1 OMEGA BIOPLUS Omega fatty acids Sources RDA Deficiency of omega fatty acids Studies Product Key...


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OMEGA BIOPLUS Omega fatty acids



Deficiency of omega fatty acids



Key benefits


Supporting studies



• ALA, Alpha-Linoleic Acid• DHA, Docosahexanoic Acid• EPA, Eicosapentaenoic Acid

DHA and EPA are the most important ones people should definitely include in their diets

Omega fatty acids consist of:

Omega fatty acids are essential fatty acids.Our body cannot synthesise them, so they must be consumed in the diet.

Omega fatty acids


Sources of omega fatty acids



• Flaxseed • Soybeans• Linseeds• Walnuts

• Salmon• Sardines• Tuna

• Salmon• Sardines• Cod liver• Mackerel

(Alpha-Linoleic Acid)(Docosahexanoic Acid)

(Eicosapentaenoic Acid)


Recommended Adequate Intakes (AI) for Omega Fatty Acids

Note: Up to 10% of the above amounts (AI values) may be in the form of DHA + EPA

(Food and Nutrition Board, USA, 2002)


Distribution of Omega Fatty Acids


Signs/symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency

Scaly or flaky skin (e.g. legs) Dry skin (e.g. feet/face/general) Cracking/peeling fingertips & skin (e.g. heel) Dandruff Dry, lack luster, brittle hair Soft, splitting or brittle fingernails Dull nails - lack of surface shine Slow growing fingernails Dry eyes Dry mouth/throat Menstrual cramps Excessive ear wax Excessive thirst Allergic (e.g. eczema/asthma/hay fever/hives) Crave fats/fatty foods Stiff or painful joints



The results of epidemiological studies and randomized controlled trials suggest that replacing dietary SFA with omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA lowers LDL cholesterol and decreases cardiovascular disease risk. Fish would provide about 400-500 mg/day of EPA + DHA. Thus, some researchers have proposed that the U.S. Institute of Medicine should establish a dietary reference intake (DRI) for EPA + DHA.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFA and Cardiovascular Diseases Prevention



Omega BioPlus™

Omega BioPlus™ contains a vegetable derived omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids composition in a specific scientifically validated proportion to support healthy cell membranes and

cellular functions, and attractive skin, hair and nails.


Sl. No. Omega fatty acids Percentage(%)

1 Omega 3 fatty acids 40 - 60

2 Omega 6 fatty acids 5 - 20

3 Omega 9 fatty acids 15 - 30

Flax seedFlax seed

Safflower seed

Safflower seed OliveOlive

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 6 fatty acids

Omega 6 fatty acids

Omega 9 fatty acids Omega 9

fatty acids



Actions & Benefits

Omega BioPlus™

Supports healthy immune system Increases esterification of cholesterol making it easily

available for utilization in the body Supports the liver and kidney functions Helps maintaining normal blood pressure and

cholesterol levels Supports cardiovascular health and joint health


Omega BioPlus™

Supports healthy cell membrane and cellular function and also ensures attractive skin, hair and nails

Helps lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol Helps slow down the process of plaque formation

(fatty deposit inside the arterial wall) 

Sl. no

Ingredients Dosage Application

1 Omega 3 fatty acid 500 mg Promotes overall good health

2 Sesamin Complex 10 mg Antioxidant

3 *BioPerine 2.5 mg Bioavailability enhancer

Suggested use level: 1 soft gel capsule 2 times daily

* Patented - US & International Patents

Omega BioPlus™


Each Softgel contains:



Supporting Studies

Omega 6 fatty acids play an important role in brain and heart function and in normal growth (Othman et al, 2009).

Increasing the intake of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids has been associated with lower Coronary heart diseases risk (Harrine et al, 2009).

Omega 9 fatty acid have high chemical stability ,which prevent the body from forming cholesterol plaques on the walls of the blood vessels (Gillingham et al ,1991).

Omega 9 fatty acid that it reduce hardening of the arteries and improves immune function (Hibbeln et al, 2006).



1. Gillingham LG, Harris-Janz S, Jones PJ(2001). Dietary monounsaturated fatty acids are protective against metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Lipids; 46(3):209-228.

2. Harrinew.s, Mozaffarian (2009). Omega -6 fatty acids and for CVD disease). A science advisory from the American Heart association; 119:902-907.

3. Hibbeln, Joseph R. (June 2006). “Healthy intakes of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids: estimations considering worldwide diversity.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 83 (6, supplement): 1483S-1493S. American Society for Nutrition. PMID 16841858

4. Othaman R A, Sush M. A (2009)systemic review of the roles of n-3,n-6 Fatty acids in health and diseases, journel of American Dietetic Association; 109:668-679.



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