l t iuD.thc only 'lhl:rg 'ciri : i ci lstlngui:ircs t::s!l iroi l thc anfunal ls thoirghi. lt' a nan i loes:rr^u hlnk theu hc ls nothlng more t lnn an anl r . rL. i fc ore 'Ju: ttho perfcct nn1nal

    Ihero e.ienll l1o:ru o, noonlo on thls eaith rzho ncver thlnk. Thc;rnrc jrJ,e? l1zi:rg. if vc cra l1v1:tg rr-uioi 'atlcelly - eat!n.E, drlnl:1:rg,slccpln3, r:rori:1ng, ..lc C.oirrt (1.o. n;,.! i1Li; 'r. lrrre tirc,rr the anlirel d.oeg, o:,cheno accord. i : :g to h1e r

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    Ht#Fi##i.#'H''ffi8q;*Ieg' F,r ldny., 6th, Sert. t5?.PAEE2.4Il youareworklnsoTv9g-1:y.I:H-o1L*'-1,:"i:H;"$it"t?; l;:olgocoutr lo. $t";"i"fi;il;d;Gt tirat-vou.:*st tttrm'lr-'ll:itil";;^iil "oy ;;-v;"- .ino:so,oii:"1l1lllt3,ll;'.v:t.t1i:": thetil'jf li.'ilo"i'*""i ;;; ;;;i";1o:r. - you remalnvlilr the 'rrr eso.

    PlnS 2.

    "Sut trftet tlutt, lf you loeo ths lden of ]I agn srid'try 3o-t::l*?unssn'Jo\r ,onrt e 'n i ro* iurt i rcr aar l -you lusi^iqy to-cxlst ' You rcalrsonirc src o,."u s,1,r"i:l;;""i;;;;11:ifrivor.- -o f borrrso vou irsve trancepodlrr:rablp cto. uirl*ri"i;";;;';;iffil; of un^erstnnarns whln vou fisn':tffi-u-ni;ri-ir anl'.gxIAsI$: Thlc -Io u. lrlgher.sictc.. It la-iqore- oa\.lcgg oe!! \ipnotlsEr'foil;'c on thc iiol""oi i?lrlrjls;, oi i iear',r"sb1pe-nt trrncg.rt ls thonqntcl Dlano.

    -rtttu" thsi you rd'rfy stert to hnve sonctltlug - loo.iit"it -t'., iavo 'rl'un:nr+llon,* r ,rO,.rrroE, Thlg cgn conc^fto$'En 1deo1-- Io?s" Thosc' arc the pcoplc' fii-t=ffi rv-" trr rr-frii o-c o.'U;;; ";;fi'-r'cv e''

    - -rhov Goat harcr.'soln t\o leraoD',r ;;;; ,,o ,re $t"drile"it,-i,i'o-tlie;r iri'vc'tho d'ca11s"lcIoyo, tl is lo"o "i;;; i"peas,ttra'1-li '*Ti"i 'ar'c tire'ircopte cor;oncltrg

    to.b:rrrs 1]ltp1nrt1o:r. ' Tlroy aue the l";;ii lliro ccr'ner:'oe o l$o'ti'wislott: rotcr ot1 "e- *t1o-illstlcn vhlch ls acgullcd' by lsro*ledgo: Thoso!ou:.,To--rcsrn i.agli l i iabbel-e.h,,.gro-hii i l iuni csdtcriE ibecirt'ss-ena iherobv..icour.rc rcsl bno'ti

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    I l r

    IINWII\S't-L ORI'I!\T DROlfirnIIOOD.T.j-@rr:on ol-]lU:e1t!g!( cont rO .

    (t,c \ {

    - r Fr l i tay, 5. ! ,h, Scot t52.

    P.Anre. P^gE t,Thcco li".gters ar'.onlthoui a pbysical boriy. ft noans thcsel,las?crooro ln 'uiro.(!ctral phne wlrcro tlrey are vcry na3r io relniegi'atlcnlu ths psxfoot pe.irrolnLo, They st'e Jusi izaltl:rg fo:r lrurunlty to bcnc.rr the cntl of a oyclo antl tltetr' ere ,reec\y to lotntegrate 1n purlty, fu lGoil Illarrclf . J:r or&el to attvact o.I1 of lrruuantty to tiren..

    . It ls booellgc truainfty ts too ilcgenciatc end cannot be ettracterl.by thoec 6roat llggicrro ihat tro corrnot hrrc reelly Pcaco ro\rnd the Cosnos.tJo orn itave the snd. of tira vrorld 6ud, that ls pred.lc'cetl for 195)accoril l.ng to tbc ?yrE$1.:ls. Yes, tl io entl of tbe gorld. can be tccar:.sepeoplo tionri rant to co-opef,otc oa thc tgsk of ro-eCrucri 't1rri omntty.Ieople nttks e ]l '!tls prsy1', but lf thcro 1s no co-operstlotr on tltls grcattssk thon ?e osn be susc'l irgt the.carl. of tiro ilor'ld wlll cono, naybo bcatoulc forcc or cataclysa. ' flrc aspcets a::o ve4; beil for tho bc5lr:rlngof noxt tca,r. It :is l-u ilre ha.:r0sof'tire people - 1'.; 1s YOIIRciioics.Peoplo hsvc io clo coriothlng. Tho lioetore are thcre - the pcople rthohevc tho oycs ori goer.bBt tho people bave to choogc to. ecne glt[ tbeldoal of love antl lrpersoual cervlce, Eeob on6 hns to reallsc ihe fourgrcat s^"g,tos.

    T-O-IJE!-; fo cooe ivltb love, wltb tho lAee of lngtcrsonslG . - sso::vioo. ft rioesntt nesn io. lcron tbrough laortlc&go acqrtltcdfron booke t .1. ., : TO-I?IIiL: I'llsdotl 1o roqulreil. Hers you have lanov.'lcd.ge{''!.i , a'(l you tool sons po\?or, soEg faculty d.czglop vrltl:le your-.elf\- ' _ an(l yo u arc rlr-11n6 to oerr-c.

    !-O-!ARE: [hls l i the rcal lnlt latlon lrc,unu-gc ou ore atttrlo etirgo an lrlt late. You sre an r-nstnrqtor. Tou nrstilere to glve you-r lnstrEetlcn anC, :rct be afralfl about lrl:stpcoplo thlnk. You tenelbcr Chrigt sald- r'-Eecaugcih--,u art. lulccraru o,iul nolthor cold. noi lrot, I wll]- spue theo out of&y roouthn You nust 4o aornethlng. I t ls l ret ter io !e ( ;men1e,bctter to Oo ooncihlng vrong auil you couie tack on- thg rightpeth, I}ut t 'qo othcr pcoplc r,,ho 0o noi;hlng aro J.lLo ots$nantwater - 1t sr:cl ls yrTr lrad.. Bc l1ko a currout of Yiater'pure nnd olear.f.o-.BD...S.I.r.L)'rT:h1g 1s rcoclr"ctl for ln s }iaatcrs - tbe pcopl.ci i fro'hai'c rcatly ta!:cn huucllty on ti la1l. shoui0org aud rhcd.ontt havs tbc rlgb',; to ial lc ebout tiroi l tagk. tltqf at',;reotaII tiro \./10r,6 vlblailon that a;c1sto i.n h'*i..:rn1ty anrl iai';o that1r ths{:rsehcc. 'rirey abcor.ir t irc pa;rchlc aarbtols. the vron6fqtoe lrr thcnrgolvea and ti 'y to purlf5 1i; by ti iolr'offol,Dy thclr polycr. r{hey.'i ; lnrrcru.to lrr .or4or to glve a goorivlDratlon on the tTorIO, la c'rircr. 'bo ralnialn tho axlg of thooarth so that lt irourt bo pl.ungoil 1n[o &arhroos

    , _ ' \ . , .

    r -hopo, and by that r mesn r n l I suNE iro rca. l lso th lg- l fo uuet oo-gpolato aocordlng. 'Do o'r . r poc:1b1}1iy , J .1t t lc or b14, . iu t l rb f r reat tar . rkl rur 'E sol ro pcoplc hcvc-ul ready takc_D.Ln thJ.s ro-c/*uoet lon of f ,utunnl t ; ; ,T!9gg lloplc a,r,o 1n the vca6-.rr.r0 ai-,ft I crr 3111.9irrt tlie OiifSl:R5..t,LGi(:t.T.BR0Tf;gJtitut).1)luril bo nore tirair a r.e1.ite.'ei:a ci:i_tt bo e rcs.I t\ct 1n tirctj-orl-{: -- lYq shull lu,vo thls*p_egce{uJ-o'a 'i lrn{ hsc-bae:, piorisea-- i irro,,quiltul{ AGE, hc cpoahot r,Iiiic, -ufD&isfdiolc-Iia eErcft.

    \ ' \ t\ \

    l li \ \

    www.sergeraynauddelaferriere.net The Magic of Wisdom

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    supRE:\fE REGIj){T of rhc .{ugr:st uNtvERsAl..G!IE.'\T. DR-OT}iER}ioo5. E=incr::SovcrriEnPonliti of the.Spiritrral.)ircctiou[ rht \Vtrrld-CIS-SGAN.CAKY.'\ l I tPOtlEl l . l l ish D;nirrr;- of thc Srsr! \ l ;HITECOn'FRllRY. .Ad,r: inirtatorf thc Asrnrbl ieroI -\sgcs'HIs }lol-|NESS tlrc Irt.\H..\T]I;\ CII;\r-L)RA.U.{L.,\,,s']rc!.Iiu end \'E{t}. lLl-usT.iii6ui p;fRbi -o{ thc tt -',?iu.I.tt^Ktlll;l. s}r'{:;G'{. rrhrr:rinetz:i th'Inlornrrtion giten by thc l{cedquartc,, of tl " lnstitution fronl:-

    Sublinre DASIII

    (in SPlrish;

    (in Ftcnch)

    (in English)

    TEIIPI.O dc la CRAS FRATF.RNID.\DUNII 'ERSAL,Gurmito .\tincna 5..C.fnaC.CS, \'EN--EZUEL.{. -dnnricadcl Sur'GRT\};DE . FR.,\TER}iIT E UNI\tRSELLE'AvcnueCalifirnie ti?,'N tcE, F l i . {NCE (A-r I ) . - ' 'uHivEtisrrt. GREAT BItorliERHooD.l';-tfl :'"tfEflft- ^bl',1[tif*or hcrrner.

    To the Centres of the U. G. B-To thc Colletrcntors o{ the Ncv A3e.To el l Spiritrnl Friends.' P E A c E . . .

    . 2O' of rhc Scorpion.'\':h Ycat oi the '\r.:erirc Err'l2th liovtnrlret, |CSZ,of thc Scculzr Ag:-.. : . . - .

    & ir cr:ctly rix y:rrs toCay incc I bcAn rhe lirsioa icr,r.:!ch] hod k-:.:h,1a;; il.ilil-''irtlli-X",-irl.r. lOl;. it'"t t lcft Prris oun':crtrke 1'r'c:irl oi''';of "ltisiioneri's'ith hc ril*-"i -o"rriiutln3-.pul'iic chiclc f :hcSublinrcnd rt':-lustnsti'turiol of the Unitcd Grcrr ljrolhrihrud'---.'. fi . ;;rjuct *-rs ir irnt"""iii *ith Trrdiuqil, rnd it is god to rccafl rny r::titic:. b+l'.ror.r;i -ini-.i..;..--t" rt-.ri "'tti.i conccr:r5 thc rvorl: bclori rhe e:cet .ptb!ic' r: y lcc-res'Kiit r,,,t'-rtrl.ics in rc-lch ,rf th. n g..sr, l".eveirJctl rurt!idcral,l' in r!-'c uniting.a{ d;rer! rsroc';ericri, ..t,i.r, v,'irhourcolteLoiarl.s c:tiiii r,r'ith hc U. G. tl., ar i titi:-.g ncscrthc!:i:. prcl:=i='irr..i"i,t"r";"" in gr,irting rtrc tuorit r"r.*rar rhe rdvan:crncnr to qhirh it hrs.a ;irt:. lr c "husIollowing ttrc orieutaticn lhit oor InStiiuriort ha l Siten in thc firrt 1-laee. .For lho--'cho ' su{E'ricirtr ii:trur-tcd in csolisc hi r rcrl mi;rion on tarlh.Whethcr ir be et thc -{shram at \tc;crtreh, rt thc di!?'nery of Rrngoon' a: "h t Se'rc'u::v of I'eru, il lhc rlustrtlirn Scc:or, rt the Aquariarr .Sclxt'l o! Ilcricr: ct in th t brc'--/ tn;ilit";;.';;'-rt.ii irl.ri i"'rtrs r f rricrnrl r:nrJcrsundins;, h::c.cech.. forrt:rinF, hl s inditicTrl;;,;;;ttil, ;.'d;;i;; :n iii 'e cilai'lishr.rcut oI e nrorcnrnt cl in;p3rsonal sarvicc rhcrc 7rt-iuCiris o( all ki;ds arc dcfirrirtlv brni:h:d.' - - ' " ' r i ' r i ""mi i t l a"" t i i " . io i i " . i r u. i rh UIiESCO. rs u'c l l es * i th cuttunl , hu:neci :r r ic :1

    ndrrientitii ort:.u;rriionr of lcss inrporun(c, ar r hclping turard; tl:c rce;ir:tion o( e lcrfcc col-lebontion.Little bv litrlc. thc secrcr rlo.-irrions, (thc gtonps cellcd iniriatic:nd the,csct:crk c:irc-n""itl..t. **i"i ,ip egein rhcir po;hiorr r:oder-ihe aullril)t er:rl l)ircction ol rhc Unir::siiGrert Dr

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    aPpc|r nrore attd nlotc ttch da)'. lnd by thc rdhcsion of the cntire sorld to the U- G. tl.. ir tritlobuin lor itsclf in scme-sry.r world govcrnmcnt. ll.rving rt ir s hcid tro lon1cr ;nliticiarrs bu tPsycholngirtr. Srgcr rrrd lniriatcr-' Fr r bc it lrom nrc to harc rrry idar o! clairnirrg suth prerogitivcr et prcs.nr ! On th.contrrrt, I ^rcnounre ll t tirlc.r, lnrh oliicirl dcgrces'errd inirietic Trn,,ourg. nd I confirm myrtsignetigl lrortr the Ditcction o( \\'orld Spiritunl r\{fairs th:rt I trrr.c alrt:rty lrcrrrd in t956,!y . h"*i,:C ovtr.my corrmission and my powers afirr m1i h.rc )'clr.s ar "lnstirrclor of the .{gc''.:l9ccler l.nro)'' ot .othct deSlena:ionr$hich wcrc bcstorved n nrc. . l know tlrrt this rcrignationis of no vaLrc.sincc t is a mrttcr oI r "prcdisJiosirion" fo r this pcst. (lottorring lpccial t-sorericrulcr.) whish ir es:ential. lnd not. sh c pproi'el of the grofanc *.ori,l 'in senc;;!, ' l lowcvcr rh crcason for this "tc.(igrrrliort" hl s e vcry'proforrnd.nrqtriing lo r lhose *,ho'"Lnow', (and I insiston thc word), bul rhis doct,nol rr.can lirt-in lh e frrtrrrc siull dis-rociarenryrcif.ornirt.r.ly tronrth e lVork of s'hich I em in Pr n the originetor, but'ralher th:r I non dcdic'arc tyr.if ,o I nro..roonynrour Trsk.vcart of -nri*ionrr;. rvorls rrirh viriir to - fiyr ronlinents. itiustnterl by rnorc thenl2frl lerrurcr, rornc fifty broadcesrs, hrlf-dorcn lilnrr lo r tclcri;io;, : lundrc

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    - - ' - : . ' .,n . c"ll#llltiit,tt:ntttf,o$rlsototlrc Lotlcrs ot ttrc('orrrrrrr,ro rle J,tcrirrcnrr i Rcir:d,!i,.c.ln't:;ili"?*iTlf':'{.U'i;ii:l'.::o:li=l:i",.iil;',1*:i,,;r,",:"g:i,r*iFg+;:dil-il;:::T":11.,:'iil,'i'::3,,[l-J::1,;.r:t'ilJ':,,,:,,]JT.i.?:iil;t1i,i:,#.,I,t", ,i*.-ilHtl ,i?l:to:tu. aftcr lh*c -tgnifi""rt crflcrierrrr-or rotcrance!re:Hu=enirr is. *1+il;#i*jTil=ffii'*ifi lili::*::J:rtT'i*:Y,;*;,?;J;l.i:;;,.":t:s"up";",'Lr,;i;i,11"::'?i#;:.'.":fn::1iC;i,];ii,i

    "r sts.i,'i"l'ii;;l.tlt":* humanhousht.n:_a1,lL-1. nri;i-"'r-i-.i;."-irdrviri. hc {sr.;r,i..q.#:l;*f"T*t1t*r'fiii#t**il;::x'*ui:'"tltffi*+*;{,,:rdcr to prcrenr rhc iorrr";*-.;.1,:.'::";-"'j:'r-I,r letFlns lo^cons?rlc a s:i;tf.1{ia'i'iii!'""F#;;:lT'fi,:;'lT';l:l..:i,T:.:::t' 's;i'";'i"irlfiill.'JiTi":iTl'i',:l. hevc ilnrnctliat.ty"t ln .o"uci;;;#l;1.rffr.tten organised.lct'r'hite-m*; o.g"=ir"ij',;;rr;rr-;.-;g*,i;; :;ltn..t?"ot! ohc' nrore *'ith_rheSrrl*iinr ,r*rtl;,",'i,,nr;rour soci:,rirg::tdmrncd " ir.l";:;;d":1 11"* titc Oiisin:l Sourcc.. rt'irtrorrrmca.rroi .o_at the.s:nrc ;ti., ir,cy i.pcde lliorid Unit],_ otdina:rba. 5c1'ere' Thc princinalgorl. cmai:rshen; to amatg1s1116ntoonc ruh.rtehc ::#ti;:irh,:.h*:;ii's:.:#'iit,I1,i,,,"f.'e*::r{i#;L1.,"1[;1...,r:"ffi,cgi,'1,ar,:L iiii.tli .no.,n.crr..oru*richalith:sl"rHjmil?*iml{.,ilih:iii:x'ur$i,?;i,dtiiridrul initierivco tl,.' p-fli'L;'l;.'::'ii;_,ii:3 lhcn.n'ill'e.thcyotunrary."nrr;t*ior.'ctidcntifici.*;iii.r,i".Sli. he profir ot rhe coilcaivity..ech"ri"ilif iri"-i, n. hr, [a=o11!31i';,fT.JffiT#:",:-iJ.TT^"t'"lfi"H.,ry.''l'.',1',:liiiii:H.,,,-Ix.,lTri,fi6+tixll";l',.'.".'T:,1',;;1i,i"1it:$"1,ffi:1tllk'itf.,ilfi,i:,i:"x,1;crirain* rr.y,i J'i,,Iirr'it5r' lr c tertt;nololics when spcel'inq.r rr,. o,,.'iup.Li'nr \ril61i6;- 1a1r;11r.cp ri. .,J"?';i-:':'i"'*t,l["r,'a:'lrfli'=T5.'-cll;sca';;".i.'ri';"0"ffi,1ir,,.".u, .e:-h ::;i:i*t1,.i,.:_'-TI.1'l;i',:i'li#l.n,gft:4.qt,T':,f;ffill;1-n.::l:n arprrtions rowrrd.revol iion. i; ; .c--".tJiil,i'J1t: llnnt ch:i:cr!.-h,rt .nt.r.the:cr-i.,otoa.-nurrifcsrrtions!Thour.h .; ,;-;;...::._r.ril_-;,cqr:renrr.erchnr:rd :ni t,as,,;16,;llr?x-l'*miih";:*t'".'#,:,1t'.1^:T?H','J:L*',.:Ti;

    al ,t "u?"'Ji;"# il,"J::i'a:i: tu-oguiresirnpleormuh, *r,;.n rii5pqn5sairhrie a(T.-.riirglr:;in':r*'fl:l.f ,ilTr'l]iTtg;iffiT;.i:,Ti,tx""'';tF:i,im*.:trigil. dil,ti|ttJ:tr,l:lisio'r- cennot" ,..oncir.d-.oueo lre !rer.,6y, rcrsr..enorbjcr.c1',dr: ol tt't.ti i.iii, ,j ' ccm'lonent ce:h othcr' Scicnce.s rhc r,!*ril li .,,.t.ir, rhc J,n=-aun{ii.i'f'l'1ilrJ.t'.'tl'#1J:l:;,{i:jil!li:iir{.lt$,n:irsi;1,1l,[tii:Il*l*f lisffi idHrdll,Hi ;*l ili f i*':,#l[wXFolrr i thr ha r hc rru,nr"Gil . . ; ' " ; ; : : , , : : tTLtrc r l lch

  • 7/27/2019 05 the Magic of Wisdom Pag 219 Pag 263 Borroso


    --.rxnrrst th e ilmc aim. Tlrorrgh nrcthodr *.ry, rh.rc is e sirniler basc, .t finill- gott. off.ring toeih e wly. r road rvhich rcslonds to thc tulltic. rrrist;(. fractic;rl t'r. idcelogicrl lcln[rcranrcntrccording to thc spi.itual Jirtc ol thc individual.Jh i r ' In i r i r t ic Farh inchrdcsnr:ry strgc; i t is the \\ 'ay. ( the Teo of thc Cbinese). .Butt l rcrc : rc iuauy mcthodr o( 1pl ,rgechinghiJ way, anrJa: thc \ fcdrrrt l teachts, "as at l thc r ivcrr. frow into rh c icr, rll thc ditiiient concc1ltionsa.ill ouc day rcurritt in tlte sam: orrn of s'isdorn."

    , lt ir Unificetiorr. I;usion. YUG.i.,ii Adherion to thc lnitirtic Collcgs is no t indispcn.sableor th c "reali-.*iion" ol thc Truth.'Itir ir s'hyttrc U. C. l]. oflcrs. in it s difierent dcprrhncnls ol wurk. rlil lerrnt rnethods.vrrirus. rrrirysr (o r cich rc('ording to hi s stagc ol euolution,or cvcn accorrlirtg o his o\rn rrpirltionl.) in- rvhich hc nray cxprcsr hin:sc!|. At tllc prcscnt tirnc thcre rrc in crisrcncc. irr nr:ny parts o{ th cworld, olonics. rrlrich arc a.[.le o of[er hogpitolity to adcpts drsirirr6 to livc in nrxliurtioo. pn1'er.r &d eccorditg to tontcrrrpl.rtiic nrlcs. rrrd rvhosc rccirl rc:'viccr erc et tllc disposition of those rviroyirh to offcr thcir activitics for the bcltcrnrcnt of.their fcllorr-rneir. There :rre qtporlrrnitics fo rttaching olhcrr. or lor tlking part in th< study courscs rrhictr ar r girtn in many tulrjtcts; thcycr n cor:rc to help or to bc hclprd. lo eduotc oth.rs oi tc r br'rducaled lhcrnselves, o oflcr tfrcirer l isfc facul t i l r or to devclop thenr for thcrn:e lves,tog ive ccturesortoattend thcrn. InbricI .,thtic is work lor cvet;o.ta .. t scnd lorth e tinel apircal to ell the nrovcnrqnts o unite in onc co-ordirr;tcd rror* so :r- ao t lo $'rstc tlrcir forces by scrrtcrlrg thcir cncrgy in so mrny dire:dons- Thcte are ltill too menyrocictics an d groupr prochin:ing rs their gofl r n'ork {or I "univcrscl grcat brothcrho'od" whenlhcy hrtc not yet officiallv gircn thcir adhesion to the U. G. B. .\ lisirrg and organiscd cntity,' (with en ollicinl depot, *irh latttci. nrlcs ud objccts,) cxirts, unilcr thc narnc of UNMR.

    . SAL CkUAf' lJnOTHEnlIOOD. rs tq intcrnationelanrl coor,iirr:rring nrorcnreht for all oth:rulociations of tlrir nanrc. or pro(lailning r sinritar desigrration. In t:ct. ivc :rc tregpy thrt Dunr-:' croor rocictics ha*t organiseda iinrihr work on thc scnrc basis ar our orrrr, arrd ri'i ih thc srrncdsnonrr'nalion irr the title. but wc would bc ghd of e murh closcr collaboration, rnd to rcceiv(. thcir official adhesiod,Each l)ircctor of rhcsc n,orcmentJ must be in rontact *'i '.h th e Suprernc Council antl.rincc tiis is so, must tal'c Frrt ir r thc Pcrrr:rncnt Couctarc ar DiE:itery-mcmbcr:, fcr it rcnreinsrgndcrstood tlrat nobod;r will bc dcprivcd of hi.s rights or grerrxlives- A Comnrunity ol lnitietcs.- .Till thus bc coniliruted by thc diiierent Lceders of cech asscciarict thet ir rcpttsentcd. and rvilliscl t p lay:n ect isepart in World f t i rcct io tr . , ! , r- , i . . , r . . . , . : -- ' - . r-- ' :. The Prcsidents of Socittics, Hceds o{ Grorrpr, Slpcric:r of the Church, Laders of anyI\lovarrcnt n'halgoeverheve rhc riglrt rithcr to
