2011 survey rome_-_pompeii


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Rome: domestic architecture, design and painting in and around Rome, Pompeii, and Herculaneum

Model of ancient Rome


April 21, 753 BC: legendary foundation of Rome

753-509 BC: Monarchy (Etruscan kings)

509-27 BC: Republic(up to Julius Caesar)

27 BC-96 CE: Early Empire(Augustus and Flavian dynasty)

96-192 CE: High Empire(Trajan, Hadrian & Antonine dynasty)

193-337 CE: Late Empire(Severan dynasty and soldier emperors up to Constantine I)

Model of a typical 6th-century BC Etruscan house

Rome, Temple of Portunus, ca. 75 BCPseudo-peripteral

Athens, Parthenon, 5th cent. BC

Roman Republic 509-27 BC

Pont-du-Gard, Nimes, France, ca. 16 BCAquaduct

Rome, Colosseum amphitheater ca. 70-80 CE

Early Empire 27 BC-96 CE

Apollodorus of Damascus, Markets of Trajan, Rome, ca. 100 CE

High Empire 96-192 CE

Rome, Pantheon, 118-125 CE

High Empire 96-192 CE

Late Empire 193-337 CE

Baths of Caracalla, 212-216 CE

Baths of Diocletian, 298-306 CE

Colonnades featuring arcuated lintels at Emperor Hadrian’s villa at Tivoli near Rome, 125 CE

Al-Khazneh rock-cut tomb at Petra, Jordan, 2nd cent. CE

Colonnades featuring arcuated lintels at Emperor Hadrian’s villa at Tivoli near Rome, 125 CE

Model of ancient Rome

Remains and model of a Roman insula at Ostia (2nd cent. CE)


Mount Vesuvius

Pompeii – eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, August 24, 79 CE

Pompeii: excavation site

Site of Herculaneum

Street in Pompeii

Aerial view of Forum at Pompeii

Roman house design at Pompeii

House of VettiiPeristyle (left) and Atrium with impluvium (right)

PompeiiWall paintings – “First Style”

Boscoreale, Villa, now displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Wall painting is Pompeiian “Second Style”

Boscoreale, Villa, now displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Wall painting is Pompeiian “Second Style”

Al-Khazneh rock-cut tomb at Petra, Jordan, 2nd cent. CE

Villa of Livia at Primaporta (2nd style)

Details from Villa of Livia, Primaporta (2nd style)

Pompeii, 3rd Style wall painting

4th Style wall painting, Ixion room at the House of the Vettii, Pompeii

Neptune and Amphitrite,4th style wall mosaic at Herculaneum

Pompeii, 4th Style portrait of a married couple

Herculaneum, Still life with peaches, detail of a Fourth Style wall painting

Pompeii, Portrait of a married couple

Pompeii, fresco painted scenes of daily life