11-10-15 Goals: Reviews issues with Paper 4. Discuss chapters 18 & 21. Refine topics for Paper...


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Goals:•Reviews issues with Paper 4.•Discuss chapters 18 & 21.•Refine topics for Paper 5.


Make a good first impression; get off to a good start.

Hook (opening line):Grab the reader’s interest.

Thesis (end of introduction):State the main idea – a one-sentence summary.

Topic Sentences (first line of each paragraph):Make a claim that supports/explains the thesis.

In 1984 Brigham Young University was crowned champion of college football, even though they did not play a strong schedule, causing a call for a new system to determine the national champion. …

The College Football Playoffs have finally been replaced, but need to be expanded to eight teams to determine the true champion.

Even before The Bowl Championship Series there has always been discontent with the way College Football has picked a national champion.

Topic: College Football Playoffs

When people begin to talk about illegal immigrants, most Americans immediately think about poor South Americans crossing the border from Mexico, but the truth is that there are illegal immigrants coming to America from many different countries. …

The management of US borders has proven to be too ineffective in protecting our borders and should be changed.

One way that America could improve its management of the borders is by actually finishing the fence that divides Mexico and America.

Topic: Border Security

Are you ready for some football? …

In fact, the rough nature of this sport causes concussions with symptoms that linger into adulthood, or even cause death; because of this danger, children under fourteen should not be allowed to play tackle football.

The most dangerous injuries tackle football causes are concussions, especially in children.

Topic: Children Playing Football

Drug use is a growing issue all across the country. …

The current system of welfare is flawed because it allows unqualified individuals obtain funds and should be changed by implementing stricter regulations.

Welfare funds are given out solely to help individuals in need for a temporary period of time.

Topic: Welfare Reform

The “Miracle on Ice” is one of the most historic hockey games in history; however, it was not the most important competition between Russia and America in the 20th century. …

The most significant competition between these two nations was the space race because of the advancements made in technology by both nations.

The Soviet Union took the first major step to begin the space race.

Topic: Space Race

The Soviet Union took the first major step to begin the space race.

The Soviet Union beat the United States again in 1961 when they launched the first man into space on Vostok I.

America knew that they needed to devote more time and money to the space race.

America was ready to take control of the competition.

The fear that began the competition between the United States and the Soviet Union accelerated both nation’s aerospace programs because neither nation wanted to fall behind the other in technology.

The most significant competition between these two nations was the space race.

Deterrence is among one of the most influential arguments for people who support capital punishment.

Another reason that I believe that the death penalty has been rendered useless is the cost of the death penalty.

The third reason is constitutionality.

Another big reason the death penalty has been rendered ineffective is because of the attorney quality.

The fifth reason is morality and ethics.

Last but most certainly not least of reasons is irrevocable mistakes.

So based on all of the evidence and claims presented the death penalty is no longer useful and is just downright wrong.

The death penalty might have been effective long ago, but today it is clearly ineffective and just wrong and should be abolished.

Before the airplane, there were very few vehicles that had a major impact on warfare.

The invention of the airplane added a new dimension to warfare.

As a result of the airplane’s success, countries around the world created separate branches to handle airplanes and aerial combat.

Over the multiple wars of the twentieth century, the evolution of the airplane changed the tactics used in warfare.

The invention of the airplane revolutionized the way wars were fought throughout the world.

The airplane revolutionized the way battles were fought, and led to some of the most drastic changes in warfare and forces alike.

ResearchResearch is not……finding sources to confirm what you already think.…using the first several items that come up on Google.…finding “just enough” to meet the word count.

Research is……actively looking for different perspectives.…evaluating the credibility of your sources.…acknowledging possible bias in your sources.…finding more than you can possibly include in

your paper.


newspapers, magazines, blogs, tabloids, gossip, click-bait

scholarly, college-appropriate sources

Ch 18 (Evaluating Sources)

Ch 21 (Synthesizing Ideas)

Don’t simply splice together other people’s words;use their ideas to create something new.

For next time:

Read Chapters 22 & 23 in your textbook.

Refine your research question & bring it to class.

(I will return papers via email.)