11 Toxic Habits that Drain Your Energy.docx


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11 toxic habits that drain your Energy1. Worrying about the insignificant Dont sweat the small stuff. Worry and anxiety go together like peas and carrots. Genetically, worry is encoded in our DNA. The answer lies in separating the significant from the insignificant worry. If a legitimate concern needs rectifying, then take action ASAP. On the other hand, realize that the fly buzzing around your keyboard will probably go away, just like any other tiny worry.2. Allowing the past to rule One neverfully embraces present and future without confronting the past. To confront the past, one must first realize the importance of doing so. Underlying emotional and mental complications require the seeking of either personal or professional (therapeutic/medical) help. One must let go of the past and focus on the future by realising two things: (1) you are stronger than you think, and (2) you are stronger having gone through the fire. You are now more prepared to encounter whatever challenges may face you going forward.2. Resisting change and growth Resisting change and growth can usually be traced to feelings of losing control and excess uncertainty. One has torealizeyour potential which makes them to focus onreachingn with best efforts and realisation of potential. Focus need to embrace day in and day out, on each small task until one reach goals. Task-oriented focus becomes a habit slowly and steadily, manifesting itself into achievement and success.3. Participating in drama and negativity Drama and negativity can be internal or external; in isolation or in the company of others. Regardless of its orientation, drama and negativity is detrimentalto your energy. If its source is internal, remember thatyou are not your negative thoughts. Our brains are incredibly complex and, as result, much of our thinking is impulsive in nature. The secret is in understanding this simple fact and allowing these thoughts to simply fade away. If external, eliminate the source stop hanging around and allowing negative people into your inner circle. Lend an ear if needed, but dont participate in the negativity or the drama.4. Using fear as an excuse Rationally confronting fear is one of the best ways to not only manage your energy, but achieve success; should not be a cause for an excuse. Often, fear is as automatic as negative thinking. When one takes conscious control over ones thoughts and confronts fear, one is in the process making one stronger. The answer lies in taking action towards what one should want from lifeeffectively putting fear in the distant background.5. Taking things personally Relationships will vary its effectiveness and intimacy. It means we are close to some and not with some others. Not in sinc with someone does not necessarily mean they dislike you personallyoften times this isnt the case. There is probably a difference in personality, social interaction, or something else. Dont take things personally.6. Remaining on auto-pilot According to a study in Psychology Today, humans brains are on autopilot nearly half of the time. In other words, our minds are wandering from one thing to the next. The most significant find from the study is thatpeople are the unhappiest while on autopilot. The takeaway -Being mindful and present in what you do. Being present is a habit; something that is a skill to be learned and one that innately resides in us. Being mindful is not difficult, remembering to be mindful is. But when we remember to be mindful, we increase our happiness and energy.

8. Holding onto anger and resentment Anger and resentment takes us to past. These are negative, autopilot emotions and thoughts to be discarded. Anger and resentment are extremely counterproductive in sapping ones energy and impact on ones mental and physical faculties. Be free from anger and resentment to have abundant positive energy. It bears repeating:you are not your negative thoughts.9. Being in negative environments Continually subjecting oneself to negativity - its work, home, or somewhere else, must not be acceptable. One needs to consciously take control of the situation and make a change for the betterment of self. Start with taking simple, small, proactive steps to get oneself out of the current situation. If work is draining ones energy or ambition, spend an hour each day applying for jobs or updating your resume. If kids are getting into trouble at school, spend time constructively discussing the importance of education. Taking the first step is often the most difficult when making a significant change in ones environment, if that is worth doing? 10. Not getting proper nutrition Food is fuel for our brains. Some foods which are Mass-produced, packaged, processed food is saturated with fat, sugar, salt, and preservatives are harmful to ones healthy life. A study suggests adding some super foods to your diet to increase your efforts of maintaining a healthy brain. Blueberries, Salmon, Nuts and Seeds, Avocado, Whole grains, Beans, Pomegranate juice and ofcourse dark chocolate. The benefits of these foods range from increased energy, a reduced risk of serious disorders such as dementia and heart disease.11. Not getting enough sleep Sleep is absolutely essential to keep ones brain health, retain energy levels for longer time and physical health. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) links sleep deficiency to an increased risk of Heart disease, Kidney disease, High-Blood pressure, Diabetes and Stroke. The NHLBI recommendsat minimum7-8 hours of sleep a day. One needs to plan or organise ones schedule to accommodate sleep part of daily itenry to increase ones Energy, Efficiency, and Overall wellbeing quotients.
