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Parish of ClewerAPCM 2019

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Sunday 28th April

At St Andrews ChurchAfter the 10.30 Eucharist

At this meeting the Churchwardens and PCC members are elected

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AgendaVestry Meeting

1. Opening Prayer

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of 2018 Meeting p3

4. Matters Arising

5. Election of Churchwardens

APCM6. Reports

6.1 Electoral Roll p6

6.2 PCC Annual Report (incorporating Trustees Annual Report) p7

6.3 Finance Report (including accounts and Independent Examiner) p12

6.4 Fabric report p20

6.5 Deanery Synod Report p22

6.6 Incumbent’s verbal report (if any)

7. Election of PCC Members (3x 3 year terms, 1x 1 year term)

9. Any Other Business

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Minutes of the 2018 APCM – 29th April 2018

The meeting was attended by 27 people.

Vestry meeting

1. The meeting was opened with a prayer.2. Apologies – Apologies were received from Jean George and Ishbel Chandler3. Minutes of 2017 meeting The minutes from the meeting on 23 April 2017 were

agreed and signed by Revd Rosie.4. Matters arising – there were no matters arising.5. Nomination of Churchwardens – Heather Allbless and Rob Taylor were voted

in unanimously as Churchwardens.

Sharon Robinson was nominated as secretary for the meeting.


6. Reports – Revd Rosie asked for any comments on the reports which were contained in the APCM booklet.Bob Lester was asked to say a few words regarding the buildings. This year work has been focussed on legal, mandatory issues plus health and safety to ensure the church is safe and dry. The faculty process, contractors and the weather have proved frustrating but the valley gutters have been repaired and there has been a lot of work done on the spire. Bob is standing down from the PCC at a time when he now feels the internal changes to the building can be made. Revd Rosie thanked Bob for all his hard work over the years and presented him with a gift to show her appreciation. He will be sorely missed by the PCC.

7. Accounts – It has been a difficult year financially but a lot has been accomplished.There is a steady stream of income coming in from St Agnes.There were no questions but Bob stated the finance report was excellent and Andrew was thanked for all his hard work. Andrew agreed to be treasurer for another year.

8. Nomination of PCC Members –Grant Castleden was nominated by Hilary Nobes and seconded by Emma PlaterTom Plater was nominated by Dennis Evans and seconded by Heather AllblessJean George was nominated by Heather Allbless and seconded by Diane IleyAll nominees were voted in unanimously.There are now currently two vacancies on the PCC.

9. Nomination of Deanery Synod Representatives –

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Martin Chandler and Mulle Price will continue as our deanery synod representatives for another year.

10. Any Other Business – Heather Allbless spoke about the parish giving scheme. The forms were handed out at the service. Using this scheme will make life much easier for our treasurer as he will be able to budget properly. The envelope scheme will stop and existing standing orders will be changed to direct debits. The direct debits will be subject to an annual inflationary increase. All indications are that this scheme increases giving and there is no cost to St Andrews. Heather asked for completed forms to be returned to the church as soon as possible.Revd Rosie and Rob Taylor talked about our charity giving which is under review this year. We currently give to the Mothers Union (Mothering Sunday), Christian Aid, USPG (Harvest with any produce given to the Homeless Project), British Legion (Remembrance Sunday) and Crisis, Open Door, Shelter, Thames Hospice (Christmas Services). The PCC will be voting for charities to support at the next meeting so any requests for new charities to be considered need to be passed on as soon as possible. The PCC have already been asked to consider Shelter Boxes.Rob Taylor also spoke to the meeting about the new data protection laws which will come in on 25 May 2018. We hold data on people because of the electoral roll so we will need to confirm details held by us. Email addresses and telephone numbers are now being asked for. Completed forms need to be returned to the parish office for safekeeping.Norman Iley asked if the responses for the Mass of the Risen Lord could be included in the service booklets. Revd Rosie said this will done as the booklets are reviewed. He also asked that any decisions taking regarding replacing the pews should take into consideration where people can put their hymn books etc during services.Revd Rosie thanked everyone for all their help last year; Heather Henry, the bell ringers, the cleaners and the flower arrangers. Sidespeople will be “welcomers” in the future and training will be given by Revd Rosie. Heather Allbless thanked Revd Rosie for looking after us pastorally.

11. Incumbent’s Report – Rector’s sum up of the year was given during the sermon.The story of the vine gives us the words for next year “I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit because apart from me you can do nothing”.We must try not be judgemental but listen. We need to cut out the dead wood and look at last year to see what flourished and what was not so good.The Lent Lunches and Stations of the Cross was good. The social life last year was good and the PCC and the committees worked hard on the buildings. Good relationships with children and families with new branches developing such as the Little Lambs play group. Good relationships have been established with the

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care homes. Revd Rosie held the first wedding prep day which saved her a great deal of time. Stuart and Rob have taken on more evening services and it is good to see their faith grow.Church at School has ceased despite all best efforts. It just did not work. The Bible Studies at Lent and Advent were not well attended. Some changes were made and Bible Studies are doing much better.Looking ahead we are all committed to this community. It is a time of growth and we are already seeing new people.Faith, hope and love feeds us. Prayer is the nutrient. We need to look for growth through prayer and the study of God’s word.

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Reports for 2018 (January - December)Electoral Roll

I have to report that as at the date of the APCM, the Electoral Roll for St Andrews Clewer stood at 67 persons. This compares with the figure of 79 persons for the year ending 2018.

Inclusion on the Electoral Roll signifies the desire of the person concerned to become more committed to the life of St. Andrews, with the right to vote on important issues. All those not currently on the Roll and who are regular attenders and would like inclusion on the Roll should approach either the Rector or myself.

Dennis Evans

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Proceedings of the PCC, and Activities of the Parish incorporating Trustees Annual Report


We are trialling a new format for the annual PCC report this year. Instead of individual reports from the various groups, these reports are being combined into one all-encompassing report. Many thanks to those who have contributed parts to the report and, with apologies, ‘reports may be edited for content or style.’

Aims and purposes

The PCC of the Parish of Clewer has the aim, as with the rest of the Church of England “to promote the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.” We undertake this role in conjunction with the rector, Revd Rosie Webb. We are also specifically responsible for the maintenance of St Andrew’s Church. Details about the situation at St Agnes Church can be found later in the report.

Objectives and activities

The PCC is committed to proclaiming Christ in Clewer, to provide support for parishioners and becoming part of the local community, whether that be through attendance at services or other engagement with our neighbours. The PCC has taken steps during the past year to move forward with community engagement and ensuring the future of the church in Clewer.

The PCC has met five times during the past year, along with five meetings of the Standing Committee.

As charity trustees, the PCC has “had regard” to the Charity Commission’s Public Benefit guidance when carrying out activities – in particular the guidance relating to charities for the advancement of religion. This “having regard” includes:

Being aware of the guidance Taking it into account when making a decision to which the guidance is relevant If we have decided to depart from the guidance, we must have good reason for doing so.

Achievements and performance

The work of the PCC falls into three main categories – Ministry, Pastoral and Buildings. Ministry aims to bring Christ to the people of Clewer and to proclaim Him in our community. Pastoral relates to supportive activities in the community and the Buildings category helps to ensure that there remains a church in Clewer. Underpinning these are several supporting areas.

Work started to come together at the PCC Visioning Day at Burnham Abbey in October, with the PCC members working out a vision of where the Parish will be in 5 years time and what needs to be done to achieve that. Especially exciting for this is the expected re-opening of the Swan public house in Mill Lane with which we hope to be able to build strong ties.

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The ministry team has met regularly during the year, for the most part lead by Rob Taylor, however personal circumstances meant that he could not continue to chair this team from October 2018. Throughout the year, 184 services have been held at St Andrew’s with additional services being held in St Agnes. Provision of regular services at St Agnes has been particularly gratifying.

The service provision is regularly reviewed to ensure that it is best serving the community. To that end, additional services of Morning Prayer have been started on Thursday mornings.

In order to give Revd Rosie some time off, more evening services have been lay lead in 2018, and Stuart Cockman now preaches at Evening Prayer on a regular basis. It is hoped that Revd Rosie will be able to resume more regular evening preaching soon.

Following comments from the congregation, the Ordinary Time Eucharist was revised and simplified with the new format being adopted from September. In addition to this, a regular plan for when Baptisms take place in the 10.30 service has been adopted so baptisms will, in general be included in the All Age service.

Attendance at the main festivals of the year has been good, with 127 adults and 36 children attending Easter services and 202 adults and 82 children at Christmas.


The team met 3 times during 2018. The team comprises Revd Rosie, Jane Cockman, Dennis Evans, Jean George, Mulle Price and Heather Henry when available. Martin Chandler is also a member but has not yet been able to attend a meeting. Hope this will change soon.

Data protection prevents our reporting on individuals we have helped, suffice it to say that some of them figure on the weekly prayer list. We ensure as far as possible that people who want it are visited by team members, for a home communion or general discussion. We have also increased the people going into our three care homes, where we have communion services or singsongs. This is a great privilege and hopefully mutually enjoyed. It would be good to have extra people to assist here in case the current regulars are unable to be present.

First Aid is covered by Vikki Bulbeck and Dennis Evans, who also check the green boxes are properly stocked. Several extra people have had first Aid training towards the end of 2018.

The School Uniform Bank (run in conjunction with All Saints Dedworth) has continued to be of great value to the community in West Windsor, with the very visible site outside All Saints being busy during the summer holidays. Support is also given to the local foodbank with donations being received in the purple bin near the font.

The Rector is also a trustee of the Clewer Non Ecclesiastical Charity, and is able to provide financial support to people in the parish in need.

During the year, the PCC has also supported Windsor Christian Aid. As a parish we raised £250 from the Plant/Coffee/Cake event in the rectory garden during Christian Aid Week in May and £212 for the Kerala appeal in August via a red bucket in church. Parishioners may have attended various other events like the Big Brekkie at All Saints which raised £460 and the quiz at Dedworth Baptists which

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raised just under £100. All in all in 2018 somewhere between £13 — 14,000 was sent to the local office in Oxford by Windsor Christian Aid.

Members of the congregation also regularly help with Windsor Homeless Project,


Details of the work done on our buildings and fabric can be found in the relevant report further on in this pack.


The work of the PCC is not solely concentrated in the church and some of the external work by the Social and Fundraising Committee is vital to the continued operation of the parish.

Throughout the year, several social events were held, starting with a quiz at St Agnes in April quickly followed by Another Night at the Movies in St Andrews. The Christian Aid coffee morning on 12 May was well attended, especially by the young mums of Prayers and Bears. In the summer, there was Music in the Rectory Garden on 1 July and summer evening walks. Refreshments have also been provided for events at St Agnes with monies going to PCC funds, but there are few volunteers for this, which is a shame. The bell ringers ran a very successful Christmas Market at the end of November.

Clewer Green CE Aided First School has been linked with St Andrew’s for over two hundred years, being formed by Countess Mary Harcourt in 1806 and in the founding documents of 1815 a clear link is made between the Church and the School. The Harcourt Trust came in to being as a result, allow-ing a small income for the school on an annual basis, and has always had the Parish Priest as one of the Trustees. This is a tradition which continues to this day with Reverend Rosie holding that position and therefore representing not only the Trust, but also the Parish, on the school Board of Governors, along with the church nominated school Governors, Lesley Cross and Jane Cockman.

Lesley is Governor with responsibility for Literacy and Jane covers Safeguarding. The school regu-larly visits St Andrews as part of their curriculum studies with the leavers service taking place in church each summer. Revd Rosie also attends the school regularly to lead acts of worship.

It should be noted that attendance at St Andrew’s, whilst currently part of the school admissions policy, will be removed from the policy in the next few years as the school is for “the poor of the par-ish”, not just those who attend church.

One final part of outreach, which can be heard by everyone round the church, are the bell ringers. Ringing took place for services, weddings and some funerals along with ringing to commemorate the end of the First World War and both Royal weddings (part of which was filmed for a documentary on the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex).

Quarter peals (around 45 minutes of ringing) were rung nine times during the year, including celebra-tions of the lives of Reg Renn and the former tower Captain Jim Brooks. For Remembrance Day, the quarter peal was rung half muffled. For the first time in a long while, a full peal (around 3 hours of ringing) was rung for St Andrews Day with two Clewer ringers included.

Vicki Bulbeck, the Training Co-ordinator for the tower is working hard to develop the tower as a train-ing tower and there are regularly trainees at both practice nights.

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In the opinion of the Council, we have complied with our duty under Section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016.

Administrative Details

Charity name Parochial Church Council of the ecclesiastical Parish of Clewer- Churches of St Andrew the Apostle and St Agnes

Other names charity is known by PCC Clewer, St Andrews and St Agnes

Registered charity number (if any)

Charity's principal address St Andrews Church

Mill Lane

Windsor, Berkshire


Names of the charity trustees who manage the charity

Trustee name Office (if any)Dates acted if not for whole year

Name of person (or body) entitled to appoint trustee (if any)

Revd Rosemary Webb RectorMr Stuart Cockman PCC MemberMrs Heather Allbless Churchwarden Jan-OctMr Robert Taylor Churchwarden Mr Martin Chandler PCC MemberMr Robert Lester PCC Member Jan-AprMr Dennis Evans PCC MemberMrs Victoria Bulbeck PCC MemberMrs Anne-Marie Price PCC MemberMs Lesley Cross PCC MemberMr Thomas Plater PCC Member May-DecMr Grant Castleton PCC Member May-DecMrs Jean George PCC Member May-DecMrs Sharon Robinson PCC Secretary

(co-opted)Mr Andrew Webb Hon. Treasurer


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Structure, Governance and Management

Description of the charity’s trusts

Type of governing document Act of Parliament or measure

How the charity is constituted Church of England/Act of Parliament

Trustee selection methods Appointed and/or elected by members of electoral roll.

Additional governance issues

The PCC has a number of policies in place to safeguard members including – Safeguarding (vulnerable adult, child protection), DBS checks, Cash Handling, Risk Management (financial), Investment, Reserves and Health & Safety.

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Finance Reports and accounts

The charity’s principle source of funds continues to be the giving of church members, together with the Gift Aid tax reclaim allowance. Additional regular sources of income are fees for weddings and funerals, service collections, rental income from St Agnes Cottage and income from the hiring of St Agnes hall and Church.

The church’s funds fall into four distinct categories.Endowment funds – these are investment funds and are either Permanent (meaning the capital cannot be withdrawn) and Expendable (meaning the capital can be withdrawn). They are designed to produce a (relatively) regular income together with capital growth.General funds (or unrestricted funds)- these are the ‘bread and butter’ of the church and made up of any income received by the church which does not have a specific purpose or condition of expenditure on it at the time of receipt. These are the funds which are used to fund the day-to-day expenses of the church.Restricted funds- these are funds which have been given to the church with a stated purpose. They can only be spent for the specific purpose for which they were given.Designated Funds- these are funds which have been given to the church with no restriction as to what they can be spent on but for which the PCC has decided on a specific use. The PCC can also un-designate funds if, for example, the reason for the original designation no longer exits.

The parish ended the year on a positive note with the accounts showing a surplus of income over expenditure of £33109.This was due to the receipt by the parish of two, very generous, legacies from long standing church members which totalled some £38484.Receipts from planned giving (regular giving by church members) increased during the year (after two years of decline) to £20955, back to our 2015 level. This is a very encouraging sign which can, hopefully, be carried on in future years. The amount received from the Governments Gift Aid scheme also rose in the year to £6564. (an increase of some £1200 on 2017’s amount).The income received from occasional services (weddings and funerals), continued to increase with a rise on the previous year of some £2000 to £6305., a sign that the number of services held at St Andrews is continuing to rise.Interest receipts were slightly lower than 2017 levels at £3217.Income from fundraising events was higher this year than in previous years at £4165 due to a number of successful events. Quiz nights (£630) were again extremely popular, together with the Music in the Garden (£510), Music from the Movies (£828) and the highly successful Christmas Market (£1726).St Agnes showed increased income levels, with rental income from the Halls and church contributing some £7300. The cottage continues to provide a rental income of approx. £11500.

The principle areas of expenditure are the Parish Share payments to the Diocese, Maintenance costs, Organist’s stipend and Administration costs (Insurance and licence costs and now also the cost of the Parish Administrator).Expenditure, overall, was similar to 2017 levels, although spending from general funds was much lower than 2017 levels. This was due to reduced expenditure relating to St Agnes and a greater use of restricted funds in 2018. However, there were several areas in which costs were significantly over budgeted levels although there were valid reasons for this and it was expected. Principal areas of overspend were; Church Maintenance (building work expenses which could not entirely be foundered from the restricted income building fund) and Management and Administration expenses (Architects

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fees, cost of Statement of Significance and Parish Administrator costs – although a proportion of PA costs were met by St Agnes).Parish Share payments increased to £34,000 which was, again, a larger increase than requested by the Deanery.

Lent lunches were again held at St Agnes Hall following the completion of the refurbishment and these were again well attended, raising funds for various charities (selected by the ‘team’ hosting each lunch.

The St Andrews church played host to Sir Trevor McDonald for the making of a television programme to celebrate the wedding of HRH Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle, with the church appearing several times during the show.

No drawdowns were made on our Endowment Funds in 2018, although the overall level of these funds was lower than 2017 due to the poor performance of the Stock Market during the last four months of 2018.

Overall, the increase in church funds, rather than the constant reduction as seen in previous years, is very welcome. However, we cannot expect to receive such generous legacies or donations in future years and we cannot sit back and assume all is well with church finances. Although the planned giving and gift aid levels showed a healthy increase from the previous two years it is important that these areas continue to grow (hopefully due to increasing numbers of church members). Fundraising will continue to be an important source of income and we will hopefully see an increase in events held at St Andrews and St Agnes which will lead to increased funds for church expenditure.

The PCC are very grateful for everybody’s giving whether it be; financial, donations of gifts/refreshments or time given to help run events.

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Independent Examiner

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Goods, Fabric and Ornaments

Much of the information in this report has been complied by Stuart Cockman, secretary of the Buildings and Churchyard Committee. As Churchwarden, I would like to put on record my thanks to Bob Lester (who was chair of the Buildings and Churchyard Committee for many years until April 2018), Tom Plater (who took over from Bob) and all of the Committee who are such a help in the Churchwarden’s duty to maintain the fabric and ornaments of the church.

It should be noted that, as the churchyard at St Andrews is closed and responsibility has been passed to the local authority. This means that the duty of ‘keeping [the churchyard] in decent order and it’s walls and fences in good repair” falls to RBWM under Section 215 of the Local Government Act. We are lucky to have Vicki and Lesley who keep an eye on the churchyard for us, and Bob and Tom for organising churchyard tidy mornings to avoid a major burden on RBWM. RBWM will, however, deal with major maintenance such as trees and grass cutting.

One major moveable item has indeed been moved. The ‘Fuller Flagon’, formerly in the care of, but not displayed by, the Victoria and Albert Museum, has been moved and is now in the care of the diocesan treasury at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford, where it can be viewed by visitors.

St Andrews Church and Lodge Maintenance

Hedge PlantingContinuing the planting begun in 2018, more planting was undertaken along the northern perimeter wall to provide visual protection.FacultiesThe work for faculties approved in 2018 has been completed:

Repairs to the valley gutters in EPDM rubber Repairs to the tower guttering and flintwork and replacing damaged or missing shingles on the

spire Repairing the tomb grave near the entrance porch Replacing the soakaway near the north boundary wall with perforated pipe, and connecting the

bell tower northern downpipe to itAnti-Social BehaviourThere have been less instances of anti-social behaviour in the churchyard. Clearance of some trees to improve visibility has helped. CCTV has been discussed with the local warden, and dismissed for now, and improved lighting and/or tree canopy raising to be considered instead.Electrical WorkThe work required after the Dec 2017 check has been completed. PAT testing has been done. The pendant lights in the Chancel have been raised up, for H&S reasons, and for improved lighting. The CF bulbs in the Church are gradually being replaced by LED bulbs.Lightning ConductorsThese were inspected as part of a 3 yearly inspection, no work was needed.Boundary WallThe wall at the east end of the churchyard is being affected by a large turkey oak. As stated above, this is the responsibility of RBWM who are aware of the situation.Churchyard MaintenanceSeveral ‘Churchyard Tidy’ Saturday mornings were held where parishioners performed a variety of tasks to supplement the routine maintenance carried out by RBWM.

Plan for Organ area

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A new plan for redeveloping the old organ area has been started.Statement of Significance.A Statement of Significance was drawn up by Natalie Merry and her company. This will help when applying for grants.

St Agnes Maintenance

Work has been done on St Agnes notwithstanding the fact that it has been legally dubious where the responsibility fell and who legally owns the property there. Rob has been working with the diocese and it looks like it will eventually become the property of the PCC.

It should be noted that the incoming Churchwardens will need to produce a Terrier and Inventory for St Agnes as this appears not to have been done. Many items owned by St Agnes are currently in the care of St Stephen’s church.

HeatingThe boiler in the Church failed and has been replaced.Electrical WorkAn electrical inspection was completed, and the remedial work completed. PAT testing has been done.Car ParkingPlans are still being developed to increase the number of car park spaces as this is vital to increase lettings. Physical barriers installed by the church continued to be ignored and damaged. A penalty system has been introduced to discourage unauthorised parking.Boundary WallThe Wall behind the Hall is not fully stable and is being monitored.


Health and Safety PolicyThe Sub Committee continues to update the Health and Safety Policy which was approved by the PCC.Buildings Management SystemThe Vital Property Solutions buildings management system is being used free of charge to log buildings related activity. The system also triggers alerts when action is due e.g. regulatory safety checks. A new version has been implemented, with improved capabilities (e.g. five year checks).

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Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery Synod Annual Report for 2018The Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery comprises 14 parishes and benefices in a geographical area more or less corresponding to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. There are 23 churches serving a population of 110,400 (2011 Census), mainly in the two urban areas of Maidenhead and Windsor respectively, but with a strong presence in the more rural areas and villages surrounding the towns. Four parishes, St Mary’s Maidenhead, Bray, All Saints Boyne Hill and St Luke’s Maidenhead, are designated as P&E (Presence and Engagement), having a significant proportion (over 10%) of those practicing another faith. The combined Electoral Roll of the Deanery in 2018 was 2348 (2017:2279), however, this may not be accurate because two parishes did not complete their annual Statistics for Mission, and, therefore, the previous year’s number has been used for those parishes.The Maidenhead and Windsor Deanery Synod comprises all the clergy in the deanery and Lay Representatives elected by their respective parishes in the deanery for a period of three years. Elections were held in 2017. There are 24 Clergy Members, 47 Lay Members and 7 lay vacancies.The Deanery Synod elects a Standing Committee to oversee and steer the activities of the Deanery. This consists of five clergy members and six lay members. The Synod also elects a Lay Co-chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Area Dean and Associate Area Dean are appointed by the Bishop.The Deanery Synod also elects representatives (who need not necessarily be members of the Deanery Synod itself) to Diocesan Synod. There are three Clergy Representatives and four Lay Representatives. These elections took place in 2018, see below.The Deanery Synod members also elect representatives to the General Synod.The Area Dean, Associate Area Dean and Lay Chair are members of the Archdeacon’s Standing and Pastoral Committee, which also includes the Bishop of Reading.The Deanery has a Mission Action Plan which outlines its objectives and activities approved by the Archdeacon’s Pastoral Committee in June 2015. It is used by the Deanery Standing Committee as an operational framework for the Deanery. It is reviewed, developed and updated at each Standing Committee meeting.Under the plan, the Standing Committee is, amongst other things, responsible for organizing and facilitating synod meetings. A pattern to Synod Meetings has emerged that puts a mission topic at the head of the agenda, for which there is a presentation either from within the deanery or by an external speaker. The formal “business” is then dealt with after the main topic.The Deanery Synod met three times in 2018. The main topics at the meetings were as follows: -

Thursday 15 March at St Agnes, Windsor– Presentations on Dementia. Tina English, who set up the charity Embracing Age, talked about

supporting the frail elderly and those with dementia, both within the church and the local care home community; and Rev’d David Joynes talked about the Rendezvous Project in Cookham.

– Presentation and approval of the 2017 accounts

Wednesday 13th June at All Saints’, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead

– Jonathan Farnhill, the then Diocesan Generous Giving Advisor gave a presentation on the new Parish Giving Scheme.

– There was an update on progress of the pastoral scheme for St Mary’s and The Walthams.

Wednesday 10th October at St James the Less, Stubbings, Maidenhead

– A number of the Clergy members of Synod presented their views and impressions from the Diocesan Clergy Conference that had been held over the summer.

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Parish ShareAnother excellent response from parishes enabled us to pay the 2018 share of £976,036 in full and on time, maintaining our excellent record in this area. The majority of parishes accepted our offer of adopting an increase of 2.5% and are paying the balance of 1.15% in 2019. Credit is due to Clewer, Dedworth and Waltham St Lawrence for electing to pay the full increase straightaway. For 2019, the base increase for the Diocese is 1.75%, but a robust level of fee income has restricted our underlying increase to 1.04%. This year, therefore, we are asked to pay £986,103, and are confident that we will. Whatever the precise amount of increase, the Deanery Standing Committee does not underestimate the commitment it takes to achieve this amount and extends its thanks to all our parishes.Pastoral DevelopmentsIn 2018, the Deanery considered and participated in: -

– Appointment of Rev’d Ainsley Swift as Vicar of St Michael’s, Bray, following the retirement of Rev’d Richard Cowles.

– The proposed amalgamation of St Mary’s and St Andrew’s, Maidenhead with St Mary’s, White Waltham, and the proposed separation of Shottesbrooke from White Waltham and its amal-gamation with Waltham St Lawrence. In connection with this, the Rev’d Dave Atallah was ap-pointed as Priest-in-Charge of St. Mary’s White Waltham, following the resignation of Rev’d Dr. David Andrew.

– Appointment of Rev’d Nigel Richards as Vicar of All Saints, Dedworth, following the retirement of Rev’d Louise Brown.

– The consequential interregnums in New Windsor and All Saints’ Dedworth.– Supporting parishes where there is little or no clergy resource over and above a single stipen-

diary post.

Parish InspectionsSix Parish Inspections were carried out on behalf of the Archdeacon in the year in order to maintain its 3-yearly cycle of inspections.

Deanery Officers and Standing Committee Members (with their respective parishes)Area Dean Rev’d Ainsley Swift (St. Michael’s, Bray)Associate Area Dean Rev’d Sally Lynch (St Luke’s, Maidenhead)Lay Chair John Sykes (The Cookhams)Secretary Thomas Walton (St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene, Maidenhead)Treasurer Jim Tucker (St. Michael’s, Bray)Members Rev’d Jeremy Harris (All Saints’, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead)

Rod Broad (All Saints’, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead)Jane Burr (Clewer St Stephen and St Agnes)Martin Chandler (St. Andrew’s, Clewer)

Diocesan Synod MembersRev’d Ainsley Swift (St Michael’s, Bray)Rev’d Sally Lynch (St Luke’s, Maidenhead)Rev’d Jeremy Harris (All Saints’, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead)Rev’d Sam Allberry (St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene, Maidenhead) (ex-officio as General Synod

member)John Sykes (The Cookhams)Thomas Walton (St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene, Maidenhead)Rod Broad (All Saints’, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead)Ralph Hinchcliffe (St Luke’s Maidenhead)

General Synod MemberRev’d Sam Allberry (St Andrew and St Mary Magdalene, Maidenhead)

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