1 Intrusion Detection By Himani Singh (himanisingh@comcast.net)himanisingh@comcast.net & Kavita...


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Intrusion Detection


Himani Singh(himanisingh@comcast.net)

&Kavita Khanna(kavita_jairath@yahoo.com)

(CS-265, Fall-2003)


Intrusion Detection – “Presentation Outline”

How an Intruder gets access? Security Holes and Vulnerabilities What is Intrusion Detection? Typical intrusion scenario Host based and Network based Intrusion

Detection. Knowledge based and behavioral based

Intrusion Detection. False positives / false alarms. Do I need IDS if I already have a firewall?


How an Intruder get access

Intruder oa hacker and/or cracker who hacks

into systems and does unauthorized/ malicious activities

How does an intruder get access?o Physical Intrusion remove some

hardware, disk, memory…o System Intrusion low-privilege user

accounto Remote Intrusion across network


Security Holes and Vulnerabilities


Software bugs

System configuratio


Bad Passwo

rd Policy





Security Holes and Vulnerabilities Software bugs

Buffer overflows –overflow input by intentional code.

Unexpected combinations: PERL can send some malicious input to another program

Unhandled input: action on invalid input ? Race conditions: rare but possible

System configuration Default configurations -easy-to-use

configurations Lazy administrators- empty

root/administrator password Hole creations- Turn off everything that

doesn't absolutely positively need to run


Security Holes and Vulnerabilities (Cont…)

Password cracking Weak passwords, Dictionary attacks and Brute force etc

Sniffing unsecured traffic Shared medium Server sniffing Remote access

Design flaws TCP/IP protocol flaws

Smurf—ICMP request as return address as victim's SYN Flood-target run out of recourse,combine with IP spooling

UNIX design flaws Distributed DoS attack – Amazon and Yahoo

Do not forget Social Engineering- Hacker “Kevin Mitnick” told congress that he use technology only 2% of time


What is Intrusion Detection

Intrusion: An unauthorized activity or access to an information system. Attack originated outside the organization.

Misuse:Attacks originating inside the organization.

Intrusion Detection (ID): process of detecting, if Intrusion / Misuse has been attempted, is occurring, or has occurred .[1] Intrusion and/or misuse can be as severe as

stealing sensitive information or misusing your email system for Spam

ID runs continuously Does both Detection and Response

The practical Intrusion Detection book by Paul E.Proctor



Typical intrusion scenario

o Step 1: outside reconnaissance o Step 2: inside reconnaissance o Step 3: exploit o Step 4: foot hold o Step 5: profit, like bandwidth theft o Step 6: get out,cover trace random internet addresses looking for a

specific hole on any system rather than a specific system


Ping sweepsTCP/UDP scansOS identificationAccount scan

Step 1 & 2: Reconnaissance



CGI scripts Web server attacks Web browser attacks

URL, HTTP, HTML, JAVA SCRIPT, FRAMS SMTP (SendMail) attacks IP spoofing DNS poisoning Buffer Overflows



Signature recognition Patterns - well-known patterns of

attack e.g. cgi patterns tcp port scans

Port based signatures: if common ports are not in use and traffic is coming in / going out on that port

Invalid protocol behavior



Anomaly detection Some action or data that is not

considered normal for a given system, user, or network.

Can be indicated by change in CPU utilization, disk activity, user logins, file activity, traffic increased, so forth

Advantage – Detects unknown attacks/ misuse


Detection Anomaly detection -- three statistical criteria

Number of events – expected rangee.g. log in attempts > 3

If statistical period goes outside expected interval e.g. time to load a file on ftp server

Markov model – if there is sequence of events

Suppose xyzhjzxyz thenNow probability of ‘z ‘ coming after ‘xy’ is 1,and so on If there is a s deviation then there is a problem


IDS (Intrusion Detection System)

IDS should do Event log analysis for Inside threat detection Network traffic analysis for perimeter threat

detection Security configuration management File integrity checking

Agent Director



Host a

Network Mnotifier


Components of IDS

Command console : a center commanding authority

Network sensor Alert notificationResponse subsystem Database Network Tap(s)


Network Intrusion Detection System NIDS : When system detects an intruder by

“Sniffing” or monitoring the network packets on network wire and matching the attack pattern to a database of known attack patterns.

Architecture of NIDS

Network–node: Agents distributed on each critical target computer in network to monitor traffic bound only for individual target.

Sensor–based: Sensor is between two communicating computers either stand-alone or on network device to monitor whole network


A network packet is born. A packet is read in real-time through sensor

(either on a network sensor or network node sensor).

Detection engine used to identify predefined pattern of misuse.

If match, Security officer is notified by audible, e-mail, pager, visual, SNMP. For example Beep or play a .WAV file. "You are under attack". 

An Alert is generated (either pre-defined or through Security officer).

A response to that Alert is generated.

Steps In NIDS


Steps In NIDS (Cont….)

Reconfigure firewall /router Filter out IP address Terminate (Reset) TCP connection

Alert is stored for later review timestamp, intruder IP address, victim IP

address/port, protocol information

Reports are generated Data log for long-term trends


NIDS Limitations Packet loss on high speed network

o Intruder can hide in lost packets, Node-based

ID does not suffer from this issue Switched network : ATM Encryption

o Solutions – network sensor decrypted side of VPNo Distributed network architecture with ID agentso Encrypted on fly; put key on router – security threat

Packet-reassembly o many signatures can be detected in full

string Sniffer detection program


Host based intrusion detection system HIDS : Monitors the actual target machines

to identify tampering or malicious activity occurring within the system. Can detect ‘insider’ malicious activity. Agent based

Misuse Abuse of Privilege Unintended/ inadvertent privilege grants Stale (live) accounts Bad account privilege policy/Back door



Host based intrusion detection system (Cont…)

HIDS monitors - User specific actions System integrity checkers : system log

files, running processes, and files system,if system registry changes made by intruders.

Determine the success/failure of an attack

Data source in HIDS system logs, application logs, host traffic,

and in some instances firewall logs


Key points Audit Policy- if you fail to manage audit and

detection policies , your deployment is likely to fail.

Detection policy - properly configure signature and appropriate number of active signature in both real and batch time.

Data source in HIDS is the heart of HIDS System logs, application logs, host traffic, and

in some instances firewall logs Unix Syslog – not a good source , any

application can write Unix Binary Kernel Log – closest thing to TCB Window NT/2000 - Trust security log


Knowledge-based and behavior-based

approaches Knowledge-based approaches

All IDS tools are knowledge–based About specific attacks and system vulnerabilities Accuracy is good – no false alarms, if attack is

defined precisely Fast corrective actions – signature can be added/

modified quicklyDrawbacks: Completeness is questionable, depends on

updates New vulnerabilities – not defined, results in false

negative Maintenance is time-consuming, tedious task Knowledge is environmental based (very focused

depends on OS, platform, version…)


Behavior-based intrusion


Detect a deviation from normal or expected behavior of the system or the users Compare current behavior vs. valid behavior

Advantage detect attempts to exploit new and unforeseen

vulnerabilities automatic discovery of these new attacks

Disadvantage High false alarm If online retraining, can result in unavailability of

ID system (good chance for attacker) or more false alarm

Good complement to Knowledge based. Not enoughalone.


Best IDS

Is hybrid network-based,host-based ,must include knowledge based and behavior based detection


False positives / false alarms

o False positives - signaling attack when there is none.

o Why: o Difficult to detect intrusions, IDS are

limited in scope.o Tools are stateless.o Signature is not carefully designed,

lots of matches.o Accuracy is often traded for urgency

to plug in a new signature.


Do I need IDS if I already have a firewall?

Firewall is not a dynamic defensive system and has no capability to understand that someone is trying to break-inExample: ColdFusion bug (port 80 web attack)

Boundary of network Firewall is prevention and ID is detection and

response Reasons

Catches attacks that firewalls legitimately allow through (such as attacks against web servers).

Catches attempts that fail. Catches insider hacking, financial loss


Popular NIDS – SNORT™

open source network intrusion detection system real-time traffic analysis Detect attacks such as

buffer overflows, stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probe and more

Decision of traffic depends on flexible rules language


Popular NIDS – Snort Cont….

Platforms SunOS 4.1.X—Sparc , Linux ,Win32 -

(Win9x/NT/2000), OpenBSD, HP-UX

Snort is lightweight intrusion detection, cost efficient, open source so keep getting updated for signature, very powerful post-processors


Interesting Snort and other signature based IDS match

unique patterns against rules in the database . For example Snort uses following rule the SubSeven Trojan:

Alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 27374 (msg: "BACKDOOR SIG - SubSseven 22"; flags: A+; content: “|0d0a5b52504c5d3030320d0a|"; reference:arachnids,485;) alert Snort match hex signature ,can be present anywhere in payload"0d 0a 5b 52 50 4c 5d 30 30 32 0d 0a”

Attacker can change/ scramble the noticeable content by encryption. Add 1st byte of the packet payload to every subsequent byte.

If 3 then payload is "31 3d 8e 85 83 7f 81 63 63 65 31 3e" which does not mach any of the known signatures. The attacker has now evaded our intrusion detection system.



Resources… in case you get hackedCERT (Computer Emergency Response Team)

http://www.cert.org. CIAC (Computer Incident Advisory Capability)

by US Department of Energyhttp://www.ciac.org/

SANS http://www.sans.org/

AUSCERT (Australian Computer Emergency Response Team)http://www.auscert.org.au/

Network Intrusion Detection Systems http://www.robertgraham.com/pubs/network-intrusion-detection.html



The Practical Intrusion detection hand book – Paul E. Proctor

www.intrusion.com/ www.snort.org/ Retrieved Nov 14, 2003 from website: www.sans.org Retrieved Nov 15, 2003 from website:

www.cerias.purdue.edu/coast/intrusion-detection/ www.cs.usask.ca/undergrads/der850/project/ids/ - 9k -


Project Presentation

Instructor : Prof. Mark StampDue Date : 11/18/03

Malicious Software&

Intrusion Detection

By,Kavita KhannaHimani Singh

(CS-265, Fall-2003)


Malicious Software


Kavita Khanna(kavita_jairath@yahoo.com)

&Himani Singh


(CS-265, Fall-2003)


Malicious Software – “Presentation Outline”

What is malicious software?Categories of malicious software.Different malicious software – viruses,

worms, Trojan Horse etc.More description about viruses : Desirable properties of viruses. Identifying infected files and programs. Where do viruses reside. Identifying and detecting viruses – virus

signature. Effect of Virus attack on computer system.Protection against attacks by malicious

software – preventing infection.References.


What is Malicious Software:

Software deliberately designed to harmcomputer systems.

Malicious software program causes undesired actions in information systems.

Spreads from one system to another through:1. E-mail (through attachments)2. Infected floppy disks3. Downloading / Exchanging of corrupted files4. Embedded into computer games


Malicious Software - Categories

Malicious SoftwareMalicious Software

VirusesViruses TrapdoorTrapdoor WormsWormsSpywareSpywareTrojan HorseTrojan HorseHoaxesHoaxesRabbitRabbit

Time BombTime Bomb Logic BombLogic BombBoot VirusesBoot Viruses File VirusesFile Viruses


Types of Malicious Software

Virus : These are the programs that spread to other software in the system .i.e., program that incorporates copies of itself into other programs.

Two major categories of viruses:1. Boot sector virus : infect boot sector of systems.

become resident. activate while booting

machine2. File virus : infects program files.

activates when program is run.


Categories of Viruses


Virus Producesmodified &


code. Produces

new& different

codeevery time

whenvirus is copied

&transmitted to

a new host. Difficult todetect &


StealthVirus Programmingtricks make the tracing andunderstanding the code

difficult. Complexprogramming methods used todesign code, sodifficult to repairinfected file.

Armored Virus Hides modifications

ithas made tofiles or to thedisk. Reportsfalse values to programs asthey read files or data fromstorage


CompanionVirus Creates newprogram insteadof modifying existing program. Contains allvirus code. Executed byshell, instead oforiginal program.


Rabbit : This malicious software replicates itself without limits. Depletes some or all the system’s resources.

Re-attacks the infected systems – difficult recovery.

Exhausts all the system’s resources such as CPU time, memory, disk space.

Depletion of resources thus denying user access to those resources.


Hoaxes : False alerts of spreading viruses.

e.g., sending chain letters.

message seems to be important to recipient, forwards it to other users – becomes a chain.

Exchanging large number of messages (in chain) floods the network resources – bandwidth wastage.

Blocks the systems on network – access denied due to heavy network traffic.


Trojan Horse : This is a malicious program with unexpected additional functionality. It includes harmful features of which the user is not aware.

Perform a different function than what these are advertised to do (some malicious action e.g., steal the passwords).

Neither self-replicating nor self-propagating. User assistance required for infection. Infects when user installs and executes infected

programs. Some types of trojan horses include Remote

Access Trojans (RAT), KeyLoggers, Password-Stealers (PSW), and logic bombs.


Transmitting medium :1. spam or e-mail2. a downloaded file3. a disk from a trusted source4. a legitimate program with the Trojan


Trojan looks for your personal information and sends it to the Trojan writer (hacker). It can also allow the hacker to take full control of your system.

Different types of Trojan Horses :1. Remote access Trojan takes full control of your

system and passes it to the hacker.2. The data-sending Trojan sends data back to the

hacker by means of e-mail.e.g., Key-loggers – log and transmit each keystroke.


3. The destructive Trojan has only one purpose: to destroy and delete files. Unlikely to be detected by anti-virus software.

4. The denial-of-service (DOS) attack Trojans combines computing power of all computers/systems it infects to launch an attack on another computer system. Floods the system with traffic, hence it crashes.

5. The proxy Trojans allows a hacker to turn user’s computer into HIS (Host Integration Server) server – to make purchases with stolen credit cards and run other organized criminal enterprises in particular user’s name.

6. The FTP Trojan opens port 21 (the port for FTP transfer) and lets the attacker connect to your computer using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).


7. The security software disabler Trojan is designed to stop or kill security programs such as anti-virus software, firewalls, etc., without you knowing it.

Spyware :

Spyware programs explore the files in an information system.

Information forwarded to an address specified in Spyware.

Spyware can also be used for investigation of software users or preparation of an attack.


Trapdoor : Secret undocumented entry point to the program.

An example of such feature is so called back door, which enables intrusion to the target by passing userauthentication methods.

A hole in the security of a system deliberately left in place by designers or maintainers. 

Trapdoor allows unauthorized access to the system. Only purpose of a trap door is to "bypass" internal

controls.  It is up to the attacker to determine how this circumvention of control can be utilized for his benefit.


Types of Trapdoor

Undetectable Trapdoor

Virtually undetectable.


Security-related hardware flaws.


Worms : program that spreads copies of itself through a

network.  Does irrecoverable damage to the computer system. Stand-alone program, spreads only through network. Also performs various malicious activities other than

spreading itself to different systems e.g., deleting files.

Attacks of Worms:1. Deleting files and other malicious actions on systems.2. Communicate information back to attacker e.g.,

passwords, other proprietary information.3. Disrupt normal operation of system, thus denial of

service attack (DoS) – due to re-infecting infected system.

4. Worms may carry viruses with them.


Means of spreading Infection by Worms :

Infects one system, gain access to trusted host lists on infected system and spread to other hosts.

Another method of infection is penetrating a system by guessing passwords.

By exploiting widely known security holes, in case, password guessing and trusted host accessing fails.

e.g., A well-known example of a worm is the ILOVEYOU worm, which invaded millions of computers through e-mail in 2000.


VIRUSES – More Description

Desirable properties of Viruses : Virus program should be hard to detect by

anti-virus software. Viruses should be hard to destroy or deactivate. Spread infection widely. Should be easy to create. Be able to re-infect. Should be machine / platform independent, so that

it can spread on different hosts.


Detecting virus infected files/programs :

Virus infected file changes – gets bigger.

Modification detection by checksum :> Use cryptographic checksum/hash function e.g., SHA, MD5.> Add all 32-bit segments of a file and store the sum (i.e., checksum).


Identifying Viruses : A virus is a unique program. It as a unique object code. It inserts in a deterministic manner. The pattern of object code and where it is inserted

provides a signature to the virus program. This virus signature can be used by virus scanners to

identify and detect a particular virus. Some viruses try to hide or alter their signature: Random patterns in meaningless places. Self modifying code – metamorphic, polymorphic

viruses. Encrypt the code, change the key frequently.


Places where viruses live :

Boot sector Memory resident Disk – Applications and data stored on disk. Libraries – stored procedures and classes. Compiler Debugger Virus checking program infected by virus – unable

to detect that particular virus signature.


Effect of Virus attack on computer system

Virus may affect user’s data in memory – overwriting.

Virus may affect user’s program – overwriting.

Virus may also overwrite system’s data or programs – corrupting it – disrupts normal operation of system.

“Smashing the Stack” – Buffer overflow due to execution of program directed to virus code.


Preventing infection by malicious software :

Use only trusted software, not pirated software. Test all new software on isolated computer system. Regularly take backup of the programs. Use anti-virus software to detect and remove viruses. Update virus database frequently to get new virus

signatures. Install firewall software, which hampers or prevents

the functionality of worms and Trojan horses. Make sure that the e-mail attachments are secure. Do not keep a floppy disk in the drive when starting a

program, unless sure that it does not include malicious software, else virus will be copied in the boot sector.


References: Webopedia.com. Trojan Horse. Retrieved Nov 8, 2003 from website:


Staffordshire University, Information & Security Team (Jun 8, 2002). Information Systems Security Guidelines. RetrievedNov 10, 2003 from website:


M.E.Kabay, Norwich University, VT (2002). Malicious Software. Retrieved Nov 9, 2003 from website:


Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), Information Security (Jul 2, 2002). Malicious Software – general. Retrieved Nov 10, 2003 from

website: http://www.ficora.fi/englanti/tietoturva/haittaohj.htm


References Cont... Rutgers, New Jersey (Oct 10, 2003). Trojan Horses. Retrieved Nov 10,

2003 from website: http://netsecurity.rutgers.edu/trojan.htm

Dr. Roger R. Schell, Monterey CA (Apr 24, 2000). Malicious Software.Retrieved Nov 11, 2003 from website: www.sp.nps.navy.mil

Edward F. Gehringer. Computer Abuse – Worms, Trojan Horses, Viruses. Retrieved Nov 12, 2003 from website:


Bullguard.com Computer Viruses. Retrieved Nov12, 2003 from website:


Google.com. Program Security. Retrieved Nov 12, 2003 from website:http://www.sm.luth.se/csee/courses/smd/102/lek6-6.pdf.
