1. pompeii introduction




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Part I: Core Study: Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum

Principal Focus: Students investigate the range and nature of archaeological

and written sources available for the study of the cities of Pompeii and

Herculaneum through an exploration of issues relating to reconstruction,

ownership and custodianship of the past

Mt Vesuvius: Geographical Location

http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/pio/srl1/sirc/srl1-vesuvius.gif http://campus.queens.edu/depts/history/Syllabi/Italy%20IEP/Italy%20Images/Italy%20Maps/Italy%20Map%201.jpg

The Physical Environment of Campania (pp.25-30)


Ancient Pompeii and Herculaneum were located in the fertile region of Campania in Southern Italy; a crescent shaped volcanic plain of approximately 13 595 km squared at the foot of the Apennine Mountains. The Romans referred to this area as Campania Felix (productive Campania) (Bradley, 2005, p.25).

Mount Vesuvius rises menacingly above the modern port city of Naples. It is obvious from this picture that the city, like Pompeii and Herculaneum would be at serious risk if (and when) the volcano erupts once more.

Natural Features & ResourcesPompeii & Herculaneum • The sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum are located in western Italy in a region

called Campania, near the Bay of Naples• With the coast to the west and the Apennine Mountains to the east, Campania is a

fertile plain, traversed by two major rivers, the Volturno River being the major, and blessed with soil rich in phosphorus and potash

• In ancient times, the region's crop yield was six times higher than the average of the rest of the peninsula

• Campania was so fertile that some areas had up to three grain crops per year• The region also hosted some of Italy's chief olive groves, and the mountains

nourished thousands of sheep.

The Urban Landscape of Pompeii and Herculaneum (pp.30-32)



Pompeii Today

Temples, roadways, city gates and the forum of Pompeii... All in the ever present shadow of Vesuvius

City Plan of Pompeii

Herculaneum Today

Less excavation has been done at Herculaneum... mainly due to the different association with Vesuvius.Herculaneum was nearly wiped off the face of the earth, rather than being slowly buried under ash and pumice.

City Plan of Herculaneum

Evidence Provided by the Sources

• In AD 79, Mt. Vesuvius erupted, killed many of the inhabitants of Pompeii and Herculaneum and buried the towns

• Sources providing evidence for this event include:– The letters of Pliny the Younger, an eye-witness

to the eruption– References in the ancient sources – Statius,

Martial, Suetonius and Dio Cassius– Archaeological remains– Human remains– Modern work by Vulcanologist Haraldur



• Using information from these sources, the following course of events has been proposed

a) A cloud of ash and pumice erupted 20km into the air, described as the Plinian phase, after Pliny’s description comparing the shape of the cloud to a Pine tree, rising on a tall trunk then splitting into branches


b) This ash and pumice fell onto the streets and buildings of Pompeii for 17 hours


c) The deposit of ash and pumice was now more than 2.7 meters deep, heavy enough to have caused the collapse of some buildings...sparks may have ignited fires


d) Most Pompeians took the opportunity to flee at this stage. People at Herculaneum would not have been directly affected as the wind carried the ash and pumice away from their town


a) A series of at least 5 pyroclastic surges of searing hot ash and poisonous gasses, travelling at speeds up to 300kph; and flows of molten rock, rock, ash and pumice heated to 400 degrees Celsius

b) The first surge killed those remaining in Herculaneum but did not reach Pompeii. The second surge and flow also dissipated before reaching Pompeii

c) The third and fourth surges and flows covered Pompeii, killing all of the people and animals remaining in the area


d) The fifth and sixth surges and flows completely buried Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae, Oplontis and perhaps other villages yet to be discovered


Impact on the Towns

• The eruption changed the geography of the region around Vesuvius• Pompeii was covered by 4 metres of volcanic material, mainly hardened ash and

pumice• Herculaneum lay beneath 25metres of debris which cooled into a solid mass of

volcanic material

• The Sarnus River was turned from its course, the coastline was extended into the Bay of Naples by about 500 metres and raised by about 25 metres, making it difficult to locate the site of Herculaneum

Impact on the Towns

• The number of casualties is not known

• Pompeii’s population of between 10 000 and 20 000 may have been larger due to summer visitors at the time of the eruption

• It has been estimated that about 90% of the population escaped in the early stages

• Those who remained were crushed under falling debris, killed by hot ash, gas or thermal shock

• Over time, casualty estimates have been reduced from 2000 to 500

Impact on the Towns

• At Herculaneum few human remains were found within the excavations and at first it appeared that most of the residents had escaped

• Later excavations found almost 300 skeletons in vaulted brick buildings along the shoreline

Impact on the Towns
