1 SFI Confidential SFI Strategy 2009 - 2013. 2 SFI Confidential 1. Human Capital 2. Quality Output...


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SFI Confidential

SFI Strategy 2009 - 2013


SFI Confidential

1. Human Capital

2. Quality Output

3. Global Reputation

4. Knowledge Transfer

SFI Strategy 2009-2013


SFI Confidential

1. Build a critical mass of internationally competitive research teams in Ireland in the sciences and engineering underpinning BIO, ICT, and ENERGY

….. such that 1. the Irish workforce is upskilled to the needs of a high-tech Economy2. the absorptive capacity of the country is adjusted to the need to identify and incorporate externally developed technologies and 3. that Ireland is well placed to attract and grow high value enterprises

Human Capital


SFI Confidential

1. . Human CapitalBuild a critical mass of internationally competitive research teams in Ireland in the sciences and engineering underpinning BIO, ICT, and ENERGY

Why?• Human capital build up for a knowledge economy

What?• 440 world class teams

providing • 2000 PhD graduates: ~350/year >500/year

YEAR # PI TEAMS2005: 2002006: 2362007: 2842008: 3362009-13: 440 (+104)



SFI Confidential

1. Table A1: Roll Out of PhD places and graduate schedule

Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note #Cum. SSTI PIs 200 236 284 336 352 372 394 414 443 1Cum. PhD places 0 24 120 301 610 858 1000 1344 1408 1488 1970 2070 2215 2

year 1 PhD 24 96 181 309 272 238 525 373 352 720 625 518 3year 2 PhD 0 24 96 181 309 272 238 525 373 352 720 625year 3 PhD 0 0 24 96 181 309 272 238 525 373 352 720year 4 PhD 0 0 0 24 96 181 309 272 238 525 373 352PhDs Graduated @ 100% 0 0 0 0 24 96 181 309 272 238 525 373 4

2018PhDs Graduated @ 85% 0 0 0 0 20 82 154 263 231 202 446 317 5


Notes/Assumptionsblack text = actuals; blue text = forecast; red text = model predicting PhD graduates1. 2008-2013 Cum SSTI PI levels come from SFI Operational Plan e.g. 52 net PIs in 2008, 16 in 2009 etc.2. 2008-2010 assumes 4 PhD students per SSTI PI. From 2011 forwards this increases to 5.3. Assumes first 24 PhD students started Year 1 in 2002.4. Assumes all PhDs graduate 4 years after they start.5. Factors a correction for PhD students who fail to complete.


SFI Confidential

1. Human CapitalBuild a critical mass of internationally competitive research teams in Ireland in the sciences and engineering underpinning BIO, ICT, and ENERGY

Why?• Human capital build up for a knowledge economy

What?• 440 world class teams

providing • 2000 PhD graduates: ~350/year >500/year• 1000 Post Doc places

How?• SFI’s broad portfolio of programmes (recruit, retain, grow)• Financial SSTI resourcing (€8.2b; €1.4b)

YEAR # PI TEAMS2005: 2002006: 2362007: 2842008: 3362009-13: 440 (+104)



SFI Confidential

2. Ensure that SFI-funded research teams continue to produce the highest quality output

……as this is the best external endorsement of the scientific value obtained from research investment

Human Capital

Quality Output


SFI Confidential

2. Quality Ensure that SFI-funded research teams continue to produce the highest quality output

Why?• Quality is ultimate arbiter of training• High tech enterprise seeks only quality academic output• Only top quality academic output provides sustainable

knowledge for innovation

What?• Quantity: >1200 publications/million population

*current level of 800


SFI Confidential

2. Publication Quantity


SFI Confidential

2. QualityDrive the highest quality output from the SFI funded research teams

Why?• Quality is ultimate arbiter of training• High tech enterprise seeks only quality academic output

What?• Quantity: >1200 publications/million population• Quality: top 10 placement in citation performers**

** from current position of 17th (source Thompson 1981-2007)


SFI Confidential

2. Publication Quality

Citation Impact (5year overlapping periods 1981-2007)

















5 Year Period

EU-27-all fields IRELAND-all fields OECD-all fields USA-all fields

Source:Thompson ISI


SFI Confidential

2. Publication Quality

Country ranking by Citation Impact Rank Country Impact Citations Papers

1 SWITZERLAND 7.22 614498 85125 2 DENMARK 6.84 311781 45559 3 NETHERLANDS 6.66 780099 117194 4 USA 6.65 9702794 1459209 5 SWEDEN 6.19 526540 85047 6 UK 6.06 2346239 387484 7 BELGIUM 5.89 379760 64458 8 GERMANY 5.74 2142640 373242 9 AUSTRIA 5.67 252045 44489

10 FINLAND 5.58 236297 42340 11 CANADA 5.51 1167801 212076 12 NORWAY 5.47 177783 32473 13 ISRAEL 5.27 285570 54153 14 FRANCE 5.22 1385059 265111 15 ITALY 5.1 1033676 202640 16 AUSTRALIA 5.06 685728 135586 17 IRELAND 4.93 99654 20232 18 SPAIN 4.54 693991 152918 19 NEW ZEALAND 4.42 117036 26494 20 JAPAN 4.4 1690075 383965

Source:Thompson ISI1981 - 2007


SFI Confidential

2. QualityDrive the highest quality output from the SFI funded research teams

Why?• Quality is ultimate arbiter of training• High tech enterprise seeks only quality academic output

What?• Quantity: >1200 publications/million population*• Quality: top 10 placement in citation performers

How?• Continued peer review & tighter monitoring• International funding• Internationalisation


SFI Confidential

3. Increase Ireland’s global reputation as a location of excellent scientific research and as a source of human and knowledge capital

…...such that businesses creating next generation products and services are attracted to and retained in Ireland

Human Capital

Quality Output

Global Reputation


SFI Confidential3. Global ReputationIncrease Ireland’s global reputation as a location of excellent scientific research and as a source of human and knowledge capital

Why?• Specific measures are required to drive international recognition of Ireland as a magnet of attraction for

academic researchers & high tech companies

What?• Recruit prize-potential overseas PIs• Continue overseas PI recruitment – internationalisation• Target hosting of premium international conferences e.g. Keystone• Nimbleness for emerging challenges and opportunities by constant scanning of the environment for

signals that require changes of emphasis in the SFI programmes• Assist IDA, directly and indirectly, in retaining in and attracting to Ireland high-tech foreign direct


How?• Employ recruitment toolset & exploit key relationships• Expand conference/programmes activities • Build networks


SFI Confidential

4. Knowledge TransferProvide quality inputs to the technology transfer/translational industries in Ireland and grow partnerships that enable the expansion of the national RDI footprint, to ensure that research is optimally exploited for the benefit of Irish society

Human Capital

Quality Output

Global Reputation

Knowledge Transfer


SFI Confidential

4. Transfer Provide quality inputs to the technology transfer/translational industries in Ireland and grow partnerships that enable the expansion of the national RDI footprint, to ensure that research is optimally exploited for the benefit of Irish society

Why?• Ultimately the use of research to drive expansion in high tech/high value

enterprise is the driver of all of our activties

What?• Drive early IP protection; 1000 x IDs and 500 x patents• License technology (40) & spin out companies (30)• Increase MNC (50) & SME (40) participation in research

How?• Communicate & monitor IP protection output of SFI groups• Drive CSET/SRC expansion • Establish periodic briefings on SFI output


SFI Confidential

1. Human Capital

2. Quality Output

3. Global Reputation

4. Knowledge Transfer

SFI Strategy 2009-2013
