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CURRICULUM EDUCO§ General Information and Theoretical Framework

Sport activity is one of the main daily commitments for children and adolescents. Gym, swimming pool and playground are very important extra-school environments.

Structured sport activity is therefore a space for learning and growth.It is therefore critical to equip sports coaches with the pedagogical and psychological knowledge not associated with sports performance, but rather with all aspects relating to the development of personality, relationships and growth. Increasing the knowledge of sports coaches in pedagogical and psychological areas can help them recognize sport as a resource for young people with more awareness and reduce risk factors.

The training will investigate the awareness level that the spots coaches have about their educative role: what are their coaching duties? What are their responsibilities towards their group of children/adolescents? This analysis will be made through interviews and as part of the initial meetings. The knowledge of this side will allows us to plan learning content and tools in the best way. The training focus will be the educational relationship that is widely considered to be a crucial component of learning, growth, physical and mental health. The relationship between coach and athlete is considered a key point in sport activities of young people; this is a relationship which encompasses emotions and is a resource as well as risks.

During the training, coaches will be given some theoretical information about the educative and learning relationship; an analysis of the relationship’s actors (coach/athlete), the relational dynamics. The training will aim to understand what relationship skills an educator must have; analyse what the main cognitive and emotional components involved are and how to handle them thorough tools offered by sport as an activity. On the pitch, during the match, in the changing rooms coaches deal with the use of the body, with competition, with rules, with the need for competence, with victory and the defeat, with young people’s and their families’ expectations. During the course, some tools to understand and observe these crucial aspects will be given and strong sharing atmosphere will be created, to facilitate reflection and an exchange of experience.

Main aims of the training course

Make coaches aware of the educational aspects of their role. Equip sport coaches with relational competence; Encourage the sharing of experiences and reflection; Promote an “aware action”; Equip sport coaches with tools (both personal and community-based) to respond to

emerging issues.
