1 Corinthians 6:12-20



1 Corinthians 6:12-20. Sexual Immortality. Setting the stage. Paul was an Apocalyptic Jew He preached his beliefs to convert people Paul writes to the people of Corinth because of “a man living with his father’s wife” (5:1). Paul’s letter to Corinth . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1 Corinthians 6:12-20Sexual Immortality

Setting the stagePaul was an Apocalyptic JewHe preached his beliefs to convert peoplePaul writes to the people of Corinth because of a man living with his fathers wife (5:1)

Pauls letter to Corinth Paul writes to Corinth concerning sexual immoralityPaul has a different reaction to this encounter than the society

He writes to the Married/ Unmarried/ Widowed women and men with concession not command

Pauls beliefs on sex and marriagePaul did not force his beliefs on peopleI wish all were as I am(7:6) not married People should not be concerned about marriage or procreation because time was so shortDevotion to Christ was the highest priority Paul gives advice for different people in different situations

How should Prep men approach sex and marriage

What would Paul say about a sexual relationship of a Prep man?Sex for procreation

Temperance between devotion to Christ and Sex
