1 Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Overview Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center...


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Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Overview Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Overview

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center CharlestonSpace and Naval Warfare Systems Center CharlestonAdvanced Technology BranchAdvanced Technology Branch


TEMP Focus TEMP Focus

Addresses the impact of requiring the use of contactless biometric card readers

– Verify identity– Verify card authenticity and validity– Establish a plan for an Integrated Test and Evaluation Program (ITEP) for the card

reader– Testing will support the Coast Guard’s second rule making for readers

Temp is a living document which is updated as plans mature or specific information is obtained

The TEMP is broken into sections– Introduction– Program Summary– ITEP Plan– ITEP Resource Summary


TEMP IntroductionTEMP Introduction

Background on the TWIC program Presents the 4 phases of the TWIC program

– Emphasis on phases 3 (Prototype) & 4 (Implementation) Provides card reader operational performance requirements and critical

technical parameters Planned test regions and facilities

– Type– Business conducted– Employee count


TEMP Program SummaryTEMP Program Summary

Provides ITEP integrated schedule and organization– Schedule of critical events within the major testing activities– Organizational chart maps out the organizational entity relationships and documents

each of their functions within the ITEP


ITEP OverviewITEP Overview

ITEP has three major activities– Initial Technical Test (ITT)– Early Operational Assessment (EOA)– System Test and Evaluation (ST&E)

Three activities build upon each other to minimize redundancy – ITEP is predicated on this principle to decrease the amount of test duplication

Independent Test Agent (ITA)– Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Charleston has been tasked by

DHS to perform the ITA tasking for the ITEP


ITT OverviewITT Overview

Provides information regarding the technical capability of the card readers– Ensures the card reader will work for the EOA phase– ITT includes the environmental and specification conformance testing

Technical Test Plan– Incorporate Coast Guard regulations and Port requirements– Reader specifications– TEMP guidelines

Multiple Test resources will be leveraged– NIST laboratory testing– NAVAIR environmental testing– Vendor laboratory testing – Is there any available test documentation?– Independent laboratory testing

Collect and Analyze Data– Submit Quick Look Report– Submit final report


ITT OverviewITT Overview

Visit 5 geographical locations– Determine specific pilot facilities for EOA

Collect data for EOA baseline test plan– Define/clarify roles – Determine test use cases– Identify access points and existing methods– Data collection methods and resources– Duration and amount of data to collect

Develop EOA baseline test plan TSA/DHS approval Submit to ports

– Disseminate to data collection resources– Acquire port acceptance of plan


EOA OverviewEOA Overview

Focuses on collecting early data to support:– 2ND Rulemaking– Card reader suitability and effectiveness– Refinement for card reader specifications

Data collection – EOA First stage– Testing will be overseen by SPAWAR (Either witnessed or reported daily)– Port resources independent of SPAWAR will be utilized– Baseline data will be compared to data after new TWIC reader installation

Reader Installation– Readers are down selected based on ITT test results– Port resources install selected TWIC readers (SPAWAR witnesses install)

Data collection– Data is collected using post installation test procedures in the plan – SPAWAR witnesses or data is reported daily

SPAWAR quick look report after reader installation– Data collection must be instantaneous & reported for quick turn around

Analyze post installation data


ST&E OverviewST&E Overview

Evaluates card reader effectiveness, suitability, and supportability– All inclusive of previous testing and results– Incorporates ITT and EOA lessons learned

Establish protocol for other sites/vessels to evaluate readers before the acquisition stage

Evaluate full impact of TWIC on facility and vessel operations – Port business process– Entrant processing– Modifications to current Access Control Systems (ACS)– Other burdens that face the facility or vessel operators to comply with TWIC

Finalize reader regulatory requirements – Support future card reader acquisitions– Support Coast Guard’s second rule making

Card readers will be subjected to normal operations– Monitoring will continue under normal operations


ITEP Resource SummaryITEP Resource Summary

Test articles Sites and Instrumentation Test Support Equipment Simulations and Models T&E administrative support Manpower and training Technical interfaces


Port QuestionsPort Questions

High & low throughput times and access points Sufficient duration and quantity of data collection Peak Seasons MARSEC levels for each access point Measurement of flow of commerce

– $ Dollar value– Time value– Relationship of throughput to dollars


Points of ContactPoints of Contact

Mr. Richard BakerBranch Head

SPAWAR Systems Center CharlestonRichard.L.Baker@navy.mil

(843) 218-4437

Mr. Richard KayeProject Manager

SPAWAR Systems Center CharlestonRichard.kaye@navy.mil

(843) 218-4105

Mr. Robert McKeeProject Engineer

SPAWAR Systems Center CharlestonRobert.j.mckee@navy.mil

(843) 218-4367
