1884 Sarawak Gazette


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  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


    1-:. '"Vot. XIV: No. 220 ., .:' f] '. . II '", . .,

    1.. r.~t~ '~'!."A\Y..f~'":.rrtMrt y thnt bei'n crwithout. ex.tl'arieOtiS.OAZE'l"rEwill be 0.11Ul10r:_. ~ ' >1/1 ., ,.." , " ' ,Single nu!,!ber ',' .' $ u. 'g,SSlstanCe'l)l'materrat means the RaJah:SubscriptIOnfor 1YO~I'." "I,OU is' dependent 011the; free will of.hi s.. Pn)'n.b)eIIIA,1ml' ce I ' , .. ... .Do, 'iuclu,ling posto.ge to ~in;,n.\>(1rQ \.25' subjects. AJl this) is perfectly true1)"" do. EugllllHl \.50, but the writer fihould ill: aclditionhave;All communications hltelHlc,l ' !!\l :il lsol,t iQn: in 'ihe

    \p,ointeclout the fa~t:t,h~tl the popnln,.:8arawal( Gazetto, must be dirccted to t)1eMl.litorat tlOn of ,sara..wak' 'If?::aD! ex..C~~.dlP.gll.Y.'(-the.GovernmentI)rinti~gOftlcc,!\ucl1iug,alldsent so. miXed one' col1sistin , g of.po\V.er!al.tribes: ,.as to reach tile Office by thc,26th of tho montl1l\t,:>t~, j . ." : . ',' . , ..',lo.testortl1clr fl1ilJii~ation~illlll\ve't6bedcfotreduntil' wno' fr()l11, olden; "tiiiles. have'f'! Q~!;.ntheneiti8su...; ..~".; "n lna Ol li st ic , to On a ,:;:otlle~ . .jt h' }"", Letters I\mlother oontributions t1l11StQOl\uthentiC1lt- '" lo

    ----. ., Thtt1'sda.y, '.hit ]}lay~' 1884,""-""'-.,J., ~ :.-......--.'1'WO' lIlost interesting articles, hav.ing reference to Sa.r1\V!\k, have A,p-pea red in the issues of the Pall MallGaulle of the 7th aml 14th March;the one written'by His Highness the'Haj'1h and the other ~y a. g~ntlemallstyling himself the Ex-cJlancellor (~the Exchequer, As most of our readerswill have all'eatly read Lhe arlicles re-fel'red .to, it will be needless to insert

    , them here, buL, iLSone or two of theEx. cliall~ello.l"sstatements are, be-sides being a liWe conflicting, calcu-lated to l11i&lead,obrief notice of his:articlemay not he amiss.'1'he:Ex-ehal1cellol' writes of theRajah~s Go'vernment'a~ being one by



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  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


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    80 THE SARAWAKGAZETTE, tST MAY, 18,84.. . \. . ,8a.yS~"are now our, chief reliance, and,., ' ~ttms. '..' ',. \ ' .they would defend our rule--against, ~'! ',' -:0:- ,any enemy" -both from without and .,ON the 'afternoon of the 21st ultimo,within. The Sea Dyaks are by farthe ,s~oke Wf1,Sobserved iSBuing from themOot powerful and warlike tribe in, 'c,oal store in the, Government Cbal ,Borneo,\ and it must be borne in inirid s~eds,but, owing tQ..the: prompt Be- '-that this great tribe' is againsplit,up . ~~Ol~"ofhe authorities,1!the fire was .'into lesser tribes, a combination of ~extmguished and what might, have' ~ ~\vhich would be ,impossible, unles's. \Proved a serious disaster pr~vent~d.' '~~:called :,pon by the Governmentto ga- I~e. cause w.as spo?taneoUB. IgnitIon, ;,4ther, 1Dsuch a case they wouldeven fl.rlS1Dgrom 1DSUffiClententIlation or 'tttnr their' arm~ against a refractory from the coals being storedi '9,qamp,..b f th . ' , . t t " I.. '.' ,'Iitri eo.. ell'.ownrace. .' ' " sa e. , _~, 'lh ','; ~J~'..The wrIter further goes onto csay- .,,' . ';.f;.;f

  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


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    'THE SARAWAI{. fFlogging~.. ... 9'Dead... ... 2'.. 03I beg to ca.ll -Yonr Higlmcss's rltt'ontidn tothe cil'cnmstnnce that in thrt Prison Cella on tho-ground door, although ample provision'is madu. forJlle .entrance of a1r from without, no gort ofFovisioll exists. for ventih\.ting the foul ail'Gutinto.tlle corridor, 80.that practically stagnationof the atmosphe're lil'evnils with,in, attendedwith evil conseqt16i1oes.~'otILt)halllth of' thopl'iaonel's Clnd\1\ol,'e'pal.ticularly;.those ~v1io'Sesentences do not pet'mit oC.their 1'emoval dur-ing the day. ." .. Militll1'Y ])cparlmelll.-103 men havc been?n'tho siclt-list during the qunrter-. . Intermittent Fever ...28 _Dyspepdlu and Di3ri'hro'[\' . . ..23'Glandu:lal' Iriflo.mmlitions ...~H.,'. ,Heurt aud Chest Complain1s. f:!Rheumatism... - ... 4.Misoella.llcolis,.. .,.1()

    103Police.-Follrtcen mon ha.ve be0l} off Ul\~y011o.ccount of illness (luring the (lno.l.ter.. I have tbe honor to.be, .B.njah,Yotll'obcdipnt amI btimbl~ sel~vant". C.G.'H.. STORIE, )!.B:,2nd Mcdicat Odfcc/'.


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  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


    _._ o~ .0____ _.~----....'. ... ,-

    THE SARAWAK GAZETTE, 1sT MAY, 1884.8.arrtSUDnbtmt.-:0:-

    To tile Editor of "Tlce Sarawal, G(/~ett6."SIR,-As all your rendersmay not have no-ticed the following likely method of riddingtheil' buildingsof thosedestructive peslswhiteauts"which appeared in a late number d theStraits Time., '1\ publication of tbe same inyour issue may be appreciated.' ,IIA Dutoh 80lent ifio per lodicnl in I In I\ rtlole quotedin the JIlTO:Bode of the 12th Jllnul lry,re,oommends theuse of "waranglln" or native IInenic liS nil effectinremedy IIgl\lnst ~hitollnts by sprinkling it' ln 1\powderedform 011the flooring of infoste

  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette




    THE SARAWAKGAZETTE, 1ST,MAY,1~~4. 3V, . -----~;theirt'eRuiar b~bit ?f-j~ug,me~lti~btorspa~. I , !\t j lmg',mg sums thro'tbe Polleo In hqutdatl?t1 of thOll" , -'0'-debts, I have issued all order ,putting 0. stop ,,' ..to this. There were dlso several matters with PUBLIO BUILDINGSC0N..STURCTrDN R!:JANGregnrd to Court books, &c., whlch requircd!\ ",_ JN1888. ' , t,good deal of attenJion." " Katibal W"tc1t.l~ouse:--CoUlmenced in ~ov.Publio Worltsand roads. The bung~law,nt e,mber 188,2 aQd finished in 'July 1883., 'En.,Palm 'requh'c~ thoroughl, repairing. and I tire oost $465.25. ~

    should recommend this botl1goone with nofew, "I'he length is ao ft. 3 in. Breadth 3DCt,2 in,slight, a1tel,'ations, tiS perplnn (tunoxeCl,at the' Exkeme hei"ht..33 feet. Posts, I\'l\lIs andtimo it is re.t'oofed, I\S a good many upper roof of bilio.n~ " ' '~il~~ers willr?quire re.plnC!tTgRnd~ho r,ooC .The woqd was ,oo~trib'llted,by the _Dyt\,ks.11\1smgwhere lt has. 8Unltwtth th~ fl,on~,at1,d . 'The Attaps, s!1wll.p!anks, and nail! alone wcr~'back P?sts: The pr180~I fonnd 'Vetj 1nse,c~lle provided by tho Govel'nmeut, The carpentors'but ~llIs':111 be .l'e1l1e(liec1n,s.so~n I\S bJIHln wages:w~l'e pnid for ,principally b1 thes~le ofpla~ll,s a1~ obtnmoo from, Kuclll!)~, ,A new Government fruit t1'ee~ at Ka.aomt. . The t\C:'poltco '!,tntlol\ for BU~l\n ISI ~eh(we 111h.nnd 'ttlal ,cost to thci Govel'l1inent was' thereforeut l(nchl\jg. ,Now stntlOns0.1'0cqJullIy:.l'eqUlred $11790 ' ,(It Tegoro und UR\!. I append plim fU1'apprbvR,I, .' " , , " "of 1\'cbenp a.nc1811'0iI1gti~tion, wi~h o.ccommo. ,llaptt CtJw~lled,-:Comtnenc~(l In A:1)gnstdo.tio.u for o.n, Officer. Tho RilH-' statiol1 is 16~2, nna filllshoc1 11l Febrl.1o.ry -1883. COito.lso in f\ ,'ory bad condition but pet'bu.ps it ,$20.38. ' " , 'willllot be worthwhile re~lowiug it" tho place Lenglh 56 feet, Bl'enc1th20 feet. Extromebeingllow nea.r)~'dosorted. 'height 15 ft. 2 in, Posts anlt r60 of bilian.'Thc Bat\. 0.11(1jnia,,'nn 1'On

  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


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    U~ik expre.ssing great'dissatisf~~t~on1,at the than the returns shew by 14 ,in '82 andverdIct was dnected to appea.~wheh the Hon. 12 in ~8S. I here exempted 1\ J'sl?ui Dyakthe Resident of the Srd Division visited Multah n!lomedPaNyugit (Melum), who. is "'sufferingin August last. Thi's he faileu to do. . ", fi'om~chronic disease, from payiIig year.Jy tax.The cl\se is 110Wbro~ght forward for final. Flom here the road to Jagui lies thronJlhsettlement. :', farming grounds Ilnd over "batangs~!',all theThe Court taking'into oonsideration that; woy; and it is about \.\1,fivehours wl\lk to thdwben be on 1\ former occasion felled twelve ,village at the foot of Jagui mountain. Thistreel on the disputed land, they were allowed village is known as Kampong Bima,

    tal1 and,hashim, on the understanding that he felled no ,60 doors. Nearly on the top, dnd appro,achedmore, and also 8.She did not appent wben di- , by a sleep path, is Kam'pong 'remadnlc or, 10rectedto, confirm the former decision. doors; nnd right on. the summit is,Kaoo'iioqgCourt rose at 1'.80 p.m. , . Ata's of 60 doors. ~rhe Pangn.r&lives at Ke.tn.Saturday, 17th, 1884.-In l'e Wte Gl~ing- pongTerna!!akand the Orang KaYAn.tKampongwitnesses had not sworn in the ploper form Alas. With the cxception of the Orang ICl\ya'sthey o.ro directed to swenr agl\in in frout of family the Inttor kampong is deserted, over,30, the Fort; this tbE'Ynow do, to the satisfac'tion families havc shirte!! to Bahang, about si,x toof all parties. The Court therefore aWllrd !even miles over the Dutch border. 'Onar-Wee Ching $95.60. . l'i\'l\l I found the Ol'l\ng KaYIlundel' a 'l;'em~1i''On ThursJay 1111\1rida.y afternoon and this ~is wife having j.l1stgiven birth,to a.child lind,morning I pal.tly audited the a,cconnts, which In accordan~e with tI. lecustom of t~esc 'people,hao1not been nudited for two ~'ears. The cl\bh 1.16could nelthor ~ecelve l1.,strl1.ngerIIhis 1'0'00I found corre,ct. A .fewit,emsof Jong st/llHling for 10 dnys no~'I.llmse.lfspeak,to one for 8 dnys"in the Depo~it and COUl'tbooks I gave direc- but the Il\tlOl'~IIJUllctLO)ne vl?lated, and oa~etions 10,nite off, I shoulo1 have preferreu to do,vn to .stl1.)'111the langllra a roopl '~~er~,I .bave stayed one o1l1.Yonger in order to have w~s puttl~lg up. ': ';'l.:!d '.finished tbe, accounts, but o,n-I\ccount,of the Accordl.lIg to the Orll.n~,I{n.'y'a",\th~,Jn.gUI'. Bon'ble t,he Resident of ,the ~l:d,Divi8io,~~en~" pl!p~,leprud In.~t yeuI' 4~p III rloe"IIU~'l\p.lla~8"ing for England I have to leave I\t noon, In o~.72,m~ra than the ~oco1~s alte" WAS.!ce~ye4.ordel' to meet him hel'c. ! do not therefore 1p(!r~ will be less thIs y.enrn s.20 Qf the doors,mention anything about account9 mentioned n.bove as 11IlvlDgshined to Babang;, .. did'so anel' the \:ollectiou'or '(Hel-ovenuein '83.. . I have the honor to be, Mally' n\ore fnmil ies wi61i to foUow slI'i'tIJIid, Genl,lemen" will do so, unless some restra.int'is placed ~ponYonI' most humble and obedIent servo.nt, them; their reason is scarcity of good CarmingCHARLES S.. PEAR:;E, ~r6ulld8 on tUs side of the bOI'der. Duringthe past five years the returlis shew a decreasein tho )enrly revenue of this village or $200,l\ very large percentage., Of those, at B",ban~the SuHa.n or SlImbas has already appointed,nt their oIVnrequest, an Orang Rl\ya, Bakut.and a PlIl1gl1.l'n,PI\Nagit. '., "The Dyu.ks in these villages hl\ve neal'li:all,finished hn.l've~ting, with' better result~'tlianohtained last yelr, thcugh not qllite up toexpectn.tiolls.

    The Court work during thc month hils been,ASu~ual, light. ThE'rewere 10 petty cases inthe Police Court. In the Cottrt of BequestsS5 cases were heard to I'ecuver $504 nnd 25snmmons issued to recover $200. A murder-ous nssault WI\Smade on n Chinese hawker,whq was in his boat I\t Busan on the night ot~Je l1~h, a!ld the sn.me Chinaman had thepainter. of his bO",tcut on the nigM of, the21st, no evidence to incrimbate auy one hasup to date been obtl\ined. ' .The Bllsau Police station has been oomplet'.ed; similar substantil\l buildings are badlywnnte~at Ban and 'regora. ,A few oC the Chine$e who went to the minesin the Na.tive statet hnve returned, hnvingbeen unable to obtain wOl'kthel"ein the capl\-city of mineTs. ,I have tbe honor to be,, Sh',Your most obedient sernDt,C. A, BAMPFYLDE.

    To the lIo/t' blc The Residentat' Sarawak Proper,XI/ching.

    ~pptt .surnb3nh,-:0:-Pallit, June ht, 1884.8111,-1have thehonour to report as follows,on the affa.irsin this district dllring.the pastmonth.During, the month !' visited the lCrokong,Aup and Jagui Dynks. ,The wn.lk to Krokong is bad and muddy, litleast the one I look was, tho" ! am told thereis 1\better one, alld frolll Bidi it tllkes 3 hoursto accomplish. The Orang Kaya I'eceh'ed mekindly and did bis best to make ns comforta'ble. There are 35 dool's here, aud, accordingto the Ol'ang Raya, pay tax yeal'ly 126 indollars and rice, more than the returns shewby 2 in '82 and by 10 in '83~ ' They compl-ain-ed here that the Jagui people were taking allthe '~tomelan" and ratt.ans from their IlInd;they claim in the direction of Jagui, up totbe Tepong river, this claim seems to meexcessive.FIOm Kl'okong to Aup the rond was verybad, ~aking about 8t bours, on my arrival Ifound everyone away at their farm but a. te:tawak soon brought the Orl\og Kayo.,audsomeothers to the village.'rhe Aup people have been here two yearsonly, the village being situa.ted further to theeastward than marked on the map, and on theeast bank of the Tepong. They have but 10dool'Shere and pay yearly, IIccording to theOrang Kayo.,30 in rioe and oash, being more


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    -s-,,~ ~ -..;; ...: THElSA:R'AWAK.GAZETTE, .1ST!,AU~S"T~!t8B4.. t.8S

    THE stIS.,Ldrna DOOII~, from Baram'Called'at,;Mnkah', arrived a.tthe Gov'.,~rq~riftt:wh!lor on the ~~th .tilt~.m9,, with Dr. ,Storie ~nd Mr. Sulivan, '~udleft.on the mormng of the 19th arid'returned on thE!aftf!rnoonof the 29th.,ith ~~~'8Sl'S.Somerville, (2).' .

    'ltssmgen,-:0:- .'. .Pu nantt: For .SillgQ.pore,1s~1 ultimo-Miss Niven -and Mr.. Hardie; for Sarp.wak,8th...,:M\'s;' Hakel' I\nd Mr. Hardie; for ShIga.pOt'e, 13th-:-Mrs. Bakerj'for ~ara.wak, 21st~..Mr. and Mh. Leicester. .. I ; ."'--RUCHING, JUl.-T, OTII/1884.7'0 7'nt Ho,~'ble .'

    . The llt,itient of the Fi,'st Di1liiuIn,li.uching.SIn,-I' have the 'honor to inform you thf\~()n.t~e 2ndinstl\nt, I pl'i>ceetl(!dto Sildoug inthe' You~g Jl:rl'ry,. returning. oo'the toll('Mingan ,.' . "., -' ,.1,,foll1)d the .G6~p:rn11.l?n~ ?lIngn.I,ow .C1~IIIi,tuc;~rtl'

  • 8/14/2019 1884 Sarawak Gazette


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    84 THE' SKRAWA:K'GAZETTE, '1sTAtJGUST;~flffi4.-.- - .' ... -- -. . .'.- -. -'. .-'me ' prll1oipallyon' petty matter'~,. with th~ei'

    I,.the, old workinlt!l, an;l ,bor.in$tR.,~'Bllt'8t'Pen."ceptton,' however, of the 'Jagul people who kanAn Eantn, liudlng ~hl\t. tbei9le! batl&n~p'at\iC

    , omplain ,~trongly again..t the rec.e~~ e~OTOQCh'l

    f!Xinted no lon~er, 'I


    left di5I\c~i,n~,

    ,~,,~0~~ve, i, tre,-menh nia

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    .. __.nO. __I.'

    THE SARAWAI.{ GAZETTE, l!\T DECEMBER.1884.;' 119 .dong,'in gl'eat.fear of.an at.t'~ckfr~in' Pak.uwiil,however,findpl~nty:'dfem..ith~ people of Limbang ,combined with ploymentiIi'crushing'ore and;w8;shing1,the Kadayans. . for gold. ,

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    120 THE SARAWAK GAZETTE, ISl'DEQEMBER, 1884.taxes, &c., doing away with their right,of hearing and settl~ng cases amongstthemselves, and causing their flag1!taff, to becut down. The next day the Con-trolleur went to the Kunsi house whenhe expressed h~sdetermination to hearcases there, the Chinese there andthen rose and killed him, afterwards'burning ~ the Government quartersdown, and sparing ~ne of the Gov.ernment servants. The'Mandor Kun-si :are supposed to be able to musterone thGusand strong, 'it is o.lsostated ,tuat they are supported bythe Malaysand Dyaks in their vicinity, that theyare well armed aud,have a largequan..tity of gianpowder, and rice sufficentto last, them for over a yea.r. . Manyrefugees have arrived, principl\tly, wo-men and children, who have come bysea, and _ a few men who came'over-land, many more are expected, thollgh,owing to the prohibitions imposed oythe Dutch Government against theirer0ssing the border, they will probablyexperience somB difficulty in effectingtheir purpose. These Chinese belongclolieflyto the agricultural, and pe.ttytrading classes, who are fearfl~l, now-eyer the matter mav ev~ntu!1.lly'eud,they'will meet with trouble, on theone hand, should the Chinese win,they would certainly be squeezed oftheir small gains, and on the otherhand the punishment that would fol-low any general rising might be ex~tended to themBelves. '

    smu.. WHILST entering the month of t,heMatu river the Blljang Seni, a schoonerof 52 tons.belonging to Nakoda Ghi.rim, fouled some fishing 'stakes plac~din the channel by a Matu man namedManan, who had been wnrned beforeto remove the same. Manan excusedhimself on the grounds that NakodaGhirim was a forelguer and the MaGuriver belongs to the Matu peo'ple todo with as they please. Manan wasfined alld ordered to pay for the slightdamages the vessel had sustained.In our issue of 1st September weinserted an account of a tragedy whichoccurred in the Saribas river, and in

    .. which a Saribas 'Dya)1was killed, andonA wounded by N~~lambai with-aparty of five Jnhiu l~yaks, Ngelambai

    and a . Julau Dyak also receiving",wounds. Ngelambai and hIs,compa.'nioDs will be shortly sent' ,over, to'Saribas fort for trial. ' '.~, .

    > AbangIgal-~he mulA~erof' t,hir-teen Bakatans 11l the Karmas, men-tioned ,il:).our issue of September 1st,.is brother of Abang .Tela,~thechief of 'Bunut. News 'h...coarrived from Pon~tianak that Abang Igal 11asbeen ban-ishedto Batavia and his bl;other hasbeen removed'.froni his post on 'accountof this outrage. '". ,

    . ~The Roman Catholic Mission ofSt. Xavier, at Kanowit, in charge ofthe Hevd. Fathers Diuln and Keizer;is meeting with' fair success, havi~g ~already- obtained fifteen pU;pils, all 'Dyaks boJ's, _ _ ~ .The Dyaks are allbnsy sowing their

    .. paddy, many by payment of a 'Pledge.for their goocl behn.viour have beenpermitted to farm in the l'elagus river.Nearly all the Dyak revenne' has been,collected, which is satisfactory andshows the ready manner in which,the \.Rejang Dyaks now cODie'forwl\rd witlltheir yearly revenue. . ' I '.-" -----

    l\fUKA.ANinteresting 'experimeJit was suc-cessfully tried on the bar of' the Mnlmriver, OJ)the occasion'of a baron,qput.ting out to communiCItte wit~, thep.s. Adeh. 'fhere was a heavy sea,on atthe time, so thr.ee bamboo,tubes \vherefixed to tlJl? bows of th,8" baron!!"through which oil was poured, with theresult that. the Adeh was reached with-out tho bal'ongshipping a single sea.BINTUL U.TRADEis slightly improving. AtTubau rattan!; are being brougat indaily by the Kayans, who are nowcollecting this article., '... In the Pandau district there has',been a good deal of sicknessi sevenpersons have died." '.B It U N E 1.

    (From tlte Straits Times, 8tll November.)BEFORE-~R. TREACHER,be Acting Consul.Genera.l, left Brunei on the Oth October, Dode-putation from the Sultan waited on him, reoo' It is Paugerl\n Adlpati Mung&u Nagata, (? AbangTcl,,) chicf of 13uDut,;who hils becn bIlDisbod.-ED.S.G.

    ql1e!tiuS. diBcol1ot the Ltiationabebnlf 0the rep-gents hecity anding (hke(rom thothe BuItby loclthe Heo."ere tetOn tbto Bl'unprise, nlJayn.e flJhim at (he I1selcever ng!ment, 1\mises 01'fo thweefi'lHDOprOlltheir w(statemeAt thurroedDistrictHis Hi~featuresUOII is(dsi",tt\lIIJBlr1f\.gM the t...i ill Ie.DLerin~la.' laxand 111-.ell t U)which 0from tJ&hereof,ol$30.}on old.MoveIfnI' bymittel!Rajahswse tn:aule fOIeei\"o ncwhat tbuon ~o. The'(u.xeu, (..10 n(1""D of I.. be ceOn tltiki a ti tJ:JII!Dra tThefroit tlJli!:S,Sion~o Ic.encee

    ra.paciominedu.a Liwithin
