12 THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS Sunday, May 15, 2016 Printed and published by Wijeya...


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THE SUNDAY TIMES PLUS 12Sunday, May 15, 2016

Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on Sunday May 15, 2016 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 02

1990 5.6 of a well reputed business family re-lated to tourist hotels transportation & con-structionary beautiful 4th daughter, young-est pursued degree in Fashion Designing engaged in Artistry aspects. Educated at a highly reputed school in Kandy residing in Colombo. Owning assets worth over 20 million. She is Employed (Legally sepa-rated from a marriage that listed for just one month) mother seeks fair complexioned qualified & handsome son of more than 5’ 10” in height from a family with means. Doctors, those related to Tourism field and highly employed preferred. piyumig-amlath@gmail.com B26792 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T257490-3

1975, 5’ 3” Bodu/ Karawa, unmarried, edu-cated daughter, parents seek, employed/ businessman or partner employed abroad. Tourist board approved Holiday Resort and some more assets as dowry. Divorcees, Widowers considered. Email: nishan-thi1975@gmail.com B31371 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298303-1

1982, Kottawa, Sinhala-Buddhist. 5’ 4” BSc/MSc degree holder. Daughter attached to a statutory body as Asst. Director, Retired Bank Mgr. Father seeks an Unmarried sinhala Buddhist graduate son for mar-riage. Horoscop copy needed. B31381 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298434-1

1984/06 Gampaha Bodu govi 5’ 7” fair Com-plexioned B.Sc, MBA qualified young pretty daughter employed as Assistant Marketing manageress at a recognized organization. Retired engineer father & mother seek a partner. Only brother an operations manag-er of a recognized organization. With Shani Mangala yoga. jadharmasena@yahoo.com B31376 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298362-1

1990-04 Matara Bodu-Salagama Gradu-ate, Employed, fair Complexioned pleas-ant 5’ 3” daughter with dowry parents seek educated, devoid of vices partner (Kuja 8) B31345 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297775-1

A suitable, educated partner is sought by Sinhala, Catholic parents for youngest daughter. She is good looking, smart and kind hearted, educated at St. Bridget’s Convent, Colombo 07, qualified in Banking, worked as a Bank officer, YoB 1971, looks much younger 5’ 1” dowry available. Write/Email: proposer3@hotmail.com B30351 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T289109-1

ACADEMICALLY and professionally qualified, non smoking teetotaler from a Sinhala Buddhist socially respectable fam-ily, is sought by Bodu Govi, respectable parents, with a professional background in Colombo for their only 24 years old 5’-3’’, fair pretty, kind, well mannered and caring daughter, brought up with Sinhalese Bud-dhist values. She was attended in lead-ing international schools in abroad and Colombo, obtained BSc from university of Adelaide. Currently following her masters at a leading university in Australia. Her brother is studying at the Imperial university in Lon-don, below 30 years preferred. Please write in with full family details, copy of horoscope to mprosal0016@hotmail.com B30534 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T290164-1

AFFLUENT, professional G/B parents seek for only daughter, very fair, slim, really very attractive, 38, looks 10 years younger, university qualified, well employed, with considerable assets. A tall smart. good looking, well established English fluent professional businessman TT/NS below 47, who is willing to live in Sri Lanka. Differ-ences immaterial Divorced. innocent party considered. pbhm285@gmail.com B31337 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T297361-1

AMBALANGODA: Parents seek all edu-cated and virtuous partner for their younger daughter who is a Buddhist/Karawa, born in 1989, 5’ 3” tall, science graduate (Hons) write with the horoscope copy. B31357 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298105-1

AN Academically & professionally qualified N/S son is sought by B/G parents for their daughter 28 years old, pretty fair 5’ 3” in height qualified as an Attorney at law. re-ply full details and horoscope. B31368 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298283-1

AN educated son is sought for the daughter who was born in 1986, Buddhist/Durawa, 5’ 4” tall Moratuwa Telecom Engineer MBA, and expects to Migrate to the U.K. for her MSc in September. Reply with the horoscope. B31372 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298332-1

B.G. Parents from Homagama seek an educated and kind harted son for their elder daughter born 1989 5’ 2” educated from a buddhist girl’s school in Colombo 7. B.B.A. degree holder from Colombo University CIMA (UK) qualified and currently reading for M.B.A. currently she is working at a reputed private company. Reply only with horoscope that match with kuja 1. psp-proposal@gmail.com B31388 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298567-1

BG parents seek partner for 49y. 5’ pretty fair kind hearted caring (good looking) daugh-ter. 2765422 B29562 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T284809-1

BUDDHIST - Durawa parents seek for only daughter 32 years, educated in two prestigious universities in London UK, ac-complished, holding a executive position in a world body abroad, a suitable partner, educated professional, below 38 years. She comes from a up country land owning family. Caste immaterial. Family details and horo-scope necessary. B30180 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287923-1

BUDDHIST GOVI parents seek for their 1986 year born 5’ 2’’ pretty Maths teacher (English medium) daughter in a populer school in Colombo, a suitable handsome, educated son with permanent employment. horoscope essential. B30112 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287479-1

BUDDHIST Govi Retired parents seek ed-ucated employed kind hearted gentleman less than 40 for their graduate beautiful Daughter 32, 5’ 8” employed as an Execu-tive at a leading Institute in Colombo and expecting an employment in Government, owner of a house. She legally separated as a complainant. No children. Prefer per-

manently employed person in Sri Lanka. Educated brothers married. Sita Neketha. Reply with Horoscope. B31426 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299287-1

BUDDHIST Kandyan respectable parents from Kandy seek a Kandyan or Govigama partner for their daughter 28 years 5’ Edu-cated in a leading School In Colombo. Di-ploma Holder in AMI Montessori at Polgolla University Teacher in a leading International School in Kandy. Reply with Horoscope and family details. B30488 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289869-1

BUDDHIST, Govi Kottawa retired mother seeks same caste, kind hearted, Engi-neer, Software Engineer or Doctor for her slim pleasant B. Engineer Elect gradu-ate daughter 1985.3. 5’ 3” serving on an Elect Engineer at Private sector. Contact with Horoscope and Telephone Number. B31422 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299147-1

CATHOLIC parents living in Italy are looking for a groom for their 27 year old daughter who is 5’.4’’ tall groom should be between the ages of 27 to 32 and resid-ing abroad. proposals from Sri Lanka are not considered. Catholics preferred. send your details to raste126@yahoo.com Tel: 031-2234522. B31415 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299038-1

CATHOLIC/ Buddhist parents retired gov-ernment servants from Kandy, seek for a well educated suitable partner for their only daughter (catholic) teaching in an interna-tional school. Born in 1982, 5’ 7” height. She has a BSc and MSc from a foreign University. B31355 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298003-1

CLOSE to Ambalangoda Bodu Salagama, 26 years 5’ 4” in height qualified beautiful good charactered daughter parents seek qualified, teetotaler son of good character with permanent employment or business-man son. Horoscope with all particulars through first letter itself. B31410 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298951-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi 1985 born 5’ 3” in height Computer Engineer eldest daughter teacher mother seeks son of moral values. B31412 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298967-1

CLOSE to Colombo bodu govi 1988 De-cember born 5’ 2” in height due to travel to US shortly for post graduate degree. beau-tiful daughter, teacher parents seek suit-able partner with qualifications for foreign studies or foreign employment & of moral values, with compatibility towords kuja 8. B31335 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297080-1

CLOSE to Dambulla Bodu Govi Low Coun-try Born March 1986 Height 5’ Middle Com-plexioned slim figured College of Education English teacher daughter, Retired mother seek educated intelligent son. Only brother in private bank service, Raksha Gana Com-patible Engineer Executive grade Account-ants from Kandy, Matale, Kurunegala Dis-tricts preferred. B31402 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298694-1

COLOMBO Bodu, 39+ young looking Lady Doctor (MBBS). Emoloyed in a secton with-out night-duty. Suitable partner is sought. B31380 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298416-1

COLOMBO Bodu/Govi 33 yrs 5’ 2” B.Com/CIMA graduate. Currently reading for MBA, Drawing six figure salary, executive, employed slim, fair complexioned, pretty daughter, parents seek educated employed partner. legally separated from proposed short marriage. B31379 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298396-1

COLOMBO Bodu/Govi Respectable family 1986 5’ 2’’ well mannered and very beauti-ful, holding BSc, Msc, degrees. Presently employed in Central bank, drawing higher salary. Retired Parents seek same caste, employed Son. (Kuja 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 most suitable). propksk2016@gmail.com B31328 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T295966-1

COLOMBO City - Buddhist, Govi 48 year 5’ 2” very much young looking pretty, educated female teacher seeks suitable, handsome, educated partner Dowry will be a house. Write with copy of horoscope. Divorced persons or those whose marriage was limited to signing only are also consid-ered. B30030 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287166-1

COLOMBO Sinhala parents seek a profes-sionally or academically qualified partner for 1985 born daughter working for a mul-tinational company in a senior managerial role. Please reply with family details, Horo-scope & recent picture to: mangala1516@gmail.com. B31311 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T295534-1

G/B mother seeks an educated partner (preferably a doctor in UK or Sri Lanka) for her daughter, MBBS Doctro, born in 1984, height 5’ 5”, please reply with horoscope. Family details and Contact numbers. TP: 0112933379 B29446 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T283624-1

G/Catholic parents from Colombo suburbs seek an educated partner for daughter born 1985, height 5’ ACMA, MBA working for reputed company. Reply 0112226720 wg.perera@yahoo.com B31420 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299088-1

GALLE : Retired parents seek an educated son in the same educational standard of their daughter who is a Buddhist/Govi, 1988, 5’ 3’’ tall, graduate from Moratuwa University executive in a famous private company in Colombo, pretty, fair and with good Character. No malefic horoscope. send details with the horoscope. B31390 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T298573-1

GALLE: Buddhist, Karawa parents seek a son with high employment for their daughter who was born in June 1986, 5’ 4” tall, Bach-elor of Education degree holder, reading for law, pretty, teacher. Karawa, Govi only kuja 8. B31397 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298660-1

GALLE: Retired parents seek a part-ner, compatible with kuja 7 for their only daughter who is a Buddhist, Karawa, born in 1988, 5’ 3” tall, IT Engineer in a leading institute. she is pretty and legally separated due to a marriage which was confined only to a signature. B31392 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298599-1

GAMPAHA B/G State & Govt. Bank ex-ecutive grade parents seek for their 1990 November born 5' 6" pretty Physical Science SLIIT IT graduate daughter studied in a lead-ing girls' high school in Colombo now working as a computer Engineer in a leading Colombo establishment, a suitable, handsome partner with permanent employment. Her only broth-er, a medical officer is married with a medi-cal officer. Anura Nekatha, Thevana Padaya. Horoscope essential. B30299 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T288825-1

GAMPAHA Roman Catholic 1992 born 5’ 4” Medical faculty of govt. University MBBS 4th year parents seek Doctor devoted to religion of a moral values. Dowry available. 0332292060, 077-4848773 (Call after 7.30 pm) B31403 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298712-1

GOVT. Departments executive officer, Sal-ary 48,000/- Age 47 yrs. Unmarried daugh-ter Father seeks suitable partner, (Teaching profession also considered) Modern house with land as dowry. Religion, Caste wealth immaterial. B31373 C/o Sunday Times,

P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298333-1KALUTARA Bodu Govi Born 1987. Pro-

posed junior daughter is a Business Man-agement (Hons.) graduate & reading for final year of MBA An executive at a private company & a Vegetarian. Her married elder sistr is an executive at an international or-ganization in Melbourne - Australia. Married elder brother is an executive at a private Company. younger brother persue higher studies, parents seek suitable son for the daughter. Send all details with horoscope copy. B31348 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297806-1

KANDY Buddhist, Govi Karawa govt. exec-utive grade parents seek for their 1983 year born 5’ 9” pretty Science graduate daughter studying in Australia with her brother and for the 1985 year born pretty, lean 5’ 6 1/2” under graduate daughter (a private Schoo teacher) two suitable partners devoid of all vices, educated, from Similar standing. 081-3840370. B30493 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289891-1

KANDY Govi Buddhist parents seek suit-able partner for Daughter 79/08 64” Phd. Holder presently lecturer in leading for-eign University Legally Separated from short unsuccessful Marriage. No encum-brances. Inquire with all details and copy of Horoscope. B31419 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299050-1

KANDY up Country bodu govi 1988 No-vember born daughter 5’ 4” BSc final year pursuing MSc employed at a Financial institute retired parents seek qualified son of similar caste from a good family back-ground. Eldest son married & residing in UK. 2nd son a Doctor. B31406 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298897-1

KURUNEGALA Bodu Govi 1976 height 5’ 2” graduate employed daughter, par-ents seek employed person. 0372295317. B31342 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297716-1

MATARA daughter 30, 4’ 6” employed in private sector in Colombo with dowry, partner is sought. 0112799817 B31062 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T294010-1

PARENTS Seeks an educated, hand-some Son with good character for their only daughter who was born in 1994, Buddhist/Govi, Salagama, Educated in a Leading Buddhist Balika College in Colombo, with good character, pretty. She has only one brother. Horoscope copy essential. kuma-rarns4@gmail.com B31433 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T300369-1

PARENTS seek an educated and respect-able partner for their daughter who is a Buddhist/Salagama 23 yrs, 5’ 2” tall, fair, attractive, having dowry and reading for management degree. send details with horoscope copy. No malefic horoscope. proposalmari100@gmail.com B31362 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298145-1

PENSIONER father from Uva Province Badulla District seeks for his 1984 year borne, pretty Agriculture Instructor daughter a suitable handsome, educated son de-void of all vices. Write with telephone No. B31026 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T293823-1

PILIYANDALA: Invitation for marriage for a son who wishes to stay or not for the younger daughter who is a Buddhist/Govi born in 1988.11, 5’ 4” tall, employed in a private institute and reading for external degree. Mula Nekatha Rahu 1, Kethu 7, Kumbha lagna, Raksha Gana. B31364 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298226-1

RATNAPURA Buddhist Deva mother seeks for her 25 year 5’ 2” pretty daughter, (Youngest in a family of 3 children) a teach-er in an International School with pleasing attitudes, a suitable handsome good-man-nered son with permanent employment owning a successful business venture. B30459 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289599-1

RESPECTABLE G/B parents in Colombo district seek suitable marriage partner for their daughter 40 yrs. 5’ 3” pretty and slim well educated with BSc (Mgt.) and employed in executive grade in Govern-ment sector, house for dowry. Please reply with full family details and horoscope. Tel: 011-2567899 B29860 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T286390-1

RESPECTABLE Kandyan B/G parents in Colombo seek a suitable partner for their daughter 27+ 5’ 3” pretty well brought up academically professionally qualified Assis-tant Brand Manager in a leading company Colombo. Reply with horoscope and family details. Who residing in Sri lanka Inherits assets. Email: pradil1955@gmail.com B30402 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289393-1

SALAGAMA Buddhist professional mother from Colombo suburb seeks partner for qualified daughter 29 working private bank owns car and land caste immaterial qualified sinhala buddhist boy respectable family preferred. Horoscope family details required. B30381 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289290-1

SB parents seek sober partner below 47 for daughter (lawyer) 42 pleasant smart kuja 8th house, reply with horoscope. B31424 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T299275-1

SINHALA Catholic parents seek a pro-fessionally qualified partner for their only daughter 1989, 5’ 6” MBBS. B31370 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298288-1

SINHALA, Catholic, fair, slim 27 yrs, daughter (Doctor). Mother also a Doctor looking for suitable partner for daughter. B31351 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297864-1

SOUTHERN bodu govi from a good family background 28+ 5’ 3” in height BSc Engi-neer (Moratuwa) beautiful daughter em-ployed in Colombo. Father retired Execu-tive officer & teacher mother seek son an Engineer of a govt. Institute, Doctor or Cus-toms officer. Only horoscope with compat-ibility towards Kuja 7. B31407 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298904-1

SOUTHERN province & Retired parents seek a suitable and virtuous partner for their daughter who is a Buddhist/Govi Born in 1988-12, 5’ 5” tall, having Moratuwa Uni-versity, Pattern-creationist degree. contact with the horoscope. B31358 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298127-1

SOUTHERN province: Retired parents seek a son who is a doctor or executive for their daughter who is a Buddhist, Sal-agama, 25 yrs. 5’ 2” tall, reading for the IT-degree (3rd year) in Moratuwa University. B31399 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298668-1

WAYAMBA Bathgama caste parents seeks a suitable marriage partner for their pleasant daughter born 1983 height 5’

4” graduated in information technology and employed in Colombo private sector company. Caste immaterial. Please write with copy of horoscope. address and tele-phone number B29791 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T286037-1

WESTERN Bodu Govi 1988 5’ 4” daughter a teacher by profession (Maths in English medium) Teacher mother seeks employed son of moral values. B31411 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298960-1

WESTERN Bodu Govi With respectable family back ground Born 1991 height 5’ 2” slim figured management graduate-execu-tive employment. Pretty daughter, parents seek virtuous son with executive employ-ment or educated businessman. commer-cial buildings very valuable lands & modern vehicle as her dowry. Kuja 8 compatible horoscope especially. B31349 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297816-1

WESTERN province Bodu Govi 1980 Height 5’ 5” Colombo National Hospital MBBS Doctor, parents seek a partner Doc-tor/Engineer from Western province. Please reply with family details. Horoscope with telephone numbers. B30589 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T290608-1

COLOMBO Govi Buddhist parents seek for their degree holder only son 28 5-11 who owns assets building and business in the heart of Colombo worth over 2500 lakhs (two thousand five hundred) and a six fig-ure monthly income, a non working wealthy fair girl 18-24 (degree not required) with unblemished character. Horoscope avail-able caste immaterial. G23842 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T233322-3

1980 Bodu/Govi 5’ 8” Handsome son stud-ied in a leading school, Holding UK degree. In a Business family. One and the only son. Provincial council member. Parents seek a pretty daughter below 30 yrs from the same caste and respectable family, write with hor-oscope copy, (Gampaha, Colombo R’Pura, Kandy, Matale, Kegalle areas preferred.) sachithra2005@gmail.com G31383 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298454-1

1985 year born Buddhist, Govi 5’ 9” Execu-tive grade appointment holder with a busi-ness of his own seeks suitable pretty part-ner with a horoscope. compatible to Kuja 7. He is a teetotaler. roshansato@gmail.com G30925 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T292929-1

1988 Born 5’ 6” bodu govi Australian quali-fied engineer working in multimillionaire company. visit Sri Lanka May 2016, parents medical professionals seek bride a doctor or final medical student. Decision to live any country may decide upon consent. Wealth in Colombo including Motor cars 3 Sto-rey house included. G30770 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T291891-1

1989 March Western Bodu/Govi Business family, 5’ 6” son holding UK Eng. degree and anticipating a position of Pilot (USA) owns assets of over 100 million and caring monthly income out of his assets younger son. Parents seek a suitable daughter for marriage. deshanpr@gmail.com G29890 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T286560-1

1991 5’ 8’’ Panadura Bodu Govi final year at the Moratuwa University Engineering student pursuing CIMA handsome, tee-totaler son of moral values. Owning mod-ern house, vehicle & properties parents seek qualified beautiful, good charactered daughter devouted to religion to be pro-posed for later marriage. 1993, 94, 95, 96 97 preferred, Sister also pursuing higher studies. All particulars along with con-tact NOS & copy of horoscope should be sent through first letter itself. G29651 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T285214-1

1991 Buddhist Govi 5’ 9” handsome gradu-ate, living close to Colombo. Currently involved in father’s business. Will inherit one of the largest and most reputed com-panies in the island. Parents seek fair, pretty daughter below 22 years from a de-cent family for their only son. Please send horoscope and family details. Email: LR-62LR62@gmail.com G29614 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T285033-1

38 yrs 5’ 7” Handsome Unmarried kind herted lady willing to give a helping hand to prosper is sought for marriage. Divorced considered. No age barriers. 0114283184 G31378 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298395-1

A lovely daughter from a respectable family from Colombo, is sought for happy marriage, to handsome, well-mannered son of a well-connected, respectable, affluent, Sinhala Buddhist family living in Colombo. He is 29, tall, highly educated and qualified, the ma-jor share holder of a company and does not smoke or consume alcohol. He will inherit wealth, including a house and commercial buildings in Colombo. Please e-mail all rel-evant details, which will be treated as confi-dential, to confidentialproposal@hotmail.com G30502 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T289944-1

ACADEMICALLY qualified pretty daugh-ter sought by B/G parents for dental profes-sional son 36 years 5’ 6” NS/ TT royalist well employed residing Colombo suberb. 0112-847560, happymaylucky@gmail.com, happymaylucky@gmail.com G31387 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298557-1

AMBALANGODA: Retired teacher mother seeks two pretty, virtuous and edu-cated daughters (even from one family) for her two sons-who are Sinhala, Buddhist/Govi 33/35 yrs. educated, respectable, handsome. having houses, properties and vehicals, having respectable relatives virtu-ous and businessman (Kuja 7 in the horo-scope of the sons). Father is the former education secretary - Elder brother who is married he is a lawyer. 091-5622182. G31386 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298545-1

ANURADHAPURA Bodu Govi 38 years 5' 5" in height employed in Korea for 10 years arrived in Sri - Lanka currently in-volved in business parents seek suitable partner (Teachers preferred) 0253256358, 0252263638. G31413 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298972-1

B/G PARENTS seek a graduate daughter for their son 1986, 5’ 10” having a permanent employment in Australia and PR. Rahu 7.

0112851351. G31425 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299279-1

B/G respectable family from Colombo sub-urbs seeks an educated well mannered daughter for their son 31, 5’ 7” height T/T, N/S software engineer works for a leading company in Colombo studied in Colombo & higher education in UK. Please reply with family details, horoscope contact details. proposal485@gmail.com G31350 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297820-1

B/G, 88 February 5’-6’’ TT/NS BSc(Hons) IT Engineer educated Ananda collage Co-lombo Attached to a group company of Lon-don stock exchange in Sri Lanka. drawing very high monthly salary. looking for a pretty daughter - doctor, engineer, Accountant or similer. cast immaterial abaya.r.homes@gmail.com Tel - 0112842730. G30540 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T290211-1

BODU Govi 33 years height 6’ 2” has ini-tialed on own business (having completed foreign employment) teetotaler handsome son parents seek beautiful daughter. (Kuja - Rahu - Kethu Dosha horoscope only). 2910253 G29559 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T284785-1

BODU Karawa business family from Mo-ratuwa seeks a pretty young daughter for their eldest son 30 yrs. Employed in a lead-ing company as a senior manager. Teeto-taller. Differences immaterial. Please write with horoscope and details. G31398 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298667-1

BRIDE Grooms, Respectable govi buddhist parents from an established business fam-ily Colombo suburbs seek for their 30 year 6’ 0” only son well built and educated in a leading college in Colombo teetotaller and presently engaged in family budiness inher-its assets worth over 60M. Including houses properties and vehicles a monthly income over 2 lakhs a daughter of same caste with a good character family background and values below 26 years she must be slim pretty and smart English educated and un-employed. Religion immaterial. G31384 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298468-1

BUDDHIST Deva 1986 year born 5’ 8” handsome B.Sc. Graduate son from Mor-atuwa University presently employed as an Electronic Engineer in a leading Telecom company in Colombo seeks suitable pretty, educated partner. (Medical Officer, Engi-neer preferred). 041-2257018. G31045 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T293933-1

BUDDHIST Govi Government servants parents seek a very beautiful daughter likes to resides in Australia for their only son 1988 March. Studied at Galle lead-ing School. Now permanently resides in Australia. Elder sister receives further education in Australia. while younger sister studies in India. Contact with Horoscope. 0912222431 G31423 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299182-1

BUDDHIST Govi Kaluthara district Kandi-yan respectable family S/L Army lieutenant 1984/10, 5’ 7” shani 7, father engineer, mother draughtsmen seek pretty clever daughter sober habbits prefer teacher, loyer or office employer. reply with family details and copy horoscope. G31338 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297416-1

CLOSE to Ambalangoda, father retired bank manager, seeks on educated and attractive daughter for his son who is a Buddhist Salagama, born in 1988 August, 5’ 6” tall Engaged in a permanent job in a shipping Company in England. He is due to come in July for a short holiday. G31396 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T298647-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi Height 5’ 4” 29 yrs. Smart very vertuous, Received local University education in Maths Stream. PhD graduate from a foreign country & Citizen of same country. parents seek for their son educated kind, height below 5’ 4” pretty daughter without Kuja Dosha. Currently in Sri Lanka on holiday, Inquire with horo-scope copy. G31408 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298911-1

CLOSE to Colombo Bodu Govi, born 1982, 5’ 8” Educated employed in Italy, fair Complexioned, smart elder son of family, parents seek educated fair complexioned height above 5ft. Very pretty bride with generally long hair. Horoscope wanted. G31377 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298375-1

CLOSE to Colombo Sinhala Buddhist Karawa 1988 Height 6’ Educated at St.Thomes College, Mt.Lavinia in perme-nent servise at reputed company in Co-lombo as Manager (Imports). Smart, devoid of vices only Son of respectable family, pro-fessional father and mother seek educated, pretty, religious, employed or non employed daughter of respectable family with moral values. He owns housing unit with all facili-ties in Colombo, Vehicle & Valuable other assets. Send all details with horoscope in first letter, propsmarry@gmail.com G31343 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colom-bo T297752-1

COLOMBO - 1990/9 Govi/Karawa 5’ 11” Handsome younger son Studied in Bud-dhist School Civil Eng. degree (Moratuwa) Retired mother seeks pretty and educated daughter not so willing pursue higher edu-cation. Write with Horosocpe. G31389 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298570-1

COLOMBO - 54 year govi RC. brother living in America seeks suitable partner below 40 years. 011-2915964. G31333 C/o

Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T296238-1

COLOMBO Bodu Govi business parents seek a suitable dauhter below 28 years for their son who is 32 years old, 5’ 4” tall and educated upto MBA, send all the details including telephone no. proposaluj@yahoo.com G29842 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T286307-1

COLOMBO suburb B/G born in 1979 only child medium built 5’ 6” professionally qualified in banking employed as a senior executive in a foreign bank operated in Co-lombo. Earning six figure salary divorced as a plaintiff, four years old son living with ex-wife, inherits two storeyed house, car with other assets. Assets over 35 million. mother seeks kind-hearted pretty daughter from a decent family, willing to migrate proposals from Australia, Newzealand, USA, Canada or from a European country are preferred. mpropo2017@gmail.com G29457 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T283697-1

EDUCATED Respectable gent sixties seeking kind understanding lady without encumbrances. Central province. All self sufficient apply in Confidence. G30670 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T291049-1

FATHER seeks an educated and pretty daughter below 35 yrs. for his handsome son who came from Europe. No differenc-es. G31382 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298449-1

GALLE - he is a Govi/Buddhist, 32 yrs, 5’ 11” tall, very handsome, a respectable fam-ily member devoid of all vices religious, working as an executive chef in a 7-star hotel having got Hotel management de-gree. He owns a new house and vehicles and draw a high salary. His elder sister is a lecturer in the Moratuwa University. She got married to an Engineer. Younger sister reads for H.R. Degree. Father and mother (teacher) seek a beautiful, educated and re-spectable family daughter. No malefic horo-scope. 0912254628 G31359 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298132-1

GALLE Buddhist Govi Mother in a respect-able family seeks pleasant religious minded Employed kind hearted daughter for their executive grade graduate, wealthy son in Colombo reputed private Institute 1987. Contact with Horoscope and Telephone Number. G31421 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299098-1

GAMPAHA - Bodu / Salagama 37, 5’ 3” studied in Japan employed there for some period and returned. Presently engage in Business with Japanese entrepreneurs. He owns no of Business lines here. He owns a modern vehicle and house. Devoid of all vices Elder son parents seek a pretty lady with good character. Should be compatibly with kuja 7 horoscope. send horoscope and family details. G31369 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298285-1

GOVI Buddhist only child son parents re-siding close to Colombo, IT Engineer BSc Hons, Holding senior position possessing newly built separate modern upstair house 43 years smart looking N/S, T/T, divorced as a plaintiff after brief marriage seeks a partner below 36 years. No children, No encumberances. Caste immaterial. Dowry not a must. Colombo suburbs preferred. G30181 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287931-1

KADAWATHA Bodu Govi Karawa 1989 July 5’ 11” Only son reading for post gradu-ate degree in Melbourne Australia, Very smart devoid of all vices. School principal mother & businessman father seek edu-cated pretty Moral Charactered below 25 yrs daughter, Only sister an undergraduate. Persons in Melbourne especially. Account-ant, Doctor, Engineer, Leacturer preferred. Send horoscope copy, Telephone No. Email - dlkd.zoysa@gmail.com G31352 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297877-1

KALUTARA District parents seek an em-ployed beautiful kind hearted daughter or a student who follows higher education to be proposed for their son 27, 5’ 6” Malabe IT graduate. (Ku:2 Sani:8) G31418 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299047-1

KEGALLE - Bodu / Govi respectable fam-ily. 1986 5’ 9” Handsome son, devoid of all vices studied in Leading school Kandy. Owns vehicle and Business premises in town father seeks govt employed pretty and slim lady (Teacher preferred) G31367 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298281-1

MAHARAGAMA Sinhala bodu govi 1990 January born 5’ 10” fair complexioned very handsome educated at a reputed school in Colombo currently pursuing higher studies in US teetotaller son of moral values fa-ther businessman & teacher mother seeks beautiful, good character-ed & qualified daughter of similar caste & of respectable family background. (Teacher, Bankers or University students preferred) Eldest daughter PhD completed married & resid-ing in States. Call after 6.00pm. All particu-lars along with copy of horoscope should be forwarded. G31336 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297090-1

MALAY Smart, tall groom holding respon-sible position in finance, UK grad, from respectable family, seek pretty, active mod-est, malay bride age 27-29. Please mail full details. mlygrm@gmail.com G31365 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298233-1

MALE Canadian resident searching vegitar-ian marriage partner between 40-60 Tamil Sinhalese. Contact Tolson. t4tol@yahoo.

com, 0472226528 G29547 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T284708-1

MOOR parents looking for suitable partner for their 31 year old Son working as a system En-gineer rishimohamed123@gmail.com G31417 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T299044-1

MUSLIM parents seek pretty bride for their son 5’ 6”, USA citizen, 28 years. Bride should have fair knowledge in English & willing to migrate. Please reply ASAP to Afzal@fedexlk.com. All correspondence will be treated confidentially. G30282 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T288662-1

NEGOMBO - Catholic 84, 5’ 6” employed in Italy, Just arrived son. Parents seek a well mannered daughter with/without employment. Write with horoscope. TP no. All letters will be replied. G31354 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297911-1

O South, Bodu/Govi Handsome Son, 38, 5’ 11” University lecturer and Advanced level Teacher. BSc (Hon) He has his own house. Mother seeks a pretty daughter for marriage. Caste immaterial. 041-2229828 proposal.nu-wan@gmail.com G31374 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298335-1

PANADURA - Buddhist/Karawa, 41 yrs. old Gentleman who is 5’ 3” tall honest, religious, with English Knowledge, Engaged in a driv-ing job, fair look invites a female partner who knows love, kindness and can give a helping hand for development. Divorcees, mistakes condoned, engaged in foreign service and those having minor disabilities are considered. Contact by yourself. 0113043272 G31366 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298275-1

PARENTS retired bank officers seek an educated, pretty and kind daughter who is willing to go abroad for their son who was born in 1991 December 24 years, resident in Ambalangoda area, Buddhist/govi 5’ 4” tall, at present engaged in studies in Japan, having a valuable house and tha youngest in the fam-ily of 4 members. send all details in the first letter with the horoscope copy. 091-2255870 G31391 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298581-1

RATHNAPURA Buddhist govi brother seeks for his 1981 year born 5' 10'' Merchant - ship brother owing a partially completed house and a new motor vehicle, presently in Sri Lanka, a suitable pretty partner, Kuja 7, 8, Rahu 7, 8, Leo Lagna. G29997 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287036-1

RATNAPURA B/G parents of a family with a respectable background seek for their 1983 sept. born 5’ 10” state bank officer son follow-ing an external degree course in Business ad-ministraton in Sri Jayawardenapura University, owning a house and a vehicle & suitable pretty, employed daughter. 045-2231970. arath-nasekara50@gmail.com G30129 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287640-1

RESPETABLE B/G Parents from Colombo suburbs looking for a pretty educated loving daughter from a respectable family for our son working in Australia. (Royalist, 31+, 5’ 11” handsome) holding a masters degree from an Australian University. Please reply with horoscope, family details. Email: proposal-son1984@yahoo.com G31346 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297784-1

RETIRED father seeks a partner for his son who was born in 1988 B/G, 5’ 10” having dual Citizenship in Australia/Sri Lanka, PhD. Medi Science, Engaged in a high employment in Australia, Can do a job in Sri Lanka also, handsome and sportive. Kuja Saturn Malefic defects in compatible. Horoscope copy and details after 1st letters. G31375 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298353-1

RETIRED mother seeks a suitable female partner for her handsome son who was born in 1978 supreme court lawyer, Buddhist/Govi, 5’ 10” tall, (Courts, Health, education, Ayurvedha physician, English teacher preferred) G31394 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298623-1

SOUTH Bodu Govi/Karawa Born 1976 Height 5’ 6” Employed as Manager of local office of international Air line, pleasant, kind, Religious Buddhist son, Retired parents seek below 35 yrs kind, fair complexioned daughter with/with-out employment. Son owns vehicle & complete house. G31344 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T297754-1

WESTERN Bodu Govi 1983/06 5’ 6” hand-some son, studied in Royal College, perme-nant residence in UK and employed an System Engineer, inherits assets and property, parents seek a well mannered, religious minded and educated daughter, should be compatible to Rahu 7, send the copy of horoscope, returns in June for his vacation. Contact after 7.00pm. TP: 2700679 G29787 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T285993-1

WESTERN Bodu/Govi Sinhala/Tamil Re-spectable 30, 5’ 5” Handsome son employed in UK, Parents seek a graduate daughter will-ing to migrate. Should be compatible to 1, 2, 7, 8 Shu, Ra, Bu K G31356 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T298104-1

WESTERN bodu/govi 36 years 5’ 9’’ hand-some non-alcoholic from a good family back-ground holding a high post & drawing a high salary also possessing other assets. Parents seek pleasant looking partner of moral values. All particulars along with contact Nos & horo-scope should be sent through first letter itself. G29799 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T286072-1

WESTERN province, B/G retired bank em-ployee mother seeks for her 1985 year born 5’ 6’’ driver son in Bank of Ceylon owning a new storeyed house and a vehicle. a suitable, pretty partner. G30153 C/o Sunday Times, P.O.BOX 2047 Colombo T287786-1
