12-CRS-0106 REVISED 8 FEB 2013 Innovative ideas Helping IEEE Member retention and recruitment Inputs...


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Innovative ideas

Helping IEEE Member retention and recruitment

Inputs from various sections

Karachi Section

Like Member-Get-Member program, there should be points based on each IEEE members contribution to IEEE local section or at regional level, based on which his/her renewal costs should be paid. The points should carry some monetary benefits. Currently, IEEE is more focused towards attracting new members and less towards membership retention.

Kerala Section

Institutional membership - which can attract the Industry in India

Innovation workshops - to attract young talent to innovate everywhere

Membership benefits to be enhanced with benefits and discount programs at more local shops, merchandise and services.

Create more forums for industry academy linkages, thus adding value to the professional members in both industry and academy, and also the student community.

Macau Section

To invite local companies to give financial support each year when we provide their corresponding technical talks or we may arrange a short course for local engineers in order to have stable financial income.

Madras Section

Planning to circulate IEEE months newsletter to all the educational Institution who are not part of IEEE- if no IEEE Student Branch inorder to enhance the member base both Student Member and Student Graduate Member and Professional Member.

Recognition outstanding student branch and outstanding student volunteer and Branch counselor

Malaysia Section

More incentives could be bundled up with IEEE membership to attract and retain members. The incentives such as discounted rate for IEEE members for hotels, insurance and others are not available yet in Malaysia.

New Zealand Central

Unfortunately, the Section is currently among the lowest in R10 in terms of student recruitment. In 2015, we plan to try several strategies to get more involvement from students. In order to improve our membership numbers we intend to carry a survey amongst potential members on what kind of activities IEEE should do so that they can be paying members. We have also written to members who are in arrears and will continue to do so again.

New Zealand North Section

Reduced full membership fee, particularly for young professionals in their early career development phase, might help them to join and stay. Most big organizations are subscribers of IEEExplorer database, and the membership won’t bring them additional benefit on its access. Also in New Zealand, most seminars and networking opportunities are free to the public, so we need to consider some real values/benefits that are attractive to members.

Sri Lanka Section

We plan to get the members more involved in the section activities by forming several subcommittees under the IEEE Sri Lanka Section and getting more members to volunteer in organizing activities. We hope to identify energetic and capable volunteers to lead the section and its subunits through this. We believe giving opportunity to lead will make members more attracted to the IEEE and its activities than offering some services to them.

