(192424796) 003 WCDMA Radio Resource Management


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WCDMA Radio Resource Management

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Tale of Contents

1 Introduction to RRM .............................................................................................................11

"rocedure of Radio Resource Mnagement.......................................................................-

Channel Configuration ..........................................................................................................


o/ Ma00ing...................................................................................................................


R1 and RLC "arameter Configuration ...........................................................................


MAC "arameter configuration..........................................................................................*#

"H2 "arameter Configuration .........................................................................................

*&Dynamic Channel Configuration .....................................................................................


DCCC Dynamic Channel Configuration Control ............................................................


Power Control ........................................................................................................................

1740en loo0 "ower Control for D"CH ...............................................................................*-

40en loo0 "ower Control for "RACH .............................................................................


50lin6 Closed Loo0 "ower Control ................................................................................


Downlin6 "ower Control ..................................................................................................#&

Mobilit Manage!ent ............................................................................................................

"#57 Wor6ing modes and states........................................................................................#%

8dle Mode .........................................................................................................................


Connected mode Cell9DCH ............................................................................................


Connected mode Cell9:ACH...........................................................................................


Connected mode Cell9"CH .............................................................................................

#;Connected mode 5RA "CH.............................................................................................#<

57 /tates switching ........................................................................................................


Hard Handover ................................................................................................................


/oft Handover .................................................................................................................


The aisc Conce0t of /oft Hoandover ............................................................................


The aisc Conce0t of Measurement ...............................................................................

&&Com0ressed mode ..........................................................................................................






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*pon co!pletion of this !odule+ ou will be able to,

• Descrie the 0rocedure of radio resource management.

•7!0lain the asis of 0ower control.

•7!0lain the different RRC states of the 57.

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Introduction to RRM

8n WCDMA system, radio resource includes fre=uency, code and 0ower, and

WCDMA is also a self(interfered system. :or guaranteeing o/ >uality of /ervice?of all users, we should define rules to allocate @ust enoughB resources to every users.These rules are called Radio Resource Management Algorithms.

7!0ect to confirm the o/, RRM also can enhance system coverage, or

increase system ca0acity.

RRM Radio Resource Management

  RRM is res0onsile for su00lying o0timum coverage, offering the ma!imum

0lanned ca0acity, guaranteeing the re=uired =uality of service >o/?

and ensuring efficient use of 0hysical and trans0ort resources.  "ower is the ultimate radio resource. The est way to utilie the radio

resource is to control the 0ower consu!ption strictl.

  8ncreasing the transmission 0ower of a certain user can im0rove hiso/.

  However, due to the self(interference, the increasing 0ower wouldresult in more interference on other users and conse=uently reduce the

receiving o/.

Procedure of RRM

5sually, RRM algorithm will e designed in RRC layer of 5TRA.

RRC layer will send the control 0arameters to Layer # >in RC?, Layer * >inode1? or 57 through Measurement control message.

Layer #, Layer * or 57 will e!ecute measurement 0rocedure, then sendmeasurement result to RRC Layer through measurement re0ort.

 According to the measurement re0ort and actual resource, RRC Layer will ma6edecision to allocate the radio resources.

Through signaling, RRC Layer will send this decision to Layer #, Layer * or 57to e!ecute it.

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  :undamental 0rocedure of radio resource management

Measurement control


− 57, ode1, RC

Measurement re0ort



Channel Configuration

-unda!ental Channel Configuration

:undamental channel configuration is to ma0 the RA1 o/ features re=uestedy C into the corres0onding 0arameters and configuration mode on each A/ layer.

o/ C re=uested includes traffic classes, data rate demand, =uality demand>1L7R? and time delay.

:or different traffic class, the o/ re=uirement is different. :or conversationalservice >li6e voice?, the time delay cannot e too long, usually, it should e less than

%'msF ut 1L7R can e u0 to *G. :or ac6ground service >li6e 79mail?, the

time delay can e longer, ut 1L5R must e lower.

:or different service, the data rate is also different. :or voice service, *#.#0sis enough, ut for +" service, )%0s is minimum re=uirement.

  4ective ma00ing the RA1 o/ features re=uested to distriute a00ro0riatechannel

  o/ re=uested y C

Traffic Classes





Rate demand

uality demand >1L7R?

Time delay

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o/ Mapping

-igure 1.( o/ Ma00ing.

The o/ which C re=uested will e sent to 5TRA in @RA1 AssignmentRe=uestB message of 8u interface.

5TRA will distriute one or several R1s >Radio 1earer? for this service first.

Then RLC layer will choose trans0ort mode according to the feature of thisservice.

MAC layer im0lement the ma00ing from logical channels to trans0ort channels,and configure the 0arameters for different 6inds of trans0ort channels.

4f course, all of the data should e transmitted through 0hysical channels.

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R and RC Para!eter Configuration

5TRA will distriute one or several R1s >Radio 1earer? for this service first.5sually, for voice service, # or & R1 is needed >de0ended on voice coding algorithm?Ffor +" >+ideo "hone? and data service, ust one R1 is needed.

RLC layer will choose trans0ort mode according to the feature of this service.:or voice service, trans0arent mode will e chosen, means RLC layer will do nothingfor the voice data, so the data can 0ass through =uic6ly with no time delayF for 17>est 7ffort? service, li6e interactive service and ac6ground service, their 1L7Rdemand are very high and time delay can e longer, so ac6nowledged mode will echosen.

  R1 0arameters

  R1 numer 

  RLC 0arameters

  Different RLC transfer modes

trans0arent mode >TM?

5nac6nowledged mode >5M?

 Ac6nowledged mode >AM?

  Different logic channel 0arameters

MAC Para!eter Configuration

MAC layer im0lements the ma00ing from logical channels to trans0ort channels,and configure the 0arameters for different 6inds of trans0ort channels.

:or voice service and high s0eed data service, dedicated trans0ort channel will

e distriutedF for signaling and low s0eed data service >li6e /hort Message?,

common trans0ort channel >RACH$:ACH? will e distriuted.

MAC(c im0lements the ma00ing from common logical channels to common

trans0ort channels, MAC(d im0lements the ma00ing from dedicated logical channelsto dedicated trans0ort channels.

MAC layer also configures the 0riority of services and T:C/ >Trans0ort :ormatComination /et?.

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  MAC 0arameters

The ma00ing$multi0le!ing relation etween logic channel and trans0ortchannel

Different ty0es and 0arameters of trans0ort channel

− Dedicated channel

− Common channelDifferent configurations of MAC entity

− MAC(d$MAC(c

"riority configuration of MAC su layer 

T:C/ configuration

P23 Para!eter Configuration

Channel Coding scheme for voice service, convolutional code will e selectedFfor high s0eed data service, Turo coding is demanded, for some unim0ortant data,maye no channel coding is needed.

8nterleaving length 8nterleaving length is longer, 1L7R is lower, ut time delay islonger.

Rate matching attriute different data rate must e matched to one of

thefollowing data rate -)', %<', #%', *#', )', &', *3, ;.3

/0reading factor >/:? different services use different s0reading factor.:or 

e!am0le, voice service *#<, +" &#.

"ower offset different 6inds of 0hysical channel will e distriuted to different0ower.

4ther 0hysical channel 0arameters, such as TD >Transmission Diversity? mode/TTD, T/TD or :1TD.

  "H2 0arameters

  Ma00ing relation from trans0ort channel to 0hysical channel

  Channel Coding scheme

Convolutional code

Turo code


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8nterleaving length

Rate matching attriute

/0reading factor >/:?

"ower offset

4ther 0hysical channel

0arameters, such asdiversity mode, etc.

Dna!ic Channel Configuration

-igure ".4 Dynamic Channel Configuration.

While receiving data come from RLC 1uffer, MAC layer will chec6 the data savedin uffer.

8f the data saved in uffer is more than the threshold we had defined, MAC layer will send %A event to RRC layerF

if the data saved in uffer is less than the threshold we had defined, MAC layer will send %1 event to RRC layerF

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DCCC, Dna!ic Channel Configuration Control

17 services usually mean interactive service and ac6ground service.

:or 17 services, time delay can e longer, ut 1L7R must e lower, soRLC

uses ac6nowledged mode >AM?, thus all data should e uffered in RLC1uffer.  4ect of DCCC 1est 7ffort >17? service

  :eatures of 17 service

rate of service source changes largely

Less demand on time delay

More demand on it error rate

Decision of DCCC

  Measurement re0ort on traffic volume of RLC 1uffer 

  Decide whether to change the andwidth used yased on the measurement result.

57 dynamically

Consider whether there is limitation on air interface duringreconfiguration.

the decision of 

%A event means the andwidth distriuted to the service is not enough, so RRC

layer will increase the channel resource for the serviceF

%1 event means the andwidth distriuted to the service is more than thedemand of the service, so RRC layer will decrease the channel andwidth.

The system also should consider whether there is limitation on air interfaceduring the decision of reconfiguration. This is done y measuring the transmitting0ower of 57 in oth downlin6 and u0lin6.

8f the channel andwidth should e changed, Reconfigure "rocedure will e


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-igure $.4 7ffect of DCCC.

The oectives of DCCC are

Meeting andwidth re=uirement of users to the greatest degreeF

Ma6ing est usage of resource on air interface

/aving downlin6 channel code >4+/: code? resource

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Power Control

5ear4far effect in CDMA

-igure #.( ear :ar 7ffect in WCDMA.

8n terms of 0ower management, the o/ of a suscrier can e im0roved yincreasing the transmit 0ower of the suscrierF however, such im0rovement may

result in deteriorating other suscrierIs receiving =uality due to the self(interferencefeature of the CDMA system.

The worst thing is @ear(far effectB. ear(far effect occurs in the u0lin6. 8f all

thesuscriers in the cell transmit signals to the 1/ with the same 0ower, then thesignals of the M/ near the 1/ are strong while the signals of the M/ far from the 1/are wea6. 8n such a case, the wea6 signals will e mas6ed y the strong signals.

Therefore, on the asis of ensuring o/ for suscriers, how to effectivelycontrol 0ower, how to reduce the transmit 0ower as much as 0ossile, and how to

reduce the system interference and increase the system ca0acity are the 6ey toWCDMA technologies.

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Classification of Power Control

  50lin6 0ower control

− 40en loo0 0ower control

− Closed loo0 0ower control

8nner loo0 0ower control

4uter loo0 0ower control

  Downlin6 0ower control

− 40en loo0 0ower control

− Closed loo0 0ower control

8nner loo0 0ower control

4uter loo0 0ower control

8n the WCDMA system, 0ower control may e

control and closed loo0 0ower control.

divided into o0en loo0 0ower 

The oective of o0en loo0 0ower control is to 0rovide the estimates of the initialtransmit 0ower.

The oective of closed loo0 0ower control is to ra0idly adust the 0ower in theu0lin6$downlin6 during the communication 0eriod.

The inner loo0 0ower control is to converge the received /8R to the target /8R ycontrolling the transmit 0ower of 0hysical channels.

The outer loo0 control mechanism is to dynamically adust the /8R target valueof the inner loo0 control, so as to ensure that themeets the re=uirements.

communication =uality always

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'pen oop Power Control for DPC2

-igure &.( 40en Loo0 "ower Control for DCH.

8n the WCDMA system, the o0en loo0 0ower control is ado0ted in oth the u0lin6and downlin6.

8t estimates the 0ath loss and the interference level according to themeasurement result, so as to calculate the 0rocess of initial transmit 0ower.

Through o0en loo0 0ower control, WCDMA system can lessen the time of 0ower convergence, and reduce the im0act on system load.

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'pen oop Power Control for PRAC2

-igure 6.4 40en loo0 "ower Control for "RACH.

40en(loo0 0ower control is used to decide the initial 0ower of "RACH 0reamleaccording to the 0ath loss.

"rimary C"8CH DL TJ 0ower the C"8CH transmission 0ower, 57 can get it from/8 >/ystem 8nformation?.

C"8CH9R/C" the C"8CH received 0ower.

5L interference u0lin6 interference, ode1 will test it, and send it to 57 through/8.

Constant +alue it can e configured during radio networ6 o0timiation, sent to57 through /8.

1ut 8n the WCDMA(:DD system, the fast fading conditions in the u0lin6 anddownlin6 are asolutely irrelevant ecause the fre=uency s0acing etween the u0lin6and the downlin6 is large. Therefore, the 0ath loss estimates otained through theo0en loo0 0ower control according to the downlin6 signals are inaccurate for the

u0lin6. The method to solve this 0rolem is to introduce the fast closed loo0 0owercontrol mechanism.

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:igure ;yt

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*plin Closed oop Power Control

-igure 7.( 50lin6 Closed Loo0 "ower Control.

The inner loo0 0ower control ha00ens etween ode1 and 57. 8t is to convergethe received /8R to the target /8R y controlling the transmission 0ower of 0hysical


8f estimated /8R is larger than /8Rtar, it means the signal which ode1 receivedis too good, so ode1 will set T"CK', command 57 to decrease the transmission0owerF

8f estimated /8R is smaller than /8Rtar, it means the signal which ode1

received is not enough, so ode1 will set T"CK*, command 57 to increase thetransmission 0ower.

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-igure %.( 1L7R and /8R Relations.

The radio channels are com0le!, so the 0ower control ased only on the /8Rvalue cannot reflect the real =uality of the lin6s. :or instance, ased on the same

1L7R, the re=uirements of static suscriers, low s0eed suscriers >& 6m$H? andhigh s0eed suscriers >3' 6m$H? for /8R are different. The communication =uality isfinally measured with :7R$1L7R$17R, so it is necessary to dynamically adust the/8R target value according to the actual :7R$1L7R value.

*plin Closed oop Power Control

-igure 9.( 50lin6 Closed Loo0 "ower Control.

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Mobilit Manage!ent

*8 :oring Modes and states

  Idle !ode

  Connected !ode





The 57 may o0erate in one of two asic modes 8dle mode and connected mode. After eing switched on, the 57 o0erates in the idle mode and is identified y a non(access stratum identification such as 8M/8, TM/8 or "(TM/8. The 5TRA does not

save the information of the 57 o0erating in the idle mode. 8t can only 0age all the57s in a cell or all the 57s at one 0aging time slot.

 After estalishing an RRC connection, the 57 shifts from the idle mode to theconnected mode C7LL9:ACH or C7LL9DCH state. The connected mode of 57 isalso called the RRC state of 57. 8t reflects the level of the 57 connection and thetrans0ort channel that can e used y the 57. When the RRC connection is released,the 57 shifts from the connected mode to the idle mode.

Idle Mode

The 57 has no relation to 5TRA, only to C. :or data transfer, asignalling connection has to e estalished.

57 cam0s on a cell

8t enales the 57 to receive system information from the "LM.

57 can estalish an RRC connectionF it can do this y initiallyaccessing the networ6 on the control channel of the cellon which it is cam0ed.

57 can receive 0aging message from "CH.−

The idle mode tas6s can e sudivided into three 0rocesses

"LM selection and reselection.

Cell selection and reselection.

Location registration.

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When a 57 is switched on, a 0ulic land moile networ6 >"LM? is selected andthe 57 searches for a suitale cell of this "LM to cam0 on.

The A/ shall 0rovide a list of e=uivalent "LMs, if availale, that the A/ shalluse for cell selection and cell reselection.

The 57 searches for a suitale cell of the chosen "LM and chooses that cell to0rovide availale services, and tunes to its control channel. This choosing is 6nownas cam0ing on the cell. The 57 will, if necessary, then register its 0resence, ymeans of a A/ registration 0rocedure, in the registration area of the chosen cell.

8f the 57 finds a more suitale cell, it reselects onto that cell and cam0s on it.

8f the new cell is in a different registration area, location registration is 0erformed.


Connected Mode ; Cell_DCH 

8n active state.

Communicating via its dedicated channels.

5TRA 6nows the cell in which 57 is located.

The C7LL9DCH state features the following

•  A dedicated 0hysical channel is allocated to the 57 in oth the u0lin6 and thedownlin6.

• RC 6nows the cell where the 57 cam0s on according the current active setof the 57.

The 57 enters the C7LL9DCH state in one of the following two ways

*. 8n the idle mode, the 57 sets u0 the RRC connection on the dedicatedchannel, thus shifting from the idle mode to the C7LL9DCH state.

#. 8n the C7LL9:ACH state, the 57 uses the common trans0ort channel andthen is converted to the dedicated trans0ort channel, thus shifting from theC7LL9:ACH state to the C7LL9DCH state.

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  Connected Mode 4 Cell-FACH 

8n active state.

:ew data to e transmitted oth in u0lin6 and in downlin6. There is noneed to allocate dedicated channel for this 57.

Downlin6 uses :ACH and u0lin6 uses RACH.

57 needs to monitor the :ACH for its relative information.

5TRA 6nows the cell in which 57 is located.

8f there is only few data to e transmitted, there is no need to allocate dedicatedchannel. Thus 57 will e in Cell9:ACH. 57 in Cell9:ACH state is communicating via:ACH >downlin6? and RACH >u0lin6? with 5TRA.

The C7LL9:ACH state features the following

• o dedicated trans0ort channel is allocated to the 57.

• The 57 continuously monitors a downlin6 :ACH channel.

•  A default u0lin6 common channel >for e!am0le, RACH? or an u0lin6 sharedtrans0ort channel is allocated to the 57 for the 57 to use at any time duringthe access 0rocedure.

•5TRA 6nows the cell in which 57 is located.

The 57 0erforms the following o0erations in the C7LL9:ACH state

• Monitors an :ACH.

• Monitors the 1CH channel of the current serving cell to decode the systemmessages.

• Transmits u0lin6 control signaling and small data 0ac6ets on the RACH.

• 8nitiates a cell u0date 0rocedure when the cell ecomes another 5TRA cell.

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  Connected Mode ; Cell_PCH 

o data to e transmitted or received.

DRJ >discontinuous rece0tion? monitor "8CH, to receive its 0aging.

Lower the 0ower consum0tion of 57.

5TRA 6nows the cell in which 57 is located.

5TRA has to u0date cell information of 57 when 57 roams

to another cell.

8f 57 has no data to e transmitted or received, 57 will e in Cell9"CH or 5RA9"CH. 8n these two states, 57 needs to monitor "8CH to receive its 0aging.5TRA 6nows which cell or 5RA 57 is now in. The difference etween Cell9"CHand 5RA9"CH is that 5TRA u0date 57 information only after 57 which is in5RA9"CH state has roamed to other 5RA.

The C7LL9"CH state features the following

• o dedicated channel is allocated to the 57.

• The DRJ technology is ado0ted for the 57 to monitor the informationtransmitted on the "CH channel at a s0ecific 0aging time slot.

• 5TRA 6nows the cell or 5RA in which 57 is located.

The 57 0erforms the following o0erations in the C7LL9"CH state

• Monitors the 0aging time slot ased on the DRJ 0eriod and receives the0aging messages transmitted on the "CH.

• Monitors the 1CH channel of the current serving cell to decode the systemmessages.

• 8nitiates the cell u0date 0rocedure when the cell changes.

• The 57 shifts to the C7LL9:ACH state in one of the following two ways 1y0aging from the 5TRA and y any u0lin6 access.

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  Connected Mode ; URA_PCH 

o data to e transmitted or received.

DRJ monitor "8CH.

5TRA only 6nows the 5RA in which 57 is located.

5TRA u0dates 57 information only after 57 has roamed to other 5RA >57 re0ort own new 5RA y 5RA u0date 0rocedure?.

 A etter way to lower the resource occu0ancy.

The 5RA9"CH state features the following

• o dedicated channel is allocated to the 57.

• The DRJ technology is ado0ted for the 57 to monitor thetransmitted on the "CH channel at a s0ecific 0aging time slot.


• o u0lin6 activity is allowed.

• 5TRA 6nows the 5AR in which 57 is located.

The 57 0erforms the following o0erations in the 5RA9"CH state

• Monitors the 0aging time slot ased on the DRJ 0eriod and receives the0aging messages transmitted on the "CH.

• Monitors the 1CH channel of the current serving cell to decode the systemmessages.

• 8nitiates the 5RA u0date 0rocedure when the 5RA changes.

• o resource is allocated for data trans0ort in the 5RA9"CH state. Therefore,if the 57 has the data trans0ort re=uirement, it needs to first shift totheC7LL9:ACH state.

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*8 states switching

-igure 11. ( 57 /witching /tates.

This is the 57 states figure. These states are significant only for 5TRA and 57.They are trans0arent to C. LetIs focus on the switch etween the states.

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2ard hando)er 

-igure 1". ( Hard Handover.

-eatures of hard hando)er,

• HH4 causes a tem0orary disconnection for RT radio access earer and islossless for RT earers.

• The 57 must either e e=ui00ed with a second receiver or su00ortcom0ressed mode to e!ecute inter(system$inter(system measurement.

-igure 1$. ( /oft Handover.

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-eatures of soft hando)er 

• /eamless handover with no disconnection of the radio access earer.

• To enale a sufficient rece0tion level for maintaining communications

ycomining the received signal at symol level from multi0le cells in case the57 moves to the cell oundary areas.

• The macro diversity gain achieved y comining the received signal in theode1 >softer handover? or in the RC >soft handover? im0roves the u0lin6signal =uality and thus decrease the re=uired transmission 0ower of the 57.

:or soft handover, selection comination in u0lin6 com0letes in RC.

:or softer handover, ma!imum ratio comination in u0lin6 com0letes in


<he asic Concept of /2'

Acti)e /et

  8ncluding all cells currently 0artici0ating in a /H4 connection of a 57.

Monitored /et

  8ncluding all cells eing continuously monitored y the 57 and whichare not current included in its active set.

Detected set  8ncluding the cells the 57 has detected ut are neither in the active set

nor in the monitored set.

Cells that the 57 is monitoring >e.g. for handover measurements? are grou0ed inthe 57 into three different categories

*.Cells, which elong to the active set. 5ser information is sent from all thesecells. The cells in the active set are involved in soft handover or softer handover.

#.Cells, which are not included in the active set, ut are monitored according to aneighor list assigned y the 5TRA elong to the monitored set.

&.Cells detected y the 57, which are neither included in the active set nor in the

monitored set elong to the detected set. Re0orting of measurements of thedetected set is only re=uired for intra(fre=uency measurements made y 57s in

C7LL9DCH state.

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<hree /teps of 2ando)er 

-igure 1#.( The ste0s of Handover.


Measurement control.

Measurement e!ecution and the result 0rocessing.

The measurement re0ort.

Mainly accom0lished y 57.


1ased on Measurement.

The a00lication and distriution of resource.

Mainly accom0lished y RRM in RC.


The 0rocess of signaling.

/u00ort the failure drawac6.

Measurement control refresh.

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<he asic Concepts of Measure!ent

The measurement values of Handover 

  8ntra(fre=uency and inter(fre=uency C"8CH R/C"、 C"8CH 7c$'、

"ath loss.

  8nter(fre=uency: C"8CH R/C"、 C"8CH 7c$'.

  8nter(system : /M Carrier R//8 , 1/8C

8dentification ,



The re0orting methods of measurement

  "eriodic re0orting.

  7vent re0orting.

The events of re0orting

  8ntra(fre=uency events: *A, *1, *C, *D, *:.

  8nter(fre=uency events : #D, #:, #1, #C.

  8nter(system events : &A, &C.

  4thers: ), ):.

Reporting Criterion

  Re0orting Criterion

Decision formula for e!am0le, *A event

*."ath Loss

#.4ther measurement =uantity:

Relative threshold, Asolute threshold, Hysteresis, Time to trigger, C84.

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7vent triggered handover for addition of a radio lin6 is descried y the aoveformula.

Mew is the measurement result of the cell entering the re0orting range.

C84ew is the individual cell offset for the cell entering the re0orting range if anindividual cell offset is stored for that cell. 4therwise it is e=ual to '.

Mi is a measurement result of a cell not foridden to affect re0orting range in theactive set.

A is the numer of cells not foridden to affect re0orting range in the currentactive set.

M1est is the measurement result of the cell not foridden to affect re0ortingrange in the active set with the lowest measurement result, not ta6ing into account

any cell individual offset.

M1est is the measurement result of the cell not foridden to affect re0orting

range in the active set with the highest measurement result, not ta6ing into account

any cell individual offset.

W is a 0arameter sent from 5TRA to 57. The default value for


R*a is the re0orting range constant.H*a is the hysteresis 0arameter for the event *a.

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/oft 2ando)er 

-igure 1&. ( 7vents *A and *1.

The default value of W is ero. That means when a cell, not in the Active set,enters Reporting Range1A=2stersis 1A>" >from the strongest cell in Active set?,and the measured value remain e!ceed Reporting Range1A=2stersis 1A>" atleast a time e=ual to ti!e to <rigger >Time to Trigger *A?, event *A will ha00en .>see aove figure?. The 57 deliver Measure!ent Report ?1A@ to /RC.

Application of 2ard 2ando)er in $

Intra4freBuenc hard hando)er 

  When inter(RC /H4 canIt e e!ecuted or is not allowed.

Inter4freBuenc hard hando)er 

  eeded in certain areas due to networ6 0lanning.

  Load alance etween fre=uencies.

Inter4RA< hando)er 

  #(& smooth evolution.

  The finite coverage range of initial 0hase of &.

8ntra(fre=uency hard handover includes two instances

*. Handover etween two RCs without 8ur interface.

#. Code tree reconstruction.

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Co!pressed Mode

-igure 16. ( 8llustration of com0ressed mode.

8ntra(fre=uency neighors can e measured simultaneouslytransmission y 57 using a RA7 receiver.

with normal

1ut inter(fre=uency or inter(system neighors measurements re=uire the 57measuring on a different fre=uency, this has either to e done with multi0le receiversin the 57 or in the com0ressed mode >CM?. CM is to sto0 the normal transmissionand rece0tion for a certain 0eriod of time, enale the 57 to measure on the other


The asic methods of the com0ressed mode technology is When sending someframes >the data sent 0er *'ms is a frame?, the ode 1 s0eeds u0 to send the datathat are 0reviously sent in *'ms in less than *'ms, so that the 57 can use the timesaved to conduct inter(fre=uency measurement. The mode and time for increasingthe transmit rate is controlled y the RC.

Classification of Co!pressed Mode

  Downlin6 com0ressed mode

  To create time for 57Is measurement and synchroniation.

  # o0tional schemes (( /:$#,higher layer scheduling.

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  50lin6 com0ressed mode

  To avoid the interference on its own downlin6 measurement andsynchroniation when 57 is measuring certain target fre=uency or

RAT.  # o0tional schemes (( /:$#, higher layer scheduling.

Halve the /: in several frame, the system ust use /:$#. >for e!am0le, voiceservice, changing /: from *#< to )%?.

"uncturing cancel some symols which are not very im0ortant.

Higher layer schedulingusually used in data service.

0ause data transmission, it will cause time delay,

/R5/?C@ Relocation

-igure 17. ( Relocation of /R/ during a call.

   Advantage of /R/ relocation

Reducing data flow on 8ur interface.

8m0roving the systemIs ada0taility.

Reducing the time delay.

  "rolem of /R/ Relocation a large amount of signalinginteract.

is needed to

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The RC relocation refers to that the /RC of the 57 changes from one RC to

another RC. 8t is divided into two cases ased on the 57 location at the time of

relocation /tatic relocation and associated relocation.

/tatic relocation

• The 0recondition for the static relocation is that the 57 accesses the networ6

from one and only one DRC. /ince the relocation 0rocedure does notre=uire the 57Is 0artici0ation, it is also called the 57 ot 8nvolved relocation./tatic relocation usually ha00ens after soft handover.

 Associated relocation

•  Associated relocation refers to that the 57 accesses the target RC from the

/RC via hard handover, and the 8u interface changes at the same time./ince the relocation 0rocedure re=uires the 57Is 0artici0ation, it is also calledthe 57 8nvolved relocation. /tatic relocation usually ha00ens during hardhandover.

AMR Mode Control

AMR Coding

WCDMA system uses Ada0tivelinear 0rediction coding.

Multi(Rate >AMR? s0eech code, which is

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The AMR s0eech codec 0roduces a certain numer of its de0ending on the

mode used. The s0eech encoder out0uts are 0ut in order according totheir suective im0ortance. This it ordering can e utilied for error 0rotection0ur0oses.

8n fact, after the its have een ordered according to a 0redefined tale, theyare further divided into three indicative classes, still according to their


im0ortance. Therefore, the AMR codec delivers three classes of its, each

containing a different numer of its de0ending on the rate of the coder. TheyareClass A, Class 1 and Class C.

4n the radio interface, one dedicated trans0ort channel can e estalished 0er class of its, i.e. DCH A for Class A its, DCH 1 for Class 1 its and DCH C for ClassC its. Thus, each class can e suect to a different error 0rotection scheme.

Class A contains the its most sensitive to errors and any error in these its

would result in a corru0ted s0eech frame which needs error correction for 0ro0erdecoding. 8t may e the only class 0rotected y a CRC.

Classes 1 and C contain its where increasing error rates gradually reduce thes0eech =uality, ut the decoding of ansignificantly degrading the =uality. ClassClass C its.

/8D /ilence 8ndicator 

erroneous frame can e done without

1 its are more sensitive to errors than

-eatures of AMR speech, M'/4CIR

-igure 1%.( 7ffect of AMR on s0eech =uality.

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:eatures of AMR s0eech

•  At a certain load level >which corres0onds with /8R of 57?, the Mean 40inion/core >M4/? which the users e!0erience does not increase linearly with thes0eech rate which 57 uses. That is, at a certain load level, the mosta00ro0riate AMR s0eech rate used to ac=uire the highest M4/ does not referto the highest rate, ut an a00ro0riate middle rate.

• The limitation of 57Is ma!imum transmitting 0ower restricts the coverage of u0lin6 AMR s0eech. To increase the u0lin6 coverage of AMR s0eech, u0lin6rate should e reduced without worsening the 57Is s0eech =uality.

AMR Mode Control

 AMR mode control is to weigh the load level, and

  Reduce AMR s0eech rate on heavy load condition, thus reduce thesystem load and im0rove s0eech =uality relatively.

  8ncrease AMR s0eech rate on light load condition, thus im0rove o/.

Reducing of AMR s0eech rate can widen the u0lin6 coverage effectively.

The AMR s0eech mode control can e done in every #'ms.

The AMR codec offers the 0ossiility to ada0t the coding scheme to the radiochannel conditions. The most roust codec mode is selected in ad 0ro0agationconditions. The codec mode 0roviding the highest source rate is selected in good0ro0agation conditions.

During an AMR communication, the receiver measures the radio lin6 =uality andmust return to the transmitter either the =uality measurements or the actual codecmode the transmitter should use during the ne!t frame. That change needs to edone as fast as 0ossile in order to follow etter the evolution of the channelIs=uality.

8n u0lin6, the 5TRA e!0licitly indicates to the 57 the codec mode it should use.However, in downlin6, the moile has to send =uality measurements to 5TRA thatwill deduce the a00ro0riate mode to use, using an algorithm. The AMR controlalgorithms are located in the RC, and they will have a maor im0act on voice =ualityand system ca0acity.

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8n each transmitted s0eech frame, the AMR codec has to indicate the mode it iscurrently using as well as the =uality$mode(to(use information. 8n the networ6, theCodec Mode 8ndication must also e sent to the Transcoder 5nits so that the correct

source decoding is selected.

The rate ada0tation scheme is ased on thresholds. :or each mode, lower and

u00er thresholds are defined. These ands may overla0 from one mode to another.The decision to change rate is made on the networ6 side.

8n theory, the codec mode can e changed every s0eech0ractice, the codec mode should e ada0ted at a lower rate.

frame >#' ms?. 8n

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