15: General Inferenceweb.stanford.edu/class/cs109/lectures/15_general_inference_blank.pdfLisa Yan,...


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15: General InferenceLisa Yan and Jerry CainOctober 16, 2020


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Quick slide reference


3 General Inference: intro 15a_inference

15 Bayesian Networks 15b_bayes_nets

22 Inference (I): Math 15c_inference_math

29 Inference (II): Rejection sampling LIVE

69 Inference (III): Gibbs sampling (extra) (no video)

General Inference: Introduction



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020







Chest pain




General inference question:

Given the values of some randomvariables, what is the conditionaldistribution of some other randomvariables?

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020







Chest pain




One inference question:

𝑃 𝐹 = 1|𝑁 = 1, 𝑇 = 1

=𝑃 𝐹 = 1,𝑁 = 1, 𝑇 = 1

𝑃 𝑁 = 1, 𝑇 = 1

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020







Chest pain




Another inference question:

𝑃 𝐢! = 1,π‘ˆ = 1|𝑆 = 0, 𝐹" = 0

=𝑃 𝐢! = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑆 = 0, 𝐹" = 0

𝑃 𝑆 = 0, 𝐹" = 0

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

InferenceIf we knew the joint distribution,we can answer all probabilisticinference questions.

What is the size of the joint probability table? A. 2#$% entriesB. 𝑁& entriesC. 2# entriesD. None/other/don’t know





Chest pain



Nausea 𝑁 = 9all binary RVs


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

InferenceIf we knew the joint distribution,we can answer all probabilisticinference questions.

What is the size of the joint probability table? A. 2#$% entriesB. 𝑁& entriesC. 2# entriesD. None/other/don’t know





Chest pain



Nausea 𝑁 = 9all binary RVs

Naively specifying a joint distribution is often intractable.

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

N can be large…


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Conditional Probability Independence

Conditionally Independent RVs


Conditional Distributions Independent RVsConditional Probability Independence

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Conditionally Independent RVsRecall that two events 𝐴 and 𝐡 areconditionally independent given 𝐸 if:

𝑛 discrete random variables 𝑋%, 𝑋&, … , 𝑋' are called conditionally independent given π‘Œ if:

for all π‘₯%, π‘₯&, … , π‘₯' , 𝑦:

𝑃 𝑋% = π‘₯%, 𝑋& = π‘₯&, … , 𝑋' = π‘₯'|π‘Œ = 𝑦 =6()%


𝑃 𝑋( = π‘₯(|π‘Œ = 𝑦

This implies the following (cool to remember for later):

log 𝑃 𝑋% = π‘₯%, 𝑋& = π‘₯&, … , 𝑋' = π‘₯'|π‘Œ = 𝑦 =:()%


log 𝑃 𝑋( = π‘₯(|π‘Œ = 𝑦


𝑃 𝐴𝐡|𝐸 = 𝑃 𝐴|𝐸 𝑃(𝐡|𝐸)

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Lec. 12: Independence of multiple random variablesRecall independence of𝑛 events 𝐸%, 𝐸&, … , 𝐸':

We have independence of 𝑛 discrete random variables 𝑋%, 𝑋&, … , 𝑋' iffor all π‘₯%, π‘₯&, … , π‘₯':

𝑃 𝑋% = π‘₯%, 𝑋& = π‘₯&, … , 𝑋' = π‘₯' =6()%


𝑃 𝑋( = π‘₯(


for π‘Ÿ = 1,… , 𝑛:for every subset 𝐸!, 𝐸", … , 𝐸#:

𝑃 𝐸!, 𝐸", … , 𝐸# = 𝑃 𝐸! 𝑃 𝐸" ⋯𝑃 𝐸#

Errata (edited May 3): Removed the independent RV requirement for all subsets of size π‘Ÿ = 1, … , 𝑛. Do you see why this requirement is unnecessary?(Hint: independence of RVs implies independence of all events)


Bayesian Networks



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

A simpler WebMD

Great! Just specify 2* = 16 joint probabilities…?

𝑃 𝐹+, = π‘Ž, 𝐹"- = 𝑏, π‘ˆ = 𝑐, 𝑇 = 𝑑

What would a Stanford flu expert do?


Flu Under-grad


Describe the joint distribution using causality!!!

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Constructing a Bayesian NetworkWhat would a Stanford flu expert do?

1. Describe the joint distribution using causality.

2. Assume conditional independence.


Flu Under-grad


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Constructing a Bayesian NetworkIn a Bayesian Network,Each random variable is conditionally independent of its non-descendants, given its parents.

β€’ Node: random variableβ€’ Directed edge: conditional dependency

Examples:β€’ 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝑇 = 0, 𝐹#$ = 1 = 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝐹#$ = 1β€’ 𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1,π‘ˆ = 0 = 𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 0


Flu Under-grad


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Constructing a Bayesian NetworkWhat would a Stanford flu expert do?

1. Describe the joint distribution using causality.

2. Assume conditional independence.3. Provide 𝑃 values|parents for each

random variable

What conditional probabilitiesshould our expert specify?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Constructing a Bayesian NetworkWhat would a Stanford flu expert do?

1. Describe the joint distribution using causality.

2. Assume conditional independence.3. Provide 𝑃 values|parents for each

random variable

What conditional probabilitiesshould our expert specify?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

What would a CS109 student do?1. Populate a Bayesian network by

asking a Stanford flu expertor

by using reasonable assumptions

2. Answer inference questions

Using a Bayes Net


Our focustoday

Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Inference (I): Math



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Bayes Nets: Conditional independenceIn a Bayesian Network,Each random variable is conditionally independent of its non-descendants, given its parents.

β€’ Node: random variableβ€’ Directed edge: conditional dependency


Flu Under-grad



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

1. 𝑃 𝐹+, = 0, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹"- = 0, 𝑇 = 1 ?

Compute joint probabilitiesusing chain rule.

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

1. Compute joint probabilities

2. Definition of conditional probability

𝑃 𝐹01 = 1, 𝐹23 = 0, π‘ˆ = 0, 𝑇 = 1𝑃 𝐹01 = 0, 𝐹23 = 0, π‘ˆ = 0, 𝑇 = 1

𝑃 𝐹01 = 1, 𝐹23 = 0, π‘ˆ = 0, 𝑇 = 1βˆ‘4 𝑃 𝐹01 = π‘₯, 𝐹23 = 0, π‘ˆ = 0, 𝑇 = 1

2. 𝑃 𝐹+, = 1|𝐹"- = 0, π‘ˆ = 0, 𝑇 = 1 ?𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1

= 0.095

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math

3. 𝑃 𝐹+, = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math

3. 𝑃 𝐹+, = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

1. Compute joint probabilities

2. Definition of conditional probability

𝑃 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹23 = 1, 𝑇 = 1…

𝑃 𝐹01 = 0, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹23 = 0, 𝑇 = 1 ?

βˆ‘5 𝑃 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹23 = 𝑦, 𝑇 = 1βˆ‘4βˆ‘5 𝑃 𝐹01 = π‘₯, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹23 = 𝑦, 𝑇 = 1

= 0.122

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Solving inference questions precisely is possible, but sometimes tedious.

Can we use samplingto do approximate inference?


(live)15: General InferenceLisa Yan and Jerry CainOctober 16, 2020


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Constructing a Bayesian NetworkIn a Bayesian Network,Each random variable is conditionally independent of its non-descendants, given its parents.

β€’ Node: random variableβ€’ Directed edge: conditional dependency

Examples:β€’ 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝑇 = 0, 𝐹#$ = 1 = 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝐹#$ = 1β€’ 𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1,π‘ˆ = 0 = 𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 0


Flu Under-grad



Breakout Rooms

Check out the question on the next slide (Slide 32). Post any clarifications here!https://us.edstem.org/courses/2678/discussion/146234

Breakout rooms: 4 min. Introduce yourself!



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math

𝑃 𝐹+, = 1|𝐹"- = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math

𝑃 𝐹+, = 1|𝐹"- = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Solving inference questions precisely is possible, but sometimes tedious.

Can we use samplingto do approximate inference?


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Inference via math

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?

= 0.122


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0


(from pre-lecture video)

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm

Step 0:Have a fully specifiedBayesian Network


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation = …

# number of samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion: [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation = …

# number of samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1# samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

ApproximateProbability =

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1# samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

ApproximateProbability =


Why would this definition of approximate probability make sense?

ThinkSlide 41 has a question to go over by yourself.

Post any clarifications here!https://us.edstem.org/courses/2678/discussion/146234

Think by yourself: 2 min


πŸ€”(by yourself)

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Why would this approximate probability make sense?


What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1# samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

ApproximateProbability =

Recall our definition of probability as a frequency:

𝑃 𝐸 = lim'β†’<


𝑛 = # of total trials𝑛(𝐸) = # trials where 𝐸 occurs

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Why would this approximate probability make sense?


What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1# samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

ApproximateProbability =

Recall our definition of probability as a frequency:

𝑃 𝐸 = lim'β†’<


𝑛 = # of total trials𝑛(𝐸) = # trials where 𝐸 occurs

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation = …

# number of samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion: [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm

N_SAMPLES = 100000# Method: Sample a ton# -------------------# create N_SAMPLES with likelihood proportional# to the joint distributiondef sample_a_ton():

samples = []for i in range(N_SAMPLES):

sample = make_sample() # a particlesamples.append(sample)

return samples


How do we make a sample𝐹01 = π‘Ž, π‘ˆ = 𝑏, 𝐹23 = 𝑐, 𝑇 = 𝑑

according to thejoint probability?

Create a sample using the Bayesian Network!!

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)# # TODO: fill in# #

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)# # TODO: fill in# #

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)# # TODO: fill in# #

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)# # TODO: fill in# #

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir]

Rejection sampling algorithm


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)if flu == 0 and und == 0: tir = bernoulli(0.1)elif flu == 0 and und == 1: tir = bernoulli(0.8)elif flu == 1 and und == 0: tir = bernoulli(0.9)else: tir = bernoulli(1.0)

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir] 49

Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm# Method: Make Sample# -------------------# create a single sample from the joint distribution# based on the medical "WebMD" Bayesian Networkdef make_sample():

# prior on causal factorsflu = bernoulli(0.1)und = bernoulli(0.8)

# choose fever based on fluif flu == 1: fev = bernoulli(0.9)else: fev = bernoulli(0.05)

# choose tired based on (undergrad and flu)if flu == 0 and und == 0: tir = bernoulli(0.1)elif flu == 0 and und == 1: tir = bernoulli(0.8)elif flu == 1 and und == 0: tir = bernoulli(0.9)else: tir = bernoulli(1.0)

# a sample from the joint has an# assignment to *all* random variablesreturn [flu, und, fev, tir] 50

Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

Interlude for jokes/announcements


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020



Problem Set 4

Out: Today!Due: Monday 10/26 1pmCovers: Up to and including today

Mid-quarter feedback form

linkOpen until: next Friday

Python tutorial #3

When: Mon 10/19 6-7pm PTRecorded? YesCovers: PS4-PS6 contentNotes: to be posted online

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Announcements: CS109 contest


Do something cool and creativewith probability

Grand Prize:Two lowest quizzes replaced with 100%

Finalists:Lowest quiz replaced with 100%

Optional Proposal: Mon. 11/2, 11:59pmDue: Sat. 11/14, 11:59pm


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation = …

# number of samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion: [flu, und, fev, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation = …

# number of samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

# number of samples with 𝐹01 = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

Keep only samples that are consistentwith the observation π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 .

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

reject_inconsistent(samples_observation, event)return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

Keep only samples that are consistentwith the observation 𝑇 = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 .

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# Method: Reject Inconsistent# -------------------# Rejects all samples that do not align with the outcome.# Returns a list of consistent samples.def reject_inconsistent(samples, outcome):

consistent_samples = []for sample in samples:

if check_consistent(sample, outcome):consistent_samples.append(sample)

return consistent_samples

π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

reject_inconsistent(samples_observation, event)return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

Conditional event = samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 .

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

reject_inconsistent(samples_observation, event)return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

Conditional event = samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 .

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

def reject_inconsistent(samples, outcome):


return consistent_samples

𝐹01 = 1𝐹01 = π‘₯, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝐹23 = 𝑦, 𝑇 = 1

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling algorithm


def rejection_sampling(event, observation):samples = sample_a_ton()samples_observation =

reject_inconsistent(samples, observation)samples_event =

reject_inconsistent(samples_observation, event)return len(samples_event)/len(samples_observation)

# samples with 𝐹+, = 1, π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

What is 𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1 ?Inferencequestion:

# samples with π‘ˆ = 1, 𝑇 = 1

ApproximateProbability =

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

To the code!


Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Rejection sampling

With enough samples, you can correctly compute:β€’ Probability estimatesβ€’ Conditional probability estimatesβ€’ Expectation estimates

Because your samples are a representationof the joint distribution!


[flu, und, fev, tir]

P(has flu | undergrad and is tired) = 0.122

If you can sample enough from the joint distribution, you can answer any probability inference question.

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Other applications


Chemical present?

Chemical detected?

Trajectory deviation

Solar panel failure

Electrical system failure

Battery failure

Communi-cation loss

Take CS238/AA228: Decision Making under Uncertainty!

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Challenge with Bayesian Networks


Flu Under-grad


What if we don’t know the structure?

Take CS228: Probabilistic Graphical Models!

? ?



Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Disadvantages of rejection sampling

What if we never encounter some samples?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 1 = 0.9𝑃 𝐹#$ = 1|𝐹!" = 0 = 0.05

𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝐹#$ = 1 ?

[flu=0, und, fev=1, tir]

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Disadvantages of rejection sampling

What if we never encounter some samples?

What if random variables are continuous?


Flu Under-grad


𝑃 𝐹!" = 1 = 0.1 𝑃 π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8

𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.1𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 0, π‘ˆ = 1 = 0.8𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 0 = 0.9𝑃 𝑇 = 1|𝐹!" = 1, π‘ˆ = 1 = 1.0

𝐹#$|𝐹!" = 1 ~𝒩(100,1.81)𝐹#$|𝐹!" = 0~𝒩 98.25,0.73

𝑃 𝐹!" = 1|𝐹#$ = 99.4 ?

Gibbs sampling (extra)


(no video)

Lisa Yan and Jerry Cain, CS109, 2020

Gibbs Sampling (not covered)

Basic idea:β€’ Fix all observed eventsβ€’ Incrementally sample a new value

for each random variableβ€’ Difficulty: More coding for computing

different posterior probabilities

Learn in extra slides/extra notebook!(or by taking CS228/CS238)

