1 “Passion Power”: Inspiring Others with Courage, Clarity, and Creativity stressdoc@aol.com


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Mark Gorkin, the Stress Doc ™Motivational Psychohumorist ™

“Passion Power”: Inspiring Others with Courage, Clarity, and Creativity



1. Identify the conditions that increase or impede your best energy expression and flow; discover the inspiring Pain-Purpose to “Passion Power” Connection

2. Explore the process of “letting go to “letting flow”; explore playful-powerful energy while engaging challenging feedback; discover and examine the “Five Steps of Creative Risk-Taking”

3. Experience the Stress Doc’s acclaimed “Five ‘P’ Model of Passion Power” – being Purposeful-Provocative-Passionate-Playful-Philosophical

4. Apply “Passion Power” by confronting your “Intimate FOE” use sharing-storytelling and mutual laughter; cultivate camaraderie, cohesion, and community

5. Become a compelling communicator: “The New KISS – Keep It Short & Smart,” “Less is More,” “Stand Out, Don’t Just Be Outstanding, and Be Out-Rage-ous Not Just Out of the Box”


“Passion Power”: Program Objectives

When do you have your best personal and/or interpersonal energy?

What enables you to express this energy and “go with the flow”?

What factors stifle courageous and creative “head and heart” energy release?

What is the connection between pain, purpose and passion?

www.stressdoc.com stressdoc@aol.com


Personal Energy Exercise:Boosters and Blockers

The Heart of “Letting Go”

Good Grief: loss of control, dreams, ghosts, mind-body mobility, health, (toxic) relations, identity, and environs

Disarming Power Struggles: kitchen confrontation

Egoal and Esteem Issues

Self-Defeating Habits or Beliefs

Family Myths & Secrets

Intimate FOE to Courageous Flow: couch conversation

“Father Knows Best” (Sometimes) Story



If no matter what you do or how hard you try, Results, Rewards, Recognition and Relief are not forthcoming and you can’t say “No” or won’t “let go”…trouble awaits. The groundwork is being laid for apathy, callousness and despair.


Seven “F”s of Loss and Change


Loss of the FamiliarLoss of the FutureLoss of FaceRebuild the FireReassert FocusSeek FeedbackHave Faith and…Even FUN!

Control Competition Change

Cultural Diversity/Competency Communication Skills Courage

Six “C”s of Power Struggles


Disarming Power StrugglesKey Communication Skills

Six “C”s of Power Struggles

Drop the Rope

Use the Four Empathic “P”s

Reduce the Status Differential

Be Vital and Vulnerable

Avoid All or None Thinking

“I” vs. “You” Messaging

Ask Good Questions


Creative Risk-Taking:The Courageous Art of Designing Disorder

A. From Agenda to the Arena1) Feel and Focus on Constructive Discontent2) Prepare for Vulnerable-Courageous and Creative Engagement3) Go from “Cowardice to Choice”: Honor and Harness Angst

B. Aware-ily Jump In Over Head1) Generates Acute State & Rapid Learning Curve2) Quick Assessment of Skills & Resources: SERVE3) Beware of Alligators

C. Strive to Survive High Dive1) Strive High and Embrace Failure   2) Time Frame: Beachheads and Battles3) Come Up for Air; TLC & Collaboration


Creative Risk-Taking: (Cond.)The Courageous Art of Designing Disorder

D. Thrive On “Thrustration”…Incubate to Illuminate1) Torn between Direct Action and Frustration2) Take an Incubation Vacation: Letting Go to Letting Come3) Creative Tension Spurs Meditative Volcano: CHOP & Disinhibition

E. Design for Error, Evaluation & Opportunity1) Range of Possibilities over Fixed or Ideal Goals2) Choosing Confusion over Illusion of Control; Avoid “b.s.”3) Ambiguity for Connection & Vision; Self-Challenge & Networks


Four “P”s of Passion Power Moodset

MINDSETGravitas Comedia

Cognitive Purposeful(Task-Tools)


Affective Passionate(Touch-Trial)




purposeful provocative

passionate playful

Gravitas Comedia





The 5 “P”s of Passion Power

Attention: “Stop, Look…Listen”

Anticipation: Be edgy…What’s next???

Animation: Spirit; breathe life; bring juice

Activation: Generate ideas, tools, problems

Actualization: Ongoing brain-body journey

The Five “A”s of Arousing Communication


Confronting Your Intimate FOE:From Fear of Exposure to Fun of Embarrassment  

1. From Cultural Diversity to Mutual Humanity

2. Discovering Misery, Mastery, Mirth & MemoryConnection

3. Distinguishing Neurotic Humiliation from Natural Embarrassment

4. Your Life Jacket and Protective Vest & Triple “A” Presence; Building Team Chemistry


The New KISS: Keep It Short & Smart

Less Is More (More or Less)

Stand Out…Don’t Just Be Outstanding

Be Outrageous…Not Just “Out of the Box”


Compelling & Connecting Communication Tools 
