12.3.12 classwork monday


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  • 1. December is National Tie Month. Ties come in all shapes,sizes, and colors. Design a tie for someone special.Describe what it looks like. Monday December 3, 2012BryanDonovan Ayanna Christy Samira LeslieJaileenIxzaEmilyJessicaLilahRicardo Jose Alexis Remy Michael PhiliciaKathy Kareena AdrianetteCarlos EdwardAlejandraDavidDianaJeffrey Leon Yamilee Jordan

2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x7Times Tabletwenty times. 3. Reading The Right to Vote (p. 290)Talk About ItWhy should peoplevote? Why do you thinkit took women so longto win the vote in theUnited States? Picture Prompt Look at the picture and respond in writing. 4. Reading B Because of WinnDixieChapter Twoexception: a person orthing that does notfollow a rule. 5. To submit is to give in to someones power.A representative is a person chosen tospeak for others.Qualify means to make or become fit for acertain kind of work.If you postpone something, you delay it. 6. A legislature is a group of people electedto make or change laws.Something that is satisfactory is goodenough but not outstanding.An attorney acts for another person in legalmatters.A colonel is a rank of military officer. 7. Reading Your Vote Your Voice (p. 292)DictionaryA Dictionary entry includesinformation about pronunciationin parentheses near thedefinition.The word is separated into U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.syllables with symbols to show dictionary entryhow to sound it out. Forexample, colonel is pronounced(kurnl). To figure out the symbols,look for the pronunciation key inthe front of the dictionary. 8. Facts OpinionsThe word"democracy" comesThis is the best kind offrom the Greek,government to have.meaning "the peoplerule."People who are oldAll people who areenough to votecitizens have the rightshould not postponeto vote.or wait to sign up.The judges agreed toIn this way, perhapslower the age limityou can make aand changed thedifference.constitution.People who are oldenough to voteYounger voters havemight find they willthe worst turnout ofneed to submit toany age group.laws they dont agreewith. 9. Reading When Esther Morris Headed West (p. 295)GenreA Biography tells the story of apersons life and is written byanother person.Fact and OpinionAs you read, use your Fact and Preview and PredictOpinion Chart. Read the title, preview the illustrations, and write questions and predictions about the story in your notebook.Read to Find OutWhat opinions does the authorgive about Esther Morris? 10. Fact Opinion A woman Name: Esther should be able Mae Hobart to vote andMcQuigg Slack hold office, theMorris same as aman.In 1869 theWyoming legislaturevoted to give Recklesswomen theCopperheads! right to vote and to hold office. 11. Reading HomeworkPractice Book, page 83 12. Math Power Practice / Homework ReviewDO NOW: CompletetheMultiplicationRecordSheet. Go overhomework. 13. Math Division Patterns (p. 175)Math in My WorldExample 1A monarch butterfly can fly 240miles in 3 days. Suppose it fliesthe same distance each day.How many miles can it fly eachday? Answer: The butterfly can fly 80 miles each day.ESSENTIAL QUESTION What strategies can be used to divide whole numbers? 14. Math Estimate Quotients (p. 183)Class WorkComplete pages 183 and184. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What strategies can be used to divide whole numbers? 15. Math Hands On Division Models with GreaterNumbers (p. 189)Build ItAt the fair, you need ticketsto ride the rides. Threefriends share 336 ticketsequally. How many ticketswill each friend receive?ESSENTIAL QUESTIONWhat strategies canbe used to dividewhole numbers? 16. Math Homework"My Homework" pages 193194 17. Language Arts Pronouns (p. 340)Class Work Copy RULES Complete Guided Practice onpage 340341 Writing Activity AnAdvertisementHomework Extra Practice, page 406 #125 18. Homework Summary for Monday, December 3, 2012ReadingPractice Book, page 83Math"My Homework" pages 193194Language ArtsExtra Practice, page 406 exercises 125 19. Attachments 1314158