$20 Boss - Mapped to the Australian Curriculum€¦ · Australian Curriculum How it Works The $20...


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$20 Boss - Mapped to the Australian Curriculum  


How it Works  

The $20 Boss program has been mapped to relevant Learning areas and General capabilities of the Australian Curriculum for years 7-10 of secondary school.  

It is hoped that this mapping document will guide assessment of student achievement during their participation in the program. While every effort has been made to map to the relevant Learning areas and General capabilities, professional discretion is advised- after all, you know your students best! 

The flexible nature of the $20 Boss program ensures that there are plenty of more general learning opportunities for students.  

Below is an additional list of the Australian Curriculum General capabilities that could be developed while participating in the $20 Boss program: 

- Numeracy 

- ICT Capability 

- Critical and Creative Thinking 

- Personal and Social Capability 

- Ethical Understanding  

- Intercultural Understanding 







HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful 

businesses (ACHEK019) - Why individuals work, types of work and how 

people derive an income (ACHEK020) - Apply economics and business knowledge, skills 

and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a variety of challenging 

subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, 

respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Recognise personal qualities and achievements - make a realistic assessment of their abilities and 

achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement  

Work independently and show initiative - critique their effectiveness in working 

independently by identifying enablers and barriers to achieving goals  

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of 

different groups within society and compare to their own points of view  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective 

verbal, nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Develop leadership skills 

- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals 

Critical and Creative Thinking Imagine possibilities and connect ideas 

- draw parallels between known and new ideas to create new ways of achieving goals 

Consider alternatives - generate alternatives and innovative solutions, 

and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Reflect on processes - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a 

particular problem solving strategy Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

- justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar and different contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed course 

of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Generate ideas, plans and processes  

- use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead 

groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 

- The nature of innovation and how and why businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 




Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Recognise personal qualities and achievements 

- assess their strengths and challenges and devise personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success 

Work independently and show initiative - establish personal priorities, manage resources 

effectively and demonstrate initiative to achieve personal goals and learning outcomes  

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to 

take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - articulate their personal value system and analyse 

the effects of actions that repress social power and limit the expression of diverse views  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the 

outcomes of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a wide range of more 

demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions  

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Critical and Creative Thinking Imagine possibilities and connect ideas 

- create and connect complex ideas using imagery, analogies and symbolism  

Consider alternatives - speculate on creative options to modify ideas 

when circumstances change  Reflect on processes 

- balance rational and irrational components of a complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Transfer knowledge into new contexts - identify, plan and justify transference of 

knowledge to new contexts  Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

- use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Generate ideas, plans and processes 

- select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge 









HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful 

businesses (ACHEK019) - Why individuals work, types of work and how 

people derive an income (ACHEK020) - Develop questions about an economic or business 

issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES024) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a variety of challenging 

subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, 

respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Recognise personal qualities and achievements - make a realistic assessment of their abilities and 

achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement  

Work independently and show initiative - critique their effectiveness in working 

independently by identifying enablers and barriers to achieving goals  

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of 

different groups within society and compare to their own points of view  

Contribute to civil society - analyse personal and social roles and 

responsibilities in planning and implementing ways of contributing to their communities  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective 

verbal, nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Develop leadership skills 

- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals 

Critical and Creative Thinking Pose questions 

- pose questions to probe assumptions and investigate complex issues 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Consider alternatives 

- generate alternatives and innovative solutions, and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - predict possibilities, and identify and test 

consequences when seeking solutions and putting ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a 

particular problem solving strategy Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

- justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar and different contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 

Generate ideas, plans and processes  - use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate 

ideas and develop plans  Collaborate, share and exchange 

- select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 




- differentiate the components of a designed course of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 


HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 - The nature of innovation and how and why 

businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- The ways businesses respond to changing economic conditions and improve productivity through organisational management and workforce management (ACHEK054) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Recognise personal qualities and achievements 

- assess their strengths and challenges and devise personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success 

Work independently and show initiative - establish personal priorities, manage resources 

effectively and demonstrate initiative to achieve personal goals and learning outcomes  

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to 

take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - articulate their personal value system and analyse 

the effects of actions that repress social power and limit the expression of diverse views  

Contribute to civil society - plan, implement and evaluate ways of contributing 

to civil society at local, national regional and global levels  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the 

outcomes of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a wide range of more 

demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions  

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions 

and constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Critical and Creative Thinking 

Pose questions - pose questions to critically analyse complex issues 

and abstract ideas Imagine possibilities and connect ideas 

- create and connect complex ideas using imagery, analogies and symbolism  

Consider alternatives - speculate on creative options to modify ideas 

when circumstances change  Seek solutions and put ideas into action 




- assess risks and explain contingencies, taking account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting complex ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - balance rational and irrational components of a 

complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Transfer knowledge into new contexts - identify, plan and justify transference of 

knowledge to new contexts  Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

- use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 

regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Generate ideas, plans and processes 

- select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge 






HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - The ways consumers and producers interact and 

respond to each other in the market (ACHEK017) - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful 

businesses (ACHEK019) - Why individuals work, types of work and how 

people derive an income (ACHEK020) - Develop questions about an economic or business 

issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a variety of challenging 

subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, 

respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts  

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions  

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of 

different groups within society and compare to their own points of view  

Contribute to civil society - analyse personal and social roles and 

responsibilities in planning and implementing ways of contributing to their communities  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective verbal, 

nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Develop leadership skills 

- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals 

Critical and Creative Thinking Pose questions 

- pose questions to probe assumptions and investigate complex issues 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Consider alternatives 

- generate alternatives and innovative solutions, and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - predict possibilities, and identify and test 

consequences when seeking solutions and putting ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a 

particular problem solving strategy Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Generate ideas, plans and processes  

- use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead 

groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 




- justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar and different contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed course 

of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 - The nature of innovation and how and why 

businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- The changing roles and responsibilities of participants in the Australian or global workplace (ACHEK042) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions (ACHEK053) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Become confident, resilient and adaptable 

- evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Appreciate diverse perspectives - articulate their personal value system and analyse 

the effects of actions that repress social power and limit the expression of diverse views  

Contribute to civil society - plan, implement and evaluate ways of contributing 

to civil society at local, national regional and global levels  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the 

outcomes of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 


Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a wide range of more 

demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions  

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information within and 

between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis  

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions 

and constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary 




- use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Critical and Creative Thinking Pose questions 

- pose questions to critically analyse complex issues and abstract ideas 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Consider alternatives 

- speculate on creative options to modify ideas when circumstances change  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - assess risks and explain contingencies, taking 

account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting complex ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - balance rational and irrational components of a 

complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Transfer knowledge into new contexts - identify, plan and justify transference of knowledge 

to new contexts  Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

- use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 








HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - The ways consumers and producers interact and 

respond to each other in the market (ACHEK017) - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful 

businesses (ACHEK019) - Develop questions about an economic or business 

issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Gather relevant data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources (ACHES022) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES024) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts 

- navigate, read and view a variety of challenging subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, 

respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 


Recognise personal qualities and achievements - make a realistic assessment of their abilities and 

achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement  

Develop reflective practice - predict the outcomes of personal and academic 

challenges by drawing on previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback from peers and teachers 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Contribute to civil society - analyse personal and social roles and 

responsibilities in planning and implementing ways of contributing to their communities  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective 

verbal, nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Develop leadership skills 

- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals 

 Critical and Creative Thinking 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals 




Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Consider alternatives - generate alternatives and innovative solutions, 

and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - predict possibilities, and identify and test 

consequences when seeking solutions and putting ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a 

particular problem solving strategy Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

- justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar and different contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed course 

of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 

Generate ideas, plans and processes  - use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate 

ideas and develop plans  Collaborate, share and exchange 

- select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 

- The nature of innovation and how and why businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Gather relevant and reliable data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources (ACHES044) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Gather relevant and reliable data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources (ACHES056) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts 

- navigate, read and view a wide range of more demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions  

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information within and 

between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information 

Recognise personal qualities and achievements - assess their strengths and challenges and devise 

personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success  

Develop reflective practice - reflect on feedback from peers, teachers and other 

adults, to analyse personal characteristics and skill sets that contribute to or limit their personal and social capability 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to 

take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Contribute to civil society 




and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions 

and constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

- plan, implement and evaluate ways of contributing to civil society at local, national regional and global levels  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the 

outcomes of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Critical and Creative Thinking Generate ideas, plans and processes 

- select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Consider alternatives 

- speculate on creative options to modify ideas when circumstances change  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - assess risks and explain contingencies, taking 

account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting complex ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - balance rational and irrational components of a 

complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Transfer knowledge into new contexts - identify, plan and justify transference of 

knowledge to new contexts  Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

- use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 








HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - The ways consumers and producers interact and 

respond to each other in the market (ACHEK017) - Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful 

businesses (ACHEK019) - Develop questions about an economic or business 

issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES024) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts 

- navigate, read and view a variety of challenging subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, respond 

to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 


Develop reflective practice - predict the outcomes of personal and academic 

challenges by drawing on previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback from peers and teachers 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - select, use and analyse strategies that assist in 

regulating behaviour and achieving personal and learning goals 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective verbal, 

nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Develop leadership skills 

- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals 

Critical and Creative Thinking 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Consider alternatives 

- generate alternatives and innovative solutions, and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - predict possibilities, and identify and test 

consequences when seeking solutions and putting ideas into action 

Reflect on processes 




Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a particular problem solving strategy 

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed course 

of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 

Identify the impacts of ICT in society - explain the benefits and risks of the use of ICT for 

particular people in work and home environments Generate ideas, plans and processes  

- use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans  

Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks - design and modify simple digital solutions, or 

multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for particular audiences and purposes following recognised conventions 

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead 

groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 

- The nature of innovation and how and why businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES045) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES049) 

- Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions (ACHEK053) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES057) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES061) 

General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts 

- navigate, read and view a wide range of more demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions  

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information within and 

between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others 

Develop reflective practice - reflect on feedback from peers, teachers and other 

adults, to analyse personal characteristics and skill sets that contribute to or limit their personal and social capability 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - critically analyse self discipline strategies and 

personal goals and consider their application in social and work-related contexts 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to 

take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  




- use pair, group and class discussions and formal and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions and 

constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the outcomes 

of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Critical and Creative Thinking Identify the impacts of ICT in society 

- assess the impact of ICT in the workplace and in society, and speculate on its role in the future and how they can influence its use 

Generate ideas, plans and processes - select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, 

and plan the development of complex solutions  Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks 

- Design, modify and manage complex digital solutions, or multimodal creative outputs or data transformations for a range of audiences and purposes  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Consider alternatives 

- speculate on creative options to modify ideas when circumstances change  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - assess risks and explain contingencies, taking 

account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting complex ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - balance rational and irrational components of a 

complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and 

synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 










HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - Why and how individuals and businesses plan to 

achieve short-term and long-term personal, organisational and financial objectives (ACHEK018) 

- Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful businesses (ACHEK019) 

- Why individuals work, types of work and how people derive an income (ACHEK020) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES024) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 

- The rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses in Australia in terms of financial and economic decision-making (ACHEK029) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Gather relevant data and information from a range of digital, online and print sources (ACHES033) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

Mathematics - Year 7  Mathematics - Year 8 - Investigate and calculate ‘best buys’, with and 

without digital technologies (ACMNA174) - Identify and investigate issues involving numerical 

data collected from primary and secondary sources (ACMSP169) 

- Solve problems involving profit and loss, with and without digital technologies (ACMNA189) 

- Investigate techniques for collecting data, including census, sampling and observation (ACMSP284) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts 

- navigate, read and view a variety of challenging subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Develop reflective practice - predict the outcomes of personal and academic 

challenges by drawing on previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback from peers and teachers 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - select, use and analyse strategies that assist in 

regulating behaviour and achieving personal and learning goals 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - assess, adapt and modify personal and safety 

strategies and plans, and revisit tasks with renewed confidence  

Understand relationships - identify indicators of possible problems in 

relationships in a range of social and work related situations  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective verbal, 

nonverbal and digital communication Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Make decisions  - assess individual and group decision making 

processes in challenging situations   Negotiate and resolve conflict 

- assess the appropriateness of various conflict resolution strategies in a range of social and work-related situations   

Develop leadership skills 




- plan school and community projects, applying effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals  

Numeracy  Critical and Creative Thinking Understand and use numbers in context 

- compare, order and use positive and negative numbers to solve everyday problems 

Estimate and calculate - solve complex problems by estimating and 

calculating using efficient mental, written and digital strategies 

Use money - identify and justify ‘best value for money’ decisions 


Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Consider alternatives 

- generate alternatives and innovative solutions, and adapt ideas, including when information is limited or conflicting  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - predict possibilities, and identify and test 

consequences when seeking solutions and putting ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a 

particular problem solving strategy Draw conclusions and design a course of action 

- differentiate the components of a designed course of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Generate ideas, plans and processes  

- use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas and develop plans  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead 

groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences  

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 - The nature of innovation and how and why 

businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES045) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES049) 

- Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions (ACHEK053) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES057) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES061) 

Mathematics - Year 9  Mathematics - Year 10 - Solve problems involving simple interest 

(ACMNA211) - Connect the compound interest formula to 

repeated applications of simple interest using appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA229) 


General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability Navigate, read and view learning area texts  Develop reflective practice 




- navigate, read and view a wide range of more demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information within and 

between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions and 

constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

- reflect on feedback from peers, teachers and other adults, to analyse personal characteristics and skill sets that contribute to or limit their personal and social capability 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - critically analyse self discipline strategies and 

personal goals and consider their application in social and work-related contexts 

Become confident, resilient and adaptable - evaluate, rethink and refine approaches to tasks to 

take account of unexpected or difficult situations and safety considerations  

Understand relationships - explain how relationships differ between peers, 

parents, teachers and other adults, and identify the skills needed to manage different types of relationships  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication 

(verbal, nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Make decisions  - develop and apply criteria to evaluate the outcomes 

of individual and group decisions and analyse the consequences of their decision making  

Negotiate and resolve conflict - generate, apply and evaluate strategies such as 

active listening, mediation and negotiation to prevent and resolve interpersonal problems and conflicts 

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Numeracy Understand and use numbers in context 

- use different ways to represent very large and very small numbers including scientific notation 

Estimate and calculate - solve and model problems involving complex data 

by estimating and calculating using a variety of efficient mental, written and digital strategies 

Use money - evaluate financial plans to support specific financial 


Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Critical and Creative Thinking Generate ideas, plans and processes 

- select and use ICT to articulate ideas and concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Consider alternatives 

- speculate on creative options to modify ideas when circumstances change  

Seek solutions and put ideas into action - assess risks and explain contingencies, taking 

account of a range of perspectives, when seeking solutions and putting complex ideas into action 

Reflect on processes - balance rational and irrational components of a 

complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and 

synthesise complex information to inform a course of action  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 






HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 

- Why and how individuals and businesses plan to achieve short-term and long-term personal, organisational and financial objectives (ACHEK018) 

- Why individuals work, types of work and how people derive an income (ACHEK020) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a variety of challenging 

subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, 

including audio-visual texts, respond to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Deliver presentations - plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations 

on learning area topics, sequencing selected content and multimodal elements for accuracy and their impact on the audience 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Understand how visual elements create meaning 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - select, use and analyse strategies that assist in 

regulating behaviour and achieving personal and learning goals 

Work independently and show initiative - critique their effectiveness in working independently 

by identifying enablers and barriers to achieving goals  

Communicate effectively - analyse enablers of and barriers to effective verbal, 

nonverbal and digital communication  Work collaboratively 

- assess the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives 

Develop leadership skills - plan school and community projects, applying 

effective problem-solving and team-building strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals  




- analyse the effects of different visual elements upon the reader/viewer, and how visual texts such as advertisements and informative texts draw on and allude to other texts to enhance meaning 

Critical and Creative Thinking  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

- justify reasons for decisions when transferring information to similar and different contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed 

course of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions  

Generate ideas, plans and processes - use appropriate ICT to collaboratively generate ideas 

and develop plans  Collaborate, share and exchange 

- select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences 


Use money ● identify and justify ‘best value for money’ decisions 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS – Economics and Business – Year 10 

- The nature of innovation and how and why businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES045) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES049) 

- Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions (ACHEK053) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES055) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES057) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES058) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES061) 

General Capabilities (Level 6) 

Literacy  Personal and Social Capability 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a wide range of more 

demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to a range of extended spoken and audio 

texts, including audio-visual texts, and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts 

Develop self-discipline and set goals - critically analyse self discipline strategies and 

personal goals and consider their application in social and work-related contexts  

Work independently and show initiative - establish personal priorities, manage resources 

effectively and demonstrate initiative to achieve personal goals and learning outcomes  

Communicate effectively - formulate plans for effective communication (verbal, 

nonverbal, digital) to complete complex tasks  




- interpret and evaluate information within and between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Deliver presentations - plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations 

on more complex issues and learning area topics, combining visual and multimodal elements creatively to present ideas and information and support opinions and engage and persuade an audience 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions 

and constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express 

abstract concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Understand how visual elements create meaning - evaluate the impact of different visual choices in 

the composition of images, including symbolic images and movement of camera or light, to achieve different nuances 

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies for 

working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks 

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)  Critical and Creative Thinking 

Generate ideas, plans and processes - select and use ICT to articulate ideas and 

concepts, and plan the development of complex solutions  

Collaborate, share and exchange - select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and 

safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge  

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Transfer knowledge into new contexts 

- identify, plan and justify transference of knowledge to new contexts  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and 

synthesise complex information to inform a course of action   


Use money - evaluate financial plans to support specific financial 

goals Understand and use numbers in context 

- compare, order and use positive and negative numbers to solve everyday problems 





HASS – Economics and Business – Year 7  General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 5) - Why and how individuals and businesses plan to 

achieve short-term and long-term personal, organisational and financial objectives (ACHEK018) 

- Why individuals work, types of work and how people derive an income (ACHEK020) 

- Develop questions about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES021) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES024) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 


Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a variety of challenging 

subject-specific texts with a wide range of graphic representations 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information, identify main 

ideas and supporting evidence, and analyse different perspectives using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 


HASS – Economics and Business – Year 8 - Types of businesses and the ways that businesses 

respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) - Develop questions about an economic or business 

issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation or project (ACHES032) 

- Generate a range of alternatives in response to an observed economic or business issue or event, and evaluate the potential costs and benefits of each alternative (ACHES035) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

HASS – Economics and Business – Year 9  General Capabilities: Literacy (Level 6) - The nature of innovation and how and why 

businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Develop questions and hypotheses about an economic or business issue or event, and plan and conduct an investigation (ACHES043) 

- Analyse data and information in different formats to explain cause-and-effect relationships, make predictions and illustrate alternative perspectives (ACHES045) 

- Generate a range of viable options in response to an economic or business issue or event, use cost-benefit analysis and appropriate criteria to recommend and justify a course of action and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (ACHES046) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using 

Navigate, read and view learning area texts - navigate, read and view a wide range of more 

demanding subject-specific texts with an extensive range of graphic representations 

Interpret and analyse learning area texts - interpret and evaluate information within and 

between texts, comparing and contrasting information using comprehension strategies 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis 




economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES049) 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions and 

constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 



HASS: Economics and Business – Year 7  HASS: Economics and Business – Year 8 - Why and how individuals and businesses plan to 

achieve short-term and long-term personal, organisational and financial objectives (ACHEK018) 

- Characteristics of entrepreneurs and successful businesses (ACHEK019) 

- Why individuals work, types of work and how people derive an income (ACHEK020) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES025) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES026) 

- Types of businesses and the ways that businesses respond to opportunities in Australia (ACHEK030) 

- Influences on the ways people work and factors that might affect work in the future (ACHEK031) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar and new situations (ACHES036) 

- Present evidence-based conclusions using economics and business language and concepts in a range of appropriate formats, and reflect on the consequences of alternative actions (ACHES037) 

General Capabilities (Level 5) 

Literacy  Critical and Creative Thinking  

Listen and respond to learning area texts - listen to extended spoken and audio texts, respond 

to and interpret stated and implied meanings, and evaluate information and ideas 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer sustained learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, test possibilities, compare solutions, rehearse ideas and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Deliver presentations - plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations 

on learning area topics, sequencing selected content and multimodal elements for accuracy and their impact on the audience 

Use knowledge of text structures - use wide knowledge of the structure and features of 

learning area texts to comprehend and compose texts, using creative adaptations of text structures and conventions for citing others 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complete 

sentence structures to record, explain, question, argue, describe and link ideas, evidence and conclusions 

Express opinion and point of view - use language to evaluate an object, action or text, 

and language that is designed to persuade the reader/viewer 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - draw parallels between known and new ideas to 

create new ways of achieving goals Reflect on processes 

- evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a particular problem solving strategy  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - differentiate the components of a designed course 

of action and tolerate ambiguities when drawing conclusions  

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - explain intentions and justify ideas, methods and 

courses of action, and account for expected and unexpected outcomes against criteria they have identified 

Personal and Social Capability  Recognise personal qualities and achievements 

- make a realistic assessment of their abilities and achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement  

Develop reflective practice - predict the outcomes of personal and academic 

challenges by drawing on previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback from peers and teachers  

Work collaboratively - assess the extent to which individual roles and 

responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives  

Develop leadership skills - plan school and community projects, applying 

effective problem-solving and team-building 




Understand learning area vocabulary - use a wide range of new specialist and topic 

vocabulary to contribute to the specificity, authority and abstraction of texts 

Understand how visual elements create meaning - analyse the effects of different visual elements 

upon the reader/viewer, and how visual texts such as advertisements and informative texts draw on and allude to other texts to enhance meaning 


strategies, and making the most of available resources to achieve goals  

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Collaborate, share and exchange 

- select and use appropriate ICT tools safely to lead groups in sharing and exchanging information, and taking part in online projects or active collaborations with appropriate global audiences  


HASS: Economics and Business – Year 9  HASS: Economics and Business – Year 10 - The nature of innovation and how and why 

businesses seek to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, including the global market (ACHEK041) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES047) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES048) 

- Reflect on the intended and unintended consequences of economic and business decisions (ACHES049) 

- Factors that influence major consumer and financial decisions and the short- and long-term consequences of these decisions (ACHEK053) 

- Apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts in familiar, new and hypothetical situations (ACHES059) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

- Present reasoned arguments and evidence-based conclusions in a range of appropriate formats using economics and business conventions, language and concepts (ACHES060) 

General Capabilities (Level 6) 

Literacy  Critical and Creative Thinking  Listen and respond to learning area texts 

- listen to a range of extended spoken and audio texts and respond to, interpret and evaluate ideas, information and opinions 

Compose spoken, written, visual and multimodal learning area texts 

- compose and edit longer and more complex learning area texts 

Use language to interact with others - use pair, group and class discussions and formal 

and informal debates as learning tools to explore ideas, compare solutions, evaluate information and ideas, refine opinions and arguments in preparation for creating texts 

Deliver presentations - plan, research, rehearse and deliver presentations 

on more complex issues and learning area topics, combining visual and multimodal elements creatively to present ideas and information and support opinions and engage and persuade an audience 

Use knowledge of text structures - use comprehensive knowledge of the structure and 

features of learning area texts to comprehend and 

Imagine possibilities and connect ideas - create and connect complex ideas using imagery, 

analogies and symbolism  Reflect on processes 

- balance rational and irrational components of a complex or ambiguous problem to evaluate evidence  

Draw conclusions and design a course of action - use logical and abstract thinking to analyse and 

synthesise complex information to inform a course of action 

Evaluate procedures and outcomes - evaluate the effectiveness of ideas, products and 

performances and implement courses of action to achieve desired outcomes against criteria they have identified 




compose complex texts in innovative ways, using conventions for citing others 

Use knowledge of sentence structures - control a range of simple, compound and complex 

sentence structures to convey complex ideas, build and support arguments, and change emphasis 

Express opinion and point of view - use language that indirectly expresses opinions and 

constructs representations of people and events, and consider expressed and implied judgments 

Understand learning area vocabulary - use subject-specific vocabulary to express abstract 

concepts, and refine vocabulary choices to discriminate between shades of meaning 

Understand how visual elements create meaning - evaluate the impact of different visual choices in the 

composition of images, including symbolic images and movement of camera or light, to achieve different nuances 

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Collaborate, share and exchange 

- select and use a range of ICT tools efficiently and safely to share and exchange information, and to collaboratively and purposefully construct knowledge  

Personal and Social Capability Recognise personal qualities and achievements 

- assess their strengths and challenges and devise personally appropriate strategies to achieve future success  

Develop reflective practice - reflect on feedback from peers, teachers and other 

adults, to analyse personal characteristics and skill sets that contribute to or limit their personal and social capability 

Work collaboratively - critique their ability to devise and enact strategies 

for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks  

Develop leadership skills - propose, implement and monitor strategies to 

address needs prioritised at local, national, regional and global levels, and communicate these widely 



