1 CONFIDENTIAL Vladislav Solomonov Project manager Life Science BU July 13, 2015 Intranet:...


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Vladislav SolomonovProject managerLife Science BU

July 13, 2015

Intranet: establishing relationships with customers


The Story of Intranet and Love Science

“Always deliver more than expected” ©Larry Page, Google

The Story


The customer

The largest global animal health company


The start

• Requirements: Creation of an intranet portal that suffice for 10,000 company employees

• Two months before Go-Live

• Awesome team:

Two experienced developers QA engineer Project manager


The Result: The Zone Intranet

Statistics of the last month:

• 485 347 views

• 9 120 users

• 60 Countries


The Framework: Language variations

MS SharePoint Machine Translation and Translator HUBLanguage variations are an ultimate way of content targeting depending on the user location and regional settings.

MS Translator HUB: We know how to teach translatorEN FR DE IT ES PT CN JA


Localized navigation UI: Language auto discovery

English version Chinese version


Social: Communities and Discussions

More than 50 communities:

• Regions

• Functions

• Locations

• Species (Custom templates)

Translatable: Discussions/News/navigation/etc…)


Enterprise Search

There are 4 news components that aggregate news over the portal (50+ community sites) or just inside the particular community:

• Trending now – displays the top N favorite news over the entire portal

• Related news – displays N news with matching hashtags from the community

• Recent news – displays N most recent news from the community

• My news –news from communities the user did subscribe to (targeted content delivery)

NewsComponent Fast Search Engine

Search query

Search results






Core Beliefs:The site for colleagues recognition which was created using the Intranet framework

Reusing The Framework

BT for ME:

The site for support requests which was created using the Intranet framework

The Translator:The translator page like translate.google.com created using the Intranet framework, but it translates with using client’s specific terminology


Mobile Version:

Not the application, but the responsive design.

• Read Global and Community News

• Add Likes/Comments/Replies

• Search People/News/Documents

• Discussions

Responsive UI

Client has asked for an app for iPhone, but we’ve developed the responsive UI for Apple, Android, Win OS


Responsive UI: touch it, slide it, shake it…


The Future (potential enhancements)

Make Greater Integration with Other Business Apps:

• Chatter (ESN)

• Workday (HR)

• RAMP (Video hosting)

Photobook (corporate photo storage)

HR for Me (HR Portal)



Q4 2013 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Q2 2016

The Zone Intranet

Responsive UI

Enterprise Search

MS Translator HUB

Translatable Communities

Custom communities

Photo storage

Integration with Chatter/Workday/Video


HR for Me



For the customer:

• Fast and efficient information streaming to associates

• Getting prompt feedback from company employees

• Finally, increasing the annual company revenue

Vazquez, David J  Senior Director Client Partner  

Friday, February, 20, 2015

 Congratulations to the team that made The Zone possible! I remember when the site launched and everyone was so excited to have our very own Zoetis intranet independent of Pfizer. Great work!

 For EPAM:

• Project delivered on-schedule and happy customer

• Bunch of new contracts from the same customer

• Flexible and configurable solution.

• Great demo of SharePoint capabilities and merging social/technology expertise.


The End

Thank you!

…and any questions?