10 Educational Webpages


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10 Educational Webpages

Autism-related websites:

http://www.autismspeaks.org - Autism Speaks is a wonderful organization that raises awareness about the social disorder and provides background information for a teacher’s convenience. It also has an “Autism Apps” category that provides teachers and parents a list of computer and tablet apps that are beneficial to a person with autism.

http://www.educateautism.com - Educate Autism: Tools to help you teach is an awesome webpage that provides educational resources and teaching methods for children with autism. It provides articles, tutorials, and free materials and resources one could use in their own classroom.

http://www.iqjournals.com/research-autism-technology-conferences-are- everywhere/ - The IQ Journals lists a series of conferences focusing on autism and technology and what was found during the meetings. It also provides a “How-To” guide that teaches people how to set up the appropriate technology for someone with autism.

http://www.nationalautismcenter.org/pdf/ boston_parents_paper_puzzling_through.pdf - The National Autism Center provides a lot of helpful resources for teachers on what autism is, how to reach these people, and different resources that could help them. The particular link I included is a PDF on new ways to teach children with autism.

http://www.iidc.indiana.edu/?pageId=601 - Indiana University provides a helpful list of teaching tips to utilize when teaching students with autism. This comprehensive list also links to more articles and resources a teacher could use.

Technology-related websites:

http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/archives/technology.shtml - Education World is a really helpful resource that shows teachers specific ways to use technology in the classroom.

http://www.edutopia.org/technology-integration-introduction - Edutopia is an awesome website that explains why teachers should use technology in their classrooms. It also links to resources for specific grade level, examples of schools that are doing it right, and videos to help teachers integrate technology.

http://www.teachhub.com/12-easy-ways-use-technology-your-classroom- even-technophobic-teachers - TeachHub is a really helpful website for beginning and veteran teachers. This particular link provides 12 easy ways for teachers to use technology in their classroom. It also links to exact steps to implement them.

http://www.4teachers.org - 4Teachers is a great resource for a teacher interested in creating a technology-rich classroom. The website contains teacher success stories, resources, and tutorials.

http://edtechteacher.org/index.php/teaching-technology - EdTech Teacher is an awesome website that provides tools for teachers who are getting started using technology in their classrooms. It also provides workshops and professional development opportunities.