1 PACE 2008-2009 Global Vehicle Collaboration Project Emerging Market Vehicle


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PACE 200PACE 20088-200-20099 Global Vehicle Collaboration Global Vehicle Collaboration

ProjectProjectEmerging Market VehicleEmerging Market Vehicle



• To engineer a vehicle for emerging markets.

• To develop among the students the concepts related to collaborative design.

• To enhance collaboration between PACE institutions.


Project DefinitonsProject Definitons• Emerging Markets: The denomination

used to make reference to the nations that are becoming industrialized.- Growing GDP- Growing per-capita income- Growing markets for industrial products

It is an economical rather than political or cultural definition.


Emerging MarketsEmerging Markets


Emerging MarketsEmerging Markets• Different levels of development• Area and population disparities:

– Brazil: 8.5million km2 & 170 million ppl – India: 3.3million km2 & 1.2 billion ppl

• Geographically dispersed• Different road conditions• Cultural diversity:

– Individual X Group– Different wishes and tastes.


Emerging MarketsEmerging Markets• Economic Data – PPP (2007)

GDP (trillions)

GDP(per capita)



Brazil $1.84 $9,700 5.4% 4.9%

China $6.99 $5,300 11.4% 13.4%

India $2.99 $2,700 9.2% 8.9%


$2.09 $14,700 8.2% 7.4%


Emerging marketsEmerging markets• Vehicle Ownership (per 1000ppl)

2005 2010 2020 Growth(2005 – 2020)

China 15.8 37.3 94.1 ~6X(!)

India 6.5 7.8 14.5 123%

USA 513.2 547.8 624.1 21,6%


101 112.8 140.4 39%


Emerging markets in Emerging markets in HistoryHistory• Early XXth Century

– USA: 1908 – Model T was produced for the growing urban middle class.

• 1930 and post-WWII– Western Europe: VW, Fiat 500, Citroën

2CV, Morris Minor - affordable to the growing middle class.

• Present – China, India, Brazil, Russia


Learning from HistoryLearning from History• Inovative products, affordable, reliable, easy to

drive and mantain, all of the emerging market vehicles from the past became symbols for their respective nations and auto-industries – classic sucessful products that changed the landscape.


For the futureFor the future• Like technology, organizational

practices also evolved.– Products, Markets, Supply chains and

Development became global. – Using collaborative engineering across

the globe can optimize development time and quality by the better use of a corporation resources.

Students need to know how to operate on their future work



Design proposalsDesign proposals• GM Design sent a set of 15 DVD with their design concepts for the

emerging market vehicle.

• PACE Office has given us total freedom to develop the vehicle as we see fit.

• Which design should we choose?


The chosen oneThe chosen one“.RU” – Originally meant for

the Russian Market.


Emerging Market VehicleEmerging Market Vehicle– To guide the teams on their sub-

system design.

• Technical Specifications– Realistic targets for dimensions,

performance, operation, confort, safety, cost.

• Technical solutions– Possible ways to implement some of

the vehicle subsystems.


Emerging Market VehicleEmerging Market VehicleBasic Specifications:• Capacity: 2 adults and two youngsters (up to

15yo). The driver will seat confortably if he/she is:

No shorter than 1,50m and no taller than 1,90m. The control forces will be compatible with the strenght of

the shortest driver (Refer to human engineering guides for precise values of strenght and limb movement amplitudes).

• Total load capacity will be near 5000N including passengers, luggage and fuel.

• Maximum value for the vehicle empty weight will be 8000N.


Emerging Market VehicleEmerging Market Vehicle• Basic dimensions:

– Lenght: 3,70m (max)– Width: 1,60m (max)– Height: 1,50m (max)– Wheelbase: 2,6m (max)– Track: 1,40m (max)

• Handling:– Slight linear understeer


Emerging Market VehicleEmerging Market Vehicle• The vehicle will be capable to sustain

a constant speed of 120km/h in highways, fully ladden. No downshift will be needed if the gradient is less than 3%.

• The vehicle will be capable to climb in a 20% gradient, fully ladden.The two conditions will define maximum power and torque. In both cases the traction limit will not be exceeded.


Emerging Market VehicleEmerging Market Vehicle• Powerplant:

– Given the diferent charactheristics of each market in terms of energy sources it is possible to have multiple poweplants options that will fit on the vehicle. Internal combustion engine (gasoline-ethanol) Electric Hybrid

The performance requirements were established for a gasoline-ethanol fueled vehicle.


Schools and SystemsSchools and Systems

•Each School was free to choose one system.


Project Organization ChartProject Organization Chart• How to have the teams working

together?• How to organise tasks, flow of



Project Organization ChartProject Organization Chart


Project DevelopmentProject Development• Basic specification of all sub-

systems passed to the schools.• Each School started to detail its

sub-system – According to the academic objectives set by the faculty.

• Design Reviews. • Work with mentors.


Project organizationProject organization• Organizing the calendar compatible

with school year (Exams, holidays).• Every school has its own academic

goals for the project – Include them as overall project goals.

• Setting-up a structure for meetings – Videoconference, phone line.

• Teamcenter Site (Thanks Siemens UGS!)


Project DevelopmentProject Development• Teamcenter site


Project DevelopmentProject Development• Assembly of the complete vehicle

CAD Model. • Every school wrote a detailed

project report.• The report contains detailed

technical data to allow the project continuation during next year by the manufacturing team.

• CAD and CAE files are also part of the overall project report.


Final RemarksFinal Remarks

• Thanks for joining the 2008-2009 PACE Global Project!

Marcelo A. L. Alves

E-mail: malalves@usp. br or marcelo.alves@poli.usp.br

Phone: + 55 11 3091-9879
