2008.pdf · bridge to span one metre using 30 art straws and only 1 metre of sellotape. The winner...


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MAY 2008


Dear Parent/Carer The public examinations started a week earlier than in previous years so Year 11, 12 and 13 students are now well into them (not forgetting Year 10 - some of whom have already had a maths paper). Please would parents and carers keep checking their child’s individual timetable and how much revision is being done. Good luck to all. Year 9 students, of course, completed their National Curriculum Tests in early May. Well done for their hard work. The results are due by the end of term. As the weather has been hotter, a small number of girls have come to school in cropped trousers. These are not part of the formal school uniform and should not be worn. If parents or carers are thinking about buying uniform for next year at this stage, please check the lists which are in the year handbooks. If you need a new copy, please ask at the school office. Even if the exams were not happening, next half term would be busy. We have a day planned to raise money for the British Heart Foundation (see later in the newsletter for details) and please look out for letters after half term concerning parent governor elections and my annual discussion meetings with parents. At this stage of the year, staff changes are unusual but, just after half term, Ms Rainey will be going on maternity leave. We wish her well. Mrs Murray will be taking on temporary responsibility for Year 9 in her absence. Later in the half term, we will welcome back Ms Jeffrey as she returns from her maternity leave.

Dr D R Selby Headteacher Attendance The attendance figures for this term so far are: Year 7 94.5% Highest tutor group 7L + R 96.3% Year 8 94.1% Highest tutor group 8R 94.4% Year 9 93.6% Highest tutor group 9R 95.5% Year 10 93.0% Highest tutor group 10R 94.4% Year 11 92.6% Highest tutor group 11L 96.1% Well done to each of the tutor groups listed and also to 9L which had 100% during the National Curriculum Test week. If you would like to discuss any attendance issues, please talk to Mrs Stewart or your child’s Head of Year. You may also call school and leave a message for Gail Ellwood, our Education Welfare Officer.

In this edition: • Headteacher’s Letter • Attendance • Parents Discussion Meetings • Dates for your Diary • Year 9 Bridge Building • Newsletter Response Slip • Year 12 Media Studies • SAT Booster Classes • National Year of Reading 2008 • Spellbinding • Student of the month for Maths and English • The Lakes are the Champions • Year 8 County Cup Winners

• County U13 Champions • Hockey • Cricket • Rugby • Yazoo North of England U13 Hockey Finals • North of England Tennis Doubles

Championships • Volunteers attend Conference at City Stadium! • Rock Challenge • All about Governors • Friends of The Lakes School • British Heart Foundation • Adult Education Summer Courses 2008

May Newsletter Response Slip If you would like to ask about any of the items in the newsletter, make a suggestion or give us feedback on any other issues, please do so by e-mail to admin@lakes.cumbria.sch.uk or by using this slip and returning it to the school office. Comment: Name: Contact details:



Parents Discussion Meetings The wider work of our Music Department was another of the areas discussed in these meetings last year. We talked about the range of instrumental lessons offered by visiting teachers. This year, the opportunities for performers were slightly reduced because the production was not a musical. Next year, we expect a number of our talented musicians to be taking a key part in our presentation of “Sweeney Todd” in the Spring Term.

Dates for your diary Term Dates 2008 - 9

05.06.08 Year 10 GCSE Science Re-take 06.06.08 Year 7 Data Report Issued 09.06.08 Year 12 Return to School 17.06.08 Year 10 Science Module 19.06.08 Year 7 Parents’ Evening 23.06.08 to 27.06.08 Year 10 Work Experience Week 27.06.08 Year 5 Taster Day 27.06.08 Year 8 Data Report Issued 01.07.08 Year 6 Induction Day 03.07.08 Year 6 Parents’ Evening 10.07.08 Year 8 Parents’ Evening 11.07.08 Year 9 Full Report Issued 15.07.08 Sports Day 17.07.08 Newsletter Issued 18.07.08 End of Term 16.08.08 AS/A2 Examination Results Day 23.08.08 GCSE Examination Results Day

Autumn Term 02.09.08 Start of Term 27.10.08 to 31.10.08 Half Term 19.12.08 End of Term Spring Term 07.01.09 Start of Term 16.02.09 to 20.02.09 Half Term 03.04.09 End of Term Summer Term 20.04.09 Start of Term 04.05.09 Bank Holiday 25.05.09 to 29.05.09 Half Term 16-07-08 End of Term

Year 9 Bridge Building After the SATs exams the Year 9 students have been working in mixed ability groups completing project work. The first week they had to design and build a bridge to span one metre using 30 art straws and only 1 metre of sellotape. The winner from each room then competed in the grand final in the Maths area. The winning group was Vicky Bowe, Zoe Davidson, Karolina Stanczak and Gillian Collins. Next week they move on to a Fair Trade project. Mrs J. Smith



Year 12 Media Studies Just before Christmas, Year 12 Media Studies students were set an ‘Apprentice Style’ task to produce both a moving image and print-based advert for a product chosen by a member of staff. Mr Bousfield’s love of fruity soft drinks led to the selection of Rubicon pomegranate juice as the product to be used. The task: Only one week to complete both adverts and a presentation showing their research into the soft drinks market, the company and highlighting their choices in the creation of the advert applying their knowledge of the advertising industry. Both groups attacked the task with energy and enthusiasm, each being determined to win Mr Bousfield’s incredible mystery prize. On deadline day the two groups presented their adverts to a select committee of critical assessors consisting of Mr Bousfield, Mr Hill, Mrs Harper and a privileged group of Year 11 students. Group one won the print-based image section. Group two won the moving image section. All of the adverts can be seen by visiting media studies on the school website. The adverts have been passed across to Rubicon and their marketing manager, Mayuri Khimji said: “We are very impressed with the Pom adverts – they are creative and show good brand exposure! I would like to send this to my internal and international colleagues and contacts to view the work your students have done for Rubicon.” Well done to the two groups involved. Fred Cook, Natalie Santamera, Rachel Pickup, Ellie McKeown, Jen Horsman, Tarn Drylie, Lloyd Harper and Ryan Taylor. SAT Booster Classes The English Department has once again been holding pre SAT Booster classes for Year 9 students which have been well

Mr Bousfield Jamie Booth Mrs Harper Becky Magennis Miss Kirk Sarah Briggs Maths Mr Noblett Matthew Elleray Ms Madeley Dion Szlapko Mrs Smith Molly Parry Miss Harris Joshua Green Mr Everson Joe Batty Maths and English Departments The Lakes are the Champions The Lakes School under 13 football team had a great victory on Thursday 8 May when they played away at Dallam School. Their opponents were Thorncliffe. Near half time Ollie Colman scored a goal. Just after Thorncliffe scored. Straight after half time The Lakes scored two goals both from Nathan Walker. Approaching full time George Clay scored bringing the final result to 4-1.

George Clay R8 Year 8 County Cup Winners ....................................finally. After ages of waiting we finally played our county cup game against Thorncliffe on Thursday 8 May. The whole team played well and we won 4-1. The scorers were Nathan Walker 2, George aka Pudding 1, and Ollie Colman 1. We went 1-0 up when Ollie scored a lucky goal after good work from Pudz. Then they got an equaliser just before half time it was an absolute fluke. At half time we were pouring water all over each other because it was so hot. In the second half we were on top the whole time. Joss Jamieson pushed up to midfield and played like Maradona. We scored our 2nd goal half way through the 2nd half when Nathan smacked in a volley from a

attended. As last year we have drawn a winner from all the top attenders; this year's winner is Aimee Pape - well done Aimee from all in the English Department. You will receive a prize in assembly. Mrs K Thexton National Year of Reading 2008 This was launched with a well publicised Scholastic Book Fair that was held in the Library over 4 days from Thursday 24 - Tuesday 29

April, the aim of which was to expose Key Stage 3 students to a wide range of exciting new books by popular best selling authors. £1 vouchers were available for use with every sale. Form staff were invited to bring their groups to view it and English staff were requested to promote the writing competitions being run by the Library; ‘write a short story’ and ‘write a book review.’ Miss Elliott’s Year 7s produced a good batch of entries: book tokens were won by Andrew Colston, Darby Scaife and Duncan Crombie-Noble for short stories and Chris Ellison for the best book review. The competition for a book cover design was won by Katie Smith, Year 9. Spellbinding We have just reached the stage where we must vote for our favourites out of the 10 nominated books. Our 3 choices will be sent to Library Services for Schools at Carlisle. The votes from all the county’s secondary schools will be counted after which we will concentrate our efforts on the finalists. This year for the first time, schools are also entering a competition to make their own storyboard for one of the books. Spellbinding Day takes place at University of Cumbria Newton Rigg Campus in June. Mrs Clarke, Librarian Student of the Month for Maths and English Well done to the Maths and English Departments’ Students of the Month for April who were: English Mr Ellams Jamie Love Ms Atkinson James Davidson Miss Elliott Jack Bell



corner, then he scored another goal to make it 3-1. Just before the end, Pudding hit a shot into the top corner after good football from the whole team. After the game everyone was very happy but we were all sweating like beavers. To get in to the final we had to battle hard against some good teams and other teams we just hammered but through the competition we all played well and deserved to win. The only downer with the competition was that we were supposed to play the final at Parkside in Kendal but this had to be changed to Millom. The team would like to thank Mr. Robinson for his great managing skills. We wouldn’t of won it without him. Also I would like to thank Mr Plant for getting all the kits and pitches ready for the games at home. Ollie Colman, R8 County U13 Champions…finally! Congratulations to the The Lakes Year 8 boys’ football team who eventually overcame a stern Thorncliffe school team by 4 goals to 1. This fixture was hastily re-arranged, due to a late cancellation by Kendal Town FC (apparently they had removed their goalposts and started re-seeding the pitch on the day we were promised the venue for the final!). Thankfully, the PE staff from Dallam school allowed the final to be played out on the Tristham fields at Heversham. The afternoon was bathed in glorious sunshine. The game began brightly enough with some crisp interplay within the midfield followed by a score of early chances, finally culminating in a goal by Oliver Colman. The Lakes kept going but ultimately they could not score a second. Then, as half time approached, Thorncliffe equalized. There is never a good time to concede a goal but as The Lakes boys walked off the pitch I was still quietly confident that we would break through after creating so many chances.

The early part of the second half was a tense affair until eventually Nathan Walker scored from a lovely volley from a corner. The second goal relaxed The Lakes boys who began to dominate the game based on quality midfield play involving Oliver Field, Matthew Lightburn and Oliver Colman which inevitably led to a third goal, again by Nathan Walker. The fourth was a beauty from George Clay in the top right corner. After jubilant celebrations, the trophy (which did not have to travel far this year as our previous Year 8 team were the holders) was presented by Mr Dave Prothero of the Cumbria Schools Football Association. I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to the Dallam PE staff for use of the facilities, the parents who supported the boys and finally to Oliver Colman who has been an outstanding captain this year. Mr Robinson, PE Department Hockey Following a series of trials in Cheshire, Harry Jackson has been selected for the North West regional hockey squad to play in a 2 day festival at Nottingham University in June. He will play against Wales, Ireland and Scotland along with 5 other regional English teams. Cricket Oliver Wileman and Oli Field both played for Cumbria against Sedbergh over the weekend. Oli Field has been made vice – captain for the county team and has been selected to go for a North of England trial over the Whit holidays. Rugby Following a series of rugby sessions at Penrith RUFC, as part of the Cumbria School of Rugby, Oli Field has been invited, along with 3 other boys from across the county, to attend 4 coaching sessions at Newcastle Falcons over the summer holidays. "To attend the EPDG (England

Player Development Group) is a great achievement for any player as there are only a handful of players invited to the sessions from each county." Newcastle Falcons Academy Manager PE Department Yazoo North of England Under 13 Hockey Finals On April 27 Jeff Jackson took a combined Lakes School Windermere hockey team to Belle Vue in Manchester to take part in the Yazoo North of England Under 13 hockey finals. Our first game was against Ben Rydding and in a close fought game we lost 1 - 0. However we won the next two games, which included beating Preston 3 - 2 in an exciting intense match. This was a satisfying victory over a team who had beaten us the previous week on penalty flicks. This meant that we went through to the semi-final where we lost to a strong Sheffield side 3 - 1. Sheffield eventually lost to Ben Rydding in the final 3 - 0 which meant that we had only just lost to the two finalists. Overall we came 3rd and can be proud of our performance. The members of the team were: Louis Musetti (GK), Tom Rhodes, Matthew Jackman, Andrew Wood, Harry Jackson (Captain), Oliver Field, Tom Dolman, Connor McAvoy and Richard Jackson. Thanks must go to Duncan Rhodes and Jeff Jackson for coaching the team. Harry Jackson, B8 North of England Tennis Doubles Championships Tom Brockbank, Ryan Taylor, Mike Fuller and James Boyd went to Bolton Independent School to play in the North of England tennis doubles championships - under 19's. The standard was very high and the event was dominated by the big independent schools such as Ampleforth, Bolton, Manchester GS, Leeds GS etc. Mike and Ryan won a tough first round match v Ampleforth College but were knocked out in the next round by a strong



Greenhill College. James and Tom went out in the first round to a very strong QEGS Blackburn team who went on to be finalists. James and Tom then went on to play in the plate (a competition for all who are knocked out in the first round) and won the next 3 matches, beating Bradford Grammar School and Greeenhill College both in hugely exciting tie breaks. They eventually went out in the semis to Yarm School at 5.30pm totally exhusted. The level of play was extremely high and they took every game to deuce and every set to a tie break..... After a big feast in Burger King we arrived home at 7.30pm after setting off at 7.30am all completely emotionally and physically exhausted!!!! I spoke to many other teachers (mainly from the independent sector) throughout the day and the tournament organiser and our boys were praised consistently for their behaviour, manners and extremely high level of play. I was very proud of them. Mrs Musetti, PE Department Volunteers attend Conference at City Stadium! Six students recently signed up onto the ‘Step into Sport’ programme which encourages them to undertake sports leadership and volunteering. In this way it will benefit both, them in terms of experiences or qualifications gained and also benefit young community clubs and participants who they support. Out of those six Peter Holgate, Jonathan Stevenson, Peter Sim and Chelsea Daley decided to attend the ‘Hands up for Sports Volunteering Conference’ held at The City of Manchester Stadium. Initiated by Sport Volunteering North West, the conference p r o v i d e d a n e t h o s o f development and personal learning. The day had a good i t inerary inc luding guest speakers Steve Parry – Olympic Medallist, Athens 2004 and

Jason Gardner MBE. Each student took part in 2 workshops of their particular interest which is aimed at developing their volunteering CV. There was also a market place open which gave the students a chance to meet p e o p l e f r o m v a r i o u s organisations and chat about volunteering opportunities such as volunteers at 2012 Olympics in London. www.london2012.com Statement from Jonathan Stevenson: ‘We went to Manchester City Stadium to do the volunteering courses; I did two very good courses. These were National Governing Body Volunteering which had some great points put to you. I also did Volunteering and Coaching Pathways which I got the most out of. The best part of the day was the talk that Steve Parry did. Steve Parry did indeed deliver a fantastic and very humorous presentation of his Olympic experiences. This included video clips of his swimming and stories of when he met the Queen at Buckingham palace with many other sporting figures. The students met me at 06:30 in Windermere in order to arrive in time and returned at 18:30. So a long day for them, but certainly worthwhile. Lets hope we see them volunteering at London 2012! Our thanks is given to Cumbria Sport and South Lakes Sports Partnership for their support for the day. Mr Plant – PE Technician/Community Development Support Officer Rock Challenge 2008

We decided on the theme of dreams and, in particular, the American dream. Using John Steinbeck’s novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ for inspiration, Miss Maria led her dance troupe of over 50 students from years 7 to 13 to convey to all the importance of living your dream. Having performed extremely well in the last two years’ competition, everyone was feeling ‘third time lucky’ this year. The eight-minute per formance had everything: drama, excellent choreography, popular music, several costume changes, amazing dancing, stylish flappers with strong partners and catchy rustic, yee-ha, ‘swing-your-partner’ dancing of the ranch hands. And if that wasn’t enough… Callum, James and Fred’s energetic line-dancing should have blown ‘em away! The students performed out of their skins. The stage crew and cameraman were slick and well-organised and the lighting worked brilliantly changing at the crucia l moments in the performance. Fred flung Imogen and Natalie about with great ease and elegance and wowed the audience with many spectacular lifts. Fred and Charlie Cook (well used to brotherly brawls?!) executed an impressive fight sequence with Natalie’s shocking death at the end. All in all, it was sensational! We were awarded Best Soundtrack. Many people had played a part in choosing the music, getting the licences and putting the tracks together so we felt very happy about this. Many thanks to all parents and friends who came to the evening performance and to all who suppor t ed t he s t uden ts throughout the year. This year’s was the best yet! It was a fabulous event with energy levels high and the students were outstanding in their performance on the night and throughout the whole day. Rock on next year! Ms I Elliott



Annual Barbecue We will be holding our annual barbecue for the new Year 7 parents and chi ldren in conjunction with their games evening on Thursday July 3. If you can help please contact the school office. Volunteers Volunteers are also needed to serve refreshments at Fantasia on Thursday June 26 at school. Please join the list of The Lakes School Supporters. We rely on them to help out at parents’ meetings etc. and the more we have the less often we need to ask them.


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Reg. Charity No. 702457 The Vows You missed a great night if you were not at Hawkshead Brewery to hear The Vows play for us on April 18. Over £500 was raised through ticket sales with another £100+ on the raffle. Thanks must go to members of the band, to Hawkshead Brewery, to Wilf’s, to all those who donated raffle prizes and to Cath Musetti for organising the event. Next Meeting The next committee meeting is on Monday June 9 at 7pm in the school library. Everyone is welcome. Goalkeeping Kit for Hockey We have recently donated £175 to partially fund a new

goalkeeper’s kit for the U15 hockey team. We congratulate them on recent successes and wish them good luck in the future. Team Challenge Plans are underway to organise a fun team challenge for families, work mates and sports groups in the summer. More information will be available after the half term break so watch this space, we’d like plenty of participants. Windermere Marathon Volunteers helped to man a water station at the recent marathon through Bowness and our thanks go to them.

• Fact – Every 2 minutes someone has a heart attack – only ½ survive. • Fact – You are more likely to die from heart and circulatory disease than from any other serious illness.

“Let’s do it for others.”

On the Tuesday 10 June The Lakes School is holding a run / walk around the school fields for staff and stu-dents. This is to raise awareness and money for the British Heart Foundation. The day will also be a non school uniform day with the money raised going to help heart research, BHF heart nurses, heart equipment, and educational resources. Mr. Field is celebrating a big birthday on this day and wanted to raise money for a charity which means a great deal to him. The reason for his choice of charity is that he was diagnosed with a hole in the heart aged 4yrs and underwent open heart surgery at 12 years old. Heart operations were in their infancy at that time; however because of the success of his operation he has been able to lead a very active life. If you would like to know more about the event or would like to make a donation please contact Mr. Field at school or email steve.field@lakes.cumbria.sch.uk Thank you in anticipation of your support in helping others less fortunate than ourselves. Mr Field, PE Department

Enrolments for these courses will only be taken until Friday 6th June.

So book early to avoid disappointment.

To enrol or for further information please contact The Lakes Adult Education Centre,

The Lakes School, Troutbeck Bridge, Windermere, LA23 1HW.

015394 45129/adult.ed@lakes.cumbria.sch.uk

Summer Courses 2008 First Steps in Computing

10:00-12:30 at The Carver Church Hall, Windermere. Starting Wednesday 11th June for 5 weeks

First Steps in Using the Internet 13:00 - 15.30 at the Carver Church Hall, Windermere.

Starting Wednesday 11th June for 5 weeks.

First Steps in Painting and Drawing 13:00 - 15:30 at St Mary’s Church, Windermere.

Starting Wednesday 11th June for 5 weeks

First Steps in French 10:00-12:00 at The Coffee Lounge, Bowness Methodist Church.

Starting Thursday 12th June for 6 weeks.

First Steps in Spanish 13:00 - 15:00 at The Coffee Lounge, Bowness Methodist Church.

Starting Thursday 12th June for 6 weeks.

All Courses are £6.00 no concessions available
