09 Twelve Tribes Israel


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  • 8/6/2019 09 Twelve Tribes Israel


    Great Eagle Ministries International free Bible Studies

    PAGE 1 Robert Burgess http://www.gem -international.org

    Th e Spiritual Characteristics of Twelve Tribes of Israel

    Reuben: "Behold, A Son!"

    By Robert BurgessForeword

    The following notes are from a study in a series on the Twelve Tribes of Israel;This was originally done in 1995.. A more expanded version of this study, as wellas the remainder of the articles in this series will follow shortly (As time permits).This study is based on the Prophetic Blessings of Jacob over his twelve Sons(Gen 49:etc.), and Moses' Prophetic Blessing upon the twelve Tribes of Israel (Dt33).Jacob and his Twelve sons are a type of the "Tree of Life" bearing Twelvemanner of Fruit. We must realize that these sons of Jacob each represent a mini-type of Christ, who is both the "True vine" and the "Branch" man (See Jn 15:1 &Zech 3:8). The twelve Apostles of the lamb are also in view, for they are "TheBranches." Every born again believer has a position also as one of the branchesof the tree of life, and is therefore an heir to the blessings and promises madeconcerning him as one of the "Sons of Jacob, the Israel of God (Gal 6:16)."When we are born again, we are a Spiritual Son of Abraham; and as such, thereare certain "Spiritual Characteristics" of the Twelve Tribes that we bear. It is ourhope that the readers might discover m ore about their gifts, callings, andplacement as Spiritual "Sons of Jacob," as they study these articles.

    At the outset, let us consider that the twelve sons of Jacob were not all born ofthe same mother, in other words, all of them were really half b rothers to some ofthe others. Although they all had the same Father, they had different mothers;this caused that some of the various traits were much different, and not alwaysthe most beneficial in the overall. Some of the Sons were born of concubines ,and not to the married wives of Jacob at all. We will look more closely into thesekinds of relationships as the study progresses. The only two sons who were bornof Rachel (or, a Ewe -Sheep), Jacob s beloved wife, were Joseph and Benjamin;As we pursue this study we will find out many things which lead us to realize thatthere are many "Birthings" of certain of these characteristics which shall takeplace in our personal lives at different points along the "Way" that leadeth untoLife.

    "And Jacob ca lled unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that Imay tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. Gather yourselvestogether, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father (Gen49:1 -3)."

    These were the blessings of Jacob upon his twelve Sons; notice carefully thatthese were "Prophetic Blessings" for the "Last Days;" In other words, theseblessings would be realized in the various characteristics which would surfaceamong the "Sons of Israel" during the L ast days, also known as the "ChurchAge." Since Christ was manifested and crucified in the "Middle of the (Prophetic)

  • 8/6/2019 09 Twelve Tribes Israel


    Great Eagle Ministries International free Bible Studies

    PAGE 2 Robert Burgess http://www.gem -international.org

    Week," everything which takes place subsequent to that time is called the "LastDays."

    "Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, an d the beginning of my strength, theexcellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shaltnot excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: hewent up to my couch (Gen 49:3- 4)."A Child is BornReuben:Strong's # 7205. Re'uwben, reh -oo -bane'; from the imper. of H7200 and H1121;see ye a son; Reuben, a son of Jacob:-- "Behold, a Son."

    I am sure that when Reuben was born Jacob must have had some greatfatherly expectations of what this little one would grow up to be; We who haveFathered (or Mothered) children can relate to this. It was the custom in Israel,and was a part of the culture, to give a double portion inheritance to the firstbornSon of the family; along with this greater portion, there was given the Authority tobecome the head of the family at the death of the Patriarch (Father). There weresome good reasons behind this; If, for instance, one of the family fell into povertyand became sold into slavery, the firstborn Son (Who s hould be the most wealthyof the Sons, having been given twice as much possessions at the death of thePatriarch) would then act as a "Kinsman Redeemer" and buy back his Brother (orSister) from the slave owner. This was a big responsibility for anyone, a ndbecause of this: "Unto whomsoever MUCH is given, of him shall be MUCHrequired: and to whom men have committed MUCH, of him they will ask theMORE (Luke 12:48)."My firstborn: The beginning of something is not always indicative of how things

    will eve ntually turn out to be.."Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit isbetter than the proud in spirit (Eccl 7:8)."Spiritual ConcubinesAs most of us know, Reuben eventually lost his birthright blessings as the

    "Firstborn" because of an ungodly act; he went in to his Father s concubine andlaid with her sexually (See Gen 35:22). This indicates a condition that oftenoccurs when someone enters into an ungodly intimate relationship with one ofthe Churches (a Den ominational "Mother," or, Woman), or, concubines of theSpirit of God.

    Does God have any "Spiritual Concubines" in the religious system? From allindications, He does.. There are passages of Scripture that seem to bear this outvery strongly; For ins tance:"For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the otherby a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh;but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: forthese are the tw o covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth tobondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answerethto Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalemwhich is above is free, which is the mother of us all. For it is written, Rejoice,thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the

  • 8/6/2019 09 Twelve Tribes Israel


    Great Eagle Ministries International free Bible Studies

    PAGE 3 Robert Burgess http://www.gem -international.org

    desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. Now we,brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of pr omise. But as then he that wasborn after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it isnow (Gal 4:22 -29)."

    In the above passage, Abraham is shown as a type of God the Father, who hadtwo "Sons;" One of the legalistic System of the Jews (Hagar), and the other ofthe True (Legitimate) Church, called "Jerusalem which is Above (Sarah)." In thiswe can see that the firstborn son of Abraham (Ishmael) had the right Father inlife, but the wrong Mother. The bond -slave of Sarah (Hagar) was not legallymarried to Abraham, and He was not bound to her as a husband, by a validCovenant Relationship (Marriage: to Merge, or become ONE).As we follow this allegory out, it points very strongly to the fact that there aresome who are truly born of God s Spirit, but who have the wrong "Mother" or, areof an "Earthy, Nominal Church System." There are many Concubines of ourheavenly "Solomon" but there is only ONE BRIDE who is called the "Choiceone:""There are threescore queens, and foursco re concubines, and virgins withoutnumber. My dove, my undefiled is but ONE; she is the only one of her mother(The Early Church), she is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughterssaw her, and blessed her; yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praisedher (Song 6:8 -9)."

    Also in view is that fact that a person who is born -again must "Follow on toknow the Lord (See Hos 6:3)" if they are to escape the "Unstable as Water"conditions that surround such an one. These are not yet Spiritual, but basicallySoulish; And as such they need desperately to realize the hazards of lingeringtoo long in the outer court, the "Born ~ again Realm."If we refuse to go on unto perfection, and follow through in "Being Born Again (Ina continual "Series" of Spiritual Birthings)," we will fall into condemnation of theFather, and lose our original birthright as did Reuben. "Being born again (aContinual Process is in view), not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by theword of God, which liveth an d abideth for ever (1 Pet 1:23)."Notice how James deals with this Unstable Nature of Reuben, called the"Double -Minded man;" "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he thatwavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let notthat man THINK that he shall receive ANY THING of the Lord. A double mindedman is UNSTABLE (A REUBENITE) in all his ways (James 1:6 -8)."

    "Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few (Deu 33:6)."This passage is from the blessings of Moses upon the Sons of Jacob; It shows

    that there will always be "Not a few" of these Reubenites around in the Kingdomof God. They are destined to be a "Servant Company" in the Kingdom, to dothose things which pertain to earthly labors; They will not be entitled to sit on thethrone of Judgment with the rest of the saints who have overcome. There willalways be those who will despise their birthrights and do things which shalleventually lead to their loss of inheritance; but he said "Let Reu ben LIVE, and not

  • 8/6/2019 09 Twelve Tribes Israel


    Great Eagle Ministries International free Bible Studies

    PAGE 4 Robert Burgess http://www.gem -international.org

    DIE." This statement could be taken several different ways, and all of them beperfectly accurate from a Scriptural standpoint.Let Him Live:

    Let him have Eternal Life, and a place at the Father s table with the rest of thefamily fo rever, but not as a ruler, or as an Overcomer, or one who has anythingspecial. This one is like the prodigal Son, who, as Esau, sold his Birthright so tospeak, for a night on the town, for an occasion of the Flesh. But don t blot hisname out of the F amily records (The Book of Life), let him LIVE!! But only, lethim be as a "Servant in the Father s House (See Luke 15:17- 32)."Robert Burgess3/30/2000

