2011 - Halifax, NS 1. 2015 - Prince George, BC - 22 months away Think about it for a moment : Why do...


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2011 - Halifax, NS


2015 - Prince George, BC - 22 months away

Think about it for a moment :Why do you want to go to the next

Canada Winter Games ?

SSNB can take 9 Female Skaters & 9 Male Skaters

Will you be one of them ?


2015 - Prince George, BC

Your answer from the previous slide

COULD have a lot to do in determining if you will make it .


2015 - Prince George, BC

The Canada Games Process

is a Learning process

1. about yourself

And 2. about what you are willingness toCommit to make TEAM NB.


1st Reality

TRAINING : IF You think your going to do

the same old training that you have done in the past and make the TEAM .

- Your Wrong!

Think about it !How can you expect to make BIG improvementsIf your going to do the same training at the same



2nd Reality

The NEED to Learn the value of GOAL SETTING

And learning to build a process that makes it work for you.

- You will need goal setting in almost every training you will do ( once you get a decent base) .

- You will Learn the value of setting goals in every day practice.

- You will learn the difference between Outcome Goals and Process Goals and which is more important for You to focus on now.


3rd Reality


You all have busy lives – and LEARNING how to prioritize your daily life schedule to allow the proper

TIME & QUALITY For your - Training sessions

- Proper Rest & Recovery - Proper Nutrition

Along with ALL the other things going on in your life .


4th Reality

You Cannot do everything !

If your going to give the Canada Winter Games the proper respect an event of that magnitude deserves.

Something has to give.

You have choices to make !


Looking at a few Training Program items

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST

10 + minutes 4.5

10 + minutes (70) 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5

10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min

2 min to10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min

Intensities will go from 4.5 to 10 & Recovery rests vary dependant on the time frame


My Summer /Fall Training Priorities for T2T


10 + minutes 4.5 + Strength + Strength Maintenance 10 + minutes (70) 5.0 + Strength + Strength Maintenance

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 + Strength + Strength Maintenance

10 + minutes 6.0 + Strength + Strength Maintenance

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min + Strength + Strength RUN/ ICE

2 min to10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min + Strength + Strength RUN/ICE

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5r = 6 X

W 15 min ICE

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0r = 5 X

W 12 min ICE

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5r = 4 X

W 10 min speed Speed RUN/ ICE

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0r = 3 X

W 8 min Speed Speed RUN/ ICE


Looking at a fewProgram items

Biking Example

Does every one know what a 5 would feel like ?

Biking is a good chance to do controlled deeper breathing.

Bike( AC)

cadence -average 100 RPM 1 x 1 x 70 min 5toss in 5 X 1 minute sprints (120 - 130 RPM)

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5

AC minutes (70) 5.010 + minutes 5.5

10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 minLP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 minAALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min


Points to pay attention to


When every one biked for 70 min - DID everyone go the same distance? Same Speed ?

What other Variables might cause this

Bike( AC)

cadence -average 100 RPM 1 x 1 x 70 min 5toss in 5 X 1 minute sprints (120 - 130 RPM)

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5

AC minutes (70) 5.010 + minutes 5.5

10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 minLP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 minAALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min



Running Control your breathing

What pace does a 7 feel like ?

How can you tell ?

warm-up walk

Easy Run ( AP) 1 x 6 x 4 min 4 7

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5 10 + minutes 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to 10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min

Again – DID everyone go the same speed in the 4 min runs ?

Same Distance????

DID some maybe RUN harder just to keep up to a group ??



Running Example

What pace should an 8 feel like ?How will you know ?


Run ( AP) 1 x 6 x 2 min 2 8

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5 10 + minutes 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 minAP 2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min



TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST

WITH continuous OXYGEN

AC 10min +AP 2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

Body is working at a higher oxygen

consumption rate than the circulatory system can supply

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min



Running Example

What should a 9 feel like ?How will you know

warm-up r R

Run ( LP ) 2 x 3 x 30 sec 2.5 min 12 9.0

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5 10 + minutes 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min



Running Example

What should an 8.5 feel like ?

What is the difference between an Intensity of 8 and 8.5 ?

warm-up r R

Run ( LC ) 2 x 3 x 60 sec 6 15 8.5

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5 10 + minutes 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 minLP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min



Running Example

Maximal Speed Thinking about practicing reaction times

warm-up r R

AALP ( Speed ) 1 x 5 x 3 sec 30 sec 10

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST 10 + minutes 4.5 10 + minutes 5.0

AC 10 + minutes 5.5 10 + minutes 6.0

AP 2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min 2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min

Training Basics - Running / Biking / imitations

TIME FRAME Intensity rest REST


10 + minutes 4.5 It is the AC and AP systems that need to be

developed before your body is ready to train in the anaerobic systems

This is the majority of the work this year will take place

We need to grow your engine

10 + minutes 5.0

10 + minutes 5.5

10 + minutes 6.0


2 min to10 min 7.0 r = w 8 min

2 min to 10 min 8.0 r = w 8 min

LC 45" to 2 min 8.5 r = 6 X W 15 min You NEED a good Aerobic base BEFORE you can advance your lactate system

LP 20" to 45 " 9.0 r = 5 X W 12 min

AALC 10" to 20" 9.5 r = 4 X W 10 min ANYTIME - YES - - SPEED is genetic - But we can work with what we have to be faster .

AALP 1" to 10 " 10.0 r = 3 X W 8 min


An Example of “Training” ? Example 2 min Programs TIME OR DISTANCE

target distance Apr-09 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles last 2 only 7 telephone poles Apr-13 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles last 2 only 7 telephone poles Apr-17 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles last 1 only 7 telephone poles Apr-22 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles last 1 only 7 telephone poles Apr-27 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles last 1 only 7 telephone poles

May-01 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles Did All May-06 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles Did All May-11 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles Did All May-15 2 X 4 X 2 min 8 telephone poles Did All May-20 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 2 only 8 telephone poles May-25 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 2 only 8 telephone poles May-29 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 2 only 8 telephone poles Jun-03 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 2 only 8 telephone poles Jun-08 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 1 only 8 telephone poles Jun-12 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 1 only 8 telephone poles Jun-17 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles last 1 only 8 telephone poles Jun-22 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles Did ALL Jun-26 2 X 4 X 2 min 8.5 telephone poles Did ALL Jul-03 2 X 4 X 2 min 9.0 telephone poles last 3 only 8 telephone poles Jul-08 2 X 4 X 2 min 9.0 telephone poles last 3 only 8 telephone poles Jul-13 2 X 4 X 2 min 9.0 telephone poles last 3 only 8.5 telephone poles









g 2





IT is pretty simple !

MOST Skaters NEED to grow their bodies ability to process more oxygen in the Aerobic Power system---as well as get physically stronger.

This takes CONSISTENT DEDICATION as well as TIME .


T2T Training Basics - Strength

You do not begin strength training with weights - You will work up to that stage eventually

you begin with the basics and get good at them, [Movements – Flexibility – strength ] getting stronger through your ranges of motion and developing joint stability ----- BEFORE you attempt weights .


T2T Training Basics - Leg Strength

1st Set - 1 X 50 free standing single leg squats (Blocks of 10)- Technical position – Knee to ankle . IF you cannot do a free standing SLQ – Do them with your recovery leg supported on something about your knee height. ( Or a progression there of)

2nd set - Kords (40) - 4 X 10 each way r 3’ ( Focus on Technique) Cadence - 2 down - 0 - 2 up - 0 , staying in a tucked position ( You need to feel your abs are engaged. (do 10 turn and do 10 with other leg and repeat until done) - Lean angle - at least 45 degrees from perpendicular - Make sure support knee stays under

middle of chest when compressed . DO Not grab belt with hand - hold just enough to avoid rotation . Try to drop your shoulder closest to belt support, so your shoulders remain parallel with the ground. Recovery leg DOES NOT touch the ground. During lowest point of compression the recovery leg knee touches the ANKLE of the support leg, weight should be mid foot. Need knee well over toes. ( An angled foot brace gives a better feel of the push to better mimic when you skate).

3rd Set - Position Weight shift - 1 X 4 Min ( 8 sec switches) r 3’ NO ROTATION ( use a mirror –if possible ) - Make sure hip is being pushed across ( All the upper body mass moves in unison) -away from the pushing leg - engage your abs & glutes when you press away. Hips actually go lower while pushing across. Lift extension leg after push is complete - for a 2 count, to make sure your hip is in a proper position.

If you cannot easily do this - why would you need to do WEIGHTS?


Training Basics - Strength Also GO through remainder of T2T Program 2 times SSNB Plank - 1.5 min

Reverse Sumo - 1 min

Hip Flexor stretch - 2 X 30 Sec ( Both legs)

Straight leg Bobs - 1 X 45 sec

Side Kicks - 1 X 45 sec

IT Band stretch - 2 X 30 sec each side

If you cannot easily do this - why would you need to try to do WEIGHTS?

Just for the fun of it … YOU will be running through this program in the next session


Training Basics : Mental Skills

Mental skills discussion is for another Camp But quickly -----the BASICS you have to learn about are -

Commitment Self-awareness

Focus Managing Anxiety levels

Learn how to Visualize Expand your goal setting

Develop a better understanding of your Emotional ControlLearn to be the boss of your attention control


Training Basics : Nutrition

Nutrition discussion is also for another Camp

But understanding the concept that if you burn fuel you need to replace it

….. And when are the proper times to consume fuel.Different body types need different replacement levels of fuel.

as well --- the fluid volumes you consume ties into your

perspiration levels from training .


Training Basics : Recovery & Rest

IF Your going to train properly

You have to learn to give your body the proper recovery breaks based on the systems worked .

You have to give your body the proper rest each day.

More about those important issues in other camps


SSNB Canada Games Programs

Are on The SSNB Web site http://ssnb.homestead.com/home.html

In the Skaters resource section Go to Training Programs Page

Scroll down to the Train To Train (T2T) box

Different programs every month

NOTE –starting in JUNE their will be a specific T2T program for those considering Men’s Long trackIt will be basically the same routines, but with a fair bit more volume.

The vast majority of Canada Games skaters are to do the T2T program.


Canada Games Schedule Commitment




- PH

ASE # 1

SSNB Canada Winter Games Selection "A" Process

2013 - 2014 Date Group Focus Location

NOTE - all dates WITHIN the skating season are NOT permanent. DATES MAY change , once SSC; FPVQ &

Maritime schedules are confirmed, to better suit event schedules for the current season .

LT &

ST - must do 8 of 13

1 May-12 Sunday LT & ST Testing - Dryland - information Fredericton 2 Jun-09 Sunday LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Campbellton 3 July 2 - 5 week LT & ST Dryland -- Ice Camp Quispamsis 4 Jul-21 Sunday LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Quispamsis/SJ 5 Aug-11 Mon - Fri LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Fredericton 6 Sept 21- 22 Sat - Sun LT & ST Testing - Dryland & ICE Fredericton 7 Oct 19 - 20 Sat - Sun LT & ST Dryland & ICE Campbellton OCT , Nov to Dec 25th - 2 Short Track - any FPVQ / maritime OR SSC Competitions

In the 2013 - 14 season the LT focus should be MORE on training camps and HRs on the LT ice 8 NOV 9 -10 ??? Sat & Sunday LT Quebec LT Camp St Foy 9 NOV / Dec LT Quebec Competition St Foy

10 Dec 28, 29 , 30 Sat , Sun Mon LT & ST TESTING -& Combined Camp Fredericton 11 Jan 3 , 4 , 5 Fri , Sat , Sun LT & ST Halifax LT Combined Camp Halifax Jan, Feb & Mar - MINIMUM 2 Short Track - any FPVQ / maritime OR SSC Competitions

12 Feb , 7, 8 , 9 Fri , Sat , Sun LT Halifax LT Camp Halifax

13 Feb 21, 22, 23 Fri , Sat , Sun LT Halifax LT Camp Halifax


Canada Games Schedule

2014 - 2015 Date Group Focus Location

NOTE - all dates WITHIN the skating season are NOT permanent. DATES MAY change , once SSC; FPVQ & Maritime

schedules are confirmed, to better suit event schedules for the current season .


ASE # 2

1 Apr-06 Sunday LT & ST Testing Camp Fredericton

LT &

ST - 6 of 9

2 May-04 Sunday LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Hampton / SJ 3 Jun-08 Sunday LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Campbellton 4 July 5 & 6 Sat & Sunday LT & ST TESTING & Dryland Saint John 5 Aug - 2 & 3 Sat & Sunday LT & ST Dryland -Physical / technical Hampton

6 Aug 18 - 22 Mon - Fri LT & ST SUMMER Camp - Mandatory -see

guide for exceptional circumstance Quispamsis

7 Sept 20 - 21 Sat - Sun LT & ST Dryland & ICE Campbellton

8 Oct 4 - 5 Sat - Sun LT & ST TESTING - Dryland & ICE Fredericton

9 Oct 25 - 26 Sat - Sun LT & ST Dryland & ICE Dieppe???

OCT & Nov - minimum 2 Short Track ALL available Competitions as they fit training schedule

LONG TRACK SCHEDULE -TBD summer / Fall 2014


2015 Canada Winter Games

It’s very simple

Those who do the work in all the programs facets of sport development

Will be those heading to Prince George.


For the 2015 Canada Winter Games

Keep the winning tradition !
