2010 Golden Apple Award For Excellence Welcome to the


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Ladies and Gentlemen . . .

Would you please join us in honoring our

2010 Master Teachers!

“ A master teacher takes responsibility for his/her instruction using self-reflection and student assessment to ensure success for all learners.”

“Self-Reflection and Student Assessment”

Carrie Oakey

The winner

is . . .

“A master teacher always promotes an equitable classroom by modeling respect, compassion, patience and support.”

“Promotes an Equitable Classroom”

Ms. Anita Raise

The winner

is . . .

“A master teacher provides a safe nurturing environment to enable every student to reach their full potential.”

“Provides a Safe Nurturing Environment”

The winner is . . .

Ms. Hope Ima Tenured

“A master teacher provides multiple forms of technology to enhance instruction to meet the needs of all learners.”

“Technology to Enhance Instruction”

The winner is . .


Ms. Luva Summer

“A master teacher uses all types of assessment; pre-assessment, on-going assessment, post-assessment, and self-assessment to adjust instruction to meet the differentiated needs each student.”

“Master of Assessment”

Ms. Holly Dayin

The winner is . .


“A master teacher motivates students to take ownership of the classroom to create a community of learners.”

“Master Motivator”

The winner is . .


Ms. Sandy Tizer

“A master teacher will remain mindful of his/her student’s’ background and diversity.”

“Remains Mindful of Background Diversity”

Ms. Estelle Behind

The winner is . .


“Master teacher is a lifelong learner. He/she is enthusiastic to build upon his/her knowledge on a continual basis to learn and implement new ways to offer differentiated instruction.”

“The Lifelong Learner”

The winner is . .


Ms. Ella Mentry

“A master teacher addresses learner differences by implementing various methods of differentiated instructional methods (i.e. kinesthetic, musical, hands-on).”

“Master of Differentiating Instructional Methods”

Ms. Brighton Early

The winner is . .


“A master teacher stays mindful that her/his instruction is aligned with state and national standards as she/he addresses essential content.”

“Master of state and national standards”

The winner is . .


Ms. Anita Knapp
