- 1 - FOREWORD€¦ · - 1 - FOREWORD Welcome to St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School This...


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Welcome to St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School

This booklet is designed as an introduction and endeavours to answer basic queries regarding the organisation and beliefs of the school which will be more fully explained by the Head Teacher as you visit the school. Your child will be well educated in a loving and caring environment and we hope you will be able to support the school and the parish as we work together in fostering and developing the social, physical, intellectual and spiritual growth of our young people.

Please keep this booklet safely for reference during the whole time your child attends St. Vincent’s School


Jesus, be the centre of our lives.

As a Catholic School, we take the mission of Jesus Christ as the centre of all that we do. The home, parish and school come together to provide a caring family atmosphere through:

* practising the Gospel teaching of love, trust and forgiveness;

* valuing each member of our school treating everyone with respect

and courtesy;

* encouraging each child to do his/her best, by developing their self-esteem;

* recognising the God-given talents of all, so ensuring equal

opportunity; * providing a safe caring, challenging, happy and prayerful

environment; * leading the children to be aware of and respond to the needs of the

wider community.

- 3 - GOVERNING BODY The duties and functions of governors are defined in the instrument and articles of government for schools. It is the instrument of government which sets out the composition and rules of procedure of governing bodies and the articles of government which, in broad terms, define the powers and duties of these bodies. The governors, at the time of print, are as follows: Foundation Governors - Mr L Fitzgerald (Chairperson) Mr O Vallely (Vice Chair) Fr. J. Sheil Mrs E. Pearce Mrs J. Borsah Vacancy Head Teacher - Mrs. C Lake Teacher Governor - Mrs. T. Pavlovic Staff Governor - Mrs. C. Wright Parent Governor - Mrs C. Bent Parent Governor - Mrs P. Karanja-Kinyanjui Authority Governor - Cllr. P. Williams L. Fitzgerald can be contacted on (01582) 862456 Clerk to the Governors Mrs F Jones may be contacted on (01582) 862456 ORGANISATION St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School opened in 1974 with aided status to serve the north part of St. Mary’s Parish, Dunstable, catering for children from age 3-9. In April 2007 the School Organisation Committee agreed a proposal to extend the age range of the school to become a full Primary, educating children up to the age of 11. There is a designated 23 place nursery unit, running both morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session runs from 08.45 – 11.45 a.m. and the afternoon session is from 12.45 – 3.45 p.m. Children are normally admitted to the nursery at the beginning of the term after their third birthday. The organisation of the Nursery groups is such that the rising four year olds attend for the afternoon session while the younger ones start in the morning session, as we felt they are less tired then. With the January and April intakes some children will transfer to the afternoon session, you will be notified by the class teacher when your child is ready to transfer. Prior to entry, the nursery teacher and nursery nurse schedule a home visit to become acquainted with the child in his/her home situation and to explain daily running arrangements to the parents. We would like the children to develop a sense of identity and belonging to the school. As we feel that the main school uniform is inappropriate for 3 year olds, the Nursery children wear a blue sweatshirt with the school logo and a white polo shirt for the summer time. These may be purchased from Best Look in Dunstable.

- 4 - We encourage the children to be as independent as possible, so the earlier they are able to take responsibility for hanging up coats and changing shoes the better. We ask that all children have a pair of plain black plimsolls to wear indoors and a pair of shorts and a T-shirt will be needed for P.E. Drawstring bags to hold these items are available for purchase. Please ensure that all items of clothing your child wears are clearly named. Name labels may also be purchased from Best Look in Dunstable. Transition to Reception class in the main school will not be automatic, as the government has prescribed infant class sizes to have a maximum of 30 children. Under the Government’s school admission regulations the Local Authority co-ordinate all admissions therefore parents will be asked to apply for the main school via the LA’s co-ordinated admissions process and all applications for admission will be considered simultaneously. Where we are over-subscribed, the criteria for admission will be strictly adhered to. Please see Admission Arrangements later in this book. Our standard number agreed by the Governors is 30 pupils in each class in the 4-11 range. Reception class is now regarded, along with the Nursery, as the Foundation Years unit. The staff and children work in close conjunction, which should make the transition to main school much easier. As a result of this the school uniform policy for Reception is to allow them to continue wearing the polo shirt and sweatshirt, instead of the school tie and navy jumper, which starts from Year 1. Grey trousers for boys, skirts/pinafore dresses or grey trousers for girls will be expected in Reception class. Reception class children whose 5th birthday falls between April and August now have the option to stay all day from September, like the other children with birthdays between September and March. There will be an element of flexibility about the full-time start in order to meet each child’s individual needs. Staffing at the time of printing is: Mrs. C Lake Head Teacher Mrs. T. Pavlovic Deputy Head Teacher & Class 6 Mrs. L. Gittins Class 5/RE/ SENCo Miss. J. Healy Class 4 Mrs. I. Danaher Class 3 Mrs. C.Wright Class 2 Mrs. A. Pierozynski/Mrs A. Ward (Job Share) Class 1 Miss.K.Cyganek Reception Mrs. F. Macey Nursery Nurse Mrs. E. Thompson Nursery Class Teacher Mrs. A. Hards Nursery Nurse

- 5 - Mrs. F. Jones Business Manager Mrs. J. Dunnell Administration Assistant Mrs. P. Coskeran Administration Assistant Mr. M. Jones Caretaker Miss. G. Magill Teaching Assistant Mrs. L. Osborne Teaching Assistant Mrs. T. Backhouse Teaching Assistant Miss. V. Bayliss Teaching Assistant Mrs. V. Stagg Teaching Assistant Mrs J. Borsah Teaching Assistant Special Needs Mrs M. Khan Teaching Assistant Special Needs Mrs A. Mann Teaching Assistant Special Needs Mrs. D. Lousvet Kitchen Manager Mrs. L. Murray Kitchen Assistant Mrs T. Doult Kitchen Assistant Mrs. M. Howard Senior Midday S/A Mrs. P. Coskeran Senior Midday S/A Mrs. N. Pereira Midday S/A Mrs. M. Devshi Midday S/A Mrs. M. Bowker Midday S/A

- 6 - SCHOOL CURRICULUM All children enter school with their own unique experiences. Our school curriculum will build on these individual foundations in accordance with the requirements of the National Curriculum. The Core Curriculum comprises R.E., English, maths, Science and I.C.T. which is complemented and extended by the range of Foundation Subjects – History, Geography, Music, Art & Design, Design Technology, P.E., Citizenship and P.S.H.E. The Catholic ethos permeates the whole curriculum by enabling the children * to enrich their experience of God and develop a caring concern of the needs, sensitivity and culture of other people; * to expand the language started in the home and become more articulate and confident with word usage; * to become aware of sounds and words and the need to listen attentively; * to develop a love of books and the necessary skills to start coping with various aspects of reading; * to develop self-expression in an interesting and well written form with handwriting and spelling appropriate to the child’s level; * to develop skills in I.C.T. to maximise learning opportunities; * to use early computational skills and to begin to understand the application of mathematical ideas in a variety of situations; * to observe, test practically and gradually set up their own investigations to solve simple problems; * to be aware of and appreciate living and inanimate things and to begin to recognise particular themes such as inter- dependence, pattern and order; * to appreciate the local environment and begin to be aware of other times and places;

* to start developing the necessary skills of self help and accessing equipment;

* to be able to use music, drama and varying forms of art and design as a means of expression; * to understand basic health care and grow in agility, co-ordination, expression and confidence through physical activities. * to be aware of and respond to the needs of others

- 7 - Each child is encouraged to develop the qualities of perseverance, adaptability, imagination, curiosity, optimism, self-confidence and respect for others. Most important is a high level of self-esteem which is the key to successful learning. Come and See” is the Religious Education (RE) programme recommended by the Bishops of England and Wales and will provide the basis for RE lessons throughout the school. This curriculum is a new and fresh approach, only launched in September 2012. It gives children a lively and engaging curriculum where they are able to learn through a variety of experiences and activities. Besides the formal RE syllabus, every opportunity will be taken to ensure the message of the Gospel is in all the work of the school. Each fortnight we have a “Statement to live by” which links our RE topics with PSHE. Religious Education plays a central and vital part in the life of faith in our Catholic school. It is the foundation for all learning and as such is the core subject in our school. We believe firmly that RE permeates every aspect of our curriculum, as, by helping children to understand more fully the world around them, they will come to a deeper understanding of God and of their fellow human beings. This vision shapes the daily life of our school as a community. Although you are entitled to withdraw your child from religious education and worship we encourage all children to participate in RE lessons, assemblies and daily acts of worship. We firmly believe we are a school community and would hope all children would want to participate in the life of the school. If arrangements were required this could be discussed with the Headteacher.

- 8 - TEACHING METHODS Children are generally taught for Literacy and Numeracy in year groups during the morning session. Both National Strategies aim to maximise the children’s learning. They spend the afternoon sessions working on R.E., Science, ICT and the Foundation Subjects. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SPORTS Through local schools Sports Partnership and other sporting agencies we have greatly extended the opportunities we can offer our children. We also participate in intra and inter sporting competitions. We have employed three external PE teachers to support us in offering the following sports through the academic year, these can include







Cross country



The school has at present the service of a peripatetic violin teacher for a small number of children from Key stage 2. This academic year we are offering paid tuition for all year 3 pupils to learn the guitar and all year 5 pupils to learn the clarinao. It may also be possible to offer teaching of percussion and recorder. HOMEWORK Homework includes weekly spellings (once a child is considered ready), learning new vocabulary being met in the reading scheme and other language based activities. It is an expectation that all children are members of the public library and that you spend ten minutes or so each evening either promoting the enjoyment of library books or hearing your child read from their school reading book. A weekly maths activity may also be set plus some oral and mental arithmetic e.g. tables, number bonds. At times children will be asked to conduct some independent research. KS2 parents may be asked to purchase specific homework books. Learning Logs give the children the opportunity to extend some aspect of the curriculum in a personal and creative way. In KS2 children will have Literacy/Numeracy set homework given on a Monday to be handed in on Wednesday and Wednesday for Friday. The objective for the weekly learning log is given on a Wednesday to be handed in the following Monday Children learning an instrument are expected to practise for ten minutes on five days of the week. If a member of staff feels a child has not given their best during the day, work will be sent home for completion. Similarly, if a child has been absent they may be required to catch up on missed work. More able children may be asked to do extension work and indeed often volunteer to complete an exercise at home. Parents are requested to sign homework diaries and any homework as a statement that their child has produced their best. SEX RELATIONSHIPS EDUCATION Strong focus is placed on the importance and support of a loving and caring family. There is no specific programme for sex education, in KS1 but should questions arise they will be answered sensitively to meet the needs of the individual child. Under the P.S.H.C.E. programme aspects of Personal Relations, Health Education and Drug Education will be covered, in upper KS2, we use a scheme called ‘All that I am’ HOUSE SYSTEM Houses are named for the four disciples who wrote the Gospels, i.e., Mathew, Mark, Luke & John. House points are awarded for exceptional effort, sporting achievements, good behaviour and representing the school at extra-curricular events. SCHOOL COUNCIL We have a very active School Council with representatives from Y2-Y6. The Council promotes the student voice and organises fund raising and charitable events.

- 10 - SPECIAL NEEDS Individual children may be considered to have special needs for a variety of reasons. These needs may be either temporary or permanent. Whichever the case we are committed to meeting those needs to the best of our ability within the resources available to us. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator monitors the support given to such children and the liaison between school, parents and outside agencies. For some children an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up by the class teacher & Headteacher in consultation with parents to set specific and achievable targets. In the early years we aim to develop basic skills and to overcome any early learning problems. Extra help may be given to older pupils to add breadth and depth to the curriculum and respond to the individual needs of children, while maintaining inclusion with their peers as much as possible. The Deputy Headteacher is responsible for monitoring and ensuring a challenging curriculum for more able children. NATIONAL TESTS KEY STAGE 1 & 2 By law all children at the end of Key Stage 1 (around the age of 7 years) must undertake a series of tasks and tests, in English, Mathematics and Science. In the summer term of Y6 (age 10-11) the children undertake national tests in English & Maths and selected schools also administer Science tests. The KS1 and KS2 results for our school in are shown as a table at the back of this Prospectus. HOME SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP As a school we strive to provide a warm and caring environment in which children will want to learn and we aim to -

o develop an awareness and concern for others in the community and support the work of the family and parish, bringing the children to know and love God;

o develop each child’s talents as fully as possible whilst aiming for each

individual’s highest standard of work and behaviour. We hope our parents will share this work by -

o making sure their children come to school punctually, alert, correctly dressed and ready for work;

o taking an active and supportive interest in all aspects of their children’s

work and progress including homework, supporting the authority and discipline of the school, helping their children to achieve maturity,

self-discipline and self-control;

o letting us know if they are concerned about anything or, equally, letting us know if they are pleased!

- 11 - We expect that all our pupils will -

o aim for excellence and enjoyment during their time in school;

o aim for the highest standards in all aspects of school life and show respect for all members of the school community, environment and equipment provided by the school

o consider and respect the feelings and property of other people both in the

school and in the wider community.

o participate in extra curricular activities ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS Academic Year 2013/14 Basic Information: St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School is situated in the Diocese of Northampton and is maintained by Central Bedfordshire Council our Local Authority (LA). The Governing Body of the school is responsible for determining and administering the policy relating to the admission of pupils to the school. The Governing Body is guided in that responsibility by the requirements of the law, by advice of the Diocesan Trustees and its duty to the school and the Catholic community. The school serves the community of St. Vincent’s in the Parish of St. Mary’s. Admissions are co-ordinated by the Local Authority and applications need to be submitted on a common application form to be issued by the L.A. in September. Having consulted the L.A. and others in accordance with the requirements of the law, the Governing Body has set its planned admission number of 30 pupils for the school year commencing 1st September, 2013. Parents wishing to apply for a place in the school for their child in the academic year 2013/2014 must complete a common application form and return it to the school L.A. by no later than the date stated on County’s form*. It should be carefully noted that all applications must be submitted on that form and all applications will be considered at the same time. Successful applicants will be accepted into the Reception Class at the beginning of the school year in which their 5th birthday falls. All children will be offered the opportunity to attend full-time from September, at the parents’ discretion.

The Admissions Committee of the Governors will meet in the Advent term to rank places for the following September according to Admissions criteria.

*At the discretion of the Governors, Catholic families moving into the area during the school year will be considered for admission but must submit an in- year admission form to the local authority. Criteria: The following criteria reflect the primary duty of our school to provide for all children of Catholic families, inclusive of children with Special Needs, who attend their parish frequently, and, if places permit, to serve others who support the aims of our school.

- 12 - The Admissions Committee will offer places in the following order of priority: If the number of places available in a particular year group at a school is not sufficient to meet the requests of all the parents, then the following oversubscription criteria will be applied ( in the rank order shown) to determine how the places will be allocated: 1. Looked after Children. 2. Baptised Catholic **siblings of practising families, whose application is supported by

their parish priest or a priest known to them. 3. Baptised Catholic **children of practising families whose application is supported by

a priest. 4. Baptised Catholic** children who have attended St Vincent’s Nursery 5. Other Baptised Catholic** children. 6. Siblings 7. Children from Christian faith denominations (i.e. believers in Jesus Christ) whose

parents wish them to receive a Christian education, and whose application is supported by their priest or minister of religion.

8. Children from other faith backgrounds, whose application is supported by their

minister of religion. 9. Any Other children Note **Signed verification that the families of baptised Catholic children frequently attend Mass on Saturdays/Sundays and actively participate in Parish life must be provided by priest of the church normally attended by the family.

Notes 1. In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in more children

with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the tie-break will be the distance from the school, measured in a straight line, between the school gates and where the pupil lives, with those pupils living closest to the school being accorded higher priority. Priority is not given within each criterion to children who meet other criteria.

2. Overriding priority will be given to the admission of pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school.


‘Look after’ children A looked after child is defined by the Children’s Act 1989 as a child/young person who is accommodated by the Local Authority (Section 22) or a child/young person who is the subject of a full interim Care Order (Section 31).

- 13 - ‘Sibling’

A sibling is a brother or sister or any other child who permanently resides at the same address, for whom the applicant has parental responsibility at the time of application. That sibling must be in school at the time of application and be likely to remain in the school at the proposed date of admission.

SCHOOL TERMS - The dates for the school year 2013/2014 are as follows:

NB There are additional inset days to be fixed during the school year

The day before the start of each term is a staff training day Advent Term 2013 Thursday 5th September – Friday 20th December 2013 (Half Term – week commencing 28th October 2013) NB School will be closed for Staff Training on Friday 4th October 2013 Lent Term 2014 Tuesday 7th January – Friday 4th April 2014 (Half Term – week commencing 17th February 2014) Pentecost Term 2014 Wednesday 23rd April – Wednesday 23rd July 2014 (Half Term week commencing 26th May 2014) NB School will be closed on Bank Holiday Monday 5th May 2014

- 14 - SCHOOL TIMES The school day is divided into two sessions. The times of the sessions are - Nursery Morning session: 08.45 - 11.45 a.m. Afternoon session: 12.45 - 3.45 p.m. Main School Morning session: The bell is rung at 8.50 a.m. Key Stage 2 (Y3-Y6) - start 8.55 am. - end 12.00 noon Key Stage 1 & Reception - start 8.55 a.m. - end 12.00 noon The morning break is 15 minutes 10.35-10.50

Afternoon session - start 1.10 pm. - end 3.30 pm.

YR finish at 3.20pm

KS1 have an afternoon Physical activity session with their class from 2.20 to 2.35pm.

Children should not be left unaccompanied or arrive at school before 8.45 am. The gate will be opened at 8.35am please accompany your child on the playground until the duty teacher rings the bell when they should line up in classes. Y5 & Y6 have a separate entrance to the Chris Carey Block. For any child who does not line up with their class and enter school with the class, the parents are required to bring them into school via the main entrance and sign them into the Late book. Parents are asked not to accompany their children into class at the beginning of the morning or afternoon sessions when the teacher is welcoming and settling the class, but, if they need to, should feel welcome to make an appointment via the school office to see the teacher. No child will be allowed to leave during school hours without an accompanying parent, or adult known to the school. Written notification should always be sent to the Head Teacher beforehand if there is a change to the regular plan. When arriving to collect children for appointments, or to deliver items left at home, parents should go to the School Office. Parents will then be required to sign them in / out as appropriate so that the school records of children present is always correct and up to date.

- 15 - LUNCHTIME ARRANGEMENTS Eden provide a three choice menu lunch which costs £2.00 (YR to Y4) £2.10 (Y5 & Y6) per day. The money for the whole week is collected on Monday mornings and handled by the Kitchen Manager. Children whose parents are receiving Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based) may be entitled to free lunches. Information can be obtained from the School office, you can apply by contacting customer services, Children may also go home to lunch when they have been dismissed from class. They should not return before the bell is rung at 1.05 pm. When the children first start full-time and stay for lunch it is our policy that they have a school lunch for at least the first half-term. We feel the experience of choosing their meal and sitting at the table eating with a knife and fork is very valuable training for them. After this first half-term, and on receipt of a written request giving a week’s notice, children may be allowed to bring a packed lunch before they reach statutory school age (the term after their fifth birthday) * At the discretion of the Headteacher Drinking water is available for children bringing sandwiches. Please do not include sweets, crisps or any form of chocolate as we are promoting healthy eating. When sending money to school please ensure that it is in an envelope, tin or purse which is clearly marked with your child’s name. **Out of consideration for children who suffer from allergies please do not include nuts or any nut products e.g. peanut butter in your child’s lunch. If your child has any food allergies or if your family have made a personal choice on a restricted food please contact the Kitchen Manager of Eden Foodservices and complete a form. During the lunchtime break the children are under the care of a Senior Supervisor who has a team of assistants to look after the children. Any child who does not respond to the authority of the lunchtime staff will be excluded for the duration of the break. However, before such action is taken parents will have been informed of the problems and that is usually a sufficient deterrent. If at any time you wish to change your child’s lunch from packed to school meal, or vice versa, please give the Kitchen Manager at least one week’s written notification.

- 16 - MEDICAL MATTERS Medicine is only accepted in school if it is a doctor’s prescription requiring a fourth dose to be taken at lunch time and providing an indemnity form, which is available from the School Office, is completed by the parent. In such cases the medicine must be clearly labelled with the child’s name and the dosage, and handed to the member of staff responsible for administering it. The aim of the School Health Service is to ensure that your child, regardless of any health problem, is able to reach his or her full learning potential at school. In Year R with your permission your child will have a health care check of their height and weight with our school nurse. You will be contacted by the school nurse if there are any concerns. They will also have a hearing test by the Audiometrician. Additional screening checks may be undertaken in certain circumstances in other school years. Information regarding all checks will be sent to you in the academic year in which they fall. It is beneficial to share information of any medical conditions or health concerns about your child with your school nurse, Becky, who can be contacted on 01582 707660. Each school has a named doctor who is associated with the Edwin Lobo Child Assessment Service. Your child can be offered an appointment with the school doctor for further assessment of any medical problems. If a child has an accident or is taken ill during the day, parents will be contacted through the information provided on the enrolment form. It is, therefore, vital that the School Office is informed of any change in telephone number, place of work or other emergency contact points. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE Regular attendance at school is essential to your child’s education. As parent or guardian it is your legal responsibility to see that your child attends school regularly, arriving punctually, properly attired and in a condition to learn. Parents who fail in this duty are at risk of prosecution. Parents are expected to contact the school office on the first day of a child’s absence, by 9.30a.m., notifying reason. If your child will not be at school for registration because of a medical appointment etc. please advise in advance or telephone the office before 9.30am in the case of emergency appointments. The Class Teacher will mark the child absent and registers will be sent to the office by 9.05 a.m. If there is no call from a parent regarding an absent child by 9.30a.m. school may initiate a telephone call to the home between 9.30-10.30a.m., or may pass details to the responsible Access and Inclusion Officer who may then visit the home to establish the reason for a child’s absence. On return to school your child will need to bring a dated note explaining the absence. This note is kept with the class register. Any child not entering the school area in time to line up and walk in with their class MUST enter school with their parent and signed in the late entry book. Any child leaving school for or returning after an appointment will be required to be signed in / out in the red folder by the responsible adult, proof of the appointment should be provided to the school office who will copy and keep a record in the register. Class registers are checked regularly by the Access and Inclusion Officer who is available to support parents and the school, should there be any serious reason for non-attendance.

- 17 - The following is a guide to the amount of time a child should spend away from school for the more common childhood ailments: Chicken pox - a minimum of six days or until the scabs have dried German measles - four days Measles - seven days Whooping cough - twenty-one days Impetigo - until the skin has healed Sickness/diarrhoea - twenty-four hours after the last bout LEAVE OF ABSENCE Under new government regulations the Head teacher is not permitted to authorise holiday leave in term time unless under very special circumstances. Unnecessary absence is not only disruptive to a child’s learning, but also to the class as a whole. Should a request for leave be essential this must be made to the governing body via the Head Teacher well in advance of the intended departure date. The Head Teacher has a right to refuse leave of absence, which will then be logged as unauthorised absence. Requests for leave to attend family funerals or similar associated events will, of course, be responded to sensitively. Shopping trips during school hours or days off for a birthday are not considered sufficient cause for absence and would not be authorised. Term dates are supplied in this booklet and at the start of each term, so please try not to arrange family holidays during term time. UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE Schools are required to report both authorised and unauthorised absences in the Prospectus. Governors take the view that an absence is ‘unauthorised’ when parents know nothing about it and have not given the school any reason why their child did not attend. If a child’s absence is condoned by the parent, but not considered to be covered by adequate reason, this too may be listed as unauthorised. The number of unauthorised absences during the school year 2012/13 was ‘0.6%’.

- 18 - CLOTHING AND PERSONAL ITEMS Our school Uniform is stocked by Best Look in Dunstable. Nursery and Reception – please refer to the “Organisation” section towards the front of this Prospectus. Years 1 - 6 BOYS: Plain grey trousers Plain white shirt *School tie *Plain (unpatterned) navy blue ‘V’ necked pullover (with logo) Sensible outdoor shoes (not boots as these do not fit on the shoe racks)

Navy blue P.E. shorts T-shirt in house colours (Matthew Blue, Mark Red, Luke Yellow, John Green) FLAT SOLED indoor shoes (black plimsolls - no shoes with treads)

Old adult size T-shirt or shirt for messy activities Socks must be dark i.e. navy/grey/black GIRLS: Plain grey tunic/skirt or trousers Plain white blouse (shirt style) *School tie *Plain (unpatterned navy blue ‘V’ necked pullover or cardigan (with logo) Sensible outdoor shoes (not boots as these do not fit on the shoe racks) Navy blue P.E. shorts T-shirt in house colours (as boys above) FLAT SOLED indoor shoes (black plimsolls - no shoes with treads) Old adult size T-shirt or shirt for messy activities Socks, tights and hair decorations* must be in school colours - navy/white/grey

KS2 Navy Blue track suit for outdoor activities and suitable outdoor footwear Each child needs a BOOKBAG and a DRAWSTRING BAG in which to keep P.E. kit and T-shirt or shirt for messy activities. Anything larger encroaches on other children’s peg space. Only Y5 & Y6 may use the blue backpack, as they have lockers. In the summer girls may wear light-blue and white check dresses and for the second half of the term, when the weather is warmer, the boys wear a white *polo shirt with the school logo. All items of clothing, together with anything else the child brings to school, should be clearly marked with their name. The school does not accept any responsibility for the children’s belongings so the children are not allowed to bring money, toys or jewellery into school unless for a specific purpose.

- 19 - For safety reasons no jewellery is allowed, with the only exception being plain ball (not flat) studs for children with pierced ears. Hair which is long enough must be tied back. If a child is in breach of these safety rules, staff will take measures to rectify the situation. PASTORAL CARE The pastoral care in school complements that of the home. The staff act “in loco parentis”, that is in place of the parent, and respond to the needs of the children accordingly. To ensure the safety and welfare of the children there are a few simple rules which require the children to show care, courtesy and consideration at all times. Good behaviour is encouraged and reinforced by praise and reward. On occasions sanctions have to be taken because of bad behaviour and parents contacted in line with the school’s Behaviour Policy. VISITING THE SCHOOL Parents are welcome to see either the Class Teacher or the Head Teacher, but if you wish to discuss matters of importance please make an appointment beforehand. Please never interrupt the Class Teacher at the start of school. In most cases a short note will be an effective form of communication. Regular meetings are arranged throughout the year:

the autumn parents’ evening is centred around one aspect of the curriculum;

the spring parents’ evening provides the opportunity to see your child’s work and individual appointments with teachers;

towards the end of the summer term a report will be sent home and parents given the opportunity to discuss it with their child’s teacher.

Teachers may also request a consultation with parents of any child whom they consider to be a cause for concern. The Nursery children who have completed a full year will also receive a report. Parents are also invited to the 10.00 a.m. school Mass on Thursdays and to the class assemblies which are generally held on Friday mornings at 9.05 am. ‘Celebration’ assemblies take place at the end of each term. These have the purpose of celebrating achievements both in and out of school. Please see newsletter for dates. CHARGING AND REMISSION POLICY Within the boundaries of the Education Reform Act 1988 voluntary contributions are invited from parents (as needs arise) to support special activities organised by the school. As a Voluntary Aided school the Diocese of Northampton is responsible for the large part of the costs of major repairs and building projects for their school. You are asked for a donation of £5 per child per half-term (up to a maximum of £15 per family per term) for the Diocesan Building Fund which goes into a bank account in St Vincent’s name. The school retains 10% of this in lieu of school fund contributions.

- 20 - This may be gift aided if you are a taxpayer, which means the school receives 25p extra for every £1 donated at no extra cost to you. PROCEDURE FOR COMPLAINTS The school has a procedure for complaints which have been agreed the Governors. AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS As required under the Education Reform Act 1988 certain documents which relate to the School must be made available to parents who express a wish to see them. The list of these documents will need to be revised as new documents are published. The list currently includes: 1 The School’s Curriculum Policy statement 2 The Authority’s curriculum statement 3 All the schemes of work and syllabuses in use 4 The School’s trust deed and arrangements for Religious Education 5 The School Profile 6 Any recent HMI/Ofsted report about the School 7 The Authority’s complaints procedure 8 The School’s Charging and Remission of charges Policies 9 All the circulars and orders published by the Department For Education concerned with Part 1: Chapter 1 of the Education Reform Act 1988 Parents and other visitors are asked not to bring dogs into any part of the School/Church campus and, if coming by car, to use the main parking area taking care NOT TO BLOCK THE ACCESS POINT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES. Please observe the one way system and do not park behind staff cars. We ask that parents respect the school rule of keeping to the walkways and do not allow toddlers to walk on the grass. Although the information contained in this booklet is accurate at the time of printing (Sep 2013), it may be subject to change and parents are advised to seek confirmation from the Head Teacher on those matters about which they have a particular interest or concern.