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16 W~s1 E ign~h Sn ~~t HOLLAN D. MICHIGAN




II 0 P E ' 0 L L E (; E

T H E P R E P A R A T 0 I{ Y S C II 0 0 L

T H E S C II 0 0 L 0 F i\1 S I C


Classical Piano

Scientific Scientific V uice

English·Modern Langua~e Latin

Biologic English



Teachers ~omposition

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PrJ~es 50c up to .~I{) \V ,• \\'il l t :d\l' plca.-ur•: iP !'how in~ ) ou ancl ph·a~i n~ )'tt ll

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Student's H~f,d f; uarters for Shoes a~ d Genl's FU(Hishings

"i§o~u·rn itt Dru ··

V OLUME XX II I .JU N E . 1 910

Original Translations Til E HU INS O F HO\fE

Ft·n 111 Jill' Fr·t•nt· ll hr .lo:tdt im Du Bt•ihy If>:!:• Hll

T l11 r t• t1 i t! flu t·lu'ld n 11 '!t' l'fl rl h i 11 'l!Jt'.o..; nld,


J:,ifcllti!fh ''/'II" t/11 ''"'"''laim> /•1 "I'JII'II'If'h lite ·"k!f · 'f'J, .'1 (a in lf'ttll/r/ jiyhl I fl, !/"""'· u 11d r ,., il .J,,,.,. de t!t .

trhu h u ,·/i •'l h i.o..; li!lhf ' ,,inys duwu lf}I/J II 1/u•.,.t' J1!1{1JIIil's 1!11/tl

A mi duwn lfJu•n l llf· flrt/t!.tJ iw .-.;1 h i.-: 1/u u u lr '/'.'1 rullr·d. /), ,,., ,1~ '"111 1/, ; ,. d i : :!J I I( i !Jid s t/1(• t•ol'f/•1!1 "''l ' 't ltlnm.'{.JI!I. Tlt t• u·,,-f,J .'11((1/.'t ... i u i ts CIJ I I/'S(' , 1//( 1/rul't n',._ t'l'Jif!/.

T ilt· (·,, ;,., rst o('(·/u iw:> 1/w rluwnj(l// t!( lht• fl ,/c/.

Th "·"· I hr 11. ulu11'( I hr It t"f•l '!(I hr· h ll l, lflil J'(IC'('

Th e ('i f !I 1~( I ht• . 't •,·cn If ill"' :wt hf•r /11'111((/ Jitcc.

/Jr•tlr•r·k t·d with Jll 'ic,J, ..... o..; {ft' lll ·" to mtu·k 1/w !ftlfl.o.; tl irin f' . . •l ud now. () f,'umt•, ,,.,. ·"<'I lh !J)t wtl.· .'1t'ttllr •l't t! lit •. Thy IJI(JIItl{rtiU.'i 11/fi l /1'11 ""' mi!J!If!/ dwt 1/r r :; ru ' thc .o.:l;y

,\'('('r/ tH' I't' l' fcttl' nyoiu lilt' ftiJnHnt ' s ,,,a rt iol/i ,u·.

TJIF. \\'OHLD 1 Fl'um t ill' ( i r• t'lll ' lll lw ll nff,n ·llt \'Oil ll oimann.,w;tlcl:llt , lli i~-IH'i!l .

ll'llffl i .o.; 1/w world and oil if.o..; /tJIIftnl-,t;,. ylory! 11'/l(f/ is tiH• II'IJI'Irl. l!'ilh f//1 ils hr ,,t ;, .,., ln· ight?

.·l fltlliU!I .o..;/t('t' /1 , ·,,;,/ mists a11tl ''' 'l " llloins hnor!J . .· \ l iyhto in!l-.fltt .·h flt ' /'1) .-: .o..; IIH· /,ltu·k tf,n,Hd n irthl.

A Jltlt'J'I Jit'/d. with thorn . ._ lltl l l' t I'!J.flu tt'' r . .:\ ('t~sii!J htniH' , whc'l't' ... i,·.';ut .... ..: ,., ifft's 11/H'It'Tkr ·tl.

A 1/llllsc• '!t' slrt ··fs , ll' h r•J't• f'j'r:t i.o..; io JW •t'r r ,

A luttlh l.'illlll(' grrt l'(' with "'"'JI' "''· 'I' dt'('/;('t/.

T l111t i .o..; lht· rr1t·k wl11•n "'' tJ,,. rrtt·r I' " ·" {lltild,.,/, Tho/ is lht• t·l" !l it !f i ltls ; ,,ffl t1 !/,/ ,

7 ,, /h e r·. () :-;, ,11 /. H J;,,·llu·r si~fhl i.o..; !J it•ldt•d //tOll luJ I'tHI:> /h is ll"il!f rill!! ~~(sky (fl)r/ !;1)1/.

n,·,•ok t huo . (). 'uol , 1/tr• j(•l/ (1 ('.-: tllltl ('1111,/i•l(ll/ '" ' 1' ,

( ·u .o;{ '!{i'IIH• IIIInlr ,, ,o..; 1/w l i?IC'I'l 'rtsiuy.o.;o•c·ll, Tlw o .o;lot/1 /111111 .w•t 1/l( t/ ltlt ~.o..;t ·d rli 1111' oru!l11d 1/t('(•

lVhrn' l.iiji· a llfl R ct ul !I in t lu·ir / it{ ttc~.o..; dtn·/1.

6 Th e Anchor


Curacao is a s m a ll i!' la nd o iT th e c,as t nf \ 'c tll'Ztl<.· la. It ..;

area is p e rhaps :;oo !'qttar<: mi les. Fnr n .' ar=-- the i·da n d ha..;

been a Dutc h c n ln ny . \\ ' ith it =-- r urky a nd irrcg-11lar cna'-' t "

it is w e ll-nigh impn·g-na h k t <' attack. a n d it"' dL•t.•p hart,.,r i"'

sa fe fo r the g reatest sea-goin g \-css'-·1". l·:ach :--idl' , , j t he :-'ea­

\\'all pr tcc tin g- the c ntra tH'C t~ • the: hay i =-- a gi~antic hattt·n· .

a nd. h ere. tno ga rrison " n f Dutch s11 ld il'r~ arc :--tati •Ht··d th~· q:a r

ro ttncl. \\ ' ill c m s tadt. th e L·ap it a l nf thl' c<.J"ny. i .. l ~~~·a tcd nn

::1c eastern s id e n f tit<.' h arh nr: t~ppnsill· it. j.., it-. ..,j .. t~·r et l \.

tra Banda . \ pnntntltl Jn·id g<.' pf antiqna tvd tk-...i ...:.t t con -

n ects the~e t\\·n c iti es. Th e lcn ~·tlt nf thi s hridg l' is ahnttl ll llC' ­

h a lf a mile. In \\'i ll e m st aclt is transacted all tlw husitH.: s s

incide nt tt l the trc m c nd nus L·n mm c r rc nf the p•1rt. f,,r it h ar­

b o rs s hips o f e \·e ry nnti n n . th tlttJ..!h alllllllg' the :-- h ips tlt l' I >utch

tri-co lo r flies frn m m a ny mas t - h eads.

The p n pulati< n o f Curaca(• i :-- f11r the m nst pan D utch.

r.rcnch. and Spa n ish . Out s ick Clf tlh · tn \\' n -: tit<.· t1 nly tlt..Tttpa ­

tic n is planting- . and th e i ~ l a ncl is a Jh' rfct·t par:uli "l' c ~r 11ra ng-c

and le m o n g-ro , ·cs. and t o baccn. sug-ar. and ri ce p la nt at in n ;-;.

The life f the white plante r is ideal. :'\c~TII<'S a n d m u lattnes

perfo rm all th e labor. and th e \\'hit c g-c nt kman l i,·c-: in sta t <.'

in his plantatio n h ouse. mtl <' h as did ilte plan ter-: 1lf o ur

southern states before the \\'ar. T he c l imate i ~ tr .. pic·a.l. th e

income s ure. and life cc ntinuL's clay hy da." in th e same easy.

happy r o und o f p lea. ure . S ure ly the C uracao planter's life

is well-nigh Elysian

In the town~ muc h th e s ame thing i ;-; tnt ' . Ouri n g- the

clav there is littl e acti , · it\' Cl ll a ccount uf the h eat. \\ 'hen the

s un sets the ro und n f plca:-; ur and busine:o;s h~~· in:-; . The

n eg-ro es r a is e th eir , ·o icc. tn th e tunes uf g-u itars i t1 sad. \\'ilcl

son g-. . The Spani~h ~'< uth rides up a nd d(l\\'11 b e fo r e the wln ­

dow of his ladv. and the water fro n t su clcknh· h ct.·t• llle"

n o isy \\'ith the sounds o f C1111lll1crcc. l' ntil la t e in the c kar

southern night th e g-ay . n un cl"' continu e. a nd the n rmally even

the sea-wind cca e s t o b low , ·er the ··ouecn n f t he 'ou t h." ..... -Ad lp h I icr r e Ri ;:;caucl. •

Th e An c hor 7


( \\ 'i nning- oratic •n in · ·, des t llllL'St.)

\\ ' ht· n \\L' :--ay th:tl \\t...' arc citt z cn;o; <• i . \m cr ica.. w , speak

"itll p r itk. \\ · ..... it '' '" hack lliH 'n th l' L'llllt''C o f ot~r nati o nal

life..· . an ti ,, ..... :--ay: ( ;l"riou .-. Ita:-- been it" dcn.~ l n pnh'llt. .\ lmn:-' t

''i tll in tlw "' l· :tn ll f a h ttlllalt li ic \ \1...' lta ,·e gTtl\\ 11 fn1111 a strug-­

gli n g L't 111ll'tlt·rac..·.' 111 a ,,.,.r )d - J> ' ''' cr. .\t the beginning ui

the..· Ia-..t l' t...' tllt lry . \m c.:r ica \\tt-.. laughed at. and hard ly n ' CIIg­

n i~ed am••ng t he nat i•tJb. Tc,day IH: r pn\-.er and in rl ue nce an:

il'lt an• tt ncl tlte \\urld. Tc >day :-- he i:-- lmilding raih·•>ttd" an I i 11 d t1 :-- I I i l.' :-- . !--1. ·I h II l b a 11 c) l' h II r 1..' h l' :-' . 11 11 t It L' 11 t It L' r :-. i , it...• n j l It \.'

gl11bc. The :t\\~tkcnil1~ ( >ri'-·nt. l tl(lay. l ntl k;o; upon Pttr l' •lllll try

as the h.:adcr o f th e nauntb. Trtt h· . we arc pru ud to he c iti­

/'C't ts ' f . \ m crica.

I i ~;t It ere..· a qttt'"ll"n ...-, llll L'" to us : l ·an thi" pn •grl·;-;;-; L'tll\ ­

t i tllll'. and l·an 111 t r grl';ll n a t i,nt l•l n g· l'ndurc~ 1\"ll tHI al11Hi i

u:-- \\ e h ear lll:tl•." :t!1 i ll -.ta rrl'•i prt~ph <.:t L'Xda i1n : "( h1r r t p uh li...­is pa.: ;o;iiH!· : . \m t· r i ~· a ha ..; re:tc1tt...•d the zt:nith 11i her grc:l.L nc-;..:,

;! :td i-: a ln·:u!y hc :...:. i nn in g l tl dl'cl in e ." l!ut thi-: \\'e <J,, ll tl l admi t.

j,, r ii \\'<.• watch the d c\e lt~plll<.' tll ,,f nttr nat inna l liie d"sch·.

\'.e shal l sn11n St'l' that .\mcrka is 11 111 cl c dinin!,!·. t1nd that its

marc h oi pr~~ ·~ n· -..-: can stil l ~-~~ on. nnd ,,· ith the det..:rmi n a tion

n f a lc•yal )Jt..'llj .\ e it-: a <h ·an re \\' ill rnntinttL' t tl g-n 0 11.

The pcrmatH.• n c~· n i nur rcp t h l ic dcpL· t ttl~ upo n t\\'O n eces­

stry charac t cr i"t it..· ~: th'-· • ' IH'. ~·nncl g-n,·crnlllL'Ilt: th e o th er.

g-nod citizen--Itip . ~.l t" L' J> II hlic ca n endure \\·i tlt u nh· n ne n i

t ht...· .... \! n 'n 't i t u c.: Ill ... . - hIll It a n : e..: ·: c n t i a l. TIt e n n c r e =-- t s 11 p ' 111

pri n c iple..•-..: the , ,tiJ er. upt~n r h aral'LL'r. \\ ' e rann11\ h:t. \' l' gn11· !

~~11 \' l' t'llllH.' ll l withlltll gtHld (' ~ l iZl'll.:: lJ jp, ~ i nc •· thL· 111<.· I .\'1111 " i:

in {ltt r 1'-·!.!'i..: lat j,·e hall"' ma" IlL' m ~n \' h·•'C mind" a nrl .::, 1t tl:-' . . are CtliTIIJllL'cJ h~· the )u-; t 11 i IH I\\ ' L' I' and \\'eahJt. l'\L'Il t lt c llt~h

nu r pt·in ci pll--.. ., f gc•\ c..·rn nwnt ar•· linn ~tn•l un=--hakt...•n . l~ ut.

"11 t h t...' t •I h t...· r It ; 1 11 d . 11 11 111 a t t • r It. • \ ·. c.: '· ". ~ lll'llt t h l' char a L' t e r o i our pet•pk. un lc..·"'" tl\tr .~'' '· ~·r nlll C' lll i-: iou n rkd up1 111 princ ip le"

upn n ''h ie..· It a 11at i1111 can :-:ail· ly l'l' "' l. ,,·c are hui ldi n!.! upo n

clr iiting -:a nd . .\nd n o \\'. \\' IH·n \'· c ll)i)k h~rk upon th e dc,·cl­

opm l· n t ni our natin nal l iie. \\' <:' find that the re i:; o ne g reat


Th e An cho r

principle which has made it P(l'sihlc fell· thi~ gTeat natic111

to endure. A t the beginnin~ of our national l ife we lind twn fnrccs

stru o·o-lin <Y arrainst each nther; the unc. Indi,·idualism: the :-,~ ~ M

other. l'\at iunali s m. The nnl' wished to make the :-\late the center n f g-c ,·ern mental pow r ; the nth cr fa ,·orcd a st n mg­

natinnal ~o,·crnmcn t. 1 nd i ,-id ua 1 ism expressed it. pri nci p lcs

in the .\rticlcs of Cnnfederatinn . I Jere we ha,·e a uniclll \\"tth ­

out a strong- bo nd to hind thL' states t o!-!cthcr. a J.:."' crnme nt

without po w er. and consequently ntr natin nal lifc \\"as threat ­cnccl. The man who came for\\"ard tn rcmL·<ly thi ;-; cnnditinn

was Il ami lto n. who laid firm the cnrner-s tnn e upun ,,·ltich cur

g-oycrnment res t s. the principk nf federa l . uprem:1c:_\' . ThL· gc)\·ernmcnt once ha ,·i ng- been est a h 1 ished upnn this fnunda ­

tinn. t he strugg-le was n nt e nd ed. In the Ci,·il \\"ar thi s prin­c iple wa. se,·crcly tested . and thl'n i(lrc ,·er established. Hut

the . truggle agai nst it sti ll g-oes o n . \\"h e n. recent h ·. Ca li ­

fornia tried to take the immigratio n laws intn h er wn lwnds.

s h e was strugrrling- against th e principle of federal supremacy . a ·· d she found that th e federal g·on:rnmcnt " ·as s upn·me. ~~~ also we find that in o ur nati nal l ife ui today th ere arc prob­lems whose . o luti n can be reached o nly thrnttt~·h tit ' cxcrc.: isc

o f federal power. Two o f these problem~ which the .-\mcrican p nple arl'

attempting to soh ·e arc th e indtt!-itrial problem and the labor

probletn. T here arc institutions in our country today. which have g ro wn so wantonly upnn the krti le .\mcrica n soil that

they OYerlap a ll state lin e . . and arc hcynnd s tate control.

The unlimited combinati n of wealth has g-i ,·en t o t h c~c g-iga n­

tic corporations de.·potic power. The captains of i nd ust ry

are de pol in their realm. Th e pr hlem o f cnrporatiCin. trust.

r. nd m o nopoly i~ a g-reat n ne. hut we are b eg-inning tn realize

that when the. c despot s dc·hauch husi n css and oppress the

masse . and are impell ed o nl y hy gain and greed . that ahc ,.c

the combined power of w ealth is the autho rity of th natio n a l

government. In the field wi1e re the combi ned fo rces o f labor arc march­

ing in the ranks of unioni ~ nl. the problem is no less appalling.

Th e Anchor 9

The tremcndClus :tn.tg-~le and st rife broug-ht about by the

f'.'· ccs pf laht~r. hn ng- tng with it anarchy and mob rule, some­

times ~ccm t11 sha kt• thL' ,·cry foundati o n of our government .

I: ut 1~1ay we ScHill rc:dizc that when labor wages econo mic

war· Ill \\"lHl"'(' hat t i c~ prnpcrty is des troyed. man's rig ht a~· e trampl •d l1JH111. and often li Ycs arc l o~t . th~t aboYe it ~ com­

l,llll'd. fu1Tc is till· hand nf ~~"· ernmcnt \\'ith power to settl e

tltv tii'JIII·tt· . . \\"hen ) ;d~tlr and capit:1l sh::tl J h e compell ed to .... L·ttk tht·tr d1~putcs hy arhitrati, .n. a great a<h·ance \\' ill ha,·e

IH'l'll madl' lcl\\artl thl' ~~~a l nf perfect ~O\"e rnment.

The right ••f the g·D,·enHllcnt to contro l inclu. tn· and set­t 1<: l:tl•••r di s putL'S. in order to insure public welfare. i~ unc-leni­

:thit• .. \lr ·arly ~liC: h ll~l'asun.·s as the ~herman act and the rail­

~~::td rate la\\"s ha,·e pn,,·cn the efficiency< f federal contro l.

I ltc great prt>hlems which iare the :\merican people today.

can and siHHc ld l• e =''·h·nl hy federa l l e~ i slatinn .

Then. \\'ith the federa l g-o\·crnment s upreme. America will

cnd11re. if o nly the men who h ld the rein . of government are

true and uncorrupted c.·itizen~. In a republic like o ur. rrood

~·~tize~lship i.; as es.;cntial a~ g-nncl principle. o f ~n,·er~;ent. I ~1e l11undatinn nf n11r g-ood gcl\·ernment has ln n g- ago hcen ~a11l. h11t the fou ndation nf good . \meric~n citi 7 cn~hip. which 1' character. i:' hcin t!· la id c\· c ry day. Thi_ i~ a m atter which

l' 11ncc.·rns <'etch (lJle 11f yn11. :\ mcricans. You s hould know

" ·hat runstitutes true citizcn~h i p. in order that yrHl vourselvc~

m a:'. m eet its demands. and that y ou m ay ins till itl . your pos­tc· i· Jty th ' 'Pir it (If true .\ mcricanism.

\\"hen our fathers founded this republic the ,· \\'ere not

pre 11npted hy sc i (ish moti,· s: they soug-ht the w~liare o f all

""l_tcn they co.;tal>lished the rig-hts o f citizenship. Thev con­l.'CI\"Cd this repuhli · as a land in \\"hich each c itizen ~ hould

ha,·c equal right. with his neighbors. but al~o a land in which each citizen slwu ld seck the \\'clfarc of his fello\\"~. Rrother­

ho HI lay at the ha:-is of their id ea o f citizen. hip. and so it

s hn11lcl he \\"ith us. Tn .\m erica m o re than in anv other natio n

s hnu ld th e ~pirit f altruism. which is a natio n'; true mea ure

~~~· ; .. !Tl':tt tw s s". h ccnmc the.• moti,·c nf e\·cry c iYic actin. To

nulatc the law of altruism mc~ ns on ly to 11sher in de~ truction .

10 The Anchor

To render our go,· rnment p e rmam·tnly ~lll.'CC::-~iul. nne pur­

pose s h uld burdl'n the mind nf en;ry .\mcrican c iti/<..'11, - lltat

h L" ~eek the he~t intc re~t and wl'liarL' nf all.- whidt i ~ tht• \'l.'n·

c . ~ ne e o f patrioti~m . ·rh e demand~ which ~uch a · itizcn~hip mnkc:- upo n u=-

arc tnanY. hut a iew are fu ndam e ntal. The fir:'t 11i the...:c de­

m a n <1 ~ i ~ n h c d i l' , \ c , · 11 , 1 a , · . \\ · i t h r ' u i t h a t nllt' d i (' n t: l' o 11 t h l' part nf the pccq,j ·. ·:, ~ 1"11 ' 1 · ·1: 1 h•: t 1ll' p fl jtl ,· i...: ;. lll t'L·k e ry.

The waY 111 ,. ' ::,." .. r· ·t· ,. l ·i·, .t. c 1·- i! , wl':ll: l·r 111< .. ''\l h er .;.

a ,:• i n ~ ~ tlH· inj t!· i ·l •• • ,[ t 11 · :' t ··· 11 :.:. i...: h _,. m ··;, q ..... .. i kg·i .... Ja t j, •11 :

and if \\"l' :-trc t' ' , , ... ! t l,.. pr"· pl't·i ty 11 i all. \' , . mu-=t t~ln• _,. th l·

Ia \\' :' ''- hich ...:~tcit• ty l:t~ ..... d" " n f"r it~ n \ \ n ,., L·lfarc.

. \ ...:('l."II!Hl dl'lll :l t H l \ \ h i~.: h l· iti z c·n:-:-hip 111:-tkl• .... I ' Jh tl\ II:' ' '

th;lt we ...:hal l c•l: l...:l· il'· :t"•· i · l':'-t""l·= ....... th t• ri~·ht ,, j .... nfYra g c .

Tit ; :-: i:-:- ~1 ~ implc duty. h "t it i=- \'L'ry im ]'" '·t:wt. Tlt c ri ·ht t•1

l'kct the rtllc..: r:' ,, f nur land i- a _. n ·at priYik;.:·e . h u t al'n :1 ~-n·a t n: :-- JII Il~~ i l>ility . . \ml.·ri~.·:111 \·i t :.' t' ll'-. t h i ...: :--acrc..•d t r u::- t . thi:-:- oh]i ­

g-atinn '.\'hich \\'<..' 0\\'1..' tr • 41 \, r fcll ' ' ""-1lh' I1. \\' t • 111:1 _, . 1111 t hc..•tray.

There i:-; :-:- till an"t lt:..·r . 1 ~...·:na ncl ,., h ic 11 l· it i7 ·n ..:h ip mal.;:c...:

ttJ ' nn u!': a duty \\'hich \\'l' o,-,·c l " fu! tl' 'l' \m t·r ic:1 : it i"" that ,,. • ~ha 11 train our y o uth t n h e t!'• •n I c it izen ...:. It j .... '' cnmpara­

tin·ly ea~y matt er tn tt·:te t1 !11(• y t~ ll ll !..!.. man that it i .... hi~ duty

tn nbc,· the hl ,,. ancl l1• c ;t...: t hi~ l>all t•t. hnt \': hL' ll it \.' Pill·~ t11

in :-- piring- him "ith th e pr in r; pll: ...: u f the fpunckr=- 11 f nur

natio n. ~n that \\'hen he :-- h al l h<~ l d o{fi~:c in c..·i t~· . ...:tate nr fccl ­

<"'f"'l , ,, ,,. ·; :imetll. hl' ~hall ~c(·k publi c wcli:-trt• r:-tth ~ r than pri -

a ·, . i; , i t· l·l· t. it h ~.·r ~t llll'~ a mt~ rt· d it'ti rult prn hl<:m. \\"e U\\'l' it

t .. i t·· :·,· .\nll·rica th:-tt the cxamplt~ ni the men nf tnd:ty sha ll

J, ,. 1.1· . · 11 i uncr,IT \l jlll' ' l citi zl' ll ~ . and tin t o u r public !1ll'l1 ...:hall 1 • nt.·n , ., h,, .. v ' " u) .... the lu::-t 11f wealth ancl p n \\·e r cannn t cnr··

r ·v a:v! .. h•.~l' a rm ...: '"'hall t'\' t' r he ~tron ~· t n uphold the right.

:\T a n,· ~a\· th~t thi i ~ n n t the character nf ur public men

( J l trJclay . but that the ~pirit nf gai n and greed i~ the mn,· ing

fr1 rcc in n ur natir •n . F'•r t 't i .... :'pirit they blame Oll i' indu~tri:tl

in:'ti t ntinn . . :\nd. inde d. i t m nv seem that thi~ ~TC':lt indu...: -. . tr ial a~e ha:-:- l>rnu~·ht onl~· cot-ruptin n int t> nur ll.ttinnal life.

f:ut \\' C 111\l""t nr1t i"· !_,.(·t tlt:tt thi...: inclu:-:-trial ~pirit h:1~ al;o;c>

\\TCJught great gor,d . ft maY be that often CPITttpt men g


Th~ Anchor 11

secure co ntrol of o ur poli tical offices, but there are also many

who are 11Tan I example · tu the y oung men of today. It is

·uch men that America need ~ . and for whom she is contin­ually calling.

It is with th y o ung men tha t l would plead. You are the

bu i l dcr~ )[ future . \me rica, y o u will be her leaders. Young

:\meri~:an~ ildlow in the iuo tstep · o f great men. \merica

nc..·<:d~ men oi large ,·isio n ; nu·n who see the who le of our

natiuna l life; men who " ill n t c •rH.lemn our industrial prog­

fL'=-'~ . but men wil e..: \\ ill fight tile c,· j)s that f llow in its wake.

\\ ' L, want nH:n like Theo dore Roo ·en.: lt ,-men who belie,·e in

the :-\llpremacy o i g<>,·crnmctlt, tile puwer f legislatio n , and

tht• wcliarc o i the p11l>lic .

Our grt•at nat io n is m u ,·i ng o n ward and llJHvard in the

m arch o i prngre!'=-'. ::tnd slow ly, lJut stead ily, our governmen t

i"" appn1aching the g ual ui pedcction. Through the ~truggles

d i eco no mic war the labiJring man finally is recognized and

~a ins his rights. ( Jreat co rpo rati ns ppre · : the n,a ses, and

"e exercise federal co ntro l. C o ntinually new problems con­

iront our nati• n . but younc··er and brighter minds come for­

ward tD !'o h ·c the=-c..· pro blems. By o ,·ercc ming each · ucceed­

ing difticulty. tile n:.~ti u n m o unts to greater heights. EYils are

riic in bu s inc:-:-:-:- and ~ l l i.:ial l ife . hut :\merican ~tatesman are

ri~ing· up and pu q.~·ing (tttr nata,n. aud a nobler and purer

gencratiun will fu ll>\\·. \\'c lift the , ·ei l f the future and we

hdwlcl a g-reat natinn. \\·c hea.- in her the hum of industry.

a11d \\'L' ~c~ the pro~perity l> f her pe ple. \\'c turn to the

. acr~d page 11i hi=-t n ry. and "e H·acl the e word ~ . inscribed in

l td cr~ ui t.!'' ld : "Tlw u. < > . \merica. didst enclun· . becau:-:-e thv

g-' ,,·crnnwnt " ·a...: :-'upremc. with p o wer t c s o h ·e eYery diffi­

cu lt , ._ and th,· scl \'L' reig-n peo ple \\·ere worthy and noble citi-

zen~. -Jaco b II eemstra. '10.


am mmm m : .. A ;·

mm 1 ·~~ mJm ~~li!~1!

The Anc.:hor

THE PHANTOM FLIER. LL i\UO.\ R I) ?' ' Th condudnr ~wung- hi :::.

lantern and the train w:l~ niT. bllutld for th e

gn.:a l \\ . t·~ t. Thl! la ~t pa~:;c n g<.:r l•l t•nte_r

tile ·nadt \\;t .... \\' i ll ia lll S t<.·c n. tltc :-. tar hall ­

hack. wit t• -...teind kanin g· n\·c r tit ' rai l ing nf t lh· r\.a r plat:."rm. ·· K t· <.·p u p a l itth· hra .-s .

I ' · 1 , ... · lt ••llt l· ' hi-... i r i ·nd i r1•111 J,i :-; ~.-at 1111 ol J •

i !t.· .... , l i· '11 . lt'i'"· "" ·, 1,1(.' l l','\.11 1 ,·l . 'cl.l 11 11\11\' d II\ I. htl\ t )tj.._ l illh' " . \11 aboa rd ~

it ldt Bill upo n a )p 1h: ly .... ~a\111; \ platf,,r m . . \iter a q11ict j•ntr-

ttey ui thre e days ht· had ;uri -. ed at l 'ht·y ·tllll' . \\ hcrl' Ill' ''-:l .... t n take hi s p~ 1s iti<Jll a .... "i ' l·rat"r i·• r th e (; r eal \\ ' l' -.. tl·rn l~atl ­,,-aY. I t wa:-- a clrl\ ll l~ n;~o11 1 . I: ~ - .- ~ · :tn d tl 1 'l"l' thl· g 1Tal ld :wk

f 1 1 · · · ) ),_,. 1\:lrin~.··· ~t reak~ ni li g htning. clu m e <' 1eaYcn \\'as s ,, , c1 • . ~

cc.:asi1mally a peal o f tit 1ttd'-' r rc:'r•L ll (kd . and large drop::' «• i

r a n fell. ··t k it an umcn iur ~Ut ld (lr bad.'' ~aid l l ill. "l'n1

here t o s lay." . \ t 11 n 0 11 t h c 11 ext day It · ~ t :11 k t' d i 11 t u t h c ~ t a t inn a nd w a ::'

t·o nfnmtc d t;,· a weird an.l u na 'l' l' :--tom~·d ~l'l' lll'. Th e 1n~trn­m c nt :-- were .ti ~kin~· c d'f t h~ i r me..::-:a;.: t· :-:.. < h'l'r t hl' lll h ·nt :t

tall. ~lim fi gure. pa le and car ·-·., orn . I I i' cyl'!"\ p rt,tru decl. a n d

hi ~ prl)mi ncnt c hL'ck ht llll'' a~·ccnt ll:tll' d hi:-. C:\.tn·.m ' pa iiPr. "\\'ell , Pa t !" sa id ) ~i l l. " llL' I'l' c .. m ·s y c•ur s ub ;-; tlttttt• . l ~ ,· i ­

dent h · y 1n 1 n eed a rc-.t." \\ ith a :-'ympat h ctic l<Hl k upnn hi -:

fal' t' .til~ \\'CJI' II t llil ••Jll'rator ~aid : ·· Fri l· tHI. clt lll . l "tay un t il

, · n : 1 • n · i n a 1 i k l ' c u 11 cl i t i • • n .' · l I t l · l'h•· )':tk Tht· 1111tnt t ra in ...... ,ppcd an< a~~lln < ·p~H t'< · ~

· 1 I · I' ' II I I 11 I,. l. h · · '· ' l ' nn l' . OJ'l'ratilr had kit l lt'h lltl 11111 tt a n < '' l'. ~

( h -.· \C ll lll' "a' hard!~· the p lace fo r a n a~t in.: y o ung athlete.

The. (, real \\' :-- tern :-;tatilln \\a" th e main P''int ()f iPtcrc~t. ,\

l ialc l •' th e n• H·t h a b ahblin ;,! brook. shadowed l>y ~hcltcrit~ g pi n es and widl·-~pn·adi n g- oak~. ' · und it :' co11r~c. Th~ pla 1n

t o th e n n r t h wa:o; .; t 11ddcd ))y the ::' hahhy wi g·\\' am :-' ()I :o;. lnH'

wanderi n g· lnd ian tr ~ hc. w h ik :--olllc cli st:tn c.:c lt) tlt v cast could

h e seen a ~mal l grnn·. at ,., hr t:O: C edg-e wcr · ~t· ,· cra l :o;ca tt l' tTd

d ·. llin~ .. In n t ll.' c•f th ~· l' t: i ll n1 :1rk hi' h•'m '. In hi -: ,., Ji t 11 dc h ~ n ften m u s l'd o\·cr h i~ c~pcri <: tt Cl':o; in t h ' l·.a" t.

• 1

Th e Anchor 13

I t \\·a-... a dark ancl drt:ary ni ;.: ht. Ckt·a .... innalh· the ,,·in ,l

~i~· ltt>d ''Ill its d rdl'iul mc1a l1 :-'. and Dill lo n n·l' cl ior hi " far a\\'a\· ' .... . !tr •llH' . _I u-...t t lwn t Ill' ill"l rllllll'lll hl' !.!<ll t tn 1>117.7. a nd to tick

•tttl tl~ m~.·-....:agt• : "l,.a:-.t trai n \"n. 3+ cl ue 10 :02:' l!ill e , ·crl

the \: l p~,·k anrl ' :litt·<l. J:O lc,·L·n-t"titet·n and :\u . ..3-+ itacl n o t \"l' t

a r ri \ c •l. ~t t r~: ly it l'lltdd ll llt lta,·c lchtlll irt cl' ll minutes in tha l

~ lt· ~r t di-..tann·. Tla· H· ll'phonc rang . "! le ll•1! Thi ~ Che,· t·nn t·

.... t :tt i· •11 ?" .. \' l' ~ . ..

"](;I n K t'{' rr" ... 'lllg·. F a .... t t ra in ditl'!ted . ~cncl a id ."

l~ v li ·i and ' rc~: J.in~ train ::. \\'l'rc ...:; t• nt 1. 11 the :'t'l'lll' . F<: ·,:

\\ t: rt· i 11 j "n·t I. <.' XI.' ''fll t h <.: t' n :.' in l't'r. w hn wa..; t" r: t :-;lh ·d h t• n t':l.t 11

It i" c n ~.; 111. •. TIt e I i r L' m a 11. t h' ll 1 .!.! h d n l' t ' 11 s i 1 , u 1 d n 11 1 n J u r It' ... .

\\' :t =' c k I i r i, " . .... . . \ i l' \ •. ' b y :-- a it e n ' a r cl It c c a m c: i 11 t n t he ... t a t i 11 11 •

11ill h :llt•kd him a nll'~~agc . which read. "l ; ircman ni :\u .. )-1-

ll l' l'd n<~t rctnrn : l' ' ·irlcnre nf wreck n ~ain"t h im. .. llc ).,11kt• i up at l~ i ll and "aid: "Let lll l' t e ll ynu ho w i t happc n c:cl. ''

.. () f c • 1 tt r"' c. un rl <.' r .... t a n d t It a t t It i ' i ' t h c I i it h '· r ~· l· k 111

~c ,. en mc 'n t h~. a nd h cad qua n c 1 ,.,. iII n m rt'Cc i ,.c c .:-: p Ia na l j, 1:1

in rc~pect t n a ~n-ca lll'd · Pham n m Flie r .' a:-; Ca~:-; ic. th e cn~ i ­

n ccr. nicknamt·d it. I n ial"t. th e nig ht oi tlttr own " ·r eL· k \n.:

ln tH..:hed thl' -..tnry tc1 :o;cn rn . Takc thi" f, , r " hat it i:' wnrtlt.

Tw h ·e m ilt'" n nr tlt ni l'hf'ycnne i!' a ::harp cpn·c ju :-.t bel< ""

th e K a n K cc hill. Fnur n:il e::' st'tt tlt (,f "lteYl'mte. ·n ~d' '·'·an­

' · i I lc . i :-:. n ~ i 111 i I a r c 11 n · c a n d It i 11. \ t t h c;:; e p I a n : ~ t h c p r c ' · i o tt "

\\'reeks han.~ OlTtlrrcd. \\ ' <:n e a r ed th e l(an K L'e r:·n~~in .~· and

l ·a~:--ic pu t till Lhl· hrakt.·'. ~ tl ,l denh· . 1t1 t Hi r rear. \\" heard a

~l1ri ll "hi .... tl<.'. ( ·a-...:--it• ), H,J.:ccl l ·ac k and ~im ulta n ccnt:--h· thr\.'\\.

\\"ick the t hrt~ttk and \\l' r u ... Jt~.· d 1 111 at a tt•rrildc :-:pee d . I ab •

!nuked l>acl· . l ·::.• n the K an l't' • n-radt• I ... n a n <.'tl ....._·inc t ltu:i -. ;-..

<krin!.!· don-n upn n 11~. fTcr mam\l111l lt dri ,·cr:-; "ere at n w hit.·

h eat. ll c r b ni ler ht•ad " l.'C ill d ri ,· ct c d "i th hPlt:' ,,j fir t·.

· ca~...:;ic :· ~huu t l'1l. 'the L" ll n ·e !' Fr11m h e r ~mukc-:-; tack

hekh <:d fn rth · loucJ .... elf nam •. In her cah :-; t n cl tw o black

li g u n·"'· I !,!'rna n cd. f11r in a tn ll ll1l'nt h e r fe nder \\"CHt lcl grind

nur rear. On i t came. likt• a dem rm after it ~ prey .\la:-; . at

hrcak-neck :-;pel·<!. \\' C' :-:. t r11ck the l' tt n c. 1 a t!"a in turned . Th" ·Phantom F l ier' had r c ,·er!'ecl l1rr dri Y<:>r"', and l ike a I .~

The An c hor

I ·1 .. 'Ill" < l tt r l' 1 1 .~ i IlL' kit t II~..· dimhcd th ~tct·p a-...L·t•nt atH ''· ..... ~· . . ~

track- and thL' ll c\·crylllinl-! g'I'L' \\ hbnk ." That nig-ht \\'hen l ~i ll \\T nt to hi-.. I'IHllll hL· ,,· r..·ighL·d th• ·

cYidenn:. ~ureh·. t e~ him it -...c ·m ·d p .. :-.-... ild •. .- . 1 ht•t tL!_h harclly

prnhahle. ,:\l, 1rc:,,.cr. a~ far a:-. h L· Ct~td d tH.·rr..·ci'·.t·. t_hc lir:ma11

hacl a >cared truthfnl. " \\ '~o· ll ... :--aid l~ i ll. " I \\'Ill 111 \l'"'l t ~atL' .

1f it i:;.ltL' :;upcnwt 11 ral. I am nc 1t a lit :q.:...-nt. I f it':' a tn nr ta l

in,·cntio n . theY'll ha ,·l· tt1 l i , · ~...· up l•• the ~ch ~...·clllk . " A ce lrdin~ t n the ~tun· nf th ~..· lirclll:tll. an idl';!l n ight i11r

the "Pha nto m l · li~...• r" ra m c ah,,ut thrcl' ' 'l'<: k-... l:ttl' r .. \t fi\L'

,·duc k ]!ill ~ent \\'urd t 11 th~...· ni:_:lll n 1n·rat n r that he wa-...

I I I Ill. 111 t• , ..... 1 tl)' 11. l t tlL' unt i l 111" r ntn · ...... t no i 11 f n r cltt t y a 11 < a:-. "" t ·1 he night 1lperat()r c.:c nll p li ccl . \itL·r l~ i ll had tna•k a

pr · ten · · o f doz inf.!· a while. and had h acl :-.••llll' :'11pp•.· r. lw l 11t k

h i~ thrcc- \\'hcelcr and ran•d t•n,·a r cl !<:ttl I . L'L' ~rack . l'"Jil'cti n ·~

to ~ide-track hi ~ carafe\\' mile:' l•L'Y•'lll tit ~.· ~ ra c k "1\ a :--idi n g­

\\'hi ch led to .Ja ~pcr tunnel. l~ u t :\11. '-+ \\ a-... a l rL·:tcly in ~ i ~!lll . · I I tl . 1· 1 ILt rrl l_,. lie placed hi =-- car m t tc Png· gra'' n ~o..·a r IL' :--1< It !-!·

had th e f<l -; t train pa:-'...;t:d \\' ht·n h t• h~...·: t rd :t run tl , lin; .. :: "lticlt

eYidcntl\' cam ~ fru m the tunnel. l~i l l th n·w him .... cli IH.·lt ind his car ~nd g ra =-- pcd hi ~ !"\\'iit -n·pe~tt ing r~' nh ~.· r .... . Th e "!'han­

to m Fli e r" apprnached the ~\\'itch . "hiril c •Jll'lll'tl 1,_, . ..... mh:

secret mcchani:;m. llcr g i~n nti t· mn !'lkr=-- tlL·ad•: nccl ht:r ex­

haust , but th crwi~c s h e rumbled 011 like a \\'n rt HHt t l'll f!, ine .

To\\'ard hcycnnc ..;he rl c\\'. Hill. trem b l ing· '' itlt lear. ~pL·d

after them in hi. m o tn r car. Tru h ·. hL· wa-.. tra '.'l' llitu.~· ;1t :1

dang ero u s speed . hut ' t\\'a:-' a rclid l11 h i:-. fa~t -,i ll 1,i n g- ' pi rit

to lean.'! n:; grea t a di -; tance a~ pr 1:--sih le hl'l\\'L'L' ll lttm and th e

111\' . teri ou s tu nn el. .\I ready h ad he pa=--~ cd Kan l' l'<.' grad \.!­

ct:Hi 11 0 \\'reck. :'\ U \\' he. l(ltl. Jtad eXJh·r it' lll'L'd the ilJ tt .... ic I ll of

th e ''Phantom P li er. " lie a ppruachL·cl l 'h eycnnc and c nt~..·red

the . tati n. The ~~~h~titu te c>pcratPr. \\' t t h hu l ~i n~ eyes. lay

pro ne upo n th e n<)or. .\h! h e kn c\\'. The "Phant n m F li er"

had thi. time chosen Sch\\'an,·ill c i11r it=-- trn~· ~...· dy. I lL' =--v nt th ·

l : :~ tre~s s ig-na l fo r nid. thrt' \\ a ncar-hy Jl:ti l 11i wa l<'r upl)ll th · l1perato r and \\'ai t d . . \ ~·a in that ~am c rum lli i n ~.:: canw let hi :-;

ear . T-fe hcaYcd a deep ..;;it!'h . fnr in a mnml'nt that h clli ~h

des trover \\'Ould h e rc. tin n· in its lair. . lt c tH.'arcd- that ma :;s .;

Th e Anchor 15

c•i li,·in :...: tire. l~ i ll j11mpc..•d t1) the d c railer. pulled thL' J ~...·,·er and

ru...:.hn i \ lll t .. i cl11ur ..... g ra~ping a pi -... tt ll in ca ... · h hand. .\ s the

tli~...· r pa -.: .... l'd he :-'L·ltt t\\' CI ,· n i le~· !" frnm hi:; l ight nin~ repcatcr=-­

in t n tit · ~.·ah. < >nc fig-11rc r cc..·lcd and idl. In an in~ tant th e

·, il:ull, •lll Fli<: r " :--tnH:k tltv dcraill'r. -..\\'ay~· cl. tnppk·d tl\'l' r. and

lt :tl l l nll·i~.· r! ii:--L·I; in the .... and. l11 t!te •larc nf her ligh t Uill ~a"·

t h c r L'lll a i n i 11 ~ I i ~! lilT 1.: I i in h i r n Ill tit e c a h . \\ · i t It a c t1 r :' c t Ill

h I :t c k I i g t.li'L' r u It l' -.. ! c 1 ~ :t r d h i m . T It e i r 1 ' i .... tIll :' ll a ..... h- a r · r c­

lnad crl - tla:'h a:...:ain. ~ i l t' ncc r il l,·:-: in r a 111 0 l11 L' lll. Bnth m ' 11

.... t• •p tu :-.tead_,. th eir pi...;tcd-.... l~:1n:...:' Dan g- ~ T lw opcratur

f:JI J..; up•• n PilL' kt•l'l' . The black darl'-dl·,· il "i ll kap tiP' 11 him . I :lit tl l l, It t• :-lil !.,! L!_t'r-...- hc fal l'. rh c cn~lll<.'er h ·ts llll'l ln -..

C lll (.'~ l ~ .

The n•lici trai11 :-11n11 drl'\\. ncar. a nd a fter t he 1!11cl••r

It a d ,. i ' l ' n ' · It a t :t i rl lw c..-, 11 I d :111 d h a d "J H • k c n a k \\ ' \ · t l r d ~ \\' i tlt :--.

l~i ll. h e rrHk ti ll ltl\\ :trd the\\ rel'kecl "''· -~· 1. The inhabitant ...:. ..i n c;tr-l•y ~qttattL r cahin:' al...:.o c t lll L' to lnnk o\·cr the "]'han­

tom Fli er" a nd thL' , .. t11n. hl'a rd till' l-!rna n i 11 ~ ,, f th..: li g·urL: in . . tht· cah . . \iter ~''me labor they r l':-'C\IL'<l him anci l l"'k ltirn

t• • the ...:.tat i••rt. \'. ht·n·. IIJH•n n ·:...:-a !11 ing· t'l'l1:-'l' i•·u ...:.n ':--:-'. It· t ·,fl 11i thL·ir )t iJli•'-11\Hiri-..lrL'd rrru cl!.!e Cl !..' ttill!-l the ( ;rC~I \\ 'e...;ll.!fll: ~ 1-' .,---,

ht l\\. they !tad :-'nlL'arL·d t he en L: illL' ir1111t \\ith pllo:-'phllrcnt-..

and had made tltt· tl a lll L'~ h ekh forth frcln'!. the 'U:tt: k by u~in !--:'

a rapid-cnmht t:-'1 ild l' fuel. ! ~i ll'" lcntcly day...:. at 'h L' \' l' lllle \\'ere cncr. fc)r. \' ' ltL'll hi.!

had n ·c•l\ ' l.' l'l' rl irr111 1 hi' \\'cHtllol. he \\·a, cal!cd t11 Santa Fl'. whl'rc IH· "Prkl'cl under tit ~· cli , L'l t -..!i p•·n· i .... illtl oi 1 he ~upcri ii ­

IL'll<IL'nt. Thl.' t'l' It~..· ht•L'ai11L' :l nl' · :t int~...· cl ' ith the ·~ p~cial hu -.. i­nt·~~ ni tlte l.'"l11)>:tlly and ,. ,nn \\· a...:. capahk c>i l>ein !..!' manage ··

eli un ... · .. r the cii \ i .... i, .n .... c1f the C r~.·at \\. t· ..: t(·rn l~:ti l \\'a y C"m -

pany . -J:unc~ \\.curdi n g. ··1 1.

TI-l E A :\fCIIOR. Puhlish~d by THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATI N, llnpc Collc~c . Il olland, Mich

A~t..,istnol Etlitor F.mil!l 0. chwitt c rs. ' II

Hessel E. Yntc ma. ' 12

·odt•t.,\' E<l it.or Mary C. Lokkc r . 12

SubscriJ•lloo .:\l :m:U!t:' r W . Wall ::~.cc Visscher. '12


Jo:d it o r· in- c 'h ll'f JHENF. C'. BHUiSE. ' II

.\ l11 1110 i 1-:d i I 111

.\ !.!tW:; (i. St:tllt'll•:t ll l l). 'I I

1-:\l'l t:tll:!• l·:•lllur ll t·nry \ '. F. . SH' I.:-\' tll :lll . ' 1:!

Hn ... in, ........ ~l : t nll :! • · r

Mari nus .1. Dt•n 111-rtl l't' . 'l'.!

Starr Artis t . Thyst• 1·\•nn·rtla

f. .... t I ' I t••t ·• Ht it• :L \\' H·t'~lll ' 1. ' 1:1

I ! 1•tli'Y .1. l'yl. '1 :1

\ Ill It' Fd tl• 'l' ,J.,hn \ ' nt\\'in l•. 't :l

. \ ..... 1 l: t,,in• • ... ., ~ I 111:1~1 I

t\nth•Hl Y Lu id,•n -;. ' 1:!

~I :-;n 1. 1r: (. • >1 ' 1 E I 0 <: !<:="'J' !-

Alld rc s a.ll comm nn it·u tion-. tn '1'11 1-: .\ :-;c '"''"· II OJtt ' 1 'n l h':•c ·. II nil a ntl. ;\I idli:.!:t n. For Ad\·c rLi:.in:,: Hate~ appJ~· to lhl "inc • ...... i\l an:t!.!•· •· Ente red at the Po;,l Ollll'l' at Holla nd. ~lkh i:.!'all. a-. '' 'l'lltld · t· '· '"' 'lll:til ll t:l!lt'r.

~ tnce our last issue i\ l r. F. 1 . . Kee l ·r. . \ s~i--t:llll Super­

intendent of Public Jns trudion . has cn mplct •d his annual

inspectio n o f the deno minatio na l culkg-c·s ,,f the -- tatL'. In an

inten·icw l\Ir . Keeler said: " Ji npe 'nlleg-e ts the ht.· "'!

equipped o f the deno minationa l collcgT~ in the state. and the

labo rat ries arc especially line ." Such a statement. cuming a;-;

it doe::; from unbiased auth rity. is n i great nHll111..'nt tn us.

To t hose students expecting t o tcarh c h emistry. l•in log y. or

phy ic ~ . or who expect to lake pos t -graduate work in thl'SC

co urse , th i t .~ f especial int erest.

During t h e pa~t year ·eparatc c hair..: uf c ht•mi s try ancl

physic ~ were e ·tab li ·heel. Pro f. D. B. Y ntcma rl'tainc cl the


The Anchor 17

t· hai r of physic: . "'hilc :\lmo n T. Godfrey. ~1. D., wa elected

prt~ie:-sur of c.:ltcmistry. During thi year the department of

chL·miHry has I>L·cn put upon such a ba is that uncond itional

cred its will be granted [or al l chemistry taken at Iiope in the

L' lli\·l'r:-' iti c...; e~f ll:tn·ard. \I icllig-an. 'hicago. \\ ' i~con. in . '\ urt 11 wc~tcrn . and \ \ ' e~· tern Re ·en· e.

The a<h·anccd courses in chemi:try arc design ed to give

.... ~ 11dcnts lli.'l.'dl'd train in~ preparatory to the . tudy of mecli­

\'IIIL' . ~tlldl'nt...; planning- to teach chemistry o r t practice

indu..,tr ia l d1c 111i ~ try \\'ill lind the clccti,·c courses adapted t

tltt.:ir llLTd"'. Tlli;-; year. alst), three students ha,·e acted as

l:tl"•rat•,ry a .... ..,i-...tants. (; . .J . \ "an Zoeren. Soph . ; f f. ~ Kremers.

l;rt.::-11 .. and t ;l'ITit l'otts .... \ ... !\;-; experience in managing

a lah11rat• •ry i:-; indi s p e nsab le to the teacher. such an ppo r ­

tullily is in,·a luahk. ln di,·idual w o rk is required o [ en:ry

~tude11t. th11~ insu ring- ahsu lute tho ro ug-hn ess in the courses.

The c• •ur'l'S in hinlog-y arc also especial ly adapted to th•)""L' intending tn st11dy medi c ine or to teac h sc i ntillc sub­

j t'l' l'. alt h••u g h tht.·y arc arra ng ed to meet the need ~ of the

!.!' l'll l' r a I ..... t lJ( It- n t i n s t' i en r ' . I ~ e s i d e"' m a k i n g t h e co u r s e ~ as

:t t tnu.. ti \ L' :t' Jlll:'-...ihlc. the aim is tn raise the standard o i .,.,,rk t(J meet thL' recp1ircment s fn r r ro~ntunn by the best 1 ., ·II v :..: c ·· ; 111 d un i ' l' r ~ i I i l '"' . \ \ · l' 11 n p l' s h o rt I y t o a n no un c e t h a t

the nn;r-...l'~ are al..'i.' l'Jt t<..·d l>y /lan·ard. Yal e. 'hicacro and :-.

'I irhi:-,an inr i u ll lllldcr-gracluatc \\'Ork in biology in these . . . Jn-...tttllllP il ...... l ~ ((,,rt s arc al:-:n being made tn :-;en1re unco n-

, . . I . t. l , t.,na, · r~..· dtt-... j,,r p«l ... t -graduate rtnlrSL'S in hin logy . Such

l..'t lllr-...c:- arc ycar l~ nl r crcd to a limited number oi ach·anced s t nd cn t~.

T hat tllv -...cic ntil ir \\'n rk at ou r cull eg-e is worthy o f such

:· e t'"!.. il i t i • •n r" tlH:..; a' a n· ' · t·l a 1 i" n t o many o f us. \ \ -i t h the

l ' 1'1.. d i I g·i ''t' n h y t hi.' high t•r i n~t i tll t io n!' fnr scic11 t i fie w o rk done

h l're . I !(lp t· ( · .. 11e~c ''i ll he seen tn he an admirable place fnr

tltnsl' desiri n g tn spccia li 7.e in th ese branches , as it has long

l rr·en ttl s tll'l ' · nt ~ u i the da.·=" ic s :1.nd Eng-l is h. Let us hope

th a t ' ' ith th l' h >ng-- cl cst•n·c d rcr< g-nitio n fro m authorities mav : tl ~ ·• ctnllt' a like appr '{' i:tti<•ll fr11 m the in ... titlltinn's s tudent • .:. :tnd cnn ...: tilucnt s.

The An cho r 18


.. ,\.hetlu: r '' L' s ha ll meet a g ain. I kntn\ n nt

\\ ' c haYe aga in t' 1111H' 111 th · e nd (li :t :-. · Jt,u•l year. \\· c

an· ka,·ing· it !><:hind \\·ith a ll its rt•t·,,rd ui li g·ltt" and shad es­

a dt •Scd },1 u 1k. \\ ' e an: thankiul f11r a ll th e jnys and les :--c1 ns

and th e m i:--ta k t·s. lt lll . c1f tht• pa :-- t yl·:tr. . \ s \\' l' rc:,· it·\\· it. \\'t'

it' l'l 1 h a t i 1 1o : 1 .... l : 1 -v 11 a I' r i , i it...·;..! L' 1 n 1 1 s t " h t ' l.' 1111 r a d ~ ·" for e ' · e n

I I Ill' \ ' t'Cl r. · I I \.. \\. l' " ·i-..11 :-:tni .. r .... : \\ t' J,i I·'"" < ''" ... l~~' l' ' <Ill .' .""r '' a .T

111 L' -' pre~:' 11ur :q 1 l'q 1:1 1 11 111 ct i _\ t~ler d:lit .\ lii 1..· :tlll"ll ~ ll': • t'

ha\e been h e ttl·rcd h.' it. '-'· ar t· ' nrc: . l~ut. .. T h c o I d or, It· r cIt a 11 ;..: t ' t It . y i •: I d i 11 g 1 .! ~tl' l ' l11 11 t • ',. :

a n d :-.o. thnugh \\'L' ilcl)lL' t • • llll'~o: t y •111 ~tgain. it i:-- ''it h a mtn­

"·led feclin~~· o i :--o t-ro,, a n d j• •.' L!t al \\' <.' :--L'l' Y' 111 <k p a t t - .... o 1Tt\' ~ :-,

u 1 l u:'c: , ·nur fellows hip :t ll•i l ' llli1t :h l l ·:'1t ip . hu t i• •y t h :tt Y' 1


lw ,·c hL':n so su ct:l..'~:--iul. \ '-' h"ll' a1 !d tn t:-- l t hat Y"''r l ifl' in

u t h e r :-- p !1e 1 c: =' may h l' a.... v ·, ~..·111 i d: u y a ... i t ' a :-. i • t • r • - t It l' I i k

I. ~I : t~· ~· utt J,~·a r hi "i. l' t t h: tll C: \ l 'l" l> t· f·•l'l ' tlll' -; ta l -' ' a tna n . ~' . _ cmi>laztmed banner <,i 11 ld ll t~J • l' . \ \ e a . k y• •tt. :1-.. :1 p:t t t ill ·

rcque~t. n e , ·er to for g l'l yuttr .\lma ~l ater . . \t '"'" l' t i tnt' .

t heir ,,·ill come a gul< kn <~ppn t tu n i i y 1\) aid h tr; t hen. h e t rue .

This we a:-;k o i yu u. '''hear i .1 a ~.· t : \· L· m e mc H·y thL' ha ll s ,·; here

~' o~nc )f the hc:'t YL' :t 1 :-- " i ~ '1\\ r l i i · \'.' L H· s pl'nl.

.\l u mni and F t icn d:-- : \\· t· g-rl·l'l yt l\\ a~ain a -.. , ·cn t lta\' L'

return ed t u rc11 ·w ctld iri l·Hd:-- ltij ·S a11d li n : a g ain , .• ,ur nd legc:

da ·.s. Fen· all it:' cha n~cs . the ~..· : t1111'll =' i=-- s ti ll tlw :-.a m c 11 ld

- Jh t. \\'e tha n k you ittr Y "ii l p r t. '- L' i>C e tlll\\' and j.,r yt•ur kin d

••t'l i ~·t .. duri ng the year. \\ ' · c.t ll pclillt \\' ith pride t11 a yl'ar

, f ;, d, :t i il'l' :tnd hl' 1ll J'll. . \11d lt~ y t tll. a}SII. \\'l' WPttld g i\' L' the · ·J,)• · t11 ' 1111 >•·1· (l lcl ll clllC ... l:c,r. ri :-- he is in :-. . tl. h : llH''~:tg L·: '- '-

i:C<:d Pi anythin~. :' he: II L' Cd :' ynur enthusia :-- tic l tl~al su ppur t.

·t>lkg·l' mate~ : . \s \\'L' a rc ahtHll te l depart lll •Hit' !'ll ll1 -

m c:r , ·ocall "!l='. ma , .

IJchi nd and b e inn·? past year a nd fr• •m

w e a r c g-on e. le t ll "

n·ui ld n i . tudentn . .....

\\ L' ll· l t pau..;l· a l11111IH'lll 111 i:tl~l.· a }llcl k

\ I a y \, e nc 't r l ' •: k n n u p t h · e r n 1 r " n f t h l' l h t ' m I a y p Ia n :-:; f • 1 r t It l' n L' x t ? . \ n d '1. h i I <...·

he min c'fu l that \\T an· :-- l ill (If tht· :'<lt' n ' d

\\ ' l' ha,·e a..:. n lltd1 a c h :11t n • ' ' ' h e lp ()tlr

Th e Anchor lY

cc, Jl q.~\.' in , ·acatinn a!' in th e :;choo l year. Let us n o t fail to do

thi~ and Ji ,e wc•rthi ly n i our c li ege. Ou r ins titutio n , though

it i:' furging inrward. n o n e the le .. 1. • till far fro m it pos i­

J,ilitil':--. One way to b ttcr it. a s it :.;ccm . to m e . is t o enliven

•ntr n, JJcg-L· ~p irit. -on,· ic t in n a nd e nthus ias m a r c ncc e sary

t il an\· ·ausc j,,r it s succcs!'. and so with this. Jus t n o \ our C() llt•g t ' nee d s :t s tir-ring s pirit tha t will j o in s tude nts and

a ltil1111i in <ttl<.' IPya l hand . I t is fllr the ~tuclcntry to bring

t lti ..... t" p;, ... .... ~ llr<.' l y cc dkg(' spir it is the m ost n ece"...;ary )f a ll.

fc1r it C• tlll)l l' l'iH•II · I-.. th 1· Ctlh e rs-- cl.:t :--S and SOCiety ~p i rit. :\S

"' t' lll~'l' t •~tlu · t· -... t ht·n. h:t 11~ he t•nthu~iasti c for u ld I l o pe . - ll. E. Y .


< >n Frida,· L'\·c ning. ~lay 27. the firs t annual in,·itat io n

pr~~~~Tam by the l:ra tcrnal ~ncic:ty wa:.; g·i,· c n . The receptio n r, ., ,m ... in \ ·an l~aa ltc I ta ll had h cc n littingly d ecot·ated for

l ltt· "l' t':l-.i c •n w ith fH' Il1t:t nt s a n d cn ll cg · pi ll n\\'~ . The ~cninr

l:!a l · . in l· ;q~ :tnd ~ 11\ '. 1 1. rcL· <.· i , ·cd t h<.: g·uc:sts . . \f tcr th e in,·o­

cat iciJl ltad hl' l ' ll g i •: en by l'r•1i. l' ui zen;..!'a. the prc=--ide n t. :\f r.

\ ' c r l l ubt. made a iew remar k s . intruducing th e s ubj ec t for

t l H • c c 11 i n g - I\ 11 I • L' r t I : u r n =-'. T h c 1 i i c o i t he p net was a h 1 y ': .. :i\- l ' ll hy ~tanlt•y 1: ,,rtu inc. :\ l r. ~teg-cman. \\'hCl!'C s ubj ect was

.. , :11 rt1-.. t !w l't tl'l. .. g:"·'-' a ~un·cy oi I ~ ur n s' p etry \\·hic h

:: rl·a t ly cnha tHTd the t'ITcn ui the . c lct·tin ns c 111J •ri~ing the

: .•·u_rarn . Th • musit:a l numbers. whi c h were all ~~ntch s clec­

t i•·:·:'. "i t h tht• exce J Hi<~ n u i .. ~farcc l " (frn m ~ndard) by :\l r .

l : ~..· t~ ..... in k' t·ld. great ly a i1kd in t he creation o f a n appr o priate

:t l l llc ·-pltt•rc . T he quartet's \\'Or k caused m any fa,·o rahle com ­

lllL'J ' t ...; . :t t t. i :\Jr. I >yl ·cma ·:' ~o l c•s rL'\·ea lcd g-rea t appreciat io n

n i th e =' l' irit ni thl· m u s it..: re ndere d. Thi ::; p rogram i ~ an inno­

,·atiun in ~~ ~ .. ·i , ,,. \\·nrk. b u t it will doubtl c.;~ b e a w elcom e

l ll'(,'-Ct l l1111H...' ll t' l i11Cllt C\' C llt in C O illlll cr \'an;. :-.

P ROG h .. \ "\f. In , ·n c :H i• 111 . .. ........ . ... . . .. ..... . . ... .... Pro f. 1-:: u izeng a l·!t,Jl ( ·a ll. " ( ) Jll' n i n ~· I\ l'lll a r k ='.

\ ' il ,J in ~ ~~ l u .... . . .. .. . . . ..... . .. . .... . .... . 1e rg-e Dam ·o n

20 Th e An c hor

l'apl' r ... . .... .. . .... ............. "J~obert l~urn s . tltc ~l a n" ~tan l cy T . F ortu in c .

" .\nnie L a u ril·" .......... . . ..... . .. ................. C ic b e l l:ratl'rnal <Juartct.

l 'ap ·r ..... .. . ...... ....... . ..... :· R" i>en Hurn :-:.. th e Poe t" ll~..=n ry \ ' . 1 ~. ~ t q . ..;·L·m a n .

l 'ian o ~ulll- " \ l :trl'd " ..... .. ....... . . . . :\ r tlntr ll cu!"ink,·eld

I I ' . ..·1 I ' I :\l tlll ~(.'" \. l'l'ltat ton . . ....... ..... ........... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " '~' •• a :\l 111111t :ain I > ai~y··

: . ·I:··• " ' I >:t ll·nl ll'r:..:. I , · . .. . ....... ·· · . .\l .t rr :-. :t .\l .t tl lt lr :t' ' l' lt: t t'' l' l'! l:ll l • · 11 .... • . ..

J.' tll l" t ( ·. J~ l' ttllk -... .

~t d •t- "0 \\ ' hi:--t h· :tll •l I ' l l ( .l lllll.' l tl YCIII .. .......... llttpl' ki tl · Jt~hll II. \\ ' arll .... ltui:-:. .

Rcc ita tilln ...... ......... .. ... " .\d c! rl''=-' 111 the L 'nc .. · < ;ui lcl" llen r y \ ' r uw in k .

l{cl· itati, •n .. . . . .. . .. ...... ~ ..... . . "Jt~hn . \nd l· r~clll. :\ly J n" E ld r <.'d C. \ 'a 11 f) l' r f _a:t n .

... : ' I I I> . ' :\' I .. J• I . t l11- " l ttl\\' . c111~· an · n·•n h trl c . 1~ 11 ....... . .. ar., "Thcr<.' \\ · ,_{~a l!••nnie I a ~ ..... .. ..... . .. ... . .. . ..... l'a rk

JanH:~ Dykema . I ' · · .. \ I' · I' I ' · tat h'' \.CCllHtl ll ll . . ....... . .. . . .. . ..... . ..... . . •:ttc '- '. J>I .. l

Frl'<fL· ,· ic k \ ·a n I)_, k. ... \ I \. I . ( I \' e i :-; I .i k c.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s t l' (.' lc .. . \ I I i g-h Ian d L ·u I" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . n g ric h

F ratl r n a I ( )u ;lrtl't. .... St:ng ...... .. . . ..................... .... " .\nl d l .a n g Sync"

F r i l• nd~ and Frater~.

Voorhees Day.

In hP n nr c1f t 1ll' l ~i nhda\' ,,f :\l r:-; . Flizaheth 1\ . \ ' ue~rhl.'l' . .

th e dean a nd y nunt!" \\·o m 'I t nf I lope C Ill ·ge k ·p t open h tt :-' l.'

at \ 'nt•rh ccs ll a ll . ~·:, t urcla\' , ~r a ,· th e ~~.· ,-c nth. frn m three t ,)

~1x o'dock. Th e br~t' r ·~.·ept inn ha ll \\' :1::' h eall t ifnlly dcn1-

I ,


T h e A n c h o r ~1

rated with app le h lo~som~ and d >g-wood. The wild flowers

a n d m a ny pilluw~ and pen nants g-a,·c the room a h me-l ike

appcaran~c. . \ ftl.·r pa~:o; j ng- th e rccci ,· i ng- 1 i n e, the g u e:ts w ere

dircl"tc<l t u the !"\c~ond tluu r and w ere taken thro ugh th e g i r l: '

rt Hl lll ~. Thuug-h t h e r u() Jll :' arc \Try muc h a like . th ere was

'ariet ,· ct lot tgh to m ake it in t<:rc:->ti ng . fur each r o<.J m s ho \\·ed

tall' inci i, ·i.lll<tl ta~te Cl i i t~ occup:111t. The gttc!"\l~ " ·ere n ex t

t.~l,v n t•• thl.· ~•H: tl.'t '· n••• nl' ... 11 11 thl· third tl •~t•r. Each ~~·ciei.y .

the :\l inl.·na ~; nd till.' . ·on•:--i:->. had 111ade their tl\\11 r 111 a ::,

attt:tl'l t \' l.' a-... Jlll-...:-.ihk. l. ight tdrl·-...hmenb were .... cn·eJ her e;

.tnd f'tttgr:tnb. mu:-.i~al and l it~.'ran. \\cr· rethl e n .:d. T h ere­

'"' l'pti••ll \\:t:-. · ~ n·atl_,. ~.- nj~ty ~.·d h_,. lhHh gue,t .... a11d h •l:-' tC:->:-- ':'.and

it i-.. the dc.-:i n : ni till' ll(lJ>l' c• 1-l'd:-; to annua lly celebrate the

l1i r thday 11f :\lr:--. \ 'ourhce~ . t he dl•nur u f u ur beau tiful do rmi­

tury .

O n the e\·c nln "· ui th e ~amc da ,·. th d an n nd th e girb :--.

•'-' idi n g in \ ' tHJrltc.•t·:-; f l a i l. g·a,·c a p;trty tc> t hl·ir 1111..'11 fril'tHl s .

. \fler t h ey had played ganH:~. l ig l1t rcfre:-:.hment~ \\~..:rc ' crYcd

and thl' l.'\' t' llin g '~l' 111l·d unh· t• u1 ~lllll'l.

Spring Picnics.

Th rough t hl.· in lltten~.·c lli I Iaiit.: \ ':-: romct. 11r inr ~nm c

n th r 111\':-' lt' rinu:-; re:t~11 11 . \\ 'cclne~da,· . .\Ia\· 11th. \\' ,ls the cia,·

l' h ii:-'L'll i11r a pin1 il' hy thrcl' cla:-:'e'. It \\':t ·~ a p 'ric ct d ay .

. , :,l. S••JdlltJll•ll'l'"' dt:trt<.'l'l'd a la u tl 1.'h and t.'l'll ..... ~t·d t he bay to

\\ 'aukazno. J) r. ::tnd :\J r~ . :\ll.•r scn ltacl g- raciu u :-. ly tlpen cd th c ir

('cl t ta ~~~· t•• them. and a fter a d~li cinu:-; :''IP!lt'r . ::'Pille nf the

J•an.' g:tthen· I :thcn rt the fi r e \\'hilt..• ''Lhl' l'' rnamc.l thrnugh

t,:,· \\' llcH }..: . Till· l'\ en ,,.a, ...... ~ lllltch e n jnyl·d that i t \\'a' <le­t· i ~ ; c I t" It a '. 'l' a n n t h l' r pic n i l' t h e ne" t w l' l' k .

T It c F n• ~ It Ill a 11 c 1:1 -: :-:. j ' Ill r n c y l' cl t n ~ T a c a t a \\'a P a r k a n d had th e ir :'IIpper nut nn the h ac h . \\ here th ey cnu ld li::'tcn t11

the rnaring of <1 ld l.ake ~Jic hi g-an . They report a n~ry plca:'­a nt tim e.

Th · " .\ "cia'" al~o \\' Cn t t o ~T acata,,·a Park. hut h ad th~ir :-;upp ·r n n th su mm it nf a h i ~IJ hill. Th e:~· c laim to ha , ·c had

j ll~t a ' good a tim e <l" the. o phn nHl T' C!"\ n n d Frc , hm e n .

:\f a , · l Rth \\'a ~ the date c h.,,cn hy the ~<q> h 1111 Jrc s fn r

Th e Anchor

th e i r Sl'l'ttn d out tn ~. Th~..· l'\· ~ning- \\':l:' ::--pL'nt \) 11 tlw h n,· and

hl'ach ,,f \l a~.·ata\\a. Tltlluglt \\'l'll ~upp l il'd "ith tl·l · .... ~..·!,Jll'::-- .

t h t· , · cau g-ht n n glimp..;t· tli thl' cnmct.

"A'' Class Happenings.

< >n .\I a,· (). tit~.· (..', ..... lll"J'nlita n

\ ' llll ll " llll'n ~..i t il~.·".\" c Ja ... :-.. Tlt e . :--

1 ;II HJI Il't in thl.'ir llcHlt~T' till ~·.Ia.\ 1.).

:-:' •c ie t\ l ' llt cn:titll'd til~.·

F raterna l ~~ H' H' t ,. hL'ld :1

( ln \ · ~.,· clnl.· .... d . l\'. \I a\ 1 ~ th v )J j ..... l' ... ! ' 1! ... -.v: l :111 d ·. l Jttll:t rl --• 1

I •I lt!l.'

I., lit r .

;,11 d tk-li~..iclll::-- r~. · t.-~.. .... llllll'Jl t -.. " ' ·r,· .. ,n ~..· d . Til".\ .... ;1r 1..' l•u·kin ~~

· fctl\'.:trd (cl lll:tll\' lll• tl' l..' c i a~ .... l';111i l' .... lH· it•r~..· ( ·ttlllllh'lll'l'llll' ll l

d a , ..

I-Iope, 4: Holland Cubs , 0.

\\ ' hik th e llt~pl' trac k m l ' l l \ \ t:rc h tlnt in ;..,: up t iJl•ir r~.·l~l.""

in the C rand l~api cb- llc.\l:tnd r:tl' L'. th"· b:t!'\lh:tll lllL' Il ;..:·:t i Jt· d a1 :t1 thcr ,·iclt•n·. Tltl l l ,tJlan d C11h , \\l.' l' l' <hkat~..·d I 111 ()

:\u rtl ll "' \\' l'l' · made 1111ti l till.' ::--1.·\·l' ntlt innin~ . \\ hl'll lle~pc

sc•II·L·d t Jtn,u~th an crrnr. ' I im~..·ly hit~ in til~.· l'i~lltlt en al.It-,1

llc •p 1..· Itt in ~..·r~...·:t~l' th i..; :-:l'lll'l' J,y t!t r l' L' ( h ·. in~· l<' tiH' <' ·c v ll~·:tl

pi td ti n g. the game \\' <t"' i :t"l <tlld int~..·r~.,• :-: tin ~. lltqn·. h11 \ t'\· vr.

mana :··ed l(l ,,·c:t fuur hit:-- \\'lt i k th e· ( 'uh~ ,,nh· "''' t\\41 . . ... :""-- .,. :......

H o pe, 2; K a lamazoo Normals, 1.

( T"· ch· ~ inning". l

nclie\'l' me. \\'C su re got 1\. a /nn'~ g·11:t1 ri~lll thi:-. \ ' l':tl'

B,· \\'inning a h ard fnugitt g-a m l' fr , ,m th vm c111 \Ia,· 20 . \\t'

c:-;tahli:;h cd >ur r:lllk in base-ha ll a mlin ·~ <ttJr "i "" t l l c•,l l ~..·~ l·~ .

a -; \\'C did l a~t fa llll\· ou r funt -ha ll n:tcll'_\' 11\' 1..'1' till· \\(1 \lld - h l' .. f .. 111 t• !".


T he Anchor 23

c~hihition oi our 11:-ttional pa!--tim a~ the ian · ni II(Jlland han:­

=-'l'l' ll 111 man,· a d:l\·. t ·aptain Lc,·an -.tart ·d the ~l'l lring

in t~ t lr hali c•i t ll 1.· 'ir-..t hy ~·...:ttin;..,:· hit. ~tcaling- '-'CC<llld and

third. in11n '' ltcrc he trllllllrcrl IHnttl' ...:a-..y 1111 \\ ' e11rdi ng':-; safe

dri,·t· lt~ kit. \:othing mc•rc ~tirring-. l' '\l' c,:pt in the third. \\'hen a l itth: \\'i lcl rH.·:-.::-- ;111cl a Ci)llJ!Ie , ,f mi::-- l'lll'::-- g-a\l' Kazuo tlll.: ir

r 11 n . 1111til th'-· l\\'1.litlt. \\" hen :\lack l ~tid dcl\\' 11 a pr<.:tty hunt.

I.~..· .. an drt P I.' :tell-an o..,in :~ l · tc1 l't'il t er . p tt ting· :\l <tl· k ti ll t h ird.

ancl < ;l' h . ~ t ~ ·· · ·m a 11 li11~· d '""· t•• ...,!J,,n l" " '' ift '' ' lh' ha ndlt· ·! i 11 1 i llll' t " 1 11 .... ' c • 111 t II t • ' Ill' l • d y I : 1 J1 i 1 • ' Ill c 1 , , :• .... i 11 ~ t II t' pan . a n d

th 11 :' t lt t · :~ :1n1t..· \\:t::-- clt tr :-.. I l'\a n " a " .... tru ng at all time~ h ut

the thi.·d. :tnd all t~o.\ ed t •tlly t\\ u lilt:--. \\' h ilt: \\'(' ~l~aned stx

.,fj' Tul) l~~.·rg·er. Sltnrt\· Yr tJ \\ ink led nt't' in the ..;ixtlt ,, ith the

l"n t.: hit ni the game. a l\\'tl- h;q . .!·~ ~..· r J,<·y o tHI the Pak in left

I i d · I. I> 11 t 11 <' d i <.' d " i l <. • r ...; I <.' ;d ! 11 ~ •· t 11 i r I ' : · ll' n J .u k i c h i t t (I li r..; l.

l~ :t t t cri l' "'- Ll· ': an -~ ll':..! ' 111:111: n c n .: t'l·- \\ 'in"' trnm. h. tt n~ ­

I .. ,·an. \':qnmalll fl l:t. 1;, r"·er. l'm :, i n·- ~kd 1111. -I~.

T he Annual Rehy Race .

\\ l' tJ , , llttl h~.· -..i t:ttl' , , , -...:.. t:t: Jt I I" Jl l' ~..· r , , .... ·cd t il\.· t.tpt' in

tilL .... u.·rn td anll tl :tl r~..· l ~ t ,. r: t c~· IJd,\ ~..· ~ n ( ;, all d l~apid"' and ll td­

lan d J,~.·iu r L· ••IlL' Cl[ til~.· l<tl·g· ~.:!' t and 111n:- t t· nt ~ ltl::--ia..;itc Cl'Lh\tls

that lt:t::-- 1.'\ l'l' tnrn l"d 11111 j, ,r an,· a t hlcti1.· cc •ll iLSl i11 llolland.

l; ll lktin:-; :tt I I . \ ' an T o ng-l·rc:n':' kl' J>l the n :::--t lc:-;;-; mass 111-

l•nmed a .... tc1 t i1c rtlllncr .... . Th e :;o-.,<lld gain t,f tltt.: fir~t run­Ill r i n ~.·rl'a~~..·d ttl a lla l i. thrL'e-quartL'r~. and e,· n a mik

~~..· L'Illl'd hardh· plall:-ihk to tlt•·~c inionncd a .... to tl1c rclati ,· c .... l t' L'II ~ tlt 11i till' tl'alll-... The biP\\ill!.~· 11i till' ~.: uril.'\\' \\'histiL'.

l1u \ ·, l ' ' ' l ' r. \ \ a l'lll' d l' \ · 1. • r \' ull t It a t I I 1 'J > c \\' a "' ~ t i II lc ad i n u · i n t h l b

lc.ht lap . . \t till· lini-..h I f. ~t c;..:·eman. the I iupl' captai n. \\·urkcd

hi " \\a\· thrctugl! the jam nn Eig hth ~trcd. thrcL' and one-hali

mint1te:-. ahead oi .\1 . \ ' anclcr \' i:--:-:c . the (;rancl J~.tpicls cap­

tain. l!y tlti;-; ,·inllry fl (lpl.' plac<::' the ..;pkndid \ 'a11 Tung-crcn

trc•phy llc::--idc the .Jan i~ cup. \\'hich \\' <1"" \\nil la:'t yea r-.

l;l'llt•n-::--ttt<knt..;, if there 1s an,· athl e ti c team t > r ·cei,·e

rn·,,gnitiun for \\trrk d n ne. it 1s the track tea m. :\( \\', th ·n .

L' \ t' l' l~t~eh·. \:inv " r:tlJ ...... f• •r \nJ.:l·r. \ ' erh11\:k. J. \ 'l..'rhurge.

Tani ..... Tilk111a. Tvllm:1n . I alenbur~ . (; . ~lq.~·t· man. \I. \'~.:r-

24 The Anchor

I H 1 r:.,: L' a 11 cl l apt a i n I I . ~ t e g t ' lll a 11 • tIt ' llll' 11 \\"I h, '' 1 1 n t h t' cup j,,.. llt~pe .

Field Day.

)n ~aturday, ~lay 21. un.:u r rcd the tir~t annual inll.: r-da:.' :-.

track lllel·t f 1.1 1' tile h:.tll d~tlllle tl't•plty donated by \\ _ykl tlli Zell

and Karrl'man. tltl' lucal jl' \\clc r:-. . . \ grl'a t ~.· ruwd qj bt~tlt

~l tllkttls and lll\\ll~pet qlil' '. i l tiL:-.~l'd tllv Ctl .t l l.':-l:-.. \\ltid l \\l'l"l

r un t~!"f qu i\..· 1-Jy and pr•llltjltiy. dt:e t •' 1h1.· ~ddL· llt:tllagt...'llll.: l ll

'' ' 1· .. C. l~tuuk s. tra ck lltatt:tgct.

a Itt...· F tt...·:-.llllll' tt. II\ ' tl lll l' ... tit-.· ;.!l'l·:<l tllttnbt·r 111 at:ll~.tt ....

·ute red. tuuk titl' llll'l'L ill l'a:-._\ l :t~lti tlll \\ttl! !1'1 j)tll lll :-. ltt t hl·i:

1..: red i t. · I It l' i r g r \..' <~ t :-.It 1 ' '' i 11 g is 111 a Ia r ~ v lll l a .... u r l' d u e i " _1. \ tu. -. inl · . wit11 alonl! scorl'd J-1 p••iu t s . enuugh l(l IJ ·at an,· Ill Li te tltltl'l" tcalll .... . ' JIJ~.,.• lullit~IS \\·ere Sl' l' (HHI \\'itlt J:; }>Pint:-'

and the .. ··· da~:-; third \\ ith 1-L ( >l'lil· ials- kt:k ui nur~l· .

1·:. ·. Uruoks ; ~taner. J. l .a \' l'll: :\ lllto ll ll l.'l'l'. i\1. LJen II erdl'r.

'I he m el'L \\'aS in l!\·ery rt...·:-.pel.'L a great succL·ss ancl llHllt_ ·

t l tank:-:. a re due tu thc dtlllt>t s 01 tlte lrt1J>Ity . l>ll llt i11r thl·

tn,phy and fur st ittHtlating in tcre:- t in tral· l, atltll'til.':-.. Tit~.·

intl'r-das:' track lllect bid ... fair t o h ecPme ti ll<..' oi tht...· m ,,....t

pupular and intl'rl'st ing factur:' in athkti .... ·..; al llnpt...' in yc:tt . ~

l•l come. - ,1. L . ~)a,· ..?I uur trad' l':lf'taitl. II . . · t ~.· ~~...·man. n : prl''t.'llll'.;

ll u p e .. I' rep . " :-; l.' h t 11 1 I i 11 t It t' I 1 i g i 1 1t l' r -s c ; t11la .... I i l' a l \ 11 n . \ r I m r.

I ll! only entered the t\\·t,- mile r1111. in \dtid. lit er~.· •: t·re 2/

entries. fi ni shed i11 third pl acl'. and rl' l' l· i , ·cd a hand .-·all l\ 1.'

J,n Illite m edal. :\Jay 30. llo p~..: t ·.,lll-t.: l' t , ., ,k " l'l· ., ntl plal·t· at an in ' it ;lliP1l

meda l ~rand l~:t p id ..: . \Jth, •tt It l1:t t l \\ ol atldl'l~.:..; \'.l'l'l' ~ n

tl' rt•• l. their !-!'' c;! t ..., , ,,, in ·.: e :a! l•d ll"f'l' t" t.: l'i 21 Jl"i! tt .....

a nd :-;econd place. _I. \ ' rtl \\ i , tk \\t ill thl' medal ftll' indi,·idu;tl

Jh•i nH oi the \\'lt fl k 11ll't...'t. :-.~.· nrill'. . .! ll l l "'i nt ~. lit- t• u1k lir:-;t

in the 220 a nd -~-10-)ani da:-h l'~ . :till! -..e~.·P tl d in thl· runnin g

br(lad jump a nd the shot put. Cat ·tain ~t L·~ ~.:man \\ ;t:-. ;111 cas _,.

fir:-;l in the mil e run. the unly e,·ent in '' l! iclt h ... · \\'as l' lltt'rl·<l.

Cnld m eda ls \\'erc prize:-; for li t :- t p lac ,• and :-.il,'l' r nll·dal ....

f, 1r second. Leaders fu r a ll the d epart m ent:-; < ,f ath kt ic ;-; f, 1r t Itt· ·,• Ill -


.. ~ , ..

........... " f

• I,

Th e Anchor 25

i11g· y t·ar ' 'ere t· kn~.:d :\]a,· 12. l1. hn l .c,·an was unanimnu:'iy

cJt, . ~l.ll a ... dt rl'ctnr ni athktics; .\ rtllur llcu:-.ink,·c ld . !'Cere­

·;~,, · , :tnd \\ 'i lliam ...:.\ rll llk. t rt...·a~nrcr 1 ~. C. l~ronk..;. it u• thall

llW il :tgcr; :\1 . lkn l !t'rdtr, h:t"'kl'thall manager ; J. \\.curding-.

ll:! ' "t.;tll m anag ·r. ., rack at h ll-ti l·s is in c harg-e nf II. Stcg-c­

tna n. and ( ·. 11-dlt·tll :tn \' ill lt lll k art t•j' tt·nnis.

--- -.-.

l~l '. \\ ' .. 1. \ ' an K~.·r. e n. '(J-L (, i l~c ll a. l o\\'a, ha~ accepted

l h l· appt lintmcnt a s l:il' ld S<.:crl'tan· nf the Hnarcl n f Foreign

\I i ........ i"n~ c•i thl' Sn1nd Pi(. h ica!.!"o.

1-! c'.'. 1·:. J. l~kkl : ink. ·~~. pa:' t• ' r pf tln· Third Rdc rml'd

... • 1

l ll I 1..' I 1. \\' i II 1 {'a \. c I I () II a 11 d a h uut lun c I ~ l i () r E 11 ~ 1a 11 cl . 1 r e

, .. ill :tll\'lld tit ... • \\ .c•rld ' ::-- :\J i:-:.~i«•n nnil!reP l'l' at Edinburg- and

' ' il l :!1 .... ,, 'i .... it t hl' ~ vt lll'r land ... and ''tht•r plan• ... nf int crc:-t.

:\Jr. :\l a nnt•s .\ . ~teg·cm:tn . '0/. ha:-; rerei,·ccl a call from

:'prin g- li -.· ld. ~c,ttth Dakt•ta .

:\ti ~ ... I l :t! t : ! :t llt~c kje. ·o >. , ,nc 11i the \\nrkr rs in ':\IrKcc.

!'\' .. j...; :-: p l'n din•.!' her \'Ctt'atilltl \\' ith lwr p:trcnt:-; in 1 rolland.

l, t''"- II. J. \ ' eldman. '113. attended the \\' nrld ' s ~un<lay

:--= clt•"'l C"n'·lnti<•n at \\ ' a!' h i l '..!' tnn. D .C .. l ay 19-21. p ,"f~..·:-~c·r J. F. /.'. .l'illl'l'. '/0. and hi~' ife. int nclto spend

tlt1·ir \:tl.';tt it •n \\'ith th tir c hil cl•c n in .:\lcl, ce. K t•nlltckY.

. \t th \.• F\·hru:try mcctill !..!' nf the l.t~ard Pi For ig-n ).li~­

... ,t~ n s. :\Ii ... !'- "\l·ttie J).._• J p n~· . ·or). \\'as appointt·d t f'l dl cduca­

litjna l and · ttll! .. !.l' li!'ll l' \\' ()rk in \m11y. China . .-\ftcr :'omc

lll"~lltlt:-; of rest and preparation :--he ll npe~ to ~ ai l fo r .-\mo y,

tn till• summer nf n ext , -car.

I I n pc 'n liege Ita . ~\.' l'll man" alumni ,-is i t o r s this mnnth,

amn 11g· "hn m a rl' thl' in ll""·ing· : l)a,·id \ 'a n .'tricn. '01 : John

rh·kstra. 'O'J. and Tt uni :' •<Hn.' n !'. 'Q<J. frum Princet o n ~ cm­

t nan·. P r i ncct ti ll . ~ . J. ; I'd cr Plennc. '0' ; J a mcs \' cnckla e n.

26 T h c· nrhor

'fl/. tn1 m .'\ l· ,·. l: n11t ... ,, id . . \' I . : ! J, · .. r·. ll~ · ~~ ... j,, ~,, t·ld. ·cJ'J.

j,·~·m tit •· 1\tJ-..Il :\ll· rli~ ·: d l .t!l(' ~ ·,· . t ' ltic: t ~ " . :t 11d .\l j-.. ... \n • ft.•

I ·~ i l'lll l' ll ... . · ( ).) . f r 1 n 11 t I H • .'\ l • t lt1 ·II : 1 1 H 1-...

:\fr:-; .. \ . l'i<.:tl.' l'"' . ·~;. ,, itll IH·r thn:•· littl v tbtJ g lllt·r ..... l<.:f t

J-\J tfllflllltl ltl, ./ a)':tll . tlte I:Jttl ' l pall nf \prif, :tlld ..._ Jt v t'X )) <.:CI:-.

t I , I> l ' i 11 II ( ·II a 11 d t h (.' I i r" I II r It I II (.' .

l'ct e r l'k·tJllL'. '0'1. i-... 111 l :tkv cl •:t r~t.· .,f I~L'\'. \bra lta n1

:\ 111-..: t • · ~. ·o.:; . cIt 11 rl'l t i 11 .'\ '-' ' ' \ • 'r k t ·it_, clu r i 11 g- t IlL' I a tt <.: r · .....

" l~t' \. \f<ttlt~'\\'

t' . . \ n11 \fa,· ..?-1 . \lini , tn· ."

J-\,dy ll. ·;;_ ,.j <;ran d 1-:;q id ..... led tiH· Y :\1

I I j ...., "'l rhju· t \\ :t'-' "The t '!:t im-... nit ftc f ;n'Jh'l

\fr. \\ 'i ll iam J):ltll'-1 '11 '()1 . h :r-.... i n11P tinw t" tim v. d tl ·i n .. .... lt i:-: trip"' ;tr•1tJnd till' ''1'r ld . 'L' II llt~pc articl e:-: . Thi .... m nntl1 It"· pn·~l·ntvd

!lllt ~cum a holl'l lllL' r:tn .. · fr, ,m . \t1-...Lra l ia.

t ·, 1]1 l'g-l' m ;t n \ · , ·a l tla ld "·

I I ) t It l' I I "JH' t ·, I II v...: l'

~~ ~· ,·. ) :t llH~ lh· fl r~,·l' . '11/. \\ ltn lt;t ' ht' l'll tltv p a ..... t••r .. j th'-·

l' lll·rdt at ~ inu--;: C L' tlll'r. ln\\'a , j,". thin,· , ·,·:-H .... ha~ arcvpte•l

a cal l L•l \\ . a:-hin~·t, ) n .

R c,·. :\fartin Flip-.L·. ·qn. ,, j 'hica;..!"''· nHtt trtl " tilL· 1"=-'" 11 i hi -...

" iie. The . \ ndt,r c·--;:tv11d--. !t -.. "''.' lllpathy in Jti , IH: rean:mcnt.

txr lyattgr .s The Student ,,; D t:tr .. il < ' e ntral lligh ~chthd i:-- a , L' l'\'

arti :-- ti c and ;t tral'l i p:tpl·r. . \~ a recnrd , ,j t it~ \ari"u .....

~L·It(lo l a cti,·i : · -. it -t ·r· t ... p ..... Jllt rpi·:-'C "ell. " Tiw D a\\ 11 " j ...

an in tcrt: ..... t i n~ ak . . · ittt:n in a n L'.\.n: lknt =-- t,· k . Till' " l t•tT .

". \ F 11t tl ." j ... 1 •1 • t'r>Jll) dil':tttd i• •r ih IL'ng tll. :-:i n c~ it lla-... tll•l

m:-tny dta •·ar t ' r-.

mclod ram at ic.

The Bowen B!atle t't •J lt: l it, ... an illtL'restin!..! ~ t,,,._, . l'llt i tll'd .

" l~~'l l." 11 11\\t' \ ' l'! ' . ti1C' p i• .J '- \ ' 1'!11-... l 11 he a ci ,,\I J,Jl' t iJh'. \\ lt ik tltl·

matl·ria l hn u .'.:!·ln it~n,anl j , "' utlil'i ·nt j,,r t \\·1 , g•"'" ..... t,,rjl .... i l~ tl' :tcl ',j o ne.

The News ~,, f Fa :-: t < >r:t ll ·.:~·. :\ . I .. Ita:' a un Hpt~· excltan :..!'l.'

~t·cti"n in it ~ . \ pri l i:--::' 111.'. T hi :-- lltlll :-' Ltal m~· tlh'd ,q· di-..l.' u:---

Tht> Anch o r 27

:--i•• n -...(Jtl \\ ~ tltnt '-'\Cll the dntd;.:c:ry n f exc hange editing- ma,·

c:d l 1i tl..'ran· talent ~ into ~en· i ce.

"I.L·i,u r"·" in th e Colleg·~ World rC\' l':-t l:' dee p th o ught ,,n tilL' \\'ritcr·..., part. \\ 'e Cll tll llll'tHI thL· authtlr ,,j thi~ e~:'ay for

Jt;t \ illg \ il','. :' :llld npi ll itl ll :' 11i lh'l' ll\\ 11. aftll ullgll :'C1 111 e ()f h er

11ka :-: illlprL'"':-. ll"' a-... dan~L·rnTJ ~ dt~ctri n c.

"Thv Toll ,, j tit"· ~ea" i n The Pennant i:' a :' imp! ·. \\'1.' 11-

" riit l'll .... t .,ry. :--tt )'L' ri,,r t11 "" Ill<.: P i t he L'" lllplica tl.:d pt. 1 t ~ \\' hidt

:tnt:<tCitJ ... prndllt'L'.

~-"•• r g·•u•cl. :'t• li d lit <.:Jat , . m :t ltL't. Colleg e Chips :'llrp:-t~o...:c:-­

"1 •:-- 1 ,,j 111tr c~cimngc:'.

\ 11 .. j till' :-- t 11 ri~·-... ill The Cue :tr · ' '' h e L'P lll111 C ll' l ~·d . Th ,.

;p·v :unh it i(l \1 .... pn,cl u etiPII:--. a ncl :-:la nd nut alun·e tlt c ordinary.

Tit l' L'd i t• •r i ~tl ~ Pi Crimson C\nd G ray <I rc htt :' t ne~~- 1 ike. and

! i 1 k d "' i t It c ~ c c I k 11 t i d 1: a~ .

TIH.· a ~· itati1111 nf th e h••n tJr ~_\' ..... ll' lll among- th e exchange:'

~ ·i' L' -.. pn•mi..;e nf g'IIIH) thin ;.!·:-: in :-; t n r c fnr the :-;cho0L n i o ur

l.,,ttn tn·. ll nwt•,·cr. th e ~ ,· ... tcm it,clf ha~ t\\'0 ~ide~. Thn-;e

intt•t-c .... ll'd in th e prn ancl c•, n ,,f the qu :-:ti n :-:houlcl c n~ult

t ill' Collegian a ncl Calvin C ollege Chimes.

The :\lay numhcr 11f th e RC'y i ~ d •,·ntecl It) the . entOr~ .

\\ · ~· a r ~· ~ I n d t n :-; c e t h c 1 i k c n c ~ =-' =' n f t h '~ c ~ t aid i n d i \' 1 d u a I .

What Others Say of Us.

" Th e la..;t i''lll' (l r till' n1d ..:tar( (If tlic Anchor, I fnpe Col­

h- ~l' . :\l ic ll .. :-; ltll\\' :' t il gn,,cJ ach· ant:-t~·c "hat they cnu ld dn. \\ <.:

arc \\'aitin~ cxp ·c tantly inr th e debut n i th e 11 t.: \\· ~taR·. Y o ur

I i t ~' r a r y d e p a r t 111 l' nt. p a rt i e ul a r I y . :--: t a 11 d :-; < u t i n t h ' :\I a r c h

i ~"'t tc . "-The World. ~l. Paul. :\finn

"The Ea '-' t e r n umber of The Anchor t ~ e peciatty attract­

"· ~· n nd n c:-t t " - High School Panorama.

"The n,,·c:r p f thL' Anchor, J), , Jlancl. ~1 ic hi g-a n, ;, pretty

ancl ar ti::. tic 'The l ' r~~~li!._:'al ~·• n.' in th e "\larc h numbe r. i:' a

\\'l'll \\Tittcn :-' tnn·. ,-L·n· l tltH' h in !_!·. and tcnclin~ tn excite the . . . ~.nnpathy of :-t il. \\'c h npc n n d h e lt<·,·c that the 11 t'\\' Anchor

:'tafT " · i ll pn Hiucc as gtH HI a paper a:' th e one \\'hi h "'e ha,·e

rc 'Ci , ·ed f n 1111 the r e tiring- ~ta ff. · '- The Pennant.

28 Th e Ancho r

"\\' e rl'"r<~ t the rdirt' lllL'llt (If the Anchor's ~taff. Their ..... \\ nrk wa~ \\ell dnnl'. \\ ' c e " tl'ntl tn th e new ~taft" a h eart ,.

w ek <• lllc:."- Adrian College World.

" ,\ n ew :tafT i ~ nnw cditi l'g- the: Anchor. t\ nn thcr vcar

Cl [ manag ·m e nt. :--ur h a..; that of the fnrmt·r ..;taiL will rcfl ct

h cmo r o n Y'l tt r \\ Orthy pape r . T he: c ,·er n f y ou r la!'t mnn t h'~

i ~~ue is ,. ' IT nL·at. "- Calvin College C h imes.

. \t la:-.t the Wet iT i t~ <•f nur iair . c1!1or arc CJ \ ' l' t' ( at leas t

unti l the: e nd 11f J une) .

Th e c•, m c t ha ' J ' a:'~ccl: th · t '.\'t' llt\·-!ir:--t ha~ co m '; a n d

Jimmi e i:' here.

:\T r. l! t~ n nin k c l t~ im..; that there '-"a' a n crrnr in nu r "'.\'a 1 t

.\d:' ... la :--t m•mth. li e '<l \ ' :-. It wa:'n ' t niH .' ui the "4-7" h e

\\'a n ted : it \\'a~ a pidd e. .. ()h . d () 11. t ''I Ill r llll L' ml) e r !' \\' c e t :\I icc. n c 11 ll ink ? ..

:\I abe l ( tn a :::ym pa t h c t ir S tlphomnl·e) : •. r h a ,.e an a \\'fu l

<: a-.c. n. , Y' •ll ~tiJ'Jl()'(.' I'll ha\'L•ln go to ('Ol! rt?"

Th e: m en \': hn atten d r h\l rc h :cn· icc~ . publi c l cdttrc~. etc . .

arc: ,,·ai inQ' ,.,. j h ic:ar a n d t remblin g- ftw tit· appearance uf

th e .. f JaiJe,· f I a :·

\ ilH: TJ., .. mi · ,, ,.,. th e 1th c: r e \· ennF~" the h e ll ran n· t\\·o :--.. :---

)1,11:!' rin~r~ . r:·:··!,:n IJ · l' r<·o;.· t[ot up and lef t the tahlc. Zancl-

~-tra \ ':a , he:n hc.:arrl IJ r<·mark: " \\ ' hv. ~he'~ nn t t u > lo ng-. 1..]1(; ~ ..

. 'trJck., arc: , r,m r· 1111 . .... ;d"' \' ' par . . • ' mt·time~ h In n- p:-tr:

IHJt .\I cc j .... ;!1 \·:ay, "at par.'

l' rrd. Kn iz(· n ~;l r-..,l(:ak in ·· :t l HI\ t ll'1111i~ ): '':\11~~ Danlt(lf

•'••<.':-- Jlf d llt't'd a r ;t<' ' I'JC· t ; -.. It <'' rad, ~·t c.. ' ll• lll:._:·h In· ht•J...;l· l i."

Comet Rays. l'n li. Dimn c nt: "~nnH.· (,red' ~tudrnt...; remind me n f th e

... The A n c h or 29

c..·u m et'~ tai l. T h ey're alwa,·s b t:hi n d o r c is no t in e\· idence.'' Prof. Z utphen: "The ~~ 111 oi ' iccro was like the comet

iH·t·au:--e he didn't l ea\'C~ anything ht:hind him .''

< >nc o f the poet~ ~ay"' th <tt in th c~e ba lmY ~pnng days

th e h eart o f the ytnlng man li g-htly turn:-- t n lcl\·c. The same

lila \· ll t' :--a id ,.; ~en icn·~ . j,,r a f.:w da,·~ ag-,, Te Pa~kc ar1d

.\11k cr \\ere..· ~tT II l':t :._: cr l_,. gai' i ll!-! at the ~ampk~ in a diam P n d

ri11 ~! ca t a l••.~ lll' .. \nn . ' l'll lil' lh· ·. :t .... al-..n \ c..·J , . 111\ IC.:lt int C' rc.;;t etl

't r<riJ~·v• 111 l> r. t;.,,Ji rl'\·: "\\hat an· :til t lll" c..· C>xfdrd Jll'l ') ,J l ' d c 'i 11 g· I h .' IT ? ..

l'rnf. J:ru :--h tP :\la c l.ah u i .... : " \\ 'hat cl!IC"' ·J .::.akdc u n tl

l .iche ' m t:a n :··

:\l ac : ") d 11n·t kn,,,,. wha t ·J~akdc ' i.:'.' '

I rent' -~ tap l <.'ka.np 11 ir; ng ,, j :-.t ud y ing· Fre n c h ) : " (>h . dear.' '

.\rtiHir II L'II~illk\· l'ld: ·· '\ It•. tn11 !"

~Chill te n t il \\ ' arn:--hui:-::

n111 t•, wear that?''

.., , c 1\'. much dnc;; Buter fYJ\'C ~

. ' ~rr . Campht·ll lfl I. n.: "]k ~ :I I'(' lll keep tip \'tHII' ,·nea l

,,.t,rk durin~· the "Ummcr . .fame-:.''

f:tllll·~: "Yt·lt. I g•• t :l jnh ~h mnt •• rm:tn ••11 a horse-car."

V Clcatior. Vocations. \\'arn~ l ll:i~: i-'a ~ hi•lll p late p•)..; in g .

Tl• l'a~k c: ~ en: r~lip.

S\\'j ~,: ( ' ut t ing up \\T ll ' int 11 pn~t hnl<.·"·

':\la e l...: :\I ind ing l~u t hcrfnnt.

:\ . . \ . R .: ? D elia 0.: Th C' hn r c d \\' a lk.

:\f r..;. n.: ~nthing.

Pro f. D .: If clping- :\f rs. D . Flo ""ic: :\Taking up Aunk. .

The . c n inrs ha,·e rcq11cst d 11~ tn ptth li ~h their nam 'S tn

the .\nclwr thi. m o n t h .

ll enrY \ ru\\'ink-

(} \\':tel .... 1,111L' JHl \\Tr th C' ~·iftie l iS

Tt) scc •H irsc l' ~ a~ it he r-; !'cc u5! •

30 The An c hor

.\ric Te Pa~ke-


. \ ncl tn It j~ C\'C

T h c rc "·a~ IJ u t nn1..' 1 n•lt H't·cl fac · 0 11 cart It,

. \ 11 cl t hat " .a"' ~ hi n in g (I n hi Ill .

\ 'kt'llla -

1 I i~ ,·t·n· fu11t has mil ""'t: i 11 't

. \~ h t' ~..·untc.·~ up t he stair ... .

( ·,,l'ltvliu .... 1·:, ~.: rs-

\\ IH ·Jin ' tit\ k:trni11 ·. : llt11h th,·

!.1111 ·=-- \ "t·riHll'" ­:--..

\:c•n1..· l•ttl llim st·li ,·:t tl IK· lti .... parallt·l.

ll:ttT\' .\nkt·r-. \n I \\·hen a la t: ,. · ... iP tllt' ca ~~.· .

Y"n kllcl'' ailc•tlh·r t llill!.!:-- ~-j ,· ~..· plact·.

J·•iln \\ ' arn~hui~-

.\ llt •tict•ah k man "i t h la r!,!'L' ..:,ray t' \ ' l.' ' ·

I 1:11 ak I in..;pcrs-1 am ia"t , .nh· \\i tl\· ·Iii lll\' "l'li. h11t th~..· ,: au--t· t lt:t l

\\'it i~ in ntltcr men .

. \ 1\lll' ~l: h II t•lJ,~,.•-:\I. i:o:tr - ~~ ,11 ht•rst·li th ••u;.: h china f:tll.

ant a It·\\· : hat II t lt•l a J 1..'\\' t'\' l'"";

I h· I\ I ll '' -. :--..

I k madt.• ~ 111 in ... lrttlllt'll t 111 knll\\

li tht• tll '' ' 'll ~hint• at fttiJ,,r 1111.


Till' t• l:t--~ , , j i:t"lti t~ ll. :T 11d th1..· ll1 1l ld ,,j j,,rlll . . . Tht• 111•:-'1..'1'\ t•d I If :til (l)ISl'r\' 1..'1 :'.

F d\\'anl llnln·c~·:'tt'-l•l)r 1 am fearfn lh· and ,,.,1tHkrinlh· ntaoll' .

lllhn \\'ic hcr~-

1\ ~(1 11 \\'ht) l ::' thl' lh l' llh' 1•i ltllll•• l' ' ' \ol\1:_: 1\ l';

:\mo n g-;;; t a gn1\' l'. tht• \t't' ... t r:ti~ht t·--t pl.1111

I . I

The Anchor

\\ 'alter Ten ras-. \ \'cnlth. to i 'nunc and l\ fame unkno,,·n.

J ct111ic I 'ikaart-

1 ~ she not pa'-'~lllg" fair?

fa cob II ccmst ra-.\nd nut n f mind a~ Sll(lll :1. :' ll ll t nf :-;ighl.

. \n thc• ll\' \ ' er llul~t-

l:••r rllt't t •ric he.· Cc ltt ld n• •t ''l'l' II j..., 111 11 \ll lt. h ttl nnt tlt e rl' Ill.' \\' a " ll'c tph ·

I )a !ton ht·r .. · -:--..

II<.' \\lltdd rctth~· r l'ill than "l,·c.·p .

II <.·nn· l'a " llla-

1 am a man :\lore sinned again~l than :=; tnm ng .


l'leadquarters for Fancy Box Candies: Huy!er's, Gunther's and Johnston's

The Gerber Drug Company uccessors to R. l\f. l>c P rcc & Co.


Holland City News Established 1872



I . .. . .._. ............. I --------.-----------------------------------~-----

The Anchor ----- ----- ----


GLASSES Tha t \viii f it any shape nose and 1nak .. a g ood appe. r­a nee on your face, fitt d \Vi t h the bf."'st p-bs.; \s n tad ,

a r s ure to g ive y ou corn fo r t.

Eyes Tested Free ___ ,_

Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. Optometrist

38 East 8th St. Holland, Mich.

we Thank the Slu~cnts for tht..'i~ patronage this past year and promtse you as satl ·factory work in the future

Garvelink Printing Company Printing "AS YOU Ll KE IT"

A J,ovc.· Pnst t~fliC'e ('it ~:. Plt n ttl' :!I t \(i

Rensselaer . "~~ ~-1 sc.Polytechnid'~l~~ 4'"~i%'< a~ Institute,

~/,ti Troy,N.Y. Send for a Ca tafo&ue

The Season is on


H. Van Tongeren

·~ - '



T he Anchor

Are You Tired of Monotonous Breakfast Foods? Then try

lfnllaub illu.ak.a One bite gives you the appetite

Holland Rusk Company l lolland , M ichigan



C. BLOM, Jr. The Candy Maker


Souvenirs of all Kinds Stationery and a full line of Summer Fiction

F•::FC..IS' J3e>e>~ Ste>re

Wykhuysen & Karreman Watch He pai ring and J eweler s


Coster Photo Supply Co. 21 E . 8Ll S t reet. Ci tz. P h one 1582

Ph o to Ac•: t·!:)~v r ie s of a ll kin tls . D eveloping and Pri n ti 11g. C ame ras fo r sale o r rent. An elegant li n e of :;ouvt ·nir

posta ls a t one cent each

. I', '/ 'J, r• ,·1 ,,,.J, r, , •

" \ ' <· c ul I la ir For I 'c ·,,plc · tl,.,, c .nc ·

Cas}.Jellt Belt .Jt l. 'T 1\Rt•ll:'l: ll T il E Cor~ " ' ll J\ Sh '111 1. FII.J.I l \\ :-

H. ILIOHAN Tit,· ('n JJ ,., .. ,. Shrwrna 11

(; 1 ::u 111.111' i 11 tlrt• He ool a 11 cl S h • •I '

.\ll E. 8th St. ---------------------

F.,r lllC. ll cHlll' ~l :uh- (' ,, uli a· . Chocnlates~ a n ti: /ii?on Bons " IIl ii i 1H•

I T 1] J / "( J J r • I i{), a11t1 t_ _-!~_talCt _, ,. A ttc 1 c 11

Try our ll ut ancl C'uld l > rinl, ~. Thl'y att· Jt·li\'i .. u:;. Coml,ina t i••• lllnt:hl.':­

:-c· r ,., d a t al l I im ·:;.


P e111'1ai1.ts, Pillo w Tops \\' c· ban r·,·c·r \ t'd :1 11· · \ · lir11 • t lr:. l \\i ll p't ·:t:-t · tvt'r~ JloJ , . .., , , ,

d Pn t \\. t• :H ,· slrowil!!!' Il l ' \ ' ki11d ... and sit.• s 1,, .... .,(•1·1 " ' ' ~' lillt' I


The Fl()Wer Shop, c tt Ht.Fs • . o t ·TTo ~ . PrL· n .

Cut Flmn·r~ and Hlt~tJmin~ Pla nt :; fu r all Ot'C.\SIO~ .

24 \\'e~t F. iJ!hth Stree t Ci ti.t. (· n~ Ph o ne l OS:;.

Go to Van Drezer's Restaurant lk$t ~h·al in t he cit,.

\\· ~.,, F.il!lt th Stree t Cit i;~. en-.. Ph o m: 1152

The cnly stu<!ent four chair shop

f. Charter'S () \\ est Eigl~~·~1t ~~t ~·-~~tDn·zl·r·l' He. taurant •

... ,._



Thr A nrhm·

CHAS. D. SMITH, Druggist TlnJland, )I ida.

C'itizl'tl. PhotH' l:?Of> .

DR. JAMES 0. SCOTT, Dentist Office u • c r Dno:<~hun!'" Dna:! Stnro:. F rida.\ anti Sat unl:t." fo:,·c·:-. C'ltl:wn · l'hmw 14 I I

Solid Gold Jewelry for

Q..re;""d -...::~.~tir1~ G-ifts Lasti ng and practical. \Vatches, lockets, rings, cuffs, neck chains, etc. at

HARDIE, The Jeweler


Repairing a Specialty 237 River Street

Dainties for You and the Lady


STUDENTS! If you wish to keep posted on the doings in this "neck o' the woods" during your absence, subscribe for the

Holland City News $1.00 per year

Also producers of up-to-date job printing

I , 'II· ( . /I n.r r" r

C" ~ 11 t t .. ~ 1 D . ·t• f-J S tor·e It • L: r ,. ' S '.!.! . Dtu "'· Slil li!Jnery. clc.

1·,, •· ·. •, • 1 l ito ' Il l tl1o Ill \ \\o o~ r• ! •· , •. < ' • i. : ' ·. , \~ ' h. l 1 ltn•· I II • I\• til 1\ ••JJ w dJ •

II \ \ "\. t. 1· .. '\ rh ~r. . (. ,, / , I•Jr ,,nt 1~3 1

Lovers should see

Ou r Line of

!-I . R. Brink

H B C .. ,S, Tailor

ELECTRIC SHOE HO S PITAL \ I \' . r I, " 11 1 r 1 11 • • , I \\ · 1 • tJ.... • ~ • , 1 • · It

"'- I• •· I' 1,,1 , .111•l l.:1•, ...

1 . r: , ~, I

l : r i ;, , :1 d l i u: k I t • · ( • · ·t : u 11' 1 l l 1 n 1 1, -~ 1 I l ' 1 : , . I .. :. ' ct • •

t.: · l iltt i: I ' < ' I t' I ' l l 11 :n

R. W. CALi{IN l ; ' . • ' ~ p ' l . t ' ! 1- I "There· s A Reason "

Na rrow S eated R ig s for Co llege Couple s at

BOONE'S LIVERY PHONES: C li:P n$ 34 : Be11 20




• '·


Tlu· A nclwr

W.b' J) if,\'? I It if," to tl~tndc the IioM-" and G i1·l.~; of Hope

fo?' tlte i I' pa tJ'OJUt r;e rl tt?' ing J.')(J.CJ- 7 u. Mrt 11 .tJOil enjny .l/0711'

1 oration fl nd t 'fil l rn tt•ith f re.•.JI,


} ' IJIIr.-; t ill ,,,._,·( Fall


H. Vander Ploeg The Book and Art St01·e

" \ Vhere you tl o the he ' t."

~--------------~---"------------~~~~~ ~~--~--~

De Grondwet

1-:lt Pl'HI.I~III·: I> I~ Till·: IIOLJ. .\~() 1. .\~ <:l .:\ lfo:

1\ Till·: t - ~1'1'1 ·: 1> ~T.\'1'1 ·: .· .. \1>\' I·:I:'I'ISI \<l lL\TI·}.;

~1.\1>1·: 1-.:~0\\"~ l"l't)~ .\I 'P LI< '.\ TI >~

$1.50 PER YEAR

M.odel Laundry l't..:(l,\1,1 :--1 ' 1'\ 1( 1· . I ' J 1: W<)UK

en ()C) i . . . ' rh ~ tret:t

------------- -~---

Va11der LJe1-de & ~!is,5er

Bu_lf your u:ear i ny apparel a t

Tailor and Fu rnisher

I ) I I I I S! I· I I . I i ! . ' li l . \ ~ ' l l I Dr .\ m r c 1:1 L tll'l i , .

I 1.\KE p l• .. =--•• •··inlltf J llll .t ~ t lw h·td . .._ , ! tl11 \ ·i

d ·s pil l' th • . t ro ll~ c·o 11 p ·t t~H t l r • IJI ' '" 1 .. 1 i · I' t r: J ~

tin t

I 'I}

(n r til• · S l t1d 1 II..:

c111 I t iH· \\"e:; l · rn ·1 h cn l• ,..:a ,1 ~ . Jllintr-. .

If ·o u Inn· any Lti!ll in ti H· pt.J .~tm· r ll n f t ilt ::t tJ,k:t l' ... ~~ .. _

~i\(· I I' I<.: II.

G. A. Kanter's Block : I 11 I " " ' h LO ·an:, . It ' ll~ • .

• '


. 4

I r


Graham & Morton Line J'he Gateway to all Michigan

St. Joseph and Benton Harbor Division

ll I ' II() I. , ,. f ' Jl l .·.·tl l ll'll,·t.\' . ) .. . t,·c l~t•n r n n ar 1111", : , ,. 111 . 'a t y ., c·

1.1•;t\£' Sl. .lu~t · J dt 1 11 : :~11 p. I ll, d<tily c•.:xt ·t•pl :--;;tfunl:t.\'. ( , E';t \ ' \ ' 'h i<':I J.!II ! I ;:(1 :t. I ll , d;ti )_r ('.Xl'( p t :--;a tu rcJn .\· <Jild • lllld:t.V .

L1·a ,·c C'h il'ago I I ::~11 p. 11 1. • • 'a ttl n lay.

Faro .)1 '\', Nt a te rnPm $ 1.'/G

Holland Division Lt•:l\' l' ll ul l:tll d 0 :."!11 p. 111, daily. L Pn,·e ( ' lliengo, :110 p m. daily e.:xc pt ~nnday

L <.'a,·e (' !Ji t·ago 0:()0 p. m .• tl tHby .

F url' B I .:i ll ; Statf>rw Hn $1.75

I I I . l ·IJ c<.ltlle without ll o ti l'f> . TIH' rig lll is r f':-;l·n·t3c tn c.· l 311J.!C' I 11~

(' lmw t·n tll l •t ·ti t"'l ll.' an• twtcle with lnlurttrlmn. a nd St~am Hai lways .

.J . S. )lorton. President: Benton Harbor , Mich.

\\'. H. ~lorton, Asst. to President, hica~o , llL A. Reichle. Asst. Sec'y and Auditor. Benton Harbor, Mich·

II. Mcyerin ~. G. P. & F. A., Chicago, Ill.

Henry Ba by, A. A. & P. A., Chica~o. Ill.

'has. A. Floyd, General Agent. (;rand Rapids. Mich.

CH~AGO DOCK: Foot of Wabash Avenue

Chicago Telephone, Central 2162

I { e s u r· c~ 11 < ) t t < ) f < , r get t l1 ~, ~l {.t v· e r t i <.; ­

ers, \Yl1cn ) .<>lt co111e hac)~

i 11 t l1 c I ~ a II

t .. •
