1 - Australian Centre for International Agricultural...


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1.1 Current ACIAR branding ACIAR’s branding consists of:

the official Australian Government logo

ACIAR’s secondary design elements.

It is very important that ACIAR’s branding is used correctly, as it is an integral part of ACIAR’s identity and recognition.

ACIAR branding should only be used with authorisation from ACIAR.

For queries, please contact the ACIAR Communications and Public Affairs team, aciar@aciar.gov.au, +61 2 6217 0500. Key contact for branding matters is Georgina Hickey, Publications Manager.

1.1.1 ACIAR’s official Australian Government logoACIAR’s official logo remains the Australian Government logo—either green (PMS 370C) or black; stacked (vertical) or inline (horizontal). This is to be included on all corporate material, such as scientific publications, newsletters, brochures, power point presentations etc. It must be printed or reproduced:

in the same relative proportions with the coat of arms at least 2 cm wide

in a prominent uncrowded position (preferably top left-hand corner)

in a uniform colour that contrasts strongly with the background.

Inline: black or green

Stacked: black or green

Title: Error! Use the Home tab to apply Title to the text that you want to appear here.

See <http://www.pmc.gov.au/guidelines> for the full version of the Australian Government Design Guidelines.

Where there is room, and where you think it may be appropriate, ACIAR’s new secondary design elements may also be used (see Section 1.2.2). But these must always take second place to, and not compete with, the government logo.

1.1.2 ACIAR’s secondary design elements The refreshed secondary design elements are made up of the following components:

the hexagon (revised version)

ACIAR acronym

byline (“Research that works for developing countries and Australia”)


Choices for the secondary design elements include green (PMS 370C) or black; with or without the byline; stacked or inline. In addition, you may use the hexagon, or part thereof, as a watermark. These logos are available in different file formats (JPG, TIFF, EPS) and for different systems (PC, MAC), from the ACIAR portal/website, or on request. Apart from the hexagon, no other component should be used alone without first clearing it with the Communications Unit.

The fonts used in the secondary design elements are Gothic Thirteen (for ACIAR), Rotis Sans Serif Regular (for ACIAR's slogan or 'byline' "Research that works …") and Rotis San Serif Extra Bold (for the website address).

Inline byline: black or green (cmyk or rgb)

Inline: black or green (cmyk or rgb)

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Title: Error! Use the Home tab to apply Title to the text that you want to appear here.

Stacked byline: black or green (cmyk or rgb)

Stacked: black or green (cmyk or rgb)

When to use the new secondary design elementsThe new designs can be used in addition to the Australian Government ACIAR logo in corporate situations, but must take a less prominent position. In some non-corporate situations, such as certain items of merchandise, signage for field demonstration sites, project workshop banners and vehicles, the new designs can be used instead of the government logo. Please consult the ACIAR Communications and Secretariat Unit to be sure.

They may be used at any size, without distorting the proportions of the individual elements, provided the text is large enough to be read easily by the targeted audience.

Which file format to useEPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files are vector graphics so they can be scaled limitlessly. This is the file format preferred by most professional designers and printers, and the one required for large banners and posters.

TIFFs (Tagged Image File Formats) are the default type when you are using a professional editing package to produce a final image appropriate for publishing. Use TIFFs when EPS files are not available.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a common file format for use in web and print publishing. It is the format used primarily to compress photographic images, allowing them to transfer original images more quickly across an internet connection. However, the danger is that they can become over compressed and their quality subsequently reduced. There is also the danger of distorting the proportions of the image. They should only be used for Word or in-house documents.

CMYK is used to describe the four-colour printing process, using cyan blue (C), magenta red (M), yellow (Y) and black (K) inks. The letter K is used for black to avoid potential confusion with blue.

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Title: Error! Use the Home tab to apply Title to the text that you want to appear here.

PMS (Pantone Matching System) is an international standard system of ink formulas (equating to percentages of C, M, Y and K) used to specify colour reproduction. It is the most commonly used system in design and printing.

RGB refers to the three colours (red, green, blue) that can be mixed to produce any other colour. RGB is used to describe colour for on-screen applications.

A note about the hexagonThe original ACIAR logo was made up of three interlocking hexagons. The individual hexagons were derived from an ancient Persian architectural symbol depicting an optical illusion of interacting rhomboids. Each hexagon, with its interactive design, was symbolic of the collaborative research programs that ACIAR supports. The association of the three hexagons that made up the logo represented the tripartite relationship between Australian scientists, their overseas counterparts, and the catalytic role of ACIAR in bringing them together.

The hexagon has come to symbolise ACIAR, especially for our stakeholders in developing countries, and, for this reason, we have decided to continue to use it in a more modern setting.

1.2 Obsolete design elements—do not useACIAR has refreshed its secondary design elements. From now on, please do not use the old secondary logos or any of their permutations, such as the ones below:

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