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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1217

CD: 18

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-00128053


•• Headquarters j l .r,,r·Lne D~v·\.<:!·'1.)11 (~ei~'•f) "iT'. ii'

. • t:.' • .. .• • ... • o. t .• ...-,. .. • 1 .&. ~ ~

c/o Fleet Post Office Son i.i.,ronc:'Leco, CDJ.ifcrnlD

231/ e jb j\)_ 2 E>er:o o 8 ~2 ·IIIII'

~PR 2 11954

Fro rn: To:

Cl)r!lffioftd:'t.nt.£ Jenerol, 1st :.or:'t.ne Div:'Lo:'t.on (Re:'t.nt), F1:JF

Commondont of the liDrine Corps

Subj: Defe{tSe of 11D11 D.tv.'t.sion iJector

ZncJ.: (J.) Icttroductton, The Defenoe of 11D 11 Div.'t.o.ton Llector ( 2) lst Horo .ine s Report (3) 5th Morines Report (4) 7th Mor.ines Report (5) 11th Morines Report ( 6) 1st KhC Reg.\. men t :1eport ( 7) 2nd KlJlO Re?;iment ~eport (8) Kimp~? Prov:tsiono1 :<e~lment R~port (9) 1st •'lotor Tronsport bn -:=!eport (~O) 7~h ~:•o;o: Tronsport Bn Report ( J.l) l "'t T o . .tk Bn Report (l~ lst bervice Bn Report

(1~) lBt #~~:~1;racF.n Re~ort (J.1) 1B t ..... 10 .LJ.eer Bn Report (15) l c t hed:'t.ool En ~eport (16) Recon CompDny Eteport

1.:. The enclosures ccH18t:'L tute o det~:~.U.ed report of the octivlt:\.es of thiD :O.ivioion durin;.:; the period 2'7 c.Tuly·-31 Oct·­

ober 1853. They ore forworded herewith os o matter of

interest ond record.

2. The tl~ee (3) month period covered by the report woo a

criticol one for the D:\.v.iolono It ioJDS coLLed e.pon to per­

form tocticD1 r:.1nd polltloDl m:Lssiono unique in llor.ine Corpa

h:\.otory. The encloBures \vere prepored in order to eJ..:.,borote

upon, Dl1d to expl o.in, .informot ion normo11y surp1ied b;v Commo.t1d


3. The securit~r olossificc,t.ion of this letter :l..s J'emoved when c1etoo.t1ec1 from the bosic document I)

Dis tr .i but .ion: cue (4) FLFP .:1c ( 2) F~.FL ont ( 2) HCD (3) lot HDrjJ.Lv ~

4i@Im1: l)'!O"LASS! 0 lO DOD DIR 520 •

R. NcO. PlWE

2nd }brDiv 3rd 11iDrDi v P DCTrpo 1 D t 1·11~',/


(J.) (1) (1) ( 1)


Korean War Project USMC-00128054

.aw• . .i ., DECLASSIFIED

~ ~~~"1.1lJ11:1 '"'"~~f~~illl'l"l!!Mt~iJifl1lll ""~·~ ~rr r "'"1''1'' ·,·,,m-:·,., ... --

1 IWI ",I,<C;I~b-1111~!1/"'' iii!'~IW71' 1111l;,i~ ~, I 1, ..... ,, ": I II '"i'-l"''-~'~-

, ... _ ... ~1"'-'' •~ th1tro~uctt1~: ,

Bes1nn1ng 'ill Ju~y lQ53, the Armiat"ice .Agreemel1t ~1~e the bss1c doown,nt ,,rhioh _;ovl,1'ned t!1t ect1ona or all t'nited :~atirme Forces in Korea• In oot~~Y 1ng out end enf(')rcin_s the terms of the A!··;.11ot1oe,. our m111t$ry farcee were confronted "tori th mony pro'bl c~·.tJ t..m1que in m111 torY h1stor~r. BeoEJt~Se of the lo ootlon in iL: :.~ector or in cJ.ose proximity thereto of the fac111tles f~;r .l".i:;::· :.ling t.he pr1so11e:rs of ~watt Dna. the li138nc1es desi3nated to C•:.·:, ·.:,land i.nplement the pr.tson.er exohsnge, the 1st l~~er1ne DiviP.'i.Jl'!. "V'os .tnvoJ.ved tt1 e mtwb _5reeter extent thon the other United :1 c.'t.tons D.t·,' .to ions in po gt;·-ormistioe ectiv 1 ties.

In vC::.l t 'G:'I.on ~o the responsibil1 ties the division essumed in enforc'L:-; the terms \')f the .Armistice in this vi tol t:.1ree, 1t had the t.:;1Qtico1 m:i.r1s1on of r-reporin~ lts defenses so as to be fully ret:.1d~,; in the 9vent h0st;.1.11t1es should he rest~med •• In this regord, an importont chonge 1r. dispos.ttion wos effected &most 1mmed1otaly upon the cessot1on of hosti1.1tles. ~Ihereas ·the old hL:t WDS lineo.r• in no'J;ure, the orgon.tzotion of the l:~sin Bottle P osl t1on Nos based on the concept of o 1·rlde front defense, ort?;anize<i in depth wl th emphosls placed on the oll-erot.md Ol'\;;on.'Ltotitm end defense o-r c:--ltico1 tDcticol locollties. ~i:!xcept on the l:lmpo PenlnsuJ.o ond in o p0rtion of the left regim0ntol ae ctor, the terms o'J' thrs o:ciristice fcn"ced t~1a dlvlsion to construct naw battle posit.tons south of tbe prev:toun defensive J.L1eo The C0!1Btrvct.ior.·. (;f these new positions~ tha or~onizatio~ of the ent.t~e division sector fo).lowinz the prltlcipleR of the widG front defe!1so 1 onc1 the seJ. vege operotlons co nne ctsd there tvi th were mon UffiO!l t t:.1l ts.sks. A1.1d this is not to mention the extraneous missions sssigned the division.

\: II

In the folJ.o't11ng doOument ·1dll be fow1d o discussion of oll pheses of the lot Ht;~rine Division~ s ope:':"etions during the period 2? July-31 October, 1953.. Except oocasionolly, operstion ol:'ders, messe,;es t~l.d ol11ed officiol docu.ments ore not included~~ The:f con .be fo 1.,nd in Commor;d Dio:rics. Nor is it o chronolo.:;i col occount, D1 th.o.F(?;h e chronoJ.o I.Y is :fPrn.i..shed for reference. This discussion is ra:flective in natt're. It seeks to set :f.'0t't.b the reasoning wb.ich lf.l:r bah:tnd the o.ss:tgnment ( 0f tesks or tha ooll~tion of p:eoblems. All unl ts ond ell octivit.tea ore represented.

Principe]. subj ecto eovered in the report ore:·

bottle E.l• 'lfJi thdrotvol of per eonnel end eqt•ipmen t to the new

po si tiona.· bo Te.ct1c ol org e!liZst 1\jn of the lfein Bottle Position. c. Const~uction of tha Kain Bottle Position. ~. Salvegl3 Operetionso . e. }'ie:rk.tng ond Control of tha Demili t orized Zone.

DECLASSIFIED iiSRi'P DOD Dm 6200 .. 10



Korean War Project USMC-00128055




t • ~:!1 BB10l1B !!BB:igned, ond prOblemS st~1S1!1g from the location. of the Prisoner rrf ~7ar CaMpS end al1.1eCI. o~~-encies in, or near, the div.ts1on ~:~ree. ,

':'he in.ttiel chonter is o d.tscussion of the one:rot;i•;ns of the dliris:t0n os o~hple. It serv~s es o prefo.ce to the repor~[ p~epored by tte· severol s~bnrdinete ~nits. These lotte:-:·_ E~ttochod, set f•1rth :tn deto.tJ. · the.tr respective prob1Cm2 .r;~nd t.b.e:tr B•":llut.t.-m •

.A• ~·~.tthclY•ol,roJ. of Pers•1nno1 ond Squ:tpment t•1 the ne~~r bot.tle pos:t t.tons,

B~· the terms of the Armistice .Agreement, o line ~·ros es­tebliehed bet"t~een t•n.tted Hotions ond Commm1iot f'H'ces. T.h:ts line, celled the :f ili ter:;r Derner cot ir:m J .ine, foJJJ)'t·rec the 1 :tne of contoct os :tt existed on 2? JuJ.~r. I!;,itiollY it 1·ros: n0t morked on the grovnd, but folJ.rmea mep coord:tnotes l·~:J.lch ~~ere orrived et by negotietion ot Ponr!'Pnmom., Eoch slde 'l:rss re­quired to l•rithdrow 2000 meters from th.e line, r:;1nd thvs es­toblish the Demllitorized Zone, e. bt,ffer sreo 4000 m•2ters in width. Th.ts zone wos of 3,'Y'eot s:t~niflcont; t t lnfJyencefl ol­most ever:r set of t.he Div.ts~ .• ,n in t;.he per:tnd to :f.'oll')i·'·

The do ct·mGn t slgned ~d; P Dn,:wn~om stir,wl oted tl:,'Jt h., th sides "rovJ.d ·~.~7lthclrD1~r dll of t.h~lr militorv forceo, m'pplies ond eqvipment from the Demillt!'rizcd z,,ne Ntthin 72 hoPrS ·ofter the ogre erne nt be CD me effective. At flrst t!.-:1sr& ··•D.S n0 gu.tdonce os to the exoct meoning 0 f t.he. term mil.lto:t .. Y fnrces, st•pplies. end equ.tpment, ond Sr')me units .tnterprete.d itt, . ., mean cr;mplete Q3ffiil:ttoriZDtir')!1. T.td.s wss- 0bViOt1 8lY 1mpr?Sfllble, Dorticvlorl" in v ie~r of the foot the evDcooted p0s.tt:tons had peen e·st1:1bl1nhed ond developed over D period of some J.S 'm,;nths; bt,t :tnsofor es proct:tca'lble, D:tv:tsion t•nlts el•:)ng the l'T,-q comryJ.ieC1. Hitt: .. the. nrov isi•'1ns of tl:1e eo;ree meP.t. ~4 hm'I' 1·10 rk ncheC1.1'].e o uere ·astobllshed, sn.d mointolnede Everyth.tng lm:ned iet:eJ.~r ·ti.seble t.het CtiUld be mr1ved in sefet·r r:;1nd Ni th thA ffi8Dn ot hond Nos evDcuoted(l It ~,·ros o tremendou!'l tssk.. It 'tii!:)Emt t Qi")f:11)J.eted, but efforts to d0 so were slncere; the lest unit to leove t.he ,Demilltorized Zone Clid B•l ~··tth nnly minutes t.; rroore.

Terro:tn in t.he oector ons.t~ned the d:tv:tel.-m dictoted ~·rf.th­dr e't'1ol f sr· be~umd the so,,therrr boundarY of thA !emil 1 t or:\.zed Zone. The be.st defe::s.tve ground lo~r Sot,th, ocr•ISA t.be IliJT.',! "q.tVP.r, Nhere p0Sl t:trms .hsC! [:llreody b,:,en tentDtlveJ.'r selectee •





Korean War Project USMC-00128056


I..~e ev .tng one reg:tment !Jorth of the l:~J!::l as £l ;5enerel out­post, the div isi0n c0mpleted ~.ts mo\Te in e three de;;· period-­tt<ro Cleys less thon the time ello't"led by the Corps carect1ve. The rop:td 't-rithdro.''~'el ives mode posoible by the reloJGively short d:tctencoo the respective u.n.tto had to cover, bt~t the speed '•'l th t~rh:tch thejr established hesty defenses· in the new orG oo demonotr oted the :sene tool o.ir of. do t•bt ond di struet of th~ communiiJt en em~· 1 the ceooe 1'ircl nottv:t thsto:--~d.tng. Extensive reconnolsoonce ond detoiled plortning beeon et once. The new J: )Sit ions ~.vere n0t only to be fortified, bl't yrot>_;J.d :follow o concept Nhich d:Lffered radlcoJ.ly from the old ~.J_,J.

E. Toe tiual 0r:2: onizotion of the Loin Bottle l?ooi tion.

No onG, :tn the J.oter doys of the fi~:hting olonG the l·«,l, expressed on~r lil'i.ing for its l.tncor dc1:tneot1on ot~G ~er1er£11

J.ock of depth.. Eighth .Arm:y~ "t>rith plons prcpored~ olJaited onlY the opportm:d.ty offeree by the ormistice to· esto·~'lish E.l defense in depth on ground of its own cht")Os:tng. To illt,s­trote the emphosis the N-my ploc!ed on obondonment of t.l·.te linear defense, and the adoption o:t' a strongpoint-i!-:'. depth defense • l·71tness the follov.r:tnt; message of I rs Cnrps, 1.vh:tch 'tvao sent to 1 ot l:ar:tne Div:t sion on 4 Jtu.;v:

rrrn all documents dealing w:tth poet ormist:tce plons end operations, the term 1 ~<a:tn Battle Posi tion 1 l'lill b..; \)Ded 1·rb.en referrinc; to oro de si;;n ot lng th.e l0 cation of for word elements of o dofel1S:tvc pooition" The tcrm t~;aln Line of :tl3s:tstonoe' io m:LsJ.eadln?;. :tnoocul"ate, ond w:tll not, repeot l1t")t, be used., All post ormis­tice documents .tsot•ed or to be lsst•.ed vrill be correctad accord:tngly~u

Not content mer·eJ.y Wit.h D c~·.~o.n.;e of desi];netior:, 2·enerel :.~o:~:l'rell D. T oylor, Elghth Army 0ommander 1 speJ.J.ec1 ot,_t his defensive :tdeos for the respectlvG dorps Commsr;der•s .in a con-:­ference held early in July. ".:hot follows is a reEn:n~ef of h1s Ct?mcent s.

The defense, Genere1 T::clor etated in effsct, ~·ot•ld be be,sed on the pr1nc :tple of "~oll lvl th the punches, It ond the c?ncept would oppl~' on the corps ordi ormy level.. .As v .tsual­ized by the Genersl, the army expe ctelib to absorb the enemy o.tteck, o:-td t.hen counte~··.::JttocJ:: :tn corps strength. To moke th.t s possible.; the C!efer, se woul·d be in depth ot~ 0 checJ;:er­boo.~:~d pottern of prepo:red tvctictil J.ocolities. ::!:octt of these \·mvld be :tn bott olit.,n st!"ength. There l'JO l'ld be no ot~ch thing oo o l~!::lln Combot 01:tpos t in the .P;rmy l~~o.tn Battle Position, GenerEJl Te~;rlor declored. Inoteod, outpoots ~N'01.'ld conCiuct their operotit",no os net forth in t.he Field :~onue:ts. .A pecl'llority of this defenoe ~~ould be prt:JV.tded by the Demil:\t-



Korean War Project USMC-00128057


• -•• £,r.1..ved Zone; tha enemy wo,:1d hDVe. to cross D zor~e o:F: ot lee1st 4000 YDrds in order to reDch t:lny stron6-po1nt in the· :.~e.tn Bettle :Position.. .Accordingly 1 or tiller;:{ should be pJ. :o1ced Hell fot'Werd initially in order• to provide lon~ r•enge fire.

i:ith:Ln tba lleJ.n BE1ttle l?oslt1on 1 G~nel"Dl TDylor continued, tt:o bettoJ.ion t'1o t'J.d provide the locru. defens.tve t' .. (Lit, o:,d breCJk­lng up nr min~li!lg of tt.:•ito WDS to be t:JVoided.. In tbe event Eln~· soct:ton of t.~1e front Wt:JEl hit by lcrge enemy forces, those ln l"''BSB!'Ve posi tlons rJCCUpy.ins tc:ct1CD1 locolities in depth wo vj_d remt;Jln i11 pl 1:100 ~ Po ni tiona Dre not reinforced under tbi o concectG A a .ide f r••)m llm.L tGd octi()n Ni thin bett el ion «e­f.zr,se pos.Lt~ .. nr::~J,. co·tmtsrettecks will normDll.Y be· honc!J.ec1 by the Di visiott Oomrlionder wl th Di v 1 si\')n me .9ns. Inf 11 tr1:1tion s between positions are pre-svppooed Dnd even invlted ... Heed-. qt.~erters 1 ortill.:'rY DEd service units meet be pr3pol"'ed to hondle locol infll trotions ..

Hi@1 ground, J.enero.l TE~~'lor pointed out, hos voJ. m chiefly for observotion. It .to ofter.· o d:i.r..odvontose toctlcoll~r. It is moot diffictu .. t to conceol onc1 comouflo._:;e, ottd ohol'lc1 be occupied with Dl,tO.mDtd.C. weopons onJ.Jr if the~r fl t into t::he overoll flru plDL!~ D~r OC0Up;·:i.n6 th~ 'peoko of aU .. the terrDin kr.obo,, 1·13 lat t.l.:e enE1my kno\-r t-.!here tve•:>v:.:•e, o~-,d -.;hus enE~ble hlm t·~) mnother us with Drtillery ond m·;rt1:1r f<'Ll'"'G DB he o.ttE~cks. The oc eo uJ.d wtill b,, d'l•.rnmy pos.t ti. ons to o~Jsorb hlo fires. By dispe:.."'oln::; J.cn11cr c1ovJL we spreod his f.Lres Eli.,d moke better uoe of our weopons in defensa.

The Jenerol odd~d ttlot bn:.kers for moch.tne ~t'l~~s s.hould Dllow f.'tre not on1;)' on t~.:.e f.Lnol protect.tve llne, but should hove 0 no ther ope.r:1:'Lng or supplement ory empl [Ice mer~ t, so ttle ;;un C0\;ild be m•-:lVOd to onnist in o f.it;ht .h:side the defer,s.tve pl)Si tions. And he conol t•ded "";1 th 1:1 stotemen t tbot 1therein terr oln perm:'L to, reveree ol ope po sl tions ore mo1.1t effect lve; the.:· receive much less of the enemy prep~rE~tor:' :f.'lres.

B~r 30 ,Jt'lY, t.h3 too ticol \111 thdr o.wo1 to the nev,r :;oin Bottle positions hod been complated, 1:1nd o new phase be31:111•.

The plon :for orsonizotion of the new 1st l·r[lr'o\..ne Division :~1:1.Ln BDttle Pos.i. tion .ts sho1,~n on Er:closv.r3 (J.). r:L'his plon reflects the Eighth .Army conc.ept of defense on 1:1 1·r.ide front. I(~deed, the tocticol locDll ties were pJ.oced on the mD:p by the Corps Comm1:1ndar, 1·1ho thus o.ssv.med hlmself t-rt~ot .is l'Bl'Dll~r the pre:rot5ative of the locol comr..londer.,

1:.tthin tue frDme't'-'ork of this plt:Jn 1 the J.st l~orlne Divisi0n wo.s disposed to defend1o tot1:1l of nome 57 thot,sond m·,tero. T1·1enty-o1x thousend of these J.D.~' EJouth of o good obstocle, the Il-lJI:J R.iver. The remolndar~ how.:wer, were :·Jorth of the river, Elnd therefore frrmted dlractly on the~ iJ:JF ecrons t.l11::: Dsm1lltsr.tzed Zone. Troop di spo oi t.ion to :Jover·;~ Jithis e xoe sslv8 f r•,)ntllge beors comment. ··



Korean War Project USMC-00128058



One regiment, the 5th Ner.tne a, wss deplo~·ed :~orth of the I.~JIN Rt ver es e. 6ener ol ot•tpo st. This re :;.t ment t-Yos, ot the tlme of the ceose fire, oe:·.trolly loooted; ell its un.tts were :Jorth of the river; 0nd it hod no·t; been engoged in the recent h~Jov:r fi::;;htine for the. EERLIH Outpost$ Tr1ese fo.ctors contributed to :\.ts se].ectil")l1 os the Ot:tpost Ur1ito

The Dlvl sion i'Jos embarking upon o mission en t1.rely new in l~0rlna Corps histor~': the preporotion of 0 dellbel"'Elte de­:r. :;n se on tt1a vrlcle f::,·-mt oonc,:3rt. In or3onizing the pool t1on, it WCJB poonible to t~tlll~e very llttle in the wey of previously e.x.tstin5 pool tions Bt'ch os the o~.d ZA.Jb.AS ond ·~L~OI~ING Linea. I!!. essence, th~ L.flln Bettle Position was oJ..most completely ne'T,-J. To pn;pN"C thls position prr.;perl.Y, the cl.ivison needed tlme, c.r.id socurlty. ,ACCt1rdin:;ly, tha 5th 11ior1nes Nere rc.tn­f.orced 't'rith o com-con;y of the Tonk BEJttollon, EJ!1d themselves emborked upon tht:;- p:.·eporetion of strot!3 positions, to fvrther gt'.t~rontee the ct·cceos of their prcJtGctive mission.

In o rout:l..ne relief of rec;lm3nto from the :::r .. -:1, t.he '7th 1-:LerL~te s hod moved i tn he odqt; cr tars 0nd two bottolioC!S scDQ'os the UiJI:~ :\iver two doyo before tho ormistice viEJS s:t5.ned. It 't·Ios loc;1col 1 ond economical, tho'S they orsonize the r.tght sector of tho Ho:Ln Bottle Position, tbJ o:r.Jo in \<Ih:\.ch they hod olr·:' od;v ..:;otubl ished comps.. ·

Grc otc ot ben.e :fit could bo achieved from t-he 1 ot ::: .C BOT by plocin:,S it in o d~;fons.ivG position similar to t~.tot 1t.t which it hod olreody g0.'t.ned experiur!oc. In fighting ~Jlon~~ tne 1'18, the K~.Cs hod demonstroted skil)_ ond fort:\.tude, bt'.t t.b.oir offens.tve copobilitJ' 't·Jos on untno'tm quent:Lty. ~/:o,..,·~~over 1 tho proopect of coordinating fires bctwcsn odjocant units ocross t.l'.LG longu0 ge bC~:r.rier dur:'!.n:?; counter-ottocl~ posed 0n obstocle tr1ot o.bovld, if possible, be ovoided.. They were assi;;ned tb.G sector to the left of the 7th horines to occt·py,· or:::'DfllZe ond defe!·::.d.

To the 1st l<or.ines fell the misoion of d.tvision reserve. They, in compony with eleme!'!tS of t.::le T0nk Battalion, l·'ouJ.d provide the counter-Dttocking force ogo.'Lnst enem~r httrt~sion

into the division sector. In adC\itlon, it was t~leir tc.1sk to prepore the blockl:,g posl tions 'tvhlch provided odd:\. tionol depth for the division.

De opi te htw lng f(W r reg Li;e;, ts to deploy 1 1 t 1'Ir.:o still n3cess0ry to resort to provi.siono1 orgoll.iZotions to meet the frontage commi tmer~t. The Amph.'t.bi0n Tractor Bottalion was re­toined os inf'~.:H•try in the sector fronting on the r:<JI:·T ~iver

the:J7 hod ·0ccupied prior to 27 July. This mlsslon 't'lo.s ossigned tt·~em ;·rel:,.ctCJntlyj these men covld moro profitobly hove been employed OlL their tr octors to · .utrengthen tha copobili ty to ~orithdro'ltJ the generol ot~tpost in the event LIE~~~y o•d F~E:::DOlf Br:Ld2;e s were destroyed. The KI::PO Pen in svl e sector t·Je.s defended

SEC3ET -5-





Korean War Project USMC-00128059



by the LVT(.A) Battolion and o bottolion of lC.Cs from thc 1st .:~~-C RCT, which hod four bettelions; both these Ol'"';}on:i.zDtions were under D prov isionDl r~3blme::rtbl l'leodql.'D.!'ters~ ·

The forecoin.; d:topositl•m co1~~t1nued in force until mid­b:pt(:;i;:bc~r, 1!17hel'L t~1o r..?.J.eDSe o.i.' two ::: .C bDttDlions Dnd o Regi-me:, tel I-I8DC:.qt'Dl"'t3l"S _;roup from iSlDnd occt•poti•;n roEJponsibilitics enDble cntoblishmc~t of o much stronger defense on the left. ~71th thes8 troopn os the nucleus, the 2d i_,::.c Regiment l'ros estr.,bl:tshod, 011 :~2 Beptember t.::1;l..s new r:~giment relieved the J. ot Ampl'::i.bio(L TrDc~or Bottol ion. The sector was then defined

0 s the Lef' t lo{Lrae~.t ol De ctor, ond the sa ctor occupied b~r .t.he lst r::.c ::iCT (--) Nos deoignoted tJ:w Center Rogimc:mto1 Sector.

The .Amphi.bi[:JE TrE1ctor Bo·tto11on there upo~-t rcwarted to a role more svlted to .its oopobili ties: one compony 'irros ploced ot ~:OLl~I-·00 ln I~~CHO:J El:)rbor for use; in Dmph:l. biovs trl:)ln:i..ng exor else s; ono ther com:r:any was l OCl:)ted l:)t UPOO:JBILl .. Farry site, wlth r:->ne plotoon eoch loooted l:)t LIBE:.:- ond F'R33DO~~ Brldges, hoving the mission of o ns:tstlnt; the North Heg lment, if reo, u:ired, ln a wlthdrl:)wal ocrosG th-:: DfJI:.J R:ti·or. The bo1once of the Bot­tDlion l-IDS locoted ot ASG~":. 0ITY,

In CDl"'lY October, pol.'!.t.Lcal :J.eveJ.opmento .in [o~~co b:r•ought obout chon,~es in d:i.sposi tion.. T.l'lere Wflro r:1ots·."'Dr~d demonctroticms in the Non-RepDtrlote Pli eomps ln tl.:0 Demilltor.i.zed Zot",e neor P ~"'J:~n~JOII. There -v:os rcasc.1n ·'~o beli::.ve, on tb;; one hond, the

1s ..,ners• mic•l1t b,..,., 1" ")Ut "''"' the~r "•lOJ."'s~·reo• r"):·· J.,.,e -tl1er pr (,.. . o ·' "' o ~ l ~.- •. . •.•. 1. c •. _ ., ... "') . •.. L. ... _ u _ ,

RJIC Preslder.t Dyn2;mon ~h13e thr3otened l:)rmed lnt3rveEt:\.on to rele ose South Kor8 Dn ·sympothiz.ero omong tl:e internee o from whet he termed 11brt'tol treotment 11 on t.b.e port of theil'"' CFI guordlons. In t.::1:t s s:t tv at ion, :9::i.5hth .Army held. the poll tlcol rel iDc;LJ.i ty of tht: ROK troops, lrtclud.i.ng the lC.Cs, t1t1bjc:ct to qt~estion.

At 2350 I 8 October~ D meo DDge ~Jo.S r2 ceived fr'l)!l] I rs Corps '\"lhich directed thot the L.O Botto11on occup~'ing the Main Bottle J?osl tion in tl'w vicinity of .tT:::t:;.:=Do:; Bridg-:; be reLieved w.t thot,t delo~r by o L'G llor'Lne bottolion. Tho messoga further stoted thot other e).emen ts of the 1 !;t I:l .. C R:JT co t'.ld he rediSDo sed if deslred. It ·wan tt~c;refore 'o:>rd~ered by the 'Jomml:).L:cding -2-enerol ot OS0330I thot tt1e center ond r.igh t ~:~ .C bott 81 ions be J."el.ieved by tl,ro battolioES nf the lot Jvla.rlnes, tt~e Reserv~ Rct:;lment 1 and tt'J.l:)t t.he relieved ~G.C bottollono shoUld be loc.::1t{jd on .P.El.E l:)!1d Gtt,A.'qL,IE blocking positions .. These moves, designed to pln down the Kl~Cs militol'"'il·.' for poLttlco·;_ reesons, were dir•ected by verboJ. order of the Commm1d."t.ng Generol, By noon on 9 October the reliefs hod been completed; the 1st Hor.Lnes osst,_med the m.tssicl;ls oscl3;ned tt1e Center Re?;iment, while the infcl~~,try

betto11ons of the 1st ICfC -qcT u:ndertook the missions of the Reserve Reg.tment. i~eDmvhile, l:)t 03)0, the Commo.ndin::; Generol hod d.trocted the 2d bl:)ttolion 1 lnt l:orines, to move Dt once to posi tirms orou.nd v:n::mo~: Brldse, in order t,,:; Dl"'C:'irent un­l:)t'thorized movement ocroos tho bJ."'idge of ct ther :Jon-:qepotrlote




Korean War Project USMC-00128060



T0 m~tntsln u.nt t lnt ... grl t~r, one 13l1!;1blP the a..tvis.trm tl"l Cer'r~r r.n,t ltn onst:;:1ed mtsoi,-,ns, ot1l1 ,.,tl:.:3r mrn(lmcmts snC' chon?,:~S r,•ro,rr,J roqt·tr~;:d:

(J.) Operfltiono~~- c•;ntr0l 0f the Jeft J<:"MIJ Bottoll•-,n (tb::"J lnt) ln t.b.o ':!enter ~".7,:\.rtdntoJ. Sec:t0r ~·'D8 Possed to t~1o J.cft rc>P.:lm~'mt, the 2d K1 ·o,. Soorr1 ·t;t1;.r.'c.Jfte::r. tb.·· 'bo,·nder~· b""tNeen the left e"'.d ce~~\ter r'?·'LrnJn.t:n ,.•or. odjPnt·"d occoro.:i.ngl'·.

(2) Tbo :'~:c .Ar•till'Jl'~r botto:t.:ton ,_,ron m·;voa .t~·ttf) n0o:ttl•")n 1-•lthin t.l:.o L·l,"·i; "ge:_:;imrH1tol f;eot0r, bet•'..::_; rcli0VeC\ b~· o P8 Ar'm~' Artiller;y l'ottcJ.ion ..

(:?3) TNo 0o"s J.otcr, on 12:.-0ctobe:r, tl:.e J.r.t :c·c Bottolil")n l'lDS rel.teved by the ?th Bettc,J.ion, 00 i:C"C 'qe~;i:mnt. T'pr;n . relief, the lot K~·:c BsttC~li•-,n r"'1l·:·wr')d the 1st :9ottoli•"):". 1 ?th I:or in eo ()!1 pont t-1•"'>!1 ond l'I)'OO pl occd n1der 0P"r otlonol ODn t'Y"() 1 ()f t l-.~ ?tl., l··T r·l;·.o.., (t!1e 'C.too1'1t n_.,[l' 4 ment) ,.,,.,e 1 nt Pntl·] ,on • ,\..z.\.:".f ........ 0 .L-~...._, r~J -~ I1J ·_).t... ,-~·_:_:,.L .... J t: .... ~.. -··"'·) t:.' J JD-~ ......... , ?th !~orlt"t3S tl:en be:co~··o ov·ollobJ . .:.: f0r :I:~o'7"1'"lx troln.tn~.

At 1330 9 Oct•..,bcr, the 2d Bottolion, 1st lforlnes: (except for one comnon~r), ;'roo ~3liev~d •Yf lts ml ns:t,Jn o!"'.5 r.:tt,rr~ea · tn its osscrnbly or•:Jo. J..lt 1930 tbo ~·emo.i 1'..tng Cl")mnon·" ,.,ros r,:J.:i.ovcd b" the D.t v 1 s 1 0n ~ :~ unnn c<u1D o:-, ce 1J,., m~; .:_:~n~r, N~~: t cln1 o G pl o c ed u.t:.d Gr.' OPCl"DtionoJ. co·~,~:roJ . .lf tbe N•""'Y"t~i. 'Rer..:imcnt. ":'he 2c1 B0 ttoJ.i0n, 1st 1~orlneo, t':'et-, become ov,;o.tloble f,-,r Horh'!X tro.tning.

As o rr1ou1t 0:1" these c1.::o.'.?es, tbc Clisnoslt.ton ·Yf 1~1-::e U.l'llto on the Voin Bottle Poslti··)n and in Div18lon ~.')serve Hos so f()l-1 ()i•TS:

Left "tt2,c; lmen t

':iiq:ht '"-ie.?;.tment

1~ 6th ond 7t~ Bottollnns 1")!1 !'PP.. ( 5tb Pottol:tnn una,-~r operoti0nol 00~trnl ~:t~n() Pt"ovlsionol ~er,-~·~.m3nt).

2. 1 at T~~ ·c Arty :911 D/ s. lnt Yorina ~agl~ent

2. One Bottolion ln ~eserv~ ( ov o U -?-Ole for I' [;1J''lB X tr o lnlnS') •

?th Morine ~e~tment.




Tv.r,., Ifol":Lne ::?Dttoli,ns, J.nt rr:'C Botto11on o.n ~fEP. One Bottoli0n in r~serve Covotleb1e f,;~: Yorl~x t'l"tlllnlng).



Korean War Project USMC-00128061



Reserve Regiment 1st ~-C RCT, minus one bottolion.

Severnl problems orose e1S [:.1 r'3SUl t of the fore£~oin._:s red.'LS:!Y'lsition of unLts. First, the schedule for un.its pnrt.tc.tpoting in ~ic:.1X'loxe s hoc1 to be revised. The ori3inol pl on vros j;o send the bettali·~ll-tS of the reserve regiment on the exerclses. Now the nenter end right regiments, ee1ch with one batt [Jl.Lon in re Jime 1"ttal re sr.) rve, would altern ate .in providing a t a·c tD11on fc:r. j_ .orl ex tr oin.Ln5. ~Jhile t.l"::e reserve bett eli on from one. reg.imont r .. yr.ticipr.1ted :i.n the exercise, the reserve bottol:\.on from tl:'3 o·cJ:.ar r0gim8nt 't'IOUld conduct its pre-sfloot troin.'Lngc Ry POtDt'i.n.:..· th~ bat·calions wlthin these two regi­ments in·c~.· o reserve role, all bottal.ions woUld in due cot,rse po.rticipoi,c-., Deta.i.Lec1 pJ.~1lHl f'1:1r the ltorlex troining of the b[:.lttelions of ·the Jenerel Outpost 1e _:siment (the 5th Marines) were not formed at this ti@e.

Constr·uction in the l~oin BEJ.ttle Poslt.ion was ol so E.Jffe cted. It wes nc ce s sery, becov se of the difference in the nu;I:ber of personneJ_ ossigned to defensiVE; sectors in the left o~~td center resiments 1 to revise the original estimates for the number of defensive positions r~quired in those areos.

c.. Constructton of the Lo.tn Battl,e l?osi tlon~

On 30 July the Div.is.1cn r<;)Gcived o di:::'ective from I t:G Corps which outlined the princlple s t:J be follotr:ed .in c,;nstructi.r:tg the netrr 't)OSi tion.. i'lB a mJtter of interest, pertinent parts of the messo~~;e ax·e nupplied::

:Part 1. In org anizin;?; tl"le L.LP, emphasis will be pl oced on construction of cascmoted observation posts, the emplGcement of A.l• w.ith flanking fix•es, and cJ.eorin.:; of fields of fire for these weapons. Commo trenches ~<!ill be genero.lly lim.i ted to those no -..e sse1ry to provide covered routes for reinforcements and to assist oountoraLtack. :~o livin._s bunkers will bt; constructed.

Part 2. Dispersion end conceelment wlll be observed on both forward slopes Gnd in def.iladed posi t:lons. Emer­_sency air-roid shelters vllll be av all oble for ell per­sonnel. Reserve trainln~ areas need not be dispersed to the extent of foY'ward pos.t tions; however, emergency fox hoJ.es r.-rill be dug. CP end s.ignnl instDllatlons will be org[:,1!1iZed to resist shelling and oir attack.. Artillery posi t.tons will be dug in; overhead cover ~·rill ordlnerl~'

not be provided.

;r:n implementing thl.s pollcy, division coordinated, it":• generol the omo8.nt [:,J!1d types of positions, esteblished standords, nnd :;:·.> allocated the mDteriols for their construction. ·

It 't-ros eorlier mentioned tnat the General Outpost Rezsiment, e. side from being reinforced wl. th o. t nnk compony, was d.irected to fort.tfy its posi t1oJ1B. This departure from doctrine wao required :ror two reosons. ":"8- SroREI'



Korean War Project USMC-00128062


• • CE~~ I

First, the Demilitorized Zone to ita fron'·;... mode t,tilizEJtion 1">f en odVf.lnoe ooverin~ force impossible. Seoon6, the need to gein sll the time possible for the troops bulldln5 the loin Bottle Positions mode it msndatory that the Gener£11 Out:oost accept close combet.

Cector v'eapona--on extre~ oJ.lowf.lnc~ of outomatic we epons to bolster o p~:i:.::-aticular E!reo~-were Dl.J.ooeted to the CTenerel Ou.t-Po s t oc:o. ::r,in E ottle Pool tions ofter just if.i. cot ion by subordi­nste units. P:::..oclcLn.~ posit:t,.,ns were or~oniz"'a fo,... occUpancy by

inft;lntry 't,;Jtt~:J1.lons '~'11th only T/::.:: we0pons. They were emer5ency posl tions, eeD1£Tt":l f'o:r use of v.rh::,tever un.t t thet might be ovolleble. to th::. Di·~·isl,.,n CJommend.er ln the event of deep enemy penetr Elt lor.t. '.17h u.sJ they were or•g0. J .. zed end constructed so [ll1y

battalion co~ .. d fi~ht from them with e minimum of femilierizetion.

A concomite;nt 0f the all-.sr'ot'nd organization of bettolion et:rongpoints ,,res emmun.it.ton supplies sufficient to permit them to fi~ht on even thoueh by-pessed or surrounded. t'nlt command­~rs 0lmost ~1t once subm.i tted reqvests fo::-- EJdE:lq\'ete stocks, besed, in generol 1 on estimates for four dey 1 s supnly. After Eighth Army ClelibFJrotlon, these were .Jr oot.icollY out. Po J..i tlc s pro-vide the most plotHJibJ.e e:r.plenetion. Presldent 't:{hee ~.v-as threaten­ing uniJ.. oterol v lol at.ton of the oeose fire a::;r"emento His

ections in the post gave reoscn to belleve thot, siYen the neces­sery supply ond equlument, he m.i.J;ht cor-ry out hlo threat. Thus, ~OK Arm~r d.tvislons across t!:::e front were Sl'pplled wtt.t1 only enou·~h 0mmunl tion for op:t=:J:.•ox.imateJ.. y one n DY: s f.t:;h tin ~c- It "res not considered politic to ::;.l..'ve other United .::·Jotlons forces larger Btocks. The result ~·los thl:lt eooh bottellon strongpoint wes .3iven one bosic lood £JB defined by the Fleld l·lonuels. It wes e stimeted thot this wes suff 1cient emmunl tlon f.ot' J..e ss then one hour of the type of fightin.:S thot hod chereoterized the old }~L'R .tn its vloJ.ent moments ..

There ,.~oo reoson to believe the division wovld r~meln in the sssl;s'ned sector for mony months. Train.tng pl ens included provislons for omphi.'blous exercioes which woold, perforce, invoJ.. ve rot etion of the vor ious x•egiments ln to the reserve role-.. For tacticol os well os eoonomicel reesons, it wee decided thot in so fEJr es pr octl coble po si tlons onc:e conotrt· cted "JOUld be stabilized. Thls '~los to prevent mojol"' reorgenize~tion whenever o neN tmlt rototea into o position.

Pr.tori t~- wen :Siven to empleoemetrt of automoctio weepons, providin;:; f:t;ht:tr.g holes for lnd'i..vlduols, ana lay1n6 nro­tP.ctive 't·Tire. Approprlote empheo.1.s Cit ell eoheJ..ons \-roe 6iven to the des.t:r:eo':;.tJ.ity of C£lmout'loe:;e, end a credlteb:t .. ~ amount of effort Hos expended·--bu1~ to 1\ttle e'JoiJ... It provee 1mpo eslb:te to comou fl f16e the z:re et vn1 ume of spoll from the extensive a.tsging reqv.ired properly to emplace bw1kere; end et leost dt'rlng constr,·ction, berbed wire ento!!glements mode so~rs on the mounto~nsides thot were v.teibJ.e for milesa ~ome

sol see ,--b,·t only some--w£ls :Seined from the know:tedge the COF,

SECR~T -9-



Korean War Project USMC-00128063


BEC'R"':T • • those mosters of osmoufl age, were hovins- their d:tff:toul ties.

The trooe of enemy defenses in preporotion 't-JSG dis cernibJ.e eo­rosa the Demll:ttar:l..zed Z()ne with the naked eye ..

Suoh visible P.vtdence of the enemy n:'"'~sence snPrred on con­

atructlon, bl't dur:l.ns the first six 't-Teeks the constrv.ctlon

Affort lost m..;:1ny mon hours to e closcl~r re1oted program of eqeel pl"iO!:>.'t.t~r~ salVD:Se o:r mClterisl from the Demil.ttsrized Zone.

The J'..:..-~m:~stlc'J f., ':reement proiTlded thot esch n:l.de covlC!. con­

a uct B~:JlV ,:::.=;:: ope1•otlo!'c8 'ld th1n !Lt s hCllf of the Dem.tli tariz?.d

Zone d1..'r.'t.n_; H.te 45 cdoy period :tmmedlatAl~' follo..,ring the ceose

flre. It vJoS r<?c;u.tred tb.st e:.J. troops c1nd equ.lrment be removed

during t.b.e f:i. ~ ... st 7?: hov.rs, and th.ts, insofor ClB pract.tcal:;l~t,

'llras done. T.he scole of the operetlon st:l..ll to be performed·

become opparP.nt on 30 JUly, "t-7hen e I tTf.: Corps dlr~ct.tve stClted

in nClrt;

"In fortlfy:tng new pos.tt:tons, maximum use will be m~:Jde of

solVB:?:ed materiels from oJ.G. battle position. It is es-

sent.t al thet 9 t~10rou ::=;h end core fUl sol v ose be performed

in on. ports of the old po F'l tion slnce onl~r 1 iml ted ov.on­

t:l.t:l..es of new moterlClls w:\.1J. be ClVCliloble for use; for

exompl e, no rno fin?.; p oper ie ov e1.il Clble f:) r iosve ond bt,_nkers

mvst be 1•'ot~r···proofed by GiDteriCll sol voged ft'om roofs of

e xlstln 3: bt.on1\ex• s. E::ch div.ts ion ond corps ortiller·: Nill

immediotely prepore e :noster pl£111 for further· oonstr1•ct.ton

in .tts sre£1, ln S'Ll.ff:t~ient c:tetClil to estimate qna:·;tltlies

of constrvctlon matertols for the entire prt;ject. A St.'.r­

vey of mote ro l~:Jl oov oil Cl1Jle from Ssl v oge wlll llke1•1lse be moC.e ond subtrocted from gross reqci.rements so ClB tn deter­

m.tne net requlrements for n&w m0teriol remClinlng after

solvsge. T.be moster plCln o11d bill of moterials shmAliiW net requ.trements ~rJ.\.11. be subm.t tted to .thls heodqus·.-.ters by

10 .Augvst. !Jo new constrt,ction moterl c.ls "'1111 be issued

to front line di-,rts.ton o:r oor·ps Clrtlllerjr u11til such

plens .hs've l'"ece:tved Elghtb Army opproVDl Cll1d until oll

ov oil obl e BCllv oge o ble moter :l..Cll hvs been reel oimed, Cl~·~:d

re t.• sed. »

.A period of fl ve doys el cP sed before sctuol wn rkoo1..•ld begin;

odm.tnistrot.tve procedures for entry into the m:z "/ere being worked out. Regiments, wlth the exception of the reserve,

were ClSBigned Clre os along tbe olC: I::.i:R w.t th which they were,

by vlrtve of recent experience .• most fClmiliClrfl Actual s~voe;e

began on 4 .Au.:;uot, end continue1 unt.tl 13 September.. Dur.u1g

the period 4-31 August, efforts of the re;.tments were obout

equally c1iv1ded be tt,reen solv oglng the old posl tions ond the

constr'l~ction of the ne"7• By 1 September lt wos ClPPerent t.b.ot

increc1Bed effort 'tlrovld be req_v.tred. to complete the selvoge by

13 September. Durlng the en sv .'t.ng two wAeks first prlorl t~r




Korean War Project USMC-00128064


SEORET • • 'tires giver. to salv ege; the constrt.•otion of poe i tiona and treln.tng

personnel to men them wee postponed.

The C\:tvisior( weo commended by the I es Corps Commender for

1 ts perfoJ~motL ce aurlng o~.v ege operetlons. DismentJ.ing the old

bottJ .. e nosl tlons, bull t over o period of elghteen months, hed

to be dnne olmont entlrely by hend, end o_soinst time. Ordnonoe

end er;·::;lnser eou.'l.pment of o volue spprqx.tmet;ing $3,150,000 i·YeS

recrrvered, 'lrr.blcl: ls not to ment.'t.on some 315 tons of 1enerel

s,,pnJ.~r end ::ot0P Transport items 1 the residuol volt,e of ·Nhich

could not r"' od ilY b0 de term:\.ned"

E• ~erk.tng end Control of the Damiliterized Zone.

The D:tv.1o~.on \\l'eS required to complete the plrslcol mE~rking of

the ftot 1.therr:. ?otmdo·"'y of t.he Demilitsr.tzed Zone pr:tor to 2 August.

This involved the erection end eppropriote morking of e t'l.l."o­

strend bsrbed-·1r.T"Lre fence serosa the ent.tre 57,000 meters of the

Division front. As e pessi ve de tert'ent to v·iolation of the

Armistice .Agreement by en euthor:tz.ed entry into the zone, a. second fence, celled e ~To-Pesn fence, 'irleD constructed~ It wos

locoted, on the ;:weree;e, 300 ysrdo nouth of the bounder~' fence.

Entry into t.he Dem.'i.litor.tzed Zone \vas lim.tted to membero

of the Mill tor~· Arm.totice Comrr:iss1on or those :Jl'thor izec1 b;y

the I rs Corr's Commonder,. .Army t"'oops from the 1-J.~~JG.A}J-:U

Provisionsl ·uommend operl'.lted c!.1eck stotions cnc1 poltced the

200 yerd Nlae: corridor yor"ellellnt; t:.~lO rood to t.he .;,".lnference

site et l'.P.:T::t•JJO:~, ond th~;; l'eil:r'.-'od into the camp oJ:' the Custodiol

Forces of Indio.. T.he Gener el Ovt.po st -qeg iment ope :co oted Check

points 0 t the eot1 thern Boundory on prineipol roods leedL,g into

the DemiJ..t torlzed Zone.., Sho--tly ofter the i:rlthdro.·Nel of ell

personnel frl)ffi the z.:)ne, D requ.trement 't<J~S Pl.:~ced on the d.tv iSion

to pollee the t"n.ited Notions 1 s hel.f of the Demllltorized Zone ·

w.t thi~~ 1 ts sector. The purpose 'irJos tc meintoin 1 aw end order,

end to provide protection for personnel of the Hilite.ry Armistice

Commission ond 1 t.s ogencie s wh.t.le or;t dutles requtring th ~:tr pre­

sence in the Demlliter.tzed Zonelj:·To 'acccimplis!-r.thio cnios1oh, the

l.S't ::Pro·~ isioncl. De mill ta.r:ized ·~~on~ .Police .Corripeny, ~. selected sro up

or )~arine a~ \'ts.o. e.ct..tv a.t.ed., ·end.' c,t·tached ..Jto tho Generw. ·OU:tpos't: ~e.:·i­

ml1ft"t~·::··. ~i.e;irieJ.:i,Y . .1:0.4'i'if'ltrohg, this number itT as J. Dter Bubo tan tieD y ,o

increased. F. Hi ssions sssigned, end problems ari sine; from the locEJtlon

of the Prisoner of wor cemps end allie<J. agencies, 1n, or neer,

the D.t v lsi on ore o ,,

Hiss.tons extr en eon~ to O'"'g en1 zetion snd construction of

the ne ~,y bE~ttJ. e position were mDnifo:td. The major por tl on of

them \·Jere dt'e to the locetlon of tbe Ncn-'Repst;riete Prisoner

of -:·:er Compound end the Cemp of the CuotodiEll.Forces, Ind1s,

in the United Notions 1 s hr:~1f of the Dem.U.lter:tzed Zone t0 the

left front of the division sector. These vdd1t1onelmtssionsi

-11· ..


Korean War Project USMC-00128065


• • essumed \\1i t.h only modest or no Ot'p:Port from h tgj.1er he_edqt~srters, meterisllj7 depleted the me ens s·vslJsbJ.e to the Division for· the defense of .tts extens.tve sector. ·

The requirement for provid:tn6 specisl fo...,ces to police the DemlJ.itorized Zone was mentioned ~erlier. Other missions were E:1 0 f ol). ONS.

From the lest W13ek in At'gvst, the Reserve Reg.tment wss oomm:t ttea to the extent thst en er,tire bettolion -,:..re.s pleced on o 4 hovr st.o.nd~·b;y ele:c•t for po sol'bl e employment ss s se Ct'ri ty forceo T .• 1if3 misn:ton was ess.tgned ·uy I US Co!'Ps 1 which envisioned the need of on inf sntry bo .. ttelion in the ·event of o distv.rbenoe in the n:~z requirlng the evecue.tion of Non-'Repetrioted Prisoners, m~CEAC personnel) end CFI forces., ~/hot one 1nfontry bottelirJn wo.s expected to :lo ln the fsce of o CCF .A:'m:y, Cor-ps dionl t sey.

In ecldi tion, o two hour slert ::;o:npeny was de sl~sn sted. This wos for possible employment in the event of d.tfficl'l t.tes ctu.r:tng the movement of Non-~epotrlstes into the prison ';H.,mp,nmds •

.AJJ.i·tfd 'ti<Ti th t.he f0r egoinCj, to inm:r e e!"l. orderly trsnsf0l" of the Non-Repstriote o into the el·9tod~· of InCI.ian Forese.;. Elt:hth Army Clirscted s dlspla~r of for··~0 s1ong the route the prisoners trevelled to the De mili t er :tzed Zone;~ The 1st l.Jivi sion so po s:t­tioned .Armored !':r.1d .Artillery uni'to thot the nr.ist..,nt~l'S t'::."'om the.tr trains couJ.d readilY seP t.:;1nka end erm0N)d emphlb:tons in operotion~ onO. watch gun 6r.i.ll.. Bt~ch oct:tvt ty P by oontr'ived oo:\.ncidence, woo in progress du1•.ing the paosoge of ~~ech tra:\.l'l

oorrying pr:tsoners n0rthword.

The I::\. v ls.ton :1e connoissonoe C·')mpony ~rov ided rou.te ae cu.r :tty to the e:f.'oremen t:toned priaoner trs.tna, ond cont:tnued to prov lde eecuritt of the rood and railroad opproach.tn:; Fre·:!dl">m Erldge from the South This l st ter was to gu arentee '''U.I"lre strlct0Cl movement of supplies for the pr.t sone:rs and tt:e:tr ct.'otodlatts.

Presldent ~he~, :tn o fit of po~itical pique, ~efused to permit members of the Custodi ol Fol"'ae s, Indi..9 1 to pl a~c ft.,ot on South Korean soil. The Indian troops thl'O had to be alr lifted from :C:JCHON, thelr po:rt o:f entry, to the Demilits.r:\.zed Zone. Hel1.cot'ters under Div:t aion control 't'll'ere c.'tJ;J,ed ~on to oss:t st in th:\.s lift, and for o t~oro weAl-:: period the Hain Bsttle Posi t:tone: were depr:\.ved of thelr indi spendoble asoistsnce in oerrying fortlfl cetinn ma.teriol s to l'lill s:tds ~osi ti0ns.

Aside from the 25,000 Non-~epotrietes to lts immediate front, the division h13d responsibility for prot-:::ct:1Jm or,d evacUcltion, if nGcessor:r, of severDl thousand personnel of .Army ond H:tlit 0ry

S~CRET ·-12-


'.l,,,.· 11 .. ..,, .,. ,_...:

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Korean War Project USMC-00128066


• • Armlstioe Commission units in su_ppnttt of DCtlv't ti:"!s ~~r:tthin the Damili t orizea Zone. :t Dl1Y of the Be unl t s apPe orod Nl th.tn the d'iv lsion s0 ctnr U.t'lennounced, th m;: complicoting the a lvi sion 1 o prnblom. · t"l timotoJ.y, ofter stron§:: rGpresentotlon tn hl~1er outhr;ri t .. , 1 t Nos orron~ed thst bJ.snket operotionol control Not(l.d p.:;~os~to th,1 1st Division f'or sny unit locetca ln its S3ctor.

PGrho:PG the m•"!nt unvst•ol miAo:l.. on ossigned to the lot I:orine D:tv:tsi•")!1 't·ms thot 0f pot;r,.,JJ.ing tbrl Hz:m ~iver estuo:ry, ne't·(l_y opened to c.tvtl 11hipplng under tb, generol supervis:ton of the ~~llitary .ArmiotiJJ O:.)mmins.i.on. 'l,hls mission reqt•lrc;d the operotions E!!"'.O mE!intenenoc t")f e smoll fleet of boots vory:tng in size from 40 tn 65 fe2t in length. 'rhesc b")ots, ,.,lth al'mc:.d.;~:ME!rine guerds eboarcl, potr·olloo epproxtmotel~' 45 r.n.tJ.:)S of rlvcr end see to enf0 !:"'Co t.l:..c r:JgvJ. etl0ns for civil shipnin::.; Elmong friendly personnel on a cref't·--1n essence D see-go lng pollee det ochment.

Operetlon BIS SWITCH, the exchonge of' pr•isonero ()f ,_.;Dr which took ploce dur.tng Augt•st ond Sentcmbor·. vres undar Arom~r m•pervislon, but invoJ.ved t.h8 O.lvision novertheJ.ess., 12 of:r:'l cere ond J.48 8nl.tstcd men from tb:> d.i. vision wer 1 oti~oched

to the provision£11 command ~~d1ich ou.po:rviscd the operotion; in adol tlon, the mod ic a1 batt eli on prov .tded doctors and corpsmen e 0 c.h dD~' to E!flf:llst in proccss1ns :eoturned prisoners, "'na. I-E·:R-161 fu.rnlsheC: heJ..icorJG(}rG to (.lfl1J:\.8t t11o Army sqv.Jd:-..one .in rDpic1 ev0cuation of th8 ret~rnces.




Korean War Project USMC-00128067

' ~--~ ,. ..



2? July.

The .Armicticc A_;ro ·mont botwc~n the t'nit;cl Noti•>:,o Comm 0 nd.

o:1d thv Communloto ~V"on o:L3nod ot 1000, Th:-1 ccoilO fil~c become

off.:-ctivo .:;1t 2200. The lot K •• c ROT r,;portcd tl1o loot :~otY~do of

i.-"com.L<; ot 2152, 'l'lhon five roundc of 82mm m•,rtor londod. in the

v;l.cini t~· nf COP CA~.il.. (BS 978S88).

Tho \·ri thdl~ot·J!:'l t•) ~;~i~,d cr~on:i.zotion r)f Foot .Armiotic o :...oin

Bottle l'ool tiono Hoo offoctcd. (Soc APpendix IX, S:i.tt.l:ction

Ov ::;rl o:: o).

At 1~00, th; 2Cl BottoJ.ion, lot :~~.c ClOT 0!1d tho J.fJt BottoJ.irm

lot i·ior.t.neo poooed to tho operotionoJ. control 0f t~·1c 5t.~1 :~orinoo,

The Div:\.oion continued "Cr"J organize ond defend tl1o HL?. ond

\•Iorc in tho proccoo of rJmovinJ ouppV.co, equipment end f,")rtif­

icotion m0torioJ. c fr•;m the i.l":?l end tho co, b::t outp,.,nto,

29 JUl.~'·

T::10 4th Bottollon, J.l th l·~.:;1rino o closed CP located ot CS

077900 o.nd ope nod the ncH CE- in tho vi oinit;-l of OS 076896.

Tho 2d BottDJ..ion 1 5th licritlC c: oooumJd oporotionoJ.. c0ntroJ.

of thJ KWL Soc tor o.t J. 200 o

30 Jt:O..y.

The Roconnoicoance Company oocumod occt'rity rccponcibility

for tt1o roil line from OS 055906 north to CS 04194;1 Dt 0000.

Tho 5th ond lut Bottoliono, K~.C ROT olfi;Dod their CP 1 o z;111d

moved to oooombJ.y oro oo J.ocotcd ot OS 062942 ond CS 02?881

rcopoct:1.vcly. The 2d B·o.ttcJ.ion rmtortod to porcnt cc:,trol,

cll')Ocd ito CP o,Jd moved to o.L ooscmbJ.y oroo CS 102938,

Tho 3d BnttoJ.ion, 5th l~orineo rJJ.i.::vcd the J.nt Bc1ttolion,

lot iiorincs ot 1630, cJ.oood it! o ClP ond opened tho neil C!? in

the vicinity of 07 091028. Tho let Bo.tt.:;~J.ior., lot llorlnoo

reverted to porcnt control. ·

The 2d Bottolion, J.st :;or1;1eo cloned lts CP ond moved t0 o;·, o.ooembly orvo. 09?043; \·Thilc tho 3d Bottolion, J.ot :;orincs

clrJo::;d ito cr ond moved to n,·, oooombJ.y oroo locot::d ot CT 089033.

The 3d EcttoJ.ion, ?th·llori!1oo oloood their 0? Dild opened

t.~.:o nc':' CP ot CD J.490J.6j i•tl1Uc tho lot Bottolion, 7th

~~Dr.'..t~e o reverted to p oren t control, cl n cod old CP oc•. d opono d the ne1·1 c.r in tho vicinity of OS 120985.

By 1700, oll unite of tho LiC RCT ond ICiC ArtiJ.lOJ:"'J were oout:

of the Dcmillto;rizod Zone. B~· 1900, W.l units of tl·10 J.st

IlEJrin.os ond the lot Bott.:::J.ion, t!th Eorines compl~ted tho toctical

wi thdro~loJ.. o.:,uth of' tho southern boundory of the Dcmllitorizcd


Pll unit£1 of the 5th Norinos 'vC:6Cl south of the Dcmilitorizod.

Zo.-.~o 1 monning tha 3cnar oJ.. ou tpo ot in the D.t v 1 slon sector, TllO' 5th liorinoo reported 90 percent or the UO PASU fence c,.,mpJ.otod

o.t 2044.



Korean War Project USMC-00128068


'•· .

DECLASSIFIED ;;I' ' . ···~~~ . :'

By 2100, E:U.l of tho lot Tonk Bottolioll ond. p..:roonnol and, oql.dpmon t of tho lJ. th Horine o uoro oouth of th.J Domlll torizod Zone. Shortly tlft;jr''IDrdo, th0 Divioion r.;;p•;rt..:Jc1 thot oru.;· one percent of cJ.l peroonnel Ol(d cquipr,1cnt romoi!DC. to be moved oot:th of tho Domili torized Zone.

At 2200, tho l . .T:·rtJA!'l-lJI Provinionol Commond o<HH'.lllod rcoponoi­bili ty fo1~ tl·le chccl~ point on tl1o NO J? A.iJfJ Line, on rl;uto 1 in thO P Al~l;L:JLO~i Corl~idor (BT 9'J7005)., The tocti col ,.11 thdro,'l'ol cf

oll personnel oo uth of. tho Dom1li tori zed Zone Ho.o Dl no completed d 2200o

31 .!'!lly.

The lnt Eottolion 1 lot Lorinos opo11od ito ncu cP ot CS 090889 O)'ld the 2d Eottolion lJpcnod l.t o n,:n·r CP in tho vlcin:L ty of CS 07'7892; >vhile the 3d Bottolion opened :their CP ot CS 08289'7. 'I'l10 lot 1-iorineo clooGd tt1o old Rot5lmonto1 Cl' ond opened the ne'" aP in tho vicinity of CS 110865 nt 1800.

The 2d Bottolion, 11th l~orineo cloned its old CP N'ld opened tho nc'~ cP in t!1e v.tc1.ni t:y of CT 118005.

Occupotlon of tho k.1.in Bo.ttlo Pooition by tho Div.i.Oicn woo 11.oor completion, J.nt ICC IlC~' ~onumod rcnponnlb.ili t3r :;f the J.cft ooCltor of the lio.in Bottle Poo:ltionJ the ?th llo.r.i.l1uS o.oot•mcd rosponoibili ty of tho ri,3ht ooctor NhiJ.c tho 1 ot lior:\.r:o s p.osumcd tho mi solon of Div i o ion ro oo rvo.

1 August.

At 0930, the lot l;orino Div1olor~ compJ.ctod t.~lo ui thdrowol ond mD)'lnod moin bottle posi tiono oot'.th of Dom111torizcd Zono. Tho 5th U~rinc!J monncd tiw goncrcl ot.~tpoot. Tho lot ~C.C RCT o.osumod roop\;.tu::ibili ty of th.J loft ncc.tor of thJ mo.in bottle pos:i.tion. Tho 7th Ilurinco o.DOW11Cd rospunoibil1ty of tho ri3ht sector.· Tho ).flt Eo.rlnos o.oovmod thv miooion of :::J:tvision Roocrvc.

Tho 3d Bo.ttolion lJ.th llorlnen roloc.::tcct their QP in tho vicinity of C.S 038936. .i\11 artillery untts ln t.t1c scotilr dispJ.o.ood ond prepared to fire in support of tho c:;onorol outpoet ond the ;;Bp.

The occtor of soct·ri ty for tho ~.iCWAH-:n rDilrr;oc1 t'~,a.cr the Divloion Rc co,moioo.::lnco Compon.,' Wo£J cxtcnod ·north from CS 041941 to the southern boundorY of the DcmD.itDrlzod Zone. · ,

2 ~u.guot.

Tho :'I.ilit!,rY I'olioo Cllmpony, lot EI'Jr.ino Division '·ro.o acoigned tho miooion of corridor rood secur.i. ty from liUJl.:lb.I-Iii, horth to tho southern boundary of 'tho Domll.ito.tized Zone.

5 .AU3UDto

The rcp·o.triotion of Prisoners of Wor be;,:;oXh · Prioonero of ltJ;r

were oxchon3ed throu3h the lot Evrino Division sector. 11or:tne personnel o.tt<Jchcd to the UtJ:-W,A:{-N! Provisional Command, Eighth, US Army 1 wcro _osoignod to the T"nitcd :{ationo Personnel £1nc1 HcdicnJ. Processing Un.tt.. C()lcmel ~b.Jrt F. :bttc, US Horlno Corps oomcr.ondod tho pro co seine; con tor. ( eoo A1Jpandix v: OporDtion Big 6\'71 toh ond Freedom Y1llo6C.

8-14 .August.

The Di~iaion oont~nu.:;,d the. ocoupot1on ond m•sonlzot1on. of th~ l~. Tho Division o;).i.w oontinu::~a. s~ vc.1go· oporv.t1ona, mine oleor­.tlJ10if t;~Jid advo.noo pl~ing tor ooti(>.n to. bC:J .token on ovc11t ot ro~ .

.. ·sur.::p:tion of hoo~1l.1 tfr 1!1 •. ·.: 'rhcr. 6tll' t•s~~no,Q, mp~l!1~~~:}n~ . a11n9r4: •. ·

:&mcJ!i~: . . :1• . :. .. . ' ·• ... ,, ' .. i :.~.'i..l -:, <, '. '·1·: ,;


Korean War Project USMC-00128069


a~aFttT · ·~: .· · · ~ ·

outpost, W{i!B d!+od tO; a,OBl!.ffiO raoponsi'bil. tor {!Z'Ot'J!d BOO'\.'X'ity end de stl'uot1on1 on order, of Libby s,nd F.re~m Brid;;co. "This rcg1c11011t wa.o elao given the mlos1on of ft'rniahlng potrolo equip­ped with ro.d!os ond FO teomo to occupy hills 1551 229 and 181 immediotely, in the event of o. r0suc;~pt1on or 11.oatilit1as. Theca pot::"ol o hove the mission of bringing down ertllJ.ery f h•6 on enemy troi)ps conoentrotiono ond tho rols.Y of informat:lon to the mo.in body.

18 A1.l.gust.

At 0930, 7th l·~s.r1nee opened a now CP at Oc 143967, At 2000, tho 2d Eottolion, lst KHC ROT rc1iovod the 3d Bo.ttolion, let· XUO ROT ond posocd to the opcro.t!onol control of ICimpo l?rovioionel Regiment • The 3d Bottelion, lst K:IO ROT revcrted to pororit GOntrol ond oJJOt~mod respono1b111ty for the rie;.ht bo.ttoJ.1on.a. soctor.

19 August.

· Tha 25th Division .Atotillery begon ita dioplocomont to r'Cliovo the .7th Division Artillery when tho 8th Field Artillery Bottelion dopt;~rtod o.t 1200.- Those. unite ere in gencrol· et'pport reinforcing tho 11th llorines.

Divi eion Bull3t1n 109-53 nnnouncing the roductinn to zero of ell Korean ·Berv ioo Corpn pcroonnel over a 5 mo.nth poriod was published~

20 August.

Eighth U. s. Army d1rectoc:1: thot ono battolion be ploood on e CJte.nl1-by ototus to prevent ond restro1n rffl.Y ormcd f\;rcoo :f'r1?m sny e.cts of d.istvrboncc ogoinot locotions t11hcrc non-repotriotcd J)t'ison­oro of wor oro in custody. The lot Har1ne s" woe diro cted to s.ssign thia miosion to one of 1 ts bottoliono. fhe J.ot Bo.ttruion 1st Horinos woe e.ss13ncd tho miGoion.

21 August.

At 1200, 1st KHC RC'l' opened o new CP ot CS 0?9909. Operotion Ordor J.LA:ID-00-l0-53, Orgo.nizotion and Dofcmao of 11 D" Divi aion Sector Haln B0 ttlo Positions, wo.s published.· This Plon Ol1.tl1ncd tho bo.aio instructions oonoorn:il~g ore;on1z~rt1on and dofonso of tho D1vleion sector ond plo.ns to rcswno ft'J.J. ecole militory oporotione in- the event of enemy oota· of oJgroeaion in v iolotion of Armistice Agreement•

24 Auguot.

On orders from ! Corpa, the Division ordered uni to monning tho gonerol outpoot to molnto1n r0cords of olrcr9ft f11f?;hts in vlninity l?f Demilitor1zad Zone to chock tho volidity of olroroft v1olst1ona olleged by Chinese Communist Forces l:l!"ld North Koroon Pooploa Army.

AS 1545, the let Bottolion, 5th I'1orinee opened o. now Cl' in tho vicinity of CS 078995.

26 August.

Forrn& trl!lil1.\l"lg by l_st Ho.r1no Div:l.aion, proposed to ot"ort 31 .August l953,.lfaa rooommanded by I Corps to 1;o ct:on:;od to 14 Septombo%' 1953 ~uo to the inoreosed construction roqt~1rem~nta on ~e~P. · ·



Korean War Project USMC-00128070

~ ..



31 · A\.lgt,.oti -

Tho loc 0t1on of tho CP 1 o ond d.::Ji'oncivo pooltie>IH! of unite throu.shout tho D1vio1c>n aoctor Dro. oo fo1l(mse 5th r:or.tn.c Roe;.trr.ont vrao dopJ.oyed. :fl."'om OS 00591 '( to CT 135080 ooct;pying r;onoroJ. ot•tpoot pooit1cno; tho CP of the rarnpo Provislonol

. ?.oc;.tmcnt vro.s lr)cotoc1 in the vi cin.t ty of BS 84874'7: ?.nd Bbt­'Golion, 1 nt Y.~~C ~CT under tLo oporotionol control of Kimpo Prov ioionol R.;3'imont occ up.tcd ::BP from BS 815806 to 933925; 1 at Amphi't'ion Troctor B.:,ttolHYn, o~cuplod l,·J3P from ES 955023 to BS 00082. Tho CP of thJ·lct KLC ~CT was locotod in tho vicin.~ t:.r of OS 079909 1 \'rith K~.C t'!ll:tto, occt,pyins the J.cft oc ctor \)f tl'~o UlP from BD 980898 to CD 087967. Tho 7th, Uorinoe wore doploy~Jc1 f!'om OS 08796? to CT 134040, occ ttpylng tho riGht occtcJr of tho dBP. Tho lnt Hor:tn-:Jc rom~;,_inca. in Divis ion NJocrvo \·Ji th tbc r(Jgimon tol CP in tho v :\.cini ty of CS · 110865, Tho Regirro nteJ. CP of the 11th Hvrincs '1-Too 1oooted in the vicinity of cs n 4955.

2 September.

! US Corpo dlrccted thot ooJ.vogG oporotiono in the DGmilit­orized Zortc be given priori tj' of work ond mt'.ot be completed not 1 otor t.bon 13 September.

4 September.

At 0800~ the lot l'rovisiono.l DGmilitorizcd Zone ro).ice Compony wos octivotec1.

6 September. \

Tha rcp 0 triotion of United Notions prioon0ro of wo.r within tho Divis ion cector (FRE:::moii VILLAGE) vros completed. ·

8 Sl)ptcmbor.

Opcrotion Order J.:.A..~D-oo-~J.,2-53j Show of Force for Non­~cpotl1iotod Priooners of t..ro.c pLtblishcd.

10-11 September.

SoJ.vogc operotiono within tho Dcmilitorizod Zone a!·.d cons­truction of the moin bottle poeition continued.


liinor incidents involving mlli tory personnel ocot1red th>ring tho period of so:t.vogo opero.tio:w within the DemilltDrizccl Zone, One o few occooions UDr.i11es in the Demilitarized Zone were token in to Ct'.stody by Chinese Communist Force o. ·They were ohr::1rged with being i.n unauthorized territory ond conaeo.t-ently · violoting tormo of tho Armistice .Agreement. Thoy lD.tor re­turned to United Noti'ons militory juriodliotion.

The Division requested thot elements of the 1st Lorine .Air ·1/ing bo de signotod to m:pport one Harine Battalion reoponniblo f6r the security of non-repatriated prioonoro of wor l'mld by Indion ForceE in the Demilitarized Zone.

12 September.

The pr;;oenoe o! Un.ttcd Hotiona military unite.,. Unite.d Notions oomponento of the Hi1ltory .Armicltice Commisoion~ snd ROKA sup­porti118. unite of tho ~fL')'.mA:~:u ProvfoionoJ. OommoJ1d covoeCl. on overcrowded condition in tho div isit.,n sector. In rceponoe to' the Divioion 1 C reQ\.'.eat, operational control of oll non-OOl%1"'" betont forces t'l'ithin :~.he sector hr;~.s boon oiJt'31gned to tho lat Horino Division in tl~jt event of rEn:Jumpt~on of hosti).itieo neoes­e'-toting_ their 1mmed1,~te eveot~ation from the sootor,.

·:~ECit~r:r-· '':, .. :'!'

~· r



Korean War Project USMC-00128071



13 Septombor.-

At 2J.30, the Dlvis.ton complct..::d.nDlvDgo oport;tio!-:ts in tho Domilitorizod Zone. Thio t'ioS ooc,)mpliohod 'l:l:'Lth.in the tlmo llmlt spcclflec1 in the .Armictice o3rncmont.

14 Poptembor.

Tho Dlviolcn onoum;;,d opcrctionoJ. control o:f tho 2d KHC Iic~;.inu;;nt, mL1t'IJ one bottolio ..•

15 Sopti.lmbo-~.

Oporotlon Ordo!" l~:A'=\D-·OO-l;j-53; :c'tcliof of thG 1st .Amphibian Troctor Bottolion wo.s published,

.Annex Georg;,; (Droft) to : .. :.A'1El-00-l0-53, conccrnlncs tl10 mon­ning of the :noln bottle positiOli wos pvblishod. This onnox provided f()r t.~1e monnlri.g of tlc.c l;.Fr~ ln tho event of root.1mption ()f hoetllitlos, With.tn four hot.1.!"El o:·:d oJ.oo inclt.'.dod inEJtrt.'ction for rehcorsols for the mDnnin3 of th~~ pos:'L t.t.on.

16 September.,.

The diop1Dcom0.:::t of th0 Dotochmcnt, J. ot Com-oe>t Derv icc Group, . from ~'IAS.AZ to A30Jii CITY woo opprovcd by tho Commonc"'.lng Goncrol, Fleet Hor1n.:: Forco, roc.tflc. The movcm~nt ·'o.o !"'.Cccooory to reduce personnel in orCl·Jl" to h.JJ.p bring the Dlv .to ion down to TobJ.o of Org 0 n1zot.'Lon ot!"ongth. AJ.no, ccrtoln termo of tho .ArmieticQ .Agr:::cmcnt 1imlticd porto of entry or:d C§,Tcoo in Korco•

l? Septe mbor.

The 6th EottoJ.ion,, 8c1 l.C'IC l?ioe;imcnt op-Jnod ito CP in t.hc v icinlty of BS 002852.

At 0800, tl:.tc Div.tc1oJ1 commo:1ccd o rohoDrsoJ. of monn.tng the J.:BP. Tho :rehcorool NoD complntod ot 1038. A Cotnmonc1 Poot Exorcise Woo l'::cld ot 1200 in occordoncc with Divioion troining l!er,!orondt.'m number 32-53. Its pt1rpocG t1D.S to exc<".::.ise commondero ond thdir otoffs in o countcrottvck sltuotion bo.occl on opC::'otir:m order J.HA-=lD-00-10-53.

All t.m.t to 'l.>ero informed thot formerly proporod occondory positions olong KNTS.AS, B'lrJI~CF ono 'rJYOI··:~:rG NOl'ld romoln intoct ond not bo dlctt.'!"'bcd tn the bolvogo 0f fo't"tific.:Jt:to;·, mt,tcriolo.

18 September.

Tho 2d 1C:C Rcg1m!J.nt opon~d .ito tompor(;;r;;· cr .in tho vlcinity of CD C1298'3~. Tho ?th Bt=~ttD~'.lon, 2d Kl!O ~8::;lmcnt opened its CP in tl1c vicinity of CS 029843.

All u·;ito wor.:l notified of the I n; Corps dlrect.tve thot rcqt,.trod monning of the mo.tn bottle positlon i·ri th one third strength.,

20 Scpte mber.

At 0800, the 2d K:iC :::!egimont closed its tempcn"'DI'Y CP ond opened its ne1,r CP .in t.l:e vicin.i ty of CS 034824.

21 September.

With tbe oVoilob:\.lA.ty of shipping confirmed, the Division :reqt·eoted permission 11.0 continue ~!A"=tTJEX exoroioeo on TOKOHOK-TO I sl ond f0't" the period ·14 Octpber tl:rough 22 Dooember 1953,



Korean War Project USMC-00128072



SECRET -September (Cont 1 d)

I rs Oorpo dcsignotcd tho daYlight hot,rs of 24 Sopt(lmbc:r 1953

0 c tho time of rch3orooJ. for tho occmpotion of tbo I.:EP.

22 fJoptombor.

At 1640, tl1e let Amphibion Troctor Bottolion closea its old

C? o!ld opci1Gc 1 tB n::n,-J dE' in tl-:.; vicinity BS 98l51G ( Af!CC!~ CITY) •

Tho 2d Kl:C 9c~imcnt rcliovod thot J.st Arnphibio.n Troct0r Bottoli()r; o:1 pcoit:!.on o.n.d oBC1.:ruod reoponsibil.ttv for the sector

of tho left rcgimont.

Oporotion Order ll:ARD-00-12-53: Show 0f Force for Non­Repotri oted Prisoners of ''<lor woo ooncolled a.t tronoportotit"ll1 of tho Non-RcpotriDtco to PO'.: Compo 1·ro.o complvt..Jc1.

30 Scptcmbol'.

At 0136, on I rs Corpo olor"L drill for tl10 occl'potlon of

moin bo.ttlo pcoi t:to:n commonccd. At 0509, tho I:lBP 11o.n compJ.atoly

mnnned 0nd ro[;,c.y for oction witbin the op3n.i..f:!.ed f')l'T' hour t.t.mo

limit. T.l:J Oorpn rohe:~rcol 'roo oompJ.otod. ot OB15 ..

At 1600 1 ·~.t.c 5th Batte,~: ion, 2d ;::·:c ;{cgimolit reported their

dloposlt.irm from BS 825820 to BS 92782?. Tbc Fottolion CP wee

locotcd in the vloinlty BS 910765. The 2d Bottolion, lnt K:·IC

RCT wo.o deployed rmom OS 030940 to CS 070940. This bottoli0Q opened itc CP in tl:.c vicinity of CS 062942. JD.oo o.t 1600, the

2d Kl';C Reg:tmcnt oonumccl oommDnc1 of the~ 5th K:<C EottoJ.ion from

1st Ki·:IJ ~CT. Opcrotionol control of tho 5th Bo.ttolion, 2d

KIIC Re .~ trnont po s ood to th~-: Kimpo P rov :\.cion ol Rogi mont. T.b.c

lot KHC 'C\CT r:Jgc,lncd opcrotionol control of tho 2d: XI:C Botto11on.

2 October.

1st lbrinc Div.i..oi.:'n Wltif-icd I UD Corpc t.l':wt th::.; ntottlS of completion on ['ll dofonc.tvc lnnto1:;..-t1one oc of 24001 1 Oct,..,bcr

woo oa follt"l'ii!D: ,gonoro1 OL1tpost ponlti.,no 57%, moln bottle

poci tinnn 64%; or tillery poo.'t.t.ions 89%, olr rold ohcl tors in rcoorv:; one"!. rc':'r p(Hli tionn 76%.

3 October.

I l!S Corpo dtr::Jct:)d thot pri,,rlt!' for tho uoo of ncv' cons­tr,•ction moteriol wot·ld bo given t() the str~ngtl·10;11ng of those toctiool J.cJOot1ons on thJ moln bottle p0si. tlon thot mL'Ot be h3ld

t() inot·rc rotont.t.on of tl:o dcfc: .. ,oivo pos.i.tlons o'fcn lf be­

p0ssod by t.l'lc enemy. No r.tEn..r conn-:;ru.ctinn mot:n•.'LoJ.n ore to be

uoad on ()Utpost pooitions.

4 October. I FS Corps lndicotoc1 thot on outhori zed ollowonce

of only one boslc lood of omr.11.~nl tl•;n os EIGt forth in FL 10£-10

fer e0ch un.t t vJould be mointolned ·on pos:t tion. .An rcosmm0ndcd by I PS Corps, certoin deo.'Lgnotcd moin.bottlc pos.t t.iono \·J6t,ld

be outhorizcd ammunition in exoosn of th.tn omo'-'nt for 1nfontry

oro'·' E!erved wcopono, Exce O!l omt':1t':·t.t tion stockoc. on'· po ei tiona

will not cxoocd one oc"dltit?n~l bosic lond por l.YOoJ>I)!1,. Further

excess t?f ommunltion 1o to be rcttTned to tb.c .Ammtmitirm

Bupp)_y points.


... w,l[df.t) 111 · or 1 sir DECLASSIFIED

' .. , :~r

. ·~ -····: ' .. _:: I· ,·"·•I ··.·;·., I ,·~ •• --·

Korean War Project USMC-00128073

-· >, . \




5 Ootr.fber • • .At J.3l5, t.t:o J.nt Vor,tno Divloion op0ncd .tto n0w Commo!1d

Pont ln the violnlty of CS.093788.

'rho 2c1 Bottol1on, J.st l:or.tnco ,,ros a.eoignotca. os, the standby bottolion t•"l be; t'Ded to provldo o::c,·rlty, in coso of cm13rgcncy, f. or Non-"t1,;'!):1tr1 :1tc :i?:'lsoncro of itlor in stockodoo n<"lrth of the I~··:Jr' Biv >r, r :J.icvln~ t.LY". J.st Potto11rm 1 lot ~·:or.tnoo of th1o mlooion r')f rr·w.idlng one compony on o rmJ hrn·r otoEdby for poa­nlblo cmpJ.rJ;. m"nt by lJ';.JS,t;~-N! Prt')ViD1nJ1oJ. Command, reJ.iavtn3 · 2d BDttoJ.1nn, :tst I:or:ineo. T.~1G lnt J:or:\.no ~CJglml'nt closed its old Cl? in t.t·-- vicl~.Lty I'Jf CS 110863 ond opened its no'·' CP ln tht; vicinity of OS 104888.

Div1eio:1 Troln.i.ng 0l"dcr Nt•mbcr 151 Amphl.bir.L·n Trointng ond l1,A'I:{!';SX Proe;rom, FoJ.l .:;1nd WLntc:J' J.953 ''roo pL•"blio.'-"ac1r Nine BottoJ.l0n Londtng Ex:;rcinco eoch of five c'l.o~·n d1-rotion .vet'~ och.Jdt•lcd fi)r the pcrlnd 15 Cctobo:r to 20 Docambof 1953.

9 October.

On ord0r fr•'m I r•n Corps, ~~~.emcn;ts of t.'.:.c J. nt Ic-·c "iCT ~r:'!re rcJ.1r.vod from poBit:\.ono Y.T.l:ic.h dr,minctod the opprr)r.,ch t,') Froed0m Bridge onc1 Non-'!:10J:otriDte Prisnners nf Wor ,..,omp. During the roJ.icf, orders 11rer.e ioSL,cd to effect tho rslL-~, am•ing t.he corly hours 0f the mnrn.tng. The J.nt Mortn~s, rollev:\.ng the let Klro ~8T 1 hod the mlssinn of ~oking every effort tn cnntrol o:·,d pra:v::nt un~JuthorlZGd mov~mon t of Kn,~ o.:;~n W11 to Dl1d/,,r Non-RopDtriotcd POK 1 o by n::;~otlotion, psrouooicn one~ bor:roicrs crootod ot FroJdnm Brldgc. No vreopono wore to be fired except ln self dcfonoe of ln sofC3L'.orc1lng of government 1~ropcrty. By 1145, t.he J.c;t !•:Drlnc iJcg;imcnt hocl osoumod control of the center Rog.tmentoJ. So ctor 1 the 1 nt KLC ~CT oMumod ~he r''inolon tJf · · Dlvioion ros8rvc.

As o roeuJ.t of ttles-3 mnveme:cts, l•')C.otion of tmitc woo oo foJ.J.own: lnt Bottolion, lot Morineo J.ncDtcd in th~ vicln.i.ty of CS 0994; 3rd Bottolion, lot Korincs ltJccted in the vl~inlty Qf CG 0309 40 to CS 0?0940; 3rd Bottclion, lc~ :rc:c -::CT J.ocotcd in tho vic.tn.tty of CS1294w1tl':.nc\v CP ot CS12894~; 2nd Bottolion, 1st KI·C '1CT J.Gcotec1 in t.t.:e viclnity of CS 0789 with noN c:r ot CS 075889. Tho 49th F.teld .Artillery Bottolion J. l.lcotcd in the v icinl ty cf ES 989862.

J.O October.

Operotionol Control of the J.ot Eottolio11, lst :c::c. '=!CT oom•mcd by the 2CliUC R.Jglment ond th3 bot;ndory b;')tweCJn tL: :l.cf't 0 na center r~gimentn moved opproxl~ot3lY 5000 ~etGrs tn the ecst.

J.l October.

The 1st Bott olion 1 J. et !-1or.tne s woe relieved or:; tro ma.tn bottle poalt.ton by the 2nd BottoJ.lon, J.st Hor ~nos.

12 October.

The ln't; BottoJ.lon, J.ct Kl''!C ."qCT won re!.levect on the moin b~1ttlc pool tlon by the 7th BottoJ.ion, 2nd IQ:C Rcg:l.ment. ThG :tot Eottolinn, J.st K::.C ROT rel.teved the lat BottoJ.1on, 7th Hortnea on tho mo:Ln bDttJ.e pr"Jaiti•)n ·ana ~.,reo pJ.Mcd t'ndor the operational control ot the ?th Hortne s (rtght regiment) • Upon rcl1of 1 -the 1st Bettsl1on, ?th Mor.frieo esst',med the role of right rGgimontol reserve. ·

14 October •

lhv.s.eion .ooinmence<1. 084>5. The ~t.:BP ··


Korean War Project USMC-00128074


'I ~ '

15 Ootobor.

Fl,l1 ;


Tho lnt Bottollbl'!.J lot ~~or:tneo embork2d lilt DCHON for Hp;~r ,3:X I •

'.rl:.o 11th ~~or'men opened .ttn nG'I-1 CP in the v.tcinity of CS 1999?:

21 Octob3:r..

Tho J.nt BottoJ.ion, :tot Uo1•.tri'H'l relLwcd the 2d Bo.ttoJ.ion, iat Jior.J.nes oc1 t~18 :mP. The J.st Bottolil')n; 7th Nor.tnns emborkGCl for H.A~T.EX I I r.>t rWFON.

22 Octnbcr.

I PS Corpn c'l.tr8ct.;d e cho!1.'?>' :\.!1 ·bomc'lor:.r b3h•0en J.st Horine tn.v.tsion one. the lot C.ommonw"'ol th :Oiv.to:ton fr0m IJ polnt on the . present brwna 0r~' st CT 14209? oJ.ong tl1e E,.,ot Ponk nf t.l'::.e Somiohon "1:1.vc,., to OT 153068 thoro olong~thu :SoOt Bonk of I!1JTN t,; CT 154040 to CT 1620:33 to CT 1640 27 to C'l' 164010 to CT 16200 5 tf) CT 163000 to rejoin present bottndsr:l ot as 1639"8.

2? October.

T.he 2c! P 0 ttn111"Jr;, 1st 1!o~~:\.nc;r, cmborJ•ea on :~A'qJ,EX III nt rWHON.

2e October.

Tl:c Commonc1ont of the l-for:t.ne O~"'rpn ond portv orr.tvoc ot tho Di v.t sf,m CP.

Tho D1.v.'ls.ton n•')t:\.floc In.; Corps thDt 1t hos complctGc1 t~-:3 bui: lng i)f l, 449 bunk2.rg

The lot BottoJ.:I.nn, ,1st K::c :S0T opened rnw CP .tn tL1c vlc1n.tty of CS 1519"73.

The 2d Bottolinn, let Hort!·~co r3turned from ~1A~L.3:X III.

.! ..



Korean War Project USMC-00128075





3/JVK/jta 112 Sers 0022-54 4 Peb 1954

Prca1 0C~B.ad1Jic OftlOR To1 Oa..diJW General, lst Marine DiYiaion (ReiDt), PIP'

SUbjs Deten~e at "D" DiYlaion Sector

lett (a) CG 18\MarDiY ltr aer 00254l·dtd 5 lor 53

Bnclt (l) ~t llarinea Hlltory ~ D•t•n•• ot "D" Dlnaim Sector 27 July - 31 OetOber 1953

(2) Antl•!ank Cc.pany, let llarinea Rutory ot Detenae ot "D" DlY:!Jii• Sector 27 July - 31 October 1953

(3) 4.2" llortar C_,any, 1st Marine• HiatCII"y ot Deten•• ot "D" DineiOil Sector 27 July - 31 October 1953

(4) lit lat\&Uon, let Karinee Hiltory ot Defense ot "D" DiYiaion Sectw 27 July- 31 October 1953

( 5) 2d lattalicn, lst Marine• History ot Deten•• ot "D" DiYiliOft Sector 27 July - :n October 1953

( 6) 3d lattalicn, 1st Marine a Hiat017 ot Deten1e ot "D11

DiYiaion Sectar 27 July - 31 October 1953

1. Reference (a) require• 1u'bll11eion ot a history ot unit aotiYiti•• during the poat-armistioe period 27 July - 31 October 1953.

2. In aooorclllloe with reference (a), encloeures (1) throqh (6) are hereby eubaitted.



.. ~



Korean War Project USMC-00128076


• H~I\;)0Ul RTr<::R3 l)T J.:~RI~n<;.s, l~T HARINE DIVI'3ION (m~Ii'rr<') 1 FHF


~ncJ os ure ( 1) to CO ls t H8.r lt r ser 00~~-54 dtti L. Feb 54

1st Marines Histor~' of DFlfen<le of "0" Divhion Sector 27 ~~~Y-= ~1 October 1953


On ?.'7 Jubr 1953, the let M1=1.rin<>s (Reinf), less the lst Battalion, w~.s

d<>f~ndinf!; the ri~ht redmental sector of tre lst Ma-rine Division. Foli ow­

in~ a. three dtw oertod of heavy fio-htine: in this sector, the Cease Fire

•·rent into effect at 272?.00! Jul~'· The imm"ldj.ate effFlcte of t.re Conse Fire

order on Personnel of this ree;imFlnt were noticeable by trA lack of e.n~r

S.PPr>"'c1.a.bl'3 dernonstrat ion of ~motion. There a.uuea.red to be no d-1•d..r~ to celebra+.e the Cease Fire. FollowinR; th~ Cease Fire, which W"S strictly

obs~rved by th8 1st Marines and the enemy alike, tl'- e enem•.r comm"'nced

uolicintl irnm~diatel:v to thn front of our lin'!s 1 removin~ many dP.ad and their enuinm~nt. Secinq; the "lnemy movin~ around tn the front li.nl'ls, eo

soon after his d"lteimined attacks, made our trooos extremely susoici.ous

end wary. Corsoquentlv, our men remained in their positions until dayli~ht,

awa.itin~ uossible resumntion 0f action. At davli cht, wh'm ~.t became aP­

narent that the 1nemv was enga~ed only in nolice, the fact that fighting

had. ceas::!d be~an to sink in. Still, ,.,ithout an,r demonstration of ,jo:r,

our trool"''S left their positions to bes:P..n the task of policin.~ the battlefield.

On hill 119, the enem,r guided our t.roooo to th.~ bediAS of M1=1rines

killed in the vicinity of "B~rlin Gate 11 , and ·'3nem~r p~rson!'1el "'ere per­

mitted to enter our lines to retrieve their dead. Aft8r removal of the

dead, salvage of ammunition and equioment ~nd full scale demilitari~ation

of the nositions was be~;un. These tasks proved to be lon<r, and difficult,

due to tre quantitv of runmunttion and ~aui1ment to be remoV8d and the

number of installations to be torn down. Ammuri.tion and equiunvmt were

car-.. ied away and stockn~.led in vari.ous dumns to the rear o.f tre demilitariz­

~d zone, according to cata~ories of usable, repairabl~ and non-renairable

material. As time permitted trenchJin!'lS and tank slots we're filled and

salvageable timb.:Jrs were cP.rried to coJ.lecting points. En~ineer eouipment,

trucks and heliconters were utili?.ed ~xt.ensivelY during this nP.riod with

a high degree of success • '!'hAre proved t. o be a numb '9r or d ~ fficul ties

encountered in initial salva~·3 op~:r tions. Unexnloded mor+.ar and R.rtillqr~' rounds '\<rere freqU'lntl:v unearthed; miMs prevented salYage in

soli'IP. ar·")ae forward of the nrotecti ve wire; many· oiles of ammuni.tion had

beon ~it by enemy fire, mixin-. dama.,.ed with undama.~ed rounds; hAavy hunker

ti.mbere were difficult to remove, ns'O~ciall:v in areas inaccr~s-:;abVJ to .")ng­in~er ef"nir.rttmt.

Qn 2? July, the 1st Bat~.alion was i.n 1'"'~s0rve at Camn Rose ( CS 07~99L). On 2R Julv tho 1st Bnttal ion. 'PA.S"'ed to OP<Jrational control of the 5th Marinos and was employed on the Gennral Outpost Line established south of the Demilitarized Zone, until 30 Jul''• Durin~ this timo':l) tho Battalion completed construction of the "No Pass Line" fence in its sector. On 30 July, the 1st Battali.on was r~li~ved on general outDost by the 3d Battalion



Korean War Project USMC-00128077


• • S~RET

5th Marines, and ri3verted to •".lperati:)nal contr':'l of the let Marines, returning to Crump Rose.

On the afternoon o! 30 Julv, the lat Marines be~an a. tactical with­draWDl fran the Main Line of Resistance in order to clear alJ troops from the Demilit~rized Zone by 2200. T'·is move was conrqenced after the let Marines were relieved of resuonsibilitv for the sector by the 5th Marines, th~ 1st Marines became Division Reserve. The 2d ~,d 3d Battalions moved into Camp Lt:le (CT 090033) nnd L~.2" Mortar and AT Com'"'~anies movl3d into a.n assembly area (CT 097047). on 31 Jul:v, this regiment comnvmced and conroleted movement to cam" aren.s in the vicin1ty of CS 08S9, with the Re~imentnl Canmand Post rt CS 110~63 (Ap-cendix I). All unite mo"ed into new, undevelop13d crmp n.rAas, which requir~d a great deal of prep,ra tion and construction work. 1. thro\l,ll;h 9 August was designated by the Commnnding Officer, 1st Marines A.s n camp building period.


~. Tactical Organj,.za.tion of Blocking Positions (Appendix II)

Durin~ the period 1 through 10 August and simultaneou~ with construction of n.~w c~mp sites, r':'lconnaiS!S!\noe nnd pla.n.,.,ing was bep,un for the d~fense of blocking positions "ABLE" through "D00", In n.ll c~s~s, the 'Olann.,d defenses of the blocking "::Qsitions wera of t'-~e ~'3rim~ter tyoe, With unite within the ~erimeter also organizad for all nro~d defense, mutunlly sup..,orting one nnother. '!be Sfl\pl'.rate blocking 'I')OSitions, which were eel<'!ct ,d Md assigned by Division, were not mutun.ll~r sutroortin~ due to tha di9ta.nces between them. Each blocldn~ nosition wa.s t'lcticall:v 01"ganiz­ed 1'\S .'3. sepa.rnte fighting urit, including the 8J.nun f'l.nd 4.2 11 mort!'.rs and 75mm. RR ~ositions. Automatic. 'Wea.~ons 'I')OSitions were cr..rer:ully l'Jl..nn·~d to utilize the best n.vailable fi,(:Jlds of· fire nnd for mutut~..l sup~ort. Plane also included the inst!l.llntion of tncti®l and protacti'IJ'd wira and rorul nets Within the positions.

A number ot fnctors were considered in organizing tho defen~.e ot the blooki~g positions. Prrticular nttention wns e;ivan to anemy nvenu'ls of '1.nnro1\ch; fields of fire were '!:enerall,r "ood; observn.ti()n aft'ect.~d the

, t3ctioo.l location of troops nnd OP' s. The mnin lldvanta~·JS wa:r"• thP.t pl:lns for rnutunllv eup'llortin~ units within th·3 blocking J)ositions provided deoth within th~ bloek, n.n4 observr-.. tien w:\s excellent in nenrlv n.1 1 et'.ses. The m~in disn.dvrmtn,g.~s were thn.t nt."ny ot tha nrens to bt:J defended within th::: blocking·p~itions were too lnr~e to b~ ~nequntely defended by the units MSietn·'·~d. Most terrn.in, being very stC1ep, offered very little in th·3 wrJ.y of grr..zing tir•:J.

b. Tt\ctical Organizfl.t.ion or M:~.in B".ttle Position ··· (A~?J1r"dix I)

1he Pb.nnin~ ·stnga tor the tnction.l orgnniz.'l.tion or th-3 M-"'in · Br--ttl3 Po~ition in the Center Reg1Jn:1ntr.l S:ctor h~d l'.lre".dY bef:ln comnletad, l'.nd work in this sector hnd b·,en st~rted by the let KMC RCT. The org.!l.nizt\­tion or tre ~round in thie sector consisted of two (2) bl'\tt.fllion strong-

J!:nclosure ( l) SECRET


Korean War Project USMC-00128078


SECRET • • 'loints, South nnd Seuthe"!.St of the Im,1in River. The Right M~in B:·tttle Position Bnttnlion wns \lrelll eituatt!d :to cover the river bl'ltween Spoon­bill Fer~ Site (vicinity cs OSS970) "~.nd Honkers Fert-y Site (vicinity CS 06a951) Md to cover n.n el)emy n-o···rofloh Southwnrd ~lone1; the Enst side or the Imj·' n in front of the ri~ht regimentnl M!'l.in Br1ttle Position. Observation ~ excelleht ~a were fields o~ fir.e. The entire position ~.s o~~~nized in ~ pertm~ter or mutunllv au~~ortin~ ciampr.ny nnd ~lntoon t>ill ... tdl' perimeter defenses• Ae in the cr•.se of the blocking -oositions orgrmizl'td b:y the 1st M~.rinee, sotne nreP.fJ h"d to be oocupiec;\ by ~ unit wM.ch W".e not l::rr.q;e enough to cover the n.~e • ., '(lronerly• Ftttlther, it wns constdered thnt the best use h!'ld not been mnde of the terr.,.in, so num:"lrous chn.n~es in tnctienl disnodtione were JM.de without essf!lntii.lly oh . .,.~:tng the location or the Bnttalion Main Br.ttle Pcsiti-ens ".B n whole.

The Left Bnttalion Main Bnttle Position presented a different nt-oblem., due chiefly to 'he loontion or the higl'eet ~round in the sector, ~d the most likely avenue or ~ne~y op~ronoh, which np~~~red to he from the di,...eotion of FR~'"DOM Bridge. '!he high ~round which Wtl.S or~nnized W".s in tl'le vicinity im .. ,edintely South of the Honkers Ferry Site. The ne"'l.rest d~fense or tha Mll.in Bnttle Position proper 'WI!'.S np-oroximt~.telv 4000 v~.rde from FRE•'IDOM B,..itiq:e. However, n.e in the e".se ot the Right Bntt.n.~ ion M~.in Bnttle l>osition, obeerv~tion 1\nd field~ or fire wer:1 excellent through• out mo~t or the nren Northwest ~d Wast pr the M~in Bnttle Position.

The 11\t".in disndvnntrL~e or tha t~ctionl org!U'lizfltion of the CAnter Regiml3ntfll M.."l.in Br"".ttle Position wl".s th':! lar~e ~n:p lett uncov"3r~d in the ma.t, lik'"ily ".v~nue or enem~r S.lJT'Iroach. 'lh:ts w8s the nre!\ bound~d gene~llv bv noints CS 050918, 055930_. 03593'" ."'.l"'d 040938. Thh avenue would ,, J ow the enemy access to MUNSAN-NI, thereby d~n·~n~ our use of RoutP.a lB, ~y "-n<i 11 in this vicinity. llurthl'!r, the "~nem:v could pen•3trntn oMtw"'.rd nnd cleny us t~-<·~ use of 1X north of 2Y.

). CON~TRUCTIOl-~ OF BLOCK!NQ POS!_'!lQ.W1._~~~-!1A!N. -~J!.!~_P..Q.~ITIONS

n. Construction of Blocking Positions

Plans h~.ving been sul:xnitt"ld ~.nd a,'!)·..,rovv-1., e.etu1\l work on constx·uc­ti•n or the blocking -positions co.lnrrnnoed on 10 Au~:~;ust. Generally ST) l!l.king, troop moral.-1 w·'s hi~h FJ.t tho 'efi.P,:1.nnin~· or construction, Md though mthusia.sm tell off n.s work T)rogress •d,. moralA r·311\t~.in ·ld high. Sand of tha difficult-! 1s '"mcounter.Jd and their solutions were ns follows: tim•1 of tr!lvel trca C!.\Jill':l ar ~".S to one ot the blocking l':l<)qitions WA.s ~xcas~ive, du:· to the diet~nce 1nvolv:.Jd, T''is l':lrobl..mt w:te 'Pilrtia.ll~ solved by bivou11cl<i~g .units, in tu"'-, on this blocking nosltion, thus elimino.ting trl'.V•3l timo fOr that ~rtioul~r unit. Most of the work took ~ln.ca durin~ tho hottest months or th'' ~.r 1nr, r .lsulting in num"!rous cn.s]s or h:Jnt ·Jxh·"U~tion, though no r.~.b.liti•-ts. 'fllis T)roblem wo.s m~t by instituting a. trouic~'~ working sch'1d.ule (0500-1300). Durin;: som1 !tnQ;lS of digo;in~ tranahlinls "~nd bunker hol~s, solid rook ~.s found on All blecking ~ositions. This problem Wf\s m·~t- by th<1 ext~ns1v~ usa or d~molitions on the rock tllbLHs •. Another T)!'ohl ~m WM met by fe 'dina: t,h.-:~ men whil;3 thuv were workinq; on po9ition.




Korean War Project USMC-00128079


• ,.

~!rn"' nr~ne b"J:f.'rJ«;:f!.;~YoloP~d ~ra t~r' romov~d from th-1 net-.r-,st accc<~s1.blo

ro".d or area~- cot;tld h3;r-aoh 1d b,r v-~hicl-1s o-:>rr"ing m ·"ls to the finld. In B.h•tr.r to this ~oblem, Msaul.t rr-tion~ were issu~d for tr·osa units loa~t~lcf'.too r.-.r -..w,r tran t'f'l! m 1Sl9~n.cr: ar H\. Su ... ..,l,r of 1.t:'!ms ot""or thRn f'OO'f ~s difficult for1 tbie M.mi3 r:Mon. '!'h~! su'O ·lv '"~t-obl.lm w~s ovl'lraom~ by o:ttons.iv1 US<') of t'!'P.mi'Oort 'lv~lico~tere from PMR '161, in h11.ulin~ ''thr-3 m.~y. e.nd ''·~ri \d m.'\t'lri'\ls n '·'.ldod for con~tructionf Th~ h"llicontors lift"ld sunnli·~A to nr~parr}d h·llioads on hill to'OS within "1\.ch com-ol"nV n.r,}A., Being th' R1s ,rvo R·!gim '3nt, th d 1st Mr-rines -... ~co1.v 'd littlo or no engin13r supnort.

Bec,.uec the) men were kent busy at thesG nt:~C-3"1"lm"Y t~'!ks, unit trflinin~ for mnintcmanoo of combat r1adinass wa.s n;;nc:t to r-.11, tharehy dec,..'1Min~ th0 cornb"..t .:Jfficbncy of E!.11. units involv0d, On th-, oth;Jr ~".nd, the m11n were b•'lCOOtintt; well conditioned ohysioa.lly ::J.s .'l r'lsult of th-1 constA.nt hill climbin~ Md the l'l'l·~nul'l.l b.hor involved in dip;~ing ernplac1mcnts l'l.nd tr•mchlin"ls. On 9 Octobar, bnfor~ th·':' job of -prepa.rin~ dofons 1s of tho assignod blocking positions could bo compl8ted, the let Mari.n..,~ t'ssumed the mission a.f Center Mnin Bnttle Position Re~iment, reliavin~;-the lst KMC RCTf which bec~e Division Rese~e.

b, Construoticn of M~\in Bl'lttle Position

On 9 October 1953, unon l'l.esumtnv, control of the Center n.er;ilnAntF'.l Sact.or, the l.Bt Marines continued with the work .?.lre:\d~r b"gnn b~r th., 1st KMC RCT. Mu~h· work hr .. d bt~~en etart.ed, but there were ch- n~P-s in troop dh"o!!ition which nece~sitnt~d n~w co!"1struction. Most of tl'-e bun1<"'rs oonstruot~r1 h:y tbe KMO'"" did not meet tr ~ stan.d"..rds riesired bv the Corn:rnRndin,;; Officer, let Mnrin~s, A.nd ~·rere reconst,..uc+.ed, OtrP.~r

construction nro'~-~lems rernl\ined e"'senti.:-1l~r th~ e~me =J.B those encountered durin~ the construction of blockin~ T)ositions.


a. Division Rese-rve (30 JuJ~r t(l 9 October 195~)

In nd~ition to the Qs~i~n~d t~~k of or~nnizing t~A b1o~ktn~ . '1ositions m"!ntioned in section 3, ~"~.bove, Divhion O'"'~r.,tion Order 10-53 nssiq;ned the Reserve Re.dm!'!nt the rnisai~n of "Orel');.~.rine; dl'!t~.i 1 "'d nl ~ns for oounttl3r".tt~.cka ABUt~ ·throu11;h FGX, which were comryleted "nd suhmit,t~d tor n.o'l"lrOV"..l, FolJ ~n~ ~"'[mrov"l, S"!Ver1.l of th!'! countArr~.tt"~cke •rer~

~ehe:'l.:rsed by meMs of CPX's ".nd field l'i"<A.rcises, The let M.-~riMil were nssi~n.,d the mission of Center ).f."in B"ttle Position Reg:Unent hofore ~11 counterf'.ttnck -c>l'\ns could be reh~~r)ad. (.".poendix II)

b, On 4 Augu~t, U',on verb~.l order from G.,.J, the lst M".rin~s wers ~:lven -"'.n 1'\ddition::-..1 mission of nl~.cing one (l) rifle oorn'!'l..,ny on r- ono (1) hour nlert for Poe 1ible 1-wnloym,nt by MUNSAN;;;.NI Provision?.l Comrn-md, to quell 1\n:V PW disturbnnce. Th:t~ mtf'sion '"w•1.s rot"'.ted oer1 :-1\io~lly lltn ll~ th~ com't'Jn.nies in the ft~giment until ?.5 October 1953, wh,~n the Re~Z:im.,nt wns relieved of t,. ie reenonsibili ty.

~.nolOa'ID'e (1) -4- SECRET


Korean War Project USMC-00128080



c. On 20 Au~et tl'1a 1st M11,..1n~s nssum·3d tl'1·~ m~.:1sion of ,, "~cin.!\ one (1)

blltta.H.on on n four t4) hour ."\lert, tf') ~"'CAcute n. mission in ,Q.(.~coru'nce w'lth

Division Ooerntion Pl~n 1'3-53. 'I'his nl..'ln onJ."'~ed .for one l;ntt.alion to ~tand­

by for nossible employm<'lnt by tho Comrn·:..nci.i.r.~ Officer. North Re~im~nt, n~ n

'ecurity force to -prevent n.nv 11rmed forCI"l 1 includtng ir,.-egul'l.r~ .. ' f:r.an '1.(:ts

ne;11.inst, or intrusion unon: r.on-r,~1'JI).t.ri.1.te f'Ciof ~:~to:.;k"\rJes. The r~srJon~ioility

for tr is misPJion wuJ n.Jterm.t9d b ~ttmen 't-l1e 1st .'.lnd ?th 1-I"~:r.tr. '~~~, b~g~.nning

14 October .. denAnd.ing \J.Pon which r~~i!n"mt h'id rm ~:\V,:'d.lnt>le r"ls~rvo brtt~.lion

,..,~t ~'111;" ":~d in HA:a:r~BX tr'l.ining.

d. On 7 Octob·'lr thc'l lst M'l.rin·~s disn1 ,.,ced t.o n n~•., cornmnnr.l uost vic

CS 104888, J...t the s£il'ne ti.m·~ t.he old c~:l..."'J.d post vic Cf::: lJClt36; ''".5 Cl('::l.Jd.

On 9 Oc:tob0r 19~3 t.he Jst Marinr~s us~:mod th•'l mission of Centl3:t' M"in

Bttttle 'Po1'iition Regiment, "0': Div-lsi:ll1 Soc-+:.or. '!'he 1st ~lr.rine~ cont~nu~d

to ba resnoneibl<J for this mission en 31 ·oot.obe:r J..953.

e. Bo~inring 12 October 1953) bntt"ll:1 one of the 1st M.<:lrines, se,.nr~tely

nnd oonsecutivelv, beq:an pr~-nflo<1t trn.ining for ln.ndinR; e"'Ceroises of Bn.ttr.lion L'l.llding Teo.m l!li~e (MA.HLEx: s), 'l'he 1st "tnd 2d B~·t.tf1lions h~d

eomPlated this p,.-e-r.floet trrining Md l!"l.nding ex,':lrcise by 31 October.


I .. Or'?:·"·nization of Mnin Ilf'ttlc Position II OrgMi.z . .,tion of Blo::.kin~ Posittons, 'iJountarntt:.nck Pl~ns

n.nd Penotrlltions III - MAP . )'lo3"':ic, KOREA 1: 25,0CO con1'1os 1d of sh: ·ts 65':27 III NE

6527 IV S~, 6527 IV Nt, 652S III SE, 6527 II NWJ 6527 I ~W,

6527 I NW, 6529 II S~·r, 6527 II NE ~ 652? I SE, 652? I NE, 6529 II SE (with originlll onlv)

IV - MAP Mosnic;, KOREA, s...,~cir-.1 1:10,000, oonrpos~d of sh~~te 1 short, 2 short) 3 short, D. E, F, 4P, 6P, L, 5P 1 7P, 11.nd M, (with originnl onl v)

Encloeure ( l) -5- Sr.:CRET



Korean War Project USMC-00128081
