11/18/20151 Operating Systems Design (CS 423) Elsa L Gunter 2112 SC, UIUC Based on slides by Roy...


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04/20/23 1

Operating Systems Design (CS 423)

Elsa L Gunter

2112 SC, UIUC


Based on slides by Roy Campbell, Sam King, and Andrew S Tanenbaum

Synchronizing multiple threads

Must control interleaving between threads Order of some operations irrelevant

Independent Other operations are dependent and order

does matter All possible interleaving must yield a

correct answer A correct concurrent program will work no

matter how fast the processors are that execute the various threads

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Synchronizing multiple threads

All interleavings result in correct answer

Try to constrain the thread executions as little as possible

Controlling the execution and order of threads is called “synchronization”

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Too much milk

The Gunter household drinks a lot of milk, but has a small fridge

Problem: Carl and Elsa want there to always at least one gallon of milk in the fridge for dinner; fridge holds at most two gallons

If either sees there is less than one gallon, goes to buy milk

Specification: Someone buys milk if running low

Never more than two gallons of milk milk

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Solution #0 – no sync

Carl Elsa5:30 Comes home5:35 Checks milk5:40 Goes to store5:45 Comes home5:50 Buys milk Checks milk5:55 Goes home Goes to store6:00 Puts milk in Fridge Buys milk6:05 Comes home6:10 Too much milk!

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Mutual Exclusion

Ensure that only 1 thread is doing a certain thing at one time Only one person goes shopping at one time

Critical section A section of code that needs to run atomically w.r.t.

other code If code A and code B are critical sections w.r.t. each

other threads cannot interleave events from A and B

Critical sections must be atomic w.r.t. each other Share data (or other resourced, e.g., screen, fridge)

What is the critical section in solution #0?

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Too much milk (solution #1)

Assume only atomic operations are load and store Idea: leave note that going to check on milk status Carl: if (no note)

{if (milk low) {leave note; buy milk; remove note;} Elsa: if (no note)

{if (milk low) {leave note; buy milk; remove note;} What can go wrong? Is this better than before?

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Too much milk (solution #2)

Idea: Change order of leave note and check milk

Carl: if (milk low){if (no note) {leave note; buy milk; remove note;}

Elsa: if (milk low){if (no note) {leave note; buy milk; remove note;}

What can go wrong? Is this better than before?

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Too much milk (solution #3)

Idea: Protect more actions with note Carl: if (no note) {leave note;

if (milk low) {buy milk}; remove note;} Elsa: if (no note) {leave note; if (milk low)

{buy milk}; remove note;} What can go wrong? Is this better than before?

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Too much milk (solution #4)

Idea: Change order of leaving note and checking note

Carl: leave noteCarl; if (no noteElsa) {if (milk low) {buy milk};} ; remove noteCarl

Elsa: leave noteElsa; if (no noteCarl) {if (milk low) {buy milk};} ; remove noteElsa

What can go wrong? Is this better than before?

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Too much milk (solution #5)

Idea: When both leave note, always give priority to fixed one to buy milk

Carl: leave noteCarl; while (noteElsa) {do nothing};if (milk low) {buy milk}; remove noteCarl

Elsa: leave noteElsa; if (no noteCarl) {if (milk low) {buy milk};} ; remove noteElsa

Simplified instance of Bakery Algorithm

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Too much milk (solution #5)

while (noteElsa) for Carl prevents him from buying milk at same time as Elsa

Proof of correctness Two parts: Will never have two people

buying milk at same time Will always have someone able to buy milk

if it is needed Correct, but ugly

Complicated, Asymmetric, Inefficient Carl wastes time while waiting (Busy Waiting)

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Higher-level synchronization

Problem: could solve “too much milk” using atomic loads/stores, but messy

Solution: raise the level of abstraction to make life easier for the programmer

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Concurrent programsConcurrent programsHigh-level

synchronization provided by software

High-level synchronization provided

by softwareLow-level atomic operations provided by


Low-level atomic operations provided by


Locks (mutexes)

A lock is used to prevent another thread from entering a critical section

Two operations Lock(): wait until lock is free, then acquire do {if (lock == LOCK_FREE)

{ lock = LOCK_SET;

break;} }

while(1) Unlock(): lock = LOCK_FREE

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Locks (mutexes)

Why was the “note” in Too Much Milk solutions #1 and #2 not a good lock?

Four elements of using locks Lock is initialized to be free Acquire lock before entering a critical section Wait to acquire lock if another thread already

holds Release lock after exiting critical section

All synchronization involves waiting Thread can be running, or blocked


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Locks -- shared variable among all thread

Multiple threads share locks Only affects threads that try to acquire

locks Important: Lock acquisition is atomic!

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Lock Variables

Critical section -- part of the program where threads access shared (global) state

Locks -- shared variables used to enforce mutual exclusion Can have multiple lock variables

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Locks (mutexes)

Locks make “Too Much Milk” really easy to solve!

Correct but inefficient How to reduce waiting for lock? How to reduce time lock is held?

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Elsa:lock(frigdelock);if (milk low) {buy milk}unlock(fridgelock)

Carl:lock(frigdelock);if (milk low) {buy milk}unlock(fridgelock)

Too Much Milk – Solution 7

Does the following work?lock();if (milk low & no note) { leave note; unlock(); buy milk; remove note; }else { unlock() }

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Too Much Milk – Solution 7

Does the following work?lock();if (milk low & no note) { leave note; unlock(); buy milk; lock(); remove note; unlock(); }else { unlock() }

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Queues without Locks

enqueue (new_element, head) {

// find tail of queue

for(ptr=head; ptr->next != NULL;

ptr = ptr->next);

// add new element to tail

ptr->next = new_element;

new_element->next = NULL;


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Queues without Locks

dequeue(head, element) {

element = NULL;

// if something on queue, remove it

if(head->next != NULL) {

element = head->next;

head->next = head->next->next;}

return element;

} What bad things can happen if two threads

manipulate the queue at the same time?

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Thread-safe Queues with Locks

enqueue (new_elt, head) {


// find tail of queue

for(ptr=head; ptr->next != NULL;

ptr = ptr->next);

// add new element to tail

ptr->next = new_elt;

new_elt->next = NULL;



dequeue(head, elt) {


element = NULL;

// remove if possible

if(head->next != NULL) {

elt = head->next;

head->next =



return elt;


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Invariants for multi-threaded queue

Can enqueue() unlock anywhere?

Stable state called an invariant I.e., something that is “always” true

Is the invariant ever allowed to be false?

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Invariants for multi-threaded queue

In general, must hold lock when manipulating shared data

What if you’re only reading shared data?

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Enqueue – Can we do better?

enqueue() {


find tail of queue



add new element to tail of queue


} Is this better?

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Dequeue if empty?

What if you wanted to have dequeue() wait if the queue is empty?

Could spin in a loop:dequeue() {


element = NULL;

while (head-next == NULL) {wait;};

if(head->next != NULL) {

element = head->next;

head->next = head->next->next;}


return element;


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while (head-next == NULL) {wait;};

Holding lock while waiting No one else can access list (if they

observe the lock) Wait forever

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Dequeue if empty – Try 2

Could release the lock before spinning:lock(queuelock);


while (head-next == NULL)


Will this work?

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Dequeue if empty – Try 3

Could release lock and acquire lock on every iteration


while (head-next == NULL)


lock(queuelock);}; This will work, but very ineffecient.

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