!1 - Coptic · CatalogueoftheCopticMSS,intheBritishMuseumunder theno.951asfollows:...


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ARTHUR PROBSTHAINOriental Bookselier41 Qt. Russell StreetLONDON, W.C.I






r^|pp|i^^i^:e!f^tn^ c^^cjb^gE

PI. 41 verso - Sirach, end of Prol. and Ch.1, 1-12.

L\j yyoptic (Saliidic) Yersion

Of Certain Books of the Old Testament/












I DESIRE to express my thanks to Sir Robert K.

Douglas, the former Keeper of the Department of

Oriental Printed Books and MSS. in the British Museum

for permission to publish this MS., and to the present

Keeper, Dr. L. D. Barnett, for many courtesies during

my work there. To my friend, Mr. W. E. Crura, I am

indebted for much kind help, as well as for originally

suggesting that I should undertake the work.

H. T.

November, 1908.


Description of the Papyrus. The papyrus which is here

printed for the first time is described in Mr. W. E. Crum's

Catalogue of the Coptic MSS, in the British Museum under

the no. 951 as follows:

'Or. 5984. Papyrus; the remnants of a very fine book,

now preserved between glass, in 62 numbered frames. A pagewhen complete [v. nos. 61, 62) measured 14j- x 10^ in., the

whole surface consisting of a single selis. The text, in one

column of 36-38 lines divided into paragraphs, is written in

rounded uncials of Zoega's 3rd or 4th class, ^, X, JUL, tbeing each formed of single strokes (^ rarely angular, in

two strokes). Initials at the principal sections are enlargedand accompanied by scroll ornaments {u. no. 48). Only a few

fragts. show their pagination (nos. 4-12), viz. from KT-^,the alternate figures only being marked (on versos), exceptat the beginnings of quires (no. 5 beg. of qu. ?, no. 12 of

qu. H). [Rev. C. Murch.]' The MS. originally contained the books of Proverbs (frames

nos. 2-13), Ecclesiastes (nos. 14, 15), Canticles (nos. 16-20),Wisdom (nos. 21-40) and Ecclesiasticus (marked as Sir.,

nos. 41-62). The paged fragts. are from the first of these,

p. KT bearing part of ch. xi. Assuming therefore that the

volume opened with Proverbs, we must consider the singlesmall fragt. of Job (from chh. xxxviii, xxxix), framed as no. 1,

to belong to another volume; though it is of course possible

that each book was given separate pagination. Considerable

portions of the other books are preserved. The text of

Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus appears to difier only in verbal

details from the Turin MS. (ed. Lagarde). The differences

are often such as might be due to copying or dictation.

The archaic doubling of the liquids ^, X, p is not found


in this MS. What remains of the Prologue to Eceli. is here

printed.' Mr. Crum's reprint of the Prologue does not need to

be reproduced here as it will be found in its place on p. 126.

A few details may be added to the foregoing description.

The papyrus came into the possession of the British Museum

in 1901. In regard to size the pages are among the largest

known of papyri in codex form ^ the largest dimensions of

complete pages being 36-5 cm. height (leaf 61) and 26-5 cm.

width (leaves 6, 8). The size of the written sells is 28x21 cm.

(leaf 36) on an average. The number of lines on a complete

page ranges between 33 (p. 41 r, 62 v) and 38 (36 r, 49 r,v),

the usual number being 34-36.

The MS. unfortunately is very imperfect, as only 77 leaves

or portions of leaves survive out of a probable total of 168

when the codex was complete ^. The papyrus itself varies a

good deal in quality and condition. In parts it is palimpsest,

and though the underwriting is not legible ^ the scraping of the

surface has affected the condition of the upper writing in parts,

especially where, as it seems, it has been exposed to damp.The palimpsest is traceable from leaf 4 b to 13 (Proverbs),

it is very slight between 14 and 20 (Eccles. and Cant.), it

is more frequent on leaves 21-40 (Sapientia), and from 41

onwards (Sirach) there is no trace of it, and evidently that

part of the papyrus was new when it received the presenttext.

Date. The MS. is in the same handwriting throughout ;

the only leaf as to which any doubt can be felt is no. 1, the

solitary fragment from the book of Job, but I feel little

doubt that it is by the same hand. Unfortunately the leaf is

too imperfect to admit of any argument being drawn from

the size of either leaf or sells;but in the attempt to recon-

struct the outward form of the codex (p. viii, infra) it will

be found to fit into its place in the scheme. The dating of

Coptic MSS. is notoriously a difficult matter, but as regards

^ Cf. Crum, Cat. Coptic MSS. in Brit. Mus., p. xiii.

^Below, p. xvii.

'It is most distinct on leaves nos. 6-12 and 21 r, 29 r, 82 r. I have not

succeeded in making out the nature of the earlier work, but it was

certainly in Coptic.


this MS. Mr. Crum has described it as '

perhaps of the Vlth

or Vllth century' (Proc. Soc. bibl. Arch. 1902, xxiv 174).

I will not venture on any closer definition.

Contents. The MS. contains parts of certain books of

the Old Testament, viz. Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes (Eccles.),

Song of Songs (Cant.), Wisdom of Solomon (Sap.), and

Ecclesiasticus (Sir.). Of Job only one fragment containinga few verses remains

;of Proverbs considerable portions of

chapters iv to xxiv remain;of Ecclesiastes small fragments ;

of the Song a considerable portion of the whole;while of

Wisdom we have portions of every chapter, and of Sirach

the major portion of the work as far as chapter xl. At

first sight it might be questioned whether it was worth

while to publish so fragmentary a MS.; but when it is

considered how very imperfect is our text of the Sahidic

version of the Old Testament, and how important that text

is, not only in its bearing on our knowledge of the Coptic

language and literature, but even on Old Testament criticism

in general, it will probably be admitted that publication maybe of some use to scholars. A large portion of the text has

been printed from other MSS. by Ciasca, Lagarde, and others,

yet the following texts are printed in the Sahidic version for

the first time :

Job xxxix 10-12.

Proverbs iv 13-14, 16-27; v complete, though fragmentaryin parts; vi 1-11; xii 17-23 (fragmentary, as are

also the following portions of this book); xiii 2-10,

13-20, 22-25; xiv 1-5, 8-18, 22-30, 33-35; xv 1-3,

6, 10-15, 17-18, 21-29; xvi 1-9, lla-15a, 20-24,

30-33; xvii 1, 7-10, 17-20 a; xviii 1-4, 13-16;

xix 1-3, 10-12, 22-24.

Eccles. ix 4-6.

Cant, i 14 b, 17; ii 1-4, 8-10, 13 a, 17; iii 7, 8 a.

Sap. xvii 4 b, c, 18 a; xviii 7 b, 8;

xix 7 a.

Sir. i 1-3 a, lib, 12 a; ii 18; iii 8b-18; viii 17-19;

ix 9;

X 4 b, 12 b; xxvii 7, 8 a, 22-24; xxix 18 b;

xxxi 5 b;xxxix 13 b.

The quality of the text, by comparison with the other

MSS., where they exist, is good, though in Sap. it is not


equal to that of the Turin MS. (ed. Lagarde) ;in Sir., while

sometimes inferior to the Turin MS., it is not infrequently

superior to it, or at any rate nearer to the version presented

by the chief Greek uncials. Where the two MSS. disagree,

neither has any consistent support from the other Greek

MSS. so far as they are collated in Holmes and Parsons.

In Sir. it goes without saying that our MS., like that at

Turin, follows the Greek uncials in the misplacing of the

sections xxx 25 xxxiii 13 a and xxxiii 13 b xxxvi 16 a.

A collation with all other printed Sahidic texts of the same

portions of the Old Testament has been added.

Form of the Codex. The volume is incomplete, but it is

possible to reconstruct it to some extent. At present there

arc 77 leaves or portions of leaves (besides one fragment

unassigned) distributed among the different books as follows :

Job 1, Proverbs 23, Ecclesiastes 3, Song of Songs (Cant.) 6,

Wisdom 20, Sirach 24. Page-numeration is found only on

the leaves of Proverbs^, which are numbered on the verso

with numbers ranging from 24 to 61 in alternate numbers,

24, 26, &c.^ : hence the recto was regarded as having a

number, though bearing none except when it is the first

page of a new quire (leaf 8 b, 12a). Quire-signatures also

occur on fo. 5 a recto ^ (beginning) and 8 a verso ? (end of

quire), on 8 b Q^ecto Z, (beginning) and lie verso ^ (endof quire) and 12 a recto H. This shows us that the codex

consisted of sheets arranged in quaternions, each sheet

consisting of two leaves which were folded so that whenformed into a quaternion the quire consists of eight leaves,of which the first four had horizontal fibres on the recto

and vertical fibres on the verso(= HV), and the following

^ In Eccles. and Cant, there are traces of pagination on the top left-

hand corner of three pages, viz. K on 14 b verso, X on 16 a verso, and

perhaps H or ri on 17 recto, but all except the first are so effaced as to

be very uncertain, and I believe they are the effaced nunabering ofa palimpsest writing. The papyrus in this part is not well preservedand gives the impression of having been used before and cleaned.

^ The scribehasjnadvertently left out the number 38, marking the

recto of leaf 8 b ?\^ and the verso 7^, and then continuing with theseries 41, 43, &c., to 61.


four leaves had vertical fibres on the recto and horizontal

fibres on the verso (= VH). It is convenient to set out

the relations of the leaves with respect to fibres, See, in

a tabular form :


(The MS. in i(s present condition)

B.M. No.

of frame


B.M. No.


B. M. No.


lating how many leaves have disappeared by counting the

lines of the Greek text and reckoning how many lines of

Greek text correspond to a leaf of Coptic text; thus, in

the gap between fo. 3 and 4 a (Pro v. vi 11 to viii 35) there

are 176 11. in Greek, and as fos. 2 and 3 (=:Prov. iv 16 to

vi 11, adding 7 11. for the missing top of fo. 2 calculated from

the average number of lines in a page of the MS.) contain

c. 116 11. in Greek or c. 58 to a Coptic leaf, obviously the

missing 176 11. Greek must represent three lost leaves of

Coptic between 3 and 4 a. This enables us to reconstitute

quire 6 thus :

No. of leaf


thouo-h in the latter instance the blank leaves were not


Fo. 12 d ends at Prov. xxiv 13, and from that point to the

end is a lacuna. It is possible to calculate that 12a con-

tained the Coptic equivalent of 48 11. of Greek, 12 b 55 11.,

and 12 c 49 11.;thus we may safely take 50 11. Greek as about

the equivalent of a leaf of Coptic in this part. Now from

Prov. xxiv 13 to the end the Greek text contains 512 lines;

therefore ten leaves may be taken as missing after 1 2 d to the

end of Proverbs.

Since Proverbs began at quire 6, we must assume that the

quire numbers were added after the several books had been

gathered together into one volume. Four quires are left at

the beginning to be accounted for. There is one fragmentaryleaf of the book of Job (fo. 1

) apparently in the same hand-

writing as the rest of the MS., and as far as one can judgea part of it. Now the book of Job in the Sahidic version

was the short one of the pre-Origenic LXX, which in round

numbers was shorter by about 380 stichoi than that which

is found in our chief uncials (Ciasca, Sacr. Bibl. frag, copto-

sah. ii. p. xxxiii). Swete gives the number of stichoi in

Job as 2163 (cod. B) as compared with 1124 for Sapientia.

Subtracting 380 from 2153 we have 1773 for Job comparedwith 1124 for Sapientia. These 1124 ttichoi take up 21

leaves of our MS. Therefore 1773 would take 33 leaves,

which, considering the rough nature of the basis of com-

putation, is sufficiently near to the 32 required for four

quires (quaternions) to be accepted. Thus we may fairly

assume that the volume began with Job in the usual Sahidic


Ecclesiastes i 1 vi 6 is missing. From the remains of

fos. 14 a, 15, and 14 b and the one leaf missing between

14 a and 15 an average of about 53 lines of Greek text

may be taken as the equivalent of a Coptic leaf in this

book. The initial lacuna is represented by 370 11. Greek

less about 12 for the lost top of fo. 14a=358 lines. Thus

in all probability seven leaves are missing here. Similarly

from ix 6 to the end there is a gap of 177 11. in the Greek=

3f leaves Coptic, while at the beginning of Cant, before


fo. IGa + b we have 33 short lines (Greek) which it would

be quite possible to get into one page, since fos. 17, 18, 19

(Cant, iv 3 to vii 13, where the Greek lines are rather

longer) contain about 50, 60, and 55 Greek lines respectively,

or an average of 55. Since the end of Eccles. requires almost

exactly 3^ leaves and the beginning of Cant, one page, i.e.

half a leaf, it would seem that in the case of the latter short

book it was not thought necessary to commence a new quire

for it. At the end of Cant, the arrangement of the fibres

seems to indicate that a blank page was left between it and

Sap. which follows.

The first Wisdom book (Sap.) begins a new quire, in this

sole instance a quinion, which is followed by a quaternion,and then, as only a very small portion of the book remained

to be written, the scribe seems to have taken another sheet

which he folded and wrote in the unusual order VH-HV, and

then found that one more leaf was wanted which is now

missing. He started Sirach on a new quire which proceeds,

so far as we have it, in the following order : two quaternions,

a ternion, and two more quaternions. The numbers of the

missing leaves work out with certainty by calculation from

the Greek text.

The foregoing tedious details may now be gathered upinto the following table which, though hypothetical in one

or two minor points, can scarcely be altered in its main



(The Codex reconstructed. N.B. The reman numerals represent missingleaves ; the Arabic numerals indicate the extant leaves and are the

same as in Table I)

Book of Job : 4 quires ^ 2i

inch leaf no. I






iv .


4 a


5b4b6 a + 13 f

6b + i3g

7*^1367b + i3d8 a+ 13 c

8 b + i3b


9b10 a

10 b

11 a

II b

11 c

12 a

12 b

12 c

Prov. beg.

12 d




The missing portion of Sirach would require about 13

more leaves, i. e. two more quaternions inclusive of fos. 6 1

and 62, which begin a quire. Supposing the whole codex

to have ended there, it would have consisted of 336 pages

(168 fos.).

The printing of this edition. The MS. has been printed

in this edition in such a way as to reproduce it as far as

possible under the rigid conditions of type. The length of

the lines, their inset, the carrying up of the ends of a line

into the blank space of the line above it, the occasional

interlineations have all been reproduced ;as also the super-

lineation which has occasionally, but rarely, been inserted

where it would be expected, but has probably been broken

away. It was felt that, if omitted, its absence might lead

to a wrong inference being drawn, and, in the defective

condition of the MS., to mention every instance in the notes

of such insertion would overload them. On the other hand,

where an expected superlineation is omitted, it may be

assumed that the condition of the papyrus enables it to

be said that there never was any originally. Likewise with

regard to punctuation, it is very difficult on faded parts of

the MS. to be sure wdiether one or two dots were originally

present, and therefore too much stress must not be laid on

it. For convenience in reading the words of the Coptic text

have been divided in the usual way.In the collation no notice has been taken of certain small

differences between this MS. and the Turin MS. (Lagarde) of

the two Wisdoms, which are of frequent occurrence, viz. in

Lagarde ^Jit for ^ert, ei for I in both Greek and Coptic

words, the assimilated definite article ppo^JUie, &c., or anydiff*erence in superlineation or dots over I or in punctuation.

The numbering of verses adopted by Swete in his edition

of the Septuagint (Cambridge, 1895-9) has been followed,

but Lagarde's numbering, where it differs in Sapientia and

Sirach, has been inserted in brackets.


Abbreviations. The following abbreviations have been

made use of :

Ciasca= Sacrorum Biblionim fragmenta copto-sahidica mu-

sei Borgiani stud. P. Aug. Ciasca edita Rom., 1885-9.

Cod. Par. 43, 44 = the Coptic scalae at Paris which are

here quoted at second hand from Maspero infra. The

frequent variants of spelling in these codices have not

always been quoted.Gk.= a reading common to the chief Greek uncials as given

by Swete, The Old Testament in Greek, Cambr., 1896.

Lag. = Lagarde's edition of the Turin MS. of Sapientia and

Ecclesiasticus in his Aegyptiaca, Gott., 1883.

Masp. = Maspero, Fragments de la version th^baine de

I'ancien Testament in Miss. Arch. fran9aise, vi 191

seq., Cairo, 1892.

Ming. = Mingarelli Aegyptiorum codicum reliquiae Vene-

tiis in bibliotheca Naniana asservatae Bonon., 1785.

Rossi= Papiri copti del museo Torinese, 1889.

Z=Zoega Catalogus codicum copticorum Rom., 1810.



1 recto

Jobxxxviii ........

27 ] . e ijLc^onfJUL . . [

28 niJUL n]e uicox jul^xjoot [juLne

29 epen]eKpTCT"^.XXoc 2.[e kkt e.oX "it

^n]TQ\ rtrtiJUL-

30 n^-i e]cy^.qei e^^p^V itee itoTJUL[oo'jf eqajoTo

nijuL] neitT^.qoj'Tp'Tpn^.o juLn[A.ce^HC

31 ^.KeiJULJe (5e eTJuippe m-6TnjuL0f[T-

^.nrjo) A-KOTfcjort juLnxoXzX juLn[coTri,aup33 Kcjoonrrt 2^e eneKTO iixne

H ^en]x^.'vcycoue ^icccon e[

34 Kn^.JUL]oTTe eneKXooX[e ^o-^^pooT

xxxviii 27 There is no doi;bt about the reading of these leiters :

hut they correspond neither with the orig. Greek nor Avith the version in

Ciasca 28^ 4)tJ0OT] ng^OT Ciasca 28^ HIJUl] ad 2^6

Ciasca. The stroke over tX remains 29'^ [n,H]Xq fl] ^^Ciasca 29^ [niJU.] ad 2.6 Ciasca 30^ [niJULJ ad 2^6 Ciasca

31^ 6e] 2^e Ciasca 31" UXoXzX] UeKTO Ciasca 33^

erteKXo] lineKXO Ciasca 34^ JULO-^Xe] ad Z.e Ciasca



Jobxxxix 1 verso

6 AiKco ijLneqjUL<L itlojtjone itepH[AXoc

7 eqccu^e ncA.u]jULHHcye ito*rno[Xic

eneqcaoTJUL ^.rt] e^.pIKe fipeqx\cy[a3Ai.

9 qnA.a5aj 2^e] it^o-^fJULoVi rl^."rp[ion

H oYJULonoKJepojc itp2]AJL^<LX m,K

H epftKoxK ^ixlJULneKo-riXq

10 . . . .jul]o7p 2^e ilrteqrt^-^ ^2>^n[. . .

H eKrti.]ca3K ititeKxXojuL ^Tc[(joaje

11 A-KXtoK] 2^6 n^THK epoq xe otnoicT ^6oxfL iJlJULoq

eKnA.K]a) 2.e riiteK^j^HTe exojq

12 . . nijcTe-re 2^e xe ^m^-f m^K i]Ln[

]? 2^e e^otn juLneKxrtoo-r

2 recto


16 l^^a

17 ]


]u i\peqprto.e

18 ri2^iK]4.ioc ceponfoem n.ee[

xxxix 9^ ^Vp-] A-VVp. Ciasca 9" ilp] ep Ciasca whose text

ends with ver. 9

iv For this chapter of Prov. there is no printed Sahidic text for com-

parison. The Boh. text has been printed by Lagarde, Psalt. Memph. p. 139

seq. (MS. Berlin) and by Bouriant, Eec. tr. iii 126 and Bsciai, Rome 188G

(MS. Cairo). I subjoin here a fragment in the Brit. Mns. (MS. Or. 3579 a,

Cat. no. 39) which gives a Sah. text of vv. 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27

13 A.JULA.^T-e ftTA-c^a) JULnepK^A.c ncuoK Sj^pe^epoc rtA,K eneKA./*^e 14 juLnepJULoo[aje] ^rtne^^io[ove] 17 . . . oTHpu npeqpno^e is fie^iooTe


Prov.iv ]


p]oToem cy^.rtTerle2^[o

19 ] rte^iooTG itrt^-ceE-Hc

itceeijuie ^^n] xe enrzixpon il^.cij h[^e

20 ^^.aJHpe i~^x]HK en<Laji.xe

peKneKAAi.^.]xe 2^e eit^-xnio.

21 c, 9 ] iteKriHVH tjozit n^[ ....

^^.pe^^ epooY] ^^neK^KT :

22 oTuort^] v^P ne rlrtexfToxx juLjuloov

i-ifuo o]fT"^.X(5o ne ijLnccoJUL^L

23 ^^]4.pe2, niJUL ^^-pe^ encK^KT

24 qi] eKoX JULJULOK iioYT^.npo ec(5oojULe .

jLtuo AXA-pe^^encuoxoif nxm6oitc oxe it


25 juL]^.peneK^<LX ^locyr" ertexco-vTcon

A.'jfjuj fiTeneK^o-y^e eicopXt. juLJuurrjuLe

26 co]fxn2>^"&^o^'*^ nrteKo-ifepHxe

^.nfjcp itvcoonfrR itrteK^^ioo're

27 JUL^p]p^.KTl< eonfrt^.jUL oT2^e e^Ko^pKTo 2i]e e^oX rtxeKonrepHxe e^oX ^2>'^

ni]juL eeooT

2^e itit2^iKeoc ceepo-voeVrt riee JULnonroeirt

22 . . . ne JULiiccjojuL^. 23 ^^ft^^^i-pe^ hijul ^^pe^,eneK^^HX 2>'^&''oo'^^ ^^P 27 . . . TeKonfe-

pHT"e e^oX &r\^iH niJUL eeooT nno'rxe v^.p cooTri

fie^l[oo]Te eX2^I0T[rt^.JUL]. (The above has since been printed

by von Lemm in the Bull. A. I. S., St. Peteisb. xxv 114.) Verse 16 is

quoted in Brit.Mus.MS.Or..3581 A,Cat. no.235 thus : Ze Itne'SfUO^.Cy

r<Lp juLnonfpneeooT ^.n2>mH.S. v^-p onre juljuloo-t

^-^03 JULenfCU^cy 27^ The lacunae filled as suggested by

von Lemm u.s.

B 2


Prov.V 2 verso

2 ze[

f^aoit AC gtoo'l'tk

3 juLnpi"2;'"i'KK e'[c,iJULe

oveia3 v^.p nexLTTvTTv e^oX ^ neeno

TOY itoYc^iJULfe juLnopriH

T^.1 npocTeTrtoT [

4 iXRncojc 2^e Kn^.(rnT[c

] . ecxHJUL e,o'reo'jf[cHqe itpo cwi^t

5 . . .] ^TrecjuLrtT^.eKT[

K]xe 2^1 enecHT rlrte[xxp^ juLjuloc

juClrinJULOY e^.ijLrix[e

]2^e ^'^.xpHnf 4.^

6 rtcJULoocye ^^.p ^.vi &me,i[o]o[Ye ixucon^*

rtec^^iooYe 2^6 cyrpTcup ^.Ytu[

7 TertoT 6e ni-ojHpe cuo'tXjl epos

^.Ya3 juLUpcxo eiioX nn^.ctj^.xe

8 juL^-peTeK^iK oTe jOuuloc .

4.700 iinp^jCJon e^^oYit fipo juLnecHi.

9 xe itneK-f juLneKCJoit^ it^enKooTe^.-rco nvf juLneKA-^e fi2>ert^.Tn<L

10 2^e itne^ertKoonre ci rtxeK^Toju. .

/Koov[ei-Yuo rixeneK2>ice E^ojk e^oTit ertm n[,ert

11 JULnitccoc itrp^jTHK ^xej<JULitT"^X[Xo

epcyA.nrtCA.pl; juLneKccxjAJiA. ,ixe

12 JULnitccoc nrxooc xe exKeoT it4..[

oYA-cyonr A.n ne eTi"c^tJO ha.!

A-]-)f(jo A.nA.^KT" piKe eKoX itrtexnio

V There is no printed Sah. text of this chapter



3 recto

13 . . . .jcco'fXi ene^pooT juLneT[


14 n.Lpi.KecyHJUL ^.icycjori[e

itxJULKxe iirticoo-r^Jc

15 cejULooT e^oX ^it[eK^.tiu e^o[X ^jrir\cya5[xe ....

16 juLnpT"perteKJULoo'[. . .]rte^[, . .]a)[

jUL^.perteKJULooT 2^6 JULoocLje ^iteK[. . . .

17 JU.^.p[ec]cLjcone rt^.K ota-^k- iJLfTpxpeX^.

^.nr] ncyXJLJULo jjLeTey^e epoc rtiJLjuL<LK

18 JUL^-pelxuHrK ixneKJULooT ctjuone ^^.K

^.tuo [rvrlenfc^pA-ne iXnxec2,iJu.e ilxeK


19 neVovX nxeKJUuvrajKHp ^.nfa5 wckcT

RneK^xsLO^ JUL^.peqc^^.xe nXLjUL^-K

jUL^-pexeTexcuK tg xice epoK

^.'^fuo itco'^f^.2^ itcujK fioToeicy i\ijul

_ /a^ieKJULoooje VA.p ^nxJULitxcy^Hp rtx^.i Krt^.4.

20 jULUpT^-cyoK ep^.'Tc nonf^AXJULO)

o'C2^e juLnpi'neKO'jfoi erte6'.oi itxeTe

TTOJK ^.n Te .

21 ite^ioo[nf]e v^.p ijlnpcujuie IxnexsLTo e^oX

itrt[K]^.X juLnnoifTe.

q(5uocyT^ 2^e exRneq^iooTe THponr

22 juLn<Lp<LrtojuLi^. (JcopfT eupuojuie :

enr^ooK 2^e juLuot^.tio't^. ^juLJULppe[ Rrteqno^e

23 epe^^.V ^^.JULOT ijLhniJULHKCLje[

TeqijUVT^.TcKuL3 .


Prov.V ^.-jfrtoxq 2.6 eKoX ^JULn^.cij^.i J3l[ ....

^.Tcjo ^.qx^-Ko ex^eTeqjuLm'[^.OHX

vi 1 ni-cynpe eKaj^.ncL5ri[Ta3pe juLneKaj^Hp

Kit^.-fxooxK jul[

2 ] v^-p juLnpcjo[jm.e

. . .jcnoxo-if h[

3 verso

^.Tco cy]<Lqx^.Ko ^nctj^.xe i\[ . . .

3 n^.cLjH]pe A.pme'f^^twn: ijLJULoo[T

c, 10 ]oY it^^ertneoooT ex^e

neKoj^Hp ]

juLnpojcone eK^H]X e^oX :

]-M-^[- .]Jt.iti'Jut.e e^x^.KcyYl

Tcope JULJULoq :

4 JuLnpTi^^irtHB. itneK^^.X ^.nrco juLnp-fpeK

5 xe eKep^oX nee noTcijxoc e^oX ^rt,ert

^.Ytjo riee no'^f^^.XHX e^oX ^o[']^^.clJ

6 ^uoK cy^.n(TXxiq u3 npeqxrt^.^.-*-

rvTKuo^; erteq^ioo-jfe nvpc^^e e^ovepoq7 eiJrixenexjuLAJL^.T v^.p cujcye

0''2^eix'fquex^^^.vK^.^e juLjULoq .

onf2^e JUiri'Tqxoeic ^ixuoq.8 riee ecyi.qcKxe xeqg^pe ixncijcjojuL

nqx^-CLjo 2^e juLueqKoo e^pA.i ^Jjixnuo^c

K rtrB-UOK ep^.'fq juLii<Lq rie^iuo itreijULe

exeqixrrrpeqp^ao^^^tuo eqeipe ixneq^^coE. ^cjdc juLrrrc^..e

vi There is no printed Sah. text of this chapter

PROVERBS VI 9-11 VIII 35, 36 IX 1,2

Prov. _ _

vi n^i exonri" nrteq^ice nrte[pp;a:oT xx\Ji

npojJULe eTjuLxort

eq]xA-iHT 2.6 rtoToit hijul A.-Jfo) enro-r^-cytq

K^.]mep enfcTcb^ ne ^xeq(?oAX.

9 ojA.xlrti.'r CKitHX ^peqxrt^.^.T

eKrt^-lxtwonrit 2.e ^^n^irtHS^ xn^-V.

10 Kuo^al rtOT^.upHxe k^ju-ooc rtonf^.npHxe

. . . Kxipe]KpiKe itonf^.npRxe

_ /&HXIspexooxK 2>^T-eKJL.e[cx

11 aj^.pleT-jrr2>HKe ej[

itoe i\oTpe]qjULoocije[

4 a redo

viii 35


^vo^ i\\]Ji*. exco['fTi

]aji certA.^X[A.uxei itxenf^f-^x^^

^voo rte-TJULOcxle juljuloi eto [itcy^Hp euAXo-r

ix 1 ^.xco4)I^.] Kexo'^Hi m^c ^^t^x^ [i.cx^.x

po rlc]^-a^ rtcx-vXXoc

2 A-CKuonc] nneccytwtxjx

vers. 9, 10 are quoted in Brit. Mus. MS. Or. 3581 A, Cat. uo. 185, as

follows : 9 ze cg^T" KriHX upeqxitA-nf. eKn<!.xonfcx^rt

^A-n^mnEL xn^.-* lo eKoKcy itonf^.npHxe eKxi[pe]-

KpiKG rtoT<LnpHxe onf^.npHxe epexooxK oxk

,i.xeKJULecx2^HXvi 11^ eil The superlineation and a fragment of the first letter only

remain, but they suggest 1

viii 35 Lacunae filled from Ciasca

ix This chapter is complete in Ciasca 1" CXnfXXoc] CX^TAOC



Prov. _ix ^.cKepA. juL]necHpn eT,rt^.^.T [<lc

3 ^.cxoo-y n]nec^JjijL^,A.\ [ec

JULOTxe |ho']ito(5^[nx^.ajeoeiaj

4 a Ve7^S0


nojpn] fico[onfn.

n^.oY^H]x 2^6 enA.n[o'vq ne eume erinojuLoc

11 |XJLneicJUL]ox VA-p Kn[^.ponfito6^rt^.^e

^^f(M cen]i.onfa)^ epo[K n^^ertpTJLUoo-ye

12 n^.cijHpe] eKcy^.npco4>oc [eKn-Leipe

eaja3n]e eKcy^.rtoo eK]rt.LceKneeo

12 a uex'T^.xpo juL]JUL[oq ...

5 a recto


12 b ^.Tfoj ^.qp^cofia^ n.T-eqc[(Jocije JuLjjyLm

12 c eqjULoooje 2>iT^o'f2!C^^[j]e [rtA.]XAJL00T

/ojqeeqctocy^ 2^e e^jOTtt itrteq^TTz noTojco

13 oTrxoTc^iJUie fin^.^T- jOljulg ^.tco it

A.eKX n^.p6puo[2^ juLjuoeiK

14 T^-V rrccoonf[n] ^.n juL[n]ajme-

12b ^.qpnCO^aj] ad itrte^^IOO-^e Ciasca 14^ T^.j] ad

GTe Ciasca


Prov. _ix ^.c^juLooc 2,[ipr^]np[o i}Ln]ecHi ^ionfTO(5c

ec[oTort2> e^oX ^rtenX]^.xi^..15 ecjuLonrxe enexui.pi.lre

i.'ya) neTcoTXcun ^^^rteTl^jioove ec

X(Jo ijLJULoc xe niJUL ne n]4.eKX e

5 a verso

/rti-OHT1 o-yX^rnK 2^]e n'Te^JUL^^^.t ne oTojupe2 ni.2^a3a?[p] ni.'f^K'r i.rt ititA.rtoJULoc

ciji.pex2v.ij<i.iocTnK 2^6 nof^JjUL e

^oX ^JxxnJLfLOf :

3 JuLnxoeic n[<LJUL]enfT-0T4fnr^K i.rt ft

qiti-onraoxc 2i[e juL]nuo[ri^] ititi-ce^HC

4 aji.peTJULm'[2^HlKe otS^ienptJojJULe

aji.peit6Tx [2^e nrixajajpe ppjuLXJii-o

5 o')fno')fcyH[pe eqxci.E.KT ni.pcoc^oc

qni-XP^ [2ie juLn<LeHX ^ojc peqajjuiaje

qrti.o'jf[zi.i ^onrKi-TJULi. it^TonrcyHpe itci^^e

5 b recto

11 epexnHVH iiuajrig, ^x6T2i ijLn2.iKi.10c.

nxi-Ko 2^e iti-^oj^c eph-TTi-npo ijLni.

ce^HC :

12 cyi.penjm.ocxe ^[o'rjrteconf'fxcort .

X vers. 1-27 in Ciasca ; vers. 2-5, 28-32 in Masp. 2^ ^l^pe]cyepe Masp. 3^ JUL] om Ciasca and Masp. ft] nil Masp.

3^ 2s.eJ om Masp. The superlineation of [n^;] remains 4" [pj

ep Masp. Il2 epnj it ciasca

10 PROVERBS X 13-2 7

Prov. _ _ _X oTon 2^e niJUL exen[c]exi <Lrt ncTbnc

TJuCrrrcyfiHp [rt^.2^o]S.coT

13 nexe'me n[o'jf]co[c^i^. e^]oX ^pooq eq

p[u^i/f hotpuoJULe it^LJoKT ^oTCTepcjo^14 rtc[o4>oc n<i.2>tuii n,ertc]tJoaj .

'T[X4Lnpo 2^e ito'raj'Tp'Tip nj^-^^cott e

15 n[exno rlonfpjuLjuL^.o ne] otuo

[Xic ecopx ]

_ /ice

no-ifaoajq 2^e ^.rt^.ce^Kc xe x]juLm-^H16 cy^.perte^^^H're juLn2iiK^.ioc zn]ena3n^

fiK^.p^oc 2^e rln^.ce^Hc rte itnoj^e

5 b verso

24 rtenicvJULii. ^it2.IK^.Ioc cotIi

25 n^.ce^Hc n<LT^-Ko ^t\o't^^JTKx ecjULoo

^2^IK^.Ioc 2^e n[^.p]^.K'Tq e^oX juLjuloc nqo-yz^-i

26 iiee tiO'e>\e\^[jtjL]x ecyA.qpE_oone rlrtrt^.

xe iJuto[nfK^.n]rto[c ii]it^^.X.

/JULOCT^-V T"e oe fl[Tn<Lp^.nojULi<L i\rteT]eipe Jul

27 clJ^.pe^~JuuvT[JUL^.moTxe o'^oj^, ^]ot

ilpojULn[e 2.e itn^.ceJiHc rt^LcKoK

13^ p[a3^T-] n^-pCU^^TT Clasca 16" [2^e] om Ciasca.

The lacuna requires two more letters. Gk. Kap-noL be 24 Ite-

nie-CAJLI^.] ad 2^e Ciasca 26''^^^.Xe] n^.^.Xe Ciasca


PROVERBS X 28, 29 XI 3-7 11Prov.

28 cy^.[p]e^[oYrtoq

eeXnfic ....

29 nxic[e

4 b recto

xi 3 TJjLtvrK^.'k^K'T nnexcoifxaon n^-xi

juLoeix ^Hxo-r

epcy^.It^2iIK^-Ioc julot cg^.-*p^^XKY rtcuuq .

ct^^.TeI^.xooxoT 2^e itc^.nx^.Ko ijLn^.ceE.Kc

<i.nfa5 aj^.-)fp^.aje ixJUioq

5 T2^iK^.iocTnH JuL[^e]xo'r^.^.^ rt^.cooT

Tit nrte[q2jJ]o97[e ]

npe[qxin^nc 2.e n^.j]e e^^p^V e-rjuLHT

6 T2^[iK^.iocnfnH nitpoo'juie exconrxtjort

[it^.xo'rxoo'r ]

e[peijLni.p<LrtojuLoc 2^6 n]i.x^.[Ko] ^Tet[JUurxcy^.qxe ]

7 e[pcg^.novp(jojULe en^-rtonrq jul]ot xjlc

[pexeq^^eXuic x^.ko ]

29 nxic[e . . .] nzice juLnexoT^.^.S. xe xe^^miXnzoeic. onronfco^ t^e xe nrtexp^^o?^ efme-eOOT Masp.

xi Wanting in Ciasca, vers. 1-29 in Masp., vers. 16 to end in Lemm3 ^HXj ad 2^6 ^lasp. ver. 4 is om. here with BJ^; Masp. has it

JULTt x..p^^^^ n<L'f2>HT ^^ne^^ooT rtxopVH-aj^.pex2^iK<LiocnfnK 2^e ^otxd e^oX ^Jjjl ujulot= ovK a)0eA?;cret VTrap-^ovra V mx^pai Ovjxov kul biKaLoavvr] pvcrtTac

aito Oavarov A

13 PROVERBS XI 15-2 7

Prov.xi 4 b vcrso

15 qjutocxe 2^e rlne^S-KYe juLncupx

16 clj^.pe otc^iJLKe oyk'tc ^xko^ To-vitec

oTeooT juLnec^4Li

onfopoitoc 2^e itccjocy ne oyc^iixe ec

iipeqxrtA.A.'y n[^.p<5']pa?^itxju.m-p^AX^.o

17 epeoTpuoJULe [iln^.KX p^.v^.eort] iixeq

'^'^X^^ [u^.Tn^. 2^e tt^,^-^.]Ke^eqca3

18 cy^^pei^^^^e^wt^ p^^en^^HTe fl]xm(5oRc

epeneTXo 2.[e Rnr2.iK^.iocYrtH pl^uoE.

t[x]nic[T-ic ]

onf^[eKe juLAxe ne necnepJUL^ nn2^i]i<i.ioc

19 e'yii[no fioYojHpe n2^iK^-ioc ena?]ri^

n2iia?[rJULoc 2.e iJL^^.ce.Hc ne njuLojf

20 2^eri[i.K^.e^.pT"oc . . .

6 a recto

26 necJULOT 2^e hht exriT^-ne JuLnexi"

27 nexAJLce-re e^^enneTni.rto'voT eqoj^

ne nc^>.^x.^.plc e^^.^o')fonr :

16^ oTit-fc] eoTit-fc Hasp. 16^[p^]ptA5&] epcTpoj^

Lemm. A Hue is om at end of this verse, viz. riXCUCOpe ^G ti^-

T^-XpO ^^XJULrrrpAJLJULA.O Masp. Lemm =01 8e avbpeioi

ep^ibovrai TtkovTCtii 17' IsMp] ^P Lemm 18-''Mliese

lines are found in Masp. and Lemm, but are absent in the Boh. and also

in Bi^A 18* [eKe] ^TKe Lemm 19^ 2^ia3[rAXOc]

Lemm, 2^\U0VXfL^^ Masp. [ne nJULOJT] Lemm, n[a)T- Cneq-

AxoJT Masp. 2^ ^ennexit^.tto'sfoT] ^nnexn^.-nonrq Lemm 27^ ^] ^en Masp.

PROVERBS XI 28-31 XII 1,2 13

Prov. _ _ ^XI juLneeoonr 2^6 rti-XA-^ertexajirte itcconr .

28 nexKco it^jTHq eYJULitT"piijuL^.o itA,e

nexrt^. 2^e iirt,HKe ce^^.JUL^.K^.pI^e ixJU-oq

nex[Ka3X juLnequi ^oT]xm6oric/pe

[q^^.K^.2,eItJULK^.^] n^^KX rtrteqajK

29 Tie[xeriqajeei 2.e ^.rt juL]neqHi ha-kXh

[portojuLi it^^ertXHlT

^[^.eHX n^-p^^^^X ijL]iTc<i.[Re

30 o'jf[rto'rajHri itcwnA.^ e^]oX ^Xjl

[nK^.pnoc i\x2.IK^.IocnfItH]

c[eni.JUi.o'jfO'cx 2^6 i^JuL^TXH it]iJL^^.p^.

[itojuLoc ^^o*yJULnxcy^.p^-2^]^

31 [eojze JULcovic epeu2^iK^.ioc n^-oj-rx^i

\3{ recto (mounted as verso)

[e'ie epenpeqpno^e JULhn^-ce^Hc] ^^-onf

[cort^, eE.oX Tuon ]

/cicxii 1 [cg^.penexJULe itxecKoD iULepex]<LiceK

[onf^.eHX 2^e ne nexjuiocxe rirt]exnio

2 [n^.no'jfueitx^.q^e enr^juiox fl]rt^.^pXiL

[uno-rxe ]

[epeovpcojULe itpeqjULee-ce enuexj^^oonr


27^ x^-2^e] [otuci]n^e :\rasp. 28^ 2>'^h<^] "^&-XHq Leimn 28' This liue does not correspond to tlie Bob. and

Gk. 28'^ There are sufficient remains of tie words in the lacuna to

render KCOX JULneq practically certain 28^'* Wanlinp; in Boh.

and Gk. 28* 29" [&ert] ^tl Lemm 30^ [OJIt^.^^] ^^8jLemm 30^ JULn^.p^.] neUZ^p^. Lemm

xii Wanting in Ciasca and Masp., vers. 1-13 in Lemm 1 ^IC-

OHCIC] eCOeCIC Lemm 2^ ftA-^pXi] HA-^peJUL Lemm2'' [pCJOAJie] ad 2.6 Lemm [nexl^^OOT] IieeoOT Lemm


Prov.Xii /liOAJL]lJL

3 [JuutpuoJULG HA-coo-yxn e.oX ^o]T^.

4 [onfKXojUL juLnec^d.1 ne ofc^utxe tixajjcppe

6 a verso

G 'TT^.^po ^e itn2^IK^.Ioc rtA.TovxooT

OTKpoq 2^e Te "TTA-npo rirt^-ceKnc .

7 n^ceKnc n^.T^.Ko ^^ujula. exqn^.

KO'Tq epoqitHi 2^e i\n2^IK^.Ioc n^-JULorn eJS.oX

8 clJ^.penpJULrii"JULe juLnpIi rt^^HX cjulot

exeqT4Lnpo .

9 rt^.rtonfo')fpqJ[JULe eqoit2^^^.X n]^.q ox

^.^.q eq^[onfc(jocy


e^o'jfeneT'f[eooY nz.q OT^.<Lq eqpl^a?^10 aj^.[pe]u2^iK[^.ioc n^. itrte^TXH fi]rieq

2^en[^.x^^. 2^e ruuLJULm-a^^.rt^TH]q it

11 neT[p2>tofi. eneqK<L2^ ri^-cei itoeiK]

ne[TnHT" 2^e itc^.^en^excyo')feI]x

[g^en^.xcE.cu ite]

6^"^ These t^o lines are in inverse order in Boh. and Gk, In both

2^e is cm in Lemm 8^ pjUL . . . pJUl] pGJUL . . . pCJULLemm 8^ KCUJULCtj] KUOCUOJ Lemm (a misprint, see Lemm, Bull.

A. I. S., St. Petersb. xxv 114), cf. xi 12 in Masp. 9^ n^.nov] cm

Lemm 10^ 2^IK[<L10c] 2^IKeOC Lemm 10^ ^^h] ,rt

Lemm [nXJUULrrT.] sic Lemm = fie ijLJULrrT 11^

[ni.ceij Lemm, qrt^CI cod. Bruc. 81,uhere this line is quoted, ed.

Schmidt, TU.viii 241 11^ ne[T] neX Lemm


Prov.xii 13 f vej^so (mounted as recto)

ne[xo''nocj ^p^-I ^jul^. rtceHpu

qrt^.[KtJO ftoTccjocy ^neqjuiA. itojcjone

12 nen[ioTJULi^. it^^.ce^Hc ^.oonr

epe[ititoifrte 2^e rte npejuirirto'yxe

13 npe[qprtoKe . . .


n"A[lK^.IOC . . .

ce[rt^.rt^! ixne-r ...

ne[x. . .

[. ..

14 xje^TXH

6 b recto

17 cy^.pen2iiK^.ioc zoo rlonrnicxic ec

onron^ e^oX/nc

onfKpoq 2^e ne nijuvxpe fifipeqzm6o18 onfnnexaj<L')fe e'o noe it^encHqe enr


cLjLpertX^.c 2.e itilcoc^oc xa.X(5o

/juLe19 oj^-pe^^encnoxoT juljulg coTxrto'rAJLm"

OTf't 1h OTrt'Tq OTp^.rt

[ *]

20 oy[ ] rtrtexjuLeenre

[ ]

r[exo')fcjocy rteilpHitH n^.enfcj)p^.rte

21 ijL'JuTrto-yxm^ojrtc rt^.p[<Lrti.]q Jjl

[R2^IK^.10C ]

11^ [ajuone] ojoocjone Lemm


Prov.xii n[ice^Kc

PROVERBS XIII 4-13 17Prov.xiii 4 ^.proc niJUL ^it^ertenioTJULi^. .

ri6'ix 2^e riitxuocjope ^/^onrcjopz.

/nc5 n2^iK^.ioc JUi.o[cTe ijLncy^.xe n]xm(?o

n^-ce^HC 7^e[ nqxljuizi

itoTn^.ppH[ci<L ]

6 cyA.peT2^wiKi.ioc['jfrtH ]x

ttji.penno^e 7^[e ]aj.

7 o'jfn[. . .]ueijL[ ]i

T-[. . .]Kf [

8 nca"t[xe


13 g verso (mounted as recto)

9 no'jf[oeirt . . .

nonrioem. . .


10 cy-^tpG-


7 a recto

13 4>poni xJLJULoq .

ne exo'ifox :

ver. 6 is found in A, but is wanting in Bi^ 8^ JtX.C is certain,

though broken, and p is probable, when 13 g verso is fitted on to 6 b verso

13^ 4>poni] lii [cer^^.K^.x^.]



Prov. _ _xiii juLjuLnX^-^-nr rt<Lv^,eon rt^.clJCJO^e n

oTcy^Hp riKpoq

cycune not^JjLfL[^i.]'K rtcoc^oc

14 o'[ c. 11 ] ite,iooTe nxco

n[ ^o'rn^.a^15 ci|[i.peoTJULffrpjuLil]2;H'T ert^.rtonrc -f

[itOT^^JULOX ]

o[ c. 13 lertJuLn^-juL

[ ]

16 aj[i.pepcujULe rtc^,^e nijui p^(Jo]^ ^ri'

[ ] 1_/KoK

^~eqK^.]!<I^. e

17 p^.o]7to



13 e rcc^o (mounted as I'erso)

18 JULItT"^H]Ke



19 ]Txe





IS'^ ty^Hp] Boh. ajHpi, Gk. vlcol 14^ The siiperlineation

shows it -was not ncyn^cy 15* The last Hue of this ver. in the

Gk. oboL 8e Kara^povovvTcav V airooKciai must have heen absent here

19^ Presumably the last Avord is ^ICOHCIC = y2'coo"ts as in ii 6, viii

9, 12


Prov.xiii 20 JJULJUL


7 a verso

22 npuojue rl2^iK<Lioc ^^-^a3cy exh

rtajHpe itrteqcyHpe

eqcojonf^^ 2.e e,onfrt rtXJuavrpXJLJULi.

o rtR^-ce^HC rtit2^iK^.ioc

23 nzajojpe n^LJuLxort ixjutooif ^^^.2> i^

pojuLne ^oTfJuurrpjuLJUL^-o

^.^^oiite 2^e x[^k]o ^^[o'yc^njcLjtJon

24 nexi~co en[ juLocTJe jjl


20 PROVERBS XIV 3-14Prov.^^^

13 e verso (mounted as recto)

ne[x3 0'[



4 no[


5 JULIt[Tpe

7 b recto

8 rtenf^^iooTG .


9 rtHJ nJULnA.p^,rtojuLoc XJLncii^. ilo'jf'f\d.o

10 oT^jHX itpeq^.Ice^.rte otXtuh ne


^oxi-rt eqa^^.It e[')f4)p]i.ne JutepexXTHK tuo^11 HHi it rt^.ce^Hc ^^.^-^.]Ko.

n[cKHrtH 2^e rlrt2.iK]^.ioc ^^.^.^ep^.^-o'v

12 o['rrtoT2^iH eperlp(jo]Jui.e JULeeve epoc

[xe cco-rxuon ]

o[i.H 2^e crtKY e^pz.1 eoA.]H ilA.juLRxe

13 -M-[ ]


8^ ^.TOKX] cf. Eahlf's Sah. Ps. p. 33

PROVERBS XIV 15-26 21Prov.xiv jJULee-re

15 aj^.z]e num.

13 d recto (mounted as verso)

16 jitonfXA.



Prov.xiv qrt^.[

27 o')fn[HrH

13 d ve^'so (mounted as recto)

28 epe:

[ _29 n^^.[pcij2,HX

30 o'jfc[^.eirt

8 a rec'^0

33 JULG'^eijuLe 2^e epoc ^julu^kx rtrt^-OHT

34 cg<Lpex2iiK^.iocYnH xice rtoT^eenoc

cy^.penno^e tc^ko it^ertc{)TXH

35 n^^nrnHpexHc rlci.^e ojHn rtonrppo

aj<Lqqi 2^e JuLneqcuooj ^xeqiXrrrpeqKXoqXV 1 cy^.peTop^H x^.Kerlc^.^eeT .

aj^-[ c. 12 ]^eqJUL^. kxo e

[ ]

ci][^.pe iXvuH TOYitec

[^eitopVH ]

2 n[X^c ^e]T^^,^^o')fOT

'T[x^.npo ]iteeoT3 n[^^.X juLnxoeic . . . . ]JUL^. nijut

4 o'[ X^.]c .

XV There is no printed Sah. text of this chapter



13 c recto (mounted as verso)





^^]^ OHCIC

8 a verso


10 nexJULocxe itrtexuio ha-julot ^11 eajxeA-JULttTe JULnnno*yn onron^ e

E-oX juLRnonrTe :

it^Loj it^e itxooif iIkc^hx ^.n ititpco

12 JULepen^.Tc.to JULepeneTznio juLJULoq .

A.nfa5 JULeqajA.xe ijLhricoct)oc

Mo13 oj^Lpen^KT G[xe]'4'p^r^e -fo^poT jul

cij<Lqa)KJUL 2ie[

14 cLjA.pen^HT[ 11 01 12 n]cA.


'TX.Lnp[o ]o*f

W^KT I . .]g[ ]t'

7' ^l]C is followed Ly a t^ign shap d like A (= a hypheu :) aud

OHCIC is Aviitten slightly lower and smaller, ver. 8a is quoted in a M>S.

B. M. Or. 3581 A (Cat. no. 204) thus: Onf^OTe VA-p JULnZOeiCTe TeenrCI^l jtitA.Ce.KC 14^ Tliis line does not seem to

he represented in the Greek text

24 PKOVERBS XV 15-24


no[ ]ooT

13 c verso (mouDted as recto)

17 rt^[rtoT



18 cLj[i.pe


8 b recto

21 ne^iooYG juLn^-OHT p(5^to^ ijLjuim'c^.&e

oYpuoJULe 2.e i\c^,^e cij<LqjULooaje eqco-jfTCJort .

22 aj^.pene^"ertce^"^.Io ^tt flitcooT^/:

Kcu nccjooT rl^[e]rtajoxne :

ttj^pencyoxrte 2i[e] JULo-rit e.oX iXri

it^jHT" nrtpeqjuLeenfe :

23 itri[eneeoo'' ccoxJm. nccuq .

JUi[eq rtliLrto-rq ^]XJLneq

iHcye _/fie

24 c. 13 n]e ijLJU.ee'jfe ijLnc^.

c. 14 l^-JuCnxe nqonrxA.!.

XV 24b to xvi 7 occur in a MS, B.M. Or. 3579 A (Cat. no. 40) thus:

(24 b) ze eqepi.KTq e.S.oX ^m^jjA^Te nqo-vx^-i-

(25) nrto-^Te n^-ojop^ nrtm nitpeqcojcy . ^^^T^^x^o

PROVERBS XV 25, 26 25


XV 25 n[ rtHJi nnpeqcuooj

^[ itTlexHp^ _26 juLeje-ce nxm6onc

2^e rlRxoaj rlxex"?^ (26) onrKoTe juLuxoeic ne

rtcgoxrte eTOT^-i-^L- (27) neTXi2^(jDpon n^.T^.Koq

oY^.^.q nexjULOcTe 2ie rtzi2^a3pon n^.uort^ ea^^^tKuoe^oX itftrto^e ^^j^"-*-*-*^"^"^ ixn^^ennicxic

^eoxe 2ie juLnrtonrxe epeonron rtiJUL piKe juLiULoq

e^oX itJuLneeoo-v . (28) epeit^^^T itfi2iiK^.ioc JuieXe-

T^. iiTuicxic . epeTT^-iTpo 2ie rirt^-ce^Hc n^-xuo

rt^jGrtneeooTf . ne^^ioonre juLnptujuLe fi2.iK^.ioc co'TU

juLnrtonfTe <ltuo cy^.pe ^enz^.xe ^(joxn e[KoX2^i-

T-o]oxq (29) [ c. 10 ]e itit^-ce^KC c^J^.q[ca)TJuL 2^e

elnecyXuX firt[2.iKi.ioc + c ii ]i ^rtonf2^iK<i.iocTnH

[e^onfeoTwLojH ri]^e^HJUL^. 2^rto'[xmfrolric xvi (i)

[n^jHT 2^e fioTp](JOiULe il2^iK^.ioc cy<Lq[ c 7] e^ert-

JUL^t'Tc^>.Se xe eperteq^iooTe coonfrR ^^itjulu-zoeic .

(2) ^^^-X exn^.T eunexrt^.itonfq oj^-qeT-

c{)p^.ne JULn^RT ' oj^LpencoeiT" 2^.e exr^^>rto')fq

-foTpoT rtitKeec (3) epenexKCJO ncojq i\T"ec^uo

juLocTe juLJULoq oT^.^.q T\e^"^^.pe2^ 2^e e^^enxuio

eqjuLe iixeq^'^x^ JUL^-'^f^.^.q.

(4) eoTe ixnxoeic

Te Tec^uj ijLhxco4)i^. . ^.nrco ^-^-pxw iineooT

it^-cfoj^ n^.c . neoo'r n^LJULoooje ^^hto-t itrteTO^-

.iHT- ^.Tco x^-pXH JULueooT xe Te^^onfeixe rlx2vi-

K^.Ioc'rrtH ixnrtonfxe excoTxtJort. (5) rte^-HTe

XHponr XJLnexoEfiiKT onrori^ enrtovxe nz^ce^Hc

2^e rt^-XA-Ko g^o-jf^ooT eq^^oonr .

(6) onr^oxe itit^.-

^[pXJLurtonfxe. ..]ue x^.ci^h[x. .

.] nexn^-i"xoo[x. ..]

^onrxm6'[ortc . ..] (7) x^-pxH nxe2^iH[. . .]ne eipe

njuL[. ..] x2^iKA.ioc'rnH ri-[p . . . nrt^.]2;pJULunonfxe

[. ..] enrci^ nrtLrto[uLoc



13 b recto (mounted as verso)

27 ]JUL.


onfojrt niJUL


28 ].


lew It

8 b verso


xvi 1 n^^HX rloTpuojuie n2.IK^.Ioc ctj^.qjm.e

xe eperteq^ioonre coonfrh ^vtjjlwxoic2 n^^.X exn^.'r ixueTrt<LnoToif cij^.qeT

c^p^.rte juLu^jHT


cLj^pencoeiT 2^e exnA.r\onfq -f oirpox

3 epeneTKOJ itccoq nT[ec.uo JULojcre

ijLJULoq onfA[<Lq

nex^^^pe^^ 2^e e[^ertxuio eqjULe (tTeq

'^'^X^^ JUL^.nf[^.i.q

4 eoxe ijLnzoeic[xe xec.a) ijLrtxco4>i^.

^.'^foj x^^px^t ijLri[eooY n^-onruocgE n^.c

xvi There is no printed >SaIi. text of this chapter 2 JUL-

nexn^.rto'^fo'jf] ennexn^-noTq T3. m. ms. u. s. 4'"

deest B = TTpoairopev^Tai 8e TaTrtrots 8oa i^''*', TTpoaiiopeveTat TarreL

vos bo^a A


PROVERBS XVI 5-14 27Prov.xvi A.nfa3 x^-pxt^ juLneooT ire Te^^oTeiTe

5 rte[2;]^H['re

13 b vei:'<o (mounted as recto)

7 x^.[pXH ....

T2.[lK^.IOC'SfKH ....


8 ne[xajme




9 e[pe


10 o[. . .

9 a recto

11 a c^J^.xe 2^e niju. nxocTcj o'r^.^-K

epenzoeic 2.e julg r\itaj^.xe exco'cxcJo

12 x^^oxe rtoTppo ne neT^eipe it^ertneeonr

ecy^.nfco^T"e v^.p ixneeportoc iloT

*^PX^ ^OT2^IK^.IOCnfItH


eqjUL[e 2^e fi'6T nno-rxe itrte^^^HT juLjulg

14 ot[ c. 6] rtflenJULlo-sf ue n6uoivT

[rioTppo ]

4*'^ There is no corresponding text in the Greek 11a There is

no corresponding Greek text to these two lines 12' ^j^^^^^^^'^^JJULHeeOOV in a MS. B.M. Or. 3581 A (Cat. no. 236) T^here this verse

is quoted 13" The superlineation of ft] (5T remains ^fi-HTfJ sic


Prov.xvi aJ[^.pe^pa5JULe 2^e iic]ocJ)oc ocyjuieq .

15 e[ c. 10 ^;;]itoTO'yoem juLuojit^

e[ c. 9 or 10 rin]<L^p^.q o Roe il

[ ]

15 a 0'[ Iq^^OOnfT


]it2, . . .

Oil verso


20 oTpeq(5'fi^.v^.oort ne npXJLrt^HT

^^iteq^^^H'Jfe :

uexn^.2>T"e enxoeic ^[4.pJUL^.K^.pIoc.

21 cij^.nfjuLO'CT-e enco4>oc juLhitc^-KecT

xe iteTcocyq .

cL^^.TctJOT^iuL 2^6 i\2>o''fo enrtexnoxjuL

22 o-jfUHrH ficjo[ri^] ue n[juLee're gItha.

no-^-q JULY\[ ]

Tcc^oo 2^e fin[^.eHT" ... ]

23 aJ^-pe^2^H^-[ juLnco4)oc rtoi finex]

HKT e^oX ^[ ]

q^^.4>o[pI ]t

24 2>ertJULo[TX2> iteKicjo ]coct)i

15 a There is no Greek text corresponding to these lines. Between

vers. 15-20 comes probably the fragment 13 a recto (horiz. fibres, mounted

as verso), but the letters are too few and uncertain to allow of identification

in the absence of any other text 23^ Mingarelli, p. 1 19, has a imssage

nex4>opei juLUcoovn juLiULe ^jniteTcnoxoT Mhich he

refers to this verse, but perhaps it is not a strict quotation

PROVERBS XVI 30 XVII 7 29Prov.xvi ne^Xo6^2.e[ ]

9 b recto

30 JLTHJd ort aj^.qo-rojJUL itrteqcnoxov

31 o'-K>^[o]juL itxp'^'^H xe xJuuvT^^Ao exn^.rtonfc .


32 n^.rtoTo-jfpojJULe e[q]^A.paj^HX eyxcouope

]xi [rtonrjnoXic :

33 C-. 11 KolTonrnof itrtpeq

zm6om: ]

] . . T[jULItX]JU.e


xvii 1 [rt^-rtoT ]e^o'*'

[e ]itoT

9 b verso


7 JuLJULn^^ertcnoxonf e[T]R2^ox pcy*^'*'

oT2^e cnoxoT ri6oX rtri2^iK^.ioc

ver. 26 Probably to this verse should be assigned the fragment 13 a

verso (vert, fibres, mounted as recto) ;but it cannot be identified with

certainty in the absence of another text for comparison 33"

[jULnx]JULe] The three letters in the bracket lost, but the long super-

liueation lemains and renders the restoration certain

xvii vers. 14-16, 20-22, 28 have been printed by Rossi

30 PROVERBS XVII 8-21Prov.xvii

^ /JULOC8 o-rKeKe n^JULox T"e Tec^uo itrteTeipe juL

nJULA. e'Tcrt^.KO'Tc epoq It^.coo'^fTlt

9 epenex^con ^ettxm6ortc oji

rte itcA.onfJuurrcyELHp

uexJULocTe 2^[e e]^ono[Y qn^.TT]px

^ency^Hp[ ...

10 cnz.pencfucinl'T


. . .]ei[

11 ^^[pe . . . .


10 a recto

17 cy^.v ^eK^.n^.vKHe-rxno vA.p juljuloot eneig^to^ :

18 npuDjuLe 2.e it^-OHT z^.K A.Tto qpi.cije

exuoq ov^.^.q

/ojfieep :

eqcyuxaope itonr^TtJOpe rtneq

19 ci;WpenJULi.irio^e p^Loje ^^e[n]AJLicye20 nrt^cyT-^^HX 2^e [riq]TCJOJuCrvT ^.rt e^e~


oTnonrpcwjuie eqjnoorteq [^JftXneqX^.c HA-^^e e2^en]neeo[oT

21 OTJULK^.^, ng^HTT n]e o'y[^H]T- ^[^.eH^-

.... JuLuexn]^-[znoq

20 The last three letters are quite uncertain, but there is a stroke

over the last letter and extending beyond it which suggests the reading

given ; ^en is so written in xix 2 20^ [eq]nooneq] itpeq-noone Eossi 20'' m^^e e] n^-^^e e^[p^^'i] Rossi


Prov.xvii juLno-yeiuDX ^^.e')f4)p^.ne eznolifajH

[pe it^-xcS^cjo ]

o-jfojHpe 2.e ric^..e nA.enf4>p^.n]3 it

22 cy<i.pen2,HX ttneTe'^f4>p^-ne -fixJTort

10 a verso


28 xe onfci-,e ne

xviii 1 oj^^penpuojuLe eTonfecyncupx erteq

cijfi.eep cyme itc^-OTXoVfTe

^^.I rtTejJULirte ^^.aJoone ^^>.no(^[\c(^

ilonfoeiaj rtiJUL

2 n^-OKX pxpJ-^ ^^ rtxco4)iz.

qoTelcyT-JULrrti^-jOHX v^.p ri[^]oTg.

3 epaJ^.]^^^-ce[Hc] ei eTjyL[4 oi 5]ijLne

ooonr cyA.q[KA.T-^.4>portei juljulooIt

cy^.pe[n]ctJoaj[ JijLhoino6n](f

4 o7JUi.o[oif e]qaj[HK

10 1) recto

13 neT-rt^.cLj^,ze ixn^-XqcosTJUL o-yjuirtx

A-OHX n^.q xe JuLnofno^fnecT^

14 cy^-peo-y^^^iLX ilcA.Ke x^.X(^'e]^6a3

rvT rio-jf pcoJULG :


15 n2;H[T] juLnc^-^e rt^.xno rlonfi.ic[e]Hcic .

xviii vers. 1, 7-9 have been printed by Eossi


Prov. _xviii epejuLJUL^-iLxe 2^e iiitcoc^oc aj[me it


16 a[ pa3]x.e OTO^ juLJULoq e^oX. . .]JijLJUL[. . .

10 b verso

xix 1 aj^.pen^HKe 2^e nu?pz e.oX JuLueq

2 juLiXnoTJuChxpe ricToX n^.p^oX e^^e

ueoooT :

^.Yuo neTevK^-Xi ^^ovxm^Tortc


3 Sj^Sj neTaJu^-ffle juLnejutTo efioX ii

neppcjooT .

neelooY 2.e rtifjui e]-riti.[ c. 6 loir

4 c. 5 ]Jt-a^[

11 a rec^o

10 ^.*ya3 rirt^.^[o]'ynep^.Te eRoX ^it.eKG n[o]'y^exepi. :

/n^Hpe11 eaJ^.peIteIOTe necym 2^m[K]<L exit

eaj<LTajert^o')fC2^ijULe 2^e juLnptojuie

[e^ojXg^i'TJULnrtoTT-e :

12 e[cj^.pe]o'yjULrtT(5ub^ ^.JUL^-^Te juL[n]6^.&

15^ A fragment remains of the stroke over the final It

xix There is no printed Sah. text of this chapter

PROVERBS XIX 13 XX 9 33Prov.xix ^[eil^TXH 2^]e rtttA.p[voc n]A.[^Ko

13 c. 7 ]eT[

1 1 a verso


22 eKcy^.^tx^Io 2^e itonrpcwJULe itc^..e

qit^-rtoi ito-y^.icoHCic

23 nojHpe 2.6 excojcy i}L[ne]qeia}x ^^t

uo exKtJo i\ccoq rtxeqiJULl^L^-T

q^^>a^aDue ^^^no6ne(^ jl-xIuo it]qxi

24 cyme. onfojHpe eqK[tJL5 itjctuq

]^.^^.pe^ e[5 or 6]t

]n[ ]ite

11 h recto

XX 7 qrtAKOo itrteqcijHpe ijLjUL^.K^.pioc

8 epcy^.no'cJDpo ri2.IK^.Ioc ^^JU^ooc 2>iot

epoitoc juLepeX^.[^.T] juLueeoo-r 'fonf^Hq

9 niJUL ne[x]n4w^cgoT JuLjULoq epeneq

^HX o]T^.^.q .

H n[ijui. ^e]x^^.^^.ppHCI^.^e ijLJUL[oq eqzo? i3LJUL]oc xe -fo7[^.^.] e[rtoKe

XX Ciasca has the whole chapter and Rossi vers. 20 22, 25 26. In

the Brit. Mus. the MS. Or. 3579 A (Cat. no. 953) has vers. 5-11 and MS.

Or. 3579A (Cat. no. 954) has vers. 6-10 8^ ppo] no. 953, eppOCiasca, no. 954 8^ -fOT^Hq] -fOt,H^ no. 953, 61 rtHA^-p^-q Ciasca, no. 954 9^ ^S^'^] CIJO'*'^*^'* "o^. 953, 954,

eajcyonfOJOT Ciasca 9^ OT^.^.q] 0'r^.^-^ Ciasca, nos. 953,

954 9^ ^ex^^,^^.pp.] no. 953, neT"n^.ctjn^.pp. Ciasca,

no. 954 9^ -f] Ciasca, no. 953, TCI nu. 954



Prov.s:x 111^ verso

. 17 neqJuLxo eS^oX :

18 eperte^ioo[Te] XiLnptujULe conrxtxjrt

epejnpojJULe 2^e ^^.oY i\[rteq2ji]ooTe

19 OYn^-cij nonrpcoljuie ne[

11 c recto

xxi 2, 3 nrto-yTG T^e nexcooTit rin^^"'^^^P

TJULG ^^fuo exeTJULe

ceco'fTi itn^-,pXJLu[nonfx]e i\[^]oTo

it6T juLJULitXAxe [e2>erte')fCI^.


4 OTp(J0JUL]e x^.ci2,h[x

lie verso

14 neT'fco "Ke e'f2ia3pon n^-xonrnec ot

(Tuoivt [eqlrt.Lcy'T.

15 noTn[oq rtri2^]iKA.ioc n[e .Ipn^^^-U

18^ COTXCOn] COOTXil Ciasca 18^ ftOTXe] XOGIC

Ciasca 18^ 2^6Jom Ciasca

xxi From this chapter onwards Ciasca has a neaily complete text,

and there are occasional fragments in Rossi 2 ^gJ om Ciasca

3^ rt^.^pJUL] ^.^pit Ciasca 3^ iXJULItT.] ^ertJULm".Ciasca 4^ [pUOJULJe] ad eqo Ciasca 15^ n[e . ]p] We Gp

Ciasca, -which agrees with the reading iroieLV hi A, but as n[ex]p would

translate the TToiei of B, I have left it open


Prov. .. _ _xxi nexoiifiiH'r] XA.^jtjL ititA.^p|n]rieq


npojJULe i}Ln<Lpi.]rtoju.oc [rt<L,e e^^erxneooov

12 a recto

K H^25 e^oX ep[X^.^]T.26 n^-ce^Hc e[nienf]juL[i e^^ertenjie'yjULiA.

xk.ne^o[ox XHpq/(JOZIt

27 x[S.oxe ijLnzoeic . . .

12 a Ve7'S0

xxii 7 ri^HKe rt<Lpz[oeic ep]juLJUL^.o .

^.nfoj r\[2^2^^.X certi.'fjuLHcje fineTXico

o[ye juLJULirte ajLjuloot

/one8 nexxo rineooonf It^.a)^ iliteTJ^o

12 b recto

14 CTooTfT [^.^03 eq,]ooT./eooY

16 ^eT^IX^. [eT^^HKe eqxA-ojo] rirteqne

15^ eEfi'mnr] ad 2^e ciasca nrt^.2;prt] rlxri ciasca

15* This line is wanting in the Greek 26^ eiXIO'TJULl] ad

enr^^OOT Ciasca 26^ [itZ.] It^.^. Ciasca

xxii 7- n[^^^iJX] rt^e^^iJL,^.X Ciasca 8^ [itG-

OOOTJ neTOOO'V Ciasca ver. 15 present in the Greek and in Ciasca

is omitted here

D 2


Prov.xxii qrt^-f 2^e [il'Teqju.itTpjuLJUL^.o e]T6paj^

17 piKe] iJL[^eKJUL^,^.xe . . .

^.')f[a5 . . .

riv[cjuLme ...

12 b verso

xxiii 1 eKcij^.[n]2;JULoo[c eoTOjJUL] ^iTCTp^^ne

^6. [ijLnpXJLJUL^.o

^rtoTrto'i rtoi rtrtexoTKo?] juljuloot

2 rTr^iTooxk epooT eKcoo-rrt xe] kk^.

[xneco^xe n-TeV^e]

3 ecgaone 2^e i\'TkoT^.xceI juLnpenilenr

12 c recto

13 juLiTpXo [eKi"c.u3 flo]TK[OY]i:

xe eKcg[^.rtpA.2>'^ iloT6ep(joK itq

^[^.[JULOT i.n

14 r\[T"OK . . .

12 c vei'so


2G n^.ct)Hpe AJL^, [rtA.V ijLneKl^^HT

JUL]i.pe[neK^^.X 2^e ^^^pe^^ e]^2^iooYe

16^ 7^e\ om Ciasca ver. 28 xxiii 4 occurs in a MS. B. M. Or.

3579a (Cat. no. 41)

xxiii 1^ [iJL^pXjLAJL^.o] Ciasca, nOYXCOaJpe no. 41 1

[KUO] JULJULOOT 2^^.pU0K] K(JO XJLJULOOnf ^^-pOK no. 41,

ni-Ki-^T ^^.puOK Ciasca 2'- [xne] no. 41, XW'i Ciasca

[Xei] no. 41, Xeif Ciasca



Prov. _ /nexxiii27 oTnieoc r^.p eqcTox^ ne o]th[i iilnuoK ^.rt


28 e^^p*^! -^H2^e v^-p q^^.x^.Ko nlxe-rS

I2ci recto

xxiv 1 n^-ojHpe [ . , .

^.nfco juLntp ....

2 ep[e]ne[')f^HX

3 e[aj^.TKex ...

4.[')fco . . .

12 d verso

I?13 ojonrcjo^je Krirte

]. . .


14 a recto


_' _' \

vi 6 K^.It eojuone ^.qluoit^^ [rtcyo npo]jULn[e ^rt

ne^jioo'ce] ^.nfo) [ijLneqrt^.]T eo['cuoq

xxiv 1^ n^.ClJHpe] om Ciasca, Eossi, ute Greek 2^ 3" <L')fa3]

Eossi, om Ciasca

Eceles. vi The Sah. text of all the portions of Eceles. left iu this

MS. has been printed by Ciasca and is the only text for comparison



etJUL^, iioT]tT- .

7 . . ng^ice XHplq juLnpajJULe [eq]fiHK e

^onfii exeqT"]A.npo :

8 ze OTnoT^oJTo cyoon ijLncocJ)oc e

xe n^KKe] qcooTit expeqjULoocye

JuLnjuLxjo e^oX juLncon^ .

9 oTA.v^.ooc ne ^]rl^.'Jf itri^^.X e^otenexJULoocge] ixriTeq'il^YXH

^.Tcjo mJi oYnexaj]oYen" ne ^.tuo oyot

(jocg juLmt^. ]

10 nertT^-qajcjone] K2^k ^.T'f p<Lrt epoq ^.nf

tw ^.Teijute epo]q xe otpuojtxe ne ^.nfo)

riqnA.zi2^i.n ^.jrt iXhxtucope epoq

14 a verso

vii 3 e2,o]nfe^a3[K e^oTrt enm ixnccu

eKoX xe x^.1 T]e e^.H [nptoAxe num.

^.]'xuo [nexon^^] q^^.['f- iio'r^.v^.eort

e^jP^^i en]eq[,HTr

4 oT^.v[^.eon ne] n6'[u3irr eg^oTenccD^-e

xe eq[n]<L'f n[o]TOTn[oq ^^n^^HT JuLneq^^o

5 n^HX nitc^..eenf [eq^^nm juLn^H^e

ci)Hx ^a3ujq n.n^.eH[x eq^^lXJinHi juLnoxnoq

6^ Two more letters are required in the second bracket than the text

of Ciasca 7' Two more letters required in the first bracket 7"^

nc] om Ciasca 8^ qcOOTtt] COOnfH Ciasca 9^ [A.Y(Jo]

om Ciasca, Kat Gk. 10^ ZOOOJpe] pr n Ciasca

vii 4^ eq] q Ciasca jtOnfOTfUOq] Of n^.q Ciasca 5^

4)HX] n^HX Ciasca



vii 6 onf^.v^-oort ne ccotjul [enexuio juLuc^.Re

e^oKeofpucixjLe eqc(jo[T^jL euxuo n.rt^.eHT"

7 itoe juLne^^pooT ^e[rtajom"e

etxjLot^ ^^.uex^[T*^.i Te oe ijLncuD[.e ^:rt^.eHT

neiKe ort o')fne'T[cyo'yeix ne

8 xe T-JuafrX^. cIt^.[Ka)xe ijLhnc^.^e

A-Tfco cn^.xi.Ko ijL[n2>"'^ itTeqijuvTCTvertHc .

nn^. eqz[oce

15 recto

29 n^-i nertx^-TA-l^TXH l^^ne itccuq

^.nfo) juLuc^e epoq[

A.*yco oTptojuie rio'[aoT] ne fix^.Y2,e

epoq e^oX ^ctj[o]

__ /pov^.nroj onfc^^ijuie juLni^^e epoc ^^itrt^.! th

30 n^oX "Ke nmJi mJi ueitxA-i^^e epoqexeneitx^-nitonrxe T^-JUtioq ne

npojJULe ^Ji^e epoq eqco**Tcoit

itxooT ^.1fKa3xe itc^.,ertXoricjuLoc

en[<Laj]cjooT .^

niJUL nex]cooTrt rtrlco4>oc ^^tu^ niJtx

nexcjooTit juLu^tJoX ijLncy^.2^[e

7^ I think the last letter is X and not A., ^A-XKlon Ciasca

8^ crtA.] qrtA. Ciasca 29^ [ne] om Ciasca 29" JULnc]ijLneC ciasca 29* e.oX] om Ciasca 30^ nB.oX] pi JUL

Ciasca 30^ XA-JULIOq ne] ne T"A.JULIoq Ciasca 30

rtTOOT] pr A.-(JO Ciasca 30^ en] li Ciasca



Eceles. _viii 1 xco4)iA.] juLnpcjoJULe cn^.xpeneq2>o

pojToem .

/tw[^.nfo) neTo n^.'TaJme ^i^^p^q cen^.JULec

2 "Tx^-npo ixnppo -f^^"^^^ epoc .

^-]Ya3 ijLup6enH eT^eovoj^.ze fip^-rt^.aJ

3 iinrtoTxe ^

ej<nA.juLoocye v^.p ^i

^K ijLJULOq .

ijLn]p^.^e cTe ep<L'rK ^0Tcij^.xe eq^i^oT

^loj^. niJUL eTqonf^.cLjoT qr^^.^.^.T

4 riee] itoTppo enrrl'Tq Te^oTci^..

^.Toj] itixx nexn^.xooc n^.q xe ot ne

'Tk^^.^.^.q .

. 5 ne]TnA.^^^pe^ exem-oXH rlqit<LeiJULe

A.n enfcy^.xe ijLnoitHpoit

^.nf(Jo nej-voeicy juLn^^^n c^hx ijLn[coci)oc

n^.eiJULe ep]oq.

15 verso

8 JULTipcoJULe eq]o itT[ej:]o'jfci^. juLnenlh^.

eTpeq[Ka5]XT juLneiutX

^.TO) JULrine[xo] Rxe^oYci^ ^^J^n^^^oOT juLnjuL[oT]


VIUii 2^ (5enH] 6ene Ciasca 3^ GK] nV Ciasca 3^

^h] 2>'iK Ciasca 3"* This line om Ciasca, Gk. otl irav o eav deX-qarjt

TTotTjo-et 4^ 'fkn^.^-^.q] TeKri^.^.q Ciasca 5^ &^pe^]ad 2^e Ciasca 5^ ^-^] Olt Ciasca nOttHpOn] nonepoitCiasca 5^ cJ)HT] U^HX Ciasca 8^ riTe^.] ne^- Ciasca

8^ noXeJULOc] The scribe seems to have written t first and altered it

to,or possibly vice versa, IIoXtJULOC Ciasca


Eecles.viii ^.nfoj T"JULrtTaj^.qT-e ncrt^-JULonr^j ^.rt

juLnexan epoc :

n _ _ /xHpq9 ^.'^fa3 ^Ji THpq ^.I'f Axn^-^HT" enTA-JULio

^em^^.')fx^.JULIooT ,d.poq juLnpa

rtenx^-npaojuLG ZIe^oYc[I^.] ^juLnptwJULe eoAJLKoq .

10 ^.Jf]a^ Toire d.irt^.T ert^.ce[KHc e^-Txi

TOT e^o-yrt iiT"^.4)oc

^.'*a^ ^.nrei e^oX ^^njuti. eT-o'^f[^.^.R ^.-v

XJU^.^.IooY ^xnoXic xe x^.[j xe ee

enx^.T^.^,c :

n<Li 2v.e onrneTojonfeix ne-

11 xe JUL^clJ^.xe eqn^L-f e^Hxq n.xooT[oT

iinexeipe T^-y^t ijLUUortHp[on

ex^en^.1 ^.^^HX i\rlcyHpe riitp[a?JULe

xcjox epooT

expe'jfeipe ^p^i it^^J^'^o'*' ijLnno[nHpoit

12 nenxA-qprto^e ^.qeipe ijLunon[Hport

xinitcyopn A.-roo xirtxenf^d-H

A.'ra) i"coo-rrt ^.noK xe oTn^.v^.oo[rt n^.

cLjtwne rtnexo fi^oxe ^^'^'^ juLiurtonrTe

xeKA.c e'jfep2>oxe ><^[x]eq2^H .

13 ixh^.r]A.eon T^e n^.aj(joiie JuL^[^.ce.S.Hc

8*^ JULOT^] nO-f^JUL Ciasca 9^ -^^'1"] pi' ^-Vrt^-'T

epoq ^.nfCO Ciasca with the Greek JUl] om Ciasca 9^ 6^-

OnrCIA.] ad it^HXO-Jf ciasca 10^ tt] en Ciasca 10'^ Xc]om Ciasca 10^ ^f^'^-] ^X. Ciasca lO" 2^e] (Te Ciasca

11^ e^^HXq] rt2,HXq ciasca 11^ XA-X*^] T-^X^ Ciasca

nonHpOIt] nortepon Ciasca 12- Xm] OJ^. ciasca 12

eTe] e-r ciasca ^h] ^IK Ciasca



Eceles.viii 14 b recto

14 ^.Tco OTrt]2^ert^,ceE.Hc ^(joot eqn^.T^.2>o'"

ricnjn^tJoE. nfi2^iLK]^.ioc

-Lnfcjo A.ix]ooc xe neiKe oTneTcyoTenr ne.

15 i^nrco ^.It]oK ^.VxJUL^.Ie^o''rtoq

JUuii.v^.]eon ojoon [ijL]ripuojuLe ^^poq juLnpH

ilc^.0T](WJUL ,ic(jo ^.YtJL3 ee'y4>p^.ne.

^rte2;Oo]T juLneqcjori2>


16 g^n^V .Li-f juL^^,2^]HT ecoTrlTco4>I^. .

^.'^fco en^.'y ennepi]cnA.cjuLoc em"^.q

cycone ^izXinK^.^, ]

ze ^^ne^jOOT ^.'ra) ^TKeoT]cijH iiqit^

it^.T ^.r^ egjirtn^ ]^neq^]d.X

17 ^.Ttjo ^.i]it^.T rtTi-JULio 'T[Hp]oT [Ajinno-jfTle

^.nrcjo juLnpltJOAJLe n^-cyg^e ^.rt enx[^.JUno e]ri

T-^.q]ctjuoue ^^.poq juLnpH [epaj]<Ln

npuDJUie g^^.c'^q riqciji[e . . .

nex]epeucoc{)oc n^.zoo[T eco'vconoT

nq]ri^.aj^e 4Lit ep[ooT

c. 5 ] i.ix^.^-[q e^p^.V en^.^^^^'i"

14^ eqn<L] ecyA.q Ciasca 15^ onrrtoq] itonr^ Ciasca,

V(t)poavvr]v Gk. 15^ ['JUl] pr ^.nfCJO Ciasca 15^ A.TCX) e]

^y Ciasca 16^ COTri] om Ciasca 16^ em"^.q] fn-^.qCiasca 16^ ttq] enq Ciasca 17^ HT^-JULIo] eitX^-JULIO

Ciasca 17^ end [e]n] ii Ciasca 17^ iKjaji[ite . ..] eqojme

nqn^^Trte ^n. ciasca. There cannot have been more than three

letters after CLJIIie. There was probably one, perhaps two letters before

n at the beginning of the line 17^ Itexepc] pr ^.TO) Ciasca

17^ ^.ri epOOTf] epOO-Jf ^.rt Ciasca 17^ ^.lX^.A[q] pr Xn^I THpq Ciasca, but there is only room for c. 5 letters here



U b verso

3 n<Li ovuonHport ne eqaj[oon ^^^uo^niJUL ^^.poq juLnpH.

xe o-TTCJoiXirr itonrcux ue[xit^.x^.^e onrort itiJUL

^.Ta3 n^^HX nitajHpe jijLnpa5[jULe ^-qjuLcr^,_uJULOItHpOrt .

^.Ttjo OTcyeei nexcyoon ^^Y\[et^HT ^^

ze eTit^-^cjoK ep^-XOT [itrtexJULoonrx

ex^^in^L^jOT ijLiUL[oo'r

4 2^e rtiJUL nexn^.Ko[mtJL3iti ....

OTH^eXnic cijoon[ ....

neY^op eT"[o"2>


5 xeT"on[

^.[nfcjo nelTJUtMoTX ncecoo7[rt ....

^al JuLne-rpujULeeTe6 ^.TO) T]eT^.v^.^H JULrtne-rjUL[ocxe JuChneT

^.Too iixJULejpic ojoon rt^.T [i.rt cyi.ene2,

ix 3'' JULnp.] nrip. Ciasca 3^ XJLJtX.[00f'] om Ciasca,

who has a lacuna from here to x 3

44 CANTICUM I 1311 2

Cant.i 16a recto

13 OTAXi.ipe] riTeTecx^-KTH ne n^.coit

eqajcJo]ne itxJULHxe rln^.eKiKe.

14 o-ycAx^.^, nlKonrnp ne n^.coit eq^^juLJ^x^^ itjeXooXe nrA.2i2ii

15 eic2^HH]xe necco TA.aj^eepe eic^HHTe] rteco) .

no'r^]4.X 2,ert^A.X itcrpoojuine rte-

16 eic^H]Kxe n^-rtoTK n^.[c]oit [i.-rjo? neccoK

e]<3a?cyT- eccoK .

/"TKGKo n^]^.i.ec e^oX e^^juLnenjuLA. riitKo

17 juLnoJCTe] juLneitm ^e^oX ^[ncyle ajL

^]XI^^,rtoc ne :

. . . ite no-jre^^coV ^KT^[^.pIccoc neii 1 ^.no]K ue ne^pHpe nxcuj[cye

ne[Kpino]n nnei[^.

16 b recto

2 rioe nonfKpinlon ^[xjULKxe . . .

x]4.cy^eep[e . . .


In the Canticiim the Borgiau MSS. fail us except in iv 14 v 5

(Ciasca) ; but Maspero gives a text from MSS. in the Bib. Nat. which

is complete except i 7 iii 7, and he has also collected all the qiiotations

from printed sources and some from unprinted or partly printed sources,

including codd. Par. 43, 44 (Scalae) and MS. 193 of Naples. I have

reproduced the variants here, as shortly as possible, but so far only as they

cover the limits of our text. i 13^ [OTJULA-Vpe] codd. Par. 43, 44,

Ming. 134, Z. 420 TeCT^-KXH] cod. Par. 44, CTA-KXH Ming.

134, Z. 420. ^"eCX^.Kee cod. Par. 43 n^-l] Ming. 134, Z. 420

om codd. Par. 43, 44 13" [eqcya)]ne it] eq^n Miug. 134,

eqn^-ojuone n z. 420 14^ Ko-cnp] KOTuep codd. Par. 43,

44 16^ ecUUK] itCtOK Ming. 137


Cant.ii 3 itee] no[nf]xjULnG2^ e[ . . .

T^.1 T"]e ee iJL^^.co^ e[ . . .

nlojHpe :

4 XIX e^^lonrit enni ijLnHp[n

. . . . ]e mJi t\ot^^v^^\li{[

5 ]xi-xpoi ^t\[. . .

16 a verso


8 eic^HHxe itxoq <Lqei e[q . . .


9 epen<Lcon ilt'Tajrt et6^[^ce^^fuo OTJULA.C iteio-cX ^ixri[ . . .

eic^^KHXe itxoq q(5a3cyT-[ ...


q(5a)[cyT-] e^oX ^^ficyonrc^ :

10 ^.TO) ^[^.lcoK 4.qaji.xe ruuLJUL<L[i

ite[ . IrtHnr eqxuo juLjuloc x[e to)

oTit <l]julh ^-^.aJKeepe x^-[6pooJUL^e

11 exnjeccoc . ^^xe eic xen[pcjo

^.coTei]rte :

. . . n^ojojf ^.qjULOoctj[e

16 b verso

12 nonroeioj] juLnx[a3a3Xe <Lqei

No 16 a verso. In the left-hand corner I think A is certain and is

probably followed by another letter, possibly ^ 9^ Part of the super-

lineation of <3ao[cyT"] remains lO'^-l 1^,12 Lacunae filled from

Ming. 140


Cant,ii ne^pooT ijLn]e(5p"XjLnaj[^rt ^.tcco'tXjl

epoq ;XiL^]enK^.^13 x^U3 itjolT-e ^.]cx^.vo eoX itrt[ec^eeaj

iiE-to iieXooXje ^.-yrtezKo-rnp ^.[Ti"

ito-jfcxloi :J

exn]i.rtoTc .

_ /[neTp^14 itxeei itT]o T^^poojuine ^^^[oTaucij itT

^ixo-rcoq juLJncofiT- ex^i^oA

16 c rec^o (mounted as verso)

17 c. 10 ^.nrluo itxen^^.ifiec k[ijul

c. 6 n]i.con itv'TriTcofiK ex

c. 6 or 7 IrtOnfJLt.i.C JteiO'^fX g^IZK

rtxojnreiH ititei^. :

iii 1 ^IzXjL]II^.JUL^. itriKO'TK itxenrajH


^.ICl)In]e itccoq juLui^^e epoq

^.IJULo]T^"e epoq juLneqcco'rXJL epo'f

2 'f^^.T]cJ0OTIt (Te T"[<L]KCJoxe ^xnoXic[h]na.vo[pi. a.-voj] ^rtenX^.Ti<L .

itx^.Ka3xe rlc^.IIenx]^.^"^.'4fYXH JULepi'xq

^.IaJI]Ite ncojq juLni^e epoq.

13^ Lacuna filled from Z. 606 n. 13*-142 Lacunae filled from

Ming. 134 17^ The remains of the letter following K suggest the

dots over an I

iii 2 Lacunae filled from MS. 193 Naples ap Masp. 3 Lacunae

filled from Z. 454


Cant. _ /XRoXiciii 3 i^t^e ep]oV n6Htexpoeic ex-fo-yoi" ^rt

/KoK4 nTepic^.^.]xoT 2^e rtoifKoVi ^.ipneT

-Li^^e eiTe]itT^.Ti.'4^TXH JU.epi'Tq

A.iA.JUL<L^xe ijLJULoq] ijLniK^.i.q[ . . .

16 c verso (mounted as recto)

THpoT ijLiTpeq[ . . .

7 eic^HKTe eic u.ecTkgic^hco'Xojtxuoii

epece it2iTt\^.xoc Ktoxe [. . .

8 epenenrcKqe XHpoT iixo[oxo'r gt

Tc-i-^KT enuoXejULoc

npojJULe epexeqcHqe ^izXJL[neqjuLHpoc

ex^eooxe excytone ^^xe['rajK

9 ^.nppo coXojuLCJon x^.julio nA[q rio-)fJUL^

ii^juLooc ^[rtoje] ijLnXi^4,[rtoc

10 rteqcTTXXoc [^.'rx^.]JULIooT [h^i^T

iteq^.n^.KXi[xoit o]Tftto')f[fi. ne

neqxojpxp ^XH6e ite

neq^o-jfn eqxo(3c itujne

o-y^-VA-UH nTitricyeepe n[eiXHXJL

3^ ex+onfOl] neX'foVOI Z. 454 4 Lacunae filled from

Z. 454 4' 2^e] (5e Z. 4'^ ijLniK<L^.q] om Z., KOt ouk a<^7/Ka

avTov BKC (a(f)ri(ra} A) 8* OjUOne] OJOOn Masp. 10^

[^.'X^-].I00t] Masp., -noLr](TV Gk. 10^ ^n^.KXl[XOn]^.rt<kKXKXort Masp. 10-^ ^] ^ert Masp. 10* cone]Appar. the end of the line as there is a blank space of c. 8 mm. before the

papyrus is broken, OOIte JULJULG IMasp, 10' nXTl] flxe Masp.


Cant.iii 11 ^.JULHi'Trt e^oX ftcyeepe ri[cia3rt

itxe'fTin^.T eiippo coX[oju.con ^^neKXojuL ivT^.T-eqjuL[i.^.T cxe

ci)<Ltto'r juLJUtoq [rig^H'fq

17 recto

iv 3 rtOTo^^ e'ro riee ri2;eitK0'r[Ke r\2^epJUL^.rt juL

n^oX itxonfXA.npo4 noTJUL^-Kg; eq^.2^ep^.'Tq n[oe ixnnTp

voc fi2v.<Lvei2^ e^.qKo[xq ^oi.XniuoeepecLjOrtOTpajn ^.cye epoqA.'Tco r\coxe XHpo-r rlrt2^['rt^.cTrHC

5 epeTonreKiKe cltxe o itoe [juLjul^c cn^.T

it^^-xpeeT it^^ce e'-AJi[oorte ^neKpmon

6 ctj^-itxeue^jOOY xojk ^.xe[r\,^.Ifi.ec piKe

7 ^^.ItoTXHpe x^aj^eepe ^.[nfa) juLiilt

X^.^.T ftx^m n2^Hxe.[8 ^.JULH e^oX ^uX[iS^.noc x^.c^jeXeex

^.AJLH e.oX puL[uXiE.i.itoc

xert^-ei [i.-jfto rtxeKxo eB.oX ^^XA.p[xH rixnic

17 recto In the top left-hand corner of this page is a half-effaced

letter, perhaps K or It iv 3' nOTfO(5e] OTOO(5e Masp. M.S.

no. 1, no-^O-JfOCJe Masp. no. 2 4" eA.q] e^-T Masp. 4^

COXe] COOXe Masp. 2.[nfn^.CXHc] Masp., hvvaroiv Gk.

5^ O itee] Masp. no. 2, Ming. 134, e^fO ROe n6^.^Ce Masp. no. 1

[aJLJUL^-C] Masp. no. 2, Ming. 134, ijLnJUL^.C Masp. no. 1

5- ^i-Xpee-*] Ming. 13J, P^^-XpeeTG Masp. no. 1, ^<LXpeMasp. no. 2 6' [rt^^^-J^ec] Masp. no. 1, X[^i.l]^eC IMasp.

no. 2 [pIKe] ad^nZ>.JULOOa)e XA.^(JUK n^.1 Masp., TTOpey-

aojiat ejLtanrcoi irpos to opos t?^j <Tixvpvr]s Kat irpos tov fiovvov tov

Xii^avov Gk. 8- ^.JULH] pr X^.cyeXeeX Masp.

CANTICUM IV 9-14 49Cant.iv 't[\]c e[.oX ^ix]itx^.ne rtci.rtip julfi


^.nfco eKoX ^[itxoJTfeiH rtijLTi^.p2iA.>\[ic

e.oX ^it[.K^ fi]juLJULonfi :

9 ^.^i[n]en[2,HT" T^-cjcpite x^.ajeXee[T-

^.fiI[^e^2^H^" ^onr^. n]xeno'-4[^.X

^^fuo [^rleienc^. ri.xe^]oYJUL^.[K2>

10 xe ^.rto-sfeKiB-e c^. ei^[oX ^^^Hpri^.Too necxoi rino'r^[oixe eqcxjoocy rl

cLj]oTe n^Hite T[Hponf

11 epeitoTcno]T"OT x4-[ajeXeeT" . . .

17 verso

13 nert]T"exlt'fltrtooYco-)f n^.rt et

6 riee] rioTn^.pA.2^icoc iXhnK^.pnoc . ]t-AeeXe

^ertKOTUp] ijLrt2^en^.p2.oc

14 o'yrtA.p2^o]c ijirto-yKpoKoc .

^.'VCA^ onfK^.]cy juLhoY(5Tn^.JULa3JULon

ijLnitcy]Hn THpoT juLnXi^^-itoc

o'jfcij^.X JUL]noTi.XX(joi ixrin^^Hite th

poT eTJco^fli :

8* c^.nip] cA.eip Masp. 8^ epjuLCJurt] 2>epJULa)rt

Masp. 8'" These two lines in inverse order in Masp. and

Gk. 9 '

<LlilJ I do not think there is any practical doubt about

the reading, ^.pqei Masp. 10"'^ [rtaj]OTe] cm Masp. 11^

[epe] om Masp. 13' [rtenlT-eXfl] ItertT^-P Masp. 13

.]xXeeXe] one letter missing before T; rtftajHri exXe-eiXe Masp., aKpohpvcov Gk. 13* ^ert^,p2iOc] ^enrt<Lp-2^0C Masp. 14^ 6Tn^-JULa3JULOn] KI^H^.JULa3JULCJ0rt Masp.

14^ >Hrie] Ciasca, ccd. Par. 43, ajKIt Masp. if COXTl] Ciasca,

Masp., CCJOXU cod. Par. 43




Cant.iv 15 eTo nee] nofnKrK riK^pnoc . ^.nfU3 ot

aj(jo]xe ijLJULOOT eqorigj eqajoTO

ru'niq]e G[2^]oTrt juLuA-KHnoc

itxen^-^^Hrte -f] JuLnenfCToi

V 1 JULi.pen^,cort ^cok e^^lp^-i iXneqKKnoc

itqonfuojUL juLUK^.p]n[o]c ititeqcyn"

T~^,cgeXeex ^.ix[aja5X]e ijLn^.ajA.X

ijLh ri^LojoT^H n[e

^.I]oYtJOJUL iJL^^.oel[K ijLhn]<Le^icu .

^.Ic]cp juLn^-Hpli JULn[ni.epco]xe

oTa)]. ^a)XT"H[T'fTi ](fe

2 ^.rtoK i~o]&aj ^.[nfuj] ni-^HT" pHC

eic ne^jpoo-jf] iin^,con eqxuo^JiUL e]fipo

ze A-onrcjon] n^.! x^-ccorte T^.[aj^]^epe

15^ K^-pUOc] Ciasca, Masp., KHUOC MS. 193 de Naples 15^

XjLJULOOnf] Ciasca, JULJtOTJULOOT Masp. eqoit^] om Ciasca,

Masp. 16^ T"CJ0Onf]lt] TCUOT rtV Ciasca, Masp. UTOIfJUL-

^IT] neJULg^IT" Ciasca, nXKTrieJUL^IX Masp. WT.] IMasp.

pr e Ciasca 16' KHUOc] Masp., KHTOC Ciasca 16'^ ^Hfie]ad THpOlf IMasp. JULUe'tf] ^Masp., JtlteT Ciasca

V i' jutneq] eneq ciasca. Masj.., :\ring. 143 1" iJL^K^.p-

noc] Masp. no. 1, Ming. 143, flrtK^-piTOC Ciasca, Masp. no. 3,

Kap-nov Gk. IteqajH"] Masp, Ming. 143, rtajHtt Ciasca 1*

^UOXTH[T'fTl . . . . (fe . . uS] ^aOXXH-^Tn Masp. no. 1,

^a3TT"HTT"it ^^.cnHV Ming. 143, ^ajT-xH^fTrt n^.aj-

[^eepe. n-rexlrtccjo Masp. no. 3. ^HTTHnfT-n. ixA-cy^HpHT-exncei ciasca 1^ n^.CItHnf] Ciasca, :\Iasp. no. 3, H^-Oj-

.S.eep Ming. 143, n^.ajKeepe Masp. no. 1 2- JULR^-COn]

Ciasca, Masp. no. 3, ad ^.q^"^.^OI Masp. no. 1 [e]npo] Masp.,

AJLTlpO Ciasca: prob. not sufficient room for XX. here 2' T<LCy-

.S-Cepe] om Hasp. no. 3, T^-OjeXeeT" Ciasca, Masp. no. 1

CANTICUM V 5-8 51Cant.

xe ^.x^.^.^e juloy^] fieicjox[e

18 recto

5 rt^,XHH^[e ....

6 ^.VcoY'T^[ ....

nA.co[n ....

n[eqcijA.xe ....

^.iKa)T[e itccoq ....

^.iJULOTxe e[poq. . . .

7 ^-'v^^e epoV rtcnne[xpoeic ^xnoXic ....

Te epoi .

^.')r[ni.]T-A[cce juLjuloi

^.TqI ijLn^.pcycD[n] itT-oo[T- n6meT"poeic ^itco^x :

8 ^-ix^-pKeTHnffit itcijeepe e[iXHJUL

^rt6ojuL ^,*if(jo ^nnojuLxe riTc[coaje

xe exeTTioji.rt^.e en^.cor\ ot [nexeT"nA.xooc n^.q

exexn^-xooc n^.q xe 'fxhxRt ^^noK

itTOO'TC itT^-V^-nH

vers. 5, 6 Masp. gives tLe text of these verses, but as his three MSS.

have many minute differences among their texts and our text is so frag-

mentary, I have preferred to leave the lacunae iinfilled 7^ [noXiC. . . .

] xe epOl] The X is certain ;HoXlC [itCX'^O'JfOl] epOC

[^^t^l]0'<e epOI Masp. 7- [U^.]X^.[cce] nX[HvJH Masp.,

Z. 454 7'^ ^nrqi] So also MS. B. M. Or. 3581 A (Cat. no. 192),

^.nfp^KeqI Masp., e^-nrpuKeqi z. 454 [^] nco^x] ^JuLncO^X Masp., enC0.Sx B. M. no. 192 U.S. 81 XLpKe]x^-pKo Masp., xepKe B. M. no. 192 8^ exexRoj^Lrt^e]B. M. no. 192, n[x]exn^.,e Masp. 8^ ZOOc] XOOq Masp.,

B. M. no. 192 8^ XOOc] B. M. no. 192, XOC Masp. XTtXH^f]XRXKnfXn Masp., XHT B. M. no. 192 8^^ X^,r^.UH] Masp.,

X^.<LV^.nH B. M. no. 192

E 2

52 CANTICUM V 9-13

Cant. _V 9 oT ne noYcort gEloX ^JULnToriTit nonrco

10 necjuLOT JULU^.cort ^^.I ne eqofoficy [e]q

Tpecypcocy eqp^.2>^ THpq [onf]xe oyxS^.

11 epsxeq^.ne o itoe noTitonr^ [it]KH4>^.c

neq[qco exluoXix ceceKHJUL [itjee it

juLe^e iti-EooKe

12 rteq^l^-X gto riee ijLnine n^^ert^poojuLue

et^i[x\n^ei^JLfLoonc eT^oope [e^oX e^.T

xoKJULOT ^[iULTiep]uoxe .

eT^^JULOoc ^ixrt[^ertJULoo]T [enr^oope eRoX

14 1) 2j1^^ ^'^^ ^^t^ i\onfn')f]^i[ort iieXe4>^.rt

xirton eq[^ixrioTa3ne itc^.^^I

pon ^.')f^.[n i\H6e

13 neqo]'yo6e e-co [rtoe n^ertc^i^XH it^^^"^

e'aj]e[cyci~rtoTqe e.oX

9^ noTcoit] ari ^JULnxo^'Trt rtoTcort T-e[T-rte]ca3c

^rt ne^iojuLe oY^.a^ juLJULine ne nonrcon Masp. Sot-

ccT] ad xexnecuoc ^rtneg^iojuLe z. 454, Ming. i39 lo^

OnfO^] Z. 519, Ming. 139, OYUO^cy Masp. lO' TpecypCOOj]

z, 519 (eqxpeajpuocg THpq eqo-jfoEcy) eqjw.op^ Ming.

1 39, pr ^.-ifCO Masp. T"Hpq] om Z. 520, ad efi.oX Masp., Z. 520,

Ming. 139 OnfXe] Z. 520, OT2^e Masp., Ming. 139 11^

[^]KH4)^.c] cod. Par. 43, Ming. 139, rtKT4>^.C cod. Par. 44, JULAXO-

4)^.C Masp. 11'^ [eT]UOXJUL] om Z. 519, GXoXjUL Masp.,

Ming. 139 ceceKHJUl] e-JfCHK ^.-03 eTKKAX IMasp.,

eqcHK eqKKJULZ. 519, cecHxe-vKHJW. Ming. 139 11=^ xxe-

^e rt] ,en Masp., Z.519, Ming. 139 AA-G^^ very uncertain, as also

superlin. of It 12^ ^en] Ming. 140, JUL I\Iasp. 12* Lacunae

filled from Ming. 140, the whole line om in IMasp. 14 b only found

besides in Masp. where as here the order differs from the Gk. 13

O*0(5e] OnfOO(5e Masp.

CANTICUM V 14 a VI 3 53

Cant.V 18 verso

14 a iteq6Tx necojoT ero fieienc]^. rlee juL

nrtoif^ excoTTi e.oX ^le^.pcIc

/port15 rteqonrepHxe ^eitcxxXXoc rte] juljula-PJul^.

neqcJULOx eqo itoe n.oTKe2ipo]c eqcoxn]


16 Teqajo-rojE-e ec'f^eX6e ^.JTfu? oTeni

OTJULi^. XHpq ne]


eic n^.1 ne ^^.]co[rt ^^f](jo mJi ne neT^iTo[x17 riajeepe rtei]XHjuL [ilxA.]nA.cort Kuok gtoT

TeTitelccjoc ^Jftnje^^iojuLe

itx^.uo]ifcoit ^OJK eToon x^.pe^Ka)

Te] itccuq fuuiJULe

vi 1 n4.[co]rt ^.q^uoK e^p^.! eneqKHUoc ene

4>i^.Xh iincgoifg^Hrte:

expeqjULoorte ^itKHnoc A.nfc itqKtw

xq g^iteKpmort :

3 n^LitoT x^.aJ^eepe : necai Ree fi[eiXHJUt.

14 a'

[(TTk] ad KG Masp. 15^ The last letter of Ke2!.pOC

and the first of eqCOTH are on the separated fragment of pi. 18 ; of the

following Ihie only the punctuation is left eqcOTTl] JULnXl^^.noC

Masp. 15* IMasp. has nothing after Xlfi<?>.rtOC; perhaps the mis-

sing line contained nee rtcrajHit ijLnXi^A.rtoc etSos avrov ws

Xifiavos exXe/cros cos KeSpot Gk. 16'<i.'Jf(JOj

ad eiC Masp.

17^ ^"^.pen] xe en^. Masp.

Yi 1^'^ KHnOc] Ming. 143, KVnoC Masp. _1^ ^LnfO?]

Masp., om Ming. 143 1'^ ^rtc] itrt Masp., fine IMing. 143

2 This verse also om Masp., A.I\OK "fcyoon JULn^-COIt ^-JfCJO

n^COrt eqCLJOOn n<LI Ming. 143, eyw rwt abekcfythoiL \xov Kai o

(om B) aheK(ptbos fxov e[ji.0Lo Troi\xaiViov ev tols Kptvois Gk. 3*^

n^.nOY] Ming. 134, adTHpe ]Masp. T^-Oj^eepe] ad fle

54 CANTICUM VI 4-8Cant,vi ep-f^oxe itee rtitcTbiUL eT<L^ep<LT-o'r4 ItoT^^.X JUL^-poYXo eTf6a3cyT JuLn^-JuLTo e.oX

ze [fi]xooT i.'rqin^.^^HT-

no'jffi[a)] eqo riee itn^.veXH K[rt^^.^.juLne

/^OOKOT5 no-'o[jS.^]e exo ftee rtrt^.veXH flnerlxA.T

e^.Tei e^p^.1 ^^njuiooT e^eit^.^.TpeeT

XHploT ne e[juL]it[A.]TajHpe h^^htot.rtoTcnoxloT [eto ne[e rto-w-^ooc rlKOKKoc

^.nftJO T"o'y6l]n[cij^.xe nejccoc

6 T"ne itrtoTOT]o6e [eco nee] itoYKo-vKe [ri^^ep

jUL^.it juLn^oX rtx]oYT^.npo :

/k\k ne7 ce iteptw rte ^.tco qxo-rxlonrcjoTe ijLni-[XX4i.

^.Tto ^^encyeepecyHJUL e]juCnHn[e epooT

19 recto

8 itxlooTT riTenx^.cxnoc

ixnO-yOJCy Masp., Ming. 1 34, w? evSoKta Gk. 3^ itoe] Ming. 1 34,

om Masp. 4^ R^.] ixn^. Masp., B.M. no. 192 4^ ^[co] B.M.

no. 192, qco Masp. ^.reXn] Masp., ^.V^eXH B. M. no. 192

5^ ^-VeXh] Masp., ^.VeXXH B.M. no. 192 ^OOKOT] B. M.

no. 192, ^OKOt Masp. 5^ ^^.Xpee'r] B. M. no. 192 ^^,-

Tpeenre Masp. 5^ [ne]cuoc] Masp., enectwc ne b.m. no. 192

6^ Tne n] Masp., om B.M. no. 192 O-yO^Te] OnfOO(5e Masp.,

006e B. M. no. 192 [ec] eq Masp., eT B. M. no. 192 Oy] B.M.

no. 192, ^en Masp. 6^ ixu^oX nx]oTT-^.npo] B. M.

no. 192 (om JJL init), om Masp. 7' [cpoj] Masp., ppCO B.M.

no. 192 [qTO-y] Masp., qXCT B. M. no. 192 XOtUO^e]2COnfa3X Masp., B. M. no. 192 [ne] Masp., om B. M. no. 192

7^ [cyeepe] Masp., cynpe b.m. no. 192 [cyHJui] b. m. no. 192,

ad ne Masp. HUe] ad itXCOnf Masp., ad nTOq B. M. no. 192

8^ . . . nxooxc] o-rei Te nxooxc nxecJUL^-^.'* .


Cant.vi ncgeepeojHJUL ^.Trt^.-jf] epoc

ex^en^-i rteplcoonr ce^^.JUL^.K^.pl^e ijL[JULoc

9 niJUL Te x^-I eTJ^TucyT- eKoX (tee iAnrto-*-

itajojpu e]neca3c rtee juluoo^ .

eccoTli itee] ijLnpH ecf^^oTe itee il

6ojUL niJUL ex]^.^ep^.^"OT10 ^.V^cjok] e^p^-i en^-K^fnoc rtK^-poii. expi.

it^.]T euvenHJUL<L ijLnex,i-*J^-^Ppoc :

. . . .]eite^.xKcju iteXooXe i"onro)

. . . x]^uj n2>epJUL<Lrt -fonrco efi.oX

12 KXO X02.0[X]X^.JULIXHC :

KTo itxeKxo on xe enen^.T epovii 1 exex^^.[ei] em^t got ^xo2^oXX^.julix[hc]

eccoxn Masp., onrel xe itxooxc itxecjui.i.^.T eccoxunxooxc itxenx^-cxnoc iNiing. 134, b. m. no. 192 8^

[nep]cjoonf] nepuj Masp., nppcjuoT b. m. no. 192 ce] b. m.

no. 192, cm Masp. 8'' [U^.XX^.K]h] B. M. uo. 192, ^^,X^.KK

IMasp. 9^ e^oX] Masp., cm Miug. 137 itoe] Ming. 137, oni

Masp. no-*] n^-nf Masp., Ming. 137 9^ eitecojc . . . npn]sic Masp., Gk., ClteCCUC rtOG JULnpH ecCOXU hoe JUL-

nOOg^ Ming. 137 10' e^p^,I] Masp., cod. Par. 44, oni Ming.

146 KTnoc] KHFIOC Masp., Ming. 146 K^-pOIA.] K^.pi.1^.

Masp., KOpI^. cod. Par. 44, K^-pT^. Ming. 146 lO' en.],JULn. Masp., Ming. 146 10^ ... . Glte] XG 61X6 Hasp.,

xerte Ming. i46 10"^ . . . x^tjo] i,nf(jo ene ^.x.S.a3 Masp.,

^.Tfcu xerte ^.x^a3 Ming. i46 ^^^P-^^*^"] ^lasp., Krixe

IVring. 146 11^ eirt^.'f ] Ming. 146, ad ^.TCO Masp. 11^

iine] Ming. 146, JULUenX^. Masp. eiJULe] Miug. 146,

JUtepiXq Masp. 12^ KXO] cod. Par. 43, ad itXGKXO Masp.12- on] om Masp. Crte] en<L Masp.

vii 1' exexn^.] nxex^^. Masp.


Cant.^^ _ _ _

vii T^.! ecrtHY rtee rtrtexopoc itijLn[i.peju.B.oXH

Tojeepe ^^.iULm^.2i^.. An[oT]x[<L6ce ca.


(2) itxcjooj rlrtoTKe^Te e''[o rlee n^^en

^opjuLicKoc e^.'rx^.JULi[ooT ^itcTix

2 TOT^xne eco iiee itoTK[p.LXHp eqcyex

ojCJOT ecjuLe^ rlHpri

^Hxe eqo rtoe itoTX^.[xJU.e itconro ec

T"ooE.e ^[oTKpmon3 epexoifeK[i.e citxe o nee juLnjuL^.c cn^.'r

rt2^^.T[peeT rt6^.^ce

4 n[0TJUL^.K2>

19 -ye^'so

noT]6^cg^. e-tfo itoe ijLnn[nfproc juLnXi

E.^.rtoc eqCTuocyx [e^onrrt e^p^.c rl


5 Tonr^.ne eco ijLnK^.piui[HXoc ^ixao^.TO) n^o) itT-oY<Lne e[qo itee rioTXH6e

OTpo e^-nrKA-^-q ^ijLn[<Lp<L2^pojULic

6 T^vA.nH ^.cc^. ^m^.I [^.-jfco A.cx^.xpo

7 T"0'ifAjLnxito6^T-e ^"^.I ^^tJ^To'^frpvc^H

^.cojuone ecxttTcoit exrin[e -ltcjo noTeKiE.e enecjULA^^.

1^ rljuLn.] flejULn. Masp. i^ Too-ire] toot Masp.l"' Ot] om Masp. 2^ CCO] eqO Masp. 2'^ eCJULe^itHpu] eqjuie^ ftepajTe Masp. 2^ x^.^-JULe] xoxjuieMasp. 3 This verse, which is a repetition of iv 5 a, is om in Masp.4=^ eq^] excTTMasp. 5^ eco] ad itee Masp. 5' n^tjo]

nqCJO Masp. 5^ n[^.p^.2^poJULIc] Masp., RA-XxeJULIC :

n^.pA.2ipOJUlIC cod. Par. 43, ^^^.p^.rtOJULOC cod. Par. 44

7^ XOnrJW..] eXOTJUL. Masp. 7- ^.c] eA.C Masp. [^.T(JO


Cant. ^

vii 8 ^.Ya3 ^.Vxooc xe ^"n^ooXe e^p^fi eTnenT^.^.iUL^.^T"e fiecjUL<L [exxoce

iteXooXe :

^.yuo necToi ^icy^.^.^tTe eqo nee j3L[n]e

CToV juLnxXiLne^ :

9 4.'(JL3 TOTajoTcoE.e eco ite[e] juLnnpn ex

ni.rtoTq eq^uLoooje [ejp^.'rq ixnA-

con enrcoonr'Tlt :

qrto'TJUL ^^f^^cnoxoY iJLh^^.o^,e.

10 ^.noK -faj]ooR ix^^.co^ : ^.tcjo qrt^.

Kxoq] epoi-

__ /^^11 ^.JULOT mJi] n^.cort itxitfiajK e^oX excco

12 rlTTtonfCJOj^j ^KUJJULH^-

tt'Tltcyopuri e

^oX eijLliUL^. iteXooXe expert^.'v xe

ene^Llf-S-tw iteXooXe 'foyoj

A.TCX3 erte^.nK]oTnp -fonrtu

^.nfo) n^co fi^jepJUL^-rt e^]e^.'^f'fonrco

ein^L-f nn^-GKiKe ^^.K ^JiX ^JUL]^. exjuLJULi.v

^e^JUL^.n2.p^.KCJopoc ^.'^f't] juLneTcxoi

13 Ice

nO']eKlRe eneCJUl^^] om Masp., kul ot ixaa-roi aov tol? jSoa-Tpv-

(TLV Gk. 8^ OoXe] ^.Xe Masp. 8^ ROe] n^.pee Masp.

8^ aj^.A.rtT"e] OjitTe Masp. 8^ ijLnX.] JULX. Masp. 9^

^.nfuo] om Masp. 9^ cq] Gt Masp. 10^ ^"^1 eqn^.

Masp. 11 ^^.I] Ming. 146, om Masp. 12^ [ofUO]^] Masp.,

ajUOne Ming. 146 KCOJULh] itKCJOJULK Masp., Ming. 146* 12'^

ejuLJULiL] :\rasp., juLjul^. Mint:. 146 eTpen^-v] expertrti--*

Hasp., Ming. 146 12^ ene] Ming. 146, om Masp. 12^ Gfte]

pr xe Masp. KOTHp] K^rUp Masp. 12^ it^CJo] Xe Gft-

e^-T^tJo Masp. ene^.T] om ]\iasp. 12'' [JUL^.^2^p^.Kcu-

poc] Masp.


Cant,viii 20 recto

1 niJUL ^e^"]rt^.^-^.^.K rt^-i n^,cott eK[ca3

elaJ^,^^e epo]K ,i.oX it'fn^.'fco ^.ri

e-fnei elpcoK

^.-^cu fice^^.]cIJCOcy^- ^.rt ne :

2 -f It^.^.JUL^.2;T]e JULJULOK TAXl'TK e^OTrteitHi fl]x^.JUL^.^.'y :


^.'^fa3 e]KoX ^^XJL^Hpn KftK^o? it^epJULiT.

^.TO) TJeqoifrt^jUL n^.,a3X6^epoi4 A.ix^.plKexHnr'TTt itojeepe ileiXHjm.

^]rt(5ojUL ixriitrtojuLTe rlxcuoaje

e-rpexe'TTirtej^jCe rix^.v^.^K

^-'ifoj rtxeTTiTonfnocc aJ^.n'Tcp^[rt^,c

5 niJUL xe T^i ecrtHT e^p^-i eco'[oaj

XHpc eccyonfojonf juljuloc e[xjULneccon

i-ixoiTtock ^^.poq fiT^[cjo . . .

eirt^.'f rlrt^.eK^Ke rt^.[K ^^wxx^^ crxXxx^^r

6 K^^^JT hoe rioYcc^pA.ric [^ixjuLneKCT^oi

rtee ttOTcci)p^.vic |i}Ln[eK2,HT"

viii 1^ gk] Masp., e-rpeK z. d20 1^ i~co] cgmeMasp.1^ n^-cy] rt^. Masp. 2^ od] too) Masp. 2^ci" ri^jHne]

c-f2,Hne Masp. 2^ nk] neK Masp. r JULit] ^.nfo) ^nMasp. 4^ T^-V.] T^-^-V. Masp. 5^ eCItHnr] eXItH-T

Masp., Ming. 140 5^ ^.l] 'f It<L Masp. _^^.pOq nT^O) . . J^^-ueKJULepoc . ^JUL^. nT^-ci-uJuo juljl.ok n^Hxqit.(rr TenT-^-cxuoK n.JUL^. nx^-cxnoK it^^HTq ncTi

TeKJU^.^.^,T Masp. 5^ em^,] 'f m, Masp. This liue is oiii

in Gk. 6^ 8j^] &J^JU^ ^^asp.


Cant. _ _viii xe T"^>v^.nH x^.xpHv n[ee julujulot

ttecJUL^.^ exKHT ^Jlxinxice enro it

ee ito'jfKuo^T^ :

7 onfjuLoo** (^ e[rt^.aja3q nqr[^.cycu^XJL

^-nfo) ^en[iepuooT ftcen^-ocyjuic ^.It

epcL^^.^[^paoJULe "f" jULneqKioc THpq ct

^ex4.[r^.UH ^^o'^ccocy ce^^.co^8 'Te]ncco[rte o-^fKonri tg ^.nfCJO juLjuuteKiKe juljuloc

20 verso

Of] 6e ne e'T^n^.^.^.q rt['Tnca3rte

^JlXne^oo'* exo')f[rt^.a^^.xe ex^HRXc9 eojzeonfco^T" 2\e Te [TTln^.Kcoxe e

poc ii^ertexK it2,[<i.T

^^tuo ecyxeo-cpo Te T[n<L'f" epoc it

,eitc^.nic itcLje it[Ke2^poc

10 eic^HHxe ^.rtoK ^.ivro'yc[oET ^^f

uo nz.eKi^e ^^nTpvoc [ne

^.noK ei2>^neq^^.X ^coc ein[A.2je e'f

11 pHrtH^' onr juL^. iteXooX[e ^.qojto

ne itcoXojULcjurt 2^to'ifJUL[^. xe ^^.

eXi.JUL(jurt ne.

pr ex Masp. 6*^ OTKtJO^T^] O'^f^'^^ itKUO^^T Masp.

7^ e[rt^.cLja)q] en^.cLjcjocoq Masp. 7^ ^en] n Masp.

[ocgiXc ^.^] Masp. MS. no. 3, cLjcjuojijL ^.rt it^"^.^.^^.^H

ib. MS. no. 1 8' ne CTTi] neXOT Masp. 9^ 2.e] om Masp.

9^ Xh] nexe Masp. 10- ^^UTpvoc] ^ennHpvocMasp., ^ertn-sfpvoc z. 420 11- coXojULoon] coXojuLort

Masp. 1 r^ nej om Masp.


Cant. _viii i.qi" AjLneqjuL^. iteXooXe n[nex

2,<Lpe^ epoq.

npojjuLe ^^.eIrte ^^.neqK4.[pnoc jul

JULHT ficLje itg^^-X.

12 ^^.]JU^.^. iteXooXe juLn^-JuLTo e.oX.

itojo n4i-c]oXojuLajn ne

iiajHT" it<Ln]c"Tpoeic ne eneqK^-pnoc13 nex^JULoo]c ^itKTnoc eperteK

cij.ee]p t^THV eneK^^pooT :

^.itoK ^o) JUL]^.pica)'TXJL epoq .

14 nuoT nA.co]ri itvpnecAJLox ^ot^T^^ceH otJULi^c rieioJTX ^izrtnxo'reiH riri

ctjonre n2jH[!te

21 rectoSap. _

i 1 JULepex2iiK]A.ioc'jfnH nexKpme juLnK^.[^

^.pmJU^.eeT]e juLnxoeic ^oTJULrvT^.^^-[eoc

nxe'Trt]ajme itccoq ^otAJ^^VT^^^n\o[^fc

itxelnexn^HT- :

/juLJULoq ^.n

2 xe] cg^.T^e epoq h(fi itexe ficenip^.^e

aj^jqonftuit^.^ [e.]oX rlriexe rtceo it^-T

ti^^^Te ep[oq A.]it:


3 ajA.pen]iULee')f[e r^.]p eooov nopxoT enitoT

^.nrco "Te]q(5ojuL [elxoTon^.^^ e.oX ajA.c

xnie] rt<LeKT"

11 neqK.] uqr. Masp. 12^ coXoAxuDit] coXojutoit

Masp. 12^ nojHT"] pr ^^'4U0 Masp. K^.p^Oc] VA-pflOC

Masp. 13'^ [oj^eep] ajfi.ep Masp. 'f^TH-y] i~ri2jT"HT

Masp. YIGK] nK Masp. 14^ tVTp] riKep Masp. 14

[ojonre rl^H]rte] cyoT^nrie iMasp.

Sap. i 2^ O-JfCJOn^.^;] OT(J0n^ 2^e Lag. 3" OnfOTl^.^]

OnfOn^ Lag.


SAPIENTIA I 4-11 61Sap. ,

i /ec^^ooT4 xe JULepelxcocJ)!^. ^(x>k e,0Yrt gt^txIh

onf^.e] Ju[e]co'ra)^ ^cojaa^. rtpeqp[no^e

5 nen]ni. v^.p exonr^.^.^ nxcoc^i^. aj[^.qncjox

e^oX ttKpoq :

A-TO) cyi.qonfe juLAJLOKJULeK rt[nA.eHX

^.nfco cy^.qx^IeTTxmc^b[^c eqajA.rtei

G OTJUL^-ipcjoJULe r^-p ue ne[rm2. .xco4)ii.

^^fuo r[qrt<LXJUL<Liene[. . . .

cnoxonr :

xe nito-jfTe ne njuLTi[xpe rtiteq6xoxe^.Ttjo nexjuLOTc^ n<L[juLe juLReq,HT"^.'a3 nexctJO'TJUL n^-[

7 xe nrtil ijLUxoeic[ <LqjuLe^xoiKonfjuLenKA-Tcjo nexaja3xn[ juinTHpq eqcoonrn juL

neT^poo[T8 ^.nfco ex^e[n^.i JULrtX^.^.T n^^^^^ eqaj^.xe

^^o''x[jn6onconfT^e itqn[^.pKoX ^-rt exeKpicic eTHHir

9 cen^.6'ijLn[cL)ine v^.p juLnajoxrte iin^.


21 I'crso

11 i-Tto i"co ene'rRXi.c e^oX[g^XK^.^"^.X^.XI^.

xe JuutoTCLj^.xe eqajonfe[n" rt^-^cjon

oifT^-npo 2^e ecxicTbX aJ^.cx^.[Kexe^TXH

5^ JULJ ilJUL Lag. 6^ Rlt^] Always so written also in the

Turin codex, though Lagarde has always extended it, Lag. p. 65 n.

6' ne[. ..]

nxioT^. ^.n ^fi rteq Lag. 6*' r\^.jyL[. ..]

eueqX^.c Lag. 7' nitZ.] nemtl. Lag. 7- cyoj . .


ojcon ijLnT[Hpq e]qcooTn xx. Lag. 8' ^^'fuo] om Lag.

S-'' [rtHv] itriH'* Lag. doubtfully, V. not. ad loc. 11" 2ie] om Lag.

62 SAPIENTIA I 1211 2

Sap.i 12 juLnpKto^ 2ie enjuLOT n:rteT.[. . .

^^H-ye nne'Tn[(^]x

13 xe ijLnenrio'VTe[. .]^.rtenjuLOT^ ^

oT2^e itqp^.cge ^.rt [exljuLnT[^.Ko flrtexoitg^

14 itx^-vcom-oY r^-p THpoT [expe'sftTcb cy^.KoX^.-jfcjo expeTOTX<Li n6Ti] fic(jo[rfr juLnKocjULoc

juL]iXhn<L^pe juLjuloy 2j^T?T[

oicK]e juLJUuvrepo fixe ^>.iJ^^^.Te [^izZJinK^.^,

15 X2^IK]A.I0CTnH VA-p O'V^.XJULOT XGiG rt^^ce^Hc 2i]e ^ne-y^Tz JULnne-^cy^.xe

^.Tcoxnlq It^.T

^--sfx^-^^q n^.-*] itojjSHp ^.E.a5X e^oX :

^.'^cjULirte ito'2^]i^.eHKH ruuLJUL^.q xe ce

juLncy<i. rtx]JULepic juLnexiJLJULA.T :

ii 1 ^.-rxooc vA-p eAlTJULeexe ^^P^" n^KxoT ^oTcooTxlri ^.rt :

xe oTKOTi ne] uert^.^^^ eqiuie^^ riX^rnH

^.'rto ijLJULrtixxo]n ajoon ^jXiinjULOT juL

npojJULe ]

/xeoY2^e juLurtcoTitoY^ eA.]qei e^p^.i ^/^A-iXTt

2 xe itx^,rtaJa5^e enne]xajoYeix/ue

juutitctuc ettn^.pee itnlexeJuLUOYOjco

xe oTK^^urtoc ne nniq]e ex^aji.nxrt :

12^ 2^e] (Te Lag. nnex ] ^it xenX^.H JuL

Lag. 12^ OOn^.^] OJn^ Lag. 13^. . ^.rte] XAJULie

Lag. 14^ rix^.'if] fix ^,q Lag. 14^ i?&HXOf ] pr

^p^,I Lag. M'^ JUL] om Lag. llxt] fl Lag. IG'^ ItJUL-

JU^.^.q] ^eJUL^.q Lag.


Sap,ii ^^t(X) oT-fK ne naj^.xe exKiJUt] g^uert^^HX :


22 recto

^.nfo) ^]ert^.,e n^.0Teirte itee n[o'KXooXe^.-rco qrtl^xcjoujpe e.oX itee rto[Trtiqe

e^.q^]aoX e^oX 2^I'Tr(rt^.K^-m ijL[npK

^.nfco e^.]xeq^^JULe ^pocy exuoq :

5 oY^^.iK]ec v^-p e^.coTeirte ne nertoTo[eicy

^.^fco JULrtKXo ctjoon ^JXjLuertJULOT :

xe ^.TXOJcojS-e pcooT ^.nrco rlrleX^.^.T KT"c[q

G ^.juLHei'fri 6e itxnxcioit nfi^-r^.eon


/rtTJULItT^peitTrixP^ ri[xe]KXicic ^ov^eriH h[ee

7 JUL^.pn[x]ci[ott i\]Hpv\ ert^.no'rq it^ert

ctxmoTqe] :

_ /n4-HR _^.-jfo) [juLUpxpelfc^.^,^-^ ii6T ItK^vp^[oc jul

8 JULA-tprti" excjon] h^enKkojUL rionfe[px e

_ A*-i?Tfart^9 JULUpxpeX^.^.Y juLJULon cyuoue juL[n.oX nriert

JUL^-phK^-onfCTJUiKoXK ttO'yno[q ^^Jjljljli^ itiJUL

xe T^.y Te xeitJULepic A.nfco [uenKXnpoc

ii 4^ p] ep Lag. 4^* rtA-KTIIt] ^^.K^-m Lag. 5^ ^^.p]om Lag. 5^ JUUt] JULJULft Lag. ^^] JjL Lag. 5


pCJOOT] epUOOT Lag. KXOq] KOXq Lag. 6^^ XJULttT.^.]OTJULn.X.S.. Lag., veoTt-jTL Gk. 7^ ft^^en] ^I Lag., Kat ixvpMV

Gk. 8^ onrepx] O-ifpT Lag. 9^ Cy] om Lag.

C-JfJUL.6l0Xh] CTAJL^OtXh Lag., (Tvix^oXa Gk.


Sap.ii 10 OT^KKe il2^IK^I0C [iULi-prtXI'TCJ it(^itc

ofT^e ijLUpTpert'fco [exe^npA.A.'jfcu ijLnpxpencLjme [^ht"ot nnecKiJUL

11 JUL^-pexert(^jUL ctjci3n[e n^.rt ilrtojuLoc K2iiK

TJULitnr6a3^ 2^6 eaj^.c[ . . .

12 Jui^.pri6a3pdren2N.iK[A.ioc xe qjULOKg^ ep

^picToc nA.n[

^.tuo cff oT^e [rtert^^HTe

qnocrfte(5^juL[jULort ilrtenitoRe ^I'TXiinrtoJULoc

^.'yao qo'i[(jong, e^oX rirtertrto^e ^.I'rri

13 qxcjo ijLJUL[oc xe i'coo'vn juLnitoTTe

iLJ-jfuj qetipe ixjULoq itcynpe juLnxoeic

14 ctj'^l^St^^^ ^^^ eYxnio nnertJuieeTe

22 verso

^&opaj rt]4.rt eit^LT epoq :

15 xe ijLnjeq^ioc eine ^.rt juLn^.o'vort n[iJUL

^.nfuo] neq^^ioov ceojo^e :

16 en]Hn itxooxq n^ertxoo'VT'l

[/^Ki-OA-pCI^.A.nf]a5 qc^.^H'^f e^oX rittett^ioo[Te nee itni

q]JUL^.K^.pI^e ite^.H itri2^iK<Lioc

[/n]rtofrTe^.j-sfcjo qajo-yojoT juLjuLoq xe n^.eiuox ne

10- 0T2^e] om Lag. 11^ 2.e] ^^-p Lag., yap Gk.

eaj^.c[ . . .

.]e cy^Yxnioc ^uoc ^>.^"aJ^.'^f Lag., axpr](TTov

eAeyx^Tat Gk. vers. 12-22 in Eiirian Bruchsliicke, but as his text is

derived from a liturgical work aud seems to he an independent translation,

the numerous varied readings have not been noticed here 15

2;I00nf] ^lOOTe Lag.


Sap.ii 17 JUL^.prt^^.'c xe ^^ertjuiee ne neqaji.xe :

A-Tco ri'friJUL.LK^.pi^e nT-eq2,^.H

18 eojxe n2i.iKA.ioc r^-p ne ncijHpe juLnitoTxe

qn^-cyoTiq epoq :

q]itA.rti-^JULeq exooxoT [rtrte]Ti" [onf^lnq

19 JUL^pen^exA-^e JULJU-oq [g^^^enojuulcy julTl ^eii

/2AKB.<LCA.rtoc xeKA.c en[eeiJULe exelqiULm"

^.nfloj it'rrt2^oKiJULA.^e fi[xeqjULm"2^A.]paj^Kx

20 JULA.]prtT^ioq ^o-sfjuLonr eqcH[cij

cenA-l^juLueqajme VAp Ki.XA. rteqcy^^xe

21 nz.1 ^.nfjjuLeeTe epooT a.'tuo A-TcuopjuL :

22 A.'^oj ijLnonfco'jf]ri juLiUL'rcxHpioit juLnrtoT

juLnonrnicxenrle enx^-io itrie^'^fXH it

/t^ko23 ze nrtonrxe A.q]clrrnpa3JULe e-yjULitT^.T-

i.'jftw ^.qxA-iULioq] eT^iKKcort jULneqesrte:

24 ^uec^eonoc 2^.e] juLn2.iA.KoXoc A-njuLov

ei e^oyti euKocjjuLoc :


(25) ]4.XJULepic iXneTJUL

/xeiii 1 rteil^-yx" ^^ rtri2^iKA.ioc eY]^x6Tx iinnov

17^ ,ertJULee] ^^juLJute Lag. 17^ juLA.K^pi^e] nei-

p^^e Lag., TTCLpacrwixev Gk. 18'^ [ql^^] ^q Lag. CT.]rix. Lag. 19^ JULA-pert] JULA^pri Lag. 19-^ 2.0KIJULA.^eJGk. boKi,fxaaoL>ixev SA, hiKaain^xev B 21" K^KI<LJ ad "r4Lp Lag.,

Gk. 22^ n2^IK.] itX2^IK. Lag. 23^ cTtt] CajnT" JUL

Lag. 23- ef^IKKCOn] peih. T should read T. ^n eiKCUrt Lag.

iii 1^ nonfTe] XOeiC Lag.



Sap.iii ^.-JTOJ JULrt^^.c^.rtoc ftxe niuio]T n^-xcw^, epooT2 ^.rpee nnem-^.'^fJULO' juLnejuiTlo e^o\ ttn^-OKX :

_ /W\3 ^.TOJ neT^ojK e^oX ^ito]oxh e'[o'va5

itTooT 2^6 cecyoon ^oTeipH]nH-

23 rec^o

/nrtp[aJAxe4 K^-ft enfaj^.]rtKoX^.^e XJLiULOOY JuLnejuLxo [e^oX

TeT^eXnic] xkk e^oX nuort^.^ :

5 itx^-nf-fcStJo] n^-T ^oTKoVi e'JfIt^.p^en^[oc^"

xe nrtoTTe ^.q^Ip^-^e XjLjuloot ^^^^e e

poonr eTJuLnctj^. JuLjULoq :

G ^.q2.oKIJUL^.^e ajLjuloot itee itoTrtoT^. ^^.qojonoT epoq itee n2,en(0\iX noTci^..

7 ^7.ne'JfoeicLj JULneT6'ijLncyme cen^-poToiri

ncencox itee ri^enxiK ^oTpoove :

8 cen^-Kpme rifl2^IK^-Ioc rlce^.JUL^.^^"e e


/^^^^.nrto nxoeic n[^.ppp]o e^p^-V excjoonr cyA.e

9 neTnA-^^Te ep[oq] cen^.confJtTAxe

_ _ _/&HT-q^.T]a3 juinicxoc ^rtx^.v^.^H cec^joajx [eEioX

3^ About four more letters are required to fill the lacuna [^ITO]-

OTTl] ^ITOOXOT Lag. 4" 0511^^] twn^ Lag. 5^

^o-*] ii^en Lag. 5^ ^.q i^] nenT^.q Lag. 6^

2^oKiJULA.^e] :^o(^lJUL^^^e Lag. 7^ nee] cert^. Lag.

TIK] i"K Lag. 8^ ii2^IK^-IOc] ^en^eOttOC Lag., edvT] Gk.

8^ n.X.] ^rlX. orig., but the,erased laler Lag. 8^' Glte^,]

nierte^ Lag. 9^ ce] n^. Lag.


Sap. _iii xe OYftoTX^pic JULnoTitA. n4Lcijajn[e it

neqcaoTTi :

10 n]^.ce^Hc 2^e itxoo-r k<lt-^ nenT[i.-rjuLe

ete epooT cen^.xi n[oT]F[nn"iJUL!i.

it]^,i itx^T^.JULe[X]i en2^iK[^ioc

^-l-rc^-^jCJUoT eKoX ixnxoeic

11 olfeKiHrt v^.p ne ne'Tcuo[cyq itxco^)!^. juui

TJeT^^eXnic cyo-veix ^.Tcp [neT^^ice JuCh

12 njeT^iojuLe ^em^oKT [ne i-TO) neTojHpe

^ennonHpon [ite

^.-^Icjo qc^oTo[p]T [rt(5T ne-jfzno

13 x]e n^.i^.'Tc n[oTi-(TpHrt ejULnecxcoxXJL

JUL]neccoTri[juL^. rtoKO'TK ^^onrnofi^e

c]en^.zi v[^-p ito-TK^-pnoc ^^u^juLncyine nn[e^IfT^H

14 i.'rlcjo o'cio['rp eJULuqp^.noJULI^. ^rteq^x

23 verso

/nicTiccejit^-f r^-p it^.q rtonrx^^pic n[c(joTTi ^i^^eqA.'clcw onrKXHpoc en^-ito-yq ^^[nepue JuLn^ioeic

15 qlx-LiHY v^>p itcTT nK^.pno[c nit^ice exKA.rto'yo'r :

[/ShxA.-roj cx^.2!:pHT n6T xnoTn[e rtxJULn]xp[JUL n

16 riajHpe 2^e nnoeiK 2^encij[^.]p^.^e ne :

12^ nonHpon] nonnpoc Lag. is^ [ejuinecxcoxXi]eJULn(e)CJULIce cod. Tur., of. not. ad loc. Lag. 13" JULHeC-

conrn] x^i exe ijLnccovn. Lag. 16^ nnoeiK] futno-eiK Lag.

F 2


Sap.iii ^.Tfoj qn^.qa3Te e^oX ti6X necuepjut^. ne

e^oX ^oTrlKo'Tk iJL^^.p^.^oJu^.on

17 eTcy^.npoTito^T'vi-p itA.^e eT^t^.oTIO'r eX<L

18 eojcone on eTcxjA.rtjuLOT eto naj^.pA.,e e

juLhT^.T 2^eXn[ic ijL]juLi,T

2^6 _ _ _ _onrcoXcx juLne,oo[T juLn]eT(5"juLncyme

19 o^.H v^-p ^ooT rlT[vene]4. ripeqxm(5or[civ 1 nl^-rtonr oTJULnT.i.TajHpe ^^oT^.peT[H

crluon^ v^-p nexcgoon ^^5jLnecpnjUL[ee're

ze] conrofi^ e^oX ^^.TXJL^noTxe iXtn rl

pcojULe :

2 cy^.'vx]rtx[a3]rtoT epoc ecJuLneiJUL^. :

z,nfU3 cijA.'rci)i]rte ncuoc ecajA.nRa3K :

ueKXo]jUL ^ixcjoc :

_ _ /eajxpo e[poq

eA.cx^.2^po juL]nA.vaort rt^^.oXon e'Te[juLe'r

3 njULHHcye v^-p] itxno n^-ceEiHC ^^-pclj[^.Y ^.It

^^f{X) hT(X)6e] RrtoTX n^.xertoYne ^.[rt euojiKe

16^ ne] om Lag. 16^ Onf] ad JUL^.it Lag. HA-p^.-

nojuLon] ^^-p^.rtoJULoc Lag. 17^ po-vrtocT] [cyojne]

nito(5"Lag. eX^.^>-'r] e'rX^.^.'^f Lag. 17' jultvt^Xo]^eXniC Lag,, yr]pas Gk. eTCHCy] eCCHCy Lag. 18'^

_ 2^6 _eJULItTA-T] JULm-Onr Lag. 18^ o'ccoXcx] 0-^2^6

oTfcoXcA Lag. xxne^.] ^XJL ne^. Lag. net] n Lag.

19' itpeq] itppeq Lag.

iv 2^ [cg^**] cQJ- Lag., cy^*^ <^o^- Tur. 2* [neKXoJAx]

conj. Lag., neCKXoJUL cod. Tur prob. not room here for TieC

2^ it^^.eXort] n^.eXon Lag. 3^ rtnonrz] rtoxx Lag.



OToTi^e ilcertA.]x^.xpo ^.rt ^cnxe ec[. . .

4 Ki.n e'Tcyi.n'f oj-ro) rt^enKX^.2^oc [npoc onro

eicy e^.'rei e^]pi.["i] eTXoo^e

cen^-KijuL epooT ^^itTiIo-ctht nce[nop

6 certi.^(jopR rt6T neK>\<L2.]oc exeJuLn[oT

^.nfo) ueTK^-pnoc o''^,xaJ]^.T ne ijLn[

c. 14 Ipa^'f ^[rt eX<L<LT

24 rec^o

6 JULnA.]pLrtoJULort :

ceni.ajcjo]Re JuLjuLhxpe rxxnopni^L it

ne'veioTe] ^^JULueTf^juincyme

/oTJL.T[ort7 U2.[j]ka.i[oc] 2.e eqcy^-itJULOT qrt^.ciju3n[e ^8 TJUurx^Xo v^.p ^.rt exT"^.iHT ue o[Tno(r'

o'2^e rto-r^.ajH ^.rt itpojULue xe :


9 A-XX^. xjuLnTpjuLrt^jHT ne necKiJU. rl

A-Tco T-JuuvT^^Xo UG oT^.^e rt<LTrto.e :

10 e^.qp^.rt^.q XJLnnoTxe ^.qoT^cyq :

A-nfo) eqoit^ itTJULHxe nnpeqpno^e :

11 ^.ntnoorteq e^oX xe rlrteTeqKi.Ki^. aj[i

j&e fiT-eqjULitT^<LX2,HX :

3^ ^^] R Lag. ec . . .] ecOpZ Lag. The remains of the first

lost letter show it was not O but prob. X 4^ OnfO)] ad V^p Lag.

4^ tht] thot Lag. 5^ JuLuf jpOJA.'r] 6 'juLnqvi.... e'vojuLq ^.nftjo nqp cij^.t Lag. 6^ noprti^.] no-

nnpi^. Lag., TTovriptas Gk. 7 qrtA.] eqn^. Lag. 8^

TJUlHT".] pr tl Lag. 11^ gSoX] ad ^.TTOpUq Lag.

Teq] X Lag. 1 f ^A-X^^HX] pjULit^^HX Lag., (rvv(Ti,v Gk.


Sap. _iv m~eneKp[oq] ^.n^.T-<L rtTeqil^TXH -

12 xjuurreiepj^oone v^.p eneeooT cy4.[c

cgi^e rtrtexn^-ftoTOT :

^^f^x) TeneoTJULIA. itnpeqccopAJL cy[A.c . . .

ne n^HT n!t^A.X2jHT :

13 ze ^.nfpxeXioc koykoVi:

^.qxcwK e.oX n2;enoTo[eicy ertA-cyojoT

14 necpA.nA.q v^-p JULnxoei[c it^T Teq^TXHeT^emJi ^.qncox eS.oX ^itrtxJULHxe it

TnortHpiA. :

itX^-Oc itxepoTnA-T ijLn[oTrtoi

0T2^e ijLuoTKA.iiA.1 ^^n[et^RT[/CCJOTTTI

15 xe onrno'rX'^pic iXh ^^[rtX n^-ojajue itneq^.nfco oT(^ijLncLjirte n[rteqnexoTA.A.^

16 n2^iKA.ioc 2^e eq[jULOT qit<LX(5XieKA.

ceRhc eT"[ort2>

[/(5enH^.ifuo oTCL)Hp[eajHJUL eA.qx(JOK e^oX ^ovqnA.T(rXio n[xijurT^Xo JuLnpeqxitt^Tofic

17 cenA.n^T [v^-p enjuioT nitcoc{)oc

itc]eTJULn[oi xe itxA-qjULeenre epoq eoT

24 r67^50

19 JuCn]itc<LiiA.i cenA-OjCJoue e'y[2^Ton eqcHoj

11^ fixe] pr H Lag. 12^ eneooov] nrteooo-r Lag.

12^ eneenfJULiA.] euienfjuLi^. Lag. cy4.[c. . .] ne u^hx]perh. ajA.cneene ; ajA.c . . . . n e4>HX Lag. 12^ rlrt^A.X-

^Kx] itriA. .... Lag. 13^ ze at] e A.q Lag. rt] ^nLag. 13^ ^q] CtjA.q Lag. 14^ jri] It Lag. 14

Xa.Oc] ad 2^e Lag. 16^ eq] eXA-q Lag. le'^ X(5XlO

it] X^rlie Lag. 19^ n<Ll] n^-I Lag.



Sap.iv ^.nfluo enfccjocy ^rtrtexjuLooTf[x cy^Lene^

x]e qn^.p^.2;T"OT exIi.nei'L^o encea]laj<L[2$e A.rt

rtqKiJUL epooT zirtTe'ifcn[xe

/pnjuLeenre Ti-Ko

itceajtjone ^0TijLKA.2>2jHX rtTeueT

20 cert^.^ujK etb ri6^.^^HX g^nepujuLeeire

rlTenenfi.rtojULi^L xnioonr juLneqiixo e^oX :

V 1 xoxe U2^iK^..ioc nA.^.,ep^.xq ^^onfn^.p

pHci^. eni.aj(joc iineJULXo e^oX iflne"

T^-nreXi^e juLjULoq :

2 rtenx^.T^.oexi rtneq^ice 2cert^.n^.T nceajxop

nceucu^ exr\xjULoei[^le juLue'yo'rx^.I

3 itcezooc ^p^-i it^HTOT enfju.eT^.rtoi :

^.l^o) eTA-cgA.2^ojuL exKen^^tJox XineTurtl.

xe] mJi ue enenca3.e ncojq ijLnio'oei[cy

eqlojoon ^^.rt juL^A.p^.S.oXK i\.no6ne6^ii

4 ertujn] JULn[elq^-^e e'jfoXi^e ^.nfoj neqjuLo-jf ct

5 flA.cL)n2,e A.-cjonq ^ncynpe JuLnrtonrTe

A-^fuu neqKXjHpoc ^^exo'r^.^.^ :

19- CCOOj] CCOCLjq Laj?. 19"' ITCt] ftenf Lag. 19^

it^^HX] om Lag. 20'^ Fieq] neT Lag.

V l'^Onf]ad rtOfTjULLag. n^.ppHCI^.] U^.p^HCI^. Lag.

2^ nenX^.T] pr ^.TCO Lag., Ciasca 2^ UeT] Ueq Lag., Ciasca

3- ^-'VO)] Lag., om Ciasca ^tJOX] XcJOZ^ Lag., ^OX^eXCiasca 3^ UG eiteit] Ciasca, H G Heit Lag. 3^ ft


Lag., ^noit Ciasca, who begins ver. 4 liere 4 oXjfi^eJ

Ciasca, Xl^G Lag., fxavtav Gk. 5^ ^.nfOnq] Lag., i-qCUUCiasca

?'2 SAPIENTIA V 6-11

Sap.,, _ _ /"TJUie

V 6 eie nx^.rtnX]A.rt^. nxoo-rit eKo\ ^xe^m n

_ _ /^

^.yuo npH ijLn]eqnipe ^^.tt :

^.n^coK ^^enl^iooTe iix^.Ie ejULeTJULoo

eye it^jHTOT]

xe^iK iinxoeic JuLn]itco'ra3itc :

8 nT^-cf^HT iiiAort Rot] itcrf xijurrx^ci2,HTK XAxnTpX.AXi.o iXn TJULrtrf^^.^epa3JULe it

9 ^.rtH THpoT oTeme rtee n]oT2,A.VKec^.tixi itee itoTco e^qn^.pA.]re :

25 rec^o

10 K T-e,iH] iineqxon ^^en^^oeiiUL11 H nee rtoTl^^^-XHT ed-q^cuX e^oX eq[2,ioTe

nn[eq]xrt2> en^.Hp ex^.ctJooT

_ - ^ _ /rafe eq_^HXeqntw^^ AXAXoq it6onc ,JULnoToi eqKi[iUL rtneqiXhitcoJc JU.e-ccrnjuL^.em iineq^cjoX e^o[X

6^ [eie] Ciasca,_eeie Lag. [^tX^-rt] Lag., itXi.T Ciasca,

TrXavrjdr]ixv Gk. riTOOnrn] Lag., UTOOT Ciasca Te^m]Ciasca, Ite^IOOnfe Lag., ohov_Gk.

6^'^ [JuLneq] Ciasca, JULRqLag.


7^ ^n]_ Ciasca, ItLag._

7^ [^^K^enlg^IOOTeItz^.Ie] ^i[xn] nx^Jie Lag., ^nrtertz^.ie ciasca, ep77/xovs Gk.8' [-f^HT] Ciasca, fot Lag^ T-JULnT.] Ciasca, TrtJULItX.


8^ [-f Oy] Ciasca, ad HOT Lag. 9'^ [otuo] Lag., Cy-

cyoeicy Ciasca [e^.q] Lag., eq Ciasca 10' ^Cn] it Lag. Ciasca

omits this line 11'

[h] Lag., ^.TOJ Ciasca ^^.XH^^] Lag.,

^^.X^.^.xe Ciasca e.S.oX] ad e xtLettSh juL^.em iJLneq-^OjX e.S.0X Lag., ad eJULeT^Crt AJL^.ein JuLueq^^CoX ciasca,

who omits rest of vei. 1 1 and all ver. 12 11^ JULG'Sf] G JULe^f Lag.

SAPIENTIA V 12-17 73

Sap. _V 12 K rlee itonrcoxe e^-Trtoxq eucoonfrit

e^.q^^.2>^^wp rtxenritoT ort ^.qTa36e exxiet

coTRxeq^iH :

13 Ti-'i Te ee ^oouort ort G^.TXuoit ^.rtojxri

ijLnen,e eTJUL^.em itit^.pexH eqonroitt^j e^oX

(14) ^p^-i ^IrtxenK^LKiA. A-HT^-Ko:

14 (15) xe eeXuic JuLn^Lce^Hc eco itee no'rttj[^icr'

epenTHT qi JuLjuioq :

/^I'TttOTT-[HT^.Ttw Ree itoY^^A-XoTC eqcyooJULe eA.'-o>\[oq e^oX

^.tuo itoe rtonfK^-nrtoc ^m"HT^o>^[q e^oX

K ile[e JuLnpnjuLeeYe iloTpTiiicrbeiXe Rot

^^ooT noTcox eqn<Lp^.ve :

15 (16) n2.iKA.10c 2^e rtToonr rtA.U3it^ aj[A.enG2,

A.TtJO epeneTKeKe ojoou ^^[nxoeicA.TCO neTpooTcy ^A.TXJLueTXo[ce

16(17) eT-^en^.! cen<Lxi iincA. riT-eif[iXiVTepo

^.TOJ OT6^Hne erteccjo[c] e^oX ^[iToo'xqiinzoeic xe qrtA.pj[<LiE^]ec e[pooT ^TeqoTit^LJUL :

fiqpnA.cyTe n^t |XJLn[eq<^o*i

17 (18) qitA.zi iixuA.it2^ouXiA. [juLueqKtw^,

12^ n^^] Ue^ Lag. 13^ In Ciasca this verse reads thus :

TA.I Te ee rtrten,iooTe jmit ueitzuo- xe XjL-

no-r^e eTJULA.ein It^-pHTe ^iuOUOn and there the MS. ends

132 juLnen] XJLuit Lag. ttitA-p.] rti-p. Lag. eqoToit^,]

eOTOrt^q Lag., the q being a later addition 14^ &P^C ^^

2^e Lag. 14^ TL^*^] &^-'T"HT Lag. 14* A-TCJo] H Lag.

GA.UT-Knf] e A.Y^A.-TH'r Lag. ^OX[q] .oXq Lag. The

^ is obscured by tissue paper used for holding together fragments ;it

looks to me more like ^ than Sl, the 7\ is practically certain 14 HJ

cm Lag., nearly all the line has flaked away 14^ ItOftXJTj

OTUOX Lag. eq] e<Lq Lag. 16^ Xe^] X Lag.



18 (19) qrt^.'f ^^i^^^ ijL(^[a3K flTAiK^-iocrriH

iiq-f ,iX(Joq itT[uepiKe4>^-X^.i<L rtxeKpi

19(20) cic ^.:^2>'^^[oKpICIc^^ ^^'^^

qn^-Zi JuLn^ouXort

exxoop [JuLu'rEfio

20 (21) qit^-zajp n[xcHqe nxeqopvH excyojuox eE.oX

itx]e nKo[cjULoc rtJULJUL^.q juiiaje o'rB.e iii.eKT

25 vei'so

22 (23) ce]rT^.rtonfxe it^^^^X^^^?^ [eTJUie^^ ii

cTcbrTT rtee eE.oX ^Jfto'if^^.[K]a)ne

rIjuloot ite^-X^-cc^. ni^^iJoKc eE.oX [e]xtJo[oT

neilepuooi- rt^.^o.coT ^icrcon :

23 (24) o'rito'nmi. it(T6juL rt^-i" nonr^H'*' :

i\'Teo'^^^'T^{T ctj^.cyoT e^oX:

x^-^oJULIA. rti.pnK^.^ XHpcj itx^-ie :

/rtA.cxHc^.TUL3 nrto^e n^.^cypneeportoc n2^T

vi 1 ccjoTJUL (Te neppuooT itTre'rRitoi

xic^o) npeq-f^^.n e^.pHzq JuLnK^.^ :

2 xicJULH nex^-JUL^-^jTe exnijLJULHHcye :

itexcyoTojonf juLjuloot exririi^-cgH ri^eonoc3 xe rtx^-T-fn^juL^-^Te nnTlt e.oX ^vtJjl

nxoeic :

(4) ^J\tuo x6ojuL ^ixXJLnexxoce ^^,I exn^.aji

17^ eXGKT.] itTeKT. Lag. 18" ^IXCJOq] eXCJOq Lag.

22^ ^^O^COnr] OJULCOT Lag. 23^ nonfE-HT] Q-Jf^HOT

Lag. 23=* ^-^-rtOJULI^.] ad V^-p Lag. 23* ^2^-)^.]rtrt2^'vrt. Lag.

vi 1^ rteppCOOIf] rtepUDOT Lag. 2^ Xi] rtl Lag.

3^ ^JTJW-] pi efi-OX Lag.

SAPIENTIA VI 4-12 75Sap. _vi ite itc^-rtexit^^^HTe rtq^^ox^/r it

c^rtexriojoxne :

_ /PPo4 (5) xe elxexito n^^TnepeTHc rtxeqju.m-

JuLnle'TTiKpme ^o-rcooTTlt :

oT2^e] juLue'Trt^^.pe^ eneqnoiULoc

OT2^e] ixne-rrtJULoocye k<lt^. nojozneijLnitoTxe :

5 (6) OTIlojT^OXe HHT e^p^.I eXCOXTt ^OTCLJCttexe o-rnoTKpilcic ecajcouDX e^oX ni-OjO)

ne rtrtrto6^]

6 (7) itKoVi r^-p JuLn^oj^. rlonr rtl. :

/oT ejuLi.xe

nzcocope 2^e] iixooT ci\^^^e'v^.^e juLjulo

7 (8) nxoeic r^-p ijLnx]Hpq iti-xig^o ^.rt :

oT2^e itqrtA.ajme A.n ^iRxq Rno6^.

xe itKoVi iXh itno5^itx]oq ^.qx^JULioo-r .

^.'^co ort eqqipoo'rcLj ^^.pool/r XHpoT8 (9) itexzoop 2.6 cen^,2^ex^(jo]xoT ejUL[<Lxe


26 recto


10(11) ^"vcjo rtertjX^.nrcE.o epooT cen^-^^e e'r^.[no

11(12) onfleajrti-aj^.xe v^-p nxexitJULepixoT ^.['4uo

itxexrlxic^cjo :

12(13) oToem xe xco4>i^. ejULec^^uocT^ :

4^ ^-rnepexHc] ^TUHpexHc Lag. juatxppo] julRx-

epO Lag. 4^ [onfi.e] OTXe Lag. _j,<^pe^] .^-pe^ Lag.

5^ ^^onfOJcne] om Lag. 7" ^HXq itno^"] ^HXOTitTtno(5^Lag. 7^ [eqqi] qqi Lag. li^_V^-p]

6e Lag.

^.['ra)] om Lag. 11- rtxexrt] x^.pexn Lag. c^cu]Xec^OJ Lag.


Sap.vi A.-jfo) ojA.'jf^^e epoc ^.zrtJULK^Lg^ :

/cgine rtccuc

xe rtexJULe XSLjuloc cy^.-r^e epoc n6'[i] rteT"

13 (14) cy^.cpajopn KonrtwnA.^^ eSoX itneTeni

OTJULi epoc :

14(15) ^eT^^.aJop^q epoc fcqit^.^^^^^^ ^^

qrtA.^e epoc ec^^^ep^-Tx: 2>Jp^rteqpo :

15 (16) njuLecTe r^-p epoc oTJULrfrpAin^HX xeecxHK e^oX :

^.tuo nertx^-qpo-^ajH itpoeic ex^HRXc

qn^.p^.xpooTClJ 2^o''6enH :

/ncy^. juLJULOc

16 (17) xe nxoc ajA.cjULooaje eccyme rlce'TjiuL[juL

ncotuom.^ epooY g^rte^iooTe ecitoTtJui]

ncxiojuarr epooT ^ojozne rtiJUL

/[jULJULC17 (18) xec^^oYeixe v^.p xe xeueonrjuLi^. rixe[c^uo18 (19) npjo-rcy 2^e itxec^oo xe xi-V^UH

nex^.v^-UH 2^e n^^i-pe^^ ertecnojuLoc :


ni"2^XHK 2^e eitrtojuLoc ne uxA.zp[o flxJULnx

19 (20) X JUL^x^.xx^-Ko 2^e c^J^.cxpe'^f^uJIt [e^onrrt

enitoTxe :

20 (21) xeueoTJULi^. 6e nxco4)i^. n[^.zixoT e^oirrt

12^ &e] m^X Lag. 12'^ xe] n67 Lag. itCOJc] C(JO is

nearly obliterated by an overlying foreign fragment of papyrus, but enough

lemains to make the reading certain 13 rtOTtAJriiL^^ eiiOAj

eoYcong, Lag. 14^ qn^.2,e] ad ^^.p Lag. 15^ njuie-

e-ve] [np-nlJULee-re Lag. 15^ ex^HKXc] ex^HXc Lag.

15* qrti-] n^. Lag. 16^ itcexX*.] itc^. n ex Lag. 16^

oTfcort^.^^] o-cojrt^ Lag. ^^] ^i Lag. 17^ xeneonf-

JULI^.] XeUiefJULI^. Lag. 18^ xe 2^] Ue Lag. 18"

nee] nee Lag. 18'^ itrtojuioc] nitoJULoc Lag. 20^

xeneo.] xenie. Lag.


Sap. _vi euoortA.^ itxjULm"p[po

21 (22) ecgxe Te-rrtjuLe 6e rtrtee[portoc JuCh rte^nne rirlxnfp^.rtrtoc n[X^,oc

(23) JUL<LXJUL^.IeT"coci)I^. xe ex[exrtepppo cyA.eite,22 (24) OT 2^e ne ^~coc^I^. ^.TCJo rtT"[A.ccL5uone n^.cy

it^^e -f^^.zooc[

^.nfo) n-fn^.^cun [^.rt epuj'Tit JuLneiJULnfcxHpiort


ftx^-TOTcort^ [e.oX JuLneccoo-rn

n]'tn^.pn[&oX ^.rt fixjuie

26 verso

25 (27) xiIcjSo? eit^-cg^,xe XA.pexexri't[^HVvii 1 4.nroifpcx3juLe v^.p ^co rtee ertoToit [num.

oTzno e^oX ^^npxfLnKi^^ enx^-nrnX^-c

ce JULJULoq xinncyopTT:

6.yjtxoi\iCT nc^.px 2iinei it^jHTx: nx^.JUL^.

2 e4.ixa3K no'rcnoq JuLiJ^ic ite^oT :

eJioX ^^oTcnepju.^. npojjuLe e^^ce\ e^ovnepoq ^^^^enKoxk n6T onf^^'ci^onH .

20^ (JOn^.^^] ton^ Lag. n] e Lag. p[po] epo Lag.

21^ nnT^fp.] nT")fp. Lag. 21^ juL^.xJULi.ie] JUL^.T^.Ie

Lag. 22^ itX^-'c] itX^. Lag. 25^ C^O)] ad (56 Lag.

^-^.pe^-e'^n] T^-pexit Lag. [^j^'f] &hot Lag.

vii 1^ ^tw] ^COOJX Lag. eno-TOn] nonfon Lag. _ 1^

^^] 2,n Lag. 1^ Zin] om Lag. 1* JULOnKX] JULOnVT

Lag. Xinei] om Lag. 2^ e^-l] A.I Lag. it 1^] ^ Lag.

^'"ICJ JULHT Lag. '^'^IC is written over an erasure, of which the last

letter T is still visible 2^ ^.61] ^h Lag.


Sap.vii 3 nxepicytjone 2^e ^.I^uo e^oX en^.Hp

pri ftcjULH eipiJULG rtoe itoTon rtijui

4 i.Tc^.noT^x ^^e[.]xoeic juui ^ertpo[o]Tfcg

5 eiXhXA.^.T v^-p rtppo e-jfit'Tq ^ertKexuoG oy(^ne\ notuoT Te e^^onrrt enKocjULoc

7 ex^e^^.I ^.IcyXHX ^.T-f n^.i noTJULitxpjuL_ jTi

^.]in<Lp^.K^.Xi ^.qei mJi it onrnn^. nco4>i^. .

8 ^.JicoTTi enefTpHne JuCh neoportoc

juL]nienxJULnxpjuLJULA.o ItJULJUL^.c rtee nov9 onfj^e nene JuLjULe JuLniTTixcJDitq epoc


xe nnjoT^ THpq rln^.^pAc eqo riee noTojHJUL.... n]ee JuLuojULe :

10 ^.iJu.epi'Tc el^^onreoTXpo iXrt onrci. :

^-Vcoxnc eK]<L^.c it^.i e^JUL^. iinonfoem .

xe neconroem] Rxoc JULeqrtKoxk

_ _ /g^IOTCOU11 ^.-61 2^e n^.1 ^]iXJUL^.c rtcTi rt^.rA.eon XHpoT

3 ^U^J An almost effaced inteilineatiou is seen above the (JO, prob.

not a line= It, but a small letter, perh. It or X. Lag. prints ^(JOItwith the note

' ^ieilioX sed prima manu in margine ^(JOIt scriptum

lit <LI^COn.-eKoX voUusse librarium certum sit'

3 It] cm Lag.

TCyopnj pr it Lag. 4 The missing letter is doubtless It as in

Lag., but it is covered by a foreign piece of pajiyrus (probably) which also

hides iiart of some letters in the line below 5 eJULItJ JUL ft Lag.

^ertKe] kg ^o-veixe it Lag. 6' ^'itei] 6Tnei Lag.

Te] ad itOTOIt niiUL Lag. 6^ 6'it^UOK] CTlt^UOK Lag.

7- n^-pA-K^LXs] eniK^.Xei Lag. 8^ ccrn] coxnc Lag.

8^ en] eit Lag. 9'^ . . . . itjee JuLnojuie] is.nfcJo epe4)i.x XLnecJuLT-o-e^oX itee itoTOJUie Lag.


Sap.vii ^^t(X) O'CJULIt'TJpJULJUL^.O ^tii\ec6Tx

/jULOeiT ^HT-[o'r]12 ^.Vp^.a^e 2^e exuoolnr THpoT xe t"co4>i^. eT"x[i]

neicoovn 2^e ^.n ue xe] itxoc ^.cxnooT xupLcr13 A-Vc^o ^.xriKpoq ^.Ttjo] irt^-f A.xric^0onoc[

rt^^n^-^cun RTecjuLn]T"pJULJUL^.o ^.rt :

14 oTk,o v^-p rtttpcojuie ne ejUL]equoxit :

nenT^,nfx;p^ XjLjuloc ^.Tploj^Hp er[[rtoTxe

27 recto

15 ^.Tco] ejuLee-^-e K^.x^. nejuLnoj^. firte'T[qrt^.^"^.^.'r

xle [it]T"oq ne exxiJtxoeix ^htc itxc[o4)i^.

^.tiu uextc^cu rlrtcocJ)oc :

_ /a^[xeIG ertcyoon v^-p ^rtneq^Tx ^.rtort JULit neK[e

^.-yuo juarrpjuLit^HT niJUL ixh TecE-Oj itne2;[^HTe_ nit


17 rixoq v^-p ^^<^'f n^-i juincoonfrt juljule* nexaj[ooTi

ecoTixnxajcy juLukocjuloc JuCrt nenepvi^. nnecToixiort :

/jULTt rtCKT

18 xe^onreiTe JuCh 04.H iSTrt tjulhtg rlrtenroeioj

ncyi.e rtrt^,H[p JJCh iJL^JULex^.KoXH ittteToy[cy

19 rlKTKXoc rtx[epojuLn]e JuCh necAxme nric[io''

11^ pXiJUL^o] ad e n<LCLja)C Lag. 12^ Gt] T eT Lag.

12" [nej Perhaps this was omitted ; there is scarcely room for it in the

lacuna 13^[<*>.T(JOj

om Lag.; required here to fill the lacuna

13- [g^OJu] ad ^n et om ad fin Lag. 15" WG GT"] U eXLag. ^HTCj No stroke over T~C

; Lag. notes the same in the Turin

MS. 16^ neq] xeq Lag. 16- iXn] n[ijL] Lag.

17^ Itrtltex] One and probably two small It's were interlineated,

ititex Lag. 17- ecoTJuL] ecovit Lag. nen.] Ten. Lag.

18' rte'coeicg juin] om Lag. itcHT] itcHonr Lag. 19

ne] ne Lag.


Sap.vii 20 rtec^Ycic nrt^[uoon juLJit n6Tum" niteeHpi[ort

nenojox itBjxHT jul\^ njULOKJULeK nitpa3juL[e

n[aji]Ke itrtaj[Hn] Uai X(3ojul nitem-H6^

/noT21 nex^Hn juut nexoYoitg^ eKoX ^.IcoTa^

Tco4>ii. r^-p ertX4LCT"<LiULioo'r THponr ^.0x04.

^oj epoonr :

22 o-ifnonrun^. v^.p it^HXc eqo-r^^.B. npeq[itoi

^^OTCJULOT ito-ycDX RoT^xo rt[cJU.ox

eq^-cojonr itpeqp^uoK eq(rijL(5ojyL[ . . .

rlc^.E.e ri^.x^o^e JuLjuLi.*inA.v^.e[ort eqxop]p,23 eJu.enfeaj^.juL^.^xe iiJULoq itpeqpnexriA.

noYq ijLJUL^.ipa)JULe :

eqxi.xpHT eqopx eqo n[^.xpooT]aj eq<5juL

60JU. ,05^ rtiJUL eq(^[cyT- ezlXXnxHpq

eqzuoxe ^ixrtite2>^Hnf[e . . . . ] exoT^.^.E.

npeqrtoi :

24 XC04)I^. V^-p KIJUL e^OYn[eXKl]JUL XHpOT^.-03 criHT eKo\ 2jItTi[ '^]Hpq ex^euecxdo :

25 crtH-y v-Lp eSoX ^[ixrix^oju. ijL]nrtoTxe

^-Tco e^oX 2];juLue[ooT exo'r^.^.]fL rlxe un^rtxoK

p^-XtAjp :

/pocex^en^.1 JULep[eX^.^.'jf eqx^-^^jui] xcojuliix e

20^ nJULOK.] ixXJLOK. Lag. 22' gri] it Lag. OT-

A.XO n[CJULOX] ^XeCJULOX Lag. 22^ (fXJLC^XJL] ad

eqo rt^-XXcoXjuL Lag. 22* n^-V.] ^.v. Lag. 23'^

ne,^H'[e . . ..]

nenitenrjuii. XHpoT Lag. 23*^

npeqnoi] ad ex ojoojuie Lag. 24^ e^ofn[e^Ki]jLJL]e,0*' erteX KliUL Lag. 24^ ^.nfCo] pi CXUOire Lag.

&IXn[ T]Hpq] ^.IXXJL nXHpq Lag. 25' CUHnf]ecnnv Las.


Sap. _vii 2G o]TfemG v^-p n[T"e noToeirt T"e] aj^.eite2>

^.T]a3 o-ei^.X [ecof^^^^^ itxe T-e]riepri4. [Jul


27 -yerso

27 .... TG ec(TjuL(TbjUL e^cu^ itiju. :

^.*']c eccTeex ^p^-V ^^.poc eceipe ijLnx[H]ptq

a.t]co k^xa. verier. aji.cKuoK e^oTn e^^ert'ip'f

/4>KTHC .

ejceipe iiJULoo-*' rlajHpe XJLurtoYTe i^tuo JuLnpo

28 ixnitoYxe v^.p JUie ttX^.^.T ^.rt eijuLHTi uexjuie

29 nxcoc^ii. 29x^.1 v^.p necuoc e^ovenpH :

4Lnfco e^^oTeuecJULine rtrlcioT THpoT :

e'jfoj^.n'Trixaofic [enonroleirt c^t^.pajop^ epoq.

30 ni.1 v-Lp cy^.pe xei-vctjH ei] e^eqJUL^. :

Tco4)ii. 6e JU.epex[K^.Kii. (^]ijL(?bJUL epoc :

/cjopeviii 1 ecxtwxe 2^e xin'Kpo eK]po g^oYJULnxxcjo

^.'jftjo cToocy ijLn['THpq ^]oTJULm"x[pH]cT-oc :

/peneccA. :

^.icijme itcA.xi'Tc mJi itee RoToieXeex ^.iJULe

26^ VA-p] ad "Te, and omit it after UOVOeirt Lag. OJA-ertG^^]

rtcyA.-ene^ Lag. 27^ ... . -re] e otgi 2^e Te Laj/.

27- 2^p<Ll] 2>^PJ Lag. JuLnXHpq] ad ijL.ppe Lag. 27'^

ajA.cKuoK] c^HK Lag. 27^ et] rvitexLag. 27^ e]ceipe]

ceipe Lag. oj^pe] S^P Lag. JuLnn.] enn. Lag. 28

JULe] OTH^^ Lag. 29^J?] & Lag. 30^ mS\] ad JULeit

Lag. 30- 6e] 2^e Lag.

viii 1^ ec] C Lag. 2^ ^Ji^OT^] pr A.TCJO Lag. XI ft]

XI It It Lag. 2'^ A, IJULepe] pr G Lag.



Sap. _ _ _ _viii 3 c-feooT riTJULrtTeTreitHc eTm-A.c julju.^.y

rtT-JULrrrcL).Hp JuLnitonnre :

xe] nzoeic ^uotjoq JuLmrHpq ^.qjULepixc:

4 Tpelqxicyoxne v^-p itirec^tjo ixnnonfTe

ATco] Tpeqxojaj ilneq^j^H'^fe :

5 eajx[e o-vccoIot^ e^o-vrt ert^.^o')fq ne TiXrrr

p]X.JUL<Lo ^^\jtx.m^^e juLueT"5 itpX.JUL<Lo ^n^-[co4)I^. t]^.i exp^^cJoEi efiK^. nijut :

6 eojxe [epeoT^.] rt^.p^co^ exJULriTpXJLn^HT"

/peTH e

7 eojxe o[Trto'y^. juL]e itxi^iK^-iocnrnn rtec^^ice ^^-ttj^.cx[ci.KooT vKp exJULmrpJULil^^"'^ *J^ xjuuvt

ci.^e juut T2.i]K^.iocTrtH juLTt tCojul rt^.'i e

TeiX[itueT'co]xn epooT ^juLucort^.^, rinpo)

8 ecLjojne [2^e epeo-r^. cvleojeiJULe e^j^^ ecox

itne[m"^.1fO'reme] ^^tuo exoitxri enex


juCh ,en[Ko'Tc fictj^^e iJTt] ^en^uo\ itTon

iJLJUL^.eIrt [iXh rteojuHpe ecjeijme epoo[Y

28 recto

9 4.703 crt^.cXc(X)?^ e^oX ^^npooYoj [julti rtX-rnH

3^^ TJULitTcy.] o-rjuLitTcy. Lag. ijLnrt.] oj^. nrt. Lag.

4^ ViLp ad Te Lag. 5^ e^OTft] ad nOTfKXHJUL^. Lag.

5^ iiuexo] OT n eT o Lag. ^n] e Lag. 6'

TJUUrrp.] OYJULJtXp. Lag. 6^ T-eXf^J^L^c] ad e^^OT'

epOC Lag. 7' JUie] JUiei Lag. 7- JULIt] ^.'a) Lag.

7^ cwni.^] cort^ Lag. 8^'- econfii.] ecoonrn n Lag.

8^ erte-r] itn ex Lag. 9^ rtpoo-raj] ^^-poonfcg Lag.

[rtX^UH] n^-X-rnK Lag.


Sap.viii 10 -flrt^LxieooY ex^HHTx ^rtiJU.HH[aje

^.]'^fcu T^-Vo itTTirti^^Xo e^.r^eo-ycyHpe[clJHJUL

11 ce^^.2^e epoV eiTop^ ^onr^^^.n :

e-re^cyT" ^HXq juLncLj^.xe ijLn^.i-xo[oq

nenrpojiTHpe juljuloi rtcTi n2^'rt^.cXHC

12 eJaj^itK^-puoV cen^.6cbcyT- eE.oX ^[hteic^^^.^cy^.xe cen^.'f-g^THnf :

eiojA-ncuck eicij[i.x]e certA.'fxe')f(5'[ix epnpcoo'c13 -f^^.xuo fio''cp[ri^ eT"]KHKTX :


x^-Kco fionfpnjyL[ee've] ricyi.ene2^ ^^[nexriHT iXrtrt

14-f n<LT-aocy it2,e[rtX^,oc] i\xen^ee[itoc ^tuo

x^.cce n[^.]i

[/p^-ItttOC15 ttcep2>oT"e ^HT [evcltJOTJUL epoi n[6T nmo6^rix''

^-Tuo rixajoope g^oTiioXejULoc :

/pZ[i extuc

16 eicy^-rtB^cJDK e^^o-vn en^.Ki -f n^.ijL[T"oit juljuloi e^juChxeTecKomuonii. v^-p cicye ii[JUL^.T

oT2^e juLK^.^rt2^H^" ^(^ncon^^ ritjuLJUL^.c

^.XX^, o-ifonrnoq julh o'yp^.aJe T"[e

17 n^.! i-iJULeeTe epooT ,P,p^.i ri^[HX ^.iJULeKJULov

10^ eT^HH'Tc] ex^HTc Lag. 10^ fi'fnni^Xo]^it TJULItX^^XO Lag. 11^ cert^.^e] ad 2^e Lag. 11-

eTe(5cocyT" ^H'Tq juLncy^.xe juLn^.'fxo[oq] om Lag. and

Gk. IL' net] itce Lag. is' XUO] XI Lag. [ex].HK'Tc]eX^HXC Lag. 13^ Ti-] ftT^-Lag. ^] fl Lag. 14^

ri,ertoc] [^en]^eortoc Lag. 15^ itce] ce^^. Lag.

15- o-vcon^.^] OTCJon^ Lag. itit] ri Lag. 16^ 6"fi.tJon;]

T-<5TntJon, Lag. 16"^ onroYnoq julti ofp^-cye xe]OTp^-cye ire jlkR onroTnoq Lag.

G 2



_ _ y^^xe oti\o'4ucm^ ojoon ^nT[c'rrve]rti^. mrco

18 ^'Jfco onrrtoTxep^ic eni^-rto-jfc] ^ Tecjuorr

cyJS.Hp :

A.f03 oTJU.rtTpJJLJULA.o eit^. . [. . . .] it^ice nne

Tec^^ojuLoXovi^. :

A.iftJo crnoTeooT ^^"Ko[I^a3^I^.] itneccy^.xe

rteiJULOocye eiajme itcA[xnoc] txiJi:

19 ne^.itvo'ccyHpe[cgHiUL rieT4>]'fHc exiiTiSi

JULJULA.T rtOT'4f7[xH en^-rtolfc :

20 ^^t^M e^^i^vof^^y[^>.eoc eiajoou ^^otcuojul^.21 eqoTA.^.K ^^Afieijuie 2^e xe it-f^^.clJ]x^.^oc ^.rt

itKecjULo[x ei-iULKXi rlTenrtolxxe T4.4.C

0]TJULItT-pJUL[it^HT Oft HG n^.1 GeiJULJe XG ^[^.rtIJUL

[ue ne^JULox]

28 l'e?'50

^.Ix]a^ iJLjuLoc e^oX ^^m^^HT THpq xe

ix 1 nnonfT"e rl^t^.eIOTe nxoeic jul[ . 14.

nrtl. ^ertx^.q^"^.JULIo nxHpq eoX^^neqcyA.xe :

18^ Otn] om la- 18^ Grt^. ft] 6 JULGCCDXil

La^. it^ice itrte[^]&HTe] ^rt r\e^.HTe rlit^ice lag.

18^ Tec^ojuLoXon^.] nec^ojuiiXei^. Lag. is'' oth]om Lag. 18' nei] ite ei Lag. 19^ rte] xe Lag^ 21-

kg] 6e Lag. ^-^-^-C] ad n<LI Lag. 21^ ^.IX(?)]C0 JULJULOC]

^.iojXhX guxogic ^^1sw ^.icGnctJonq Lag.

ix 1^ []4-J rirt<i. Lag. There is not room in the bracket for Tilt

of usual size; only the tail of 4- is left, but it can hardly be anything

e^se 1^ Un^] om Lag. Though written in the abbreviated form of

TTltGTJUL^, it is probably a corruption arising from IirtZ. (to e'Aeos)

in the preceding line ^"^.JULIo] X^.JULIG Lag. G^oX] om Lag.


Sap.ix 2 <L]KcnxnpcjULe ^rtxeKcoc^ii. :


2^]eKi.c eqepxoeic ertccoivT ert^-^-KX^.

3 itqp^jJULJULe XJLuKocJULoc ^o-crKSiO iXh

o]t2^iklioctkh :

_ _ _ _ /^^*rtqKp]me ^.noT^^^n juincooTTrt nxeq^T

4 juL^L n.L]i rixco4)I^. ^[^Ji elr]^^^ep^^'Tc eiteKoportoc .

5 xe ^.n]rneK^juL2,<^X [^^nruo n]cLjHpe itTeK^JUL


eIttJ^.^.]x itTJULm"p[A}Lrt^H]x ^it^j^n JuCh n

G Kd.n ol-jfTeXioc ue onr^. ^itajHpe nnpco

jUL]e eijLhx^.q juljul^-t itxeKco4>I^. ex

n^.]oT\q eXA.^.T

7 RxoK ^.]KcoxIv^ e^npo juLneKX^-oc

_ /epe .

^.nrcjo o-jr]peq't"^i-n ititeKojHpe julh rteKcye

8 AKXooc e]KcoT It^-K rlo^fpue ^^ueKTOOT exo]-r^,^.^ :

^.nfu) o')fe'jfci]^.cT"Kpjort ^xnoXic juLueK

nj[rte rtTeKJcKHrtH exo'sf^.i.^ ertT^-Kcl

Tuj[xq zijnncyopn :

9 epeTc[o4>I^. fl]XJLJUL^.J< ecrti.T eneK^KK-re :

2^ nccjorix] rteKcojri'T La^. 3^ ^] it Lag. juLnc]

2^Xr.uc. Lag. 5^ rixJULrrr.] jjljulivt. Lag. it^^n]

onf2^^.n Lag. nrtojuLoc] othojuloc Lag. 6^ [o]Yxe-

Xioc] et-reXeioc hag. 6^ e] et Lag. 7^ npo] ppoLag. 8' [Tq] sic Lag. One would liave expected "TC 9^

epe] pr ^.nft Lag. ItJULJUL^.K] ftejuL^-K Lag. ecn^.T e]TeTCOOnrn it Lag. After ^&H1fe a line is om ^^tUO ItCCi-^e

p<LTc ne itxepeKX^-AXie ukocjuloc Lag.


Sap.ix eccooY[n xe o]t neTp^.rtA.K JuLneKjuLxo eE.oX;

^.nfo) OT n[eT"c]o-T"cort ^neKenToXH :

10 JULA.'fTtn[ooYc] e.oX ^ixriKTe exo-r<L<L^ :

^-Tto eE.[oX ^^njeeportoc JuLneKeoo-y :

xeK^.c [ececyu]2^[i]ce ruuLJui^Li ec2,^T"H*i

/jULJULOOT11 ccoo'^frt [r^-p nxoc itl^tuE. num. A.-rco crtoi

A.TCJO crt<L[xiJULoen- ^.ht] ^n^.^Kn're ^o'y[juutT-pXJLii^HTr rtcjg^^peg^ epoi ^^[ueceoonr

12 nxe^[^.^^HTe cyoone enfjcynn A.'jfa) ['fnA.Kpi

n[e juLneKX^-oc ^onf2^ij<^.iocTrtH

29 recto

13 niJUL VA-p fipajjuie uexrtA.coTn[najoxrte JuLnnonfTe

H niiUL nexn^.eiJULe xe ot neT"[epeuxoeic o'^f^w^

14 ijLJULOKJUieK Vi-p riitpujjuLe (Tb[o^

^.Tto ceXoB^e ^(ri nertJULeenfe

15 nccjojULi. v^-p nxA-Ko ajA.q^po[a| exriTe^TXH^.Tuo njULi. itajtone juluk^.^ ojulk[o. .

^.ixnx^-CLjH itpooTcy :

16 JULKxi ceT-ortTTi enex^ixjuLnKA[^ . . .

,KKnfe n[ex^i.]r[ert(5Tx ^07[^iceneT^ijLn[H')fe 2^6 n]iJUL nenxi.q[2>ex^(joxo''

17 K niJUL nenT[i.qeiJUL]e eneKajoz[ne

10^ ijLnHTe] iteKnu-re Lag. lo^ t^.] Rt^. Lajj.

14- Xo^e] Xooqe Lag. nen] nex Lag. 15^ riTAKo]npeqx^-Ko Lag. 15^ Juluk^.^ . . . . itpoonrcy] itxe

WKA.^ ^^>^'^p K^^Ke e4>HT" nrtq^-i-pooTcy Lag. i6^

juLHXi ceToifTit] jULonc ertTonTrt Lag. enex.] rtrt

GT Lag. 16- . . . ^S-HTG] ert6lrte Lag.


Sap, _ix nc^^HX xe [itxoK n]em-^Ki-x[coc^ii.

A-KTrirtooT JuL[ueK]nliX exoT<?.<.[K . . .

18 TA-V Te ee itT^-'rcooTTii n(5T neK[^iooYe


JULoq ziititcyopn :

A.crtA.2,JULeq e^oX ^^neqrtoE[e2 ^Lcf nA.q rtoTCTojuL ei.JULA.,T[e e^]X.m"Hpq3 itTepeqcA-^coq e^oX ijLJULo[c ii\6X o-vpeqxin

6onc g^rtxeqopvH/KA.em :

A.q2,tJ0X iineqcon A.q'r[<?-Ko] ^JULneq<?aoivt"

4 n^.! enxA.nK^T"A.KX')fc[juLoc cyjoone eT^HH'Tq :

^.-jfo) on A.TCo4>iA. nA.^^[n2^i]K<Lioc ncu^^e

^.cp^^JUi-e JuLJULoq ,ixno7[ . . .

5 XA.I A.ccoTJuLn2iiK^ioc [e^oX ^JnxJULKxe n

TnonHpiA. nn2^ee[noc ei.nf]xa5a3pe e^oX

g^ioTcon :

/xe2.KpA.^z.JUL A.c2,^pe, epo[q itoTf]ccuT-n JuLnnoY

317- [n]emr] om Lag. T[C0c^IA.] nTCOc{)Ii. Lag. 17

exonfi.A.[S. . . .] ad e^oX^juL nxice Lag. i8^ neK]ne La/.

X 1^ &^pe^] ^9^^ Lag. 1- Xm] om Lag. ClJOpn] ad

nicjoT ixnKocjuLoc n em" A.-rconTq JULA-Y^.^.q Lag.

3^ CA.^UOq] ad 7^e Lag. 3^ KA-CIH] A gloss ^hich has crept into

the text ; om Lag. 4^ [^1^^^ eX.S.HHT^] eJULC WKl^^ Lag.

4^ nA.,JUL] ne^X*. Lag. itao^e] a gloss ;the letter is cer-

tainly n, the only doubt is as to the superlineation : om Lag. 4^

^IXnOT . . . .] ^IXn OnfKOTI ncye Lag. Probably the MS.

had ^IXnO'Vcye : some fainter letters in the game line are under-

writing of the palimpsest 5^ confix] COTn Lag. 6^ ^-.^p^L-

^^JUL] a gloss : om Lag. [q rtOTfJThis is Lag.'s reading, but the



neqajHpe :

6 T^-V ^.cn^.^^n[2^iK^ioc eB.oX ^]juL]R^.ce.Hc exnqp^oX enK[uo^/T enx^.qei] exflxi" JuLnoXic

7 n^-i'] eqpjuuvrfpe ^xe''^o^HpI^-] rt(5T nK[A.],

e]xxHq e[ir ...]

/e^[oX A.rt

JuCh ^enajHtt epenenrfCA-puoc ,ica3]ot entqxHK

29 verso

ec]i.^ep^xc eco ito'ifCT"'XH rt^JUL[o'j'r

8 rtertxi-lTpnKoX v^-p rtTcocJ)!^. oir jULonoit

^.T'fojce JuLnoTco'yrtitexrt^.rtonfOT :

A.XX.i. A.Y]pnKeKa3 rioTpnjuLeenfe itxeT


_ _ _ /ea&^n_:xeK^-c] ^nrtertTA-Tpoj^qxe n^HXov nnecy

9 T"co]c{)i,L 2^e cLj^.crt^^^nex^XJLcije n^.c

10 T^-iJ enx^cziJUL[oei]x ^h'tcj jui.n2^iK<noc

lacuna requires more than 4 letters to fill it, probably 6 or 7; the qfollowed by It is practically certain, as the superlineation of the It remains ;

also there is a fragment of a probable T before CtJOXIl; perhaps the

reading was epo[q ftOG itonf] 6^ HZ.^^] fie^ijL Lag.

[^Jix.][\i^C.] ,rti.C. Lag. ex] et Lag. XCJOX] a gloss:

om Lag. 6- Itq] ^.q Lag. "Xt] 'f cod. Tur., -fOV corr Lag.

7^ XHq] OjHq Lag. e[X . . ,] ex 'f Ki^pnOC Lag. (sic), Kair-

inCojx^vr] Gk. 7^ Xeq] Xe Lag. 7^ CTCXtXh] OnfOeiX

Lag. 8- XinoTfconrn] eeiJULe encooTn it Lag. 8^

pnKe] om Lag., who notes that the reading of the Tur. cod. is uncertain

here 8* JuL] ^Dl Lag. 8^ itneojecLj^con] itnehfejcy-

^CJOn Lag. 9^ Jti.^^] ^^^y- I^ag- 9" ^^h] It Lag.

SAPIENTIA X 11-14 89

Sap. _ _X . . . .]e eqnKX ^htc rtxopVH iineqco

^.cxc^.]^oq eT-JULn[T-pXJLjuL]4.o juLnitoTxe

^cf ni.q ijLncoo'jf[n itne]Tonfi.i.^ :

.^cT-^-lojoq ^neq[^ice] A.c^.^.q rip5xjUL^.o ^njeqixKoo^ :

/ric11 e^oX] ^^nxmxm^.^ nnexxi iiJULoq itcTo

12 ^.cqi iJLJULA.q ^.cA.A.q itpAJLJULA.o ^^^>.c^^^'pe^

epoq eiioX ^neqx^kze :

A-copzq [e^]oX 2>JT^^ex(5tbpcrepoq i_

_ /pei-ct" rt<Lq [rtoJTA-vojrt jmrt oYJULriTxcjuco

xeK^Lc eq[e]eijuLe xe TJuurrnoTTe xoop

13 lOJCHcf) 'T[^J\] eTeijLnecKco itcojc ijLn2^i

j<i.io[c enxJA.'cxi.i.q e^oX :

14 ^.XX^. i.[cxoY]xoq euno^e ^^^c^cjok ruuLjuL<i,q

enec[HX ejncyHi a.'vco ixnec^ocyq ^^Xiijrp[pe cylA-itxceine n<Lq nonf(5pKne

ijLJUL[rrTep]o :

iX^onfe^[onfcI^. ex]nrtexzi juLjuloot itxn^.^^ :

^.coTuontl^ e-oX n]nenxi.'r^iX^ epoq ze

10^ . . . ej om Lag. : this line, after the colon of the preceding

one, cannot have been inset, hence probably 4 letters are missing

10 The second lacuna must contain at least 4 letters and the letter

before O is probably ^ : hence JULItTepO Lag. is impossible

10^ ijlKOO^] J^JLKO^^^ Lag. (v. not.) 11^ ex] GTO-r Lag.

11- ruuLjuL^Lq] neJUL^Lq Lag. 12^ ^.c^^.pe, &c.] ^.cp

^JULJULe JuLJULoq eKoX^iTil neqxizeoT Lag. 12*

juut onfjuCrrrxcjoajpe] JuLJULitTZcocjop Lag. 12^ xeK^.c]ZeK^L^^C Lag. 13^ ICOCHC^] A gloss: omLag. 14^ fUUL-

jUL^.q] neJULi.q Lag. 14^ ojhi] ojhk Lag. XJLnec]ixnc Lag. 14^ JULJULoov itxrt^.^] JuLJULoq it(5onc

Lag. 14'' [e^oXJ om Lag.: space requires it here nenT^L^fJnex Lag.



15 c-f" n^-q n[oTeoo'r itaj]<Lene "xi.i xertT^-cxoY

^.yco nec[nepjui.<i. rtc(JO'r]!i e^oX ^o'jf2>eorto[c

eqo[Xi.e XjLjuloov

/nnonfx[e16 cij^.c^[tJOK eg^oTit exe^TlxH : ^Ii.^^Jk [juL

. a)T[ 1101-12 ]^ertrto(rri[epa:oT

^[^ertJUL<Lem iXrt ^e]rtctjn[Hpe

30 recto

17 ^.[cxi]juLoeix ^HXOT ^oT^iH ita][nHpe

^.YU3 e^^erxcio-v enrponfoem ^xeif[ajK18 ^.cxioop JuLjuLooT itxep'^'op^. 04.lXi.jcc4.

A.crtTOT e^oX ^I'TnotJULOOt e[nA.]aj[a)q

19 ^.c^uoKc eE.oX exlmetxi^xe :

4i.c^jSp^a3poT e^^pA-i enojiK Xinitof it

20 eT^en^.! A.n2.iKi-ioc cyXrt^ce[^Hc

A.nfo) ^.ifCJULOT eneKp^rt exoT^.i.K n2^o[eic

i.T'feooTf 2;iO'*'con itxeKCHx exjuiiaje ex[(JooT

21 xe xco4)iA. ^.c[onfU3ri] rlxx^-npo ititejuLn[o

^.c'f6oJU^, JuLnX[<Lc rtitJKoVi:


xi 1 A-CCooYTTirtienf^^Hlnre ^t6Tx [JuLjucoc^oc

2 i.-y^coK ^01f[x^.Ie] exjLe-v^uon . . ^H'rq :

15^ cf] ^.Cf Lag. 16^ ^^c] e ^.C Lag, 4)JuL^i.X]

iin^jijL^^i-X Lag. 16^ Lag. reads in this line e ^.<^^^epA.xq e2^eitito(^nnepa30T 17^ it] ex Lag. ^JU.]Xi Lag. 173 2,6 It] ^e It Lag. ^] It Lag. 19^X^,Xe]ZlZeenr Lag. 21^ it !] e Lag. 21^ 60JUl] T-(^AJL Lag.

xi 1^ nCo4)Oc] nenpO(t)HXHC Lag. 2^ 2>^"^H-fq] onro)^ rt^^HTq Lag.


Sap. _xi ^.-rnHcce n[neTc]KHrtH ^rt^e^[JUL^.] ejUL[eT

jULoocLje it^j^'^C)'* :

3 ^.T^.^ep^.^"OT ertexi" oit^ht A.nfx[po ertenrx^Lxe

4 ^^fel^e ^nruocg e^p^Ji epoK ^.Ki" n^.v n[onfjuLo

OT e^oX ^oTneT"p<L ecn^-cyT".

o'^fT^.X(5o JuLni^e e^oX ^onfcone eqrtAc^

(6) ^^^.I Rtoot A-nffjuLxort n^.v ^^jLnnet^ice6 (7) enjUL^. no-ynnvH ixuiooM e[q]co'Tq ^qajxp

TtJOpoT ^o'ifjuLoo'r e[qxp]ecypa3CLj

7 (8) enfxnio JJLno've^c^^^tie [itnlexJULooTT

ititajHpeKoVi :

/poq8 ^.K'f itA.-* itonfjuLoo-r eqo[cy eJJL]norjULeete e

(9) ^.KXc^.^ooT ^ixjuLniKe [exitXiL]juLi.T Ree fi


9(10) Rxepo-rxortTOT v^-p K[^.inep el-y-fc^uo r^^.'*

ne JULJULOOT [;]ri[oifopvH]

10(11) i^-^'j* JUiert ^.K'fc^[a) n^.Y eK2io]K!JUL^.^e juLjulo

riK 2^e nxoonr [rteKx6XVo juljul]oot riee itoT

ppo eqaj[(jucjox e.oX ]

11(12) eK^eT^^^e ju[julootii^^2) j^^g 4.TO'jfco e'sf[

3 erteT] oYJS.e it e-r Lag. onrE.K'r] onr^HOT La,?.

5^ K^J\ T^-Ke Lag. H^H-Tq] it^HTOV Lag. 5' ^vf]itT ^nf-f Lag. 7^ JULOO-Ct] JULO-ycrX

I^ag.8^ ^k]

e ^.K Lag. [rTO-jJULi-T] rteJUL*?.'*' Lag. ii fiu] eit Lag.

9^ itee] eee Lag. itT^.] enx^. Lag. lo^ Jtxen] ad

V^-p Lag. ^^[0) HA-T GK] om Lag. 2.0K.] 7^0 (f. Lag.

eiOJX] ad eKfc^O) rtA.T Lag. 10^ eq] ppeq Lag.

11 For this verse Lag. reads GT Pjl>.^RX 2^6 ^.nfCO eT JIX-

neTjuLTo-e^oX ^^ttogix


Sap.xi AJLneT^[ ]\T

12 (13) ^.tXthIh v^.p[ lenT4-[

30 verso

13 (14) nT]epo''ca3T\D. ^^>p xe ^.Tpnex^.^.^[o]Yqm^t ^ixnrtertT^.'TJULOK^oT n^H'To[T

it]xoo*r ^.TConfitnertT^.nfcencnxoeic

14 (15) njenxA-TMozq v^.p eoX juLnionfoeioj ^^'*

^J]^o^e itne^^^Hnre ^nrpojUHpe juLJUioq .

rlxi.v]eiKe nxoonf A.n itee rlrt2iiKA.ioc

_ /nc15(16) enjuLA. itjuLJULOKJUieK rtrt^-OKX JuCh netxiticfo

A.]K'Th[ rt]ooY m^t n[oT^aj]H n^coon Ra-Xo

16 (17) xeK[<Lc] enreeijULe x[e nelxepeonr^ n^-pno

nj^jHTOT .


17(18) nec[^.]nopi ^.rt ne n6T [TeK(fi]x ex6'ijL(^JUL e^coB.

T'[em"]i-ccriT"RKocJULoc eJSioX ^^ot^tXh

12^ Lag. reads A.'JfX'rnH V^p ^"^.^OOT eCKH^. 13^

A-Tpnex.] A.'ifp nnex. Lag. 13^ nertx^LTceuc] om

Lag. 14^ nioToeicy] neToeicy Lag. 14- xcxoq]Both X and C are traceable in part ; perhaps there is room for ^between them, not for 6 14^ ^4-?] Oi^H Lag. Ite] netLag. 15^ JJCn] JUL Lag. 15^ h] om Lag. 16^ ^^.]om Lag. 16^ e'[rt^.Ko]X^.^e] enrKoX^-^e Lag. : the lacuna

requires 4 letters ^^plJl] ,p^I Lag. 17^ ^.TTOpl] ad V^^'p

Lag. TieJ om Lag. [xeK(5l]xJ There are sufficient remains of the

bases of the letters in the lacuna to render them certain


Sap. _xi n]4.xcJUL0'r expeKTltitooT n^.it flo-ri.

18(10) _18(19) K 2>ertJULoVi e'rn^.cyx h ^^ertKeoHpiori itcto

iVT rlppe itcecoonrit jli\. Juljuloot-

_ _ _ /s^enfAxe^j it(^i\x eTX^^HJUL ^rtoTniqe rtKo)

K ^r*J^ne[^]pooT enfojojoj RonfK^.nnoc

K epe^efrt-fJK e'rn^.cyr gthht eKoX ^ne-r19 (20) n^-i epen[e''c]^.cy ijLjuLA.xe rt^cy(Tii(5oJUL eTi^Koox

A.XXA. ne[nfKe^]o eq'f^oTe n^-r eqrxi-oxrtoT-

20 (21) ezhit<Li 2^[e XHJpoT iteTn<5ojuL epi-g^TOT/OT .

^.jfuj rlceaJ^.cyoT e^oX ^.iTTineuHl. KTeK(TojUL .

^.XX^ ^.q[xea^^]uoK niJUL ^o'vpcuoje julti otoji

JULTl 01f[HUe]

21 (22) Tnocr^v^-p [rtcJoJUL ajo]on it^-K ito'^oeicy itiju.

22 (23) 2ce epen[KocjuLoc THpcj] o itee JuLnpiKe itov

jUL<Laj[e JuLueKJuLxo e^]oX-

A.if(jo itG[e ito'VTT^i'Xe Rei]tJoxe e^.cei e^p^Y

17^ 4.XCJULOX] A-TeCJULOX Lag. ^n] n<L'Jr Lag.

17^'^ A-cye ^c^.p^.^] ^.ojh R^.pi.^ Lag. is'^ ilce] e

'nee Lag. ^rt iiJULOO'r] juljuloot ^.rt Lag. is^

eTX^HJUl] H e'VX^KC Lag. 18* Ue] neV Lag. 18^

e-^TiK-r] q(J0(5e Lag. 19^ c^-oj] ad ^n Lag. n^cy] ItA.

Lag. 20^ 60JUL ep^-^XO-Jf] CLJ6OJUL itpA.,TO'r Lag.

20^ &P<?-l] e^P-^-J Lag. e^.itXIK.] i. nXIK. Lag. 20

,ixnne] ^itjuL ne Lag. 20^^ ^.q] ^.k Lag. onroji

juCh oTHne] onrHne Jtx.n oTcyi Lag.



Sap. _ _ _ _/[niJULXi 23(24) GKIti. 2^[e JULRXHpq Xe 0'4l\0]'6oJtX JUL[JUL0K e^^CJoK

.JKO) e[oX ]jyLee[

31 recto

24 (25) K]juLe VA-p rlnexajoon THpov :

iteKnA-crvTo-riiKi. v^.p ^.rt eK[juLoc

Te juLJULoq :

/n[eKonf^.cyq25 (26) n^cy 2^e rt^^e epe^^o?^ nA[juLo]f it [e^oX eju.

K eqit^.6a) aj^.nxKpq [rtiJUL nexejuLneK

tR4-[" e]poq:

26 (27) A.K'fCO GpooT THpof xe tiotK n[e nxoGic

njuLA-i^^-rxH :

xii 1 nemt^ v^.p ^[^.'n-]4.Ko it2,HXo[nf XHponr2 exen^.i ri[exrtA.2^]e erteKznio [juLjuloot

cyKX.a)[HAX] :

^.-iftw ^rteT[onf]prtoKe n^HT"o[nf eK^"

n<Lnf eTpeYpRJULeeTe ze[K^.c eteXo ^T"K^.KI^. rtcenicxeTe ep[oK nxoeic

3 K^.I^^.p ricijopTi neTonrn^j ^^ney[K]^^4 exoY^.^.K -'A.KJULecxujonf ex.en.o

Te exo'yeipe juljuloot

^en^jS.KYe ijLjULrvTpeqpiiA.2^pe xxh ^en


23^ [0]f6'0XJL] 60JUL Lag. 23^ .KUO &c.] eKKCO 2^6

e.oX ititnoKe itppcojute evjuLeT^-noi^L Lag. 24

U0X] qUOXe Lag. 24'^ ItCK] itrtCK Lag. O'tf] om Lag.

25^ &C^] OT^OjEl Lag. 26^ ^.k] K Lag. 'fCo] ad 2^6

Lag. nonfK] ntXenCJOK Lag. 26- ^JUL^.I] ijLJUL<Lei Lag.

xii 2^ eiteK] et Lag. 2* Ze[K^.c] XeK^-i-C Lag.

3^ nex] ex Lag. nev] neK Lag.


Sap.xii 5 cyjuLoje etxi^^UL ^enr^cwx^ nitenrajH

pe ^o-vJULrvTOY^-^iHT" :


exo RctjoeiT ^TiULHxe [it]nexoTcyjuL

eye rt^.T

_ _ /^Hpe6 2>^"6J^'^ juLnonrrt^ 2>^["^]'*'XW nrtev

/oxe11^.1 ^.Konf(JOcy eT"^.Koo[Y ^\'Tn]T(^x rineneti]

7 xeK^-c eifeJuLnojA. ex[perlaj]Hpe JuLunoT

Te oifa)^, ^^iiKA.^ [exx^-l'iHT itToo

/pOOT8 ^.XX^. neiKoonre oit [^^toc puo]juLe ^.Ki~co e

^.^KTnnOOT n^-T [n^eit^-JULHJUL ijL]Rp02ipOJULOC

^^OH juL^[eKcxp^.xenfJUL^.

xe]K4.c eTeJUL[oonf'T'onf cyHJULcgJHJUL :

9 GKo] ^.n n^x6'[oJUL e^- itrtA-ce^HJc e^^p^j

31 verso

K n^en]eHpiort e'r^^.cy^-

_ _ _McneH ^^o]')fCL^^.xe no-vuox eonroajqoT ^no['*-

10 eKKlpme 2^e JuLjuLoonf ojhjulojhjul eK'f[JUL]i.

itj^-nr JuLJULeT^-rtoV^.

5* rtcyoeiTJ om Lag., but it stands in the cod. Tur.; see note ib.

^^TJULKXe] riTJULHXe in marg. cod. Tuv. ; see Lag.'s note

6^ ,erteia)T] ^eneioxe Lag. JuLuo-ynZ.] e 'JULno-jfn^.

Lag. 6- T6Tx] n(f\X Lag. 7^ Gt] eq Lag. 7"

^JJJLnK^^^] it^^Hxq it^T \\K^^^ Lag. 8^ epoo-jf] om

Lag., who remarks in a note that the word CO is written COG in ccd. Tur.

8^ ^>.K\ e ^.K Lag. [ijL]np02.p0JUL0c] om JUL Lag., but I think

the space here requires the JUL which grammar demands 9^ <?^n

fiA.X60JUL] h^.T60JifL ^.rt Lag.


Sap.xii eKcojoTrt xe oTnonnport ne ne-rcijozite.

_ /pri-ll crclnepJULA. v^.p eqc^^oTopT ne xmnojo

oT2^]e rteKpg^oxe ^.it ^K'rq rto-ri. eK,pocy

ri]^HX e^p^Li extooT e'rprtoE.e

12 niJUL v^.]p nexrt^.xo[oc mJ\K xe oy nenx^.K

K niiui] ^e^"^^-^-^ep4-['^q o]T.eiieK,^n :

niJUL ^]ex^^.evK^.XI [m^]K eT^enx-LKo it

ri^jeeitoc fixoK -lkt^-julioo't :

K niju. n]exnA.xi2j<Ln kXjljul^lk gkxi JuLne

K^^.] rt2>^rtpa3JULe itpeqxm<5ortc :

13 eJULTiKenoTxe r^.p n^Xi.K eKqmpooTcy

2^i.nTHpq : ___^_^/a. It ^.2^IKa)c

xeKA.c eKeT"c<L.oq xe itx^-KKprne JuLjuLoq

14 0T2.e iXhcrppo h OTX'rp^.rtrtoc eqrt^-cy

^.2^ep^.'Tq epoK ^i.tteItx^.KKoX^.^e JuL



15 itXk0'r2.l[K^.l]0C Kp,P^JULe XLjULOOT XHpOTeKcun JuLn[i.'i] xe onrcgXiLJULO ne eKoX.?^^e

10^ ojoxrte] xno Lag. ii^ eqc^^. ne] ne eqc^.Lag. 11^ iteKp^oxe] rtrteKCHA-X Lag. ^pocy] ^opcyLag. 12'^ [rtlJULJ pr H Lag. There is no room here for H unless

it projected beyond the usual beginning of the line 12' rtTOKje 'rtxoK Lag. 13^ eiJLit] juLJUiit Lag. eKq\npoonfcy]

eqqipOOTOJ Lag. 13^ TCi-^Oq] XCi..OOT Lag. JUL-

jULoq] JuLjuloot Lag. 11^ o'cxnfp^.rtnoc] oT[Ae tt-

pA.]nnOC Lag. eqn<Lcy] om Lag. 14'^ KoXi-^e] cod. Tur.,

^eX<L^e corr to KoXz.^e Lag. note 15^ 2iIK^-I0c] ad 2^e

Lag. 15^ ne] ad exeK(5oJUL Lag.


Sap. _xii rio')f[^. ertlqjuLncy^. ^.rt nxf^XVoq:

16 xe]<6ox. [vA-p T-]e Te^^o-resxe rlx2^iKLiocT

^.-05 xe[ ]x^i^XJLnxHpq expeK-fCO e[poo'jf

/epoc ^.n17 KO')fcjon[. . . e^o]x itxeK6oJUL n.ceni.^'Te

2,p^i ^x[eKJULm-jxeXioc rtxeKnoAJLx[e


_ _ _/E^18 nxKHZoeic rtr\6ojuL e]i<Kpme ^n,oT

^.nfo) K[p^^iULJULe JuLJULori ^jnoTito(^[rt'fco

32 recto

ftxenfrto'r exe2^rt^,K oTrt6'[ojuL juL

juLOK ep^exe^^^,K :

19 <&.KXcA.KeneKX^.oc e^oX ^i'frttteV2^[jS.H')fe

ze asys eR2iiKi.ioc epiUL^.IpaoJULe

^.nfco oj^.K'fxuoK ,HX nneKai[Hpe

xe oj^-K-fJULex<Loi^. itnenx<Lnfpn[oe

20 ecijze nxixeenr v^.p ftrteKojHpe ^[^.Y

16^ T"e t] TeKJUinXXOeiC GT Lag. There is only

room in the lacuna for 4 or 5 letters 4 in the corresponding one on

the rec^o probably T"e[K(T0JUL e]X 16^ e[pOOT] ad THpOTLag. 17^ KOnrcon] KOnfOJn^ Lag. The first letter of the

lacuna was probably neither ^ nor ^ (cf. CCUOrtA^ viii 15) and the

snperlineation of H^ was certainly absent ; therefore the reading was

probably OHfOOn V<^p ;the corresponding lacuna on the recto con-

tained 5 letters 60JUl] ad 6X6 Lag. 17" T[eKJULrVT.]"XJULriT". Lag. At least 5 or 6 letters are required to fill the lacuna

17^ A-k] eK Lag. rt^^^"^^] ^*Jt.^^ire Lag. 18^ nTk]itTOK Lag. ^] rl Lag. 18'- k] CK Lag. 18^ nXeT-

nonr] TeTnoT Lag. 18* nexe^n^.K] ^exeKOT^.cl^qLag. 19^ TC^-^e] XC^-^O AX Lag. 19'' cy^.K] ^.K

Lag. IQ'^ Sy*^'^] <^K Lag.H


Sap.xii exjULnojA juLnjuLOY :

eKi"JUL^>. It^-'Jf [g^ioYloeioj eTpeTXo ^^Tr[eT21 eie ^oYHp [iJLJUL]^'T^^.pGaJ^[HT] ^.KK[pi

ne ririeKCLjHpe rt^.T enx[^.]KCJUL[i

ne JuCh iteYcioxe it^e^[^.^t]4.clJ juL[n

,ert2^I^.eHKH iXh ,en[epH]x en<L

noYonf .

22 eK'fcS^u) 6e n^.rt ertJULA.cxi[r]oT rirtert

z^-xe rtx^i. rtKco^ .

/ooc rti~^^.nxeK^-c enepruuLeenfe n[T]eKJULm"^.vA.

evKpirte juLiU-on itxriCajcyT- e^oX ^^h

23 ex^en^.! ort rtertxA.Yaj[(jo]ne 2^oT(?Trt

^^ ^rt^.oH^- JUL[rt onf]xin(5oric :

itx^.KJS.^.c^-nl^e ijLJUL[oo'- ^i]xTtnenffi.o

21 KLiv^-p ^-YcuopX*. ijLno[nfei e^^p]*^! ^ne^^iooYe rlxenXA.n[K

GYAJLceTe xe ^enno[YT-e n]e m^i excHcy

^ri^ojon fiii[Ke2^een]oc :


20'' ^^p[G<^^]iiT] ^^pa&WT" Lag. Tho kcima requires

3 letters, cf. ver. 21 21^ eie] eeiC Lag. ^^peoj] ^A.pcyLag. ^.k] eK Lag. 21^ [<Ln]4.cg] ^.nA-TCy Lag. 22^

enJUL.] eKJUL. Lag. 22- X^^l] OTX^A. Lag. 22'^

zeK^.c] xeK^.^.c Lag. n't.] ert-f. Lag. 22'* et] gk

Lag. Kpme] ad 2^6 Lag. itTll] Xrtlt^. Lag. 22 ^]it Lag. 23^ ^^] it Lag. 2i^ CHCg] CH^, pr m in margine

cy Lag. 24* ^] it Lag. 24^ it] itit Lag.


xii 25 exS.en^.V on [^.KxR^ooY m^t {\]oy^^^n rt

cjuo^e n[ca50T itoe it^^enlojHpeojHJUL


_ /c]a3^e[itccuoT2G [nxooT 2^e juLnoTxic^o? ,nrrtT~enn-iJULi^. juCh]

32 verso

[/xecenl4.juLncij^. exmip^. nexeKpicic juL[iirto]T


ii]xA.nfKo>s4L^e ixjuLooT ^^"^'j exo-yjuie

eve epooY xe ,ennoTxe ne :

T]oT-e ^.-ccoTJuLnnonrxe juLjuLe n^.V erteT

^-pHA. juLJULoq riajopii xe h'rhcoo^

jULJU.oq ^.rt

(28) ex^enAi ^.oh julux^-Ko ei e^p^-V exojoT

xiii 1 ,eunexcLjoYeiT [r^-p pjuojuLe hijul exo it

^.TcooTH enrto[')fxe] :

ijLUOTco'rfirteTaj[oon] ^I'TrtrtA.r^.eort

e[xo]'*'rt<?>.'' epooT [0^12.6 juLnonr-f^xhye[rte]2^KK''e rtcecoYitnpeqccorvr

2 ^X>\[^ rl]x^.TjuLeeYe gykuo n^^T-KY gy

\uvL en^^Hp gxa-ccoot :

H rtcioT eTKtJDxe h nJuiooT eircuoK :

H rte4>a)cxHp itTiie expoToem enKoc

JULOC xe n^'i rte rtno-^xe

25^ exi] rtxi Lag. nexe] itxe Lag. 27^ coyjuL]COnrrt Lag. 27^ oh] e^-H Lag.

xiii 1^ [V^.p] ad rte Lag. 1" eUH.] JuLnrt. Lag. 1^

JuLnoifc.] iAUo-jfecyc. Lag. rtex] nex Lag. 2^ kuo

rt^xHT evn.] kuo^^x h otit. Lag. 2- en<LHp]AJLIl^Hp Lag., who has inserted an K before it which is not in cod.

Tiu-.; see his note 2^ K ITJULOOnf] JuLnJULOCr Lag.

H 2


Sap. _ _xiii 3 ecyxe T"n[p]cijHHpe XineTcA. A-Tfco <L'rjULeeT

e epo[oT x]e ^ertnoTTe ne :

JUL.Lpo''ei[juLe] xe uxoeic itn^i THpo-y eie

neca3[q e]pooT rioTHp rt^^oTo :

JUL^.pitxcp[ . . .]-*irn~^.iULio iiue'vc^ neit

T"^.qc[om"]oT THpOT :

4 eajxe n[T^.T n]a)cyc e^pi.i exrixeT(5oJUL ixri

T~enf[ertepv]i<L JUL^-po-rnoi e.oX ft^HTOTxe n[em-i.q]cETcuxoT eie eqcTXicrojuL

epoo[v itoTHp] it^o'^o :

/rvT5 eTTortTtrt vi-p en]4.n4.i ri"fAJLrrrno6^ijLnccp

e'rn^.'y e[KoX iiJULooY e]npeqp^aoJ^ eRe'r[xno

G JULTt ne[ ]piKe epooT

Ki.ir<L[p itxooT ^aooT on] ce^X^.n^.


33 recto

7 ceuijee exrtrteToTrnA.'v epooY x[e necojcr

8 neiKooTe on itceTJUL^-JHT ^.rt

9 ecyxe ^.toycjooj noi v^-p itxei^[e ^cocreeToriTlt eni-UKocjuLoc :

eie nxoeic rtn^.! XHpo-jf ex^e[oT itxoq juL

om3^ TTi] KW ^^t Lag. ^-TUO] om Lag. S^ THpOv]Lag. eie] eeie Lag. .3* itO-^Hp] fi^^-0'ifHp Lag. 3^

JUL^.pitXa) . ..] ^^,p;X^JOn V^-p Lag. The lacuua requires 2 or

3 letters 4'^ itoi] ad [6']e Lag. 4^ eie] eeie Lag. _eq]

q Lag. 5^ rixjuLnTno^"] JULrt T-no(5^^Lag. nccjorrr|

npeqcojn'T Lag. 5^ enenr] juLnenr Lag. 6^ Lag. reads

^.XX^. nei Koove on onrn ^.piKe epoov. The lacuna

requhes 11 or 12 letters 7^ CeHJOe] ad V<i.p Lag. 9^

A.'ifonrajcL)] ^.Tecy Lag. v^.p] on Lag. 9' eie] eeie Lag.

THpOnf] cm Lag.


Sap.xiii nonf^^e epoq ^rtoif6enH:

10 2>eneB.iHrt itexepeTe'r^eXnic ^meTTeTJULOTTe erte^^S.H're ititpojAxe x[e

/DO^ovrtonfK JULit ot^^jT ^enxKeete riTe

rt^^^^ rl6Tx itpcjojULe i\^.px^ioc .

/rtcg[Krt11 OY^^-JULcye v^-p itpeqKuoojpe fio7JUL[^-

^.qKcjocJope ^oTJUL^. rtojun eit^.rtoif[q

^.qKeKxeqKovKe THpc ^T-eq[c^]uo

i-qp^^eitTex^H epoq eneccooY :

i-qx^-JULiooY itoTCKenfoc aji.T eerne

pHci^. juLneqaoit^.^, :

12 rtertx^-Tfceene 2^e eTeqeione ^.qc^.2>

T"e JULJULOOT ^.qcETe Teq^pe ^.qTcioq

13 ue^onro 2^e k^htot exeriqpcij^.T ^.[\

noje ex^ToojuLe expHT e.oX ittteiR :

/ne^.qxi'Tq ^.qjULonKq eupoonfoj riTeqeio

^.qT-<LiULioq ^XJULitTpXiLrt^HX nxeqc^tjo:

^.qTTixojfiej e'*^iKKtJo[rt fljpcoJULe :

14 ^.qxpeqeine flo''TEn[H rteX]^.XJc^"o^ :

10' neTepe] ne :epe Lag. lo^ fi^twon] riit^uoort

Lag. 10*^ rlCTiX itpCJOJUte] om_Lag.H^ ^0'rJUL^.]

juljuLjul^. Lag. 11^ Kcouope itoTJUL^. rtcLjHit] ajex

O-yajHn Lag. 11^ X^-JULIOOT] T^-JULIoq Lag. OTCK.]

^rtcK. Lag. eenfnepHci<L] itenfUHpeci^. Lag. ii^

ojit^-^j] ^& Lag. 13' ne^^oTo] neeooTLag. _ is^

iiit] ii Lag. _13'^ juLortKcj] JULottvq Lag. enp.] ^juLnp.

Lag. 13^ ^] 2>JT"rt Lag. 13^ g^^f^^^^"] ^^IKUUft

Lag. 14^ ^.qxpeq] pr H Lag.


Sap. _ _xiu ^.qx^-2^q jULUHpcy ^.qT[pene]q^.nf^.rt T-pocypecy

nex^m TTHpo-r eT-rt[2;HXcj] ^.qcoX6oT

15 ^.qT^.JULIeo'VHI n^z\ [eqjuLncy^.] juLJUioq

^.qx^-^jOq ep^[xq eTOTito-^xo] ^.qopxej ^oTueni[ne ]

16 A.q]qmeqpo[ovcLj xeK^.c itneql^^e :

_ _'


qcooTn ze JUinaj^ToJUL juLJULoq] eKoHOi e

33 verso

oT^ilKKcoit VAp xe ecpxpJ*^ rtqine[cpoonfaj

17 eqcylXnX 2^e ex^enK^. ^icyeXeex ^J[caf^pe

ne]qcyiue ^.n eqcLJ^.xe juut ne"TJULoo[nf]x .

eT^]eneqonfz^.i juiert quucy e,p<Li:

18 eT^jeneqcjort^ 2^e qcouc ititeTJUiooTT"

ex&]eT"eq.OHOi^. 2.6 qx(Jo^ iJLnexenq^.ico^-ite ^.n JULTt ^exeJULeq^.^ep^.xq

e]T^eTe^iH exqnZ. juLjuloc :

/neq^lx19 elx^eo-r^^HY 2^e JuCh irfjuL^.T-e it-fone ri

q]<HTi n.onf6ojUL eE.oX ^I'TJULne'rqo'r^.^

^^neq<5Tx :

14^ ^oTJUieX^] itoAJLe Lag. IG^ [ftiteq] erirteq

Lag. note 16^ ^IKKUOH] ^IKCJOft Lag. 17' [rte]qci].]

nqcy. Lag. 17^ ^^s] i^^^S Lag. e,p^-i] ad en<LT--

6'[oJUL] Laff. 18^ 2^e] om Lag. qCOUc] eqCOUC Lag.

rtnex] juLueT Lag. is- 2^e] om Lag. qxtw^^] eq-

TtJO^^, Lag. 18^ ^-^e] cy^&e Lag. 18-^ Te^m]Teq^m Lag. 19^ u-tJUL^Tre it-fone] i-oue_ xk-

njULA.xe Lag. _ 19- [q]i.n-i] ^.qA.ixi Lag. ueT-qoT-

^^^] neTTonfocyq Lag.

xiv 1^ onf^] ad on Lag. ^ertito6'] nrtocT'Lag.

SAPIENTIA XIV 2-6 103Sap.xiv q]^.a]K^.K e^p^.I enrcge eq^^ooT eTZoi ne

eqx^-Xuv epoq :

2 TjH ^^.p itx^-YJULeenre epoq ex^eTeueoT^"coc{)I^. 2ie exenec^^ojouc Trertx^-^AjlKq :

3 Rtok 2^e ueneiuoT TeKnponoi^. Te

Tp^^jULe juLJULort :

xe ^.K-fTe^iH on ite^.X^.cc^. ^.-yuo ^.m juLjulo

ocge eqopz ^n^oeiJtx :

4 GKTi-JULo juLJULort xe onfit^ojut juLjulok eTonf

xo e_oX 2A*-*-*-^ rti-*J^- :

/^.rt itrtHH^e

xeK^.c ^cooT eYe^.Xe it6T nexeftcenoi

5 eKonfOJoj eTJULXpe'r6uo gto rt^.p^oIt ii

(51 rte2j^[H]Te itxeKcocJ)!^. :

eT^en^.[i nptolJULe nicTeTe nnenr^TXHn.oT[eX^.XJ]cT"ort ncye :

^.nftjo ceo['rx4Li e]c{)oeiJUL e'vxioop g^nexHT6 ^xe2;0['ceixe] 2^6 ort eTrt^-qtJOTe eoX


rtxA.ee[Xnic juinKJocjuLoc onrx^,! ^i^viions

^.ccga)xtu rioTcnepiUL^. juLnjxno ijLRKocjyL[oc

e^^[TK6lX p^^JULe juljul]oc :

1^ [q],LcyK^.K] equocy Lag. evxoi] enxoi Lug. ne]om Lag. 1^ eqx^-XHnf] eTqi-Xe Lag. 2^ eireenf-

JULI^.] eUIOTJULIi. Lag. c^H^f] ng^HT Lag. 2^ 6X6-

nec^uoojc] eTrte c.cjoa3c Lag. xenT^.(5'iJLKq] tem- ^.cjuLonKq Lag. 3^ juLiULon] iiJULoq Lag, 3^

xe] om Lag. 4^ XeK^.c] XCKi-^-C Lag. ^CJOOt] ad Ort

Lag. noi] COOnrn Lag. 5^ eKO-CUOOj] KO-CUOCy Lag. (5cu]

cyaone Lag. 5^ c{)oeiJUL] u^oeiJUL Lag. ^^nexHnr]rtnenrexH-r Lag. 6^ 2^e on evni.qa3xe] ^^.p eT[cu<Lrt

qjooxe L.ag.


Sap.xiv 7 ^Tc[jULO'jf v^-p encye exepe]x2^JK^.^o[c'rrtH ni.

34 recto

cLjoon efioX ^^iTooxej:

8 qc^jO-ropT" 2.6 itToq fi6T uJULOTrir n[crrx JuCri

nenTA-qp^o)^ epoq .

ze n^-i JULen ^.qpu^uoE. :

/ta-kkt [ueRH 2!.e z.qjULOTxe epoq xe rtoifre eTfcyie eq

9 n^.ce^KC 2^e ^.'^fa3 T-enfijLrrrcij<Lcfr [uitoT

xe JULocTe juLjuloo-t g^ioYcon :

10 K^.iri^p ^eItx^-qJULo^KC| ceKoXi.^[e juL

JULoq xx}\ nertTi-qx^-JULioq :

11 ex^en^.1 certi.^ijLncyme rlitj<eei2.[a3 j

Xoit rtn^^eertoc :

ze 2^juLnc(jorrr iji.nno'rxe A.nfcij(jon[e

^-1'a3 e^encK<Lrt2^^.Xoit rtne^^xH [it

itpcojuie :

^.TU) o'jf<5op6"c iioTepKTe it^eH[x

[/^]a5[Xort12 ^-^.pXH "^^P itxnopiti^ ne ux^.julio rir[[ei

i.'vto ne'jfJULOTnr ne ux^.ko juLucoit^, .

13 oT2^e v^-p rtenfojoon ^it xmrtojopu :

oT2^e rtcen^-ojcone i>.w cy^.erte2>:

7^ CtjOOn] OJOJUe Lag. 8^ [<^X JULh] Probably no room

for more ;(5Tx OJOOU JULJl Lag. 8^ R^jUO^] cm TI Lag.

S** ^q] ^.T Lag. X^.KHnf] X^-KHOnf Lag. 9^ ni.C.] n^-C.

Lag. 2.e] V^-p Lag. Te-yJUL.] TeqKeJUL. Lag. 10^

jULoriKq] JULonvq Lag. ceKoX.] cert^.KoX. Lag. ii"*

e&en] ^ri Lag. 11^ onrfT] eTCC Lag. rioTep.]

itrtonfep. Lag. iti-O.] rtn^.e. Lag. 12^ "^^p] om Lag.

12- JULOTitv] JULonv Lag. Htjort^;] [njenfajn^ Lag. is

CLJ^.] nOj^ Lag.


SAPIENTIA XIV 14-17 105Sap.

xiv 14 ^^rtT-JULitxajo-rcgo 2ie firtpajJULe itx^vei e^^onrrt enKocjuioc:

eT^en^.1 ^txocijt ^hot^^^u eTKeox15 oTeicwT v^p eqX-ynn exIic^KJ^e ixneq

ojHpe ^.nrqixq ^0T6enH eqo it


^--yxi.JULio itoT^^iKKOJit [tt<Lq] etpuoxxe

eqjui.ooTT ne ijLn[io'yo]eicy itxeT

nox ^.qx^Ioq rlee [itonflrto-jfre :

^qt" exoo-Tcj nrteT[ ] rt^enJULYc

XHpiort juut ^en[ ]:

16 eixi. 2^neifoe[i]cy [<Lq6'juL^]jUL fi6T nei

cuorrr r[aj^.qT-

eT2j<^pe2; epoq [Ree itoTitojuLoc

o-jfCJOcyT" [rtJULJULo-rfiv rl6Tx

34 wr50

17 . . . pujoT 2^e exonfKT juLjuloot ijLnov

ecLJT^.IooT juLne^iixo e^oX :

314^ tyo-JfCLJo] sic cod. Tin-., Lag. note 2^e] V^-p Lag. 14

^VTocyx ^0-^2;'^^] ^'^ xev^<LH Lag. ex.S.e]

^R Lag. _15^ X'^'Uk] X-Vni Lag. exXJL] exit Lag.

15^ ^-T] itX ^.T Lag. 15'^ ^.TX^-JULIO it] ^.qX^-AJLIG

I-ag. ,IKKajn] ^IKUOrt Lag. 15^ Re] Follows instead of

preceding ixnionfOeiOj in Lag. itXenrrtO'*] TrenOY Lag.

]5^ T^ioq] T'^-JUlIoq Lag. 15''^ eToo'Tq &c.] exoo-XOT ri2>6^"*^'fcT"Hpiort JULit ^enojiicge itrt ex^<Lp<LXq Lag. There is convenient room for ^^p<LXq in the first

lacuna, and small fragments at the beginning and end are suitable to ^and q. cyXioje ^^-ould suit the second lacuna 16^ UeTOeicg]

neonfoe^y Lag. 16^ ^^.pe^,] ^pe2> Lag. i?^ . .

pCJOOx] ilKepOOJULe Lag. Before p remains of CO (?) OTHT]O'CHOY Lag.


Sap. /

/OTXIV _ /

^.JTT-^jULieoT^^iKKojn erteccuc JuLnppoeTOTX-Lio JULJULoq:

x]eKA.c enfep^-TooxoT eKojpoj eneTOTH'r

18 ^]tco TJUuvTpeqpxcjope JuLnpeqpeione-

.cjceK iiKooTe exo n^^xcooTii ijLhnca?q

ecyXJLcye n^.q enrjuLHit eKoX :

19 rixoq Yi~p eqo-^^ojcy e^.pecKe juLnppo ^p^-V


A.]qjULonKq ^.qx^-JULioq eneccoq e^OTeneq20 nJULK]Kaje 2^e enrcjon JuLjULoq eTKecJxjoB.

e]Tnecajq :

nptJOJULe ertx^-TX^-JULioq ^<LeH rioTKOYi

^^'*JLfLete epoq Tertonf xe ovrtoTxe ne-

21 ^-Ui-i ajuone enrcTopi^'c juineqtjori^ :

xe npuoJULe enx^nrp^^XJi^^^.X juL4)H^e rirtep

ptuoY :

npA.n eT~eito'ifcijO'X^.Toq ^.ri ne exriXi.

^.TX^.^-q e^enujrte iXh,ertcije :

17^ ne'Jf^.o] 4)0 Lag. Crnnf] O-^HOT Lag. 17*

T^-JULie] T^.JULIO Lag., see note ^IKKCJOIt] ^IKCUFl

Lag. 17^ exo-r] et Lag. 18* TJuovrpeqpTtJope]T" . . . rt^qp TOO. . e Lag. IS^ . qceK] A.CCeK Lag. _qis uncertain, but it was not C CT] ev Lag. ijUtltCCJOq] JULtt-

itCOJC Lag. 19* OTOJOJ c] OnfeCLJ Lag. ^^P^^^J ^'^ '^'^P

Lag. 19^ ^qjULortKq] ^.[qp^n]A.q Lag. e^^onreneq]

e^Onf[o JULn]eq Lag. 20^ 2.e] om Lag. tJOn] CUOK Lag.

20^ neCCOq] ad ll-fone Lag. 20^ em-^.T] ^lX^.T Lag.

20* epoq] om Lag. TeitOT] iu Lag. precedes ^.TJULeenre

21* ueq] ueT Lag. 21'^ ertT^-'v] fi^-^.T Lag. ep-

pujonf] ppuoonf Lag. 21^ exeitonrojOTXi-Toq] e 'n

a)-0TXi.^.q Lag. ue exit] e<5e Lag.


Sap. _xiv 22 en-^. juLneqpaocye rt^.T eqccopXJL e^oX ^^

ncoovrt juLurtonfTe :

^.t(M ^.qpnKetJon<i.2> ^oti^ocT juLnoXejuioc

iJLJUL^^-[^.]^"cooTrt :

_ /"tpHrtHnemee[ooT x]HpoT cejuLOTTe epooY xe

23 K v^.p ce[cija)cw]x rirteTcyHpe ^rte-vojA-xeK ceeipe [rt2>en]ju.YCT-Hpiort ev^Hii-H enfo nctj[oe!x] ^i'Th^i{JUL^^ itcuo e.oX

24 ^-'vXo (5e [er^^^pe^ e]r[[^]ioc juin uv^.JULoc eTnoY^. [2^e noT^L eqcTcbpC^eJrtex^ixo'^'ujq

e^[a3T^ jULJULoq ]

H epK[poq. . . ]:

25 ^.]JlJL^^ [rtijuL JULonr^^ riKpoq ^i]^uo'Tii[. . .

35 recto2 or 3

. . . oq rlxi-Ko ^I^-^IcxI^. itajT-op[xp o)

26 pk nnoTX 26epna3^ rtn^.^^-eo[rt

(26) TJULrr^^.^-^JULox iincijajq itrte^[nf^H

enaji.e rirlcuoiVT julv^-Ajloc eqcy-rtpxcjop

ilxijurrnoeiK ^.'<'co nxco^^-27 ^JULncyjuLoje v^-p nriei2ia)Xort eTertaj[oT

22^ iineq] iinq Lag. eqcojpijL] eccupJuL Lag. 22'-^

coonrn] ojoxrte Lag. 22^ ^.'^uo ^.q] ^.XX^. ^.'r Lag.

^"^&] ^"& Lag. 22^ nei] rteei Lag. 23^ oj^Lxe]

aJ^. Lag. 23^ ^ixlt] 2>rt Lag. 24^ eT~T^iHT] eqx-EKht Lag. 24- tteX^IXO-JfOjq] neqepKT Lag. 24*

K[pOq] ad ... . nqeXiKO JULJULOq Lag. 25^ ^cox^]ad ^I cnoq ^l ZIOTG Lag. 25^ . . . Oq rt] om Lag.

ri 2^^] om Lag. 26^ ep] np Lag. 26^ AJLUOJCJOq]

nctJOajq Lag. 26^ e init] om Lag. rttt] JjLXl Lag. JUL-

T^-JULOC] JULJt nV^-JULOC Lag. 26* .

init] om Lag. 27^

2^] om Lag. rtClj[o'*] it ^^it-ClJ-OT Lag.



rlToq v^-p ne x^-pxH ixneeooY hijul JJTn [xi^i

28 H vi-p ceXoB.e ^^^.iff^e cenpo4>Kxenf[e

/nnot[xH ceo^^.2^ ^0Txm(?6rtc ce(5enH ecjopLK

29 GTKoo v^-p ri2>"*"["'*'] e2>eriei2^a3Xort eTJUL[o


itcep^oTe ^.it xe nueoooT n^.x^-^ooT

xe ^.TJULeeTe k^.kcjoc e^^oTn enno[Txe^.TKcw it^THT e^enei2^(joXori :

enfK^.^"^-4)poItI rtTeKpicic :

31 riTCTojuL v^p ^^n rirtexonfcopK juLjuloot

^.XX^. cJ)^-^ rtrtexpnoE.e ne ecijA.qei ii:

con niJUL exi JtTni-ppHci^. itripeq

prio^e :

XV 1 riTOK 2ie nertnoYxe rtTicoTXpHcxoc

RxKOT^A-peoj^HX eKxojaj jOluxh

pq ^/ioTitl. :

27^ VA.p] om Lag. iXTt 0^-H] ne^,H Lag., see note

28^ CenpOC^.] pr K Lag. 28^ H iuit]om Lag. OH^.^] OK^

Lag. cecTena] pr k Lag. 29'^ uneeoo-r mJ] itrte

neeooT 30^ 2^e] cm Lag. ^^^eJUL^aj^.] juLnejULcy^.

Lag. fl . . .] AJLC^UO^ cm^t Lag. 30'' A-T] eT Lag.

30* ^.TtWpk] enfCOpK Ki-KOJC Lag. 30'^ ex] e ^.Y Lag.

31^ exi ii^-u^,ppHCI^.] exit xn^.p^.^[^.cic] Lag. 31'^

pnoKe] xm6on.c Lag.

XV 1^ nertn.] nrt. Lag. XP^C'^*^*^] Xpc Lag., uote

1^ ^^.peoj] 2>^P^ Lag. TCOOj] [cJULirt]e with xtiocy in

marg Lag. 1^ 0'y^^.] XCUOJ [^\] It^. Lag.


Sap.XV 2 KA.rt ertajA.rtpito.e <Lnon[. .]ort rtovK :

ertcoonrrt ijLneK<s.JULA[^xe

/pOK .

itTrteipe po) ^.rt itc[oo')fn] xe ennn e

3 ov^.iK^.iocTriH r^-p e[cxH]K e^oX ne


^.va3 THOTrte ijLn[aortis.^ ne] ncooTrt juL

4 oTi^e v^-p jULn[ec]p[RXi.rt^. juLjULon] jtcTf "Txe

Xf^H eeo[oT JuCh njuteenre rir\]puojuLe

onf]2.e 4>ice it[.kT-K^.pnoc itttpeqce]^,^.i^ec:

juL\n cjuLo[x GTZH^^ ^^e^^-')f^,n] enrcyo^.e

35 verso

5 . . . .ctji.pert.LeHT" eueoTJULi eitey^jL.

enfjjULe juLume rteiKKcort exjuiooTX

JULit nrt^ n,KXc :

G e]TijLJUL^emeeooif e'riincLji. rloeXnic

nxeijuLine ri6T neTX^-JULio juLjuloot

JULit rtexcyjULcye rt^-T :

/cjucyjuL ixnoiULe7 K^LiViLp o'TKep.LJULenfc eq^ice ixJULoq eqox

q]nXi.cce JuLnoT^ no-jfi. encyXicye :

2^ i.rton[. .]ort itonrK] i.n[ort n] exe hcjok ne La?:.

There may be either one or two letters missing 2" AA-TieKj

fixeK Lag. 2"^ eipe poo] n^-p no^e Lag. itc.] ertc.

Lag. 3'^ [CJOn^.^] CUn^ Lag. 4* Onf^^e] Otire Lag.

ijLn[ec]p[nXi-rti.] juLncuX^-rti. Lag. 'TTexr^n] Teg^mLag. 4^ [o-^lAe 4)ice] o-xe ng^ice Lag. 4-^ [jULjrt

CJULOX] JUL it rteCJULOT Lag. 5^ . . ..] Three or four

letters at most missing, Hi-I 6X6 Lag. eueo.] eUIO. Lag.

erteT^ . .] epOOT Lag. No practical doubt about y^ 5^

eiKKOJn] eiKUOn Lag. JULOOTT] ad exe Lag. I do not think

there is room for 6X6 either at end of 5^ or beginning of 5^ 6

ef] eto Lag. eeXmc] rt^eXnic Lag. _ 7^ nonr^.2*^]

ad ftrte^^rti.i.if Lag. encyXJLoje] juLnertojijLaje Lag.



,oine JULen excHcy e^oX ^^niojuie fioTcox

nexp^cjo^ 2^e epocr neTcooYit xe ovTe xexpI^- juLn[o'y]4. noT^. :

/ojuie ito'^fUDX

8 ^nrcu npeq^^'fq enneeoov eE.oX ^^ni^.qnX^.cce noTrtonfTe eqcyonreix :

mJi em-^-ifxnoq e^oX ^^nKi>.^ 2^^.oh

nonrKo-vV :

JULnrtc^-KeKo-^i eqrt^.^a}K enjUL^. enx^.q

ei-Yqi rtxeqiJ^TXH rlxooxcj :

9 ^.XX^> rteqqipoonfoj xe qit^-JUioY ^.It h xeonfKoif I ne neq^-^^e

^-XX^. eq-fxcort JuCh it^A.'rrtonfjS. juirt ii

peqp&^x JJTn rtc^. it^^ojuLux :

_ /Xxeeqcyonfcyonf juLJULoq eqx^-JULiocjULox rl

10 oTKpJuiec ne neq^jHT ^.nfoj Teq^eXnic

11 ^.'Jfao nequofi^, choj eTOJUie "xe juLneq

co'n[^]e^T^>q^X^.cce juLJUioq :

nenT'^.[qmq]e e^otn e^pz.q itoT-t^v^x^H

ece[rtepri] :

7* JULen] 2^e Lag. excHcy] e[n] ex CHcg Lag.

8^ ^XCj] ^^LCXq Lag. 8^ eqctJOTCIx] om Lag.

8^' xnoq] [x^]jULioq Lag. 8'^ enx^-q] n.x^-q Lag.

8*^ it 1] om Lag. 9^ pOOnfcy] ad ^.rt Lag., omitting it after

jULonr qn^.] eqn^. Lag. 9^ JULJUioq] ad xe Lag.

XA-JULIO] X^.JULie Lag. 10^ O^f] Gt Lag. 11^ Xe

juLueq] eE.oX xe iinq Lag. ii^ ajn^.^] twn^,Lag.


Sap.XV 12 ^.XX^. m"[^.q JUL]eYe xe OTojoTcuoKe juL

JULoq [ne nenjuon^, :

eqz(Jo[ ]PjHT ^^(jofi n\[JUL

13 n^.1 r4-[p coonfit e^onfo nonfjon. rtiJUL [xe qprtoKe

eTX^.[jui.io . . .

36 recto

e^oX ^otXh juLnK^.^^

14 ^eneKiHrt ne ^.nfcjo ^ert^.eHX n[e e^oTeo'f^'^X" najHpeKOYi nex[ixeeT

iXneKX<Loc exxi juLiULoq [h(fonc

15 xe rtei2\cjDXort THponf nit2>^^"[oc e^JULe

eTe xe ^ertrtonrxe ite :

^^-I eTeitcen^Lv e.oX ^.rt ^rte'r[<LXo')f2^e rlceajcjDAXiL ^.n J^aJ^.^.m"OT :

onf2^e rtceccDTJUL <Ln ^^itenrjuL^^-xe

onf2.e ilce^JUL(Ti}L i.rt ^ne^^HTe nn[. .

ne'KeonfepHT[e] ^en^-pvon ne ejuLeTJUL[oo

iG cvpuojuie v^^p epeneqrm^- n^^K'rq ne[n

^-^.q'T^-JULIOo'* :

eijLrtcij6oAJL vA.p rtX^-^-T itpojJULe enX4.c[ce it

o'*rto'xe eqeine iiJULoq :

12^ ^] ri Lag. 12'' K^.. ...]... . neOOOT Lag.

13- eV| ^.q Lag., note 14^ ,e^^.eH'^] [rti.e]KX Lag. 14"^

KoVi nex.] [cyHJUi] itx. Lag. 15^ ng^eenoc] rteeenoc

Lag. 15*'^'** o'y2^e] o-rxe Lag. is'' ne^^Hnre itrt. ..]

itXHH^e flneT(5lX Lag. 15^ ^OTJULm"^.OHT"] om

Lag. 15^ [ej A foreign scrap of papyrus with t on it has acci-

dentally lodged over and effaced this e 16^ "^^^'^l ^poqLag. 16=^ eiXrt] JULIt Lag. V^-p] 2^e Lag.


Sap.XV 17 oTpeqjULOY 2^e ne eqp,(JD^ on enexJULo

o-jT ^it6Tx itit^LrtojULon :

Rxoq Y^^p qco'Tn ene"TqcyXjLaje JuLjuloot.

xe itxoq juLert qonA.^^ nu 2^6 JuLnoifcjortA.^^ erte^,

18 iiKexErtooTe on excHcy ceoTCJOcyr" JuLjuLoonr

enrxon'Tit r^-p juLjuloot enr,ooT euKeceene :

19 oT2^e rlnecojo'jf i.rt ^^^net^o eT"pe'yoT4.

cyonf ng^ertrl^uoort :

/neqcjULOTceo "z^e rlcgjuLJULo euT^-Vo juLnrtonfTe JuLh

xvi 1 eT^e^^.I ^oTiinctj^. ^.TKoX^.^e ijL

JULooT ^I'Tn^oine rtxeijuime

^.'4^M ^t^6.c^>.t\lz,e juLjuloo[v ^ilTTioT^-cyH ft

2 enjuL^. rlTeiKoXi-cic ^.[Kpue]xn^.novqiJL^KeX^.oc :

^-Kco.^-e n^.Y rt2jency[ ]2,pe


^oT-fne rtfipRe ezu:)[K e^o]X nxenrene

3 xeKA.c rtH juiert [enreneeTJULi] eonruoJUL

rtceT>JLfrijL(5[ojUL e^^i flxenf^]pe :

exS.erten[x^.'y'ritrtoonfcoT ejxuooT

n^-i] 2ie fix[oo'r ^.'^fcy^^Ice z^lTxi'f ne

17' JULO-r] JULO-VTe Lag. ne] om Lag. eq] q Lag.

17- itcTTz] neq6Tx Lag. ftftA.rt.] rt^.it. Lag. 17* o"^&]On^ Lag. (JOrt^.^] ton^ Lag. 18^ on] om Lag. JUL-

JULOO-y] ad ^n e. . . Lag. 18^ eT 2^] Ce Lag. 19^

n2>enn^.] ^nit^. Lag. 19^ neq] ne Lag.

xvi 1^ ^Onfixncy^] Placed after JULJULOOV in Lag.

^LTfKoX.] e ^.nfKoX. Lag. 1^ A.nf^A.C.] e'cB.^.C. Lag.

2^ nKe] neK Lag. 2^ &enaj[ ]&pe] ot^h jul-

nHp^. n^pe Lag. 2^ exooK] ecxuoK Lag. enee.]enie. Lag. 3^ xeK^.c] xeK^.i.c Lag. 3* [^ice] ad


SAPIENTIA XVI 4-10 113Sap. _xvi i^]o'r[2;pe n^ppe

/exo] npeqziz[rt^2>4 ]^p^i eztrtriH

36 verso

itxooif exAJLJUiooT ejuL<Lxe :

5 K^Livi.]p itxepeqei on e^p^'i excooY it^T u6ao

rtT] RrteoHpion ^.TX(JOKc ajljulooy ^i

jULu]exeKoprH JULo-rit e^oX enxHpq

6 It]X^.KajT-pXCJDpOT 2^6 npOCO'VKoVl CK^f

ft]x^.Tzi iloYJULi.eirt rto-^x^-i epnjULeeveititettToXH JtJLh neKnojuLoc :

7 njen-T^-KKoxq v^.p ecy^.-yrtonr^^ ^.rt ex

^enexqn^.T epooT :

^.]XXa. ex^HHxk nccjoxHp itoTort nijui:

8 ^^mJi vi-p i.KXA.JULerteitx<Lze xe rixoK

eoj-LKXo'jfxon e^oX ^A*-neeooT niJUL:

9 rtH] JULen A.^encyxe juut ^en.i.q noY^^op julo

onrxoT eTrXtJOKC iiiUiooT

^^fuo jjLWot^e ex^.X6o ^xct^vxh :

xe ne-yjuLncy^. riKoX^.^e juLjuloot ^I'tn


10 neKojHpe 2.e iixooT juLuo'^xpo epooT

4^ itxooT &c.] n^-i 2^e_ex^.JULoo'v juLiULi.xe

Lag. s'^ euxHpq] cgi. nxHpq Lag. 6^ [rt]x^.')rx!]

e ^.')fXI Lag. 6^ rin] it Lag. iXTi] ii Lag. 7' Koxq]xoojq Lag. ecy^.T] eaji.q Lag. 7- rtex] nex Lag.

epOOnr] [JULJULOlq Lag. 7^ eX^HHXK] eX^HXK Lag.

8^ VA-p] 2^e Lag. 8^ eaj^.KXOTXort] \V e aj^.KXOTXOLag. 9^ ^xex] rttte-r Lag.



Sap.xvi h6T no^^e nii^oq ^S^^.KJUL^.xoT

neKitZ. v^-p ^.qei exojoT ^.qx^.X(TooT

11 itT"<L'Tro.co' v-Lp eTpeTpnjuLeeTe rirteK

4i.Tco ^TenrrtoT ^.'yo')fx^.I xe rtnenrnoC^rloJi

eye T^,^ooT ncepnojjS^ nneKneT'n^.noTq

12 o-fT^e r^-p iio'^fitTH6^^.^ ne o''2^e iio-ru^.

^pe ^.[rt Te] hT^^c^^J\(^ox ^JX'X^^ wck

ajA.xe [uxo]eic uexxoTXo nonron niJUL

13 xa3K v^.p x[e Te^loTci^. ijLuJULOT ^.Tco ncortA.^,

GKxi e2,P4-[i ejULn]TXH iiA.ijLhTe ^.toj eKeine

e^p^-[i ]

14 npojJULe [ag oj^-qjULOTOTX ^^xeqK^Ki^L :

epaji>.n[nermA. ej e^oX ^.too] JUiepeTeqil^TXl^^

Ko['Tc epoq ]

15 eijLrt[X^.^.'r ]itT[

16 rixe[poY ]xe[

37 7'ecfo

^.K]JUL^.cT IvoT juLJULort ^t^ojul JuL[neK(5'^oV

juui ^ertno6^rii^X iine juut ot Ka3[^7r. . .

17 xeojUHpe 2^e xe nepeneKKuo^Jr enep

ii^^T.] hT. Lag. itrteYHo^r] itrte oTno6^Lag.

o^^] uo.^ Lag. 11^ rt^.rto'yq] ni.oTOT Lag. 12^

0''2.e] OTXe Lag. (twice) Ue] om Lag. 12^ CLj^.Xe] ad ne

Lag. nex] eTLag. 13^ njuLOT ^^tuo ntwrti.^] ntjon^,JULIt nJULOT Lag. 13^ After e^p^,I not room for more than

Olt ; lacnna a]so in Lag. 14" epCL^^.rt] epGCy^Lrt Lag. JULC-

pexeq^TXH kotx:] TeqiJ^TXH julgckotx: Lag. 15

eiXTt] JULit Lag. 16^ JULJULOn] JULJULOOT Lag. 16^

ficUJrt] itCCUOT Lag. ^UUfi] ^aOOT Lag. le'^ &G"]OT Lag. Ka?[^7^] ad eqOJXit iXJULOOnr Lag. 17' 2^e]

Vi.p Te Lag. neKKUO^lT] nKCO^'T Lag.


Sap. _xvi VI rt^jO'^fo ^JixxiAJLOOt exa3[cyIjL juLuxHpq

HKOCJULOC v^-p cy^.qjuLiaje julh ft2i[iK<Lioc

18 ^ertcon JULeit itxeuKuo^Ti" ^^pojH [rtqTXJL

pcoK^ ^rl^ccort ^Itenx^.''il'TOT [e

xeK^.c etem^x itceeiJULe xe etoixKo [Jul

JULOOT eTKpicic n-xenno-vxe :

19 2>encoii 2^e fixjuLHxe JuLnJULoonf itqpuo[K2>

e^jOYn ex6ojUL itxc^-Te :

/xmcTfoitcxeK^^c enrex^-Ko JUL^K^.p^oc juLupecj

20 enjULA. fi^^.I ^.K'fJULiULo iJL^eKX^.oc itxe

2;pe iiri^.v^eXoc :

^.K'Trtrtooif n^.-y e^oX ^xne rlo''oe[iJ<] eqcEtoox n^.**- <Lxri2,ice :

eq(5XJL6ojuL e^jXo^^niJU. ^^yuo eqrtHT ^[tlne niJtx:

21 T"eK6ojUL v^-p ^.co'ya3n^.2J e^oX ijLneK/\4.9C e

^onrrt erteKojHpe :

eqcyjuLctje VA.p juLnoYOJcy rlrtexzi ixJULoq :

/epoqiteqojifLe ne ^A^-neTepeno-r^. no-r^. enienrjuLi

17^ ^^XJLnJULoo-y] enjULooT Lag. 17^ iXh] exit

Lag. 18^ &r^j^?] ^^^- Lag. nnemr^-v] itx^-nf Lag.

18* XeK<Lc] XeKAA.C Lag. 18^ e-JfKp.] ,IXit TSKp.

Lag. rtTeun.] iiun. Lag. 19^ ilxJULHxe] ^itTeJULHXe Lag. ptJOI^] ad JULiULOOnf Lag. 19^

e^otn e] e^onr' e Lag. 19^ xeK^,c] xeK^.^.c Lag.

eTex^-Ko] eqe^-^.Ke Lag. iJL^K^.p^oc] i\K^-pnoc ajl-

nK^, Lag. iinpeqx.] rlppeqx. Lag. 20^ 'TJULjulo

JUL] T-JULJUte Lag. it 2] ^rt Lag. 20^ ^] G^^fI Lag.

21^ TCK^OJUl] XfHSjUL Lag. V^-p] ad ijLneK^Xo(5' Lag.

OTOJIt^.^,] OlfCOn^ Lag, JULneKX4.0c] om Lag.; reading un-

certain but probable ; it cannot be ^oX(5^ g^eXcTe or ^"Kk^GI 2

116 SAPIENTIA XVI .22-26

Sap.xvi 22 n^itoit ^.nfcu neKpTCT^XXoc ^.t^i ^^.^Ka3

7r juLnonf^coX eE_oX.

/noc nnxi.xe :

zeKi-c eveejjuie xe i-nKcu^/r T^.Ke^K^-p

etxepo ^ITltxex<^X^.cc[^. ^-]'^fa5 eTJULot^ ^i

'TXJL4>(joo')f :

/rtxeK6ojuL23 xeK^.c 2^e epeit2.iK^-ioc [c<LA.fi]^ juLuoirpncofiaj

24 xeKnicxic v^p eccyjuLcy[e ^^.K] nertT^-KX^-JULioc

^ertcon iixert aj^.citcLj[ox e]KoX^.cIc it

peqxin6on[c ]

/epoK .

^encou 2^e on [ c. 8 ] neT-rt^.^T-e

25 eT^en^-i on [ijLne'jfoeicij ex]ijLjLA.T nee

ojiKe [e^^uo^ niJUL ec^JULojt] nTeKi^o)

pe^. e[c<i.i.naj XinTHpq itn^.j^.pJi.no'r

a3]cy n[nex2^K^.eix

37 V6?"50

26 xeK^.c] enreeijULe n6T neKcynpe nTl^K

jyiepixoT nzoeic ze nK^pnoci.n eTpKX neTCiLn^ JuLnpcwjixe :

22^ KpYCTA-XXoc] KpTCT^.XoC Lag. 22^ A.n-

KOJ^Tl"] UKCJO^'T A.q Lag. nK<LpnOc] nK^-pnoc Lag.

22^ ex] eq Lag. (twice) ^ITll] ^n Lag. X'^'^'^CC[^.]

y^^.'>\^>.^^^ Lag. 22"'^ ^i^fjUL^^uoot] nn^iuoo-r Lag.

23 xeK^^c &c.] ^^t(M ^.qp noo^cy nxeqKe6oJUL : n^.i

2.6 on zeK^-c epe n2^iKi.ioc c.<Ln^ Lag. 24^ tgr-

niCXIc] TeKXICIC Lag. ^.k] ^.q Lag. 24^ ffl-^-C]nc

Lag. 24^ peqz.] ppeqz. Lag. 24* on . .

.] ad nc

.D.(JOCy eTJULTOn n Lag. ; no room for more than 8 or possibly 9

letters in the bracket 25^ e[c<L^nCLJ Jsic liag. in text, but in note

'ex ec^.^n^ pr m eTC^^.ncxj efPectum'

which is what one would

expect ;Gk. r>j TTavTorpo(f)(t) (tov Scopea virripeTet ; perhaps the lacuna

should read [XCA.naj &c. nn^-^^pX*.] ntt^-^pit Lag. 26

ci.n^] c^wi-n^ Lag.




ft^]XKT epoK :

27 nexe]juLeqE.cpX r^-p e^oX ^ixXJLnKtw^/^

cy^Lq^jULOJUL rtq^LCJoX e^oX :

28 x]eK^^c eTeeijuLe xe cgctje ^^.oh rlnojA.

juLnpH ecyn^JULOT n.Too'rk :

^.nrao ecyXaX eueeie^ epoK :

29 eeXnic v^-p flrti.T^juLOT" rt^.^a3X e^oX ft

ee JuL^x^.q rtTenpo? :

4LTa3 cr[<L^T"e iiee itoTJULOonf rtA.xcij^.T

xvii 1 ^ennocTv^.^ ne l\eK^^^n RneTecyx^-^ooTex^en^i ^.nrctJopXjL ii6T rte-^frx" ft^.T-c^c

2 efJULeenre v^-p fi6T itA.rtojm.oc exi itoT^^e

ertoc eqo-jf^-A.^ rtcTorTc :


A.qjULopo'jf ^o-rrto^J^rtK^Ke iXrt oYrto6^it

e^-nfoxnoT e^onrrt eTHi A-Tcyoone eTX^Tli

HT g^i'TrtTenportoiA. ftajA.erte^ :

3 eTprto.e vA-p eyjtxeete xe e-vrt^.cy^twn-

^.-yejuLKoonr ^oif^JSc rtK^-Ke rttw^ ct

epctjo ijLJULooT exJL^JTe :

A.TftJO e-vajxop-Tp iiJULooT 2J"&^"&P^4 jtKeHi VA-p exoTo'Tu e^.o'vrt epooT ii

no'r[cyaD]ne it,HXOT A.zit,oTe :

27^ rtrtA.KXirt] rtA.KT-irtLag._

28^rtrt^^] rtcy^. Lag.

28^ eie^T"] eiS.'T Lag. 29^ Itn^-T-^^.] JULRA.X,. Lag.

29=^ cn-i-^^T-e] cti3^^^^'ve Lag.

xvii 1- rtA.T-c^a5] JtrtA-Xc^uj Lig. 2^ A.q] e ^.v

Lag. nO(3^it lO] oni Lag. rtO(5^it 2"] ad ciite rt,ox.rixrt Lag. OTOJH] XGTcyH Lag. 2* OjUUne] cycon


pr m in

ntiira^Lag. _ 2^ itOJA.] CLJA. Lag. _3' A-T] A.q Lag.

rtUOficy] -^J^" ^^a Lag. 3* ,It] 2>J^" Lag.


Sap. _xvii ^.XX^. n[e')felpcijo juljuloot ^iTn^en

no(5^rt[^poo]T :

juui ^enp[^.coT] itcjuLox ii,o eTOKXJL e'rnH[''

ijLne['yijLx]o e^oX itcerto'rq ^.n :

6 TKe^ToJUL [XinKuol^T^ [ijL]uecponfoem epo[o'r

o'2^e ncy[<L^ juLnonfoem] rtnciov i}Lnec|

6 neco[TtJoit^ 2^e m^t iJLJUL^,xe] fi6T oY[c^.xe

e[cxepo JUL^.T^.i.c ecjuLeg, i^]2,0T'[e

38 rcc^o

n]eTOTn^.T 2^6 epoo*r neTn^.it4.[cyT' . . .

nexepcLjo juLjuloot itcen[^.T epooT ^.n

7 nepenLi 2.e ojooii itno6Tte[(5^riTxexftH it

ilpeqp^iK ^.Ya? itznio [^^iccuoj ixT-JUUVT

^^.Kepa3JULe fl^"eYco4>[I^.

8 ^ecy^.')fepKX v^.p K^enKoo[Yeenonrxe eRoX juLuecyTop'Tp julti rl[2^oxe

/nc[a3.eitToo-jf ^(jooT on neTcycjone ^ot^oiire

9 erteiXTiX^-A-Y v^.p ricijxopxp T^pcyo ijL[JUL00T

44 rice] e 'itce Lag. 5^ iJLneq] iinq Lag. 5

gy] ex Lag. 6^ [iJLJUL^.xe] e^oX . . . . e Lag. 6^ ^eT^^.]net Lag. rtA.^ri" ] n^-cyx rt^.T ne e^^ov' e Lag.

6^ itce] e 'rt ce Lag. 7- [rixjuntx.] nxejuLitx. Lag.

8^ neoj^.'jf] e cyA.**- Lag. 8- eitovxe] ririoTZ Lag.

ijLneajxopxp xxh n2>oxe] ^itn^^oxe juliI necy-

xopxp Lag. 8^ xe'4^.] ne^. Lag. 8* cycorte] ad

ne Lag. 9^ cyxopxp] ^oxe Lag. x^pcyo] epcyoLag.


Sap.xvii 10 ^en^jpooT noHpioit ^iz[A.]xqe "eY[..

pecy e^oX ^it'O'vujot :

pKoX epoq itc^.X^.^.T hc^^ :

11 (loj xnonHpj^. v^,p e-yKoX^-^e juLjuloc cy4-<^P

JuavTpe JULJULOC rlg^enKeneoooT ex

pe')fx^.^oc :

A.nfU3 cyA.c(^cyT- eKoX ^HXq S^^ertKoonfe

enrrti.cyT" rtonroeicy niJUL :

enrpuo^p/r jULJULoq 2^i'TrtT-enfC'ynei2^Hcic

12(11) o'rX^.i.nf r^-p Te eoxe expeoT^L x<L^.q it

6'E.oi e^.qco'jfitxni.ajxe exqcTcucyT"

13(12) eeXnic v^.p eccy^.it^'^fie ^^i^^otk aJ^.cJUL

exexJuuvT^.xcoonfn it^LoJ-vo iixexi^.

exi~ n<Lc rlx.<LCA.n[oc ]

M (13) rixooT 2^6 ^(MOf oit e'Vrt[KO'T]K ^^-fo-yajHrio-jfoox exn^-cyx [rlx^.]cei e^^p^-V gjri

juLJULi. riKA-Ke i\^.juLLfixe

/m^i epooY15 (14) n^.1 juLeit ojxopxp juljul[ooy 2>i"i^f^&P^ exoT

n^.1 6e n^.^cjDX e^[o]X ^i[TxJLn6']e ilxe^ifXH

10^'^ et . . peCLj] CCJOp Lag. lO^ XO'^OOO'*-] XOOXOTLag. 10^ eit^^rti.'vje^rt.i.'r Lag. 6e] ad ^.rt Lag. n^-Hp]ad n^I Lag. 11 Before JULrtXpe are faint remains of 3 letters,

prob. ^.fUO written in error and erased 11* >HXq] ^HXCVLag. 11*^ xenfcnrrt.] xcnrrt. Lag. 12' otX^.^.-^ r^.pxe eoxe] oTX^.^,'r rtee Lag. x^.^.q] n^.x^.^q

Lag. 13^ ^^P] ^e Lag. ecajA.n] e ^.C Lag. JULK^.^]

ad it^HX Lag. 13^ eXeXJULItX.] flXJULriX. Lag.

it^oTo it] ^of> e Laa. 13^' i"] eipe Lag. 14^ :Le]

cm Lag. 14'^ itO-TUOx] OTOJX Lag. 15' OjXOpXp]pr eq Lag. 152 6e] 2^e Lag. It^.] rteT Lag.


Sap. _xvii ^rtoYcycrte[. . . .] ei e[^piJi exuo]ox il6T eo

xe nc[e6uDcyT- 2>h"tc ^.n ]

16(15) onfojrt 2^6 n[iJUL eT-rt<LTtoiJT- enJUL^. eTXJL

ne')f2,]<^p[e2, epoq ne eqoTTi ej^^oTit

eT]aj[T-eKo nK^.j<e]

38 verso

17(16) . .]. .e . .e H crctjooc h o-vepr^[T"Hc

J3LJL>L]^^y i}LnqpE.oX epoc .

18 (17) itXOOT VA-p] 4.'rJULOpOY ^0'V^iJ\fClC

eiTG o-y]nK^. eqcjucy e^oX ^^^^hkX^.2io]c itajHrt eqocy rl^nb^e ;

H OTJCJULH ri^i.XKX H ne^pooY XjLjulo

OT eqctoK ^^oTrtajox :

19 H ne^^pooT n^ertrto(5^fla3ne e'rccoctje

eTg^fiopKp juLajloot

(18) h] 2^en[^ujlort enruKX ^ce^^.Y epooyK xecjuLH] it^eitoHpiort eTrt^-^x eirx^HJUL

. . . ]ei^. :

n^.[i THp]oT ^.'^foxrto-^f G'jfGpajo juLJULOonr

15^. . . . ei] ^.cei Lag. 15* itce] e 'itce Lag. 16^

[^]^.p[e,] ^.pe^Lag. e^o-rit] om Lag. 16^ ctj[xeKo]

ecyxeKo Lag. i7^. . . . e . . e] eixe onroei ne Lag.

17^ T-^.^[oq e'fXJLJUlli.T] eXAjLJULA-T 'T^>.^0^ Lag.

18^ iuQJ] ad ne Lag. 18" CJULH] ,pOOT Lag. JULJULOOt]itoTJULooT Lag. 19^ ne] OT Lag. rt^ettno(5^iia)rte ex-

ccjDcye] eqco) nocT ficune Lag. 19^ itce] e

'n Ce Lag, 19^^^.Xkx] ^<LX^.Xe Lag. KHt] OTCO^^enecHX e-r^.HT Lag, ig" . . . ei^.] eire Lag.


Sap. xvii

20(19) nKOCJULOC Y^.p THpq eTOJOOTl ^^OKoein eqT\&HT :

/juLKit efioX-^^y'(Jo

.] itrteqcme e^p^-i ]Ttrte^.KTe ex21 (20) ItK 2^e JULi.T^Li.'r IteXOTll e^jOTIt ^'f

onrcLjH enrepojo juLjuloo**- :

eT[e]rtxoc xe x^iKKcurt juLnK^.Ke exo-y

it^-^cuK epoq .

rtxoo-r 2^e neT^^op^ epooT xfL^.t^^^.f e

x^e^K^.Ke :

xviii 1 iteKiiexoY^.^.^ 2^e ilxooT nepeonrrto^'

[lo'[oei]n ojoon nA.T :

/epooT ^.n .

GpertH[ . . ca)]xXJL exe-vcjuLH itcen^.T

rteTJUL^.K^.pI^e juLJULoonr xe AxnoT^tJOK

2 A-TU) nenf[cgn^]jULox nxooxoir xe itce

xcjoa3[^e rt^.]T <Lrt itnzm6oric KX^-[T

^.^.'v[ ]

^.-jfo) n[eT exi^eee ilx^[T

[ ]'

3 eUJUL[<L

20^ gt] eq Lag. 20^ itrteqcme] neqcixe Lag.

21^ nex] net Lag. OXn] ^OXU Lag., but Peyron (Lex. 277b)read OXU here in the Tur. MS. 21^'


i'O'^'CyH] Xe'lfajK Lag.

21^ e-repojo ijLjuLooT] ex^op^ Lag. 21^ exe] om

Lag. X^IKKOOrt] OIKCOn Lag. 2l5''5 ex.e] e^O-r' e Lag.

xviii 1- oToem] ad ne Lag. 1=^ epertK .

.] epe nn jmert

Lag. epe is uncertain, the papyrus being stained ; there is not room

in the lacuna for JUteit; perhaps it was It^ eXev] eT Lag.

lice] e 'K Ce Lag. rt^.T] ad 2^e Lag. 2^ neT] eT Lag.

2^ xcjotwE-e &c.] TuouoKe . . . ^.-rrti. . . . Lag. 2^ nex. .

ex^e] rtenr . . . juloot ex^e Lag. rtx^-v] ad

. . . . T nX^Xe Lag., with note'

2^ fin utrum T nX<LXe hue

an ad 2^ fin pertineat nescio'


Sap.xviii 39 7^ectO

iXh o'jfpH eJULeqpcjDK]^ ^.n eqziJULoei[x ^HTonr4 itH vi-p ijLnaj<L expeY]qi nonroem nxooT[oT

iiceoTnoJT e^^oYit enK^.Ke.

nert^"^.nf,^.pe]^ erteKojHpe enfCTn e[^o')fri

]ojuLoc :

n^.1 e'v^t^.i~ rtno-vjoem rt^.TX^.Ko juLnKoc

JULOC e^oX] ^ixooxoif :

5 itxepo-cxiojjoxrte r^p cjulo'totx ilil

cyHpe] ^lr^eK^exonf^.^.K :

e^LvnoTzle e^oX itonrajHpe eqoY^L^.^

^.TO) ^.q]o^fz^.I eueTxnio

^.KqmJUL]HHClje itrtenfcyHpe :

^.Yuo ^.Kqo]xoT e^oX ^^lonrcon ^^o-jfjuio

OT en^.cij]a5q :

oxe epoc ]

zeK^.c e'jfeei]JULe [enj^-n^-cy flxi-[TnA.2,

Te epooT rice[T]a3K il^HX :

7 ilxeoT]oTz^.i juLen a|[uo]ne rtn2^i[K^.ioc

ijLneKX^.oc o'r[^-^.Ko] 2^e it[riertxA.2ie

8 nee ri]x^.KT-^^Kertenx^-xe

9 ricyH]pe v^-p exo-jf^-^-LK rlriptJOiULe itA.vi.eoc

ne'jf]rtA.T"A.Xee'cii. e[,pA.i ^^jtx.<^{M\\.

4* OJULOC] om Lag. 5* ZTTIo] ad 2.6 Lag.

6^ A.'jfTA.JULo rt] i.KT"i.JULe Lag. 6^ i.ni.cy] A.n<LTCy

Lag. rixi.[T] itcerti.-*' 2$e FIt A-T Lag. 6'^ epoo-y]

epoK Lag. 7^'2itn2.i[K^>.ioc] juLneKXi-oc] iiueK

Xi.OC 2^ijL nKOCJULOC riit2^IKi.I0C Lag. 8'-^ Lag. reads

^ijL n^i A. [niz]i.xe r^-p ^p^V it^^^'^^' -^^[1"

eoo]-*- iti^n 9^ [e']nA.] nex Lag.


Sap.xviii enr cjuLi]rte ,ioycoh i}L[nrtojuLoc juLnxESo

expelnexo-y^.^.^ juLe[xexe Juut itenrepHT

enI]^.v^.eoIt JuCtit . . .

39 verso

12 . .] AArt Hiie itneTpeq[juLooTT

^]e^"ort^.p, v<Lp ite'*[paocye ^.rt ne exuoJuCc

rineTJULoonrx :

eT^ene'jfxno eT[x^.iHnf ....

13 etb v^-p fl^.x^^.^x[e e^tu^ niju. eT^ene-r


^^m-per\e'rajepn[iiju.ice x^-ko

i.nr^^ojuLoXori ijLnXi.o[c xe onrajHpe rt

xe nrtonrxe ne .

14 epeo'rrto(5^r^.p itc6p^.7^ [

niJUL cjuLorrr ^p^-V ^[15 neKaji.xe excTiiCojuL e^[(jo^ num.

^.qei eE.oX ^Axnu-re ^^[ixttneeponoc

itxeKJuCKxepo .

Roe ttOTpeq[juLicye eqcgcocwx e.oX

^.qqa3(5e e,p^.i [exjULKxe juluk^l^, i\itx^.xe

16 e[nfn]oTCHqe n[xooxq gcxkjul ^^ixne

eqx]cf)2, ex[ne e]pep^.xq ^izXJL[nK^.2,

9'^ juLe[xexe ixh iteTepHnr] jul , . . . neTepHT Lag.

9^ JuCh] ad rtl . . . . O-iCJOX Lag. 12^ Olt^^] 0, Lag.

12-^ eX^e] ad Xe Lag. [XA-IH-V] ad ^.qX^-KO ^R OTOJU-

ncycori Lag.; prob. not enough room for so much here 13

Ojepu] CtJpT^ Lag. IS'' A.T,0JUL0X0VI &c.] ^.'*',OJULO-

Xovei xe oYojHpe rixe nnonrxe ne nei Xi.oc Lag.

14^'^ Lag. has only KCpe OTIt . . . . JUL<L rtlJUL C. . . 16^

JULi-^,] JU.e2> Lag.


Sap.xviii 17 ^.TlcyrpTCOpOT h6l\ ^[\.<^^>.t\T^^

CI4L np^-cloT enf n[^.]cyT" .

juui ^en^oxe] e-vrtHT e^^p^-i ex[cAJOT eiice

JULeenre e]pooT ^.rt-

18 epe^0T^. noT^] itax rc^ltca. e[qo juLuajjuLo-jf

eTXA-JULo juLJULooJT exXoi6e e'r[oTJULOT


19 itp^-coT v^-p exojJxopTp ii[jui.ooT

40 recto

21 A.q]jULiaje extjoo')f[. . . .

eqjxcw^ ^i'Tito''aj[XHX Ixn o-vojot^hne eq^.^ep^.'^q [oTE.en6ajriT"

^nf]a) ^.q^-^.X6o itxee[

ijLJULoq eRoX xe [neK2iJuL2^A.X ne

22 ^-Iqxpo 2^e enJULHHcy[e ^o-^cTojul ^.n ficcojuL

o]T2^e ^o'rn^.,T"e ^-[n it^^onXo"

^.jXXii. ^ncLj^.xe i.qcentcnexKoXA.^eJULJULOOT :

_ [/2^IA.eHKH

.jpeqpnjuLeenre itn^.^.cy [itneioTe juut t23 itT-epoTcyuone v^^p n6T [ripeqAjLoo-yr e-c^^Hnr

e^p^-i ezrirte'vepHnf

^.qA.2,ep^xq ^xe-yjULHxe [<Lqx<LX^TopvH^.q^epxxe^IH o-vxujoy [iZTi itexoi^

17^ ^.t] itXe')frtOT_2^eZ>-T Lag.; room for 5 or 6

letters only before ^.T 18' ^C^.TC^.] rtC^. OTC<L Lag-.

21^ [^.q]jULiaje ezaooT ....]..., [o-rpojJULle ncosTn^.qJULI[aJe] .

._. ^.qxI juLn^onXoit [iiueq] cyjuLcye Lag.

21^ T"^.X(56 rlxee ] T^JX6e Te .... eqoTOort^Lag. 22^ 2^e] cm Lag. 22^ 11^.^X6] Iti-OjXe Lag.

22^ ncyA.ze] neqcy<5.ze Lag. 22^ . peq] e ^.qxpeqLag. itni.rti.cLj] rti.iti.Taj Lag. 23^ rtepx] npx Lag.


Sap.Kviii 24 rtepenKocjuLoc r^-p XHpq [no^x ^n"no2^HpH rlxeq

^.jftp ijeooY flrterte'io'r[e itqxooT

itcTi^oc e')fajG[xcgcox ^^gj^f^^^^^.-vco T-eKJULm"rto<5^^[ixrtxe(^Hne fixeqi.ne

25 i\iJi n]crtx^.YCLj[ine ^hxot ri61 nexx^KomJi rtettx^-]Tp[2^oxe 2>hxot

40 t'e?'50

xix 4 rtepex<Ln^.rKH] cudk juLjuloot ex[ei2j^H ex

OYijLnaj<L ijL]iULOc :

e^.cxpe'jfpnajSl^ rtrtenx^-Tfcyajne [xjLJtxoot

zeKiLc e-vexcjoK] e^oX flxKoX^.cIc [rtx^^.c

^.rtoc exolTjuLncy^. juljuloc :

5 c. 10 ]JULe nxioop ^oy^^ih [rtcynnpe

rtH 2^e rtxoo]T expenrKcoK ^oyjuLo[ . . .


6 xeKxicic v]^.p XHpc juLneccjuLox A.caj[^xii

ecc]a3itx eccylXaje ijLneKO')fe[2jC^.

&n]e: _xeK^-c ec]e^^^pe^ erteKojHpe ^.xrtiJLK[^.2^

7 xeKXooX]e v^-p ^.cp^A.i^ec exn^.pXJL^oXH^.'vco o''K^.]^ eqcyoTCDOT ^.qoToori^^ e^oX

^onfJULJooT en^-cycjoq :

24^ [nO^Xj sic Lag., with note'

UO^X in margine inteiiori pi-

rn, nbi in textu JULOItT '; Gk. eTTt yap TTobr]povi erSi'/xaros rjv okos o

Koa-ixos 24^ Iten] Lag. 24"^ Gt] eq Lag. 25^ ^.T]

^.q Lag. [nex] neX Lag. 25' [^.]t] ^.q Lag.

xix 4^ exeij itxeei Lag. 5^^.10 JAxe rixioop]itxe neKXi-oc xioop Lag. 5^ expev] nee Lag.

5^'^ JHLO[. . . CyO^]e] JULOOT eqcyo.e Lag., but Gk. has

davarov suggesting JULOT 6^ JULuec] ^JUL WGC Lag. 6*

^^.pe^;] ^-pe^ Lag.



xix _/e^.XA.c[c4LAxn onf^m eclcoTfTturt e^oX ^xepYe[p^.ijth oTccjDcge eaj]^.ci-o-va3 eE.oX ^^en^o[eiJUL

8 x^.V flT^.-vei e^oX] ^lyooTc ^i'Tri^eer[[oc num.

epexeK^rfx p]2j^iAe[c epooT

41 ?^ec^O

Sir. nertx^-T-f n]^.rt e^^^^r p.ixjuLnrtojuifoc jultiProl. .



nenpocJ)H]xHc ^.-voj nKectjto^ . . .

4 or 5

rtc]ujoT mJi execycye ne[ ex-Lio

XinrnX it^lHTOT e-reTec^co [-re JuCh xco]ci)i

5 ^. A-TO) cTe] ^uoc eiTexeajctj[e ne rtn]eTtJDaj

^.it iJ^.AX^.]xe eeijute epoT . ^.XX^. rtcepnKec-6 JxPHciJULon. itexn^.pAJLA.ic^tJO

c. 3 eT]jyi.xe ^.tcjo eTc^^.i . eniuDX IXm,gioot] Vhcotc ^.qx^.^-q encocy ene2>oT

10 o juLn]nojuLoc juat neiipo4)HXHc ^^f^x3

nKejcLjuoxu execycge rtftxajojJULe it

neio]xe- ^.ycu ^.qxno n^.q iloTno6^rt

^e^i]c ^nA.1. ^.cp^xop ^cotwq epoq expeqc]2;<^V iirtexxi e^o-rrt execJ^tw juut xco

15 c^I^-] zeK^.c epeijLJULi.icB^a3 ccwxjuL epooTrtce]oTU32> exooxoT eJUL^.xe ^ixhite&KH]Te juLnnojuLoc. -fxcofig^ cTe juLiULco

xrt e]xpexexnjuLnexh2>^^'^ e^ovrt ^^nn]exrt^.rioTq . itxexriojcy itxexrt

20 x^lqicun nX.JUL^.it ^^J&o'ii^e rinXe^ic :

7^ ^en] rt Lag.

Prologue : wanting, except the last few lines, in the Turin MS. (Lag.).

It is printed from our B. M. MS. by Crum, Cat. of Coptic MSS. in

the Brit. Mus., p. 395, whose restorations of the lacunae I have for the

most part adopted 3 UJOt] OOT Cr.



Proi. ejULnlerteajjuLeei-e epooT ^^nejULKi^^

itT"^lepJULHni<L- jULeTpxeTCTojuL v^-p eKcij<L

noaj]oT riKe4.crie rloe fixoox juLijurr,eJ^

p^.Io]c RmJi 7^e ijLjuL^.Te ^.rt ^,XX<i. juLnKe

25 rto]jyLoc xjiii itenpoc^HXHc ^^fuo nKe

ajcoxn] rirtzcoajJULe RotkoVi ficyi^e ^.rt

]riT^.Tq eKaJ^.rtxooT rlxenf^^e

^TJUL^.]^JUL^.ficyJULH^e v^.p itpojuine3 or 4

.... ej-rprexH ^.lei e^p^.i eKHJUie . ^.t

30 03 ... . loock i-i^^e e,enrio6^itc^u) ex

TTiTlcurt ertonrrt ^.i^^^'^op &^ ^P^'' ^

Tp^jeipe ^o) g^oTcnoT2^K ixrt ot4)ixo

nojni^. e^epjULHrteTe JuLneixcjouojuLe

41 wr5o

^.ip^ennlo^T'r^p itoTajH Rpo[eic ^o-jfjuurr35 pJuLrt^Hlx ^oTKO(5'noToei[ai cij'^f^'tl" J^

nxtuoolJULe e^oX eT^>.^^<^ itn[KooTe

^[jULnjUL<i. exjuL]jULi.'r eTonruocy e[xicKai3

eA.Tx[^^c euenf]2>HX ep^^^K K^.T"^-[nojuLoc

nenpo^oiJULiort :

i 1 TcocJ)!^ THpc onre^-oX ^^^''^'^[^^oeic

^>.tuo ccyoon ruuLJULi.q cy^er[[e^

ncyco2 itiAJL ueTrti-ojojen rto^-X^Lcc^. [ixri xta

TiXe JULc^tooT JULtt ne^ooT [

26 [ojUOZVl] [ceene] Cr., Imt there are remains of the super-

lineation 29 [e]TpreXH] [eTe]pVeXH Cr. 30

[. . . . Iojck] [e^.]Ia)cK Cr. 33 e^epju..] e^-p^.2>epAX.


128 SIRACH I 3-12

Sir. _i 3 niJUL Tle^-tt^.cy2.eT2,T^XIce rtx[ne AA.n

nutjozk JuLuKi-^j -w^ ncyiK[e . . .

4 2,i-eH rtitK^ niJUL ^.Tcirrxc 04)14. [a-to)

5 xnHVK n.Tcoct)iA. ne ucy^-xe JuL[noT

Te ^itexxoce ^^tuo neq,i[ooTe

ne itenxoXH itcy^eite^,-

6 TitoTne itTcocJ)!^. em-^-c(^cb/^Ii [enijix

^TOJ niAJL nenT^^qeiiULe enecKoTtc

^-jfco ueccooTrt xkjkj hijul uen[xi.q

ccrcjoitq :

8 of^^ we ucoc{)oc eq-f^^oxe ejuL^x[e eq

^juLooc ^ixjuLneqeportoc :

9 n^^oeic ilToq neitx^-qconTtc ^.q^^^'Tc e^p^i ezRrteq^^Hif[e THpoT

10 ccyoou JuTn c^.px "i-- K^.^-^. ee [e-rq-f ixixoc

^.TO) ^.q-TA-^^c itneTJULe ijLJULoq[

11 ooTe JuLuxoeic o-reooT Te juih [otojotojot

^.-^00 oTovrtoq Te ixri otkXojul [ilTeXuX

12 cyA-peeoTe JULUXoeic -foTpoT [ixn^HT

aj]i.ci- nonronrnoq JuTn oTp^.c^je JuCh [oTi-cyu


i 3- cyiK[e . ..] ^iv:e jul . . . . Axn

_nrto'*[r\] Lag.

52 neq] rtec Lag. 5^ ite nenToXn] ^neitToXn ite

Lag. 6^ enT^.c] itT^C Lag. 7^ TJlXItTpJU-it^HT]TenicTKJULi Lag. enT^.c] nT^c Lag. 8^ nco4)oc]

riC0cJ)0C Lag. 8' 2,IXJUL.] ^! Lag. _9^ COHTc] ad ^^t^X^

^.qrt^^T epOC ^.qOUC Lag. 12- n] om Lag.

SIRACH II 10-18 129

Sir. 42 recto11

10(11) H mjUL nertxl^qcocy e[^]p^.[i epoq A.qo^cy

11(12) xe oTaji.it^]XKq ert^-HT" ne [uxoeic

^.TaJ aji.qK]4.no^e e^oX ttqx[o'rxo ^rte'roeioj rtjxeoXn^ic :

12(13) oToV rlo]T^HX rl6coB. juut ,en<rix eTK[K^L-Jfcjo o-rpleqprtoKe eqjuLoocye e^m cn[A.'r

13(14) o-roi" ilo]T2jHT- rt6cu^ xe rtqnicxeTe [^.rt

ex^ertA.!] rtcert^-cKen^^e JuLjULoq ^.rt

14(15) oToi itHTlTt nenx<^-'K^TooxoT e^oX [R

T^^TnlojuLOttK :

^.-rcu epelxn^ponr epoj^nnxoeic crijLn[e

15 (IG) nexp^o]xe 2>^^ iuLnxoeic AJLeTp^.T

ctwx]jUL eneqaji.xe :

_ /oreA-TO) itexjUL]e ixjuLoq ctjA.T^<Lpe2^ erteq^^io

1G(17) nexp2>0Te] ^^Hxq JuLnxoeic cy^.-vojiite

itc^.ue]xe2>rt^.q :

^.TCJO nexjULe] JuLjULoq oj^.tci JuLueqrtojULoc

17(18) nexp^oxe] ^^^^"^ iinxoeic cyi.YcoKTe rtne]T2>Hx :

^Tcu cy^Te]E.^io KrteTilrYXH iJLn[e]qJuL[xo

18(19) ertit^.2,e ^^v\.(^-^ JuLnxoeic n[2^]n6Tx[ il

itpajJULJe .Lit ne :

(20) itoe v^-p iixjeqJu.nTn[o (T] T/Ji xe [xe]qjuL[nxn:^

ii 11^ en^Hx] illti.HX Lag. _11^ ftq] ^q Lag.

12^ e^m] ^i ^iK Lag. 14^'- [rtT^.vnjojuLonK] om

Lag.; perhaps X^TU should be OTH 15^ eiteqctj.] Rc^.

neqcy. Lag. 16^ ci xjl] ajme itc^ Lag. 17^ ffl^'f]

ce[n^] Lag. 18 This verse is wanting in Lag. except the last

word which reads ijLTieqKert^,


130 SIRACH III 1-13


iii 1 ccoxju. epoi] rt^-cynpe eTieT"nei(JOT"

rlxeTTipTe]i&e xe [epelTlicori^

2 nzoeic ^.q]i~e[ooY rl]oTeicjox exit


^.nruo ^.qx^-Xpe4)^-Ti itTlJUL-^i-T exnrtec

3 TieTXi^io juLneqeicox] qrti-p^oX ene[qrio^e

4 (3) ^.'vuo neT-feoonf rlT-eq]JULi.i.T eq5 tte[e

_ _ ]:

5(4) nexx^i'o JuLueqeicox q]ri^eYc{)pi.[ne

42 verso

7 (6) qrt^p^^^i-X it]rteqeioT-e n[ee itrl . . .

8(7) ^TieK^]a)K jjLix. ueKcyi.x[e. . . .

xeKA-c elpeneqcJULOT ei ex[a3K

9 aiA.p]e necjULOT vi^p nnene\[oTe. . . .

cg^Lpe nci-^oT xe itT"JUL<ki.T np[x ....

10 iiupajoTajoT juLjulok epeue[. . . .

juTifTk e5oT TA-p .

11 eqcyi.rtC(Jocij ne5oT v^-p ijLne[. . . .

^.''a3 oTno6ne6^ne itrtcijHp[e. . . .

12 n^ajHpe cyenneKeiuoT epo[K. . . .

^-'jfuo ixripXTni JuLjutoq ^^iie[. . .

13 K^.rt eajcjoue eqcg^.nK^.,H'r[ . . . .

^.TO) XJLnpcocyq ^^xeK(fo[jUL ....

iii 1^ [epelxnuoit^;] epexiieuDn^ Lag. 2^ [nxoeic]ad V^-p Lag. [rl]0Teja5T"] JuLueitJOT" Lag. GXR] e,OTOe Lag. 2^ nee] R Lag. 3^ pKoX ene . .


.... Lag. 8^ Lag.'s text is lost from this verse to ver, 20, and

as the Bohairic text is also wanting no attempt has been made to fill the

lacunae, except so far as is practically certain

SIRACH III 14 VII 31 131Sir. _ _ _

iiil4 T-JULItXrt^L VA-P ItOTeiCJOX n[. . . .

^.fuo enjuL^ nneKnojS.e ep[e ....


15 ^>.'4uo qrt^cuo'rXJL epoK ^^n[^ooT ....

nee eojA-peoTx^jULH Aof[xA.q

TA.fl Te] ee exoTriA-^uoX e^o[X. . . .

16 ecyMe otza-Tota. ne neT-[. . . .

A.nfa) qc,o'ro[p]T- ^i'TXJLn2io[eic n(fi uexxi

itoTCTontc T"leqjULA.A.T

17 nA-ojKpe onf[a3] nrteK2^fi[K*re ....

XA.poTjuLepi[xk ^i'rlrtonf[p(jojuLe ....

18 itee eT"eTTi[prto]cr'eB[^iexK'yxh

XA-peK^^e enf[

20 2^e oTno6^T-e [xcTojul JGLn^^oeic a.tco cyA.x'f

eooT nA.[q eE.oX ^ixriiteTeEfiiHT21 juLnpcLjme n[cA.rteTJULOK^ m^v.

a.t]cjo JuLnp[,ox^7^ itcA-iteTnA-cynr

43 rectovii

29 (30) ^]xeK-4fT^K XHpc A.pl[,OXe ^H'Tq JJl

nxoeic itr'feoo[T itrteqoTKH^.30 (31) ^^TeK6ojtJL T"Hpc jyL[epenertT-A.qTA.JULioK

A.j'jfco JuLnpKOJ rlcuj)[K nneTcyXJLJcye nA.[q

_ _ _ _ [/hkJ^31 (32) A.pi],oxe ^HTq juLn[z]oeic n"ei"eooT nneqoT

nvi" nA.]q rirteqxo KA.TA.ee nTA-q^jturt

eTooTK :

16'^ CTofttc T]eq] There is not room for more than 2 letters in

the bracket. The construction is at least unusvial; possibly an It may

have been -written above;

if so, it has disappeared

vii 29^ Itv] pr A.TtJO Lag. 31^ ilTA.q] e TtT A.q Lag.

K 2


Sir. _vii (33) x^-HA-pxH Ju^n Iff^j^"^^^ ^^^ nec^^oi JUin

TeoTci^. iin'rSfio ixri T^-n^pXH

32 (34) ^-rco nvcooY'rri neK6lx e4>HKe xe epeneKcjuLo*r zojk e^oX-

/ptojuLe niJUL .

S3 (35) Tex^P^c Juin otT^Jid XJLnejuLXo e^oX ft

iiiTpKUDXT rto-y^jULOT ^lOTpeqjULooTX34(36) piJULe Axh neTpiJULG ^.pi^jH^e JULrt neTp^^K^e :

35 ijLnpznA-i.T e6'ijLnajme ftrtexctjturte :

eTrt<i.JULepiXK r<i.p ^^julw^i :

36 (37) ^nrteKcy^xe XHpoT ^.pmjuLeeYe nxeK^.'TUJ itrn^.prto.e ^.rt ne cy^eite^:

viii 1 juLnpJULiaje juut oTpcojuLe itxuoujpe julh

noTe rfrei exooxq :

2 ijLnpi~T"a)rt jXh oTpX.juLi.o julhuoxg nq

ynrteppcoov(3) ^.nno-rB- v^^p t-^kg^a-^j -i-'fco ^.qpiKe jul4>ht"

3 (4) XLupjuLicge JJai onrpuojULe rtx^cT"cjUL[H

^.nruo JuLnpXA-Xeaje e^^p^i exXiLneqKCJO^/r:

4 (5) juLnpccu^e iXh onr^-xc^cjo xe itrtenrcuocy


/nnoe5 (6) ijL]iipno(Tne6^rto'rpuojui.e e^.qcA.^tJo. e^oX ii

i.]pinjULeeTe xe 'Tti^^w.cTl.io Tupri:

6 (7) iinpcecyonrpuojuLe ^^TeqiJurr^^Ao :

31^ juut it-f .]^Tt n-f. Lag. ne^?"^.] ne&K. Lag.

32^ rteK] rixeK Lag. 36^ cy^.] itaji. Lag.

viii 2^ eppOOO-r] epUJOT Lag. 4^ ItneT] rteT Lag.

5^ cA.,a3^] c^-^ojq Lag. 5^ ^^XJLncTXio] ^n ^enT-(TXiO Lag.

SIRACH VIII 7-15 . 133Sir, _viii GTp^XXO V^p It^HXrt :

7 (8) juLrTppi-oje exhot^^ ei.qjULOT :

^-pinjuLeenre xe TTirt^-juLOT XHiplt

8(9) iinpo^cyk riciji.2^e ttrlcoc{)0[C

43 verso

(10) cKejuLoooje 2^6 ^^InrteTn^Lp^oiJULi^L ^^^'xe e

^.nruo x6TncyX.aj]e rtnno6^

9(11) JuLnpKoo itccoK ftrilcy^.xe rtit^A^o

enx^LTc^o ^[uooT eplooT ^i'Tnrte'rei[oxe

(12) xe eKn^.cB.0 eT"JUL[rtx]pX*.n,HX eE[oX. . . .

A.'jftu 2^neYoeiaj nTXP^'^ n[. . . .

if>(i3) ijLntpT-jJUL^o rtitxEfiec JuLnpeqpno^ejuLHUoTe rirpcjoK^ ^Jxjlwkvo^^ JULwetoii^.^

11 (14) juLnpTajoTit ^^.ok rlonfpeqpno.e xeK[i.c

itrteq^jULooc rlee notCfoptSc ^iptJOK

12(15) XjLnp-f- ejULHce JuLnxaoojpe epoK:

KA.It eKojA.n'f cyuone nee ijLnem"i.qco[p

13(16) JuLnpcynTtJDpe n^oTo exeK6ojuL:

eKcijA.ncyrixa3pe qinpooTcy eT"i.A.T :

14 (17) ijLnpzi^A.n ixh oTpeq-f ,Ln :

eTrtA.Kpme v^.-p JuLjULoq KA.T.L neqeooT :

15(18) JuLnpJULooaje ^i^^ih juut xoXjuLKpoc xck^q

rineqTcooTn eztJOK :

8^ rtcy^^xe] enoj^xe Lag. 9- enxA-nrc^o] itx

^TC^fi-O Lag. 9^ C^oJ Lag. has a lacuna of this and the next

line 10^ 'TJx^O it] TAjL^e Lag. 11^ TOJOTrt]TOJitK Lag. zeK[i.c] zeKA.^>-c Lag. 11" itrteq] ertrteq

Lag. 13^ it^^OTO e] n^-pA. Lag. 13^ eKajA.rt] pr ^nfO)

Lag. ei-^^nr] rtT-A.A.T Lag. 15^ rlrteq] ertrteq Lag.

134 SIRACH VIII 16 tX 5

Sir. _viii(i9) itToq vA-p eqjuLoooje ^juLneqoTOjaj ^.-rto

Kit^-T^-Ko ne ^JriTeqjuLmr^LeHT" :

16 (20) juLnpJULoocye juut oTpeq6aoirr :

XJLnpjULOocye rtAJLJm.i.q ^inx^kVe :

(21) of'Xi>.i>.r r^p ne neKcnoq rtK^.2^pi.q :

^.Tco qn^-T^TOK e^p^-i enjuLA. eT"eixh.o

17(22) JuLrTpojoxne juui onrcocT'ijLri ojcTojul juLjuloot

e^LJUL^^Te rirlcL}.Lxe :

18 JuLnpp2>^-S. eq^HU XJLueJULTo eKoX ^^^[cyiJLiULo

ivrcooYit v^-p [i.rt x]e eKn^.pov19 JuLnpoveit^ueK^HX epuojuie niJUL ^.yco [O.

npx^.Xe,JULOT" epoK

/noTcEoj ec2j[oo*rix 1 juLnpKO)^ exeKcg^iAxe Xinp-fc^o) n^.c e[xa3K

2 JuLnJpi" JuLneK^HX exi eTeKC,iJULe eTpec4.Ae e2>pA.i exrixeKCTojUL :

3 JuLnpxa3]juLm" eTc^iJULe n,exep^. julhuo

44 rec^o

xe riV,e ^rtec(?op]^c4 juLnpx^-ojoK ^^-TTi]xeT^<LXei juLHUOTe

5 ijLnpJULe^TTolTni-peenoc juLHUoxe nt^

15^ ^^XJl] K^-TT^ Lag. 15^ Xeq] TCK Lag. 16^

JULOOCye] JULICye Lag. 16^ JuLnp] pr ^^nruo Lag. ItJUL-

jULA.q] nejULi.q Lag. 16* enJULA. exe] ^ri .... Lag.

17-19 wanting in liag.

ix 2^'^eTpec 4-Ae] eTpe . . C Lag.; 4i. and X are quite

uncertain, as there remain only the tips of 2 letters which would suit

these or other letters, while the remains of the third letter indicate e

rather than C 4^ iJ^A-Xci] ip"i.XXei Lag.

SIRACH IX 6-13 135

Sir. _ix 6 juLiT]pJULne[K^lHX eg^ertnoprtK xeKi.c

ntteK[x<L]KeT"eKKXHportojuLi^. :

7 JuL]fipJULOTcyT- ito-y^ip noTnoXic 0T2^e

JuLnpKCJOxe ^^rtrtecjULi. nxiJie :

8 KTeneK^i-X eBoX ^ofc^utxe ilci-iH :

^.nfo) JuLnpjuLO-y^T" jIotc^l JuLnuoK ^.n ue .

(9) i-,<-^ v^.p coopJUL ^nc^. itrte^iojixe :

^.Toj e.oX ^^XJLn^V cLji-peoTJULrtTcij^Hp

xjLot^ itee nonrKco^^ :

_ /&<^J _9 (10) JLfLWp^JJLOOC Xi.i.'T 2><^TI^O'<'C;IJULe eTItTC

^.TCJO JuLnp'fcYJUL^oXH ruuLJUL<i.c e'VHpu

(11) juLKuoTe rl"TeneK2>HT p^-K^rk ex[a3c

10(12) XJLfipKCJO ncojK nio-rjcy^Hp n[<L]c :

JuLnfippe v^-p cyHoj [n]X.jULi.q i-rt :

_/nIppe.(13) nee rtcrHpR it5[ppe ta.i] Te ee tto-jfajKup

eojcjone eqcy^>.na3[cK] aji.Kcooq ^^oTO'jf[noq

11(14) ijLnpKao2> eueooT [JuLnpeiqpno^e nrcoo[Ttt

v^p ^rt xe ^.cy n[e neqlctjopc^ :

12(15) ijLnponfojoj ^^onfcwL^y rln^.]ce^Hc

/xxsiTe^pjinjuLeeve xe ncerti-XJUL^Lio ^.rt ^^>.^

13(16) c.L]2>yJK e^oX itoTpaojULe enfnxej;oYci4. [


6^ JULUeKj 'f'TieK Lag.; a fracture has removed the superlinea

tion of the JUL if there was one ^6 It] rl,ert Lag. 6

itrteK] eneK Lag. T-.LKe] t^ko ri Lag. 7^ juLonr^T"]

juLonrp^ Lag. kot] ittt Lag. 8^ XJLnooK ^.n ne] e

ijLnCDK ^.rt Lag. 8^ V^-p] om Lag. CUOpJUL] pr i^f Lag.

10- Jul init] om Lag. 10^ fioe] pr Xe Lag. 1 1"^ ^.cy]

OT Lag. 12^ ^] ^it Lag. 12^ XJUL^.IO ^.rt]

XJUL^-IOrt Lag. uole CtJ^.^.JULhxe] itOJ^L ene, Lag.

136 SIRACH IX 14 X 2

Sir. _ix ^votK ^.'sfoj nrteKJULeexe eeoTe jm.n[juLO'*'

(17) K^.rt eKJctjA.rt'fneKo-jfoY epoq ixtTpp^^oxLe

xeK]<Lc rlrteqqi ajLugkcoi^ :

(18) eijute x]e eKJULoocye exjuLKTe h[^]en(^[^(fc

14 (19) Ki.]X^. ireKC^JLfL -f^THK GpOK en[eT-,ixoTa3K

^.'*]ao ivrxiojoxne ixri ,enco4)[oc

15 (20) JUL^.p]e^eKaJozrte cytone juul [2;enc^.^e

44 verso

^.nfo) neKcy'^.xe THpoT ^jXJLnriojuLoc iinexxoce

16 (21) JULA.pe^enpaj[juLe it2^iKA.ioc cycone

iicLj^Hp onfCJDJUL [^ica?

[/juLnxoeic^.-yuo JUL^.peneKctjo'[cyoT cgtjone ^eoxe

17 (22) aJ^.ItT^.Ie4>aJR fix[(5Tx ixnpeqpeione^.a3 ^no(5'rioTX^.o[c o]ifcoc{)[oc ne ^^

neqaj^.xe :

18 (23) o'ifpeq'f^oT-e ^xeqnoXic ne o['vptJOJULe

itpeqojcy e^oX :

/neqcLj^.[xeA-nfuo cLJ^.'rJULec^"e^peqqo(5q e^oX ^Jxk.

X 1 oTKpiXHc fici-^e aJ^.q'fc^oj ijLneq[Xd.oc

^.ytu e'jfvejULoitii. rioTc^.B.e n^.cytjone [ecxHcy

2 itee JuLneKpiXHc tto*^fX^.oc x^-V Te ee rl

neTcyXk-oje n<Lq :

413^ ilrteK] riGK Lag. 13^ &OT"[e] rtO^e Lag. 13

[xeK]<Lc] xeK^.^.c Lag. rineq] enrteq Lag. i3'' ctjul.]

^jit XJUL. Lag. 14- Itv] om Lag. &] ll Lag. 15^ Lag.

has only A.'CtJO IieK .... 16^ ^^^] " Lag. 17^ fl]

^ri Lag. 18^ Teq] OT Lag.

X i2 enrv.] ear. Lag. 2^ JuLne] rtonr Lag.

SIRACH X 3-11 137Sir. _ _X riee juLnno6^noTUoXic t-^.V xe ee n.oTo[rt

3 o-yppo fl^.Tc^a) ajA.qca3pX. iJL^eqX^.o[c^.-jfo) cy-^peo'fi^oWJc CTcbpdr ^xijLirrpljL[rl2,HX


4 epexe^ovc[I^. iJL]^K^.^ ^t^x i3Lnz[oeiciL-Jftu cy^.qT-o'jf[rtec]riaj^.T e^^p^-i ez(Jo[q

5 epencooTTtH juLnplojJULe ^x6Tx iJLnxoeic

A-TOJ aji.qf n[eqeoo]T ^^m^o rto'^fvp^-JUL[JUL^-xeTc

6 Jtxnpnotcfc e[neT-^i]xoTtJUK ^xm(^[nc niju.

^.TO) juLiTppX<Li.T it^co^ eqcHcy .

7 xixrfrz<Lci2,HX cy^L-jfjuLecxajc 2^ixjuL[nxoeic juui iipcojuLe

^.-)fto ^jJ'^ooTOT ^loTcon aj^.ceripe itoTxirtfToric

8 cijA.'rneneoTJULrrrppo e^oX ^^^[o'r^eertoc

enr^eenoc eT^exincTbrtc [^icaocy ,IxpHJUL^.

9 <^2^p]o[q] ^K^.2> 'J^ iTKpjuLec cijo[TCL)0'r juLJULoq

xe] itTi-irtoTze itneTneq^onfit [eonrx^?.!

10 cyi.peonf]c<Lein (5ajcyx eE.oX ^H'rq n[oTcija3

ne] en^.aj(joq :

45 recto

/"re.^^'jfO) nexo rtppo JuLn]ooT qn^-AXO-*- rlp^.c

11 ^^nxpenptJOJULe v<L]p juLonr epe^ertx^.xqexxh ^ertOHpio]rt JJCh ^en^fvr h^-kXh

portojULi jULJULJoq :

4^ Gpe] The scribe first wrote cy^pG and then wrote 6 over

Cl^^. erased 5^ &J^&o] [eXft] <^0 Lag. 6^ ^] 2>^

Lag. 7^ a^'f] Pi- e Lag. ^I'TJjl] g^IXfl Lag. _7^

^!X.] pr ejSoX Lag. CLJ^.c] CIJ^.T Lag. 8^ JULftTppo] ppOLag. 9^ KpJU.ec] KpJULJULGC Lag. ll' ^ivt] qilX Lag.

138 SIRACH X 12-19'

Sir. ^_X 12 x^px^ rixjuLrtjxx^.ci^HT" ne npojjuie e

A.qc^.l2>tu^ eB-oX iiuxoeic

/Ti-JULIoq .

^.*ya3 e^-^]eq^H^^ c^.^a3q eE.oX ijLnem"^.q

13 xe Ti^plxH rtTJuCrfrx^-ci^HX ne nnoKe-

A.'rtjo n]ex^.JUL<L^xe JuLjuloc n-L^-ee^e iixKoxe:

(14) exE.e]n^.i ^.nxoeic TpeTpcguHpe rirtiq

jul]ok^ ^.va3 ^.q^cyuoponf cy^.KoX:

14 (15) ^.uxjoeic ^cyprteeportoc nit^px^rt

^.qe]JyLCO itgj'SnpXJLp^.cy enexjuL^. :

15 (16) ^.nx]oeic npKnitoTrte rlii^j^enoc :

^.qT-]aj6e nneoE^iHT eneTJUL^.-

16 (17) z.nx]oeic cyp^nex^P^ itil^eenoc :

^.]qox^oT clJ^.ncri^-e ixuK^.^ :

17(18) ^.qxp]e^o'me n^HXOT ajoonre A-nfT^Ko ^.q

q]i juLneTpnjuLeeTe ^ixjOlwki^^ :

18(19) JULnojifcrvTxiXrrrz^-ci^jKT" firtpcojuLe.

0T2i]e xopVH JjLUCfuoivt ititcLjHpe rtne^^iojuie

19 (20) ^.cg n]e uecnepjuL^ eTX^-iHT necnepjuL^.

fi]rtpuojULe ne .

(21) ^.cy ne] necnepJUL^. exTA.iHT neTp^oTe2^H]xq iinxoeic ne :

/nnpoojuLe ne.

^.cy ne n]ecnepjuL^. eTCHcy necnepJUL^.

13^ [Xe] om Lag. 13" [^.-VOj] om Lag. IS'^ rtiq]

neq Lag. : the I is not quite certain, but it is much more like I than e

13^ [AX]0K^c] JULOKJULeK Lag. Cy^.] HCy^. Lag. 14

^.qoXJLCO] pr ^.TO) Lag. 15^ neoE.] neXoS. Lag.

17^ ii^HXOT] om Lag. ^.^fTi-Ko] e ^.qX^.KOOT Lag.

17^ ^IXlx] ,1X0. Lag. 18^ nit] JULfi ii Lag. 19^ The

order of this sentence (question and answer) and the next is inverted in

Lag. In the Gk. as here 19^^ He] ne Lag. 19^ CHOj] cyHC



SIRACH X 20-26 139Sir.

X necnelpJULA. excHcy ne rte"T^^.p^.S.^.

itn]eitxoXH :

20 (22) exx^.IH'r ^jxjuLHxe it^^^^crtHY ne

A.'ifaj nexp^oxe] ^h'tcj JuLnxoeic nex


^.YOJ nexT-^-iKf] juCh n^HKe ne-rcyonr

cijoT ne eo]xe juLnxoeic :

23(24) nojcye ^.n eclecyoT^KKe c^.^e-

^.'a3 ruijaje ^.]it e^^eoo-r i\npeq[po.e

45 verso

24 (25) onrno^iXh onf[peqt2^^.^ JuCri onfxojojpe

ite eaj^.Ti$[ieooT

JULTtnexo rirto6"n[^HXOT enexp^^oTe

^nxq JULnzoeic[:

25 (26) npXJL,H n^-cyXJLcye JOiin^^^iJX n:c^.^e

^.Tto oTpcojuLe fipjuL2;^[T JULeqKpJULpjuL

20 (27) iJL^pi"c^.K Ijljulok epneK^tJo[K

_ [/&o2^&^^.nfcjo juLnpi"eooT ^^.K ^JULne'v[oeicy julugk

19*''^ [necnelpJUL^. &c.] ^cy ne necnepJUL^. itnex-

cyHC ;n ex n^-X . . Lag. 20^ This Hue is wanting in Lag.

except 2 final words written one above the other, the first of which

(ne'VItOG )is probably a superlineation, and so they should be read

. . . H two rteTltOCT'correspouding to our CltHT ne neTnO(5'

22^ In the lacuna Lag. has OTnpOCHX'CXOC for which there is

hardly room here ; OTnAOTCIOJC in accordance with the Gk. would

fit JJih OTCyjULJULo] cm Lag. 22^ n^HKe] 4>HKe Lag.

23"^ ititpeq.] itoTpcujULe sipeq. Lag. 24" ne] om Lag.

ecy^-nr] aJ^.T Lag. 25^ plx^^n] pJuL&e Lag. i}L[n]

itn Lag. 26- ne'[oeiaj] neoToeioj Lag. ^ox^x]^OXX corr to ^OX^X Lag.

140 SIRACH X 27 XI 4


X 27(28) n^.nOTC V^-p eKp^CO^ GKO it^uj[. . .

28(29) n^-ajHpe JJL^^'TC^^^e'TK'^fXii{ eYJULrtT

pAJLp^.cy rtri" n^.c ^o'rT"^.yo k[<lxa. nee

29(30) niJUL nexn^.ci)XJUL<Lienexprto[Ke eTeqiJ^TXH^.TCJo niJUL nexrii.'feoo'v ijLne[xajajc

ijLReqojit^ :

30(31) eaji.vfeooT juLcJ)HKe eT^exe[qcS-t^.Tfco ecy^.'^i^eooT juLnpJULJUL^.o e[T-^exeq

JuavTpXiLJULA.o :

/no 6" juLiJL[itx^HKe31 (32) nexx^LiHT ^xeqjuurTpXJLJULA.[o q^OT

^.nrtu nexcHcy ^^xeqijarr^H[Ke q^^OTno(T ijLJULrtTpXiLJULA.5 :

xi 1 Tco4)iA. juLnexeEfiiHT n^.xic[e rlTeqA.ne

^.'^fa5 cri^oIjLcoq ^xjULKxe [it^jertnocT'

2 juLupx^-ieoTpcuJULe exJS.e^[eqc^.

^.vaj XJLiTp^exoYpcojuLe eT-^[eueq(5X3 otKOf'i ne ^^,q fie.ia) ^it[^^.X^.^"e

^.TO) neqK^-pnoc n[e T"^.px^ itneT"^o/\cr

4 JuLnpOJO-yctJOY JULJUL[0K g^OT^jfiCOJ it

,oiTe i,*^fco X.npz[ice JuLjulok ^ot^ooT iieooT :

(5) xe ^.enojnHpe ne [ne^Runfe ixnxoeic

^.tuo neq^j^HTe ^Kn.[. . . .

27^ 6 it^cu. ..] p ^oYo nitKA. num. Lag. 27^

e^o-yenv] eg^onro ck Lag. nvp] eKp Lag. 29^ eg]

om Lag. 29^ -feoOT JUL] TJtX^Jie Lig. 31^ X^.IK1f]

[OJHC] Lag. 31^ CHij] ^HC Lag.

xi 2^ ^CT] CectJ Lag. 3' OTKoVl] ad V^p Lag. 4^

^HII .[....] ^nn e'npUOJUie Lag.; the remains of the last

letter are sufficient to show that it is not 6

SIRACH XI 5-12 141Sir.

xi5(6) ^]2>^.2> fix-ifp^Lrtnoc ^julo[oc ^^mecHxnelxejuLnonfxocTc 2>(ju[cjoq. . . .

46 recto

6 (7) ^.2><^& itzojluope xiccDcy ejULi.T-e

^-ro) ^T-f ] itnexx^-iHV e^^p^i it[. . . .

7 (8) iin^.'rk]cyme iJLUp6'fl^.pIKe

eiJULG itojlopu ijutitccjoc[

. . . .

8(9) juLnpaj^-Xle ijLn^.'Tkc[a3'TXjL

_^ [/cg^ze

9(10) juLfTpf Tlcprt ^^i^a3[K ijL]ncjoK ^.rt ne-

^.Ytx3] ixnpcuoonf^, e^[o]Tn en^^.n firipeq

pno^e :

10(11) n^.]ajHpe juLnpT-perteK^^S.H're ^.clJ^.I:

eT]a^^.rt^.aJ^.I v^.p nvrt^p^oX ^.rt ertoB.e :

(12) e]aja3ne on eKaj<?.nn(Jox fren^.Tr^.^o ^.rt :

^.]'vtJO rlneKp^oX eKaJ^,rt^tJO^- :

11 (13) onfitnex^.oce eqjuLo-rKg^ juLJULoq eq^^.nfo) eqp(5pa32> fl^.pooT rt^^onro :

12 (I4j oTrtnexcLjujrte eqpxpi^ juLneTrt^.

cyouq epoq :

/&HKe.eqaJ^.^.T" k^ojul ^.v(Jo eqpcTpoj^, riTJuinx

5- 2>a)[a)q . . ..]

ad epoq ^.qc^opi rtxe^TpHne Lag. ;

since 5^ was always the bottom liue of page 45 verso and 6 is the

original top line of 46 recto the last two words in Lag. were probably

omitted here 6^ e^p^.I] ad e^ItCTTx fi^^eitKOOYe Lag.

72iXhr[C(JOC . . ..] JULriitCCJOC nVeniTIiU.^ Lag.; the scribe

first wrote JULn<LTK, and then, without erasing it, altered it into

JUChncUJC 9^ [XX] e JUL Lag.; probably not room for eXX.

here iC filteK] ftV Lag. 11" g^O'*'^] The scribe orig.

wrote ^.OT.L 12' pXP^f-] XP^-^ I^^S- 12^ ^.TO)]

Lag. <^C0; fi] ^OnfO g^it Lag.


142 SIRACH XI 13-21

Sir. _xi(i5) e^.n^^.X juLiixoeic CTcbcyx ezaoq ^ax

niiexit^.noTq :

13 ^.iftw ^^^c^>.^(JO^ ep^.'Tq ^neqeSio ^^^q

xice slxeq^.^e :

14(16) ^.JTtO ^.TJULKHOje pOjnHpe JULJULOq "^^6^nA.v<L

eon JuCh juLneeooT ncorig, julTi ujulot

T-]juurT^HKe iXh 'TJuTrrrpXJLJUL^.o ^e^oX ^ixoo'Tq juLnxoeic ne :

17 ne]xepenxoeic ^t^.x^.^.q nexn^-CTcb

^^itpeqcyjULOjenoYxe :

^.tuo nleqonfojaj nexn<Lcoo'V'Tn cy^.

18 epe]oTort eqo ripjuLJUL^.o eT".eT"eqjuLrnr[. .

juCh ee e'rquorrr ijLJULoq eTex^.!

Te TeqJULepic ^^neqB.eKe .

19 ^^nxpeqxooc xe ^.i^eoTJulTon [i" ^t^.

(20) nqcooTit ^.n xe ot ne neY[oeicij . . .

46 vei'so

xe eqn]LK^.^-T rl2>^"'^oo''f^ SlqjULOT

20 (21) ^.2^epA.xk] ^TeK2^l^.eHKK [

21 (22) juLuppojUHple nite^fi-HTe [juLnpeqprto^e

12"^ 6uo^] ad e^jp^.1 Lag. ^ijuLnue-rJ ^il nexLag. 12*^ CA-^UO^] C^.^(M<q Lag._

14^ ^It] ^ett Lag

17- itpeq] upeq Lag. 17^ ctj^.] noj^. Lag. 18^ [epe]

onfon eq] oToit u ex Lag. 18^ ojirr] sic I8

^^] ijL Lag. 19^ ^ . . nonf] [xert]OT Lag. with note

'lacuna maior'; between the ^, which though only partly formed is

certain, and the OT is a blank space sufficient for 1-2 letters which

looks as though it had never been written on 19'^ ^qj P*" ^ -^^S-

ne'[oeicLj . . . ] neoToeioj ex K^. . . . extjoq Lag. 20^

2^!^.eHKK] ad .... . fl^^KXC Lag.


SIRACH XI 22-29 143Sir. _xi nicxeve itxo]K enxoe[ic nv(^ ^^rteK(23) ^ice ^23)[2^e otXK^.t ne rtrt[i.2,pXJi.nxo

eic ilxenr[rto]f epoT2>H[Ke ripXJLJULi.o

^T^o'ifcyctte :

_ /[cefiHc22 (24) epenecjuLOT juLuzoeic ^iULnKeK[e JuLnev

23 (25) JuLnpxooc xe eipxpi<^ "ot zmxe[rtov

JULoi xmnooT :

24 (26) JuLnpxooc xe cepcuoje epoi .

/xTrff[ertonr^.y(M ^.cy njuLK^.^^ uexrt^.tya)ne jul[juloi

25 (27) ^^iine^^ooT v^.p itrt^.v^.eort jm.eKpnjUL[e

enre ttjuLneeooT :

^.-rcu ^^ne^ooT rtjuLneeooT JULeKpn[juLe

exe rlJUL^exIt^.rto'rq :

26 (28) xe otX<l^.t ne JuLnejuixo e^oX ijLuxoe[\c

^^ne^oov juLnjuLOT exojoo^e [juL

npcojuie K^^T^. neq^^ioonfe :

27 (29) neJULK^.^^ noTonfno'r Rotcjox aj^qxp[eK

pnu)^ RitexpTcJ>H i.-vo) aJ^.TC^x[TT

ne^^Hnre eE.oX JuLnpcojuLe jt'T[eq2^^.H

28 (30) iJL^pJUL^.K^.pI^e KX^.^.'r ijLn^.'rqjuL[oT

^^fuo cy^.'jfco'sfJuLnpajJULe ^^neqfojHpe29 (31) ijLnpxipa?JUL[e] riiJUL e^otn en[eKHi ^^.^ r^-p

ne il<^p6'c ijLneKpoq :

21^ [itxo]K] fixoq Lag. 22^ itocf^fi^nH] o-vnov

Lag. 23^ noOT] JULUOO'V Lag. 24^ OJCJORe AJLAXOl]

T^-^OI Lag. 25^'^ JULCK] JUL^-K Lag. 26^ ^lOOTc]^jS.KTe Lag. 27^ ffl<^^] '^'^ Lag. _272 He] Xe Lag.

cy^.'if(^Atn]ne2j^HYe e^oX] aj<Lq(^XTi-e.S.oX itrte^-^Hte Lag. 28^ JuLn^.'rq] ejULn^-Tq Lag. 28-^ cotjul]COTrl Lag.

144 SIRACH XI 30 XIV 13

Sir. _xi 30(32) nnep2^i^ oY^TepH^J^ne ^jmneqT^n

^.Tjco ilee JuLnexi" fi^^XHq ajA.q^^T- it

31 (33) juL^ex^^.^]oTOT v^.p oj^.qKXoo'v e^[enneeoonf

47 a recto

xiv 7 K^.rt e[qcij^rt

xe eq[ ....

^.Tto ^e^-H aj[^.qo')fuort^ e^oX rixeqK^.Ki^.

8 oYnoitHpoc [ne nexo rteiep^oorte 2^Tleq^^,XeqKxo e^oX juL[vieq^o eqojfi^ ijLiULoq e

9 JULepeovK^.X nq[o(rq cei nTeqxooTzmcTofic e[q,oonf c^J^.qce^0T4^'Jf^K

10 oy^^JX ijLnon[Hpoc cyA.qpeiep^oone e


z.'ico rtqp6pa)[^ ^i^'^^'^'^P^^^?^

11 n^.]cyHpe c^.rto'Jf[^ i\ee exeoTmr^-K^.f jcjo ilvx^.XeenfcI^. e[,p^.i JuLnxoeic ^

12 i-pilnjuLee-sre 2se ijLnjuLo[T ^^.cock A.rt

^.nfluo juLno-vTci-KoK ex2iI^.e[HKH rtA.iXTixe

13 ijLln^.'TkjuLO'jf ^.pmnexrt^.[noTq JuLneKojELKp

30'^ fl^^THq] ^THq Lag. 31^ [neTn^.rt]OTOT]

neTn^-itonrq Lag.

xiv 73 ^] om Lag. 10^ O**] H Lag. 13^ [juL]-

^^.'fK] ejm.n^.TK Lag.

SIRACH XIV 20 XV 1 145Sir.

20 ^t^.I^.'Tq ixnpcjojuLe exn^-juLo-if] ;rixco4)[i^.

21 nexpnJULeeYe ertec^^ioJoTe ^^neq^^HX^^tuo eqjuLOKJULCK ^]rteciieoHn :

22 OT^Lg^ rlctwc nee rtoYpe]q6cop^:

itv^^tJopK epoc 2^mec^io]oTe :

23 nex6aic^ e.oX ,i'Tnrte]cctjo-)fcyT- qrt^xicjuLH 2>Jp^i^ecp]o :

24 nexoTH^ ,ixoTnne]qHi qtti.nHcc[e

itTeqrt^.eiao 2>me]czo :

/"ft25 qnA.x^.2>o rtTeqcKHnlH GpA.Tc ^jyL[

^.-jfoj itqijLTort ^onrjju.^. it6oiXe [itjuLneT


26] 2^A.rtecKX<L2^oc ^.-^[03 . . .

^^.]xec^^.IKec :

27 qrt^.xi^<Li]fiec ^<Lpoc ^onrK^-TJUL^. :

A.*ytJO qrtA-]iJLxort AXJULoq ^^neeoonrXV 1 neTrt^-p^jOlTe ^^H'rq juLnxoeic nexn<L[^.^c

21^ [pnjuLee-ife] jmeete Lag. 23^ ^^] ^^ i^^g-

24^ [ne]qHl] nee hi Lag. 25 in Lag. this verse is represented

only by nqijLTro[n] . . [n]nineTn^.n[OTOT], the first half of

the verse having been omitted ; the lacuna in 25^ has therefore been

filled conjectiirally ; the last two letters strongly suggest ^A*., Imt

there is no superlineation 26 The order of the two lines of this

verse seems to he inverted ; the Gk. reads ^rjcret ra reKva avrov ev ttj

(TKeTTrj avTYjs /cat vtto tovs K\abov9 avrrjs avktaO-qaeTaL, while Lag. has

only qrti. .... [jtrteq cyJHpe ^^. ^-ec^^.eI^e[c] a.-vud

^<L neCKX<L2^0C. judging by the size of the lacunae

I suspect that only the two phrases ^^^rteCKX^iswOC and ^^TCC-^^.V^eC have changed places in our MS. 27^ neeOQ-if]

neceOOT Lag. Prolably the scribe originally omitted C by error and


146 SIRACH XIX 26 XX 14


xix 48 a recto

26 (22) ^^tiX)[


27 (23) eqn[i.


28 (24) ecya3n[e


ncy^.xe ^[iJL^^.p^,.oXH

29 (25) cg^.'rne2j[

30 (26) ct^^.pe^"C^ooXec[

itneqrt^.x^[eXX 1 o]'rrtxnio enec[(joq i,rt

(xix 27)*


^.Toj oTrtuex[

2 (XX 1) e]cijxe nA-n[oT


48 a verso

12 (10) T"o]oJ2lot

] _13 (11) ]jL.epn-q

14(12) ]:

then tried to insert it, but in its present condition it is not possible to

say exactly what has happened

xix 26 This leaf (48 a verso and recto) is so fragmentary that it

was thought better not to attempt to fill up the lacunae from Lagarde

27^ (To . .-J

Does not correspond to any word in Lag. 28"^ At

the beginning of this line is a scroll ornament 29 ItG^ . .J

n[0l] Lag. 29^ eT^eUT" .

] ^ UXtJOJULrtT" Lag.

SIRACH XX 15-30 147



]rtpi.cxe :


loj^Hp ^.-vco irh[^]juLox


Irtexo-jftJDJUL n^^.oeIK

JULH]Haje n<Lca)^e Kccijc]

]nnex^ooT rt[HT


19 (18) ptJOJUl]e nA.T-[^JULOX

Sir. 148 SIRACH XX 31-XXI 15XX

31 (30) n^-rtoYpajJuie eq^o^n nl^e^JULVvrcocTe^oKo

eonrpujJULe eqg^ojn ri[xeqijLrrrc^.^e

xxi 1 n^-cyHpe ^.Kprto^e ijLYTp[onfUL32^ eTooT^ A.'c

CO cone ^A.neKajo[pR ilno^e

2 nuoT eE_oX juLnnoB.e n[oe juLnexnHT ^H'rq rtonr^^oq

eKcy^.n'f JuLneKonfoi [e^jOTit epoq qrtA.XoKCK

(3) ^enm^x^e ixjutoVi rte [neqn<LX^e gyjulot

onfT itne^'yx[H rtrtpuojuie

3 (4) epe^.^oJULl^- rtiJUL o n[oe rio-vcHqe n^o crt^.-^

ejuLTtx^^XcTo [^TecnXHVH4 (5) ajA.p]eo'n[o-ifc^c

48 b verso

11 (12) ^.nfo) xeq^A-H ne oo]Te JuLuxoeic :

12(13) iUL3,pen^.eHx 2^i]cuo :


oTrto'i'jULnxpjuLJn^^HT 2^e cy^,c^^^.aJe^\[Kp5^.

13 (14) ncoonrrt itonfcojc^oc rl^.^-ClJ^,I itee rlo'[Ki.

T"i.KXnfCJULO]c :

^.'*a3 epeucq]cyoxrte o noe rtonfUHVH n

14 (15) eperic^. fi^^o'^Jft nonrco^^o itee i\o'v^ni-4.

T eqcnfojcycj :

er\neqecg^.juL^.]^xe ncoonrrt niJUL :

15 (16) epaj<Lrto'5fc^..e] cei\JULonfctj^.xe JuLjuurrpXi

it^HX a)^.qJ^-^-Ioq ncjo-^uj^^ epoq :

31^ pCOJUie] OnfpUOJUie Lag. 31- eoT] eoT^. La?.

xxi 1^ cyo' pri rirto^e] rtoKe itojopu Lag. 2^'^ [enr-

JULOnfJonfX nneil^nr^Xl^^ itrtpUOJUie] om Lag.; Gk. avaLpowres

yjfvxas avOpoi^MV 12^ [^OHX] UV^WTV Lag. 14^ o] om


SIRACH XXI 16 XXII 6 149Sir.

XXi _ /^PO;!

16 (17) epency^xe not]cooo rtee rto-rexntw ^iot

17 (18) cu^,'cLJme itc^.T]x4.npo rlo-jfci,Ke ^0YJUt[HHcLje

^.Yto cy^.nfAjLeKJULOYK]oT e^eqaj^.xe ^^[ne'c^Hx18 (19) itee nonrai eqxi-KHT x^-i T]i ee it^[co4>l^. nncocj^

49 recfo

27 (28) ]lt JULjyL[oq

28 (29) npeqKA.cKC rt^.T"(jo?uuL itTleq'^^'jfXH

^.'^fco ceIt^.JULec^"a3q ^JJjLne]z]JUL^. i\6oYXe

xxii 1 epe^peqx^^,^.T xnxjuon e'^ruorte e[q,opaj

^.-jfto onfoit vtiJUL rti.qicyjiuL]ajKCre exjULueqc[a.^cy

2 epeupeqx^^.^.T xnTluort enr^p^oeip ricox :

]ecy^,qrte^xoo'Tq e^o[X

3 o-rojine Ronreicjox] ne onfcyape i\A.xc^(jo :

xojeepe ^.e eeoo-*] ottf^uo^ xe4 xcyeepe kc^l^h n^-K]XHponojuLi JuLnec^A.!:

^,'ccu xpeqi"cyme oT]XYr\H xe juLueceicwx :

5 cy^.pexn^cyx JuLjULe] -fojme ixneceiajx :

^.TO) aji.cxica?aj ^i]xooxot xk.necm.'t

G oToj^xe rt^-XOToeicLj] ue oTXXe ^oT2,HS.e

15^ rKjxXJLonfcp[^] epoq] JU^.^.qp ^.n^.q Lag.

xxii 1- c[a3cy] ajuoc Lag. 2^ &oeip] ^oeipe Lag.

2^ About 13-14 letters are missing at the beginning of this line. Lag.

has only [qn]A.ne^ x[eqcrTx 3- o-jffrpcw^] pr

OnfXUO it Lag.; there is not room for it here 5^ eiCUXj ad

XXh neC^,^-! Lag. 6^ O'iT.Ae] pr ^n Lag.

150 SIRACH XXII 7-15

Sir. _xxii juLJULi^cTiv^] 2^6 [^.TO) T"e]c^a3 ev^noYoeicy niJUL

iXrt oTclocJ)!^. [ ]

/E7\xe eSxxe7 epeneT]"f-cE.cu n[oT]co(^eqo itee JuLnexTeb^

^.fuo ito]e juLne"T[xo]Tnoc ijLueTrlKO'Tk

^o-r^ittHLK e]q2,opcLj:

8 epen]excyA.xe JuCn oxcocTb ilee iineTaj^.xe iXTi o-y^. eq^mn^ :

^.*ya3] ite^-H aj^.qxooc xe ov neTcyoou :

/caj[q11 (9) piJULe] exTtoTKcocuc xe ^.qK.Lno'yoem it

. A-irlaj pijuie exrto-ycofJ^xe .LqKa) itcuoq m~jui.nx

(10) nA-lrto-rpiJULe exnoTKCJOcoc xe ^.qJUL0X^e[q

n]uon^ 2^e juLnco6^^oov e^otene^Jtxoy :

12 (11) c^.]cyq n^oo-r ne n^H.e itoTKOJcoc

n]<Luco6'2^e juut ^^,ce^Hc ne ^eq^.2>^ TH[pq13 (12) juLflpx^.a|eclJ^,xe JuCit otco6^.

^.]TaJ juLnp^aJK ep^.'fq itonf^.oHX :

(13) ^]<Lpe^ epoK epoq epoq xeK^.c nneKcyu

A-lnroj nneKTcoXjuL eqcy<Lrtrte^ e^^oX

(14) c]^.^a3K e^oX ixJULoq T^.peK2^eo'rJuLTo[rt

A-fluo itneKijLKA^ it^KX ^T-eq^.non[oi^. [/^^co6'14(15) onf] ne cT^op^ ewT^^/T i^tw ot ne neqp^.rt

15(16) cJULolTh eqi ^^.o'JfaJa3 JuTit ot^juloy JuCh [ov

6^ [<LTUjJ sic Lag., and I think Ihe space requires it here in prefer-

ence to JULIt. O'JfOeiaj] OTO'^oeiOJ Lag. 7^ eq] om Lag.

8^ ne^.H]e^H Lag. 12^ n^H^e] (^K^e Lag. 12^ neq]neT Lag. 13^ [^]^P^8j'\ *^P^& Lag. epoq epoq] sic,

om Lag. itrteK] enneK Lag. 13* ftrteK] neKLag. ite^]n^.^q Lag. 13^ &eonf] ^e e**- Lag. 13^ rtrteK] neK Lag.

14 ne ex] n ex Lag. enx^^/r] ex^-^x^ Lag.

SIRACH XXII 16-22 151


xxii x<L6^JULnertine e^oTeoTpajJuie fi<i.[oHT

IG (17) rtee noT]Xo6^ecrficye eqiuinp ^o'VKa3[T-

49 verso

17(18) ]^e*x.[

itee] JuLncA. n[oTxo ecxH^^18 (19) K rte]e itg^ertK^Lcy [ex^izrionfjuL^. eqxoce eitrte-r

crtb rtrt^.^prt[xHT niAx[/eHrteq

T^>.i xe ee rtonf^HT n[6co. ^^oTiULeeTe rtcocT'

(Hb rinA.g,prt ^o[T-e rtiJUL

1^ (20) ^exrt^.xco'if^<LX q[rt^.eei n^^ertpJuLeiH

^-jfo) neT"n^."fEco[T2^KT" qrt^.o'ifcjorig^ e^oX


20 (21) nexrtA-rtexo'iftJon[e e^en^^XnT qn^-rtocynoT eKoX

^.TtJO ^ex^^.rte(T^[e6^eqcy.Hp qn^-^tJoX

e^oX nxeqiXtrrraj^Hp21 (22) eKcl^^.npnKe^"eKJUL[xeKCKqe exnneKoj^Hp

iJL^pei^-^"oo"TtK itccolq

ovnee v^.p eTpeKn[Ko'Tk] epoq

22 (23) eKaj^.noTa)rt epoj'K ez]juLneK[cy^Hp Jtxnpp

(24) ovrtee v^-p rt^oo'Tn [epo]q (24)aj^.Ttitecrito'rcrq

^^fuo exice it^HX e^[p^.V] excuq :

^^fuo ecrKuneqjUL'*cT-[H]pion e^o[X

15^ e^^OVeOT] e^OTO et Lag. 17^ cyeAX.] in this

line Lag. reads 6 Itqn^-p ^OTG i>.rt eite^ Of this verse we have

also the Bohairic (Eec. trav. vii 85) and Achmimic (Miss. arch. fr. Caire

i 255) versions, but they do not help 19^ eCOHCIc] AICOHCIC

Lag. 21^ pHKe] om Lag. 21'

CXpCK] om Lag. 22^ epaj[K

exlJuL] riptJOK exn Lag. 22^ exice] xice Lag. e^[p^.V]

om Laii'.


xxii ^.tuJ epo'rn>\HVH n^.K nKpoq :

23 (25) xno nz.K itoTn^-^jTe JuCh neKaj.Hp [^TjuLitT^^HKe xe eKeevc^p^.rte ^^.[q

(26) juLOYn e^oX ^XjLJUL^.q ^neqeXi^ic 2^e[eKe

K>\HponoJULi nXitJUL^Lq ^'TeqKX[Hpo^oJULI^. :

_ _ /n^oX no'rK[tJ02>T"2i (27) itoe eTepeo-vx^^ojB. ri^pao juut oTK^.n[ttoc

T]^.V Te ee^cA.,oT neT-^A.eH ijLne27r[citoq e.oX25 (28) it-fn^.ajme ^.n e^e^^^.aj^Hp :

26 ^.jnro) ttit^.^oriT ^''K^.tt eojojue oTn^^^l^^eeooY n^.aja3ne juLjuloi ex^HHT[q ,

(29) oJToit niJUL exn^-caJXAJL n^-^^pe^^ epo[q epoq27 (30) ni]jUL ^exrt^.i- rt^.I itov^^^pe^, ^iprtp[aoi

^.Tjcjo OTc4>p^.vic juLJULitxpX.it^HX [ezhni,

cnoxoT xeKi^c itn^-^e ^[pooi ^.tuo

nxeuA.X^.c x^.KOI :


47 b o^ecto



22^ ^^-k] epoq Lag. 23^ n<L^Te AJQi neK]Lag. [^t] ^ri Teq Lag. 23'' ^^.[q] om Lag^ 2

neK] neq Lag. 23* itJULJUL^.q] rteJUL^.q Lag. ^] ^^neoToejoj it Lag. 24^ iXh oTK^.n[noc] n^oX]n . . . .^oX Lag. 24^ ^] rt Lag. 25 ^cn] He^oxue Lag. 26^ ^o\VT^] ad ^Hxq Lag. 26' cycjone JuL-

JULOl] T-^-^jOI Lag. eX^HHXq] eX^HXq Lag. 26

^.^.pe^] ^-pe^; Lag. 27^ ^,^-pe^ &ipi^] ^pe^, epit

Lag. 27-= XeK^.c] XeK^.^.C Lag. ttlt^.] enit^. Lag.


SIRACH XXIII 5-11 153Sir.

xxiii ........5 ^.nro) Kxo e.oX ixjuLoi] it^.eneueo'^fjulia. :

6 juLrlpxpeoTJu^.rt^-JUL^.]"^c2>IJULe [T^.2^]oI juut ^eit

_ _ /fiXxjuLnpx^.^.x exoolxc no-y^^'^fx^ rt^.T

7 cuo'fXJL rl^.aJHpe exiec^co it^-^.T^.^po

nex2>^.pe2> epoc] nneqT-<LKo :

ce^^.x^.^oc ^mleqcnoTo-r :

8 npeqpnoKe iXR npe]qc^.2,oT iXh nxi.ci^HT"

9 JULf^pxc^.E.ep(JOK euop]K :

/I^^'sfoo AjLnpxouK ex]^.'re^p^.rt juLnexonf^.

10 itee v^-p no'v^JiJL^^Jk enfjxno-r XiAJLoq n^i^^ n

con eitqrt^.p^oX ^.n] ecHoje:

TA.I xe ee juLnexcopK ejxx^-nro iJL^p^.n rt^^^itcon] e[riq]ri^.'rEo ^.^ eito^e :

11 ^Ja*^'' naopk qn^.JULov, it<LnojuL[ii. ^.nrtjo

itnejuLi-jCXiv^ KA.neqKi

(12) eqcy^.np2^XHq n]eqrto.e it^^HXq K^.n eqcLji.n

o^cycj ^.qpjito^e cr^^. :

/TJUL^.Jo ^.n

(13) ^.nfto eojujne itlx^-quopk enxmxH rlqrt<L

xxiii 5^ [^-'JftJO KTO e^oX JULJULOl] . . . . eoX JUL-

jULoi Lag. ^.OT KTO ^.^^.X JuLjULA.1 Aciira. ^eiteneo.]ne[nie.] Lag. 6^ [^^^^]oi] [X^.]2>OI Lag., Te^^-I Achm.

^ertj OT Lag., ^Grt Achm. 7 Lag. has a heading before this verse

Tec^cjo rlxx^upo 7^ itx<L] rlx Lag. 7^ neT"2>.]

pr ^.fUO Lag. 7^ Ceit^,] pr ^.TCO Lag. 10^ XHOt] XHO

Lag. 10^^ [e]x] eq Lag. 11^ <^Sy^'j'] I'l' o-sfpcojULe

itpeq Lag.; ouly 6 or 7 letters missiug here ll''' JULOK[,c]


Sir. 154 SIRACH XXIII 12-23


12 (14) onrcy^Lxe eq6ooX]e ijLnJULo[T

47 b verso

16 (20) o]t p(jo[iULe AjLnopnoc ^^Jjlucu^xxa. i\Teqc^.p^ rliteq

K^.T"[ooxq eKoX eijLuqxepeoTKCJo^T^

17 (21) oeiK nijuL [2>oX6^itoTpcjojULe JuLnopnoc^.Tco rin[eqK^.Tooxq e^oX ejuLnqJULov

18 (22) OTptJUJUie [eq]Tcp[o')fn ^meq6^o6^eqza3 juLjuloc

^^neq^HT 2i[e itiJUL nexft^-T epoi

(23) nK^.Ke juLUA-Kcjoxe [^-nfCJo rtixo ^oj^c juLjuioi JuCh

\^>.^>.t ^^.T epofi eip^o-re ^.K'rej itmuL

iinexxoce ^.pnjuL[eeYe ^.rl n.n^.no^e

19 (24) ri^^.X rtitpcjojuLe rtex[qp^o'Te ^htotrtqeijuie ^.n xe it^^.X [juLnxoeic 5 iloToeirt

enpH itcifT-E.^. n[Ka3^

e')f6a3c^ exrine^io[oTe THpoY ititpcjojute ^.nrco

eTn^.T JuLJUL<L eeK[ri


20 (25) iin^.'TqcifritK^. niJUL [ceonron^/q epoq i.'^uo oTon

iXh rtc^.TpeqxoK[o'y eB^oX

21 (26) certi.xiJ<E.^. juLJULoi ^[rteuX^-Xi^. koyuoXic

^.'a3 cen^6ouq ^^[nexejuLnqjuieeTe epoq

22 (27) ^^.I on tg ee fioTc[^iJULe ecn^.K^.nec2^^.i nccjoc

ncxneajHp[e JuCh kgota.

23 (28) rtojopu ^.cp^.'^cao[i^*JL] ilc[^.^^oJULoc XineTXoce

16^ oTpojJULe] pr ^^t^xi Lag. [riiteq] ^.too neq Lag.

17^ rtneq] rteq Lag. 18^ Jul init]oni Lag. _19^ JuLjula.]

GJULjUL^ Lag. 20^ iJL^^.'^q] GJULR^-Xq Lag. _ 21^

XJLJULOl] JOLUA-V Lag. 23^ K init] oin Lag. OJOpTl] ad

juteit xe Lag.


xxiii n.e^cn^.T ^.cprto^e eue[c^^.Y

nAxe^ojoiXrrr itx^.cpr[[oeiK ^^o-yuopnii.^.nfcu ^.czneojHpe juut K[eoTi.

24 (29) eTertx^.I e^oX rtxjuLHTe [rtoTJULHHaje ^.-roj eve

(TJuLnctjme itneccyH[pe

25 (30) rtnerteccLjHp]e xertoTn[e e^oX^.'^fa) ttitertecKX[^.2.oc T[.L'reK^.pnoc

50 recto

xxiv n]ec[jULO')f rtxcof^i^.

1 Tco]c^i<L rt^.cJUL[oT execitr-jflxH :

/a<loc .

cit^-lajo-sfcyoT juLjuloc [g^xjULJHXe JuLne^/eic

2 crt^-lo-jfcort npcoc ^xe[KK]XHci^. JuLnxo

itcJajonfojoT juLjuloc JuLueJu.xo e^oX fl

3 xe] ^.noK nxA-iei e^oX ^^P^^ JuLuxoeic

^.-rjoo ^.I27fi^^K^.^ flee RoTniq :

4 ^.rt]oK ^.lo-rcjo^ ^^rtexxoce :

/KXooXe^.t](jo epeni-oponoc ^^otcx'cXXoc rl

5 ^.ilKOJX juLnKcoxe itxne JUL^.T^-^-X

6 ^.I]JULOoaJe ^JUinajiK juLnrtoTit ^^itn^jO

eiJUL fl04LXA.CC<L JULTl RK^.^; XHpq :

23^ ^Cp] pr Xe Las. 23* This line is om by Lag. 24^

nXiULKXe] eXJULHXe Lag. 24^ CTjUl] 6K Lag. 25^

[ilrte] ne Lag.

xxiv Title [XC04)I^.] XeCo4>I^. Lag. 2^ nXOGIc]nexxoce Lag. 2^ xeq] neq Lag. 3^ nxoeic]TieXXOC Lag. 4^ O-tfOJ^] O-^tJdll^-e^ok Lag. 4^

CXyXXoc] CXtXoC Lag. _ _5^ KUOX JuLuK.] Kcwxe

euK. Lag. 5^ ijinrto-jfit] itrtno-rn Lag.

156 SIRACH XXIV 7-14

Sir... , _

xxiv ^.iKo) mJi nXLoc niJUL JULit ^.eeitoc itiju. :

otuj^ ^xeKXHportoAJLi^. itniju.

8 xoxe ^.q^con exoox itcTf nenx<i.qccjoirT

rirtK^. hijul:

^^t(M nenx^-qcoirf ^.qcjutme iJL^^.JUL^.

(9) ^.qxooc n^.i ze otco^ ^i^.kco^ ^>,tw xi

KXaponoJULiA. g^niaX :

9 (10) 2^A.eH iterte^ ^.qcorrr zinrtcyopri:

/juLXo e^oA .

10 (11) A-icyXJLcye ^xecKHitH exoY^.A.B. iineq^^t](Jo x^-i xe ee nTA.qx^.xpoi ^^citjoit .

11 (12) ^.q]xp^.oTco^ ^xequoXic XJLjULepix

^.nf]ao epeT^-e^onfci^. ^teiXHJUL :

12 (13) ^-ixjertonrne eE.oX ijLuX^.oc eTT^-'ilH-y

^jxjuiepic iixeKXKponojULi[i. JuL

nx]oeic :

13 (14) ^.izice ite]e i}LiiXiB.^.rtoc ex^rtKe2.[poc i^tuo

rlee n]niKen<Lpiccoc ex^n[TooT. . . ]epJULuon :

50 verso

14 (15) ^.IXIce n[oe rini^ne eT^rieKptJooT

6^ rlX^.oc] ^R Xaoc Lag. 7^ ^rt^^i] ^juLJUl^.'r

Lag. 8^ nem-^q] npeq Lag. 8^^ corrr] conTXLag. 8^ UIkX] niCA Lag. 9^ Corvx] COrfTT Lag.

9- CLJ^.] noji. Lag. 11- OIMIAJl] OIHXJL Lag. 12^

e^oX Jul] e^oX ^ijL Lag. 13^ Jui.nXi^^.noc eT-

^riKe2^poc] itniKe2^poc ex ^rl nXi^^-itoc Lag.

13-^ Ken^-p.] KTHA-p. L;ig. 13^ . . . epJULUOIt] K^LGp-JULUOrt Lag. 14- [OTJepx] Onrp-T Lag.

SIRACH XXIV 15-22 157

Sir. _ _ _xxiv A.-yfJo ne[e noT^co nx]oeix erte[ccuc ^rt


15 (IG) ^'^^^^.VxIce itee itoTuXA.T^-rtoc ^^^.nrco [Roe rl

oT(5Tit^.JULa)JULoit JULrt oYA.cn[^.>\^.eoc

(17) Z-i'-f AJLUi-cxoi ^^"^^.'^fCJo itoe rlo-vcijA.X[

^.i-f rtoYc^noTqe itee rto'c^^X^[A.nH

A-nru) n.ee itcrA^^uo^ rlXj^^-noc ^7^o[YCKHnH10 (18) ^.noK i.inepajn^.KXA.2.oc e.oX ite[e it

oTTGpe^meoc :

_ _ _ AXAV^c^.nfao ^^.KX^.2.oc ^nKXA.2iOc iteooT [rte ^i

17 (19) <LnoK ^.j-f o-ifu) itxex^pic itee itonf[.(jo


^.nfo) HA.'foTuo 2>ertK^.pnoc ne iteooT


19 (20) neTenienfJULi epoi -f nexno-ifoi epoV itx[e

tHtici e^oX ^rt^.frpa3tJo6^

20 (21) ^^-p^JULee'^fe v^p ^o'Kcr'e^otene^\iI:i .L'*[(jo

T^-KXHportojuLi^ e^oTeueKico juih n[juLOT?^

21 (22) iteTonfooJUL juLjuloi cen^.^Ko ijuuLoi:

^.nfco nexcao juLjuloV cen^.ei^e juLjuloi ort

22 (23) itexccjoTJUL epoi ^^.XICLJIue A.n:

15^ The supeilineation over It ... It has been lost by fracture,

but was origiually there 15^ (T^rt^.JULa3JULOIt] ad ^.^fO) OTCLje

rtccoxq Lag. oTA.cn.] onfcn. Lag. 15^'^ rtoToj^LX iJi'f

itonrc'-f rtoTqe itee] cm Lag. 16^ nepaj] [n]paj Lag.

eKoX] om Lag. 16^ TepeSirteoc] TepejuLineoc Lag.

17^ rte iteooY] iteoov ne Lag. 19^ (TpcouoC'] 6pa5<5'

Lag. 20^ e^o-ye] e^oTo e Lag. 20- e^^onre] e^o^roe Lag. JULH] JUL Lag. 21^ JULJULOl] ad Olt Lag. 22^

nex] nex Lag. mJ] qitA. Lag.

158 SIEACH XXIV 23-32.


xxiv ^.'Jfa) rie'Tp^a5jS. rt,HT" rtnenrpno^e :

23 (24) ^^.V THpoT nxtuajJULG ne riT2^i^.e[HKH

i}L[n]rtoTxe exxocenitojuLoc ne itT^-JULconfcHc ^oitq e['rooTfi

itKXH[p]onojULiA. ititofn^.ruDVH ni[A.KtJo^


25 nlexjULonr^j i}L4)iccort ^xcocJ)i^. [i^kuo

no]e rlTeKpic ^ite^oo-y itfippe

26 njeTJULOT^ ^T-JULnxpI}Lrt^HT-[rleeJuLueT4)pA.T"Hc

4,'rtjo nee JuLniop2.^.nH[c ^rte^jOOT iXnuo^c27 uexoT(Joit, eJS-oX ilTec^[(jo iiee JuLuoToem

51 ?"<?c^o

^.Tcp [rtee itrlHO)!^ ^j^f^^&oo[T XJLnxajojXe

28 ijLnena)[opn] kxcjojul eijuLe ep[oc

29 ^.rtecJULeeTe r^-p A.aj^.i e^o[X ^]Ttxeo^.X^.cc^.

A.-jfo) tteccyoxrte e^oX ^^[^"o^^i^no-rrt30 xe ^.rtoK eio noe itonfeioo[p e.oX ^^oTeiepo

A.fuo itee rlo'rE.o ecctJOK e'vcLj[nH

31 ^.ixooc xe i"n^.Tco JuLn^.JUL4. [itoTfooxe

^^fuo 'fiti.T"cio ijLn^.xXojuL

/ri[eiepo(32) ^^Kuo eic^HKxe ^.^^.eIoop ctj[a)ne ^^.^

^.^03 u^.eiepo ^.qojuoue i\.i.'i rt[ei.X^.cc^.

32 (33) exi 'f ^^-OTert2;Tco4)I^. e.oX [itee rt2>'^oo'<'e

23^ ne] ne Lag. 23^^ itit] it Lag. 25^ 4)ica)n]

4>eic(jort Lag. 25^ nreKpic] Tivpic Lag. 27^ [v]huo-

ft^] THuort Lag. 2S^ xwjtx] xuoK Lag. eiJULe] eeijuie

Lag. 30^ ^o] qo Lag. 31^ XCIo] TCO Lag. 31*

n<Leiepo ^.qojtjone] ^. n^-eiepo cycone Lag. 32^

OTen^] OTH^, Lag. 32^ OTOH^] OTOIt^^OT Lag.

2^e] om Lag. JuLuOTe] eUOTe Lag.


Sir. _ _ _xxiv nxi-onfoit^c 2.6 efioX juLUo-re

33 (34) eTi -f iti.ue^7rxec^co Ree rt[oTnpoc{)HTi^.

T"^.K^^.c a}^.rix(JOJUL ncy^.ene[^

34 (35) ^-rt^LT xe rtx^-icyn^ice mJi <L[rt juLA.Y^Li.T

^J\\^^ oTort niJUL exojine rtc[a5c

XXV 1 ^.ic^.^.Tajojuufrr n,(joK ^.Tcp [^.ixcjouon

ertecuoi XjLuejuLXo e.oX [JuLuxoeic

JULTi itpuDJUie:

(2) ^^^jencnHnf gto itoT^HT n[oTOT ^.-r

CD oiraj^Hp JULTt nex^ix[oTa3q ^^t

uo OTpojJULe JULTt Teqc^iJUL[e evqi 2>^

neTepHv :

2 (3) ajojuurx 2^e it^uoS. rtertx^.[xA.'4^'jfXH JULecxtooT

Z.TUJ ^.IJULec^-erteT2;^H['ye ejUL^.xe

(4) OY^^HKG nX^.C!,K"T iXo [O'VpXJLJULi.O R

peqxi6oX iXh oy^[Xo ititoeiK ri^.eH^^

3 (5) iATieqccwoif^; e^oTit ^[xeqjuCrrrKoVi

eqn^.(5me xuort ^[TeqixrvT^^Xo4 (6) eojze itecec{)<Ln riilpAJLn[cKiJUL ^.nfuo

n^^Xo eTpeTeiJULG enfcyoxne

5 (7) iLnfuo njuieeTe JuLncyoxite n[rteT"'r^.iH''

6 (8) neKXojuL rirl^^Xo ne xivf[^i^^

^^tucl] nenfcyoTcyoT ne e[oT-e juLnxoeic

33^ X^,K^^-C] pi ^.-^-UO rt Lag. _34^ ^.[rt JUL^.T^-^.T-]

JULA-T^.^.T ^,rt Lag. 34^ OTOIt] nOTOIt Lag.

XXV 1^ ^IC^.^.TTOJOJULrtT' S] ^.Vc^.^ OjiXT Tur. MS.

corr to ^.IC^. ^rt OJAJLT by Lag. ^^fuS] om Las. 1*

^i^^eii] ^R Lag. I*' Xeq] Ot Lag. 2^ 2^e] om Lag.

3^ jULueq] eijLnq Lag. 3' 6me Tuort] ^e eoTort-

Tcon Lag. note 4" en[ajoxrte] ecyoxrte Lag. __ 5 The

first half of this verse is om here; eojxe ItGCe XCOC^IA. n,?\XOLag. iinoj.] JLfLh ncy. Lag. 6^ Lag. reads WXYiT-^l^^ne neKXojuL rlitg^xxo

160 SIRxiCH XXY 7-16


XXV51 verso

(10) o-ypcojULle eqe'if^^p^.ne ez[n]rieqcyHpe eq

on^ ejqf^^yT en^e rlneqx^.xe :

8 n<Li<L'rq ijL]ueT"ajoon Juut o-^c^iJULe itc^-Ke

(11) ^^'tuo uexe]iJL^eqcX^.^.xe ^^ueqX^c JuCh

neT]eJuLT\eqp^^2>'^'^ JuLuenrcHcy epoq9 (12) it^Y^-Tlq JuLnem"A.q^e exJuuvrc^Ke ^.tuo

^e]Tcy^.xe ijLJUL^.A.xe JuLuexctJoi\tJL :

10 (13) eojxe o]Tno(5^ne uertT^-q^e excoci)iA.

^JX'X^^ AXlrtue-To nrto<5^euexp2jOTe 2>^^^

JuLnjxoeic :

11 eoxe ijL]nxoeic cotti epooT XHpo'jf :

(14) epeue]xAJUL^.^xe XjLjuloc Titxcjoit ernjUL-

13(15) n^.ttO')f]nXKrH niju. e^o-jfeoTuXHVH it^^HT-

nA.nonf]r\onHpi<L nijut e,oTenonHpi^. nc^\JiKe

14 (16) ^^.rtonfJUL]oK^c niJUL e^onrexJLOK^^ ilnex

JULoc]xe :

rt^-rtonfxi]KiiA. rtiJUL n^.pA.xiKK<k rin.x^.xe :

16 (18) -f ^^.o''e]aJO'^f(J02^ xxh oyjuloVi ^.nruo ot:t.'p^^

?, 37' ip'ic] 4'"n" Lag. 8^ This liue is wanting in Lag. 8

iineq] ixnq Lag. s'^ XineTCHcy] ^JuL n ex cync

Lag. 9^ ^.TCJO] om Lag. 9'' JULJUL^-^-Xe] eTJUL^.^-Xe

Lag. 10' neXo] U exe Lag. ^n-rq] om Lag. 11^

This line is om in Lag. 1 3^ e^OTeOx] G Lag. 13^ e^Ote]e Lag. 14' [JUL]oK^ 1"] JULOX^ Lag. XJLOK^C 2"]

JjLXKOK^c jAig. 14' nA^p^.] e^onfo e Lag. mt] rt

Lag. ver. 15 (17) is om here : JULIt ^.Ue ^OOT CT^-ne JU-cfOqA-nfo) juLtl 6a)rt'T en^. ^x^.xe Lag. _ 16^ e^once]

eg^oTo e Lag. ,00^] ad A'jftJU ppeq(5cbnx Lag.


17(19) c^j^.pe^-^]ortHpI^. rtoTc^ijuLe cgi^e JuLnec^^o^--rco aJ^,c]p^ec^o itrcAKe rtee rtov^oo-rne-

18 (20) epaj^.rtn]ec,i.i noxq exJULHxe JuLnex^i

To-ctjojq cy^.q^.cy<L2jOJUL eqc^aje :

_ _ /juLe.19 (21) K^LKiA. niJUL c]oSk ftni.^pit'TKA.Ki^. Rxec^^i

epeneKXapolc noTpeqprto^e ^e exooxc :

20 (22) itee noT^AX]o equoX e^^pA-i itoTCKAp<LKip nojo)T^.1 xe oe rtoT'c^.iJULe itpeq<LcijK^.K e^oX il

o'r^^J^ np]X.p^.cy :

_ _ /ripjuLepec,!JULe21 (23) JULnp2,e ex]ooTc rtovc^iJULe ertecuoc ^.tcjo juL

22 (24) oToprH] JULhoTJuofr^.x^^.X JULTio-ynoC^rt

cyme] ue otc^ijulg ecf ilxoo'rc nc^.

nec2;]<^V :

23 (25) OT^^HX eq]el*iHT JuLhot^o eqoKJuL ixnoT

52 rec^o

xxvii 2 eaj^.veaj[


eclj^.pe^^o^e ^[cotjoq

3 eqciji.rtTJUL<Lee[

oTf^enH ne[qHi n.LX^.Ko

4 RxeTrtoY rtee [eoj^-pe^^erteixTi cijtjoxn

^^Xi-ncyoXcyx Ronrco?^:

17^ C^liULe] ad eC^^OOT Lag. 18^ exJULHxe] ^FtXJULHXe i.ag. 18- [XOTCJOlq] ad rtqcCJOXJUL Lag. 20^

e^p^-I it] e^jp^V ^ri Lag. OTCK^.pA.KIp] Lost in Lag.; cf.

Lemm, Kl. Kopt. Stud. p. 331, no. xliii 20' ^.cyK^-K] [COOj] Lag.

it fin] itrt^-^pit Lag. 22^ Ito6' it] cm Lag. 22"^ ilXOOXC

itC^.] eXOOXC(-Xq) Jul Lag. note

xxvii 2^ ecy^.'r] cy^'^f Lag. 2^ &Gr^] Ot Lag. 2^

ecy^kpe] cy^.pe Lag. 3^ d.ee . .

.] ^.JUL^.,xe Lag.




xxvii ^-^.I Te ee epeJuLneeooT ijLn[p(JOJULe ^JULueq^HX

XJLnKep^.juLe'rc :

^.'vto epennip^-CJULoc JuLnpc[iULe ....

6 itee exeoj^-penexp^uoK eTajH[ri D'ye

^^^eqK^-p^oc e^oX :

T^.I Te ee eTeaj^.pency^.ze JULrin[crtjbrfr ot

ert2>*^HT JuLnpcjojuie e^oX

7 i}L^pT^.IeoTpa3JU^.e iJL^^.Tkei[

n^.1 v<i-p ne ^^Ip^.cJULoc ijLn[pa3JULe

8 eKcij^.nnu)T ncA.TJULTJu.e [K^^.T^-2JOc

^.*tJO Kn^.T^.^.c 2>i^^k j^^e ri[TcyKTa3 rleooT

9 Ree eaj^.pert^<LX^.Te ot(M^ [^^.'Thiie'f

ne xjLjJLoof :

T^.V Te ee ecy^.peTJULe kotc [erteTeipe ajLjuloc

10 rioe eTecy^.peoTjuLo-ri 6uo[p^etm^^TA-i Te ee eTepenitoKe cr6p[(J^eiieTeipe

juLnzmcToftc :

11 Tco4)i^. ne naj^.xe nitpXjLit[rto-yTe ito-jfoeicg rujUL

n<LeHT 2.e itToq cy^.qaji^e n[ee XJLnoo^;

12 ^^JOYoeicy itTJULHTe n^en[A.eHT

T^-ctjoK 2^e ^TJULHTe n2,en[cA.Ke

13 oTJULecTH ne ncyA.xe rlrtco(T

^.Kuo epene'TctJo^e ^o'jf[cn^.T^.X^. riito^e

5^ 2.e] om Lag. 5^ ^^'4Uo] i-Y Lag. note 6^"^

eTe]e Lag. 6^'^ [O-rjeit^] O-VCJOn^ Lag. 7^ This verso is

almost entirely lost in Lag. ;the next letter after ei may be JUL, Gk.

TTpo XoyLcr^ov ixr} (.-naiv^a-qs avhpa \0^ lie6 eTe] om Lug.

10^ eTepe] cij^.pe Lag. note <^p[<^ eneTeipe] <^p^ene-fpe Lag. ii^ itrtpXi] JuLnpXi Lag. 12^'


i^&en]nit Lag. 13^ JULeCTU] JUieCTe Lag.

SIRACH XXVII 14-20 163Sir.

xxviii4 cy<Lpex6TitajA.ze nonfp[eq'T^.cije uo

PLK rte^lcgX^q e[ . . .

^.nfa3 [ot^uoxn] iJLJUL[^.^.xe ne neqjuiicye

52 verso

15 onrne^.Tcrtoq e^oX ne nJUL]icye rtItx^.c[I

^.-roj ofcuo'TJjL eq^ooT] ne neTc^.^0T16 nex6a3XYi e^oX rlri]juLTCTHpion ^.q

Kuo rlcaoq ijLnrt<L]^Te :

Rneq6'ititcy.Hp nrt^.^pTjuLneq^HT17 JULepeneK]cij^Hp [rvrx^-lrt^.o'*^'^ rtXiLJUL^.q

ecycone 2^e] eKoj^LrKTcoxn eJS.oX rtneqjuLTc

THpio]rt iinputjox itcuoq :

/xX[ze18 flee v^.p itlonrpuoJU-e e^-qKo? Rcojq JuLneq

T^-i xe e]e ertT^-KKcjo itccoK nxJULm"cy[Hp

JuLnleTT^^ixo-jfuoK :

/TeK6'ix19 i^tuo] rtee itoT^i.XHT e^KK^.A.q eKoX ^

^"^.I T]e ee nx^-KKoo rtcuoK JuLnex^ixo-ruoK

/ee nonrajz^^oc20 iinpnluox rlccoq xe ^.qoTe i,vuo ^.qncoT n

14^'^ [tA3]p[K rte2,]SiJ>^&q e . ..] The final 6 may have been

e and there are traces of at least two or three letters after it ; Lag. has

only uopK .... [en]eKaj^.q i6^ [nex] nexrt^ Lag.

[rin] ft^n Lag. These changes are made on account of the space ;

Gk. o aTTOKaXvTTTOJV jxvar-qpLa 16^ firteq<Tn] ^.TCO rteq[gje]

Lag. [fl^^.^p]iJL] [rin<L]gjpri Lag. n^ nXJLjuL^-q]

neJUL^.q Lag. 17^ rteq] neq Lag. 18- ertT-^.^]

rlT^-K Lag. 19^ TCK] ItSK Lag. 19- flX^K] em~^.K

Lag. 19^ ftrteK] IteKOJ Lag. 20^ ffl^^O<^] <^0C Lag.

20- n^-cyq] n^Lcy Lag.

M 2


xxvii /xn ^ItOTCA.^OT .

21 eajxeo-jflnee eJULHp crcA-cy . ^.vdb itee ii^uo

. . . .]eXni^e :

/eooT22 uexzcjopljuL ^neq_^.X eqjULeenre e^enue

JULhX]^.^.Y n^.xo(5'q epoq :

23 p]u^q ^Xo6^ijLneqijLxo eKoX nqp

cyuHlpe ttrteKcij<Lxe :


ijLnitc(jD]c q^t^.K^"epa?q rtqi~ fionrxpou ^24 ^.iJULecxe]2j^2j ii-Vii'TTtxcjono'c epoq :

nxojeic n<LJULecTa3q :

25 nexrt^.n]cXOTCJorte exne qn^.^e exojq.

oTnXHv]H itKpoq aj^.ccipe it^ennco/s^ :

26 nexcyi]j<e noT^ieix qn^-g^e epoq^^f(M ^e]^-T^-^o ep^.'rq itoTn^.aj q^^.2Je e

&P^i] n[2,H]Tq:

/excoq .

27 nexeipe n^elttueeooT eTitHT e^p^.I

^.-jfO) rtrteqesJULle xe rtT^-nrei itxtpri :

28 riocrrte]6^rtn[x<Lci^lHX :

xxviii _53

>yctO ^25 (2") itvx^.JULieonfjuL^.cijeA.jm. n]r[eKciji,xe ijLn[onfajt

^.-^o? f^^T'^.JULIeo')fpo nptJoJK ijLnoTJULox^o[c26 (28) 'f^XHK epoK JULKHoxe rrrcX]<L^-T-e ^ptJDK xe

nneK^^e JuLnejuLxo e]^oX ijLneT'6uop6^[epoK

21^ ejULHp] JuLJULp Lag. rtoe] ovrt ee Lag. c^.^oY]jULicye Lag. 26^'^ e[^p^i] om Lag. 27' [uexeipe]Ue-fpe Lag. HHTf] ilrtHV Lag. 27^ itTcon] n<Lq TCJOn

Lag. _ ^ _xxviu 25^ [n]rteKcy^.xe ijLn[o''cLji] njuL o'[aji rtneK]-

aj^,xe Lag. 26'^ itneK] nr Lag. ixueT"] itn ex Lag.

SIP.ACH XXIX 1-7 165

Sir. _xxix 1 nexeipe itoTitA. qrt<Lzi]JULHce JuLueT"[2^i'TOYuoq

^.iftjo nexcoo-jfrn itTJoo'Tq eKoX ez\[^^^

pe^ ertjenxoXK :

2 -f XineT^ilxoTaoK JuLneYoeicy [e]'Tq^.2^e[

^.nfco itvi" Xilnex^^ixonfcjuK eneqTe.3 JULA.x<Lxp]3nciji.xe frrx^-n^^o-jfTik ruuLJUL^.q ;

^.Tfcu K]r^^.^e exexpi^ itoYoeiaj ;

4 epe^^>.^] jmeete xe ot^^h't ne nxiJULHce

] eTE.oHei^. iti.Y

5 oj^.q-f ni] erteq(5Tx aj^.rt'Tc|Xi ftqeEfiiexeq

cjulh] ^[i]rtexpHJUi.^. JuLuex^ixo-vcuq ;

(6) ^JjijL\[eto]eia^ rlT^.^.T aj<Lqx^-XenH e^p^.i :

itqxco it]^enaj<Lxe i^xjLK^.^ it^^HT nq^Tfi^,

piKe] eneTfoeioj :

6 (7) eqcy^.n]^ijL6oJU. julovic ecy^.qxn"^^.cye rlq

jutee-ve] xe ot^hy ne :

/XpHAt.^(8) ecyuoue 2i.e] JuiJULon ciji.q2jOnfp(jouuq n[n]eq

iKjK^-^-q] ^^.q fix^.xe rtxinxH :

qi" it4i.q ii]^enc^.^oT juut^^ert^oonrgy :

(9) ^.'^(jo enJUL]^. itonreooT cy^.q-f n^.q rtoTcuuctj

7 (10) ^.2>^& Kxo]oT e.oX ex^eTrnortHpi^. ^n

^.Yp^^oxe] expe')f^o[(r]o')f itxinxu ;

xxix 1^ [&^pe^] ^pe^^ Lag. 2^ nenfoeictj] ueov-

Oeicy Lag. [elXq^-^eJ Probably n^.q followed ^.2^e, but the

papyrus is broken away ; eXq[XP]j<^ Lag. 2' [<i-nf(Jo]ad Olt

Lag, eneqTe] JuLneqTe Lig. 3^ ruuLiUL^.q] ^eJUL^.q

Lag. 3- OTOeicy] ad ItlJUL Lag. 4" Lag. reads ^.'Jfa)

^.nff &ice itn enx ^.f^oHei n^.T 5^ [neiroleictj]

neonfoeicy Lag. nn] ne Lag. 5^ itcj^'a] pr ^.-rto Lag.

5^ nenfoeicy] neoToeicy Lag. 6^ eaJ^.q] cy^.q Lag. 6^'^

nq[jULeeTe] xe OT^^K-V ns] om Lag. 6^ [2^e] om Lag.

6^ This line is om in Lag. 7^ i^fl] om Lag., Gk. ttoAAoi] B -f ovv

i^* {ov iil) A Swete 7- ^060t] qo60Y Lag.

Sir. 166 SIRACH XXIX 8-18xxix

8(11) nXan ^pi]^^p^&HT" e:^iULneTeSfiiHY

^.nfao ijLnjpo^^ epoq enrjuurrn^. :

9 (12) ojoon ep]oK ijL4>KKe ex^eTenxoXH/ojOTeiT

^.nfo) K^.]x^.ueq6pa3^ juLnpKXoq eAoX eq

10(13) nex^oJULjm- eE.oX ex^ecort ^loj^Hp:

fu'xXJLT-pe]TpcijH^e ^<i,na3ne juLuta.ko :

11 (14) K^.ueKi.2>o] K^T^.nem-oXH JuLnexzoce

53 Ve7'SQ

12 (15) i.j-ro) cenA.xo'5fx[oK ^^^jce nijw.

14 (17) cg^-peoTpcoJULG itA.[vA-O0c ttjnxojpsijluex^^ixo'yuoq

cy^.pe^^xcy[I^e 2^e itxoq K^^.q itccoq

15(18) JuLrTppucoEy n[rtex^pJc rlonfojnxuope

^.qi- nxeq['4fTXH r^-p ^^-poK16 (19) ct5^.penpeqpno^e [pnco^^ rinA.noT Ro-vcynxajpe

17 ^-nro) [cy]<LpenA.X2>JULox ^^[neq^HX Kuo

itccoq JuLnenx^.qrt^.[2^jULeq

18 (20) z^ojuxcope XA.KeoTJULHH[cye e-vco-rxajit

^.'ra) LqKiJUL epoov nee rio'[2^oeiiUL it

e^.X^.cc^. :

(21) ^qnuocone e^oX it^^enpujjuLe [iti^'yrt^.XQc

^.nfco ^.'jfnX^.rt^. ^2;en2^een[oc eitnoT

OT ^.n ne ;

8^ exix] ^JuL Lag. 9^ [cyuon ep]oK ijLcJ)HKe] eg . ,

[2,]HKe Lag. 10^ JuLnX.] enx. Lag. 11^

nenXoXn] XertX_oXH Lag. Ver. 13 (16) is om here : e^OTOenx^-zpo ito')f6r?\-JULilx(5oJUL itoTAxepe^, ^.Ta3

cen^-juLicye exiXDK JuLnejuLXo-e.oX JuLnx^-xe Lag,

15^i\] om Lag. 18^ Ot] ora Lag. IS'^ r^&eit] ItR


Sir. SIRACH XXIX 19-28 167xxix

19 (22) npeqcynxojpe ^.nfuo neT"n[HT- Rc^.^ert

eproX-LKii. JUL^-peq^e erx[i^^^\l

20 (23) ojoon epoK JuLuex^ixo-^ftJOK [K^.T"^.TeK(56ju.

^.tuo 'f^THK epoK JULHnoT[e nv^e21 (24) T^-pxH iix^TntJun^, iie[o'roeiK iXh

o-rJULOOT iXhonfajTHri [juutoTHi

e^^ivKc ijLnajme :

22 (25) nA.rtoTx6ma3rv, noT2>H[Ke eqoTH2> 2>a.tot

e^coi ijLueqm :

e^oTe2;enrto6^n<5Tno')fu:[juL ^othi eiuLuaoK ^.itne

23 (26) cLjuone eKXHK ri^^HT" [ezXJLnexeoT

itT^-Kq :

24 (27) o-yf^Tnuoit^ ec^ooT ne n[(joa3ite e.oX

iw'JfUJ itneqecyoTcurt itpcoq [^^neqjui^. rlcyoone

25 (28) cy^.q-fTA-io A.T(JO riqxco[


xe eTn^-cyx :

54 ?'ec<o

26(29) xe A-JULOT npJUL]naj(5op JUL^.^"^.JULIeO'^f[Xp^.^e^^.

^.nrco JUL^.'riJLJULOi JuLuleTTix^-K

27 (30) ^(JOK e^oX npXJLrilcLjcrop ^^.oh juLu^-i eT[T^-iKY

^n^wcoit cToeiXe epo]i 'fpXPJ^ ixni-Ki:

28(31) n^.1 2,opaj ttrt^^prijo-ifptJOJULe ric^.Ke :

19^ npeqcynxcwpe] npeqp-itoB.e eqe^e enrxtrlT--

peqcynTCJOpe Lag. 21^ KT-fTut.] rt<5Trt. Lag. _223

e^OTe] e^OTO Lag. O-CUOJUl] OfOOJUL Lag. 23^ [exju.]

exit Lag. 24' n[a3uone] nuoite Lag. _ 24^ erm] eoyniLag. 24^ itrteq] neq Lag. 25^ itqxco . .


CeiO . . . Lag. 25- cyn^JULOX] . . OT e^AXOX Lag.

26- eTltXi>-K] exe OTItT^-Kq Lag.


Sir. _xxix TenixiJULi^. itoTKi] JULnnno(rfiecr'n[oT


XXX [ex^eajHpe]

_ /epo[q1 nexjUL]e juL[neqajHpe qn]i.x^.[aj]e^io['re

^e eq]ee'y4)[p^ite ^xelqg^^H2 n]ex['fcj^uo [juLneqojHpe qn^.xieooT ri^^Hxq

^.tuo q[n]4.ajo[')fajo'c JuLjULoq ^^icjutuq ^^xjulhTe fiite['rcoo'rn. JuLjuioq

3 nex'tcJ^o) ijL[neqcyHpe qni-i-Kco^j firteqxi.ze

^.'00 qn^.TeX[H>\ exS-KKT^ iinejuLTo

e^oX rine[qaj^eep

4 epciji.nueqei[(JOT" julot eqrt^>.poe XJLuexeJuLuqAJLovxe ^.qKoo iXnric[a)q JuLuexeme JuLjuLoq

5 ^. . n^.T epoq eq[

ijLneqXTn[i. . . .

6 x[e ^.qKJo) rtoTT"[^.iK^A. juLnejuLTo eEioX rtneqx^.xe

^^t(JO OTT"i.j]x<^[pJC Mrteqajfi.eep

7 e[T^exe'4^'rxH nrteqajHpe qn^.JULOYp nrteTc^.cy

i^i[uo neqijLrvTCLj^,n^TrHq n^-ajxcpxp

exXjLueT^.a3[K^K XHpq8 cij^-peoT^To JULnc['coijLq ei e^oX eqn^-c^T"

A.-ifUj cy^.peonfojHpe e[^TK^.XHp e^oX rtcuoq

ei e^oX eqA.ca)o[T

9 ^cynneKcyHpe 'T[^]pe[qaj'Tpxcjopk

cwB.e ruuLJUL^q XA.p[eq]i-X[TnH n^.K

XXX 3^ [exB.HHXq] eTJS.HT"q Lag. 4^ JuCnitc[a3q]

riCCOq Lag. 5 The second letter is uncertain owing to a fold in the

papyrus; Lag. reads this line ^-q^^,T exrt HeqOOrt^ ^.qeT-

4>p^Ite, Gk. V TYj ^(1)7]avTOV ecbev Kai V(ppav6ri 6^ Lag. has

only ^'C(JO .... n^JULOT, Gk. Kat ev tyj reXevrr} avrov ovk eXv-

TTrjdrj 7^ exXJl] exit Lag. 9^ ^^] ^J^^S^ Lag.

SIRACH XXX 10-19 169Sir.

XXX 10 x.npctu^e nAXjuLi.[q] xe [rirteKJuLK^.^, it

^HT exujq :

A-Ttu nq-f ^0-^(50 KrteKuj[ ....

54 verso

11 XxRlp-fexonfci^. n^.q ^T-eqijurrKoVi12 Xjojz^ rirteqcni[p]oo[')fe en^^ocort ex

KoVi ne xeK4.[c nrteqprto6^rtqpi,x

13 'fc^ao ijLneKCLjH[pe rtvp^jOj^ rt^H'rqxeK^^c rtrte[Kxixpon ^^XJLneqajme

14 n^.rtonfOT^H[Ke eq<TijL6ojuL ^JiXne^cuojtxz.

e^o'teofpJJL[JUL^^o eqajoorte ^neqccjoju.^.15 qco-fri it6ToYJuLT[on JLJLhoforx^Ji e^otenoK^ nijUL

^.]^f(JO [o]tc(jojul[^. eqjuLo'rrt e^o-jfeoTiXrrr


16 nArio'jf]xi]urT[i5XjLJUL<Lo ^.it e]2>o'e[oTccjojuLi.

[eqoTOX ]

Z-Tto JULitoTnoq coxn e^lonrenonfrioq jtx.

17 n^.rto'jfnjm.oT e2>o')feo')f]cjon^ eq^ooT ^.T

CO e^oTeonrcycjoite] eqjULHrt eKoX-


ex.e6TrtoTa3JU. ]

18 OT ne n^HT n2,en<Lr^.]Gon e'vm^^/f exit

o'vx^.npo ecajo]xjuL JULrtg^en^TrtoTo

19 OJUL e'y^op6^exrioT]T"4.c^oc ^^^.-^co ot

10^ [rtrteK] neK Lag. lo^ no-r^c] itoTOjc Lag.

neKuj . .

.]rteKn^,xe ne^.H Lag. 12^ rtcuoK] om Lag. 13

XeK<Lc] XeK^.^.C Lag. 14^ 8j^^^] ad eqJULOXit Lag.;

there is probably aot room for it here 16^ [e^]onfe] e Lag. 17^

uof^] 6Tn(jon^ Lag. eq] ec Lag. 18^ [n^H**-] (^ny Lag.


170 SIRACH XXX 20-31Sir.

XXX xi^Xo nei2vwtJoXort o]T2ie v^-p JULe[qo]T(jojuL

o-rsie cycjoXljUL :

_ _ /^T^-V xe ee juLnexepen]xoe[ic i^&]h

20 eq^tbcyx epoo-jf ^neq^^.X eq^.ttjA.]^[o]juL

nee rlonrcio'jfp eq^^oTs^eTHiLpeenojc eq

21 ijLnp-[-neK^HT elxX-rnH:

i.nfa) juLnpeXiKe ijL]JULOK ^^ueKcyoxne22 no-jfnoq JuLn^HT] ne ncun^, JuLupa?xjLe :

^.Tuo o-jfxeXHX juLJnpcwJuie ne ottio6^

^^BjG ]

23 cXcXTreK^-jfXlH nvni.pA.KA.Xi jutneK

A.nftJo JULA-pexX-ynn] oxe ricA..oX Jljlxjlok

A-xXxnu VA.]p T^-Ke^^.^ A^nrcjo julti^h'v it

55 ?'ec^o


28 (29) 4-['t JuLJnp'f neKXPHJUi-A. n[Keo'rA.

xe [it]neKp2;XHK ivrconc e[xELHHXoT

29 (30) ri^ocoit Kong, oTnitiqe ri^H['Tk juLnpxA.rt

^OTXk ijLhcA.p^ rtiJUL .

30 (31) itA-noTC vA.p expen[e]KcyHpe xo[S^ e^o-cee

poc nv^cucyx exooxoT nn[eKcyHpe

31 (32) cijcone eKzoce epoo**- ^neK^^[H'jfe xHpoi-

19^ o'2^e] o-vxe Lag. 19^ [onfi^e &c.] oif[xe juteq-

cyCUXjULj Lag.; this does not fill up the lacuna by 2 letters 19*

The word after XOeiC is also wanting iu Lag.; Gk, ovtcos o exStcoKO-

IJ-evos VTTo KvpLov 28^ 4.['ftJ0] om Lag. 28^ [ri]neK] HCK

Lag. [xAhHXOT] eX^HXOnf Lag. 29^ Jt^^OCOn]

ert^ocon Lag. Kon^] eKon^, Lag. onrrt] exn Lag.

30^'- [e]poc rrr] omLag.

SIRACH XXX 32 XXXI 5 171Sir. _XXX juLnp-f nonfTOJXJUL [JuLn]oKeooT32 ^o^-H nrie^[oo]T JuLneKqj)[rt,

<LYa3[i-rtx]eKKXHpo[n]ojULi^.^7*J^n[e')foeicyijLneKJULOT33 (33) 'fTuci^ ^iCTelposK ^ie[TU.]uo rtonreicjo [i.Ta)

o-ifoeiK] ijuio')f^[ . .] iXhov^.to^ [l[.ot^^^^Jk

31(34) i-pi2,qj[K ^^n]eK^^^[2JX x]^.peK^e eTiJL[Tort

^ecij[xoo'TK n^.]q [T"^.pe]cjcij[i]ite [ttCA.0TiXrrr

pAi-[^e ^35 (35) aj<Lpeo['rn]^^ ijLho'jf[juLOTc k]ax[otjul<lk2>

^>.xuo ^e[n]juLOK^ iXn[2^ertELA.c]i.ii[oc rioT

^^jjL^ji^'K eq^ooY:3G (36) rio5^ eY,a3S. xe rin[e]qoTa3cq :

37 cy^Lpenonfuocq v^p xc[^.]^oot e''iio6^n[K^.KiA.

38 (37) nozq gt^ojE. rtcijonfpo[q eJqxXJLccoxXJL [JUL^-X^-Oje

iteqn^.i2.ec :

xxxi 2

55 verso

]r[p^,cov ne 3epen[^-]i Tn[xa3]rt en4-[i

^.'ra) nin]e rioT^o XJLnejuLTo e^oX JuLueK2>o

^eT]rt^.xIJULe ^^^^^'/e\[T

RTonTlTt juLnrlxiJUL^.em JULnnpA.coT ojot

31- Roy] om Lag. 32^ n[eToeicij] neoToeicy Lag.

33" OT^^ ..J

CVCfi-UJ Lag. ; ^ is certa'n, and from minute fragments

of the two following letters T am inclined to think that the scribe wrote

PJXi^ here in error for cKoO.35^ JULOK^] JULO^C Lag.

36 itneq] rteq Lag. 38^ T^.rt^.o'rxk] ^^oto Lag.

xxxi 2 Ue] om Lag. 3^ ^o] ad He Lag. 4^ 2^]e^oX ^rt Lag. 4' ]iA-] 2>^ Lag.

172 SIRACH XXXI 6-19


xxxi^-nroj aj^.p]e4>HT [T]oitTn nee rtTeT'fn^.[A.Ke

6 . . . .]e ecytune nx^.T'rhrtoovc m^K

A.]it ^ixXJLne[T-2^]oce ^o'v[friin]cijine

2^]e juLiTpi" JuLneK^HT e[pooT

7 i.p]^.coT vi.p [nXi.]iti. rt^A.2>

8 cij]^.nfxeKn[nojuL]oc e^ox [^.xrl<5oX

/ne xcoc^ii,

A.T]a3 otx(MK e[B.oX] ^^^"[^.npo] ncocJ)oc

9 ovpojJULe] eqi<[uoT]e cy[^qeiJULe e^]^^^

[pXirt^^HT- ]

/koVi .

]0 epenexeijLno]TXortxq c[o]o'it n^ert11 (10) nejitx^-qjULoifcyT- 2^e nToq neaje.qx<L


12(11) ^.In]^.T e^^.^ ^^[u.Yrpz.jtxoyc^ :

13 (12) 2^^]2> r^con ^.IKm2^TIte^fe a)i.ujuLOT :

56 7^ecto

19 (16) ]UX^.Xp[o ....

(17) itxoq nexGT^^eXnic ^Iotk^'vajl^.^.nro) oA-i^ec JuLnnonf] JyLjuLeepe ^.Ta) xenfB[oH

eI^. ^0T2>e ] :

5^ Of this line Lag. has only the last word nA.^.Ke 6^ .... g]om Lag. 'fltrtOOnfc]T"nrtOOTCe Lag. doubtfully 6^ ^IXSx-ne['Tx]oce] ^ixri nxoeic Lag. 6^ Jul 2^] om Lag.

7 The i^econd half of this verse is om here : ^.a) fl GX KUO

it^XHY epooT ^.nf2^e-e^oX Lag. 8^ ^^'*] eclj^.**-

Lag. 8^ ^] ft Lag. itC0c{)0c] JULTIICXOC Lag. 11^

neajA.q] aJ^.q Lag. 13^ Km2^.] (5Tn2.. Lag. 19"^'* ^.x(JJ

XeT.S[OHei^- inonf2;e] om Lag.; Gk. Kttt l3oi]6et.a airo nrcoiJ.aTos

SIRACH XXXI 20-29 173Sir.

xxxi_ /fi^.A

20 (18) eqxice rtlnenfil^TXH eqpo-roem ertenr

21 (19) oYnpoc4)]opi. ecx^-^7- ne ^x^.Xo e^^p^-i

^OT]xm(rbc :

22 ^.nrcjo [JULeqo]TeajnxtJo^^ rin^.nojULoc .

/Zce5[H]c .

23 (20) JULepe[neT-]xoce oYecynenpocc^opA. itit

n[rteT]e'*cii. .

_ _ _ _ /ei(jo[x24 (22) eqo nee [juL]nexcijqja3T' rtoTojHpe juLneq

neTXA-Xo e^p^.I rl[2^e]novci^. it^enxpHJUL[A.

25 (21) ntwn^ nit^HKe r[[s o]ToeiK eTp^po^^; JOljuloc]

nexn^-^OTpojoT iiJULoq oTpcojULe iicnoq ne

26 (23) eqo nee ijLneTi^^lqjTfi ijLnex^i[xoTa3q rt^

27 ^21) neT]rt<Lqi nTeq(rm[(jojn^ eqo rtee xjLuex

noj^^T" e^oX itoTcnoq

neTlrtA.^onfpeoTXAi^eKe juLneqeKe.28 (25) of^^ eqKuojx ^nrcw o'*^. eqojop^ o-jt ue nef

29 (26) of^. eqjojXHX ^.nfcw ot^. eqci-^^oT epenxoeic

20^ nev lo] Tenr Lag. 20^ a3it^.^]_uL3n^ Lag. 21^

nx^^Xo] n eT" t^-Xo Lag. 22 nit] n Lag. 23^ rte]

om Lag. itlt/LC. J n4?..C. Lag. 24 The order in Lag. is different ;

this and the folhjwing verse are inverted, and in ver. 24 (22) the order

of the two halves is alno inverted ; the Greek has the same order as here

24^ cynpe] ad JuLnejULTo e^oX Lag. 24^ ri2o] ^n Lag.

25^ rtn^HKeJ JuLi^HKe Lag. n[e] om Lag. e*rp6p(J0^]

eq(5pa3^ Lag. iXJULOq] ad ne Lag. 26" n 1"] om Lag.

27 The two clauses of this verse are in inverted order in Lag. 27

^o-rpe] qe^Lag. 28' ^.vco] jmn Lag. 29' ^.-^uo]

Jt*.n Lag.



xxxi n^.ccjoTJUL execjuLH nrtiJUL juLjuloot-

30 (27) o-jfA.] e^.q2>9P^ e-TKcwcJoc itqco'Tq itqxtw^,

56 verso

5(3) nlonfujoj ijLn[xoeic ne c^.^(jdk e^^oX itTnortHpiA.

a.]tuo neqKcjo [eKoX ne c^.^(jok eE.oX Jjl

nxm6oitc :

6 (4) JuLnponftJoitA.^ e^oX [JuL]neJUL[T-o eKoX juLuxo

7 eic eKcgoveix' n^.! T-Hpo[T ex^eT-em-oXH

8 (5) cg^PS'^sripocc^op^. JuLn2^iKi>-[ioc -fKrtne jJl

neoTfcii-cxHpiort :

/xo[ce^.Tuo nec-fno-yqe ijLnejuLT[o e^oX] JuLue.x

9 (6) xeenrciA. itoTpaoJULe rl2.iK^io[c cyHJn :

^.'^f(Jo itcert^-pnoj^cy ^.rt JuLn[ecp]njuLee[Ye

10(7) -feoonr juLnzoeic ^o-r^^-X n[<Lv^-o]oc:

^.TU) JuLnp'TcfiKo rt<i.nA.pxH [ri]rteK6Tx :

11 (8) 'fo'TpoT- juLneK^o ^nLnjeK-f THpoT :

12 (9) i" juLnexxoce K^[x^.n]eqi- :

_ _ /T"eK[6Tx^.Tfoj ne'rkn^.6^xq ,rtoT^i.X n^.vA.eoc ^^

13 (10) xe OTpeqTcooj^e ne nxoeic :

14 JULnpi~2iU0pon xe [JULJsqzi

29^ XeCJULHit] om Lag.

xxxii 6^ OTOJni^^] OTUOng, Lag. 7^ It^.I] ad V^-p

Lag. 8^ nec^] neccf Lag. ll The secoud half of this

verse is om here: nVT^So ^itrteKpeJULHX ^fi OTOTHOqLag. 12" ^n . . . ^rt . .

.JThese two groups are transposed ia

Lag. TeKj neK Lag. 14 This line and the next are om by Lag.

[iUL]eqXl] Gk. ov yap irpoahe^^Tai ; there is hardly room for [rlit]-

eqZI, and cf. xvi 1 where JULeqXI= ov Krjix-^^Tai



SIRACH XXXII 15-25 175'


xxxii 15 ^^f(M juLnpKA-^^XHK [e]e')fcI^. KxmfTbntc(11) onfKpiTHC ne nxoeic :

_ _ _ /^[o &i&HKe16(12) ^.nfco JULne5o*r npajJULe nrtA.^p^q '^^^-^^.['jfuo JULeq

qn^-cccTAJL enconc JuLneT"x[Hnf rtfTortc

17 (13) iirieqo^cyq exiXrrr^^^^'^'^ rio'r[o]p4)[^.nocf ^.cw 0YXHp<^ ecaj^.rtxtJL5 ijLneccy^.z[e


^tuo neqcouc it^-uoj^^] cyA.tteKXooXe :

21 (iG) a^^.pe^ec^JXHX JULRexloS^iKnf xexrte

KXooXe ]

^.'Jfa3 nenfcencojulq JuLnA.'fq^ujrt e^ox"(17) ^^1(uo rteqc^.^tJl3q] ejSioX iin^-Tenex

xoce <5'ijLneq]aj[i]ne

22 A-nfCJo qn^.Kpme] nit2^iKi.ioc rtqpne'v^.^.n :

(18) ^.tuo rtenx]oeic uock ^.tcjo nrteq^^pocy

i^&Hx] e^p^.I extx3[onf] a^^.rt'fqo'^ra)cyq

23(19) ^-jfoo rtqlTOJcwKe rlonrK^^. rlrt^eortoc :

cy^,]nT^qi xjLiiJULHHcye ititpeqcuocy


(20) ^^t{Jo itqjonfco^ rtnecTpHne rtrtpeqxmcTo

24 ^-'fto n]qTa3a3^e JuLnpajJUie KA.XA.rteq

25 (-21)

25 (21) T-A-]rte')fjuLee'y[e cyA.]nTqKpme rtxe

Kjpicic ix.ne^\^^oc A.nf(JO nqenfc^pA.

n]2 ijLJULooY ^^neqrtZ.:

21^ juLnA.xq] eJULuq Lag. 21'* ijLnA.Te] exxne

Lag. 23- JuLu] itii Lag. rtpeqcojcij] peqoj . . . Lag.

24^ [^^'4uo ri]qTuo(JO^e JuLnpcoJixe KA.TA.rteq[2,^]Hnfe]om Lag.


26 (22) eajxe]rtecenrtl. ^^n[e]-jfoeicg fiTeeXi

itee itjrteKXooXe n[^](jooT ^^neToeicy

xxxiii /^ rTr^uoajT- exojn .

1,2 n^. rt^.]ri nxoeic [nno-ylxe ito-ron nijut.

(2) nrei]rte rixeK2>[oTe] ezitri^^eenoc3 nrqi] e^p^Ji R'T[k6Tx] exhn^eenoc th

po]T n^XiLJUL[o

4 (3) ^.nfa3 JUL^.]poTrt^.')f e[xeK]6ojuL* itee rlT^,K

'fSfijo it^jKTii [juLjneTiJLT-o e.oX :

T^.1 ire e]e eKe^.I^I [nj^HXOT JuLuertjuLxo e

5 (4) z.-jfo? JUL^.poY]coTco[rt]v K^.T^.oe nx^.rt

co-jfcwrvr] xe [JuLixttitoTxe] i\XX^.K


_ _ _ /pe6(5) A.pi2>enjuLA.em itfippe nv^oji^e nn]eKcijnH

57 i'(??\W

10(7) ^.]7U3 JLJL^.po[TX(JO rtrteKJuurrno^^

11(8) ^oYopvH nK[cjo^7T"^


T"eitqrt^.[oTX^.i ^.n

^.nrao JUL^.pertex[eXiKo juLneKXi.oc ta-Ko

12(9) OTO)^ rlx^.n[e firi^.px^ JuLWXS^xe

nexzo) ijLJULo[c xe iJLrlX^.^.T i\^Ai.it

13 (10) cojoY^^ e^oTit n[ne4>'yXH rti^Kuo^

26^ neToeioj] neoToeiaj Lag. 26^ ^Jlxne-toeia^]JuLneoToeiaj Lag.

xxxiii 2^^ ,eortOc] ad THpOV Lag. 3^'^

THpOTf] om

Lag. 4^ i\X^.K] e iVT i-K Lag. 5^ itX^ft] 6 'itX .Lrt

Lag. 11 The two clauses of this verse are transjiosecl in Lag.; in

the Gk. as here 13^ n[nec^.] HGcJ). Lag.

Sir. SIRACH XXXIV 1-9 177xxxiii

(11) o-r^.KX eqpoo'rx-i.Ttw e[qjULO'Trt ezh^ertcTmo-yoojuL

eqit^-qinpoo-ycy rtrteq(fj[no*i'cojuL

xxxiv 1 cijA.peitpoei[c rt]oTpjuLJUL^.o [^u)X e^oX n

neqci.p^A.'ViXi cy^pei^eqpoo-jfcy c^-^en[^mHii e&oX JuLjULoq

2 cijA.penpooYcy njo-roTojH n[poeic A.n^.1

XI itoYpeKpiKe :

^.nfo) ajA.peoT^mH^ T^.X(reovclj[(Jorte eqn^.ax

_ _ [/XPHAXA.3 a)A.penpjuLJULi.o [^^ice] eqccoor^, [e^^oTrt ititeq

^>.tuo oj^^qajme [it]iteqxp'rct)H [g|hoTJULoxnec4 ajA.pen^HKe ^ice iinajtjouox [juLneq^-^^e

i.*jfa3 aj^.qp6pa32^ ilxJULoxnec :

6 nexjuie noirrtov^ rtqn^.xjuL^.io [^.It

^.TO) nexnnx [rtc]uoq qrtA.jm.onf[2>

enrx^-Ko n[^.ql

6 ^.'c'f2>^& e-r^^e e[x^e njrtonr^ :

^.fuo A.neTXA.K[o cylcwne JuLnenf[ijLxo e^oX

7 OTeE.cye itzpo[n ne] itonron ni[juL excyJuL

eye rtA.q A.'cfco epe]^.eHX niJUL [rt^.x^.Ko

it^^KXq :

8 ttA.iA.xq juLnpIji.juLA.0 eitxA.T6m[e JuLjULoq eqoi'A.A.K

A.TfU) nexeijLneqo[']A.^ ttc[A.o'vitoTK

9 itiju. ne xA.pnjuLA.[KA.p]i^e juL[juLoq

xxxiv 1^ itpoeic] pr XOTCtJK Lag. [^]0f] JULU Lag.

1" neq] neq Lag. n[2jmH^] 4)i-nHK Lag. 3^ a^f^^]

Cei Lag. 4^ a^pe] pr ^^'*0^ Lag. _ ng^HKc] ^HKG Lag.

*J^l^a-] &J^ "a- Lag. 4^ it] ^rt Lag. 5^ I^q^]qriA. Lag. 5^ ^^^] ^^ Lag- *J^onf[2^] Lag. indicates a

lacuna with 3 dots between XfLOt^ and eTXA-KO 6^ A-T-f-

&^& e'^&e] A.,A.& VA-P 2,6 Lag. ?' e^e] ae Lag.

[ne] no-roit] n' eo-voit Lag. _8^ (TTnLe juLJU.oq] 2>e

epoq Lag. 8^ XJLueq] iiiiq Lag.

178 SIRACH XXXIV 10-16


xxxiv ^.qp^erta^[^Hpe v^-p ^]juLue[c|X^.oc

10 niJUL nen[x^.'-AOKiJUL<L^e ijiJULoq fi^H'Tq

58 recto

^.qxcjoK e^oX x^-peqlcgtone eqcxj[oT

(11) niJUL nexGo-rnoj^ojUL XiLJULo]q en^-p^.^^. ix.

neqn^.pA.jS.A. ^.nfjtju [epjneeoo-r JuLueq[eipe

11(12) rteq^-V^eort] It^.x^.zpo ue :

^.'cco o*yno'r]eKKXKcii. rti.xa) itrieq

12 (13) eojcone e]Kcy<^n^JULooc ^ioifito6^rt

T"pA.ue^]A. juLnpoTCJort epcoK epocn

<Lnfto JULnpxo]oc ze ot,^2> ,i^^c :

13 (14) ^-pmjULeenrje ze n^i.X iinnoitHpoc ^oo-c^TO) OT ne]xcoirT eq^ooT en^4.X.

eTKen]<Li q^pIieiH nit^^^pR^o kijul

_ /epoq .

14 (15) ]Kn^n<Lnf epoq JuLnpcoTTltxoo'rk

-Lnro?] ijLnp^ez;zxeK6Tz ruuLiULi.q ^xzh15 eiJULe] eitA-neT^iTonfCDK e^oX juLjulok-

(16) ^.'V]U3 JULeKJULO-ifK H^^UoK ItlJUL :

16(17) onf](joix itee itoTpojJULe rtrtex^^ptoK-

^.Ttjo] JuLnpTi.ivr itpuoK juiHnoxe itce

juiecTaoK .

10^ eq] et Lag. lo*'^ juLneq twice] e 'juinq Lag.

11^ neq] Teq Lag. 12^ o-ytwrt epojK] othk itpooK Lag.

13^ n] om Lag. 13^ For this line and the next to ^^.T epOqLag. has_only

. . . poq 14^ ^eZ^] ^^eXZ Lag. ItXJL-

JULA.q ^TZK] eXXH rteJULi.q Lag. 15^ This line is om

in Lag.; Gk. voti ra tov ttXtjctiov K creavTOV 15^ JULeKJULO*JfKj

JULe_KJULO*yKK Lag. S] GZlt Lag. 16^ ^] 2><^ Lag.

16^ itpCJOK] pCOK Lag.

Sir. SIRACH XXXIV 17-25 179xxxiv

17 (18) Ki.Tlooxk e^oX nctjopri ex^execStu^Tto ix]fippi.xci JULunoxe ivrzojpvi.

18 (19) eKctji.]rt2,JULooc exjuiHxe rloTJULHHcye

XijnpcoTTTtxooxK e^oX ^^.^et^n.19 (20) eajzert]A.noTnpcoaje itoTpaojute eq

20(21) cyA.Ka3aj] eKJULoxrt . ej<aj^.npnpa)

eye] ^.qxaoo'crt e,xooTe epeneq^HX] JuLjULoq :

(22) epeoTijLK^.]^, Juuio-roTOjH [itpoeic jjXItlot

Xo^h] JuChoTcyxopxp n[oTpajJULe rt^xci

21 (23) ecytwne 2^e ^.]qxiXK it6oitc [^^encrTrtofuojif, x]uuonfrt nvKi-KoX [rveijLxort

22 (24) ccjoxiJL epoV] n^.ajH[pe rvrxjuLcoojqxA-Tfuo Krti.2,e] en^.aj4-[ze ^oi.H ne

(25) ajuone eKrt^.]cyx ^[neKaji.xe XHpo*ri.tvo juLhXi.i.T] r[CLj[a3rte r^^.x(JOJuatx epoK ne

58 verso

23 (26) cij^p]e rtecnoxoT [cjulott enexpoo-rx ezXiiuoeiK

4.JU0 XJuutxiJuCrvxpe JuLueq^.rt<Li R^ox24 (27) cL)^.peoTn[oXic KpJULpXJL enrnoitHpoc

ezIinoeiK :

^nrco xJULHXJULrtxpe Itxeq[^ortHpI^. opx25 (28) JuLnppc^.THpiT ^.nHpu X[^.Ke^i.,

17^ KA.XOOXk] pr ex^e Xec^CO and om later Lag. 18^

ex JUL.] 2^it XJUL. Lag. Ot] ^H Lag. 19^ ^E^c]ZX^HC Lag. 20^ ^q] Cy^K Lag. UCq] neK Lag. 2U^

iiJULOq] XJLJULOK Lag. 20* JULTtO-r] K Lag. 20^

cyXOpXp] OpVH Lag. 21^ JULXOIt] Lag. indicates a lacuna

with 4 dots after XJLxort 22^ COOjqx] COOJ .... Lag.

23^ 24^ ezXJt.] exn Lag. 25 nHpu] Kpn Lag.

N 2



26 (29) n^-cy ne eajA.q2^0KiJULA.^[e juLuX^'m ^JULUoajjuLeqTA.I Te ee nnpu. ue ectj^q[2^oKiJULi.^e it

it^HT riitz^.cI,HX ^o['riULicye

27(30) oTijLxoit 2^Tii.^e rtfipa3ju.e [ue nHpneaji.Kcooq ^/toTcyi.

^.cy Te TJULoxnec JuLuexeriqc[eHpn ^.it

xe itxoq itT^,qcon'^q eiroTnoq [ftrlptojuLe

28(31) oTxeXHX it^H JULho-vonrnoq iji,'4'[''XH ne

napu eKaji.ncooq ^oifpaoaje [juLne

onroeicy :

29 (32) onrcioje juL-^tx.H ne ceonrHpu en[i.ttja5q

(33) ty^pen-f^e TA-cyen^uorrr i}Ln4.[eK'T-

30 OTZpon n^-q JJihotxoKxk ixh[onf^'ron

eqxcfiKo Rx(5ojUL eqeipe n[^eitna)>^31 (34) iJLrip:xnienex^n-o')fa)K ^[onrJULA. itceKpn

^.ifuj Xinpcoajq |juLneqo'rito[q

(35) XJinpzeoToj^ze n^.q rin[o6ne(J^

^.YO) juLnpeXi^e JuLjULoq eaj[i.'fq

XXXV 1 eojuone ei.'v^.^.K nno6^e'cjUL[HHaje xxnpxic[e JuL]juLOK exuooy :

A.p[iee itoTA-] ixjULooT itrqin[enfpoo'raj

2^'ue ecijA.q] n^


26^ nnph ne] ii-

nKpn Lag. 262'^ rtrt^Hx] Xic{)H'r Lag. 26^ nitZA-c]JULnZA-C.

_Lag. Ot] ULag. 27^ Lag. reads OfixXOIt Ue

UHpn ^n n^-^e ijLnpujJULe_ 27^ ecyA.K] eKcy^nLag. ttjl] pUOCge Lag. 27* ItXA-q] n eitT ^.r Lag.

28^ &h] &HX Lag. _ 28' [jJl] K Lag. 29^ OTCIcye-J^'^'fX"] ffl^ noT'^f'JfXH Lag. 30' onfzpon][e]ifzpon Lag. julh] ^rt Lag. _ 30^ [^enntjox^] JuL-

nntJOX^ Lag. ;Gk. Tpavfxara, the It of the verbal object is invari-

ably JUL before a U in this MS. 31" COCtjq] COOjqq Lag.

31^ iJLnpxe] JuLnpxi Lag.

^xxv 1^e^.'r]_

a.t Lag. i^ ezcioo'*'] ezooq Lag.

1^ JUL.W.OO'r] ad rt^^HXOIf Lag.

SIRACH XXXV 2-10 181Sir.

XXXV 2 rrr^JULoo]c ''itrpTexpi^ T~H[pc iveitozK

xe e]KeeT4>p^rte eT[^KHxoT^.tuo nvx]\ rtoYKXoju. eT[^enenfxc^no

3 cy^^e n^^xo xe cnjpeni n[^.K ^oTcupxitc^o) itT'fXjLZjaJcjope [eoX it^^^njULonrciKort

4 i]LnpajA.2ie] ^nJUL[A. itctwxli.

i}LiTp^.^.K ^^^.]rtc4-[JS.e ^oTJuarr^.Tonroeicy

59 o^ecto

/juLoc nrto'r[K5 A.pie]e rio'rcc^p^.vic rt^.rt^p^.^ ^io-ckoc


/jULio itno-c^

6 A-nfco] o'vcc{)p<LVic itcjULA.p^.[r]2.oc ^lonrT^

^'cjuj rtee rt^ettcrxxe ixJuionfciKoit ^7 ca]4.xe i\^pajipe eajxecepxp^^ JuLjulok :

8 JULJonc e1faJ^.rtxrtonfK [n]cou crt^.Y ^


/pcoK .

cyaone rtee ititexcoonfrt ^nrco gkkco fl

9 ^nrco] ijLiTpcy^.cyK iXh itrto<5^^T"eYJULHxe

^.TOJ] ijLnpaj<Lxe eJUL^.xe ^^^ax^ rtri^Xo.

10 cg^Pl^^^^pH^ ^.uocTe ^i.OH rtrte^^poT^^i.! .

^.tuo] xex<^pic n^.JULoocye ^^^.oh XJLuexnmx.

2^ ex[^HHXOT] eX^HXOf Lag. _ 2^ It] om Lag.

3^ npeni] npenei r^.p Lag. 4- [ijLnp<LA.K] pr ^.'ya>

Lag. 6^ crjuLUociort] cTJULUo2^ion Lag. 6" ^en]om Lag. 8^ COFl] CeiT Lag. 8^'^ <LpI,Oie] sic, qu.

copyist's error for ^.pl^onf6 ; Lag. has ^.pl ^^.^ ricg^.Xe

nOT^, Gk. K((pa\aiM(Toi' Xoyov ev oAtyoi? TroAAa 8'^ 4?..''CO

eKKO) npojK] ex kuj rtpojonr Lag. 9' a-^SH*^] S<^S^Lag. 10^ AcwcTe] qojcTe Lag. 10^ ZRiHx] cy^^w'^




XXXV 11 TTOJo-jflrt etet\.^^r nvxjuLp^^^H :

12 ^toK eneJKHi rtTTJULcocK ^^ ffrcujKe Jul

JUL^.-*] itvpue'Tko'v^>.[^]q cgA.xrtno^e


13 ^nfco ezri]n^.V cjtxot euertx^.c}[T"^JUL!OK

^^f(M nejxcio juLjulok eKoX [^rteqA.r^oort14 nexp^oxle ^H'rq juLuxoeic n[^.aja3^

epoq rtjxec^o)

/JuLn[eqo'ya)ajA.tuo neTrajo]pn ixJtxoot epoq c[ert^.6Tne

15 nexcyine n]c^.RrtoJULoc qnA.c[i JuiJULoq

59 verso

19 ^.-jfuj eKcyi.rtA.^.nf JuLnpp^XHK20 juLnpJULOoaje ,ioy^ih it^^xon

^.-vo) JuLfipzixpon ^^ertJUL^. n[a)rte

21 (21) &.fixi juL^tp]x^.^^o*^f'TK ^iot^ih [i\^.TXpo^

22 A.'va) 2^^-pe^, epoK erteKcgnpe :

23(22) T^.n^eTneK^HX ^^ujJi niJUL :

K<Lir^.p n^-V ne n^^-pe^, enenxo[XH24 (23) neT-nicx[e]Te ennojULoc cy^.q-f[^^THq

ertenxoXH :

^.nrco neTn^L^Te enxoeic nrteqp[. ...

xxxvi 1 juChueoooi- n^.T(JOJULnT" enexp[2^oxe

11 enfen^.-*] eo-^rt n^*r Lag. itr] pr A-nruo La,

^4Lh] 2^^.e Las. 12- ItO^e] ad ^I cyi.Xe Lag. 15

qitA.] n-L Lag. 20- ^,en] ^I OT Lag. 21^ A.'JfUo]

om Lag. 22 &^pe^] ^pe^ Lag, HCk] RGK Lag. 23'-^

\\^^.pe^] n^.pe^ Lag. 24^ ^^^] ^^^ Lag. 21^

Itrteqp . .

.]deest Lag.

xxxvi 1^ nex] n e q Lag.


SIRACH XXXVI 2-16 183Sir. _

xxxvi 2>w'^*^ JULRxoeic ^,XX^. ^/^[Tni

pi^cjULOc ^,fw on qit^.TO'rz[oq2 itrteoTpuojme rlco4>oc JUt.ecx[enrtojULoc

ireT^nrnoKprne 2^e n^K'fq [eqo itee

itOTXOI eq^OT,^.T[HT3 aj<Lpeo'rp[a3]JULe r^c^.^e cy[

A.'va) R[rto]juLoc rl^o'r ^^-q [Roe JOLue

XLOTlcyme ixJULoq eqx[(ju ixJULoq4 cSTen]eKcy<Lze x^.poTco[xjm.eq

JULp]xeKc.a) TOTe fu'[cg^.xe

5 itee i\o]ifKOT iti-CToXxe ne [nci. n,onfrt


A-'vo) ejpeneqiULee'ye 5 n[ee i\o'^f^.^a5^t eqKcoxe

6 itee itoT^xlo eqni.^ e[

ecyi.q]2]A-[&]jUL ^4.n[ex^JULooc ^ixaoq XHpq

60 recto


^.'ccu Rtjoit^ ijLn[ejuLxo ejS.oX ixnJULOT

T^lf T"e ee ijLnpeq[prto^e ixTiejuLXo e^oX


15 (17) ^.'^ftjo (TtbcyT- itxefi&e ene^.^H've THpovjuLnxoeic eTZo[ce

crtA.T CHA-T ne onr^. ijL[ne]JULTo eB.oX [itov^.

16 (18) ^.^toK ^uo ^.iponfcyH it[po]eic e4)^.H :

i2'^27^o[TUi]pA.cJULoc] qn^p nKexonrxoq ^rt neq-

nip^CJULOC Lag. 1^ ^^'tUO on qrt^LXOTXOq] om Lag.

2'' eq] om Lag. 3^ ctj. . . .

]_nicT-e')feenitoAXoc Lag.

52 [JuL]n] itOT Lag. ^ Itis.^,^ e^ ] &^ OTK<i.pO')f-

X^oit Lag. 15' fTtbajT] q6uoajT Lag. 15^ nxoei^c

exxoce] nexzoce Lag. 15^ itejom Lag. 16^ <^^.h]

n^^A-e Lag.

184 SIRACH XXXVI 17-31

Sir. _ _ _xxxvi i^tuo ^iKXaportojULi juljuloo-v nee [itcyopri

17 (19) tiL ijLnXA.oc ertTA-VT^-^jULeq ^^n[eKp^it^.nfoj nmX e^x^.KTTlxcJortq ene[Kctjpu

XJLiULice :

18(20) ttj^&'^HK ^^.xnoXic JifLneKXK^K 6x074.oiXhXjl nKJtJL^^ najcone :

19(21) JULOT^ itcKJOit rtrtA.pexK ititeKit^l.

^^'uo ^eKX^.oc juLneKeooY

20 (22) -f no-rijLrvTpe nrteKctoirr iicy[op^

60 VO'SO

27 (30) eccoTTi eeni]eTJULi<L num.

28 (31) ecycone onrnn^.] ^iJULitxpX.p^.cij ^mecnoxoT eie ne]c^<Li ttOTK^.TA.ncyH

pe rlitptJOJULe ^.rt] ne :

29 (32) nexn^-Kto [rt^.q njoifc^^iJULe A.q^.pxJ i^Kos

n^.q ftonf[Ko]HOOc K^x^.poq ^.-^03 ot

cttXXoc itJULT-oit :

30 (33) nl^JL*. exeiZhzoXxX ixJUioq cy^nnropnq

^.ifjuo nexeiXTfrqc^^iJULe qn^^.aJ^.2^oJUL

eqKcoxe :

31 (34) ni]JUL nexit^.TA.rt^o'ifTq JULhonrcoorte eq

^KK eqquucTc eKoX ^o-rnoXic evnoXic

17^ enT^L-*-] riT ^.nr La?. is^ ix] jmrt Lag. 18-

OIXHJUL] eiHJU. Lag. 19^ lin] jft Lag. Hi.] OJUHpe Lag.

19^ JJl] n Lag. 20^ rl 10] om Lag. 27 Only the bases of

the letters in this line remain, but they are certain [eCCOTUj ^L'ifCO

ccoTU Lag. 28^ [eie] eeie Lag. 29"* cxtXXoc]CTtXoC Lag. 30^'

^In these lines Lag. reads l^ttXi U. eX

KcvTe rt^-^-cy i.^ojtx ^JUL^. exe c^iJtxe it^;^'^^

31- qa)6^] quo^Te Lag.


135) Ti-i Te oe nonrpooJULe eJULnTxjjuL^, itcycjoue

eaj<Lq6oVXe e^JUL^. exeoji.qxiponr^e

it^H'fq :

xxxvii 1 cij^JHp rtiJUL cy^.qxooc xe ^.Vpcy^Hp ^w/cgtiHp

61 rec^oXXXIX

8(12) x2^iA.eH]KH juLnexxoce

9(13) otn^^.]^ m,cJif.ot exeqijLrvTpIjLn[2^HX

A-JTro) ncnA-qojxe e^oX ^.n cy^.ene^ .

ueqpnjuLeenfe n^-Xo ^.rt A.nrto neqpi.n ^^.a3[r^2^ cy<L

10(14) fij^^eeitoc m^xuo itT-eqco4>iA. :

^.jnfu) OTfrtoTcoonr^lc rt^.xa3 ijLneqx^.'io

n (15) eqojA.rtJULO'rit eKoX qn^-Kco JULneqpA.rt e


fioX e^^oTecyo ^.nru? eqcy^LrtJUioT qn^-p^^toK

12 (16) exi 2^6 ^.iJUieKJULonfKT" i" rtA.cyA.ze ^.tuo A.V

juLo-r^, nee ixuoo^^ :

/-fonrcu :

13 (17) cuo'TJjt. epoV nA.cyHpe exoTA.A.R itxeTlt

itee itoTepx eqpHX ^ixTiotjuloot eqzA.ie :

14 (18) A.-jfo) nxeTTi-f juLueTTicTrtonrqe ilee il

OfXi&A-noc :

31'' eJULTt-fq] JULitxq Lag. 31^ exeojA-q] ex qrtA.


xxxvii 1^ a^^] ^^ Lag. 1^ cy^] ^ Lag. ejULA.xe]JULAJLA.Xe Lag.

xxxix 8 neXXOCe] nZOeiC Lag. 9^ [Of it] pr A-fOJ

Lag. 9- CyA.] itajA. Lag. 11^ e^oX] om Lag. JULOf]

JULOf^ Lag. 13- For this line Lag. has only Hf eZri

OfJULOOf ...

186 SIRACH XXXIX 15-21

Sir. _xxxix mrexit'fonfaj ito-r^^pHpe rtee nonrKprnon :

(19) -f juLneTTicxoi n^e'vhcjtx.ot ^o-rciu.o'jf :

CJULOT enxoeic ezititeq^.^Hnre XHponr :

15(20) i" fio'ifijLrfrno(5^juLneqpA.rt ^tco rtTeTlxov

(jon^j eJS.oX ixneqcAJLonr^^'^


ncnoTonf iXn^en6TnTp^.i^tiAi itxeiTixooc rtxei,e exexTtolraj


16 (22) n^ e^oX ^^ ^"^ xe ne^^nye THpoT JuLnzo

eic ^^.rto'^fOT eJUt^-Te :

/oToeicy .

^.nrtjo] o'yeg^ci.^ne num. nA-ctjojue JuLneq

17 (23) rin]eKectjxooc xe ot ne ^^.I -L'vtw enriti.

pjoT juLn^.! .

/oeicy :

cert^.cijm]e v^-p ftcuoo'c THponf juLneTOT

(24) juLueqcy^.xe ^.nJULooT ^,epi.xq :

nee rloTX<L]xjuLe nxftoonr ^.-ccd itrtonrx

jULJULoo-r ^]itaj^xe rtpcoq :

18 (25) epeneq]o')f[uo]cij xhjkj ^^xxne^ote^ci^^tie^^fuo JULlitnexnA.(5Tbzfi ^^^^eqo-jfXA.! :

19(26) ne^^HJ-ve nc^.p^ rtiJUL juLneqjuLxo ejS.oX.

.^.nfuj rtrtje-y^oon niteqK^.X :

20 (27) ^,qc^a5]cy^- extwo'r xmerte^^ cy^.ene2;

61 verso

A.-yo) JUL]riX^.A.Y rlajnHpe ijLne[qijLXo e^oX21 (28) ititJeK ecyxooc xe ot ne m^[\ ^.'rtu ex

nlxi-vconxoT v^.p Taponr exenrxp^l^

14* JUL] om Lag. 15^ R 1] om Lag. 15^ CU2.k]

^U32^H Lag. 17=^ IjL] ^JUL Lag. 17* In Lag. this line

begins with ^juLueqaji-Xe 18- n^6coxfi] n^-cy-(Ta3x

Lag. 19^ rlrieq] eiteq Lag. 20^ oj.^] fiajA. Lag.

Sir. SIRACH XXXIX 22-28 187xxxix22 (29) A.n]eqcJU.oY jULonr^ itoe ixniepo :

^.'y]a3 .kqxco ijLnK^^ itee fio'CK<LX^.K>s['CJULoc

23 (30) T^.V Te oe exepexeqoprH n^.KXHpo[rtoJULi rlit^^eertoc :

riee eitx^.qKxeg^ertJULOo-r ctjul?^ :

24 (31) neq^ioo-ve etcotirucn rtrtexo-v^.^.^

^.nfuo ceo itzpon ni\^.rtojuLoc :

/nojopu :

25 (32) itT"^.qcnTit^.r^oort rtrte'rn^.rto'ifonf zm^.nrto juLneeooT rtrlpeqpnoKe :

26 (33) x^-pXH KXP^'^ "J-*J^ juLnuDfi^ juLnptJOJULe ue

njuLoo-r juLhnK(JO^ iXhnnenm[e

JuChne^^jULOT :

i.'vtjo ncA-juLix JuLnecoTo ixrinepuoTeiihneE.ia) :

/xeojXHrt^.Tfuo necnoq juLneXooXe iXnnrte^ juut

27 (34) rt^.V THpoT i\x<Lnfcom"OT ^^iTTiitp^JU.

rirto-vxe e^eti^^v^^eon :

T^V Te oe exoT^^.K^"ooT itnpeqpito

fi.e e^ertueeoonr :

28 (35) onfn^ertmti. ertT^nfcortTOT e[xiKB^^.

^.nfa) ^7*J^rieT(TuorrT A.nfx^.xpo ri[ne'rJUL^c

^ivx _(36) ^^ne-jfoeicy i\o^.H cen^.na3[7T" ftTenrcToJUL

^nroj ce^^.'f2>P^ jULU(5cb[rt]T iJL[^lertx^.q

T^.JUL[I]oonr :

222^ niepo] UeiepO Lag. 22^ TCo] TCIO Lag. 23

itit^eenoc] ^eenoc niJUL Lag. 24^ et] om Lag.

26^ JUL P] ^iJL Lag. 26^ n] om Lug. 27^ ^I'^^] fi

Lag. 28^ em-A-Hf] r\X ^T Lag. 28" ^A*-] &^ Lag.

28* ^^ne'^foeicLj] ^rt neo'^oeicy Lag. 28^ ce] nee

Lag. ,P0K] 2;PK Lag.

Sir. 188 SIRACH XXXIX 29 XL 1


29 (37) nKuo^/T juLh'Tex.iJ>\^^^[^^ ijLhcJ)e^a5(jon JuLnnxxoy

mJi XHpoT nxi.TcortT[o'r cxikK^-

30 (38) nm^x^e ititeoKpioit juChrl^onfoo^^e ixh

^.tuo TCHqe xiK^i^ iJL^x^.Ko [it^^.ce&Hc

31 cert^.e'y4>p^tte ^xeqert[ToXK^.'^fUJ ncecT(JOX ^iteq6l[x ^\xJx.nK6,^

62 }'ecto

Rne'rln^.p^.^A. r^o'raJ^.^[e ^H^oTo-yoeicy .

32 (39j eT"Le]n^.i ^JiT^^xpo xmitajopR eA.iJULeK

/OT33 xe n]e^^HTe THponr juLnxoeic nA.noT

A-nro)] qn^.'f^pi^. rtiJUL ^Teconrnoif :

31(40) JULe]Kecyxooc xe mJi ^oot eu<Li.

n^-rtJo-yoT v^-p ^^rieTonroeicLj :

_ /pq35 (41) Tertlonr (5e cjuLonr epoq ^^jmneTrt^KX tk

THlpq iZhxeTTiTA-npo .

flxje'fTicjuLO'jf enpi.rt juLnxoeic:

xi 1 ^.'c]rrro'vno(r"juLiXrvT<i.xcpE.e itpoo

jm.e num..

A.'CO) oj-vrtA.^^ eq^op^ ezriftcyHpe ri

(2) 2i]ittne2>oonr rlTA.*rei e^oX u^k'tc fi

30^ rt^-Z^e] m^Xe hag. 30^ ZIK^A.] pr eT Lag.

Jul] e Lag. 31^ Teq] iteq Lag. si^ ncecTuoT]cecETUOT Lag. 32^ T^^Xpo] TA-XpOI Lag. 6^.1 ] A.I

Lag. _ 33- ^n] ft Lag. 34^ ^*^P] ad THpOf Lag. 35"

[XHJpq] om Lag.

xi 1^ cp.e] cpqe Lag. 1* [x]mne2^.] zm juL-

ne^,. Lag.

SIRACH XL 2-8 189Sir.

xi T[enf]juiA.^.'if cgA-ue^ooT juLuxojul

conr en]juL^. itonroit num. :

_ /jj^'2 (3) exene-ifjuLjoKJULeK ne jmneoxe jmneT

XijuLJee-re exonr^oj^x e^oX^^HXOT^.nfa3 ne^^oonr XiLneqjULO'*' :

3 (4) xi]rtnex^xJLooc ^lo-reportoc <:\^i^eoot :

ojA.nexeSSiH'r iinp^^.^ iXnifKpjuLec.

4(5) xinnex4)opi ^tonf2JT^,Kmemon juih

onfKXojuL cy^.uexepeo-)fcn(rrxa3n


5(6) n](Tcorrf JuCnnKco^^ iXnneajxopxp^.]TU^ eoxe iinjuLov iXnurto-ccTc juCh

rrfxcon :

(7) i>.Yf{Xi ^xe-sfito-c JuLnejuLXort ^me-rjuii.ititKoxk :

/cootTaj]i.pec{)inH^ iXhxenfojH oji^e ixneq

6 (8) onrJKo-jfi itee rlo'cX^.A.T ne neqJOLxort

A.'^oj ^^ni.1 eojze eq^^ue^^ooT ^^n(5cocyx eJSoX ititp^-co-r :

eqojxpxcjDp ^^eop^.cIc iJLneq^^HX

62 vei'so

rtoe ijL[nett]xA.qp^oX ^onfno[XeJULoc7 (9) ^.qxojoTit ^xenrrtoT i}Lneqo['XA.i

8 nqpcynnpe ^.n iiXi.A.'r it^oxe^JUL[itci.p^

niJUL zinpojJULe aji.xIir\H.

2^ ^-'voj] juLrl Lag. neq] uenr Lag. 3^ ii] ^il

Lag. 4^ Cy^.] ad &p<^V 6 Lag. 5^ JUJrt 2] om Lag.

5* ^W] ri Lag. 5^ JULTt] R Lag. 6^ ^jijL 3^] J^ Lag.

7^ nqp] e nqp Lag. s^ paojuLe] itpuojuLe Lag. xnK]nxe^riK Lag.

190 SIRACH XL 9-15Sir.

xi(io) ^.''tu c^.^ KKtxjJ^ mJi ne exnK[T ezri

9(11) itpeqpnoKe^^^^^ njULov JULrifr[-[xa3rt

JULTtnecnoq :

10 (12) itx^-Tcrr^rt^.I THpoT eT-Reiti.n[ojULoc

^.Tfcu rtx^.nK<LX4i.KXnfCJULoc cLja)[ne exJS.KHXOY : ______

_ /tot on[ enK^.2>11 (13) HK^. rtiJUL iiT^.Tei e^oX ^jtxwKi^i^ e]Tr^^.[Ko

^.Tto ^efi.oX ^XJljuLooT e'tt^.KoxoT [ee<L

_ /e]Ko[X12 (14) 2itjoport niJUL ^^t(Jo zm6oitc nijut ii.qa3[xe

Tnicxic rixoc n^.^.^ep^.'fc aiA.erte2^ .

13 (15) nexpHJULA. itrtpeqzmcTbnc n^-cyooife it

ee ito-reiepo :

^,Ta3 ceit^-ujcg e^oX rlee itoT^poifKKi.i

_ Me14 (16) 2>-*J'-^'^peqoTuoit itxeq^Tfx cenA.eT4,[p<L

T^.1 xe ee rlrteT-nA.pA.fi.A. cert^-cozri ri[. .

(17) H nnenojKpe Kit^Lce^KC .

15 Ti.ajerteTKXA.2^oc ^too itrtoTite rt[rti

^.K^.e^.pxo^ enro iloe nnex^i[^ninexp^. exitA.gT" :

8^ rt^i ite ex] nrT^.i rt ex Lag. hht] ilrtHnr Lag.

9^^ crtoq] ad Jtxn xcnqe Lag. g^ JuLjuLppe juL] ne-

CnA.t^ JUL Lag. 9* X] JUL Lag. 10^ eXJ&e] e Lag.

iq2,3 [exjfi-HHXOT] ex^Hxo-jf Lag. 11^ nxA-T] eitx^.T Lag. on] om Lag. 11^^ lo] n Lag. 12^ IIXOC]2^e Lag. OJ^.] nctji. Lag. 13^ ClJOOTe] OJOTO Lag.

14^ xeq] neq Lag. ce] e[q] Lag. h^ twxit k ..]

ti$[lt] lag. 14^ h] om Lag. nrii,C.] ri^,C. Lag.

15^ ^Ki.ei.pxort] i.Ki.ei-pxoc Lag.


Sir. SIRACH XL 16-18 191xl

16(18) ajA.Tqecrn^.^pe ex^izitJULooT ttiju.:

JLfiXi necnoxonr iiniepo ^^.ok n.x[op'^oc niuL

17(19) epexex^^pic 5 rtoe iioTni.pi.2iic[oc ^iteccJULOT :

18 i20) rtA-rtoTUcortg^ KO'epv^-THC eqxH[cg

_ 16^ n<L2,p] ^^._^p Lag. i?^ nee] tte Lag. i7

ax] t Lag. cy^] _naj<L Lag. 18^ no'repv^.XKc eqT"KCy] ex THOJ nOTepVA-THC Lag.


University of Toronto














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