1896 South Ward



Ankerson '" Balaclava ~ .~ ~ I land, Carlisle stre~t 0 15 St. Kilda " Owner, Net Reaideace ..cl P.., Electoral Dldrict j Balacla'fll. '~ ~ ~ Brighton . The letter" 0" placed against any name signifies" Owner." The letter" L" placed against any name signifies" Lessee" or "Assignee." Names against which no initial letter if;, placed are those of Occupying Tenants. Where not otherwise specified the Residence is at the situation of the pl'operty rateable. " " FOR THE St. Kilda 200 .. " 35 30 40 26

Citation preview



NOTE.-The City, of ~t. K~lda lies within th~ Electoral Districts of St. Kilda, Brighton, and Toorak,. a.nd within the St. Kilda East, St. Kilda West, Balaclava, and the Emerald Hill Divisions of the South Yarra Province and Qaulfield Division of South Eastern Province.

The letter" 0" placed against any name signifies" Owner." The letter" L" placed against any name signifies" Lessee" or "Assignee." Names against which no initial letter if;, placed are those of Occupying Tenants. Where not otherwise specified the Residence is at the situation of the pl'operty rateable.

"M." "St. K." ., S.M." ai'd ., R" signifying the respective Post towns of Melbourne, St. Kilda, South'Melbourne. and Brighton.

No. Description and Situation of Owner, Net Reaideace .. cl P .. , Electoral Dldrict

-..-. V ..... S ...... , ........ CIIridIaa If_. Tmc1e. 0cc1apa ..... of . Lea.ee, Allnnat u41

Votel. Property. Mlipee. Value. Tewa. DIYiai ...

or T8Ilut • • ,

1 Adamson James S. decorator 2 t house, 37 Vale street 0 95 St. Kilda Balacla'fll. '~

land, Carlisle stre~t 0 " " ~ 2 Atkins Alfred sanitary inspector 1 house, 38 Grosvenor street 0 17 " " 3 Akehurst Arthur P. civil servant 2 house. Byron street 0 55 " " { 4 Alcock Kf ndal J ames merchant 1 land. Brighton road 20 Collins st ; Mel. " 5 Allan Lily domestic duties 1 house, 11 9 Ohapel street 22 St. Kilda " 6 Allan Mabel domestic duties 1 house, 103 Chapel street 28 " " ~ . 7 Allard William auctioneer 1 house, 22 John street 25 ., ., 8 Allars Alfred C. dairyman 1 house, 48 John street 0 8 " ., ~

9 Allen Alfred laborer I house, -8 Balston street 18 " " ~ . 10 A.llen Edward publican 3 hotel, 103-5 Carlisle street 0 200 .. tt

11 Allen Frederick J. bookbinder 1 land, Ormond road 0 10 Ba.leigh Street. Brighton . St. Kilda

12 Allen Mary domestic duties 1 house, 35 Ohusan street 0 15 St. Kilda Balaclava ~ 13 All en Thomas G. draper -l house, Marlborough street 0 10

" " it! Allingham Oharles school master 1 house, 343 Hotham street 22

" " ' ~

15 Allison . Robinson mining agent 1 house, 36 Paki!l~ton ~treet 0 10 " " ~ 16 Allkins Caroline J. E. rest. keeper 1 house, 308-10 High street 40 " "

17 Anderson Ferdinand tram employe 1 house,' 41 Pa\dngton street 14 ,t " ~ 18 Anderson May domestic duti43s l house, 113 Ohapel street 32

" " ~ 19 Andrew John civil servant 1 house, 52 G()urlay street 20 " "

20 Andrews James saddler 1 house, High street 0 35 !I " 2l Ankerson '" Anker gentleman 1 house, H7 Oarlisle street 0 35 ~ " H

22 Anneal' Francis J. plumber 1 house, 79 Grosvencr street 0 30 " " 23 Appel Hans tram employe 1 house, 15 Gibbs street 10 " " .~ 24 Appleton Mary domestic duties :l house, 30i1 Carlisle street 0 70 " " 25 Arlitz Julins wine merchant 1 house, 48 William street I 40 " " 26 Arm stron g Clifford clt3rk 1 house, 16 The Avenue 28

" " ~ .


\ . "'" '. , ~ . '-., ~', -.... '!.:.


l !

j ~




Owner, A~'~" j ~ ..... n~u ..... '!fol Description ar:d Situation of Electoral DlatrIct ....... Vot.'.S ...... Voter'. CIlriltUua Nam •• Trade or OccupatioD. Lessee, all4

votes~ Property. AIsipee. Value. Town. DiYilloD; or Tenant .

.. -Eliza "' ..

St. Kilda 27 Armstrong domestic duties 1 house, 21 Pakington street 2:1 , Balaclava 28 Armstrong Tina costumiere 1 house, 135 Oarlisle street 20

" " 29 Arneson Oarl decorator 1 house, Ed ward street 12 " " 30 Amold Arabella domestic duties 1 house, 199 Inkerman street 0 26 ..

" 31 Arnold John tram employe 1 house, 8 Moore 'street 16 " " 32 Arthur John warehouseman 1 house, 147 Westbury street 0 30 " .. 33 Ashlt'y Alfred gentleman 1 house, 46 The Avenue 30 " I " 34 Ashley Arthur hairdresser 1 house, 6 W oodstock street 18 " " 35 Ashley Emily domestic duties 3 house, Dickens street 275 " " 36 Ashtou Almie domestic duties 1 house. 20 Martin street 10 " " 37 Ashton Robert city overseer 2 t house, Inkerman street 63 " " land, Barkly street " " 38 Askew George draper 1 house, 224-6 Oarlisle street 45 " " 39 Astley Kate A. teacher 1 house, 10 Camden street 15 " t, 40 Attenborough Winfield solicitor 1 land. El wood street 40 ., Brighton 41 Avery Charles Senr. bootmaker 1 house, '295 Inkerman street 20 " Balaclava 42 Avery Charles bootmaker 1 house, 137 Oarlisle street 25 " " 43 Aylwiil Emma domestic duties 1 house, ,37 The Avenue 30 " " .

44 Bacon. Jacob gardener 1 house, 2 Hotham grove' 0 24 "

, , 45 Badcock GeorgeT. accountant 1 house. 68 William street 17 " " 46 Baillie James G. painter 1 house, 19 Woodstock street 16 " " 47 Baillott Martha domestic duties 1 house, 37 Grosvenor street 32 " t' 48 Bain George gardener i' house, 13 Chusan street 12 " "

. 49 Buird Matthew H gentleman 3 house, Tennyson street 0 175

" " 50 Baker Frederick builder 1 house, Kendall street 30 " " 51 Bakker Henry gardener 1 house, 329 Inkerman street 16 " " 52 Balderson Richard tailor 2 house, 123 Hotham street 0 50 " ,. 53 Baldwin Hannah domestic duties 1 house, Southey street 40 " ., 54 Ball Alfred J. gardener' 1 house, 5 Gibbs street 0 14' " " 55 Bamford Henry civil servant 1 house, 9 Gourlay street 20 " " 56 Bamford

, Thomas woolbroker 1 house, 81 Grosvenor street 3t • " 57 Bannin James gardener 1 house, 25 Ohnsan street 12

" " 58 Barnes John merchant 1 house, 70 Oarlisle street 40 ., " 59 Barnes Reuben T. je.weUer 2 house, 139 Oarlisle streAt 5 "I

" " 60 Barnes William H. builder 1 house, 12 Nelson street 0 20 " " 61 Barnett Harriet I domestic dutil::s 1 house, 12 Duke street 18 " " 62 Barnett John mason 1 house, 3 Rainsford' street 15 " " 63 ilarnett rrhomas mason 1 house, Railway Avenue 10 " " 04 Bal'llett Harriett domestic duties 1 house, 25 Linton street 5 " " 65 Barrett George W. gentleuum 1 house, -l Byron street 45 " " 66 I Bmtlett George H. carpenter 1 house, 4l Blenheim street 18 " " 67 , tlartlett William gentleman 1 house, 54 Chapel street 0 20 " " . ,

J .. < .:.. io.. . ':, "",,, ....... ._~ _ .. " .n.

....... ---0+---

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

'78 79 80 81


R3 84 85 Sf)

87 8B ~9 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

100 101 102 103 104 105 IOU 107 108 109

Bateson Bathe Battersby Beach Beach Beach Bedford Behan

. Bell Bell Bell Bell Bell Bennett


Benson Bentley Bentley Berrie Berry Best Rest Bew Biles Bindon Bird Bird Birtchnell Bishop Bla.ke Blaubaum Bonney Bonney Booth Boothman Bourke Bourke Bousie Bowen Bowman Bowman Boyd


Frerlerick Margaret Elizabeth M. James James Hugh Oharlcs Susan Dinah Frances S. Frank Frederick Lucy James


William G. Hannah Wright Charles Frederick G. Eo:.ma Heinrich Oharles Joseph Susannah Anastasia Oharles Grey James Henry James Elias ,1ames .B Robert J. John Edward Edward F Kate UobeJ·t J. William P. Isabella Isabel William

Tract. or Occapatlw.

plasterer domestic duties domestic duties labol'er laborer fireman gentleman domestic duties domestic duties domestic duties commercial traveller accountant grocer gentleman

, banker

accountant domestic duties h,\borer rail way employe dairyman domestic duties masseur grt'engrocer civil servant domestic duties domestic duties stationer estate agent clerk' Iaborer clergyman butcher butcher gentleman modeller gentleman domestic duties gardener laborer domestic duties domestic duties accountant

No. of


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1


Description &Dd Si~tiOD of PropeR)'.

house, 14 Greeves street house, 24 William street house, Milton street house, 8 Rainsford street house, Edward street house, 16 Greeves street house, Brighton road house, 9 Vale street house, 32 Blanche street hOllse, Brighton road house, 3 Gourlay street car house, Brighton road house, 13 Rainsford street house, Olarke stl'eet


land, Barkly street land, Grosvenor street land, El wood street

1 house, 52 Rosamond street 1 house,' 64 Oarlisle street 1 house, 64 Oarlisle street 1 house, 16 Brunning street 1 house, 341 Hotham street 1 house, 160 Carlisle street 1 house, 233 Inkerman street 1 house •. 31 Marlborough st. 1 house, 13 Nightingale street 3' house, 17 Dickens street 1 land, Brighton road 1 house, 83 l~righton road 2 house, Brighton l'oad 2 house, 29 Mitford street 1 house, 11 Martin street 2 house, Mozart street 1 house, 119 Oarlisle street 1 house, 74 Ohapel street 3 house; Tennyson street 1 house, 4 Rosamond street 1 honse, 231 Brighton road 1 house, 1 Blanche street 1 house, l6 Matlborough st. 1 house, 44, Nelson street 1 house, 5 04ussn street 1 housst 7 Martin street l' house, 25 Oarlisle street .'

OWDer, Lessee,

Aw.ipee. O;i: 1'0II&Dt.

o o o o o o

o o



o o o


Net Annual Value.

)8 45 45 1~

U 18 l6 18 15 40 25

325 14 30


12 22 24 22 ~2

40 30 24! 18

150 23 35 60 5l)

J2 50 • 45 17

225 14 40 14 20 15 10 10 35

Reaideuce &Dd Poet TOWD.

St. Kilda

" " " ,. ,. " " " " . ,

Richmond St. Kilda .. Fiztroy

" " St. Kilda

" " " , ~ " " "

" " " " " " ., " " " " " " " " " " "

Electoral llllt.rict and


l~alaclava .,

" ,t

" " " " " , . " ,. ~" " " -

Brighton Balaclava

, , " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " " ., " " )J

" " " " "

" "


_ ..• __ "--,-, '-'"' -'-'.' -.L'~' --=l .. ""-" ~", •• ~",,-,.=.-.. _',-' ~~::'-":"~"""'=",·:o::.""'r"':'···'· ... , =. ' ...... "'-""' •. __ .. ';,!;."'::..,:' ........ ;,... ,;;;;.; ..... "'" •• '''''.~~'-' .. __ ............................................... -if.p.A't.;,. •. ~~lili'.ilr.l:."'a;.· ..,;' .. ' '_~:'..;;i~ .. :_. 'i.,' __ ,;;... ............. -.......... _., 1lllill1IIIiI1IIIiI ...... _IiIIiI __________ .·_.

<', "

." 1 , ; . ,


VOTERSt ROLL FOR rItE SOUTH WARD () 1:jl fHE CfTy OF st. KILDA" 4 No. Delcription and S\tuation of

Owner, Net Relldence and Pot& Electeral D ...... y.., ....... V .... C.m .... N_ •• Trade or OCC1lP&tIn. of Lessee, Annual aDd V ..... Properl7. Auipee. Value. TOWD. Dmaiea. , orT ... t.

110 Brady Henry coachman 1 house, 13 Oamden street 0 I 10 St. Kilda Halaela Vil 111 Brady Peter livery stable keeper 2 house, Hotham gruve ' I 55

" " ,112 Brain Mary domestic duties 2 hou!3e, 37 Carlisle ~treet 50 " " 113 Brasch ' Herman civil service 1 homle, 1 U Grosvenor street I 20 ,. , ..

114 Bray Andrew gentleman 1 house, ~pray street 0 :l:J ,- Brighton 115 Bride Henry J'. accountant 1 house, 9;1 Southey street 45

" Buluclav'L 116 Bridgeland George bricklayer 1 'house, 23 Scott street . ·hl ft

" • " 117 Britt , John carpenter 1 ' house, i3 Nelson street '10 " ", 118 Britton Joseph bootrnaker 1 house, R29 11 igh street I;' " " 119 Brock Catherine domestic duties 2 house, Gl""ll Eira road 0 50 " ..

120 Broom Rachel domestic duties 1 house, 50 G.lurlay strElet 20 " .,

121 Brown Emma domestic duties 1 house, 5t Blanche stUJet 0 15 " I-122 Brown Jametol hairdresser 1 house a 15 8 igh street 40 " " 123 Brown Joseph W, tram employe 1 house, 36 Grosvenor streflt 1(j " h

1241 Brown R. V. van proprietor 1 house, 75 Inkerman street 0 26 " " 125 Browne Juhn N. town clerk 2 { land, Darkly street " .,

house, Blessington street 0 63 " ..

]26 :Bruce Alexander H. gentleman 1 house" 16 Scott stree~ ~5 " " . 127 :Bruce James rail way inspector 2 house, 21 Carlisle street 50 " .,

128 Brunning Charles gardener 1 house, 15 Balston street 0 lS " , .

129 Brunning Frederick seedsman . ~ house, 45 Brighton road 80 " .,

130 Brunning George nurseryman 3 land, Brighton road 2·)0 ,it- " 131 Brunning Harriett domestic duties 2 house, BrIghton road 0 95 " ,.

132 Brunning Herbert J. nurseryman 2 house, Glen Eira road 65 ., ., 133 Brunning James gardener

-I house, 21 Blenheim street 0 20 ., ". 134 Buckingham Francis n· bootmaker 1 house, 22 Lillton street . 10 " " 135 Buckley Oatherine domestic duties 1 house, 133 Inkerman street 23 ,. .,

135 Buckley Fanny domestic duties 1 50 Chal?el street 30 " " Burchill C. t land, Mit.£ord street 3.l 14 Market

136 Athelstone agent 1 Buildings. ,. house, Moy street Melbourlle

" 137 Burke Catherine domestic 'duties ", 1 house, 8 Vale street 0 12 St. Kilda .. 138 Burke John wood merchant 1 house, 40 Pakin" ton street , 22 It " 139 Burley Oharles H. gardener 1 house, 66 .llrunning street l~

" .. 140 Burlock William gardener 1 house, 63 Grosvenor street Ll

" " 141 BUrns . Robert D. plumber 1 house, 103 Brighton road ~8 " " 142 Burrage Thomas A. fancy goods dealer 1 house, 14 The Avenue 2~ ,.

" 143 Burrow8 Frede:'ick G. grocer .1 house, 87 Inkerman street 21l " " 144 :Burton Esther domestic duties 1 house, 145 Westbury street 30 " " 145 :Burton Thomas farrier 1 house, Beach A venue 0 31 " Brighton . 146 Burton William S. L. gentleman 2 house, 231 llotham street 0 nU Balaclllva ,.

147 Butcher William J. . auctioneer 2 house, 23 The A venue 75 .. " HS Buttemeld Charl'?8 A. gentleman 1 house, 1. 3 Moy street 16

" ,t 149 Buz'~ard Alice domestic duties 1 land, Mitchell street 12 !r--' " ,.

" 150 Buzzard George gentleman 3 house, is Mitch~ll street 0 lOO - " /I " "

, "

. ,

. ~:~.fi L- ~" __ ,--~ "

i _j~_ . .. l _., . ;, < ' ., ".: ... <

. .. , , .-., -.- . ~ --.~--"~~ " .. " . ~'. ,-, ., ... ' . .. , ... . '

" ,

VotERS; ROLL FOR tHE sOU''; .. D OF 1 'HE CtTY OF st . KILDA. 5 -, ._-

ion of Owner, Net Residence and Post Electoral District I Lessee, Annual and Assignee. Value. Town. Division. or Tenant. •

- -\

.. ", , ... '., ............. -~ ..... \" .... . i " , I Uescription anI! Situat It.mber. Voter's SUrDaD!e. Voter's Cbriatian Name. Trade or Occupation. ,,'

Votes. ' Property.

- I --I

et 20 St. Kilda Balaclava 0 90

" , Brighton

151 Byr.ne Lawrence bricklayer 1 house, 5 Martin stre 152 Byr:n.e Matthew civil service 2 ' house, El wood street . '

treet 15 " I'

n street 15 " " 2'0 " 't

reet' 150 South Yarra " et 16 St, Kilda "

153 Cadby Philip H. jeweller 1 house, 10 Gourlay s 154 Cadge Mary domestic duties 1 house, 247 Inkerma 155 Caffyn James A. gentleman 1 house; Olarke stl~~t, 156 Cain William gentleman 3 car house, Ohapel ut 157 Calder William coachman 1 house, 1 Martin stre

80 Melbourne " street 15 St Kilda " street 0 35 " "

]58 Campbell Charles merchant 2 land, Brighton road 159 Campbell Mary draper 1 house, 109 Carlisle 160 IOampbell Susan domestic duties 1 house, 44 Blenheim

eet ,. " eet 65 " " 0 20 East Melb.

" street ]5 St K;i1da " eet 17 .

" JI

treet 25 " " street 32 " " street 0 24 " "

161 Carney Thomas P. estate agent { office, Carlisle str 2 hou se, Gourlay str

162 Carr , Thomas J. archbishop 1 land, The Avenue 163 Cartel' Ernsst rail way employe 1 house, 39 Grosvenor 164 Carter William gentleman 1 house, 78 Chapel str 165 Oato Frederick J. grocer 1 house, 123. Carlisle I:!

166 Chamberlain Percy gentleman 1 house, 88 Grosvenor 167 Charles William carpentar 1 house, 8 Gl'osvenor

-treet 38 " " ove 0 24 " " et 0 18 " " n street ,22 " " street ,45 " ,.

street 60 " "

168 Chadey Joseph dyer 1 house, 167 Carlisle ti

169 Cherry Peter gentleman I house, 3 Hoth~m gr liO Christian George civil service 1 house, 12 Gibbs stre 171 0hristie Johannah ~domestic duties 1 house, 119 Inkerma 172 Chugg Simon ~ upholsterer 1 house, 163 Carlisle 173 Church Edwin T. chemist 2 house, 232 Carlisle 174 Churchus Elizabeth domestic duties 1 house, 41 Duke stre et 12

" ., e 20

" " street 0 18 " " 'eet 20 " " h street 0 18 " " e 0 24 " " ue . 29 " ,t

175 Clapperton Adam commission agent 1 house, 10 The Avenu 176 Clark Edward T. ,ironmonger 1 house, 3 W oodstock 177 Clark Frederick furniture dealer 1 house! 98 Chapel str 178 Clark Henry laborer 1 house, 8 Marlboroug 179 Clark Jane domestic duties 1 house,. Hotham grov 180 Clark John G. clerk 1 house, 38 The A ven 181 Cl ark William contractor 1 house, 34 Vale stree t 30

11 " 182 Clark WilliamJ', laborer 1 'eet house, 4 Blanche st! Us " " treet 175 " " oad 50 " " e 20 " " 'eet 14 " " reet 18 " " street 20 " "

183 Clarko Mary domestic duties 3 house, 245 Carlisle s 184 Clarke WaIter grocer 2 house, 99 Brighton r 185 Clarton Reginald clerk 1 house, 1-8 'fhe Avenu 186 elements Edward bricklayer 1 house, Pakington str IH7 Cobb Julius painter 1 house, 272 Barkly st 188 Cobby Stanley gentleman ~ house, 25 Grosvenor

ove 20 " " reet 50 " " reet 0 89 " "

189 Cocl(s William gentleman 1 house, Sycamore gr H)O Cohen Gubriel collector 2 house, 15 Cll.rlisle st 19] Cohen ~ Joseph A. ll'onmonger 2 house, 33 Mit£ord st

. "-y '. '0" .. ··1·~~· ,', -" .. - -,' " ... ~. ~

192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 . 207 208


210 211 212 213 214 215 2l()

217 218 219 220 221 2:!2 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 284


Voter'. S1U'IIaIIle.

Cohen Cohen Coleman Colenso Colley Collie Co11ins Collia Condy Connelly Connibere Connibere Connibere Conrick Cook Cook Cooper


Cork Oornish Cornwall Cottrell Cowden Cow ell Coyle Coyne Cragg Craib Crawford Creed Cr?.sp Croad Crooks Cross Crotty Crouch Crouch Crowe Cullerne Cumming Cummings Cumpston Curley

Voter'. Chri.tiaD Name.

Louis Sophia James Thomas H. Peter Colin J. David Charles William L. Clara Charles W.' Ernest R. W. George Peter Francis C. Margaret George

John Leslie

Charles T. Charles W. George Charles James C. Frances M. Thomas Thomas James George Francis Fredk. Wm. Edward Isabella Jane Frederick Minnie Ernest W. Mary E. John H. William Augus Robert K. Louis C. John

Trade or OccupatioD.

tobacconist pawnbroker publican tram employe gentleman bank clerk gentleman inspector carpenter laundress warehouseman warehouseman gentleman laborel' caterer nurse contractor


bootmaker stationer gentlemau' gentleman storekeeper domestic duties gardener ironworker commission agent gentleman gentleman contractor commission agent domestic duties domestic duties fruiterer domeetic duties architect domestic duties tram employe commercial traveller civil service commission agent account.ant laborer

Ownt·r. No. of


----I' Description and !::iitudtion of Lessee,

Prope,ty. I Assignee. I or Tenant.

1 house, a76-' High street 2 house, 359-61 High street 1 house, 59 Inkerman street 1 house, 50 Rosamond street 1 house, Brighton I'oad 2 house 28 Mitford street 1 house, 56 Pakington street 1 house, V Marl{et street 1 house, 52 Pakington street 1 house, 159 Inkerman street 1 land, Glen Eira road 1 land, Glen Eira road 2 house, Dickens street 1 house, off W oodstock street 1 house, Elwood street 1 ,house, 78 vVilliam street 1 workshop, Carlisle street

! land. M~~ford street L t house, Moy street 1 house, 91 Chapel street 1 house, off ,Camden "treet 1 house, 66 William street 1 land, Brighton road 1 house, 267 Inkerman street L house. 4 Market street 1 house, Bowen street 1 house, 48 Rosamond street 1 house, 55 Byron street 2 house, 95 Southey street 1 house, 8 Milton street 1 bouse, 137 WestbUl'Y street L house, 64 Brunning street 1 house, 46 Camden street 1 honse, 20 Pakington street t house 203 Oarlisle street 1 ' house, 25 Gourlay street 1 land. Dickens street 2 house, 10 Dickens street 1 house, 20 Gibbs street 1 . house, 68 Chapel f'treet 2 house, Carlisle street 1 house, 42 Gourlay street 1. house, I tennyson street 1 house, 64 Rosamond street


o o o o








Net Annual Value.

35' 60 10 12 2U 76 20 24 20

9 25 25 75

6 40 17 ~o

32 21


17 38 20 20

8 12 27 60 25 30 10 24 14 20 25 15 95 18 20 50 20 30 12

/{e,!dcnce and Post Town.

St. Kilda

" " " Charnwood Road

St. Kilda St. Kilda


" " " " " " " " "

" " 905 High Street

Armadale St. Kilda

". " " " " " "


" " " " " " " " " " " " " '1


/'.' Electoral Ilislnct

and I Division.



" " " " " " " ,. " " " " " Brighton


" " " " " " " " " ,0 ,. " " " " ., ,. " .. " " " " " " " " "


VOTERS' ROLL FOR TI-t~ SOUTH WARb OF' THE CITY OF sr. KILDA. -------~------------~~--------------~--.------------~--~------------------------------~----~------------~---------------I No. D' t' d S't "t' f 9~,eeer,.' Net i ......

235 236 281

238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 25~ 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 26l .l(j2 263 ~r4

4!65 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276

Ourrie Ourrie Ourtiss

Daglish Daintree Dale Daley Daley Dail Daly Damyon Damyon Dane Davey David Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davies Davis Davi~ Davis Davis Davru Davis Davis Davy Day Dear Deary Decker Deegan Deering Deering Delaney Dempster Dennis Denny" Detmold Detmold

Vow', Chriatfaa Name. I Trade or Occupatio.. of elcnp IOn an I ua loa 0 ..... "'. I Annual 0..... or TOl7,&llt. I V "-- Property. AlSiplle. Value.

A.rchibald James Thomas E.

William Ernest Clara Thomas / William / Richard' . Eliz~~th Ohas. Joseph G. Nathaniel Wm.R. Oscar Charles A. Edward George Ralph M. Richard SeymourG. P. Abraham George P. James John A. John John Samuel Alfred G. Joseph David E. William F. Frederick F. Frederick A. John R. Margaret James Andrew Mary E. Elizabeth John Reginald

, .. :. ,:... ' .. ,.} " ..

[ master mariner sawyer grocer

stationer chemist domestic duties dealer painter gentleman domestic duties coachbuilder coach builder commercial traveller baker teacher of gymnastics bank manager gentleman warehouseman engmeer solicitor gentleman saddler warehouseman plumber dairyman van proprietor civil servant cab proprietor acc,mntailt gentleman watchmaker master mariner butcher grocer butcher domestic duties laborer gasfitter domestic duties domestic duties stationer gentleman


3 hvL":El. Dickens street 1 house, 37 Duke street 2 house, 383 High street

1 1 3 1 1 1 3 L 1 2

house. 161 Carlisle street house, High street hGase, 43 Mitford street house, 122 Ohapel street house, 123 Inkerman street house, 156 Oarlisle street hou~e. 67 Brighton road factory, Carlisle street factory, Oarlisle street house, Beach avenue

1 house, 30 Marlborough st. l house, 4 John street 1 house,. 191 Brighton road 1 land, EL wood street L house, The Avenue 1 house, The Avenue 2 house, 26 Foster street 1 house, 6 Byron street 1 house, Inkerman street 1 house, 16 Gourlay street 1 house, 29 Oamden street 1 house, 43 Pakington street 1 house, Inkerman street 1 house, 32 Southey street 1 house, 45 Pakington street 1 Land. Ormond road L house, Elwood street 1 house, 4t ChapeL street 2 house, Glen Eira road 2 house, 199 Odorlisle street L house, 230 Oarlisle street 2 I house, 421w3 High street 1 house. 78 Oarlisle street I

1 house, 2iJ Rosamonn street I 1 hOllse, 15 Scott street

~ouse, :35 Blel'sington streetl t 3 2

house, 19 'Martin street I house, OarlisLe street JI

house, Scott street




o o o


o o o


o u


300 10 80

45 30

loo 26 22 24

130 35 30 55 18 24 40 30 30 30 70 20 iO 11:1 17 14 15 35 14 ZO 10 18 :)0 50 4:;

60 40 12 25 50

6 7,00


Relideace and POlt Town.

St: Kilda

" "

" " " ,.

" " " "

" " " 't " I.Jit Oollins st M

St. Kilda

" " Melbourne

St. Kilda

" " " " " " Davis st, Kew

St. Kilda

" .. " " " " " " " " I'


Electoral DIa&rict and




" " " " " " " " " " ..

Brighton Balaclava

" " Brighton


" " " " " " ••


" " Bt'ighton ,.


" " " " " ., ,. " "



• ..iIer. Trade or Uc.':IlPa.tio, D. P rt Vote.. rope y.

--~----------.--.. --------------~----------. Noof.l, Description and Situation of

277 278


Z80 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303

304 305 306 307 308 309 310 3li 312 313


315 316

·Devitt Dick


Dinsmore Dixon Dixon Dod Dodds Doherty Doherty Doherty Donovan Donovan Doody Dougharty Dow Dow Downe Draper Drought Dry Duigan Duke Dunn Dunn Dwyer Dwyer.

Earnell Earnell Eastwood ~dgerton Edinvton Edwards Eggleston Eggleston Einsiedel Eklund


Ellison Ellison

JohnE. Alexander


Bartley Stone Eliza Mary William I. William E. Edward J. Thomas W. W'illiam Henry W. Michael Kate Annie John Lily WilliamB. Mary Charles E. Joseph HenryV. Henry Elizabeth William John John

Thomas Thomas George William Mary Charles Annie Frederick Paul Peter

James B.

John William

builder merf!hant


gentleman domestic duties domestic duties hallkeeper civil servant civil servant dra.per accountant laborer civil servant domestic duties domestic duties wood dealer domestic duties city surveyor domestic duties clergyman gentleman barrister gardener domestic duties gentleman cab proprietor gentleman

salesman hairdresser dealer printer domestic duties bl'icklayer domestio duties acoountant builder laborer


solicitor architect

1 1


2 1 1 1 1 2 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

1 ~ 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1


2 1

house, Balston street house, 31 Mitford street

{land, Carlisle street land, Tennyson street

house, 74 Blessington street house, 2 Market street house, 42 Blanche street house, 51 Carlisle street home, 64 Gourlay f\treet house, 29 Carlisle street house, 2'34 Barldy street house', 108 Barkly street house, 11 Chusan street house, 89 Grosvenor street house, Stuart street land, Jl~lwood street house. 9 Moore street house, ,Brighton road house, J 09 Grosvenor stree1 house, off Pakington street house. Dickens street house' 106 Oarkly street housp, Elwood street house, 2-: Nelson street house, a9 Brunning street house, 2H Gourl/ty street house. 47 Blanche street house, 121 Ch/tpel street

house, 35 Blenheim Rtreet house, 1!}3 Carlisle street house, 10 Pakington street house, 14 Byron street house, Barkly street house, 52 Marlborough st house, 4 Grosvenor street house, Sycamore grove house, 169 Inkerman f>treet house, 7 Vale street ! house, 377-9 High street t house, 30 Vale street

house, 131 Westbury street house, 12 The AVlilnue

Owner, Lessee,

Assignee. or Teuut.


o o

o o


o o



o o o o

o o


Annual Va.lue.

76 20 14 21 20 70 2l:S 28 10 20

8 10 11 10 40 10

100 :!8 70 15 14 25 17 45

25 55 10 40 20 12 25 aO 28 20

54 7u ~8

Residence and POlt Town.

St. Kilda

" Melbourne

" St. Kilda

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " 'f " " " " "

" " ,. " " " " " " " " ., ,. "

Electoral District ud



" " " " " " " " " " " " " " Brighton


" " " ." ,.

Brighton Balaclava

" " " "

" ,.

" 11


" 't ,. ., ., .. " " "

...... 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327

328 329 330 331 3'32 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358



'Y ........ EnE

Elms Emerson Emerson ~mlyn Emmerton Enery Enticott Etheridge Evans Eveleigh Eville

Fairey Fairthorne Falkner Fatham Faulkner FeatherF.!ton Feigl Felstead F~lstead Felstead Fenn Fennessy Fenwick Ferguson Fewster Fiddes Fielder Figgis Filleul Firth Firth Fish Fisher Fitch Fletcher Flug Foder Fogarty Foote Forbes Ford

" Owafll'. I Net I No. v ..... Clarlltfaa N.... I Traclo or OcC1lpAt!n. of

VoteI. De.criptioD aDd SitllatiOD of

Properiy. La.e6 ;,

Aa.ip.,e. IADllaal I or T_t. I Val ...

William Geol'ge Stuart John Harry Burgwin Oharles David David Elizabeth Percy AI,

Joseph Frank Christina Ohristopher Henry Thomas Elizabeth John F. John W. W.H. John Pearce Orlan.do HenryW. Albert John WaIter ArthurJ. <­

John Alice Robert Ithiel Arthur H. Ernest Olara John John Thomas J. Edward Edwin R. Harriett

painter paper ruler gentleman stationer solicitor clerk iron worker commission agent chemist domestic duties bank manager

gentleman printer domestic duties laborer . lahorer warehouseman domestic duties warehouseman gentleman gentleman gentleman jeweller' merchant cabinet maker grocer laborer clergyman, gentleman gentleman domestic duties gentleman commercial traveller plasterer chemist domestic duties gentleman laborer grocer

, gardener banker domestic duties

1 house, 57 Oarlisle Rtreet 1 house, 20 Moore street 1 house, 4 Rainsford street 2 house. 195 Odrlisle street 2 land, Tennyson street 1 house, 12 Moore street 1 house, Spray street ' 2 houqe, 19 Brighton road 1 land, Alfred street 1 hOllse, Bowen street 1 house, 6 Byron street

1 house, 21 Ohusan street 1 house, 9 Gibbs street, 1 house, Lynnot street 1 house, 60 Marlborough st. 1 house, Nightingale street 1 house, 56 Gourlay street 1 land, Hotham street

, :l house, 39 Brighton road 1 house, Sycamore grove 3 house, M aryville street' 1 house, 14 Pakington street 1 house, 4 Gibbs street 1 house, 23 Gourlay street 1 house. 207 Oarlisle street 2 house, 143 Oarlisle street 1 house, 5 Oamden street 1 hou~e, 13 Mitchell street 1 house, 15 Gourlay street 1 house, 76Pakington street 1 house, off Brighton road 2 house, 27 Brighton l'oad 1 house. 13 William street 1 house, Duke street. 1 house, 39 Oamden street 1 house, 43 Marlborough st. 1 house, 105 Ohapel street 1 house, 57 Rosamolld street 2 house, 145-7 Oarlisle street 1 house, 30 Linton street 1 house, 9 Mitford street 1 house, 195 Inkerm~n street





o o o

o o

o o


16 24 2U 50 60 16 20 60 HI 10 20

16 18 10 15 2()

20 lU jO 30

120 20 1.4 25 20 75, 10 45 20 16 20

'60 18 10 2~ 15 28 12 60

5 26 26

I Reeldea\':e aad POIt I

Tcnna. i

St. Kilda

" ,. ,.

Melbourne St, Kilda

" " " "

" " ,. " " '1

lIo1:vrood Street SandriDlrham St. Kilda

" " " " Oollln. St~et.

Xelbo'll'De. St. Kilda

" " " ., " " " " " " " " " " " ,.


Elec:teral DIItrict ... DhIIia.


" " " " ..

Brighton Balaclava

" " " ,

" " " " " " " " ., " " ., " " " I, " .. " " " " " " " " " " ,. " "

L ~~~

. " , ; .,: . ,

VOTERS; ROLL FOR rItE SOUTH WARD OF THE City OF- ST. KILDA 10 ----~~----------~------------~~------------~f---I~-----------------,-------~---I~----------~-----------.

~~. D .. cription and Situation of I ~~:: A.~:!..' ., R .. ldeaco allll Po.t Vote'. SlIl'IIaa •• Vote'. Chri.tlall NaDl.!!I. Trade or Occupatioll. VQteI. Propeny. I A.I.ipee. Vu.. ToWll. Electoral Dldrict

alld DiYiai ... I1 «T __ t.


359 ?60 361 a62 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376

377 378 379 380 381 382 3R3

-384 385 386 387 388 3b9 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 3Y8 399 400

Fordham Foreman Fortune Fowler Fowler Fox Foy Fraser Fraser Frazer Freeman Frimley Fryer F~llagar Fuller Furlong ]'urst }'ynch

Gallagh~r Gardiner Gardiner Gardner Gatehousp. Gavan Geer George George

,George George Gibson Gibson GHes Gillespie Gillies Glaum Glover Goddatd Godden Godfrey Goldsborough Goodall Goodall

-,I, ,_.- : «

Henry John E. Harry Alfred Willio.m Joseph David John Simon Moses Henry John W. Benjamin Thomas Albert William L. Charles George F.

John Charles E. Preston James 8amh I

Joseph Alfred Charles Ellen

. Albert William Kate, William Allan Edmund' Alexander Caroline E. Oonrad Richard G. William H. William George John T. Oharles William,

mason g~ntleman dealer contractor gentleman gentleman gentleman gentleman gentleman broker salvationist carpenter· salesman. ' clergyman gardener wine merchant gentleman civil service

grocer barber, clerk ccarpenter domestic duties ci vil service grocer civil service domestic duties gentleman civil service domestic duties gentleman gentleman schoolmaster domestic duties laborer tinsmith commission agent gardener . solicitor draper surgeon Qlerk

1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ;3

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

, 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 2 1

house, 48 Brunning street house, Bal'kly street house, 205 Carlisle street house, 214 Carlisle street house, 49A Pakington street house, 91 Grosvenor street house, Elwood street , house, 28 Byron street house, 9 Rainsford street house, 70 Blessington street house, 29 Pakington street house, 115 Inkerman street house, 30 Gourlay street house, 75 Grosvenor street house, 44 Rosamond street house, 201 Carlisle street house, 181 Hotham street house, 6 Dickens street

house, 67 Inkerman street house, 36 Oamden I!treet house, 179 Hotham street house, 6 Marlborough street land, 80uthey street house, Hotham grove house, 56 RosamoJid street house, 60 Pakington street house, 3t Pakington street house, 38 Camden street house, 46 Ohapel street huuse, 80uthey street house, Brighton road house, Hotham grove house, 168-70 Barkly street house, 44 Gourlay street house', 68 Pakington street house, 72 Grosvenor street house, 22 Oamden street house, 32 Grosvenor street land, Tennyson street house, 58 Blessington street house. 28 Carlisle street house, 26 John street

t. I ,

o o



o o


o o o



o o

o o

15 40 40

100 7

50 16 35 13 26 20 23 10 60 12 45 40


25 10 32 18 65 16 12 20 20 15 26

345 20 24

100 ~O i2 30

6 18 25 40 80 18

8t. Kilda

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , ~

" " "

" " " " " " " " Jackson Street.

8t.Kilda. St. Kilda

" " " " ,. " " " , , "


" " " " " Brighton


" " " " " " " " " "

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " " "

" , ..

VOTERS' ROLL FOR THE SOUTH WARD OF THE CITY OF ST. KILDA. ------~------------~---------------------

Votrr'R Christian Name .. \ Nuaber. \' 'ltrr's Surname. Trade or Occupation.

------ I ----. N Own('r.

• Vote.: Property. Assignee.

N(·t Annual Value.

f{~~idence and Post Town •


Electoral Di!trict and

Divilion. (l't Ill'scription anI! Situation of I Lessl'e.

I or Tenant. ~ _____ L _______________ ~ ________________ +-________________ ~ __ ~ ____ ~ ______________ ~ ______ ~,L-____ 4--------- -~---------------

401 402 403 404


40fi 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432

433 434 435 435 436 437 438 439 440

Goodwin Goodwin Gordon Gordon


Gough GouId Goyder Grace Graham Graham Graham Graham Grant Grant Grattidge Gravenall Graves Graves Gray' Gray Grayson Green Green Greenwood Grice Griffiths Griffiths Griffiths Grigg Grimwade Gudeman

Rackett Hadden Ho.dfield Haftey Hale Haley Hall· Hall Hmme:t

", 'cl·'

'Matilda Thomas ,Henry Mary


Edward John W. Charles E. William Carrie Jdnet John William G. Alexander Arthur J. Sampson Mary Ann Jessie Robert S. Charles B. George Henry William G. Charles L. John John -JamesHenry Samuel George Agnes Frederick S. Robert

H.W. John l\f.aria Grace Jawes George Joseph J. Henry John William 9h~rl~8

domestic duties clerk carpenter domestic duties


gentleman gentleman auctioneer hotel keeper dressmaker domestic du~s gardener gentleman gentleman coach trimmer fruiterer domestic duties domestic duties tram employe produce merchant carpenter nurseryman gentleman civil servant gentleman gentleman tram employee gentleman gentleman domestic duties merchant gentleman

1 1 1 1


1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 L 1 1 2

ma.ngr building soty. 1 hairdresser 1 domestic duties ·1 waiter 1 tram employe 1 civil servant 1 jeweller 1 commercial traveller 1 soapmaker .1

house, BRlston street house, ~7 Grosvenor street house, 8 Rosamond street house. Brighton road j shop. High· street 1 house, 14 Marlborough st.

house. 2-1 Marlborougli st. house, 18 Gourlay street house, 47 Gourlay street hotel, Brighton: road house. 1 (j:j Carlisle street house,. Greeves street house, 26 Blenheim street house, 50 Brunning stl'eet house, 12 Rainsford street house, 45 Gourlay street house, 121 Carlisle street h01l;se, 62 Chapel street house, 45 The Avenue house, 52 llrunning street house, Glen :Eira road hc·'tlse, {)8 Marlborough st. house, 9 Moy street house, 98 Chapel street house, 341 The Avenue house, 17 Moore street gas mains house, 34 Brunning street house, Elwood street house, 19 Linton street hquse, 47 Cam den street land, Brighton road house, Tennyson street

house, Lyunot street house, ; '27 Carlisle street land, Southey street house, 2 Smith street house, 26 Rosamond street house, Botham grove house, 197 .Carlisle streAt house, 54 -Nightingale stre"t'\ house, 40 Marlborou~h st,

o o

o o

o o




o o

12 25 12 38 42

18 16 25

100 14 8

20 15 14 25 40 ~

30 14

100 10 16 50 28 12

300 16

l25 9

11 20 U5

14 4 10 16 14 21 30 ~2 I:.!

St. Kilda

" ,.


" " " ., ., " " " " ., ., " " ,. " " " " " .,

" J\f el hournc St. Kilda

" " ,.

~relboul'ne St. Kilda

ICollinB Street. Melbourne. St· Kilda

" ,.

" ,.


l'alaclav t

" " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. " " " " " "

" " ,. ,.

" " " BriA'hton

Balaclava. ., .,

" ,.

" " " " " "

• I



'I",·· " ..

~ :~! I· il


I i

-- ~ , . , , . .'


VOTERS; ROll FOR tHE soutH ,

~·,l ..... 'Y ....... tn. V ..... Cllrlltlu If .... T1I'Ilcl. _ Oc.c.pado.. - Vo ••

J .--'-.'

441 Hamilton Douglas french polisher 1 442 Hamilton E.B. judge, 2 443 Hamilton John cabinet maker 2 444 Hammond Charles It. gentleman 1 445 Hampson Sal'ah domestic duties 1

; 446 Hancock Frederick C. ('Ingineer 1 447 Handley William carpenter 1

'4:8 Hants John laborer 1 449 Happell Edwa:r.d B. clerk 1 450 Hardy A. H. gentleman 1 451 Hardy , Charles gentleman 1 452 Hardingham George E. railway employe 1 453 Hargreave William L. surveyor 1 454 Harley Robert constable 1 455 Harmer Jnmes G. confectioner 1 456 Harradino Samuel hawker 1

457 Hartis WaIter ~ram employe 1

458 Harris Waiter clerk 1 459 Harrison James blacksmith 1 460 Harrison Mary domestic duties 1 461 Harrop John C. bootmaker 1

462 Hartley James ,estate agent 2

463 Hartley John. tailor 1 464 Rartley William H. estate agent 1

465 Hart~horn Charles W. gentleman 1 466 Harwood Bmma domestic duties 1 467 Hastings John H. laborer 1 468 Hastings John railway employe 1 469 Hastings Margaret domestic duties 1 4iO Haslem John bookbinder 1 471 Hats w ell George W. furrier > 1

472 If ats well William G. builder 1 47a Haughton Edward B. civil service 1 474 Havart William gas inspector 1 476 Hawkins George railway employee 1 476 Hay James gentleman 2 477 Haycroft '. Horatio gardener 1 478 Hazelton Ellen domestic duties 1 479 Heinbrow Hannah laundress '1 480 Hempel Bernard fisherman 1 481 Henry I,ister commission agent' 2 482 Herbert Frederick gl'oOin 1 483 Harbert ihomas J. wood dealer 1


!~ " -'-'---~ .... :. ... .">- .,- " .. " ... -- ,-, " ,


Owner, Net Delcription and Situation of Lessee, Annual

Property. Assignee. Valuo. or Te1\&llt.

I i

house, 30 Gourlay street 10 I I

house, Tennyson street 90 I house, 119 Westbury street 0 .fJ5

house, 8 The Avenue 0 I 30 I

l" I

house, 28 Linton street 9 bouse, 30 Byron street 27 house, 2 Linton street i 5

I house, 8 Lyell street , 8 ;house, 35 Grosvenor street 22 house, 21 Gourlay street 25 house, 10 i Brighton road

. 10 house, 3 Gibbs strtiet 0 lU

i house, 18 Byron street I 3U house, C~l'lisle street I 22 house, 185 Carlisle street 40 house, 68 Carlisle street 16 house, 2 Rosamond street 14 house, 11 Southey street 22 house, 65 Blanche .st'l:eet lU i house, 74 William street 17 house, 435 High street 20 { house, 2 W oodstock street 52

house, 206 Oarlisle street house, 29 Inkerman street 10

I house, 206 Carlisle street 10 house, 24 Seott street 30 I

I house, G011rlay street 20

house, 66 Rosamond street 12

I· house, 7 Nelson street 10 house. Elwood street 0 i

10 1 house, Spray street 0 , 2U ,

I house, 263 Inkerman stree·t 20 house, 22 Pakington street 0 14 house, Alfred street 2U house, Hotham grove 0 ~4

house, 54- Pakington street 20 house, 1 3 L Hotham street 8a house, Camden street 0 12 house, 13 Scott"street 35 hOllse, 21 Moore street i 12


house, 19 Moore street I 12

house, Dickens street \

85 house, 17 Paki!lgton street 17 house, 7 Nightingale street 0 J 16

., ,


Residence and POlt TOWD.

St. Kilda

" "



" ,. " " ,.

eoUins Street. Melbourne

St. Kilda

" " " " " ..

St, Kilda

" " " ,.

" " " " .,

" ,. " ., " " " "


" " " " " " " "


Electoral an

Diltrict d

Di_ ioa.

BaIad ava

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " I'

" I'

" " " " " " " " ..

Bright Oll

" Balacl aV,t

" " " ,. " ., " " " " " "


V01'ERS~ ROLl FOR tHE sOUtfl WARD O}\ TI-t£ CIty OF ST. KtLDA. 13

Ho. DClllcription and Situation of Owner, Net Reaideace &114 POll ElederalD .... ....... V"'"I ....... VoW. CIarinIu H .... Trade 01' OClC1lJ&tloa. ~::... Lessee, AnDual uti Property. Aalipee. Value TOWII. DiYWIL or TClllUt.

484 Heron Thomas gentleman 1 h011se, 185 Hotham street 40 St. Kilda Balaclava 4~5 Hewitt Herbert gentleman 1 house, Elm grove 13 " " 486 Hewitt Mary domestic duties 1 house, The Avenue 30

" " 487 Riam Arthur F. tailor 1 house, 26 Brunning street 0 18 " " 488 Hiam Charles gentleman 1 house, 27 Carlisle street 0 30 " " 489 ·Hiam Elizabeth dressmaker 2 house, 1 79 Carlisle street 50 " "

I 490 Higginbottom Selina domestic duties 2 house, .Elwood street 0 55 ,. Brighton 491 Higgim Lydia • domestic duties 1 house, 45 Carlisle street 0 18 Balaclava " 492 Hill \ Benjamin ironmonger 3 house, H57 High street 100

" " 493 Hill Henry!,. ironmonger 1 house, 16 Gibbs street 0 18 " " 494 liilton John billiard marker 1 house, Carlisle street 15 " " 495 HinchclHfe James wool classer 1 house, 86 Chapel street 0 35 " " .,496 Hinchcliffe 'Martha china dealer 1 house, 39 Inkerman street 20 ". " 497 Hixson 'fhomas carrIer , 1 house, 7 Gourlay street 20 " " 498 Hoad William H. plumber 1 hou8e, l{ainsford street 15 " " 499 Hockin John N. carpenter 1 house, 59 .Blanche street 0 17 " " 500 Hodge. James $' painter 1 house, 5 1 Rusamond street 14 " " 501 Hodges Frank laborer 1 house, 18'Woodstock street 10 ,I, " 502 Hodges Frank laborer 1 house, 38 Linton street [j

" " 503 Hodgetts William D. acconntant 1 house, 41 T1;le Avenue 30 " .,

504 Hodgson George laburer I house, 6 Oamden street 6 " " 505 Holdsworth George jeweller 2 house, 26 Grosvenor stl eet 50 " " 506 Holdsworth Thomas printer 1 house, 266 Carlisle street 18 " " 507 Hole Albel't farrier 1 house, 47 Pakington street 14 " " 508 Holland Harry warehouseman 1 house, 90 C'l.rlisle street 26 " ,.

509 Holmes Selwyn gentleman 1 house, 2 Milton street 25 ,y SI " ,

510 Holness William painter 1 house, 7 Market street 0 18 " .,

511 Holt John G. I commission agent 1 house, 32 Marlborough st. 18 " " 512 Holt MaryAnn domestic duties 1 house, 72 William street 17 " " 513 Holyoak William tea merchant 2 house, 57 Brighton I'oad 0 80 " " 514 Hooper FrAderick clerk 2 house, 7 Rerbert str(let 60 " " 515 Hooten Henry laboror l house, 80 F akington street 12 .. " 516 Hopkins HiceT. gentleman 1 land, Carlisle street 0 12 Alm .. Street,

Bt. Kilda. ,. 517 Ropkins William I warehouseman 1 house, 28 The A venue 20 St. Kilda " 518 Hotchin Tom gentleman. 1 house, 11 Dickens street 0 42

" " 519 Home Alexander 1 plumber 1 house, 33 B19nheim street • 0 25 " " 520 Horton Ernest J. gardener 1 house, 23 Camc1en street 0 22 " " 521 House George gardener 1 house, 19 Foster street 12 ,

" I " 5~2 Rowells Thomas grocer 1 house, 418-20 High street 18 " " 523 Hubbard John gardener 1 house, 53 Marlborough st. 0 16 " I " 52.4 Hull ! Charlotte dODlestic duties 1 house, 27 Herbel't street :35

" . " 525 Hunt i James W. 1 sec. building societY1

1 house, 23 Gourlay street 25 "

, 5:t6 Hunt ! John gentleman 1 house, ! 69 Hotham street 35

" " 527 . Hwiter ~r I domestic duties J 2 house, 317 Inkel'man street Q 50 , , y . ,



· ;.


Votu"~' T .... C~Jf .... Trade 01' Ot:cspatlea. No. of


DescriptioD and SituatioD of ' Property.

Owner, Lellee,

AlSipee. or Tenant.

Net Annual Value.

Residellce aDd POlt Town.


Electoral District and


__ ----~--------------~~--------------~----------.------L---------------------------.--------~----~------------~~----------


528 529 530

531 532 533 G34 535

536 53i 538 539, 540 54l 542 543 5-14 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 55~ 55:3 554 555 5.56 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 5~4 56.'5

\ Huon I Hurley I Hutchinson'

rngham Iredale Ireton Irvine Isherwood

Jack son , .Tacob I Jacobee

Jacobs Jacobs Jacobs




James Jarrett

, Jebb ! Jefferson 1 Jeffery I Jelfs i Jenkins , Jennings I J ohannessen I Jones

I Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jordan Joyce Joyce Justin

Lewis Mary Ann George

James H. 'fom S. Thomas Lily Edward

Bernard Arthur Henry Elizabeth Sydney Sydney

Robert E. Alfred Ernest John C. Cornelia Helena Matthew G. Ann Sarah John John H. James David Ernest Henry James C. John Leonard G. Phoobe Oharles Frederiok William J. Winifred George

~ .. ~~~~ -----~--~~~-~-.. ~ ... " ............. , .... _.... .

stock agent publican gardener

olergyman salesman railway employe domestic duties tram employe

engineer bootmaker butcher domestic duties tram employe broker


gentleman baker domestic duties domestic duties gentleman domestic duties domestic duties carpenter gentleman gentleman gardener gentleman commercial traveller clerk grocer merchant domestic duties undertaker gardener ~ insurance agent domestic duties accountant

2 3 1

house, El wood street hotel, High street house, 63 Blanche street

1 house, .42 William street 1 house, Tennyson street 1 house, Carlisle street 2 house, 37 Brighton road 1 house, 86 Carlisle street

1 1 1 1 l 2


house, 27 Pakington street bouse, Hotham grove house. 67 Blanche street land, William s! reet house, 15 W.oodstl)ck street house, 1:3 Dickens street j house, Moy street t land, Elwood street

1 house, Grosvenor street 1 house, 19 Pakington street 1 . house, 5a Byron street 1 house,) Blenheim street 1 house, InkernuJ.n street 1 house, 49 Carlisle street 1 house, 46 Greeves street 1 house, 18 Martin street 1 house, 'fennyson street 1 house, 115 Chapel street I 1 house, 58 Carlisle street 1 house, 32 Rosamond street 1 house, 31 fJ Inkerman street 1 houe>e, Ormond road 1 house, 40 Blanche street 1 house, 39 Carlisle street 1 house, 42 The Avenue 1 house, :178 High street l' house, Bowen street 1 house, 40 Vale street J

1 house, 150 Ba.rkly street house, 42 Blenheim street 1





o o o



75 140


40 30 20 50 12

25 I ].8

10 24 14 70 12 30 11 20 27 16 10 24 30 18 33 17 ~6

18 25 15 14 40 28 2'; 10 30 20 20

St. Kilda ., "

,. " ,. ,.


,. " " " ,. " Queen st., Mel. ,.

St. Kilda

" " " ,. " " " " ., " " ..

Barkl,.. street, Brunewick

St. KildiL

" ,. Abbotsford

St. Kilda ,. " "

Brighton Balaclava


., I' .. " "

" " .. ,. " " ,.

Brighton Balaclava

" " " " " " .. I'

" " .. ••

Brighton Balaclava.

" ,. " " " " "

, , .. ' -.. .. , . .' .. ,


~ No. ---. Vo .... s.. .... V .... ClrIItiu N .... Trad. or Oc:c1apatioll. of Votes. ..

- I 566 Kaines Orlando eivil service 1

567 Kane Bridget domestic duties 1

568 Kay Robert gentleman 1

569 Kay fhomas plasterer 1

570 Kay William plasterer 1

57l Keane Peter Francis clerk 1

572 Keat.ing MaryB. domestic duties 1

573 Keatch William F. accountant 1

574 Kel\yes John chemist 1

575 Kally Annie M. domestic duties t

576 Relly AnnaM. domestic duties 1

577 Kelly Daniel blacksmith 1 ,

578 Kelly John saddler .2

579 Kelly Nicholas Wm. auctioneer 2

580 Kelly Williain N. estate agent 1

581 Kemp A. Vincent clerk 1

582 Kenna Frank cabinetmaker L

583 Kennaugh William laborer 1

584 Kennedy Ann rlomestic duties 1

585 Kennedy Michael T. tram employe 1

586 Kennedy Owen livery stable keeper 1

587 Kenner William B. cabinetmaker 1

588 Kennett Eliza domestic duties 1

589 Kennison James architect 1

590 Kenny James hairdresser 1

591 K6nt Ja-ples B. gentleman 1

592 Keys George gentleman 1

593 Keogh Bessie domestic duties 3

{, 594 Keogh Joseph estate agent 1

i 595 Ker Robert estate agent 1

596 Kerr Moses trainer 1 ,. . '( 597 Kidd David grocer 2 ( {. 598 Kidd James gentleman 1 .~

I 599 Kiely. David tram employe 1

600 Kiely Patrick contractor 1

601 Kirkpatrick Charles brass finisher 1

602 Kitchen Horace civil service 2

603 Klaerr Frederick plumber 2

604 Kneebone Henry gentleman 1

605 Knox Marian domestic duties 2

606 . Krausgrill Conrad cellarman 1

607 Krone Henry gentlemaD; ~

. ' ~ -. ..

~ ,_,. J .,., - . -



Owner, Description and Situation of

Net Lessee, Annual' Residellce and POIt

Property. Assignee. Value. Town.

or Tenant .

house, 39 The Avenue n 30 St. Kilda I •

house, 12 Market street 16 " house; 24 Pakington street 0 24, . I

,. house, off Pakington street 14 ,. house, 49 Vale street 12

land, Hotham street 0 25 ' Belmont A venue. Stirling st. Kew.

hous~, 14 Vale street 18 St. Kilda

house, 5 Moore street 7 " land, Carlisle street 15 " house, Alhion street '0 45 " hou3e, 59 Brunning btreet 22 " t house, 5! Camden street 41 "

forge, High street 0 " t house, 382.4 High street 0 62 " • house. 6 Duke street 0 " house. Gourlay street 50 86 Smith streat.


offine, Carlisle street 15 St Kil a

house, 1 23 Brighton road 35 " house,' 74: Che.pel street 17 " house, 6 Moore fltreet 16 " house, 43 The A venue 10 " house, Dui, e street le .,

house, !:l~7 Inkerman street· 0 ~4 " house. 27 Nightinga.le street 18 ,. house, 55 Rosamond street 17 " house, 28 Gourlay street 20

" house. 331 High street 15 "

land, Tennyson street 20 " house, 14 Moore street 12 " house, Bdghton road 0 325 "

house, 24 John stree~. 18 " house, 2l Mitchell street 35 " house, Ormond road 20 "

house, 262 Carlisle street 60 ,. land, Brighton road 0 10 Rathdown Street,

N. Carlton

house. 3 Martin fOt!'eet 16 St. Kilda house, 2fl Greeves street 0 16 Bawtlorn

house, 314 High street 15 St. Kilda housp, Elwood street 50 " house, 13 ·}·7 Inkerman st. 0 75 " house. 78 Blessington street 0 20 ,t

house, 21 .Brighton road 60 I

I .,

house, 40 Brunning street \

0 1~ " house, Southey street 130 "


]5 -Electo ral \)11t.rtc:t

and vision. Di


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Hl'iv'll ~

ton lava Balae

" " " ·n

Brigl Iton lava Halac

" " " "

, I


" ' ' , ' , ,


-..-. Vow.s.,..... Voter'. CIlri.tian Name.


608 Kyd George

609 Lacey George 610 Ladson Thomas 611 Lamont Mary 6)12 Lane, Jo~ph 613 Lane William 614 Lang Frederick A. 615 Langdon John 616 Langford William J ones 617 Larson George 618 Laver Eliza 619 Lawler James 620 Lawler William J. 621 Lawler William 622 Lawrence William 623 Lawson William 624 Laycock Henry 625 r~eader George 626 Lechmere Robert 627 Lockonby Aaron 628 Leo Francis J •. 629 Legg James, . 630 Legg James Henry 631 Leggatt Jessie 632 LeGri:ffi.n Annie 633 Leitch James K. 634 Lemmon Benjamin 635 Levens Frederick G. 636 Levensohn Levi 637 Levy Abraham 638 Lewington Charles 639 Lewis Ernest J ames 640 Lewis FrederickA.. 64l Lewis· William 642 Limerock John 643 Lindsa.y James 6&4 Linton Richard 645 Livingston Mariau

646 Lloyd Horace de G. I

6.47 Loader Thomas


648 Lockhart James

",~il ,," .' ~" " . ,- .. ,."'. '"

" ~ , ,

< , ' " , ,

, .


'No. Description acd Situation of Trade or Occupation. of Votes.


-1 gentleman 1 house, 180 Hotham street

laborer 1 house, 12 W oodstock street gentleman 1 house, 21 W oodstock street rest. keeper 1 house, 313 High street saddler 1 house j Brighton road driver 1 house, 14 Duke street accountant 2 land Southey street fancy goods dealer 1 house, 317 High street gentleman 1 house, 27 Inkerman street tram employe 1 house, 8 W oodstock street domestic duties 1 house, 13 Linton street blacksmith 1 house, Duke street gentleman 1 house, 13 Gourlay street gardener 1 house, Bowen street draper 1 house, 41 Cam den street accountant 1 house" 28 Brunning street accountant 1 house, 135 Westbury street fruiterer 1 house, 2 Nightingale street ' gentleman 1 house, Smith street grocer 1 shop" Inkerman street fruiterer 1 shop, 307.9 High street laborer 1 house, 56 .Blanche street overseer 1 house, 63 Inkerman street domestic duties 1 house, Pakington street domestic duties 1 house, 41 Brunning street, accountant 1 house, 24 Mitchell street teacher 1 house, 30 Gibbs street clerk 1 house, 11 Gourlay street broker 1 house, 99 Chapel street publican 3 hotel, 37 Inkerman street gardener 1 house, 9 Moy street cabinet maker 1 house, 207 Carlisle street merchant 1 land, Carlisle street gentleman 1 house, 329 Brighton road bank manager 1 house, 20 Brunning street commercial tra.veller 1 house, 86 Grosvenor street iron merchant 1 house, 3 The Avenue dressmaker 1 house, 46 "\Villiam street

banker 2 t land. Grosvenor street land, El wood street

merchant 3 house, Southey street blacksmith 1 house, 14 Martin street

~ , ,



Owner, Lessee,

AS5ignee. or Tenant.



0, ,


0 I

0 0


0 0

0 0 0

of st. KILDA. -

V"a'i~:. Town.

i6 Elector11\ District

and Division.

A N"l Rod"'" , •• PM'


45 St. Kildtl

12 " l:l "

20 " 31 " 12 .,

65 M.~lhourne 20 I:"t. Kilda 10

" 18 "

8 ,. ,"

2~ " 20 " 12 .,

20 " 16 " 45 " 10 '. 10 " 20

I 11

25 " I:!

I " 20 I " 20 A 11 all sford 14 St: Kilda. ·10

" 14 " 20

I " 45 ., 100 I " 16

" 20 ., 10 Melhourne 26 St. Kilda 14

" 3:Z " ao " 40 " 28 BalRclttvl1 .,

175 St Kilda 14

" .


I !





" " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. "


" ., " " ,.

" " .,

" " ,.

" " " " " " " " "

Brighton Balaclava '


"1 t .~


I .

, Owner, No. DOlcription and Situation of Not Relidence a.ud Post Electoral District • .ab •• V ... IIS ...... Voter'. ChrlItlan Name. Trado or Occupation. of Lessee, Anuual and

Voto.. Property. I Alsignee. Value. Town. Divilioll • . I or TeDaDt. 1

I -

649 Logue John cab propdetor 1 house, Camden street 0 14 St. Kilda Baluclava 650 Lomax J. S. musician I 1 house, Spray street 0 17

" Brighton

65'1 Long George blacksmith 1 honse, 9 Lyell street 10 "

Balaclava 652 LongstoD -Mary reAtaurant kee~er 1 house, 313 High street 20

" " 653 Lormer Robelt manager 1 land, Glen Huntly road 24 Melbourne TIrighton 654 Lothian Juhn J. commission agent 1 ho:use, 60 Gourley street 25 St. Kilda Balaclam 655 Love Terence constable 1 house, Inkerman stre(3t 0 22

" " 656 Lucas Alexander B. major 1 house, 49 Byron street 27 " " 657 Lunt Albert laborer 1 house, Gibbs street 10 " - " 658 Lunt Alfred G. surveyor

I 1 house, 193 Hotham street 45

" " 659 Lunt Henry clerk 1 house, 175 Hotham street 45 " " 660 Lunt John H. geIJtleman 1 house, 20 The Avenue 30 " " 661 Luxmore William slater 1 house, 36 Linton street 5 .,

" 662 Lynch William solicitor 1 land, Ormond road 0 24 Brighton Brighton

') - ,

663 MacDonald Alexander J. architect ) . house. Brighton road 0 Wl St. Kilda Balaclava 664 MacDonald William gentleman 1 house,- 41 Gourlay street 25

" " 665 MacFarlane Neill laborer 1 house, 20 Marlborough st. 16 " " 666 Mauhin George coachman 1 house; Elm Grove 13 " " 667 Mackintosh Thomas painter ] house, 32 Gibbs street 1'0 " " {land, High street 50 Albany Roa.d,

668 Mac M urtrie William bank manager 2 Toorak " land, rrennyson street 0 ,. " 669 Maddicks Joseph railway emplcye 1 house, 307 Inkerman street 16 St. Kilda " 670 Maddison John clerk 1 house, 37 Gourlay street 31)

" " 671 Mahony . Ellen domestic duties I' house, 12 Vale street 0 1() " " 672 Major Frank accountant 2 house, 121 Hotham street 0 50 " .,

673 Malony Hannah domestic duties 1 house. 16 Rosllmond street 0 10 " " 674 Mander Howard gentleman

I 1 house, Tennyson street 15 .,

" 675 Mander William gentlema:n 1 house, 22 Scott street 30 I, " 676 Mangan Daniel contractor

I 1 house, 34 Greeves street Vi .

" IT

677 Mangan John laborer 1 stables, Greeves street 14 " " 678 Mang Yea . cook 1 house, High street 18 " " 679 Manley James labOl'er I 1 I house, 27 Marlborough st. 8 " " 680 Manna Thomas tram employe I 1 I house, 34 Grosvencr street 14

I " " 681 Mansfield Annie domestic duties 1 house, 20 Duke street 28 " " 682 Manvers Albert musician ! 1 house, Brunning street 15 " " 683 Marden Alfred I

{ house, 19 Mitchell street 0 " " grocer 1

i land, Oak Grove 4i " " 684- Marshall William G. plasterer 1 i house, Tide street 0 10 " nrighton

685 Martin Peter gentleman 1 . t house, 17 Foster street 0 " Balaclava house, 75 Carlisle street 32

" " 686 Martin Susannah domeetic duties 1 house, 13 Foster street 0 22 " "



.~ I I

- I Net

I j Owner.

Residence and POI' I No. Delcription and Situation of I Lessee, Electoral Dlltrict

Veter'1 S __ • Vot ... •• ClariltiaD Name. I Tracle 01' Occupatloll. of Property. Aasipee. I Annual and

I Vot... I orT_t . Value. Town. J DiMoa.

. 1

.. . . f huuse, Oarlisle street 66 High stref>t, Balacl,xa

6S7 Martin Thomas draper 2 t house, 2') Inkerman st. St. Kilda " 688 Martin William builder 1 house. 8 Nightin~ale street 0 10

" " 689 Mason Isabella domestic duties 1 land Blessington street 0 36 " " 690 Mason James gentleman 3 house, Brighton road 0 175 " " 691 Matthews Alice . undertaker 1 house, 188 Oarlisle street 30 " " 292 May Oharles E. commercial traveller 1 house, 24 Moore street 0 24

" " 693 May Roland W. florist 1 house, 84 Oarlisle street 0 30 " " 694 Mellis lames W. bank inspector 2 house, John street 50 Melbourne " 695 1\Ierrick Albert J. gentleman 1 house. SmHh street 0 16 St. Kilda "

" 696 Merrifield Edward G. valuer 1 house, 191 Hotham street 40

" " 697 Metcalf William painter 1 hOllse, Duke street 10

" " 698 Miers William grocer 1 house, 96 Ohapel street 20 .. " 699 Miles' Fl'ederick G. town clerk, S. Melb 1 hOllse. Hotham street • 0 35 South Melb. " 700 Milgato John T. engineer 1 house, 104 Barkly st:reet 0 28 St. Kilda " 70L Millar Elizabeth domestic duties 1 hOllse, 121 Westbury street 22

" " 702 Miller- -Oharles M. gentlemRn 1 house, 1 Moore street 7

" " 703 Miller David gentleman 1 house, Inkerman street 28

" " 704 Miller Fl'ederick baker 1 house, 17B Pakington street 10

" " 705 Miller GeOl'ge storeman 1 house, 13 Vale street 15

" " 706 Miller James merchant 1 house, 23'Gourlay street 0 25 Oollins st , Mel. " 707 Miller Thomas clerk 1 house, 26 Byron street 35 St Kilda " 708 Miller William- K. storeman l house, 23 Moore street 0 20 " " 709 Mills Howard E. commercial traveller 1 house, 5 Linton street 12

. " "

710 Milne William warehouseman 1 house, lHessington street 98 " " 711 Mitchell James tram employe 1 house, 6 Oamden street 17

" " 712 Mitchell Thoma.s clerk 1 house, 37 Blenheim street 20

" " 713 Mitton Joseph commercial traveller 1 housa. ~8 John street 18

" " 714 Mollison. GeorgeP. builder 1 house, 32 Byron street 27 " " 715 Mollison WilliamL. accountant 2 house, John street 50 Melbourne " 716 Moncrieff Thomas butcher - 1 house, 51 Vale street 15 St. Kilda '" 717 Monsboroug h Alfred 'mining speculator 1 house, 207 Brighton road ~6

" " 718 Moore Alfred E. estate agent 3 house, 364 Oarlisle street 0 120

" " 719 Moore Dd-vid gentleman 1 house, 17 Ohusan street 0 1'2

" " . 720 Moore George surgeon 3 house, Dickens street- 0 110 " " 721 Moore Thompson gentleman 1 house, 11 Ra.insford street 0 20 Melbourne " 722 Moorehead Richard bookseller 1 house, 36 Gourlay street 20 St. Kilda. " 723 Moran Elizabeth - grocer 1 house, Oarlisle Rtreet 25 ., " 724 Moran Eliztlbeth R. domestic duties 1 land. Hotham street 17

" " 725 Moran John storeman 1 house, 45 Nelson str~et 0 18

" " 726 Moran Mary domestic duties 1 house, 20 Linton street 9 .. " 727 Morey George railway employe 1. house, 61 Grosvenor street 20

\ " "

728 . Moray SaTah domestic duties 1 house, 37 Marlborough st. 0 14 .. " 729 Morgan RobertC. ' gentleman 2 house! 35 Carlisle street 0 50 I' "



" .~ , .' '.I ,



. _ .. _----\ ,-_. __ .. .... .. I I No. Owner, Net Electora I District H..JIu. Voter'. Surname. Trade or Occupation. of Description ant?' Situation of I Lessee, Annual Residence and Post a nd

l 1 Vote.. Property. Assignee. Value. Town. , Divi .ion. or Tonant.

I 1 house, 298 Carliele str~,," 20 St. Kilda Balac lava

I. 730 Morris Robert bicycle manufacturer 731 Morrison Allen stationer ,I house, 91 So.uthey street 45

" " 732 Mortimer Matthew H. accountant ~ 1 house, 36 Vale street 30 ,. " 733 Mo watt George draper 1 house, 4 Milton street :l5

" " 734 Mudd Ohristopher :florist 1 house, Cal'lisle street 16 " ., t land, Tennyson street 0 Orronlr Road, 735 Mdr John F. accountant 2 Elste1'llwlck " land, High street . 50

" " 736 Muir Sydney accountant 1 house, 52 Nightingale street 22 St. Kilda " 737 Mulvany Thomas commercial traveller 1 house, 11 Market srreet 17

" " 738 Munro John bank managt'r 2 house, 141 Oarlisle street 65 ,. " 739 Murcutt Kate domestic duties 1 house, 4 Gourlay street 10 ,. " 740 Murphy Harry surveyor 1 house, 20 GOUl'lay street 17

" " ~

741 McAlister Matthew, cou::mission agent 1 house, 6 Milton street 25 " " 742 McDonald John tram 'employe 1 house, 5 Moy street 16 " " 743 McDonald Alexander carpenter 1 house, 31 Camden street 0 24 " " 744 McDowall Herbert civil servant ~ house, 159 Hotham street 80 " ,.

745 McFarlane William laborer 1 house, Elwood street 0 5 ,. Brig hton 746 McGeer Eugene grocer 1 house, 6 Rosamond street 14

" Balac lava 747 McGlashan Peter clerk 1 house, Lynnot street 14 't I

" 748 McGlone Hugh gentleman 1 house, 327 High street 0 15 , " ..

749 McGregor Lachlan gardener 1 house, Elwood street 11 " Brig hton r)

750 McGuire Flora E. dressmaker 1 shop, 416 High street 10 " Balae lava.

751 M:cHutchinson Grace domestic duties 1 house, 85 Grosvenor street 25 " " ,I

752 Mulnerny Michael H. market lessce 1 house, I 13 Inkerman street 26 " " 753 Mclntol'lh Douglas F., prospector 1 house, 39 Gourlay street 25 " " 754 Mclntosh John gentleman 1 house, 41 Marlborough st. 12 " .,

n5 McIntYle Angus gentleman 1 t house, off Blenheim st. 0 46 "

,. land, Carlisle street ., " 756 MclutYl'C James corn dealAr 1 house, 11 Brighton road 30

" " 757 Mclntyre John H. gentleman 1 hQuae, 304 Carlisle street 0 45 ." ., 758 Mclntyre Brimo gentleman 1 house, 3 Cyril street 17 ,. " 759 McI~or D.A.T. clerk 1 house, 27 Scott street 0 ~5

" " 760 Mclvor Alexander draper 2 holtse, 256 Carlisle street 65 " ,.

761 McKenzie I Jame, gentleman 2 house, Mozart street 50 " " ~

762 McKenzie Riohard F. accountant 1 house, 5 Hot~am grove 0 24 " " 763 McKenzie Wm gent.leman 1 house, 27 Duke street

! 0 15 ", " 764 McKenzie I Elizabeth domestic d~ties 1 hous~, 31 Carlisle street 0 45

" " 765 McLaughlan J. Henderson clerk 1 land. Rotham street 25 , " " 766 McLean 1 Arthur W. clerk 1 house, Rotham street 22 140 Brunswiok st.

1 Fitero71 " 767 McLeod ; James constable 1 house, 12 GOUl'lay street 10

I St. Kilda , ,

768 McMahon : Mary Jane domestic duties 1 house. El wood street 0 20. " Brig hton

769 Mc'Morrow ; Thomas gal'dc-per , 1 houl;'e, 18 Blenheim street Q 20 , , Ba.1a clav(l. . ~ .

. . . ' , 1'"(,, "

: .' --' .',' ,·1 q


v ..... CIIrIIUaa N .... Trade or OLea,au.".. =1 ~I~----__ ~--------~-------,

770 McPhail 771 McPhail 772 McPhail 773 McPhail 774 McPherson 775 M('Pherson 776 VcUae 777 McQuade

778 Nankivell 779 NnnkiveU 780 Naylor 781 Nca'e 782 Neale 783 Nelson 784 Nelson 785 Ne\:;on 786 Newell 787 Newman 788 NewBome

r 789 Nicol 790 Noel 791 Noone 792 Normoyle 793 Nunn

794 Nutting 795 Nutting 796

797 798

799 800 801 892 803 804 805 806 807

Ochiltree O'Dea

O'Dea O'Donnell 0' Farrell O'Farrell Ogilvy Ohlff Ohlsen OUis O'Neil Orchard

Alexander George James John Jessie John Mary Henry

Edwin Thomas Edward Charles Fredk. W. J. William Ma.tthias John W. Andrew Joseph Fl'ederick Andrew Mary Martin Mary E J. B.

Charles 'MfU'Y

AlilJe M. John

M.A.M. James John Patrick IUizabeth Richard Carl Oharles Arthur Albert H.

painter ,

baker , painter

painter dressmaker

I gentleman domestic duties gardener

cab proprietor cab driver gentlema.n tram employe fruiterer railway employe tram employe railway employe' merchant waiter railway employe estate agent domestic duties hawker :. domestic duties solicitor

gentleman domestic duties

domestic duties gentleman

domestic duties dairyman grocer grocer , domestic dutie!! gentleman waiter tram employe civil service commercial traveller

Ne. I Votel. of I Delcription and Situation of

, Property.

1 house. 15 William street 1 house, WilliaUl street 1 house. 6~ 70 Nightingale st. 1 house, 22 Gibbs street 1 house, 53 Grosvenor street 1 house, 5S'The Avenue 1 house, 20 Grosvenor street 1 house, Dryden street

1 house, 40 William street 1 house, Linton street 1 land, Hotham street 1 house, 21 Linton street 1 shop, 394 High street 2 . house, 250 Carlisle street 1 house, 21 Moy street 1 house, 38 Nelson street ;3 house; 261 Carlisle street 1 house, off Smith street 1 house, 2 t Nelson street 1 house, 50 Pakington street 1 house, Tennyson street 1 house, 24 Rosamond street 1 house, 34 N elson street 3 { house, 279 Carlisle street

land, Elwood street 1 house, 31 Gourlay street 1 house, 167 Hotham street

1 3

house, 40 The A venue

{house, Smith street shop, Smith street

land Southey street 1 house, 19 Cam den street 3 house, High. street 2 house, High street 3 house, 66 Ble~sington street 1 house, 1 71 Hotham street 1 house, Smith street 1 bouse, 9 Marlborough street 1 house, 32 Gourlo.y street 1 house 28 Moore street

Owner, Lessee,

AIsipee. or TeJ\&llt.

o o



o o



o o o



Net Annual Value.

22 16 26 24 25 32 18


40 lU 28

7 30 50 12 l4

275 16 16 JO 22 14 14

135 40 25 35

28 100

33 23

100 50

130 35 16 10 20 24

Relidence and POll Town.

St. Kilda

" .. " " " ,. "

" " ,;

St. Kild~

" ., I, " " " " " " " " Melbourne .,

St. Kilda


" " " " " " " " " " " " "


Electoral DiatriCl Dd



" " " .. " " "

" " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " ,t

Brighton Balaclava


" ,. " ,. " " " " " .. " JI



j -""'.j

809 810 811 812

813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 f'26 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850



Orr O'Sullivan O'Shea Oulton

Palmer Pape Park Parker Parker Parsons Patterson Paxton Payne Pearson Peddie Peers Pentland Percival' Perera Perkius Perkins Permewan Perry ~etherbridge Petterson Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillips Phillipson Philpot Pickering

. Pigllolet Pilley . Pitman Pittard Pleasance Pollard Ponsford

V .. ·.C ... tiaaN ....

Matthew Eugene John Frederick W.

Humphrey Max 'l'homas Relen Thomas J. George David Selby Jane Hugh William Janet George George M. E. Charles William R. Thomas William Thomas Hans J. Albert Alexander Edward Georgiila Harry Hobert H. Albert Ralph Charles Georgo Edmond George Oharles John George Robert G. Herbert

TracIe or Oocupadoa.

laborer gentleman rail way employe plumber

gentleman accountant commercial traveller domestic duties gentleman gentleman gentleman bank manager domestic duties storekeeper civil service domestic duties stock inspector merchant Spanish consul plumber carpenter carrying agent carpenter painter g~rdener mIner commercial traveller boat builder .domestic duties caretaker commission agent painter trainer fruiterer laborer teacher gentl4:'man civil service baker gentleman gentleman Gas Co's employe

No. of

Vote.. Deacription and Situation of


1 house, 32 Greeves stre~t 1 house, Stuart street

·1 . house, 22 Brunning street 1 house, 50 Marlborough st.

1 house. 43 Gourlay street house, Oarlisle street

1 house, 2 The Avenue 1 house, 11 Brunning street, 1 house, 51 Brunning street 3 house, 249 Oarlisle street 1 house, 38 William street 1 land, Brighton road 1 house, 56 Ohapel street 1 house, 225 Barkly street l house, 15A Pakington street 1 house, 130 Oarlisle street l' house, 56 Carlisle street 2. house, 25 Byron street 2 house, Herbert street I I house, 44 Marlborough st. 1 house, 7. 4 Pakington street 1 house, 109 Hotham street 1 house, 381 High street 1 house, 29 Rosamond street' 1 house, Albion street 1 house, 42 Rosamond street L house, Inkerman street 1 house, 26 Vale street 1 house, 127 Inkerman street 1 house, 25 Herbert street 1 house, 11 Mitchell street 1 house, 24 Linton street 1 house, \Vave 'street 1 shop, Ri,gh street 1 house, 31\ Rosamond street

'a house, 7 a Brighton road


1 land, Kendall street 1 house, l~~ Grosvenor street 3

2 1

house, 2H6 Cfl.rlisle street land, Carlisle street house, 184 & 188 Barkly st. house, 43 Brunning street

Owner, Lessee,

Allipee. orT_t.

o o

o o





o o o

Net Annual Value.

12 ~

14 10

20 80 35 16 18

175 40 15 20 25

8 40 40 53 90 12 10 45 15 11 12 12 26 20 18 35 28

9 :.:0 14 18

150 :20 2-:1!

100 20 S·} 14

Reaidence and POll Town.

St. Kilda

" " "


" " " "

Punt Rd .. S.Y. St. Kilda

" " .. " " " " . , " .,

" " " " " ,.

" " .,

" " " " " " M elbolll'ne·

BUl'wood St •. Kilda


i i

I' I I

, , 21

EJecteral Diltria.. and


Bl\la l'lava

" " "

" " " " " " " " " " ,. , . " " ., , ~ " , . " .,

" " " "

" " ,. ..

Brighton Baluolava

" ,. ., " " " " "


-.-. I '-- ,

No. Description and Situation of Owner,

N.et I Re.ideace and POlt Electoral DI.'ric:t Vater'. SUIIUM. T .... C.,.... ..... Tract. or Occ:.patlell. of Lea.ee, Annual, and Vote.. Property. Auipee.

Value. i • Town. -" Divi.io1l. i or Tenant. , «

851 Porter George E. gentleman 3 house, Milton street 0 400 St. Kilda Balaclava 852 Porter Jane domestic duties 1 house. 41 Blanche street 20

" " 853 Porter I Lizzie domestic duties 1 house, 4 Marlborough street 18 " " 854 Porter I William . grocer 1 house, 63 Blanche street 15 " " 851; Powell James rail way employe 1 house, 1 8 Grosvenol' street 20 " " 85£1 Power I Kate domestic duties 1 house, 53 Oarlisle street 0 25 " " 857 Pownceby Joon W. bookbinder 1 house, Alfred street 0 16 " " 858 Pratt I Joseph M. gentleman 3 gas mains, south ward 300 Melbourne

" 859 Pratt Thomas stationer 1 house, :3 Lt High street 40 St. Kilda " 860 Preacher I John cab proprietor 2 house, 335 Hotham street 0 50

" " tl61 Press Oharles music seller 1 house, 3t Greeves street 20 " " 862 Price Richard Gommercial traveller 1 house, 129 Westbury street 0 45 " " 863 Price Robert C. tram employe 1 house, 60 Brunning street 12 " " 8tH Priest Mary domestic duties 1 house, 64 Chapel street 10 " " 865 Prowd Mary Ann domestic duties 1 house, 38 Marlburough st. 10 " " 866 Pulsford William gentleman 1 house, 23 Grosvenor street 26 " " 867 Pummeroy I Gra •• domestic duties 1 house, 16 Nightingale street 10 " " 868 Purves 'Yillia~ J. seedsmall 1 shpp, High street 16 ,t

" 86~ Putt :Fredenck painter 1 house, 3 il Inkerman street 0 24 " " t:70 Putt l'Ihomas grocer 1 house 203-5 Inkerman r,treet 0 20 " " ,'-"

87,1 Quick Matthew tailor 1 house, !l Brunning street 0 16 " " 872 Quinn James gentleman 1 house, 131 Chapel street 30 " " ,

" J

~73 Rains fhomas gentleman 1 house, 53 The Avenue 30 ., " 874 Ramsay Alexander gentleman 1 house, 47 A rosvenor E'treet 25

" " 875 Ramlom Harry gentleman t hom~e, 23 'Villiam street 20 " " t!76 Ransome Henry railwayemployoe 1 house 80 William street 17 " " 877~ RatcJl f ord Samuel laborer 1 house, 7 W oodstock sb'eet 5 " " 878 Redalli ! Victor organ builder 1 house, 15 V ale str~et 15 " ,.

879 Reece Jane domestic duties 1 house, 33 Nightingale street 18 " " ~80 Reid I Rohert Dyce gentleman 2 t land, High street 50 Orrong Roa.d, ArIIle.da.le " I William 2

land, Tennyson street " " 881 Reid bank manager house, Byron street 50 Balaclava.

" 882 Reilly I Annie domestic duties 1 house, 7 Blenheim strcct 0 15 " J:

883 "Reilly ; John laborer 1 t land, Blenheim street 0 34 " " , house, 129 Inkerman st. " " 884 'Heilly I Patrick gal'dener 1 house, 29 Blenheim street 0 20 " iI

885 Reynolds ; Albert G. insurance agent 1 house, 397 Inkerman street P' i)

" " 8~6 ]~eynoJds j.Frederick C. tram employe 1 house, 2 .Hainsford street 12 " " 887 Reynolds ! Thomas machinist 1. house, 140 Barkly street 13 ,. .,

888 , Reynolds ; \Villiam commercial tr~veller 1 house, 32 Bruiming street 16 " "



---. V ..... S_e. Voter', Cbriltiu NlII1e.

-889 Richards Frederick

890 Richards George 891 Richards Herbert 892 Richards Louis F. 893 Richards 'l'homas 894 Richards William 895 Richards Wm. Thomas

896 Richardson John " 897 Richardson William

898 Rickards John ,

8~9 Rielly Sarah 900 Rimmer . }\fildrecl 901 Ritchie Frederick H. 902 Roach Henry 903 Roach John T. 904 Robb William ,J. 905 Roberts Richard 906 Robertson Charles G. 907 Robertson Donald 908 Robertson George 909 Robertson George 910 ltobertson WiIliam 911 Robertson William 912 Rodwell Henry

" 913 Rogers Charles 914 Rogers John 9t5 Ronaldson Adam 916 Rose Sarah A. 917 Ross Colin 918 Ross James 919 RossnoI Edwin 920 Rough James 921 Rourke Richard 922 Rourke Robert 923 Roust James

, 924- Rowe Frank 925 Rowe , Samuel 926 Rowe Thomas 9.27 Rowlston John 928 Roycroft Mary 929 Rucker William S. 930 RU8sell Arthur T.

. III .c



I No. Description and Situation of Trade or OCcapatiOD. of Votes. Proped}'.

2 { house, High street grocer

gentleman house, Oarlisle streAt

1 house, 45 Blanche stl'eet tram employee 1 house, 11 Linton street gentleman 1 house, Julia Avenue. grocer 2 hou'3e, 55 Brighton road laborer 1 house, 17 Martin street grocer 2 { shop, High street , house, 43 Oarlisle street gardener 1 house, 76 Oarlisle street commercial traveller 1 house, 43 Grosvenor street blacksmith , house, 3 Hlenheim street domestic .duties 1 hl)Use, 56 Brl,lnning street domestic duties 1 house, Tennyson street gentleman 2 house, 1 35 Hotham street tram employe 1 I house, 30 Grosvenor street commercial traveller 1 house, 1 Marlborough street gentleman 1 house, ! 01 Brighton l'oad fishmonger 1 'house, 264 Oarlisle street gentleman 1 house, 183 Hotham street gentleman 1 house, Tennyson street gentleman 1 house, 78 Pakington street accountant 1 house, Oarlisle street bank manager 2 house, 34 Mitford street gentleman 1 house,·Olarke street butcher 1 house, 35 Nightingale street laborel' I house, 126 Barkly street railway employe 1 house, 41 Grosvenor street mining agent 1 house, 74 Oarlisle street domestic duties 1 house, 393 Inkerman street gentleman 1 house, 70 William street gen~leman 1 house, 35 Nelson street marmer 1 house, 211 John street gentleman 1 house, Sycamore grove plasterer 1 house. 42 Linton street

1 house; 9 Linton street laborer tram employe 1 house, 12 Gl'eeves street gentleman 1 house, 33 Grosvenor street gentleman 1 house, 395 Inkerman street gentleman 1 land, Southey street bootmaker 1 house, 93 Brighton road domestic duties 1 house, 46 Rosamond street

(f .liquidator I 1 house, 16 Rainsford street commission agent 1 house, Tennyson street




Owner, Net Leasee, Annual AailDee. Value. or Tenant.

I 0 65 ,

i 18 , 10 !

30 i 0 .55

! 8 i 65

t 0 0 20 I

15 ,

I 16 15 25 55 18 22

0 10 26 40 28 12 30

0 85 0 30 I

! 18 i I

12 I 15 25

0 16 17 16 18

I 20 7

10 14 22

0 15 10 34

0 12 I 16 I 43


Residellce and Poat TOWII.

St. Kilda. ,. " .. ., ,.

" ,. .,

" ,.

" " ,. " " " 406 CoUins Street.

Melbourne 8t. Kilda

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " ., " ,. " "

" ,. ., ..

Thfell 11 1\1 rne :;;t. Kilda





23 -, Electoral l'>11t.rict

and DiriaioD.


" " ., .,

" " "


" " " " ."

" " " " n

" ,.

" " " " " " " " " " " " " I'

" .,

" " " " " " " "

n -

. -, ,



No. Description a~d Situation of Owner,

If_ber. Voter'. Suns .. e. Voter" Chriltiu N .... Trad. or Occupation. of Lellee,

Vote.. Property. AlSil11ee.

or Tout.

1 e. 0 -

I . . 931 \ Russell George Iaborer 1 house, 20 Camden ~treet

932 Russell Hannah domestic duties 1 house, 6R Brunning street

933 RUsson Walter dealer 1, house, 3 Moore street

934 Saddler Jane domestic duties 1 home, 6 Scott street

935 Saddler Waiter bricklayer 1 house, 6 Linton street

936 Salmon John laborer 1 house, 93 Chapel street

937 Salmon Michael wine merchant 2 house, ~3 Blessington street 0

938 Sandrel Prosper gentleman 1 house, 7 Soutbey street 0

9139 Sangwin William fruiterer 1 house, 203 Carlisle stre(lt

!HO Sargood S r Fredk. T. warehouseman 1 land. Brighton road

941 .Savage William' tram employe 1 house, 19 Brunning street

942 Sawyers i James gentleman 1 house, 39 Greeves street 0

9.43 Sayers Joseph cab proprietor 1 house. 52 Oamden street 0

944 Scarlett John sawyer 1 house; 16 Market street

~45 Schaefer . Henry. tailor 1 house, W oodstock street

946 Scbaefer William importer 1 house, 5 Southey street

947 Schultz Franoos dressmaker 1 house. 77 Oarlisle slreet 0

948 Scott I Arthur house, lot Brighton road 0 gentleman L

9:19 Scott Charles ' cab dl'iver 1 house. off Nelson street

950 Scott Francis M. warehouseman':- 1 honse, 52 Bles~ington street 0

951 Sellers James tr~ll!- emplo!c 1 hCluse, 15 Linton street

952 Semmens Thomas mlDlllg englDeer 1 house, Kendall street

953 Servante Charles furniture manufact'r 1 house, 28 Pakington street

954 Seymour James coachman 1 house, Sycamore grove

955 Shackell Robert H. auditor 1 houae. 165 Hotbam street

956 Shanaban Patrick surveyor 1 house, 45 Marlborougu stre~t

967 Shave ArthurO. bootrnaker 1 house, 9 Rosamond street

958 Shaw John gardener L house. 7 Gibbs street 0

959 Short - Henry editor 2 house, 25 Bdghton road

960 Simcox Samuel J. decorator 2 house, 209 Carlisle street

961 Simmonds James gardener 1 house, 62 Nightingale street

962 Simmons Agnes domestic duties 1 house, 94 Pakington street

963 Simpson Charles gentleman 1 honse, 3 Lynnot street

964 Sims James civil service 1 house, 6 Greeves street 0

965 Sinclair Helen domestic duties ,

1 house, 5 Gourlay street

966 Sinrlair John gentleman 1 land, Ormond road

961 Sinnatt Samuel H. estate agent 2 t house, 226 Barkly street house, 292 Carlisle street

968 Sircom Catherine domestic duties 2 house. Tennyson street

969 Skillen ~

John gentleman 1 house, 59 Carlisle street

-970 Slack Sarah domestic duties 1 house, 2 Vale street 0

971 Slater ... Emma domestic duties 1 houee, 23 Mitchell street 0

" .. 1 ••.• '·< ;



Value. Town.


Electoral DI,aid alld

DiYiaion. A::~J _R ... ~~U ...... ------------~-------------

20 St. Kilda 12 " 7 "

30 " 5 ,. 20 .. 95 ,. 35 " 20 .. 20 Elstern wick 20 St. Kilda an ,. 30 " 16 " 10 " 35 " 26 ., 10 olO6 collhlll Stre.t

X.lbourne 20 St. Kilda 45 . , 10 't 45

" 18 ~,

20 , 35

" 14 " 0 " 14 ,t

60 " 70 " 22 " 1\ H

11 " 10 .. 25 ,. 20 'Melbourne

St· Kilda 60 " 75 " 26 " 18

" 35 "




1 1





". "

,. " ,t

" .. " " " " " .,

" " " " " , . " " ., " "

" ., !'

" ,. ,. 11

., ,.

Brighton }alac1ava 1



., "

, t





• I

l ·,1


TeMI' .... •• • I Ho. Delcription and Situation of I' £::: ! Net


Residence and POIt I Voter'. OrfIUu le.... I Trade or Occapa.... of Property. AIsip,,'-e. I Annual

Vote.. I ~I' Tenant. Value.


Town. - J

972 973 974 ~75 976

~ 971 P78 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 g91 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999

1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015

Sloane Sloane Small Smart Smead Smeaton Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith \ Snewin Snow Snowden Solberg -Sommerville Sommerville

I Sorensen Sparrow Sparrow Speed Spencer Spencer Spencer Spencer Spink Spittle Spottiswood Spottiswood Spot,tiswood Stafford Stapleton Startup

Ellen Robert William J. Johnston James Alfred C. Lort Eliza Frances Frank Grey Frank Grey Francis J. Frederick George W. H.W. Jardine Joan John Sophia Thomas Wilkinson ,Villiam G. Sarah Alfred Martha Alfred Alexander Eliza Thomas 1..ionel William W. Alfred E. Alfred James Richard James , Thomas H. Robert David John William Frederick Michael John

dOmeGiiic duties estate agent sec. building society gentleman railway employe warehouseman solicitol' domestic duties dressmaker bank manager solicitor tram employe gentleman i~surance agent liutcher domestic duties domestic duties clerk domestic duties laborer

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

-3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1

stone mason 1 turncock 1 domestic duties ) gentleman 1 domestic duties 1 tea merchant 1 commercial traveller 1 domestic dutie' 1 tram employe 1 printer 1 tutor 1 commiseion agent 1 plLinter 1 painter 1 gentleman 1 painter 1 gentleman 1 gardener 1 gentleman 1 builder 1 builder 2 gardener 1 gardener 1 farmer 1

, ~ ". ""'." <

house, 196 Barkly street houae, 408 High street land, Coleridge street land, Brighton road house, 5 Cyril street house, Duke street land, El wood street hOllse, 5 Smith street house, 23 t Inkerman street­house, Tennyson str(;et house, Maryville street house, 33 Vale street house, 87 Che-pel street hous!:', 9 Scott street shop, 404 High street house, 2 Moore street house, 23 Carlisle ~treet house, 73 Carlisle street house; 4 Mitchell street house, 14 W oodstock street house, 76 Wi1liam'~treet house, 9 Blenheim street house, Grosvenor street house, Mitford street house, 25 Moore street house, 12 Gibbs street house, Martin street house, 61 Inkerman street house, 19 Moy street house, 5 Lynnot street house, 179 Hotham street house, 20 Scott street house, 14 Gibbs st.reet house, 35 Duke street house, 24 Brunning street house, 54 .Blanche street house, 51 Gour1ay street house, 27 Greeves street honse, Clarke street house, 4 7 Vale street house, 44 Vale street house, 24 Camden street house, 34 ('am den street house, 269 Inkerman street

o o o

o o o

o o

o o


o o o

35 30 10 15 10 10 40 18 20

220 100

18 18 25 70 25 50 17 28 12 17 20 40 40 30 16 2~ 20 12 14 32 4~ 16 12 14 12 25 16 11 30 50

St. Kilda

" n)llins st" Mel. 01'l.'onr.- Roa.d,


St_ Kilda ,. ,. " " " " " " " " " " " " " I'

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

10 l' 5-20


" "

• J

25 .

Electoral Diltrict and



" " " " .,

Brighton Ba1aclava

" " " " " " " " " " l'

" " " " " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,


" 1


...... I I -No. Delcription and Situation of

Owner, Net Residence and POlt Electoral District V ..... S ...... V ..... C ............ Trail. or Oc.a,atin. of LeSlee, Aunual aDd

Vote.. Property. I Alsignee. - Vah,e. Town. DiYilioa. _ ' I or TeNUIt. ~--,~

1016 Step hen James Iaborer, 1 house, Edward street 5 St. Kilda Balaclava 1017 Stephens Charles estate agent 1 office, Inkerman street 0 20

" " 1018 Steven James gentleman 1 house, B}'ighton road 20 Oharnwood Roadci Bt.Ril Ilr. .,

1019 Stevens William R. picture framer 1 land, Byron street' 24 St. Kilda " 1020 Stokes William A. chemist 3 house,: 115 Hotham street 0 lOO

" " 1021 Stokesbury Hamilton butcher 2 house, 2:18 Carlisle street 0 60 " " 1022 Stone Clement R. gentleman 1 land, Elwood street 0 13 Melbourne Brighton

1023 Stone Edwin blacksmith 1 house, 59 Nelson street 16 St. Kilda Balaclava ]024 Stoner George wood dealer 1 house, 29 Marlborough st. 30

" " 1025 Strain Anna domestic duties 1 house, 244 Barkly street 0 20 " "

1026 Stringer Arthur butcher 3 t house, 319 High street Ho " " house, 40 Greeves street 0 " " 1027 Stringer Craven butcher 1 house. Duke street 16 " " 1028 Stubbs Harriett domestic duties 1 house, 39 Blenheim street 0 20 " 17

1039 Stynes James W. carrier 1 housE', 261 Inkerman street 20 " " ]030 Sullivan John electrician 1 house, 257 Inkerman street 10 " " 1031 Sundercombe John bootmaker 1 houso, 54 Vale street 24 " " 1032 Swain , Thomas gentleman 1 house, 48 GOUl'lay street 20 " " 1033 Swan Christina F. domestic duties 3 house, 3780arlisle street 0 100 " " 1034 SYIDe Joseph C. gentleman 3 house, Tennyson street 0 300 " " 1035 Symons Charles gentleman 1 house, 32 The Avenue 28 " "

1036 Taggart Isabel domestic duties 1 house, 237 Mitford street I 45 I " " 1037 Tasker Thomas laborer 1 house, 1 Ohusan street 10

" " 1038 Tayler Alexander t ram employe I house, 33 Chusan street I 0 15 " " ]039 Taylor Arthur E. commission agent 2 house, 89 Southey street 60 " " 1040 Taylor Arthur G. cook 1 house, 109 Chapel street 23 " " 1041 Taylor Charl,=s H. gardener 1 house, 30 Blessington street

l 25

" " ]042 Taylor , Duncan banker 1 house, 32 Vale street 40 " " 1043 I Templeton J Montgomery liquidator 2 house, 22 The Avenue 0 50 Melbourne " 1044 I Thistlethwaite Jessie domestic duties I 2 house, Southey street I 0 ,80 St. Kilda

" 1045 I 'l'hompson Adam gram er 1 house, Camden street I 15 " " 1046 Thompson Henry gentleman 1 house, 55 Carlisle street ! 20 " " 1047 j'rhompson Joseph H. tea merchant 2 house, 90 Westbury street i 0 50 " " 1048 Thompson R. gentleman 1 house, 19 Gourlay street 25 " "

1049." Thomson Alexander blacksmith 1 , forge, Brighton road 37 " " ( house, Camden street " " 1050 Thomson John bank manager 2 houso, Oarlisle street 70 " " ]051 Thomson Letitia domestic duties 1 house. 32 William street 32 " " Nathan gentleman 2 i t land, Brighton road 70 Grand View Grove.

1052 I Thornley


Prahran. ., TllUJ'good'

I land, St. Kilda street " Brighton

10M3 William gE'n~leman 1 I house, 46 Go~rlay street I 0 25 St. Kilda Balaclava I I . I , .) I 0 60 I lO\)4 Thurston I Charles M.

" I Id. I house, 391 HIgh street statlOner




No. I Delcription and Situation of I Owner, Net Relidence and POlt

__ ber. Voter'. SlIl'Il_" Voter'. Chrl.tlall Nam •• Trade or Occupatio •• of Lessee, AnDual

Vo&el. Property. I Assipee. Value. Town.

I or TeDallt.

1055 Titford George bootmaker 1 shop, 275 Inkerman street 20 St. Kilda

1056 Tompsitt Henry chemist 2 house, Carlisle Rtreet 0 50 Melb urne

1057 Tong Albert J. grocer 1 house, 43 Rosamond street 16 St. Kilda

1058 Tonkin Bryant wood dealer. ~ house. 21 Grosvenor street 20 .L "

1059 To~rance Elizabeth domestic duties 1 house, 249 Inkerman street 0 14 lJ

1060 Tozer Edgar butcher 1 house, Inkerman street 1~ " 1061 Tozer Frederick W. manufacturer 1 house. Brighton road 45 •• 1062 Treeby Wm. George grocer 1 house, 418.20 High street 17 " lu63 Treen Catherine fruiterer 1 house, 95 Brighton road 28 ,!

1064 Treweek Nicholas J. . ., gentleman 1 house, 29 Modre street 0 33 "

·1065 Trott William gardener . 1 house, 92 Pakington street 18 " 1066 Tryde Annie domestic duties 1 house, 22 Nightingale street 10 " 1067 Tucker Samuel H. stationer 1 house, 17 Gourlay street 20 " 1068 Tullett Frederick auctioneer 2 house, 347 High street 50 " 1069 Turnbull Emma domestic duties 1 house, 40 Blenheini. street 20 " 10iO Turner Cathefine domestic duties 1 house, 34 Gourlay street 20 " 1071 Turner George solicitor 2 house 72 Carlisle street 0 70 " 1072 Turner Henry fruiterer 1 house, 307·9 High street 25 IJ

1073 Turner Henry Gyles bank manager 3 house, Tennyson street 0 200 .,

1074 Turner James gentleman 1 house, 13 Rosamond street 10 "

1075 Turner Louisa ~omestic duties 1 house, 49 CarlisJe street 25 ,. 1076 Turner Samuel geBtleman 2 house, Tennyson street 55

" 1077 Tye George man ufacturer 1 house,44 The Avenue 30 " 1078 Tyrrell James livery stable keeper 2 house, 17 & 19 Inkerman st. 80

" ....

1079 Urquhart Alexander gentleman 1 t house, 6 Byron street 37 Melbourne land, Grosvenor street

1080 Vale John estate agent 1 house, Carlisle street 36 "

1081 Vennell Edward tram employe 1 house, Pakin~ton street IS ,

1082 Verran John Henry gentleman 1 house, 28 Blessington street 20 " 1083 Vincenzo Cicalese confectioner 1 house, L 4 Rainsfol'd street 0 14 " 1084 Vockler Alfred trainer 2 house, Ol'mond road 60 "

, 1085 Wakefield WaIter W. grocer 1 house, 35 Camden street 0 24 " 1086 Walford Eliza domestic duties 1 house, 1 Blenheim street 16 " 1

10H7 Walker Amelia domestic duties 1 house, 41 Alfred street 13


" 1088 Walker George gentleman 1 house, 41 Nightingale street 22 " 1089 Walker John gentleman 3 gas mains, south ward 250 ,.

1090 Walker Joseph grocer

\ 2 { shop, High street 65

house, 52 Blanche street 0 :,

109.1 Wall ace James laborer- 1 house, Bell street 20 .,

, '.


I I j I I j



I \ i !



Electoral Dilmct and

Dinl~o ••


" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .,


" " " " Brighton


" ., ., .,

" "



t I

- , .



__ b.. Voter'. Sumame. Voter'. Chriltian Name. Trade or OccupatiOll.

No. of



1092 Walla6e John A. gentleman 3 1093 Walpole Robert S. financial agent 1

1094 Walsh James ruilwayemploye 1

1095 Walsh James gentleman 1 1096 Walsh Samuel G. gentleman 1 1097 Walsh William gelltleman 1 1098 WaIt on Eliza fruiterer l' 1099 Walworth Thos. HQ commercial traveller 1 1100 Ward . OliveI' tram employe 1 1101 Ward William decorator 1 1102 Warne Oharles laundl'yman 1 1103 Waterfield James ci vii service ,1 1104 Waters Mary domestic duties 1 1105 Wattr,; Thomas gentlemen 1 1106 Watson David ca.rpenter 1 1107, Watson Jeannie domestic duties 1 1108 Watt Charles flngineer 1 1109 Watts Frederick R. salesman 1 1110 Webb John photographer 1 1111 Wells Frederick butcher 1 1112 Wells Thomas butcher 1 1113 Wemyss Charles gentleman 1 1114 Whatmough l.'homas laborer L 1115 Whelpton George lithographer 1 lLl6 White Edward J. porter 1 1117 White GtorgeA. commercial traveller 1

" 1118 ,White Harriett domestic duties 3 11]9 White H.J. gentlexran 1 1120 White John tram employe 1 1121 White Matthew fm'oiture dealer 1 1122 White Richard laborer 1 1123 Whitehead Waiter butcher 1 1124 Whitty John 13. merchant 1 1125 Wickham William bootmaker 1

1126 Wildman Elizabeth domestic duties 1 1127 WilItins Frederick gel1tleman 1 1128 Wilkinson Charles tram employe 1 1129 Wilkinson Charles W. tram employe 1 1230 Wilkinson Joseph G. gentleman 1 1131 Wilkinson Sophia. ' domestic duties 1 1132 Williams Alfr~d Henry school teacher 1 1133 Williams Charles R. blacktmith 1 1134 Williams John tram employe 1

, , . t. ,,'


I Description anI! Situation of

. Owner, Net I Lessee, Annual Property. Alsipee. Value. or Tenant.

house, Glen Eira road 0 325 house, 34 Byron street 27 {house, 37 Chusan street 0 29

house, 'Alfred street 0 house, off Alfred street 0 12 house, 1 JJynnot street 11 house, 1 Scott street 28 hl use, 37.) High street 12 house, 3·5 Gourlay street 25 house, 45 Grosvenor street 15 house, 75 Paldnp,ton street 8 house, off Alfred street 8 house, 24 Drvden f:treet 0 45 house, 17 Gibbs street 10 house, 38 Paki!l.(.!ton street 10 house, 239 Inkt'rman street 0 36 house, 6 The Avenue 25 h~use, 24 The Avenue 28 house. 7 Rosamond street 15 house, 120 Barkly street 15 house, 191 Carlisle street 20 house, 191 Carlisle street ~O lwuse, Eiwood street 0 40 house, 1 l{osamond street 15 house, Coleridge street 0 36 house, 31 Linton street 10 house, 18 Brunning street 0 22 h~use, William street 0 130 house, 21'S Vale street 0 24 house, 29 Linton street 8 house, 14 Market street 0 14 house, 46 Brunning street 15 house, 277 Inkerman street ~O land, Carlisle street 0 16 house, 183 Carlisle street 40 house, Sycamore grove 0 40 house, 7 Scott street 40 house, 10 Gibbs stl'eet 10 house, 7 Marlborough st. 10 house, lli Moore street 12 house, 57 Mitford street 0 '10 house, Hotham grove 2~ house, Blessington street 40 house, 15 Pakington street 12


Residence ~D4 Post ToWD.


St. Kilda

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " It

" " " , ~

I Melbourne St. Kilda

" " " :,

" " " " "


Elect oral Distri'" and


Bala clava , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Brig hton clava Bala ,

, , , , )

, , , , , , , , " " " " " " ,,-


No. Description ,acd Situation of Owner, Net Residence and Post -..-. Voter', SIInl .... Voter', Clariltiall N .... Trado or OCC1lpatioD. of Lessee, Annual

Vote •• Property. Assicnee• val:L

To~" or Tenant.

- ,

" 1135 Willock William gentlemen 1 house, 36 The Avenue 30 St. Kilda 1136 Wills James B. gentleman 1 house, Moy street 16 " 1131 Wills Laura domestic duties 1 house, 45 Brunning street 0 25

" 1138 Wills Samuel butcher 1 house, 85 Inkerman street 24 " 1139 Wills William commission agent 1 house, 22 Moore street 15 " 1140 Wilson Archibald fruiterer 1 house, Chapel street 20 I'

1141 Wllson David butcher .. 1 house, 97 Brighton road 28 ,. 1142 Wilson Henry rate collector 1 house, Beach Avenue 30

" 11143 Wilson James gentleman 1 house, 7 Moore street 7 " 1144 Wilson John laborer 1 house, 7 Lynnot st.reet 14 " 1145 Wilson John aCCQuntant 1 hou"e, 76 Blessington street 0 32 " 1146 Wilson Osbert journalist 1 house, 123 Westbury street 22 " 1147 Wilson Robert gentleman 1 house, Brighton road 0 40 " 1148 Wilton Alfred L. gentleman 1 house, Elwood street 0 45 AehGrove.

Ma.lvern. Il49 Wishart Alexander plasterer 1 house, 48 Rosamond street 12 St. Kilda 1150 Wood Elizabeth domestic duties 2 house, Elwood street 80

" 1151 Wood .Ifrnest accountant 1 house, 18 John street 18 " 1l5~

Woods Edward gentleman 3 { house, 60 Carlisle street 102 " 1153 land, Vale street " 1154 Woods Mary domestic duties 1 house, Alfred street 17 " 1155 Woodward Roland accountant 2 house, 117 Westbury street 50 " 1156 Wurcester George gentleman 1 land, Beach Avenue 0 10 " 1157 Wright Elizabeth domestic duties 1 house, 163" Hotham str.eet 35 " 1158 Wurts Rudolph gentleman 1 house, Mitchell street 45 " 1159 Wycherly Minnie domestic duties 1 house, 98 Grosvenor street 38 , ,

1160 Yen dIe Edwurd van proprietor 1 shop, 297 Inkermau street 10 " 1161 Yendle Henrv hawker 1 house, off N eison street 8 " 1162 Yeomans Caleli sec. Co. B.B.S. 1 house, Sycamore grove 20 " 1163 Young Edwin G. tram employe" 1 house. 28 Blenheim street 20 " llf:4 Young' Henry pUblican 3 house, Brighton road 0 200 " 1165 Yu"?-ng John bank manager 3 house, 380 Carlisle street 0 ISO " (

. . 1165 YUllle A.rchlball gentleman 3 house, 2sa CcLrhsle street 175 o "

" ~


Electoral District and



" " ., , . " " Brighton


" " ., " Brighton

Balaclava Brighton Balaclava

" " " .,

Brighton lBalaclava

" "

" " " " " " "

~ I i

" I


----~~----------~----------~~----------~--~----------------~------~--~--------~~------ ---, Tracte or Ol:C1lPation• ~f'l Description and Situation of

Owner, Lessee,

Alsi(llee. or Tenant.

Net AnDual Value.

Reaideace ancl :POIt Town.

Electorall>1nffct aDd

Divilin. _..w.

.. -."-~~---"...:~~-

VoteS. Property.

Revised and allowed by us this twenty-third da.y of July, 1895. o GEO. CONNIBER[<:. Mayor

A/ h ~ VICTOR LEMME ./V' .. P ~te0- _ ~s. JACOBY Councillors.


c:::lv /. r-----~ A E. MOORE.

JNO. N. BROWNE, Town Clerk.

Osment ana Sons, Pr~nters to t.he St. Kilaa Oity Oouncil .• , St. Kilda Advertiser" Office, 244 High Street, St. Kilda
