1 Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time · 1 Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 29th...


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1 Sunday, October 16, 2016 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

FAITHFUL CITIZENSHIP: “Study and learn about the candidates; and hold elected officials to their promises”. This is

the title of Bishop Kicanas’ article in this month’s New Catholic Vision. I encourage all parishioners to read and reflect on

his message in this monthly issue of the New Vision available within this week’s parish Sunday bulletin.

A recent issue of the monthly Catholic Update has an extensive outline and focus around “Catholic values in an election

year…and beyond”. Copies of this Catholic Update issue are available in the literature rack in the vestibule of the church.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS: Eucharistic ministers in the liturgical language of the Church are described as

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. It is indeed extraordinary to minister the Body and the Blood of Christ to brothers

and sisters. None of us are really worthy to do it. However, our dear Lord in His final meal with His disciples told them…

Take this all of you and eat for this is my body… take this all of you and drink for this is the chalice of my blood. He

entrusts his Eucharistic presence to us and calls us to minister His presence to one another. A two-evening formation session

will take place this Tuesday and Wednesday evening, October 18th and 19th in the church at 7:15pm for new Extraordinary

Ministers of the Eucharist. Application forms are available from the parish office. All parishioners who are striving to live

good lives and are in good standing with the Church are encouraged to consider this unique call.

MINISTRIES AWARENESS WEEKEND: Holistic stewardship means that everything we have is gift, including the gift

of creation around us. This means that everything we have… our Time, our Talent and our Treasure are God-giving gifts.

Once we acknowledge to ourselves that everything we have is gift entrusted to us by God, then our only true response must

always be one of giving back in thanksgiving. As we grow as grateful stewards of everything entrusted to us, we recognize

that we have a need to give and share. The work and focus of our parish in promoting holistic stewardship is an ongoing

long-term educational process. It means sharing our gifts in gratitude out of our need to give.

During these weeks, the parish is promoting holistic stewardship out of the need to be thankful givers. If everything we

have is a gift, how might we become more aware of our need to lovingly share our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure in the

ministries of our Parish and in the ministry of everyday life? The Time & Talent pledge registration brochures are in the

pews during this Ministries Awareness Weekend for your prayerful and thankful response. Next weekend is Commitment

Weekend for Time & Talent. Completed registration and Time & Talent brochures are to be returned next weekend to the

Sunday collection or they may be dropped off at the parish office.

PARISH FINANCES ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT: At all Masses next weekend, Steve Contreras, our parish business

manager, will share an accountability presentation on our Year-End Report from July 2015 through June 2016. Fuller details

of the report will appear also in next week’s bulletin for your study and reflection. This annual report to our parishioners on

their Sunday stewardship/tithe giving clearly indicates how these gifts sustain our mission and all our ministries and activities

as a parish. Transparent accountability has to be an integral part of this relationship and the reporting at all Masses next

weekend and through the weekend bulletin are intentional efforts toward this transparency. Our thanks to all parishioners

who faithfully and consistently share the first fruits of their blessings back to God through regular tithe/Sunday offertory


TEN-PERCENT TITHING IDEAL: Our parish through our Stewardship & Development Council promotes the practice

of the ideal of the ten-percent tithe. In Catholic practice, the ten-percent tithe is broken into 5% of a parishioner’s total tithe

is contributed to the local parish, and 5% for other charities, second collections, etc., etc. The ideal measure or standard for

generous parishioner giving is 10% tithe based on gross income. During the final weeks of October and the early weeks of

November, our parish enters into its annual review and renewal exercise of the annual tithe/pledge in the Yes, Lord

Stewardship of Treasure.

NEW ALTAR SERVER ALBS: After many months of waiting, the new altar server albs are now in service. Their smart

design is very appropriate and becoming for service in the sacred space of our sanctuary. Thanks to our parishioners who

memorialized an alb or albs in memory of family loved ones. A specific memorialization name tag will be attached to each

of the albs over these several weeks.

JOAN MARTIN SAFE & WELL: Thankfully our Haiti minister Joan Martin is safe and well despite the impact of

Hurricane Matthew in some regions of the diocese of Port au Paix where Joan serves. We are awaiting word from her as she

strives to make her way to the parish of St. Francis in Bombardopolis which was seriously impacted by the hurricane. The

spirit of loving Gospel service continues to be very much alive in Joan despite the many challenges that have been an integral

part of her fourteen years of loving ministry in Haiti. As our staff person in Haiti supported so lovingly by our parish, Joan

continues to be a missionary disciple of Jesus living with a renewed missionary impulse.


Christian Education Christian Education Christian Education /// FormationFormationFormation Scripture Reflection

October 16, 2016 - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Luke 18:1-8

This Sunday we hear a parable unique to Luke, told to

his disciples about prayer. The parable sets up a

comparison between an unjust judge, and the just God in

order to make emphatic the point of God’s willingness to

hear and respond to human petitions. Widows in the

ancient world were severely disadvantaged because they

lacked male protection and economic support in societies

structured around men. The widow’s persistence is her

only resource.

The unjust judge finally gives in to her because she

wears him down. Rather than criticize the widow for such

unseemly potential behavior, Jesus turns a challenge

instead upon his listeners. Do they dare to be this insistent

in calling upon God, who is a just judge? Do they have

any faith? If they did they would persist in their petitions

in prayer, and not lose heart. Indeed we should “cry out to

him night and day” – and God hears us.

***Whose persistence do you admire?

October Calendar

15/16 Ministry Awareness Weekend

17 Rosary Making Workshop

18 New Ministers of the Eucharist Formation

20 “Follow Me” – DVD Series 22 Diocesan Rosary Celebration

22/23 Couple Prayer Retreat

November Calendar

5 Leading Like Jesus Workshop

5 Women’s Retreat

5 Catholic Men’s Conference

21 Eucharist & the Rosary series starts

22 Praying with the Scriptures “Lectio Divina”

6th Annual Arizona Rosary Celebration

The Arizona Rosary Celebration will be held

Saturday, October 22, 2016, honoring Mary

under her title of Our Lady of Mercy. The

celebration will be held at Saint Elizabeth Ann

Seton Catholic Church, 8650 North Shannon Road in

Tucson. The event begins at 10AM and ends 12:15PM. The

Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas will preside.

“Joy of Love” Book – Pope Francis Post-Synodal Apostolic

Exhortation: Tuesday nights, now through November 15.

6:45-7:45pm. Come join us as we go through the book and

reflect on a broader vision and a renewed awareness of the

importance of marriage and the family. The Joy of Love

experienced by families is also the joy of the Church. Christian

couples are, for each other, for their children and for their

relatives, cooperators of grace and witnesses of the faith. God

calls them to bestow life and to care for life. Please RSVP with

the parish office; books are available for $10. Facilitated by

Pam Coonan. PAC Room 1

Did you know… On this Ministry Awareness Weekend, let us remember our

Parish Mission Statement: “Filled with the Joy of the

Gospel, our parish proclaims an ongoing encounter with

Jesus Christ through Word, community, Sacrament, and

loving service.” It is through your Ministry that we can

fulfill this Mission.

Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John – a 10 week

DVD series starting this Thursday, October 20, at 7pm.

Following Christ takes more than simply believing in him or

doing what he asks of us. “Follow Me” is your guide to a

personal encounter with Christ. After each week’s DVD there

will be time for faith sharing. More information is available in

this bulletin.

“Rosary Making Workshop” – Monday, October 17, 1-3pm. Are you looking for a ministry that you can do at your own

leisure? Being a rosary maker is such a rewarding ministry,

and so full of blessings. We will be having a workshop to show

you how easy it is to make rosaries. For all of our faithful,

experienced rosary makers, this is a great opportunity to come

together in ministry as companions to the new members, and

for all of us to laugh, pray, and enjoy. Everyone can then take

pre-made packets home with you to pray and make rosaries in

the comfort of your home. The rosaries are distributed to

children and adults receiving sacraments, Haiti, and in the

hospitals. For information contact the office. PAC.

Leading Like Jesus Seminar – Saturday, November 5. Through the seminar you will learn to redefine relationships

with your family, your peers, your co-workers, and complete

strangers. You will explore actual leadership techniques

exhibited by our Lord from a Catholic perspective. You are

offered practical, timely, and effective ways to adopt these

attitudes and actions in your everyday life so that we may all

live better, love more, and touch more lives. The parish

continues to make a very intentional investment into the Jesus

model and example of servant leadership. This day-long

seminar ” will be presented in the parish on November 5,

beginning with the 8:30am Mass. Parishioners who may have a

desire or feel the nudge to participate in this seminar day are

encouraged contact Steve Contreras in the parish office or at


3 Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord

James Kubik, Barbara Eggers, Angie Anfield,

Sergio Miranda

In this ministry you must be examples of Christian

living in faith and in conduct; you must strive to grow in

holiness through the sacrament of unity and love. Remember

that, though many, we are one body, because we share the one

Bread and the one Cup.

The dates for the formation sessions are:

October 18th at 7pm – Theology

October 19th at 7:15pm – Practical Application

Sessions will be held in the church and participants must

attend both sessions. Application forms are available in the

parish office and must be returned no later than Monday, October 10th. Contact Lyn Bulski at the parish office for

more information 305-3612 or lbulski@omosparish.org.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Many ministers are needed for loving

service at all our weekend Masses

Eucharistic Adorers Needed

"The Sacrament of the present moment,

requires us to do our duty whatever it may

be, a carrying out of God's purpose for us,

not only this day, or this hour, but this

minute, this very minute - now!"

Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Trae su propia sillas si no puede permanecer de pie durante la Misa.

Please bring a chair for your comfort.


October 23, 2016 - 23 de Oct de 2016

3:00 pm

Nogales, Arizona/Nogales, Mexico

Sun: 1pm, 2pm, 4pm

Tue: 7am

Wed: 8, 9, 11am & 12, 4, 5, 7pm

Thu: 3pm

Fri: 8 am & 1, 10pm Sat: 6am

October 18-19 NEW EME Formation sessions #1 and

#2 at 7pm in church

October 23 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 23 Families in Ministry Party


Angels, Jammin’, Coro de los Niños,

Altar Servers,Youth Lectors,

Youth Hospitality Ministers

October 22 5:30pm Cantor-Stephanie

October 23 7:00am no music

9:00am Praise Alive- Contemporary-


10:45am Laudate- Traditional- Adults

12:30pm Jammin’ for Jesus- Teens

4:00pm Matices- Contemporary- Spanish

6:00pm Jubilation- Contemporary-Young



Wednesday 6pm - 6:25 pm

Saturday 4pm - 5pm

Saturday 7pm - 7:30pm


(In some instances, the optional readings may be used) Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21

Tuesday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;

Lk 10:1-9

Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48

Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;

Lk 12:49-53

Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59

Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9

Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23;

2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14

Liturgy & WorshipLiturgy & WorshipLiturgy & Worship

Liturgy At A Glance! Lyn Bulski at 305-3612 or Lbulski@ omosparish.org


Pequeñas comunidades de fe: Todos los miércoles por

la mañana de 9:30 – 11:30am en el PAC salón de retiros.

Estos grupos son una gran oportunidad para fortalecer

nuestra fe, a través de compartir las sagradas escrituras y

compartir y profundizar en nuestra fe. Conoce gente nueva

y cultiva amistades que tiene el mismo gusto de aprender

más de Dios.

Conociendo nuestra Misión Hispana: Todos los

miércoles de 7-9 PM en el PAC comedor. Aprendiendo a

discernir y fortalecer nuestra vocación ministerial y

descubriendo como nuestra Fe y Cultura se entrelazan con

los procesos evangelizadores y catequéticos en nuestra

Iglesia católica multicultural en los Estados Unidos. ‘Estas

sesiones son para toda la familia Hispana que ama su fe

católica y sus raíces hispanas, pero que vive en los estados

unidos. ¡Ven y acompáñanos el futuro de Iglesia depende

de los hispanos!

Ministerios HispanosMinisterios HispanosMinisterios Hispanos


Lunes: Ef 2:1-10; Sal 100 (99):1b-5; Lc 12:13-21

Martes: 2 Tim 4:10-17b; Sal 145 (144):10-13, 17-18;

Lc 10:1-9

Miércoles: Ef 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lc 12:39-48

Jueves: Ef 3:14-21; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 11-12,

18-19; Lc 12:49-53

Viernes: Ef 4:1-6; Sal 24 (23):1-4ab, 5-6; Lc 12:54-59

Sábado: Ef 4:7-16; Sal 122 (121):1-5; Lc 13:1-9

Domingo: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Sal 34 (33):2-3, 17-19, 23;

2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18; Lc 18:9-14

El Grupo de Oración San Juan Pablo II

Grupo de Oración San Juan Pablo II se reúne cada lunes de 7-

9pm en el centro de actividades de la parroquia (PAC), te

invitamos a formar parte de esta oración comunitaria e

individual. Ven y Ora, aprende y toma un descanso del ajetreo

diario en los brazos de Jesús. La oración es la columna vertebral

de nuestra Fe . Calendario de Octubre:

Lunes Octubre 17 Hora Santa – Capilla del Cenáculo

Diacono Francisco

Lunes Octubre 24 El Ciego de Jerico por Adan Bonilla

Provide service at the Lords banquet by becoming a

Hospital Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist

Formation sessions are Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct 18-19. For more information on Hospital Ministry, please contact Patsy Klein at 305-3613 or pklein@omosparish.org.

Where and how is GOD calling you today?

All Souls Day Mass will be held at both

Diocesan Catholic



November 2nd, 2016

Mass will be concelebrated at Holy Hope

Cemetery at 8:30am. Most Rev. Gerald F.

Kicanas, D.D., Bishop of Tucson, will


Mass will be concelebrated at Our Lady of

the Desert Cemetery at 8:30am. Rev. Mario

Ordoñez from St. Joseph’s Parish will preside.


Pray For Those Who Seek Healing: Names have been

entered into the Book of Those Who Seek Healing,

located on a stand in the back of the church.

Maria Perez, Zachary, Adam, Dina, Jim, Dan Fortman,

Alexander Nathaniel McDuffie, Gloria Strebing,

Eddie Urrea, Carla Monzingo, Maria Martin, Alex Belez,

Herminia Gantt

Christian Life CommissionChristian Life CommissionChristian Life Commission

The Our Mother of Perpetual Help Rosary will take

place at 3pm on Wednesday, October 19th. For

more information, please call 250-0242.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary will take place in the

PAC Rm #2 on Thursday, October 20th at 7pm.

Celebrate Mass with us every Sunday at 12:30pm “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.” St. Padre Pio

“Rooted in Christ,

Strengthened in Identity”

YOUTH Ministry


Weekend of 10/8-9/16 $24,995.35

Thank you for your generous support!


Follow Me ~ Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Thursdays, beginning Oct 20th thru Dec 15th PAC Auditorium

Following Christ takes more than simply believing in Him or doing what He asks of us. Jesus wants you to be more than just a believer - He wants you to be His disciple and friend. Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John is your guide to a personal encounter with Christ. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus seeks after us. He comes to meet us and beckons us to follow Him. He calls us to be His disciples, to trust Him, to open ourselves to His merciful love and to love others as He has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. In this eight week DVD and workbook series from Ascension Press, Dr. Edward Sri will lead us in the following: ~ Learn what is takes to follow Christ ~ Discover the joy of the divine friendship ~ See how God, and only God can satisfy the deepest desires in your heart. No fee, but please register with the parish office—747.1321

The Golden Agers are looking for new

card players (55 and older). We meet in

the PAC Dining Room on Wednesdays,

9:30am to 2:30pm. We play bridge, hand &

foot, and pinochle. For more information, call

Marge King at 207-8414 or 573-979-7111.

Casa Maria sandwich making will

be on Thursday, October 20th


in the Parish Activity Center Dining Room

Come one, come all!

H.S. Confirmation will meet

in the PAC Auditorium

Challenge Yourself...Don’t be Late!


Life Teen Today in the PAC Dining Room

Teen Leads meet immediately following at 3:30pm

Respect Life Diaper Drive Diapers in all sizes and wipes may be placed in the playpen

in the back of the church or brought to the Parish Office

during the month of October to benefit

Reachout Women’s Center.




After all Masses - Ministries Awareness - Parish Hall

2:00 pm - SCF (Spanish) - PAC/Scout Rm


9:00 am - Lectio Divina - Cenacle Chapel

1:00 pm - Rosary Making Workshop - PAC/Scout Rm

6:30 pm - Divorce Recovery - PAC/Rm #1

7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - PAC/Scout Rm


9:30 am - Book Club - PAC/Rm #1

10:00 am - TDS Seniors - PAC/Dining Rm

2:00 pm - Bereavement Group - PAC/Retreat Rm

4:00 pm - Bereavement Group - PAC/Retreat Rm

5:30 pm - Cursillo Group - Church Family Rm

6:00 pm - RCIA Classes - PAC/Dining Rm

6:00 pm - Confirmation/POF - PAC/Auditorium/Scout Rm

6:30 pm - Book Study: The Joy of Love - PAC/Rm #1

7:00 pm - Care for Creation Mtg - Kino Conf Room

7:00 pm - Christian Recovery - PAC/Rm #2

7:00 pm - EME Formation Session #1 - Church

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:30 am - Golden Agers Cards - PAC/Dining Rm

9:30 am - Faith Sharing (Spanish) -PAC/Retreat Rm

6:45 pm - Lectio Divina - PAC/Retreat Rm

7:00 pm - Hispanic Ministry - PAC/Dining Rm

7:15 pm - EME Formation Session #2 - Church


9:30 am - Art Class - PAC/Scout Rm

10:00 am - Casa Maria Sandwich Making - PAC/Dining Rm

7:00 pm - OLOG Rosary - PAC/Rm#2

7:00 pm - Jesus in the Gospel of John - PAC/Auditorium


4:00 pm - Baptismal Interviews - Kino Conference Rm

7:00 pm - Charismatic Prayer Group - PAC/Rm #1


8:00 am - Diocesan Biblical Institute - Parish Hall

3:00 pm - Servite Meeting - PAC/Retreat Rm


12:00 pm - Families in Ministry Party - Parish Hall

2:00 pm - SCF (Spanish) - PAC/Scout Rm

What’s Happening Around TownWhat’s Happening Around TownWhat’s Happening Around Town

THIS WEEK'S MASS SCHEDULE: If you would like to

present the gifts of bread and wine at the Mass offered for your

loved one, please sign up in the Gift Bearer Book behind the last

pew in the back of church.


7:00 am - Lorraine Harker+

9:00 am - Rosina Guardino+

10:45 am - Don Gargiulo+

12:30 pm - Elia Real+

4:00 pm - Eulogia Santillanes+

6:00 pm - Stosh Zamecki+


6:30 am - Trinidad B. Arvayo+

8:30 am - Hector Morales+


6:30 am - Kiyo Cecil+

8:30 am - Betty Jirschele+


6:30 am - Carl Phillips+

*8:30 am - Gilbert Martinez (birthday)

6:30 pm - Peace & Justice


6:30 am - Charles H.Stemple

8:30 am - Roger Trainor+


6:30 am - Sr. Maxine Hart+

8:30 am - Lt. Stan Smiley, USN+


8:30 am - Patricia Ann Henry+

5:30 pm - Betty Jirschele+


7:00 am - Betty Jirschele+

9:00 am - Tom Diehl+

10:45 am - Paul & Ida Welsh+

12:30 pm - Sr. Maxine Hart+

4:00 pm - Joel Araujo+

6:00 pm - Randy Gustin+

*School Mass (when school is in session)

Anointing of the Sick on the first Wednesday and Friday of

each month


WEEKEND Oct 22-23rd

The 2-Day Couple Prayer is next weekend.

Call Kevin or Kathie at 520-722-2931 to sign

up now or email stogskk@mindspring.com.

Couple Prayer is based on Matt 6:6 and Matt

18:19-20. It is supported by Church doctrine,

encyclicals, and supported by Bishop Kicanas.

It is an intimate time for husband and wife to discern

where they are going or adjust their spiritual direction to

get closer God as a married couple. The retreat begins

Saturday, go home that night return Sunday. The CPR is

facilitated by a Catholic priest and Marriage Retorno Team

Couples. Host site: Benedictine Sisters Monastery, 800 N.

Country Club Road Tucson, AZ 85716.


FALL FUNDRAISER Thursday, November 10, 2016

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm

St. Odilia Parish Hall

$10 at the door

Make up a group of family or friends for Bridge, Bunko or Board Games

Lunch Table Prizes Door Prizes 50/50 Raffle

For info, call Marilyn 795-3163 or Maureen 575-9253

Since 1975, Merilac Lodge has offered a structural

residential program to assist pregnant teens and to

provide them with an opportunity to better their lives.
