1984 Part I Vocab




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Alessandra Leone

Pd 4A 1/4/16

1984 Part I Vocabulary

Word Part of Speech Definition Mnemonic

Aquiline Adj Hooked, beaked like an eagle

The witch’s nose was aquiline.

Compendium Adj Concise summary, inventory

The magazine is a compendium of pop culture.

Edify Verb To instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually

The painting edified the viewers to new understanding of the world,

Furtive Adj Secretive The cat furtively looked around before snatching the fish.

Lassitude Noun Weariness I sank into my bed in lassitude.

Multifarious Adj Many different parts

The clock gears were multifarious.

Officious Adj Meddlesome, forward

Gladys Kravitz was an officious person.

Pugnacious Adj Quarrelsome Pugs are pugnacious when you steal their food.

Quail Verb To lose courage The chicken quailed at the sight of the butcher.

Queue Noun A line I watched the ducks watch in a queue down the street

Reconnoiter Verb To examine or survey to find information

A spy reconnoitered the rebel hideout.

Sanguine Adj Cheerful, hopeful, reddish

Her sanguine complexion made her seem as if she was always laughing.

Tacit Adj Implied, unspoken He nodded his tacit approval.

Urbane Adj Sophisticated Urban regions have urbane people.