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  • Copyright 2004 Paul Yogi Nipperess For best viewing, visit the Adobe Acrobat site and download a FREE copy of the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader, at:- http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Introducing Philo R. Froop Trader Philo R. Froop Illustrations copyright by Dave Firewood Walker. Canada More Froop at: http://firewood.freeyellow.com/shrimpspred.html All other Illustrations copyright by Australian Desktop Design. Disclaimer Paul Nipperess makes no claim to being an investment advisor and does not warrant or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any content or information displayed or of views expressed by contributors to this workbook and forum or any other linked sites and advertisements. Any information displayed or views expressed remain the sole responsibility of the contributor from which such content originated. Use of any information or content contained in this service is at your own risk. Unless expressly stated to the contrary, contributors to this ebook and forum are not licensed investment advisers. You are encouraged to undertake all and any necessary research related to your own individual circumstances before acting on any information or content displayed and to consult a licensed adviser before trading in securities. The information presented in this site and workbook does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell particular shares or futures contracts. We would strongly suggest that you seek professional advice prior to investing. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the Publisher and the copyright owner/s. First Published 2004. Published by paul yogi nipperess ABN 50 467 610 663 Click here to view ebooks by the same author Email the author: easy-trading-toolz@iinet.net.au Printed in Australia Please respect copyright.


    This ebook is copyright 2004 paul yogi nipperess

    An Introduction to Gann Signs in TTTTA:

    Many of you have spent countless hours pouring over Gann's notes, with little result. This has left many disillusioned, about Gann and his methods. Hopefully, we can cut to the chase here, as you take a guided tour through "Tunnel thru the Air" and other Gann works.

    W.D.Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" has been studied by generations of traders, since he wrote it in 1927.

    Whilst there has been much conjecture about the veiled messages contained in his text, there has been little evidence published to support the theory, that some PRACTICAL astrotools were disguised in the TTTTA text.

    Gann concealed his methods in coded messages, since he knew that the world was not ready for the implications of his work, in 1927.

    As we progress through this exercise, you will see that he was quite correct and even now, some "Gannsters" have been critical of the release of this information, at all.

    Since decoding the messages, held in TTTTA, it has become apparent, that this knowledge is being revealed ..... just when, mankind needs it most.

    That may sound melodramatic on my part, but if you care to bear with me throughout this ebook, you will no doubt, come to the same conclusion ..... these cycles can be applied to ALL walks of life, traders included.

    In an effort to unravel these astrotools, we will complete an indepth exploration of the contents of TTTTA and discuss how these methods may be employed in our trading plan and giving REAL trading examples, where possible.

    Decoding most of Gann's messages requires some expertise in astrology and several other skills, like bible code interpretations. Some students would add tarot to this list, but this point has some Gannsters, truly up in arms.

    Before dedicating my time to decoding TTTTA, my approach to the bible was NOT as a devout Christian.

    Now, my approach is the same, but it is also evident that both books spell out messages to the world that have been previously hidden for thousands of years.


    Many other ancient books will also be viewed differently in the future, as a result of Gann's work.

    To understand my approach to decoding TTTTA, let us simply say ... Gann WANTED THESE METHODS TO BE REVEALED, therefore we should look for SIMPLE explanations, where possible.

    Overcomplicating the interpretations was NOT Gann's intent, though some of the messages have been cleverly hidden.

    As TTTTA is contained in 418 pages of coded messages, you will appreciate that it will take many pages to explain how those messages are decoded ..... that does not include, any explanation of how the methods may be used in a PRACTICAL way, by traders.

    There are many tangents and detours that present themselves in this work that need to be explored further, if we aspire to even greater knowledge ..... my work is not presented as the holy grail, but it IS one more step, along the path to our acquisition of infinite wisdom.

    Everything presented here, is still subject to normal copyright laws and your observance of these laws will be greatly appreciated.

    This work will be available for sale to the public in the future, both on CD-ROM and online, as a newsletter.

    Many thanks for your interest in my work.

    It is my pleasure to be the messenger.

    paul yogi nipperess



    Where to start our search for the TRUTH:

    Up front, all astrocharts used here were calculated, using a ONE degree orb, so there is little room for cheating or vague interpretation of the aspects shown.

    Recently, we posted the chart below, it shows an important pattern, associated with 144 degrees.

    Our chart shows, how the moon triggered biquintile (144 degrees) aspects made with Uranus, Pluto and Vesta to form a five-pointed "pentacle star", on the afternoon before the US and Australia joined forces, in the "pre-emptive strikes" on Iraq, in March 2003.

    ..... air strikes, that were supposed to kill Saddam and his sons, while they ate.

    Study Note: Further information about the 5-pointed star may be found in the following books:

    "Astrology and the Old Testament."- Karl Anderson.

    "The Kabala of Numbers" - Sepharial.


    So, it is interesting to pursue this train of thought, about Pluto, a little further ... first, Gann's natal chart shows Pluto at 25:29 Taurus and this degree is the first important clue we will have in decoding "Tunnel thru the Air".

    Pluto was not even discovered, when Gann wrote "Tunnel" and like the ancient astrologers, Gann's work focused on the two luminaries, Sun and Moon and 5 other planets, outwards-to Saturn.

    In the charts ahead however, we will see how Pluto can help us delineate some of the geometry, in our astrocharts.

    You will also notice the two 144 degree biquintile aspects and other prominent aspects, including 5 x tredeciles (108 degrees), 2 x trines (120), 2 x squares (90), an opposition (180) and a quincunx (150) .....


    Now, if we consider Gann's natal chart (inner) and combine it with a chart on June 6th 2006 (outer), we will see that Pluto has journeyed through 210 degrees, in 128 years and makes an exact quincunx to its natal position on 06062006.

    Pluto is also conjunct the Galactic Centre at that time, so we are likely to see full exposure of Gann's work by then ..... along with a lot of other astrological details.

    So, between 06 June 2006 and 31 December 2006 should be an interesting time for both traders and astrologers.

    Given that Pluto relates to the "underground", we should also consider the 100 year anniversary of the April 1906 San Francisco earthquake ..... TTTTA Chapter 1, Page 1.

    Of course, there's lots more to be found in the astrocharts, including Gann's own natal and anniversary charts .....

    Luckily, we have been able to draw on expert astrologers, to help us unravel the deeper interpretations of these charts ..... you will meet one of them, in the next section of this book.


    Consider this chart, on Gann's anniversary on 6th June 2006, this time we see 5 biquintile aspects, with 7 major planets involved ..... including Pluto, Vesta, Uranus, Moon, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Earth ..... many of these same planets figured prominently in Gann's natal chart and our chart, showing the "pentacle star" ... more on that, later.

    ..... you will also notice, that the parallel biquintiles are 36 degrees apart and there's also two semisquare aspects that figure prominently, between the main players, also aspected by the biquintiles.

    June 06, 2006 may mark another significant conflict or event on the global calendar ... you can find out why this forecast should stand up and WHERE it will take place ... be sure to read, this series of books on decoding TTTTA and how important TTTTA really is, especially in terms of global peace.

    06-06-06 = 666 ???



    Aside from the biquintile aspects of 144 degrees, there's many other associations that can be made with the number 144 and our zodiac.

    Of interest to some traders, will be the "wheels-within-wheels" concept, which originated in India and treats each sign as a mini-zodiac sign.

    For example, our normal zodiac is represented by 30 degrees for each sign, but the Indians break each 30 degree sign down into a mini-zodiac, each signs spanning 2.5 degrees and using the same names for all 12 signs. Each of these signs is called a dwad.

    So, with a further 12 signs inside each original zodiac sign, then there becomes 144 divisions in the zodiac, in total.

    For more on this method, go to:



    Some traders will see these divisions, as being akin to the decanates in a western astrochart ... and in fact, there is a unique association between the two methods, that can be measured quite accurately.

    Later, we can look at more 144 associations too, especially with regard to TIME !~!

    Lots more later, this is just the beginning of our journey.


    Recently, some traders have asked for a study guide, to help them sort out the wood from the trees.

    As we progress, there will be many links to online resources, that can help in your quest for more general knowledge, as well as trading know-how.

    Whilst the original sources of Gann's research would be a huge advantage to us, they are NOT absolutely essential for decoding TTTTA or understanding Gann's trading methods. MOST IMPORTANT:

    Your progress ahead, will be hampered significantly, if you do not have a grasp of SIMPLE astrology, BASIC geometry and mathematics !~!

    My work, presented in the volumes ahead, will assume that you have already done your homework and have some basic skills, in all of these sciences.

    It has become evident, that Gann uncovered a branch of science that has been hidden for thousands of years. To understand his work will take both DISCIPLINE and EFFORT.

    Be sure to read the FAIR WARNINGS, at the end of this book.


    Study Suggestions - W.D. Gann's Reading List:

    W.D. Gann's recommended reading list below, was released to students, about 1946 and it the obvious basis of study, for any serious "Gannster" to get familiar with his works.

    However, since those days, the original list has become corrupted due to additions by well meaning (or greedy) Gann-industry distributors and bookshops.

    Some of the books below may be difficult to obtain, but don't despair, you will learn in this series, that we can unravel Gann's methods, quite easily without using many of the Gann's original list, at all.


    To clarify Gann's booklist above:

    NUMEROLOGY Numerology: Clifford W. Cheasley, Philosophy of Numbers: Mrs. L. Dow Balliett, Number Vibration in Questions and Answers: Mrs. L. Dow Balliett The Day of Wisdom according to Number Vibration - Mrs L. Dow Balliett The Kabala of Numbers: "Sepharial" [How and Why Numbers Work] How to Play the Races and Win: Mark Mellen The Kabala of Numbers: Sepharial (Interpretation) The Mysteries of Sound and Number: Sheikh Habeeb Ahmed Numerology for Everybody The Tarot of the Bohemians: Papus (Dr. Gerard Encausse) The Power of Numbers: Numero, Numerology Made Plain: Ariel Yvon Taylor ASTROLOGICAL Horary Astrology: Robert DeLuce World Book of the Ages from Adam to the Millennium: H. J. Kerns Raphael's Pythoness of the East: Raphael (Robert C. Smith) Raphael's Book of Dreams: Raphael Raphael's Mundane Astrology: Raphael Zodiac and Bible: Fannie Muller Mars - The War Lord: Alan Leo (William Fredrick Allen) Ogilvie's Astrological Birthday Book: Leo Bernart Sepharial's Astrology: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old) Astrology Explained: Sepharial Astrology, Its Techniques and Ethics: C. A. Q. Libra Key to the Bible and Heaven: Ludwig H. Larsen Sciences and Key of Life: Alvidas (Henry Clay Hodges) The Wheel of Life or Scientific Astrology: Maurice Wemyss Raphael's Book of Fate: Raphael Guide to Astrology: Fred White Law of Values: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old) The Silver Key: Sepharial Fortunate Hours: A. E. Partridge Directional Astrology: Sepharial The Stars: How and Where They Influence: L Edward Johndro The Earth in the Heavens: Ruling Degrees of Cities: L Edward Johndro Rectification of the Horoscope: Robert DeLuce Astrology for All: Alan Leo (William Fredrick Allen) The Secret of the Ages: Robert Collier The Science of Foreknowledge: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old)


    The Astrological Ready Reckoner and Student's Assistant: Sepharial Your Stars and Destiny: Paul Councel Manual of Astrology: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old), Textbook of Astrology: A. J. Pearce (Alfred John Pearce)(Old/Rare) The Witness of the Stars: E. W. Bullinger Solar Biology: Hiram E. Butler, Cosmic Symbolism: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old) Popular Astronomy: Flammarion and Gore Eclipses in Theory and Practice: Sepharial (Walter Gorn Old) Sun Spots and Weather: W. T. Foster Popular Astrology for Everybody: Frederick Hathaway


    SCIENTIFIC AND MISCELLANEOUS The Candle of Vision: A. E. (George William Russell) The Path to Wisdom: Richard Lynch The Doctor Prescribes Colors: Edward Podolsky, M. D. Cosmic Causation in Geophysics: Paul Councel The Master Key of Destiny: Gregorius Evolution and Reincarnation: Essie M. Ducquan Miracle of the Ages: Worth Smith The Kybalion: Three Initiates Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses Mysteries Unveiled: William A. Redding Peace and Relaxation through Technique and Truth: Henry Cooper Faith as a Constructive Force: Swami Paramananda, Oracles of Nostradamus: Charles A. Ward The Sickle: William E. Walter Lessons in Truth: H. Emilie Cady Secret: Wesley W. Stout Open the Door: Wilfred Brandon The Proofs of Astral Influence on Man: Paul Choisnard Spiritual Radio: Archibishop Du Vernet Yoga System of Study - Occult Chemistry: Yoga Hari Rama The Law of Psychic Phenomena: Thomson Jay Hudson Power of Will: Frank Channing Haddock, M. S. Ph. D. Oahspe: Dr. John Ballou Newbrough Philosophy of Natural Magic: Henry Cornelius Agrippa The World Book of the Ages from Adam to the Millennium: E. J. Kerns Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning: T. Troward God-Man: The Word Made Flesh: George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Parry Tertium Organum: P. D. Ouspensky The Chemistry and Wonders of the Human Body: Dr. George W. Carey The World's Greatest Thought Discovery: Mack Stauffer The Goal of Creation: Edmund Shaftesbury


    Online resources:

    Many more Gann-related reading lists, with authors and titles, are available online ..... here's a few, that may interest you:

    International Society of Business Astrologers website: ISBA

    Bonnie Lee Hill website: W. D. Gann Reading List

    L.E. Johndro website: Lorne Edward Johndro

    Sacred Science website: Gann book list

    Globalserve website: W D Gann's Book List .... Good site

    Luckow Group website: Gann books

    Lambert-Gann website: Lambert-Gann Educators - Products

    Myles Wilson Walker website: Supertiming .... Gann's Soybean chart shows Jupiter and Saturn ....

    Kessinger Library website: Kessinger Online Library

    J Berends website: Gann Time & Price Booklist - good site

    Izul's website: Gann overview - good site

    Gann Management - UK website: Gann Management Ltd - W.D. Gann Trading Method Explained .. good site..


    Bill McLaren website: Bill McLaren

    Theres many more old books, that may have some general educational value, but for most of us, theres a limit on the amount of time, we can devote to such studies.

    Dont worry too much, if you cant secure any of the books listed above, as you will see references for some modern books and online references, will be posted, as we progress through Ganns works.

    Heres some, that may help to focus your study on the important issues:

    Essential reading - recent books:

    Theres a few books that you will need to READ and UNDERSTAND, before tackling Ganns astro works.

    Mostly, they are small and inexpensive, so thats really good news.

    To understand basic astrology, these will help:

    First Steps to Astrology Bernadette Brady/D.Gunzburg

    The Art of Astrology Sheila Geddes

    Parkers Astrology Julia and Derek Parker

    Sun, Earth, Moon Robin Heath

    Star Signs Linda Goodman

    Quintiles and Tredeciles Dusty Bunker

    The Book of the Eclipse David Ovason

    Oahsphe - Dr John Newborough

    Any astrology books by Georgia Stathis and Pia Barnett.


    To understand sacred geometry and simple maths:

    Useful Mathematical and Physical Formulae Matthew Watkins

    Sacred Geometry Miranda Lundy

    Sacred Geometry Robert Lawlor


    City of Revelation John Michell

    The Keys to the Temple David Furlong

    Progressive Plane Geometry Wells and Hart

    To understand numerology and astrology links:

    The Cycles of Time John Tatler.

    Numerology and the Divine Triangle Faith Javane/Dusty Bunker Other requirements to achieve a full understanding of Ganns methods:

    A copy of Tunnel thru the Air.

    A good astrology program, like Solafire 5, to generate various astrocharts and tables.

    A price charting program, like Metastock, with the ability to specify Gann Line and Gann Grid parameters.

    A good calculator and THE most important book of all: 1900-2000 and 2000-2050 ephemerides.


    So, first steps towards understanding TTTTA may be:

    Learn the basics of astrology forget about the houses and their interpretations, you will not need them, initially anyway. Just get focused on the mechanical parts of the horoscope, like the angles, aspects, signs, crosses, elements, modes, planets, luminaries, nodes and the relationships, between the 360 degree dial and the zodiac.

    Learn numerology and its links with astrology.

    Read Tunnel thru the Air, at least once!~!

    have a great day all


    NB: All information presented here is copyright2004 to paul yogi nipperess. Please respect copyright.

    Stay tuned for some analysis of the cover and the Foreword in "Tunnel thru the Air."

    yogiStay tuned for some analysis of the coverand the Foreword in "Tunnel thru the Air."

    yogiStay tuned for some analysis of the coverand the Foreword in "Tunnel thru the Air."


    Before we open the book, lets look at the cover:

    Dust Cover Graphics:

    To get started, we must point out that the reprinted versions of TTTTA in 1981 and 1990 did not have any aeroplanes shown on the inside flaps.

    Comments below refer to the original cover that shows four planes in diving attitude on each inside flap and eight planes on the front cover.

    Much conjecture has been made about any coded messages that may be contained in Gann's book, ......... "The Tunnel Thru the Air".

    Even a study of the dust cover has some "Gannsters" juiced-up and ready for the intrigue ahead.

    Whoa back, now ... if there's ANY ideas to be taken from the graphics on the dust cover, they will likely to be fairly simple ... again, Gann WANTED this stuff to be found !~!

    Here's a few things, about the cover, to consider ... of course, there may be others too:

    1. How many planes are there on the cover?

    2. Number of planes and a mathematical relationship?

    3. Positioning of the planes?

    4. Geometric shapes.

    5. Tunnel thru the air ...



    So, to expand on the first 5 of these:

    1. In total, there is 16 planes in the original artwork of the dust cover.

    Four, in a downward spiral on each inside flap ... that is 8, so far.

    Eight more feature on the front cover, again, 7 of these appear in a diving attitude and a SOLE bi-plane in a climbing posture, within "the tunnel".

    There would seem to be some conflict about the design of these aircraft, especially considering the origin of the plans ... ... a lot more about that, later.

    Eight divisions of a proven price range was a common ploy by Gann, just like the planes at different levels.


    2. On the front cover, there also seems to be a veiled reference to a Fibonacci sequence, with a certain number of the planes being flown in different zones to accentuate the sequence:

    1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8

    1 plane above the tunnel = 1

    2 planes in the tunnel ... 1 + 2 = 3

    3 planes grouped together, just below the tunnel ... 2 + 3 = 5

    5 planes in total below the tunnel ... 3 + 5 = 8

    1 - 3 - 5 - 8 = a Fibonacci sequence.

    So here we have a reference to the natural ratio of Phi = 1.618 and its reciprocal 0.618


    3. Positioning of the planes shows them all diving, except for the BI-PLANE, which is inside the uptrending tunnel.

    Here is a suggestion to trade with the trend, otherwise become a casualty in this war.

    Even then, a ratio of 1 winner to 15 losers was apparent to Gann. -------------------------


    4. Along the lower edge of both the front and back covers three main geometric shapes have been highlighted in the city scene, they are:-

    a. Triangle - trine - 120 degrees

    b. Square - square - 90 degrees

    c. Sphere - circle - 360 degrees


    5. Finally, in this opening section, "the tunnel" itself, is shown to be uptrending. This looks to be the same as a typical trading channel, on any price chart.

    Such channels define a set trading range, that is repeated often, to the benefit of many astute traders.

    "Nothing new about that", you say.

    True, but the METHODS used to construct the tunnel or channel correctly, is one message that Gann has presented in TTTTA.

    In summary, we have already been introduced to some of the simple mathematics and geometry that Gann has hidden in his book.

    Now, the only other feature that remains on the dust jacket is the title of the book and that demands a focused effort of its own.

    Lets move on now, to the first two pages of text in TTTTA, the FOREWORD ..



    The Tunnel Thru The Air - Foreword 09 May, 1927:

    "... truth is stranger than fiction."

    By the end of this book, you will see irrefutable evidence of this observation.

    Here, Gann suggests to read TTTTA three times and then read the bible three times to gain infinite knowledge and wisdom. Enough of both, to overcome even our greatest fear, Death and our quest for eternal Truth.

    Even in the TTTTA foreword, Gann exposes his love affair with numbers and cycles, mentioning the 3 day cycle and seven day cycle, twice ..... more about them later.

    However, the HIDDEN information here, is a reference to the importance of ANNIVERSARIES and other astrological events, like eclipses.

    In the Solafire 5 screenshot below we can see, that exactly 2 anniversaries after Gann wrote the foreword to TTTTA, there was a total solar eclipse on 09 May, 1929.

    Today's traders can quickly verify that such events, still play a role in market timing ..... like this example of Hardman Resources (HDR).


    HDR rally - September 2001 equinox to September 2002 equinox ...

    HDRequinoxRally.mwc - HARDMAN RESOURCES NL 2/06/2004

    ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2002 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2003 Feb Mar






























    Not only does this example show us the importance of an anniversary, it also gives us an example of a market, that is sensitive to the seasons.

    On the September equinox 2001, HDR made a significant low at 38.5 cents, after a huge sell-off from 108, just after the June 2001 solstice. More about the significance of 108 later.

    ONE anniversary later, on the September equinox 2002, HDR made a high at 92 cents ..... that price level has not been seen since.

    In fact, 6 months on, just 7 DAYS ahead of the March equinox 2003, HDR made another significant low, at 39 cents ... within 1/2 cent of the September 2001 low !~!

    In this HDR example, we can see how we can use a simple tool, like anniversaries or seasonal trades to enhance our trade entries and exits.


    Note, the low in mid-November 2002 was exactly half of the high traded, just 60 days previously, at 92 cents on the September equinox.

    Later, we will look at the time and price cycles at work, behind that low price target, at 46 cents.
































    Now, let's look at the astrochart for 09 May 1927, as there's some interesting aspects to be seen there. For the astrologically-minded, we are using a 1 degree orb in this chart:-

    Astrochart No.1

    Without going into any heavy-duty interpretations, the principal features of this chart, to a trader, may be:

    Ascendant sextile to Jupiter.

    Jupiter tredecile to both Mars and Pluto.

    Neptune on 24 degrees Leo = 144 degrees on the 360 dial.

    Moon is about to enter Virgo.

    Moon conjunct Neptune and it is also about to enter Virgo. Mars is conjunct Pluto, in Cancer.

    Venus (ruler of monies) is within 1 day of being conjunct the North Node ..... more about the nodes later.

    Jupiter is also 150 degrees of Neptune.

    Mercury tredecile both Moon and Neptune + quincunx Saturn.



    Without doubt, the most prominent features of this chart are the tredecile and biquintile aspects and these aspects are very appropriate for the writing of TTTTA.

    A tredicile = 108 degrees = 3/10 of 360 = 3 x 36 degrees.

    Derived directly from the dimensions of the moon, this aspect is one of the lesser known, yet one of the most prominent in financial astrology.

    Looking at the chart above, we can see Jupiter is making 2 tredecile aspects from its position at 25 degrees Pisces.

    Since Mars and Pluto are conjunct, Jupiter is making two tredeciles there.

    Clearly, Jupiter and its association with the tredecile is important to Gann's work, as are the THREE biquintile aspects of 144 degrees on this astrochart.


    You will also remember that the high for HDR, in the trading example above, was 108 = a tredecile aspect.

    In some markets, price will find support and resistance at the decile levels ... ie ... 36 degree divisions and in the HDR example, it was 3 x 36 = 108 cents.

    Since our tredecile aspect is derived from lunar links, it is no surprise that this aspect will herald in some key reversals in the market, especially where the Moon's NODES are involved.

    Closely linked to Gann's key 144 number, we will also see the tredecile aspect feature in subsequent chapters.

    For more detailed information on the numbers 108 and 144, a visit to the following link will pay dividends:


    Communicator Mercury also shows up with a tredecile aspect to Neptune, which shows us the veiled and hidden nature of the astrological messages in TTTTA.

    Already, we are seeing the importance of some basic maths and geometry in TTTTA and it is only fair to warn readers that this is the real crux of TTTTA and Gann's trading methods.


    Some traders may find the dial easier to use that than astrochart, in making the planetary connections. Here's the dial for 09 May 1927:-

    Astrodial No.1

    We can see on the dial, that the ascendant in our 9th May 1927 chart serves as mid-point for no less than 7 planetary pairs clearly, that Ascendant degree will be a sensitive point on this chart.

    For those interested in a focused astrological view of the associated astrocharts for TTTTA, we need to draw on the skills of a highly skilled astrologer, like Pia Barnett.

    Obviously, an experienced astrologer will be able to expand on interpretations and the features of this astrochart, significantly.

    Note: Quintiles series includes 144 degrees, the bi-quintiles, so prevalent in this chart, for 9th May, 1927 and throughout Ganns work.

    Both tredecile and bi-quintile aspects are closely related, as they are both harmonics of 36/360 degrees.


    Let's read Pia's interpretation of this moment, shown in the Astrochart No.1, as Gann writes the foreword to his Tunnel romance:-

    9 May 1927 - 00:00am with Ascendant in the East. Most dominant aspect is the quintile series indicating there would be a lot of spiritual, occult, hidden energy available for the ones who recognise the poignancy of these particular vibes. Quintile tends to show the style used and or an obsession. Mars is the initiator of this energy being the planet most heavily aspected with the quintiles. Being in Cancer is interesting, as Cancer is the birthing energy. (Birth of the book - TTTTA). Mars is the henchman of the Sun and the Sun is generally quite impotent without the force and drive of Mars. Add to this the fact that Pluto is conjunct Mars who gives extra force and the relentlessness necessary to drive an obsession. The obsession perhaps being the need to keep the true contents of the book secret until a time in the future when it could be unravelled. Cancer of course is naturally associated with memory and history and has a tendency to keep things in abeyance, to be dug up from the roots in time. Mars is also semi-squaring Neptune so there would be a feel of resigned frustration. Sun is semi squaring Uranus, so the feel here is of the frustration of knowing (Uranus), the book would not show its true light (Sun) until a future (Uranus) time. Saturn is also strong in this chart not only to Mars which could indicate a delay in the aspired dream of the book, plus the conjunction to Pluto sending the book underground. Saturn is also trined to Uranus/Jupiter indicating an ease with structuring and forming the book, albeit clothed deceptively with the energy of romance (Neptune). Initiation and or others' money would be a theme coming from the Uranus/Jupiter (future - insight - publishing - truth) 210 degree inconjunct to the Moon (memory - passive - holding) and by association bringing in the Neptune energy creating the need for mystique and illusion or deception or the need to hide or mask the truth. Moon/Neptune is always subliminal, karmic implications here of veiling truths, not being able to ground - squaring the Sun, big conflict around expressing clearly and openly. But driven anyway, but in a concealing manner. The Sun/Moon/Neptune are in fixed signs (heavy Karma), so the stubbornness and will to relieve a measure of frustration would have been evident.


    Venus in Gemini indicating the need for expression and relating information. Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini so it is dignified and has a mission here. Venus is with the North Node hinting it is of future benefit and the North Node still just in Cancer brings back in the Cancer/Moon theme of delays/passivity and the need to be found in the future. (Cancer/archaeology.) Interestingly Mars (being dominant with quintiles) is parallel to the North Node, so all the mysteries of the quintiles is linked into the future and connecting it with Venus which mundanely brings it back to the issue of money and how it is expressed through romance. Venus squared with Uranus/Jupiter is indicative of the challenge to express cunningly/cleverly (Gemini) in a manner which can be shattered/ripped apart in the future (Uranus) and republished (Jupiter). Watch for retrogrades.


    Clearly, astrologers like Pia, use much wider orbs for interpretations, than we will use throughout the course of this book.

    To keep it simple for trading purposes, it seems that Gann used quite tight orbs in his charts ..... evidence of this will be shown, in the main text of "Gann Signs".

    By using tight orbs on the astrochart, we can often transpose the same geometry of the aspects in our astrocharts, directly to our price charts.

    For example, a square (90*) on our astrochart may be translated to our price chart, as 90 cents or 90 dollars or even 90 minutes, hours, days on the time axis on our charts.

    Similarly, direct conversions may also be done for all other astro aspects, as well.

    To wrap up our analysis of the Foreword section of TTTTA, we should look at the three points that Gann outlined, he said:

    First, It is an interesting romance - maybe, for some, but to be honest, its quite tame and dry compared to other romance novels.



    Second, It teaches a moral lesson and proves the natural laws laid down in the Bible - already, we have seen references to cycles and important anniversaries, as detailed above.

    Such cycles were NOT invented by Gann, but they came directly as a result of his perseverance, in unravelling the astrological messages, in the Bible codes.

    Prominent examples of these cycles may be found in the 1 - 10 - 100 - 1000 year cycles. These may be found in plain view, in both the Bible and other religious text, such as OAHSPE.

    Many religious text were written, using similar codes and as such, they all refer to the natural cycles of the universe. Planetary TIME cycles and their associated geometry play a huge part in the natural laws, that Gann mentioned.

    Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you, says the Bible.


    Also, in the TTTTA foreword, Gann makes a veiled, but specific reference to the works the English astrologer Walter Gorn Old, better known by his pen-name "Sepharial".

    "Third, it shows the value of science, foreknowledge and preparedness," to quote Gann.

    "Science of Foreknowledge" is one of Sepharial's works, that gives us an insight into determining the relevant astrocycles, from the subject's horoscope ..... the natal chart.

    Before we even start on Chapter One, Gann has pointed us towards astrology in directing us to Sepharial's works, which are also evident on his reading list.

    Recognising Robert's real contacts and the role that they served in his life, as it progressed, can be a real challenge for some traders, in decoding TTTTA.


    To unravel the future, Gann quotes Solomon:

    Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding.

    This wisdom is hidden in the astrological messages, contained in both the Bible and TTTTA and by using astrology and other tools, we will get understanding in the pages ahead.


    So, if you do not like the prospect of employing the simple maths, geometry and associated astrology, in your trading analysis, then you will NOT enjoy the rest of this ebook, either.


    Finally, in the Foreword to TTTTA, Gann says:

    "... you will be thankful to the power that guided my hand, in showing you the way to eternal Truth."

    Here he admits that the information contained in TTTTA, is NOT his own work. Instead, he was simply the medium used to transfer details, specifically related to the markets into a readable format, albeit still in code.

    Likewise, my efforts present NO revelations, that are claimed to be exclusively my own. Instead, this ebook series is the culmination of decoding Gann's work, already presented by him, in TTTTA.

    "Ghosts of Gann, it's Lucky Starr!~!" will be of interest to Christians and traders alike, as we unravel the codes that have held this information secure for thousands of years.



    Some links that may help aspiring astrotraders:-

    Support forum for market timing ebooks package:

    "Cardinal Astrographs ..... easy trading tools."



    Support forum for exposing Gann's methods:

    "Gann Signs."



    To order your market timing package, go to:


    General financial astrology forums:



    Before you get too keen about astro time cycles and Gann's work .....

    1) If you do NOT like simple maths and geometry, then Gann's work (or mine) is not for you.

    2) If you are looking for INSTANT trading answers and software, then Gann's methods (or mine) are NOT what you are seeking ... there was no computers or software, when Gann wrote TTTTA.

    3) Studying these methods will open up a new realm of study that will last a LIFETIME, as these time cycles can be used to anticipate changes in all parts of our lives, not just the sharemarket.

    If you DO NOT have the DISCIPLINE to STUDY and APPLY these MANUAL methods, then please invest your money elsewhere.

    4) No library readers = no refunds available.


    If you are still VERY keen to learn about astrotrading and the use of astrology, as a superior market timing tool, in the commodities and equities markets, then you have made the right decision, go to:




    happy trading


    Copyright 2004 paul yogi nipperess

    Please respect copyright.

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  • SOME WARNINGS - up front:

    Before you get too keen about astro timecycles and Gann's work .....

    1) If you do NOT like simple maths and geometry, then Gann's work (or mine) is not for you.

    2) If you are looking for INSTANT trading answers and software, then Gann's methods (or mine) are NOT what you are seeking.

    3) Studying these methods will open up a new realm of study that will last a LIFETIME, as these time cycles can be used to anticipate changes in all parts of our lives, not just the sharemarket.

    If you DO NOT have the DISCIPLINE to STUDY and APPLY these MANUAL methods, then please invest your money elsewhere.

    4) No library readers = no refunds available.

    If you are still VERY keen to learn aboutastrotrading and the use of astrology, as asuperior market timing tool, in the commoditiesand equities markets, then you have made theright decision, go to:


    happy trading


  • ArtworkCopyright &CreditsGann SIgns: Introduction.Introduction to Gann Signs5-pointed star & 144 degreesW. D. Gann natal chartGann's Birthday 2006Gann's Reading ListEssential Reading ListHardware and Software?Dust Cover GraphicsPlanes and FibonacciGeometry and the AspectsTTTTA - Foreword 9th May 1927Foreword Astrochart No.1Foreword Astrodial No 19th May 1927 Pia Barnett's InterpretationsIntroducing the Bible codes and SepharialSummarySOME WARNINGS:"Cardinal Astrographs ... easy trading tools!~!"Order CAETT
