10.2a Worksheet Answers


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Chapter 10.2A Answers

Question 1

What is a “daughter cell”?

A daughter cell is a cell that is made by the division of another cell.

Question 2

What must occur before cell division begins?

The DNA must first be replicated.

Question 3

What are the two main stages of cell division, and what happens in each of them?

1. Mitosis – Division of the cell nucleus

2. Cytokinesis – Division of the cytoplasm

Question 4

Why is reproduction by mitosis called “asexual”?

Because the cells produced by mitosis will be genetically identical (clones) to the parent cell.

One cell is cloned to make other copies, you do not need two cells to make another.

Question 5

What are chromosomes and why are they important?

Chromosomes are made up of DNA wrapped around proteins to save space. They are important because the contain the genetic material in a compact form.

Question 6

How many chromosomes do humans have in each cell?


Question 7

Why are chromosomes not visible in most cells when cell division is not occurring?

When a cell is not dividing, the chromosomes are not as tightly packed, and instead are spread throughout the nucleus. This makes them harder to see.

Question 8

What is a chromatid, and how is it involved in cell division?

A chromatid is one of the two copies of DNA that make up a chromosome. When a cell divides, one chromatid will separate from another, each one going to a new cell.

Question 9

What is a centromere?

A centromere is the part of a chromosome holding the two chromatids together. It is usually located at the middle of the chromosome.

Question 10

What is interphase?

Interphase is the period of growth in the cell cycle that occurs when the cell is not dividing.

Question 11

What is the cell cycle, and what are its 4 phases? Which of these phases occur during interphase?

The cell cycle is the series of events that all cells go through as they grow and divide. The 4 phases are G1, S, G2, and M. G1, S, and G2 all occur during interphase.

Question 12

What happens in each of the 4 phases of the cell cycle?

G1: The cell grows in size, and makes new proteins and organelles.

S: Chromosomes are replicated, and new copies of DNA are made.

G2: The organelles and molecules needed for cell division are made.

M: The cell divides.
