14Treatise 9_02 Arsenic and Selenium J_ A_ Plant, D_ G_ Kinniburgh, P_ L_ Smedley, F_ M_ Fordyce and...


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9.02Arsenic and SeleniumJ. A. Plant, D. G. Kinniburgh, P. L. Smedley, F. M. Fordyce,

and B. A. Klinck

British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK


9.02.2 SAMPLING Rocks, Soils, and Sediments Water 20 Techniques Filtered or unfiltered samples Sample preservation and redox stability 22

9.02.3 ANALYTICAL METHODS Arsenic 22 Total arsenic in aqueous samples Total arsenic in solid samples Arsenic speciation 24 Selenium Total selenium in aqueous samples Selenium in solid samples Selenium speciation 25 Quality Control and Standard Reference Materials 25

9.02.4 ABUNDANCE AND FORMS OF ARSENIC IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Abundance in Rocks, Soils, and Sediments National and International Standards for Drinking Water Abundance and Distribution in Natural Waters 27 Atmospheric precipitation River water Lake water 309. Seawater and estuaries 309. Groundwater 319. Sediment pore water 329. Acid mine drainage 32 Arsenic Species in Natural Waters 339. Inorganic species 339. Organic species 349. Observed speciation in different water types 34 Microbial Controls 35

9.02.5 PATHWAYS AND BEHAVIOR OF ARSENIC IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 369.02.5.1 Release from Primary Minerals 36 Examples of mining-related arsenic problems 369. Modern practice in mine-waste stabilization 37 Role of Secondary Minerals 379. The importance of arsenic cycling and diagenesis 379. Redox behavior 38 Adsorption of Arsenic by Oxides and Clays 389.02.5.4 Arsenic Transport 399.02.5.5 Impact of Changing Environmental Conditions 40 Release of arsenic at high pH 409. Release of arsenic on reduction 40 Case Studies 409. The Bengal Basin, Bangladesh, and India 40

17 Chaco-Pampean Plain, Argentina 429. Eastern Wisconsin, USA 44

9.02.6 ABUNDANCE AND FORMS OF SELENIUM IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 459.02.6.1 Abundance in Rocks, Soils, and Sediments 459.02.6.2 National and International Standards in Drinking Water 479.02.6.3 Abundance and Distribution in Natural Waters 47 Atmospheric precipitation 479. River and lake water 479. Seawater and estuaries 489. Groundwater 499. Sediment pore water 499. Mine drainage 49 Selenium Species in Water, Sediment, and Soil 49

9.02.7 PATHWAYS AND BEHAVIOR OF SELENIUM IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 519.02.7.1 Release from Primary Minerals 519.02.7.2 Adsorption of Selenium by Oxides and Clays 519.02.7.3 Selenium Transport 52 Global fluxes 529. Selenium fluxes in air 529. Soil–water–plant relationships 53 Case Studies 549. Kesterson reservoir, USA 549. Enshi, China 549. Soan-Sakesar Valley, Pakistan 559. Selenium deficiency, China 55





Arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) have becomeincreasingly important in environmental geo-chemistry because of their significance to humanhealth. Their concentrations vary markedly in theenvironment, partly in relation to geology andpartly as a result of human activity. Some of thecontamination evident today probably dates backto the first settled civilizations which used metals.

Arsenic is in group 15 of the periodic table(Table 1) and is usually described as a metalloid. Ithas only one stable isotope, 75As. It can exist in the2 III, 2 I, 0, III, and V oxidation states (Table 2).

Selenium is in group 16 of the periodic tableand although it has chemical and physical proper-ties intermediate between metals and nonmetals(Table 1), it is usually described as a nonmetal. Thechemical behavior of selenium has some simi-larities to that of sulfur. Formally, selenium canexist in the 2 II, 0, IV, and VI oxidation states(Table 2). Selenium has six natural stable isotopes,the most important being 78Se and 80Se. Although82Se is generally also regarded as a stable isotope,it is a b-emitter with a very long half-life(1.4 £ 1020 yr). Both arsenic and selenium tendto be covalently bonded in all of their compounds.

Arsenic is 47th and Se 70th in abundance of the88 naturally occurring elements. Much more hasbecome known about the distribution and behaviorof arsenic and selenium in the environment sincethe 1980s because of the increased application ofimproved analytical methods such as inductively

coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HG-ICP-MS),inductively coupled plasma-atomic emissionspectrometry (HG-ICP-AES), and hydridegeneration-atomic fluorescence spectrometry(HG-AFS). These methods can detect the lowconcentrations of arsenic and selenium found inenvironmental and biological media, and as a resultarsenic and selenium are increasingly included indeterminand suites of elements during systematicgeochemical mapping and monitoring campaigns(Plant et al., 2003).

Arsenic is highly toxic and can lead to a widerange of health problems in humans. It is carcino-genic, mutagenic, and teratogenic (NationalResearch Council, 1999). Symptoms of arsenico-sis include skin lesions (melanosis, keratosis) andskin cancer. Internal cancers, notably bladder andlung cancer, have also been associated witharsenic poisoning. Other problems include cardi-ovascular disease, respiratory problems, anddiabetes mellitus. There is no evidence of abeneficial role for arsenic (National ResearchCouncil, 1999) and it is unclear whether there isany safe dose for humans. Indeed, the precisenature of the relationship between arsenic doseand carcinogenic effects at low arsenic concen-trations remains a matter of much debate (Clewellet al., 1999; Smith et al., 2002).

The principal public health concern with arsenicis from the development of naturally high-arsenicgroundwaters (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).Extensive arsenicosis from such sources has been

Arsenic and Selenium18

reported from Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile,China, Mexico, India, Thailand, and Taiwan.“Blackfoot disease,” a form of gangrene arisingfrom excessive arsenic intake, was first describedin Taiwan by Tseng et al. (1968).

In contrast to arsenic, trace concentrations ofselenium are essential for human and animalhealth. Until the late 1980s, the only knownmetabolic role for selenium in mammals was asa component of the enzyme glutathione peroxi-dase (GSH-Px), an anti-oxidant that prevents celldegeneration. There is now growing evidence,however, that a seleno-enzyme is involved inthe synthesis of thyroid hormones (Arthur andBeckett, 1989; G. F. Combs and S. B. Combs,1986). Selenium deficiency has been linked tocancer, AIDS, heart disease, muscular dystrophy,multiple sclerosis, osteoarthropathy, immunesystem and reproductive disorders in humans,and white muscle disease in animals (Levander,

1986; WHO, 1987, 1996). Selenium deficiency inhumans has also been implicated in the incidenceof a type of heart disease (Keshan Disease) and anosteoathropathic condition (Kashin-Beck disease)in extensive regions of China. Domestic animalsalso suffer from white muscle disease in theseareas (Tan, 1989). Selenium deficiency has beenreported from New Zealand and Finland, andfalling concentrations of selenium in the diet areof increasing concern in many western countries(Oldfield, 1999). In Europe, this trend may havebeen exacerbated by the increasing use of nativelow-selenium grains rather than the importedselenium-rich grains of North America (Rayman,2002). Selenium supplementation of livestock iscommon.

Despite the necessity for selenium, the rangeof intake between that leading to seleniumdeficiency (,40 mg d21) and that leading totoxicity (selenosis) (.400 mg d21) is very

Table 2 Chemical forms of arsenic and selenium.

Element and formal oxidation state Major chemical forms

As(2III) Arsine [H3As]As(2I) Arsenopyrite [FeAsS], loellingite [FeAs2]As(0) Elemental arsenic [As]As(III) Arsenite [H2AsO3

2, H3AsO3]As(V) Arsenate [AsO4

32, HAsO422, H2AsO4

2, H3AsO4]Organic As (V and III) Dimethylarsinate [DMA, (CH3)2AsO(OH)], monomethylarsonate

[MMA(V), CH3AsO(OH)2 or MMA(III), CH3As(OH)2],arsenobetaine [AsB, (CH3)3Asþ·CH2COO2], arsenocholine[AsC, (CH3)3Asþ·CH2CH2OH]

Se(2II) Selenide [Se22, HSe2, H2Se]Se(0) Elemental selenium [Se]Se(IV) Selenite [SeO3

22, HSeO32, H2SeO3]

Se(VI) Selenate [SeO422, HSeO4

22, H2SeO4]Organic Se Dimethylselenide [DMSe, CH3SeCH3]; dimethyldiselinide

[DMDSe, CH3SeSeCH3], selenomethionine[H3NþCHCOO2·CH2CH2SeMe], selenocysteine[H2NþCHCOO2·CHSeH]

Table 1 Physical properties of arsenic and selenium.

Name Arsenic Selenium

Symbol As SeAtomic number 33 34Periodic table group 15 16Atomic mass 74.9216 78.96Classification Metalloid NonmetalPauling electronegativity 2.18 2.55Density (kg m23) 5,727 4,808Melting point (8C) 817 (at high pressure) 220Boiling point (8C) 614 (sublimes) 685Natural isotopes and abundance 75As (100%) 74Se (0.87%)

76Se (9.02%)77Se (7.58%)

78Se (23.52%)80Se (49.82%)82Se (9.19%)

Introduction 19

narrow in humans (WHO, 1996). Investigations ofthe relationships between selenium in the environ-ment and animal health were pioneered by Moxon(1937) in the western USA, where seleniumaccumulator plants are found and both seleniumtoxicity and deficiency are of concern. Humanselenosis at the population level is rare and isgenerally related to excesses from food rather thanfrom drinking water. It has been reported fromChina and Venezuela where selenium-rich food isgrown and consumed locally (Tan, 1989; WHO,1996). Cancers of the skin and pancreas have beenattributed to high selenium intake (Vinceti et al.,1998). Selenium sulfide is used in antidandruffshampoos and is potentially carcinogenic but isnot absorbed through the skin unless there arelesions (WHO, 1987). Selenium toxicity can leadto hair and nail loss and disruption of the nervousand digestive systems in humans and to alkalidisease in animals. Chronic selenosis in animals isnot common but has been reported from parts ofAustralia, China, Ireland, Israel, Russia, SouthAfrica, USA, and Venezuela (Oldfield, 1999).Liver damage is a feature of chronic selenosis inanimals (WHO, 1987).

It is now recognized that arsenic and seleniuminteract with each other in various metabolicfunctions and animal models indicate that eachelement can substitute for the other to someextent (Davis et al., 2000). This could partlyexplain the reported protective effect of seleniumagainst some diseases, including some cancers(Shamberger and Frost, 1969). Arsenic was alsoshown long ago to protect against seleniumpoisoning in experimental studies with rats(Moxon, 1938). Following the relatively recentdiscovery of dissimilatory As(V) reduction andthe various mechanisms which organisms havedeveloped to deal with the toxicity of As(V) andAs(III), there has been a rapid increase in ourunderstanding of the microbial chemistry ofarsenic (see Frankenberger (2002) and the indi-vidual chapters therein). Selenium chemistry isalso closely linked to microbial processes, butthese are less well understood.

Contamination as a result of human activity isof increasing concern for both elements butespecially for arsenic. In the past, the problemwas exacerbated by an absence of waste manage-ment strategies. Arsenic concentrations in thenatural environment have increased as a result ofa number of activities, for example, mining andsmelting, combustion of arsenical coals, pet-roleum recovery (involving the release of pro-duction waters), refining, chemical production anduse, use of biocides including wood preservatives,use of fertilizers, the manufacture and use ofanimal feed additives, and the development ofhigh-arsenic groundwater for drinking water andirrigation. Such activities have progressively

transferred arsenic from the geosphere into thesurface environment and have distributed itthrough the biosphere, where it poses a potentialrisk to humans and the wider environment.Arsenicosis caused by the indoor combustion ofarsenic-rich coals has also been reported fromGuizhou province, China (Aihua et al., 2000;Ding et al., 2000).

Human activities that have increased theconcentration of selenium in the environmentinclude the mining and processing of base-metal,gold, coal, and phosphate deposits, the use ofrock phosphate as fertilizer, the manufactureof detergents and shampoo, and the application ofsewage sludge to land. The increased use ofselenium in the pharmaceutical, glazing, photo-copying, ceramic, paint, and electronics industriesmay also be increasing the amount of seleniumentering the environment. In certain occupationalsettings, the principal pathway of arsenic tohumans can be through inhalation.

In the following sections, we first review thesource and occurrence of arsenic in the environ-ment and then consider its pathways as a basis foran improved understanding of exposure and riskassessment. This should lead to better riskmanagement. A similar format is followed forselenium. In discussing the two elements, and inline with the threats outlined above, emphasis onarsenic is on the behavior of arsenic in water,whereas in the case of selenium it is on thesoil–water–plant relationships.


Selenium and arsenic have been measured in awide range of environmental media. Here, wedescribe sampling procedures for rocks, soils,sediments, and natural waters. Rocks, Soils, and Sediments

In the case of rocks, soils, and sediments, suf-ficient material to be representative of the mediumto be analyzed should be collected. Soil andsediment samples should be dried at temperatures,35 8C to avoid volatilization losses of arsenic orselenium (Rowell, 1994) and ideally freeze-dried(BGS, 1979–2002). Sampling, analysis, andquality control should be carried out with recog-nized procedures wherever possible (Darnleyet al., 1995; Salminen and Gregorauskiene, 2000). Water Techniques

As with other solutes, sampling natural watersfor arsenic and selenium require: (i) the sample to

Arsenic and Selenium20

represent the water body under investigation, and(ii) that no artifacts are introduced duringsampling or storage. Sampling methods varyaccording to whether “dissolved,” “particulate,”or “total” concentrations are to be determined andwhether speciation studies are to be undertaken.Water samples are most commonly analyzed forthe “total” concentration of arsenic and selenium.Speciation measurements require additional pre-cautions to ensure preservation of the in situspecies until separation or measurement.

Since arsenic and selenium are normallypresent in natural waters in only trace concen-trations (less than 10 mg L21 and frequently muchlower), considerable care is required to performreliable trace analyses. Marine chemists were thefirst to undertake reliable low-level traceanalyses of natural waters and to develop “clean/ultraclean” sampling procedures (Horowitz et al.,1996). Probably the most thorough account ofsampling procedures for surface and groundwatersare those given by the USGS (Wilde and Radtke,1998). Specific procedures for sampling rain-water, lake water, and seawater are also given.The precautions required in sampling for arsenicand selenium are the same as those for other traceelements present in water at mg L21 concen-trations. For example, there should be minimalcontact between the sample and metallic sub-stances. Sample bottles should be tested first byanalyzing deionized water stored in them toensure that they do not contaminate the sample.They should also be rinsed thoroughly with thesample water before collection.

Ideally, groundwater should be sampled frompurpose-built water-quality monitoring boreholesor piezometers. In practice, existing wells orboreholes are frequently used. It is important asfar as practically possible to purge the borehole bypumping at least three borehole volumes toremove standing water before sampling. Low-flow (,4 L min21) pumping is preferred tominimize resuspension of colloidal material.

Several procedures have been devised to obtainwater-quality depth profiles in wells and aquifers.These include depth samplers, nested piezometers,strings of diffusion cells, multilevel samplers, andmultiple packers. Each method has its advantagesand disadvantages with very different costs andsampling logistics. As of early 2000s, fewmethods have been devised for arsenic andselenium profiling specifically; probably themost detailed profiling has been carried out inocean sediments (Sullivan and Aller, 1996). Porewater, including water from the unsaturated zone,can be obtained using a high-pressure squeezer orhigh-speed centrifugation (Kinniburgh and Miles,1983; Sullivan and Aller, 1996).

There are, as of early 2000s, no methods for thein situ determination or continuous monitoring

of arsenic and selenium. The diffusive gradientthin-films (DGT) method is a novel samplingmethod that has been used mainly for cationicmetals but may be adaptable for measuring arsenicand selenium as it has been for phosphorus (Zhanget al., 1998). In this method, the normal cation-exchange resin is replaced by an iron oxide(ferrihydrite) gel. Solutes sorbed by the resin orgel are displaced and subsequently analyzed in thelaboratory. In principle, the DGT approach is sensi-tive; detection limits are on the order of ng L21.The method also has the advantage that it canmeasure a wide range of solutes simultaneouslywith high spatial resolution (at the millimeterscale) and determine the average water qualityover relatively long timescales (days or longer).

Most water samples do not require pre-treatmentfor total elemental analysis, but where organicarsenic or selenium compounds are suspected, pre-treatment by digestion with a strong acid mixture,for example, a 3 min sulfuric acid–potassiumpersulfate digestion or a nitric acid digestion, isnecessary. Where pre-concentration is required,cold trapping of the hydrides or liquid–solidextraction has been used but this is very laborintensive when performed offline. Filtered or unfiltered samples

Studies of the behavior of arsenic and seleniumusually require the proportions of their dissolvedand particulate components to be identified, sincethis affects their biological availability, toxicity,and transport. It also affects the interpretation oftheir mineral solubility, adsorption, and redoxbehavior. Specifications for compliance testingvary with regulatory authority, for example, USEPA specify a 0.45 mm filter while most auth-orities in developing countries specify (or assume)that water samples are unfiltered. If the water isreducing, it should be filtered before any oxidationoccurs. Geochemists typically filter water samplesusing membrane filters in the range 0.1–0.45 mm,but the effective size of the filter can change as itbecomes clogged. There continues to be muchdiscussion about the merits of various filteringstrategies (Hinkle and Polette, 1999; Horowitzet al., 1996; Shiller and Taylor, 1996). Small iron-rich particles with adsorbed arsenic, selenium, andother trace elements can pass through traditionalfilters (Chen et al., 1994; Litaor and Keigley,1991) and subsequently dissolve when the sampleis acidified.

Colloids tend to be most abundant in reducinggroundwaters and turbid surface waters. In cleargroundwater samples which have been filterednaturally by movement through an aquifer,differences between concentrations in filteredand unfiltered aliquots are often relatively small.

Sampling 21

Filtered and unfiltered groundwater samples fromhigh-arsenic areas in Bangladesh were found tohave broadly similar arsenic concentrations(within ^10%), although larger differences werefound occasionally (Smedley et al., 2001b).Similarly, nine out of 10 groundwater samplesfrom arsenic-affected wells in Oregon showedlittle difference (mostly ,10%) between filteredand unfiltered samples (Hinkle and Polette, 1999).

Some studies have reported larger differences.A survey of 49 unfiltered groundwater sourcesin the USA found that particulate arsenicaccounted for more than half of the total arsenicin 30% of the sources (Chen et al., 1999) althoughthe arsenic concentrations were all relatively small. Sample preservation and redoxstability

For analysis of total arsenic and selenium,samples are normally preserved by adding ultra-pure acid (1% or 2% by volume); the choice of aciddepends on the analytical procedures to be used.HCl is used before HG-AAS, HG-ICP-AES, andHG-AFS; and HNO3 before ICP-MS, GF-AAS,and ASV. Acidification also helps to stabilize thespeciation (see below), although Hall et al. (1999)recommended that nitric acid not be used foracidifying samples collected for speciation.Organic arsenic species are relatively stable, andinorganic As(III) species are the least stable(National Research Council, 1999). As of early2000s, there are no well-established methods forpreserving water samples for arsenic or seleniumspeciation analysis, although methods are beinginvestigated for arsenic (National Research Coun-cil, 1999 ; Rasmussen and Andersen, 2002).

Laboratory observations indicate that the oxi-dation of As(III) and Se(IV) by air is slow and isoften associated with microbial activity. MnO2(s),which can precipitate following atmosphericoxidation of manganese-rich water, is alsoknown to be a very efficient catalyst for thechemical oxidation of As(III) (Daus et al., 2000;Driehaus et al., 1995; Oscarson et al., 1983). Ironoxides have also been implicated in increasing theabiotic rate of oxidation of As(III), although theevidence for this is somewhat equivocal andprobably does not occur in minutes or hours unlesssome H2O2 is present (Voegelin and Hug, 2003).Precipitation of manganese and iron oxides can beminimized by ensuring sufficient acidity (pH 2 orless) and/or adding a reducing/complexing agentsuch as ascorbic acid, EDTA, or phosphate.Recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy ofEDTA (Bednar et al., 2002; Gallagher et al.,2001) and phosphate (Daus et al., 2002) inpreserving arsenic speciation.

Arsenic speciation in urine is stable for at leasttwo months without additives at 4 8C (National

Research Council, 1999). It is reasonable toconclude that natural water samples probablybehave in a similar way. As(III) in samples ofOttawa River water survived oxidation for atleast 3 d at ambient temperature and withoutpreservatives (Hall et al., 1999). The lowest ratesof oxidation occur under slightly acid conditions(Driehaus and Jekel, 1992) and acidification topH 3–5 has been found to help stabilize As(III),although it is not always successful (J. Y. Cabonand N. N. Cabon, 2000). HCl normally preventsreduction of As(V) to As(III) and arsenicspeciation has been shown to be preserved formany months, even in the presence of high Fe(II)concentrations, if water samples are filtered andacidified in the usual way (1% or 2% HCl)(McCleskey and Nordstrom, 2003). Traces ofchlorine in HCl can lead to some long-termoxidation of As(III). One of the critical factorsenhancing the oxidation of As(III) is the presenceof dissolved Fe(III). The presence of Fe2þ orSO4

22, two species often found in arsenic-richacid mine drainage (AMD) waters, inhibit theoxidation (McCleskey and Nordstrom, 2003).

Reduction of As(V) can occur in the presence ofair if samples contain dissolved organic carbon(DOC), arsenate-reducing bacteria, and no pre-servatives (Bednar et al., 2002; Hall et al., 1999;Inskeep et al., 2002). Arsenic(V) can then bereduced rapidly, within a few days. Storage at3–5 8C and in the dark helps to preserve thespeciation (Hall et al., 1999; Lindemann et al.,2000). Ideally, speciation studies for arsenic orselenium should involve a minimum of timebetween sampling and analysis.

An alternative approach to the determination ofAs(III)/As(V) speciation is to separate the As(V)species in the field using an anion-exchangecolumn (Bednar et al., 2002; Vagliasindi andBenjamin, 2001; Wilkie and Hering, 1998; Yalcinand Le, 1998). At near neutral to acidic pH,typical of most natural waters, uncharged As(III)is not retained by the resin and the retained As(V)can be eluted subsequently with high-purity acid.Providing that total arsenic is known, As(III) canbe estimated by difference. Bednar et al. (2002)favored an acetate resin because of its high pHbuffering capacity. Such anion-exchange methodsdo not work for selenium speciation, since boththe Se(IV) and Se(VI) species are negativelycharged and retained by the column.

9.02.3 ANALYTICAL METHODS Arsenic Total arsenic in aqueous samples

Laboratory methods. Methods for arsenicanalysis in water, food, and biological samples

Arsenic and Selenium22

have been reviewed in detail elsewhere (ATSDR,2000; Irgolic, 1994; National Research Council,1999; Rasmussen and Andersen, 2002) (Table 3).

Early colorimetric methods for arsenic anal-ysis used the reaction of arsine gas with eithermercuric bromide captured on filter paper toproduce a yellow-brown stain (Gutzeit method)or with silver diethyl dithiocarbamate (SDDC) toproduce a red dye. The SDDC method is stillwidely used in developing countries. The mol-ybdate blue spectrophotometric method that iswidely used for phosphate determination can beused for As(V), but the correction for Pinterference is difficult. Methods based on atomicabsorption spectrometry (AAS) linked to hydridegeneration (HG) or a graphite furnace (GF) havebecome widely used. Other sensitive and specificarsenic detectors (e.g., AFS, ICP-MS, andICP-AES) are becoming increasingly available.HG-AFS, in particular, is now widely used forroutine arsenic determinations because ofits sensitivity, reliability, and relatively lowcapital cost.

Conventional ICP-MS has great sensitivity butsuffers from serious interferences. Chlorine inter-ference leads to the formation of 40Ar35Clþ, whichhas the same mass/charge ratio as the mono-isotopic 75As ðm=z ¼ 75Þ. Hence, HCl and HClO4

should not be used for preservation or dissolutionif ICP-MS is to be used. There may also besignificant interference in samples with naturallyhigh Cl/As ratios. A chlorine concentration of1,000 mg L21 gives an arsenic signal equivalentto ,3–10 mg L21.

The use of a high-resolution magnetic sectormass spectrometer, which can resolve the smalldifference in m/z for 75Asþ at 74.922 from that of40Ar35Clþ at 74.931, eliminates the chlorineinterference. New collision-cell techniques, inwhich the atomized samples are mixed with asecond gas (usually H2) in a reaction cell, alsominimize this interference. Arsenic detectionlimits of a few ng L21 have been reported inmatrices containing 1,000 mg L21 NaCl. Thechlorine interference can also be avoided bypreseparation using HG, GF, or chromatography.

Field-test kits. A large number of wells need tobe tested (and retested) for arsenic worldwide.Hence, there is a need for reliable field-test kitsthat can measure arsenic concentrations down to10 mg L21, the WHO guideline value for arsenicin drinking water. Some of the more recentlydeveloped kits based on the Gutzeit method canachieve this semiquantitatively (Kinniburgh andKosmus, 2002). Total arsenic in solid samples

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) andinstrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA)are commonly used for multi-element analysis ofrock, soil, and sediment samples since they do notrequire chemical dissolution. However, the detec-tion limit for arsenic using XRF is on the order of5 mg kg21 and is too high for many environmentalpurposes. Once dissolved, arsenic can be deter-mined using many of the methods described above

Table 3 Recognized methods of arsenic analysis.

Technique LoD(mg L21)

Sample size(mL)

Equipment cost(US$)

Analyticalthroughput per day

Comments Accreditedprocedure

HG-AAS 0.05 50 20–100,000 30–60 Single element ISO 11969SM 3114

GF-AAS 1–5 1–2 40–100,000 50–100 ISO/CD 15586SM 3113

ICP-AES 35–50 10–20 60–100,000 50–100 Multi-element;requires Ar gassupply. Can reduceLoD with HG

ISO/CD 11885SM 3120

ICP-MS 0.02–1 10–20 150–400,000 20–100 Multi-element SM 3125US EPA 1638

HG-AFS 0.01 40–50 20–25,000 30–60 Single element butcan be adaptedfor Se and Hg

ASV 0.1 25–50 10–20,000 25–50 Only free dissolved As US EPA 7063SDDC 1–10 100 2–10,000 20–30 Simple instrumentation SM 3500

ISO 6595

Source: Rasmussen and Andersen (2002).Technique: HG ¼ hydride generation; AAS ¼ atomic absorption spectrometry; GF ¼ graphite furnace; AES ¼ atomic emission spectrometry;MS ¼ mass spectrometry; AFS ¼ atomic fluorescence spectrometry; ASV ¼ anodic stripping voltammetry; SDDC ¼ sodium diethyldithiocarbamate. Procedures: ISO ¼ International Standards Organization; ISO/CD ¼ ISO Committee Draft; SM ¼ ‘Standard Methods’;US EPA ¼ US Environmental Protection Agency; LoD ¼ limit of detection.

Analytical Methods 23

for aqueous samples, although the method ofdigestion must be capable of destroying all solidscontaining arsenic. Arsenic speciation

Aqueous speciation. At its simplest, speciationof arsenic consists of separating the element intoits two major oxidation states, As(III) and As(V).This can be achieved on unacidified samples byion chromatography. More detailed speciationinvolves determining organic species and lesscommon inorganic species such as sulfide (thio),carbonate, and cyanide complexes, as well as lesscommon oxidation states such as As(2III) andAs(0). There is increasing interest in the bioavail-ability of arsenic. Organic speciation usuallyinvolves quantifying the two or three major(mainly the methylated) species present. Theoxidation state of arsenic in these organic speciescan be either As(III) or As(V). Generally, suchstudies are carried out in research rather than inwater-testing laboratories.

A two-stage approach to speciation is oftenused. This involves preseparation by high-per-formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or ionchromatography followed by arsenic detection.The detection methods must be highly sensitiveand capable of quantifying inorganic and organicspecies at the ng L21 to mg L21 level (Yalcin andLe, 1998). Many combinations of separation anddetection methods have been used (Bohari et al.,2001; Ipolyi and Fodor, 2000; Lindemann et al.,2000; Martinez-Bravo et al., 2001; NationalResearch Council, 1999; Taniguchi et al., 1999).All of them require expensive instrumentation andhighly skilled operators and none has acquired“routine” or accredited status.

A widely used but indirect method ofAs(III)/As(V) speciation involves no presepara-tion but involves two separate determinations,with and without prereduction. The rate of AsH3

production by sodium borohydride (NaBH4)reduction depends primarily on the initial oxi-dation state of the arsenic in solution and thesolution pH. Under typical operating conditions ofabout pH 6 where the neutral As(III) species,H3AsO3, predominates, only As(III) is convertedto the hydride (Anderson et al., 1986; Driehausand Jekel, 1992). For the most part, the negativelycharged As(V) species are not converted. For thedetermination of total arsenic, As(V) to As(III)prereduction can be achieved by adding a mixtureof HCl, KI, and ascorbic acid ideally at pH ,1 toensure full protonation and efficient HG. Highconcentrations of HCl are particularly effective.Arsenic(V) can then be estimated by difference.AFS or AAS provide sensitive and fairly robustdetectors for the arsine gas produced. Highconcentrations of some metal ions, particularly

Fe3þ and Cu2þ, can interfere with the HG but thiscan be overcome by adding masking agents suchas thiourea (Anderson et al., 1986) or by theirprior removal with a cation-exchange resin.

Solid-phase speciation. While most speciationstudies have been concerned with redox speciationin solution, speciation in the solid phase is also ofinterest. Both reduced and oxidized arsenic andselenium species can be adsorbed on minerals,soils, and sediments albeit with differing affinities(see Sections and Such adsorp-tion has been demonstrated on metal oxides andclays and also probably takes place, to someextent, on carbonates, phosphates, sulfides, andperhaps organic matter. Structural arsenic andselenium may also be characterized.

Solid-phase speciation has been measured bothby wet chemical extraction and, for arsenic, byinstrumental methods principally X-ray absorp-tion near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES)(Brown et al., 1999). La Force et al. (2000) usedXANES and selective extractions to determine thelikely speciation of arsenic in a wetland affectedby mine wastes. They identified seasonal effectswith As(III) and As(V) thought to be associatedwith carbonates in the summer, iron oxides in theautumn and winter, and silicates in the spring.Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spec-troscopy (EXAFS) has been used to determine theoxidation state of arsenic in arsenic-rich Califor-nian mine wastes (Foster et al., 1998b). Typicalconcentrations of arsenic in soils and sediments(arsenic ,20 mg kg21) are often too low forEXAFS measurements, but as more powerfulphoton beams become available, the use of suchtechniques should increase.

Classical wet chemical extraction procedureshave also been used to assess the solid-phasespeciation of arsenic, but care must be taken not tooxidize As(III) during extraction (Demesmay andOlle, 1997). Extractions should be carried out inthe dark to minimize photochemical oxidation. Selenium Total selenium in aqueous samples

Historically, analysis for selenium has beendifficult, partly because environmental concen-trations are naturally low. Indeed, seleniumanalysis still remains problematic for many lab-oratories at concentrations below 0.01 mg L21, arelatively high concentration in many environ-ments (Steinhoff et al., 1999). Hence, selenium hasoften been omitted from multi-element geochem-ical surveys despite its importance (Darnley et al.,1995). Analytical methods with limits of detectionof ,0.01 mg L21 include colorimetry, totalreflectance-XRF, HG-AFS, gas chromatography

Arsenic and Selenium24

(GC) of organic species, ICP-MS, and HG-ICP-AES. Of these, HG-AFS and ICP-MS are probablythe most widely used methods. Like arsenic, thereare no generally accepted ways of preservingselenium speciation in water samples, and evenfewer studies of the factors controlling the stabilityof the various species. Many of the precautions forarsenic-preserved species (Section arealso likely to apply to the preservation of seleniumspecies.

Pre-treatment to destroy organic matter.Organic selenium species are more widespreadin the environment than comparable arsenicspecies. The determination of total selenium bymost analytical methods requires samples to bepre-treated to remove organic matter, releaseselenium, and change its oxidation state.

Wet digestion using mixtures of nitric, sulfuric,phosphoric, and perchloric acids, with or withoutthe addition of hydrogen peroxide, has been usedfor organic samples and natural waters. Nitric acidreduces foaming and/or charring. The trimethyl-selenonium ion is resistant to decomposition bywet digestion. A long period of digestion is,therefore, required for urine and plant materials,which may contain the ion.

Laboratory methods. Fluorimetry has been usedwidely for selenium analysis in environmentalsamples but is being superseded by more sensitiveinstrumental methods. Some of the instrumentalmethods used for arsenic speciation and analysiscan also be used for selenium. In particular, HPLCand HG can separate selenium into forms suitablefor detection by AAS, AFS (Ipolyi and Fodor,2000), or ICP-AES (Adkins et al., 1995). OnlySe(IV) forms the hydride, and so Se(VI) must beprereduced to Se(IV) if total selenium is to bedetermined. This is normally achieved usingwarm HCl/KBr followed by co-precipitationwith La(OH)3 if necessary (Adkins et al., 1995).KI is not used, since it tends to produce someSe(0), which is not reduced by HG. La(OH)3

collects only Se(IV), so the prereduction step toinclude the contribution from Se(VI) is requiredbefore co-precipitation. Other methods of pre-concentration include co-precipitation of Se(IV)with hydrous iron oxide or adsorptiononto Amberlite IRA-743 resin (Bueno andPotin-Gautier, 2002).

ICP-MS detection of selenium is now favoredbecause of its sensitivity even without HG or otherforms of preconcentration. However, selenium canbe seriously affected by matrix interferences whenusing ICP-MS. The polyatomic Ar2

þ, with a mass of80, overlaps with the most abundant isotope ofselenium (80Se). Even using hydrogen as acollision gas results in the formation of 2–5% ofselenium hydride for which a correction must beapplied. For routine analysis of selenium, the

hydride-interference free, but less abundant iso-topes, 76Se and 82Se, are usually determined. Selenium in solid samples

Direct analysis of solids for selenium by XRFhas a detection limit of ,0.5 mg kg21 and so isoften insufficiently sensitive. Rock, sediment,and soil samples can be dissolved using wetchemical methods (HF–HCl–etc.) followed byLa(OH)3 co-precipitation to separate hydride-forming elements including selenium. This ispresent as Se(IV) following acid dissolution(Hall and Pelchat, 1997). The methods describedabove for aqueous samples can then be used.

Modern thermal ionization mass spectrometry(TIMS) is now sufficiently sensitive and precise tomeasure individual selenium-isotope abundances(e.g., 80Se/76Se) in solid samples or residues so thatit can be used to study environmental cycling/distri-butions (Johnson et al., 1999). Microbial reductionof selenate leads to isotopically lighter selenite, i.e.,the reduction has a 80Se/76Se fractionation factor,1, of about 25.5‰ (Johnson et al., 1999). INAAhas been used to determine different seleniumisotopes, especially 75Se in plant tracer studies. Selenium speciation

Selenium speciation in waters is poorly under-stood, although in principle, it can be determinedusing HG with and without a prereduction step(see Section Ion-exchange chroma-tography is used extensively to determine sel-enium species in plant extracts, and GC canmeasure volatile selenium compounds. Recentdevelopments in anion-exchange HPLC and MStechniques (ICP–dynamic reaction cell–MS,TIMS and multiple collector–MS) mean that itis now possible to determine selenium-isotopeabundances and concentrations in selenaminoacids including selenocysteine and selenomethio-nine (Gomez-Ariza et al., 2000; Sloth and Larsen,2000). Electrochemical methods such as cathodicstripping voltammetry (CSV) are highly sensitiveand, in principle, can be used for speciation,because only Se(IV) species are electroactive(Lange and van den Berg, 2000). Because of theimportant role that selenium plays in humannutrition, there is increasing interest in measuringthe “bioavailable” amounts especially in food-stuffs using various bioassays. Quality Control and Standard ReferenceMaterials

Although analysts usually determine theprecision of their analyses using replicate

Analytical Methods 25

determinations, the analysis of arsenic andselenium can be affected seriously by contami-nation and matrix interferences during samplingand analysis. These can be difficult to identify andare best found by sample randomization and thecollection of duplicate samples as part of anobjective, independent quality-control system(Plant et al., 1975).

The measurement of standard referencematerials (SRMs) provides the best method forensuring that an analytical procedure isproducing accurate results in realistic matrices.Many SRMs are available (Govindaraju, 1994;Rasmussen and Andersen, 2002). The most widelyused are those supplied by National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST). Arsenic andselenium concentrations have been certified in arange of natural waters, sediments, and soils(Tables 4 and 5). The SLRS range of certifiedstandards from the National Research Council ofCanada also includes several river waters withmuch lower arsenic concentrations than the NISTstandards (,0.2–1 mg L21). Certified standardsfor As(III)/As(V) and Se(IV)/Se(VI) speciationare available commercially (e.g., SPEXCertiprepw speciation standards).

The Canadian Certified Reference MaterialsProject (CCRMP) also provides referencematerials for lake sediment, stream sediments,and soils (tills) for arsenic but not for selenium.However, the BCR-320 certified river sedimentfrom the Institute for Reference Materials and

Measurements (IRRM), Geel, Belgium is certifiedat 76.7 mg kg21 arsenic and 0.214 mg kg21

selenium.The Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ)

provides a wide range of rock RMs along with“recommended” arsenic and selenium concen-trations. The US Geological Survey (USGS)issues 21 RMs for which it provides “rec-ommended” and “information” (when less thanthree independent methods have been used)concentrations. Thirteen of these include datafor arsenic and two for both arsenic andselenium (the SGR-1 shale and CLB-1 coalsamples). Hall and Pelchat (1997) have analyzed55 geological RMs for arsenic, bismuth, anti-mony, selenium, and tellurium including RMsfrom the USGS, IGGE (China), GSJ, CCRMP,and NRC (Canada) programs.


The average crustal abundance of arsenic is1.5 mg kg21. The element is strongly chaloco-phile. Approximately 60% of natural arsenicminerals are arsenates, 20% sulfides andsulfosalts, and the remaining 20% are arsenides,

Table 4 SRMs for natural waters from various suppliers.

SRM TMRAIN 95 SLRS-4 SRM 1640 SRM 1643d/ea

CRM 609 CRM 610 CRM 403 CASS-4

Supplier NWRI NRC NIST NIST IRMM IRMM IRMM NRCMedium Rainwater River


waterFreshwater Groundwater Groundwater Seawater Seawater,

nearshoreArsenic(mg L21) 1.07 0.68 26.67 56.02 1.29




Selenium(mg L21) 21.96 11.43

a 1643d is presently out of stock; a new batch (1643e) is being prepared. NWRI ¼ National Water Research Institute, Environment Canada;NIST ¼ National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA; IRMM ¼ Institute for Reference Materials andMeasurements; NRC ¼ National Research Council of Canada. b mg kg21.

Table 5 SRMs for soils, sediment, and sludges from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

SRM Medium As(mg kg21)

Se(mg kg21)

1646a Estuarine sediment 6.23 0.1931944 New York/New Jersey waterway sediment 18.9 1.42586 Trace elements in soil containing lead paint 8.7 0.62587 Trace elements in soil containing lead paint 13.72709 San Joaquin soil 17.7 1.572710 Montana soil (highly elevated traces) 6262711 Montana soil (moderately elevated traces) 105 1.522781 Domestic sludge 7.82 16.0

Arsenic and Selenium26

arsenites, oxides, alloys, and polymorphs ofelemental arsenic. Arsenic concentrations ofmore than 105 mg kg21 have been reported insulfide minerals and up to 7.6 £ 104 mg kg21 iniron oxides (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).However, concentrations are typically muchlower. Arsenic is incorporated into primaryrock-forming minerals only to a limited extent,for example, by the substitution of As3þ for Fe3þ

or Al3þ. Therefore, arsenic concentrations insilicate minerals are typically ,1 mg kg21 orless (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Manyigneous and metamorphic rocks have averagearsenic concentrations of 1–10 mg kg21. Similarconcentrations are found in carbonate mineralsand rocks.

Arsenic concentrations in sedimentary rocks canbe more variable. The highest arsenic concen-trations (20–200 mg kg21) are typically found inorganic-rich and sulfide-rich shales, sedimentaryironstones, phosphatic rocks, and some coals(Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Althougharsenic concentrations in coals can range up to3.5 £ 104 mg kg21, concentrations in the range,1–17 mg kg21are more typical (Gluskoter et al.,1977; Palmer and Klizas, 1997). Evidence forarsenic enrichment in peat is equivocal. Shotyk(1996) found a maximum of 9 mg As kg21 in two5,000–10,000 yr old Swiss peat profiles. In theprofile with the lower ash content, the arseniccontent was 1 mg kg21 or lower.

In sedimentary rocks arsenic is concentrated inclays and other fine-grained sediments, especiallythose rich in sulfide minerals, organic matter,secondary iron oxides, and phosphates. Theaverage concentration of arsenic in shale is anorder of magnitude greater than in sandstones,limestones, and carbonate rocks. Arsenic isstrongly sorbed by oxides of iron, aluminum,and manganese as well as some clays, leading toits enrichment in ferromanganese nodules andmanganiferous deposits.

Alluvial sands, glacial till, and lake sedimentstypically contain ,1–15 mg kg21 arsenic. Streamsediments from England and Wales had a medianarsenic concentration of 10 mg kg21 (Webb,1978). The median arsenic concentration in streamsediments from 20 study areas across the USAcollected as part of the National Water-QualityAssessment (NAWQA) program was 6.3 mg kg21

(Rice, 1999).The arsenic concentration in soils shows a

similar range to that found in sediments exceptwhere contaminated by industrial or agriculturalactivity. A survey of 2,600 soils from theWelsh borderlands had a median arsenic con-centration of 11 mg kg21 (BGS, 1979–2002).Concentrations of 1,000 mg kg21 or more havebeen found at contaminated sites close to smeltersor industrial sites (Lumsdon et al., 2001). National and International Standardsfor Drinking Water

National standards for maximum concen-trations of arsenic in drinking water have beendeclining since the early 1980s as the high toxicityof arsenic has become apparent. The 1903 reportof the Royal Commission on Arsenic Poisoning inthe UK set a standard of 150 mg L21. In 1942, theUS Public Health Service set a drinking-waterstandard of 50 mg L21 for interstate water carriersand this was adopted nationally by the US EPA in1975. The WHO guideline value for arsenic indrinking water was reduced from 50 mg L21 to aprovisional value of 10 mg L21 in 1993. In mostwestern countries, the limit for arsenic in drinkingwater is now also 10 mg L21 (Yamamura, 2003).This includes the EC and the USA. The standardin Switzerland remains at 50 mg L21. While theUS EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) isnow 10 mg L21, they have also set a maximumcontaminant level goal (MCLG) of zero forarsenic in drinking water, reflecting the risk tohuman health. Abundance and Distribution in NaturalWaters

Concentrations of arsenic in natural waters varyby more than four orders of magnitude and dependon the source of the arsenic and the localgeochemical conditions (Smedley and Kinniburgh,2002). The greatest range and highest concen-trations of arsenic are found in groundwaters, soilsolutions, and sediment pore waters because of thepresence of favorable conditions for arsenic releaseand accumulation. Because the range in concen-trations of arsenic in water is large, “typical” valuesare difficult to derive. Concentrations can also varysignificantly with time. Atmospheric precipitation

Arsenic enters the atmosphere as a result ofwind erosion, volcanic emissions, low-tempera-ture volatilization from soils, marine aerosols, andpollution. It is returned to the Earth’s surface bywet and dry deposition. The most importantpollutant inputs are from smelter operations andfossil-fuel combustion. Concentrations of arsenicin rainfall and snow in rural areas are typically lessthan 0.03 mg L21 (Table 6), although they aregenerally higher in areas affected by smelters, coalburning, and volcanic emissions. Andreae (1980)found arsenic concentrations of ,0.5 mg L21 inrainfall from areas affected by smelting and coalburning. Higher concentrations (average16 mg L21) have been reported in rainfall 35 kmdownwind of a copper smelter in Seattle, USA(Crecelius, 1975). Values for Arizona snowpacks

Abundance and Forms of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 27

Table 6 Concentration ranges of arsenic in various water bodies.

Water body and location Arsenic concentration: average or range(mg L21)

RainwaterMaritime 0.02Terrestrial (W. USA) 0.013–0.032Coastal (Mid-Atlantic, USA) 0.1 (,0.005–1.1)Snow (Arizona) 0.14 (0.02–0.42)Terrestrial rain 0.46Seattle rain, impacted by copper smelter 16

River waterVarious 0.83 (0.13–2.1)Norway 0.25 (,0.02–1.1)Southeast USA 0.15–0.45USA 2.1Dordogne, France 0.7Po River, Italy 1.3Polluted European rivers 4.5–45River Danube, Bavaria 3 (1–8)Schelde catchment, Belgium 0.75–3.8 (up to 30)

High-As groundwater influencedNorthern Chile 190–21,800Northern Chile 400–450Cordoba, Argentina 7–114

Geothermally influencedSierra Nevada, USA 0.20–264Waikato, New Zealand 32 (28–36)

44 (19–67)Madison and Missouri Rivers, USA 10–370

Mining influencedRon Phibun, Thailand 218 (4.8–583)Ashanti, Ghana 284 (,2–7,900)British Columbia, Canada 17.5 (,0.2–556)

Lake waterBritish Columbia 0.28 (,0.2–0.42)Ontario 0.7France 0.73–9.2 (high Fe)Japan 0.38–1.9Sweden 0.06–1.2

Geothermally influencedWestern USA 0.38–1,000

Mining influencedNorthwest Territories, Canada 270 (64–530)Ontario, Canada 35–100

Estuarine waterOslofjord, Norway 0.7–2.0Saanich Inlet, British Columbia 1.2–2.5Rhone Estuary, France 2.2 (1.1–3.8)Krka Estuary, Yugoslavia 0.13–1.8

Mining and industry influencedLoire Estuary, France up to 16Tamar Estuary, UK 2.7–8.8Schelde Estuary, Belgium 1.8–4.9

SeawaterDeep Pacific and Atlantic 1.0–1.8Coastal Malaysia 1.0 (0.7–1.8)Coastal Spain 1.5 (0.5–3.7)Coastal Australia 1.3 (1.1–1.6)


Arsenic and Selenium28

(Barbaris and Betterton, 1996) are also slightlyabove baseline concentrations, probably becauseof inputs from smelters, power plants, and soildust. In most industrialized countries, sourcesof airborne arsenic are limited as a result ofair-pollution control measures. Unless signifi-cantly contaminated, atmospheric precipitationcontributes little arsenic to surface waters. River water

Concentrations of arsenic in river waters arealso low (typically in the range 0.1–2.0 mg L21;Table 6). These vary according to bedrocklithology, river flow, the composition of thesurface recharge, and the contribution from baseflow. The lowest concentrations have been foundin rivers draining arsenic-poor bedrocks. Seylerand Martin (1991) reported average concen-trations as low as 0.13 mg L21 in rivers flowingover karstic limestone in the Krka region ofYugoslavia. Lenvik et al. (1978) also reportedaverage concentrations of ,0.25 mg L21 arsenicin rivers draining basement rocks in Norway.

Relatively high concentrations of naturallyoccurring arsenic in rivers can occur as a resultof geothermal activity or the influx ofhigh-arsenic groundwaters. Arsenic concen-trations of 10–70 mg L21 have been reported inriver waters from geothermal areas, including the

western USA and New Zealand (McLaren andKim, 1995; Nimick et al., 1998; Robinson et al.,1995). Higher concentrations, up to 370 mg L21,have been reported in the Madison River inWyoming and Montana as a result of inputs fromthe Yellowstone geothermal system. Wilkie andHering (1998) also found concentrations in therange 85–153 mg L21 in Hot Creek, a tributaryof the Owens River, California. Some riverwaters affected by geothermal activity showdistinct seasonal variations in arsenic concen-tration. Concentrations in the Madison River arehighest during low-flow conditions, reflectingthe increased proportion of geothermal water(Nimick et al., 1998). In the Waikato river systemof New Zealand, arsenic maxima occur in thesummer months, reflecting temperature-controlledmicrobial reduction of As(V) to the more mobileAs(III) species (McLaren and Kim, 1995).

Increased arsenic concentrations are also foundin some river waters dominated by base flow inarid areas. Such waters often have a high pH andalkalinity. For example, surface waters from theLoa River Basin of northern Chile (Atacamadesert) contain naturally occurring arsenic inthe range 190–21,800 mg L21 (Caceres et al.,1992). The high arsenic concentrations correlatewith high salinity. While geothermal inputs ofarsenic are likely to be important, evaporativeconcentration of the base-flow-dominated river

Table 6 (continued).

Water body and location Arsenic concentration: average or range(mg L21)

GroundwaterVarious USA aquifers ,1–2,600Various UK aquifers ,0.5–57Bengal Basin, West Bengal, Bangladesh ,0.5–3,200Chaco-Pampean Plain, Argentina ,1–5,300Lagunera, northern Mexico 8–620Inner Mongolia, China ,1–2,400Taiwan ,10 to 1,820Great Hungarian Plain, Hungary, Romania ,2–176Red River Delta, Vietnam 1–3,050Mining-contaminated groundwaters 50–10,000Geothermal water ,10–50,000Mineralized area, Bavaria, Germany ,10–150Herbicide-contaminated groundwater, Texas 408,000

Mine drainageVarious, USA ,1–850,000Ural Mountains 400,000

Sediment pore waterBaseline, Swedish estuary 1.3–166Baseline, clays, Saskatchewan, Canada 3.2–99Baseline, Amazon shelf sediments Up to 300Mining-contam’d, British Columbia 50–360Tailings impoundment, Ontario, Canada 300–100,000

After Smedley and Kinniburgh (2002).

Abundance and Forms of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 29

water is also likely to concentrate arsenic in theprevailing arid conditions. High arsenic concen-trations (up to 114 mg L21) have also beenreported in alkaline river waters from centralArgentina, where regional groundwater arsenicconcentrations are high (Lerda and Prosperi,1996).

Although bedrock influences river-waterarsenic concentrations, rivers with typical pHand alkalinity values (ca. pH 5–7, HCO3

2 ,100mg L21) generally contain lower concentrationsof arsenic, even where groundwater concen-trations are high, because of oxidation andadsorption of arsenic onto particulate matter inthe stream bed and dilution by surface runoff.Arsenic concentrations in the range ,0.5 –2.7 mg L21 have been reported for seven river-water samples from Bangladesh, with one samplecontaining 29 mg L21 (BGS and DPHE, 2001).

High arsenic concentrations in river waters canalso reflect pollution from industrial or sewageeffluents. M. O. Andreae and T. W. Andreae (1989)reported arsenic concentrations up to 30 mg L21 inwater from the River Zenne, Belgium which isaffected by urban and industrial waste, particularlysewage. The background arsenic concentrationwas in the range 0.75–3.8 mg L21. Durum et al.(1971) found that 79% of surface waters from theUSA had arsenic concentrations below the detec-tion limit of 10 mg L21. The highest concentration,1,100 mg L21, was reported from Sugar Creek,South Carolina, downstream of an industrialcomplex.

Arsenic can also be derived from mine wastesand tailings. Azcue and Nriagu (1995) reportedbaseline concentrations of 0.7 mg L21 in theMoira River, Ontario, upstream of gold-minetailings, and concentrations up to 23 mg L21

downstream. Azcue et al. (1994) reportedconcentrations up to 556 mg L21 (average17.5 mg L21) in streams draining mine tailingsin British Columbia. Williams et al. (1996) andSmedley (1996) noted high arsenic concen-trations (typically ,200–300 mg L21) in surfacewaters from areas of tin and gold mining,respectively. Such anomalies tend to be localizedbecause of the strong adsorption of arsenic byoxide minerals, especially iron oxide, underoxidizing and neutral to acidic conditions typicalof many surface waters. Arsenic concentrationsare, therefore, not always very high even inmining areas. For example, stream-water arsenicconcentrations from the Dalsung Cu–W miningarea of Korea ranged from 0.8 mg L21 to19 mg L21 (Jung et al., 2002). Lake water

Arsenic concentrations in lake waters aretypically close to or lower than those of river

water. Baseline concentrations of ,1 mg L21

have been reported from Canada (Table 6)(Azcue et al., 1995; Azcue and Nriagu, 1995).Higher concentrations in lake waters may reflectgeothermal sources or mining activity. Concen-trations of 100–500 mg L21 have been reported insome mining areas and up to 1,000 mg L21 ingeothermal areas. However, arsenic concen-trations can be much lower in mining-affectedlake waters as a result of adsorption onto ironoxides under neutral to mildly acidic conditions.For example, Azcue et al. (1994) reportedconcentrations in lake waters affected by miningactivity in Canada of ,0.3 mg L21, close tobackground values.

High arsenic concentrations can also occurin alkaline, closed-basin lakes. Mono Lake,California, USA has dissolved arsenic concen-trations of (10–20) £ 104 mg L21 with pH valuesin the range 9.5–10 as a result of the combinedinfluences of geothermal activity, weathering ofmineralized volcanic rocks, evaporation of waterat the lake surface, and a thriving population ofarsenate-respiring bacteria (Maest et al., 1992;Oremland et al., 2000).

Arsenic concentrations show considerablevariations in stratified lakes because of changesin redox conditions or biological activity (Aggettand O’Brien, 1985; Hering and Kneebone,2002). Arsenic concentrations increase withdepth in lake waters in Ontario, probablybecause of an increasing ratio of As(III) toAs(V) and an influx of mining-contaminatedsediment pore waters at the sediment–waterinterface (Azcue and Nriagu, 1995). In othercases, seasonal depletion at the surface parallelsthat of nutrients such as silicate (Kuhn and Sigg,1993). Concentrations are higher at depth insummer when the proportion of As(III) isgreatest, probably reflecting lower oxygen con-centrations as a result of biological productivity. Seawater and estuaries

Average arsenic concentrations in openseawater are typically ,1.5 mg L21 (Table 6).Surface depletion, as with nutrients such assilicate, has been observed in some seawatersamples but not others. Concentrations in estuar-ine water are more variable because of differentriver inputs and salinity or redox gradientsbut they typically contain less than 4 mg L21.Peterson and Carpenter (1983) found arsenicconcentrations of 1.2–2.5 mg L21 in watersfrom Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Concen-trations below 2 mg L21 were found in Oslofjord,Norway (Abdullah et al., 1995). Higher concen-trations reflect industrial or mining effluent(e.g., Tamar, Schelde, Loire Estuaries) or inputsof geothermal water.

Arsenic and Selenium30

Some studies have reported conservative beha-vior during estuarine mixing. In the unpollutedKrka Estuary of Yugoslavia, Seyler and Martin(1991) observed a linear increase in total arsenicwith increasing salinity, ranging from0.13 mg L21 in freshwaters to 1.8 mg L21 off-shore. Other studies however, have observednonconservative behavior in estuaries due toprocesses such as diffusion from sedimentpore waters, co-precipitation with iron oxides,or anthropogenic inputs (M. O. Andreae andT. W. Andreae, 1989; Andreae et al., 1983). Theflocculation of iron oxides at the freshwater–saline interface as a result of increase in pH andsalinity can lead to major decrease in the arsenicflux to the oceans (Cullen and Reimer, 1989). Groundwater

The concentration of arsenic in most ground-waters is ,10 mg L21 (Edmunds et al., 1989;Welch et al., 2000) and often below the detectionlimit of routine analytical methods. An analysis ofgroundwaters used for public supply in the USAshowed that only 7.6% exceeded 10 mg L21 with64% containing ,1 mg L21 (Focazio et al., 1999).Nonetheless, naturally high-arsenic groundwatersare found in aquifers in some areas of the worldand concentrations occasionally reach the mg L21

range (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). Indust-rially contaminated groundwater can also give riseto very high dissolved arsenic concentrations, butthe affected areas are usually localized. Forexample, Kuhlmeier (1997) found concentrationsof arsenic up to 4.08 £ 105 mg L21 in ground-water close to a herbicide plant in Texas.

The physicochemical conditions favoringarsenic mobilization in aquifers are variable,complex, and poorly understood, although someof the key factors leading to high groundwaterarsenic concentrations are now known. Mobiliza-tion can occur under strongly reducing conditionswhere arsenic, mainly as As(III), is released bydesorption from, and/or dissolution of, ironoxides. Many such aquifers are sufficientlyreducing for sulfate reduction, and in some casesfor methane generation, to occur (Ahmed et al.,1998). Immobilization under reducing conditionsis also possible. Some sulfate-reducing microor-ganisms can respire As(V) leading to the for-mation of an As2S3 precipitate (Newman et al.,1997a,b). Some immobilization of arsenic mayalso occur if iron sulfides are formed.

Reducing conditions favorable for arsenicmobilization have been reported most frequentlyfrom young (Quaternary) alluvial, deltaic sedi-ments where the interplay of tectonic, isostatic,and eustatic factors have resulted in complexpatterns of sedimentation and the rapid burial oflarge amounts of sediment together with fresh

organic matter during delta progradation. Thicksequences of young sediments are quite often thesites of high groundwater arsenic concentrations.The most notable example of these conditions isthe Bengal Basin which includes Bangladesh andWest Bengal (BGS and DPHE, 2001). Otherexamples include Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia,parts of northern China (Luo et al., 1997; Smedleyet al., 2003; Wang and Huang, 1994), theGreat Hungarian Plain of Hungary and Romania(E. S. Gurzau and A. E. Gurzau, 2001; Varsa�nyiet al., 1991), the Red River Delta of Vietnam(Berg et al., 2001), and parts of the western USA(Korte, 1991; Welch et al., 2000). Recentgroundwater extraction in many of these areas,either for public supply or for irrigation, hasinduced increased groundwater flow. This couldinduce further transport of arsenic (Harvey et al.,2002).

High concentrations of naturally occurringarsenic are also found in oxidizing conditionswhere groundwater pH values are high (ca. .8)(Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). In suchenvironments, inorganic As(V) predominatesand arsenic concentrations are positively corre-lated with those of other anion-forming speciessuch as HCO3

2, F2, H3BO3, and H2VO42.

Examples include parts of western USA, forexample, San Joaquin Valley, California (Fujiiand Swain, 1995), Lagunera region of Mexico(Del Razo et al., 1990), Antofagasta area of Chile(Caceres et al., 1992; Sancha and Castro, 2001),and the Chaco-Pampean Plain of Argentina(Nicolli et al., 1989; Smedley et al., 2002)(Table 6). These high-arsenic groundwater pro-vinces are usually in arid or semi-arid regionswhere groundwater salinity is high. Evaporationhas been suggested to be an important additionalcause of arsenic accumulation in some arid areas(Welch and Lico, 1998).

High concentrations of arsenic have also beenfound in groundwater from areas of bedrock andplacer mineralization which are often the sites ofmining activities. Arsenic concentrations of up to5,000 mg L21 have been found in groundwaterassociated with the former tin-mining activity inthe Ron Phibun area of Peninsular Thailand, thesource most likely being oxidized arsenopyrite(FeAsS). Many cases have also been reported fromother parts of the world including the USA,Canada, Poland, and Austria. Examples includethe Fairbanks mining district of Alaska wherearsenic concentrations up to 104 mg L21 have beenfound in groundwater (Welch et al., 1988), and theCoeur d’Alene district of Idaho where groundwaterarsenic concentrations of up to 1,400 mg L21 havebeen reported (Mok and Wai, 1990).

Groundwater arsenic problems in nonminedmineralized areas are less common, but Boyleet al. (1998) found concentrations up to

Abundance and Forms of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 31

580 mg L21 in groundwater from the sulfidemineralized areas of Bowen Island, BritishColumbia. Heinrichs and Udluft (1999) alsofound arsenic concentrations up to 150 mg L21 ingroundwater from a mineralized sandstone aquiferin Bavaria. Sediment pore water

Much higher concentrations of arsenic fre-quently occur in pore waters extracted fromunconsolidated sediments than in overlying sur-face waters. Widerlund and Ingri (1995) reportedconcentrations in the range 1.3–166 mg L21 inpore waters from the Kalix River estuary, northernSweden. Yan et al. (2000) found concentrationsin the range 3.2–99 mg L21 in pore waters fromclay sediments in Saskatchewan, Canada.

High concentrations are frequently found inpore waters from geothermal areas. Aggett andKriegman (1988) reported arsenic concentrationsup to 6,430 mg L21 in anoxic pore waters fromLake Ohakuri, New Zealand. Even higher concen-trations have been found in pore waters fromsediments contaminated with mine tailings ordraining ore deposits. McCreadie et al. (2000)reported concentrations up to 105 mg L21 in porewaters extracted from mine tailings in Ontario,Canada. High pore-water arsenic concentrationsprobably reflect the strong redox gradients oftenover a few centimeters below the sediment–waterinterface. Burial of fresh organic matter and theslow diffusion of oxygen through the sediment leadto reducing conditions with the consequentreduction of As(V) to As(III) and the desorptionand dissolution of arsenic from iron and manganeseoxides.

There is much evidence for arsenic release intoshallow sediment pore waters and overlying sur-face waters in response to temporal variations inredox conditions. Sullivan and Aller (1996)investigated arsenic cycling in shallow sedimentsfrom an unpolluted area of the Amazonian offshoreshelf. They found pore-water arsenic concen-trations up to 300 mg L21 in anaerobic sedimentswith nearly coincident peaks of dissolved arsenicand iron. The peaks for iron concentration wereoften slightly above those of arsenic (Figure 1). Themagnitude of the peaks and their depths variedfrom place to place and possibly seasonally butwere typically between 50 cm and 150 cm beneaththe sediment–water interface (Sullivan and Aller,1996). There was no correlation between pore-water arsenic concentrations and sediment arsenicconcentrations (Figure 1). Acid mine drainage

Acid mine drainage, which can have pH valuesas low as 23.6 (Nordstrom et al., 2000),

can contain high concentrations of many solutes,including iron and arsenic. The highest reportedarsenic concentration, 8.5 £ 105 mg L21, wasfound in an acid seep in the Richmond mine,California (Nordstrom and Alpers, 1999). Plumleeet al. (1999) reported concentrations ranging from,1 mg L21 to 3.4 £ 105 mg L21 in 180 samplesof mine drainage from the USA, with the highestvalues from the Richmond mine. Gelova (1977)

Figure 1 (a) Pore water and (b) cold 6 M HCl-extractable element concentrations in marine sedimentsfrom a pristine environment on the River Amazon shelfsome 120 km off the coast of Brazil (after Sullivan and

Aller, 1996, figure 3).

Arsenic and Selenium32

also reported arsenic concentrations of 4 £ 105

mg L21 in the Ural Mountains. Dissolved arsenicin AMD is rapidly removed as the pH increasesand as iron is oxidized and precipitated as hydrousferric oxide (HFO), co-precipitating largeamounts of arsenic. Arsenic Species in Natural Waters

The speciation of arsenic in natural watersis controlled by reduction, oxidation, andmethylation reactions that affect its solubility,transport, bioavailability, and toxicity (Hering andKneebone, 2002). Inorganic speciation is import-ant since the varying protonation and charge of thearsenic species present at different oxidation stateshas a strong effect on their behavior, for example,their adsorption. While the concentrations oforganic arsenic species are low in most naturalenvironments, the methylated and dimethylatedAs(III) species are now of considerable interestsince they have been found to be more cytotoxic,more genotoxic, and more potent enzyme inhibi-tors than inorganic As(III) (Thomas et al., 2001). Inorganic species

Redox potential (Eh) and pH are the mostimportant factors governing inorganic arsenicspeciation. Under oxidizing conditions, and pHless than ,6.9, H2AsO4

2 is dominant, whereasat higher pH, HAsO4

22 is dominant. H3AsO40

and AsO432 may be present in extremely acid

and alkaline conditions, respectively (Figure 2;Nordstrom and Archer, 2003; Yan et al., 2000).Under reducing conditions where the pH is lessthan ,9.2, the uncharged arsenite species,H3AsO3, predominates. Native arsenic is stableunder strongly reducing conditions.

In the presence of high concentrations ofreduced sulfur and low pH, dissolved As(III)sulfide species can be formed rapidly by reductionof arsenate by H2S. There is strong evidence forthe existence of the trimer, As3S4(SH)2

2, understrongly reducing, acidic and sulfur-rich con-ditions, with the thioarsenite species, AsO(SH)2


appearing at higher pHs (Helz et al., 1995;Nordstrom and Archer, 2003; Rochette et al.,2000; Schwedt and Rieckhoff, 1996). Reducing,acidic, and sulfur-rich conditions also favorprecipitation of orpiment (As2S3), realgar (AsS),or other arsenic sulfide minerals (Cullen andReimer, 1989). High concentrations of arsenic areunlikely in acidic waters containing high concen-trations of free sulfide (Moore et al., 1988). Inmore alkaline environments, As(III) sulfides aremore soluble and higher dissolved arsenic con-centrations could persist. There is some evidencefor the existence of As(V) carbonate species (Kimet al., 2000) but their environmental significance

remains to be understood. Like dissolvedhydrogen, arsine is only expected under extremelyreducing conditions. Green rusts, complexFe(II)–Fe(III) hydroxide minerals which formunder reducing conditions, have been shown to beable to reduce selenate to selenite abiotically butnot arsenate to arsenite (Randall et al., 2001).

The Eh–pH diagram for the As–O–S system isshown in Figure 3. While such diagrams areuseful, they necessarily simplify highly complexnatural systems. For example, iron is not includeddespite its strong influence on arsenic speciation.Hence, scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O), an importantarsenic-bearing mineral found under a wide rangeof near-neutral, oxidizing conditions, is notrepresented. Neither is the co-precipitation ofarsenic with pyrite or the formation of FeAsSunder reducing conditions. The relative stabilityof the various As–S minerals is very sensitive totheir assumed free energies of formation and thestability of the various soluble As–S species. TheEh–pH diagram can vary significantly dependingon the chosen forms of realgar and As2S3,including their crystallinity.

The extent of redox equilibrium in naturalwaters has been the cause of considerablediscussion. In the case of arsenic, Cherry et al.(1979) suggested that redox equilibrium wassufficiently rapid for As(V)/As(III) ratios to be

Figure 2 Speciation of: (a) As(V) and (b) As(III) in a0.01 M NaCl medium as a function of pH at 25 8C

(source Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).

Abundance and Forms of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 33

useful indicators of redox state. Subsequentfindings have been somewhat equivocal (Welchet al., 1988), although some recent data for porewater As(V)/As(III) ratios and Eh measurementshave indicated substantial consistency (Yan et al.,2000). While the rate of oxidation of As(III) ingroundwater is difficult to quantify under fieldconditions, the rates are believed to be slow.However, biological activity in these waters isalso generally low making redox equilibriumeasier to attain than in more productiveenvironments. Organic species

Organic-arsenic species are important in food,especially fish and marine invertebrates such aslobsters (AsB and arsenosugars) and in blood andurine (MMA and DMA), although they usually areonly a minor component of arsenic in naturalwaters (Francesconi and Kuehnelt, 2002; NationalResearch Council, 1999). Their concentrations aregreatest in organic-rich waters such as soil andsediment pore waters and productive lake waters,and least in groundwaters. The concentrations oforganic species are increased by methylationreactions catalyzed by microbial activity, includ-ing bacteria, yeasts, and algae. The dominantorganic forms found are DMA and MMA.Proportions of these two species are reported toincrease in summer as a result of increasedmicrobial activity (Hasegawa, 1997). Organicspecies may also be more abundant close to thesediment– water interface (Hasegawa et al.,1999).

Small concentrations of trimethylarsonate(TMA), AsB, AsC, and phenylarsonate have beenobserved occasionally (Florencio et al., 1997).

Arsenic can also be bound to humic material, butthis association has not been well characterized andmay involve ternary complexes with stronglybound cations such as Fe3þ.

There have been reports of “hidden” arsenicspecies in natural waters. These are organicspecies that do not form arsine gas with NaBH4

and were, therefore, undetected in early speciationstudies. Some, though not all, such arsenic speciesare detected after UV irradiation of samples(Hasegawa et al., 1999; National ResearchCouncil, 1999). Observed speciation in differentwater types

The oxidation states of arsenic in rainwater varyaccording to source but are likely to be dominantlyas As(III) when derived from smelters, coalburning, or volcanic sources. Organic arsenicspecies may be derived by volatilization fromsoils, and arsine (As(2 III)H3) may be produced inlandfills and reducing soils such as paddy soils andpeats. Arsenate may be derived from marineaerosols. Reduced forms undergo oxidation in theatmosphere and reactions with atmospheric SO2

or O3 are likely (Cullen and Reimer, 1989).In oxic seawater, the As(V) species predomi-

nates, though some As(III) is invariably presentespecially in anoxic bottom waters. Arsenic(V)should exist mainly as HAsO4

22 and H2AsO42 in

the pH range of seawater (pH ,8.2; Figures 2and 3) and As(III) mainly as the neutral speciesH3AsO3. In fact, relatively high proportions ofH3AsO3 occur in surface ocean waters (Cullen andReimer, 1989) where primary productivity is high,often accompanied by increased concentrations oforganic arsenic species as a result of methylationreactions by phytoplankton.

The relative proportions of arsenic species inestuarine waters are more variable because ofchanges in redox, salinity, and terrestrial inputs(Abdullah et al., 1995; Howard et al., 1988).Arsenic(V) tends to dominate, although M. O.Andreae and T. W. Andreae (1989) foundincreased proportions of As(III) in the ScheldeEstuary of Belgium. The highest values occur inanoxic zones near sources of industrial effluent.Increased proportions of As(III) also occur nearsources of mine effluent (M. O. Andreae and T. W.Andreae, 1989). Seasonal variations in concen-tration and speciation have been reported inseasonally anoxic waters (Riedel, 1993). Petersonand Carpenter (1983) reported a clear crossover inthe proportions of the two species with increasingdepth in the Saanich Inlet of British Columbia.Arsenic(III) represented only 5% (0.10 mg L21) ofthe dissolved arsenic above the redox front but87% (1.58 mg L21) below it. In marine andestuarine waters, organic forms of arsenic are

Figure 3 Eh–pH stability diagram for arsenic in thepresence of sulfur at 25 8C, 1 bar total pressure. Thestability field for water is shown by the dashed lines.

The gray area represents a solid phase.

Arsenic and Selenium34

usually less abundant but are often detected(Howard et al., 1999; Riedel, 1993). Theirconcentrations depend on the abundance andspecies of the biota and on temperature.

In lake and river waters, As(V) is generallydominant (Pettine et al., 1992; Seyler andMartin, 1990), although concentrations andrelative proportions of As(V) and As(III) varyseasonally according to changes in input sources,redox conditions, and biological activity. Thepresence of As(III) may be maintained in oxicwaters by biological reduction of As(V), par-ticularly during summer months. Higher pro-portions of As(III) occur in rivers close tosources of As(III)-dominated industrial effluent(M. O. Andreae and T. W. Andreae, 1989) orwhere there is a component of geothermal water.

Proportions of As(III) and As(V) are particu-larly variable in stratified lakes with seasonallyvariable redox gradients (Kuhn and Sigg, 1993).In the stratified, hypersaline, hyperalkalineMono Lake (California, USA), As(V) predomi-nates in the upper oxic layer and As(III) in thereducing layer (Maest et al., 1992; Oremlandet al., 2000). Oremland et al. (2000) measuredin situ rates of dissimilatory As(V) reduction inthe lake and found that this could potentiallymineralize 8–14% of the annual pelagic primaryproductivity during meromixis, a significantamount for a trace element, and ,1/3 of theamount of sulfate reduction. Such reductiondoes not occur in the presence of NO3. In fact,NO3 leads to the rapid, microbial re-oxidation ofAs(III) to As(V) (Hoeft et al., 2002). Iron(III)acts similarly.

The speciation of arsenic in lakes does notalways follow thermodynamic predictions. Recentstudies have shown that arsenite predominates inthe oxidized epilimnion of some stratified lakes,whereas arsenate may persist in the anoxichypolimnion (Kuhn and Sigg, 1993; Newmanet al., 1998; Seyler and Martin, 1989). Proportionsof arsenic species can also vary according to theavailability of particulate iron and manganeseoxides (Kuhn and Sigg, 1993; Pettine et al., 1992).Sunlight could promote oxidation in surfacewaters (Voegelin and Hug, 2003).

In groundwaters, the ratio of As(III) to As(V)can vary greatly in relation to changes in theabundance of redox-active solids, especiallyorganic carbon, the activity of microorganismsand the extent of convection and diffusion ofoxygen from the atmosphere. Arsenic(III) typi-cally dominates in strongly reducing aquifers inwhich Fe(III) and sulfate reduction is takingplace. Reducing, high-arsenic groundwatersfrom Bangladesh have As(III)/AsT ratios varyingbetween 0.1 and 0.9 but are typically ,0.5–0.6(Smedley et al., 2001a). Ratios in reducinggroundwaters from Inner Mongolia are typically

0.6–0.9 (Smedley et al., 2003). Concentrations oforganic forms of arsenic are generally small ornegligible in groundwaters (e.g., Chen et al.,1995; Del Razo et al., 1990). Microbial Controls

The toxicity of arsenic results from its ability tointerfere with a number of key biochemicalprocesses. Arsenate can interfere with phosphatebiochemistry (oxidative phosphorylation) as aresult of their chemical similarity. Arsenite tendsto inactivate sulfhydryl groups of cysteine resi-dues in proteins (Oremland et al., 2002; Santiniet al., 2002). Microbes have evolved variousdetoxification strategies for dealing with this(Frankenberger, 2002; Mukhopadhyay et al.,2002; Rosen, 2002). Some microbes have alsoevolved to use arsenic as an energy source.Certain chemoautotrophs oxidize As(III) byusing O2, nitrate, or Fe(III) as a terminal electronacceptor and CO2 as their sole carbon source. Aselect group of organisms grows in anaerobicenvironments by using As(V) for the oxidation oforganic matter or H2 gas (Newman et al., 1998;Oremland et al., 2002, 2000; Stolz and Oremland,1999). Such so-called dissimilatory arsenatereduction (DAsR) was only discovered relativelyrecently (Ahmann et al., 1994). Fourteen speciesof Eubacteria, including Sulfurospirullum species,have so far been shown to be capable of DAsR(Herbel et al., 2002a) as well as two species ofhyperthermophiles from the domain Archea.

The bacterium Thiobacillus has been shown tohave a direct role in precipitating ferric arsenatesulfate (Leblanc et al., 1996). Temporal variationsbetween the proportions of arsenate and arsenitehave been observed in the Waikato River, NewZealand and may reflect the reduction of As(V) toAs(III) by epiphytic bacteria associated with thealga Anabaena oscillaroides. Arsenate reductiondoes not necessarily take place as an energy-providing (dissimilatory) process (Hoeft et al.,2002). Detoxifying arsenate reductases in thecytoplasm do not provide a means of energygeneration. Macur et al. (2001) found activeAs(V) to As(III) reduction under oxic conditionsin limed mine tailings which they ascribed to adetoxification rather than an energy-producing,respiratory process. The detoxification process isoften combined with an As(III) efflux pump toexpel the toxic As(III) from the cell. Purelychemical (abiotic) reduction of As(V) to As(III)has not been documented.

Arsenic can also be released indirectly as aresult of other microbially induced redox reac-tions. For example, the dissimilatory iron-reducing bacterium Shewanella alga (strain BrY)reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II) in FeAsO4·2H2O,

Abundance and Forms of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 35

releasing As(V) but not As(III) (Cummings et al.,1999). This process can be rapid (Langner andInskeep, 2000).

The rapid oxidation of As(III) has also beenobserved in the geothermally fed Hot Creek inCalifornia (Wilkie and Hering, 1998). Oxidationwith a pseudo-first-order half-life of ,0.3 h wasfound to be controlled by bacteria attached tomacrophytes. Where microbial activity is high,there is frequently a lack of equilibrium betweenthe various redox couples, including that ofarsenic (Section This is especially trueof soils (Masscheleyn et al., 1991).


Most high-arsenic natural waters are ground-waters from particular settings such as miner-alized, mined and geothermal areas, youngalluvial deltaic basins, and inland semi-arid basins(Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002). The mostextensive areas of affected groundwater arefound in the low-lying deltaic areas of SE Asia,especially the Bengal Basin, and in the largeplains (“pampas”) of South America. The sedi-ments in these areas typically have “average” totalarsenic concentrations, although concentrationsmay be higher in iron-oxide-rich sediments. Thechemical, microbiological, and hydrogeologicalprocesses involved in the mobilization of arsenicin such groundwaters are poorly understood, butthey probably involve early diagenetic reactionsdriven by redox and/or pH changes. Release from Primary Minerals

The arsenic in many natural waters is likely tohave been derived naturally from the dissolutionof a mineral phase. The most important primarysources are sulfide minerals, particularly arsenic-rich pyrite, which can contain up to 10% arsenicand FeAsS. In one study, the greatest concen-trations of arsenic were found in fine-grained(,2 mm) pyrite formed at relatively low tempera-tures (120–200 8C) (Simon et al., 1999). A varietyof other sulfide minerals such as orpiment As2S3,and realgar As2S2 also occur in association withgold and base-metal deposits. Arsenic is acomponent of some complex copper sulfidessuch as enargite (Cu3As4) and tennantite((Cu,Fe)12As4S13). Rarer arsenides are alsofound in mineralized areas. All of these mineralsoxidize rapidly on exposure to the atmospherereleasing the arsenic for partitioning betweenwater and various secondary minerals, particularlyiron oxides. Both microbially mediated redoxreactions (Section and abiotic processes

are involved. The microbial oxidation of arsenicminerals such as FeAsS, Cu3As4, and As2S3 hasbeen discussed by Ehrlich (2002).

Oxidation of sulfide minerals can occur natu-rally or as a result of mining activity. Arsenic-richminerals around mines may, therefore, producearsenic-rich drainage locally, but this tends to beattenuated rapidly as a result of adsorption ofvarious arsenic species by secondary minerals.Some of the best-documented cases of arseniccontamination occur in areas of sulfide mineraliza-tion, particularly those associated with golddeposits.

The oxidation is enhanced by mining, minedewatering, ore roasting, and the redistribution oftailings in ponds and heaps. In the past this hasbeen the cause of serious environmental damageby leading to high arsenic concentrations in soils,stream sediments, surface waters and somegroundwaters, and even the local atmosphere.Although these activities have often had a severeimpact on the local environment, the arseniccontamination in surface water and groundwatertends to be restricted to areas within a fewkilometers of mine sites.

Oxidation of FeAsS can be described by thereaction.

4FeAsS þ 13O2 þ 6H2O

¼ 4Fe2þ þ 4AsO324 þ 4SO22

4 þ 12Hþ

which involves the release of acid, arsenic, andsulfate as AMD (see Chapter 9.05). Further acidityis released by the oxidation of the Fe2þ andprecipitation of HFO or schwertmannite. Theseminerals readsorb some of the released arsenic,reducing dissolved arsenic concentrations,and may eventually lead to the formation ofFeAsO4·2H2O.

Experience with bioleaching of arsenic-richgold ores has shown that the ratio of pyrite toFeAsS is an important factor controlling thespeciation of the arsenic released (Nyashanuet al., 1999). In the absence of pyrite, ,72% ofthe arsenic released was As(III), whereas in thepresence of pyrite and Fe(III), 99% of the arsenicwas As(V). It appears that pyrite catalyzed theoxidation of As(III) by Fe(III), since Fe(III)alone did not oxidize the arsenic (Nyashanuet al., 1999). Examples of mining-relatedarsenic problems

Arsenic contamination from former miningactivities has been identified in many areas ofthe world including the USA (Plumlee et al.,1999; Welch et al., 1999, 1988, 2000), Canada,Thailand, Korea, Ghana, Greece, Austria, Poland,and the UK (Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002).

Arsenic and Selenium36

Groundwater in some of these areas has beenfound with arsenic concentrations as high as4.8 £ 104 mg L21. Some mining areas haveAMD with such low pH values that the ironreleased by oxidation of the iron sulfide mineralsremains in solution and, therefore, does notscavenge arsenic. The well-documented cases ofarsenic contamination in the USA include theFairbanks gold-mining district of Alaska (Welchet al., 1988; Wilson and Hawkins, 1978), theCoeur d’Ale�ne Pb–Zn–Ag mining area of Idaho(Mok and Wai, 1990), the Leviathan Mine (S),California (Webster et al., 1994), Mother Lode(Au), California (Savage et al., 2000), Summit-ville (Au), Colorado (Pendleton et al., 1995),Kelly Creek Valley (Au), Nevada (Grimes et al.,1995), Clark Fork River (Cu), Montana (Welchet al., 2000), Lake Oahe (Au), South Dakota(Ficklin and Callender, 1989), and RichmondMine (Fe, Ag, Au, Cu, Zn), Iron Mountain,California (Nordstrom et al., 2000).

Phytotoxic effects attributed to high concen-trations of arsenic have also been reported aroundthe Mina Turmalina copper mine in the Andes,northeast of Chiclayo, Peru (Bech et al., 1997).The main ore minerals involved are chalcopyrite,FeAsS, and pyrite. Arsenic-contaminated ground-water in the Zimapan Valley, Mexico has alsobeen attributed to interaction with Ag–Pb–Zn,carbonate-hosted mineralization (Armienta et al.,1997). Arsenopyrite, FeAsO4·2H2O, and(Cu,Fe)12As4S13 were identified as probablesource minerals in this area.

Data for 34 mining localities of differentmetallogenic types in different climatic settingswere reviewed by Williams (2001). He proposedthat FeAsS is the principal source of arsenicreleased in such environments and concluded thatin situ oxidation generally resulted in the for-mation of poorly soluble FeAsO4·2H2O whichlimited the mobility and ecotoxicity of arsenic.The Ron Phibun tin-mining district of Thailand isan exception (Williams et al., 1996). In this area,FeAsS oxidation products were suggested to haveformed in the alluvial placer gravels duringmining. Following cessation of mining andpumping, groundwater rebound caused dissolu-tion of the oxidation products. The role ofFeAsO4·2H2O in the immobilization of arsenicfrom mine workings has been questioned byRoussel et al. (2000a), who point out that thesolubility of this mineral exceeds drinking-waterstandards irrespective of pH. Modern practice in mine-wastestabilization

Although large international mining companiesgenerally have high environmental standards,mineral working by uncontrolled and disorganized

groups (especially for gold) continues to createenvironmental problems in a number of develop-ing countries.

Modern mining practices, including wastestorage and treatment are designed to minimizethe risk of environmental impacts (Johnson, 1995).In most countries, environmental impact assess-ments and environmental management plans arenow a statutory requirement of the mining approvalprocess. Such plans include criteria for siting andmanagement of waste heaps and for effluentcontrol. Closure plans involving waste stabiliz-ation and capping to limit AMD generation are alsorequired to reduce any legacy of environmentaldamage (Lima and Wathern, 1999).

Treatment of AMD includes the use of liming,coagulation, and flocculation (Kuyucak, 1998).Other passive technologies include constructingwetlands that rely on sulfate reduction, alkaligeneration, and the precipitation of metal sulfides.These are often used as the final step in treatingdischarged water. More recently, permeablereactive barriers (PRBs) have been advocated.For example, Harris and Ragusa (2001) havedemonstrated that sulfate-reducing bacteria can bestimulated to precipitate arsenic sulfides by theaddition of rapidly decomposing plant material.Monhemius and Swash (1999) investigated theaddition of iron to copper- and arsenic-rich liquorsto form FeAsO4·2H2O. The arsenic is immobi-lized by incorporation into a crystalline, poorlysoluble compound (Sides, 1995). Swash andMonhemius (1996) have also investigated thestabilization of arsenic as calcium arsenate. Role of Secondary Minerals The importance of arsenic cyclingand diagenesis

The close association between arsenic and ironin minerals is frequently reflected by their strongcorrelation in soils and sediments. Iron oxidesplay a crucial role in adsorbing arsenic species,especially As(V), thereby lowering the concen-tration of arsenic in natural waters. Manganeseoxides play a role in the oxidation of As(III) toAs(V) and also adsorb significant quantitiesalthough to a much lesser degree than the moreabundant iron oxides. HFO is a very fine-grained,high surface area form of iron oxide that is oftenformed in iron-rich environments in response torapid changes in redox or pH. It is frequentlyinvolved in the cycling of As(III) and As(V).Significant As(V) desorption occurs at pH valuesof approximately pH 8 and higher (Lumsdon et al.,2001) and this process has been suggested to beimportant in generating high-arsenic ground-waters (Smedley, 2003; Welch et al., 2000).

Pathways and Behavior of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 37

Arsenic can also be released under reducingconditions (Section

The mobility of arsenic can also be limited insulfur-rich, anaerobic environments by its co-precipitation with secondary sulfide minerals, andmore generally by clays. The precise behavior ofarsenic in sediments is poorly understood, but it islikely that important changes occur during sedi-ment diagenesis. Arsenic adsorbed on mineralsurfaces is likely to be sensitive to changes in themineral properties such as surface charge andsurface area. A very small mass transfer from solidto solution can lead to a large change in dissolvedarsenic concentration. For example, sedimentswith average arsenic concentrations of less than5–10 mg As kg21 can generate mg L21 concen-trations of arsenic when only a small fraction of thetotal arsenic is partitioned into the water. Redox behavior

Solid surfaces of many minerals, especiallyredox-sensitive minerals such as iron and manga-nese oxides, also play an important role in redoxreactions and interactions with microbes (Brownet al., 1999; Grenthe et al., 1992). SolidMn(IV)O2, notably birnessite (d-MnO2), assistsin the oxidation of As(III) to As(V) while itselfbeing partially reduced to Mn(II) (Oscarson et al.,1983; Scott and Morgan, 1995). The rate ofoxidation depends on the surface area and surfacecharge of the MnO2 and is slightly greater at lowpH (pH 4). The Mn(II) and As(V) produced arepartially retained or re-adsorbed by the MnO2

surface, which may lead, in turn, to a decelerationin the rate of As(III) oxidation (Manning et al.,2002). Reactions with birnessite at very highinitial As(III) concentrations may lead to theformation of the insoluble mineral, krautite(MnHAsO4·H2O) on the birnessite surface (Tour-nassat et al., 2002). The catalytic role of solidMnO2 in removing As(III) is used to advantage inwater treatment (Daus et al., 2000; Driehaus et al.,1995). TiO2 minerals and titanium-containingclays may also be able to oxidize As(III). Thephotocatalytic activity of anatase (TiO2) has beenshown to catalyze the oxidation of As(III) in thepresence of light and oxygen (Foster et al., 1998a).Unlike the role of manganese oxides in As(III)oxidation, there is no change in the oxidation stateof the surface Ti(IV) atoms.

HFO and other iron oxides may also play asignificant role in the oxidation of As(III) innatural waters since the oxidation of As(III)adsorbed by HFO is catalyzed by H2O2 (Voegelinand Hug, 2003). This reaction may be significantin natural environments with high H2O2 concen-trations (1–10 mM) and alkaline pH values, and inwater treatment systems where H2O2 is used.

Similar surface-catalyzed reactions do not occurwith aluminum oxides (Voegelin and Hug, 2003).

The reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides inreducing sediments and soils (McGeehan et al.,1998) can also lead to the release of adsorbed andco-precipitated arsenic. Reduction and release ofarsenic can precede any dissolution of the ironoxides themselves (Masscheleyn et al., 1991).These processes are likely to be the same as thoseresponsible for the development of high-arsenicgroundwaters in the Bengal Basin (Bhattacharyaet al., 1997; Kinniburgh et al., 2003; Nicksonet al., 2000) and other reducing alluvial aquifers(Korte and Fernando, 1991). The release of sorbedarsenic during diagenetic changes of iron oxidesincluding loss of surface area, and changes insurface structure and charge following burial mayalso be important under both reducing andoxidizing conditions. Adsorption of Arsenic by Oxidesand Clays

Metal ion oxides are often important inminimizing the solubility of arsenic in theenvironment in general and more specifically forlocalizing the impact of arsenic contaminationnear contaminated sites, especially old mines(La Force et al., 2000; Roussel et al., 2000b;Webster et al., 1994). Organic arsenic species tendto be less strongly sorbed by minerals thaninorganic species.

There have been many laboratory studies of theadsorption of arsenic species by pure minerals,especially iron and aluminum oxides and clays(Goldberg, 1986; Inskeep et al., 2002). Thegeneral features of the processes involved havebeen established. Dzombak and Morel (1990)critically reviewed the available laboratory datafor the adsorption of a wide range of inorganicspecies, including those for arsenic, by HFO andfitted the most reliable data to a surface com-plexation model—the diffuse double-layer model.This model, and the accompanying thermodyn-amic database, are now incorporated into severalgeneral-purpose geochemical speciation andtransport models, including PHREEQC2(Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999) and The Geochem-ist’s Workbench (GWB) (Bethke, 2002). Thesesoftware packages enable rapid calculations of thepossible role of arsenic adsorption by HFO to bemade. Critically, in PHREEQC2 and GWB, thisadsorption behavior can also be automaticallylinked to the dissolution/precipitation of HFO.The results of such calculations demonstrate theimportant role of both oxidation states (arsenateversus arsenite) and pH (Figure 4).

The oxidized and reduced species of arsenicbehave very differently on HFO (Figure 4). This,along with the pH dependence of adsorption,

Arsenic and Selenium38

accounts, at least in part for their differentbehavior with oxides and clays and hence theirbehavior in natural waters. Arsenic(V) is verystrongly adsorbed by HFO, especially at low pHand low concentrations, but is desorbed as the pHincreases as a result of the increasingly strongelectrostatic repulsion on the negatively chargedHFO surface. The adsorption isotherm forarsenate is, therefore, highly nonlinear and canbe approximated by a pH-dependent Freundlichisotherm, i.e., the slope of the adsorptiondecreases markedly with increasing arsenic con-centration (the Kd varies with concentration). Incontrast, As(III) in the pH range 4–9 is presentmainly in solution as the neutral As(OH)3 speciesand so electrostatic interactions are not nearly soimportant. Therefore, arsenite is adsorbed over awide range of pH and because the adsorbedspecies is uncharged, arsenite adsorption tends tofollow a Langmuir isotherm, i.e., the isotherm hasan adsorption maximum and approaches linearityat low concentrations. It is also almost indepen-dent of pH. Organic arsenic species are weaklyadsorbed by oxides; their formation can, therefore,increase arsenic mobility.

In oxidizing environments, arsenate is morestrongly adsorbed than arsenite in neutral to acidic

conditions, and especially at low concentrations.The weaker adsorption of As(V) at high pH hasimportant environmental consequences. The pre-cise pH where this desorption occurs depends onseveral other factors (e.g., the total arsenicconcentration, and the concentrations of othercompeting anions), but it is in the region pH 8–9.Under these conditions, arsenite may be morestrongly bound.

The adsorption of arsenic species also depends,to some extent, on competition from other anions.In reducing groundwaters these include phos-phate, silicate, bicarbonate, and fulvic acids(Appelo et al., 2002; Hiemstra and van Riemsdijk,1999; Jain and Loeppert, 2000; Meng et al., 2002;Wang et al., 2001; Wijnja and Schulthess, 2000).Arsenic(V) and phosphorus sorption on HFO arebroadly similar although there is usually a slightpreference for phosphorus (Jain and Loeppert,2000). Not surprisingly, As(V) is much morestrongly affected by phosphate competition thanAs(III) (Jain and Loeppert, 2000). Cations, such asCa2þ and Fe2þ, may increase arsenic adsorption(Appelo et al., 2002). Once the oxides have anadsorbed load, any change in their surfacechemistry or the solution chemistry can lead tothe release of adsorbed arsenic, thereby increasinggroundwater concentrations. The extremely highsolid/solution ratio of soils and aquifers makesthem very sensitive to such changes, and redoxchanges are likely to be particularly important(Meng et al., 2001; Zobrist et al., 2000).

Adsorption by aluminum and manganeseoxides and clays has been studied much less(Inskeep et al., 2002). Arsenic(III) binds stronglyto amorphous Al(OH)3 over the range pH 6–9.5, asomewhat greater range than found for HFO. Italso binds significantly but somewhat lessstrongly to montmorillonitic and kaolinitic clays(Manning and Goldberg, 1997). Arsenic (V)shows the same declining affinity for clays athigh pH as shown by HFO, but in the case of theclays this decline may begin to occur above pH 7. Arsenic Transport

There are few observations of arsenic transportin aquifers, and its rate of movement is poorlyunderstood. The transport of arsenic, as that ofmany other chemicals, is closely related toadsorption–desorption reactions (Appelo andPostma, 1993). Arsenate and arsenite havedifferent adsorption isotherms. They, therefore,travel through aquifers at different velocities, andtend to be separated.

Gulens et al. (1979) used breakthrough experi-ments with columns of sand (containing 0.6% ironand 0.01% manganese) and various groundwaterspumped continuously from piezometers to studyAs(III) and As(V) mobility over a range of Eh and

Arsenateon HFO

Arseniteon HFO









% S



HFO = 1 mmol FeT L

As(V)T = 0.1--10 µmol L

Na T = 1--100 mmol L

104 5 6 7 8 9 110







104 5 6 7 8 9 11pH

HFO = 1 mmol FeT L–1

As(III)T = 0.1–10 µmol L–1

Na T = 1--100 mmol L–1






Figure 4 Calculated percent adsorption of:(a) oxidized and (b) reduced arsenic species by HFO.Infilled areas show the adsorption for a range of totalAs concentrations (0.1 – 10 mmol L21) and ionic

strengths (1–100 mmol L21).

Pathways and Behavior of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 39

pH conditions. Radioactive 74As (half-life ¼17.7 d) and 76As (half-life ¼ 26.4 h) were used tomonitor the breakthrough of arsenic. The resultsshowed that: (i) As(III) moved 5–6 times fasterthan As(V) under oxidizing conditions at a pH inthe range 5.7–6.9; (ii) As(V) moved much faster atthe lowest pH but was still slower than As(III)under reducing groundwater conditions; and(iii) with a pH of 8.3, both As(III) and As(V)moved rapidly through the column but when theamount of arsenic injected was substantiallyreduced, the mobility of As(III) and As(V) wasgreatly reduced. This chromatographic effect (usedto advantage in analytical chemistry to speciatearsenic) may account, in part, for the variableAs(III)/As(V) ratios found in many reducingaquifers. Chromatographic separation of arsenicand other species during transport destroys theoriginal source characteristics, for example,between arsenic and iron, further complicatingthe interpretation of well water analyses.

Few field-based investigations have been car-ried out on natural systems which allow thepartition coefficient (Kd) or retardation factor ofarsenic species to be determined directly. How-ever, the work of Sullivan and Aller (1996)indicates that Kd values calculated for sedimentprofiles on the Amazon Shelf are in the approxi-mate range of 11–5,000 L kg21. High-arsenicpore waters were mostly found in zones with lowKd values (typically ,100 L kg21). Evidence fromvarious studies also suggests low Kd values(,10 L kg21) for arsenic in aquifers in whichthere are high arsenic concentrations (Smedleyand Kinniburgh, 2002). Factors controlling thepartition coefficients are poorly understood, andthey involve the chemistry of groundwater, and thesurface chemistry and stability of the solid phases. Impact of Changing EnvironmentalConditions

Arsenic moves between different environmen-tal compartments (rock–soil–water–air–biota)from the local to the global scale partly as a resultof pH and redox changes. Being a minorcomponent in the natural environment, arsenicresponds to such changes rather than creatingthem. These changes are driven by the major(bio)geochemical cycles. Release of arsenic at high pH

High arsenic concentrations can develop ingroundwaters as As(V) is released from oxideminerals and clays at high pH. High pH conditionsfrequently develop in arid areas as a result ofextensive mineral weathering with proton uptake.This is especially true in environments dominated

by sodium rather than by calcium, since CaCO3

minerals restrict the development of high pHvalues. Release of arsenic on reduction

Flooding of soils generates anaerobic con-ditions and can lead to the rapid release of arsenic(and phosphate) to the soil solution (Deuel andSwoboda, 1972; Reynolds et al., 1999). Similarly,arsenic can be released to pore water in buriedsediments. The concentration of dissolved arsenicin some North Atlantic pore waters variesinversely with the concentration of easily leach-able arsenic in the solid phase and directly withincreasing concentrations of solid phase Fe(II)(Sullivan and Aller, 1996). This reflects a strongredox coupling between arsenic and iron, wherebyoxidized arsenic is associated with iron oxides insurface sediments and is subsequently reducedand released into pore water on burial. Upwarddiffusion and reworking of sediment releases thedissolved arsenic to the water column or releases itfor re-adsorption in surface sediments as HFO isformed (Petersen et al., 1995). Some reducing,iron-rich aquifers also contain high concentrationsof arsenic (Korte, 1991), but there are also manyiron-rich groundwaters with low arsenicconcentrations. Case Studies The Bengal Basin, Bangladesh,and India

In terms of the numbers of people at risk, thehigh-arsenic groundwaters in the alluvial anddeltaic aquifers of Bangladesh and West Bengalrepresent the most serious threat to public health.Health problems from this source were firstidentified in West Bengal in the 1980s butremained unrecognized in Bangladesh until 1993.Concentrations of arsenic in groundwaters fromthe affected areas have a very large range from,0.5 mg L21 to ca. 3,200 mg L21 (Kinniburghet al., 2003). In a survey of Bangladesh ground-water by BGS and DPHE (2001), 27% of shallow(,150 m) tubewells in Bangladesh were found tocontain more arsenic than the national standard indrinking water, 50 mg L21. Groundwater surveysindicate that the most affected area is in southeastBangladesh (Figure 5), where more than 60% ofthe wells in some districts have concentrations50mgL21. Approximately, 30–35 million peoplein Bangladesh and six million in West Bengal areat risk from arsenic concentrations in excess of50 mg L21 in their drinking water (BGS andDPHE, 2001).

The affected aquifers of the Bengal Basin aregenerally shallow (less than 100–150 m deep),

Arsenic and Selenium40

and consist mainly of Holocene micaceoussands, silts, and clays associated with theGanges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna river systems.In West Bengal, the area east of the HoogliRiver is affected. The sediments are derivedfrom the Himalayan highlands and Precambrianbasement complexes in northern and westernWest Bengal. In most of the areas with high-arsenic groundwater, alluvial and deltaic aquifersediments are covered by surface horizons offine-grained overbank deposits. These restrict theentry of air to underlying aquifers and, togetherwith the presence of reducing agents such asorganic matter, facilitate the development ofstrongly reducing conditions in the affectedaquifers. Mobilization of arsenic probably reflectsa complex combination of redox changes inthe aquifers resulting from the rapid burial of thealluvial and deltaic sediments, reduction of thesolid-phase As to As(III), desorption of arsenicfrom iron oxides, reductive dissolution of theoxides, and changes in iron oxide structure andsurface properties in the ambient reducing con-ditions (BGS and DPHE, 2001). Some workershave also suggested that, in parts of Bangladesh atleast, enhanced groundwater flow and redoxchanges may have been imposed on the shallowaquifer as a result of recent irrigation pumping(Harvey et al., 2002).

Deep tubewells (.150–200 m depth), mainlyin the southern coastal region, and wells in olderPlio-Pleistocene sediments from the Barind andMadhupur Tracts of northern Bangladesh almostinvariably have arsenic concentrations below5 mg L21 and usually less than 0.5 mg L21

(BGS and DPHE, 2001). It is fortunate thatCalcutta and Dhaka draw their water from theseolder sediments and do not have drinking-waterarsenic problems. Dhaka is sited at the southerntip of the Madhupur Tract (Figure 5). Shallowopen dug wells also generally have low arsenicconcentrations, usually ,10 mg L21 (BGS andDPHE, 2001).

The high-arsenic groundwaters of the BengalBasin typically have near-neutral pH values. Theyare strongly reducing. Measured redox potentialsare usually less than 100 mV (BGS and DPHE,2001). The source of the organic carbon respon-sible for the reducing conditions has beenvariously attributed to dispersed sediment carbon(BGS and DPHE, 2001), peat (McArthur et al.,2001), or soluble carbon brought down by acombination of surface pollution and irrigation(Harvey et al., 2002). High concentrations of iron(.0.2 mg L21), manganese (.0.5 mg L21), bicar-bonate (.500 mg L21), ammonium (.1 mg L21),and phosphorus (.0.5 mg L21), and low concen-trations of nitrate (,0.5 mg L21) and sulfate

Figure 5 Map showing the distribution of arsenic in shallow (,150 m) Bangladesh groundwaters based on some3,200 groundwater samples (source BGS and DPHE, 2001).

Pathways and Behavior of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 41

(,1 mg L21) are also typical of the high-arsenicareas. Some Bangladesh groundwaters are soreducing that methane production has beenobserved (Ahmed et al., 1998; Harvey et al.,2002). Positive correlations between arsenic andiron in the groundwaters have been reported insome studies at the local scale (e.g., Nag et al.,1996), although the correlations are generallypoor on a regional scale (Kinniburgh et al., 2003).Arsenic(III) typically dominates the dissolvedarsenic load, although As(III)/As(V) ratios arevariable (BGS and DPHE, 2001).

The arsenic-affected groundwaters in the Ben-gal Basin are associated with alluvial and deltaicsediments with total arsenic concentrations in therange ,2–20 mg kg21. These values are close toworld-average concentrations for such sediments.However, even though the arsenic concentrationsare low, there is a significant variation bothregionally and locally, and the sediment iron andarsenic concentrations appear to be indicators ofthe concentration of dissolved arsenic (BGS andDPHE, 2001). The mineral source or sources ofthe arsenic are not well established. Variousworkers have postulated the most likely mineralsources as iron oxides (BGS and DPHE, 2001;Bhattacharya et al., 1997; Nickson et al., 1998),but pyrite or FeAsS (Das et al., 1996) andphyllosilicates (Foster et al., 2000) have alsobeen cited as possible sources. The solid-solutionmass transfers involved are small so that it isdifficult to identify, or even eliminate, anyparticular sources using mass balance consider-ations alone.

The reasons for the differing arsenic concen-trations in the shallow and deep groundwaters ofthe Bengal Basin are not completely understood.They could reflect different absolute arsenicconcentrations in the aquifer sediments, differentoxidation states, or differences in the arsenic-binding properties of the sediments. The history ofgroundwater movement and aquifer flushing in theBengal Basin may also have contributed to thedifferences. Older, deeper sediments will havebeen subjected to longer periods of groundwaterflow, aided by greater hydraulic heads during thePleistocene period when sea level during glacialperiods was up to 130 m lower than today(Umitsu, 1993). These sediments will thereforehave undergone a greater degree of flushing andremoval of labile solutes than Holocene sedimentsat shallower depths.

Isotopic evidence suggests that groundwater insome parts of the Bengal Basin has had a variableresidence time. At a site in western Bangladesh(Chapai Nawabganj), tritium was found to bepresent at 2.5–5.9 TU (tritium units) in twoshallow piezometer samples (10 m or less)indicating that they contain an appreciablecomponent of post-1960s recharge (Smedley

et al., 2001b). At this site and in two others insouth and central Bangladesh (Lakshmipurand Faridpur, respectively), groundwater frompiezometers between 10 m and 30 m depth hadtritium concentrations in the range ,0.1–9.6 TUindicating a variable proportion of post-1960srecharge. Some of the low-tritium wells containhigh arsenic concentrations, suggesting that thearsenic was released before the 1960s, i.e., beforethe recent rapid increase in groundwater abstrac-tion for irrigation and water supply. Groundwaterfrom piezometers at 150 m depth in central andsouth Bangladesh contained ,1 TU also indica-tive of pre-1960s water.

Radiocarbon dating has a longer time framethan tritium and provides evidence for water withages on the scale of thousands of years. Radio-carbon dating of groundwater sampled from theabove piezometers in the 10–40 m depth rangetypically contained 65–90% modern carbon(pmc), whereas below 150 m the groundwatercontained 51 pmc or less (Smedley et al., 2001b).The lowest observed 14C activities were in waterfrom deep (.150 m) piezometers in southernBangladesh. Here, activities of 28 pmc or lesssuggested the presence of palaeowater with agesof the order of 2,000–12,000 yr.

Taken together with the tritium data, theseresults indicate that the water below 31 m or sotends to have ages of between 50 yr and2,000 yr. Broadly similar results and conclusionswere reported by Aggarwal (2000). However,Harvey et al. (2002) drew the opposite con-clusion from data for their field site just south ofDhaka. They found that a water sample from19 m depth contained DIC with a 14C com-position at bomb concentrations and was, there-fore, less than 50 yr old. This sample contained,200 mg L21 arsenic. These authors proposedthat the rapid expansion of pumping for irriga-tion water has led to an enhanced inflow oforganic carbon and that this has either initiatedthe enhanced reduction and release of arsenic, orhas led to the displacement of arsenic bycarbonate. However, a sample from 31 m depthwhich had a lower 14C DIC activity and anestimated age of 700 yr also contained a high Asconcentration (,300 mg L21). This predatesmodern irrigation activity. Whether, in general,irrigation has had a major impact on arsenicmobilization in the Bengal aquifers is a matter ofrecent debate. Chaco-Pampean Plain, Argentina

The Chaco-Pampean Plain of central Argentinacovers ,1 million km2 and perhaps is one of thelargest regions of high-arsenic groundwaters.High concentrations of arsenic have been

Arsenic and Selenium42

documented from Cordoba, La Pampa, Santa Fe,Buenos Aires, and Tucuman Provinces. Symp-toms typical of chronic arsenic poisoning, includ-ing skin lesions and some internal cancers, havebeen recorded in these areas (Hopenhayn-Richet al., 1996). The climate is temperate with aridityincreasing toward the west. The high-arsenicgroundwaters occur in Quaternary deposits ofloess (mainly silt) with intermixed rhyolitic ordacitic volcanic ash (Nicolli et al., 1989; Smedleyet al., 2002), often situated in closed basins. Thesediments display abundant evidence of postde-positional diagenetic changes under semi-aridconditions. Calcrete is common.

Many investigations of groundwater qualityhave identified variable and often extremely higharsenic concentrations. Nicolli et al. (1989) foundarsenic concentrations in groundwaters fromCordoba in the range 6–11,500 mg L21 (median255 mg L21). Smedley et al. (2002) found

concentrations for groundwaters in La PampaProvince in the range ,4–5,280 mg L21 (median145 mg L21), and Nicolli et al. (2001) foundconcentrations for groundwaters in Tucuma�nProvince in the range 12–1,660 mg L21 (median46 mg L21). A map showing the distribution ofarsenic in groundwaters from northern La Pampais shown in Figure 6.

The geochemistry of the high-arsenic ground-waters of the Chaco-Pampean Plain is quitedistinct from that of the deltaic areas of theBengal Basin. The Argentine groundwaters oftenhave high salinity and the arsenic concentrationsare generally highly correlated with other anionicand oxyanionic species of F, V, HCO3, B, andMo. Many of the waters exceed the WHOguideline value for fluoride in drinking water(1.5 mg L21) as well as for arsenic, molyb-denum, boron, and uranium. Arsenic is domi-nantly present as As(V) (Smedley et al., 2002).

Figure 6 Map showing: (a) groundwater sampling locations and (b) observed arsenic concentrations in the Chaco-Pampean Plain of central Argentina (source Smedley et al., 2002).

Pathways and Behavior of Arsenic in the Natural Environment 43

The groundwaters are also predominantly oxidiz-ing with low dissolved iron and manganeseconcentrations. There is no indication of reduc-tive dissolution of iron oxides or of pyriteoxidation. Under the arid conditions, silicateand carbonate weathering reactions are pro-nounced and the groundwaters often havehigh pH values. Smedley et al. (2002) foundpH values typically in the range of 7.0–8.7.

While the reasons for these high arsenicconcentrations are unclear, metal oxides in thesediments (iron, manganese, and aluminum) arethought to be the main source of dissolved arsenic,although the direct dissolution of volcanic glasshas also been cited as a potential source (Nicolliet al., 1989). The arsenic is believed to bedesorbed under the high-pH conditions (Smedleyet al., 2002). A change in the surface chemistry ofthe iron oxides during early diagenesis may alsobe an important factor in arsenic desorption. Thearsenic released tends to accumulate where naturalgroundwater movement is slow, especially in low-lying discharge areas. Evaporative concentrationis also a factor, but the lack of correlation betweenarsenic and chloride concentrations in the ground-waters suggests that it is not the dominant control(Smedley et al., 2002). Eastern Wisconsin, USA

The analysis of some 3.135 £ 104 groundwatersthroughout the USA indicates that ,10% exceedthe current 10 mg L21 drinking-water MCL(Welch et al., 2000). At a broad regional scale(Figure 7), arsenic concentrations exceeding10 mg L21 are more frequently observed in thewestern USA than in the east. The Mississippidelta shows a locally high pattern but is notexceptional when viewed nationally. Arsenicconcentrations in groundwater from the Appala-chian Highlands and the Atlantic Plain aregenerally very low (,1 mg L21). Concentrationsare somewhat greater in the Interior Plains and theRocky Mountains and recently, areas in NewEngland, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota,Oklahoma, and Wisconsin have been shown tohave groundwaters with arsenic concentrationsexceeding 10 mg L21, sometimes appreciably so.Eastern Wisconsin is one such area.

The St. Peter Sandstone (Ordovician) aquifer ofeastern Wisconsin (Brown, Outagamie, Winne-bago Counties) is a locally important source ofwater for private supplies. Arsenic contaminationwas first identified at two locations in 1987, andsubsequent investigations showed that 18 out of 76

Figure 7 Map of the USA showing the regional distribution of arsenic in wells (from http://webserver.cr.usgs.gov/trace/pubs/geo_v46n11/fig3.html after Ryker, 2001). This shows where 25% of water samples within a moving50 km radius exceed a certain arsenic concentration. It is computed from ,3 £ 104 water samples and updated from

the results presented by Welch et al. (2000).

Arsenic and Selenium44

sources (24%) in Brown County, 45 out of 1,116sources (4.0%) in Outagamie County, and 23 out of827 sources (2.8%) in Winnebago Countyexceeded the then current MCL for arsenic of50 mg L21 (Burkel and Stoll, 1999). The highestarsenic concentration found was 1,200 mg L21. Adepth profile in one of the affected wells showedthat most of the groundwater was slightly acidic(pH 5.2–6.6) and in some places very acidic (pH,4). There were also high concentrations of Fe,Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu, and SO4, and it was concluded thatthe As and other elements were released followingthe oxidation of sulfide minerals (pyrite andmarcasite) present in a cemented horizon at theboundary between the Ordovician Sinnipee Groupand the underlying unit, either the St. PeterSandstone or the Prairie du Chien Group. Thelow pH values are consistent with iron sulfidemineral oxidation.

Subsequent detailed studies in the Fox RiverValley towns of Algoma and Hobart confirmed theimportance of the sulfide-rich cement horizon as aprobable source of the arsenic (Schreiber et al.,2000) (Figure 8). In the town of Algoma, one wellcontained 1.2 £ 104 mg L21 arsenic. There was,however, much apparently random spatial

variation. Two wells close to the high-arsenicwell contained much lower arsenic concentrations(12 mg L21 and 34 mg L21). The highest arsenicconcentration found in wells in the town of Hobartwas 790 mg L21.

The oxidation of sulfide minerals appears tohave been promoted by groundwater abstractionwhich has led to the lowering of the piezometricsurface at a rate of ,0.6 m yr21 since the 1950s,leading to partial dewatering of the confinedaquifer. The high arsenic concentrations occurwhere the piezometric surface intersects, or liesclose to, the sulfide cement horizon (Schreiberet al., 2000).


The average crustal abundance of seleniumis 0.05 mg kg21 (Jacobs, 1989). Like arsenic,selenium is strongly chalcophile and is parti-tioned into sulfides and rare selenides, such as

Figure 8 Hydrogeological section through part of Algoma, Winnebago County, Wisconsin showing the arsenicconcentration in various wells in relation to the cemented sulfide-rich horizon and the static water level

(after Schreiber et al., 2000).

Abundance and Forms of Selenium in the Natural Environment 45

crooksite and clausthalite. Selenium generallysubstitutes for sulfur in sulfide minerals, butelemental (native) selenium has also beenreported (Alloway, 1995; Davies, 1980;Tokunaga et al., 1996).

Selenium concentrations in coal and otherorganic-rich deposits can be high and typicallyrange from 1 mg kg21 to 20 mg kg21. Theaverage selenium concentration in coals from theUSA is 4.1 mg kg21 (Swanson et al., 1976). Largeconcentrations of selenium, like arsenic, are oftenassociated with the clay fraction of sedimentsbecause of the abundance of free iron oxides andother strong sorbents. Selenium concentrations aregenerally larger in shales than in limestones orsandstones (Table 7). Selenium concentrations inthe excess of 600 mg kg21 are found in someblack shales. Selenium is present in these shales asorgano-selenium compounds or adsorbed species(Jacobs, 1989). Concentrations exceeding300 mg Se kg21 have also been reported in somephosphatic rocks (Jacobs, 1989).

Generally, there is a strong correlation betweenthe selenium content of rocks and the sedimentsand soils derived from them. Soil seleniumconcentrations are typically in the range0.01 – 2 mg kg21 with a world average of0.4 mg kg21. Extremely high concentrations (upto 1,200 mg kg21) have been found in some

organic-rich soils derived from black shales inIreland (Table 8). Soils from England derivedfrom black shales had an average concentration of3.1 mg kg21 compared with an overall average of0.48 mg kg21 for a range of more typical Englishsoils (Thornton et al., 1983). Concentrations of6–15 mg kg21 have been reported in volcanicsoils such as those of Hawaii (Jacobs, 1989). Highconcentrations tend to be found in soils frommineralized areas and in poorly drained soils. Themedian selenium concentration in stream sedi-ments from 20 study areas across the USA was0.7 mg kg21 (Rice, 1999) and 0.5 mg kg21 in1.9 £ 104 stream sediments from Wales (BGS,1979–2002). Relatively low selenium concen-trations are found in well-drained soils derivedfrom limestones and coarse sands.

Selenium-rich plants, including the selenium-indicating vetches (Astragalus sp.), are wide-spread in South Dakota and Wyoming, USA. Thevegetation grows on soils developed over blackshales and sandstones with high selenium con-centrations (Moxon, 1937). Selenium toxicitywas first documented in 1856 near Fort Randall,where a physician in the US Cavalry reportedhorses experiencing hair, mane and tail loss andsloughing of hooves. Forage that contains2–5 mg Se kg21 poses a marginal threat to live-stock, and acute effects are likely to occur above5 mg Se kg21.

Although geology is the primary control onthe selenium concentration of soil, the bioavail-ability of selenium to plants and animals isdetermined by other factors including pH andredox conditions, speciation, soil texture andmineralogy, organic matter content, and the

Table 7 Selenium concentrations in selected rocktypes.

Material Selenium(mg kg21)

Earth’s Crust 0.05

Igneous rocksUltramafic rocks 0.05Mafic rocks 0.05Granite 0.01–0.05Volcanic rocks 0.35Volcanic rocks, USA ,0.1Volcanic rocks, Hawaii ,2.0Volcanic tuffs 9.15

Sedimentary rocksMarine carbonates 0.17Limestone 0.03–0.08Sandstone ,0.05W. USA shale 1–675Wyoming shale 2.3–52S. Korean shale 0.1–41Carbon-shale China 206–280Mudstone 0.1–1,500Phosphate 1–300USA Coal 0.46–10.7Australian coal 0.21–2.5Chinese stone-coal ,6,500Oil 0.01–1.4

Sources: Jacobs (1989), Fordyce et al. (2000b), WHO (1987),Oldfield (1999), Alloway (1995), and Davies (1980).

Table 8 Selenium concentrations in soils.

Soil Total Se(mg kg21)

Water-soluble Se(mg kg21)

World general 0.4World seleniferous 1–5,000USA general ,0.1–4.3USA seleniferous 1–10England/Wales general ,0.01–4.7 0.05–0.39Ireland seleniferous 1–1,200China general 0.02–3.8China Se deficient 0.004–0.48 0.00003–0.005China Se adequate 0.73–5.7China seleniferous 1.49–59 0.001–0.25Finland 0.005–1.25India Se deficient 0.025–0.71 0.019–0.066India seleniferous 1–20 0.05–0.62Sri Lanka Se deficient 0.11–5.2 0.005–0.043Norway 3–6Greece Se deficient 0.05–0.10Greece Se adequate .0.2New Zealand 0.1–4

Sources: Davies (1980), Thornton et al. (1983), Jacobs (1989), WHO(1987), Alloway (1995), Oldfield (1999), Fordyce et al. (2000a,b).

Arsenic and Selenium46

presence of competing ions. Even soils withrelatively high total selenium concentrations cangive rise to selenium deficiency if the selenium isnot bioavailable. The first map of the seleniumstatus of soil and vegetation in relation to animaldeficiency and toxicity was prepared by Muth andAllaway (1963).

Several techniques are available to assessselenium bioavailability in soils. The most widelyused is the water-soluble concentration (Fordyceet al., 2000b; Jacobs, 1989; Tan, 1989). In mostsoils, only a small proportion of the total seleniumis in dissolved form (0.3–7%), and water-solubleselenium contents are generally ,0.1 mg kg21

(Table 8).Selenium is also added to soils as a trace

constituent of phosphate fertilizers and in sele-nium-containing pesticides and fungicides, as wellas by the application of sewage sludge and manure(Alloway, 1995; Frankenberger and Benson,1994; Jacobs, 19891). Sewage sludge typicallycontains ,1 mg Se kg21 dry wt. Precautionarylimits are set for several chemical elements likelyto be increased by the application of sewagesludge to land. For example, in the EU the banningof the discharge of sewage sludge to the sea since1999 has increased its application to land. Themaximum admissible concentration of seleniumin sewage sludge in the UK is 25 mg kg21 and thatin soil after application is 3 mg kg21 in the UKand 10 mg kg21 in France and Germany (ICRCL,1987; Reimann and Caritat, 1998). In the USA, thelimit in soils is 100 mg kg21. National and International Standards inDrinking Water

The WHO guideline value for selenium indrinking water is currently 10 mg L21 and thisstandard has been adopted by the EC, Australia,Japan, and Canada. The US EPA primarydrinking-water standard is 50 mg L21. Abundance and Distribution in NaturalWaters

The selenium concentration in most naturalwaters is very low, often less than 1 mg L21 andfrequently just a few ng L21. Hence, seleniumfrom drinking water only constitutes a healthhazard in exceptional circumstances (Fordyceet al., 2000a; Vinceti et al., 2000). However,occasionally much greater concentrations arefound. Groundwaters containing up to275 mg L21 have been reported from aquifers inChina and 1,000 mg L21 selenium from selenifer-ous aquifers in Montana, USA (Table 9).Selenium concentrations of up to 2,000 mg L21

or more have also been reported in lakes from

saline, seleniferous areas. Such areas are rare butinclude some arid parts of the USA, China,Pakistan, and Venezuela. In general, data onselenium concentrations in water are scarce.Reported ranges from the literature aresummarized in Table 9.

Waters containing 10–25 mg L21 seleniummay have a garlic odor, whereas waters containing100–200 mg L21 selenium also have an unplea-sant taste. Groundwaters generally contain higherselenium concentrations than surface waters,because water–rock interactions have been moreextensive (Frankenberger and Benson, 1994;Jacobs, 1989). Atmospheric precipitation

Selenium in rainfall is derived principally fromearth-surface volatilization, volcanic sources,fossil-fuel combustion (especially coal), and theincineration of municipal wastes. Few determi-nations of selenium in atmospheric precipitationhave been reported, but concentrations areusually very low. Hashimoto and Winchester(1967) found concentrations in the range0.04–1.4 mg L21 (Table 9). River and lake water

Selenate (Se(VI)) is only weakly adsorbed byoxides and clays at near-neutral pH. Hence,oxidation of Se(IV) to Se(VI) enhances seleniummobility and persistence in natural waters. Highconcentrations of selenate can occur in agricul-tural drainage waters in arid areas. Seleniferoussoils, especially those derived from black shales,are common in the central and western USA, andirrigation can give rise to selenate concentrationsof several hundred mg L21 in drainage water.Further concentration can occur in lakes byevapotranspiration. Well-documented cases ofsuch situations include examples from California(Kesterson Reservoir, Richmond Marsh, TulareBasin, and Salton Sea), North Carolina (BelewsLake, Hyco Reservoir), Texas (Martin Reservoir),and Wyoming (Kendrick Reclamation Project) inthe USA. Problems of selenium toxicity are alsofound in other semi-arid areas. In the Soan-Sakesar Valley of Punjab, Pakistan, averageselenium concentrations were 302 mg L21

(n ¼ 13) in streams and springs and 297 –2,100 mg L21 in lake water (three lakes) (Afzalet al., 2000). The highest concentrations werereported from low-lying, salinized areas.

The Colorado River catchment, Utah, USA isalso a seleniferous area. Median selenium con-centrations in the Colorado River and its majortributaries are in the range 1–4 mg L21 (Engberg,1999), although values up to 400 mg L21 have

Abundance and Forms of Selenium in the Natural Environment 47

been reported (NAS, 1976). Irrigation is believedto have been responsible for ,70% of the seleniumreaching Lake Powell (Engberg, 1999). Seleniumconcentrations in the Cienega de Santa Clarawetlands on the east side of the Colorado RiverDelta, Mexico are also in the range 5–19 mg L21

(Garcıa-Hernandez et al., 2000). However, highselenium concentrations do not occur in all riversin arid areas. For example, concentrations in theJordan River average only 0.25 mg L21 (Nishriet al., 1999). Selenium concentrations in surfacewaters may be increased locally near sources ofwaste, including sewage effluent. Seawater and estuaries

Selenium concentrations in estuarine water andseawater are also generally low. An averageconcentration of 0.17 mg L21 was estimated forseawater by Thomson et al. (2001). Dissolvedconcentrations in the range 0.1–0.2 mg L21 havebeen reported in San Francisco Bay (Cutter,1989). Zawislanski et al. (2001b) reported con-centrations of 0.07–0.35 mg L21 in the nearbyCarquinez Strait. Much of the selenium is thoughtto have been derived from industrial sourcesincluding historical releases from oil refineries.

Table 9 Concentration ranges of Se in various water bodies.

Water body and location Se concentration and range(mg L21)


Rain waterVarious 0.04–1.4 Hashimoto and

Winchester (1967)Polar ice 0.02 Frankenberger and

Benson (1994)River and lake water

Jordan River, Jordan 0.25 Nishri et al. (1999)River Amazon, Brazil 0.21 Jacobs (1989)Colorado River, USA ,1–400 NAS (1976),

Engberg (1999)Mississippi River, USA 0.14 Jacobs (1989)Lake Michigan, USA 0.8–10 Jacobs (1989)Gunnison River, USA 10 Jacobs (1989)Cienaga de Santa Clara

wetland, Mexico5–19 Garcıa-Hernandez

et al. (2000)

Seawater and estuariesSeawater 0.09; 0.17 Hem (1992),

Thomson et al. (2001)San Francisco Bay, USA 0.1–0.2 Cutter (1989)Carquinez Strait,

San Francisco Bay, USA0.07–0.35 Zawislanski et al. (2001a)

GroundwaterEast Midlands Triassic

Sandstone, UK,0.06–0.86 Smedley and

Edmunds (2002)Chaco-Pampean Plain,

loess aquifer, Argentina,2–40 Nicolli et al. (1989),

Smedley et al. (2002)Bengal Basin alluvial aquifer,

Bangladesh,0.5 BGS and DPHE (2001)

Soan-Sakesar Valley alluvial aquifer,Punjab, Pakistan

Avg 62 Afzal et al. (2000)

Colorado River catchment, USA up to 1,300 Engberg (1999)Coast Range alluvial aquifer,

San Joaquin Valley, California,USA

,1–2,000 Deverel et al. (1994)

Sierra Nevada alluvial aquifer,San Joaquin Valley, California

,1 Deverel et al. (1994)

Central Barents groundwater, Norway 0.01–4.82 Reimann et al. (1998)Slovakian groundwater 0.5–45 Rapant et al. (1996)

Pore waterBaseline, estuarine Lake Macquarie,

Australia,0.2 Peters et al. (1999)

Smelter and power-station-impacted,Lake Macquarie, Australia

0.3–5.0 Peters et al. (1999)

Arsenic and Selenium48

During low-flow conditions, oil refineries contrib-ute up to 75% of the total selenium load enteringSan Francisco Bay. Refineries processing oilderived from the neighboring San Joaquin Valley,California, produce effluent containing seleniumconcentrations an order of magnitude greaterthan those in refinery effluent from AlaskanNorth Slope crude oil (Zawislanski and Zavarin,1996). Groundwater

As in the case of surface waters, the concen-trations of selenium in groundwater are usuallylow and commonly below analytical detectionlimits. Concentrations tend to be higher inoxidizing groundwaters, because the dominantform present, Se(VI), is less prone to adsorptionby metal oxides than Se(IV). Elemental seleniumis also unstable under oxidizing conditions. Highselenium concentrations have been found underoxidizing conditions in groundwaters in some aridand semi-arid areas as a result of evaporation.Extremely high concentrations (up to1,300 mg L21) have been reported from shallowwells in the upper reaches of the Colorado Rivercatchment, Utah (Engberg, 1999).

Deverel and Fujii (1988) also reported concen-trations in the range of ,1 – 2,000 mg L21

(Table 9) in shallow groundwater from CoastRange alluvial fan sediments near KestersonReservoir, California. Concentrations of,20 mg L21 were found in the middle fandeposits but reached several hundreds of mg L21

in the lower fan deposits. Concentrationsincreased with groundwater salinity, probably asa result of leaching of soil salts by irrigation andsubsequent evaporation. Deverel and Fujii (1988)found low concentrations of selenium in ground-water from the eastern side of the San JoaquinValley in alluvial sediments of the Sierra NevadaFormation. Values were generally less than1 mg L21, probably as a result of reducingconditions in which selenium occurred in lessmobile forms, notably Se(IV).

Selenium-rich groundwaters are also found inthe semi-arid regions of Argentina (Table 9).Nicolli et al. (1989) found concentrations up to24 mg L21 in oxidizing groundwater from CordobaProvince. Concentrations correlated positivelywith salinity. Smedley et al. (2002) also foundselenium concentrations in the range ,2 –40 mg L21 (n ¼ 34) in oxidizing groundwatersfrom the neighboring province of La Pampa, withthe highest concentrations in high-salinity shallowgroundwaters in which selenium was concentratedby evaporation. No speciation studies werecarried out, although selenate is likely to dominate.Eleven of the groundwater samples analyzed(32%) in the Smedley et al. (2002) study exceeded

the WHO guideline value for selenium in drinkingwater of 10 mg L21.

In the Soan-Sakesar Valley of the Punjab,Pakistan, the average selenium concentration ingroundwater was 62 mg L21 (n ¼ 29) (Afzal et al.,2000). Again there was a positive correlationbetween salinity and selenium concentration.Most of the selenium in the groundwater waspresent as Se(VI).

Selenium concentrations in reducing ground-waters are very low or undetectable as a result ofreduction to Se(IV). Concentrations in samplesof the strongly reducing high-arsenic ground-waters of Bangladesh were ,0.5 mg L21

(BGS and DPHE, 2001). In the Triassic Sandstoneaquifer of the English East Midlands, seleniumconcentrations varied from less than 0.06 mg L21

to 0.86 mg L21 (Table 9). Concentrations werehighest in the unconfined oxidizing part of thesandstone aquifer and fell abruptly to less than0.06 mg L21 at and beyond the redox boundary(Smedley and Edmunds, 2002). Sediment pore water

Few data are available for the selenium contentof pore waters. However, Peters et al. (1999)reported concentrations of up to 5 mg L21 inestuarine pore waters from Mannering Bay (LakeMacquarie), New South Wales, Australia. Inves-tigations followed concerns during the 1990sabout high selenium concentrations in marineorganisms from the area. Concentrations werehighest in the upper 5 mm of the profile, and weresubstantially higher throughout the profile thanfrom nearby Nord’s Wharf, where concentrationswere typically ,0.2 mg L21 selenium (i.e., belowthe detection limit). Although redox controlsinfluenced the trends with depth, the highselenium concentrations in the uppermost sedi-ments were thought to reflect contamination fromsmelter and power station inputs. Mine drainage

Since selenium substitutes for sulfur in thestructure of sulfide minerals, drainage from miner-alized and mined areas may have high dissolvedselenium concentrations. Acid seeps derived fromoxidation of sulfide minerals draining the MorenoShale in the Coast Ranges, USA, have seleniumconcentrations up to 420 mg L21 with concen-trations of aluminum, manganese, zinc, andnickel in the mg L21 range (Presser, 1994). Selenium Species in Water, Sediment,and Soil

The behavior of selenium in the environment issimilar in many respects to that of arsenic.

Abundance and Forms of Selenium in the Natural Environment 49

Importantly, it also occurs naturally in severaloxidation states and is, therefore, redox sensitive.Methylation and hydride formation are important,and sulfur and iron compounds play an importantrole in the cycling of selenium. Microbiologicalvolatilization of organic selenium, particularlydimethyl selenide, is known to be an importantfactor in the loss of selenium from some selenium-rich soils and waters (Frankenberger andArshad, 2001; Oremland, 1994). Phytoplanktoncan also promote the production of gaseousselenium compounds in the marine environment(Amouroux et al., 2001).

Selenium occurs in natural waters principallyin two oxidation states, Se(IV) (selenite) andSe(VI) (selenate). Elemental selenium, Se(0)(red and black forms), and selenide, Se(2 II),are essentially insoluble in water Se(VI)O4


occurs mainly in oxidizing waters whileHSe(IV)O3

2 and Se(IV)O322 dominate under

reducing conditions (Figure 9). The concen-tration ratio of Se(IV) to Se(VI) species innatural waters does not necessarily follow that ofother redox couples (e.g., Fe2þ/Fe3þ). Thisreflects the slow kinetics involved (White andDubrovsky, 1994).

Elemental selenium, selenides, and seleniumsulfide salts are only stable in reducing, acidicconditions and are largely unavailable to plantsand animals. Zawislanski et al. (2001b) found astrong positive correlation between selenium andorganic carbon in suspended particulate matterfrom San Francisco Bay possibly reflectingreduction of selenium by organic matter. Strongpositive correlations of particulate selenium withparticulate iron and aluminum were also noted.The oxidation and reduction of selenium is relatedto microbial activity. For example, the bacteriumBacillus megaterium can oxidize elemental sel-enium to selenite.

It has been estimated that up to 50% of theselenium in some soils may be present as organiccompounds, although few such compounds have

been isolated and identified (Jacobs, 1989).Selenomethionine has been extracted from soilsand is 2–4 times more bioavailable to plants thaninorganic selenite, although selenocysteine is lessbioavailable than selenomethionine (Alloway,1995; Davies, 1980; Frankenberger and Benson,1994; Jacobs, 1989). The bioavailability of thedifferent selenium species in soils can be sum-marized as

selenate . selenomethionine . selenocysteine

. selenite . elemental selenium . selenide

In general, selenate is more available and moremobile than selenite in the environment, so thatselenium is much more bioavailable underoxidizing alkaline conditions.

An Eh–pH diagram for the system Se–O–S isgiven in Figure 10 as a guide but, as in the case ofarsenic, it is necessarily an oversimplification of acomplex natural system. Se2S3 is not shown as nothermodynamic data are available for this species.It would probably displace elemental selenium(black) as the dominant phase under stronglyreducing sulfur-rich conditions. Also the stabilityof Fe–Se minerals and the effects of seleniumadsorption by metal oxides are not represented inthe diagram.

Selenium is more readily reduced than arsenic.In soils and sediments, elemental seleniumdominates under strongly reducing conditions.The gas H2Se is important under acid, stronglyreducing conditions. Organic selenides occur inbiological materials. Some of these selenides arehighly volatile.

The most detailed studies of selenium distri-bution and speciation have been carried out forseawater. G. A. Cutter and L. S. Cutter (2001)found that selenate had generally higher concen-trations in marine waters from the southern

Figure 9 Speciation of selenium in a 0.01 M NaClmedium as a function of pH at 25 8C. The plot forSe(VI) is not shown since this is always dominated by


Figure 10 Eh–pH stability diagram for selenium at25 8C, 1 bar total pressure. The stability field for water

is shown by the dashed lines.

Arsenic and Selenium50

(0.019 mg L21) than the northern hemisphere(0.014 mg L21). In contrast, selenite had lowconcentrations in seawater from the southernhemisphere (0.005 mg L21) with the highestconcentrations in the equatorial region andbelow the Intertropical Convergence Zone(0.009 mg L21). Depth profiles of total dissolvedselenium, selenite, and selenate in Atlanticseawater all showed surface-water depletion anddeep-water enrichment, characteristic of nutrient-like behavior. In North Atlantic Deep Water, theSe(IV)/Se(VI) ratios were generally similar tothose found in the eastern Atlantic and NorthPacific (0.7), but waters originating in the southernpolar regions were enriched in selenate andhad low Se(IV)/Se(VI) ratios (,0.4). Organicselenide was found in surface ocean waters butwas not detected in mid- or deep waters.

Selenium profiles in sediments from the north-east Atlantic Ocean indicate concentrations of,0.2–0.3 mg kg21 in the oxic zone, and typically0.3 –0.5 mg kg21 below the redox boundaryreflecting immobilization under reduced con-ditions (Thomson et al., 2001). Similar increasesfor cadmium, uranium, and rhenium have alsobeen observed in the suboxic zone.

As with arsenic, microbiological processes areimportant in the reduction of selenium, princi-pally through the microbial reduction of Se(IV)and Se(VI) (Oremland et al., 1990). Oremland(1994) found that the areal rate of dissimilatoryselenium reduction in sediments from an agri-cultural evaporation pond in the San JoaquinValley was ,3 times lower than for denitrifica-tion and 30 times lower than for sulfate reduction.Stable-isotope studies of water in the Tulare LakeDrainage district wetland, California, indicatedlittle selenium-isotope fractionation (Herbel et al.,2002b). This suggested that the primary source ofreduced selenium was its assimilation by plantsand algae followed by deposition and mineraliza-tion rather than the direct bacterial reduction ofSe(VI) or Se(IV).


As noted above, the principal natural sources ofselenium in water are likely to be sulfides or metaloxides containing adsorbed selenium, especiallySe(IV). Coal can be an additional primary sourceof selenium either directly through oxidation orindirectly via atmospheric precipitation followingcombustion. Selenium is readily oxidized duringthe weathering of minerals. Seleniferous ground-water areas such as those in the USA and Pakistan

are most common where underlain by selenium-and organic-rich shales, which release seleniumon weathering. Selenium-rich groundwaters tendto be found in semi-arid areas under irrigation.Examples are found in the central and westernUSA (Deverel et al., 1994) and in parts of Pakistan(Afzal et al., 2000). Adsorption of Selenium by Oxidesand Clays

In contrast to arsenic, the reduced form ofselenium, Se(IV), is very strongly adsorbed byHFO. This may account, in part, for the very lowselenium concentration in many strongly reducingenvironments. Furthermore, also in contrast witharsenic, the oxidized form of selenium, Se(VI), isless strongly adsorbed to HFO than the reducedspecies. These differences, also reflected by otheroxide-based sorbents including clays, account forthe markedly different behavior of arsenic andselenium in natural waters.

The behavior of selenium in soils mirrors that ofthe pure oxides (Goldberg, 1985). In acid soils,selenium is likely to occur mainly as Se(IV)strongly adsorbed to iron oxides. Less commonly,Se(IV) may form highly insoluble iron com-pounds such as ferric selenite (Fe2(OH)4SeO3) oriron selenide (FeSe). In alkaline, oxidized andselenium-rich soils, most of the selenium is likelyto be present as Se(VI) which is very weaklyadsorbed. Furthermore, there are no commoninsoluble selenate minerals. Hence, selenateaccumulates in soluble form particularly in aridand semi-arid areas where evaporation tends toconcentrate selenium along with other solublesalts (Deverel et al., 1994).

The strong affinity of iron oxides for Se(IV)has been well documented (Dzombak and Morel,1990) and calculations based on the Dzombakand Morel (1990) diffuse double-layer modeland default HFO database show the principalresponse to pH and redox speciation changes(Figure 11). The selenate species is less stronglyadsorbed by iron oxides at near-neutral pHthan the selenite species (Figure 11). Clayminerals (Bar-Yosef and Meek, 1987) also adsorbSe(IV).

The iron oxide and clay content of soils andsediments can affect the bioavailability of seleniummarkedly. The strong pH dependence of adsorptionis an important control. Maximum adsorptionoccurs between pH 3 and pH 5 and decreases asthe pH rises. Organic matter also removes seleniumfrom soil solution, possibly as a result of theformation of organometallic complexes. Additionof PO4 to soils increases selenium uptake by plants,because the PO4

32 ion displaces selenite from soilparticles making it more bioavailable. Conversely,increasing the concentrations of PO4 in soils can

Pathways and Behavior of Selenium in the Natural Environment 51

dilute the selenium content of vegetation byinducing increased plant growth (Frankenbergerand Benson, 1994; Jacobs, 1989). Selenium Transport

The transport of selenium is related strongly toits speciation. The weak adsorption of selenate bysoil and aquifer materials, especially in thepresence of high SO4

22 concentrations, meansthat it is relatively unretarded by groundwater flow(Kent et al., 1995). There is also little likelihoodthat insoluble metal selenates, such asCaSe(VI)O4·2H2O, will limit Se(VI) solubilityunder oxidizing conditions (White and Dubrovsky,1994). By contrast, the strong adsorption tendencyof Se(IV) and low solubility of Se(0) and Se(2 II)species mean that transport of selenium is strictlylimited under reducing conditions.

The strong contrast in selenium mobilitybetween reducing and oxidizing conditionsmeans that changes in redox conditions in soils,sediments, or aquifers can result in significantchanges in selenium concentrations in water andcrops. For example, the accumulation of seleniumin the reduced bottom sediments of the Salton Sea,California could be mobilized if engineeredchanges to transfer water out of the Salton Sea

Basin lead to oxidation of the sediments(Schroeder et al., 2002). Such a process hasalready occurred at Kesterson Reservoir(Section The change of land use, forexample, from wet paddy soils to drylandagriculture, could also lead to an increase inuptake of selenium by crops (Yang et al., 1983). Global fluxes

Selenium is dispersed through the environmentand is cycled by biogeochemical processesinvolving the rock weathering, rock–water inter-actions, and microbiological activity. Estimates ofthe selenium fluxes through the atmosphere, land,and oceans indicate that the anthropogenic fluxnow exceeds the marine flux, the principal naturalpathway (Table 10).

The global flux of selenium from land to theoceans via rivers has been estimated as1.538 £ 104 t yr21 (Haygarth, 1994). The cyclingof selenium from land to water is poorly under-stood, but ,85% of the selenium in rivers isthought to be in particulate rather than dissolvedform.

Typical concentrations of selenium in seawaterare ,0.1–0.2 mg L21 (Table 9) with an estimatedmean residence time of 70 yr in the mixed layerand 1,100 yr in the deep ocean. The oceans are,therefore, an important sink for selenium(Haygarth, 1994; Jacobs, 1989). Biogenic volati-lization of selenium from seawater to the atmos-phere is estimated to be 5,000–8,000 t yr21.Amouroux et al. (2001) have demonstrated thatbiotransformation of dissolved selenium in sea-water by blooms of phytoplankton in the spring isa major pathway for the emission of gaseousselenium to the atmosphere. Hence, oceans are animportant part of the selenium cycle. Selenium fluxes in air

Volatilization of selenium from volcanoes,soils, sediments, the oceans, microorganisms,plants, animals, and industrial activity all contrib-ute to selenium in the atmosphere. Natural back-ground concentrations of selenium in nonvolcanicareas are only around 0.01–1 ng m23, but theshort residence time, usually a matter of weeks,makes the atmosphere a rapid transport route forselenium. Volatilization of selenium into theatmosphere results from microbial methylationof selenium from soil, plant, and water, and isaffected by the availability of selenium, thepresence of an adequate carbon source, oxygenavailability, and temperature (Frankenberger andBenson, 1994; Jacobs, 1989).

Most gaseous selenium is thought to be in thedimethylselenide form. Terrestrial biogenic

Figure 11 Calculated percent adsorption of: (a)oxidized and (b) reduced selenium species by HFO.Infilled areas show the adsorption for a range of total Seconcentrations (0.1–10 mmol L21) and ionic strengths

(1–100 mmol L21).

Arsenic and Selenium52

sources probably contribute 1,200 t yr21 of sel-enium to the atmosphere. Atmospheric dustsderived from volcanoes and wind erosion of theEarth’s surface (180 t yr21) and suspended seasalts (550 t yr21) from the oceans are alsosignificant sources of atmospheric selenium.Particle-bound selenium can be transportedseveral thousands of kilometers before deposition.Wet deposition from rain, snow, and other typesof precipitation is thought to contribute5,610 t ha21 yr21 selenium to the terrestrialenvironment. For example, in the UK wetdeposition has been shown to account for76–93% of the total with .70% in soluble form.Near to point sources of selenium, for example,from industry, atmospheric deposition canaccount for 33–82% of the selenium present onthe leaves of plants (Frankenberger and Benson,1994; Jacobs, 1989). Soil–water–plant relationships

There is little evidence that selenium is essentialfor plants. The selenium concentrations in plantsgenerally reflect those of the soils in which they aregrown. An important factor, which may determinewhether or not selenium-related health problemsaffect man and animals, is the variable capacity ofdifferent plant species to accumulate selenium(Alloway, 1995; Frankenberger and Benson, 1994;Jacobs, 1989; Oldfield, 1999).

Rosenfield and Beath (1964) classified plantsinto three groups based on their selenium uptakefrom seleniferous soils: (i) selenium accumulatorplants which can contain .1,000 mg kg21

selenium and grow well on high-selenium soils;(ii) secondary selenium absorbers with concen-trations in the range of 50–100 mg kg21; and(iii) others, which include grains and grasses thatcan contain up to 50 mg kg21 selenium. Mostplants contain less than 10 mg kg21. Seleniumconcentrations can range from 0.005 mg kg21 upto 5,500 mg kg21 in selenium accumulators.Accumulators belonging to the plant generaAstragalus, Haplopappus, and Stanleya arecommonly found in the semi-arid seleniferous

environments of the western USA and elsewhereand are used as indicators of high - seleniumenvironments, although other species of thesegenera are nonaccumulators (Alloway, 1995;Jacobs, 1989).

The exclusion of selenium from the proteins ofaccumulator plants is thought to be the basis fortheir selenium tolerance. Their selenium meta-bolism is based mainly on water-soluble nonproteinforms such as selenium methylselenomethionine(Jacobs, 1989). The “garlic” odor characteristic ofselenium-accumulator plants reflects the volatileorganic compounds dimethylselenide and dime-thyldiselenide. Plants can suffer selenium toxicityas a result of selenium competition with essentialmetabolites for biochemical sites, replacement ofessential ions by selenium, mainly major cations,selenate occupation of the sites of essential groupssuch as phosphate and nitrate, or seleniumsubstitution in essential sulfur compounds.

Experimental evidence suggests that there is anegative correlation between very high soilselenium concentrations and plant growth. Alfalfayields have been shown to decline when extrac-table selenium in soil exceeds 500 mg kg21.Yellowing, black spots, and chlorosis of plantleaves and pink root tissue can occur (Franken-berger and Benson, 1994; Jacobs, 1989). Phyto-toxicity in nature has only been reported fromChina, where high selenium concentrations in soilcaused discoloration of maize corn-head embryosand also affected the growth and yield of wheatand pea crops, respectively (Yang et al., 1983).

Food crops generally have a low seleniumtolerance, but most crops have the potential toaccumulate selenium in quantities toxic to animalsand humans (Jacobs, 1989). In general, root cropscontain the highest selenium concentrations(Table 11) with plant leaves containing a higherconcentration than the tuber. For example, Yanget al. (1983) noted that selenium concentrations invegetables (0.3–81.4 mg kg21) were generallyhigher than in cereal crops (0.3–28.5 mg kg21 inrice and maize) in seleniferous regions of China.Turnip leaves had particularly high concentrationswith an average of 460 mg kg21 ranging up to2.5 £ 104 mg kg21 compared to an average of

Table 10 Global selenium fluxes.

Source Pathways Se flux( £ 104 t yr21)

Anthropogenic releases Mining, anthropogenic releases toatmosphere, water, land, and oceans


Marine loss Volatilization, sea salt suspension,into marine biota, sediment transfer to land


Terrestrial loss Volatilization, particle resuspension,dissolved and suspended load to oceans


Atmospheric loss Wet and dry deposition to the oceans and land 1.53

Source: Haygarth (1994).

Pathways and Behavior of Selenium in the Natural Environment 53

12 mg kg21 in the tuber. Brassicas are unable todistinguish selenium from sulfur and so tend toaccumulate selenium.

In moderate- to low-selenium environments,alfalfa (Medicago sp.) has been shown to take upmore selenium than other forage crops. Cropspecies grown in low-selenium soils generallyshow little difference in selenium uptake so thatchanging the type of crop grown makes littleimpact. An exception has been reportedfrom New Zealand, where changing from whiteclover to the grass Agrostis tenuis increasedthe selenium content of fodder (Davies andWatkinson, 1966). Case Studies Kesterson reservoir, USA

One of the best-documented cases of seleniumtoxicity in animals occurred at Kesterson Reser-voir, California, USA (Jacobs, 1989; Wu et al.,2000). Soil irrigation in the western San JoaquinValley of California began in the late 1800s andaccelerated, particularly in the 1930s–1940s.Irrigation water was taken from both surfacewater and groundwater (Deverel and Fujii, 1988).During the 1970s, flow into the reservoir wasmainly surface water, but over the period 1981–1986 almost all the inflow was from shallowagricultural drainage for which the reservoir actedas a set of evaporation ponds. This inflowcontained 250–350 mg L21 selenium, mostlypresent as bioavailable selenate (Se(VI)).

The primary source of the selenium is believedto have been pyrite in shales, particularly the UpperCretaceous–Paleocene Moreno Shale and theEocene–Oligocene Kreyenhagen Shale. Concen-trations of selenium in these formationsrange up to 45 mg kg21, median concentrationsbeing 6.5 mg kg21 and 8.7 mg kg21, respectively(Presser, 1994). The concentration of selenium inthe surface sediments (0–0.3 m depth) of the oldplayas is in the range 1–20 mg kg21 reflectingthe historical accumulation of selenium from theselenium-rich drain water. Deeper sediments

typically contain much lower selenium concen-trations of 0.1–1 mg kg21 (Tokunaga et al., 1994).

Between 1983 and 1985, the USA WildlifeService compared the biological impact of thehigh selenium in the Kesterson Reservoir region tothat of the adjacent Volta Wildlife area, which wassupplied with water containing normal seleniumconcentrations. The research showed that the highconcentrations of selenium in the irrigation waterswere having a detrimental effect on the health offish and wildlife (Tokunaga et al., 1994). Healtheffects on birds in the Kesterson Reservoir areawere very marked. Twenty-two percent of theeggs contained dead or deformed embryos. Thedevelopmental deformities included missing orabnormal eyes, beaks, wings, legs, and feet as wellas hydrocephaly. It has been estimated that at least1,000 adult and young birds died between 1983and 1985 as a result of consuming plants and fishcontaining 12–120 times the normal amount ofselenium. No overt adverse health effects werenoted in reptile or mammalian species, but theconcentrations of selenium present were ofconcern in terms of bioaccumulation through thefood chain.

These findings led the US Bureau of Recla-mation to halt the discharge of agriculturaldrainage to the reservoir. The reservoir wasdewatered, and the lower parts were infilled toprevent groundwater rising to the soil surface.Bioremediation based on microbial reduction ofselenite and selenate to insoluble Se(0) ormethylation of these species to dimethylselenidewas used to immobilize the selenium. Field trialsdemonstrated that microorganisms, particularlyEnterobacter cloacea, were effective in reducingselenium to insoluble Se(0) and that the processwas stimulated by the addition of organic matter(Wu et al., 2000). The area was also plantedwith upland grass. Biological monitoring hasdemonstrated that selenium concentrations in thewater and vegetation at Kesterson are now muchlower and largely within safe limits. By 1992,concentrations of selenium in surface pools thatformed after periods of rainfall were between3 mg L21 and 13 mg L21. Enshi, China

Human selenosis has been reported from theEnshi district, Hubei Province, China. Between1923 and 1988, 477 cases of human selenosis werereported, 338 resulting in hair and nail loss anddisorders of the nervous system. In one smallvillage, the population was evacuated after 19 of23 people suffered nail and hair loss, and all thelivestock had died from selenium poisoning.Cases of selenosis in pigs reached a peak between1979 and 1987, when 280 out of 2,238 pigs wereaffected in one village.

Table 11 Examples of Se contents in various cropsgrown in the USA.

USA crop type Average Se(mg kg21 dry wt.)

Roots and bulbs 0.407Grains 0.297Leafy vegetables 0.110Seed vegetables 0.066Vegetable fruits 0.054Tree fruits 0.015

Source: Jacobs (1989).

Arsenic and Selenium54

No human cases of selenium toxicity have beenreported in recent years, but animals continue toshow health problems as a result of highconcentrations of selenium in the environment(Fordyce et al., 2000b; Yang et al., 1983). Yanget al. (1983) were the first to compare theconcentration of selenium in soil, crops, drinkingwater, human urine, blood, nail, and hair samplesfrom the Enshi area with other regions of China.They demonstrated that the endemic seleniumpoisoning was related to the occurrence ofselenium-enriched Permian coal deposits. Thesecontained selenium concentrations up to6,470 mg kg21. Selenium concentrations in thesoil, food, and human samples from areas under-lain by these rocks were up to 1,000 times higherthan in samples from nearby low-selenium areas,and dietary intakes of selenium greatly exceededthe recommended international and Chinesethresholds (Table 12). Locally grown cropsconstituted 90% of the diet in the Enshi area.Cereal crops (rice and maize) accounted for65–85% of the selenium intake. In additionto exposure through the food chain, villagerswere exposed to selenium because they mined thecoal for fuel and used the residues as a soilconditioner.

Concentrations of selenium in soils and food-stuffs can vary markedly from deficient to toxic inthe same village depending on the outcrop of thecoal-bearing strata (Fordyce et al., 2000b).Villagers were advised to avoid cultivating areasunderlain by the coal or using coal ash tocondition the soil. The outbreaks of humanselenosis in the late 1950s and early 1960scoincided with drought and failure of the ricecrop leading to an increased dependence onlocally produced vegetables and maize. As thesource of food crops diversified, the incidence ofthe disease diminished. Soan-Sakesar Valley, Pakistan

The Soan-Sakesar Valley is situated in thecenter of the Salt Range mountains in the Punjab,northeast Pakistan. The geochemistry of thewaters in the area has been studied extensivelyby Afzal et al. (2000, 1999). The average altitudeof the Soan-Sakesar Valley is 762 m. The meanannual rainfall (1984–1994) is 613 mm. Theaverage summer temperature is 33 8C and theaverage winter temperature is 3 8C, with periodsbelow freezing. Average evaporation is estimatedto be ,950 mm yr21. The area is essentially aclosed basin, although ephemeral streams andrivers, including the River Soan, flow seasonallywestwards towards the River Indus.

The area is covered by sedimentary rocks,mainly of Tertiary age. The valley lies betweentwo parallel east–west ridge systems. Wheat and

maize are grown in the area. Three quite largebrackish-saline lakes (3–14 km2) occur withinsynclinal structures formed by the folding ofEocene rocks. The largest and most saline lake,Lake Uchhali, has a TDS of ,36 g L21, a nitrateconcentration of 28 mg L21, and a boron concen-tration of nearly 1 mg L21. It also contained aselenium concentration of 2.1 mg L21. The major-element chemistry is dominated by Na–Mg–Cl–SO4. All surface waters in the region exceeded theWHO guideline value of 10 mg L21 for seleniumin drinking water (Table 13).

The Soan-Sakesar aquifer consists of two majorformations, a freshwater Sakesar limestone(Chharat Group) of Eocene age and a brackishformation (Rawalpindi Group). Groundwaterrecharge is mainly from infiltration through thealluvial fans during times of stream flow.Groundwater has been used extensively forirrigation and has led to substantially alteredgroundwater flow patterns. The water table isgenerally 4 – 7 m bgl and varies by 1 – 2 mseasonally.

The groundwaters of the area also contain ahigh salt content. Selenium concentrations are inexcess of the WHO guideline value for drinkingwater and the FAO guideline value for irrigationwater (20 mg L21). The median concentrations ofnitrate and boron in groundwaters from the areawere 27.5 mg L21 and 0.52 mg L21, respectively.The boron concentration in many of the ground-waters exceeded 0.5 mg L21, the revised (1998)provisional WHO guideline value for boron indrinking water, and sometimes exceeded1 mg L21, the maximum acceptable concentrationfor irrigation water. The Sakesar Formation isdominated by shale. This is probably the ultimatesource of the selenium. Selenium concentrations,as well as the overall dissolved salt concentration,were greatest in low-lying areas, where a shallowwater table existed and where intense evaporationof soil water had occurred.

Selenium speciation confirmed that all of thewaters were dominated by selenate with 10–20%selenite (Afzal et al., 2000). A small percentage ofthe selenium was present as organic selenium inthe surface waters but was absent from thegroundwaters. Volatilization of selenium fromthe lakes was suspected but not proven. It is likelythat selenate was reduced to selenite or elementalselenium in the anoxic sediments. Selenium deficiency, China

In contrast, selenium deficiency has beenimplicated in several human diseases, most notablyKeshan disease (KD) and Kashin-Beck disease(KBD). KD is an endemic selenium-responsivecardiomyopathy that mainly affects children andwomen of child-bearing age and is named after

Pathways and Behavior of Selenium in the Natural Environment 55

Table 12 Deficiency and toxicity thresholds for selenium in various media.

Medium Units Deficient Marginal Moderate Adequate Toxic Criterion Reference(s)

SoilsWorldwide mg kg21 0.1–0.6 Animal health VariousChinese soils mg kg21 0.125 0.175 0.400 .3 Human health Tan (1989)Chinese soil water-soluble mg kg21 0.003 0.006 0.008 0.020 Human health Tan (1989)

VegetationWorldwide mg kg21 ,0.1 0.1–1.0 3–5 Animal health Jacobs (1989),

Levander (1986)Chinese cereals mg kg21 0.025 0.040 0.070 .1 Human health Tan (1989)

AnimalsFood, chronic exposure mg kg21 ,0.04 0.1–3 3–15 Animal health Jacobs (1989),

Mayland (1994)Cattle and sheep liver mg kg21 0.21 Animal health WHO (1987)Cattle and sheep blood mg kg21 ,0.04 0.05–0.06 0.07–0.10 Animal health Mayland (1994)

HumansChinese human hair mg kg21 0.200 0.250 0.500 .3 Human health Tan (1989)Urinary excretion rate mg day21 10–200 Human health Oldfield (1999)Food mg kg21 ,0.05 2–5 Human health WHO (1996)Ref. Dose US EPA mg kg21 day21 0.005 Human health US EPA (2002)Human diet (WHO) mg day21 ,40 55–75 .400 Human health WHO (1996)Drinking water (WHO) mg L21 .10 Maximum admissible

concentrationWHO (1993)

Keshan County in NE China (Wang and Gao,2001). During the years of peak KD prevalence(1959–1970), 8,000 cases and up to 3,000 deathswere reported annually (Tan, 1989). The diseaseoccurred in a broad belt from NE to SW China,where subsistence farmers depended on local foodsupplies. White muscle disease in animals occurredin the same areas. Grain crops in the affected areascontained ,0.04 mg Se kg21 which led to extre-mely low dietary intakes (10–15 mg Se d21) in thelocal population. A very low selenium level in theaffected population was indicated by seleniumconcentrations in hair of ,0.12 mg kg21 (Tan,1989; Xu and Jiang, 1986; Yang and Xia, 1995).Supplementation with 50 mg Se d21 prevented thecondition but had no effect on those alreadyshowing signs of the disease.

The precise biological function of selenium inKD is unclear, and seasonal variations in preva-lence suggested the involvement of a virus. Highlevels of the Coxsackie B virus were found in KDpatients (Li et al., 2000). Work by Beck (1999)showed that a normally benign strain of theCoxsackie B3 virus becomes virulent in selenium-or vitamin E-deficiency conditions.

The incidence of the disease has fallen in recentyears as a result of selenium supplementation andimproved economic conditions in China generally(Burk, 1994). The evidence of viral mutogeny inthe presence of selenium deficiency has importantimplications for many infections. Seleniumdeficiency may increase the likelihood of dyingfrom HIV-related diseases (Baum et al., 1997) andmay have exacerbated the incidence of AIDS inparts of Africa.

The relationship between selenium deficiencyand KD in Zhangjiakou district, China has beendescribed in detail by Johnson et al. (2000). Soils

in the villages with a high prevalence of KD werefound to be black or dark brown with a highorganic matter content and lower pH than othersoils in the region. Although the soil in the KD-affected areas contained highest seleniumconcentration, the selenium was strongly boundby soil organic matter and it was not in abioavailable form. Water-soluble selenium con-centrations in the villages with a high prevalenceof KD were lower than deficiency thresholdvalues (geometric mean, 0.06 mg L21; threshold,3 mg L21).

The study concluded that when the bioavail-ability of selenium is low, any factor that furtherreduces its bioavailability and mobility may becritical. Adding selenium fertilizer to crops ratherthan to soils was recommended to increase theselenium concentrations in local diets. No cases ofKD have been reported since 1996, as the diet hasbecome more diversified as a result of improve-ments in economic conditions and transport.

KBD, named after the two Russian scientistswho first described it in the late 1800s, is anendemic osteoarthropathy, which causes deform-ity of the joints. It is characterized by impairedmovement, commonly with shortened fingers andtoes, and in extreme cases, dwarfism (Levander,1986; Tan, 1989; WHO, 1996). In China, thedistribution of the disease is similar to KD in thenorth but the links with selenium deficiency areless clear. Iodine supplementation of the diets ofchildren and nursing mothers, together with 0.5–2.0 mg sodium selenite a week for six years,reduced the disease prevalence from 42% to 4% inchildren aged 3–10 yr (WHO, 1987). As with KD,other factors have been implicated in the patho-genesis of KBD. These include drinking waterhigh in humic acids, greater fungal (mycotoxin)

Table 13 Average concentrations of groundwater and stream/spring samples from the Soan-Sakesar Valley,Pakistan.

Parameter Lake Uchhali n ¼ 3 Groundwaters n ¼ 29(mg L21)

Streams/springs n ¼ 13

Ca 159 22 64Mg 1,770 62 104Na 9,890 130 323K 254 14 25Alkalinity 584 234 577Cl 9,530 89 216SO4 14,300 243 551NO3 28 30 20Li 2.86 0.3 0.65B 0.96 0.61 0.36P 0.48 0.17 0.52SiO2 5.1 3.7 5.2Se 2.10 0.062 0.302Mo 0.02 0.021 0.019

Source: Afzal et al. (2000).

Pathways and Behavior of Selenium in the Natural Environment 57

contamination of grain, and iodine deficiency(Peng et al., 1999; Suetens et al., 2001). KBD alsooccurs in Siberia, North Korea and possibly partsof Africa.


The recent surge of research into the behaviorof arsenic in the environment has followed thediscovery of human health problems linked tohigh concentrations of the element in somegroundwaters, soils, and contaminated land.Rather fewer studies have been undertaken ofselenium, although serious health problemsrelated to selenium toxicity or deficiency havebeen reported. There have also been many studiesof the distribution of both arsenic, and morerecently selenium, in metalliferous exploration,especially for gold.

This chapter has outlined the main effects ofarsenic and selenium on human and animalhealth, their abundance and distribution in theenvironment, sampling and analysis, and themain factors controlling speciation and cycling.Such information should help to identify aqui-fers, water resources and soils at risk from highconcentrations of arsenic and selenium, andareas of selenium deficiency. Human activityhas had, and is likely to continue to have, amajor role in releasing arsenic and seleniumfrom the geosphere and in perturbing the naturaldistribution of these and other elements over theEarth’s surface.

Arsenic and selenium demonstrate many simi-larities in their behavior in the environment. Bothare redox sensitive and occur in several oxidationstates under different environmental conditions.Both partition preferentially into sulfide mineralsand metal oxides and are concentrated naturally inareas of mineralization and geothermal activity.Both elements occur as oxyanions in solution and,depending on redox status, are potentially mobilein the near-neutral to alkaline pH conditions thattypify many natural waters. However, there arealso some major differences. Selenium isimmobile under reducing conditions while themobility of arsenic is less predictable and dependson a range of other factors. Selenium also appearsto partition more strongly with organic matter thanarsenic.

While concern with arsenic in the environmentrelates principally to toxic conditions, concernswith selenium relate to both deficiency andtoxicity. The optimum range of ingested seleniumconcentrations for health is narrow. In certainenvironments, high intakes of arsenic or seleniumor very low intakes of selenium can occur,potentially leading to a wide range of diseases,not all of which are well understood and some ofwhich may not have been recognized.

Many of the health and environmental problemscaused by arsenic and selenium were not predicteduntil recently because the distribution and beha-vior of arsenic and selenium in the environmentwere not sufficiently well known. Recent improve-ments have been aided by cost-effective analyticaltechniques and more powerful data-processingtechniques, which have made it easier to preparehigh-resolution geochemical maps. Also, moderndigital data sets of geochemical and hydrochemi-cal data are used increasingly in studies designedto estimate element speciation, bioavailability,and risk.

The discovery of high concentrations of arsenicin groundwater from parts of the Bengal Basin ofBangladesh and West Bengal and elsewhere afterseveral years of groundwater development hashighlighted the need to analyse a wide range ofwater-quality parameters before using thesesources. With the advent of modern multi-elementanalytical techniques capable of measuringarsenic and selenium at environmentally relevantconcentrations on an almost routine basis, itshould be possible to include arsenic and seleniumin more geochemical and hydrochemical sur-veys and thereby acquire a much better pictureof their distribution, behavior, and role in theenvironment.


The authors thank Kirk Nordstrom for an earlycopy of his review of the thermodynamics of theAs–O–S system and also an anonymous reviewerfor constructive comments about the microbiologyof arsenate reduction. This chapter is publishedwith the permission of the Executive Director ofthe British Geological Survey (NERC).


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Published by Elsevier Ltd. Treatise on GeochemistryISBN (set): 0-08-043751-6

Volume 9; (ISBN: 0-08-044344-3); pp. 17–66

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